View Full Version : Cairo, 8 year old staffordshire bull terrier just diagnosed
05-06-2014, 05:42 PM
Either that or he was hoping for a lift! He's a chancer sometimes!!
05-06-2014, 06:46 PM
He probably was thinking the person was a bad driver and laughing to himself!
05-07-2014, 03:21 PM
Now don't tell me Cairo is wanting to drive now instead of walk!!!
05-07-2014, 05:07 PM
He would if he could. He's a bit car obsessed and they say that dogs don't recognise colour - but he only wants to get in cars the same colour as mine.
He wasn't looking too well today. He seemed OK in himself but he looked strained - big dark circles under his eyes. I know I sound mad but he does get circles under his eyes.
Maybe I'm worrying over the least little thing.:(
molly muffin
05-07-2014, 06:11 PM
See how he is when you go out for a walk, if he seems tired or doesn't want to go, jumpy at least little thing, then he might have low cortisol again or it could just be an off day after acting like he was wonder dog yesterday on his walk. :) :)
As always just keep an eye on him. It's natural to be a bit obsessive over every little thing when you've been through one too many crisis's with him.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-08-2014, 08:38 AM
I don't think you are being crazy for questioning everything he does after what he has been thru. I would be watching every little thing myself, it's only natural after what both of you have gone thru. If he starts driving you can put him on TV he can helpmpaynthe vet bills! Keep watching like you have been and he will do fine, this was awfully hard on his body, and for such nbig dog he made a good come back. Blessings
05-13-2014, 09:43 AM
We took Cairo back to the vet today for a checkup as we're just paranoid really LOL
He got his stim test done and his post stim results were 239 (8.66). The vet said that's higher than they were (175 after his crash but he was still on pred at that point) but the vet school said only to start him back on vetoryl if his post stim results went above 400 (14.5)
His blood sugars were fine. She checked his prostate (he's been doing a lot of peeing) and it's fine though the look on his face when she did that examination was priceless.
molly muffin
05-13-2014, 03:28 PM
It does sound like he is doing pretty good now. He's not on any pred at the moment right?
Well, poor guy, sorry about that prostrate exam Cairo. I hear that all guys get that look on their faces! :) :)
Nothing wrong with paranoia. It has saved many of us along the way.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-13-2014, 04:42 PM
Oh poor Cairo and his prostrate exam, glad that he seems to still be doing fine
05-13-2014, 07:59 PM
He's not on any meds at all now. Are these numbers OK for now?
When he went back for his second blood draw, he had his tail firmly clamped down!! LOL Poor lad.
molly muffin
05-13-2014, 08:03 PM
Yes that is prob okay after the kind of crash he had. If you do start back it needs to be at an even lower dose than the last one.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
05-13-2014, 08:04 PM
Those numbers are fine as they show that the adrenals are producing cortisol YAA!!!!
If this were me, numbers would not guide me in deciding when treatment should start back up, I would not start the Vetoryl back up until Cairo is displaying obvious signs of Cushing's.
Hugs, Lori
molly muffin
05-13-2014, 08:06 PM
I should say that I personally would be okay with that number for now and continue to monitor and see how he does recovery wise.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
05-14-2014, 06:53 AM
Fantastic. Thank you. They've said that if his cortisol levels do go up and above 400 and he gets started back on vetoryl, he's only to be on 30mg per day which is half of what he was on and a quarter of what he was originally started on.
I was looking through some other threads and see that here in the UK, starting on 2mg per lb seems to be common. :(
He's looking better - the only thing we've noticed is that his right ear has lost a lot of hair - not sure if that's to do with the Addison's crash though.
It's going to be hard monitoring things - it's fairly warm here and staffies don't like the heat so watching for panting is going to be hard but there are other things to keep an eye out for so that's what we'll have to do.
05-14-2014, 08:03 AM
I had to go away to the Dr. so I did not post yesterday on the threads. Even though the people in the UK use 2 mg per pound, because of the situation Cairo was in if it were my dog I would be starting him back on no more than 1 mg per pound, when it is time. I a, glad he is doing well, and will be looking for his next adventure! How is your weather, hot and humid? Blessings
05-14-2014, 08:11 AM
It's not humid but it's warm. Yesterday we had sun, heat, then a thunder storm. It was like a monsoon. Today is glorious - sunshine and warm. We'll probably have snow tomorrow!! LOL
Harley PoMMom
05-14-2014, 03:05 PM
Fantastic. Thank you. They've said that if his cortisol levels do go up and above 400 and he gets started back on vetoryl, he's only to be on 30mg per day which is half of what he was on and a quarter of what he was originally started on.
Even if Cairo's ACTH post number gets to 400 (14ug/dl) I still would not resume the Vetoryl, only strong symptoms, such as excessive drinking/urinating with a ravenous appetite, would be the reason, for me, to start treatment.
On the forum there have been dogs that while being treated with Vetoryl have had their cortisol drop too low. One dog that comes to my mind is Princess, and when her cortisol dropped too low the Vetoryl wasn't restarted until almost a year later, because it took that long for Princess to become symptomatic.
Hugs, Lori
05-14-2014, 04:13 PM
Thanks Lori, that's good to know. He seems to be peeing a bit but not as excessively as he was peeing at first but it's looooong pees he's having. Drinking is fine so I guess we're ticking along nicely for now.
The excessive panting will be hard to monitor as it's warm now but we'll keep an eye on the tip of his tail - that was what rang the warning bells last time
05-15-2014, 11:40 AM
We have been having nothing but horrible storms and thunder for days, and Tipper is scared to death of it. I will be glad when it goes away. I think it may take Cairo a while before he needs Vetoryl as he had such a bad time with all this. How has he been with walking? Is he eating normal? He is beautiful and certainly a character! I love hearing about his little adventures. Blessings
05-15-2014, 01:54 PM
Surprisingly he was fine out in a thunder storm - the noise didn't bother him but the wet sure did. Speaking of which, on my Facebook newsfeed, a picture popped up - a lady knits balaclavas for dogs - they're used to help dogs that are scared of thunder/fireworks/other noises - she says they muffle the noise - do you think that would help your little one?
He's eating OK - always ready for his breakfast and dinner but not constantly looking for food though he'll readily accept it if offered. Sometimes he doesn't eat all his dinner in one go but that's normal.
It was really warm and clammy today - 18 degrees (centigrade) and we were both panting out on our walk - it was a short one tonight because it was just too warm for us.
I'm sure he gets bored with the same walk all the time but it's pleasant with plenty for him to sniff at. We went a bit further last night and he was doing well - till a man with a little terrier passed and the terrier had a go at him and he got all upset and anxious (barked back at it, but it was upset). He just wanted to go home after that.
molly muffin
05-15-2014, 04:32 PM
Awww, poor thing, and he was enjoying a nice walk too.
It sounds like he is doing pretty good right now! :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-18-2014, 07:35 PM
He seems to be doing OK. We tried building up his walk a bit but it was humid today and we were all pooped after it. He still wants to carry his toy on a walk and I don't think he gets a chance to snuffle about properly with it and I certainly don't think he pants properly with it. He's a stubborn lad though and just plonks himself down in front of you till he gets it. If you try to keep walking, he's in a sit, walking backwards in front of you - bizarre!!
molly muffin
05-18-2014, 09:10 PM
My dog doesn't really care for walking in humid weather either. She'll turn around and go right back towards the house!
Cute that he has to have his toy with him. Like a comfort item.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-19-2014, 07:53 AM
I think with all the breathing issues and possibly narrowing of nasal passages the humidity makes it hard for cush dogs to exert any energy as they are more than likely not getting as much air as they used to in their lungs. I keep Tipper in during humid days because of her heart. A lot of them become exercise intolerant with this disease. Tipper has always walked miles a day and I believe this is her saving grace that she was so stong, and still is to an extent. I would just be cautious of the humidity. Glad Cairo is still going strong, and he is too funny with that toy. A big bruiser like him carrying around a toy is too cute. Blessings
05-19-2014, 09:35 AM
We'll keep his walking down in the heat. It's always hard to know if he's keen to keep walking or if he's walking to keep us happy.
He has to carry something - even if it's a blade of grass
05-19-2014, 11:34 AM
So cute this Cairo is. What a ham with a blade of grass in his mouth!. He is sure a beautiful dog, I can see why you are so in love with him. Hope it's not too hot for him to walk today. Blessings
molly muffin
05-19-2014, 02:01 PM
Oh how adorable he is.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
05-19-2014, 04:38 PM
Don't know about it being too hot for him but I can't go out tonight as its too hot and clammy so my mum and niece are on dog walking. It's actually not as warm as it has been but it's so clammy - and I don't do heat. He'll not get to go far though.
05-20-2014, 08:19 AM
WE are to get a storm this afternoon so Tipper will be on high alert. We still have cooler temps here right now, but it is very dark out. I hope you get a cool down as Cairo seem to be able to handle the cooler weather better than that humid hot stuff. These cush dogs just cannot take it. It is terrible how this disease changes all that you knew about your dog previous to this disease. Blessings
05-20-2014, 07:14 PM
It was cooler today but still really heavy. He was torture on his walk this evening. Almost welded to my leg, wanting his toy almost as soon as we were out and I didn't want to give him it but my mum gave him it. I wasn't being horrible but when he's carrying it, he doesn't pant so well and he doesn't snuffle about or pee much and I think it can't be much fun for him just plodding along with the toy.
