View Full Version : Maltese dx (Vetoryl) - Dixie has passed
I am new here. My maltese dx with cushings just about 3 months ago. she was taking vetoryl but she seemed to get worse. We took her off it and the prescribed, denamarin just 2 weeks ago. She was prescribed after just a Stim test. a different vet did an ultrasound. the adrenal glands were somewhat enlarged and also symmetrical. Yesterday, she underwent the LDDS. will get the results on Thur. I know little about this disease and its tx. She had no symptoms prior to being prescribed the denamarin. then her thirst increased. now she is very lethargic and losing muscle coordination/control. She has little appetite. I am worried and feel helpless!!
10-01-2013, 07:41 AM
Hi and welcome to our group. I am sorry you and your girl are having these troubles.
Firstly, can you let us know the actual results of the stim test performed to come to this Cushing's diagnosis. How much Vetoryl was prescribed?
Just to clarify, did the symptoms of increased thirst, appetite loss and being lethargic and losing muscle coordination/control AFTER the Vetoryl dosing?
Also what symptoms did she have the prompted any testing for Cushing's and the prescribing of Vetoryl other than symmetrically enlarged adrenal glands.
Cushing's is a hard condition to diagnose as there are many others that mimic the same symptoms.
Sorry for all the questions, but the more we know the better we can help.
Keep us posted
Squirt's Mom
10-01-2013, 07:44 AM
Hi Pat and welcome to you and your sweet baby girl! :)
If you would get copies of the actual testing done on your baby girl and post those results here along with the units of measurement (the little letters after the numbers) and the normal ranges for each result, that would go a long way in helping us to help you. On the lab work that showed her liver values high all you need to post are those that are abnormal - too high or too low.
How much does your baby weigh?
What dose of Trilostane was she given?
If you would post the results of this ACTH along with any comments on the lab report that would be great! Any comments from the ultrasound regarding her other organs is important as well. Both adrenal glands symmetrically, or bilaterally, enlarged is consistent with pituitary based Cushing's but not conclusive since other things can cause the adrenal glands to enlarge that have nothing to do with Cushing's.
Be sure to ask for copies of the actual results of the LDDS to post here. ;)
Well, you are in the right place to learn allll about Cushing's and the treatments available from some truly amazing folks! The knowledge and first-hand experience found here is astounding and the support is unbeatable. I know full well how scary this can be but you and your baby girl are in good hands here with us. You are family now and we will be with you every step of the way. You are not alone any longer. Take a deep breath and try to relax a little bit - you have found a safe place to fall, honey.
Get those test results and get them posted here on this thread and we will get started helping you sort things out to the best of our ability.
I'm really glad you found us and look forward to hearing more about your sweet girl.
Leslie and the gang
Budsters Mom
10-01-2013, 08:11 PM
Hello and welcome from me too.:)
I am so sorry for the reason that brought you here, but so glad you found us. You are in excellent hands with our very knowledgeable, caring group of angels. The more information you are able to share with us about your precious girl, the more we will be able to help you.
I was very worried and felt helpless also when I stumbled across this forum very late, out of desperation one night. Most of us have been where you are now and completely understand. The more you learn and understand, the less frightened and more empowered you will become. It gets easier, although none of it is ever easy. :o we are here for you and will do all we can to help.
molly muffin
10-01-2013, 09:42 PM
Hello and welcome from me too.
The others have covered all the important points and questions, so I'll stick to giving you a great big hug. This is scary, but really, the more we know about the facts (results of lab tests) the better we can help you to get the knowledge you need to make informed decisions for your little girl.
Welcome again, hugs, we'll be right here with you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Welcome to the forum. The advice on here is without a doubt the best I've ever received, much more so then some of the guessing the vets did on "mah boy."
Please give the test results and the great people on here will certainly steer you in the right direction.
I felt completely helpless too, but in time you will be more confident on how to handle your pup.
My thoughts are with you, yes it's scarey but you are in good hands on here.
10-02-2013, 10:43 AM
Hi and welcome to the forum.
