View Full Version : Confused and Overwhelmed-Diagnosed Anal Sac Carcinoma (Woody has passed)
01-19-2014, 08:11 PM
No worries and thank you for the chat. Hope you get some sleep and work isn,t too manic this week.
Take care
01-20-2014, 05:04 PM
Hey everyone had a productive day today. Had to take mum back to hospital as her eye had swelled up and had closed, so she now has a shield put in under the eyelid to keep it from rubbing her eyeball and some new meds as the last one,s didn,t agree with her.
I also had Mac my mates west highland terrier for the afternoon, he is coming to stay with me at the end of the month for a few days while she goes to her grand daughters christening down south so thought I would see if he would settle ok with me before they go. We had a lovely long walk, came home and he jumped onto the sofa and was sound asleep in minutes, he slept for 3 hours so I guess he will settle with me :D
And the big news of today is I have an interview for a job on Wednesday :D
molly muffin
01-20-2014, 05:31 PM
Whooo hoooo!! That is wonderful that you have a job interview. Hope it is something you like and are interested in and that it works out for you. :) Although I know right now you just want something.
Well I didn't really have any doubts that Mac wouldn't settle right in with you. I can't imagine any dog, not taking to you and being comfy right away. Plus you already know each other. :)
Sometimes it just all comes together and maybe this is Woody's way of saying, "it's going to be okay mom, don't worry"
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-20-2014, 05:49 PM
Sharlene its in the offices of a brewery, they make whiskey, vodka and various other spirits so whats not to like :D The job is only 3 miles from home so good on the travelling as well. I,ve not been to a job interview in 25 years, so bit nervous.
I did say to Woody last night, if he had any pull up there he was to get all the pups together and get them to pray that I get the job, think he was listening, well that will be a first woody listening to me :D
01-20-2014, 05:55 PM
Joining in Sharlenes woo hoos for the interview news. That's awesome. Hoping it's something you want to do.
Great to read little Mac settled well, I didn't think he would have any problems but nice to make sure first.
What was on the menu tonight? Anything nice? I had another shocker, 3 issues today! Like each day is trying to outdo the next!!
01-20-2014, 05:58 PM
Oh booger Mel, work is really trying your patience at the moment. Dinner Menu was roast potatoes, gammon steak and veg all home cooked my goodness what is happening to me :D Please tell me you had more than a sandwich tonight for dinner
01-20-2014, 06:02 PM
It's like a conspiracy now - lol. Just so over it. Keep telling myself it can only get better!
Good the potential new place is only 3 miles that would be an easy commute at least.
Ditto on the gammon but with mash and coleslaw :D
You are turning into Delia :D.
01-20-2014, 06:06 PM
ha ha hardly, I think that's about all I can cook now, about 3 different dishes, better than before.
The commute of 3 miles would be good, so if the car breaks down I can get the bus to work, we only get 3 buses a day in the village lol. Just have to keep my fingers crossed that I get it as savings are dwindling fast :p
Budsters Mom
01-20-2014, 06:08 PM
Hi Tracy and Mel,
I just lit a candle for Tia. You might want to check it out Tracy. I made a funny comment about your little mischief maker. Xxxx
01-20-2014, 06:10 PM
Kathy got that one right, he is a crazy little dude :D Thank you for that x
molly muffin
01-20-2014, 06:10 PM
oh wow, close to home and interesting both!!! Gosh I'm excited about it too. LOL
You'll do just fine. Do you know anyone that works there? (always helpful to get the inside scoop and have someone put a word in :) )
If not, doesn't matter, I know you'll do fine. Just be straight forward and be yourself. :)
You never know, Woody might be up there at the rainbow bridge networking on your behalf right now. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-20-2014, 06:12 PM
Everyone has to start somewhere! I think it can be relaxing if you have time, also can use leftovers for lunch which is a good way of saving some cash!
3 a day that is boondocks :D where I grew up was one every hour and I thought that was bad!! I do hope you get it babe. Is it full time or part time?
molly muffin
01-20-2014, 06:13 PM
Blech Mel on the 3 issues :( One is enough for any day and 0 is even better!! LOL
I had to look up gammon. hahahaha funny you both having similar dishes tonight for dinner.
I had beef an noodles with carrots, etc.
hmm, made a shepherds pie the other night, that was yummy.
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-20-2014, 06:18 PM
Its Full Time, the position is Office Manager with not a bad salary and some good perks like free booze at Christmas and discounts throughout the year.
I actually know the Managing Director and the General Manager pretty well, as in my last Full time job, the company was a client of mine and I ran there security operation for them. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing but I always got on well with them, and they always gave me glowing KPI reports. So I know their operations inside out and also know one or two of the girls in the office so hoping this might go towards getting me the job :D
molly muffin
01-20-2014, 06:26 PM
Oh I think that is very positive! I hope you get it! Close and perks and a good salary too. That would be wonderful. Plus liking and getting along with them already goes a long way too. I've got a good feeling about this!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-20-2014, 06:26 PM
Gammon is uncooked ham. Normally have at xmas. We had some in the freezer as I didn't cook it all.
Free booze at Xmas, Well that sounds very promising. They know and trust you already. I think the wee man may have had a hand in this one :D. Hopefully the MD or GM will do the interview
What time is your interview? so I can be sending the universe vibes to sort it out for you!
01-20-2014, 06:30 PM
Interview is 2pm on Wednesday. It is actually the first time I,ve felt positive about anything since Woody, maybe as Sharlene said he had a hand in all this :D
01-20-2014, 06:42 PM
Ok. Will be thinking of you, am just so pleased you know a few people as that will make it so much less daunting. The fact you know their business has got to be a massive plus too as they won't need to train you in that aspect.
I am going to try and get an early night for me as I have a headache from today and I already took a tablet which hasn't worked so gonna rest my eyes
Will catch up with you at some point tomorrow xxx
01-20-2014, 06:44 PM
Night night and hope your headache goes away soon
molly muffin
01-20-2014, 06:45 PM
A month yesterday so seems like the timing for a Woody intervention just works. :)
We'll all be waiting with bated breath for a report on how it went. :) LOL I am betting it is going to go just fine. :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
molly muffin
01-20-2014, 06:46 PM
Awww, Mel sorry about the headache. Too much looking at the screen and dealing with stuff. Those days are killers Hope you it goes away and you feel better by tomorrow.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
01-20-2014, 06:48 PM
Thanks girls. Catch you tomorrow. Night night xx
01-21-2014, 05:29 AM
Hi Tracy
My god, you are turning into a gourmet cook!! I am impressed, I had heard of gammon and knew it was ham but did not know it was raw :D Wow pleased to hear you have a job interview too, sounds promising so fingers will be crossed you get it!! Sounds a good fit for you and hopefully them, I am thinking as they know you they would not have even offered you an interview if you didn't fit the bill :D:D They want you so go get that job!! :):p
Awww Mel, sorry to read you are headachey, hopefully the early night and drugs will get rid of it for you and feel better tomorrow... oh actually it is already tomorrow there now.. well from before when you wrote that. Work better blardy behave today and no drama's till you get the other ones sorted out!
You girls have been having quite the chat fests while I am hard at work, feeling deprived as I love your company :D x
01-21-2014, 08:05 AM
So glad to hear your friend will leave the Westie with you. It will be good for you to hear the pitter patter of little feet again. I am happy that you got a job interview and you seem like a shoe in for the job. I am sure Woody has given them the word that his mum is perfect for the job. What benefits also wow!! Tipper and I are both still praying for you and Woody so we will pray they call you soon for the job. Blessings
01-21-2014, 05:07 PM
Hey you
Headache has gone thankfully, I think it was a combination of stress and too many issues, they are all technically different so have to remember so much info all the blinking time!
How have you been today? Been cold here as well but no rain so bearable! What did you have for dinner tonight? We had American diner ribs takeaway as I couldn't be bothered to cook :eek:
You all prepared for tomorrow? Know what you are wearing?
01-21-2014, 05:21 PM
Hey Mel
Glad the headache has gone, stress can cause it, I get them if I,m dehydrated as well. It has rained most of the day here and I got drenched on my walk and it is really cold.
No cooking tonight had boiled egg on toast just fancied it for some reason. I spent the afternoon trying on different outfits for tomorrow and have narrowed it down to two, which I will choose in the morning lol, one is skirt well business dress and one is a trouser suit so not sure, what do you think.? I am as prepared as I,ll ever be, I am nervous though as I,ve not been to an interview in mega years ;)
01-21-2014, 05:25 PM
I have it on good word from Woody that you are going to get the job. Blessings
01-21-2014, 05:27 PM
Thanks Patti I do hope so :)
01-21-2014, 05:38 PM
I think wear which one you feel most comfortable in as both sound like good options so it's down to how it makes you feel.
Understandable that you are nervous, I think some nerves are healthy as it's better than arrogance. You have an in by knowing people and process so I would make some notes to yourself tomorrow about what you remember about the business so it's fresher in your mind.
I am sure that if you are yourself it will go fine.
Typical the rain is back! Didn't stay away for long then!
01-21-2014, 05:46 PM
Yeah I looked out my old client notes and had a "Refresher" on the company. I just have to be me like you said, and have plenty of PMA, but if I don,t get the job it won,t be the end of the world, it just means that I need to keep trying and gives me some experience in interviews :D
01-21-2014, 05:53 PM
That's the best attitude to have babe. At least it's in the afternoon so you didn't have you force yourself up too early. Like you say all good experience.
Forgot to ask, when is Mac coming for his visit?
01-21-2014, 05:59 PM
He is arriving next Friday the 31st and staying till the Monday morning, my mate is going to Luton for her grand daughters christianing, Mac normally goes with them but they are flying down so he can,t go. He is a sweet little thing and is no trouble, is great on and off lead, doesn,t bother with other dogs basically the complete opposite of Woody lol
01-21-2014, 06:09 PM
Tia was the well behaved one, Boyce is also a rotter with other dogs!
Will be good for you to have him for the weekend. I took Boyce on different routes for a while so I didn't feel so sad so might be an idea to go exploring further with mac. Will be nice for you to have doggie company for a few days
01-21-2014, 06:14 PM
Yea I,m looking forward to it, I do miss a little doggie in the house, this is the longest I have been in 15 yrs without a dog. I only last 4 weeks between Bruno passing and Woody arriving, but I,m determined to stick to my plan of job - car - doggy as I would have one right now but I need to make sure I can afford it, as we all know how high vet bills are. So if I get the job tomorrow that's me one step closer to a getting a new friend :D
01-21-2014, 06:21 PM
I went a few months between Tara (red staffie) and Tia and Boyce and I know that's it's a very empty feeling.