I took this a while ago - told you he liked carrying things - he found this manky old cycle tyre and wouldn't part company with it.
05-20-2014, 07:25 PM
He is so funny he needs his own TV show! I could watch him all day. What a character. God love him, I think he is just too cute. Blessings
molly muffin
05-20-2014, 07:43 PM
He is very cute. I think it must be a comfort to him, but yes, I can see that he wouldn't pant as well and it's humid, so they need to pant. Peeing, well, if he has to go he would I'd think. Sniffing, nope, hard to sniff with a toy in your mouth.
Maybe just tell your mom he can have it like 1/2 way through the walk, maybe on the way home but not going? (Cain might not be happy with you either)
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-21-2014, 05:28 PM
How is Cairo today? I am hoping it is not too humid today for you and him. It is thunder storming here and Tipper is about fed up with it. Hope you have a good walk. Blessings
05-21-2014, 06:12 PM
It was really hot today - not humid - just hot and I know you'll think 68 degrees isn't hot - but it is for us! LOL
We didn't go far - he was absolutely pooped as was I. At this precise moment, a thunder storm would be a Godsend to try and cool the place down a bit. We Scots don't do heat!! LOL
05-21-2014, 06:28 PM
Hi Alison
Didn,t you get the storms the other night that we had? Woody always carried a toy on his walks, he wouldn,t leave the house without it, but i used it to take his attention away from other dogs.
It was in the 60s here today and is still very humid tonight, yip us scots don,t do hot lol
05-23-2014, 04:42 PM
We've not had any storms - we had a bit of a thunder storm two Fridays ago and then again a week past Tuesday - didn't last long - just long enough to drown us when we were out. I was literally dripping puddles on the floor - Cairo was not best pleased - he doesn't do wet!!
It was a relief yesterday and today - much cooler - 12 degrees yesterday and about 14 today (54 - 57F approx) - that's more my comfort zone.
I use Cairo's toy to take his attention from other dogs as well - you can't bark at another dog when you've got a mouthful of toy!! LOL Instead of it just being used as a distraction, he's now using it as a comfort I think. He gets to a certain point on the walk and just wants his toy and if he doesn't get it, he starts hunting for sticks to pick up as he knows fine he's not allowed sticks (I'm not mean - just know of too many nasty accidents with dogs and sticks) - if he starts picking up sticks, he just gives you that look that says, give me my toy and I'll not do this. The other reason he's not allowed sticks is cos he got a lump of one jammed across his teeth last year and he was getting in a right state. I'm the only one brave enough to stick my hand in his mouth but I had a broken wrist and plaster cast on so I couldn't use one hand to open his mouth and the other to prise the stick out - so I had to do it one handed - and I KNEW that when the stick came out, his jaw would automatically clamp shut and my fingers were going to be in there so I just had to brace myself for the inevitable!
05-23-2014, 04:51 PM
Hay Alison
I,m sure Woody used his as a comforter as well, but i didn,t mind lol. Like you i,ve never given sticks to any of my dogs as I,ve read horror stories, you get those rubber safe sticks from pet stores.
I don,t envy you putting your hand in his mouth, woody got me a couple of times when he had eaten something he shouldn,t :eek:
05-23-2014, 04:53 PM
He gets to a certain point on the walk and just wants his toy and if he doesn't get it, he starts hunting for sticks to pick up as he knows fine he's not allowed sticks (I'm not mean - just know of too many nasty accidents with dogs and sticks) - if he starts picking up sticks, he just gives you that look that says, give me my toy and I'll not do this. The other reason he's not allowed sticks is cos he got a lump of one jammed across his teeth last year and he was getting in a right state. I'm the only one brave enough to stick my hand in his mouth but I had a broken wrist and plaster cast on so I couldn't use one hand to open his mouth and the other to prise the stick out - so I had to do it one handed - and I KNEW that when the stick came out, his jaw would automatically clamp shut and my fingers were going to be in there so I just had to brace myself for the inevitable!
Hmm funny you should say that after having my own stick incident this week :D:D
Cairo sounds pretty good right now!! Funny how we all get used to our own local temps, I like it about mid 20s... over 30 and we all wilt!! Around 12-14 are like our winter daytime temps, about that right now actually! Heat pump going! :D
molly muffin
05-23-2014, 05:04 PM
I like about 24, that is a good temp. 14 is perfect for night time sleeping. It's only 16 here right now.
Molly doesn't do sticks, like in the yard or along the road. (put some chicken on one like your mom did though Trish and she'd be all over it too)
Molly has gotten me a couple times too when I had to take things away from her. She does not like anything being taken away. Much better to distract her with something else.
well, that does make sense then Alison, I wouldn't be leaving home without the toy! Can you imagine if you didn't have it!!!! LOL A staffy toy fit.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-24-2014, 08:05 AM
Cairo seems to be doing better, have you noticed any signs of the cortisol rising? I think it will be a rather long time before it does after what he has been thru. Maybe he carried his toy around to keep his mouth busy, so people don't perceive him as a threat? Dog are smart so I would not doubt it. Whatever the case I think it is awfully cute of him. We have a cold front here with frost on the grass. Tipper likes the cooler temperatures to walk in. She is just more relaxed when it is cooler. Hope you two have a good weekend. Blessings
05-24-2014, 01:36 PM
Cairo is soooooo cute in that picture of him carrying the blade of grass! :D What a beauty he is! I just love Staffs! My kids and granddaughter have them...and they are such great dogs....and companions! Cairo is a doll! My Eli loves walking, but the weather doesn't seem to bother him at all, either way. Although, when he had his surgery and it was really, really cold here.....that did bring out his Cushing's symptoms full blown!
I hope Cairo is doing better today!
Jo Ann and Eli
05-24-2014, 03:35 PM
Thanks Jo Ann. I'm a bit biased but I think he's gorgeous. He can be so funny as well - a bit of a clown when he wants to be.
Its been a bit better today again - 14 so not too hot.
Patti, I don't know to be honest. We thought he was feeling off today - not himself. He went for his walk but he was just stomping up the road, head down, not looking particularly interested in anything - but not wanting to go home or anything. He wasn't walking slowly - he had a decent pace going but he just didn't seem to be that thrilled about being out.
He didn't really react either when a cat fell out of a tree and scared the living daylights out of me......................
I know I'm being paranoid but he's not his normal self. My gran says to remember that he is getting older but age has not been a barrier before.
05-24-2014, 07:08 PM
Hi Alison
How is Cairo tonight. I suppose with him it is a monitor and wait scenario which I'm not good at doing :D
05-25-2014, 08:10 AM
If it is one thing I learned on this forum it is that Cush moms know their babies. So if you feel there is something going on your intuition is probably correct. You will have to keep tabs on him to see if anything starts up and catch it right away. Hope the weather is still good for him to walk. Blessings
molly muffin
05-25-2014, 09:13 AM
I agree with patti we do know our dogs best. So if you think something is off then it probably is. With Cairo I always worry that he is going low again on cortisol. Even though I know he isn't currently on meds for Cushing's. He is just off the pred and those adrenal glands need to have kicked back in fully. Might have just been an off day too so just keep and eye on him and see if he bounces back.
Sharlene nod molly muffin
05-26-2014, 08:03 AM
Just checking in to see how Cairo is today. We are in for a really hot day so I have already walked the dogs. I can feel the humidity climbing already this morning. Hope you have good weather to walk. Does Cairo carry his toy around the house too or just when he walks? I sure would not want to be the one who has to take it off him!!!Blessings
05-26-2014, 09:24 AM
He's OK but it's like he's just fed up. The little tugger toy he carries on a walk only comes out on a walk. In the house, he has his Kong and his Jolly Ball but he doesn't show much interest in them - unless somebody is willing to kick them for him.
I don't know if it's become habit with the toy but he gets so far and then just becomes a pain in the butt wanting it.
The temperature is up and down like a yo yo just now. One day it's too hot, next day it's pleasant for me and him but my mum will say it's cold.
He had a trauma last night with a kid and a collie. She's a little witch of a girl and deliberately winds other dogs up. Her collie does nothing but yap and bark and lunge at other dogs and she lets it out on the full length of it's extending lead and she stands there smirking when other dogs react and start barking as well. I thought we were going to get round the corner into the next street before she got to us, but she ran up the road towards us. My mum lost it with her and threatened to report her to the police (I just wanted to threaten her with a slap). Poor Cairo just stood there shaking and he wouldn't move - I think moving would mean him turning his back on the collie and he didn't want to do that.
It's warm again today so we'll see how he is. I wonder if he's just fed up of walking the normal walk. He maybe needs a change of scenery.