When you say your pup was not doing well on Vetoryl, what symptoms was she exhibiting? Once starting treatment, acth stimulation tests should have been done at 14 days and again at 30 days. Were these done and if so, can you please get copies and post them here. When you realized that your pup was not doing well on the medication, did you take her to the vet immediately and did they do another acth stim test to rule out insufficient cortisol? Is she on any medication at the moment? Was the ultrasound done before or after treatment? If after, I would believe it would be odd to see normal adrenal glands as Vetoryl almost always enlarges them. What symptoms did your girl have prior to starting treatment?
Looking forward to hearing more about your precious pup.
Thank you so much for your help. I am new to cushing's and new to forums. I would like to share Dixie's info but don't have. Will get it and share but because I am new to this i'm not even sure how to get back to the thank you for posting the link. I had never heard of the disease and within a month of first hearing of it she was put on vetoryl 10 mg daily on 7/26...on 7/10 the stim was .8 pre and 2.1 post, the vet prescribed eod; on 9-7 stim was 6 pre and 12.5 post; began 2 on 1 off. Then we took a trip. at this point the only symptom I noticed was an increase in thirst. She wasn't having any accidents. While away, she had several accidents; began to refuse her meds(vetoryl and denamarin), barely ate; vomited and became paralytic (is that a word?). We took her off both meds...mostly because she refused to take them. Back home she went back to the dr who gave her an antibiotic for a sinus infection and a B12 shot. She improved; ate some but her thirst and muscle incoordination persists. Vet called yesterday and reported the LDDS test confirmed pituitary cushing's. Vet wants to try ketoconazole. We don't know what to do. Had to stop! husband gave her a vetoryl today and she just vomited and urinated on the couch. My heart is breaking for her.
10-05-2013, 11:13 AM
Pat, I am so sorry that your reply from last night was temporarily hidden from view because your membership had not yet been finalized. I have now manually approved your membership so there will no longer be a delay in your posts.
I have only a moment to post myself, but I am very very worried about little Dixie. PLEASE do not give her any more Vetoryl until you can get things figured out!! I'm sure some other folks will be by shortly to talk with you some more. And I will hope to be able to return later myself.
10-05-2013, 11:34 AM
It is possible that the dose is too high or the diagnosis is wrong - regardless do NOT give any more vetoryl. The vomiting is a sign of overdose. Please give us an update on how your dog is doing today.
If lethargic and vomit continues you probably need to go to ER vet. Do you have prednisone on hand? It is to be given in case of emergencies. Again - no more drug. Do not worry about cushings right now. Kim
molly muffin
10-05-2013, 12:27 PM
Hi, agree, sounds like over dose, of which this would be the second, since on the same 10mg she went low before too, to .8 pre. So I think it is possible this is what happened the second time too, with even more serious consequences.
I would, if symptoms this bad continue today, take her to the vet ER, tell them about the vetoryl and that she went low last time too. Have an ACTH test, and her electrolytes checked. Those can become out of balance when cortisol goes low and they will normally give her fluids to perk those back up and prednisone then to get her cortisol back up. These can be life saving actions.
If then, once the cortisol is back up and symptoms again start to show (nothing until then though), and you want to try vetroyl, you wouldn't give 10mg again, cut that in half perhaps to 5mg, 10 is just too much for Dixie.
Those are my thoughts based upon what you've told us.
Now to find your thread, when you log in, you can go to User CP at the top left hand side and click that, go to statistics and all threads started by Pat, this will take you to your thread. Posts by, will also let you find it. Let me know if you need any help.
Hang in there!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
She has not had the Vetoryl since Thurs. Vomited again last night and is very weak. She went to vet this am and was given prednisone shot (this was not on hand for emergency use; vet never even discussed its possible need. I am beginning to lose confidence in the vet). Both my husband and I now agree, no more Vetoryl. Vet recommended we seek additional opinions regarding Dixie's tx. She said we should probably take her to a University where they have a large veterinary dept. Univ of FL, Auburn Univ, and LSU are almost equally distant from here (4 hr drive). I think it would be better to try to find a local vet who has experience with cushings. This is sooo frustrating!
thank you for all your help and concern.
I forgot to mention...we had to start force feeding Dixie. I have liquified the dog food; put it in syringes. she is so weak; and she is not eating. I hope the prednisone shot helps!
Hi Pat,
I am at work and posting from my phone so have just a second. I saw your post and wanted to ask if your vet checked Dixie's electrolytes this morning when the prednisone injection was given? And was the cortisol level checked by either baseline cortisol or ACTH stim test?
