View Full Version : Confused and Overwhelmed-Diagnosed Anal Sac Carcinoma (Woody has passed)
12-20-2013, 02:31 PM
Mel, I found the cheeky boys toy video... it deserves a repost so here he is!
12-20-2013, 02:43 PM
Trust a Mum to say it how it is!! So pleased to read her good lab report, at least that is one worry we can put on the back burner for now!
I am just revising my Christmas list, have to get a few things still so will have a shower soon pop into town do that then go pick up the boy so I don't have to leave him again today. I just left a wee taste of bacon on his pillow for when he gets home :D he is crazy for bacon but he does not get it now but it is just a wee lick!
The rest of my day is going to be quiet I think, just what we need. Will keep logged in so if you are about and I don't reply I won't be far away... enjoy your bath, put some bubbles in it :)
12-20-2013, 02:46 PM
I will be floating around too, enjoy your soak xx
Speak to you later Trish, hope it isn't manic out there like it was here today xxx
12-20-2013, 02:50 PM
He was a fruit loop with that ball, I loved the look in his eye when you tried to get it, he was saying no chance!
I also saw his foot never left his toy even when he had knackered himself, such a character xxxx
12-20-2013, 02:51 PM
I bet it will be, not looking forward to it. I might take Dad, I want to get him some shorts and need him to try them on. Mum said she is embarrassed to go out with him as his current ones are so tatty!! So shorts it is :D
12-20-2013, 02:54 PM
Lol @ mum, might be best to go in numbers ;)
Jenny & Judi in MN
12-20-2013, 03:44 PM
aw, he loved his toys! I'm so sorry for you loss. hugs, Judi
Squirt's Mom
12-20-2013, 03:55 PM
I don't know how you are here today, Tracy. My hat is off to your strength and courage, my dear, and I know Woody is so very proud of his amazing mom.
Leslie and the gang
12-20-2013, 04:16 PM
Sending a toast out there for Woody. Such a heartbreaking turn of doubt your boy had a wonderful life with you Tracy. YOu gave him the best! Have a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye thinking about the cute and spirited Woody.
12-20-2013, 04:40 PM
You are in my prayers.
molly muffin
12-20-2013, 05:15 PM
Gads, I watched the video again. That boy could just go and go and go and go some more. I laughed and laughed at him. Can't believe that just just a few days ago too. I hate cancer... would like to just give it all a big kick in the you know what and send it on it's way, never to bother us again. hmmmppphhhhh
I fully believe that Woody is over that rainbow bridge, letting all the others know about Terry and giving a good ole "what for" about to everyone. (that would be a putting it in it's place) :)
Hope you ate and got some rest Tracy. I'm kind of craving bacon sammie now. One of my fav comfort foods. Thanks gang! (eyeing frig door)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-20-2013, 05:22 PM
Hello there
Just posting to see how you are? Did you get that bath and sarnie?
12-20-2013, 05:34 PM
Yeah had a bacon sarnie and a glass of milk, I,m so adventurous lol. I,m exhausted but can,t sleep if you know what I mean, I opted not to have a bath incase I fell asleep in it. I,m so bored I,ve got no one mithering me for food or to play or staring at me telling me its bedtime. I really don,t like this new normal it sucks!!!
How,s your weather Mel, ours is really heavy winds and rain all day and its still blowing a gale out there.
12-20-2013, 06:12 PM
I know it sucks babe, sleep will come through sheer exhaustion at some point. It's hard not to run through it all I am sure.
Same, blowing a proper gale and it's freezing cold. Any sign of that snow they predicted for you?
12-20-2013, 06:36 PM
No snow here yet, they do have some up north towards the Highlands which is a lovely part of Scotland, but its cold up there, we just have the stupid rain going on, not that I,ve been outside today just watching it from the window :p
I,m heading to see if I can sleep, I hope you have a great weekend and I,ll speak to you soon
12-20-2013, 06:39 PM
Ok, I will be around on and off if you feel like a chat xxx
12-20-2013, 06:41 PM
Thanks Mel - no doubt I,ll be around at some point if I can,t sleep.
12-20-2013, 06:54 PM
Hopefully you will be able to get some hours.