05-26-2014, 05:08 PM
I know the kind of child you are speaking of as one used to live across the street from me. My dogs would be on the porch, and he would look out the window and see them. He would run out the door arms flailing, and yelling real loud to get my dogs started barking. Then he would get on his bike and keep riding it in a circle in front of my house yelling loudly and laughing when the dogs got stirred up. Thank God he moved!!!! When I walked the dogs he would quietly ride up behind us then make some loud shrieking noise and scare my dogs, until one day I had enough and told him if he wanted to continue to ride his bike, he needed to be on the opposite side of the street, and stop trying to scare my dogs by shrieking and should his parents need to know this?? He moved after that so it was resolved. He really got enjoyment out of harassing my dogs. That little girl sounds just like him. Some people feel the need to challenge Pitt Bulls, which is very dangerous. I remember one day an older man that used to live on the next street was going to the mailbox wherevTipper and I were headed. Tipper was very calm when she saw his little dog, and he said to his dog, get her? His dog immediately started to jump at Tipperband bark at her. I simply said to him, do you know anything about Jack Russell's, he said not really. I said, well they will fight anything to the death no matter the size and I would never walk up to your dog and say Tipper get him,because your dog would be dead! So please don't try to antagonise my dog if you don't want you or your dog to suffer the consequences. What would make a full grown man do such a thing?? At that particular Tims Tipper was all muscles and not sick so I think he thought it was something funny to do. I feel for you as it is hard to control a large dog when something is setting them off. I think Cairo carries that toy to keep himself in check! I would think that girl would be scared to do such a thing?? I guess you just can't count on others to do the right thing. blessings
05-28-2014, 12:09 PM
How is Cairo doing. Showing any more symptoms? We are bracing for yet another storm here and Tipper is on high alert. Blessings
molly muffin
05-28-2014, 01:51 PM
What a brat that girl is!! Poor Cairo.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-29-2014, 12:29 PM
Go get her Sharlene, how dare that little brat!!
05-29-2014, 05:39 PM
He's OK. There doesn't seem to be any signs of symptoms coming back. We're watching his tail since that was the main thing that rang alarm bells.
It was pouring with rain last night and he wasn't best pleased at having to go out in it. I didn't go out with him tonight as it was warm again and I was feeling a bit feeble.
We've been asking other dog walkers if they knew exactly where that girl lives - I know roughly but not which house and they've all said the same - when they see them, they dread it. I will find her exact address though and I will report her. Little madam.
A very old man, who was a championship staffy breeder and judge at Crufts once told me that a good stafford will not start a fight - but they will finish it and as a rule, I'd say it's accurate. Cairo never starts any trouble but if trouble comes to him, he won't normally back down - but that was before he was ill. Now he just seems scared and if he barks, it's because he's scared and he's shaking.
Some people seem to get some weird thrill out of winding dogs up. There used to be an old man here with a west highland terrier - it used to terrorise Neo (Cairo's brother from another mother) and the man used to stand and laugh that the staffy was scared. It started on Cairo one night and he stood up to it but of course, the old man didn't think that was funny - strangely, I had a dangerous demon dog that was out of control.
05-30-2014, 08:14 AM
I would not want to tick Cairo off ever! I know what you mean about them finishing the trouble. My Tipper is different in that respect, she will start the trouble and then finish it too. It is their personality they are feisty and will take on any big dog no matter the size. Even though she is sick she is still powerful. I cannot believe her strength. I hope you get some more of this cooler weather we are having and Cairo and you have a good walk without that brat! Blessings
05-31-2014, 07:24 AM
It's got hotter and hotter here. He's only managing a couple of hundred yards before he wants to go home - so we're just letting him. It's just as well - the council were patch repairing the road and the entire bit we walk up is just puddles of molten tar with the heat and I don't want him getting it on his paws.
My friend's daughter was in the other night (she's going to Bulgaria to work for the summer so was saying her farewells) and he was really excited at seeing her. He was all hyped up and after she left, he went out for his walk but he could barely put one paw in front of the other - it wasn't the heat, he'd obviously exhausted himself with his excitement. My mum was really worried - she thought he was either going to have to be carried home or picked up in the car.
Lesson learned - keep him calm.
05-31-2014, 08:08 AM
I learned that lesson the hard way. Tipper loves to break balloons. She can do 100 in a minute, she loves birthdays as they have balloons to break. For her last birthday I blew some up as I wanted to video tape her doing this. She got so excited I thought she was going to have a heart attack. I quickly got rid of the balloons and probably never got it on video as I never played it back as it made me ill , and I was stupid to go it. I even control the visitors to my house now. 1 or 2 people ok, but no more than that at a time as she gets crazy and then I worry. Your weather is really bad for Cairo right now the poor thing. You may have to resort to a treadmill indoors. I was going to try one with Tipper, but she hates things that are motorized and tries to rip them apart. I can just see her trying to rip apart a tread mill!! Yesterday I was using the food processor in the kitchen and she wants to rip it apart and started jumping at the counter and I had to put her in another room! Hope you two have a better day today. Blessings
molly muffin
05-31-2014, 10:39 AM
Hope his cortisol isn't dropping again. If it keeps up you might want to end up having that checked. His adrenal glands might not have perked up after the last dose of prednisone stopped helping them out.
Just keep an eye on that. There have been instances, when they have gone too low and you give the prednisone rescue but the adrenals never all take over again. That would be Addisons. With a crash they usually will eventually but it's hard to say when.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-31-2014, 05:44 PM
It's just so difficult to know if it's the hot weather that's tiring him out and he can't be bothered or if he's ill.
I was worried tonight as he didn't go far and pulled me all the way home - then we remembered that my little niece had been up with a balloon and he was looking for it - that's why he wanted home in a hurry - to play with the balloon.
We're just letting him set the pace and also trying to take him out when it's cooler as well. I'd take him to the beach but he hates water!! LOL
05-31-2014, 06:29 PM
It was hot today, so maybe it is just the heat. Best walk him early mornings or late at night when it's cooler.
He,s a staffy most of them don't like water lol.
06-01-2014, 08:20 AM
When it gets just the slightest bit warm Tipper starts to pant right away. She was not this sensitive last summer, so her heat tolerance is not too good. She will stay out on the porch only if there is a breeze and it is cooler. I am wondering did they ever check Cairo for a heart murmur. It can be form Cushings or is a side effect of Vetoryl. I know the Cardiologist told me that will slow them down if it gets bad. I hope you have a cooler less humid day so he can enjoy his walk, and you can too. Blessings
06-01-2014, 02:45 PM
Tonight was more pleasant. We waited a couple of hours later and it cooled down a bit and there was a slight drizzle so it was better. We still didn't go far though - mainly because now he's limping. I think he must've hurt his leg when he was trying to get the balloon yesterday.
06-10-2014, 08:43 PM
Hi Alison! Just wanted to check in to see how Cairo was doing. You haven't been on for awhile. I hope you are both doing OK. I was just thinking about him. :)
06-11-2014, 09:51 AM
Hi Alison:
How are you and Cairo doing? Hope you are not having the heat and awful storms we have. I finally broke the vet down to give Tipper meds for the storm and it really made a difference for her. Hoping Cairo is still doing well. Blessings
06-13-2014, 08:11 AM
What ya doing over there Alison ? I am wondering how Cairo has been doing/ We have nothing but storms and humidity. We are to have a cold front come this afternoon. Blessings
06-17-2014, 07:24 PM
I'm so sorry for the delay in replying - I've been getting work done in the house and it's been chaos.
Cairo seems to be doing fine. He's not showing any symptoms of Cushings - we're starting to wonder if the original test was wrong - but he did have symptoms.
It's been so hot here - it's awful - not as hot as a lot of you probably get but 72 is too hot for us. We've just been giving him short walks and trying to get him out in the cool.
I've also been working with him for his fear of other dogs and for two nights running, he has been so good. He has his toy and I've been telling him that there's a dog coming and it's nothing to worry about (I know he doesn't understand but well, I just look nuts!!) and he's trotting past them OK. Having a little bit of an anxious chomp on his toy, but so much more relaxed that he normally is.
He's been limping a bit on and off on his front leg but I think he might have slipped on the wooden floor.
He's not eating huge amounts - but it is hot - none of us are eating huge amounts. Drinking and peeing seem to be fairly normal.
We're still keeping an eye on things. My only gripe is that his ear is still bald on the edges :confused:
06-17-2014, 07:25 PM
Patti, I'm so glad Tipper has got something to help her with the storms - what did the vet give you? Is she a lot calmer now about it all?
06-17-2014, 07:43 PM
Hi Alison:
So good to hear from you. I got Valium for her. I did not want to be there is just nothing else left to do. I just gave her some about 15 minutes ago and she is laying on the bed sleeping and does not hear the thunder thank God! How is Cairo doing? Hope he is well, I was thinking of you as if is so hot and humid here. I hope you have better weather over there! Blessings
molly muffin
06-17-2014, 09:40 PM
Yay, glad to hear that Cairo is doing well. Aww, poor guy with his foot though.
But wonderful that he is doing so well with his fear of other dogs. I can just see him chomping away and trying so hard to ignore them.
We have hot, then cold, repeat here it seems.
sharlene and molly muffin
06-18-2014, 12:46 PM
I'm glad Tipper is relaxed with the thunder. Being stressed about it wouldn't have been doing her any good.
It's 28 degrees here today (about 84 I think) and it's just far too hot for us and it's almost 6pm and still that heat. I've just filled the paddling pool to see if we can persuade Cairo into it - he's never been in it before and he doesn't like water - but you never know.
He'll either love it or chase me all over the garden in protest at the thought of getting wet!