The adrenal glands produce both cortisol and aldosterone. The aldosterone keeps the electrolytes in balance. If she has had too much vetoryl and her cortisol is too low, the electrolytes can also be out of balance. This can be a very critical situation and needs treatment separate from the prednisone injection. Usually IV fluids are given along with a medication to stabilize the sodium and potassium. Vomiting, lack of appetite and weakness are also signs of an electrolyte imbalance. Please watch her closely and if she does not show significant improvement very soon, she needs to go back to the vet to have her electrolytes checked. I will try to check in again from work later, but may need to wait till I get home tonight.
Tina and Jasper
Harley PoMMom
10-07-2013, 02:38 PM
I agree with Tina completely, and I, too, am very worried about Dixie. Please have her electrolytes checked ASAP.
Hugs, Lori
10-07-2013, 02:46 PM
If your vet is clueless and doesn't know to check the electrolytes you need to find one asap that can. Either locally or get in the car and go to the U of FL - they are awesome - I know that from others that have had issues in FL. I don't know where you live but that is a no brainer option.
If you haven't given vetoryl since TH and you are still having these issues your dog probably needs to be on an IV. I agree your vet is over their head. Please get help quickly. Thanks Kim
Roxee's Dad
10-07-2013, 03:53 PM
Oct 4th:
Vet called yesterday and reported the LDDS test confirmed pituitary cushing's. Vet wants to try ketoconazole. We don't know what to do. Had to stop! husband gave her a vetoryl today and she just vomited and urinated on the couch. My heart is breaking for her.
Please post the results of this test, and like the others have said, no more cushings medications until she is well and we have this sorted out.
I did not take her into the vets office; my husband did. We will get her in to test the electrolytes ASAP. I have not seen her record yet. My husband was to have picked that up today. Will post info soon. Thanks for all your help and concern!
Squirt's Mom
10-07-2013, 04:34 PM
How is she feeling today?
molly muffin
10-07-2013, 05:34 PM
Checking in, very worried for Dixie.
Electrolytes Has to be done and immediately if it wasn't done today already. That is a life threatening issue.
I'm thinking I'd do a full blood panel actually to include the elctrolytes to see how things stand currently. Poor little thing. Things can just go from bad to worse so fast.
An ultrasound might even need to be an option considered to see if there is something else going on. (this is just an idea, the elctrolytes are the most important thing right now) Food if she can tolerate it.
hugs, hang in there. I know you are worried, we are too
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-07-2013, 06:45 PM
Also note you can't just switch over to the ketoconazole - you have to wash the system. Frankly treating cushings right now is the least of your problems. You need to make sure your dog hasn't gone Addisonian (the opposite of cushings). Kim
Just home from work and checking in. I hope you have taken Dixie in to have the electrolytes drawn. Please let us know when you can, and let us know how Dixie is doing.
Tina and Jasper
10-07-2013, 09:38 PM
Checking in and sending warm thoughts your way. Kim
Thank you so much, everyone. I feel so blessed to have experienced all this support. I will be taking Dixie to a "specialist" this morning. I will indicate to him that I want an electrolyte test done....NOW!! Hopefully, he'll hear me...or else I will find someone that will. The prednisone shot offered little help. She is still very weak!
The specialist has confirmed Dixie has pituitary dep Cushings. Her potassium is low so will be supplementing to increase that level. He said that the low potassium could be the cause of her weakness. and when we're ready, we can try the veteroyl again but at a lower dose. Vet also prescribed a med to increase her appetite. He wants to do xrays and other testing to r/o what Dixie may also be trying to deal with. She is better (less lathargic) but still weak. Still having to force feed her. Got to run!
10-09-2013, 12:38 PM
Just so you know - what you have just told us confirms that the previous dose was too high and that the cortisol went too low. You can't go back on the vetoryl until you have done another acth test. Given the fact you are still experiencing appetite issues your dog may never go back on the vetoryl. Only the acth test and time will tell.
