View Full Version : My Morgan Jayne (has passed onto the Bridge)

Morgan Jayne
09-30-2013, 07:30 AM
Hi all,
I joined this group the day my staffy Morgan Jayne (aka Piglet) was diagnosed with Cushings Disease at the age of 14.
Having trolled through the posts I found some comfort in the fact that Morgan Jayne didn’t have any pre-existing conditions such as diabetes that could obstruct and or hinder her Cushing’s medication. I felt confident that we could manage this every step of the way with support from my awesome Vet and through this forum.
Morgan Jayne was a happy, slightly arthritic 14 year old, still running around, eating well and being harassed by my cats until recently. She started to display hair loss on the back of her legs and tail together with an occasional pot belly appearance and in sympathy, muscle wastage along her top line.
The first week of her medication saw a massive improvement. Morgan Jayne’s belly had shrunk and she was actually happier in herself (she even took on the cat for a play). The second week wasn’t as rewarding and saw some negative changes in her - she became very stiff, lame and was stumbling around like she was tipsy but still eating well - her medication was increased to morning and night.
Unfortunately, Morgan Jayne’s belly doubled in size in two days, it was so large that she couldn’t walk properly and would fall over and be stuck on her back unable to get up . Tests/Xrays etc confirmed that she also had an aggressive tumour on her liver.
Sadly my beautiful Morgan Jayne was put to sleep in my arms that day. I am gutted at the loss of my old girl having only said goodbye to her epileptic best friend 4 weeks earlier to heart failure at the age of 15. Both these girls I have had since they were wee pups, and knew Morgan from when she was born. My remaining furkid is 6 years old and only knows life in a pack. She is struggling with being on her own which is to be expected I guess, and hope that with time and extra love she will be ok. She has turned to the cat for companionship and ‘couch’ comfort and he seems to understand her needs which is nice 
Although my stay here was short, I want to wish you all the best with your furkids, thank you for setting up such a wonderful network for cushings first timers, and for the support that you all openly show to everyone through the highs and their lows of their experiences.
Gone from my arms, forever in my heart
…less than a week after Morgan Jayne, my heart suffered another blow with the loss of my two elderly horses of 28 and 33 years. The younger one had colitis and as she was my older boys eyes, I had to let them go together - he was to be tested for equine cushings….
Take care
Morgan Jayne’s Mum

09-30-2013, 08:05 AM
Oh I am so incredibly sorry your girl has passed and passed so quickly! My heart is truly with you!!! And to loose your horses as well.

We will always honor your Morgan Jayne here. Know we are all here for you.


Squirt's Mom
09-30-2013, 08:21 AM
Dear Mom,

My heart is just trembling at all the loss you have had to face in such a short time. I am so incredibly sorry for all the pain you are carrying today.

It is obvious that you are a great mom to all who come under your care so I know that Morgan Jane was given the best of care and shared in a deep love every day of her life with you. In the In Loving Memory section please feel free to start a thread for a tribute or memorial to your sweet girl. We would be honored to help celebrate her life via your memories. Any time you need to talk, we are here to listen and hold your hand; our shoulders are soft and strong should you need to rest your head a bit.

Our deepest sympathies for all your losses,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie and our Angels, Ruby, Crystal, Tasha, and Josie

I Haven't Left At All

I saw you gently weeping as you looked through photographs
You paused for just a moment at one that made you laugh;
But as you turned more pages the tears began to flow
You whispered that you missed me but I want you to know;
I softly licked those stinging tears that down your cheeks did fall
I want to help you understand I haven’t left at all.

On those days that you are overcome with sorrow, pain and grief
I rest my head upon your leg to offer some relief.
When you take our walking path I’ve seen you turn around
Because I know you surely heard my paws upon the ground.

At night while you are sleeping I snuggle at your side
You stroke my fur as you touch that place where I used to lie.
You said it’s just your heart playing tricks upon your mind
But rest assured I’m really there, my spirit’s left behind.

I know your heart is hurting; it’s like an open sore
You think my life has ended and you won’t see me anymore.
But for those of us bound tight by love, death is not the curtain call;
It’s really the eternal beginning that waits for us all.

So, dear Master, as you live your life I patiently await
For us to be together when you pass through Heaven’s gate

09-30-2013, 09:26 AM
I am so sorry to hear your baby has crossed the bridge. I am praying for you both. Blessings

09-30-2013, 10:36 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss.

09-30-2013, 12:32 PM
I'm so sorry to read about your heartbreaking losses. Sounds like all your furkids were greatly loved and I'm sure they knew it!


09-30-2013, 03:23 PM
Oh my!!!

I am so sorry for your loss! Three pets so close together. Talk with us as you need to dear. We understand.

Budsters Mom
09-30-2013, 03:38 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. :o Morgan Jane has joined our other fur angels at the rainbow bridge, including mine. The will watch out for her now. I know your heart is broken. Please come back and talk with us when you feel up to it. It does help. xxxx

molly muffin
09-30-2013, 10:39 PM
Oh my gosh, your poor heart. It is horrible to lose one, the heart break is just awful, but both your horses and 2 of your dogs too. That is more than anyone should have to bear at one time.

I choose to picture them all running together, their spirits soaring across a field an open field with a wind gently blowing, forever free of pain, and aching joints, young and carefree once again.

I am sorry that we didn't get a chance to know you and Morgan earlier.

My sincerest condolences.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-30-2013, 10:45 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss of your sweet girl Morgan Jayne and the others. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Bo's Mom
10-01-2013, 08:07 AM
Condolences sent to you.