View Full Version : My sweet little Ginger - Ginger has her angel wings
My sweet Ginger
03-10-2014, 03:57 PM
When she had her first US it showed both adrenals were slightly enlarged so we were told she had a PDH and 2 months later they shrunk back to normal size after her initial loading plus 2 mini loadings which the last one ended 11/16/13 and the US was performed in the beginning of Dec..
Harley PoMMom
03-10-2014, 04:04 PM
I was thinking if Ginger had adrenal based Cushing's, which is a tumor on the adrenal gland, then just maybe the Lysodren eroded the tumor away, but since she has pituitary dependant Cushing's, well that idea can't be right. :confused:
My sweet Ginger
03-10-2014, 04:18 PM
I was very happy when we got the results seeing that her adrenals are regenerating and been looking for any sign of improvement but unfortunately I'm not seeing any yet.:o We are trying to lower her prednisone doses and yesterday morning she didn't take her meds on regular time for a few hrs because she couldn't wake up and when she did she was in a really bad shape. She is having a very hard time with her poor appetite since we lowered prednisone dosage about a week ago. After a little bit of meal and meds including pred she finally perked up after a few hrs? That tells me her body still needs prednisone. This morning she even refused to eat GB & rice alone. I really don't get it.:o
Arizona Boston
03-11-2014, 11:00 AM
Just stopping in to say Hi … I was looking at threads that had Lysodren mini load in then and read your story. Wow! You are one tough Mama Dog. Wish I had some magic to send your way….all I have to give is my best wishes for you both. Keep up the good fight!
Shelly and Lucy
My sweet Ginger
03-11-2014, 11:36 AM
Thank you Shelly. It's been a long and winding road for us with many bumps and turns along the way to say the least but she's hanging in there. She is the little tough one if you ask me.:)
I'm sorry that I haven't been following your thread but from the few latest posts I just glanced over I think you are going the right route with a mini loading instead of upping the maintenance doses looking at her latest ACTH numbers. I hope this mini loading will get you guys where Lucy should be this time. We wish you and Lucy lots of luck.:)
Song and Ginger.
I had to dig a bit to find your thread but at last, here you are.:)
I was worried when I did not see an update. I wanted you to know I am thinking of you both.
love and big hugs
03-21-2014, 08:10 AM
Hi Song:
I haven't checked in on Ginger lately and wonder how things are going? Hope all is well. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
03-21-2014, 08:54 AM
Good morning Addy, Patti and everyone,
A very few updates on Ginger these days because she's been maintaining her new normal status while we've been tweaking her doses on prednisone to basically go as low as possible since we found out her adrenals are regenerating cortisol now. She's now down to a smaller half of 1mg pred tab in the AM and .25mg in the PM which started from .75mg. We've been decreasing it by .25mg increments each time over 1-2 weeks period each time. Her very picky appetite is still up and down but no noticeable changes in her demeanor so far:) and our goal is .25mg in both the AM and PM as she still needs it to help with inflammation in her brain.
She's still on Amlodipine for her BP control and today we are switching her seizure medicine from Levetiracetam to Zonisamide and I'm really hoping and praying this switch will work for us.
She was having a bit of loose stool so we were waiting for a week until this kind of cleared up and hope this won't come back with this new med. I guess I have to watch her more as if I wasn't already.
I hope all of you and your pups can get out and enjoy a nice early spring day today. I still see quite a bit of white spots on the ground but it's ok now knowing spring is officially here finally.:):):)
molly muffin
03-21-2014, 01:29 PM
That is great that you are able to lower the pred and Ginger still retain her spirit and demeanor. It's always baby steps isn't it. A step this way and then another.
You're doing great! Thanks for the update :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
03-22-2014, 01:06 PM
Yesterday, the first day of switch from Levetiracetam to Zonisamide, I was told to give Ginger 125mg Levetiracetam AND 25mg Zonisamide (just this one time) by her neurologist because of low doses of Zonisamide. She did ok yesterday and no diarrhea. This morning I gave her 25mg Zonisamide and her tremor/shakes pretty much stayed all morning. I'm not even sure if I saw any decrease. At 11AM I decided to give her Levetiracetam (her usual dose) and by 12 her tremor and head twitching are pretty much gone. I'm thinking we need to increase the dosage but I have to wait until Mon. and hope upping the dosage will work. This fine tuning never seems to end. Like Sharlene said, one step this way and then another.:o
03-26-2014, 11:25 AM
Thank you for posting that video of Ginger. Hers are more like shivers and Tippers are more like jerks, and muscle contractions. I am going to try and get some more video of Tipper and see if I can get it on photo bucket for everyone to see. Maybe I will try it on my tablet. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
04-03-2014, 10:40 AM
Hi everyone, just an update regarding Ginger's seizure medicine switch. She's been on 50mg Zonisamide for a little over one week now (she was on 25mg for one wk prior to the start of 50mg) and I'm not sure whether this new med works well enough for her or not because she still has tremors and head jerkings going on pretty bad at time and other times she seems ok. She's very wobbly and weak when walking and she either sleeps or rests all day and night. Seems to get stuck in corners more now and gets lost in the back yard after her business going the opposite way away from the house.
Saw her neurologist two days ago and he told me to try it another two weeks and reevaluate. He'd mentioned a vestibular disease like small veins popping in her brain (hope I got that right) along with macro as a possible cause this time.
He doesn't see much progression in Ginger's clinical symptoms since he first saw her 4 months ago tho keep in mind that she's been on meds for most of those 4 months. It's been 6months since we'd started this journey. I've read that Dr. B said on Kayne's thread that an average survival time is about 2-3 months with macro. I'm thinking that could it be that all the pred she's been taking throughout this process might have delayed the progression of the tumor or is there a chance that she may not have a macro? I know I'm grasping on straws here, just my wishful thinking. Without a CT scan or an MRI we will not know for sure so we will keep doing what we've been doing.
Squirt's Mom
04-03-2014, 10:50 AM
And you are doing a superb job, Song.
04-03-2014, 12:15 PM
You have been doing a wonderful job all along. I think unfortunately only man MRI is going to give you the difinitive answer you are seeking. It is an shame all this stuff has to be so expensive, as it would help many on here. I hope that your sweet Ginger improves, and pray this is not a macro. Blessings
molly muffin
04-03-2014, 06:03 PM
Hi Song, the prednisone can help if it is a tumor. So it is probably good that she has been on it. It can also just be Canine Cognitive Dysfunction.
I agree you've been doing an excellent job!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-04-2014, 09:48 AM
I hope you and your sweet Ginger are doing well. I think of you often and pray for you little girl every nite. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
04-04-2014, 02:49 PM
Oh, thank you Patti. That's so sweet of you.
I really hope you get to the bottom of Tipper's tremor soon so you two will have a sound and good night sleep for a change.
Sharlene, I have a very little doubt that Ginger has CCD. She has every symptom that go with that. The focal seizures, poor appetite and hypertension are the possible symptoms which might associate with macro so she may very well have both.
Right now I just hope she will acclimate to Zonisamide soon as it is a lot easier on us especially on her with twice dosing.
04-04-2014, 04:38 PM
I sympathize with your efforts to get Ginger to eat. I was stuck on Pansy eating some kibble (like somehow gum disease was her biggest problem at that point, I don't know) so I used to tart her kibble up with toppers of increasing value - wet food (weruva wok the dog was her favorite!), chicken and rice, cooked ground turkey, cottage cheese, etc., with everything headed to maximize yummy smells. Even with that, she was eating about half of what she should have been and I had to hand-feed her a good portion of that. The one thing she really really loved, though, and that I had the most success with as a topper was Stella and Chewy's freeze dried lamb patties. I would crumble one, reconstitute it in hot water and stir it into her food, and most times the noms would be ON.
Wishing you and Ginger the very best.
My sweet Ginger
04-05-2014, 08:24 AM
Good morning,
This is a question for anyone who's had experience with any of your dogs and it's not about Ginger today.
I'm quite alarmed right now as I've just seen it for the first time I think. I have three dogs; Ginger 14+, Flora 7+ and Stella who's 3.
This morning I noticed an unusual, slight head movements in Flora.
When I checked they were actually coming from her neck area and it was pulsating. They seem to be like waves but rather constant at least since I noticed which was around 7 am. When she's lying on her right side down I can see and feel her LEFT leg moving or pulsing as they happen. It's the very start or right above of her front LEFT leg where I can detect the pulsing. She did everything normal this morning but I somehow felt she was off. Should I take her to her vet or a neurologist when Monday comes? Anyone's input with this experience will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Song.
04-05-2014, 08:31 AM
When Tipper get the tremors I can feel like an electrical pulse going thru her leg. There are certain tremor that can affect the head, but I cannot remember what they are called. I saw it when researching the tremors. Please see my post and you will read what causes for tremors are, I posted it yesterday. Hoping everything is good with Ginger. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
04-05-2014, 08:46 AM
Patti, I don't think it's tremor. They are pulsating and I can see the difference between the two from Ginger's tremor and they are not going through her leg. The whole left leg moves at the same time with her neck. I'm wondering if massaging will either help her or hurt her. I might give her a warm bath.
Squirt's Mom
04-05-2014, 08:56 AM
I think I would have her looked at if possible. Not sure what that could be but I would want someone to see it and give me some ideas at least. Let us know!
My sweet Ginger
04-05-2014, 08:59 AM
I'm taking her in as soon as I can but I'm not sure who I should take her to between her GP:rolleyes: or a neurologist.
molly muffin
04-05-2014, 09:43 AM
Maybe a pulled muscle? around the neck area? or tendon, etc.
You can always start with her GP and go from there.
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
04-05-2014, 10:03 AM
I looked it up and one of the causes could a pinch nerve and I hope that's what it is. I just feel bad as she hasn't been getting enough attention since Ginger's journey started.:(
My sweet Ginger
04-19-2014, 07:44 AM
Thanks guys. Flora was on muscle relaxer and pain meds for a week and is doing fine now. Hope they don't come back as we still don't know what caused them in the first place.
Ginger's body has finally adjusted to Zonisamide after good two weeks but she still has tremor and focal seizures bigger than what I'd allow myself to be comfortable enough to ignore as all her vets told me not to except a complete control.
6:30 AM today, I gave her 125mg Levetiracetam & 25mg Zonisamide together. I'm going to watch her all day whether this combination will work or not and pray it will. I took this ratio from Pam on her Buffy who's been doing fantastic on this combo. Thanks to Pam for giving me a guideline where to start with and we will go from here.
It's now 7:40 so it's been a little over an hour and she is still shaking. I really hope she gets better as time passes.
Her demeanor has improved ; more alert, eating a little better and running at times:eek:. I'm also hoping this change will not stir these hard earned improvements.
Have a good day everyone. Song.
04-19-2014, 07:56 AM
I hope you and sweet Ginger and the gang have a blessed Easter. You have traveled a hard road, and to your credit you have done an amazing job. I hope for the best for you and Ginger.
Squirt's Mom
04-19-2014, 08:20 AM
Running?! YAY! Run, Ginger, run! :D
My sweet Ginger
04-19-2014, 08:26 AM
I hear you. I still can't believe it myself. I must say tho usually it's only for a few yards and very seldom but to me it's same as 100 yards and I will take it any short length as long as she feels good enough to run.:)
molly muffin
04-19-2014, 12:46 PM
We'll take every good thing. We always say baby steps, maybe for Ginger it should be baby runs. hahahaha
Have a wonderful Easter. Hope all the furlets do good this weekend.
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
04-19-2014, 02:48 PM
Lol. From me too.:)
04-24-2014, 07:02 PM
Is the colitis doing any better? Been thinking about you and your girl!
me too, thinking about you both:)
My sweet Ginger
04-24-2014, 07:42 PM
Thank you, Pam. That was very sweet of you.