Others that have dealt with addisons will hopefully respond and help guide you. So glad you went to a specialist. Kim
molly muffin
10-09-2013, 07:15 PM
Yes as Kim said, you don't go back on medication until symptoms return. So you'll be having a break from any cushings medication. The adrenal glands have to have time to be able to produce enough cortisol on their own and to keep the electrolytes (potassium) at correct levels. She might need a cortisol replacement regiment until that happens, depending on how low she actually was.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-10-2013, 06:47 AM
I need to echo what the others said. DO NOT give your baby anymore Vetoryl until she is eating all her meals and does not show any signs of weakness/lethargy and is drinking buckets, if necessary, or see a total return of full blown symptoms of her cushings. At that point start at the lowest possible dose if possible and work your way up. My baby went off Vetoryl for over 1 year without any symptoms. I can't say that will happen with yours because they are all different in how they react to the drug, but considering she must have very low cortisol, it may take a while for her. Contrary to what your vet wants to do and if Dixie is not 100% again, do not give her any more Vetoryl.
Good luck and please let us know how she is doing.
Tight hugs
xo Jeanette
With Addison's potassium becomes elevated and sodium gets low, so I am not sure that Dixie's low potassium would be related to Addison's or an Addison's crisis. Was her sodium within normal range? Based on her symptoms, it sure sounds like her cortisol is low, but was an ACTH stim test done to confirm this, and has she needed or been given any additional prednisone? So sorry for all the questions, but from my understanding (and unfortunately, experience), low potassium is not typically seen with Addison's. I'm glad your vet is doing other tests to see what else may be going on with Dixie. I hope she is feeling better. Please keep us posted.
Tina and Jasper
Squirt's Mom
10-10-2013, 09:15 AM
She will NOT be ready to go back on Vetoryl (Trilostane) until -
1) her signs are strong again
2) she has an ACTH proving the cortisol is too high again
BOTH these things need to be in place before she is given any more Trilo, even at a reduced dose. ;)
All of this info is in the literature that comes with Vetoryl. The manufacturer is very specific about how to handle this so you might suggest your vet read that brochure or even contact Dechra for guidance. ;)
I will not be putting her on ANY Cushings meds until she is stronger; I don't care how long it takes. I don't have the report in front of me but I believe the sodium was normal. The vet doubted the prednisone was helping her to feel better (he thought it might be the antibiotic or the B12 she was given by her home vet). He said her cortisol was high and the prednisone would just make it go higher. (Reminds me I must call their office and get a copy of that report).He did not do a stim test but said another one would need to be done before putting her back on cushings meds. here are some numbers; just the highs and lows. please forgive my ignorance but I do not know these abbreviations...
WBC = 19.54 10^3/ul (high); MPV = 12.1 fl (high); NEU = 17.02 10^3/ul (high); LY% = 6.7% (low); MO% = 6.1% (high); NE% = 87.1% (high); ALP = 472 U/L (high); K+ = 2.8mmol/L (low)
There are lots of other numbers on the report; these are just the ones that were inicated as either high or low.
Again, this is a foreign language to me. Thanks for your help
Do you think I should put her back on her Denamarin? She's been off it now for about 3 weeks.
10-10-2013, 02:08 PM
I will not be putting her on ANY Cushings meds until she is stronger; I don't care how long it takes. I don't have the report in front of me but I believe the sodium was normal. The vet doubted the prednisone was helping her to feel better (he thought it might be the antibiotic or the B12 she was given by her home vet). He said her cortisol was high and the prednisone would just make it go higher. (Reminds me I must call their office and get a copy of that report).He did not do a stim test but said another one would need to be done before putting her back on cushings meds.
This has me baffled. If the vet didn't do an acth test then why would he say/how would he know that the cortisol is high. I am really concerned about this vet's knowledge.
Yes cushings means a dog has high cortisol. Yes prednisone makes cortisol go up. But when your dog has too high of a dose and reacts like yours did one suspects an OVERDOSE meaning the cortisol is now too low. For that reason you treat it with prednisone. It gives your dog the energy that is lacking! And yes it raises the cortisol which you WANT in the case of overdose. But because you didn't have an acth test done you have no idea what the cortisol levels are.
