View Full Version : Boston Terrier Blues

09-11-2013, 11:25 AM
My 7 year old boston has been diagnosed with Cushing's. We started with Lysodren but he just couldn't get a dosage to work. We gave a low dose of pred to get him back to a normal behavior and appetite. Started 20mg Vetoryl yesterday. He was his old self yesterday,so encouraging but today his appetite is low and he's a bit listless. We are scheduled to have an ultrasound Tuesday to get a good look at what we're dealing with. My heart is breaking. I want so badly for him to be able to have a longer and happy life with us. Has anyone done an adrenal scan? Please keep Squirty in your prayers today. Nancy

Roxee's Dad
09-11-2013, 12:30 PM
Hi Nancy and welcome to you and Squirty.

I will apologize in advance for so many questions that we are about to ask :o

Can you please give us a little background on why Squirty was tested for Cushings. What test were performed and would you be so kind as to post the results of her testing. ACTH, LDDS, UC/CR and the abnormal results of her regular blood test.

Was their a washout period between the time you stopped the Lyso and started the Vetoryl?

and one last question for now... Was Squirty on any type of steroids previous to the Cushings diagnosis?

By Adrenal scan, I assume you mean a high definition Ultra Sound. Yes many if not most of have had this done not only for the adrenals, but for all the vital organs to ensure it wasn't another problem involved causing the cushings or cushings symptoms.

We will all keep Squirty in our thoughts and prayers.

I wanted to add it concerns me very much that Squirty was on Pred which usually means he went too low on his cortisol while he was on the Lyso. Was an ACTH performed to check his cortisol levels before the Veroryl was started?

We have quite a few Lyso moms around here that may be able to shed a little more light on this. How much lyso was he on, was their a loading period?

09-11-2013, 12:52 PM
Welcome to the board there are many helpful and knowledgeable people here to help you. Once you can post your test results and more details about Squirty's diagnosis the experts here will give you great advice!
Your dog can do very welll if you can get the proper dosage of medication and if you have a vet who is up on the treatment for Cushings.
My dog is 9 and we started treating in April. It has taken 5 months but things are way, way better. Try and post your details soon and you can expect some help right away.
Be careful right now with Vetoryl...listlessness and no appetite may mean the cortisol level is dropping too low. If that keeps up you should not give any more vetoryl until your dog can have an acth test.
There's no harm stopping the medication but much harm can come from giving it when your dog is already dropping too low. How much does your dog weigh...the starting dose should not be more than 1mg per pound.


Squirt's Mom
09-11-2013, 01:58 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Squirty! :)

My baby's name is Squirt! :D

I am concerned about the timing of the switch from Lyso to Vetoryl - that requires a minimum of 30 days with neither med on board. ;) I am also concerned about how your vet handled the Lysodren - whether they did it correctly or if your baby is one that simply cannot handle that drug. We see that from time to time - a pup can't deal with one drug or the other. My greatest concern is that if your vet didn't know how to use the Lyso correctly and didn't have you do a washout before switching to the Vetoryl they may not know much at all about Cushing's nor its treatments - which is dangerous.

You say Squirty is listless today after starting the Vetoryl - are you seeing any loose stools, signs of nausea? If I were you, I would stop giving that until you've had a chance to let us see the lab reports that were done to diagnose the Cushing's in the first place. If you could fill us in on all the history from the time you noticed a problem, or the vet did, through today that would be wonderful!

I'm glad you found us and look forward to learning more very soon.
Leslie and the gang

09-11-2013, 02:03 PM
Hi Nancy and welcome. The people on here have been wonderful and know exactly what they are talking about, so please give them the information they requested and they'll tell you exactly what to do.

I've never had so much help ever, until I came on this forum. I would think they'd actually get bored asking the same questions to newbies, but nope.. they're on it immediately and know what they are doing.

Good luck with squirty.

molly muffin
09-11-2013, 07:32 PM
All the pertinent questions for now have been asked, so I'll just welcome you and Squirty to the forum.

Just to let you know, many have treated with both lysodren and vetroyl and with a good vet, who knows their stuff (many say they do and don't) and a viligent owner (that would be you) dogs can live out a normal lifespan. We just have to figure out what is going on. Answering the questions above will give us a good start to help you figure this out.

And Yes, I too have had an ultrasound to look at adrenal glands and other internal organs. It's a good move to make.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-11-2013, 09:24 PM
Welcome - please let us know how long you took a break in between the two meds as Leslie is right - you can't just switch over.

On a brighter note my girl Haley was treated for cushings for 4+ years and she lived to be 16 1/2.. passed of old age and not cushings so don't worry - the key is to have a vet with experience and to learn as much as you can about the disease so you can speak for your dog.

Glad you found us. Oh and ultrasounds aren't painful. Hang in there Kim