View Full Version : Confused and Overwhelmed-Diagnosed Anal Sac Carcinoma (Woody has passed)
05-16-2014, 06:24 PM
Yes good idea to get herself into her routine... not far to go help her out if she needs it.
Are you looking elsewhere? Always good to have the option of doing that and better when you are still in a job to keep the bills paid.
Ha did you ask your friend what her spec-Cpl was??
05-16-2014, 06:30 PM
hahahaha... I live backing onto a school. On the weekends they play sports on the fields. Just heard the gate open and eeeek, two young boys about 13 striding across the yard.. here is me sitting in my nightie and pink socks LOL.... hiding behind the door and they wanted to go find their soccer ball that went over the fence and is stuck in the wilderness behind the garage, Flynn went with them to look!! They probably talking about that nutty woman over the fence!!
It is 10.30am Saturday morning here, 7 C... not a cloud in the sky so it should warm up soon!
05-16-2014, 06:31 PM
I did actually ask her that ha ha. She was starved for 24 hrs then fed little and often light meals I was falling about laughing, she has came home with tramadol, buscopan, and cerina tablets all which I've given to Bruno ha ha. I did have to explain why I was laughing so much.
Yeah I'm going to start looking around for another job, the politics or bollocks as I call it in this place just brings me down at times, but today I just smiled, I'm just going to rise above it all, :D
05-16-2014, 06:33 PM
Ha ha your one classy lady with your pink socks on, painting a great picture there :eek:
05-16-2014, 06:38 PM
Haha that is funny, our secretary was telling me about her health woes the other day. She has developed high blood pressure (the poor thing no wonder, looking after all of us!) she told me her GP had started her on Amlodipine... my first reaction "ohhh Flynny is on that and he is doing really well" :D:D she thought it very funny that she is taking the same meds as my dog!!!
05-16-2014, 06:42 PM
I've always thought it equally funny and interesting how some human and dog ailments are treated with the same kinds of meds and in the same way, I've used a lot of human meds on the dogs over the years With the vets permission as it's cheaper, Craig was really good at letting me know what I could use like antacids, creams, priobiotic as human was cheaper :D
05-16-2014, 06:56 PM
One sign of a good vet, giving you cheaper options!! Ohhh and whats wrong with my pink socks LOL... poor boys, hope I did not give them a fright. But the dressing gown is hanging up and I could not get it from the bedroom without passing the open window.. . they probably scarred for life!
molly muffin
05-16-2014, 06:58 PM
That is funny! It's true though. I mean we're warm blooded mammals and the meds should basically work in the same way. Theoretically of course. Lol. It is funny though.
Well if you are bored and not challenged you wouldn't likely want to be there long term unless something really changed. Hopefully it will and if not maybe start looking around like Trish said.
I love what I do and sometimes I say to myself can you believe I get paid to do this!! Yet there is the dynamics and politics and personnel being moved so sometimes you are swamped and other times yawning your head off. It can be a rough balancing act.
Close to home is good though. Lol. Especially in the winter.
Poor friend I hope that she gets to feeling better soon
Sharlene and Molly muffin
05-16-2014, 07:01 PM
Ha they,ll be away talking about the lady in her nightie and pink socks, I can't say anything I do the same, hate cold feet.
Well I'm off to sleep busy day tomorrow, got to get the shopping in and then cut mums grass pfft woman's work is never done :D
Have a good day hopefully catch you over the weekend
05-16-2014, 07:04 PM
Have a good sleep Tracy!! Nice to lie in tomorrow!! I do not have many set plans for this weekend so will probably be about! Lovely to chat as always! xx
Sharlene, are you officially finished for the weekend now?
molly muffin
05-16-2014, 07:36 PM
I am done. Like you though there are a few things I am thinking of peeking in on during the weekend. Haven't really decided though.
Just had fish and chips for dinner. Now I am in brain dead mode. Lol
Have a good night Tracy. See ya on the weekend.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
05-19-2014, 02:17 PM
Pfft big thunder storm going on right now, it's knocked my power off and the street is like a river not saw one of these so big here for years. Looks like early bed with no power no TV :mad:
molly muffin
05-19-2014, 02:45 PM
Eek! Hopefully no flooding though!
Sleep well. If I am not worried about a dog freakin or a tornado then there is nothing better than snuggling in and snoozing to a thunderstorm.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
05-19-2014, 03:35 PM
Lordy, that is no good! Hope your river doesn't burst again Tracy. Keep dry! x
05-19-2014, 04:02 PM
Think the river may be ok but we still have thunder and lightning and still no power good job I charged my phone. Not seen it like this in years murphy my brothers dog is under his bed hiding wee soul
05-19-2014, 04:06 PM
Stink, yes lucky you are all charged up! I love a good thunder storm, but like Sharlene only if flooding not a worry and I do feel bad for the poor things, shame they cannot even turn on the telly to drown it out with no power.