Agree....I must stay ever vigilant! He said, because she had been off the Vetoryl for several days and her most recent dose was small she could not have been having an overdose reaction therefore, because she has cushings, her cortisol must be high and the prednisone would only make it go higher. How long can/does the med stay in her system and cause adverse reactions? Is it possible irreversible damage had been done to her adrenals? BTW....she is so much better; more energy; eating on her own; moving her bowels. Still has some muscle weakness but overall, she has perked up!!
10-11-2013, 08:24 AM
It stays in the system less than 24 hrs which is why you do daily dosing. That said if cortisol goes real low it takes more than that amount of time for the body to produce enough cortisol to start feeling good again. This is what you have just seen. So as you are seeing improvement the body is recovering but it doesn't always happen that way so I am happy for you. Kim
I gave Trilostane (Vetoryl) to my dog and we now believe he didn't have cushings. He crashed big time to the point he was within minutes of being put down.
An ultrasound was done and there was no damage to his adrenals, they were normal. He had been on the meds for about 6 weeks prior to the ultrasound and I actually continued him on it for awhile.
He is off it completely now, no symptoms other then peeing and drinking, thousands of dollars later and still no diagnosis.
Just wanted to let you know that the meds didn't hurt his adrenals.
10-11-2013, 02:51 PM
Hi Pat,
I'd like to get some clarification from you as to the symptoms Dixie had when she was diagnosed. I've bolded the most important questions for you. In reading your posts, it appears that elevated liver enzymes was your vet's original concern at which time he prescribed Denmarin. Can you clarify that at that point Dixie had no symptoms and it wasn't until you started giving her the Denmarin that she became symptomatic and that it was these symptoms that led your vet to suspect cushing's. Is that correct?
Was the specialist you saw an internal medicine specialist and what tests did s/he do to confirm pituitary cushing's? Can you please get copies of those tests and post them here? Will you continue to have the specialist direct treatment or has her care been returned to your regular vet. If your regular vet, I hope he will continue to consult with the specialist about anything he isn't completely sure of. I have a comment or two about your gp vet's statement(s). See below.
He said, because she had been off the Vetoryl for several days and her most recent dose was small she could not have been having an overdose reaction therefore, because she has cushings, her cortisol must be high and the prednisone would only make it go higher. How long can/does the med stay in her system and cause adverse reactions? Is it possible irreversible damage had been done to her adrenals?
The answer to your question is yes, permanent damage can be done to the adrenal glands even with short term treatment. The multiple assumptions your vet provided you in explaining why you shouldn't give Dixie prednisone are mostly unfounded. Clinical studies done by the manufacturer of Vetoryl prior to FDA approval and subsequent studies conducted by the veterinary community worldwide have shown that the disparity in efficacy in dosing from one dog to another can be great and the reason for this is not really understood. There are recorded cases of complete adrenal necrosis after short term treatment prescribed in accordance with manufacturer's recommended dosing and it is not unheard of for a dog to go into long term remission. I therefore must assume that your vet has not read many of the studies available to him. One can never assume s/he knows the state of current adrenal function without the aid of an acth stimulation test. Uneducated guesses/assumptions can place a dog at great risk of overdose.
Dechra, the manufacturer of Vetoryl wants to educate vets and provides continuing education to vets on their website. Dechra U.S. is also very open to discussing cases with vets and pet owners at no charge. The fact that your vet suggested that you get a second opinion is evidence that he may be aware that his level of expertise may not be sufficient to effectively direct Dixie's treatment. If this is the case, a call to Dechra is quite educational and valuable information for any vet to have, especially if they choose to assume responsibility for the treatment of any cushdog, as opposed to referring them out to a specialist. Dechra's U.S. phone number is 913-327-0015.
molly muffin
10-11-2013, 06:44 PM
Glynda has made many valid points. Every single dog has the potential to react differently to any drug.
Dechra in the U.S. is quite good with pet owners and vets and can be very helpful to sorting things out.
Hope you have the test results from before treatment was started, because one thing that can also cause reactions, is if you are treating a dog for cushings that doesn't have it.
You certainly can't treat on high ALKP alone. My dog's ALKP started to go up years ago, when she first developed crystals in her urine.
My vet a couple years later, recommended we do an LDDS test to see if cushings was the reason for the ALKP, and that test was negative. At that point, the crystals and a not fully formed leg joint were her only two issues and it was thought the crystals were why her alkp went up. So, it is very difficult if Anything is going on to Know if it is cushings, without multiple tests, if is however, very easy to Think cushings.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. Had computer problems!