There was more blood the very next day so her IMS prescribed something for colitis and she is to take them for 10 days.
So far I haven't seen any more blood and hope it stays that way.
She's been doing pretty good on 40mg Keppra & 25mg Zonisamide seizure/tremor wise so long if we can keep this colitis at bay.
We also saw her neurologist and he liked our lowering the Keppra dosage and we will go higher if necessary.
She now is on 5 different medications everyday in her tiny body and it has to have some kind of an impact I suppose.
Ginger's been sleeping a lot for the last two days and seems weaker.
It could be adding two more drugs that makes her feel more tired and lose appetite.
She flatly refused her breakfast this morning so I had a real hard time with her pills, took me 2 1/2 hours. It scares me when her appetite suffers even more as she has to take so many pills.
We will see how she does tomorrow. It's been a day to day thing with her but she's been hanging around quite a while now. I tell her she's my little fighter.
I hope you and Buffy are having better days.:) Hugs, Song.
04-24-2014, 07:46 PM
She flatly refused her breakfast this morning so I had a real hard time with her pills, took me 2 1/2 hours. It scares me when her appetite suffers even more as she has to take so many pills.
I'm so, so sorry you're in this spot right now. This is where we were with Buffy in December. All those pills and he wouldn't happily scarf them down in meatballs any longer. It is heart breaking and so stressful. It seems hard for many vets to understand that more pills is OK as long as you can successfully hide them in food, but a major major problem if you can't.
I am glad the colitis is better on the new medication, though. Hopefully the need for that is just temporary. Very nice work with trying to get those minimal doses of the seizure drugs.
Hang in there!
My sweet Ginger
04-24-2014, 07:48 PM
Thank you, Addy.
I hope you, your hubby and sweet as button Koko are having better days, too. Still thinking about our Zoe all the time and watched her oh so cute video many, many times. They are just too cute!!
Take care and hope your shoulder is better now. Hugs, song.
My sweet Ginger
04-24-2014, 08:00 PM
She did a little better with dinner. I had to wrap 4 pills and she spit out a couple of them outside the bowl.:eek:
With 40mg Levetiracetam, I have to say I see a little tremor going on at times but they are still a lot less than when she was on either Levetiracetam or Zoni alone so I'd say it's quite an improvement.
molly muffin
04-24-2014, 08:04 PM
That sounds like a good combination. I wish it didn't mean so many pills though. That is so hard when they won't take them any longer :(
Ginger sure is a little fighter. She has been through so much. You both have!
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
04-24-2014, 08:21 PM
Sharlene, I appreciate you coming by when you are going through a foggy moment with our miss Molly at the moment.
I just want you to know that I'm praying for you and Molly even though I can't offer you any meaningful help. They are way over my head for me to understand. I just hope Molly stays healthy and happy as she has been for a long, long time. Hugs, Song.
molly muffin
04-24-2014, 08:46 PM
Aww thanks Song. I think it helps to take my mind of mollys issues by reading others threads. The mind thinks about others issues and you get to take a break from our own. Breaks are good. :)
How could I not check in on our forum babies. :)
You are doing wonders with Ginger and have come so far, what a journey eh and still more to come. Hopefully it won't the future won't be as rocky of a road as the past has been.
sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
04-24-2014, 10:16 PM
Sharlene, you are being way too generous and if anybody should take any credit for how Ginger is today it's you guys who didn't give up on her and fed me not only with your caring concern for her but also by providing me with factual materials to back up what you were saying. Without you guys I'd never have doubted what our GP vet was doing was wrong. Never. For that I will be forever thankful to you guys because I know my Ginger could've been in a much worse shape than where she is now. All of you guys are such a wonderful bunch of beautiful people. I hope you angels will be here for a long time for people like me who come here all scared and had never even heard of cushings disease before and you turn them into cushings savvy soon enough.
Although I can't say she has a high quality of life she gives me more than enough reasons to be thankful for each day and my love for her grows even bigger as we fight this disease together. She scored 39 on 'the quality of life questions in a dog' a while ago (I think it was Leslie who posted that.) and I think 35 was the cut off number so you can tell how much her life has diminished for her now but she will still make me a very happy mom as long as she eats good, greets me at the door from time to time and is not in pain. Of course, it makes me very sad thinking about how she used to be but I'd be a lot more sad if she wasn't here with me today. She was such a loyal dog toward me. She only wanted me all the time and still only follows me around. I love her so much.
04-25-2014, 10:42 AM
I too am so thankful for the people on this forum. My Tipper would not be here if not for their help and support. I am glad for you that Ginger is doing as well as she is. I say a prayer for her every nite. Blessings
molly muffin
04-26-2014, 05:45 PM
Have you gotten Ginger to eat today? I hope you found something intice her interest.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-26-2014, 06:00 PM
How is Ginger doing? Maybe she would like those hot dogs Eli is fond of?? I hope she is doing better as I know that not eating is stressful for you and her. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
04-27-2014, 07:50 AM
I'm wondering how things are going as well. Is she eating again? And how are you doing?
04-27-2014, 08:24 AM
I too am wondering how sweet Ginger is? I hope she is back to eating, and getting stronger. You have had a hard road to travel with all this, I am hoping this is just another tiny bump in the road. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
04-27-2014, 08:49 AM
Ummmm... Yes and no. She's still refusing to even go near the bowl in the morning:mad: but I still have to administer prednisone & Zonisamide however way I can because they are a must and try to coax her to eat something afterwards.:o She's doing better in the afternoon so less of an ordeal for both of us.
Anything she wants these days she gets, right? Well, yesterday and today cheesecake is the front runner followed by hotdog.:eek::o
Still I have to hand feed them tho and she wouldn't eat on her own.
She was doing so good and soon after the switch it's been down hill and I just don't get it.:rolleyes: I hope she comes back around. I haven't seen anymore blood even though I had to stop her med for colitis for fearing it was one of the contributors causing this turn of event for her. Aaaaaaah, it never ends does it?
04-27-2014, 10:40 AM
Sweet Ginger is in my prayers for her to make a complete turn around.
I am so sorry she isn't feeling well. Please give her a hug from me and my boys.
04-27-2014, 11:33 AM
Hugs and kisses to you from Tipper and I.
molly muffin
04-27-2014, 04:49 PM
Ugh. I hope her appetite comes back better. Do you think it is med combo that affected her appetite?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
04-27-2014, 05:29 PM
I'm thinking that only because that has been the only change recently. My heart's been just so crushed over this because she was doing so much better in a long time right before this. The combo of the two drugs really made a stark difference as far as controlling the seizures but it looks like with a heavy price to pay to the point we had to stop it. I'm just praying she will get her appetite back soon. It seems like it is at it's worst so far. Before I was almost always able to get her to eat something one way or another but now no way can do.
04-27-2014, 05:44 PM
Thinking of you and sweet Ginger and hoping she can get back on track. Blessings
molly muffin
04-27-2014, 06:46 PM
What about a decrease of dosage of the two together?
My sweet Ginger
04-27-2014, 07:10 PM
Have tried that already until we couldn't lower them anymore. She didn't improve from it at all. We are now back to pre combo drugs for a couple of days with still not seeing her appetite coming back. Needless to say more tremor/seizure activity going on.
04-27-2014, 07:14 PM
Hi Song,
Obviously your neurologist will know best, but I am wondering whether you might want to revisit phenobarb as an option for Ginger? I may be totally confusing her with somebody else, but I seem to think you had an initial negative reaction to phenobarb she was given in an ER situation. If I am remembering correctly, I'm just wondering if you might want to revisit phenobarb due to some pluses based on Ginger's current situation: it is dosed twice daily and not three times daily; it tends to stimulate appetite and thirst rather than the reverse; I am unaware of any GI side effects. Yes, some dopiness is expected during the first couple of weeks. But that side effect should resolve.
Just a thought, and your neurologist may think it inappropriate for Ginger, especially in conjunction with trilostane. But we have had such great success using it with Peg that I can't help mentioning it again as a possible option since you are having trouble with the current combo. These newer anticonvulsants do have pluses, but phenobarb has worked very well for a lot of dogs through the years.
My sweet Ginger
04-27-2014, 11:34 PM
Thank you so much Vicki. I hope your boys will come through with good results in time. They sound like such sweet and lovable boys.
I gave Ginger many hugs and kisses today, a lot more than usual.
Take care of yourself. Hugs.
04-28-2014, 12:14 AM
Oh Song,
I hope that you find a solution soon!
04-28-2014, 08:19 AM
Thinking of you and sweet Ginger, and hoping this works out. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
04-28-2014, 08:26 AM
Thinking of you and sweet little Ginger this morning. I pray you find a solution soon and she is feeling better.
Leslie and the gang
04-29-2014, 08:28 AM
How is sweet Ginger doing? I hope things are working out, I feel bad as she was doing ok. Blessings
04-29-2014, 09:34 AM
Prayers continuing for your Sweet Ginger! I hope things sort themselves out soon and she is feeling better fast!
04-29-2014, 12:56 PM
I hope all is ok I am praying for Ginger to get thru this. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
04-30-2014, 11:25 AM
Ginger is still not eating, breakfast or dinner. Nothing.
She was surviving on a Tbs full of cheesecake with her meds twice a day for 2 days. Cheesecake has been the only thing she wouldn't spit it out when I put it in the back of her mouth. Last night I puréed some mix of meats and she didn't spit it out when I syringed it. This morning I made a batch of purée of different kind of meats with carrots and some kibble in it. I have to do this in order for her to take her pills because she needs something in her stomach.
Zonisamide is hardly working for her and we are afraid of trying anything new at this moment. We are seeing her IMS tomorrow to talk about our overall plan going forward.
04-30-2014, 12:32 PM
Song, I've not posted to you in a very long time, but have been following. Let me say that I'm very sorry to hear that Ginger is having these issues. I would like to make a suggestion that may help. If someone has already offered this, I'm sorry for the repetition.
My 2nd cushpup, Harley, was on lysodren & was an extremely finicky eater. There were many point where he would go totally anorexic on me & refuse to eat absolutely anything. Goodness know how much $$ I spent on premium dog food that he would eat a couple of days, then go, "Nope, don't expect me to eat that garbage." There is a product called "Nutrical" that you can buy at places like Petsmart that is a nutritional supplement you can use when you have a pup who is ill, not eating well, etc. It's a very thick paste. I would squeeze a blob out on my fingers, & Harley would lick it off my fingers. I could usually get him to eat to portions, so felt that I was doing pretty good. He seemed to like it, & would eat it when I could get him to eat nothing else.
Hope this helps.
Squirt's Mom
04-30-2014, 01:09 PM
Keeping you and our sweet Ginger in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know what the IMS thinks tomorrow. The NutriCal is a great idea!
05-01-2014, 06:51 AM
Hi Song
I am so sorry Ginger is not eating, my only tip for this situation which worked when my boy was on a hunger strike was to try some warm milk with a raw egg beaten in. Worked well for him but some care needed as dogs can be lactose intolerant. But my vet swears by it for dogs whose appetite has gone off. Hope it helps and Ginger gets her appetite back soon xx
Squirt's Mom
05-01-2014, 07:07 AM
Just popping in to see about the vet visit yesterday. Praying our sweet girl is feeling better and eating a bit this morning.
Many hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang
My sweet Ginger
05-01-2014, 07:57 AM
Thanks guys.
That warm milk with a raw egg sounds yucky to me but I'm not a dog so I will def try it. I will also try Nutrical although some time ago she ran away from the wet canned food the ones her IMS suggested.
No luck so far, I've been syringing food and at least it gives me some sense of relief as she is getting something over nothing. It bothered me a lot that I had to give her pills in an empty stomach with only a couple of tsp of cheesecake.
