View Full Version : me and my boy louie :) (12 y/0 Lhasa apsa)- Louie has passed

11-05-2013, 08:01 AM
Hi .. Louie and I are new here and we are thankful to have found you guys :) . Louie is 12 yr Lhasa apsa .. he was diagnosed with cushings and diabetes this past May. The vet said cushings has to be controlled before we can stabilize his sugars so we started on 30mg vetoryl and 3 IU insulin .. Louie weighs about 25 lbs. and is on Medical weight control .. a mix of dry and wet and I boil chicken breast to add to it ..

In July Louie started having intermittent breathing issues ... a lot of phlem..I told the vet and she said it was allergies and give him benedryl??? ... I'm one to believe half of what I see and nothing I hear :) .. it didn't make sense because it was so irratic .. then the past 2 weeks he was getting very unstable in his gait .. he was having side effects so I called the vet on Saturday .. I was told the vet looking after him is off til Tuesday but to continue vetoryl because I may disrupt the sugars!!! I haven't given Louie any vetoryl despite what the vet said .. its now day 3 and he is improving every hour :) .. I bought a glucometer so we can test him at home ... something my vet advised against doing as it could create bad feelings between us! .. more like they couldn't drain $75 a week from us....sigh.... we are looking for a new vet

Squirt's Mom
11-05-2013, 09:17 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Louie! :)

First, I am very grateful to hear you are looking for a new vet. You need to RUN from that one. :eek:

This vet has been wrong from the beginning - you do NOT treat the Cushing's to stabilize the BG. You treat the diabetes first and gain good control before you even test for Cushing's. Uncontrolled diabetes can and does cause false-positives on the Cushing's tests. ;) If I were you, I would stop the Vetoryl for now, get good control of the diabetes and then, IF NEEDED, test again for the Cushing's via an ACTH.

And any vet that threatened "bad feelings between us" because I took steps to be as pro-active as possible in my babies health can go jump in a lake. What arrogance! :mad: That is not a vet who will work as a team with you and that is a requirement in my book. So yes, RUN, honey, RUN! ;)

But the first step you need to take is to join our sister site - k9diabetes.com. They are the experts on canine diabetes and will give you excellent guidance. You can find them at http://www.k9diabetes.com/forum/.

I'm glad you found us and really hope you have no further need of us - that this is a misdiagnosis due to your vet's ineptitude and your baby does not have Cushing's after all. Either way, we will want to know how your baby is doing, what the new vet has to say, and how things are in your world. So after joining k9diabetes, you still have to come see us because you are family here too now.

Leslie and the gang

11-05-2013, 11:49 AM
Hello , welcome to the forum. So glad you found us. Leslie is 100% right. Also you dog should have been started on a much lower dose. The lower you start the less likelihood of problems. I hope you do not give any more Vetoryl until the diabetes is under control. When you start back with the Vetoryl- either use 20mg. or get 20mg from Diamonback Drugs. These small dogs need to get adjusted to this drug. 30mg would be a dosage I could see him ending up on, but not starting out. I am sorry to say this, but I would go to a different vet who has treated Cushings and diabetic dogs, to save you heartache from a vet that does not know what he is doing. No matter what anyone says start your dog low, I know from personal experience this is the way to go with this drug. Hope everything works out. Blessings

11-20-2013, 04:37 PM
My baby died :( on the 14th ... he's waiting for me at the rainbows bridge :(((( .. I'm devastated and feel like I poisoned him :(( ... I hope my baby forgives me :(((... thank you for your support and I wish all the best for your babies ...

I have Louie's brother Ollie ... they told me he also was cushinoid but will wait for signs to treat :( .. and they told me he had a slipped patella and a problem with his elbow???? ... the new vet (a 24hr hospital who seem to be knowledgeable but I'm not sure who to trust or what to believe anymore) couldn't find anything wrong with his knee or elbow but said he has a slight heart murmur!!!

Is there a place in Ontario Canada I can put forth an investigation on this old clinic? ... I need to do something as a voice for all animals in memory of my Louie ... I still can't eat or sleep after trusting them :((( .. not only all of that but when we asked them to send records of Louie's blood work and ACTH test .. they gave us the run around and we and the new vet had to each request again .. finally they were received and his ACTH was normal but pancreas was 600+!!!

