View Full Version : My little Boy has just been diagnosed with Cushings

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11-10-2013, 08:34 AM
Hi Diana:
The wind is around 60mph here it is really whipping around. Tipper already walked. I have been researching my brains out. Sometimes it is more than your head can hold! There are just so many variables with this disease. Tipper had a good nite, and already walked this morning. Hope you and Teddy have a good weekend. Has Teddy still been eating ok for you? I have to go into your album and look at the rest of his pictures, he is too cute. Blessings

My sweet Ginger
11-10-2013, 08:37 AM
Diana, I'm glad you've got a good support system in your husband and son. That is priceless. Your son must be such a sweet and caring person. Wonderful job, mom.
Well I've already tried to view your cutie boy's pictures but I just don't know how to get there yet. Others, I don't have a problem but when I click on your name next to the dot, nothing happens. :rolleyes: I will get there eventually.
Ginger seems to be doing ok this morning so far. :)
I have to watch her very closely since her drug (Lysodren) is still working in her body. Her ACTH stim test is scheduled for tomorrow morning and I'm hoping for a set of good numbers.
Please give Teddy extra hugs for me today. :) Song

11-10-2013, 09:30 AM
Patti that wind is really strong, well done to you and Tipper for going out in that. I am glad Tipper had a good night, Yes like you I have read my brain out too. It is Sooo tiring isn't it.

But we love them so much we do it somehow don't we?

Teddy is eating well and isn't likely not having anything from us, like he used to, poor baby, but he must stick to his 4 small meals a day.

He is cute, let me know when you have looked at his other photos'

Diana & Teddy x

11-10-2013, 09:34 AM
Hello Song, Yes I have got good support, but belive me haven't always had life easy in the past.

My son is a good man, and one of my closeset and dearest friends, HE tells me I did a good job, and I think he has the most accurate view on that, I can say what I wish, my friends can say what they feel, but it is HIM who was on the recieving end of me being his mum, so the hard work paid off .

mmm I don't know why you can't view his photos I will see if I have got any wrong settings on who can access them, I don't think so.

I hope Ginger gets good results tomorrow, I will be thinking of you, which test are you having done, the Low Dext, or the ACHT ?

Hugs to Ginger too from Teddy and I, will pass on your hugs to Teddy Thank you Diana x

11-10-2013, 09:35 AM
[QUOTE=My sweet Ginger;126907]
Well I've already tried to view your cutie boy's pictures but I just don't know how to get there yet.

I have just checked if you CLICK ON TEDDY'S AVISTAR then on the right hand side of the page it should say ALBUMS then click his photo on the front and you should be into the Album x

molly muffin
11-10-2013, 10:34 AM
Hi Diana,

I don't see Teddy's album, when I look on the right side of the page of your profile.
His avatar is just adorable though.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-10-2013, 10:47 AM

You can NOW SEE TEDDY'S ALBUM Silly me had set it as a private album Sorry.


molly muffin
11-10-2013, 10:54 AM
Ohhh thanks for making it public, he is soooo cute and adorable. Just looks like he has so much to say. I love those expressions.

Sharlene and molly Muffin

My sweet Ginger
11-10-2013, 11:01 AM
Yup, I just saw his pictures. Omg, he's just too cute, what else can I say. Do you think he won't mind sharing his dogs with me? They look yummy. :)
Tomorrow Ginger's getting her 3rd ACTH test done. Hop that will be her last one before she starts her maintenance phase. She's been poked around too many times already on her jugular vein as her other veins are too small. Each time she does it though. :(

11-10-2013, 11:13 AM
Hi Sharlene

Thanks and he DOES cute things that match is face too, he is adorable and so clever, you can see why we love him to bits !

11-10-2013, 11:16 AM
Hi Song I am glad you saw his Teddy's pictures.

I will think of Ginger's tomorrow having her 3rd ACTH test done.

I know how she feels Teddy has had 4 months now, of tests scans and all sorts, he is now having a break from it all.

They don't think he has cushings, I am not 100% convinced it could be the early stages, who knows, time will tell.

His corosol is high, but he is not showing clinical signs, so the cortisol may be high due to the other illnesses he has.

I know it can be that.

I really hope Ginger can be on maintenance dose soon. X

11-10-2013, 07:08 PM

I didn't know that the fat in the oil can cause Cush dogs pancreatitis.

It is all so odd, as you know Teddy was tested for Cushings and both test were positive, but he has no clinical symptoms of Cushings, like thinning hair, pot belly, over eating and drinking (although we thought he as doing those two things) when looking again and measuring he isn't, he is more hungry but not over drinking at all. In fact he drinks HALF what he should a day.

BUT as you know, he has 2-3 times the cortisol he should have, and he has a spleen nodule, he has sub-clinical pancreatitis, which means he has it, but it doesn't show outward symptoms, his blood tests show he has it, his Ultrasound showed inflammation.

The Vet Hospital said he was pushing the Cushing diagnosis to the back, his adrenal glands looked normal, I was told ONE of them was a little plumper but not enlarged apparently.

So with his Spleen, his pancreatitis, his cortosol, I am still not certain he isn't brewing it (Cushing that is) and that we caught it early, Time will tell as he will show the excessive drinking and want more food etc.

We have had several " accidents " in the house too of passing urine, although he is NOT over drinking.

So that can be a sign too.

I am not convinced he hasn't got cushings. But there are no more tests I can have, except an MRI of the brain, and I am NOT putting him through a GENERAL ANESTHETIC with his two heart issues.

I will soon know if he has cushings or not.

Diana x

11-11-2013, 09:10 AM
Hi Diana:
Hope you and Teddy enjoyed a good weekend together. It is very brisk here this morning and we have already walked once. Tipper seemed restless last nite. Not sure if it's the meds needing adjusted again or if she has something inside her that bothers her a certain way she lays. She moved around quite a bit last nite. I am glad she is getting an Adequan shot Wednesday as she has been making some throaty noises the last week. Does Teddy like it outside, or would he rather be in? I hope his health stays on an even keel and that he does not have to go back to the vets for anything. Blessings

11-11-2013, 12:47 PM
Hi Patti I am following Tippers post you really do research so well and you must be exhausted, I feel for you having to have your kidney op done, I know you won't want to leave Tipper, Or the others come to that.

We had an OK weekend thank you.

Teddy prefers to stay in and doesn't walk alot these days, he is too tired, he has a largish garden so he can walk as much as he needs to outside, when he wants to.

We are finding he only goes about 50ft now instead of the 100ft he used to go every time he went out in the back garden.

He is more tired that he used to be. I think illness makes you tired, You and I know that.

I hope you and Tipper have had a good day.


My sweet Ginger
11-11-2013, 03:43 PM
Hi Diana, it sounds like Ginger and Teddy's walking distance is about the same. :) About 50 yards in one way to the front yard is how far Ginger goes these days. If she gets better and more energy I'd like to take her out for a walk around the block in our neighborhood on a warm, sunny day.
I hope you and Teddy are having a good day today.
Also I wanted to tell you that I posted all my babies's pictures so you can view them when you get a chance.;) Take care. Song.

11-11-2013, 04:02 PM
Hi Song

Your babies are beautiful what breeds are they all?

Teddy does 50 feet not Yards so Ginger goes farther than Teddy he has had a good day thank you, Has Ginger had a good day.

I hope you have, and all your other babies too, How did she get on with her ACHT test today?

Take care

Diana x

My sweet Ginger
11-11-2013, 05:48 PM
Lol. My my mistake, Diana. You're right. It's not yard, it's feet. :p
Yes, they're cute and thank you. Ginger's chihuahua who we got from a breeder when she was 8wks old. Flora is a mix of chihuahua & Maltese who we got from a pet store. :eek: I didn't know any better back then about all these puppy mill babies. :o Nonetheless she just turned 7 and weighs now over 14 lbs. ( a big sigh) and the apple in my eyes. My husband and I are so terrible when it comes to their snacks.:o And there is Stella (2 1/2 yrs old) who was a rescue puppy from TN. We were told she was a mix of chihuahua & yorkie which was exactly what I wanted in breed and color (black) and I was very happy that I finally found one. :) She was 10 wks old and weighed only 3 lbs when she first came to us looking pathetic, so malnourished that I could count all her ribs visually! Well, the next 2-3 months or so she gained 1/2 pound every 1 to 2 wks :eek: :eek: :eek: and I'm not kidding. By the time she was 6 months old she surpassed everybody in size, weight and strength! She now weighs almost 17 lbs and she is as fast as a lightning and as strong as an ox and one CRAZY girl! To this date no one really knows what kind of breed(s) she is including her own vet. :rolleyes: Lucky for her she is cute. :D :D
Ginger did an ACTH test today and I will probably get the results tomorrow. I will post the numbers when I get them. Take care, ok? Give extra hugs & kisses for Teddy for me, please. Song.

11-11-2013, 06:11 PM
Hi Song I didn't know you meant feet, I thought Ginger was just walking further than Teddy.

I love chihuahua's who we got from a breeder when she was 8wks old. You say you got Flora from a pet store, and then say you didn't know about puppy mill babies. Did both Ginger and Flora come from the Mills then?

We got Teddy from a family whose own two Yorkies had had babies, of which Teddy was one of them, but we then learnt that the parents had Puppy Mill relatives, which may be why Teddy has so many illnesses, it is awful isn't it, but then again I feel like I have RESCUED HIM in a way.

Teddy is 7 years old too.

I hope Ginger's ACTH test will be good, and the meds are helping her.
Has she got adrenal or pituitary Cushings.

Please give a cuddle to all your babies from me too.

Diana x

My sweet Ginger
11-11-2013, 06:47 PM
Hi Diana,
Flora was the only one from a puppy mill (I assume) although the pet store said she was from a breeder. We got Ginger from a reputable breeder and she is registered. I've tried to justify my mistake with Flora by thinking that I might have rescued her but then that kind of behavior feeds the very core of the existence of puppy mill industry I believe. I won't make that mistake again. What goes on in the puppy mill industry just upsets me too much.
That was one of the reasons why I wanted our third baby to be a rescue puppy. It was my own way of redeeming myself for the mistake I made earlier.

molly muffin
11-11-2013, 06:52 PM
Song, your babies pictures are adorable. I love all the pictures of the much loved babies on our forum. They are just so wonderful and cute and there is something about a well loved pup in their picture.

It's sad isn't it about those awful puppy mills. I use to always think, oh a pet store puppy was one that someone's dog has too many puppies so they were selling them at the pet store. Then I started being more proactive with learning about pups and the puppy mills suddenly were making news all over the place and I learned.

My golden came from a breeder, back in the early 1990's. We searched rescues and really wanted a golden. Then by age 2 years, she was developing terrible allergies and when I contacted the breeder to advise them of this, since they were registered, the breeder acted like it was JUST my dog and something was wrong that I had done. Not by a long shot sweetheart. I never planned to breed my Tasha, but I had her registration paperwork and I'd sent it in with her name when I got her. Anyway, I contacted the AKC and advised them of the severe allergies, said she was now fixed and advised that this Lineage, be discontinued, then backed it up with paperwork from the vets. Pffft that breeder wasn't going to keep doing this if I could help it. A responsible breeder wouldn't have done that, so as far as I was concerned they were no good. Those allergies eventually did my Tasha in, she was on prednisone for the rest of her life (8 years of prednisone) and could never get away from it, numerous operations for hematomas from allergies, and losing her coat due to the steroid use. I didn't know about drug induced cushings or any kind of cushing back then and no vet mentioned it. It was very bad and very sad and just made me so much angrier at that "breeder". :( Wow, had a rant there didn't I!

My molly came to us from a rescue. Rescued from a high kill pound in Quebec. Didn't speak a lick of english but she was the most scared, neediest baby in the entire world from all she'd been through. She now rules out roost, quite literally. Peeps on here call her the diva and they aren't wrong either. LOL

In a way we have rescued them all from who knows what sort of life. Would they have found an owner who could give them the care and attention that we do, when they got sick? Would they have been as loved as they are with us? Would they all be little prince and princess's? nah, they are all right where they need to be. With Us. :)

Darn, if I didn't write a book again!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-11-2013, 07:11 PM
Song I don't see that you made any mistake, as you didn't know, and she has a lovely life with you clearly you love her so much.

She has " found her paws with you "

It upsets me too, and many of us, It is hard to stop them though that is the problem.

You are doing a good job your babies are clearly very loved and very cared for.

Well done you X

11-11-2013, 07:16 PM

A book well worth writing even if you did ;0)

I agree with you, WHO would give them the love and care we do, when they are so poorly, WHAT would their life had been if they were some where else.

Aren't we glad they are safe with us, and loved more than words can say.

If they could talk, I bet they would all agree too X

My sweet Ginger
11-11-2013, 07:45 PM
OK, I'm done LMAO, Sharlene. :D:D:D:D I just finished reading your posts on my babies, especially on Ellie's. Ellie's awesome. She even turned me into a cat person. I was not for the longest time. I know, shame on me. :o
Sharlene, I will buy your book if you ever decide to write one. I think you've got what it takes. Let us know when they come out. :)
I only wish there are a lot more people like you guys so all those rescue pets can find their forever homes. Wouldn't that be nice? :(

11-12-2013, 09:29 AM
Hi Diana:
We have a winter wonderland here! Tipper is so loving all this snow, she is energized like I have not seen in a while. Tomorrow we have Adequan shots at the vets and blood pressure. I researched so much the last two weeks that all of the stuff I read really depressed me. Sometimes I just don't want to know these things. This is a hard journey, and I am thankful I have been here for my girl every step of the way, but very sad none the less. I made some beef stew yesterday as it was cold here, and will have some today to warm up. I wish you were able to see my Tipper in the snow, you would swear there was nothing wrong with her and that she was a puppy. After all I read I am probably not going to have Tipper's blood gases done. I am putting a top to her being pricked, and prodded, I don't want the last part of her life to be nothing but hurtful to her. I am going to do only what is necessary to maintain her current status, just like you and Teddy. I hope you both have a good day, and that you are feeling well. You are way too young for all the problems you must deal with. Love and Kisses from Tipper and I.

11-12-2013, 05:06 PM
Patti I am so happy that Tipper is loving all this snow, It is incredible how it is s energizing her like that. I hope her Adequan shots a and blood pressure, go OK tomorrow.

I know what it is to researched over and over and over, and it can be very depressing, as you say you don't want to know some of it, but you can't avoid those parts, when you are trying so hard to find the BEST Options for the one you love SO MUCH !

I know how very sad it is believe me.

Like you, I don't want the last part of Teddy's life to be unhappy. Since he has had no vets and just been with my husband and I at home, he has picked up more, and is a lot happier than in the past 4 months, OBVIOUSLY we would take him if need be.

I think if you can save them or make them better you would allow them to go through some upset to get better, but we SADLY know we can't make it all go away, so the next best thing, in my HUMBLE OPINION, is to make what life they do have, as HAPPY as it possibly can be, If we didn't do that, we would look back and wish we had, as we would be looking back on the final part of their life, with memories of them being upset and unhappy.

We would wish we hadn't done that to them.

It is not an easy decision, as you always wonder WHAT IF I had done this, or WHAT IF I had look into this and that again. But would it change things, would it take one of their illnesses away?

It is natural it is part of us NEVER wanting them to not be with us, I need Teddy as much as you need Tipper.

It is not easy, but I want to be able to look back and say, He loved me so much, and I loved him that much too, and I made sure in the end that I paid back to him, what I owed him, Peace happiness comfort love and cuddles, not needles and tests and vets.

I don't judge others who don't do what I am doing, but for me, it is what is best for TEDDY to make HIM Happy not to make me happy trying to keep him for longer than maybe I should, what would it be like for him?

What would he say if he could choose. He has faced as much as he can, and now he will have peace and love and cuddles.

To be honest, he has never been better than he is now, in the past 4 months, Happiness helps you to live longer when you are ill.


11-12-2013, 06:25 PM
I agree with you, Tipper has put up with more than enough. I don't want any more pain for her. I am trying to make her as happy as I can. No more for now, I want her to remember the good times we had. She has been drinking a lot of water today for some reason. Everything she does worries me as I love her so. This is definitely the hardest journey of my life, with the exception of my father passing. Blessings

11-12-2013, 06:50 PM
Hi Patti

You know I feel the same about Teddy, it is so painful, as we never want to loose them, My father died almost 5 years ago, I loved him very much, but I think this is as bad for me, as I am closer to Teddy in many ways, as much as I loved my dad, he was a bit distant as a person. He was my adoptive father.

Give a kiss and cuddle to Tipper and all your babies from Teddy and I and to you too.

I am thinking of you, I KNOW what you are going through.