Budsters Mom
05-19-2014, 04:09 PM
Well, look who's chatting. Hello ladies. I took today off to decompress after our fire scare.
Budsters Mom
05-19-2014, 04:10 PM
Send that water this way! We desperately need it!
05-19-2014, 04:10 PM
I've been watching it from the window, it's pretty loud and lots of fork lightning about, glad woody not here to see it cause my arm would be falling off throwing the ball to distract him :D
Shouldn't you be at work Trish
05-19-2014, 04:12 PM
Hey Kathy! How's the air quality?? HOpe you have caught up on your sleep sweet!!
Yes, I should be at work... well in 50mins!! Just having my cup of tea, be gone in 10 mins!!
Budsters Mom
05-19-2014, 04:13 PM
You better stop that rain dancing Trish! The rain's going in the wrong direction! :eek::eek::eek:That's the only logical reason for Tracy's flooding. It's all Trish's fault Tracy! Lol
Budsters Mom
05-19-2014, 04:14 PM
The weather is beautiful, about 75 with a cool breeze. The sky has returned to it's beautiful shade of blue and the birds are back and singing happily. Mother Nature has once again corrected man's damage. OMG! That sounds like a Hallmark card! lol
05-19-2014, 04:14 PM
Kathy good to see you yes I know it's all Trish,s fault she's not good at this rain dance thingy at all:eek:
Budsters Mom
05-19-2014, 04:17 PM
Hi Tracy,
Seriously, I am so sorry about your major storm! I sure wish this weather thing would even out for everyone.
05-19-2014, 04:18 PM
Ha, I blame Flynny... that dog has never had any sense of direction!! OK girls gotta fly.... bills to be paid and all that! Have a good day/night... ohhhh I like mid week chatting, hope your not floating down the road by next time I check in Tracy and SO pleased the fires are gone, hopefully for good!! Sounds like ideal Rosie time outside!! :D:D:D xxx Byyyyeeeeee!
05-19-2014, 04:20 PM
Glad Mother Nature is back Kathy must have been scary for a while there. We rarely get storms like this one usually there over in no time but this one has been 3 hours so far, that's global warming for you weather is all over the place all over the world
Budsters Mom
05-19-2014, 04:23 PM
Very scary. I haven't fully recovered yet. We came very close to evacuating a few times. I hope your power comes back up soon and you don't float way. Be careful!
05-19-2014, 04:25 PM
I bet it was scary glad you didn't have to evacuate. I'm boiling hot as it's very humid here and can't open windows lol
05-20-2014, 03:14 AM
How did the night go, hope the storm settled down! Have a good day at work :)
05-20-2014, 07:59 AM
It would seem that weather all over the globe is becoming extreme. I do believe their is something to this global warming trend. Hope you are safe and well. Blessings
05-20-2014, 12:58 PM
Not much sleep last night as the thunder rumbled most of the night not as loud but you could still hear it. I heard today that 2 houses in the village got but by lightning and caused a hole in their roof :eek:
Work was flooded this morning, so it was all hands on deck to brush the water out took a few hours :eek: weather has been good today very humid and we are suppose to get thunder tonight but nothing so far
molly muffin
05-20-2014, 06:21 PM
Yikes! Thunder doesn't bother me but lightening I don't like at all. Especially the kind that comes straight down and hits something. That is super scary
Hopefully no lightening tonight!
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-21-2014, 06:23 PM
No more thunder of showers just some lovely sunshine :D
I had a bit of a heart stopping moment tonight, I was over visiting Marie and Mac and as i was leaving i opened the garden gate and a big black dog run past me and attacked Mac :eek: He was fighting back, Marie was screaming, as was the other dog owner so I ran to them and tried to separate them but couldn,t so i had to grab the other dogs collar and twist (I know not good) until it let go of Mac, it only lasted about 2 mins but felt like ages. It turned out that it was the neighbours dog, who had got out from their garden. Marie had some very stern words for him, and i checked Mac over apart from being wet he was fine. The neighbour is usually so very careful of his dog as he knows its not good with other dogs due to its past, its a rescue. I made Marie a little Whiskey to calm her down she was shaking and Mac got some tlc. She rang me about an hour later to say that the neighbour had been in with flowers and a bottle of wine for her, and they had a good chat and sorted things out. Phew thankfully no injuries to either dog i was surprised as they both were really going for it. :eek:
05-21-2014, 07:37 PM
Oh my God you react just like me. I can't blame you as I would have done the same thing. Poor Mac, but he wet right back at that other guy! Thank God everyone is ok. You sure have some adventures over there! I think the neighbor missed the mark with the flowers and wine. Where was the doggie treat for Mac, he's the one who suffered the attack? Tracy, you are Mac's guardian angel. Blessings
molly muffin
05-21-2014, 07:45 PM
Wow, Tracy, way to get the adrenaline going eh. Nothing else to be done though except to grab and go for it, making sure neither you or Mac got hurt of course. Glad everyone is okay.