Trish will be back a bit later and no doubt some of our other members will be around, so you never have to be alone if you don't want to be xxxx
molly muffin
12-21-2013, 12:45 AM
Oh I do hope you can get some rest Tracy. Woody loved his sleepy time. Just imagine that he is right there where he always sleep, rolled over on his back, saying mom, come on, lets get some shut eye. I know that he is watching over you to make sure you're doing all the things he thinks you Should be doing!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-21-2013, 03:52 AM
Hi Tracy - I am home and not going out tonight so Good Morning. Hope you managed to get some sleep. I had a Nana nap this afternoon too. Got most of the shopping done, having lunch with a friend for last bits and pieces tomorrow. Dad got his shorts, so pleased that is done! Just going to make some dinner, easy tonight... spaghetti on toast :D
12-21-2013, 05:24 AM
Hey Tracy
Just popping in to see how you are, I hope you managed a few hours rest
Off to the farm shop for a bit but will be back later so will pop in then
Thinking of you
Big hug
12-21-2013, 05:38 AM
Morning and its a miserable morning here. I managed some sleep about 4 hours so that's a start, the wind and rain kept waking me up as he was really blowing out there and still is. I need to try and find some motivation today as its Saturday and I always take mum shopping, so I will go get her and brave the supermarkets as they will be busy. I,ll be back later.:)
Mel - I love farm shops and can you believe although I live surrounded by farms in the country there no farm shops :confused:
12-21-2013, 05:53 AM
Yay, you slept... little bit anyway so pleased to hear that!!
Oh supermarkets on a cold, rainy day does not sound too much fun. What's the plan for Christmas, at your Mums?
12-21-2013, 06:43 AM
I can believe that, typical uk logic :D
I thought I would be gone be now but the parents are late :eek: it's also still blowing a gale here and pouring sideways rain, doesn't really make you feel like going out!
Squirt's Mom
12-21-2013, 07:21 AM
I'm glad you were able to get a little bit of sleep and that you have a routine calling today. I hope spending time with your mom will help heal you both. And get some good food for yourself while you're out - something you don't usually allow yourself to have but really love. ;)
12-21-2013, 11:37 AM
Hello there
Back from the shop, nearly got blinking blown over, it's that nasty sideways rain too which gets you full in the face!
Did you get to the supermarket with your mum?
You doing ok this afternoon?
Big hug
molly muffin
12-21-2013, 01:32 PM
Yowser, sounds like you guys all have a heck of a rain storm there.
I braved ice to get the muffin head out to the vet this morning. All is well, but that weather out there is not fun! Now I remember why we all head south in the winter. LOL Need a nice vacation somewhere warm in the new year. :)
Hope your shopping expedition went well Tracy!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-21-2013, 03:28 PM
Hi Tracy
How has your day gone, did you get out to do the shopping? I just got up, lazy bones I am, its 9.25am Sunday here :D So much for my up and at em today!! Hope your doing OK and enjoyed spending some time with your Mum yesterday, she will be very sad about Woody too, she was such a good Nana to him
Your weather sounds evil Mel, sideways rain :eek: :eek:, think I am the only one posting from the sun and warmth, so your all welcome down here :)... cloudy today but no rain yet xxx
12-21-2013, 06:47 PM
Evening - Shopping went well, it wasn't as busy as I thought it would be for this time of the year. I,ve been to a friends for dinner tonight as she was worried I wasn,t eating, it was nice to get out for a little while as the walls where closing in on me.
I,ve managed to avoid everyone in the village as I,ve not been out walking (obviously) so still dreading meeting people and them asking after Woody :(
Mel how,s the weather we had your sideways rain most of the afternoon and its still raining, the wind has died down thankfully.
Trish - Christmas is at my sisters as it always is, well she is the best cook :p The whole family go for lunch, mum, me, my two brothers and their kids and off course Woodydog was always there. My older brother called me today to see if I would mind if Murphy his llapsa could go this year which I don,t have a problem with as he is gorgeous. Can you tell Woody was the favourite of the family :)
molly muffin
12-21-2013, 08:18 PM
ugh, that nasty ole wind can make the rain seem so horrid to be out in. :( Our rain is currently freezing, so pretty yucky out there.
Awww, your brother is very nice to ask if you would be okay with Murphy coming.
sharlene and molly muffin
12-21-2013, 10:03 PM
Sorry I haven't stopped in earlier. Thinking of you and hoping your memories of Woody carry you through this difficult time. Take care.
Nikki and Kaibo
12-22-2013, 02:01 AM
Hey Tracy
Was pleased to read you went to you mates, change of scene was probably good for you.
The wind went and is now back again, whipping and whistling not nice out there at all. We did manage to get the bits for dinner so am all set.
I would go to your sisters too as she is the chef! Bless your brother for checking about Murphy, of course Woody was favourite makes perfect sense to me!
How you holding up today? Hoping you managed a few hours.
Big hug
12-22-2013, 02:46 AM
Yep, it is a good mate that will drag you out for dinner even when you don't feel like it!
Your brother is very thoughtful ringing you to ask about Murphy, lovely to hear they are taking your feelings into account. Sounds a good move going to the best cook!!
We are going to have to work out something for you to say when the villagers ask after Woody, so you can have it ready and not be taken off guard. People mean well but sometimes all it takes is a kind person to set you off again.