I do so hope part one of the plan comes off tomorrow. If you rescue then you don't know what could crop up so it does make sense to me. Vets bills are shocking for all of us
Do you think you will go for another Boy or get a girlie this time?
01-21-2014, 06:29 PM
I,ve only ever had one girl and that was a very badly abused German Shepherd, her owner took an iron bar to her, she was my first rescue and turned into a beautiful, calm dog, then I had Rebel (boy) he was a rescue long haired Shepherd, he was a crackin dog and died of old age, not a sick day in his life, then came Bruno (boy) a JRT cross who was kept in a shed till the SSPCA took him at 16 wks old, I got him at 18 weeks and he lived till he was 11 and half, he was terrified of the world, suffered separation anxiety but he was my soul dog, and then came my wee man Woody and we all know how that turned out. I think girls are more loving than boys in some breeds, but basically I don,t look at sex or breed its just whoever chooses me for their new owner. I am inclined to get another terrier as I do love their personality. I would have german shepherds all day long I love the breed but don,t have the lifestyle for them.
Oh I,ve just given you my doggie history :p:eek:
01-21-2014, 06:34 PM
:D loves doggie history. Poor little mights, people who hurt animals make me so angry, will never understand it. Good on you for giving them a great home.
I love terriers too as you know. Spunky little characters. Will be one little pups lucky day sometime soon xxx
01-21-2014, 06:40 PM
I hope so, as I don,t feel quite complete unless I have a 4 legged furry friend to come home to :D Woody was a Dogstrust dog, and they have already contacted me about a young JRT needing a home, a few weeks back but I,ve managed to say no, and told them when I decide to rehome again I will let them know. :D
Did you win the battle between the washing machine and the socks :confused:
Good its 11.30pm already, you better get yourself off to bed soon for work in the morning;)
01-21-2014, 06:44 PM
Bet that was quite hard to say no.
Yes, we have hard water here, so I figured the pipe might be a bit clogged so shook it around and bashed it to free it up then put a cleaner in the machine. Wasn't gonna lose those were nice ones I got for Xmas!
Didn't realise it was nearly 12, will try and pop in to wish you luck before tomorrow, if I can't, will be thinking positive vibes for you
Night night
01-21-2014, 06:45 PM
Thanks Mel as always good to chat with you.
Night Night xx
molly muffin
01-21-2014, 08:50 PM
Checking in and wishing you luck tomorrow for the interview! :) :)
Job, car, companion, it's a mantra, you just have to chant it over and over. :)
Mel glad the headache is gone.
I'm late to the party tonight as went into office today and then hubs had a big day out and about at doctors appointments and now is feeling the not so great after effects tonight. (he had blood tests and then checked in with hand surgeon, good report on the hand so that is nice) Wish he'd beat this pneumonia once and for all though.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-21-2014, 09:07 PM
Good luck with your interview!!!! Everything will fall into place in its own time.
Alcatraz should be reopened for animal abusers :-(
01-22-2014, 04:40 AM
Rise and shine Tracy!! Just about time for you to be getting ready for the big interview, I will be in the land of nod but dreaming good wishes your way :D It will be a good experience either way for your first interview, so get those butterflies flying in formation and go kick some butt!!
ps just watching Andy get his butt kicked by Roger (he's my fave!) xx
01-22-2014, 06:13 AM
Thinking of you. Fingers and toes crossed here.
Good luck
Popping in real quick to let you know I am thinking of you too Tracy. Best of luck with the interview! :)
Tina and Jasper
molly muffin
01-22-2014, 08:14 AM
Good luck today!!!! And you know what, have fun too! :) forget the willies and butterflies, it's all good, whatever happens. :) :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-22-2014, 09:33 AM
Good luck today I know you will get this job so go get em girl!
01-22-2014, 10:36 AM
Thank you all for the good wishes. Just got in from the interview, it went quite well, (I think) I answered all the questions they threw at me, which was a lot, I answered with confidence and precise responses so will have to wait and see. They have other people to interview so I won,t find out till next week if I got it or not. :)
01-22-2014, 10:53 AM
So glad that it went well, sounded like it was quite a thorough interview. Rubbish that they have more people and that we have to wait till next week!!
Having a shocker again today but will try and catch you later
Big hug
molly muffin
01-22-2014, 02:34 PM
Fooey, what are they doing interviews others and being all thorough, when they have the perfect candidate right in front of them. LOL
We are of course fiercely protective. :) :) :)
So glad it went well. Now you can relax and do something fun to make up for any stress that goes with first interviews. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-22-2014, 05:32 PM
Hey there
What a day! Wishes I had a different job right now :eek:
How you doing this evening?
01-22-2014, 05:37 PM
Hey Mel
Obviously doing better than you tonight, your work has to get better you can,t keep these stressful days up, I,ll come work for you take the pressure off :D
01-22-2014, 05:42 PM
I would take you up on that if I could afford it :eek: have a set budget and they can't afford me either!
I had to print something for a meeting tomorrow I only realised late this evening and my printer wouldn't print any colour other than pink :eek: had to go to mums to do it as I wouldn't have time tomorrow!
What was for dinner tonight? I had take away again which I don't like to do so I better cook tomorrow!
01-22-2014, 05:42 PM
All a bunch of rubbish. There probably are no other people for the job. This is the corporate "let her squirm a little and make like we don't really want her that bad, but we do." I 've been there and done that and they will call you!!! Blessings
01-22-2014, 05:46 PM
I had sausage roll and chips all put in the oven, lol. Couldn,t be bothered cooking, I have had a bad headache all day, lack of sleep I think so now have my specs on and its getting better :)
You should have just printed it out in pink that would have shocked them all, and yes the CAN,T afford you.
Are you turning into me with cooking :eek:
01-22-2014, 05:56 PM
Would never normally have takeaway two days in a row, just had to get that document. If it was an internal meeting I would have taken a pink copy!!
Is hard to look at the screen with a headache. Your sleep was probably also interrupted by the anticipation of the interview at least you can relax a bit tomorrow. Have you heard anything back from any of the others? Would be good to try some more to keep your options open...
Rain is back again tonight, pouring as we speak, no doubt that will continue tomorrow as I have to go up town! Did you get any of that snow or are you having rain too?
01-22-2014, 06:00 PM
No its just been rain, rain and more rain here, I believe we have to have hail over the next 2 days with yet again more rain. :eek:
Nothing back from any other jobs, but I,m still applying and looking around. Been trying not to over analysis the interview today and read things into it , I,ll just have to wait, but I,m not good at waiting lol. Not giving up with the plan just yet :)
01-22-2014, 06:04 PM
The hail gas been brutal the times we have had it usually brief and with thunder!
I am the worst waiter ever. When patience got dished out I got missed I think!
I agree that you shouldn't pin all your hopes on the one thing, I think you have a good shot but i am inclined to agree that you should keep looking. There maybe something even better out there!
01-22-2014, 06:09 PM
Yeah that's what I,m going to do, keep looking you never know what will turn up :)
Are you all prepared now for your meeting tomorrow, is there any light at the end of the tunnel with work?
01-22-2014, 06:13 PM
Oh did I tell you I got a an invoice in from the Animal Hospital today, although my insurance should cover it all they always send me an invoice, as soon as I read Euthanasia on it, I put it back in the envelope, no need for me to see or deal with that ! Out of sight out of mind lol
01-22-2014, 06:16 PM
Even if there was something temporary you could do for a few weeks would be good to bring the pennies in.
As prepared as I can be for now.
Not really as there are a few issues still in play. It goes like that sometimes but it's hard. Corporate items don't help either so it's a constant juggle. Found put tonight I need to redo some reports from sept to now as they didn't give me the right info. Stuff like that makes me mad!
I am lucky though in many ways which I constantly remind myself!
Is your headache feeling any better?
01-22-2014, 06:20 PM
I know where your coming from on that, my last job was the same, no information, or incorrect information being passed so had to be redone a lot. I once worked 93 days without a day off 12 hr shifts it was a nightmare, so know where your coming from. But in some ways I miss it, not the job just something to do occupy my brain with :rolleyes:
Headache is easing slightly but probably won,t go away till I get some sleep
01-22-2014, 06:30 PM
I love the variety but there has to be a balance.
93 days of 12 hr shifts sounds brutal.
I cant imagine how tough it is for you right now babe. So I really hope this job today works out or something comes along soon. Keeping your mind occupied is hard! Do you like reading? A good book can sure waste a few hours :D
molly muffin
01-22-2014, 06:37 PM
That is true, you never know what will turn up when you least expect it. :) Gads 93 - 12 hours days DOES sound brutal and I wouldn't like that at all. :(
Gads, Mel, I'm getting a headache just thinking about yours. :) I agree, the problem is balance, you can have hectic stressful days but need to have just as many if not more that aren't like that. Otherwise, you really can't end up being happy with what you are doing.
I'm a reader, so if not working or checking the forum, I'm usually reading. (if I'm lucky LOL )
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-22-2014, 06:37 PM
I,ve always worked since leaving Uni, and to not have anything to do all day is a bummer. I,ve always lived a structured life you know get up, walk dog, feed dog, go to work, etc and now theres 24 hours for me to fill and no structure not even my furry friend to play with :mad:
I,m not a reader, I do tend to play games on my laptop a lot, as there is only so much daytime tv one can take lol. I,ll find something, but in the meantime will just have to keep myself busy ;)
01-22-2014, 06:42 PM
Hi Sharlene, hopefully it will settle down soon.
I can relate. Schedule and order and it's all off now!
I love books but understand not everyone does. Maybe you should look in the library next time your in town as it's free to join and you may find something which could waste a few hours. Maybe start with Harry potter as they were awesome books for both kid and adult. I have read them a few times!
I love a good game also, my iPad is my favourite present ever!
01-22-2014, 06:47 PM
I may do that Mel, have a look round the library the next time in town. I,ve got the dentist tomorrow yuk I think I need a filing I hate the place.
Anyway I,m going to go lye down see if this headache will shift, I,m pretty tired so hopefully I will sleep tonight.