Diana x

11-13-2013, 08:45 AM
Hi Diana:
Tipper and I are off to the vet's this morning. I cannot wait to see his excuse when I tell him no one called me about the oxygen. It is only 18 here right now and they said it will not get too much warmer. Tipper cannot walk if it is below 32 because of her breathing and her heart. I hope you and Teddy are well today and having a good day. Blessings

11-13-2013, 09:05 AM
Hi Patti, I really hope Tipper gets on OK, I wonder what they will say about the oxygen?

18 is cold isn't it. I understand she cannot walk below 32 Teddy would be the same due to his heart.

In fact he doesn't go out for walks he has his big back garden and he won't even walk to the end of that very often these days.

He is having a good day thank you, a new toy arrived in the post for him today so he is happy.

I am a little bit better than I was yesterday, but not great, I have a hospital appointment in a week to do tests for MS.

I already have over 20 illnesses I don't want MS on top of them all do I?

Never mind, once you get to 20 you stop worrying what's another few once you reach that many !

Take care

Love Diana x

11-13-2013, 12:23 PM
I certainly hope you have no more illnesses, you don't need any more problems. I don't know how you handle things the way you do? I know sometimes it can get you down. I am so happy Teddy is having a better day. I think of him often, and I swear it gets to me that these babies can have so much going on inside them. It is so unfair, as all they do is love us. My Tipper would come to me every day before she got sick and give me a kiss, I taught it to her when she was small. She seldom thinks of doing it now and it makes me sad. I have to ask her for one now, and sometimes she just doesn't want to. He blood pressure was good, and she gained back 3 of the 4 ounces she lost last week!. The excuse for the oxygen was, they could not find a concentrator!! I said well couldn't someone call and tell me that? No one answered that question, they scattered about the office! He is however working up a dosage for Tipper with the fish oil and I am to get it this afternoon. The fish oil should be here soon. Love and Kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I.

11-14-2013, 07:33 AM
Patti, I know what you mean by hoping I have no more illnesses, I don't need any more problems. If only you knew what some of them are, you would see it is hard, I am in the loo some days every 10 mins, it is awful, there is nothing they can do, as I cannot have the operation I need desperately due to my blood clotting issues, I can't have a general or a spinal anesthetic. It may end up the bladder issues, maybe MS related, and not my total bladder prolapse.

(sorry for detail)

You say you don't know how you handle things the way you do?

I am a strong person, and I have a VERY strong faith, so that is the answer to be honest.

I think of you and Tipper every day, I even talk to my husband about you both, I agree it is very unfair, as you say, all they do is love us.

Teddy still does give me a kiss he holds my head in his front paws, he will also kiss me if I ask him, he is still as loving as ever, if not more so since he got sick.

I am so happy her blood pressure was good, The reason you were given for the oxygen issue of the ,concentrator is a real shame, I am SURE they could of got one, or tell you.

I hope her fish oil arrives soon. How many alternative/natural treatments is she on, I do ready you own post, but loose count, my brain isn't working as it should as I have said.

Love and Kisses to you and all your lovely babies.

Diana X

11-14-2013, 09:30 AM
Please read my post yesterday as I think I have discovered Tipper's reticulocyte problem. I am sure that is it. It is going to be 40 here today and that is good for Tipper to walk in. Next week we are to be in the teens. I wish there were some way for you to get the operation you need. I know what you mean about the loo. I get days like that to, where I dare not go anywhere because I need a bathroom. I have a strong faith in God and that is what is getting me to move forward when I don't feel like it. I prayed to God for a week now to help me find what is causing Tipper this problem. I think God helped me out on this one, as when I thought of it I sat straight up in bed. Teddy looks like a cuddly, and sweet baby. My Tipper used to be like that, but these drugs have changed her. That is ok though as long as I still have her with me I don't mind. I know it is not her fault. I definitely am not doing the blood gases after this discovery. I will however see the heart specialist for an xray to make sure her heart is not enlarged, and the eye Dr. She stresses out for that , but not like when she is going for other things. She realizes the Dr. is only looking at her eyes, and calms down after a while. This is a good time for me to get this kidney stone out, while things are relatively calm with Tipper. It will just be an inpatient, and I will have to get my neighbor to pick me up, as they will not let you out alone after anesthesia. It sounds like Teddy is benefiting from staying home and not being stressed out by all the medical stuff. I truly believe the stress will make them sicker than they are. Hope you toe have a good day. Blessings

11-14-2013, 02:35 PM
Patti I certainly will read your post on Tippers reticulocyte problem. I hope you can get your kidney op done asap, Do you mean it is a day patient thing, so you will be in only one day.

Teddy is certainly better at home, I am wondering if his white cells were down for 3 months, as he was sickening for all these things as they were all happening at once.

Like the sub-clinical pancreatitis, the spleen nodule may of been growing, He has always had the gut problem, and the heart valve problem, but not the irregular heart beat, that scares me.

The stress of all the vet visits and tests did make him so much worse, as you say the stress.

I think that is why after 3 months of it, ending with the first night away from us, in the vet hospital, made him so destressed, that he came out and as you know, the next day colitis (for the 1st time ever) and blood in his poo, and not even eating and drinking for nearly a week.

He was so ill, He looked tired and had a bry nose for 3 months, and all sorts, now his nose is wetter he doesn't look tired, and is a lot happier, he isn't quite as tired either.

I know he still has his problems, but until one of them needs a vets attention, he is not going.

I will ready your post.

Love to you and Tipper X

11-17-2013, 08:24 AM
Hi Diana:
Well we had rain and thunder roll in last nite. Tonite is supposed to be real bad with thunder. I am so worried about Tipper's eyes. I already had to give her an acid reducer as she was up at 4am with gastro noises from being scared. I may put her in the car in the garage and sleep with her there if it muffles the sound more. It is a shame as she was doing really well. I can't wait for snow so all this stops. How are you and Teddy doing? I hope all is well. Poor little Teddy, he is too cute to have all this going on. I say a special prayer for you both every nite. I hope God gives you both a miracle healing. How is the weather over there? Tipper was up since 4am so now she will really be off schedule. Blessings

11-17-2013, 08:57 AM
Hi Patti

I am sorry you have thunder and it scares Tipper that is the LAST thing you want. It is dry here and not too bad, but it is getting colder and I don't like the cold at all.

Teddy is doing OK thanks, much better than he was, although we know he isn't better, and a lot is going on inside him that could rear it's ugly head at any time, so to speak.

Teddy was awake earlier this morning wanting his breakfast, I think with the cortosol being high it makes them hungry doesn't it.

I am still amazed that it seems he hasn't got Cushings as he has so many of the symptoms, although not the hair loss, excessive drinking, he does have alot of the other symptoms.

We shall see in time, if he has and we got it by mistake early when we weren't looking for it, it will show other symptoms in time, if he has.

Let's hope not. Whatever the case he is doing better which is great, as I am hoping to get to my hospital appointment this coming Wednesday, if my bladder stops mis-behaving or I won't be able to travel to the hospital it is too far away, and not enough toilets on the way LOL.

Have a good day Patti.

Love Diana & Teddy x

11-19-2013, 09:39 AM
Hi Diana:
Do you think you are going to be able to make your Dr. appointment? I hope so, I know how hard it is when you have to have a bathroom nearby everywhere you go. How is Teddy doing? Tipper was acting really weird and scared from the wind last nite and went in the closet. She as even smelling the air a lot which was really weird. It got really cold now it dropped in to the 30's last nite. I am so glad I do not want to have to go through any more storms with Tipper she has had enough. The hospital called yesterday and wanted to switch Tipper's cardiology appointment to January right after the IMS checks her tumor to see if it has grown. I don't know if that is a good idea for me, but I did it. I cannot take the though of hearing not one but two major things that could be wrong in one day. I am relying on God to get me thru this. They said she had to have another Echo Caridiogram instead of the Xray they were going to do. She will have to get her belly shaved again for the tumor Ultra Sound and the clippers really get her going she hates them. I am not looking forward to that in the new year. I am struggling thinking of our future together, as you are with Teddy. I need a magic wand to make this all go away- I wish!. Hope you are well and have a good day. Love and kisses to you and Teddy form Tipper and I.

11-19-2013, 09:57 AM
How kind of you Patti to remember my appointment tomorrow, I am going to try my best to make it, although this week has been awful for me.

Teddy is doing OK thank you. I am sorry Tipper was so upset by the wind, bless her.

I understand what you mean by not wanting too much news at once, it is hard enough with hearing one thing, let alone any more at the same time. Or even close by to each other.

I reply to on my faith to get me by, I couldn't cope with Teddy's illness or my own if I didn't.

I know that God ALLOWS suffering at this time, but soon won't, It is all part of him allowing man time to proove the challenge raised by our first parents Adam and Eve, when they showed they felt they didn't need God's wise direction and loving care and guidance, they raised the Universal issue, Who has the right to rule, God Or Man, so he has allowed time for many to see if he can rule himself, that said, the Bible is clear that he will soon step in and put an end to mankinds rule, we can see that man does not have the answers.

So not only us, but our animals, and the planet itself, suffer what we do, some feel God doesn't care, but he does, very much.

I know that Teddy won't get better right now, but there is a hope for the future ahead Patti, where it won't be like this, and I long for that time.

This isn't the way it was meant to be, people sick and their dear loved ones, and pets sick, and the planet suffering and the way some treat each other, that isn't what God intended is it.

Many have lost their faith due to seeing these things, but soon it won't be this way.

I know how hard it is Patti, living in today's world, there is a lot we have to contend with isn't there.

I am thinking of you and Tipper and I am here for you.

Much Love Diana & Teddy x

11-20-2013, 10:43 AM
Hi Diana:
Hope you were able to make you Dr. appointment today. I truly hope everything turns out well. Do you have someone to stay with Teddy while you are gone? Let me know how you do as I am concerned about your health, and always about dear Teddy. Love and Kisses from Tipper and I, and praying for you to get a good report from the Dr.

11-20-2013, 02:22 PM
Thanks Patti for your care and concern, my husband takes me to my appointments and he and Teddy wait for me in the car, near by the entrance so I don't walk far.

I had all the tests done today, to check my brain waves and how fast messages get to my brain, I won't know the results until the end of January when I see my neurologist next.

One of the tests was un=pleasant to say the least but I was determined to have it done, as I really want to have the best chance of finding out what is going on in my brain.

Teddy and my dear husband were so pleased to see me when I finally came out as I was a little longer than I had thought, I had tried to phone my husband but no signal.

We have only been home for about 45mins.

We are now waiting for a take out meal to be delivered, we are both going to have a rest tomorrow, as we are both ill with a virus too.

How is Tipper doing and how are you doing? Teddy is doing OK bless him.

Much love from Teddy and I x

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 06:06 PM
Same goes for you Diana as Patti! Take care of yourself. :) I'm glad you were able to make your appointment, even if you won't see the results for a bit yet. Still, it's good to have it done, so you know what you are dealing with and at what stages.
That is so cute that Teddy will ride with you and hang out with your husband while you go to your appointments. Is he okay doing that or does it freak him out too? Maybe he knows the difference.
It's getting colder here in Canada. I'm not particularly a fan, but oh well, it is nature, so what are you going to do. :)
Sharlene and molly Muffin

11-20-2013, 06:19 PM
Thanks Sharlene, I do try hard to look after myself, I know I have serious brain problems, I have had TIA's Strokes and clots for years with my two blood clotting illnesses, even with MAX anti-coagulation treatment, there is little / no more they can do, the only thing is to stop more, but that is the problem, with my clotting illnesses, they don't stop just because you are on ANTI-COAGULATION you can still get clots.

Teddy has always come with us, EVERYWHERE we go, he has NEVER stayed at home alone, there has only been about 6 times approx, when we had paid a friend he loves, to sit him, for 3 hours each time, when we had to go out together.

He is fine with it, he knows the drill, Daddy tells him, We are taking MUMMY to the doctor NOT YOU (or he thinks he is going to his vet) and then when I go, I ask him to LOOK AFTER DADDY mummy won't be long, and then DADDY tells him Mummy won't be long, and he looks out for me, he loves it.

He kissed me almost all the way home tonight, for almost an hour he had his paws on my face, and was kissing me, the other 1/2 hours I cuddled him on my shoulder with him wrapped in a blanket, When his dad goes out, He will Say LOOK AFTER MUMMY, and Teddy will get HIS TEDDY BEAR, to tell me we are off to bed.

He is SO clever.

I am sorry it is getting colder in Canada. I'm not particularly a fan of it either to be honest.

Is Patti in Canada, I have been meaning to ask, are most members int he USA and CANADA?

Take care too, How is Molly doing? Love Diana x

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 07:04 PM
Patti is in the states. I'd say the majority of members are in the states, with the rest of us spread out, Canada, England, Scotland, (yea I separate them LOL), New Zealand, Australia. We're scattered all over the place. Smatter of others sprinkled in south america, asia, etc.

Oh that is just adorable about Teddy giving you kisses. He's a wonderful companion to you and your husband.

They say, a hard life with show up later. That at the time you don't realize so much, but down the road, you pay the price for the earlier years, whatever they may have been. It all adds up.

All you can do is take one day at a time and make it as good of a day as it is possible to have.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 07:08 PM
Oops, I forgot to say. :) Molly is doing fine. She is currently having her dinner, appears to be enjoying it if the snorting levels are anything to go by. LOL She'll need a nap afterwards probably. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-21-2013, 06:01 AM
I thought Patti was in states. You are not so far then in Canada from the states, I mean, I think you are further than me in the UK, though I was NEVER any good at Geography to be honest.

Yes Teddy is adorable giving me kisses for nearly an hour.

It is true that a hard life can show up later. As if the trama's aren't enough, without the illnesses to follow (LOL) I am a very strong person though, THANKFULLY.

As you say one day at a time, the hardest thing for me, is each one of my illnesses effects one or more of the others, medication and surgery is a NO NO in most cases, surgery is a definate NEVER unless an emergency, if I am going to loose my life anyway, taking the life and death risk of surgery then may be worth it. Drugs to help nearly always react with my Warfarin.

I am allergic to a lot of meds too.

So I am telling Teddy, Do NOT try to catch Mummy up I have over 20 individually diagnosed illnesses, and he has about 7 so I don't want him trying to compete with me, being the winner is something I don't want HIM to be in this race (LOL)

I am glad Molly is doing OK she is beautiful Sharlene, really pretty, please give her a kiss and cuddle from Teddy and I x

11-21-2013, 09:07 AM
Hi Diana:
Yes I am in the states. There are many friends from Canada on here too. I slept good last nite I needed it I feel like a truck hit me. I am just tired. got up early showered and washed my hair as Tipper has laser therapy, and I get a hair cut later. I only get 2-3 a year. I hate to go out today as it is cold and rainy. We did get to walk though. We are to get a lot of snow this weekend, and I hope the roads aren't bad Monday morning as I take Tipper to Pittsburgh my home town for her eye Dr.. We have to leave at 6am so Tipper will finally get her wish to be up at 5am!. I hope you and Teddy are having a good day together. Is it getting colder over the pond?? I need to get some house work done the three says I have free from appointments this week. I bet it is hard waiting that long for results from your testing?? I pray for you and Teddy to get well. Hugs and kisses form Tipper and I.

11-21-2013, 09:27 AM
Hi Patti I thought you were and I have been meaning to ask you, I know you said you are rural but I forgot to ask Rural where ?

I am glad to hear that you slept well last night, I know what you mean by feeling like a truck hit you. I get that, and am tired, like you too, it is all the worry and research and our own illnesses, you did well to get up early to have a shower ready for your hair cut today, I hope Tipper gets on well with her laser therapy today, I am sorry it is so cold and rainy. It was rainy here yesterday and a little colder, but nothing like you have got.

You both did very well to get a walk though. So Monday Tipper goes to Pittsburgh is that where you were born, you say it is your home town ? What does her eye Dr do for her there? I hope that goes well for you both too.

Teddy and I are having a good day today thank you, a well needed rest after yesterday and my trip to the hospital.

It is getting colder over the pond, yes, but not as it is with you !

It will be hard waiting for my test results but needs must as we say here.

Thank you so much for your lovely messages, Hugs and kisses from Teddy and I, to you and Tipper, how is your cat doing too?