Leslie, our appt is today and I'm really not expecting any kind of a clear cut resolve from our meeting. Her neurologist is recommending blood work and US and so on and I'm just not sure how far I want to go when our options are pretty much drawn up already due to her frail health and financial difficulties.
I want her to have comfortable days with no pain for how long ever and she was doing just that these last few months with her appetite up and down but she never quit eating completely up until now.
I'm still hopeful that she will start eating again. Maybe her system needs some time to recover from that bloody colitis whatever caused it.
Squirt's Mom
05-01-2014, 08:10 AM
Oh, I'm sorry....I can't keep up with what day it is or where I'm supposed to be when so not surprising I misunderstood the appt day for Ginger. :p:o
Honey, I understand completely where you are and your thinking on testing, etc. It is a tough place to be, a very hard decision to come to but there comes a time when that is the best for our sweet babies. We parents fight so very hard for so long it is just so difficult to change that mindset of FIX THIS. We go from that to learning how to appreciate every single moment even more, to love even deeper, to share our most inner selves with them, to prepare ourselves for what we cannot imagine.
You are an amazing mom and I have no doubt whatsoever than Ginger is quite proud of you. Her never ending love is without question.
Let us know what you learn today :D and know we are right by your side every minute.
Leslie and the gang
05-01-2014, 02:10 PM
Thank you for thinking of my Tipper when you have so much to deal with yourself. You are doing a great job with Ginger and I am praying that some way this gets turned around, and Ginger gets to feeling better. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
05-01-2014, 02:44 PM
The IMS wants to run some blood tests and then go from there ; CBC, Superchem and TT4, Free T4 (ED), cTSH. She said she's concerned about thyroid, kidney and liver values.
Ginger's getting them done at her GP vet @ 3:30 today.
Late this morning Ginger ate a half cooked egg york that I put in her mouth in little pieces and didn't try to spit out like all the other times.:)
Tried the mixture of milk and an egg but wouldn't go for it.:( I ended up giving some of it in a syringe as an energy booster.
05-01-2014, 04:05 PM
God Bless you both.
molly muffin
05-01-2014, 05:07 PM
Checking in on your and Ginger. Did your IMS have any thoughts on why Ginger has stopped eating?
I hope this is a fluke that she'll get past and that will be that. Good that she ate a bit on her own. Maybe she figured if she didn't mom was coming with that syringe!!
sharlene and molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
05-01-2014, 09:11 PM
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers...hugs, Lori
05-01-2014, 09:19 PM
Praying for your little girl..HUGS
05-02-2014, 11:18 AM
Checking in to see how your baby is?? I am praying for you both to get thru this.Blessings
molly muffin
05-02-2014, 11:14 PM
Hey popping in to see what the test showed or if you know yet. How is Ginger doing? How are you doing? It's pretty hard on the peoples too ya know. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-03-2014, 08:59 AM
I somehow hope you got a miracle and sweet Ginger is getting better. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
05-06-2014, 04:13 PM
Please, someone tell me if any of these results explains Ginger's totally declined appetite. She still wouldn't eat anything on her own so I've been feeding her using either a syringe or my fingers by putting whatever food she doesn't spit out in her mouth.
I finally received the results today but haven't talked to her IMS yet.
5/2/14 ;
Alp 1359 (5-160 u/l), down from 1562 (5-131 u/l), 2/5/14
Alt 62 (18-121 u/l), down from 129 (12-118 u/l), 2/5/14
GGT 155 (0-13 UL)
Bun 36 (9-31 mg/dl)
Cholesterol 507 (131-345 mg/dl)
Phosphorus 6.2 (2.5-6.1 mg/dl)
Chloride 107 (108-119 mmol/L)
Mch 26.6 (21.9-26.1 pg)
Auto platelet 728 (143-448K/uL )
HC + Thyroid comp screen : Free T4
Free T4 (ng/dl) 0.3 (0.6-3.7 ng/ dl)
Free T4 (pmol/L) 3.9 (7.7-47.6 pmol/L)
HC + Thyroid Comp Screen : T4
T4 0.6 (1.0-4.0 ug/dl)
HC + Thyroid Comp Screen : cTSH
cTSH 0.20 (0.05-0.42 ng/ml)
Ginger's T4 has been low ;
T4 0.5 (1.0-4.0 ug/ dl) 09/17/13
Total T4 0.8 (0.8-3.5 ug/dl) 02/05/14 and all the others have not been done until now.
These results look about the same compared to the previous one but those Free T4s look very low even to me. Could they cause such an inappetence?
Any input would be greatly appreciated before I talk to our IMS when she calls. Thank you. Song.
molly muffin
05-06-2014, 05:12 PM
Low thyroid, hypothyroidism, controls metabolism and if that is low, then their energy levels are usually very low and their appetites decrease, so it could be a contributing factor.
This is a link to an article about it from a vet:
This weight gain does not usually coincide with an increased appetite — in fact, it is usually the opposite, as the lower metabolism may lead to decreased appetite.
The GGT being high could signify a type of bile blockage that the vet might want to look at too. Is Ginger on ursodiol for any gall bladder sludge?
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
05-06-2014, 05:19 PM
I never understood what high GGT means, can you explain that to me, please? No, she's not been on anything and no one has mentioned anything about it.
molly muffin
05-06-2014, 05:29 PM
Gamma Glutamyltransferase: GGT – This enzyme is has its highest concentration in the kidneys and pancreas, but it is also found in the liver and other organs. The major proportion of GGT in the serum seems to come from the liver. Elevations of GGT in disease seem to stem from new synthesis rather than leakage, therefore the changes seen due to disease are not spectacular. Large elevations of GGT are more commonly associated with pancreatitis and bile duct obstruction.
I guess pancrease could be playing a part in her not eating, but then I would expect to see increased levels of lipase which we do not. That is why I am going with checking out for any kind of blockage of the bile duct in association with the gall bladder, as a possibility that you can ask your vet about.
Hope that helps to clarify.
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
05-06-2014, 06:04 PM
Not really, Sharlene.:o:o It's beyond my ability but thank you so much for trying. I will see what kind of plan her IMS will come up with.
Her GGT were ;
14 (0-14 UL), 09/26/2012
85 (0-14 UL), 09/17/2013
167 (1-12 UL), 02/05/2014
155 (1-13 UL), 05/01/2014 and no one has really mentioned or wanted to do anything about it.
05-06-2014, 06:44 PM
Thinking of you both and sending you strength to continue on. Blessings
molly muffin
05-06-2014, 08:05 PM
GGT is mainly associated with cells from the membranes of the bile duct. If we don't usually see GGT raise due to leakage (coming from another source) then there is a higher probability that it is due to an issue with the bile duct. One of the largest issues with the bile ducts that we see are blockages, so when the GGT is high, then you want to rule that possibility out.
I think that is the easiest way to explain what I have been reading and I hope I got it all right. Some drugs can cause the GGT to go up, such as steroid, so since Ginger is on prednisone, then that is a reason that maybe the vet doesn't look at it as being of great importance, but it's one of those things that you want to get their take on it.
It started to go up prior to her being started on prednisone though right? So, I'd just ask about it with the IMS. That is what they are there for to explain test results and what they might mean.
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
05-06-2014, 08:30 PM
Yeah, looking at it, it was already very high by the time she was diagnosed but it's doubled now. I will definitely ask the IMS about her high GGT and low Free T4 when I talk to her which I'm surprised she hasn't call me yet.
Thank you so much Sharlene and I hope Molly will start producing perfect looking dark jewels by tomorrow.;)
05-07-2014, 03:20 PM
Both the things Sharlene mentioned jumped out at me too as Tipper has issues with both so I am familiar with them also. I would definitely have your IMS look at this. Sending you big hugs and strength. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
05-07-2014, 03:47 PM
Was pancreatitis being looked at? My boy, Harley, had pancreatitis and his amylase and lipase were in the normal ranges, a spec PL test can confirm pancreatitis.
When a dog's phosphorus becomes elevated, as in Ginger's case, this can make a dog inappetent, a dog with elevated phosphorus needs to be given a phosphorus binder.
My sweet Ginger
05-09-2014, 04:51 PM
Ginger is still firmly refusing to eat on her own so she's still on either finger or spoon feeding:( but hanging in there nonetheless.
I've finally talked to her IMS yesterday and she wants to try Thyroxine (one more pill:o) for one week if it brings her appetite back as she suspects Ginger might be hypothyroid.
She sleeps most of the day which is more even for her these days and we both dread meal times but we somehow make it through.
I'm hoping she will get her appetite back soon.
05-09-2014, 05:55 PM
Praying for you both, and hoping this new pill works for sweet Ginger.
My sweet Ginger
05-21-2014, 10:43 AM
Feeling down and getting frustrated here about Ginger's inappetence.
She's still on baby food consistency mixture which I feed this right in her mouth with a spoon while she's in my lap laying down like a baby and every meal time is a battle of wills and administering pills is not a pretty picture and it's getting uglier by the day.:(:(:(
Today I'm left with the feeling of just how much longer can this go on?
The IMS hasn't come up with any insightful idea either, in fact been waiting for her to call for three days counting today.
Would there be a chance she might start eating again if I stop force feeding her? That means I can't give her any of her meds either. Ohhhh, what to do. Her demeanor on the other hand seems ok these days she still maintains her normal weight so far.
It's just she consistently walks away from her food bowl as far away as she can and it's been going on since April 21st with no sign of improvement in sight.
molly muffin
05-21-2014, 04:04 PM
Oh Song, I am so sad that Ginger has not yet started to eat on her own. I wonder if it is the tumor causing that or if it is behavior. She might just Like you feeding her like a baby. :)
I do hope that it changes. I don't know about the not feeding and seeing if she will eat. I know I'd probably cave to her wishes. I am a suck like that though. You could give it maybe a certain amount of time. Like say a couple hours and if she doesn't eat on her own and with you trying to entice her, then go ahead and feed?
Maybe some of the others will have some ideas too.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Jenny & Judi in MN
05-21-2014, 04:05 PM
I went back about 5 pages but couldn't find when Ginger's last ACTH was?
Back in December 2011 my Jenny had a normal acth, (pre 2.6 and post 4.7) in January she lost her appetite and her insulin needs dropped significantly.
I was very busy with work and didn't test her again till April at which time we discovered her cortisol was almost nonexistent.
I'd consider an ACTH unless you've done one in the last 2 weeks. Jenny was on Lysodren too.
Have you tried pepcid ac or something in the morning?
When Jenny had pancreatitis I absolutely couldn't get her to take her pain pills so we ordered liquid gabapentin from Diamondback so I could squirt it in her mouth. Any option for liquid meds with what Ginger is taking?
05-21-2014, 04:49 PM
I feel your frustration. I am along the lines of what Sharlene said, as I would cave in too. I had a cat that was a very poor eater, one day the vet said, this cat needs to gain some weight. I went home got a big bath towel out, put it on my kitchen counter, got a can of good food, sat him on the towel and proceeded to hand feed him. Within 2 months he gained the needed weight. That was 10 years ago and he will be 14 on February 4 th. He will eat dry kibble on his own but will not eat his canned food unless hand fed. I feed him twice a day like this and we have no problems as I do not mind. I am guessing this has become a habit with Ginger having you feed her. I think if you stop, she will not eat as she has become conditioned to this way of eating. I wish there was a simple answer. Blessings
Hi Song,
I'm so sorry you are still having trouble getting Ginger to eat. I am going through the same thing with Jasper right now. I believe his eating issue now is related to a kidney infection and antibiotics. We have been struggling with it since about 4/24, so I know first hand how exhausting, frustrating and worrisome it is.
I have been following along on your thread and just went back a few pages to look at those most recent lab results. I'm sorry, but I might ask some questions that you have already answered but I'm not able to go back through your whole thread right now.