hmm, I agree, Mac needed a treat from the neighbor too. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-22-2014, 05:35 AM
Blardy hell, poor Mac!! That big bully black dog :mad::mad: Flynn loves all dogs except for big black ones after he got bit once, now he growls at them and if I see one coming on our walks I get him back on his leash quick smart!! Wonder if Mac will be wary of them now. Gosh I bet that got your heart racing, thank goodness you rescued your little mate Mac. I would have done like you, act first, think later... but what you did was effective. Pretty bad for it to enter anothers property and do that, bet the dog ranger would have a word or two to say about it. I would be tempted to call them in case there have been other instances with other dogs, it is lucky Mac was not injured. xx
05-30-2014, 06:19 PM
Hey Tracy.... how has the week gone? Will check in later to see if your on for a catchup, hopefully right about now your out with your mates for your Friday evening drinkies!! Hope Rachael and Mason have had a good week too!
Oh yeah, work sucks! :mad: but otherwise all good here!! xxxx
05-30-2014, 06:49 PM
Hay Trish
Work has been em shall I say "interesting" this week lol. The place is crawling with the new owners and his team so everyone on best behaviour. :D
Week hasn't been too bad Maisie (my mum) well her name is May but I call her Maisie hasn't been well and landed in hospital for two nights with a severe Kidney infection but she's home today thankfully, it's one thing after another with her at the moment but she,ll get there.
No drinkies tonight as I was designated driver, but good chat as my mate has been on holiday in Spain all week so good to catch up. I'm out early tomorrow to mums make sure she is ok so will hopefully catch you later x
molly muffin
05-30-2014, 08:06 PM
oh my gosh! Sorry to hear your mom hasn't had a good week, sounds like she is doing better now if she is at home? Hope so anyhow.
How is Rachel and Mason and Ian doing? Adjusting well? Was their night out a success?
oh wow owners all over the place eh. That should have been interesting. Something different at least. Are you doing more of what you should be doing on the job now after the last chat?
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-31-2014, 03:24 AM
Oh no, poor Maisie! Hope she doing ok when you see her this morning. She has had a rough trot the past few months! Lucky she has you looking out for her :) We have had a great day, busy as! Not home long so now looking forward to couch time :)
05-31-2014, 08:11 AM
Hoping all is well with your mom. How is your job going? Blessings
05-31-2014, 06:01 PM
Hi Tracey, hope you had a good Saturday and all well at your Mum's! :) Where is Mel, must be about time for her to pop in and say Hi!! x
05-31-2014, 06:07 PM
Evening all
Phew it was a hot one today, I even cut the grass in shorts :eek: my garden temp showed 26 degrees ok not hot in some if your places but hot for Scotland :D
Mum is doing ok, as she hasn't been out the house in 3 wks I relented and let her come shopping with me only for an hour.
I've had Mason cuddles today and he is coming on fine, he is a nosey little boy and has a bouncy chair with a mobile of animals over it and he was making all sorts of noises to them as if he was talking to them. I put up a picture if him :D. Rachel is a great mom and is looking a lot better but her wound isn't healing so she is still on medication, but I'm sure it will heal
05-31-2014, 06:10 PM
Trish must have been typing at the same time. Yeah where is Mel maybe need to call on her again
Mel Mel Mel mellllllllll where are you
05-31-2014, 06:13 PM
26 is a perfect temperature, love it about there. Hope you did not blind anyone with your white legs appearing in shorts :D:D:D Ohhh going to check out the Mason pic!! Poor Rachael, that is a long time for wound not to be healing... hope they have swabbed it and got a culture and have her on the right meds.
05-31-2014, 06:16 PM
Love his doggy outfit! Very cute! :)
05-31-2014, 06:22 PM
Yeah the doggy on his outfit is called Boffle after a cartoon character on TV I had to buy it lol I've bought him loads of doggy outfits can't help it :D
It want too bad as everyone had white legs, but I've caught a bit of sun and no longer look blue in colour ha ha.
I don't think they have swabbed her wound, it's where she was stitched (14) of them most have knitted together but she still has part open, the midwife that comes to the house checks it every week and they reckon it will heal eventually, she is taking a broad stream antibiotic and iron tablets, should it be swabbed ?
05-31-2014, 06:29 PM
Yes it should, we have had a few with resistant bugs. Shouldn't take that long to heal in a fit young girl and want to make sure there is no collection under the wound.