Diana & Teddy x

11-21-2013, 10:11 AM
If I ever get over there I am looking you up, you are such a kind soul with such a good heart!. I am taking Tipper to the eye Dr. because she has some calcium deposits on her eyes from Cushings and at one time her vessels bled in her eyes, I think caused from her spleen contracting during storms when she was scared, and it sent out more RBC's and caused her eyes to bleed. She has to be monitored. She loves to walk and that would seriously do damage to her emotionally to go blind. I take her and do whatever he says to prevent this. It is in my hometown of Pennsylvania where I love it dearly. It is about 2 hours away from where I live now. I am in a new development near a lake in a small country town. This is a resort town in the summer. We are surrounded by woods. It is peaceful and quiet here and the lake is beautiful in the summer. I am in Ohio which is beside Pennsylvania, but I am now up higher in the North East by the Great Lakes that is why we get so much snow form the lakes. The lake I live on is smaller that those it is only a few miles long. Wishing you and Teddy a great day. Blessings

11-21-2013, 01:21 PM
How kind of you to say that Patti, thank you, I hope Tipper gets on well at the eye Dr. I didn't know they could get calcium deposits in their eyes with Cushings.

I know the spleen does sent out more RBC's as you know Teddy's does.

So your hometown Pennsylvania is about 2 hours away from where you are now. Do you still have friends and family in Pennsylvania?

How beautiful to be surrounded by woods. My husband would love that, I love the peace and quiet too and I bet the lake is beautiful.

I have heard of Pennsylvania Ohio but have never been to the states, I know someone who lives in North Carolina too.

How long have you and Tipper and everyone else been there for?

Love Diana & Teddy x

molly muffin
11-21-2013, 11:02 PM
Awww thanks Diana, we thinks she's a real cute little muffin too. :)

Oh no way, Teddy is not allowed to get into the illness competition with you. No go there. :)

Glad it's Thursday as I work from home on Fridays which is nice. An extra hour of sleep in time in the mornings. Molly loves those days, especially in the winter, when she barely wants to get up anyhow. LOL Summer she'd be prancing around wanting outside.

She's a bit onry tonight, into everything and everywhere. She has finally settled down a bit and is taking a nap, to which she will need to be carried upstairs to bed. Once she hits sleepy mode and it's after 10pm, she needs a lift to get up to bed. :) I feel the same way, but no one is volunteering to pick me up and carry me to bed. Drat it anyhow! hahaha

Hope you had a good relaxing day after yesterdays adventures.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-22-2013, 06:00 AM
Hi Sharlene and Molly Muffin

She is a cutie she really is.

No Teddy is NOT allowed to get into the illness competition with me, this is one I will win, I will NOT let him get any more poor darling.

I am glad you can work from home today, that is lovely, I get Molly loves it, I don't like getting up any day so I am with her there too !

We often lift Teddy on to the bed. He has been able to jump up there himself though for the past few weeks, since he got better after being in the vet hospital and passing all that blood etc, that was an awful time.

Yes thank you we did all have a relaxing day after my hospital trip and will have another the same today, I have an awful sore throat and virus of some sort.

Have a good day too with Molly,

Love Diana & Teddy x

11-22-2013, 09:06 AM
Hi Diana:
I am cancelling Lucky's appointment at the vets today and making it for next Wednesday as he gets so very freaked out by going there that the stress makes him sick. He seems a bit better today so that is why I am waiting until my regular vet is in, as he is the only one who can draw blood from Lucky. I have been feeding him baby food with a syringe as cats can get a condition called hepatic lipidosis if they do not eat for 24 hours. He seems perkier today so we will see. It is rainy here and dreary but Tipper has already walked. I have been grating up carrots and green beans in Tipper's food to help fill her up with as little calories as possible. Hope you and Teddy are all rested up from your Dr. visit. How far are you from the Dr.? I hope it is not too long of a trip for you. I am glad to hear Teddy is feeling better by staying away from the Dr.'s office. When I took Tipper to Laser therapy yesterday she was trembling so bad she almost fell off my lap. She know they do not hurt her there, but she has had enough of all this crap and is getting to be a nervous wreck. I hate to make her even go to the eye Dr. on Monday but it is necessary. She will be really upset when we pull in to the hospital. Hugs and Kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I.

11-22-2013, 10:07 AM
Hi Ptti, I read your other post too, and totally understand about Lucky's appointment, it is great he is perkier today. It is rainy here too so well done for already going for a walk with Tipper, Teddy and I are all rested up and will be resting today too, We are about 50 miles from the hospital which doesn't sound far, but it is when you are as ill as I am, it seems like the other side of the world LOL. Teddy is very happy staying away from the Vets at the moment, Poor Tipper trembling even though she knows they don't hurt her, poor little girl, your heart goes out to them, but you have to try to do what is best for them, don't you.

How is she when she goes to see her eye Dr. I will think of you both on Monday.

Hugs and Kisses to you two also, from Teddy and I, he is curled up on his two quilts in my office, while I am working, He is a real sweetie, he is waiting for his dad to come home from shopping X

11-23-2013, 10:03 AM
Hi Diana:
You will have to read my post as Tipper got into it with Lucky this morning. I did not need this and they don't either. It is very cold here , but Tipper has walked. It may be bad out the Monday morning as we are to get over a foot of snow. We will have to be up very early to go to Tipper's appointment. I hope you and Teddy are cuddling and warm inside. Does Teddy mind the cold? Are you decorating for Christmas? I am not doing too much, a few things here and there. I have enough going on with Tipper sick, and I do not even feel like it. I don't have any family alive so why the bother?? Hope you two have a good weekend. Hugs and Kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I.

11-23-2013, 01:45 PM
Hi Patti will go and read your other post, I don't celebrate christmas, so don't do anything different at all, so it is not at all stressful OR expensive for us at all.

I can understand how you feel though with everything, and I haven't read it yet, so I can tell from what you are saying there is more for me to learn.

I hope you can get Tipper to the eye Dr, a foot of snow would NOT help you at all Patti.

Teddy and I are in the warm, he is having a good day. PLEASE give Tipper and all your babies a hug and kiss from Teddy and I and EXTRA hugs to you, my dear friend across the pond, Will go and read your post now.

Love Diana & Teddy x

11-23-2013, 01:56 PM
Oh Patti have read about Lucky and Tipper what a to do as we say here.
I am so sorry you had all this happen, I hope they are both OK and giving each other space.

It does sound like you have a snow globe going on there, with the wind and snow.

Teddy doesn't mind the cold too much but doesn't want to stay out in it, and like Tipper, we have to watch it due to his heart issues.

He is warm and happy indoors with us now.

Take care will think of you going to Pittsburgh Monday. X

11-25-2013, 02:06 PM
Hi Diana:
I hope you and Teddy are staying warm. It was 12 here this morning. You will have to read about Tipper's eye test on my post. I am dead tired and have to get something to eat so I will post later. Blessings

11-25-2013, 02:16 PM
Hi Patti I have read your post and am so pleased you got to see Tippers eye Dr and got there safely and back home again safely, it sounds like you will both be very tired, with not sleeping so well last night and the journey and the stress of today, it does sound like he is very pleased with her though.

You really deserve a BEST MUM award for what you do for Tipper, I know she will appreciate it.

We have had a good day with Teddy, I am just scared, I have read a lot recently about spleen nodules and I fear his future, as his heart won't take it being removed as a precaution, I know it can rupture, even if it not cancer, He is so happy Patti and that is alll that matters right now, I just wish he didn't have this nodule on his spleen, I have read they can grow and burst and change into cancer, but even small ones grow and even if they are not cancer they can still burst.

But risking taking it out with his heart problems, and his low immunity would likely be a bigger risk.

He is like me, too ill to operate and then living with the risks of something going wrong. The things we have to face Patti, because we LOVE THEM SO much.

I am so glad you and Tipper are home.

Love & Hugs from Teddy and I to you all x

11-26-2013, 09:03 AM
Hi Diana:
I feel really bad today. Don't know how much I will get done today feeling like this. You will have to see my post as Tipper was up at 430am. I am supposing you do not celebrate Thanksgiving at least in the way we do here in the states. We are in for bad weather and ice this evening and I am so glad that trip is behind us and that my baby is ok. She trembled so much on the exam table, but never interferes with what they are doing to her. She is so stoic even though she cannot stop trembling. I have a lot of paperwork and bills to catch up on so maybe this will be an easy sit down day for me, I am really hurting everywhere. I am hoping you and Teddy are doing well, and inside warm and snuggly. Teddy is probably so happy that he does not have to see the inside of a Dr.'s office. God Bless you both.

11-26-2013, 09:44 AM
Hi Patti is is likely all the stress, late nights and early mornings, I am very ill today I have had a virus for over a week, but my brain issues are severe today, as my INR (Blood thickness) Is too think again, Warfarin has been adjusted but it takes a while to kick in, I feel awful.

Giddy headache and not with it at all, so I sympathize, Tipper is a Trouper, I don't know about Tipper the Ripper, I think she is Tipper the Trouper. She is a real inspiration bless her.

A sit down day with paperwork sounds best for you today I think to be honest. It will also get a lot off your mind getting it done, but you will be resting a little sitting down.

Teddy is happy he doesn't see the inside of a doctors office indeed.

Take care I am thinking of you and Tipper x

molly muffin
11-26-2013, 09:43 PM
Hope you can get this virus knocked back and the meds kick in to help with the thick blood. Definitely not a feel good day. Hope you can rest!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-26-2013, 09:54 PM
Thanks Sharlene Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow, it is 10 to 2 in the early hours of the morning in the UK and I am off to bed now, couldn't sleep, but will try again.

Hope you and Molly have a good day. Hugs Diana & Teddy x

11-27-2013, 08:44 AM
So sorry to hear you are not well. That must be very difficult to deal with on a daily basis, not knowing how you are going to feel every day. I pray for you and Teddy every note to have a healing from God. I am a little better today, yesterday I felt like a truck ran over me. Tipper is doing well today and we got more snow overnite which she loves. We are expecting more tonite too. I am not going to be out anywhere so I don' care what it does out there. I just hope they plow the roads so I can walk the dogs. Tipper was in a naughty mood yesterday, but seems to have gotten it out of her system. I think it was a payback for taking her to the eye Dr.! I hope that when you wake today you are feeling better. Hugs and kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I. Blessings

11-27-2013, 01:15 PM
Hi Patti I read your thread and am glad you don't have to go anywhere, Tipper sounds like she has a wonderful personality.

Teddy is glad to be in today and so am I, yes it is hard for me to know what each day will bring, today I am very bad.

When my blood is thicker then it won't go through my brain as it should and the damaged part makes it really awful for me as it is, but when my blood is thicker, I can't think properly, I can't talk for long before getting tired and very confused, and it can bring on dementia (a type of) and sadly I am beginning to feel and see more and more signs of it coming on faster.

If only that was my only problem but it isn't I have so much else going on, I just take one day at a time, and if I can't do something I just don't do it.

It is very hard as you can't plan anything.

Teddy is a real comfort and friend to me.

Hugs from us to you too x

11-28-2013, 09:39 AM
Hi Diana:
Today is Thanksgiving here so I woke up and told God I was thankful for having my Tipper with me, that is all I care about. I am also thankful for the wonderful friendship I have found with you my friend. This forum has been a lifesaver for me. I have no family so they have become my family, and I so much appreciate having all their help. I guess you are having a regular day over there, with no fuss. I am sorry to hear that you are having some set backs with your health. You are just so brave always handling everything that comes your way from these health issues. I do pray that God hears me and will heal you and sweet Teddy. I think that is why you and Teddy are bonded so tightly, you both help each other through these issues. I am waiting for December 3rd to get some menus from the nutritionist for Tipper. I need to get her as healthy as I can to fight this disease. I really did not have the funds to do this, but I made myself do it anyway as I feel it is the last piece of the puzzle that I can use to help her. I have gone down every other avenue and over turned every stone possible to give her the best odds of fighting this monster that threatens to take her from me. I guess January 15th will tell the story of what we are up against. Sending you and Teddy hugs and kisses from Tipper and I.

11-28-2013, 02:24 PM
Hi Patti

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement, I admire you Patti, and consider it a blessing to of met you.

I just live day by day, sometimes hour by hour at worst minute by minute, I get frustrated at times as there is so much I want to do for others and can't, but I can't change it, so I cope with it as best I can.

You are so right Teddy and I understand each other so well. We would be lost without each other.

You are right, we don't have thanksgiving here.

That said I don't celebrate any of the events in the year, I don't celebrate Christmas or New Year, only our wedding Anniversary.

So I don't have the stress and worry over the money etc. I see friends and family when I want to, and buy them gifts when I want to, and do the best I can for them, throughout the year, lots of them joke with me, when they get stressed, and say I wish we could be like you and not celebrate Christmas too. So for us every day is the same, and we love it like that.

Take care and I hope all goes well with Tipper and the nutritionist.

Love Diana & Teddy x

molly muffin
12-02-2013, 06:47 PM
Hi Diana,

Popping in to say hello to you and Teddy.

Hope things are going well and you are both feeling decent. :)

Sharlene and MollyMuffin

12-02-2013, 06:53 PM
Hi Diana:
Hope this finds you feeling a bit better. It has been a hard couple days on here as 2 babies have passed and it just kills me. It scares me about my Tipper too. I hope Teddy is still doing fine at home with lots of love. Tipper has to go Wednesday morning for her Adequan shot and blood pressure. Then I have to go at 4 pm for a scan on this kidney stone. Tomorrow the nutritionist is supposed to get me the recipes to make Tipper's meals. I am so hoping this works out and helps her get stronger. I cut my hand really a good one on a sharp kitchen knife. Should have known better than to lose my concentration and look away for a few seconds. That's all it takes I guess. So I am trying to do things one handed, it isn't so bad. Love and kisses from Tipper and I.

12-03-2013, 07:18 AM
Hi Sharlene and Patti

I am struggling on, the virus I have had is improving, but the giddiness is awful, and really effecting my life too much, but I am not one to moan about it, not too much anyway.

How is Molly Sharlene.

Oh Patti I didn't know about two babies passing away, whose were they?

I hope Tipper gets on OK at both her appointments the Adequan shot and the nutritionists, and that you get on OK with your scan on your kidney stone, can they treat it without surgery, break it up so you pass it.

Oh dear what a difficult thing for you doing things one handed, I hope the other hand will soon heal up.

Teddy is doing OK, although there is a change in him from who he was 6 months ago, We are loving him all we can.

Take care my dear friends, Love and Kisses and Hugs to you both and your fur babies.

Diana & Teddy x

12-03-2013, 09:12 AM
Hi Diana:
I am sorry to hear you are still struggling with this virus. I know you said there have been some changes in Teddy, I pray they are for the good. I pray for a healing for you both every nite. The two babies that passed were Annabelle, and Poppy. It is so heartbreaking I have cried for days. I got up this morning crying. I hope you and teddy have a better day today. I know how much you help one another get thru all you have been thru. Blessings

12-03-2013, 10:29 AM
Hi Patti

I will have to look and read about those dear ones. I know it is so upsetting and so sad when this happens.

I think of you so often Patti.

You and Tipper and your other babies, How is Elvis now and the cat?

Diana x

12-07-2013, 09:40 AM
Hi Diana:
We got the ice last nite over top of the snow and more to come in the next 3 days. I am waiting for the butcher to call me and tell me Tipper's chicken is in so I can go get it before all this starts. I am picking up sweet potatoes that are essential to make Tipper's cooked food. I hope I have everything by the weekend as I would like to get her started on it asap. I hope this finds you feeling better. I say a special prayer for you and dear Teddy every nite. Is Teddy still eating well? I hope he can stay with you for many years to come, I know how you rely on him, just as I rely on Tipper. Tipper has been having a lot of tremors lately while sleeping and it is really worrying me. I keep thinking somehow they are connected to a pheo. even though my IMS says differently it scares me, people are not always right as I have found out along this journey. What is your weather like over there? Does it get blustery and cold around this time of the year? I cancelled my Dr. appt. to Pittsburgh on Tuesday. I worry if I would get in a wreck on this ice what would become of my Tipper. No one could or would ever possibly care for her like I have done. So I will reschedule for January. I was just wondering did they tell you why it takes so long to get your test results? Stay safe and warm with sweet Teddy. Love and Kisses from Tipper and I.

12-07-2013, 03:17 PM
Hi Patti sorry to hear you have ice on top of the snow, with more to come, that is awful, I really don't like snow and ice, I hope the butcher called you Tipper's chicken .

You are so kind thinking about me and Teddy, I think about you and Tipper all the time too, Yes Teddy still eating OK, the things that worries me at the moment, is his spleen nodule whether it will get larger and burst, I know they can and do, and I don't want to loose him, but then again, I can't put him through going into the vet hospital being sedated and having another ultrasound scan and needle biopsy which is what they wanted to do, If he has cancer, or gets it, taking out the spleen won't save him, due to the type of cancer it would mean he had, he can't just have his spleen out now, in case, because of his heart problems, and also immunity low white cell issues, as the spleen helps with immunity.

So we have to hope it doesn't burst.