Hope your asleep, Mel is up at the crack of dawn!!! Today is the longest day of the year here in NZ... so that means you are heading towards Spring girls :D:D
12-22-2013, 06:26 AM
Yay heading towards Spring, what does that mean for us, more rain, and wind no doubt lol, just like our Summers.
I think I may have a plan for the villagers, I will find the biggest gossip in the village tell them and I can be sure they will tell everyone else, save me the trouble.
12-22-2013, 12:11 PM
So glad to hear you went out with a friend for a while. I am glad you are getting out of the house for Christmas too. You are just wonder woman taking your dear mom shopping, and her too for going right after her operation. We have nothing but wind and rain, it poured all nite here. Hope you are feeling ok, and resting as this has been a long hard journey. Blessings
molly muffin
12-22-2013, 01:33 PM
hahaha, good plan re the village gossip. Save you the trouble and heartbreak from having to answer all the time.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-22-2013, 02:01 PM
Yes that is an excellent plan, that news will run around the village in no time. Smart girl! Hope your day has gone OK Tracy, I am heading to work soon BOOOO, but only two days then 5 off! Maybe see you tonight x
12-22-2013, 04:56 PM
I went to the village shop today and told the lady that serves there, so I have no doubt it will spread like wildfire and hopefully save me some awkward moments.
Today was a hard day, but tomorrow will hopefully be better.
12-22-2013, 05:12 PM
I think you are positively amazing! You are smart telling that blabber mouth so that everyone will know now. It will save a lot of awkward moments. I am making some candy for the elderly neighbors, trying to keep busy and keep my mind off things. Tipper's leg is still not doing so hot. Blessings
Junior's Mom
12-22-2013, 06:10 PM
Tracy, I don't know if I have posted to you before, but you have my heartfelt sympathies on your loss. I have so enjoyed the antics of Woody that you have graciously shared with all of us, and the great way you have with words. Thank you for allowing me to get to know him.
12-22-2013, 07:55 PM
Perfect plan for the villagers. You made me laugh :-)
A change of scenary and a good friend's company are much needed distractions at times like this. I'm so glad that you want.
12-23-2013, 12:18 AM
A very good thought to let the town big mouth spread the word. Hope you are managing to get some rest.
12-23-2013, 04:17 AM
Hi Tracy
Just checking in before bed.... hope you had a good sleep and are feeling up to another day. I bet they are hard for you right now so I will send you a big hug to get the morning off to a good start :) **HUGS** xx
12-23-2013, 04:47 AM
Morning Trish thanks for the hugs. How's Flynny doing ?
12-23-2013, 05:01 AM
Hi Tracy :)
He is good thanks!! Took him for a run tonight and he ran the fastest I have seen in a long time, still got tired pretty quick though. But I cannot complain, he is hungry and its 11pm so just defrosting him a bit of lamb for a snack, he had lost a wee bit more weight last week so feeding him up a bit :D
You got much on today,?I think Mel is leaving today, or was it tomorrow? think it was today!
I need a sleeping and eating report from you!!??!! Hope your getting enough of both x
12-23-2013, 05:10 AM
Oh its the food police. I,m sleeping a little can,t seem to fall asleep till after 2am guess my body got used to staying awake till then, as that's when the wee guy would stop asking to get out for the toilet and settle for the night.
I,m eating little but often usually just something light gawd that sounds like how to fed a dog little and often ha but I,m not hungry as I feel sick most of the time but I am forcing myself as the last thing I need is to get sick :D
Do I pass officer Trish :p
12-23-2013, 05:15 AM
Hmmmm I think a 7/10!! :D
I think you might catch up on the food on Christmas Day at your sister's as I am sure she will be making lots of yummy treats, do you have to take anything?
12-23-2013, 05:31 AM
No as its a standing joke with the family at how bad a cook I am, so I get away with it :cool::cool:. She makes me my favourite Black Forest Gateaux every year and as no one else in the family eats it I get it all to myself :eek:
12-23-2013, 05:41 AM
Well that's about a weeks worth of calories right there, so I am going to stop worrying about you not eating!!! Bed time for me Tracy, hopefully catch you tomorrow. Try do something nice today and let us know what it was!! Talk soon xxxx
12-23-2013, 07:30 AM
Oh my favorite chocolate cake with goodies, eat a piece for me too!What kind of fruit does your sister use? Hope getting away for Christmas and eating some good food gets you back on track. We were having spring weather and now it is to get in the teens again. I would love a holiday where someone cooked for me, so take advantage of that generosity and enjoy some good food. Blessings
12-23-2013, 01:52 PM
Hey Tracy
Sorry I was mia yesterday was sorting out all the packing!
Managed to get away, all the shopping turned up Trish so that was good!
Hope you are doing ok, will be checking in when I can.