I hate getting my legs out at the beginning of summer, need sunglasses to look at them! :D I have that pale Scottish skin too :)
I can see why you bought that outfit lol.... well dressed little boy with Aunty around!
05-31-2014, 06:39 PM
I,ll have a word with her tomorrow and get her to get the midwife to take a swab next time she's there.
I'm not too bad I tan really easily but rarely get my legs out only in the garden where no one can see ;). I have new neighbours well they've not moved in yet, but met them today with the biggest softest black lab cross dog called jake. He kept bringing me his ball and dropping it at my feet so I had to have a wee game of football with him. I don't need a dog I can play with everyone else's :D
05-31-2014, 06:42 PM
Haha so nice to have the doggy playtime though, any new ones in the rescue you are keen on?
05-31-2014, 06:56 PM
I've not been looking, well I look but not seriously if you get what I mean. I've decided that it will happen when it happens, but do miss not having a dog as I live in a village where almost every second house has a dog. But I can always borrow Mac if I need to, he is doing well after his spat last week and is back to normal.
05-31-2014, 07:54 PM
Funny how you end up with them, the day I met Flynn becoming a dog owner was the furthest thing on my mind... but he found me anyway lol. My first dog ever! I often wonder where he came from, I do not think he was ever mistreated as he has always been the sweetest boy! He was not skinny, no fleas or anything. But he just walked into my life at the shopping centre! Wonder why his owners never looked for him, but really it was their loss and my gain!!
05-31-2014, 07:58 PM
Think I am going to go back to bed for a couple of hours, a bit more sleep might have me feeling better!! Will probably be awake half the night now so might be on a bit later!!! You have a good sleep too :D
05-31-2014, 08:00 PM
Sure was there loss. I do believe they dogs pick there owner and not the other way round :D
molly muffin
06-01-2014, 12:44 AM
Oh Mason is just so cute. I love that outfit. I'd be buying him a bunch too. :) :)
Hope nothing resistant in there, Rachel doesn't need that after the time she has had.
26 sounds wonderful to me. :) Glad your mom is doing better and felt up to getting out for just a bit. Not long, good thing she has you to watch out for her. :) :)
We did lawn gardening again today. It sure has been a mess to clean up from this winter.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-01-2014, 05:57 PM
Hiya... Wheeeeeee it's Monday and I am home!! How's the weekend going? Mum OK yesterday?
I was so pleased to read little Mac had no after effects from his run in but that mean next door's neighbour dog!! Tough little guy :)
Quiet day yesterday, I really think that Codeine made me feel so yuck. Didn't do baking, but did go around for a catchup with Lauren. Then back home to the couch for the night. I watched the movie "Philomena" with Judi Dench it was really good, she is such a fab actress :)
Poor Flynn was so bored but it was a cold and rainy which seemed fitting for the first day of winter. Still yuck today but not raining so I will get him out for a walk today. Meant to be going to the dog park again.
06-02-2014, 01:19 PM
Glad your back is better Trish. Judi is awsome and comes across really nice in her interviews.
I'm having a visitor tonight little Mason yay can't wait. Rachel and Ian have been sick since last night so he is staying with my his glammy whilst they get better hopefully it is just a big thingy they've got. So Mandy is bringing him up so we can go a walk :D
molly muffin
06-02-2014, 07:40 PM
Ohh, sounds like a great time Tracy. Mason will love being out and about for a walk I bet.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-03-2014, 06:54 AM
Awwww Aunty time, I first thought it was Mac coming to stay again till I read it properly!!! Aww poor Rachael and Ian, hope they better soon!! Good he is out of the bugs though. I bet your sister loves having him :) Hopefully a nice warm summer evening for a stroll showing off your new baby!! :D
06-04-2014, 01:06 PM
We had a lovely stroll with Mason and he slept soundly the whole walk :D
I've got sent home from work today I had a bad asthma attack first one in years my own fault really, as I was working in a dusty warehouse for 2 days and vanity caused me not to wear a mask. I've had the doctor to the house and been on an nebuliser for 2 hours. Feel better bit shaky but can breath again. My lovely mother has made my dinner and my sister is brining it up to me bless I can make my own but didn't argue with her, then bed for me for a few days :(
molly muffin
06-04-2014, 02:39 PM
Oh Gads Tracy! That is some scary stuff. Don't be messing around with asthma!!