06-18-2014, 01:18 PM
Hi Alison! So good to hear from you again! We've missed hearing about Cairo! He's such a great little pup! I just love reading about him. I so glad he's doing well! I'm hoping he can get over his fear of other dogs as well. I talk to Eli all the time. I do think he does understand what I'm saying....however, he doesn't always listen or believe me..especially at night, when I tell him it's OK outside and there's nothing that's going to hurt him out there.
From the test results you posted in the beginning, I'd say Cairo does have Cushing's. I wasn't on the forum back then to read all your pages yet though. Is he still on the Vetoryl at all? I read where someone also had a cushpup that had surgery 3 years before her dog's started growing back from where they shaved it. Eli had an Ultrasound and from a hospital stay an IV from an overdose...where they shaved his hair in spots....and that hair still hasn't grown back yet. It may just be that way with Cairo.
It's in the 90's here as well. So, for the most part....we've just been staying in and hanging out. Eli likes his naps. Now, he's back on his Vetoryl, only 10 mgs this time and is doing well. When he crashed the Vet had him on 60mgs..I wish I had kept posting when he was first diagnosed and that wouldn't have happened! :( Now, I'm waking him up sometimes to take him out. LOL
Have you thought about getting another buddy for Cairo? :) He might like that.....since he's probably missing his friend.
06-18-2014, 02:06 PM
So glad to hear Eli is doing well. Cairo still isn't on any meds.
I'm not sure if I did the right thing with the paddling pool. He wouldn't get it in but he sure drank a lot out of it - must've thought it was the biggest dog bowl in the land!!
I put the hose on a fine jet and he had great fun biting the jet of water and getting soaked that way but he's panting so bad and his legs were shaking. I don't know if it was excitement, him being unfit or whether it was all just too much for him. He's soaking wet which I'm hoping will cool him down a bit. He's still chugging like a train and pacing the house. Wish he'd like down and chill out a bit but he's all hyped up with playing.
The best we got was two front legs in the pool then he realised he was in water and jumped back out again!!
06-18-2014, 03:01 PM
That Cairo is too funny. Tipper used to love her pool when she was well. I had a motorized fish that would swim and she would get that thing and try to kill it. She would bite it and throw it up in the air, and beat it on the pool. Every morning she got up she would want to go straight to the pool and get that fish. I had to put it away when she got sick as I was afraid of her getting to keyed up with her heart murmur. I hope the hot weather goes a way as he has to be miserable. Hope that issues with the foot goes away. Blessings
06-18-2014, 03:24 PM
Aww bless her. I can imagine her trying to kill the fish. I maybe should've put a toy in for Cairo. You should have heard him with excitement - he sounds like a chimpanzee, the funny chattering noises he makes - he hasn't chattered for a long time.
I hope I've not done him any harm getting him all excited and jumping about in this heat.
06-18-2014, 04:04 PM
That sounds so cute like a chimp!! I would love to hear that, I bet he is just so cute when he does it.
06-18-2014, 05:09 PM
Hi Alison! I'm sure the Vet is probably waiting until Cairo is back to showing more symptoms of Cushing's before starting him back again. Didn't Cairo have like two crashes, if I remember right? It could have been someone else. I know they said one dog one here, went a year without getting back on the Vetoryl again. I hope he continue to do well! He reminds so much of my son's Staffy, Sadie. She was so beautiful and smart! She got heart worms and he had to eventually have have her put down. I was sick about it.......he was too. :(
Sounds like Cairo had a great time anyway playing in the hose! :D I wish I lived where we could do things fun. Apartment living sucks for anything fun anyway! :(
06-18-2014, 05:26 PM
A short example
molly muffin
06-18-2014, 07:16 PM
Amazing that noise can come out of him!!! I had to listen a couple times. I'd just never heard anything like it. Lucky him, I'd be having him playing with anything and everything just to hear it. hahahaha
Funny about not wanting to get into the water. They sure do have their likes and dislikes don't they. :) molly is not a water fan either.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-18-2014, 07:35 PM
Anyone with a staffy will be familiar with that noise!! It's a staffy thing.
He hasn't chattered like that in a long time. Last time was last winter - I've a video clip of him playing in the leaves - you can't hardly see him as it's pitch black but you can hear him! LOL
I tried telling him that the cool water would help cool him down but he just wasn't getting it. He did like the hose though.
06-18-2014, 09:02 PM
What a character, Tipper was jumping at my tablet when she heard that noise trying to find it. That is too funny! He is so cute. Blessings
06-19-2014, 06:40 PM
Hahahaha, bless her.
Here's another one - starring Cheetah the Chimp!! LOL
molly muffin
06-19-2014, 09:01 PM
Yakky little thing isn't he! ROFL!!!
love it
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-20-2014, 08:42 AM
That Cairo is too funny with those noises. If you ever heard a tazmanian devil he sounds just like one getting wound up. I hope he continues to do well. How is the weather holding up? Blessings
06-20-2014, 03:16 PM
Hahahahaha, I've always said he sounds like the tazmanian devil from Bugs Bunny.
It's still melting hot here. There was a bit of a breeze today in some places but it was really sticky hot. Poor Cairo was nearly on his knees on his walk. He only got up the road a bit and then home.
I realise though that our melting hot isn't anywhere near as hot as it is in some places. It was 25 degrees this morning and it dropped to about 21 about 5pm. It's the oppressiveness that's nearly killing us all - that and the hayfever!!
06-21-2014, 08:11 AM
That Cairo is a ham. That noise drives Tipper up the wall and she is looking to see where it is coming from and what sort of animal is making it!! Does he do that always or once and a while? It's a shame you are suffering fro so much heat over there. The weather in the whole world has been crazy, and different from the normal pattern. How is Cairo doing with symptoms? Hope he is not showing any, maybe you could be lucky and he never will. Blessings
06-21-2014, 08:49 AM
He used to chatter a lot - staffies "speak" to you, but now he only does it when he's really excited and playing. It's happy noises LOL
He seems to be fine symptoms wise. He's still got the hair on the tip of his tail - which was the thing that alerted me to take him to the vet originally. His right ear is a bit bald round the edges though.
He's doing a lot of panting but it is hot (mind you, we put his panting down to the heat last year). He's not drinking or peeing excessively.
His back legs were a bit wobbly after his mad play turn with the hose the other day but once he recovered, he seemed to be fine again. He was a bit grumpy the other day because he was so hot - and that was unusual because he's really not a grumpy dog.
He's not losing any weight though and that can't be helping him - if he's carrying too much weight, he's going to get tired quickly.
I guess we just need to keep a close eye on him.
I nearly died a death the other day - he was snuffling through long grass and when he came out, I saw something crawling up his hip - a horrible tick - I was squealing at my mum to get it off him - which she did - I'm a coward when it comes to bugs!! LOL
06-23-2014, 04:50 PM
What's Cairo up to? We are having a storm. I gave Tipper a pill and she is OK if you can believe it. It is thundering and she is just sitting here. This never would have happened before she was on Valium, she would be going crazy. It is very hot and humid here. Hope you have cooler weather. Blessings
06-23-2014, 07:00 PM
He's quite happy though I'm terrified to take him too far for a walk as it's still so humid and clammy. He's looking for me to play chase with him but honestly, I couldn't chase him to save my life. I've just made him some doggy ice lollies and done the rest in a carton to scoop. We'll see if he likes them tomorrow.
It was supposed to rain today - but it didn't - it just got stickier and stickier.
So glad that Tipper isn't caring about the storms any more - bet you're relieved. It's amazing what valium can do. I'm very claustrophic and I had to go for an MRI scan and my doctor gave me a couple of valium to take - it was marvellous - I didn't give a hoot about being in the scanner. I can imagine that she's feeling very chilled out.
I think we could do with a good amount of rain to try and cool things down a bit. I'm starting to look like I've stuck my finger in the electric socket - my hair is just getting bigger and bigger with the humidity
molly muffin
06-23-2014, 08:07 PM
I would love to hear a staffie chatter in person. That just sounds so neat.
I do hope you get some relief from the sweltering heat soon for you both you and Cairo.
sharlene and molly muffin
06-24-2014, 07:58 AM
I can totally understand the frustration with the humidity. It just does me and my hair in too! I have tried a million things on my hair but none really work like they say. My breathing gets so bad when the humidity starts up. I hope you have some fans in the house for you and Cairo. Blessings
06-25-2014, 07:18 PM
At long last, it was marginally cooler today - not by much. Me and Cairo were also marginally happier.
I made him his very own doggy ice lollipops. I went and forgot to put the sound on my camera, so you're not getting the full benefit of his "nom nom nom nom"
06-25-2014, 07:26 PM
That is so cute, the whole time he was licking it, In was thinking Tipper would bite or off, the all of a sudden Cairo did? He was not going to give that ice lollipop up! He is so cute, I love that white mark on his neck. Blessings
06-25-2014, 07:32 PM
No sound so you didn't hear me telling him to lick it not to bite it! LOL
Something so simple that went down so well. Every dog should have his or her own ice lolly.
06-25-2014, 07:47 PM
They should, how did you make it?? Love the look on his face in the video.. too cute lick lick lick!