His heart beat is NEVER normal now, it is irregular all the time, but they don't' want to do a 24hr monitor, again he would have to go to the vet hospital and the stress may kill him, I got very upset with my illness the other day, and him seeing me upset, gave him an upset tummy so I know how effected by ANY stress he is now, and so to take him to the Vet Hospital and leave him there, is not something we are willing to do, but we know that means no more treatment, and possibly losing him earlier, but then again, it is quality of life for him, not prolonging it by him being ill like last time due to the stress, he cannot cope with not being with us 24/7

Deep down, I am in bits at the thought of losing him, I know you understand, I have to enjoy what I have now, and I do, but then it makes you want it forever doesn't it.

We do rely on him as you do on Tipper. They mean so much don't they?

I am sorry that Tipper has been having a lot of tremors, what is a pheo. ? Why does your IMS say differently? What do they say it is?

We can get bluster & cold weather, and we have had flooding in some places near us, we were OK.

I can understand how you feel about your Dr's appointment in Pittsburgh on Tuesday.

I worry, like you what would happen to Teddy if anything happened to us, even if something happened to me, my husband then couldn't go out and leave Teddy, with him grieving over me, and being on his own for the first time indoors, he would likely be so ill by it, he would follow me. I agree with you that, no one could care for Tipper like I have done.

Teddy can't have certain food and toys, like Tipper can't have certain foods, no one knows the things they do like us, know one else can love them like us. Let's hope ... Put bluntly Patti, that we out live them, even though we don't want to loose them.

The reason why it takes so long to get my test results, is it is UK NHS we are not paying for private care, so you wait a long long time, the NHS (National Health Service) Is really struggling here, and so it isn't easy, you have to be thankful for what you get and when you get it.

You stay safe & warm too with Tipper and the rest of your babies, Love and Kisses from Teddy & I to all of you xxx

12-08-2013, 10:19 AM
We are in the single digits today so Tipper is not walking .The streets are like a sheet of glass from the ice. I hate this weather as Tipper wants out and is easily bored. I know what you mean about Teddy's spleen. That is so worrisome and you do not need that. It is the same with this adrenal tumor of Tipper's. You want to keep the stress down, but then you are worried what is going on inside them. I hope the kind of health care you are talking about where you have to wait so long for things is not what they are trying to make us use in the U.S. It does not sound too good. I am going to stay in and play with Tipper and catch up on some things I have been meaning to do. Her supplements have not arrived so I cannot make her food yet. Hope they are here, by Tuesday as I am anxious to get her started. How has Teddy been acting otherwise ok? I would think if he were not felling well he would show signs after all her has been thru the poor baby. It would seem from seeing others write about their Yorkies they are not a real healthy breed. Maybe too much inbreeding? They got rid of my Toby because his ears did not stand up. They would have euthanized him which is ridiculous over ears. Now they stand up sometimes. guess he showed them!! That is how I ended up with 2 doggies. Hope you and Teddy have a warm and safe weekend. How is the weather? Blessings

12-10-2013, 10:56 AM
Hi Patti are you stil in single digits?

We haven't ice or snow yet, I don't like it at all, we have been having some power cuts.

Did Tippers supplements arrive so you can make her food?

The NHS here used to be really amazing when it first came in and for many years, now there is so much demand on it and not enough money and staff it is really hard for them.

They want to help people as best they can and they try really hard, I am not sure what the difference is between our NHS and what was talked about for you, as I don't know all the details of yours to be honest?

Teddy is OK thanks, except I am having to see if he has broke a tooth as a bit has come out, or we think it is a bit of his tooth we have found I have found one missing tooth gap, but I think that is the one they took out last time his teeth were cleaned, they need doing again, but they won't do it, it is too risky, that is how they first found the white low cell count, we took him to have his teeth cleaned, and we had a pre op blood profile done, and it showed very low white cells, that was what began this whole journey.

BUT if this is a bit of his tooth and has to come out, as it isn't a whole one, that will be a HUGE risk to him, as his heart rhythm and valve issue make it risky, but so does leaving a bit of tooth in, as he could get an infection, and infections, can go to the heart valve and cause a heart infection.

So we are very worried, I have got to keep looking today in his mount, but he hates it.

So we are very worried now, that we may have a life risk situation on our hands with him an added one, as if we needed any extra ones !

I have been bad last few days too, hence slow reply to your message Patti, I am sorry.

You are right about Yorkies they do have many health issues, Teddy like your Toby has an ear issue, you can see in Teddy's photos BOTH his ears flap down and won't stand up.

We think it is very cute, and has never caused him a problem, although we know breeders don't want to breed from them.

He can't stand them up like Toby, but he lifts part of them up, it is SO SO CUTE !!!

I hope you are all ok

Hugs Teddy and Diana x

12-10-2013, 12:13 PM
I feel so bad that you are under the weather. I hope you get some good days where you are feeling better soon. I noticed a foul odor about Tipper's breath. I brush her teeth every day, but maybe that is not enough. I am going to fax the IMS and see what she recommends. Could they give Teddy a local of Novacane? Then he would not have to be put under? That is a real predicament. Tipper got her teeth cleaned every year before the Cushings. I have ot see how safe it would be after they look at her heart again on the January 15th. It is in the low 20's here now, but no more snow and ice for the time being. Hugs and Kisses to you and sweet Teddy

12-10-2013, 01:40 PM
Thanks Patti,

I never have easy days but some are worse, and I have had a run of them, I cope some how, I think the issues with Teddy upset me, as I love him so much, as iI know you do Tipper.

I wonder what it may be with Tipper teeth then?

Teddy couldn't have a local, I don't think they do that here, and also he got scared under a light anesthetic last time, and didn't breath right and it was a light anesthetic as the vet was trying to lessen risks.

But he panicked as he wasn't under enough, and his breathing went funny, and that was before his heart beat has become irregular and the pancreatitis and spleen nodule, that is why it would be a bigger risk if he has to be under an anesthetic, I have to look again tomorrow in his mouth, to try to find if he has lost a bit of tooth.

Even driving near the vets going somewhere else he starts shaking it is awful, so if he had to go in, I think he could die of the stress to be honest.

Hugs and kisses to you and Tipper too, is she enjoying her new diet?


molly muffin
12-10-2013, 06:32 PM
Hi Diana, Oh I do hate that there is a scary situation now with Teddy's tooth. :( I think that if you find a bit of tooth is broken off, then you'll need to call the vet and see what can be done safely for him to prevent risk of infection. You're right, especially a mouth infection, is very risky to the heart. :(

We're cold here too. A bit of snow, no ice really, so that is good. Not sure what it will be tomorrow. LOL

Hang in there
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-10-2013, 07:27 PM
Thanks Sharlene for your message we are scared, it isn't just the risks it is how scared he is that is such a risk now too. He could get any of his gut problems back with the fear, he is only calm and happy at home, Tomorrow I am going to find out exactly where this has come from, We are hoping it isn't his tooth or part of it. I found it laying on one of his blankets and he was trying to pick it up. It seems suspicious being on his blanket. Will let you know what happens. x

12-12-2013, 09:22 AM
Hi Diana:
Just checking in to see if you found out what happened to Teddy's tooth. I sent a not to my vet yesterday and asked him what we could do about Tipper's tooth cleaning and how it could be done safely ad he never answered It shouldn't surprise me as he does this all this time. I will just have to go see him when he is in next week. He only works Monday thru Wednesday, pretty cushy schedule. We woke up to 6 inches of snow on the ground, and temperatures of 12 degrees. Tipper will not be walking, so I feel a naughty girl coming out today!. We go to laser therapy today and if they do not clear the roads I will have to cancel. I got her supplements yesterday so I am going to cook her food today. I hope she likes it and it does not upset her stomach. I am just putting a little at a time in her regular diet. I am hoping you and Teddy are warm and safe. Hope you are feeling better today than you were yesterday. Hug and Kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I.

12-12-2013, 01:19 PM
Hi Patti we cannot find where it is missing from, so we are going to keep looking and then if we can't find out where it is from, we may HAVE to take him to the vet, but it will make him VERY ill, with the stress, that said any teeth issues can make him ill too. It may not be a bit of his tooth but it is highly suspicious due to where it was, and his interest in it. Also we can't think what else it can be, it isn't plastic.

6" of snow and that temperature, you poor things, I really don't like the snow, we haven't any as yet.

Did Tipper get her laser therapy or were the roads too bad for you to go? I hope she like her new food too, You really do ALL you can for her Patti, I admire you so much.

Love and Kisses and Hugs to you from us too X

12-13-2013, 11:49 AM
Hi Diana:
Hope you and Teddy are well. I never got an answer from my vet about having Tipper's teeth cleaned, so I guess I will have to call him next week. I started to transition Tipper on her food. Last nite she started with gastro noises and up at 5am, went potty and it was gushy, which it never is. I emailed the nutritionist and she said just give a tiny bit in the food today and keep feeding her regular diet for the weekend with a tiny bit in it. I did not want this to make her sick, but what else can I do? I hope you have solved the mystery surrounding Teddy's tooth. I hope he does not have to go to the vet the poor baby. It is 20 here now so it is still cold and Tipper cannot walk in this. I took her around the house a couple of times. That will satisfy her for a while. I am dead tired after her therapy yesterday and cooking her food all nite. It takes a lot of preparation. Yesterday for some odd reason Tipper enjoyed the therapy and even gave the therapist a kiss. Maybe for the holidays! Blessings

12-13-2013, 12:19 PM
Hi Patti no we don't know as yet if it is Teddys tooth, he seems OK we will have to keep looking in his mouth, or have to let the vet do it. I am sorry Tipper has an upset tummy.

I read on your post about her giving a kiss to her laser therapist, bless her, how sweet is that !

It is quite cold here but no snow or ice thankfully.

I have heard it is not easy home cooking to get all the minerals and vitamins etc I hope it gets easier for you.

Teddy is happy now as he has me and his dad now, earlier we had two electricians in doing some work, and he doesn't like some of the noises. He is very territorial and loves being here with my husband and I on his own.

Take care and keep warm. Much Love Diana & Teddy x

12-14-2013, 11:07 AM
Hi Diana:
Please read my post today as Tipper had a really bad nite last nite. I was really worried for her. Hope you and Teddy are warm and safe. Blessings

12-14-2013, 11:18 AM
Off to read it now thinking you you Diana x

12-15-2013, 10:39 AM
Hi Diana:
Hope you and Teddy are well. Hope Teddy is not going to have to go to the Dr. about this tooth. Is he still eating his food well? When you see my post you will see Tipper got up last nit again. SO this was so bad it is not out of her system yet. I have had to withhold her Vetoryl also which makes me nervous about her cortisol doing more damage to her. I need a shower and did not take one during all this as I was afraid she may have to go out while I am showering. I am going to take her out to potty and then in the bathroom with me and take one real quick. We have about 9 inches of snow and counting as it is still going. It is beautiful out, but treacherous. I hope you and Teddy are enjoying your weekend, and I pray both of you are well. Blessings

12-15-2013, 11:37 AM
Hi Patti I do hope Tipper will soon be OK with her tummy, I can understand about the shower, I am sure you can have a quick shower with her with you.

Teddy is OK thank you no issues yet with teeth, or should I say he is showing no signs of illnesses, We still have to start again from tomorrow looking in his mouth, he hates it.

All that snow you have it makes life hard for you to walk Tipper and also go out driving in it. I hope you are snug and warm.

We all are in the warm.

Hugs and Kisses Diana & Teddy x

12-18-2013, 09:31 AM
Hi Diana:
Hope you and Teddy are well. We are supposed to get 40 degree temperatures on Friday and Tipper will be able to walk!! She will be happy as she has been miserable for a week now with these temps. She is a naughty girl when she does not walk. I am hoping to get her straightened around with her diet this week She is ok now and going potty ok. I am concerned about these focal seizures she is having at nite. They are on my postings, I discovered this by accident while reading Song and Gingers post. You can read her post and see what I told her Tipper has been doing. My vet thinks she may be having them too. I hope for Tipper's sake we can get that issue rectified also. It seems to be one thing after the other with this disease being all encompassing. I really wish I would have never heard the word Cushings. Hope you two have a good day together. My vet said he had an anesthesia that is quick and wakes them quickly and is relatively safe and is a possibility for Tipper. I will have to weigh the options there, just like you. Blessings

12-18-2013, 09:57 AM
Hi Patti Teddy and I are OK thank you, I hope you do get 40 degree temperatures on Friday so Tipper can go for her walk, I can understand her being miserable with the temperature, I don't like the cold myself.

What a relief she is OK with her tummy now, and not going out so much, I can understand your concern with focal seizures, is it only happening at night?

Cushing disease really is a challenge that is for sure. Like you I have to weigh the options with anesthetics, the thing is Teddy has an irregular heartbeat all the time now, it is never normal, and that is on top of the mitral valve failure, so I won't risk it unless he was to die without taking that chance.

But we all have to make our minds up for our babies, I will read your posts, I admit I usually do, but have had some bad days with my health and not read as much, I am giddy all the time anyway, but sometimes I just can't look at my PC it always make it worse, but some days it is too bad to try.

Love Teddy and I xxx

12-23-2013, 09:10 AM
I know you can't look at the computer much as you have been ill so just know that I wish you and Teddy get a miracle healing, and that you have a wonderful holiday season. I know you do not celebrate Christmas so please do something that brings you joy. Hugs and kisses to you and Teddy form Tipper and I. God Bless you both

12-23-2013, 11:14 AM
Thanks Patti, bless you, I have had a bad few weeks, but Teddy is doing OK I hope you enjoy time relaxing with your wonderful babies, Teddy and I and his dad are going to try to chill out and have a rest that we really need.

I think of you often

Love to you all

Give all of your babies a kiss from Teddy and I and a for you too


molly muffin
12-23-2013, 02:58 PM
Hope you can get some rest.

Thinking of you and Teddy.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-23-2013, 03:22 PM
Thanks Sharlene

Hope you have some quality time with your loved ones too

Teddy and I are now off for a nap it is 7.20pm in the evening but we are both very tired.

Love and Hugs from us both

12-23-2013, 03:24 PM
Sleep when you can. Merry Christmas!

12-27-2013, 09:31 AM
Hi Diana:
I am hoping this finds you feeling better. I know you have been really not feeling well at all lately. I hope that has changed. You will soon get your report from the Dr. and I am hoping that is good too. I am glad you have had a lot of time to devote to Teddy. Tipper still limps on her leg once and a while. It is to be in the 40's this weekend so I hope she can walk, as she is really missing her walks. Well New Years is soon and then we are done with the holidays. Hugs and Kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I. Blessings

molly muffin
12-27-2013, 06:43 PM
Thinking of you and Teddy Diana

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-28-2013, 08:57 AM
Don't bother to answer if you are feeling bad, just know that you and Teddy are in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings

12-28-2013, 08:00 PM
Hope you and Teddy had a lovely Christmas, Diana, and that you're both doing well.

molly muffin
01-01-2014, 01:49 PM
Thinking of you and Teddy and sending you both greetings and a great big

Happy New Year

Sharlene and Molly muffin

01-01-2014, 01:55 PM
Happy New Year to you and sweet Teddy, I am praying for you both.

01-04-2014, 08:52 AM
I am thinking of you and sweet Teddy. I know you get your report from your Dr. this month and I pray all is good for you. I know you have been feeling poorly and hope that changes so you can enjoy you time with Teddy. God Bless you both.

01-06-2014, 07:07 PM
Thanks Patti as I said on your post I have not had ANY alerts so didn't know you had posted this, We are doing OK, Teddy is happy, and I am coping somehow, had some bad news at the end of Dec about my mum, It all comes at once doesn't it.

Thinking of you

Diana & Teddy xxx

molly muffin
01-06-2014, 07:29 PM
Oh no, sorry you had bad news about your mum. :( Not how anyone wants to start out a new year.

Sometimes when I don't get my email alerts, then I find them in my spam or junk folder. No idea why the email server does that as everything is properly listed in my contact list, but there you have it. grrrr

Anyway, hope you aren't in any of those areas with the wild flooding.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-06-2014, 07:59 PM
Hi Sharlene

No we are not near the flooding as yet thankfully, My mum is in a care home with dementia, but it is complicated.

Hope you are OK x

molly muffin
01-06-2014, 08:05 PM
Oh I am sorry to hear that about your mum Diana.
My dad was in a care home and had alzheimers, it is never easy and most things seem to be complicated in association with the whole thing. :(
How is Teddy doing? How are you?