Good luck for your meeting tomorrow, as always good to chat xx
01-22-2014, 06:49 PM
Defo pick up a potter. They were funny books and you could do with a smile. Sucky about the dentist hopefully it won't involve drilling :eek:
Ok, you get off while you feel sleepy will catch you tomorrow
Night night
molly muffin
01-22-2014, 07:10 PM
ohh, if you like mysteries though, Stephen Boothe is a writer from the lake district that has a good series of mysteries going. He's very involved in local libraries and community too. (as an option to Potter, which are very good too)
I agree, only so much day time tv any person can take and stay sane. LOL I'm not much of a tv watcher actually. Every now and then a show will come along that gets my interest, but not often.
Hope the headache goes away!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-22-2014, 09:23 PM
Take the time to redecorate and work on projects that you've been putting off, catch up with old friends and family :)
01-23-2014, 04:09 AM
Tracy has already repainted the kitchen, been out with her mates drinking the bellinis so she is getting busy on it :):) Isn't it funny, when your working you think having endless time off would just be divine but when your forced into it you get bored silly! Interviews are stressful, no wonder you got a headache... :p I used to read heaps before the iPad came into my life :D now I go to bed and play with my apps :eek: xx
01-23-2014, 05:03 PM
Yes Trish I,ve also painted the hallway, stairs and the bedroom, only the living room to go but haven,t mustered up the energy for that yet :o
Been to dentist today, got a filing and 2 injections :eek: I hate injections. I wish someone would make a dentist drill that doesn,t make a noise as that noise goes right through you. Tooth is acky a bit tonight but to be expected :rolleyes:
01-23-2014, 06:00 PM
Ouch, not what you wanted today! That noise goes right through me too!
How has your day been otherwise? Don't suppose you felt much like dinner.
I made cottage pie with veg tonight, day was as bad as the others but it's Friday tomorrow thank goodness
01-23-2014, 06:07 PM
Hello you,
Day was all right got caught in the hail storm we had we I came out the Dentist, had to walk to get the car and was muttering to myself as you do and looked up and there was a big bright rainbow in the sky just over the car park, I reckon Woody came to keep me company at the dentist or to laugh at me trying to drink with a frozen mouth :eek:
No dinner tonight just had some soup about 3 ish, not been that hungry today. Blargh for work again !!!
01-23-2014, 06:15 PM
We had that hail too just before I was due to go to the meeting but it cleared up thankfully.
That's nice you saw the rainbow, I saw a double one over Christmas was so vivid, such a pretty sight.
I bet, always hurts so much after they have jiggered about!
So looking forward to the weekend. Can't wait till tomorrow night
01-23-2014, 06:22 PM
Yay Friday night can,t come quick enough for you lol.
Got much planned for the weekend or are you just chilling ? I,m at my mates for my usual Friday night dinner and drinks it good as she only lives 2 mins from me, only downside is she asks for a blow by blow account of what I,ve been eating, sleeping etc, she just worries I suppose x
01-23-2014, 06:27 PM
Family do on Saturday night, kids will be there so no doubt I will have them and the baby is teething so prob him too!
Nice you have that to look forward to. I don't do well being mollycoddled either but it's nice she cares
01-23-2014, 06:32 PM
Oh teething babies I hate to see them with their wee red cheeks, usually a runny noise and not sure what is going on inside their mouths :confused:
I don,t have kids, but my niece is due in April and she asked me today when she could put me down for babysitting em well that will be when its about 2 yrs old. :D
Be good to see the family and hopefully you can chill out before its Monday again x
01-23-2014, 06:36 PM
I am quite lucky usually I can sing, distract, make stupid faces to shut them up! I don't have children either.
Lol bet your niece thought you were joking!
It will be hectic as there will be a bunch of us but mum will love it.
How did you sleep last night in the end? Have you been able to get to sleep any earlier?
01-23-2014, 06:42 PM
It was a waste of time going to bed, as soon as the light was out I was bing wide awake, in the end I got about 2 hours sleep. I fell asleep at mums this afternoon on the sofa for about 20 mins. She says I really don,t look well, and to be honest I am very pale with dark circles under my eyes. Sleep will sort itself out when I learn how to stop my mind racing, you know how it goes lol.
I,m going to go to the nurse next week get my thyroid bloods taken just incase my thyroid is playing up as that can sometimes stop me sleeping.
01-23-2014, 06:51 PM
Is so annoying when your physically tired but your brain won't switch off. Hopefully it will right itself soon, it did take me a fair few months.
Maybe just play your games for a while tonight rather than forcing yourself. Reading does actually make me sleepy at night time so hopefully you can get to the library and maybe try that.
I am going to head off now and try for some sleep myself, if I can't I will come back
Catch you soon
Night night
01-23-2014, 06:54 PM
Night Night Have a good Friday xx
molly muffin
01-23-2014, 07:39 PM
Ugh I just got a reminder email from my dentist that I have an appointment for a cleaning in a couple weeks. *sigh*
I do not like not being able to sleep grrrrrrrr I have to admit that I love my sleep time, LOL, and get really aggravated at myself if I can't sleep. Usually that only happens if I am very upset about something, then I have a horrid time sleeping.
Yay, Friday night with your mate will be fun, even if you are getting the taking care of yourself inquisition. :) They care :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-24-2014, 06:28 AM
I am a right grump if I do not have a good sleep, so feel for you there. I am looking forward to a bit of a lie in tomorrow morning :D How's your Mums eye doing? Hope she is feeling OK.
I think I would fit right into your Friday night drinks with your mate being the food police and all! Have a good day and catch up on the weekend sometime xxx
01-24-2014, 07:54 AM
Sorry you got your sleep messed with. I hope you feel better from your dental appointment. It is good though that you are taking care of yourself now. Blessings
01-25-2014, 04:41 PM
Hi Tracy
You have a good night last night with your mates? Hope the teeth are not giving you any trouble. Quiet morning here so far, still in my drinking green tea and getting the laundry done mode :) x
01-25-2014, 04:47 PM
Hi Trish
Thought you might be around. Tooth isn,t too bad, but my gum is sore where I got the injections, , got to go back next Tuesday for another filing yuk !
Good night last night, my mate had her grand kids staying so I ended up getting beat on the playstation at some game and watching the Smurf movie which I have to say I rather enjoyed lol
Did you manage to get Flynn in to see your dad today x
01-25-2014, 04:58 PM
Oh no, one dentist visit is enough, but two *shudder* , get some of that baby teething gel if it keeps up sore, might help numb it. But that sounds like a fun evening Tracy, nothing like kids to get your attention! I am not surprised the whupped your butt at the playstation :D:D I am hopeless at that kind of thing. Candy Crush is my guilty pleasure though!
Yes, we took him to the hospital yesterday. Wheeled Dad down to the café which has an outside area. So nice to see them together. We have weird weather at the moment, yesterday was so hot and so windy. Walked Flynn up the beach last night and the sea was rough and coming in sideways, had so much spray in the air I could hardly see out my sunnies, Flynn was nearly going backwards :D
01-25-2014, 05:06 PM
That,s good they got to see each other. I,ve given up on Candy Crush am no onto Pet Rescue Saga lol
Weird weather, least you can still wear sunnies, we have had hail, wind and heavy rain for 2 days now, so the village has flooded again, I couldn,t get out to get to the supermarket luckily we have a small village shop.
I take it Flynn is still doing well ?
01-25-2014, 05:18 PM
I nearly gave up on candy crush too, some levels are just too hard :mad: Then all of a sudden you get it, more good luck that good playing I think! I have been ignoring all the pet saga rescue requests, jeepers I do not need to start another one!!
Yes, Flynny is good... perhaps a little quieter last couple of days. I have been trying to find out if I can get cheaper meds. The three I get from the vet cost me $313, I did not quite realise just how much they were as he usually has other procedures or blood testing etc at the same time. But this month it is pills only!! Yesterday I took the benzapril out the packet and there were only 13 instead of the 35 meant to be in there :eek: when they cost over $4 a pill I want to make sure I get them all :) I rang the surgery to speak to the nurse but for some reason Mike answered, so he must be on call for weekend. He was a little cranky that had happened so hope I have not some poor nurse in trouble but the rest will be there for me to collect. The liver supplement I am giving is Samilyn and that is like $145 per month too :eek: I cannot find it online here either. I don't mind paying, but if I can get it cheaper it would be great. The amlodipine is cheap as chips so it is only the other two breaking the bank!
01-25-2014, 05:25 PM
Gads Trish that is expensive, I thought our prices here were high, but compared to some on the forum the Uk are pretty reasonable. I was lucky Woody only took the heart tablet and that was £60 per month, although Craig never charged me for consultations which should have been £25 every time, but I don,t think he charged me any off them ;)
I got Woody,s final invoice in the other day, so I decided to tally up all of them from the hospital whoa it was a lot but luckily the insurance paid most of it.
01-25-2014, 05:36 PM
Mike is the same, he does not charge me for some checkups either, and never for the many phone calls he makes just to check up on us. Some of these vets are worth their weight in gold... literally!
I am too scared to tally everything up for Flynn, I think it would equal the deposit for a small house! Yep I am paying more for Flynn's monthly meds, than power, internet, phone and cable TV combined!
01-25-2014, 05:42 PM
Sh1t, thank god I had insurance. Bruno my old dog was the same it cost me £10k over his last 2 years with me, with surgery and his many meds and he wasn,t insured. I learned my lesson with him and so Woody was insured as will any other furry friend I have, its a godsend specially for surgery and specialist.
When is your dad expected out of hospital. I had mum at the eye clinic on Friday, goodness her surgeon is easy on the eye lol They have discovered that one of the dissolving stitches on the underside of the lid hasn,t properly dissolved and this is causing her the pain and problems as its rubbing on the eye, she has a bandage lens in to help but may need another little op to get it out. Always something
01-25-2014, 05:49 PM
Wish I had insurance, it did not even enter my mind until it was too late. I have learned my lesson too and any future pets will have it.
Oh ouch, a rubbing stitch on your eye would hurt like heck! Scratch the cornea too I would imagine. Hope she is OK Tracy and does not need more surgery.
Once this last load of washing is through I am heading over to the hospital with Mum, Flynn will stay behind today. I really wish the anaemia could be addressed, it is not low enough for transfusion but it is making him a little dizzy at times.. but he does have menieres too so hard to say what is causing it. Plus he is a teeny bit breathless, maybe I will get the registrar to come talk to me today if he is on call. I cannot see the Drs in the morning as I am working a 2 hr drive north of here tomorrow. So we will see how he is today. Generally doing pretty good, I set him up in the dayroom before I left yesterday so he could watch the horseracing on tv which is a favourite pastime of his!