I don't think they did the ACTH test properly either ... they did it twice telling.g me to bring him in four hours after eating!! Omg I've read it should've been on an empty stomach!!! I'm devastated and confused and worried about Ollie .. the new vet gave me some antibiotic for a hot spot - novo lexin - for a hot spot and yeast in his ears ... its cleared in a day...the other told me to put goldbond foot powder on it! I look back and think how stupid and gullible can I be?? I trusted them .. I hugged the vet looking after Louie ANd thanked her!! ... they gave pain meds .. tramadol .. old vet 25 mg I didn't think much of it and thought that's the lowest dose.. my dogs are 23 lbs .. new vet gave it at 15mg!?!? ... my head is swirling with so many thoughts .. I'm sorry I let all that out .. it probably made no sense ... I still need to grieve and come to terms with it all.

God bless you all but babies the most .. xo

11-20-2013, 04:46 PM
I don't believe that I have seen you on here before, but just wanted you to know it made perfect sense to me. It was the letting out of all things built up inside a wonderful loving Cush mom. You will see your precious baby one day, I am so sorry for what happened to you. I pray God heals your broken heart. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 05:04 PM
Oh, honey, I am so sorry to hear this. But it is not your fault. When your gut told you the vet was wrong for wanting him to continue the Vetoryl, you stopped it anyway - the right thing to do. You started testing his blood at home, again against the vet's wishes and again the right thing to do. You came looking for help, not something most pet parents take the time to do but you did because you're a good mom. I'm sure Louie doesn't blame you and doesn't want you to blame yourself either.

You are right - Louie will be waiting for you when it's your time to Cross. He will fly into your arms and cover your face with kisses, so proud of his mom. Til that day when your job here is done, he will watch over you with all the love in his heart.

Please keep talking to us. We understand all too well your pain and grief. We cannot take that suffering away but we can help you bear the burden by listening and sharing.

Louie's name has been added to the In Loving Memory section where he will always be remembered as a member of our family here. When you feel up to it, feel free to start a thread in the In Loving Memory section as a tribute or memorial to Louie. We would be honored to help celebrate his life through your memories.


Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, Grace, and all our Angels at The Bridge

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 06:48 PM
I am so sorry that my first post to you is one of condolences for your beloved Louie.
The vet was right that you do have the test done about 4 - 6 hours after eating and if while giving vetroyl, then about 4 hours after you give the med with food.
However, if the ACTH was normal and the pancrease levels were raised then pancreastis then you stop the vetroyl and take care of the pancrease first.
I'm glad that you found a good vet, because now you will have a good one to treat Ollie, which is important.
I am not sure who investigates vets in Ontario, but I would guess it is the Canadian Vet medical association. CVMA.
Again I am so sorry about the loss of dear Louie. We all know how devastating that loss feels. Remember though that what is important is that he knew a life of love and that is what will always live on in your heart.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-20-2013, 08:43 PM
I am so sorry for what you have been through. We are to help anyway we can.

11-21-2013, 01:22 AM
I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy Louie.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

11-21-2013, 10:23 AM
I'm so sorry to read this. Hugs to you!

Bo's Mom
11-21-2013, 08:59 PM
So very sorry to read about your dear Louie. He will forever be remembered and cherished by all those who loved him. RIP Sweet Louie.

11-21-2013, 09:07 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Louie. It's not your fault at all, don't blame yourself.


Budsters Mom
11-21-2013, 09:15 PM
Louie has been welcomed at the rainbow bridge by our other fur angels. He has many new friends now.

I am so sorry that this happened to your sweet boy. Please keep talking to yes. It helps. Big hugs,


11-21-2013, 10:40 PM
I am so sorry to hear of Louie's passing. Please don't blame yourself, many of us have experienced substandard veterinary care. Just as there are bad doctors but it is their fault, not ours.

11-22-2013, 09:41 AM
Sorry to hear about Louie. It's not easy to cope with the loss of our babies and blaming ourselves, I think, is something we all have done. I still do. It's been three months since I lost my sweet Tia and I still question every thing that I did and the vets did.

Finding this forum was a Godsend. All the knowledge, all the love and support has helped me tremendously. Please keep coming back, it will help.

Much love and prayers,
Donna and Angel Tia