01-06-2014, 08:14 PM
Hi Sharlene I am sorry your dad had alzheimers, I am not sure yet which type Mum has, there are several types of Dementia, I don't want to go into details here, but we lost touch for very sad reasons, and I didn't find out from anyone in my family about mum, but from a third party, I am still trying to find out more information and where she is, Then to see if she wants to see me, I don't know what stage she is at, whether she has lost all capacity to know who is there, or has some lucid moments, or has been asking for me, and no one has my details to tell me, If I had known she was ill then I would of put aside, the reasons we lost touch, and been there for her, held her hand through it and given her the peace she needs, and as some kind of closure for me, she was very cruel to me for many years, and for the sake of my own health I had to draw a line under it, 47 years of it, almost killed me, With being so ill with over 20 illnesses and having Teddy with his issues, it is not easy, but as I have worked through a lot of my own issues connected to her, I can put that aside, forgive her in my heart, move on, and be there for her, I need to do something before it is too late, I don't want a complex grief by not having some closure. That is a potted version, but safe to say, I love her no matter what she did in the past, and I am disappointed that no one in the family told me, I am now waiting for the authorities to contact me, and come and see me, so then they can see if she has been asking for me, or if I can see her. I don't know how bad it is, but I do know for her to leave her home, it must be bad, she wouldn't of agreed or left it if not. So it is very hard, it is hard enough as you know, but with the gap in our relationship and not being given the chance to know earlier, I may not be able to tell her I love her, and she may not even know me now, I want to give her peace before she dies........ X

molly muffin
01-06-2014, 08:46 PM
Diana, you can only do what you can do, if that makes any sense. Perhaps it will be enough for you to see her and make your peace with her and the past, so that whatever Does happen in the future, you will know you did that. If she understands, then so much the better. Hopefully you will find closure and if lucky, she will too.

big hugs

01-07-2014, 06:30 AM
Hi Sharlene

That is exactly it, I wish I had known when she first got ill, then there would of been more chance she would understand, it is too late to talk about any of it, and I wouldn't anyway, she didn't want to take any responsibility for anything before she was ill, so she wouldn't now even if she could, she isn't now well enough to deal with it, so I will put that part of it away to one side, all I want to do is to see her and tell her I love her, for me to do that, has a two fold positive, if she knows who I am, and that I am there, it will hopefully comfort her, and for me, I know it means extending forgiveness and I need to do that before she dies, I love her enough to let it all go, and deal with the here and now, Sadly it has been delayed my finding out due to my brother not contacting me. But again, I can't change that, all I can do is move on, and deal with whatever I need to from today onward.

Diana x

01-07-2014, 07:36 AM
I hope that you can see her regardless of whether or not she understands what is going on. For all you know she might have asked about you but no one bothered to reach out to you.

I can tell you that people can do a complete about face when the end of their life is near. Many suddenly gain a sense of clarity about their entire lives and things that they wish they could've changed.

You're an amazing person to be able to put years of abuse aside. God Bless you dear and if you need to talk. Let's just say that we might have similar backgrounds.

01-07-2014, 07:41 AM

Thank you so much, The only thing with mum is she is likely losing her capacity to have much awareness or insight that's what dementia does, some suffers in the end, don't just not know who you are, but some sadly don't even recognize their own reflection in the mirror, I dont' know what stage she is at, so I don't know, The authorities don't rush either, I need to know before it is too late.

I feel for you honestly, I understand, and you have my support too, PM me if you ever need to talk.

Thanks again

Diana x

01-07-2014, 09:30 AM
I guess it is true that when it rains it pours. I am sorry you have your mom being ill to worry about on top of everything else. I wonder why you did not get email notifications of posts?? Our weather is the worst it has been in 20 years. What does that tell you? It is so hard with Tipper now that her leg is injured. I hope you and Teddy are having fun being together, and staying out of the cold. I guess you will be hearing about your medical report soon. I pray every day that you will get a miracle, and one for Teddy. God Bless you both.

01-07-2014, 12:01 PM
Patti, it true that when it rains it pours. It is the same for you at the moment, with Tipper and your neighbour, I don't know why you did not get email notifications of posts. I am now, You mentioned about your weather " What does that tell you? "

(Please send me a PM with your thoughts on that so I know exactly what you mean) I can them reply to your PM.

It is such a shame about Tippers injured leg, as I said I have read ALL yours posts, you have been really going through SO MUCH , I wish I had the answers for you, I honestly do, my heart goes out to you.

Teddy & I are are staying out of the cold. I see my neurologist on 27th of this month.

I am thinking of you as always.

Love Diana & Teddy xxx

01-09-2014, 09:59 AM
Hi Diana:
I take Tipper to laser therapy today. Her leg really needs worked on. She is having a time with it, but insists she wants to run and play, and I have to hold her back and she gets mad at me. Our weather is still frigid this morning, and it is to be almost 50 on Saturday so maybe Tipper can have a small walk. Maybe that will get some of her energy out! Hoping you and Teddy are having a good day. I know you are anxiously awaiting your Dr. report so I am praying for you that is it good. Hope you weather is not as bad as ours. Blessings

01-09-2014, 06:04 PM
Hi Patti how did dear Tipper get on today with her laser treatment, I really hope it has helped her, Teddy has had a good day, and I am getting there, no reply to my email from my brother, I didn't expect one, so I can't find my mum, or see her. He is stopping me giving her peace before she dies, I wanted to cuddle her and tell her I love her, and kiss her goodbye, if she knew he was doing this, she would be so upset, due to the laws in this country, I cannot find out any information at all, I am not able to know where she is, even if she is calling out for me, the care home cannot ring me UNLESS my brother says they can. I don't even know if my details have got to the home where she is, the authorities could only say that IF mum is known to them, they will pass my details on, if she then was to ask for me, the home would have to contact my brother, and ask him if I am permitted to see her. I am the one that loved them both so much, and all I got in return was cruelty and abuse, and now I am kept away, like I am the one who is the bad one. I am waiting for one more legal document, and if that says my brother has power of her health and welfare, as well as her property and finances, then there will be nothing I can do, I think he has, due to his ignoring my two emails, and telling my friend at first not even to tell me my mum was ill, he will not let me see her Patti, I know him, and my mum and brother were appalling to me, I must be crazy to even be trying, but I love my mum, no matter what she did, so life is hard, on top of my health issues, and Teddy's.

Life is not easy is it, it is only my faith that keeps me going to be honest.

I hope it doesn't get too cold for you, and Tipper is doing better, how is Delora?

Love Diana & Teddy x

01-14-2014, 06:43 PM
Please say a prayer for my Tipper tomorrow she goes to the hospital early so I am exhausted and going to lay down. Blessings

01-14-2014, 06:45 PM
Hi Patti oh bless you both I hope she will be OK and you too.

Much Love Diana & Teddy xxx

01-17-2014, 06:33 PM
Hi Diana:
Yes Tipper and I were truly blessed this week. After 12 hours of it I had had enough. I am so pleased at learning some things that were keeping me up at nite. My only regret is that all of us do not have these blessings right now, as I would share mine. Tipper is the center of my universe and I truly need her as much as she needs me. I am exhausted, and trying to slowly regain my momentum. As long as my Tipper is ok everything is fine in my world. So I am hoping for a good report for you too. I wish with all my heart Teddy did not have so many issues. I know how you love and need him to get thru the days. We have snow on the ground again and sub zero temperatures coming again. Tipper has been walking, but not as far. She is in therapy once a week now. I am hoping her leg gets back to a good place. Please take care of you and precious Teddy. Hugs and kisses from Tipper and I we are praying for you both.

01-17-2014, 06:37 PM
Hi Patti I bet you are exhausted and with Grace the cat and now her issues, as someone said you may need to grow TWO money trees. Teddy is a real darling, and we are so happy he is still with us, we have decided no drugs, as he hates vets and blood tests and it would only prolong his life with his heart issues for a short time, we have stuck by our quality not quantity for him, even though it means we will have to say goodbye earlier. I still can't find my mum, may have some news next week, but some frustrating things have happened where I thought I was close, and then another brick wall, as we say here in the UK.

I am so happy for you and Tipper I really am Patti, I hope all goes well with Grace, how is Delora doing?

Much Love Diana & Teddy xxx

01-21-2014, 09:29 AM
Hi Diana:
I hope you and Teddy are doing well. We are getting ready for another arctic blast and snow. I have to take Grace Wednesday and Tipper Thursday to therapy. I am glad her leg is doing better. Hope she can get it close to normal again. I am just worn down from all this lately, and can't seem to get back to where I was. I must go see my neighbor lady today as I don't think she will be here long. Hugs and kisses to you and Teddy form Tipper and I

01-21-2014, 07:10 PM
Hi Patti I have been thinking about you when I heard about you getting more arctic blast and snow you really could do without that with everything else you have going on. I hope you get on OK with Grace is and also Tipper on Thursday. I am also really glad her leg is doing better and hope it can get back to normal again soon. I can imagine you are very worn down you have been doing so much and it takes its toll emotionally as well as psychically and of course financially too. I am so sorry to hear about your neighbor Delora I know she is not too good I am so sorry poor dear she really must be comforted knowing you are near to her. Teddy is doing OK at the moment thank you. I am not so good my health is not behaving I go to my neurologist this coming Monday to get the results of what they think is going on causing all the dead white matter in my brain I feel quite poorly at the moment. The stress with my mums situation isn't helping I am now nearer to seeing if I can find out where she is and possibly see her. I hope it won't be long as I need some closure.

Much love to you and Tipper xxx

01-21-2014, 10:39 PM

I know how it is to have a dysfunctional family. You're brother is clearly punishing you for having the strength to remove yourself from a bad situation. His problem not yours, but I do hope that you find you mom.

Once my father is gone, there will be few left that I care to remain in touch with.

01-22-2014, 08:15 AM
Hi Valerie

I really appreciate your message it hurts doesn't it having such a family my mum and my brother have always envied my strength I think but it only comes from facing the pain and not pushing anything away and dealing with it all no matter how ugly and how hard it has left me very ill as a result I have over 20 illnesses none are curable and some are life threatening I cannot even have surgery it is far too risky and I need it desperately for two conditions but I just have to live with them that makes life very hard and frightening. But no matter what I will do all I can to find my mum when she has died there is no family I will keep in touch with. So I do feel for you so much as I honestly know the pain of it all.

You can always send me a private message if you want to talk.

Take care

Diana x

01-22-2014, 10:49 AM
Hi Diana:
I am so sorry that you are feeling ill. I am hoping at your Dr. appointment that they have some good news to help you somehow. I am praying for help for you every nite. I know what you mean about the situation with your mother. I hope that it all gets settled as you don't need other stress right now. Just hug and love Teddy and take care of you two as that is the most important thing in your life right now. I wish I had a magic wand to make you well again so you were feeling well and enjoying your time with Teddy. I think you mother's situation is out of your hands as much as you want to see her and have resolution. God Bless you Diana you are a strong woman. Hugs and kisses to you and Teddy.

01-22-2014, 02:06 PM
Thanks Patti

I just want to know what they say on Monday I have my thoughts as to what they will say but will wait and see.

You are right I don't need the stress about my mum on top of everything Teddy may be ill again he may of lost a lot of weight we will weight him again in the morning to make sure it was accurate if it is right it will mean he lost a pound in a few weeks. Since he started to become ill in June he has not lost any.

Then we will worry it is cancer. So we are doing as you mentioned hugging and loving him. He is so lovely Patti I can't be without him.

I know I won't get any resolution with my mum I just want to be able to know how she is and see her before she dies.

Hugs and kisses to you and Tipper too. x

molly muffin
01-22-2014, 03:49 PM
Oh gosh Diane, I hope the scale was wrong and that he hasn't really lost a pound. :( I know that is very worrying for you and really worry is not something you need in your life. :( I do wish Teddy would just be okay. It's never easy though is it.
I'll hold out for good, positive energy on Monday for you.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-22-2014, 04:37 PM
Hi Sharlene We are going to weigh him again in the morning before he eats my husband weighed him without me there so when he was looking at the read out on the dial he had his back to Teddy so he may of lifted a leg up or something mind you my husband checked twice. Our scales are very accurate and professional ones used in adult slimming clubs in the UK and at the GP's and hospitals so we will see. We hope not as it would make him 8.5lb instead of 9.5lb and he has not eaten any less and nothing has changed so it is a worry. On top of my health and my problems with my mum we just don't need it. We love Teddy SOoooo much ! xxxx

01-22-2014, 05:44 PM
I am so upset to learn Teddy has lost so much weight, please let me know after you weigh him again if this is right. I am praying my hardest to get a miracle for him. I am so sorry this is happening. God Bless You Both and Hug and Kiss Teddy for Tipper and I please.

01-22-2014, 06:03 PM
Thanks Patti I hope it is an mistake we will see tomorrow Thank you for your kind words and support I am devastated at the thought of it as it may mean he has cancer after all and the type they thought it maybe with the spleen and the lymph nodes is very aggressive and they can only live 4 months LETS HOPE IT IS AN ERROR ON THE SCALES and none of that at all. He is still so happy and we need and love him so much with my health and coming up for news on Monday for me and my mum too. It really is the wrong time ... If ever there is a right one of course there isn't but now is the worst.... LETS HOPE IT IS ALL A FALSE ALARM x

01-22-2014, 06:27 PM
I am praying this was just a mistake. Every time I look at his sweet face on his avatar it just melts my heart. I so hope this is an error for both your sakes. I know how much you need Teddy as I am in the same position too. Just know I am praying that this all turns out better than we think. Blessings

01-22-2014, 06:32 PM
Thanks Patti if you were here now and you saw him and got to know him and his sweet ways and his love you would love him so much as I know I would Tipper I know you understand and that really helps me. Thank you Patti you are a dear friend.

Diana x

01-22-2014, 10:36 PM
I've dealt with my family since I was a child. There was crap going on even then! I'm used to it and I don't let it stop me from enjoying my life :)

There's a saying that it so true "you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family."

I went to counseling on my own when I was in my mid 20s, hardest thing that I ever did because that was when I truly realized how messed up my family was! That is a heartbreaking realization but a necessary one in order to move on and grow as an individual. I am a vastly different person than I was then and it's a good thing! Once my parents got over the shock of me standing up for myself. things changed for the better for the most part.

I'm ok and will survive and you shall too dear.
I am so sorry about your health issues and people can't imagine the illnesses that are brought on by emotional trauma~ it's unreal and in my mind, amounts to abuse.

I hope that you find your mother, but if you don't. PLEASE let it go for your own sake. You tried HARD and you were the bigger person to make the effort. Time to focus on yourself because you deserve it.

The same goes here about talking in private, if you need to, give a shout.


01-23-2014, 07:06 AM
Hi Valerie

I am SO sorry life has been hard for you I do understand. Thank you for sharing it with me.

Take care

Diana x

01-23-2014, 07:09 AM
TEDDDY'S WEIGHT it is correct He weighted 3.9kg (8lb 6oz) 8 weeks ago on 19th Nov he was 4.4kg (9lb 4oz) he has been 4.4kg for absolutely ages. Even since he was ill in July onwards. So now we are going to up his food 1oz per 4 meals a day and see if he gains a little. He is not boney or too thin it is just a worry that it maybe cancer.

So we will watch him for a week or so and if there is more loss he will HAVE To see the vet there is no point upsetting him going now as we know what cancer it would be IF IT IS and there is no treatment but pain relief and a few months to live.

LETS HOPE WE ARE WRONG and this is a result of 6 months without extra bits to eat like tit bits from us.


01-23-2014, 09:40 AM
I was so hoping you were going to say Teddy's weight was a mistake. Giving him extra goodies and some more food and see if that helps is a good plan. I know all too well what you mean about taking him to the vets. I am praying for you both that this turns around and that sweet, adorable Teddy does not have cancer. I did not sleep well and have to take Tipper to therapy today. I really need a break, but she needs the treatment so we are going. Hugs and Kisses to you and Teddy.

01-23-2014, 10:00 AM
Hi Patti We are so upset and worried; we can't give him treats as it upsets his gut issues and he will bleed and it could give him fully blown pancreatitis. We have put up the amount of each of the 4 meals he has to see if we can get him back to 4.4kg if we can't we can pretty much guess it will be what his specialist suspected. We can only love him while he is here and LOVE HIM We do SOoooo Much Patti.

I hope Tipper gets on OK today.

Thinking of you both

Diana & Teddy xxx

01-23-2014, 10:14 AM
Sorry I forgot he cannot have treats. Maybe the extra food will help him gain some weight. I know how you have to be feeling about this friend. I am so sorry you do not need this happening to your best buddy and friend in the whole wide world. I pray this can be resolved. That seems like a lot of weigh to drop. Was he eating his full portions when the weight came off? This is really a bad time for this, but there is never any good time for it either. Please take care of yourself, this just crushes me that you both are having such a hard time with health issues. I pray for you both daily. maybe God will grant a miracle as you both really deserve one. blessings

01-23-2014, 10:26 AM
Thank you for your support Patti. He was eating his full amounts all 4 meals he has not eaten any less or had any upset tummy's. He has kept it all down full amounts since that time he had the upset and blood after being in the vet hospital in October. It is A LOT OF WEIGHT to loose in 8 weeks and he NEVER ever has before unless he has been on a diet. Which has not been that much in 7 years as we are really fussy with what he eats.