Let's see if I can explain....back in July of '12 Dixie's ALKP was H (597); the vet recommended a recheck in 6 mos. In Jan '13 Her ALKP was H (687); also H her MA (3.5) The vet rec. another recheck in 6 mos and suggested Denamarin. eod. After starting use of Denamarin Dixie's thirst increased. In July '13 her ALKP was 825 and her MA was 28.4. Total protein was 7.7; Calcium 11.9; triglycerides 408; specific gravity 1.012 and ph 7.5. On 7/26/13 the vet did an ACTH stim test; the first sample was 4.8; the second was 18.6. her notes state.." based on clinical signs (I do not know what these were), bloodwork and slightly elevated ACTH stim will treat for Cushings. Rx dose low Vetoryl, recheck +/- ACTH in 10 days." That dosage was 10 mg every day. On 8/9/13 another ACTH stim test; sample one was 0.8; sample two 2.1. Vet rec. "go to eod on Vetoryl and recheck ACTH in 30 days". On 9/6/13 the first sample was 6.0 the second sample was 12.5. Vet rec. 2 days on 1 day off. and a recheck in 60 days. During the two weeks Dixie became increasingly lethargic; she refused meds; stopped eating (continued to drink) and developed muscle weakness; often collapsing after just a few steps. We were in VA, away from home, but took her to a vet there (rec by out dil). On 9/18/13 the vet did a ACTH stim Pre-ACTH cortisol = 9.0 ug/dL; Post ACTH Cortisol = 22.1 ug/dl. Vet also had an ultrasound done; result = "Adrenal glands borderline enlarged and symmetrical with no evidence of neoplasia; kidneys have normal architecture although asymmetrical in size - left kidney 3.0CM in length, right kidney 4.2CM in length; no evidence of pyelonephritis or UTI; bladder normal; liver, gallbladder, spleen GI tract, normal". Back to home vet and on 9/30 she did a LDDS, Pre, 4 hr and 8 hr . "Cortisol sample 1 = 9.2; Cortisol sample 2 De3.7; Cortisol sample 3 = De2.2." While in VA Dixie was taken off Vetoryl and Denamarin. She gained some strength but needed to be force fed. After returning home, and once again being told Dixie needed med my husband gave her one 10 mg dose of Vetoryl. She had a bad reaction (vomited and lost all gain in strength; still had to force feed her) We decided not to give her any more meds until she returned to some sense of normal. Dixie has been off both Vetoryl and Denamarin for a couple of weeks. Is now eating on her own. Still has some muscle weakness though she is much improved. I do not know about the "specialist". He did no specific tests for Cushings; he just reviewed all the work done and said he thought what the vet in VA did confirmed Cushings. He did do some blood work; I posted the highs and lows on 10/10. What he reported = "Dx = muscle weakness, anorexia secondary to Cushings disease, Addison's disease, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia other endocrinopathy. and Periodontal disease. Outcome; Additonal dx are rec including thorax and abdominal radiographs, repeat ACTH prior to starting any tx for Cushings, blood pressure and urine C&S." He rec oral potassium. Right now, she is once again taking the Denamarin and the potassium supplement. She hasn't vomited since stopping the Vetoryl. He also rec Sucralfate and Famotidine, as well as mirtazapine. Dixie is not taking those. This is now very long. Thanks to folks like yourself, I am now more educated but still feel like I really have no idea what I am up against here. Thank you so much for all your help!!
Dixie is not feeling well today. She urinated in the bed last night; very unusual; her eyes are red (again); she's listless and refused water, food and the potassium supplement she so enjoyed just the other day. I had to go to work; my husband says he doesn't know what to do anymore. the nearest vet college is a 4 hr drive away. That isn't going to happen. i asked him to please take her to the vet of his choice and have her screen for an infection. i also suggested he have another ACTH stim test done. If her cortisol has bottomed out she may need more prednisone?? Arrgh, I feel so helpless!
molly muffin
10-16-2013, 08:53 AM
Oh poor baby. I am sure this is extremely hard for you and your husband. Another check for diabetes? She hasn't been on vetroyl now for a bit of time, so her cortisol shouldn't be going lower. When was her last dose? If it isn't in the last few days then I don't think that is the problem. It could on the other hand be going back up up, however, not eating is not a sign with cushings, so I think something else is going on and my first thought was diabetes or thyroid. Kidney of course is a possibility too, so just have a good vet take a look at those things.