Lori mentioned about the phosphorus being elevated, have you asked your vet about that? I noticed that the BUN is elevated also. Both of these values can indicate kidney problems. Is there a result for serum creatinine on those results? Kidney issues can definitely cause loss of appetite, so I would be asking the vet about that for sure. I would think that she would have addressed those abnormalities with you and whether she felt they were significant elevations or not. You mentioned on 5/9 that your vet wanted to increase the thyroxine for a week to see of that would help. It has been more than a week, has there been follow up with the vet about that?
I second what Judi said, what were the results of the last stim test, and when was it? And the results of the last electrolytes?
I wonder if she might be nauseated. Have you tried cerenia or reglan for her? I know that kidney issues cause nausea also. Does she sniff her food and then walk away? And have you tried chicken or beef and rice, or a canned version of her current food? So sorry for all the questions, I am just trying to cover everything I have been trying. Last weekend I started with a little canned food for Jasper and he will eat that now, it has really helped at least for now. It is still touch and go.
If it were me, I would not stop hand feeding Ginger, because chances are, she will not eat on her own until she is feeling better from whatever is causing the loss of appetite. She needs the food in her stomach so you can get her meds down her. I feel your pain, and hope you can get some guidance from your vet soon.
If I think of anything else, I will post it.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper
05-22-2014, 08:50 AM
Hoping today brings a solution to your dilemma. I feel so bad and wish I could help in some way. Praying for you and sweet Ginger. Blessings
Oh Song, I hope you find a solution for sweet Ginger. It is so hard when they don't want to eat. My Koko is not keen on breakfast but dinner he is happy to eat.
Is there anything that tempts Ginger consistently?
Sending lots of hugs.
05-24-2014, 07:52 AM
I saw in a catalog that Lambert Veterinary Supply sent me some different products that sounded maybe a step up form nutria cal. Maybe you could go on the web site and give a look to see if you think it would benefit Ginger. I am praying for you both that she begins eating on her own. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
05-24-2014, 12:42 PM
Hi everyone.
I couldn't come on here and post updates on Ginger fearing I will jinx myself if I say anything positive as it seemed to happened last time when I did that on Ginger.:o
I talked to the IMS on Wed. The last piece of thyroid lab test came back as normal so she couldn't either confirm or rule out she's hypothyroid and we also talked about the possibility of her having a learned food aversion which I was already wondering about. She wanted to try appetite stimulant and by that time Ginger had already been on Thyroxine for 10 days.
I gave her cyproheptadine with dinner that day. At late night snack time I tried little pieces of pizza and lo and behold, she took many pieces out of my hand!!:eek::eek::eek: I wasn't sure which med made that sudden change but the IMS said appetite stimulant should take an effect in a few days. I was sooo thrilled about it and was hoping that will continue but the next morning she refused her bf again.:(:(
Since that day she ate a tiny bit of dinner the next day and didn't want anything last couple of days on her own but took it when I finger fed her with less resistance I feel like and that's where we are right now. So I'm still in thick fog and will have to wait and see if any of these two new pills will bring her appetite back to some level.
She still has seizures and tremor worse while she is climbing steps and walking than sleeping or resting.:rolleyes:
Thank you everyone again for keeping Ginger in your thoughts all the time. Hugs, Song.
05-24-2014, 01:07 PM
The cypro works well to make them eat as I have given it to sick cats that would not eat. I use 1/4 tablet of periactin on my current cat every DA,y as he has gallbladder problems and won't eat like he should. Just that tiny amount makes him eat, the vet can't believe it. If I don't give it to him he will not eat that day, as I tried to we an him off of it and I can't. I hope this helps Ginger as I know this has to be wearing on you with her not eating right. Blessings
05-24-2014, 02:21 PM
Hi Song,
I hope Ginger is doing better this morning. I know when Eli was sick and not eating, he refused to eat anything that I gave him chicken and rice, salmon, eggs and cheese.....until my neighbor showed up with a hotdog and he went nuts! But, I still had to hand feed him. (I know it's unconventional), but he hadn't eaten in almost a week and anything was still better than nothing. Then all of sudden he got tired of the hotdogs and moved on to raw ground round or chuck..also hand fed. I tried cooking it at first, but that was also a "no go" he ate the raw burger for days......probably a week. Then one day....I didn't give it to him and sat and watched...he went right to his kibble and ate that.....and has gobbled it down ever since! ....Have you tried like you did with the pizza..another of Ginger's favorite foods? I also just hid his pills in the meat. He was none the wiser. :D (Every now and then.he catches on to me with the pill thing!)
I hope Ginger is eating soon!
Hugs, Jo Ann and Eli
05-25-2014, 08:13 AM
I am hoping this morning that you are going to post and say Ginger is eating on her own. Try and have a good weekend, I know your mind is troubled with this, it has been a real bumpy road for you and Ginger. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
05-25-2014, 08:52 AM
Ughhh, no Patti. She's not eating on her own. Actually she seems a little off in her demeanor also, slower and shakes more etc..
Have a question for anyone who's knowledgable on this.
Ginger had HC + Thyroid Comp Screen test recently and can anyone tell me whether she is hypothyroid or not, please?
Here are the thyroid comp screen test results :
Free T4 (ng/dl) 0.3 (RR 0.6-3.7ng/dl) low
Free T4 (pmol/L) 3.9 (RR 7.7-47.6 pmol/L) low
T4 0.6 (RR 1.0-4.0 ug/dl) low
cTSH 0.20 (RR 0.05-0.42 ng/ml) normal
Thyroglobulin AB - canine
TGAA screen 2 (RR %)
Corrected TGAA Not Indicated. (RR %)
TGAA screen Patient result 0-35%
Corrected TGAA Patient result or N/I 0-25%
Thyroglobulin Autoantibody Test Interpretation:
TGAA screen: Corrected TGAA:
Negative <20% <10%
Inclusive 20-35% 10-25%
Positive >35% >25%
Her IMS said she couldn't confirm Ginger is hypothyroid because Ginger's TGAA came back as normal still she wants Ginger to stay on thyroxine for a while to see if it will help. Does this sound right?
Thanks in advance.
05-25-2014, 12:28 PM
Song with Tipper's readings no on would confirm her either except when I paid Dr. Dodds for a consultation. According to her certain breeds need a higher reading on their thyroid and Tipper was one of them. She explains a lot about thyroid readings on her site. Just google her Dr. Jean Dodds she is the expert in all this. I hope she starts to eat I really do, as I know how hard you are trying to help her. Blessings
molly muffin
05-25-2014, 07:33 PM
I wish I knew about thyroid, but I have to basically go off what the test themselves said. Where you able to find anything on the jean dobbs site to help?
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-25-2014, 08:16 PM
Did you start Ginger on Thyroxine before or after the blood draw for the thyroid assay? Confirming a hypothyroid diagnosis can be as difficult as a cushing's diagnosis so many vets and specialist will do a trial period of Thyroxine to see if symptoms improve. Thyroxine doesn't carry the high risks that Vetoryl or Lysodren does so with the very low Free T4, I can understand why the IMS has recommended continuation of thyroid supplementation.
My sweet Ginger
05-25-2014, 09:25 PM
Thank you Glynda.
She started Ginger on thyroxine on 5/8, right after we got the most results but before the result of TGAA because that result took longer than the others. The IMS said Ginger is hypothyroid if the result of TGAA comes back as high but since it came back as normal that she couldn't either confirm it or rule it out but said to continue with thyroxine and will run a Total T4 after 6 weeks from the start of thyroxine. So far I don't think I'm seeing any noticeable change in her. Her appetite is still very poor except for a couple of days a few days ago and she's back to not eating on her own again and seems to shake more. I'm thinking of seeing Dr. Hammond again but am afraid to stir anything up by tweaking her seizure meds again to make things even worse than now. I don't want to see blood coming out of her again.
05-25-2014, 09:32 PM
Hi Song. So you actually started the Thyroxine before the actual blood draw was done for all of the thyroid values, right? I ask the question because it is recommended that thyroid meds be discontinued for 90 days before doing a TG Autoantibody screen as it can skew results.
My sweet Ginger
05-25-2014, 09:40 PM
Glynda, no, if I understand your question correctly. The blood draw for the thyroid screen was done on 5/2 and she was started on thyroxine on 5/8 so I'd say no, right?
05-25-2014, 10:39 PM
Song, providing the actual dates make everything perfectly clear. The TGAA assay would not be skewed as testing was done prior to starting the thyroxine.
05-29-2014, 12:34 PM
Just wondering what is happening? Is Ginger eating at all? I hope things are going better. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
05-30-2014, 07:25 PM
I Patti and everyone.
Today we saw Dr. Hammond, Ginger's neurologist. He upped her prednisone for 7 days from .50mg x2 daily to 2mg x2 daily since she doesn't show any improvement with the help of Thyroxine and cyproheptadine. I still finger/spoon feed her. He said her couldn't increase Zoni as it's already at the highest dosage and we don't have that many options available for her. She's been circling, head pressing and getting stuck more these days and shows no interest in foods. She often loses her footing and can hardly climb up the steps without stumbling anymore. Her overall coordination is ver poor.
I just gave her all her medications including 2mg prednisone and I'm feeling a little nervous about it as to what I might see from it and I don't really know what it might do to her. I'm worried.
molly muffin
05-30-2014, 08:13 PM
Well, she might do some drinking, peeing, hopefully feel hungry. Just keep an eye on her, but it does sound like the tumor is putting some pressure on her and hopefully the prednisone would knock that back.
Poor Ginger and you, it's a hard spot to be in. I really hope this helps her. I don't think it will cause her any harm at this point. Quality of life is the most important thing and if it helps then it is likely worth it. If it does work, then she might eventually be able to weaned down to the lower dose again.
Thinking of you and Ginger.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-30-2014, 08:46 PM
I know you are desperate at this point, and it truly breaks my heart knowing what you are going thru. I am thinking along the lines as Sharlene. The prednisone may help now, and maybe wean off it later. As much as it stinks, everything goes back to quality of life. I am praying for you both. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
05-31-2014, 11:00 AM
Day 2 on 2mg pred bid. I'm not seeing any change in Ginger, if anything she seemed weaker this morning and her tail was tucked in between her legs which had been up most of the time these days.
molly muffin
05-31-2014, 11:13 AM
Oh dear. I hoped the prednisone would have helped her. Still not eating? Is she taking it from you by hand?
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
05-31-2014, 05:38 PM
I just came home from work and Ginger is doing worse than prior to pred increase, her tail still tucked in, shakes bad ( which was already going on prior) and slower let alone an improvement.
I'm wondering if I should go back to 0.5mg prednisone or stick to 2mg for another 5 days.
Does this sound probable with prednisone increase?
06-01-2014, 08:24 AM
That I cannot answer, I think maybe you should call and ask the Dr. if things are worsening. It does not seem that it should be making her worse. I am so sorry for you and for Ginger. The poor little thing has had a very rocky road for quite some time. I pray this turns around for both of your sakes, I know this has to be mentally draining on you. You are a great mom to her and have done so much and gone even beyond that. Blessings
molly muffin
06-01-2014, 08:55 AM
I agree, I think you should have seen an immediate change for the better, so I'd call the vet and have a chat too about this.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
06-01-2014, 03:46 PM
I know some people are sensitive to prednisone, my brother inlaw for one, I believe he suffered every side effect that is listed for prednisone. So, IMO, if people can have an ill response to prednisone so can a dog.
Hoping that sweet Ginger feels better soon.
Hugs, Lori
My sweet Ginger
06-01-2014, 05:07 PM
Thalked to a tech at the hospital as Dr. Hammond was off for the weekend and was told to continue on with 2mg pred for a couple more days and see. She seemed a tad bit better early this morning than yesterday. Gave her meds including 2mg pred after bf. Left home @ 11 and returned @4 and she hasn't moved an inch, she never bothered to get out of her bed. Took her out for pee and she could barely stand, very wobbly and still shakes. I don't think I'm seeing the benefits of increased prednisone yet.