01-25-2014, 05:55 PM
Speaking to the register would be a good idea Trish, not to keen on the breathlessness. Hospitals are so boring when your a patient, our hospitals have done away with most of the day rooms now and have installed TV units over the beds which can be watched with headphones but you have to pay for them. When mum was in it cost me £10 per night for her to watch 3 hrs of TV its a rip off.
Anyway best wishes to your dad and hope he is home soon, I,m heading to bed see if I can sleep. Good to catch up
01-25-2014, 05:58 PM
Have a good sleep Tracy, glad your getting there a bit earlier. Sweet dreams! x
01-27-2014, 04:29 PM
Hey you
Hope your ok? How's things going?
Did you hear back yet re the job?
01-27-2014, 04:43 PM
Hey Mel
Things not to bad, not heard back from job yet :(
How have you been, how was work ?
01-27-2014, 04:46 PM
Typical, hopefully you will hear in the next couple of days...
Not great. That's why I have been absent, things keep cropping up!
How you been doing? Have you been cooking for yourself?
01-27-2014, 04:52 PM
I thought that,s why you had been absent, you just have to keep plodding on.
I,ve been not bad, suffering a lot of headaches, so went to doctor today and its as I thought tension headaches, she has given me a relaxing cd to listen to at bedtime to help me relax. She reckon my not getting much sleep is my body has forgotten how to sleep, so I have to teach myself how to sleep again lol :) Suppose it makes sense as I,ve not slept properly since April last year.
Not been really cooking much, haven,t really felt up to it, but have been eating :)
01-27-2014, 04:58 PM
Sorry to hear that, you have been through a lot recently though. Never heard of GP's giving out CD's. What sounds does it play? I always think water is a great one. My house was right next to a stream when I was growing up so I always opened the window to fall asleep to that sound.
How us your mum doing now! Is it feeling any better?
01-27-2014, 05:06 PM
I,ve not listened to it yet lol. Mum is better had her back at hospital on Friday and it appears one of her dissolving stitches isn,t dissolving properly and this is what is rubbing on her eye causing pain, the eye doctor put in a bandage lens bit like a contact lens to stop it rubbing on her eye until it dissolves so she is feeling better.
Yeah I was a bit surprised when the doc gave me a cd today, she was very nice about it all, she kept saying grief is a powerful thing, but I do have to look after myself which I knew, I just wanted to make sure my headaches were nothing more than the stress/anxiety. I,ve to go and get my bloods taken tomorrow just to check everything. So we will see if her cd works lol x
01-27-2014, 05:11 PM
Hate needles. A lot. Always go squiffy when they take blood, my veins disappear :eek: Best to check to be sure, you mentioned your thyroid before so I know that can do all sorts if it's out of whack!
Poor mum, must feel funny for her having that in her eye all the time.
So you haven't been able to get to sleep any earlier then?
01-27-2014, 05:21 PM
No not really, I,ve been going to bed earlier around 11/11.30 instead of my usual 2 am and although I have been shattered, I,ve not slept more than 3 hours at a time. When the light goes off, my brain kicks in and everything runs through it, no matter how hard I try and empty my mind I can,t sleep, so in theory the cd should help me relax, switch off my brain and sleep, but we,ll see if it works lol
I used to be afraid of needles and would pass out at blood samples, but I,ve had so many of them over the years of my thyroid and other medical issues I have that I got used to them, so they don,t bother me at all now. Yes my thyroid can throw my whole body out of whack when its not controlled properly so best get it checked, I usually can tell when its not controlled as my hair starts to fall out, but its ok at the moment.
I have little Mac coming to stay this weekend, looking forward to it ;)
01-27-2014, 05:28 PM
I will be curious to know what it plays and if it helps. I do hope it does. Maybe by forcing yourself to hear it you will relax.
Good it doesn't bother you now, I guess you would get used to it in the end!
Awesome you will have a little pal for a few days. Am sure you will spoil him rotten :D. Hopefully the weather will clear up so you guys can get out and about.
We have had rain and more rain the last few days and a couple of hail stone storms. Is freezing tonight mind! Have you had the same?
01-27-2014, 05:38 PM
Yip pretty much the same, the river burst its banks on Saturday again and flooded the village, I couldn,t drive through it to get out, as it was over the wheels of the car, so had to stay in. My garden is like puddle city, as the ground is so wet it has nowhere to go. I just wonder when it will stop :eek:
The cd has a website on it, It says steps to deal with stress and simple ways to stress less and enjoy life more. I,ll give it a bash, I,m at the stage I,ll try anything, as I,m struggling to function properly during the day with no sleep, and I don,t do well with little sleep I get really cranky :eek:
01-27-2014, 06:07 PM
Sorry Boyce got back up and decided he did want his quick walk tonight. He did go to bed but must have woke him up. He has now gone back to bed!!
It just seems like it will never end. There is no where for anymore water to go. Not good you get stuck like that and can't use your car!
It does definitely affect the temperament after a while, it is vicious circle, good they didn't just palm you off with sleeping pills as they can only be a temporary solution. Might be worth you trying something like nytol to go with the CD.
01-27-2014, 06:15 PM
Mmm might give the nytol a go, she offered me sleeping tablets but I said no. At least Boyce is all settled now back in his bed tucked up for the night :)
01-27-2014, 06:17 PM
It's natural. I am not a fan of tablets either but might be worth giving it a shot.
He has a cheek, make me go out then bugger off again! Can hear the cheeky monkey snoring now!
Did you make it to the library yet?
01-27-2014, 06:20 PM
He,s not daft that Boyce one is he :p Staffies do snore rather loudly don,t they, well any that I,ve known have :D
Not made it to library yet but will go tomorrow, we don,t have a library in the village so will need to go over to the town to join one. Between reading, and my relaxing cd I should be sleeping like a baby once more :D
Do you think work will be a shocker again this week.
01-27-2014, 06:28 PM
No, he proper knows how to play me!
I hope you enjoy it, as it will be something else you can do to fill your time.
Probably, tomorrow is reporting day so have that fun to look forward too
01-27-2014, 06:35 PM
I think they all know how to play their owners, I know Woody knew how to play me lol
Blargh to reporting day tomorrow keep your chin up its got to get better soon (fingers crossed)
I,m off to try my relaxation cd, see what it has to offer me lol Hopefully I will sleep. I,ll let you know how i get on.
Take care
01-27-2014, 06:36 PM
Good luck, hopefully it's relaxing :D
Speak soon
molly muffin
01-27-2014, 07:32 PM
Well, now isn't that cool about the cd. I hope it helps to put you into relaxation mode and able to get some much needed sleep. The world always looks better with proper sleep I think. It might not be, but it looks like it is. LOL
Wow, that is a lot of water you all have. I hope you get some nice dry weather coming your way. :)
Mel I do hope that you get a break soon, and no so many work issues cropping up.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-28-2014, 05:54 AM
Wow hope the CD helps, good on your GP and you going for non-drug interventions, hope it works!! Sometimes with the sleepers you just need a couple of nights though, just to break the habit and give you a decent nights sleep then hopefully your body will click back into normal routine. Still hard when your mind is thinking thinking when you're trying to fall asleep.
I had a taped one many years ago to help stop smoking, the trouble was they guy doing the talking had a really strong European accent and I could not relax while listening to it! One thing I do use now to help me sleep is an app, it has the sound of rain on the roof... or a tent.... or against windows, all sorts of rain situations! Soft, medium, loud :D Sometimes it just make me want to pee :eek::eek::D:D Plus you have had so much rain lately you hardly need it raining from your phone!
Hope it lulled you off to sleep and you had a good night. Cold here the last couple of days, even had the heater on last night, crazy for January! A group of my friends went out to celebrate one of their birthdays tonight, so have had a lovely evening with tasty food.... garlic and chili prawn noodles with salad... yum yum!! Need bed, it is nearly midnight... I sprung Dad out of hospital this arvo for a night at home in his bed, have to have him back there for the ward round at 8am, so best I get to bed soon. Hope your Mum's eye is OK and not paining her too much. xxx
01-28-2014, 05:58 AM
Omg Trish!
I had to laugh at the pee comment.
You sound like me.
Daisy just has to look at me and I'm done for. Over the years I have developed a resistance to her charms though. lol
01-28-2014, 08:41 AM
Hi Tracy:
I am hoping you will hear about the job. That will be nice to have your friends dog over to watch and hear the pitter patter of little feet again. Hope your CD for relaxation works. Blessings
01-28-2014, 03:43 PM
Hi Everyone
Well the cd didn,t work, but it says it will take a few days, so will stick with it.
I had to go to the dentist this morning, I have an infected tooth and needed ABs before he can fix it, maybe that's why I,ve been feeling yukie the last few days with the infection. Since Woody left I appear to be falling to pieces :eek: I think now that I don,t have to be on form to look after him my body has went into meltdown :D
Good to hear you sprung your dad out of the hospital Trish, even if it was only for the one night, you can,t beat your own bed ;) I hope he can come home soon for good.
So if I am not around later, please keep the noise down as I will be fast asleep .......hopefully :p
molly muffin
01-28-2014, 04:01 PM
Well I hope you do get to fall asleep and get some good rest. Yep, stick with it and see what happens. Give it a week at least, minimum.
Oh yea, an infected tooth will make you feel horrible! Worn out, worn down and in general, crappy.
Take the AB's and get rest! Don' t make me tell Woody on you!! :) :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-29-2014, 04:33 PM
Well my cd must have worked as I slept a very peacefully 9 hours, :eek: the most I,ve slept ever I think. I think between the AB,s and the cd I almost feel alive today. Woke up feeling refreshed and able to face the day ahead :) Long may it continue
Been today and got my eyes tested, need new reading glasses so can pick them up next week, so I,ve been to doctors, dentist, opticians this week could I actually be starting to look after myself now. Not heard from the job so can assume I didn,t get it but not worried as there will be others
molly muffin
01-29-2014, 05:11 PM
Yippeee, glad to hear that you got some good sleep. :) Awesome isn't it when you feel well rested. :)
hmm, can you call someone to find out if they have made any decisions yet on the job?
If you didn't get it, then there Will be other opportunities and you have an interview under your belt now too.