06-26-2014, 08:26 AM
I make Tipper something similar with Greek yogurt. I stuff it in her kong and freeze it. It keeps her busy licking it for quite some time, and she loves it. I have been giving her lots of veggies as I need to watch her weight, as it is easy for her to pick up some extra ounces. Hope you get cooler temps. WE have cool temps and a light breeze, I will send some your way. Blessings
06-26-2014, 01:32 PM
Cairo gets veggies with his dinner as well. It's a lot cooler today - much more pleasant for me and Bobo (his pet name). Everyone else is saying that it's got "colder" - nope, it's just pleasant. So thank you Patti for sending some cooler temps to us LOL
Here's the recipes for his ice lollies
1 banana
1 small cup of peanut butter (smooth)
2 small cups of natural yoghurt
2 tablespoons of honey
To Make:-
1. Mash the banana and stir into the yoghurt.
2. Warm the peanut butter on the hob or in the microwave until it is easy to stir.
3. Add the honey to the banana/yoghurt mix.
4. Mix in the peanut butter.
5. Mix everything together until well combined.
6. Pour into non-stick trays or containers or ice lolly moulds and freeze - you can use ice cube trays or small containers too.
7. Freeze overnight or until frozen through.
8. Give them to your doggies...sit back...and watch them enjoy
06-26-2014, 02:34 PM
I have some molds so I will have to make Tipper some, but I will have to go really easy on the peanut butter because of the fat. We are having a good day even though it did heat up a bit it is not raining and for that I am glad. So happy you got the cooler temps we sent you. blessings
06-29-2014, 10:35 AM
How are you and Cairo doing? I think he may have a good chance of not showing any Cushings symptoms for a long time. It would be nice if her never did! We have rain here, but at least no storms yet. It is very hot and humid out. The windows in the house fog up form the air conditioning on and the moisture from outside. Hope you are doing well and staying out of this heat. Blessings
07-01-2014, 03:43 PM
He seems to be ticking away nicely. He's not eating much though but he seems to have lost a bit of weight as well. Don't worry though - it's not that he's not eating because he's unwell - he's still game for a treat and an ice lolly, he's just not eating much of his dinner.
Had a trauma yesterday - found a tick on him and I nearly died a death. I can cope with almost anything except creepy crawlies. I took him up to the vet and one of the nurses removed it.
He'll be 9 this year and he's never had a flea or a tick or anything and he's never ever had flea treatment applied either but we had to get flea and tick treatment today - they're rife round here just now because of the hot and humid weather. I feel terrible for giving him chemicals but it's for his good.
I'm still shuddering at the thought of the tick........... :eek:
It's cooled a bit, either that or we've got used to it.
07-01-2014, 03:55 PM
Did they say anything about checking him for tick diseases? Could that be why he is not eating his regular meal too well? Those ticks can cause a lot of problems for such little critters. Where was it at on his head? They usually stay in taller grass so when something walks past they can hitch a ride. It is miserable here today as well, hot and humid and tornado weather coming. Hope you are both staying out of this heat. Blessings
07-03-2014, 02:36 PM
The nurse didn't say anything about checking for tick diseases. She reckons that the tick hadn't been there long - it wasn't very big - it was just luck I spotted it.
He scoffed all his dinner down last night. He's maybe just not that hungry because of the heat. There was an absolutely howling wind last night but it was still pretty warm - but there was air and it was great - that's maybe why he ate everything - we had fun on our walk because it was so bracing.
Where we walk has no pavement - just a grass verge but the council haven't cut the grass - it's about hip height on me and some of the weeds are nearly as tall as me so I'm not surprised he got a horrid tick. I'm still shuddering at the thought.
I've never ever put flea or tick treatment on him - he's never had a flea or a tick - till this year and now I've had to dose him with chemicals - I'm not happy and I've been watching him like a hawk after giving him it - it's a new stuff the vet recommended - a chewy treat instead of a spot on treatment.
07-03-2014, 03:30 PM
I don't use anything on Tipper since she started with Cushings, and she gets no shots anymore either. Some people have reported bad reactions to these things and I am trying to stay safe. Hope you get cooler air coming with that big breeze. Glad to hear Cairo is eating better, it may be the heat like you said. It rained again here a bit ago. Tipper is sleeping and I am getting caught up on stuff. Blessings
07-05-2014, 08:35 AM
I am probably leaving the forum. I care about you and Cairo so please keep in touch with me.
07-05-2014, 06:52 PM
hi patti, this is an open/public forum, so i don't know if you want your personal email adress on this topic where everyone can see it.
07-05-2014, 07:57 PM
Aww Patti, that's a shame. I've put it in my contacts, so if you want to delete it so it's not seen by weird people.............. (apart from me of course).
Temperature went up again today. I wish it would make it's mind up.
07-11-2014, 05:53 PM
I am probably leaving the forum. I care about you and Cairo so please keep in touch with me.
I hope all is well Patti & with Tipper too. Though I have been busy lately, I have been getting updates. I know the struggles you have had. We did with Lulu, our yellow (adorable lab) lab.
We have our Stanley, a rescue bull, who will be 8 soon. He just came back from the vet. He cracked a molar & it will have to come out on July 31. It would be too expensive to cap & I don't think it would add. We are getting the surgery paid for, but they say it is tricky, because you could break the jaw, so we are praying for the best. He is in good spirits after coming home, but we have to take away the hard chew toys for now.:)
07-15-2014, 05:39 AM
It's been very hot here and Cairo was really struggling and yet again, we weren't sure if it was the heat or not. He's also got a bit of a frizzy looking tail and is losing the hair off it.
He's been off his meds for months following his crash.
We took him for a stim test yesterday and the results are 120 before stim and 400 after. The vet says he's perfectly fine.
Is that good numbers? I'll be honest, I don't understand how he can be OK now after being diagnosed with Cushings - do we take it that he actually doesn't have Cushing's?
molly muffin
07-15-2014, 03:03 PM
Hi Alison, yuk, a heat wave :( sound ucky
So, making the change from nmol to ug would be as follows:
120 nmol = 4.34ug
400 nmol = 14.49ug
Which if that holds, it sounds like Cairo's cortisol production has kicked back in and he will need a very low dose of trilostane. Lower than where he was before when he crashed for sure.
With symptoms controlled, Dechra likes the post cortisol number to be under 9.0 ug.
Maybe discuss with vet him going onto a low dose. What was he on when he crashed do you remember? I can't go back through the thread right now, but will look later once I'm home.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-15-2014, 03:58 PM
Hi Sharlene,
He was on 60mg when he crashed. The vet spoke to Dechra and the vet school and both said he wasn't to go back on the vetoryl unless his post stim levels went above 400 I think it was.
She's not intending putting him on anything. She said that these levels were perfectly fine - if they were around the 500 - 600 mark then she'd want him back on meds.
After he crashed she said that she'd rather have a slightly Cushingoid dog than an Addisonian dog.
07-15-2014, 04:18 PM
Hi Alison, now that you've explained that part, yes, in Cairo's case that does make sense to me to hold off. He does seem to be especially sensitive to the medication and who knows, he may be one of those dogs for whom cortisol production never again rebounds to a problematic level. This doesn't necessarily mean he did not have Cushing's to begin with, but instead it could be that the Vetoryl he took has altered his adrenal function and natural production of cortisol. So before beginning treatment again, Dechra and your vets may be awaiting both diagnostically high numbers re: his cortisol as well as the reappearance of clinical symptoms. Hopefully, he'll still have a long vacation from treatment ahead of him!
molly muffin
07-15-2014, 04:34 PM
Yes that makes sense. We had one dog off of medication for a year after a crash on vetroyl, so it isn't unheard of. It just depends on how fast his adrenal glands kick in and how much they produce.
I can see the point the vet and Dechra are thinking of with wanting to wait. If it goes up, though, I would go much lower than the 60mg.
Hang in there! You're doing good, heat and all. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-15-2014, 05:34 PM
Ahh thank you. I've been sitting here wracking my brains as to how he could be diagnosed last year but appear to be fine this year. The only thing I could come up with was that if he had a tumour, it had maybe shrivelled up and stopped causing a problem. Your explanations help me out, so I'll stop panicking.
I've hunted out all my posts with his test results to see a pattern.
His last post stim result in May was 239 (this was after his crash and he'd been off meds) and then 400 on this one so it is climbing but he was really stressed out in the vet on Monday so I'm sure that must have had some effect as well.
Oh, they said that IF he needed to go back on Vetoryl, he'd be on 30mg and no more than that
07-15-2014, 06:36 PM
And for your viewing pleasure:
Cairo has this habit of picking up sticks which we try to stop as I'm always frightened of injury, so he always gets his toy so that he's carrying something to stop him stick hunting.
Does it work? Well, the jury's out on that one as he was bimbling along, waited until I wasn't looking, put the toy down, grabbed the stick and then the toy so that I couldn't take the stick off him.
And his best "whaaat?" look
molly muffin
07-15-2014, 07:05 PM
He is so cute. Total innocence there.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
molly muffin
08-02-2014, 11:03 AM
Hi Alison,
How is a darling Cairo doing? Hope the heat has gotten a bit better so that walks are more easy.
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-06-2014, 04:40 PM
The last couple of days have been a bit cooler - between 18 and 22 centigrade and we had rain - it was bliss.
He's got a few little bald patches on his body and his poor ears are bald at the edges but he seems fine. Very unfit but fine.