Thinking of you both
12-23-2013, 02:38 PM
Mel I'm so glad you arrived safely the weather is pretty scary out there, I hope your keeping the penguin indoors for the moment. I hope you have a blast and don't worry Tia will be with you all the way :)
12-23-2013, 05:29 PM
Just checking in to see how you are feeling today. Hope all is well, and your weather is better than ours. Ice pellets are coming down now, and snow tonite. It will be a white Christmas here I think. I am taking Tipper to the vet in the morning to get her leg looked at- taking him some candy as the girls said to bribe him!! Hope you are doing well friend. Blessings
12-24-2013, 04:34 AM
Good Morning Tracy, hope you had a good sleep and your ready for Christmas Eve.... my cherries are dipped and I have nothing else to do tonight, which is good because it is already 10.30pm! 90 mins till Santa arrives!!
Mel, I knew all your goodies would arrive with all your organisation!! Now you just got to cook it all :D:D Hope Boycie loved his ride and is having fun!! xx
12-24-2013, 09:15 AM
Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, and hope you have some glimmer of happiness this holiday season as I know how you will be feeling. Blessings to you and sweet Woody in heaven.
12-24-2013, 02:22 PM
Merry Christmas Tracy!
12-25-2013, 04:16 AM
Hope your Xmas was good. Haven't been here much since my mate tommy passed and was so sorry to read about woody. Rest assured tommy and Tammy are keeping him amused!!!! God bless them all
12-25-2013, 04:33 AM
Hi Tracy
Hope your Christmas is going OK, I would say save a piece of that gateaux for me but honestly I think I will pop if I eat any more. I am sure your dear family will be joining you in remembering Woody today. BIG CHRISTMAS HUGS FOR YOU xxxx
12-25-2013, 07:26 AM
Sending you love and huge hugs on this special day. I hope you get through it all ok, as I am sure your family will help you celebrate dear Woody's life. God Bless You
12-25-2013, 02:19 PM
Thanks everyone, I,ve made it through most of today but Woody hasn,t been far from my thoughts, like most days. I did get Murphy cuddles which is my brothers dog, he wouldn,t leave my side most of the day he also got all woodys Christmas toys that the family bought and he never got a chance to play with them, maybe that will make up for Woody shredding his the other week :)
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas :)
Squirt's Mom
12-25-2013, 02:39 PM
Many hugs, Tracy!
molly muffin
12-25-2013, 05:11 PM
Sending you hugs and christmas wishes.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-25-2013, 05:12 PM
Sending you many hugs from Tipper and I . This first Christmas will be the hardest. I hope you enjoyed your family and ate that wonderful cake of your sisters that I am still thinking about. Blessings
12-25-2013, 07:00 PM
I'm so sorry about Woody, Tracy. I only just got the news, because I haven't been on the forum for a while.
I feel like I got to know Woody from your stories, pictures and videos, and I'm grieving for him, too. What an amazing little dog he was. I think it was so brave how he kept on being his exhuberant little self, right up until he just couldn't anymore.
For what it's worth, I think all of your decisions were just right, all the best care to keep him going while he could still enjoy life, and a merciful end when there was nothing but pain and suffering ahead for him.
12-26-2013, 04:20 PM
Hey Tracy
My internet has been shocking cause of all this weather! I heard you guys were getting 80 mph winds and blizzards, I hope you are staying warm and have power?
Just wanted to nip in while I can to say I am thinking of you and you boy and I hope you are doing as ok as you can be
12-26-2013, 05:02 PM
Hi Mel
Good to hear from you, I,m doing ok? The winds up here are shocking but we still have power, got loads of candles and a gas heater just incase :) We,re not as bad as some down south, with their flooding and no power I hope your not in any of the areas hit with it.
Hope you had a lovely Christmas. :)
12-26-2013, 05:16 PM
Morning Tracy!
Ohhhh you ate loads :D:D:D glad you got loads of doggie cuddles even though it was not your boy... hope Murphy appreciates those toys he inherited! A friend and me are off to our massive hardware/garden centre store to check out the sales, but will be in later on... most likely you morning :) Have a good sleep xx
molly muffin
12-26-2013, 06:10 PM
Eeek, hope you don't lose power Tracy!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
12-27-2013, 08:06 AM
I bet those winds were something. I am hoping you still have power. I am glad the holidays are going to be over soon, and you probably are too. At least you got to eats lots of goodies. We are to get weather in the 40's this weekend so Tipper can finally go out. She has been very naughty and bored, and she does not hesitate to let you know about it. She figures if she is miserable she going to make you miserable too!. Hope her leg holds up so she can walk. If not she will be back under house arrest. Hope you got to bring some goodies home so you do not have to cook. Blessings
12-27-2013, 03:55 PM
Hi Tracy
How's it going? I am having a day of cleaning then out for curry tonight with a crowd of friends!! Flynny sends you a kiss -> x :)
12-27-2013, 04:10 PM
Hi Trish I,m not to bad, weather is a bit mental the last few days and we had no power most of today, but its back on so hopefully it will stay on this time. Once your finished your cleaning you can always come here and do mine I,ve been very lazy doing mine :D Tell Flynn thanks for the Kisses much appreciated :) Enjoy your curry xx
12-27-2013, 05:25 PM
Sorry it's late - I've just seen the sad news and wanted to tell you how very sorry I was to hear about Woody.