Okay have to go carry molly out for a potty break. This should be fun. NOT!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-30-2014, 04:13 AM
Wow you are getting a total checkup!! Jeepers hope your dentist trip went well and was not too painful. I must be about due too, they are pretty good with the injections, I find they do not hurt too much if they get it in the right spot :)
Bugger about the job, you would think they would do the decent thing and let you know. They might still be going through the process though so it might still come through! xx
01-30-2014, 04:20 AM
Hey you
Yes I decided it was time to start looking after myself, not just my body but my mind too. Had another 8 hrs sleep last night and feel refreshed again today. The Abs are kicking in and my tooth doesn,t feel so bad, but do still have to go and get it fixed next week.
You would think that they would,ve let me know about the job but that happens all the time here, they never normally do, some companies don,t even acknowledge your application :confused:
01-30-2014, 04:23 AM
Good to hear you are getting everything checked out Tracy!! Ack still another dentist appt to get through, won't be so bad now the infection is getting dealt too!
That is so rude, not letting you. Especially after an actual interview, that's very bad form on their part and they know you too. :mad: Ring the buggers up and ask!! Say they obviously need some help in their HR processes and you are the person to sort them out :D
01-30-2014, 04:45 AM
Lol I could, if I don,t hear anything today I will ring them this afternoon find out whats happening. It is terrible that they don,t let people know what is happening, no idea why they do that :confused:
It appears to be dry and the sun is out this morning, so I will go a walk as I,ve not been for a couple of days as its been rain, rain, and more rain, :(
01-30-2014, 04:59 AM
That will clear the cobwebs out, lovely day here today and nice again tomorrow which will be good for travelling, it is approx. 4 hr drive tomorrow and the meeting starts at 10am. I have to set the alarm for 5am, my sister has threatened me if I am late :D:D Which I often am, I can't help it... I try and get organised and on time but it is one of my failings!
molly muffin
01-30-2014, 06:40 PM
ROFL! Well getting up at 5am would be a definite failing on my part! hahaha Not an early riser. I am more like best friends with the snooze button. :) :)
I agree, give them a ring if you don't hear today and make them tell you one way or another. I like what Trish said, they need help in their HR department and you'd sort them right out.
Glad you are getting sleep again and the AB's are working on the tooth! yay!!
Oh nice sun, we seem to be going to get a snow storm here this weekend. YIKES! then possibly another big one next week too. Not thrilled.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-31-2014, 10:20 AM
How rude are these people not to even call you back. I would call them, and tell them they definitely need you as you would not leave anyone hanging like this! Blessings
02-01-2014, 05:35 AM
Hi Tracy - hope you have had a good couple of days since we chatted last, maybe catch up with you some time tomorrow. I had a nice little two day break away. Spent way too much money shopping, Flynny got a nice new matching collar and leash for his pressie :D He has been in bed a while and was asleep and I woke him to go out and pee before I go to bed soon and he kinda leapt up and then limped towards me... :eek::eek: He stopped limping and went outside but was kinda slow so hope it was just a bit of a dead leg from laying on it. Will see what it is like in the morning. I have a bit of a dilemma about what to do with him this week, Dad is still in hospital so I am just hoping he gets home as my sister is going to stay with him while I take Mum to Auckland for the Dolly concert. But if he is not out then she won't go around there. She works and won't be home with Flynn, she has two cats at her house .... ack what to do. Can't take him, as my friends we are staying with have a cat too. So hoping Dad gets discharged by then **fingers crossed** Hope your teeth are all OK, have you heard about the job? xxxxx
02-01-2014, 05:53 AM
Ugh, waiting for that call is the worst part.
Wishing you good luck!
02-02-2014, 08:07 AM
Hoping you have gotten some word on a job by now. I hate when people feel you are over qualified to do a job, or don't want to pay what you are worth. How was the dog sitting experience? Blessings
02-02-2014, 03:20 PM
Not heard from the job which is a bit rude of them but I,ll keep looking. Mac (westie) has been really good and is currently asleep in front of the fire as it's cold here. He goes home tomorrow but has confirmed I'm not ready for another one just yet :)
02-02-2014, 03:39 PM
I hate when they leave you hanging. At least tell me one way or another.
If their HR group is that lax, I wonder what the rest of the company is like?
Mac will keep you company any time until you're ready I'm sure.
molly muffin
02-02-2014, 05:36 PM
Well fooey on the job, but hopefully something else will turn up soon.
I'm sure you're a wonderful doggy sitter for Mac and you've have had fun together.
It doesn't matter When you'll want to look into getting another companion, you'll know when you're ready. When I knew (and it took me a year, I'm rather slow with these things) it was because I found myself on looking for rescue organization all the time. So, that was a big clue. I was registered and approved by the rescue, before I had met molly, because you know, if the right one came along, I didn't want to have to wait.
I am currently keeping a watch out for someone to find a red lab, puppy age, through a rescue. So, just keeping an eye for that. I won't even tell you the horrible story of the breeder they went to who had one. It was too horrible for words and the breeder was turned in. :( It's horrible some of those places.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-02-2014, 06:19 PM
Sharlene I,m still registered with Woodys old rescue and sometimes do look online at the dogs but nothing catching my eye yet! I tend to go for the abused, neglected ones not through choice they just seem to find me.
I know what you mean some breeders, we call them back yard breeders should never own a cuddly toy never mind a dog, makes me sick some of them only in it for the money :mad:
molly muffin
02-02-2014, 06:29 PM
Exactly how it works. If one of them touches your heart, then you'll know. Molly was the most terrified of the group that came down from a high kill shelter in Quebec. She was quivering in the back of the open wire crate, terrified, shaved down to nothing it looked like. She was just a scared little puppy. My husband picked her up and never put her down. He said, she needs us and that was that. Here she is 10 years later, now 11 years old (she was 11 months when we got her) and rules our lives. :) :)
I don't know how on earth you manged to keep Woody from jumping and running for 6 weeks! As soon as Molly is on her meds she thinks she feels great and wants to do everything she always had done.
yea, some of those "breeders" shouldn't be allowed to be in business. It's disgusting.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-02-2014, 06:42 PM
It wasn't easy keeping Woody still as you know he loved to play. It was easy the first two weeks as he didn't want to do anything as he was sore, but then it got harder as he was only allowed a toilet break for the following 4 wks, I played a lot of games with him, mind games, used kongs a lot but it was hard. I panicked after 3 wks when he was a lot better and at a vets visit when my vet said still no walking, jumping etc and I was all but he,s a lot better my vets response was if that discs bursts he may never walk again :eek: that was all I needed to keep him calm :)
molly muffin
02-02-2014, 07:29 PM
That Is very scary. :(
Molly is currently only allowed outside to go potty and she isn't allowed to jump on or off anything.
She is allowed in a blocked off area inside the house, which seems to be working so far. Cross fingers.
It's hard though when she is on those meds and thinks she feels good. We aren't giving in though, not a bit.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-05-2014, 04:03 PM
Hi Tracy
We are overdue a catchup and I will be hunting you down on the weekend :D:D:D Hope your week has gone well, your weather must be getting ready to change for the good soon and give you a spell of sunshine :):) Hope your dentist appointment is behind you and your feeling a lot betterxxxxxx:):D
molly muffin
02-05-2014, 04:52 PM
Gads, I hear there is more flooding!! Hope everything is okay where you are.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-06-2014, 07:59 AM
Hoping things are going well with you and that you will hear something on the job front soon. Blessings
02-07-2014, 04:08 PM
Hello everyone
I,ve been a bit MIA this week, just trying to concentrate on getting myself in the right frame of mind. It has been hard without Woody, but I,m finally coming to terms with it. I neglected myself when Woody was sick (as we all do) and have finally started to look after myself. I have caught up on all my health issues, got my meds sorted out and am finally eating a proper cooked meal every day. My doctor was really good last week, she gave me into trouble for missing my check ups but I explained about Woody and she was great, I didn,t get the "its only a dog" speech instead she said it was natural to go through the grieving process as he was family whether he had 4 legs or 2 legs :D
Oh goodness I,ve written an essay. Hope everyone human and furry are well :)
Tracy x
I looked after Mac last weekend and we had a blast, but once he left on Monday I went into a downer, so suppose I wasn,t as ready as I thought to look after him, but I,m ok now.:D I have added a picture of him to my albums.
I had a good day today and spent it with my niece, she is 7 months pregnant now and is moving into her own home at the end of the month with her partner, but she cost me a fortune a new washer/dryer and fridge freezer, I don,t mind she is a good girl ;)
I didn't hear anything from the job, BUT they contacted me this afternoon, to tell me that I hadn,t got the job (which I had assumed anyway) but they have another position that they want me to interview for, they won,t be advertising this position and they said I would be ideal for it :eek: So I have an interview on Monday 11 am, fingers crossed I get it as funds are a bit low now, the position is Head of Shipping basically they want me to run the shipping department for them, never done anything like that before but willing to learn :D
molly muffin
02-07-2014, 07:18 PM
Tracy! So glad to see you and absolutely agree, you have got to get yourself in order. Woody took a lot of energy and thought process and just worry, and I know you wouldn't trade a minute to be with him again or regret one moment spent, but now it is time for you to take care of you.
It sounds like you are making an excellent start too! Good for you! I'm very very proud of you Tracy.
Oh my gosh Head of Shipping! Whoo hooooo. That sounds actually like a really good, interesting job. Still close to home too, should be a decent salary and they aren't even advertising it, just think its the one for you. Gosh, that sounds Very positive. And how about that for getting your plan back on track. :)
I think things are coming together nicely and you'll have a nice little sum to spend on that new baby that is coming along. :) Nothing like getting to spoil a baby. :)
So, pleased that things are going well for you Tracy. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-10-2014, 09:40 AM
Hi everyone
I got the job yippee :D I start tomorrow morning, I,ve been "happy dancing" round the living room since the phone call. I,m so glad, this is just what I need. I can now get the plan back into action.:D
02-10-2014, 10:10 AM
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2014, 10:24 AM
Congratulations, Tracy! :cool::cool::cool: That is wonderful! I can just imagine your elation and relief.
I spent most of my last working years in the building industry and when I became unable to keep up with the physical jobs I was doing, I started working in Shipping and Receiving for a local lumber company. Over time it sort of morphed to include Purchasing and Merchandising. I LOVED it! It was a little intimidating at first with all the new procedures, paperwork and people to deal with but pretty quickly it all came together. I hope you have as much fun with your new job.