His latest passion is to outwit us with stick hunting - I'm sure he waits till he sees us blink and he's off. I nearly wrestled him to the ground the other night because he was just grabbing mouthful after mouthful of sticks. He's a cheeky devil.
molly muffin
08-06-2014, 04:44 PM
hahahaha, well it is very good to hear that Cairo still has personality abundance! I'd love to see that wrestling match! Who wins the stick, we'd call it. lol He is a funny guy. Glad he is doing so well still.
Any thoughts to maybe trying to add some fish oil supplements for the coat, or coconut oil, etc?
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-08-2014, 08:23 AM
Oh he won the stick wrestling match. I took my eye off him for a second because the kids with the out of control collies were coming up the road towards us and then there was a retriever behind us (two breeds he's not fond of) and because I looked away, he took the chance to grab every stick he could find - along with the toy he already had. I must have looked like some maniac, growling at him to leave the sticks alone whilst trying to wrestle them off him. I swear he was laughing at me - he had that "I've got all the sticks and there is nothing you can do about it" look.
I've ordered him a safe stick - he'll probably want that, and the toy, and all the sticks. :rolleyes:
His coat looks good but it's the bald bits. Any particular kind of oil or amount to give him? Coconut oil might be good or I could give him a cod liver oil capsule?
08-08-2014, 03:46 PM
What a picture that paints of all those sticks, glad he is still doing good. Never used it but Salmon oil is suppose to be good for the coat :)
molly muffin
08-08-2014, 10:07 PM
I'm pretty sure that Cairo is going to want Every stick and Every toy. All his. The trick is going to be for him to figure out how to take them All on his walks. LOL He'll be bringing his luggage full of sticks next. hahaha
I think fish oil usually is a good for coat, and so is coconut, so either could be used.
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-10-2014, 01:31 PM
He's not good today - but it's chucking it down with rain - so I don't know if he didn't want to walk because it's raining or because there's something wrong with him. He was panting heavily and just plodding and shaking. He really doesn't like being out in the rain, so for the moment, we'll blame that but keep an eye on him.
molly muffin
08-11-2014, 12:10 AM
How is Cairo doing now? If he continues like this, might want to get him in and get him checked out.
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-11-2014, 07:24 PM
He was better tonight - it was still damp but at least not raining. It was pouring this morning and he fully intended going for a poo and then in again!!
He's such a rascal - it's hard to know if he's fed up because he's being made to go out in the wet or if he's actually ill!!
molly muffin
08-11-2014, 09:14 PM
It is really hard to figure anything out when it is raining isn't it. Mine doesn't want to go out when it's raining either or especially thundering, and she'll hold it forever it seems to try not to go out. Of course that makes her belly feel bad and I'm almost guaranteed to have a dog with an upset stomach and gastro system if she tries that. Hopefully that is all this is.
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-12-2014, 06:56 PM
He just about needs pushed out of the door when it's raining and if he sees his coat coming out, he runs and hides because he knows that means it's raining. He hates wearing a coat (unless it's snowing, then it's acceptable) but he hates getting wet in the rain - and I stand like an idiot trying to explain the benefits of a coat!
molly muffin
08-12-2014, 07:03 PM
Let me know if explaining it works since Molly doesn't like to wear a coat either. She doesn't really want to be wet and luckily she is small enough I can pick her up and plop her down in the grass. Not exactly an option with Cairo.
Is it still raining there? How is he doing now?
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-12-2014, 07:12 PM
Explaining doesn't work sadly. It's stopped raining now and it will be dry tomorrow allegedly. It was raining when we were out tonight and he just kept giving me the filthiest looks and trying to get under the umbrella with me. He really didn't look very pleased. One very peed off puppy!
I'll soon find out how he's feeling - when the leaves start to fall from the trees will be the tester - he loves chasing fallen leaves
molly muffin
08-12-2014, 07:20 PM
oh yea, that will be the test then. Molly likes the leave piles. LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-13-2014, 01:19 PM
Cairo's had like scaly patches of skin on his elbows for ages now - since just before his Cushing's diagnosis.
Over the last couple of days, the same patch of scaliness has appeared on his nose. He's booked in at the vet on Friday but anyone got any ideas?
molly muffin
08-13-2014, 04:12 PM
hmm, I don't really know. scaly nose isn't normally associated with cushings, as cushing skin issues come from thinness of fur and calcium deposits that poke up out of the skin, causing sores.
Not sure about the nose thing. Maybe some of the others have some ideas.
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-13-2014, 04:18 PM
Not sure about the skin but don't you know Staffys can't get wet incase they shrink in the rain :eek:
We have had the rain down here as well it's been a bit miserable
08-13-2014, 05:03 PM
It's strange - it's sort of crusty looking. I was wiping it in case it was something he had stuck on his nose! He didn't look best pleased and wondered what the heck I was doing.
I do worry about him shrinking - or turning into a gremlin.................
His coat is too small for him now and trying to get a coat to fit a staffy isn't easy - I had to make his current coat, so I'm going for fabric tomorrow to make him a new coat. Get him - made to measure coats!
Harley PoMMom
08-13-2014, 06:28 PM
They are many things that can cause a dog's nose to become dry, crusty and/or scaly such as: High blood pressure, an autoimmune disease, zinc deficiency, dogs can get an allergic reaction on their nose from drinking from bowls made from plastic, and the scaly nose can just be from nothing at all.
Hugs, Lori
08-13-2014, 07:15 PM
Thanks all. He's going to the vet on Friday - I guess I'm ultra paranoid with all that's happened with him. Will be a bit mortifying if she says it's a bit of his yoghurt ice lolly stuck to his nose!! I did wipe it though to make sure it wasn't something that was going to wipe off!
Harley PoMMom
08-13-2014, 08:55 PM
As pet parents I think worry is our middle name! :eek:;) I know I am a worry wart ;)
My boy, Harley did have a dry, scaly nose which, I believe, was casued by his high blood pressure, I would put vaseline on it and I have read where one can use vitamin E also. Let us know what the vet says.
Hugs, Lori
08-15-2014, 08:45 AM
He's got a little infection in his nose - plus folliculitis - so he's got antibiotics and I had to scrub his nose with hibiscrub to get rid of the seborrheic build up. He wasn't really keen about his nose being scrubbed.............. :rolleyes:
molly muffin
08-15-2014, 07:06 PM
Awww, well, a nose infection might get him feeling down and explain how he has been acting lately too.
I bet that was funny to see, you scrubbing his nose!!
Glad you got it figured out and as always a Plan to treat. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-15-2014, 07:38 PM
I just wish if he's going to be poorly that it was something cheap to treat!!! I was £65 at the vet today!! I think that's about $110 - for bloomin antibiotics!!
molly muffin
08-15-2014, 09:19 PM
My husband think sit is like taking the car to the garage, you don't get the car back until they come up with $500 bucks worth of work to charge you for. :) :)
I know, there doesn't seem to be anything that is a decent price when it comes to vets.
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-02-2014, 02:42 PM
Well, this is weird. Cairo was given antibiotics because he had a little infection on his nose and folliculitis. Since he's finished the course, the hair has started to come back on his ears, his tail and another little bald spot he had on his side. Coincidence? Was it folliculitis he had in these other areas? I've no idea but he's not got moth eaten looking ears any more!
Squirt's Mom
09-02-2014, 02:45 PM
wow...that is interesting! Have you talked to the vet about the reaction? Nice to talk about a "reaction" as a positive thing, huh? :)
molly muffin
09-02-2014, 08:29 PM
huh, makes you wonder what else the antibiotics might have helped with.
Very glad that he isn't looking like a patch baby any more :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-04-2014, 04:16 PM
We've not spoken to the vet about it. Trying to keep him away from there as much as we can!
It's very bizarre - but in a good way!
09-22-2014, 04:24 PM
Well, I'm not sure what's wrong with Cairo but the boy must be feeling better.
Last night and tonight on his walk, he's been on an absolute mission - he's walked at a spanking pace and wanted to go further than he's gone in months and months - and he even wanted to run at one point!
I'm still letting him just go as far as he wants. If he stops, I wait to see which direction he wants to go - continue or turn back for home.
I think he maybe overdid it a bit tonight - he looked a bit knackered when we were nearly home and his eyes were a bit bloodshot but he did well.
And all his hair has grown back - ears, tail, side - all fully covered.
Squirt's Mom
09-22-2014, 05:08 PM
Well we will just take that good news and say, "Rock on, Cairo!" :D
molly muffin
09-22-2014, 05:39 PM
That is wonderful news!! Go Cairo!! Been awhile since he has felt this good! I think it's great news!!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-22-2014, 08:05 PM
I've gotten so used to him just plodding along without much interest that it's a bit of a shock to the system suddenly having him trotting along at speed and enjoying it.
molly muffin
09-22-2014, 08:07 PM
Yep, you're going to have to step up your game to keep up him now. :) hehehe
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-23-2014, 03:07 PM
We were off on a route march again tonight. I'm officially unfit!!
I wonder if the air smells different now that we're coming into autumn. He adores autumn and winter - it means fallen leaves and then snow (hopefully) both of which he loves to play in. Some leaves are starting to fall and he's really on the alert - ears up, checking out the leaves.