12-27-2013, 05:26 PM
Yes, well I wrote about the cleaning an hour and a half ago, nothing done yet :D:D honestly, I think if I came to visit you it would be stuff the cleaning! First we would have to go hunt down Mel at her holiday house then have a great time chatting over girlie drinks down at the pub!!!
molly muffin
12-27-2013, 05:29 PM
pffft I've been meaning to clean my closet for the longest time! I don't know how it gets to be such a mess. I swear, really, not a clue. :) :)
Did someone say girly drinks! :) I'm all about the Bellini's these days. YUM.
Hope you are all staying safe and dry
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-27-2013, 05:43 PM
Your right Trish there would be no work done, it would be all chatter and drink. :D Is Mel holiday place far from her home
Sharlene get you all posh with the Bellini,s there very expensive here in Scotland but yip very yummy I,m out for dinner tomorrow night at a posh restaurant why I,m going I,ve no idea cause I,m far from posh but I may need to have a Bellini now that you,ve mentioned it.:D
12-27-2013, 05:54 PM
I have never had a Bellini, might be on the lookout for one now. I had a cocktail last week a hmmmm "something Ginger", had white rum, ginger beer and loads of ice, mint and limes and right at the bottom was sugar so when you sipped on the straw you got a little crunch! Was delish! Our restaurant tonight is not posh at all, all decked in Indian décor, BYO wine etc... Loud and lots of fun :D
I don't know where her holiday house is... we would have to wait until dark and then follow the penguin beams!! :D
12-27-2013, 06:25 PM
That sounds more like my kind of place Trish, but never had a Bellini gosh girl you don,t know what your missing. :eek: You will need to rectify that in the new year.
Has Flynn,s tummy settled down now
molly muffin
12-27-2013, 06:25 PM
eh a little posh never hurt anyone. Go out, enjoy the evening, have a good time! You really do deserve a little umph after the year you've had! I'd take you myself if I lived closer.
Oh that drink sounds lovely Trish. Maybe one to try out.
I bought an industrial strength blender for myself this fall, and I'm going to figure out how to make those bellini's at home. Cheaper I'm sure! LOL Actually I told the hubster it was his mission to figure it out and make me some. LOL Now I just have to start trying out recipes. Might be a bit of a mush on the forum when I start that.
No worries though I'm a giggle drinker not a mean one. :) Hubs says I love Everyone and think everyone is just great when I drink. Have to be careful about that, a friend and myself once called a radio station (the popular rock station) in Honolulu and invited everyone over after a game of spoons one night. (we were younger then) LOL
ohhhh, penguin beams!!!!
Yowser did you guys hear about the "Spirit of Mawson" expedition, now stuck in ice in the Antarctic? First ice crusher from China has also encountered heavy ice and can't reach them, waiting on the French and Australian ice crushers to show up and work together to free them. I can go down a million different paths in a conversation! LOLOLOLOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-27-2013, 06:29 PM
Sharlene - Sorry but you crack me up with that post. Here you can buy the bottle of Bellini mix and you just add the champers to it with a strawberry of course.:D
molly muffin
12-27-2013, 06:33 PM
Get Out!! (Elaine from Seinfeld quote there, if you don't know that one, google for a giggle)
You can get the mix?! No way, I've never seen the mix here, I'd be all over it I'm sure. LOL (stocking up in the basement) Well, hmmpphhh, now I'm off to google and see if i can find the mixer. (course there goes the fun of trying all the recipes and getting sloshed, hahahaha) Still the blender is necessary to get the mushy ice!!
On a mission now!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-27-2013, 06:47 PM
HaHA yes nothing wrong with posh!! I quite like it :D:D
Ohhh that ship is on our news all the time Sharlene, there are a few kiwis onboard and the ship is based here
Sharlene, we were in a fancy kitchen supply store yesterday and I saw this cake mixer... I am in lurvvvvvvvvvvvvvve!! I want it, but it was $1185, told my friend she could buy it for my birthday :D :D... not blardy likely she said... you only bake about six cakes a year if we're lucky hahahaha.... I told her I would bake way more if I had that beautiful blue cake mixer!!! I did see fancy blenders too.... I blew my last one up putting hot soup in the glass bit :mad: so perhaps I need industrial strength too!!