Now that we are thoroughly terrified on your behalf... :) Great you had a good time with Mason, out and about. How are Rachel and Ian doing?
hugs, take care of yourself
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-04-2014, 04:12 PM
Tracy!!! My god how scary :( Hope your feeling better today, have you got rest of the week off? I hope so, I am sure you look gorgeous in your mask so get it on girly! :D:D You get to the hospital if it gets bad again, good of your GP to do a home visit though and yay the family rallying around to make sure your fed! Will check in on you tonight xxxx
06-04-2014, 05:37 PM
Thanks Trish/Sharlene
I'm feeling a bit better, had a few hours sleep and have just took my peak flow which is 350 should be 500 so will keep an eye on it. I don't usually mess with my asthma and take my meds morning and night, think I just got complacent as it's been so well controlled lately, but yes dust mask will be on at all times. It did give me a fright. :eek:
Harley PoMMom
06-04-2014, 08:05 PM
Oh My Tracy!!
You get back into bed and take care of yourself, ok? Sending healing and loving hugs, Lori
06-05-2014, 05:26 AM
How you feeling today, hope you had a good sleep and not too puffed. x
06-06-2014, 06:50 AM
Are you still breathing????? Hope so!! :)
molly muffin
06-06-2014, 03:29 PM
Checking in on you Tracy!!! Hope you are recovering and had no set backs. That asthma scares the bejeebees out of me!
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-06-2014, 06:26 PM
I'm still breathing Trish :D I'm still a bit wheezy but doing ok. I've been to the doctor as my peak flow got to 300 which is danger zone for me I've to double my inhalers and have 5 day steroids to take. Doctor thinks the weather maybe causing me problems as it's hot one day cold the next then humid so for the summer I've to double my inhalers yuk!
I,ve been to my friends for a BBQ as the weather is lovely I only live about 3 mins from her but she wouldn't let me walk and picked me up in the car which I thought was rather funny. I've been suffering from sleepy sickness as I've slept away the last few days. Well it's to be thunder storms tomorrow so I,ll be staying indoors just incase it is the weather causing my asthma problems ;)
06-06-2014, 06:30 PM
YAY!!! your alive :D:D:D was getting a bit worried there!! Well I bet those steroids will perk you up. Have you been off work all week? What a good mate, picking you up like that!! I like her :)
molly muffin
06-06-2014, 08:56 PM
That is a true friend that will drive 3 minutes away so you don't get an attack on the way over.
Are you suppose to go back to work on Monday? Hoping you feel tons better by then. Masks are a must for you my friend!!! No cheating!!
Sleeping is good, helps the body to recover or something like that. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-07-2014, 08:19 AM
Sorry to hear you were so sick. I hope you get better soon. How long have you had asthma? Blessings
06-07-2014, 05:03 PM
Patti I've had asthma since I was 22 yrs old so about 22 years. It is pretty well controlled with inhalers and I know what triggers it usually.
I'm feeling loads better and my peak flow is up to 400 so heading in the right direction. We didn't get the thunder today just humid and lots of rain. I went shopping today and had a bit of lunch with my sister and Mason as Rachel was getting her hair done. He is getting so big and likes nothing better than to sing to himself, and is very nosey and follows you around the room, I bought him some new hats today as he has out grown all of his, one said "I love my gran" lol
06-07-2014, 05:18 PM
Good news on the asthma front, does that mean back to work tomorrow?
Gosh Mason sounds like he is growing fast! Sounds like a happy wee man too!! Bet your sister loved that hat :D
06-07-2014, 05:24 PM
Hay Trish
Yes it means work on Monday :( I will have to see the boss to get written permission to carry my inhaler on my person, as they have all these stupid policies about carrying things on your person, your not allowed anything without permission, it is all stupid really. I can understand it if i worked on the production line but i,m nowhere near that part of the building but hay ho. I have a letter from my Doctor to state i need it at all times with me just incase they get a bit funny with me.:)
06-07-2014, 05:33 PM
Well that sounds sensible, especially in that dusty environment!! It is another lovely clear wintery day here, gardening on the agenda for me. Although it is fairly well under control for now, just a bit of general tidying needed. Be nice for Flynn to potter about, he looks naked without his collar on!!
Ohhh time to change his avatar back to the All Blacks :D:D We only just beat England last night, it was not pretty.
06-07-2014, 05:38 PM
Yeah they do look naked without their collar on, i used to take woodys off at night, he looked forward to it as he knew he would get a good old neck scratch.
Our weather has went cuckoo, it was chucking it down with rain all day, but was really warm 21 degrees so to hot for a jacket, but too wet not to have one on, then tonight we had lovely sunshine
Flynn the All Black is back, oh dear only just beating England i can,t comment on that as i,m Scottish and we,re not supposed to like the English stupid i know
06-07-2014, 06:00 PM
Yes lol... well we like Mel and she's English :D:D:D
Sorry just been hanging out load of washing, getting some brekky, Flynn thinks he should have a 2nd breakfast too :)
06-07-2014, 06:08 PM
God loves a trying eh Flynn :D I bet he is looking all starving hungry and neglected .....Not
Yip we like Mel, I hope she is doing all right as i,ve not seen her around in a while. Hopefully work isn,t too manic for her.