I know they say he hasn't got cushings now but his cortosol is high so you would think losing weight would be the last thing.

We are worried.

The specialist he saw in Oct ... wanted to check the spleen nodule again in 2 weeks time after the first time ... As you know it had made him so ill with the bleeding from the bowel ... And not even able to keep 1 teaspoon of food down being in that hospital for one night.

So we decided we could not take the risk again.

What would it prove? if the specialist was right in thinking it is an aggressive cancer ... That they couldn't do anything for. His lovely vet here that has now left the practice ... told me the type of cancer he specialist suspected. IT IS AWFUL !!!

So I do have that from a top specialist all Teddy's issues pointed to it The specialist himself said at the time in Oct " He could be brewing something dynamic "

So I am not guessing just from my own knowledge I wish I was. I am MORE likely to be wrong.

That said there is a chance it may not be. But you can see why we are concerned.

All we can do is love him and if he goes down again and seems ill or unhappy he will have to go to the vets he is just so happy with us and NOT going has made him pick up. He really had had enough of it all.

But you know we wouldn't stay away if he needed to go.

We love him so much Patti as you do Tipper I have read about her fits last night I am so sorry and Grace still needing a home YOU NEED A REST Too you are going through it yourself.

I know you understand Patti and it helps just knowing you there I love you for it I don't know what I would do without those who do know how it feels.

Take care Hope all goes well for Ms Tipper today !

Diana x

01-24-2014, 09:20 AM
Hi Diana:
Just checking in to see how you and Teddy are today? It is freezing and snowing here. I took Tipper to therapy and she said Tipper can be let loose through the house now. I will have to keep a watch on her though she is wild. I am hoping you are having a better day today. That just crushes me that Teddy lost weight. I so wish I could hold him and cuddle him, he is so cute. I have to find a home for Grace so wish me luck, I am sick that she cannot stay here though. Blessings

01-24-2014, 12:34 PM
Hi Patti I am so glad Tipper can walk in the house now she will love it and that will make you happier. I hope you can find Grace a good home, I wonder why the vet couldn't after all.

Teddy is happy today as he is every day, We pray it is something else that has made him loose it, not cancer.

We are not going to have him put under sedation and another spleen nodule biopsy and scan, as it will only upset him, he is so delicate and doesn't like anything else except being with us at home.

Time will tell if it is cancer or not as he will get ill, but at the moment he doesn't seem ill enough, so we do hope we are wrong.

You would love him Patti, if you met him, as I am sure I would Tipper and all your others.

Diana & Teddy xxx

01-25-2014, 09:03 AM
Hi Diana:
I can't help but think of you as I know your Dr. appointment is coming up in four days. I am praying that you get some good news for once which is way over due. I am also concerned and praying Teddy gains that weight back as he is a little tiny baby to begin with. We have terrible weather here, and thank goodness we can stay home until Wednesday of next week. Tipper has to have an Acth, urine, blood panel etc. I hate to put her thru all that but have to know where her number is. Hope you have a good day with Teddy. Blessings

01-25-2014, 09:16 AM
Thanks for thinking of us Patti My hospital neurology appointment is on Monday it is Saturday today. So it isn't long is it. It won't be easy as Teddy has to go to the toilet every 2 hours and some places aren't safe for him with germs etc so we have that to contend with. Then we have to take a flask of hot water to pour onto his dry kibble so he can have his 5pm meal as we will be out then. It is as much worry making sure he is OK than it is for me to hear what is wrong with my brain !!!

I know it is likely my APS (antiphospolipid clotting illness) that has done so much damage with constant TIA's even though I am on Warfarin and
Aspirin as soon as I go out of my INR range I get small clots anywhere in my body I have been like this for about 30 years but the anti coagulation doesn't keep my INR stable. I am having signs of mild dementia coming on. So if I do get to see my mum I may be staring at what I may become myself. I am only 50 years old !!!

My other health issues are awful and make life very miserable so this worry with Teddy just breaks my heart. I was cuddling him earlier and he is so thin.

He isn't acting ill though. That doesn't mean he isn't I know. At least he is happy.

I am still waiting to hear about my mum too.

That will be a week Monday when the Social Worker rang me.

I know how hard it is have ACTH done Teddy hated it. I know you have to do it ... I hope it will be OK for Tipper. It is a shame your weather is so bad at the moment.

You need a good rest that's for sure what with Tipper Grace and Delora I don't know how you do it.

Take care of you too.

Love Diana & Teddy xxx

01-26-2014, 09:00 AM
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow. I will be there with you in spirit so know I am looking after you. I know what you mean about how much work it is to take Teddy in the car. It is that way with Tipper also. I have to take her afternoon meal, with some hot water like your said, take water for her and a coat, get pillows for her to lay on, and then stop half way to getting to therapy and pull over and feed her. She has therapy at 2-2:30 and she eats at 2:00 so I have to feed her before hand or she would never sit for therapy she would cry the whole time and act out like she does at home when hungry. When we go back to her regular schedule I will change it back to 12:00 which is much better for us. You simply cannot drive a cush dog around and not take food and water with you anywhere! I am praying Teddy is starting to put his weight back on. It is frigid here and we have so much snow on the ground from last nite it is hard for the dogs to find a place that is not too deep to go. I have to get a spot shoveled for them. Good Luck I am hoping for good news this time around. Blessings

molly muffin
01-26-2014, 11:02 AM
Hi Diana,

With the time difference and everything I just wanted to pop in this morning and tell you that we are thinking of you this morning and hoping for the best possible news from your appointment.

Hopefully Teddy won't be too stressed out. I do hope he is okay. At least he is happy, so that counts for much.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

01-26-2014, 11:07 AM
Hi Patti and Sharlene

Thank you both so much for your thought and good wishes will let you know I think they will say it is my blood clotting illnesses causing the dead brain and I know if I can't keep my INR in range they won't be able to stop the TIAs We will make sure Mr Ted is OK he is always spoilt LOL

I hope you both are OK with the weather, we are OK here toady it is raining but that is a hallmark of the UK !!!

Tomorrow will be on and off rain, at least not snow like most of you. I will be glad when we are home again, my appointment is in the afternoon so we won't be home until 7-8pm at night.

Take care all of you my dear friends from across the pond.

Diana & Teddy xxx

01-26-2014, 12:14 PM
You take care too and give Teddy hugs and kisses form Tipper and I. Wishing and praying for a good report. Wow you will get home late, and will need a big rest I am sure. Blessings

01-27-2014, 09:20 AM
Hi Diana;
I will be anxiously awaiting a good report on your health. Hope you and Teddy did well yesterday. Blessings

01-27-2014, 01:57 PM
Hello Patti and Sharlene

We have just got in, it isn't as bad as it could of been and is just as I thought it was.

Dead areas of my brain are: Damage from clots / strokes and TIA's caused by my Antiphospholipid blood clotting condition.

He has said I have to do all I can to cut down risks of more, which is what I said all along too.

Keep INR in range (That is very hard as condition doesn't stay in range)
Loose weight
Keep cholesterol low
Keep blood pressure healthy

He said I don't want to get diabetes with APS it is a dangerous mix

He has discharged me, but says I am welcome back at any time.

So now diet, exercise bike and do all the above.

Thank you for your support. The good thing is Teddy was so good today.

We are all so happy to be home. x

molly muffin
01-27-2014, 02:14 PM
Well I am happy to hear that it wasn't as bad of a report as it could have been and much as expected. Hopefully the steps you are taking will lessen the risk of more.
Glad to hear that Teddy did okay today

big hugs
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-27-2014, 02:48 PM
So glad to hear a report that was not entirely bad like we thought. Take care of yourself and get on that bike, and keep you stress down to a minimum. I know that is easy to say, as I know how you worry over Teddy and your mom. Teddy made out well too so that is a bonus! Both of you probably need a good rest now. Hugs and kisses form Tipper and I.

01-27-2014, 03:20 PM
Exercising is a great way to relieve stress.
I do best by making a schedule so that it is part of my day.

01-27-2014, 07:58 PM
Thanks all of you now I know what I am doing with my own health ... Or ONE main health issue (out of 20 illnesses that I have) It is now TEDDY who is the concern he looks thinner weigh in is Wednesday. IF he has lost more weight with his food increased a little we will have to speak to the vet we are VERY worried about him. x

molly muffin
01-27-2014, 08:12 PM
I think you might want to speak with the vet, even if he hasn't lost any further weight on Wed. Just tell them he has lost a pound, and looks thin and if they can recommend any options for him, that would be least stressful, etc.

(do they have vets that ever come to your home?)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-28-2014, 09:52 AM
I am so sorry Teddy is looking like he lost more weight. This has to be weighing heavily on your mind. Is there any other way to consult with the vet that would not involve Teddy having to go in and get so upset? Could you maybe call and see if they can help you knowing Teddy gets so stressed? I pray you can find a way around this. I know how Tipper gets so I know exactly what you mean that Teddy cannot withstand going for an exam. Hope you are both rested up from your trip. Is Teddy eating a lot more than he did before? I am praying for you both, and wish I could give Teddy a hug and a kiss in person as I am sure he is every bit as sweet as you describe him. God Bless you both and I am praying for a miracle for Teddy.

01-28-2014, 01:05 PM
Hi Patti and Sharlene

I may well ring the vet but know they would want to see him and take blood, Thankfully he has NOT lost anymore he is staying the same, so we will weight him next week if he has stayed the same, we will be OK with it, It may be that with no treats and no extra's for 6 months he has lost it.

That said it is odd to loose it in the last 2 months and not in the first 4 months?

He is very happy and doesn't seem ill, certainly not as ill as he was in July to Oct.

He is having an extra few ounces of his kibble each of his 4 meals a day.

I hope you are both OK and Molly and Tipper are doing OK too.


01-29-2014, 08:56 AM
Hi Diana:
Hoping you and Teddy are doing well today. How is Teddy doing with the weight? I hope he did not lose any more. It is really a frigid day here and Tipper must go for her ACTH etc. so this will not be a good day for her. Blessings

01-29-2014, 01:17 PM
Hi Patti

How did Tipper get on with her ACHT ? I hope it was OK.

Teddy has NOT lost any more weight and is a happy little boy at the moment he looks tired now and then but he is still better than he was a few months ago. All we can do is keep a close eye on him.

I may ask the vet what he thinks. Being a new vet that doesn't know Teddy as his favorite one left He may need to see him.

If he does we will have to but it will make him a lot worse for sure.

Take care

Love Diana & Teddy x

01-29-2014, 02:14 PM
Hi Diana:
Just got home from Tippers ACTH will have the results Friday. I am so glad to hear that Teddy did not lose many more weight. That is something to be thankful for. My cat Chance got his blood work today and he lost 1/2 lb and the vet is concerned as he is a small cat to begin with. WE have 50 mile and hour wind gusts and the temps are below 0 so the weather is bad. Tipper gained more weight and the vet said we need to do something. We will test her thyroid when I recover from all this. Hope you are feeling well today. Blessings

01-29-2014, 07:06 PM
Hi Patti I hope Tipper results will be OK. I hope Chance will be OK too, isn't it odd your cat and Teddy have both lost weight. Lets hope it is nothing too much to worry about for them both.

It sounds like you really need rest and a break you must be SOooo Tired.

I hope things calm down for you and get a little easier.

Much Love

Diana & Teddy x

01-30-2014, 08:58 AM
Hi Diana:
Well Tipper did have a pretty good sleep last nite. She did have some seizure activity early on. She was really exhausted from the testing. She has laser therapy today and then will resume her regular schedule with it being every 3 weeks. I am so tired, I need a day planner just for Tipper to keep her appointments straight. I am feeding my cat more food in an effort to see if he re gains the lost weight. I think Tipper picked up the cat's lost weight! She has not been able to exercise so it is staying on her. It is calm here this morning and the wind is gone thank goodness. I need some time to stay home and relax. Hope you and Teddy have a good day. Blessings

01-30-2014, 06:47 PM
Hi Patti

I am so pleased to hear that Tipper a pretty good night. I am so sorry she is still having seizures. What do you do now?

Do you have to get the meds adjusted?

Poor thing they hate the ACHT don't they? Then she has had her laser therapy what a good girl she is.

I bet you are VERY tired you really do need a rest. But I know it is nearly impossible for you to get any.

Do you know why your cat lost weight. Did your vet give any idea's?

I hope you weather improves as I know Tipper loves to get out.

Teddy has had another good day he is so lovely he is sleeping in the front room so I must go and see him sometimes he will lay on his beds in my office.

He is a very good boy and I want to go and cuddle him he has been so patient today as his dad and I have been busy today and he hasn't complained at all.

He has still had his cuddles though and game playing.


Diana x

01-31-2014, 10:52 AM
Hi Diana:
There is no other meds to give her at this time unless we start with the anti seizure meds. I am sending the neurologist a letter today telling him what is happening. Also Tipper has to go for a thyroid test probably Monday. I thought I would get some down time but now I have to figure out all of this stuff, and find Grace a home too. So I must compose an ad for her. My cat lost weight because he is not eating as much lately, they said his blood work came back with great results. He seems to be in the best shape of the bunch right now and I hope it continues. He just needs to be fed more. I am so glad Teddy did not lose any more weight. I was hoping for a gain if anything. The weather is decent here today so Tipper was able to walk and wow did she enjoy it! She has one more session with the laser then we go back to once every 3 weeks. Blessings

01-31-2014, 02:29 PM
Hi Patti

I see what you are saying unless you use anti seizure meds. I can understand why you want to contact the neurologist I hope they can help.

I also hope Tipper get on OK with her thyroid test.

You have so much going on and trying to find Grace a home too.
I hope Teddy gains some weight too we shall see what happens next week he seems happy enough.

It's lovely that Tipper was able to walk today I bet she loved it.

We have had a hectic day today my husband had a funny turn while decorating and we had to call an ambulance as he is diabetic and it effected his heart. It did this last summer.

It is a real worry so now NO MORE painting for him I will get someone in to do it.

What with my health and Teddy's and my husbands we are a right lot aren't we.


01-31-2014, 03:19 PM
It would seem your families luck is like my luck, not too good! I am so sorry your husband now has problems. That is awful, and I wish I lived near you I would come and paint for you. I am hoping to that Teddy regains some of the lost weight. You are having a time with all the health issue aren't you? Tipper is scheduled for Monday for the thyroid test. I hate to do it so soon after the ACTH as she is still stressed from that but she has to get straightened out asap. So we do blood and urine on Monday as I forget her urine today. Tipper had 2 walks today. She is so much happier today already just from that. Take care of yourselves and Teddy. Blessings

01-31-2014, 06:41 PM
Hi Patti

How kind of you! You are one in a million. We have some people in mind to get quotes from but it won't be cheap there is a lot to do !

My husband is OK now he has eaten slept and is resting.

I can't bear the thought of losing my mum Teddy and him in the same year !!!!!!!

I am so glad Tipper got out for her walks she must be one happy lady now.

Love Diana & Teddy x

02-01-2014, 09:06 AM
Hi Diana:
Tipper had another walk this morning. She has a lot of seizure activity last nite and I am waiting to hear from the neurologist on what we do next as I sent him a progress report. She is doing better on her leg too. This dog loves outdoors and all this confinement ahs made her depressed. I will take her again today unless we have the ice storm predicted. I am so glad Teddy is holding his own. I am feeding the cat more food in order to bulk him up a bit. I will be glad when Tipper get her thyroid straightened out as this extra weight is not good for her breathing or her legs and she is used to being trim. Hoping you and Teddy have a good day. Blessings

02-01-2014, 08:01 PM
Hi Patti it is great that Tipper had another walk I know she loves her walks so much and gets upset if it is too cold for her to go out. I am so very sorry to hear though, that she had a lot of seizure activity last night, I wonder why this is happening? I hope the the neurologist can help her. It is good her leg is getting better.

I hope that her thyroid cam be straightened out soon too, weight is a worry too much or not enough either way we don't like it do we.

Teddy has had a good day he doesn't seem to be losing any more weight will will know when we weigh him again this week.

Will keep you posted (Excuse the pun)

Take care and try to rest too you need it !!!!