Tracy - I think he is just a bit off because of his tummy, mucousy again this morning but formed. So I think his tummy is inflamed again and that makes him feel a bit crook. I have emailed Mike this morning but bet he is flat out with the sick holiday dogs and being the only vet there. Poor boy was just in his bed and I went and pulled all his blankies out from under him to put in the wash... he gave me "the look"
12-27-2013, 06:53 PM
Oh you bad mother !!! Hopefully it will settle down with time and he will be back to normal in no time.
I must go google this ship that you and Sharlene are talking about, I don,t watch the news (enough doom and gloom in my life lol).
12-27-2013, 06:56 PM
Ok so I have procrastinated myself out of the cleaning other than some laundry!! Gotta have clean clothes, so I am fixing my cloud so I can take more photos... what a awful job I have to resize all my pics, putting them into albums and deleting the bad ones. I just put one in our album of my new pet!! Thought you might like to see :D
12-27-2013, 07:01 PM
Oh my goddness its a big pussy cat, please tell me it was sedated, it looks gorgeous but scary none the less.:eek:
molly muffin
12-27-2013, 07:12 PM
Does Flynn know about this????!!! Lordy he is a big'un. ROFL
But oh so regal and cute, can they be both? Yes they can!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-27-2013, 07:21 PM
Don't think they were sedated, they walked around a lot. It is about 6 years ago on a holiday in Thailand. It is a tiger sanctuary run by Buddhist monks. I saw a docu on Discovery about it. It was such an interesting visit. I think the tigers had to sit with the tourists to raise money to keep the place going. There were tons of handlers about and you had to sit, just so... it certainly was a mind blowing experience to get that close to them!
12-27-2013, 07:24 PM
Oh I remember watching a tv programme about that years ago, afraid I still couldn,t do it :rolleyes:
Good to catch up with you Trish but its bed time for me as its past midnight here, and you,ve got the housework to do well at least the laundry, have a super night out tonight :D
12-27-2013, 07:26 PM
I just looked at the time and realised how late it was for you and was about to suggest BED!! I will be out having my curry when your getting up for breakfast so might see you late tonight when I get home!! Have a good sleep Tracy and I wish you Woody Dreams xxxx
12-27-2013, 10:15 PM
That sounds AWESOME!
The craziest thing that I've done is hold a cobra while in Egypt. Mom flipped when I showed her the picture. I was the only tourist who would do it :)
12-30-2013, 02:09 AM
Hi Tracy
Sorry to read you have not had a good day, I guess that is going to continue for a while up and down like that with your emotions. Entirely normal too :o You just got to ride the waves until they hopefully settle down but that all takes time. So be kind to yourself and eat cake and sleep :D Hopefully see you tonight as I had an early night last night and was not on here much xx
12-30-2013, 07:44 AM
I was reading your post to me and wanted to tell you I do some of the T Touch with Tipper, but she will not allow you to touch her back legs or feet. I keep trying. I hope you are getting along alright, I think of you often and how your life has changed. It very much saddens me to know you are alone again. Just know I think of you often and wish only the best for you. Blessings
molly muffin
12-30-2013, 02:53 PM
Hi Tracy, sending you lots and lots of love and hugs.
I think Trish is right, it is an emotional rollercoaster and one that none of us wants to be on. :(
I hope your walk brought you some peace, it sounds so beautiful. I wish Woody was there with you too.