06-07-2014, 06:11 PM
Can't have too many breakfasts according to Flynn!! I quite like that photo of Flynny, you can't actually see him very well but there he is hunting under the boardwalk, I have seen a few cats up there on that walk so I bet he got the sniff of one. He chased quite a few ducks yesterday and eyeballed a huge swan too, but it didn't back down :eek::eek: So he decided better than to chase it!
06-07-2014, 06:16 PM
Oh swans will have a go at him they are quite vicious over here specially at this time of year as they are protecting their young, they have been known to attack people if they get to close :eek: Glad he decided not to chase it. :cool:
06-07-2014, 06:22 PM
There were a ton of them, big black ones. He has not seen them before that I remember anyway as none up the beach. But this park had a big pond so they were all congregating. Lots of kids go there to feed the birds bread so they get a free lunch and were quite plump!! They all got in the water when Flynn and Meg arrived, but not that one big grumpy looking one with the evil looking red beak!! Sqwarking away!
06-07-2014, 06:30 PM
See i could not have went down there I have a phobia of birds, yeah don,t laugh but even little garden birds scare me. :eek: I do have bird feeders in my garden but don,t like the little blighters :o
06-07-2014, 06:41 PM
Well these were big buggers LOL... you would not have like them!! I hate birds inside, flapping about uggggh gives me the willies.
06-09-2014, 08:27 AM
Hi Tracy:
Just wondering how you are and if you are back to work yet? Hope things are going better. Blessings
06-14-2014, 06:19 PM
Yooohoooo Tracy!!! It is Sat night/Sun am chat time!!! Or are you watching the football like me :D Hopefully no work drama's or asthma to report this weekend. A nice quite week would be good :)
06-22-2014, 03:56 AM
How's the head??????????? :d:d:d
06-22-2014, 04:08 AM
Sore, very sore hee hee it was a fab night, plenty bellinis food and dancing just what I needed. Feet are killing me today as I wore heels first time in ages :D
06-22-2014, 04:24 AM
Yeehah!! Sounds like a fab night!! Nice to get out and blow out the cobwebs! :) Sore feet though, yuck!! My heels are much lower these days :D Got old I have! When's Mac back?
06-22-2014, 04:28 AM
I think it's a few weeks not sure. Do you know what he did yesterday he has not limped in days according to Marie and I popped over yesterday as Marie was helping with the food and he came running out to me for a fuss, when I stopped petting him and ignored him he looked at me and limped away :eek: it was funny as you knew he was putting it on not daft that boy :D
06-22-2014, 04:35 AM
Haha so crafty some of these dogs, I bet he looked over his back at you to see if you were watching how sad his life is and how mean you were to stop giving him the loving! :D
molly muffin
06-23-2014, 08:24 PM
ohh, belinni head! Yikes Tracy! LOL you need a full recovery from that kind of night out! I do admire a woman who can give it her all though! hahahaha
Hope you are having a good week
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-24-2014, 08:25 AM
Hi Tracy:
Just wondered how you have been. How is it going at work? Are you still scouting for Jack Russells online? Blessings
06-24-2014, 12:20 PM
Sharlene trust me I suffered the next day for my partying, it was well worth it though, party started at 7pm and finished at 4.30 am :eek:
Patti - I'm doing fine, work is well just work it pays the bills. I'm not seriously looking for a new dog but if one catches my eye then I will happy as I think they pick us for their owners and not the other way round :)
I'm off to a very posh place tomorrow for dinner it's a castle oooh get me lol no it's Sorn Castle which is just outside my village it's beautiful and they are holding a fund raiser for the village and it's invited guests only and me and Marie got invited.
06-24-2014, 05:06 PM
Wow that castle looks awesome, I just googled it!! How posh, what does one wear to a castle dinner?? :) Hope your feet have recovered from all that dancing as I think high heels would be a must! :D
06-24-2014, 05:30 PM
I lived there for a year :D well not in the castle but in the grounds I rented a 14th century cottage for a year it was beautiful when I looked out my window I could see the castle. The family are very down to earth. Yes heels are a must and a dress I think, but looking forward to it. :) the resident family do a lot for the village and built a new school recently so goddess knows what this fund raiser is for :confused:
06-24-2014, 05:36 PM
I would be too!! I bet they have bellinis!! :D I so loved all the history when I lived in the UK, visited all the castles and museums I could. We only have one castle that I know of in NZ, Larnach Castle and it is down south in Dunedin where a lot of Scotts settled when they emigrated. We had a conference in Dunedin years ago and the dinner was at the castle and we even had haggis that was marched in on its tray accompanied by bagpipers!