Diana & Teddy xxx

02-02-2014, 08:59 AM
Hi Diana:
No walking for Tipper this morning as it is way too cold again. We will see how it gets this afternoon. Tipper was very restless last nite and I need to fast her in the morning for her test. She will be half crazy with no food until after 9 as she gets up at 6am. I am glad Teddy had another good day yesterday. How is your husband doing/ I hope he feels better. Did you get someone to paint? How are you feeling lately? Hope much better. You three have to gain strength form one another since you are all having a time with health. I pray this gets better for you, as I know you have an awfully stressful life right now with your mom and Teddy being sick. I was so glad to hear he has no more weight loss though. Blessings

02-05-2014, 09:54 AM
Hi Diana:
We are deluged with snow, and it is still coming down. Tipper drank a lot last nite and was very restless. Hope you and Teddy are having a good day. I am happy Teddy is holding his own and not losing any more weight. I am praying he is much stronger than we think and he can get some of the weight back on. Every time I look at his sweet avatar it melts my heart. Any painting going on over there?? How is your weather holding up? Ours is terrible and getting worse by the moment. Blessings

02-10-2014, 06:08 PM
Hi Diana:
I was thinking of you and Teddy and wondering how you are both doing today? Tipper and I had a bad day, and another row with this vet. I am so sick of fighting for everything Tipper needs he has worn me down today. I just wanted to slap him one he was so rude, and I am his best client!! It will come back to him sooner or later. Snow again the last few days and the roads were bad this morning. I am worried as today is a first for Tipper had a blood pressure of 190. She has never had that. I know how bad she has been feeling though. We have been up for 5 nites and I am so tired, but she needs me. She will not stay in her crate as she digs at it and barks and wakes the other critters up she has never not slept with me, and she refuses to do it now. Hope all is well over there. What kind of weather are you having? Blessings

02-16-2014, 08:57 AM
Thinking of you and Teddy and wondering how you both are doing. I saw a lot of flooding over there. I am hoping it is not where you live. I am still working on Tipper to get her dosage straightened out. We are waiting on snow this morning then warmer weather next week. Tipper did walk yesterday. Hope all is well over there.

02-20-2014, 08:57 AM
Hi Diana:
I hope this is another glitch and that you haven't gotten my messages. I am worried that you are ill. If you get this and you can just tell me you and Teddy are ok. Blessings

02-21-2014, 01:00 PM
Bless you Patti I have not been getting notifications again and I have been off the forum as I have been so tired and Teddy is ill again. All very upsetting. He is wetting in the house and he doesn't do that. He goes out to the toilet every 2 hours too. So I have rang the vet and we are taking a urine sample in the morning. He may need to go to the vet for blood tests. We have avoided that since October as you know. He shakes whenever I go to my health appointments as we go near one of the two vet offices that we go too ... He thinks he is going to the vet ... So I made up a song my husband and I sing to him called TEDDY IS STAYING IN THE CAR WITH HIS DADDY ... It is the ONLY thing that calms him down..... BUT we may have to take him for bloods depending what the urine sample says.

His bloods are poor we know that. He bone marrow is struggling to make blood. The spleen is chucking all sorts in his blood so he is in a mess.

His heart beat is irractic now 24/7 we are on BORROWED TIME .....

We are very worried this may be the start of the slippery slide down.
We love him so much and I am needing more tests done I am not at all well.

It is a real situation Patti. Without him my world will be shades of grey and no colour... The sun won't shine ... and life won't ever be the same.

I am dreading it. He is a fighter but he can't keep going with his heart this way and the bone marrow not making the right amount of each blood cells. He really is in a bad place.

Much Love Teddy and Diana xxx

Squirt's Mom
02-21-2014, 01:04 PM
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, Diane. Please let us know what the vet has to say and know we are right by your side every moment of the day.

Leslie and the gang

02-21-2014, 02:44 PM
My heart breaks for you. I truly know what sweet Teddy means to you. I am praying that the vet can help with minimal care as I know how you wanted to keep him from getting sick from being nervous. I am sorry this is happening to you, you certainly do not need this. I am praying for you both to come thru this crying time. Pleas give Teddy kisses from Tipper and I. Please let me know as soon as you can what is going on. Do you think he has a urinary tract infection?
Please take care of both of you. Blessings

02-21-2014, 02:59 PM
Thanks Leslie and Patti

You both understand as do all on here how hard this is. We hope it isn't the start of the end. He came through last time but we know one time he won't be able to. I will keep you posted (Excuse the Pun) We are hoping it is an infection.

Will let you know as soon as we know.

Thank you for being there it helps so much.

Love and Hugs Diana & Teddy xxx

molly muffin
02-21-2014, 05:55 PM
Just sending best wishes for Teddy and yourself. I do hope this is one that he can come out. It might be a UTI. Poor little guy.

sending hugs and healing strength your way

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-21-2014, 07:00 PM
Hi Sharlene

Thanks for that it means a lot to me. Will let you all know.

Diana x

02-25-2014, 06:57 PM
Hi Diana:
Just wondering how sweet Teddy is doing? I truly hope it was just a uti. Hope you are doing better. We are getting the real cold air coming back tonite so Tipper will have to stay in. She is going stir crazy.We have the vets tomorrow for Adequan shots. Hope Tipper continues to lose weight and gets it all off and we are done with it.Give Teddy hugs and kisses from Tipper and I. Blessings

02-25-2014, 11:02 PM

hoping for an infection or something that can be corrected.
A UTI did come to mind to me as well, they wreak havoc on a tiny body.


02-26-2014, 09:17 AM
I hope to this is something small that can easily be managed. Let me know how it goes as I am praying as always for you and Teddy to be well. I jhave to take Tipper to the vet now, this should be real good! Blessings

02-27-2014, 09:04 AM
Just wondering how Teddy has been and if he is still seeming to be sick?? I was hoping this was just something temporary and that he is better. We are having realmcold weather again and waiting for snow. Tipper is limping from the shot the vet gave her yesterday. He did it in her bad leg, before I could stop him he had the needle in. I am hoping this is temporary and soon goes away. Hugs and kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I. Blessings

03-02-2014, 05:17 PM
Hi Patti sorry for delay in reply.... Teddy is doing better and seems to of picked up a little which is lovely. I hope you and Tipper are doing OK.

Take care Love Diana & Teddy x

03-03-2014, 09:15 AM
Hi Diana:
I was so happy to hear Teddy is better. That makes my whole week. Do you think he has put on any weight? How are you feeling? No word about your mom I guess? I hope you are having decent weather over there after all the flooding I saw on TV. Tipper is miffed as it is below zero and she wants outside. I miss Grace terribly still. She made a huge impact on me in the month and a half I had her. I hope she knows I did want her, but had to do this. Blessings

03-07-2014, 10:25 AM
Hi Diana:
I am hoping you and Teddy are doing well. It will be 40 here today so Tipper is already starting to give me the let's walk look. She had a wonderful day yesterday. I have to call today for her ACTH results. I already know they won't be good as I know the cortisol is climbing. Blessings

03-14-2014, 05:36 PM
Hi Diana:
Just checking to see how you and Teddy are doing?? We had a good afternoon as Tipper and Toby got to walk. It was in the 50 degree range today. Tipper's blood work had good improvement on it, but some new concerns also. Hope you are doing well, Hus and kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I.Blessings

03-26-2014, 12:00 PM
I am hoping you and Teddy are doing fine. We had snow again this morning. I am really concerned about all the tremors Tipper is having and need to get them to stop some how. How is your weather? I have my neighbors cat needing a home now!! It never ends! Tipper is much better after getting on her thyroid medication. Her blood work was much better also. She went to laser therapy yesterday. I have no energy to start spring cleaning, which I usually have done by now. Toby will be getting his teeth cleaned next week, and his new hair do done for spring!. Tkpake care of you and Teddy. Blessings

04-02-2014, 08:40 PM
Hello all of you dear friends, I have been abscent for a while. I stopped getting notifications again for one thing, and then life has got very hectic. My husband health is a worry, we are trying to get to the bottom of that (His heart) My son was made redundant this week after 12 years and is not coping so well. My health has been bad ... BUT The GOOD NEWS is Teddy is doing well, and has gained ALL the weight he lost his is back to the weight he was before he lost any.

He still has his same issues, but is much better than he was last years. So we thank GOD Literally that he is doing so well.

Hope you are all OK and of course your wonderful precious babies.

Love Diana x

molly muffin
04-02-2014, 09:02 PM
Oh gosh Diana, what a worry this must be for you.
I'm glad that there is at least a bright light where Teddy is concerned and that he is doing well, all things considered.

I am not sure why you wouldn't be getting notifications. :( I know mine sometimes end up in my spam box, about ever month or so. I have to check that regularly.

I'm really sorry that your health and now your husbands is a major worry and I hope they can get it figured out as much as possible.

Awful to get made redundant after 12 years :( I hope he can find something else.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-02-2014, 09:08 PM
Hi Sharlene

Thanks for your quick reply. It is a worry with my husband as the process of finding out what is wrong takes time. Teddy is a joy and a blessing and keeps us both going, and my poor son is in a mess.

He is a clever boy and will get something, but it is so sad seeing him so down, and so shocked and confused.

He thought he had a job for life x

molly muffin
04-02-2014, 09:11 PM
Has your husband done the heart monitor for 48 hours thing? That is a good thing to do.
Well Teddy is just cute as a button. I'm sure he is a delight to you and hubby.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-02-2014, 09:18 PM
He had a 24 one 18 months ago. We do 24hr in UK it showed nothing, the ambulance man didn't catch anything either. He then had 18 months with some issues but then 8 weeks ago really bad painting the stairs and tachycardia again, so bad it was scary to feel his pulse clammy and sweating and really bad, called ambulance nothing showed up. Then last friday eve he had it again, and then at 4am Saturday morning and again at 12 midday on Saturday. He didn't tell me about the episode on the Friday as he didn't want to worry me, and he didn't wake me to 4.15am so when ambulance got here, it didn't catch it on the ECG, then again he didn't tell me about it happing a third time in 24hrs at 12 mid day. It is clearly getting worse, and I think he is headed for a heart attack and is possibly furred up in the arteries.

GP has requested another 24hr ECG but it didn't pick anything up before, we asked for an ultrasound and another test that puts the camera in. But they won't do it unless the 24 hr ECG shows something this can all take weeks and weeks even to get an emergency 24hr ECG what are the changes of it happening when he has it on ?

He is 56 in July, overweight and diabetic, he started swimming and it happened swimming, it seems to occur on exertion and with stress.

Something is wrong.

We are both worried, and all we can do is wait, they won't do any-more. If you cannot afford to pay private this is what happens, you wait.


molly muffin
04-02-2014, 09:27 PM
They have the 24 hour but should have a longer 48 hour one too. Heart halter I think it is called. I'd also ask for the test, where they put the iodine in and then it shows as it goes through the arteries and vessels. Nuclear med I think is the department that does it.

Yes I agree it does sound like they need to get this figured out. You must be so worried. :( I'd so no over exertions either.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-03-2014, 04:48 AM
Hi yes I think it should be longer, It is a halter.

The iodine thing they won't do for my husband unless the ECG and ultrasound show the need to do it.

If the ECG doesn't show anything they likely won't do the ultrasound. That is the NHS for you.

I know people struggle to pay their private health insurances and we are grateful to have the NHS we really are. But it means that you don't get what you need when you need it, you have to wait, and then they will do the minimum they can, because to be honest, they are struggling and cannot afford it.

It is so sad and I know difficult for those who work in that area as they want to help you but the finances hold them back. It must be so hard for dedicated nurses and doctors who so want to help.

So for now we hope my husband will be OK.


04-03-2014, 10:01 AM
I know how your son feels. I was let go after 21years and they had the nerve to ask me to stay for an additional month to open the newest branch.

If he can, do something positive to improve his skills. I went back to school and it gave me something constructive to do.

Prayers for hubby. Heart issues are scary, just went through this with my father.

04-03-2014, 10:08 AM
Thanks Valerie

I am sorry this happened to you too, He is a clever boy so I am sure he will be OK talked to him today so feel better now. Hospital rang today husbands 24hr ECG will be put on tomorrow. He sees our preferred GP tonight, So that is good.

Teddy is as happy as larry today * as we say here in the UK * he is sleeping with his dad, and later on they have a nice sofa coming that they can slomp on and not have to sit properly on like the other sofa and chair we have.

I got it especially for them so they don't have to worry about it creasing up like leather does.

D x

04-03-2014, 01:52 PM
Oh my goodness I am so sorry for what you are going thru. You have so many things on your plate to deal with. I was so pleased and happy to read about Teddy, that is just fantastic! I am hoping they can get this heart problem figured out so your hubby gets help. Did he have an electrocardiogram or an echo cardiogram? I know the later is better at finding problems with how the heart is functioning. That is all very scary. I was supposed to go for a stress test and haven't done it yet because of Tipper. Tell Teddy he is the best boy ever and give him hugs and kisses from Tipper and I. Blessings

04-03-2014, 01:58 PM
Thanks Patti I will tell Teddy that he is asleep on my shoulder. It is the first type not the better 2nd type you mention.

How is Tipper doing, and is your dear neighbour still with us?

How is the cat you homed getting on I have missed all this being away for a bit.

Love Diana & Teddy x

04-03-2014, 03:23 PM
I do hope your husband can get the echo cardiogram too. Tipper is doing ok , but we are in for a nasty storm any time now. Gracie the cat is doing well according to her new parents, but I miss her dearly. They often email me pictures of her, but they do make me cry when I see them. Delora my neighbor is in a terrible nursing home where that awful son of hers put her. She is so unhappy and crying all the time, and wants to go home to her house. She never sleeps and is eating very little from all the stress. She is severely depressed, but her son could care less. This is going to hasten her departure from this world. I went to see her and took her lunch, as she hates the food there. I bought her a comfortable rob, as she is in pain all over and regular clothes constrict her and hurt. I feel really bad for her, but there is nothing I can do. I bet you are just thrilled that Teddy is doing better, and it made my whole week to hear that. Hoping your hubbyngets better soon. Blessings

04-03-2014, 04:31 PM
Hi Patti it isn't an echo cardiogram he is having sadly. I am so sorry about Delora that is so very sad, but you are a very special person with all you have done and are still doing to comfort her.

My husband has just got back from our preferred GP and he has heard a very slight heart murmur, so as well as the 24hr ECG tomorrow, he has requested an appointment from the hospital for an Ultra sound on his heart too.

He is expecting to find something on them. So we have to be patient and wait and see.

We are happy Teddy is so happy and doing better.

Love Diana x

molly muffin
04-03-2014, 06:26 PM
That is very good that he at least is getting the ultrasound and hopefully whatever is going on will show up and progress will be made. One always hopes anyway for the best outcomes.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-03-2014, 07:08 PM
Hi Sharlene

Yes at least we will get to know what is going on soon, and if they can help him. I do So hope so.

How are you and Mollie x

molly muffin
04-03-2014, 07:36 PM
We're doing good here. Finally seeing an end to winter! Boy it sure was a long cold one this year.
Hope you guys didn't get that smog they were talking about. Not something your hubby needs right now!

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-03-2014, 07:42 PM
I am glad you are OK we have had some of the smog but not as bad as some areas. Not much fun is it.

Thank you as always for your support it means a lot.


04-04-2014, 10:47 AM
Hi Diana:
Hope all is going well. We have dense fog this morning from all the rain, and a storm looming. I have given Tipper Melatonin and have her dap collar on. We will see when the thunder starts if this helps her or not. I pray her blood pressure does not go up and cause problems with her eyes again. I am praying for you and your hubby. I hope he can get himself well as you need him now. Hugs and kisses to Teddy. Blessings

04-04-2014, 11:43 AM
Thanks Patti

I hope Tipper will be OK with these storms it is awful, Husband is upset bless him, he is scared of leaving Teddy and I if his heart is bad. I am calming him down as I am used to facing fears of life threatening illness. Having so much of it.

My liver function is wrong and I need more tests so is it a 21st illness to add to my list.

I hope the storms will pass and not be as bad for you as you fear.


04-08-2014, 01:20 PM
Hi Diana:
Just wondering if they found anything out with your hubby? I am praying everything will turn out alright. Tipper has ACTH tomorrow so that is always a stressful day for both of us. She has had so many it seems unfair to have to do this to her. I hate anyone hurting or upsetting her, she has had enough and if her number is good I am not doing this for three months. It is just too hard on her and I am trying desperately to maintain her current health. I am hoping little Teddy is continuing to improve. It makes me so happy to know he is doing better. I hope you you are doing alright with all that your hubby is going thru. You have a tremendous amount of stress. Hugs and kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I.

04-08-2014, 01:53 PM
Hi Patti

I know how it is for your and Tipper they don't like those tests do they. But we know we have to know how things are don't we.

