View Full Version : Cushings disease

Kate r
08-17-2013, 06:02 AM
Hey my dog has just been diagnosed with vushings disease ,she had no blood test but had an ultra sound and they Said with her swallon belly and the fact that her liver and other organ were larger than should be ,and that she has been panting drinking and peeing more than normal it was cushings ,they ha e put her on tablets trilostane is this normal for no bloods and is this ok tablets for what's wrong with her am very worried and don't know

08-17-2013, 07:15 AM
Welcome to the forum. Sorry your poor baby is having troubles. I don't think it is ever a good idea to put a dog on Trilostane without the proper testing. You dog should have had an LDDS and ACTH test, urine test, and I always do a blood panel. I say this because these are powerful drugs that you do not want to give a dog that does not have Cushings. There are many diseases with the same symptoms as Cushings. I would really question my vet on this. Even though the ultra sound is part of the diagnostic tools that are used, I would recommend the testing to confirm the diagnosis. Usually the testing is done and then the ultra sound, I don't know the reason your vet did this backwards??Is this vet experienced with Cushings? If he is not you really should find someone who is. It will save you time, heartache and money. Not a lot of vets are familiar with Cushings. You can to the right place to get help as these people are very experienced on here. Keep a daily doggie diary as you will need it to refer to. Keep tack of how much water your dog is drinking etc. What mg of Trilostane did they give you? How much does you dog weigh? Please get the testing done and post the results on here so that you can get the proper help for you dog. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
08-17-2013, 07:36 AM
she had no blood test...

Oh CRAP! No blood work?! :eek::eek: Do NOT give your baby that drug! Do NOT! And find another vet today, asap. Get your pet records and RUN, do not walk, RUN from that vet!

It is beyond irresponsible for a vet to put your baby on drugs as powerful as Vetoryl (Trilostane) without testing! :mad: It is impossible to determine if a dog has Cushing's without testing. This is one of the most difficult, if not THE most difficult, canine disease to diagnose even with multiple tests and to risk the life of a dog by NOT testing at all is, is, well I can't say here what I feel it is so let's just say BAD WRONG!

When I've had time to pick my jaw up off the floor from being flat stunned by what this vet has done, I'll be back to chat some more. Meantime, just put those pills in a cabinet and forget about them for now.

Leslie and the gang

Squirt's Mom
08-17-2013, 09:35 AM
Ok, I've had time to spit the nails out I was chewing on and talk to you without wanting to scream at your vet. ;):o

Welcome to you and your baby! :)

To get started, we are going to ask you lots of questions so be patient and try to answer as fully as you can. This will help us get an idea of what has been going on that lead the vet to think Cushing's.

What prompted you take her in to see the vet in the first place?

Other than the panting, drinking and peeing have you noticed any other changes in her?

Loss of hair?

Acting like she is starving 24/7?

Back leg weakness?

Loss of exercise tolerance (she gets tire easier or simply can't do things she used to like jump on the furniture)?

When was the last time she had blood work done that looked at things like ALP, BUN, CHOL? This may have been called a wellness check or senior panel. If this has not been done, this is the first step. Those values can tell whether Cushing's is possible as well as give an indication if other things could be going on.

Has she been checked for diabetes?


Both these conditions present very much like Cushing's, same signs you mention seeing, and need to be ruled out before Cushing's can be considered.

Does she have any other medical conditions that you know of?

Is she on any meds, herbs, or supplements? If so, what and what is she taking them for?

How old is she?

How much does she weigh?

What dose of Trilo were you given (mg) and how often were you told to give it (but DO NOT give it yet, I'm just checking. ;))?

The more you can tell us about your sweet girl the more meaningful feedback we will be able to give you. If you can get copies of the comments on the ultrasound and any other tests she has had recently then post the actual results here, that would be a huge help.

I'm glad you found us and hope you haven' started the Trilo yet. If you have, that is ok as long as your baby isn't acting sick. Stop giving it to her now, tho. IF she needs it later, it is easy to get her started but if she does not need it, the consequences of giving it to her could be disastrous. If you have given it and she is acting sick, please let us know asap what you are seeing and we can guide you as to what to do next. We are here to help you in any way we can. You and your baby girl are now part of our family and we stick by our family here like glue. If this is Cushing's, I want you to know it is not death sentence. Pups can and do live out their normal lifespan and beyond quite happily. ;)

Leslie and the gang

Budsters Mom
08-17-2013, 11:55 AM
Hello and welcome from me too. :)
You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. We will do all we can to help, but be ready for lots of questions! So again, welcome to you and your baby.:)

Yes! It infuriates me also that no blood work as done. :mad: Trilostane is a heavy duty drug. It should never have been administered without proper testing that includes blood work! That was very irresponsible of your vet! Yes! It's time to go vet shopping!;)