06-24-2014, 05:45 PM
Sounds lovely. I love all the the castle and ruins that are around scotland we have loads. I was intrigued by the history of my village and the castle they are still very traditional and come to church every Sunday and they sing at the Xmas service, it's the son and his family that live there as there mother lives in a castle in England, they own most of the village and have a huge estate but although the speak very proper they drink in the local pub dressed in there finery, the wear plus 4,s and tweed jackets lol
06-24-2014, 05:59 PM
You do have loads, gorgeous country! Ohhh I think you should wear a hat too!! The family sound like they do a lot of good work around your village, nice of them to do that. Wish I had a castle! I would fill it with hounds :D:D
molly muffin
06-24-2014, 08:13 PM
Oh how very cool!!! I agree, googled your castle too!!! What a great history for the village and that the owners still do so much and participate and take their responsibilities seriously. That is rather admirable in it's way. It's quite beautiful. How neat to live there for a year!!!
Oh yea hat, heels, dress, go big darlin!
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-25-2014, 08:01 AM
Hi Tracy:
I had seen this castle a long time back when you told me where you lived and I found your street. I also saw this majestic castle, just beautiful. I am so glad you get to go, I am sure you feel honored to be chosen. Blessings
06-25-2014, 05:58 PM
I'm back from my posh castle dinner. It was very civilised. The fund raiser talk was in a marquee in the gardens and dinner in the official dining room. Jamie the owner gave us a tour of the castle and it's very pretty and in great condition. I was intrigued by the mixture of all the old large portraits of his family and then their was pictures of him and his kids so a bit of old meets new it was good to see that it was still lived in ;)
06-25-2014, 06:10 PM
Fantastic! Sounds like a lovely evening! No dancing in the ballroom then?
06-25-2014, 06:13 PM
Nope no dancing it was all very sedated and sophisticated two words I'm not normally lol but I was tonight :D
06-25-2014, 06:16 PM
Sedated? Valium in the punch perhaps??? :D:D
06-25-2014, 06:20 PM
Oops darn auto correct meant sedate :) wasn't allowed to take pictures but I did sneak a few :D
06-25-2014, 06:29 PM
Good thing about phones, you can get a sneaky one in!! What did they serve for the dinner?
06-25-2014, 06:38 PM
I put up some pics. Starter was goats cheese tartlet, main was salmon encroute veg and potatoes, salmon was caught in their river, veg grown in their garden, the cheese and biscuits. I don't like goats cheese or salmon but didn't want to be rude so did eat a little of it :)
06-25-2014, 06:42 PM
MMmm tasty, I would have liked all that!!! Wow impressive all from their own gardens... ahem, clear out your PM box, its full!
06-25-2014, 06:46 PM
Oops empty now
06-25-2014, 06:51 PM
I wonder if they have dinner in that dining room all the time or do they have a section of the castle for everyday use?
06-25-2014, 06:55 PM
No they have a wing in the house which they live in, it's got living room kitchen etc but they eat in the kitchen most nights. They have started to do weddings where for a fortune you can stay in the actual castle and have your dinner and dancing in the ball room and stay in the bedrooms they have 21 bedrooms gulp. The owners split their time between the castle and a 9 bedroom town house in Edinburgh oh and I met the dogs a spaniel called Monza and a huge leonberger called Jeeves both Devine
06-25-2014, 07:02 PM
I like those shows from UK, Grand Designs... where they do up some of the stately homes. Amazing things they do, one I watched last night was doing up a windmill!
Oh Jeeves, how very British! :D
07-18-2014, 07:45 AM
Hi Tracy
Catch you over the weekend sometime, I really think Mel is back from her trip now so should be popping in anytime to say Hi!! Have a bellini for me, actually on 2nd thoughts maybe not, I already had enough wine tonight, don't want to be too bleary in the morning have to get up early for brekky out. Have a nice Friday!! x
07-18-2014, 01:49 PM
Hay Trish
No Bellini tonight I'm shattered so will stick to soft drinks.
Yeah Mel should be back she maybe enjoying the sunshine we,ve been having recently. So you,ve been on the sauce hope you don't have a bad head on the morning :D
molly muffin
08-03-2014, 10:41 AM
Hello Tracy,
I see that "Mac is in the House" this week. That sounds like Mac is playing at some pub doesn't it. hahahahaha
You'll be having some good doggie time this week. :) :) Aunty Tracy to the rescue. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-03-2014, 02:10 PM
Ha ha does sound like a pub band but yes Mac is back :D he s been here 4 hours and came in had a sniff around went to the biscuit cupboard, had a biscuit and has been upside down fast asleep on my bed since lol so pretty much as expected. He doesn't know it yet but he,s getting a bath later as he rolled in sheep poo and let's just say it doesn't smell that good :eek:
molly muffin
08-03-2014, 05:22 PM
Uh oh. Rolling in sheep poo and is on your bed. Bet Mac won't be the only thing being washed today. Lol
Sharlene and Molly muffin
09-20-2014, 12:23 PM
I know I haven,t posted in a while, but note that I do read the forum everyday.