It's been ages since he was so keen on anything.
molly muffin
09-23-2014, 10:30 PM
Isn't it wonderful to see them so interested in the things around them. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-30-2015, 06:19 AM
Morning all,
Cairo's last stim test was in June last year and he's been off his meds since April last year but he's starting to show symptoms again so the vet wants to do another stim test to see how bad things are.
The receptionist has booked him in for 3pm for it - is that too late in the day to be getting the stim test or is it OK?
molly muffin
04-30-2015, 07:10 AM
Hi Alison. Since he isn't on meds for the past year the time of the test should be fine.
What symptoms is he showing again?
04-30-2015, 07:12 AM
The tip of his tail is bald again and he has a couple of other little bald spots and he's panting like crazy with any exercise - even a slow walk. He's not eating or drinking loads but he is having episodes where he's peeing a lot. He just seems a bit stressy and he's looking a bit bloated in the tummy region.
Oh, and he's whinging a lot - just seems really unsettled
molly muffin
04-30-2015, 07:14 AM
Yes I can see where that would be a concern. Put together with the whining something seems to be going on.
Let us know what the test shows.
04-30-2015, 07:32 AM
Will do - he's not booked in until Tuesday next week but was a bit unsure if doing it so late in the day would be a problem or not.
I'm bracing myself for a battle though - because if he does need to go back on meds, I'm determined that I want twice daily dosing and a very low dose, given what happened the last time and I'm expecting the vet to disagree with that.
Just phoned another vet and they're so much cheaper for the test but they're miles away from us and I'm not sure how stressed he'll get with the car journey.
That's another thing - it's almost like he's got agoraphobia - if he goes on a walk in our own area and it's where he knows, he's happy but if I take him in the car (which he doesn't mind being in) somewhere different for a walk - he's anxious and stressing and wanting back in the car - it's like he can't cope with being somewhere he doesn't know
Harley PoMMom
04-30-2015, 04:09 PM
I believe I would have a CBC/chemistry panel with an urinalysis performed first before the ACTH stimulation test, something might just pop up on that blood panel that could account for those symptoms.
04-30-2015, 05:29 PM
He's in tomorrow to get drops put in his ear - little devil was playing me up when I tried - took him in today and he sat there as good as gold, like butter wouldn't melt - made me look stupid!! LOL
I'll mention it to the nurse tomorrow and see if we can get that organised first
05-12-2015, 09:51 AM
Well, the boy just got his stim test today - we had to cancel it last week. She says he's perfectly fine - she phoned my mum and his levels were 420 (15.22) post stim.
Harley PoMMom
05-12-2015, 01:40 PM
I just did a quick scan through Cairo's thread and saw an ACTH stimulation test was done in July 2014 (pre ~ 120 nmol = 4.34ug; post ~ 400 nmol = 14.49ug), was this stim the last one performed before the one today?
If so, it seems like his adrenal glands have regenerated nicely, YYYAAA!! How are his symptoms?
Hugs, Lori
molly muffin
05-13-2015, 10:50 PM
How is his tail looking now?
They always do play us up and then get to the vets and make liars of us all. :) little buggers. Got to love them! LOL
05-14-2015, 02:23 PM
Yeah, that stim test in July last year was the last one he'd had.
The main symptom was the tip of his tail going bald again and a couple of teeny tiny bald patches - on the backs of his legs (vet says it's where he's lying but he doesn't lie on his legs like that - he lies with them stretched straight out behind him) and on his side and the edges of his ears are ever so slightly bald again. He's not drinking that much, isn't eating much but we certainly can't get the weight off him (though now we're not sure as there was a 3kg difference between two sets of scales at the vet! )
We cancelled last weeks appointment because he was on ear drops and I think they had steroid in them - little devil wouldn't let me put them in, so I was taking him up to the vet so his favourite nurse would do it - and he sat there like an angel for her to do it - in fact, he even turned round to make it easier for her to do the other ear. Mind you, she put the drops in a syringe to administer them and I'm thinking that he didn't like the nozzle of the bottle going in his ear because I did it over the weekend, using the syringe and he was as good as gold.
I'm starting to wonder if he was misdiagnosed in the first place - just don't understand how he could have Cushings then suddenly not have it
03-26-2016, 01:43 PM
Hi everyone,
We've not been around for a while. Cairo has been doing OK but hasn't been on meds now for nearly 2 years.
He's had his stim test repeated a couple of times in that time and they've said that his cortisol levels aren't high enough to warrant putting him back on meds - especially not after the reaction he had.
He broke a tooth and I had him at the vet yesterday and she gave him a good going over and asked if we'd noticed one testicle was a lot bigger than the other - I confess I thought it was normal.
He thinks he has a tumour, so he's to go in and get the tooth out but also castrated at the same time and they'll send the offending items off to the lab.
I'm worried sick. I should have got him castrated years ago but one vet said that because he was such an anxious dog, we shouldn't get him done as the bit of testosterone would help give him a bit of confidence.
Is there anything we need to be worrying about with the anaesthetic and him not being on meds any more and the potential that he still has Cushings?
I'm worried sick for the poor little guy - he's 10 and a half and has never been away from home like that.
molly muffin
03-27-2016, 03:17 PM
Alison. :) How nice to see you and to hear how well Cairo has been doing.
There shouldn't be any issue with Cairo and Cushing's with the surgery as his cortisol levels are fine as the vet said.
Hopefully he will do well with surgery and come through like the champ he is. :).
Poor guy. Getting teeth and castrating. He is not going to be a happy camper to wake up and hurt at both ends. Eeek!
03-29-2016, 05:12 PM
No, poor little soul isn't going to know which end is the worst.
He's not had bloods done in a while - this is his last three stim tests
14th July 2014 Baseline 120 post stim 400
13th May 2015 Pre 104 Post 239
14th July 2015 Pre 126 Post 415
I'm just being a worried, neurotic mum :)
molly muffin
04-01-2016, 08:33 PM
When is he going in for his tooth and castration?
04-05-2016, 04:50 PM
He had it last Wednesday. He seems to be doing fine though it did take him a couple of days to get over the anaesthetic.
On the day of surgery, poor boys back legs kept folding under him. I had to carry him up and down the outside steps and at 30kg, that was no easy task!
His wee mouth was swollen for a couple of days - he ended up having to get two incisors out as he'd broken them and he's got stitches.
We should get the results of the pathology on his testicles on Monday when he goes to get his stitches out.
When he first got home, he fell over and just went to sleep where he landed
Took him out for a toilet break but was lucky if he managed 100 yards along the street
molly muffin
04-05-2016, 07:38 PM
Oh my gosh that poor boy. Just couldn't keep his eyes open.
That would be a real back breaker lifting him. He looks hefty! cute but solid. LOL
So glad he is doing better after his surgical adventures.
04-11-2016, 07:29 AM
He's just been to get his stitches out and the results of the pathology.
All healed up nicely. He had two different types of tumour, both benign and castration should have removed the issue. So relieved.
molly muffin
04-11-2016, 10:32 PM
That is wonderful news!! That the tumors were both benign, that the castration should have cleared up all the tissue and that he is recovering so nicely!
Yay Cairo!!
03-01-2017, 05:29 AM
It's been a long time since we've been on.
Cairo seems to have aged greatly since his castration and the poor boy is very arthritic now.
He's still not on any Cushing's meds - different vet at our practice has indicated that perhaps he never needed it in the first place - though she's never going to go against a colleague and say he was misdiagnosed.
His alk phos levels are high though - she says they're over a 1000 (UK measurements) but he's had a scan and x-ray and although his liver and spleen are slightly enlarged, there doesn't appear to be anything sinister showing up.
Would Milk Thistle help with his alk phos levels? If so, would it be OK for him to be on it all the time? I've read up a bit and I thought it was only meant to be used short term but I need to try and get more educated on it's uses.
Either that, or any other advice would be hugely appreciated.
03-01-2017, 05:10 PM
Welcome back to you and Cairo! Milk thistle is widely recommended for liver support. Fortunately, it is relatively inexpensive -- I have seen dosage recommendations of 2 mg./lb. but you should definitely check that with your vet. In light of your comment about Cairo aging, you might also consider S-Adenosyl which is a combination of milk thistle and sam-E. The latter can often aide with signs of aging. I used to give my Abbie the S-Adenosyl and found that the best price was on Amazon. It is definitely more expensive than just purchasing milk thistle. I stopped giving it to Abbie as her liver tests are not showing any problems. You can definitely give it long-term. Hope this helps!
molly muffin
03-05-2017, 08:42 PM
hi Alison! Long time no talk. Awww, poor Cairo. Sorry that he's having a harder time these days. I'd do the sam-e and milk thistle both too. I used both for molly depending and usually got it via Amazon.
03-06-2017, 01:17 PM
Thank you - I'm not having much success in finding the S-Adenosyl though. :(
He seems to be putting on a ton of weight as well and he really isn't eating much. He used to love his food and now it's hit or miss if he eats anything. He maybe feels a bit off.
molly muffin
03-06-2017, 06:47 PM
Alison check amazon. That is where I always bought it from.
03-07-2017, 07:43 AM
Ahh, brilliant, thank you.
Does this look like the right stuff?
molly muffin
03-07-2017, 09:33 AM
No you want to have both milk thistle (silymarin) and sam-e (S-Adenosyl) if possible.