I wish I could combine Zoni & Keppra as they really worked well together but can't risk of having blood coming out of her again.
One thought keeps popping into my head and that's could it be her cortisol has gotten lower for some reason even if her last stim test showed her adrenal glands were stimulating? The weakness, wobbliness, inappetence, lethargy, sleepiness ...
What seems like uncontrolled shaking of her head/neck and tremor, circling and getting stuck in tiny spaces could be coming from macro tumor even with the help from Zoni and now no change even with increased prednisone?
I will place a call for Dr. Hammond tomorrow if her symptoms stay the same or get worse. I don't know where it fits in but on our way to Dr. Hammond two days ago she whimpered and cried loudly the whole time until we got there and also coming back. Once out of the car, she was fine. Although she hasn't been an easy car rider they were the worst except for the night when she was sedated for the ultra sound some months ago. I can sense something has changed for the worse and I don't know how to help her. I feel like we are still trying to grab something that might work for her in a thick fog after 8 months even with an IMS.
06-01-2014, 07:35 PM
My heart goes out to you, I so wish I knew what to say to make you feel better. I pray this situation gets some resolution as it is draining you I can tell, I have been there myself. Pray for a miracle for sweet Ginger. Blessings
molly muffin
06-01-2014, 08:46 PM
Sending you big hugs Song. If her cortisol was low, the prednisone I'd think would help her.
Crying out seems like it might be pain. Like something is giggling her when in the car. Being weak and not able to walk and in pain isn't a good sign. Daisy just was in the hospital for a kidney infect, so they want to give her a thorough exam, check urine and blood.
I don't even want to think of macro tumor, but if it is that causing the problems they need to fiugre out and adjust if needed, such as maybe dex shot instead of prednisone or something.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-02-2014, 08:11 AM
Thinking of you and Ginger today, praying it gets better for you two. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
06-13-2014, 06:42 PM
Can anyone please tell me if I should collect Ginger's first urine of the day for urinalysis and urine culture?
She started having some specs of red mucus like in her urine since yesterday evening and her neurologist wants to run these two tests to start off and I forgot to ask him.
Although she is eating a little better at dinner time since the increase of prednisone I still have to spoon feed her at breakfast time. Her demeanor hasn't really improved tho she seems to be more awake but she either rests or sleeps in her bed most of the day and weak and still wobbly when walking and now this.
Thank you in advance.
My sweet Ginger
06-13-2014, 07:20 PM
Well, I just talked to her IMS and she suspects UTI. She said to get the first urine but then do I refrigerate the urine after I collect it until I bring it in?
For the culture wouldn't bacteria grow in this warm and humid weather if it's not refrigerated for hours? :o
06-13-2014, 08:17 PM
If you can't get the specimen to the vet within an hour or two, you should put it in the refrigerator.
My sweet Ginger
06-13-2014, 08:34 PM
Thank you Glynda. :)
molly muffin
06-13-2014, 11:17 PM
That is what I do, collect the first urine and then drop it off on way into work.
Poor little thing. I know you must be very worried.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-14-2014, 07:56 AM
Just know up front that if you refrigerate the urine and the test comes back saying crystals that it could be from the refrigeration. It has happened a number of times with Tipper's urine. I am glad that Ginger is eating some on her own as that is improvement on her part. I so hope she can keep improving, you have beena wonderful Cush mom. Blessings
06-21-2014, 02:54 PM
How is Ginger doing? I hope she started to eat again. Hope things are better for you both. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
06-22-2014, 05:49 PM
Hi sweet Patti, thanks for thinking of us as always.
Now on Ginger, it's hard to say but she's hanging in there nonetheless. She's still on half and half between spoon feeding and eating out of her bowl sometimes which is usually dinner.
I had to put her back on Cypro this morning because I noticed her appetite dwindling last few days while we were weaning off Cypro thinking the extra steroid must be the one that was bringing her appetite back but this morning she flatly refused her breakfast. I'm pretty convinced that together, Cypro and Pred are what is keeping her appetite going because within a couple of hours of Cypro she was willing to eat. When we tried Cypro alone for a week right before the increase of pred it didn't improve her appetite.
Less seizure activity and better appetite since soloxine, Cypro and higher dose pred were added. I'm not thrilled about adding more medications into the mix but since Ginger's quality of life is what we are aiming for at this point this is what we have to do.
Right now we don't even have any clear game plan for her since she keeps throwing curve balls, we keep adding new medication and hope that will work. So I really don't know what's going on inside of her tiny body. It is pretty much like taking one day at a time and today I'm happy because she is back to eating. Her not eating scares me.
I wish all your fur babies and their moms and dads are having a good day. Hugs, Song.
06-23-2014, 01:22 PM
So nice to hear from you. My heart goes out to you. It has been a long rocky road and you have stayed the course like the champion you are. I pray that little Ginger will get up one day and turn the corner once and for all. You both deserve some time where she is doing well. Blessings
molly muffin
06-23-2014, 06:58 PM
That is certainly improvement that she will eat out of a bowl at all. So, kudos for getting her there and figuring out a combination that works.
Really Song, that is all you can do sometimes is to try one combination and see if it works, if not, try another. Unfortunately, not even IMS's will always have the answers and don't see her daily and liver with her like you do.
You're doing great though!
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-30-2014, 03:00 PM
Hi Song:
Just checking to see what is going on with Ginger today. I hope she is still eating something on her own? Is she still on the Cipro? I know you said it affects her appetite. I am hoping you two are getting thru the summer ok. Tipper is so bothered by the heat this year that she is in most of the day as we are in the 90's. She can get a walk early in the morning, but this morning the humidity was really bad for her. I even had trouble breathing. Hope sweet little Ginger is on the mend. Blessings
molly muffin
07-07-2014, 06:38 PM
Hi Song,
How is Ginger doing these days? Is she still eating out the bowl? I hope everything continues to go well.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
07-08-2014, 08:10 AM
I think of you and Ginger daily, holding you both in my prayers.
My sweet Ginger
07-08-2014, 12:19 PM
Hi everyone and thank you for your caring and prayers. They are very much appreciated.
Ginger is doing ok overall. Since the increase of the pred her seizure activity has decreased noticeably tho far from 100% control.
An UTI developed along with the increase and she finished Clavamox a little more than week ago or so. About the same time we decreased pred down to 1.5mgBID. I think I see an increase in seizures but not by much I think. With Cypro she maintains her appetite fairly good although that's not to say she eats on her own. When she eats out of her bowl which is seldom, she only eats just a little so I always end up feeding her with a spoon. Often times she opens her mouth quite willingly and that's a good day for us. Cheese cakes are still our saving grace with her pills, a big sigh of relief.
She's still on 50mg Zoni, Amlodipine and we are waiting on the thyroxine instruction whether to continue on or not.
She gets a little wobbly often times but we see it as her new normal now. So I think she's doing ok considering all her problems going on inside. Strange thing I thought was that last few days she did her bark fest at meal times but when I put her food bowl down she doesn't come for it so I spoon feed her then she takes it with no resistance.:eek::rolleyes: What is that? Could it be that I may have to feed her for the rest of her life? :eek::eek::o
Hi Song,
Maybe Ginger just likes being spoon fed, perhaps it is easier for her to eat that way. I don't remember if you elevate her bowl.
Glad to read she is holding her own. You have been amazing.:)
My sweet Ginger
07-08-2014, 03:20 PM
Addy, I never thought of doing that but I will def try that. Thank you.:)
My sweet Ginger
07-08-2014, 09:17 PM
Well, I guess it wasn't the height. Raised her food bowl and she ate the same amount as yesterday or the day before so I had to feed her and she finished it with no problem.:o
molly muffin
07-08-2014, 09:22 PM
It must be she just is more comfortable, or prefers the spoon feeding.
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
07-08-2014, 10:21 PM
That's what her IMS said too Sharlene and it has sort of become our routine now that I've been doing it since 4/21. I have no problem doing it as long as she eats. ;)
molly muffin
07-25-2014, 08:02 PM
Hi Song,
How is sweet little Ginger doing these days? Is she still eating from your hand?
:) :) got to love that she has you trained. LOL
All kidding aside I do hope that she is doing well.
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
07-26-2014, 09:04 AM
Hi Sharlene and everyone,
Yes, we are still eating together, of course, me serving her finely puréed mush with a spoon at every meal time.:(
I was very distressed until 2days ago over her noticeable deterioration which gradually progressed since the discontinuation of thyroxine on 7/7. Her IMS wanted to discontinue thyroxine and monitor her because her thyroid test came back as inconclusive. I decided to put her back on it on 7/19 and didn't see any difference and she even refused to eat cheese cakes and we were back to battling with pill administrations the last few days. You know no cheese cakes means no medications so I was pretty sure we were nearing the end of our time together and cried my eyes out.
She seemed better yesterday morning with brighter looking eyes and ate her mush and cheese cake without giving me any fight.:)
When I told this to her IMS when she called to check on Ginger yesterday she said it looked like she is rebounding so we will give her more time. Today she is doing the same as yesterday so I'm very grateful. I'm thinking that the thyroxine maybe making a difference going by the off and on timing on this medication so it's possible that she's hypothyroid after all. She's still pretty weak and wobbly so she staggers and loses her footing here and there but still is hanging in there like a little trooper.
molly muffin
08-02-2014, 10:49 AM
Hi Song, is Ginger still doing okay and better on the thyroxine?
Just checking in on you two. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
08-14-2014, 11:22 AM
I'm nervous today because I just gave Ginger the very first tab of Novifit. Although I've called and talked to a rep from the Co. who got an ok for Ginger from their vet who said it's very unlikely that any interactions will occur with many medications Ginger is on. She said I will see the change in 1-2 wks and do not split the pill in half (one small tab is for up to 22lbs and Ginger only weighs 10 lbs so I asked).
She said one possible side effect would be a change in her stool so I will be on a watch duty.
I hope everyone and their pups will have a good day.
Thank you so much for the info and more;), Leslie and I hope you and the gang are having a better day. Hugs to all, Song.
Sorry you have to feel nervous. I know giving a new medication is always a bit of worry. Hopefully, it will be ok. Poop patrol can be entertaining though I think our neighbors may tend to think we are nuts.:o
Here, hold my hand tight for the rest of the day:):):)
molly muffin
08-17-2014, 08:00 PM
Hi Song,
How is Ginger reacting on the Novofit? Hoping it is helping her.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
08-24-2014, 05:03 PM
How is Ginger doing?
My sweet Ginger
08-24-2014, 08:17 PM
Hi everyone,
Today is day 10 on Novifit. No noticeable change that I can see yet.
I'm giving her a few more days as the lady said it takes 1-2 wks.
Demeanor the same maybe a little more awake but still no activity except for aimless walking or circling. She's still being spoon fed each time and takes pieces of cheese or steak often times usually in the evening. ;) Overall she's not doing any worse since Novifit and some days are better than other days.
Report on poop patrol : no change for the first few days and then no poop for the next 2 full days and then 3-4 times a day for the next 2-3 days and now twice a day with pretty much the same consistency as before through out or maybe a bit looser the last couple of days so I'm still watching it very closely.
So far no adverse reaction from Novifit that I can see tho I'm still kind of holding my breath.
She's back to antibiotic simplicef this time for E. coli from the culture.
She will be on it for 21 days. Can't seem to get rid of this UTI.
08-27-2014, 05:29 PM
Hi Song
Just popping in to send you and Ginger a hug! Hope you see some improvement soon on the meds. Maybe the simplicef is upsetting Ginger's gut? xxx
molly muffin
08-27-2014, 11:14 PM
Oh my goodness. Well I have heard that the E-coli infections are a dickens to get rid of. Takes a long time.
Hope she improves soon and can get infection free.