Thinking of you both
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-30-2013, 04:34 PM
It is a rollercoaster ride, but I think someone should stop the rollercoaster as I want off now ;) I think its really hit me now that he,s not here so I guess I,m just starting to really grieve for him. I,m keeping busy and take each day as it comes :rolleyes:
Budsters Mom
12-30-2013, 04:55 PM
It is all so new for you and it SUCKS! Okay, I said what everyone else is thinking. I lost my Buddy July 2nd. I am still grieving and it's damn hard!:p Everyone grieves differently. Whatever you can find to do that brings you even a small amount of peace, do it and don't care what anyone else thinks. Sometimes I think I'm doing well and I am, until I'm not, if that makes any sense. Grief comes in waves. At least it does for me. It is not to be analyzed or judged. It is just there, so I sob and hold on to Buddy's cuddle blanket and Froggy when I need to. We love our babies so much, that our hearts break when we lose them. Please know that what you are feeling is completely normal and those of us who have lost babies, totally understand. Our angels were here 24/7 to hold my hand when I crumbled into millions of little pieces. My brain shut down. I lost my purse and didn't know where I left it. I didn't eat for several days. All the while they were here to keep me talking, so I could start to process what made no sense. We are here for you too. Please keep talking, screaming, crying, slamming doors and throwing things. It's all allowed because we've been there and yes it does SUCK! ((((HUGS))))
12-30-2013, 05:13 PM
Many hugs and much love to you friend. I think Kathy did a superb job describing all of it. I feel so bad that you are grieving so. I know how you loved Woody and how dear he was to your heart. It was very evident in all you wrote about him. I miss hearing about him too. I have still not gotten over the news of his passing. You are a strong women and I give you all the credit in the world for coming right back on here after Woody passed. God Bless You Both
12-30-2013, 05:41 PM
Kathy you hit the nail on the head, and sometimes I feel like I,m doing well and then I,m not so I get what your saying. Whilst cleaning out a cupboard yesterday i found my digital camera, totally forgot all about it, so switched it on and on the memory card is over 400 pictures of Woody all starting from the day he came home all when he was healthy and enjoying life ive now downloaded the memory card and can,t stop crying since, its bringing back memories that I had forgotten about although all good memories I,m angry really angry that he,s not here, that horrible cancer got him, he should still be here life sucks sometimes :mad:
Budsters Mom
12-30-2013, 05:57 PM
Yes Tracy, There will be many triggers that will start a tsunami of grief, over and over again. I was very angry too, but have finally been able to move beyond that. You will too when the time is right.;) The numbness will start to fade. With that comes the reality that they are gone and are not coming back. Anger is a huge response to that painful realization. Be very patient and kind to yourself. Know that Woody wants you to be able to move on and find happiness, sharing your immense amount of love with others. You will know if and when that time occurs. When you are ready, it will just organically all fall into place. Until then, it's day by day. Sometimes even minute by minute. You can do it Tracy, even though you don't feel it right now. I don't think we ever get over losing our precious babies, we just find a way to continue without them. You will too.... Xxxxxx
12-31-2013, 12:05 AM
Tracy, My mother left us 2 years ago and I still have those moments. Woody was a part of your family. Over time, more and more of those moments will be replaced with happy memories. I promise!
Sometimes it also take time to get through the initial shock before you start really grieving. I tend to be the one who gets it all done in the family. We planned my mother's funeral the day that she passed which SUCKED and I had been begging both of my parents to do this before either got sick.
Long story short, I didn't grieve until all was said and finished. Then it was my turn.
12-31-2013, 08:45 AM
I truly hope the New Year brings you some relief. I know how you have to be feeling. None of us should have to go thru this, but life can be unfair. I pray for you every nite in hopes that you can make your way thru all this heartache. I think of you often, and the beautiful place where you live. Blessings
molly muffin
12-31-2013, 12:22 PM
Hi Tracy, I hope that 2014 will be a better year for you and you will as Patti said, find some peace, find a new job, keep yourself busy and some light will shine into your life. Hopefully in a most unexpected way that can bring joy with it. Who knows what it may be, but it's a new year and anything is possible. I'm going to hold onto that hope.
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-31-2013, 12:54 PM
Sharlene I,m going to hold on that thought as well :p I,m going to a party tonight don,t really want to but its better than sitting in alone feeling sorry for myself :D
molly muffin
12-31-2013, 01:32 PM
That's right! You go gf! When in doubt, party on. Might feel a bit wonky tomorrow but today will be good.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-31-2013, 03:17 PM
Hi Tracy
Hope the party is going well as you should be in the midst of it right about now. Roll on 2014, it has to be better than 2013. Seems like we haven't caught up for a few days for a chat, but I hope today is an up one for you and you have some fun with your friends/family.
We are all of to the horse racing today for a picnic, bit of a family tradition. It is stunningly sunny here so we will have to slip slop slap... I have already taken Flynn for his walk before it gets to hot. Will pop in tonight and see if you are about xxx
12-31-2013, 08:28 PM
I,m home from the party, I decided to drive so didn,t have a drink. I managed longer than I thought I would and it was good to catch up with people.
I hope you have a good day at the races and you just like to rub it into me that your weather is great and mine is still raining :eek:
Hopefully catch up soon x
Budsters Mom
12-31-2013, 09:29 PM
You are very strong and brave to venture out so soon. I am proud of you Tracy. You are tons stronger than I am.:p Happy New year my dear! Xxxxx
01-01-2014, 05:21 AM
I am not surprised with how brave Tracy is, she's Scottish afterall.... remember the movie Braveheart! Glad you had a good NYE, sounds like it went well if you stayed longer than you intended... remind me never to go to the races in the hot sun again... I never won a cent and got sunburnt! My theory of picking the pretty horses with the nice names with the jockeys that wore the nicest colours DID NOT WORK!, I could have won all my money back on the last race but GwynetheAnne was beaten by a nose :mad::eek: :p I'm off to bed, catch up soon! x
01-01-2014, 07:36 AM
I admire you strength, and you will to move forward. Blessings
molly muffin
01-01-2014, 12:06 PM
Way to go Tracy! and now I can say Happy New Year since we're in the new year here now too. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-01-2014, 03:45 PM
Trish sunburn is not nice ouch !! I would pick the same horses as you, the one with the pretty colours and nicest names, so I,m afraid we,d both be penniless if we went to the races :p
I have had dinner with the whole family again today it was mums turn to cook, I don,t think I,ve eaten so much over the last few weeks :)
01-01-2014, 03:53 PM
It's not too bad, just a little pink on my face... I had sunscreen and a hat on too! Yes we would be penniless, I am certainly at no risk of becoming a gambler!
