View Full Version : I'm new here and I need your help please

08-18-2013, 06:16 PM
I have a gorgeous 15 months old female labrador and we sterilize her almost a month ago. Immediately after sterilization for a period of about 2 weeks was in treatment because she was peeing with blood. After that, occasionally, she have like brown leaked. I returned with her to the doctor who made the intervention, he did ultrasound and he recommended me to come and give her vaginal douche with a solution, every 2 days for a week and at the end of tratament told me to watch her if she is still have leaks. Well she is still leaking brown. :( Otherwise she is happy and full of energy, she eat normally, play and act completely normal. I am very worried about this brown leaks, i don't think is normal and I would like if someone can help me with some advice outside of the doctor opinion. thank you

08-18-2013, 06:26 PM
Hello, and I'm so sorry you are having this trouble with your girl. However, it does not sound as though the problem has anything to do with Cushing's Disease, which is the subject of our website. For that reason, I have moved your thread away from our main "Questions" forum and I have put it here on our "Everything Else" forum. I am hoping that perhaps one of our members will be able to help you with suggestions as to what is going on with your dog and that you can get some answers very soon!


08-18-2013, 08:29 PM
I have some questions. Was the douche that the vet had you use some type of antibiotic? Was a culture done of the discharge to determine if there was an infection present? If a culture & sensitivity was not done, & this is an infection, your girl probably needs an antibiotic. The culture will determine exactly what type of bacteria are present, & the sensitivity determines exactly which antibiotic will be effective against the bacterial infection.


Squirt's Mom
08-19-2013, 07:40 AM
Sweetheart, my advice is to get your baby to another vet asap. Bleeding for two weeks after a spay and continuing to leak an off-color urine is not right and I would want a second opinion ASAP. ;)

08-19-2013, 07:47 AM
I am guessing from what you have written that perhaps you are living outside of the U.S.? Your English is excellent, by the way!! :)

If you want to tell us what country you are living in, we may have some members who can give you suggestions as to other vets who may be able to help you.