I,ve been doing all right bit up and down but many of you know how that goes after you lose your best friend. It has been 9 months today since Woody left, and I am finally ready to let go of the guilt I feel and all the other negative feelings and just consentrate on the good memories and I have plenty of them. Many of you took Woody and me to your hearts and followed our story, held my hand when I needed it, wiped my tears (and there were plenty of them) made me laugh and held me upright in my darkest days and for that I will be eternally grateful, if not for the people on here I wouldn,t have made it this far. So it seems fitting that these people get to say Goodbye to my boy too.
Woodys favourite place in the world was the Lake District, we went every year on holiday and had so many adventures, he loved the lakes and he had so much freedom there we would walk for miles and not see anyone it was our idea of heaven. So tomorrow I will be heading back to the lakes on my own, but I,m taking Woody with me for one last time. I will be scattering Woodys ashes on the lake which means he will always been in his favourite place and I will have to visit every year. So if you would like to help me set Woody free join us, I will be doing this on Tuesday 23rd at 2pm, this will be the song which will be playing
So pop the song on and help me say goodbye to the most feisty, stubborn, loveable and free spirited dog that was my boy Woody :)
09-23-2014, 08:51 AM
Bumping you up little man, hopefully your Mum is OK. xxxxx
09-23-2014, 09:02 AM
I am so pleased you are being sprinkled somewhere you and your Mum loved Woody dog!! Thinking the happiest of memories of your time with us and standing here beside your Mum as I bet she is sad right now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
09-23-2014, 09:06 AM
I know there are others who cannot be here right now sending you much love too xxxxx
Now I know we are singing My Best Friend and Stairway to Heaven but wanted to add this at the last minute as Woody and you were so very brave, so hope you like bagpipes as it seems fitting!
Hey Trish! Still here, still singing!! Yes, thinking about the happiest stories of Woody and sending much love. Big hugs Tracy, xo
Love the bagpipes Trish!
09-23-2014, 09:19 AM
Hey Tina
My singing leaves a bit to be desired lol... I am sure Woody ran away as fast as he could!! :) so hope yours is better! x
Uh, I mentioned that on Woody's other thread. I'm afraid mine is nothing to write home about, lol. :o gotta run, late for work. :eek:
Thinking of you Tracy, and love to you and Woody at the bridge. xo
09-23-2014, 09:28 AM
Oh dear, well I hope there is someone that can hold a tune here!!! Have a good day at work Tina!
Tracy, if it wasn't 1.30 in the morning here, I would be raising a glass of bubbles to celebrate Woody's life!! But he is getting a green tea toast instead! xx
09-23-2014, 09:31 AM
Not me (holding a tune, that is! :o). But I definitely gave it a rousing try for our boy's sake. :p :D
LUV YA, WOODY!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Squirt's Mom
09-23-2014, 09:45 AM
With you, Tracy, singing and howling our hearts out here for our sweet Woody boy.
molly muffin
09-23-2014, 04:18 PM
We were singing loudly before we had to leave this morning. For good measure I sang in the car on the way to the vets, but Molly wasn't very impressed. Maybe Woody liked it better. LOL
HUGS Tracy! We were with you all day long! Will check in on you later!
Safe travels Woody!
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-23-2014, 04:20 PM
Thank you so much everyone for helping me say goodbye to the one and only Woody. It was a sad day but I'm strangely calm knowing that he will always be in his favourite place where he had total freedom in life and will now have it in death too. I miss this little guy more than words can say but I had to set him free. I owed him that much. I'm sure he was smiling his cheeky grin with possibly his paws on his ears at our singing. From the bottom of our hearts Woody and I thank you for everything :)
Trish I love that song and I love the pipes, I wasn't brave but I will be now that I know he's free and safe :)
My signal isn't good so will add a picture of his resting place as soon as I can
09-23-2014, 05:20 PM
I am glad it has given you some peace, you could not have picked a more beautiful spot to set our Woody Dog free! Big Hugs tonight xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
molly muffin
09-23-2014, 10:31 PM
Sending you big hugs Tracy!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Tracy, sending love and hugs. I have been down with a bad sinus infection and missed our send off for Woody.
I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and Woody and I am sending love and hugs.
09-25-2014, 01:36 PM
RIP sweet Woody! So saddened for your deep loss.
Tight hugs.
Xo Jeanette
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