02-10-2014, 12:34 PM
Oh Tracy, I'm so happy for you!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Doin' the Happy Dance on this side of the world for you, too! ;) :D :D
Budsters Mom
02-10-2014, 12:56 PM
CONGRATULATIONS!!!So happy for you! :D:):D:):p
02-10-2014, 01:55 PM
Hey you
That's such great news how it's all worked out. Am so pleased for you.
Maybe catch you later
02-10-2014, 02:03 PM
Thanks everyone
Hay Mel how are you tried to pm you last night but your inbox is full. How's work been ?
02-10-2014, 02:41 PM
I told you that you were going to get it, I am very happy for you that makes my day. Blessings
molly muffin
02-10-2014, 03:57 PM
Tracy! Thrilled for you!! Yipppeee, the plan is on track!! We'll want to hear all about it of course. :) Nosy wenches that we are ..hahahahahaha I think it's just great!
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-11-2014, 05:12 PM
I forgot to ask when you start? Hope you have a wonderful first day.
molly muffin
02-11-2014, 05:41 PM
Patti, she started ....
We want to know all the details :) How did it go Tracy? :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-11-2014, 06:36 PM
Hi guys
It went really well. I spent most if the morning talking dogs to the girl that is training me. She has a blue staffy with skin and stomach problems so off course we had to discuss it :)
There's lots to learn which is good but lots of stairs up and down all day so my feet hurt lol. I came home and fell asleep on the sofa still with my jacket on and now when I should be sleeping I'm awake oh well.
We have a light dusting of snow tonight so hope it doesn't get worse
molly muffin
02-11-2014, 07:01 PM
At least you live close to work now! :)
oh yes, of course you have to discuss all dog issues. That is the way to get to know your co-workers too. :) :)
hmm, good shoes is going to be important in this job!
So, happy for you, now don't forget to make something to eat and try and get a good nights rest. :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-11-2014, 10:54 PM
Whooo hooooo!
Congratulations Tracy!
02-14-2014, 06:18 PM
How is the job going? Do you think you will like it there? Hope you are doing well.
molly muffin
02-14-2014, 06:25 PM
Happy Valentines Tracy. Hope it's not a soggy one. No rain for the weekend would be nice eh. :)
Hope the job is going well.
huggers with an umbrella if needed and some wellies
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-15-2014, 05:16 AM
Hey Tracy
Have emptied my mail now! I didnt see that post till well later and them the week escaped me. Speaking of how was your first week? All go ok. I am so pleased you got something at that place.
Read you guys were getting snow so at least you won't have to go far.
How's the cooking coming along, have you got more adventurous?
Hopefully me you and Trish can catch up real time soon
02-15-2014, 04:04 PM
Hey Mel
How are you, I was starting to worry incase you were swept away with all that flooding down there. Its is such a shame when I see it on the news, so I hope you are safe and dry. :) We had snow overnight and was pretty bad blizzard this morning:), roads were very slippy but its all gone again now and replaced with yet more rain and heavy wind :(
Drat that work is still manic, I had a good week, very interesting but good at the same time. I,m still cooking every night, and I made Scotch Broth soup and it was delish :D
Hope to catch up with you and trish soon xx
02-15-2014, 04:22 PM
I was looking at pics of the flooding this morning, it is really bad. Some very impressive photos of HUGE waves crashing in, with some foolhardy people out watching it!!
I am here, shall we send out a cosmic message for Mel to come chat with us :D
02-22-2014, 06:12 PM
It is after midnight where you are... hmmm or maybe 11pm... anyway it is very close to your birthday!!! So let the "Festival of Tracy" commence!!! Much love coming your way and hope you get royally spoiled!!!! See you later on, I am going to have a cocktail at my lunch in your honour :D
molly muffin
02-22-2014, 06:19 PM
Happy Birthday Tracy!
I hope you are out celebrating with your friends tonight! No blizzard can stop a birthday festival after all! :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
02-22-2014, 07:57 PM
Happy Birthday, Tracy!!
02-23-2014, 04:26 AM
Hope you are having a good day!! I had a lunch date with friends for my birthday lol, Mel I had the pulled pork and it was delish too, probably not as good as yours though :).... got a nice pressie too, plus I have a dinner on Wed night... so my festival is going on nearly a month!! Can't complain! Catch up with you soon, nearly bedtime for me x
02-23-2014, 05:23 AM
Thanks everyone for birthday wishes. I was out last night and I'm just up. Feel a bit fragile as there was much Bellini,s drank lol. Today I have to finish painting my niece house then I have dinner tonight with the family. My friends got me a silver bracket with a paw print charm and a W on it for Woody I did cry it's lovely ::D
02-23-2014, 05:35 AM
Hey you
Happy Birthday :D
How sweet that they got you the bracelet, at least they understand how important he is to you. That painting is gonna suck with a hangover, you will have to take it slow.
Have a great day, hopefully catch you later
I hope you enjoy your day! :)
Tina and Jasper xo
02-23-2014, 06:12 AM
Hey Mel
I,ve had a bacon sarnie and a can of Irn Bru the Scottish hangover cure lol feel a bit better and more in the land of living. I don't drink Irn Bru don't really like it but works for a hangover. :D
How's your weather it is dark, raining heavy and cold here
02-23-2014, 06:22 AM
I haven't had irn bru in years :D glad it has helped
It's whipping up with the wind but not raining yet, apparently we are in for yet another storm later!
Are you going somewhere nice for dinner? Am thinking it's a roast today but I don't quite have the inclination yet as I have to clean and I am not in the mood :eek:
02-23-2014, 06:53 AM
My sister is cooking a traditional roast for me and the family at her house I'm really looking forward to it, I love roast dinners but haven't mastered cooking them yet my next project maybe.
I think we may have the storm I've just driven over to my niece and there is branches all over the road had to take my time :eek:
02-23-2014, 07:00 AM
Roast is just about timing. If you know how long everything takes it's just scheduling really. I got up and did 10 mins of cleaning then sat back down just not feeling it :eek:
Shocker re the branches can be so scary when that wind is going. Hopefully you will get the painting done quickly so you can then relax for the rest of your day.
Have you started potter yet?
02-23-2014, 07:56 AM
Hi Tracy:
Hope you are doing well. I wondered how you like your job? Hope your weather is good. Blessings
02-24-2014, 06:15 PM
Hey you
Hope you had a good birthday and enjoyed your meal.
Guessing you had a long day which is why I haven't seen you tonight. Hopefully we will catch up soon
02-25-2014, 04:47 AM
Awww aren't your friends sweet giving you that special gift. Hope the roast was tasty, they usually are... one of my favourite meals, especially if it is roast pork!! :D I do not know what irn bru is, will have to google it to find out! Hopefully catch up soon, won't be around much this weekend thought as have the Bruce concert up in Auckland, least I get to fly this trip! :D Hope your week goes well and work keeps on going well, how are the new owners going, any new changes... apart from more work for you? xx
02-25-2014, 02:45 PM
Hi Mel/Trish
Meal was lovely but it was roast beef Trish I don't like pork. It was a long day but got the painting finished so she moves in this weekend. I have came down with a flu bug I'm all achey and have bn sick was sent home from work, so hot lempsip and hot water bottle and bed for me :D
Budsters Mom
02-25-2014, 02:46 PM
So sorry you are feeling ill Tracy. I hope you are able to rest and feel better soon. Xxxxxx
02-25-2014, 03:50 PM
How rubbish Tracy, good you dragged yourself in so they could see for themselves. Need to get your sister to knock up some chicken soup :D
Hope you are feeling a bit better soon
02-25-2014, 03:59 PM
Feel better Tracy!
molly muffin
02-25-2014, 04:09 PM
Oh fiddle the flu. :( I agree with Mel, get that sis of yours to bring over chicken soup. :)
Poor dear, I do hope you knock this thing out real soon and feel better.
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-25-2014, 11:48 PM
It's all that running about outside in the rain!! Poor thing, the flu is STINK!! Get well soon Tracy!! Keep the fluids up and some Vit c! x
02-26-2014, 12:28 PM
Thanks everyone I didn't make work today, have been in bed most of the day. Not sure it is the flu, as I only have a sore throat, but I keep being sick so maybe a virus I've picked up. Waiting on my sister coming up with Chicken soup (thanks Mel) and some ginger to help with the nausea I feel as weak as a kitten, but hopefully will feel better soon :)
02-27-2014, 08:00 AM
So sorry to hear you are ill. Hoping your sister fixed you up with some chicken soup. Blessings
02-27-2014, 03:27 PM
Hey you
Hope the soup helped? Was it nice?
That's the one thing I am yet to master and I love chicken soup, skimming stock gets on my nerves and I can never get the flavour!
Sick is the worst as you have no control over it, hope that has stopped quick smart...
Hoping you feel better soon
02-27-2014, 03:31 PM
Oh Tracy,
Nausea is the worst. I hate that feeling.
Chicken soup sounds great! Wish my sister would do something nice like that.
Feel better soon!
molly muffin
02-27-2014, 03:40 PM
Hope the chicken soup helped and you are soon on your feet again.
Mel, I start with low sodium chicken stock, then add a regular sodium stock, add in lots of veggies cut small and at the last minute whatever kind of noodles, or rice or barley you want. Don't over do it as it will soak up a lot of the stock, then add more chicken stock when you want to reheat some, to thin it up a bit. Seems to work for sick days around here. (should remember to make note to add this to our new Human Recipe Thread, which you all should check out too!!) :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-27-2014, 04:02 PM
Hey everyone
The Chicken Soup was delish on the way down but not so good on the way up if you know what I mean. Didn,t make work today either, I had to get the emergency doctor out late last night, as I couldn,t keep water down, so I got a injection on my butt to stop me being sick and it has worked. He also gave me anti sickness tablets to take, said it was the Norovirus or better known as "the winter vomiting bug". Feel better today still pretty weak as I,ve not eaten in 3 days, but have managed some soup today at 3pm and its stayed down, so back to work tomorrow :eek:
molly muffin
02-27-2014, 04:25 PM
Take it easy, it can take a bit to get over that virus.
Sounds pretty horrid actually, not even being able to keep water down. :(
get rest!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-28-2014, 09:09 AM
Thanks for the help with the collar. I am going to get her one. I hope the soup makes you feel better. Maybe it is a different type of bug going around over there. Feel better soon. Blessings
03-01-2014, 11:53 AM
Eww re the chicken soup, that would have put me off for life. Am hoping the doctors shot has helped and that your not feeling so icky?