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
08-28-2014, 07:49 AM
Oh boy, I didn't know that Sharlene . She's on 21 day course of simplicef which started on 8/15 and the IMS wanted another culture after 10days to make sure if this abs is effective. I thought I will forgo the 10day test and just finish the full course due to money stringent with annual physicals and labs for the other pups all at the same time.:eek::eek:
Well, what's another $200 when you are borrowing, right?:(:(:(
On a better note, she seems to have acclimated to the new drugs, simplicef and Novifit.;) The frequency of her stools are becoming more regular although the consistency varies at times a little but no diarrhea as of yet.:)
I'm still scratching my head tho as to whether she looks improved in her behavior or not from Novifit.:rolleyes: She's certainly not doing worse.
Thank you everyone and Trish, lots of good luck with Flynny's surgery if it's today. Many hugs and kisses for our wonder boy. I'm a big fan of his.;)
Harley PoMMom
08-28-2014, 03:52 PM
Sending positive energy your way, and am hoping that sweet Ginger is feeling better soon.
Love and hugs,
Me too, thinking of you both and sending lots of love
molly muffin
08-28-2014, 10:26 PM
I'd just ask the vet if she thinks this is working, see if you see any changes in symtoms, peeing, etc and take it from there.
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-02-2014, 06:46 PM
E Coli UTI is very common, in humans they make up around 80% of all UTI. Not sure of that stat in dogs though. We are seeing more resistance to E Coli, so pleased you have had the culture. I hope Ginger is feeling better too and the poop department has settled down!! xxx
molly muffin
09-02-2014, 08:54 PM
I think that is what I was thinking off, E coli is just a real bugger to get rid of!
How is Ginger doing?
sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
09-03-2014, 08:37 AM
I read an article yesterday that talked about making fossil fuels from the ecoli bacteria! My weird brain immediately thought of poopy cars! :p
My sweet Ginger
09-03-2014, 09:51 AM
09-11-2014, 07:42 AM
Hi! Hope Ginger is doing well on the antibiotics and that UTI is getting sorted!! Tummy doing OK too?? Big hugs or you both xxx
My sweet Ginger
09-11-2014, 08:42 AM
Thank you, Trish. We finished simplicef on the 3rd and no milky discharge yet but find myself checking, expecting it sooner or later.:o
Went to see Dr. Hammond (neurologist) two days ago and when I asked he said he no longer thinks Ginger has macro tumor going by the duration and the progression or the lack thereof so some underlying causes maybe going on in her brain is what I think he said.
Interesting, huh? Waiting on his report to be delivered. The treatment wise, he said stay the course.
Ginger is still maintaining her demeanor and weight tho still on spoon feeding which I'm only thankful for the fact that she's eating.
Still no change either positive or negative from Novifit so her IMS and I have decided to give it another 30 days. So we will see.
This Sept marks one year for us where Ginger and I began our long and lonely journey. My hat is off to her resilience who to this day is hanging in there when I thought she wouldn't make it till X-MAS last year and makes me happy in her own way as much as the others do. So I'm thankful for everyday she's with me. :)
Huge thanks to all of you who made our journey much less lonely and for the support and knowledge you gave us whenever we were in need. :) Ginger & Song.
Dear. Song
You and Ginger's journey is already 1 year. I get a lot of courage from you and always feel grateful to you. I send my hug to you.
molly muffin
09-11-2014, 07:11 PM
Interesting that he no longer thinks is it a macro tumor.
I hope the infection is gone now and not going to be a problem any longer.
Amazing, a year already!
sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
09-13-2014, 08:37 AM
Well, Ginger's UTI is back again, 10 days after the last dose of Simplicef. :(:(:(
Probably this will keep happening as long as she is on increased doses of pred. I am thinking of going back to combining Zoni & Keppra with lower dosage of pred. I feel like I have to try this.
It seems she gets both colitis and UTIs from either way; the combo of Zoni+Keppra or the higher dose of pred with Zoni alone. I have to figure out which one is the lesser of the two evils. :(
molly muffin
09-13-2014, 10:31 AM
Oh no! :( I'm so sorry to hear that UTI is back again. If it isn't a macro tumor then using a lower dose of prednisone would probably help with the UTI.
hang in there. You've done wonders with everything going on with Ginger.
sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
09-22-2014, 06:30 PM
Hi everyone,
My son's finally fixed my iPad today after my iPad and laptop simultaneously stopped working for more than a few days.
So on the 13th we went back to Zoni + Keppra combo w decreased pred. By 17th I started seeing trace of blood in her poo and saw larger ones on the early morning of the 18th. Out of desperation I decided to stop Zoni right from that day and the color of her stools started looking better already by that evening and they are now perfect in both color and shape. (whisper)
The culture grew E. coli AGAIN!:( and she was started on Clavamox on the 20th. It seems like they are becoming chronic and I hope we will be able to better control them with decreased pred (from 2mg BID down to 1.25mg BID).
molly muffin
09-22-2014, 08:19 PM
Oh dear! So the zoni sounds like it has adverse affects :(
Why does the vet think the e-coli infection is back?
Hang in there!
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
09-22-2014, 09:11 PM
Sharlene , I'm not sure if Zoni had adverse effect on her because she didn't get colitis when she was on either on Zoni or Keppra alone. She also got colitis from Zoni and higher dose of pred.
I was wondering was about the effectiveness of Zoni over her seizures so I discontinued Zoni instead of Keppra and she's doing pretty good so far although Keppra lost it's effectiveness after a few months last time but for now it's doing it's work.
Her IMS said Ginger's sometimes wearing diapers as well as the prednisone and previous diagnosis of Cushings disease may continue to predispose her to infections. I think it's prednisone and I'm not sure if 1.25mg is low enough to make any difference at this point.
I have to think about trying to lower it even further.
I don't know what is means but I feel like I'm coming up with all the maneuvering now and ask her IMS and neurologist to write prescriptions and they actually do. Doesn't it sound scary? :eek:
molly muffin
09-22-2014, 09:43 PM
Kinda does sound scary. Yet you probably at this point know better what is going on with ginger and how she is responding than they do.
So it's an interaction of zoni with the other drugs.
The main the is how she is doing.
You hanging in alright?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
09-22-2014, 10:02 PM
It appears to be.
You are such a sweet and kind person, Sharlene. :)
Squirt's Mom
09-23-2014, 08:06 AM
I was thinking of you and our sweet girl last night and planned to come here first thing to see how things were going. I hate hearing the colitis is back and you are once again juggling meds - that is tough especially when we are pretty much making the calls ourselves. I'm willing to bet the diapers are playing a role in the ecoli, too, tho what you would do about that I'm not sure. Most people are more concerned about the fate of their carpets than I! :p
You are such a wonderful mom. You are giving Ginger every opportunity, fighting daily to give her the best time possible, to make each day as wonderful as it can be. And I know she appreciates it so much. Ginger realizes her mom is pretty much a superhero. ;)
Leslie and the gang
My sweet Ginger
09-23-2014, 08:42 AM
Leslie, thank you for thinking of us.
She seems to pace noticeably more and restless at times these days but I must say she's doing pretty good going through these changes so far. She really is a little trooper.
I'm almost willing to bet diapers role play in her infections is much smaller than prednisone. She's not wearing her diaper when I'm home (we were going out every 40min or so while she was on 2mg BID) and wore them for 4hours when I'm at work but I use maximum absorbent that they never get soaked or dripping wet. Plus she hardly goes pee during sleep even with pred like during night and she mostly sleeps when I'm at work. She's been wearing diapers for two years now and never had infections until the use of prednisone. I really believe prednisone is the culprit here.
I'd just like to know what our next course of action would be when and if her UTIs come back after this treatment (her 4th in the past few months, 3 times w Clavamox and once w simplicef). So far it's just been abs after abs. That's why I want to decrease pred as much as we can to see if that will make a difference. :mad::mad::mad:
Squirt's Mom
09-23-2014, 08:45 AM
ahhhh, if she's not wearing them most of the time, you are more than likely right - they are not playing much of a role, if any, in these reoccurring infections. Such a shame that one of the meds that seems to help also causes this, huh? :(
09-23-2014, 08:48 AM
Hi Song
Has her blood sugar been checked while on the pred? Because that can make it go up and then they are more predisposed to UTI.
Just a thought
Trish xx
My sweet Ginger
09-23-2014, 09:14 AM
No Trish, the last one was on 5/2 and it was right in the middle of the normal range.
09-23-2014, 09:29 AM
Great! One less thing to worry about x :)
molly muffin
11-15-2014, 10:50 PM
Love the new avatar picture! How adorable is that!!
Hope things are okay for you and Ginger and the gang.
I love it as well. Thinking of you and our sweet Ginger.
Thank you for all the posts, I loved your memories of Zoe:):):)
My sweet Ginger
11-23-2014, 06:55 PM
I think Ginger has some degree of arthritis on her legs. What type of medication would you recommend for her or would it even be worth trying it if she can manage it? I don't know which one would be the lesser evil in her case. Thank you in advance.
She's currently on:
Soloxine / Thyroxine
Squirt's Mom
11-24-2014, 07:18 AM
There is a good supplement called Glyco Flex that Squirt's surgeon put her on after her last leg surgery and she stayed on it the rest of her life. It has lots of good stuff in it and comes in 3 strengths - I, II, and III. They have a Bite Size now that is perfect for our itty bitty ones.
My sweet Ginger
11-24-2014, 07:42 AM
Thank you so much Les as always. I will check it out.
Since she's on many different meds I'm always afraid of the possible bad reactions between drugs and bring us backward.:o
Thank you again. Hugs, Song.
11-25-2014, 06:13 PM
NOT MELOXICAM... My former sister in law's pom was put on it and went into kidney failure a short time later and they lost her. One death is one too many in my book. That's one to stay away from if you can.
12-05-2014, 05:11 AM
Hi Song, just popping in to see how you all doing... hope you and Ginger have a lovely weekend and she is doing good. I am using Previcox still for his arthritis, I don't like it much but it has such a great positive effect on his quality of life that after discussion with his vet that is what we are going with. I am hoping with the warmer weather here I can get him back off of it soon. As with any drug we have to weigh up risk vs benefit and that is trickier the more they are on. But he is on a supplement with chondroitin, gucosamine and green lip mussel but it just was not enough. Hope Ginger is feeling better and not so sore. xxxx
12-05-2014, 03:56 PM
i use norocarp/carprodyl with my cush dog. also for arthritis.
My sweet Ginger
12-05-2014, 10:57 PM
Thank you all.
Ginger is doing ok, getting around the way she's been and certainly not worse. We are staying the course. The main thing for her is not to rock the boat so to speak. I'm very nervous trying anything new at this point.
She just finished 30day course of Baytriil for her UTI two days ago. Hoping her UTIs stay away for good this time as I wouldn't know what our next course of treatment should be if they come back for the 7th time in a row. :eek:
Seeing her neurologist on Mon, will discuss re her possible arthritis.
She's about 60/40 now, 60 being spoon feeding on mush that I make for her and still maintaining her weight at around 10 lbs., pretty good, huh?
We wish everyone and their pups happy holidays. Hugs, Ginger & Song.
Squirt's Mom
12-06-2014, 08:10 AM
Yes, it does sound good! I'm glad she's holding the course and doing as well as she is. Keeping that boat level and moving forward is the focus! You're doing good, Mom!
Leslie and the gang
12-06-2014, 08:35 AM
Oh Song, I totally agree with Leslie. I think you are doing a wonderful job with Ginger. Thanks so much for this update on our little sweetie. You are such a huge support by writing to so many here, it is really nice to hear what's going on in your house, too.
Keep up the good work, good luck with the neurologist next week, and may many blessings flow your way throughout this holiday season!