If not, get the S-Adenosyl separate at least but I would definitely want both.
06-16-2017, 05:20 PM
We've got Cairo on a liver support supplement now since his alk phos was so high (over 1000 - 36) but his weight has been going up and up despite him eating very little.
Got another stim test done today and his post stim results were 625 (22.7). Vet isn't keen to start him back on vetoryl after what happened before but we've to monitor his water intake over the weekend and try and get a urine sample.
At these levels, would anyone recommend a restart to vetoryl?
06-17-2017, 07:54 AM
Hello Alison, and welcome back to you and Cairo. Everything being equal, yes, I would consider restarting the trilostane in a Cushpup with that level of rebounding cortisol if he is also exhibiting symptoms, as well. It's true that he had problems with low cortisol before during treatment, but there are plenty of options for him to be dosed with a much smaller amount of medication. As I recall, he previously weighed about 60 lbs. and was dosed no lower than 60 mg. -- and was even started clear up at 120 mg. Since Vetoryl also comes in 5, 10, and 30 mg. capsules, it would be easy to start him off gradually at a much lower dose while monitoring how he does. It is always better to start low and work upward, rather than vice versa, especially since research has shown that large dogs may require less medication, mg. to lb., than do smaller dogs.
My one reservation in all this is his picky appetite. The general rule is to withhold treatment from a dog who is not eating well. One reason is practical: trilostane needs to be taken alongside food to be absorbed properly. However, you additionally worry whether there is some other medical issue going on that needs to be attended to. As you know, most untreated Cushpups have a ravenous appetite. However, having said that, we've seen a few exceptions here over the years: dogs whose appetites have suffered when cortisol is high and that have normalized once cortisol is brought under control (for our veterans, Sue's Zoe is one example). So if it turns out that Cairo's water intake is ramping up again alongside dilute urine, I think I'd be tempted to try a small dose of Vetoryl once again -- no more than 30 mg. and maybe even only 10 mg. as a trial run.
Please do keep us updated as to how he's doing, and also what you decide.
06-17-2017, 08:19 AM
Thanks Marianne
The vet said that if she did start him back, it would only be 30mg but I could speak to her about a lower dose.
Can he still take his anti-inflammatories whilst on vetoryl?
He was indeed started at 120mg despite my arguing with the vet (different vet now). He's now weighing in at 34kg (74.8lb) which is far too heavy for a stafford.
The strange thing is that his harness has never been adjusted in all the years he's been wearing it - his weight is all round his belly at the back and I would guess round his neck which to me is typical cushy places.
He is back to eating well since starting on the liver support supplement. I wouldn't even say his drinking was over the top to be honest, which are the two areas that you would expect with Cushings. However, I myself have Addison's and I didn't have the typical symptoms of that before diagnosis (the inappropriate tanning for one symptom).
06-17-2017, 09:21 AM
Thanks so much for this additional info! If you do start back up with the Vetoryl, I don't think there'd be any problem with the anti-inflammatories. In fact, if you're using NSAIDS, I think it would probably be safer for him if you start lowering his cortisol. The combo of NSAIDS and higher levels of steroids (either natural cortisol or supplemental prednisone) is not a good one from a GI standpoint -- gastric irritation, even bleeding, can result.
If he now weighs 74 pounds, starting back at 30 mg. is not at all unreasonable. However, if you wanted to be super cautious, you could try the first month at an even lower dose. Based on ACTH testing at the end of the first 30 days, you'd have a much clearer idea as to how Cairo is tolerating the medication and how large an increase might be warranted. But as I say, I cannot argue with 30 mg., either, since I know you'd be watching him carefully.
molly muffin
06-17-2017, 09:49 PM
Hi Alison.
It might not hurt to bring his cortisol down a bit with the NSAIDs. I'd do a couple weeks and test and see how he reacts to it. A lower dose like 30 should be okay technically but you could even try 20 mg if worried. Be sure and do the follow up acth to see how he is reacting though
06-19-2017, 04:44 PM
We measured Cairo's fluid intake over the weekend - only 700mls per day. Got a urine sample as well and the vet says that it's good - not dilute. She's frightened to start him back on any treatment "after what happened the last time".
I'm having a hard job getting through to the vet and my mother that the last time, he was just put on far too high a dose, so between them, they've decided to leave him be - unless he gets any worse.
It's so frustrating for me and I just hope the poor little guy isn't feeling unwell in any way.
07-31-2017, 05:39 PM
Just a quick update and really looking for some more advice or reassurance.
Following Cairo's last stim test where his post stim result was 625 (22.7), the vet wasn't keen to restart vetoryl, but since then she has - only on 10mg to see how he went (he's 35kg).
He had his repeat stim test on Friday and the post stim results are 204 (7.4). Our own vet is on holiday. The vet we spoke to said to keep him on the 10mg and repeat the stim in 3 weeks.
That seems like a worryingly huge drop in his post stim cortisol levels on only 10mg. Is it? Should he continue on it? We're worried after him crashing the last time he was on vetoryl.
07-31-2017, 08:40 PM
Can you tell us how long Cairo had been taking the 10 mg. prior to this test? That will help us judge the effectiveness -- or overeffectiveness -- of this dose.
08-01-2017, 05:42 AM
He has been on 10mg for 2 weeks
My mum's just been on the phone to say that she can't get him to eat and he's sitting in a corner shaking. I've told her not to give him the vetoryl today and to phone the vet.
My niece lives with my mum and she went on holiday yesterday - he could be pining for her but sitting shaking was the indicator that his cortisol had dropped too much last time, so better to withhold the vetoryl I think.
08-01-2017, 06:53 AM
If he had been taking the Vetoryl for two weeks, then I would not have been concerned that there was too big a drop in the cortisol. In fact, I would have thought that was a good result and I would agree with the vet about continuing with that dose. After two weeks of treatment, a drop from 22 to 7 would be putting Cairo's cortisol right in the range where you want it to be, with room for it to safely drop even a bit lower.
However, given his behavior right now, I think you are doing the right thing to at least temporarily hold up on dosing until you have a better idea as to what's going on with him. Please do keep us updated.
08-01-2017, 07:07 AM
Ahh, it's a relief to know that the drop is OK. It just seemed like a massive drop.
He's very attached to my niece so it could be that he's missing her - she only went yesterday - it's just unfortunate that her holiday coincided with his stim test
molly muffin
08-01-2017, 08:24 PM
How is he now? Does he seem alright? 7.7 is okay, and while a big drop, and he might be feeling the affects of that, it isn't alarming yet. He would continue to drop some for the next two weeks (as they usually drop for 30 days or so)
I'd say it depends on how he is doing and if you can tell if this is physical or missing your niece.
08-02-2017, 08:33 AM
He eventually had a drink and a little bit to eat this morning but he's still miserable looking.
He slept on the floor in my niece's bedroom last night so it's obvious that he's missing her.
He's not had his vetoryl today again as he hasn't had enough to eat to get it
08-04-2017, 01:34 PM
Just checking to see whether Cairo is doing any better...
Surely hoping that he's bouncing back again!
08-04-2017, 06:30 PM
Poor little guy is still sad. He's not had his vetoryl since Monday and I've only been able to coax him to eat a little last night and again tonight. He's just thoroughly miserable. His friend is back on Tuesday so I'm hoping he'll perk up when she comes back - she's not going on holiday again, that's for sure!
Not sure how not having his vetoryl is going to affect stim test readings - if he's not had it for a week, is it a case of going back to square 1 and starting from scratch again?
Harley PoMMom
08-05-2017, 06:09 PM
Since he's been off the Vetoryl I don't think it would be beneficial to have an ACTH stimulation test done right now and would wait until he's been taking the Vetoryl for 10 - 14 days. How are the symptoms?
08-05-2017, 06:54 PM
To be honest, the only symptoms he has of Cushings is increasing weight gain and panting and his legs going out from under him. He's not eating but he's missing my niece. He's not drinking often but when he does, he's gulping it down.
He's looking like such a little sad old man. It's breaking my heart seeing him. He can hardly walk and keeps falling. He brings me his toy to throw and I can't throw it for him as he just falls over. My niece facetimed my mum and she put the phone on the floor so he could see her. He was all alert and interested looking then realised that she wasn't actually there and his head went down and he went to his bed.
He's got a couple of sore patches on him as well. Kind of scabby looking and they're obviously itchy as he's in 7th heaven when you rub over them.
molly muffin
08-09-2017, 09:31 PM
Awww, that is so sad. Poor Cairo. :( She is his person I guess. When does she come back home? Poor guy, hard on the to have the wobbly legs that won't hold them to do the things they love to do.
08-11-2017, 06:04 AM
Well, she returned home on Tuesday evening. I picked her up from the airport and we again have a dog that's eating, drinking, playing, albeit still wobbly on the legs. He's absolutely delighted that she's home.
We've managed to start him back on his vetoryl as well because he's eating again.
She's not gettng to go on holiday again - that's for sure.
08-11-2017, 11:10 AM
Aww poor guy. So glad she's home for him again!
molly muffin
08-14-2017, 01:29 PM
Awww Cairo. So glad he is happier now that she is back home. They just make themselves sick when they miss their special person.
Are his legs more steady now?
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