Teddy is doing OK we know he is doing well right now and are enjoying this time we have as it is so precious as no one thought he would be here now.

He is only here we think, as we have him away from what he hates, anytime we go anywhere near the two vets offices, he will shake and get so distressed. We sing him a song I made up, called Teddy is staying in the car.

My husband is waiting for an Ultrasound appointment to come through, he has had a 24hr ECG our GP has found and murmur and it looks like he may have a heart valve problem.

We don't know for sure yet, and if he has what severity it is. So it is a worry. I also feel ill with the stress of it all. My blood is dangerous thick and I am at risk of a clot, with my clotting illness I am very tired, and have 3 health appointments of my own to get to on Thurs and Fri of this week, I just want it to be the weekend.

More importantly I want to know how my husband is and what is going on.

D x

04-08-2014, 06:32 PM
Sorry to hear about Hubby's murmur and valve. Hopefully this is something they can manage so he will be ok. That is so bad that your blood is thick. I know that is not good. Are you on any blood thinners? Tipper walked 3 times and is passed out snoring! Hope it helps her sleep. I am already sick thinking of tomorrow. Blessings

04-08-2014, 07:04 PM
Hi Patti

Thanks for your good wishes. I am glad Tipper is asleep and having a good rest 3 walks I would be too for a month I think LOL

I am on two blood thinners and when I drop below a certain level I should Inject a third too, but I didn't as I have two minor health procedures coming up this week (while I am awake no cutting or anaethetic as I can't have those) But all the same I didn't want to be on THREE thinners.

Most people are only allowed ONE at a time, but it is the nature of my illnesses.

I will think of you and Tipper tomorrow, I hope all goes well.

Diana x

molly muffin
04-08-2014, 09:15 PM
Hope you're procedures go okay Diana and that the ultrasound can show exactly what is going on with hubbys heart and that it isn't major.

You guys need a break from illness. All three of you. :) Glad Teddy is still chipper little guy.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-09-2014, 05:34 AM
Hi Sharlene

Thanks for that, you are right we do need a break from it, all three of us, but we aren't going to get it. None of my illnesses are curable, or Teddy's either, and if my husbands GP is right, his won't be either. I think it is just one of those things, and at least we all understand each other, and have empathy for one another. It is life in this stressful world isn't it. It can make illnesses worse I guess.

How is Molly doing and you of course?

Diana & Teddy x

04-09-2014, 08:34 AM
Hi Diana:
I am getting things done around here and getting Tipper ready to go to the vets for the dreaded test. Hope all three of you have a good day some how. How is your weather over there now? I think it will be in the 50s here today. Blessings

04-09-2014, 09:32 AM
I will think of you both today X

04-09-2014, 09:33 AM
Sorry Patti forgot to say it is nice hear today not too hot and not too cold in the middle ... just as we like it

04-10-2014, 09:22 AM
Well the test is over and I am glad. Tipper has already walked this morning and it seem like it will be another nice day. Hope you have a nice day over there too. I am praying for all of you. You should not have to deal with all of this, my heart goes out to you. Blessings

04-10-2014, 09:36 AM
Hi Patti

Thanks for your love and support it means so much. I am SO glad that Tippers test is done, was it OK.

I have found out mu liver is not right and it is risking clots and I already have my blood clotting illnesses, I also have para protein in my blood and it may mean I have a bone cancer or similar cancer, I hope not, as treatment would really mess up my warfarin, and the menapause is already messing up my blood illnesses and making my blood too thick and risking a clot, so with my liver Globulin being too high and that adding to the risk of clots, I am not a happy bunny.

But I am still here, and I will just hope it is a blip and not a cancer. We will find out in due course, So what with my 21 illnesses already, and not this, and my husband and Mr Teddy, My hubby says " We are a houseful of sickies " Having said that we are strong as we have a VERY strong faith and God gives us strength to cope and be postive no matter what.

Give Tipper a Kiss from me and Teddy and for you too x

04-11-2014, 09:43 AM
Your strong faith is definitely getting you thru all this. Things just have to get better. You have a good positive attitude and that helps too. It is rainy and foggy here, sort of looks like a movie in London!! Blessings to you all

04-11-2014, 09:53 AM
Sorry to hear about your weather it is quite pleasant today here.

Sadly my husbadn has more health worries today, his diabetes is badly controlled (He has been doing it with diet ever since he was diagnosed about 4 years ago)

I know that he cannot control it with diet it has got too bad, but he is against drugs, I think the GP may say you can't do it with diet not, it is past that. He will consider his options hopefully.

It is a real worry with that and his heart, Still waiting for Eco-cardiogram appointment it seems GP didn't request it.


04-11-2014, 10:04 AM
That is quite a worry. Diabetes is nothing to mess with. I know a fellow I used to work with told me one time Jerusalem artichokes are used to manage it and work well. Maybe you could see if that is available where you are? Blessings

04-11-2014, 10:07 AM
Hi Patti

It is all too much at once, I may have a cancer and he may be very ill with his heart and diabetes and we just want to be here for Teddy as he wouldn't be happy with anyone else.


05-04-2014, 04:44 PM
Hi Diana:
I have been thinking of you and Teddy. I hope all of you are well. How is your husband doing? Tipper was at the hospital last week, you will have to see her thread. We are about to get a storm, and I hope Tipper gets thru it OK. How is your weather over there. Real stormy and raining here. Still a bit cold though. How has Teddy been feeling? Hope you have been well. Blessings

05-04-2014, 04:46 PM
Hi Patti thanks for thinking of us. Teddy is holding his own and still happy. I am up and down but fightening on. I will read your thread about Tipper. Sorry I have been abscent from forum for a while been so busy and un-well etc.

Much love Diana xxx

molly muffin
05-04-2014, 08:24 PM
Diana, sorry to hear you have been unwell, but glad Teddy is holding his own and doing okay.
How is your hubby doing?

Take care, hugs
Sharlene and molly muffin

05-04-2014, 10:36 PM
Hi Molly

Thanks, my husband is still waiting for his heart echo cardiogram, It was booked as an emergency and it is 17th May, it is a long wait, esepcially for an emergency appointment, but that it how it is here. He saw his GP about his diabetes, and has ONE last chance to control it with diet, or he will need to take meds for it.

He is being really good as he really does know this is the Last Chance, we are worried about his heart though, so are hoping they will be able to tell us more soon.


molly muffin
05-05-2014, 08:06 PM
Oh I know it is so hard to wait when it is so important. :(

sending you hugs and positive thoughts and prayers

Sharlene and molly muffin

molly muffin
05-05-2014, 08:07 PM
P.S. My brother in law is controlling his blood sugar with diet and believe me if that man can do it, I know your hubby can too. This is a southern boy, who grew up on sweet tea, drunk by the gallons per day and everything fried.

Hang in there!
Sharlene and molly muffin

05-05-2014, 08:26 PM
Thanks Sharlene It helps knowing you understand. It is a real worry about his heart, we know diabetes is an illness not to mess around with, but the heart is most important. We need to know what is wrong. They think it is the valve. Funny Teddy has a heart valve problem, as did our other two Yorkies, and Teddy has permanat arrhythmia now too. He is a real darling he is such a fighter, he is so happy still and put on the weight he lost, if he didn't have the spleen nodule and two heart issues we would of been happier, but you can't change these things can you.

We are really loving him as much as we can, and it has helped a lot.


05-06-2014, 09:24 AM
Hi Diana:
So happy to hear Teddy is still doing well, and sorry to ear you have not been too good. I am exhausted from my trip and my knees hurt from riding in the car so long. I will not have any results for a few days. I have to take Tipper to therapy, and I do not want to get back in the car, but I must go for her sake. I am still waiting on the IMS to answer my questions on her. Looks like we are in for a nice sunny day. Hugs and Kisses to you and Teddy from Tipper and I.

05-06-2014, 09:33 AM
Hi Patti

I can understand you not wanting to get back in the car, but I know you will do it for Tipper, as I know how much you love her. She is such a blessed little girl to have a mum like you.

I hope her therapy helps, and that you get your results soon too, are your Lupus tests?

My husband has to have an echo cardogram next Saturday 10th May. I have had one, they are very clever.

I hope you and Tipper are having a better day.

Love Diana & Teddy xxx

05-21-2014, 08:03 PM
Just one storm after another. Tipper is really struggling with this weather. It has made her a nervous wreck. How is little Teddy doing? Hope he kept his weight on. How are you feeling now? I hope better. Is your hubby doing ok? I have been thinking of you and hoping things are better. How is your weather now? Hugs and kisses to you and Teddy.

05-21-2014, 08:25 PM
Thanks Patti for thinking of us, I think of you often too, I am so sorry the storms are making Tipper upset. Teddy is doing well at the moment, thankfully.

We are now waiting for test results for my husband he had the echo cardiogram last Saturday.

I have seen my mum who has dementia twice now, Sadly she doesn't recognise me to look at, but she does know it is me, It has been sad seeing her like she is, but she has shown remorse, admitted so much, in the best way she can (as she is very ill with the dementia now)

If my brother or uncle had told me when it began, I would of gone to her before, instead I had a 4 and a half month fight to go through the correct channels to even find out where she was.

Since Nov 2011 when she last wrote to me, there I was assuming she wasn't wanting to contact me again, and all the time she was ill, alone in her home and clearly stuggling, all I know is she ended up in hospital and then went into the nursing home, where she has been for almost a year.

I am not asking too much at once as I don't feel you can walk in after 2 visits and ask too much.

I asked how long since she can't recognise people, one of her carers said she has been like that since she went there, so for almost a year, that means she wasn't recognising people when she was living alone. What my family have done is rob her of seeing me earlier when she would of recognised me.

Also, they were clearly OK with not giving her the opportunity to make her peace with me before she dies.

But it hasn't stopped that far from it. She knows it is me, and she is so happy we are seeing each other again. She has admitted all she did, and shown regret and we are now able to hold hands cuddle each other, and say we love each other.

That is what I wanted to give her peace, and my family could of robbed us both of this closure.

I don't dwell on that as it is very upsetting, I just think of now, we will have the time she has left before she goes into the last stage of dementia.

She is bad but not at the last part as yet.

She is very thin and has lost a lot of weight, it makes me wonder what she was like before she went there, I dont' think she is eating much, that is what I have to find out next.

I also think she had a sickness bug when I went this week.

So life has been stressful, emotional and very tiring.

But we are coping X

06-09-2014, 09:29 AM
Hi Diana:
Hope this finds you and Teddy and your hubby doing better?? How has your weather been? We have had nothing but storm after storm and are due for three this week. You will have to check my thread as I got meds for Tipper she and I just could not take it any longer. Hug and Kisses to you and Teddy

06-21-2014, 03:59 PM
Hi Diana:
I bet you are not getting your messages again! I am hoping all is well with you, hubby, and sweet Teddy. It's been difficult here on Tipper with storm after storm coming. Hope you get to enjoy a bit of summer. Blessings

06-23-2014, 06:00 PM
You must not he getting your messages again. I hope you are all well and sweet Teddy is fine. Blessings

06-26-2014, 06:15 PM
Hi Diana:
I am hoping one of these messages makes it thru to you. Hope all of you are well, and that you and Teddy are enjoying a bit of summer. All we have had is rain and one storm after another. Tipper had to go on meds from being so terrified of all this weather. Blessings

07-01-2014, 09:34 AM
Hi Diana:
So good to hear from you. Yes these terriers are really feisty aren't they? I found a lump on Toby's hind quarter that I must see the vet about. I hope he is not starting with any issues! We are to get really bad weather today. Tipper is already on alert. I may not be able to go see Delora if it starts early, as I will have to have someone sit with Tipper. I hope with all the issues you have has to deal with that you have at least been able to enjoy a bit of summer with Teddy. We have had nothing but rain and storms. I feel so bad your hubby is having so many problems with his heart. I will say a prayer for you all. Blessings

07-01-2014, 09:41 AM
Hi Patti it is such a shame about all these storms, Tipper really doesn't like them does she, So Toby has a lump. Lets hope it is nothing too much, and is a fatty lump, or something harmless of course. It isn't easy for you visiting Delora, I understand, When I see my mum, we have to travel 45mins, it is hard for us all, as we are all ill, and we are very tired when we get home. We then take almost the week to recover before we go again :0)

Teddy is on top form almost today, so he is fighting, none of his vets expected him to be here, they all thought we would loose him last year.

So now like you, we cherish every day and every moment, it is so precious isn't it.

I think of you very often. I will be better and keeping touch. xxx

07-01-2014, 01:52 PM
Hi Diana:
Yes the storms are really bad for Tipper's health. I had to put her on tranquilizers so it would not affect her heart and eyes form her blood pressure going so high. I am sorry to hear you are still struggling with your illnesses. One should not have so many things to contend with, and you do a good job. I am thrilled Teddy is with you and hope he continues on. These little one have the fighting spirit in them. God Bless you All

07-01-2014, 02:27 PM
Hi Patti Poor Tipper do the pills help her? I think they are amazing the way they carry on, I sometimes wonder if it is partly, that they don't know what is wrong with them, like we do when it is us, so they don't have the mental / emotional worry of it, and of course they have the love we give them, and that helps them a lot doesn't it, as you say.

LONG may it continue,

Diana x

07-04-2014, 09:01 AM
Hi Diana:
I feel bad having to give Tipper those pills, but it is the only way to get thru this and have her blood pressure stay down. Today it is cool and foggy this morning. no rain in sight so this will be a good day for Tipper. Hope you and Teddy have a good weekend and take care of hubby too. Blessings

07-04-2014, 03:45 PM
Hi I understand, its never easy giving our babies pills, but I do see why you have to keep Tippers blood pressure down, and it isn't easy with these awful storms, I do hope you are OK and Tipper and of course all your other lovely pets.


07-04-2014, 06:04 PM
I know I hate these pills, but I did really try and exhausted every other possibility before resorting to the pills. I just wish this weather would go away. We are to have it three days in a row again starting Monday. Is it hot and humid over there? Do you have any relief from the heat? Hug Teddy and give him kisses from Tipper. Blessings

molly muffin
07-07-2014, 08:59 PM
Hi Diana,

So glad to hear that Teddy is fighting the long battle. I hope he continues to do so and that both you and your hubby can get your some of your health concerns better too.
We all just do what we can and hope it's enough. Glad you are able to spend some time with your mom, even if it is hard making the trip. Again, you can only do what you can.

Sharlene and molly muffin

07-08-2014, 02:59 AM
Hi Sharlene

Thanks so much, it is hard but I keep going, Teddy is a constant joy, allbeit also a concern at times, but he is so sweet, and loving and loyal, he is so in tune with my husband and I and he loves us to bits, as we do him, We thank God LITERALLY that he is still here with us a year almost to the day that we were told his white cells had crashed.

We don't know what his white cells are doing right now, as he hasn't had a blood test since the end of last year, we go purely on him as the little " man " he is, and he is happy, and not suffering, he sleeps when he needs to, and is only running a slight fever now and then, we then know his cells may be low, and are even more vigilant, we are very vigilant already, he is a sweetheart.

There is nothing the medics can do with my 21 illnesses, some are very hard to live with, and so I have to cope best I can.

My mums situation is very sad, and it is hard to watch, but I love her, and will be there as much as I can, my own health permitting.

I know if she knew (and I don't tell her about my health it would worry her and she can't understand anything like that now at all) she would say " don't come and see me if you are ill dear, rest and come another time "

I hope Molly is OK, and of course you also.

Love Diana & Teddy xxx

08-01-2014, 03:34 PM
Hi Diana:
I hope to dispel all the rumors about Tipper and the things that simply are not correct. I know it can be upsetting to read things on here and you worry for Tipper because of it. I am doing the very best I can for Tipper and I pray she can get thru this period. I am sorry some are not receiving private emails as there is something wrong with my internet provider and we are working on it. I hope that you and Teddy are doing well and I thank you for always caring about my girl she does not deserve to be this sick she has been thru a lot. Blessings

08-03-2014, 10:26 AM

All I care about is you and Tipper and I am sad that we can't all support each other, and be loving and kind to each other after all we all joined to get the support we need so much as we love our babies, and we all have so much in common, that we fear for the future for our dear little ones, and we all need to stick together and help and care for each other.

That is what this forum is all about, support and knowledge as knowlege is power.

We all need to know that someone out there understands, and I know YOU do, you are a special person, and no matter what I read, I know you love Tipper you do the best for her, and you have dedicated so much time to helping others, that is you.

Selfless and caring and you have shown so much love and care to me, and my little boy, and to many others, and we love you for it.

Thank you Patti Teddy and I love you and Tipper dearly xxxx