Big hugs from our house to yours,
My sweet Ginger
12-22-2014, 08:09 AM
:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Ugggggggggh, Ginger's uti's back again, for the 7th time! The 30day course of baytriil didn't do the job either. On her blood work that was done on the 8th her WBC was high so I should've known that this UTI rearing it's head back again.
Clavamox, simplicef now baytriil, all of them didn't work.:mad::mad:
She's been sleeping a lot and seems slower moving but still takes food between spoon feeding and eating out of her food bowl.
Also still quite active PU even on much lower prednisone.
Still being tempted to run an ACTH but her appetite fluctuates quite a bit so haven't done it yet. She's been getting GenTeal drops for her redness in her left eye. Poops holding up except for occasional loosening.
So she's still hanging in there, my sweet little Ginger who will turn FIFTEEN tomorrow!!!!! How sweet!!!
Squirt's Mom
12-22-2014, 08:17 AM
Oh goodness, that darn infection! Surely there is another AB or combination that might do a better job of clearing it up. Will she drink water with cranberry juice in it or eat cranberries dried? They might help a little bit. Goodness. :( Bless her little heart. I'm glad she is eating tho!
molly muffin
12-22-2014, 02:33 PM
oh my gosh that dang infection. Can they check it and see if they can determine which drug combination will work on the specific bacteria?
Wow, 15! Ready to party Ginger!!! LOL
You're doing so great Song.
12-22-2014, 06:25 PM
FIFTEEN. That's quite an accomplishment for you and for Ginger. Just awesome. :) You've taken great care of her! In case I dont get here tomorrow...
☻/ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。♥ ˚
Happy Birthday GINGER!
✰* ★* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。
12-22-2014, 06:33 PM
Song - are you having culture and sensitivities done? The only way to get the abx correct is for the lab to do a culture & sensitivity.
My Tobey had numerous UTI's, and the only abx that finally worked was compounded doxycycline. It was some nasty stuff, and we used it for 6 weeks, but it finally cleared things up.
If she needs to acidify the urine, then Solid Gold makes a supplement called Berry Blend, which I used with success for Tobey. Also, I added probiotics, because all those abx hitting her are very hard on the system.
I am wondering if she has bladder stones? Those can cause recurrent and stubborn UTI's.
My sweet Ginger
12-22-2014, 07:02 PM
Renee, I know we did culture 3 or 4 times but haven't done sensitivity tests if that is done separately from culture. The results of the cultures always were e coli and come with many different names of abxs and her neurologist chose the best possible ratio option on the list this last time which was baytriil.
If you need to run culture and sensitivity separately, no one has mentioned it to me. I'm really discouraged with these recurring UTIs and feel like we won't be able to get rid of it.
I will ask him about bladder stone.
My sweet Ginger
12-23-2014, 10:53 AM
Happy 15th Birthday my sweet Ginger. :):p:D:cool::):p:D:):p:D;)
Squirt's Mom
12-23-2014, 10:57 AM
Happy 15th Birthday, Ginger!
Harley PoMMom
12-23-2014, 12:17 PM
Happy 15th Birthday, Ginger!!
Budsters Mom
12-23-2014, 01:06 PM
happy birthday ginger!!!
12-23-2014, 01:37 PM
Oh, all best wishes from our house, too!!!!
:D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p:) :D
Marianne, Peg and Luna ;) ;) ;)
molly muffin
12-23-2014, 02:19 PM
Happy 15th Birthday Ginger~~~!
big huggers!
12-23-2014, 05:46 PM
Ohhhhh a party!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
12-23-2014, 07:46 PM
Have a wonderful birthday, sweet Ginger!
My sweet Ginger
12-23-2014, 10:40 PM
Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes. Ginger had a restful day today just like any other day.;) There've been many times I didn't think she would make it to her 15th birthday but here she is actually doing better than last year. She's such a trooper and so sweet.
I uploaded a couple of pics of her. :)
Merry Christmas everyone and your pups.
Budsters Mom
12-23-2014, 10:43 PM
Such a blessing these babies are.:p thrilled to hear how well she's doing.xxxxoooo
molly muffin
12-23-2014, 10:53 PM
Awww love the pictures. She is looking pretty good for a young sprite of 15. :) :) LOL
Squirt's Mom
12-24-2014, 08:26 AM
She is such a doll! You know your TLC has had no small effect on reaching her 15th, don't you? That without you by her side things would not be as good as they are. You are an excellent mom, full of love and tenderness...and more than willing to share that with anyone in need. You do all you can to help and your aid has gone a very long way toward this 15th birthday. ;)
12-24-2014, 03:48 PM
Wow I agree, her pics look fantastic Song... what a cute little sweetie girl!!! Enjoy the holidays !!! xxxxxx
molly muffin
12-25-2014, 02:47 PM
Merry Christamas and Happy Holidays Song and Ginger!
Darn, I cannot believe I missed Gingers 15th birthday!:o
Song, she looks really good. What a fantastic job you have done and continue to do.
Happy New Year to you both!
molly muffin
01-01-2015, 02:27 AM
Happy new year Song and Ginger.
Wishing you all the best in the new year
My sweet Ginger
01-10-2015, 08:06 PM
Just a random update on Ginger.
So the Blood test on Dec. 8 shows her Total T4 as 3.6 (0.8-3.5ug/dl.). Her neurologist wants her to stay on the same dose of thyroxine.
I also decreased pred gradually from 2mg BID down to 0.25mg SID.
For close to two wks now I've been weaning her off of prednisone.
The way I see it she will have the best chance of fighting off her UTIs without pred. She's weak and sleeps a lot but that's how she has been for the longest time. She still eats both ways with the help from Cyproheptadine but her stools have been loose to diarrhea each time after regular meals recently. It looks like her GI track has been weakened. Stools get better after mush and I think that's because I always mix plain yogurt with it. Time to add probiotics to her cocktail of meds; Keppra, Amlodipine , Thyroxine, Novifit, prednisone, Cyproheptadine.
We get acceptable control over seizures and tremor from Keppra this time around so far.
I'd like to do an ACTH stim test if we succeed weaning off prednisone.
That will be her true cortisol numbers without prednisone in her system in over a year since her treatment started. I hope we will get there.
Squirt's Mom
01-11-2015, 08:49 AM
You're such a good mom! I hope the weaning goes well and allows her to regain some balance in her system.
Hugs and belly rubs from us to you!
Leslie and the gang
Song, I hope the prednisone weaning goes well.
I always try to read your thread so I can keep up with you ans sweet Ginger.
My sweet Ginger
01-11-2015, 03:03 PM
Thanks you.
I just gave Ginger a long overdue bath and she seemed to enjoy it very much. Totally relaxed. She is napping in my lap as I type this.
I find it amazing that she hasn't lost a hair to Cushings and I don't know why I'm crying tho. I feel this sadness since yesterday.
Regarding weaning off prednisone, I just have this gut instinct for some time that I think I at times see her cortisol rising but didn't have the nerve to actually act on it until now. I'm still very nervous about it but so far she seems to be doing ok. I'm doing it very slowly as she's been on pred over a year continuously.
I'm sorry you are feeling sad, Song. Maybe it is the time of year. I think it is wonderful Ginger enjoys her bathing. I'm also glad her hair has not been affected.
I used to get scared trying to wean Zoe off metronidazole so I can sympathize with how you feel about the pred. Just take it slowly, very slowly.
Big hugs
Harley PoMMom
01-12-2015, 12:48 AM
Sending you and dear Ginger huge soothing and loving hugs, Lori
molly muffin
01-12-2015, 03:56 PM
Sending you big hugs Song.
Hopefully the sadness is just as Addy said the time of year. Weather is yuck and not as much sun. Come spring and you can get outside with the furbabies and Ginger can have a romp in the sunshine, hopefully you'll feel better.
I really hope that is all it is.
01-12-2015, 04:21 PM
Hi Song, I don't post on your thread very often, but I do read it.
I just wanted to let you know that sometimes I get down too, even though everything is going well... just knowing that this disease is there and whatever havoc it may be causing, it's hard not to get a little sad about it sometimes. Also, just watching the babies age can make one melancholy.
I think adding probiotics is a fabulous idea. There are a lot of options out there. I personally give my pugs the B Naturals probiotics, which I order online, but I know there are plenty available at the store. Just a warning, in case you don't know, you'll want to slowly introduce the probiotics, as they can cause some upset at first.
My sweet Ginger
01-12-2015, 04:51 PM
Lol, Sharlene, Ginger romping? I'm having a hard time imagining her doing that.
The most she does is rubbing her nose on the grass as I think her scaly nose must be very itchy. Other than that she mostly sleeps and when not lays or roams or follows me around, getting stuck behind chairs or in corners is pretty much all of her daily activity for a long time now. Sparks in her eyes have been gone a long ago. There's been any type of interactions with anybody. She's here but she's really not here anymore.
I think the sadness was triggered by losses of our sweet babies on the forum these past few days as this has happened before. When I look in her eyes the thought often comes to my mind and I can't block it.
I may be going through an anticipatory grief here.
molly muffin
01-12-2015, 05:01 PM
Oh Song. :( I'm sorry to hear that. A dog needs a good roll in the grass or on the carpet, belly up to the world now and then.
It's really hard when you don't see that spark any longer. I feel for you and that must be the most difficult thing ever to not see that and have the interaction.
She does sort of interact though if she is following you around. She knows she wants to be with you. That counts! Getting stuck is definitely a complication to following you around though. Where's mommy and why am I in the corner, again. Poor baby, give her a belly rub from me and molly.
My sweet Ginger
01-12-2015, 05:03 PM
Thank you Renee. I've never used probiotics so I will keep that in mind. Her metronidazole is on the way and I was wondering about how I should use them as her loose poop happenings are not consistent. We will see what her IMS's instruction will be. I requested them for a random use.
Random use of metronidazole is fine depending on how bad the loose stool is and how often. We have a few dogs doing that on the forum.
Anticipatory grief is hard to deal with. I had it a long time. Try to stay in the now if you can, don't look at the past or the future. Just look at each day and love your little girl, Song, as I know you do.
Big hugs, Song. Really big hugs.
Budsters Mom
01-12-2015, 10:47 PM
Hi Song, I had a hard time dealing with anticipatory grief also. It's a bugger!:o Sometimes I would just look at Buddy and burst out crying. I didn't get to enjoy him as much as I would've liked to because of it. I was always watching him for a sign that he was ready to fly, so he would not suffer. In doing so, I missed out on some quality time we could've had together.
I totally agree with Addy. Try to stay in the moment as much as possible and continue to make memories that will last a lifetime. Sometimes the present moment is all we have, so make the most of it. xxxxoooo
Squirt's Mom
01-13-2015, 07:21 AM
Anticipatory grief is in a way harder to cope with than the realization of that anticipation. I carried it a long time with Squirt. It's hard not to when we see daily they are faded just a bit more than yesterday. During that time, I tried to do all I could to make her happy, to give us both memories we could treasure, to spend as much time with her as I could one on one. You're a good mom, Song, and I am sure Ginger is quite content simply being in the same room as you.
Know we are here anytime you need to talk.
Leslie and the gang
My sweet Ginger
02-16-2015, 11:43 AM
Ginger's last Lysodren dose was on 11/18/13 which she'd already been on pred concurrently and her last prednisone dose was 01/16/15. :) So she's been off pred for one month now and she's doing pretty much the same, not doing much but that's how she's been like forever. She's still on 70% spoon feeding on mush ( kibble mixed in ) and 30% regular food out of her food bowl with no kibble in it.
Still has PU one month after her last pred so I hope it will gradually disappear.
Was started on Proviable DC a few days ago for her IBD and occasional use of metronidazole.
On 02/10/15 she weighed at 9.2 lbs and her BPs were around 180 which have been her usual for a long time now. We are relieved if they don't go over 200.:o
I don't think 30day course of Baytril (last day of Baytril was 12/02/14) has gotten rid of her UTIs completely but still at least they've not been acting up consistently like before. A big sigh of relief there.