How was your Friday back at work?
Hope your doing ok and that we catch up soon
03-03-2014, 05:00 AM
Hi Tracy and Mel - are you back in the land of the living? That Norovirus is really, really contagious. You should not be back at work until it is well gone out your system. That bug closes wards in our hospital every know and then. Staff that get it need to be clear for at least two days before they are allowed back at work. So hope your feeling better, it really takes it out of you. xx
03-07-2014, 05:34 PM
I've missed my UK buddies, both you and Mel this week! Hope your both doing OK and work has not been too draining after you have been sick! Hopefully hear from you both soon xx
03-07-2014, 05:54 PM
Keek a boo Trish I,m here, not been around for a while, as that virus knocked me out, I,ve just been coming home from work and going to bed as I had no strength, but feeling better today. I must go catch up on everybody. :D
03-07-2014, 06:00 PM
Hooray, I really should yell for you more often!! Sorry you have been so tired, that has really knocked the stuffing out of you. But Friday night where you are so hopefully a nice relaxing weekend in store for you
03-07-2014, 06:05 PM
Yeah I,ve got nothing planned, just take mum for her shopping tomorrow and chill the rest of the weekend get my strength back :D What you up to this weekend.
03-07-2014, 06:09 PM
Same, with visits to the hospital to see DAd and housework thrown in. With being away last weekend, I am already up to load no 5 of laundry this morning... oh such exciting lives we lead!
03-07-2014, 06:13 PM
I,ve done all my laundry and housework tonight when I came home from work, so I,m ok with that.
I read about your dad, that's a shame he has had to have the hip re cleaned and is left with a big incision I hope this time it will finally clear up.
How is my buddy today ?
molly muffin
03-07-2014, 06:31 PM
Hey Tracy, hope you are up the upswing from that nasty virus. A relaxing weekend sounds like just the thing to recuperate with.
In fact, that sounds like what we all have planned for the weekend. LOL
I am currently watching a flood out the front window. Looks like a neighbor across the street had their main line going into the house break, water uncontrollable going down sidewalk and street. I asked them if they knew where the main shut off to the house is, they didn't, I told them where it should be, they didn't remember seeing it. The mom must still be at work, the older boys are home. (as in their 20s older) They've called the city but it's been at least 1/2 an hour and no sign of them yet. Hopefully soon though, it's suppose to freeze tonight, that is going to be a bloody mess of an ice rink out there. No walking molly on the other side of the street and hopefully it won't cover the entire road or we're likely to end up with someones car in a yard!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-07-2014, 06:35 PM
Yes Sharlene I,m finally feeling better, the virus wiped me out, never felt so weak in my life, haven,t eaten a proper meal in a week, feel like the dogs with an upset tummy feed little and often :D
That's not good, water flowing with ice coming, be careful not to walk in that direction, don,t want you or Molly hurting yourselves. :)
molly muffin
03-07-2014, 06:38 PM
Just looked, no sign of the city yet and the water is at our driveway now, so the whole street is covered. I don't think the storm drains can handle it all, so it must be backing up and that's with a downhill flow. YIKES!
Well, hopefully get some solid meals in you that you can keep down (both ends) and along with some rest, you'll regain your strength in no time.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-07-2014, 06:57 PM
Blardy hell Sharlene, that is not good! Did it freeze in the snow and cold temps?? Yikes, hope it is sorted soon.
Did this site just go down for a bit? Mine was spinning its wheels trying to reload for ages?!?
You did better than me on Friday night, I was on the couch and in bed by 10.30! I am never in bed that early but this week has taken it out of me and must have needed the rest! Least you won't be working hard like me this morning! :D
molly muffin
03-07-2014, 07:43 PM
Yep, freeze, thaw, pop.
I'm feeling energized I guess. Making the same sort of pasta I mentioned last time, but add some pesto and sauted veggies, like tomato, red pepper, zuchinni or squash and baby spinach to the saute. Then throw in the cooked pasta in the saute and add the sauce that you've mixed
Eek got to go stove going
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-11-2014, 05:48 PM
We had glorious sunshine today makes a change from all the rain, surprising how the sun can make you smile :cool:
Work is manic everyone wanting orders out before the budget next week where the government put up the price of drink. I've been struggling a bit in the last few weeks with losing Woody and with the sadness on the board I stayed away (coward) but it was the only way I could deal with it. I'm feeling a bit better, it's now 3 months since he left and I think I miss him more each day.
I'm having Mac for a month next week and will use the time to see if I am ready for another fur baby of my own :eek:
molly muffin
03-11-2014, 06:37 PM
Tracy, so good to see you! I was worried work and having been sick and all had worn you out good.
Being down is normal you know. It comes, it goes, it's all over the place those emotional waves (as you mentioned on addy's thread).
We're always here, you can pop in when you want and skip it when it's too much for you. No pressure! :)
Wow a month, well you can't let him go off to kennel when you are there to babysit Mac. I would do the same. Last time was a bit hard on you though wasn't it? Maybe it was too soon after losing Woody though.
Hopefully you'll feel better with this one and you two will have a grand time.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
03-11-2014, 08:26 PM
We all have to step away every now and then so there is no need for an apology, we completely understand.
Sending huge and loving hugs, Lori
03-12-2014, 04:21 AM
Hi Tracy
Ohhhh you gotta get all that whiskey out asap huh! That's funny, but I guess big hotels/retailers would make quite a savings by stocking up before budget hits!
I guessed you were taking a bit of time out, like Lori said we all do what we gotta do... if you need some time away you take it. We love to see you whenever you get to pop in!
Hope Mac will be arriving with all his supplies for the month! I can't wait to hear how that goes, he sounds like a real sweetie and I bet he won't want to go back home after spending a month in the Tracy Hotel for Dogs! xxx
03-12-2014, 07:53 AM
So glad to hear you are not I'll, but rather busy at work. Hope you are doing better every day. I know you miss Woody, he was a larger than life personality that I miss also. Blessings
03-14-2014, 12:29 PM
Had to find you on page 3!
Just checking into see how you are? Hope your week hasn't been too manic, I didn't even think how the budget would affect alcohol distributors, must be nuts right now?
Is Mac turning up this weekend?
Hopefully will see you later after your night out, if not will pop in tomorrow been ages since we caught up!
03-14-2014, 02:35 PM
Hey Mel and Trish I know page 3 it's shocking, I should keep up :eek:
Thank goodness it's Friday that was a long week phew. Mel I never realised that the budget would affect us either but most suppliers are doubling and some trebling there orders as it will be cheaper to buy just now. The export orders are suffering a bit so the production is working all weekend to catch up with them, I don't need to work yay.
Mac is arriving to Tracy's hotel for dogs (like that one Trish) on Monday night then the chaos will start :)
I'm off out to my usual Friday night dinner and drinks at my mates, but won't be a late one as I'm shattered. Will pop back later to see if any of you are about :D
molly muffin
03-14-2014, 03:42 PM
Have fun tonight! Glad you don't have to work this weekend.
That is going to be fun, Mac checking in at Tracy's doggie hotel. I like that too.
hugs girls
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-14-2014, 08:06 PM
Hi Tracy:
What a nice thing that you are going to doggy sit again. I am sure you will have a ball. I know your work is really busy, but do you like your job? Blessings
03-15-2014, 02:02 AM
Watching Mac is good for both of you. He avoids a kennel and you have temporary fur company.
molly muffin
03-15-2014, 11:49 AM
Oh geezz, Tracy, I saw over on Trish's thread that your mom had fallen. Hope she is going to be okay. Does her eye issue mess up her balance? Speedy recovery to her.
What a weekend, no relaxing it sounds like.
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-15-2014, 05:30 PM
Hi Sharlene
Mum has severe arthritis all through her body specially her legs so sometimes she can't lift or bend them properly specially in the mornings so we,re used to her falling over the years. She is no longer allowed out on her own because of this. She is sleeping downstairs tonight as her legs are stiff, bruised and swollen so I don't need to worry about her falling.
I have spotted the most adorable jack Russell puppy in a rescue centre I saw on the internet. I'm so tempted he is stunning and only 4 months old, I've looked before but nothing has caught my eye but this little guy has, I will sleep on it before making a decision but he is gorgeous
03-15-2014, 06:37 PM
Sorry to read about your mum, not a great start to your Saturday going to blinking a&e. Hope she is feeling ok and not too sore. It's so stressful, bless her for waiting a bit to not wake you up.
What made this little chap catch your eye?
Hope your ok?
03-15-2014, 06:55 PM
Hi Mel
No idea what caught my eye with him, I have looked several times at the rescues and although I,ve went aww and ah and oh dear at some he just made me stop and read his story, I think its because he is tiny and looks "happy", and he,s everything Woody wasn,t, I don,t know cant explain it.
Yeah mum is a worry, but I,m used to her falling, her legs are so bad now but, the family got her house all adapted to help her get up and down stairs, and around the house, lots of grab rails and handles, but she,s too damn proud to use them, :confused:
molly muffin
03-15-2014, 06:58 PM
Oh no, your poor mum! That must be so hard for her, limiting her mobility. My mom had a degenerative joint disease that really made it hard for her sometimes to get around and caused a lot of pain. She hated slowing down at all.
Is there a room that can be made into a bedroom on the main level, so she wouldn't have to do stairs?
Oh wow, a 4 month old puppy! So, cute and so much energy. hahahaha (got a pic of him?)
I'm with Mel, what made him catch your eye? I look of mischievous "here I am" to him?
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
03-15-2014, 07:00 PM
I see we were typing at the same time. What about one of those chair lifts for the stairs? I see commercials for them. You sit and they are motorized and take you up and down the stairs.
03-15-2014, 07:02 PM
Maybe he is the one, you sound more open to it than before. Just see how you feel. I think going for an opposite character is a good idea. 4 months is a good age as he won't have developed too many bad habits :D
Stubborn mare, I understand though as it must be hard when your faculties are still all there but your body is not cooperating.
Did you get around to starting potter yet? Are you over the virus and back cooking?
03-15-2014, 07:02 PM
Sharlene I don,t know just something there, I will put up a picture for you to see
03-15-2014, 07:25 PM
I put pictures up in my random folder :D Mel I am more open to it now, but I need to make sure its for the right reasons, and not just to help me get over Woody not that I will but you know what I mean.
Mum had a stair lift put in a few years ago, but she never used it and made my brother take it out, she is so stubborn and proud and doesn,t accept that she is 70 yrs old and her health is failing, so we just try and be around as much as possible for her.
