View Full Version : Can We Talk Poop ??

10-09-2013, 04:47 AM
Let's face it we all have to monitor, pick up, have analyzed or just plain watch what our furbabies deposit daily. We've talked about it on the forum, worried about it, cleaned up after it and washed down our pups afterwards. It's a great tool (sort of speak) to see how they are feeling, granted I wish there was at times something easier to assess their well being.

So with that in mind I have a question. I have given mah boy vegetables. In particular he had carrots and peas. These came out the exact same way they went in. I kid you not !! Nothing had been digested and they looked like they had just been prepared to accompany a roast beef dinner.:D I would understand if it was corn-even humans have trouble digesting that, but this was almost outrageous to see. Do dogs have trouble digesting vegetables? He won't eat pumpkin or sweet potato, so I thought I'd give it a go with peas and carrots. I WON'T be doing that again, but thought I'd ask. Are these too harsh a vegetable to be giving?:confused:

molly muffin
10-09-2013, 08:16 PM
hmmm, I've given molly some carrots and never seen them come out whole!! :eek:

Maybe one of the others will know if that is normal or not. I wouldn't think a pea would come out whole though. Those things turn to mush way to easily. Strange.

waiting to see what the others know about this

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-09-2013, 09:49 PM
You gave me a good laugh. I am one of those that feed carrots as a treat and you are right they do not go through the system. I buy the waffle carrots and Buddy loves them. He gets them as a treat at 6:30 pm every night and he will let my husband know when it's time. My husband sits on the floor with him and they have their little ritual of carrot time. Buddy loves the time with daddy and the carrots. Omg does he love carrots. He chews them but when they come out the other end they are still in little pieces. They don't digest well at all. I've never tried peas. All my dogs have eaten them for years and as long as they are regular it shouldn't be a problem. Carrots are actually good to give as a treat and it's good for their teeth. It just looks bad at the other end. I always cook my sweet potato and mash them and he loves that and pumpkin. I tried giving him a green bean once and he didn't want anything to do with it.

Squirt's Mom
10-10-2013, 08:46 AM
Raw carrots often come out almost like they went in, same as corn. Quinoa will do the same thing, rice and other grains sometimes will if not cooked enough. BUT even when these things look undigested they still serve a purpose - roughage which is important for the gut health. Cooking some things, like carrots that will soften during cooking, will help them break down more in the gut but things like corn and quinoa still come out looking pretty much like it did going in even after cooking. The first time I fed quinoa to my babies and noticed all those little tiny beads in the poop I freaked! NO ONE was digesting this stuff! :o But they do get benefits from the seed (quinoa) even tho it doesn't look like they are. ;)

Roxee's Dad
10-10-2013, 11:27 AM
Poop, one of our favorite subject, sooner or later, we all talk about poop :D

Roxee would eat just about anything and carrots seemed to come out the same way they went in... I always chalked it up to she didn't chew her food but just inhaled it. :rolleyes:

10-10-2013, 02:08 PM
Well the carrots and the peas were not frozen, they were canned. I mixed them with some hamburger and gave it to him with his kibble. Everything looked fresh, straight from the can after their journey - ;)

Now when I was young a girlfriend of mine had a jack russell and this dog was crazy for celery. It was a scream to watch him eat it as the strands made his jaw slide sideways. He loved it and we were entertained.