Sharlene and molly muffin
She was very sick Wed. Vomited all day; no eating or drinking. After getting home from work took her to the emergency vet center. They kept her there giving her fluids by iv. At midnight she'd had her first seizure by the time we got the at 3 am on Thurs morn she'd had 2 more seizures. Her kidneys were shutting down. Left the center, with her at about 5 am. At 9 am with her still severely depressed and having had two more seizures we decided to allow her to pass and took her to her home vet where they did the procedure. I have appreciated all the help and wisdom from this forum. I hope to continue to be with you as I can. My husband and I are both in shock and are fairly inconsolable. Thank you, all!
Squirt's Mom
10-18-2013, 09:27 AM
Dear Pat,
I am just so sorry to hear this. I know your hearts are shattered today and our tears join yours. You did all you could to help her and make her days worthwhile, and when no more could be done, you gave her the greatest gift of all, freedom from suffering. Today, your sweet girl is watching over you with the same love and devotion you always showed her, so full of love and gratitude, once again strong.
Dixie's name has been added to the In Loving Memory thread for 2013 where she will always be remembered as a cherished member of the K9C family. We would love to include a photo of her so when you can and if you would like, please send a copy of your favorite photo to and we will take care of that for you. When you are ready please feel free to start a memorial thread for Dixie in the In Loving Memory section where you can share your memories and we can help celebrate your lives together.
Please know we are here anytime you need to talk. We understand all too well the pain you carry in your heart today.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie and our Angels, Ruby, Crystal, Tasha and Josie
They say memories are golden
well maybe that is true
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.
A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.
--- Anonymous ---
molly muffin
10-18-2013, 09:42 AM
Oh no :( I am so very sorry. My deepest condolences. We know how hard it is to lose such a precious member of the family.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-18-2013, 09:51 AM
I am so sorry you lost your precious baby. Blessings
10-18-2013, 10:47 AM
Oh my I'm so sorry. Sweet Dixie run free of all pain and know we will honor you along with our own. Kim
Cooper is missed
10-18-2013, 01:24 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. It's such a difficult time and my heart goes out to you.
10-18-2013, 02:48 PM
I am so sorry that Dixie passed.
Rest peacefully sweet pup.
10-18-2013, 05:52 PM
I am so terribly saddened for your great loss of Dixie. It is definitely such an unconsoling feeling without them. I still think of my girl every single second and call out her name and cry. I walk with you in this process as we honor our precious and so loved furbabies.
Prayers for a more bearable tomorrow.
God Bless you Dixie. You will always be remembered with so much love.
Tight hugs....Jeanette
Budsters Mom
10-18-2013, 08:07 PM
I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Dixie has joined our other fur angels at the rainbow bridge. Run free sweet girl, run free!
Bo's Mom
10-18-2013, 10:01 PM
Oh I am so sorry to be reading about Dixie's passing. She will always be remembered and cherished here. RIP Sweet Dixie.
Roxee's Dad
10-18-2013, 10:40 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss.
Rest in Peace sweet Dixie.... tonight you are our Newest and Brightest Star in the sky.........
10-18-2013, 11:50 PM
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet girl Dixie.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
10-19-2013, 06:34 PM
Hi Pat and family
I am very saddened to read of Dixie passing. Sending hugs to you and a reminder in your grief that you cherished that doggie and gave her the best life a dog could wish for, lucky her! My condolences x
I'm so sorry to read this. My condolences Pat to you and the family.
I am overwhelmed by this out pouring of love and condolences. I was so fortunate to find this group. Both my husband and myself are still reeling in shock and disbelief. Thanks so much for your support. These days will be hard but your tender touches are of immense help. Thank you so much!
10-21-2013, 03:48 PM
So sorry to read about Dixie. I lost my Tia in August and have cried every single day since. Please know that I keep you and your husband in my prayers.
Donna and Angel Tia
Oh Pat, I am so very sorry to read about Dixie. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper
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