I have started potter but only on chapter two, virus is all gone thankfully and I,m back cooking everynight. Last week I made a chicken casserole, made steak and chips, I love steak but have never cooked it before and last Sunday I made a roast dinner, couldn,t quite get it all ready at the same time, but none the less I was very proud of myself :D
03-15-2014, 07:39 PM
I understand. I popped into look, he is a handsome little guy :D
At least you can be there to help her, hopefully she will bounce back quick from this and it will warm up a bit as that probably doesn't help her mobility.
At least you started it, especially as I know reading isn't your thing. Sounds like you have been cooking up a storm, good for you trying a roast, you will get it just takes practice. Food cooked from scratch tastes so much nicer :D
03-15-2014, 07:44 PM
Yeah she always does better in the warmer weather so hopefully we get a good summer :cool: She will be up and around in no time whether she feels like it or not she doesn,t believe in lying down to it :rolleyes:
My cooking is coming along and I,m even starting to enjoy it and try and cook something new every week, I will never be a great cook but at least now theres no more tv dinners lol :p
Was it today your were seeing the kids?
03-15-2014, 07:51 PM
Sometimes you need to take it easy but I do think overall that's the best attitude, keep going.
I think for health it's better too, I try and minimise the amount of ingredients I use. If I don't know what it us I try to avoid it. Am not a saint but we eat relatively healthy. I love smoothies as I don't massively like eating fruit so that's a good way of getting some. Tip is to cut up and freeze the fruit as that makes it cold and you don't have to add ice as that thins it out.
Have you got a slow cooker? You can get a small one for about £20, they are awesome to chuck stuff in and have a meal at the end of the night.
Am seeing them tomorrow, will be definitely hectic :D
03-15-2014, 07:57 PM
Yeah I have a slow cooker, I made my chicken casserole in it last week, just put it on before I went to work and it was ready when I got home its fab. I,ve had it almost a year and I think that was the first time I used it ha. I like fruit and do eat quite a bit of it, but never tried to make a smoothie, I might need to try that, can I use a hand blender to make it ?
I hope you have a good day tomorrow with the kids, and the weather stays dry that way you can all get out and about, instead of being stuck indoors. Kids just have a way of taking our minds of our troubles don,t they :p
Harley PoMMom
03-15-2014, 08:02 PM
Eddie sure is a cutie pie!!!!
And speaking of food :D have you seen our new recipe thread?? Some really tasty recipes...yumyum!!
Here's the link: Recipes (for people) (
Hugs, Lori
03-15-2014, 08:08 PM
Thanks Lori I hadn,t seen that thread will go and check it out, I,m not the best cook, but I,ll give it a try :D
03-15-2014, 08:13 PM
Hand blender might be messy as you need a pot to be able to mix it up to get it smooth
My fav is strawberries banana orange juice and natural yoghurt. Lots of smoothies use apple juice as base. Can use any fruit but it's definitely best frozen as warm smoothie is nasty!
I better try for some sleep as the kids start calling to find out where I am! Catch you soon, hope your mum feels a bit better tomorrow xxxx
03-15-2014, 08:15 PM
Have a blast tomorrow Mel good to catch up with you xx
molly muffin
03-15-2014, 10:30 PM
Oh gosh he is a cute little thing! You're right, he looks nothing like Woody. I don't think there is a fear of getting the two mixed up in your head and your heart is definitely safe, as I believe it just expands to love another, without every putting away the love that comes before. In fact, it is the before, that makes it big enough to hold another.
Whether you and this one are a match or not, he is cute and I hope he finds a good forever home.
uh oh, stubborn parents, now who would ever think That. hahahaha My dad was the very stubborn one I think, although mom had kind of this quiet strength. Sweetest lady in the world but a back bone of steel I'm sure.
Anyway, whatever you do or don't do, I'm sure it will be what is right for you right now. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
03-16-2014, 07:23 AM
That is one handsome pup! I can see why he grabbed your attention! I have no doubt you will make the right decision for Eddie and for yourself....and should it be that he comes home to you, he will be one of the luckiest dogs in the whole world!
I hope your mom is better soon. She sounds a bit like my mom. It would infuriate her to be offered a senior discount at stores. She would puff up and tell them in no uncertain terms SHE was NOT an old lady! No matter she was 70+! :p
Harry Potter?! Oh! I love those books! I hope you enjoy them, too.
Leslie and the gang
03-16-2014, 07:59 AM
I can see why this beautiful puppy caught your eye. He is gorgeous, and there is something about the look on his face. I think he is saying I am a smart little boy, and I have a mind of my own. Whatever you decide you will not have too much time to do it, as he is going to be gone he is so cute. Wishing you luck in whatever you do. Sorry to see your mom fell. I hope she is OK. I was even more surprised to see you are cooking!! Blessings
03-16-2014, 08:16 AM
Well I have spoken with Eddie,s foster family as he,s so young he is not in kennels which is good. After a lengthy chat and although he sounds ideal I have decided not to pursue it. He is in foster over 500 miles from me which I hadn't realised, so feel it's too far for me to travel. But I have realised I want another fur baby I feel ready to open my heart to another in need. So when Mac goes home next month I will be seriously looking for the next one :D
Squirt's Mom
03-16-2014, 08:38 AM
In the US we can arrange transport for pups to just about anywhere in the country. There are long haul truckers and air plane pilots who carry pups, as well as individuals who will set up a transport one leg at a time - ie I would drive 50 miles and meet someone with the pup who would then drive another 50 miles to the next person until the pup reaches the destination.
03-16-2014, 01:23 PM
Is he in my neck of the woods? Am sure there is a way if you did want him.
How is your mum holding up today? Bit better I hope xx
03-16-2014, 01:38 PM
Hey Mel he,s in Hampshire not sure if that's close to you or not. I'm just not confidenent enough to drive that far on my own :confused:
Mum is stiff today but as expected is up and around using her sticks which she doesn't normally use. My brother is having her for dinner then will make sure she is all right for bed time
How was your day with the kids bet your shattered lol
03-16-2014, 02:14 PM
It's quite a way from me. Do you think the rescue would arrange to bring him half way or something? Am sure they must do long distance placements. I get the not wanting to go that far on your own. That's literally down the whole country from you
At least your brother is with her tonight so you don't have to worry. Did you make anything nice for dinner?
Yes it was such a nice day we went to the park have to have eyes in your bum with them 2 they just don't sit still!! I think I caught a bit if sun as I am so pale and it was strong today :eek:
Hi Tracy,
So sorry to hear about your Mum, I hope she is doing better today. They are such a worry with those falls. :(
I just took a look at Eddie, he is so sweet looking. I love the black and white mix, very handsome. Like Mel said, maybe the rescue could meet you half way with the transport?
Tina and Jasper
03-16-2014, 02:29 PM
Yeah google maps estimate it at 482 miles and over 6 hrs driving. I've driven to London for work before but shared the driving with a colleague so not so bad. There policy is that you must meet the dog at the fosters home in the first instance I guess it's incase you change your mind when you see it, then you can uplift if all the checks are done home check etc then they can transport the pup. So I would need to go at least once then maybe half way the next. There will be others closers to home I'm sure :)
Eyes in your bum I like that, but it's so true where kids are concerned. You,ve caught the sun ohhhh they only thing you catch up here is the cold stil wind and rain all week I'm well jealous of your weather x
03-16-2014, 02:42 PM
Can understand that policy. I googled the train journey from Glasgow to Southampton and that's like 3 changes and 7 hours. Not great at all. Yes am sure there will be another in need which pains me as people suck sometimes.
I never let them out of my sight, they can run ahead but they always have to be able to see me that's my rule. They are good as they do always look back to check.
Can't believe it's Sunday night again so quickly wishes we had a 3 day weekend!
03-16-2014, 02:49 PM
Never mind a 3 day weekend a 3 day working week would do better lol.
I have the same rule with the dogs about looking back. I had chicken burgers for dinner tonight the homemade apple pie sister made me it.
Sadly yes some people suck when it comes to animals, but I now have a clearer picture of the mind of dog I'm looking for x
That would be a long way to travel, and I can understand that policy too. It is similar here, except the rescue staff does a series of home visits to the prospective home also. They have to make sure the yard is fenced appropriately and safe, home is safe, how the rest of the family seems, etc. It is necessary unfortunately because there are a lot of horrible people out there.
Lol, a 3 day work week would be grand, wouldn't it? :)
03-16-2014, 03:13 PM
Yes Tina I would need to go through a home check to make sure the house and garden are in order, and to make sure I'm not a nutter ha ha would pass the home and garden check with no worries. Such a shame he is so far away
Yes, that is a shame. That is even more prohibitive since they would have to do a home visit also. Well, I am going to look at it as there is another little soul out there just waiting to come home with you which is more meant to be. Things happen for a reason. :)
03-16-2014, 03:59 PM
I would love to work less. Not looking forward to tomorrow :(
At least little Eddie has opened up the possibility now, like Tina says there must be another who needs you more. That's what I like to think anyway.
Hope Trish is ok, I hoped she would post this morning but she must have rushed up the hospital. We will just have to think positive thoughts for them all
Sucks you still have rubbish weather, I know it's never great in Scotland but would be nice for you to see a bit of sun! What time is mac rocking up tomorrow?
03-16-2014, 04:45 PM
Sorry popped over to make sure all was in place for Mac tomorrow. While we were sitting talking a little mouse ran along the kitchen floor Shudder Mac ran in the opposite direction and I was up on the kitchen table haha A hazard of living in the country but I hate them. Mac arrives tomorrow.
Yeah I hope Trish is holding up she is under a lot of stress, I do hope she is looking after herself don't need her getting sick
03-16-2014, 05:25 PM
Mac's not the warrior type then. Bless him running the other way :D
Will be nice for you to have him for company am sure he will love staying at yours xxxx
03-17-2014, 05:05 AM
Hi girls - here I am! Thanks for thinking of me... omg Eddie is adorable. So love the wee terriers especially when they have their tails!! Think I will have to fly over to Glasgow, share the driving with you Tracy and go get the little chap. We can swing past Mel's on the way home to show him to Boycie. Then relax at your house for a week and drink the whiskey from your work, that should do it!! xxxx
03-17-2014, 07:58 AM
Sorry the puppy was too far away. I am sure there will be others that are closer to you. At least you know you are able to open your heart to another baby. Blessings
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