We'd tried Clavamox and Simplicef for two to three weeks for her 6 previous UTIs to no avail. I saw a little milky discharge this morning so we will see if it's back again.:eek:
Stopped Novifit for a few days thinking her daily activity is almost down to nonexistent but she seems to head press more so it's back on.
Otherwise she's still hanging in there and sending hugs to everyone and their pups.
BTW, those paws are great for traction on hardwood floors so she walks better and especially her back legs no longer slides inward while she's trying to eat or drink. Two yellow paws are on her rear paws all day until bedtime. Thank you so much, Kathy.
molly muffin
02-17-2015, 08:57 PM
Hi Song! Awww, little Ginger, she does have a time of it doesn't she, but she is such a trooper, both of you are.
Wish that dang UTI would go away for good though. At least it isn't as bad as it was. That's a good thing. Are you going to get that retested?
Just don't let those Paws get wet or they go sliding on tile. I have to make sure molly stops on the rug when we come in or those legs are all over the place.
Great to hear a good report on Ginger. It is good when that BP doesn't spike upwards isn't it. I'm trying to get molly at a stead 150 - 160 BP. Hers tends to go up over 200 sometimes too.
02-17-2015, 11:47 PM
Hi Song and Ginger,
I stopped in to read a little about Ginger and to see how you both were doing. I'm glad you got her off of the Prednisone. I hope her cortisol is sufficient and you will be able to keep her off of it. Its such a nasty medicine. bleh. It sounds like she is still very weak but like Sharlene said, she follows you so she has some strength and interest in interacting. I know its been baby steps to her recovery and sad for you. I'm praying for you baby and hope she will rebound with a little more time. If not, I know you will continue to love her anyway and she is so very lucky to have you. Your devotion is so beautiful to see. Hugs to you both and prayers coming your way.
My sweet Ginger
02-18-2015, 08:40 AM
Yea, I'm so glad she's finally off pred too after 15 long months. There seems to be no difference in her behavior before and since.
Honestly I think this is as good as she can get with her condition and I will be happy as long as she doesn't get worse.
She roams around the house and automatically follows me if she sees me, only me and no one else.
At the vet's she hides under the chair away from her Dr. and snaps at the techs when they try to take her BP and we are only happy to see her that way saying she's still got it.:)
No Sharlene, I'm not planning on doing a culture this time as I think it will be another Ecoli and that's been the case the previous 3 or 4 times. I will just assume it will be Ecoli again.
I haven't decided yet whether or not we will do an ACTH for two reasons. One is although she has PU but has poor appetite as she still needs Cyproheptadine. Another is I don't know if I want to treat her again at this point if she goes Cushings because I don't want to poke her around anymore as they draw blood from her jugular vein and it hurts me just thinking about it.
She seems comfortable and peaceful and that's what I want for her. I don't expect her to get active and that is fine by me. Her comfort is all that I'm concerned about at this point in her life and she's showing me that. So I'm sad at times but mostly I'm thankful.
Thank you. Hugs.
Squirt's Mom
02-18-2015, 08:50 AM
Her comfort is all that I'm concerned about at this point in her life and she's showing me that. So I'm sad at times but mostly I'm thankful.
Such a tender place to be - filled with love, memories, hope, tears, and peace in acceptance.
02-18-2015, 09:12 AM
Song, I just want you to know that I am following your journey, too, and wishing all the best to you and your precious little girl. I know what a hard road it may be at times, but you are such a careful and loving mom. I know you feel blessed to have Ginger in your life, but Ginger is so blessed, too, to have you watching over her.
Thank you, also, for all your kind and helpful replies to our other members here. You do such a wonderful job of both welcoming folks and also telling them info that is so important for them to hear.
Sending huge hugs to both you girls, today and everyday. :) :)
Squirt's Mom
04-01-2015, 06:39 AM
Hi sweetie,
You and Ginger have been on my mind the last few days and I wanted to pop in and see how you are doing. Would love to hear from you when you get a chance!
Leslie and the gang
My sweet Ginger
05-17-2015, 10:14 AM
Hi friends,
Ginger is still hanging in there like a true little trooper. Her appetite has increased especially during the last few weeks. Her drinking and peeing seem to have decreased somewhat and also she seems to be more alert these days so I'm very happy and grateful overall.
Having said all of these, she's been losing weight tho. She now weighs well under 8 lbs.
Here's my dilemma.
With her hugely increased appetite (she hangs around in the kitchen a lot waiting for food and she hasn't done that ever since her treatment started which was back in Oct. of 2013). I could easly run an ACTH to see where her cortisol levels are but together the fact that she's losing weight and putting her through a very stressful situation because they have to draw blood from her jugular vein kind of stops me from going through it. At this point in her life I don't want to do anything that's stressful to her if it's not absolutely needed. Any thoughts?
Harley PoMMom
05-18-2015, 01:56 PM
At this point in her life I don't want to do anything that's stressful to her if it's not absolutely needed. Any thoughts?
I agree, I believe in your shoes I wouldn't have an ACTH test done either. So happy to hear our dear Ginger is doing well!! Give her some hugs and kisses from Auntie Lori.
05-18-2015, 01:59 PM
I agree, too, Song. Right now, I think Ginger's comfort is the most important thing of all!
Sending tons of well wishes to you both!
05-18-2015, 02:15 PM
If she is hungry and losing weight, would it be wrong to feed her more? Don't know, but just a thought.
I'm sure those who know more ( I know very little about Cushings, but am learnings lots from this group) can weigh in on this.
Best wishes as you go through the maze. I know you will find the best way through.
molly muffin
05-18-2015, 07:43 PM
Hi Song! Good to see you.
Considering everything that you and Ginger have been through, keeping her happy and comfy would be the main thing at this point. I don't know that I'd go down the ACTH path again. Not sure it would change anything and you can't risk her losing her appetite completely again.
Are you doing any appetite stimulates now?
Do you still have to feed her by hand or does she dig in on her own yet?
Great to see you on here and happy to hear that Ginger has decided to Want to eat again.
My sweet Ginger
08-21-2015, 10:08 AM
Ginger's been on a slow but steady decline in the past couple of months especially in the last few weeks. She's been eating good and doesn't seem to be in any pain but her front legs have gotten weakened to the point now she falls over banging her mouth to the hard surfaces many times a day especially right after her sleep or nap and many times she can't even get herself up.
I now have to aid her during her sometimes #1and #2 every time so she can finish her business. She's def. gotten weaker over all but her weakened front legs is most noticeable and that makes a big difference to me. Still there is no doubt in my mind that she will be with us as long as she eats, gets around and is not in any pain. Now I feel as though seeing her struggling getting around breaks that balance for me because that to me is suffering and I promised to her that I won't let her suffer. I've been praying that nature takes it's course and free her from her very limited existence but sadly that may not be in the cards for us.
I will pray that she somehow gets her strength back but I will watch her closely. For me it's been like watching a very slow death and I have tried to prepare myself for it but I don't even know if that's a possible thing to do. With tears, Song.
08-21-2015, 10:22 AM
Oh Song, my heart hurts for you since I can so easily imagine how incredibly sad and torn you are feeling about sweet Ginger. I wish there was something I could say that would make this easier for you, but I know that words really will not help. Please know, though, that I am holding you both close to me in my thoughts and in my heart. We are here to hold you up even on those days when it may feel impossible to take another step forward. We are here for you and your precious girl.
Sending so many hugs to you across the miles,
08-21-2015, 10:28 AM
Dear Song, I am crying along with you. My Kiki is about where your Ginger is at. She eats also but her back and front legs are so weak ,she can hardly stand. I also have to help Kiki with her business. I also will pray for Ginger. That she will get better. One thing for sure,she has a great mom who loves her deeply. Hugs and hugs to you and Ginger.
Squirt's Mom
08-21-2015, 12:29 PM
Sweet Song, Ginger is in the very best of hands, she is with the one she most wants to Walk this part of the Journey alongside. The one who's voice, who's touch brings the most comfort. She knows, as do we, you will make the best decisions on her behalf today and tomorrow just as you have for all the yesterdays you two have known.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all, my tears join yours.
Many hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang
Harley PoMMom
08-21-2015, 12:52 PM
Dearest Song,
My heart breaks for you both, and you both will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs, Lori
My sweet Ginger
08-21-2015, 03:33 PM
Your hugs, sweet thoughts and prayers have been very much appreciated by both Ginger and me. :)
Ginger is the most loyal dog I know. From the very beginning, she showed her strongest loyalty towards me and stayed that way until Cushings got her. She always had to sit ON me and not next to me or near me. At times our trips had to be shortened once we got a call and a pic of her from one of our kids saying Ginger's been sitting on top of the couch looking out the window or sitting in front of the front door for hours waiting for me. Even today she's trying to protect me at the vet's by snapping at her neurologist or his techs which delights everyone in the room.
Yea, she's an angel to me even though she hasn't gotten her angel wings yet.
I've added a few recent pics of her on her album.
Sharlene, I didn't see your post until today.:o
Yes, she's still on Cyproheptadine for her appetite and also on mush I make for her about 50/50 now. Still she rarely eats breakfast and loses her appetite for a couple of days here and there but eats fairly well for the most part.
molly muffin
08-24-2015, 10:16 PM
Awww, sweet Ginger. As long as she is near you she is probably very happy indeed.
Not bad eating lately for a dog who has definitely been appetite challenged. :)
08-25-2015, 07:43 PM
I am so sorry to hear that sweet Ginger is not doing well. What a fighter she is. I will keep you and Ginger in my thoughts and prayers to stay strong. You have been such an amazing help in my journey I will be forever grateful.
Xoxo, Jackie
PS - I am glad to hear she is still being feisty to the doctors hahaha. The things we used to think were negative I'm sure you now love to see. She still has it!!! :-)
My sweet Ginger
08-26-2015, 09:24 AM
Thank you Jackie for your kind words and prayers.
I'm only trying to copy what my angels on here showed me when I was in despair and trying to pay it forward where I can.
I hope Gwen is doing better and better each day. Hugs, Song.
09-11-2015, 10:04 PM
How is sweet Ginger doing?
Hi Song,
I was sorry to hear our darling Ginger has not been doing well.
My prayers and thoughts are with you. Although I am not around much anymore, I do think of you both often
My sweet Ginger
09-12-2015, 02:37 PM
Thank you everyone for thinking of us and good thoughts.
Ginger seems to be collapsing a little less these days tho still very weak overall. It's amazing how she keeps hanging on.
The biggest problem for me right now is that every time she makes a turn she gets stuck constantly. So it's like she either sleeps which is most of time or goes around from one jam to another the whole time she's awake.
She can only go forward, no backing or turning left or right so if it requires any degree of turning she's stuck and cries out.
At times it forces me into thinking that maybe we should free her from all this foggy confinement but then again I'm thinking that why not wait a little while longer when she probably doesn't have it much longer anyway and that's been my thinking for the last two years.
I still go by that she will be with me as long as she eats, gets around and in no pain but this she being getting stuck every waking moment confuses me. So often times I'm confused these days.:(
molly muffin
09-14-2015, 10:32 PM
Oh Song. :( Hugs. Is she on the novofit? Does it help her at all if so? I know does some dogs but not all.
Poor little girl. Hard to get stuck, but at least she knows to let you know that she is stuck so you can come get her.
Do you have a safe area for her when you go out? I think one of those doggie pens would work, no corners and they are pretty large. I used one with molly when she had the back pain problem and now it is down the street with a neighbor who got a puppy and needed a safe area.
It is hard to know, I guess I gauge it on their activity and happiness in their lives.
Is she fine once she gets out of the stuck spot? Like just carries on and seems happy?
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