Glad you had a nice dinner! It is my turn here, the whole lot are coming over tonight and I have been flipping through my recipe books trying to come up with something inspirational. We have had BBQ a lot lately so don't think I will do that hmmmmmm thinking cap on!!
01-01-2014, 04:00 PM
Can,t help you on that one, I can,t really cook but you do know now you will have to post later and tell us what you cooked.:) I,m a very basic cook and for the life of me can,t follow recipes I,ve tried so many times and they,ve all failed :p
molly muffin
01-01-2014, 04:07 PM
Why not do an Italian style feast. Totally different from bbq.
A big pasta bowl with whatever kind of pasta you like in it. I like to do a simple spaghettitini with garlic, olive oil and romano cheese. Then some meats on a plate, tear apart italian bread or garlic bread would work too, and a selection of olives. Then a dessert, serve all of it with wine.
It's our easiest dinner ever for a crowd LOL
Sounds like a fun evening, whatever you do.
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-01-2014, 04:15 PM
Hmmmm Sharlene, you might be onto it there. Because my sister has turned vegan and also a vege niece I have been thinking I would have to cook two different things to cater for all of them. If I do that then they can add whatever they like to the pasta!!
Budsters Mom
01-01-2014, 04:33 PM
What time is dinner Trish? I have been wanting to meet your family.:D
Hi Tracy,
So that's why you are so brave, you are Scottish! Makes sense:D Sending many more loving hugs your way. :p xxxx
01-01-2014, 04:41 PM
Trish I,ll just have some plain pasta with some garlic bread please and oh a Bellini thank you very much :p
Yes Kathy I,m Scottish born and lived here all my life and I was brought up with the pick yourself up dust yourself off and get on with it attitude which works mostly but sometimes I just can,t do that :)
01-01-2014, 04:42 PM
They are coming at 5pm and think I will serve dinner at 6 as Mum and Dad like it early :D You and Rosie are very welcome, I am sure she would keep Flynny entertained for the duration! x
01-01-2014, 04:44 PM
Ohhhh that's a good idea Tracy, I am going to find a Bellini recipe and do that!!
AND have I told you I'm 1/4 Scottish, my Nana emigrated to NZ as a young girl... she was from Edinburgh area. I did a trip there with Mum when I was living in London and we went and had a look at the area where she came from!
Budsters Mom
01-01-2014, 04:48 PM
I have lived in Southern California my entire life. We were raised to cry, whine, make excuses and blame everyone else. It hasn't worked well for me, because here, nobody gives a crap anyway. I like your way better! :D
01-01-2014, 04:50 PM
Perfect!!! I found a recipe and it needs peach schnapps which Mum happens to have! I need to make a peach puree and peaches are in season here so I will mush some of them up and a drop of raspberry juice... I got fresh raspberries on my bush outside!! Man this is the drink for us tonight! :D:D
01-01-2014, 04:52 PM
Oh your Nana lived in what our country bumkins called the Big City. Edinburgh is lovely, always busy, has really good bars and restaurants and of course it has "the Mile" Its where the posh people stay :cool:
Re the Bellini if you can get your hands on peaches then take the skin off and put them through the blender, drain the excess fluid and put a little into the bottom of a champers glass maybe 15 ml and fill the rest with prossecco or champers ta da one Bellini serve it chilled its better that way :D
molly muffin
01-01-2014, 06:36 PM
oh yummy! I'm have bellini drools. LOL
One person on the net recommended to do a puree of the peaches and then you can store in freezer in baggies, take out whenever you want a drink, put it in the glass and pour the prossecco over it. I was thinking that would be handy to make one up any time.
My husbands grandfathers family is from Borgue, in the Dumfries and Galloway area of Scotland. My mother in law has been over and visited with some of the Scottish family and been to the family cemetery out in KirkAndrews. One thing we really want to do is travel around Scotland and just take it all in. (maybe not with the rains right now though hahahaha)
Trish, you'll have to fill us in on how dinner goes and the bellini's.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-02-2014, 05:27 AM
Hi Tracy
Everyone has left so just popping in to check how things are going here!
I did do Sharlene's suggestions for dinner!! Plus Bellini's... very tasty!! Was a lovely evening! Flynn had a ball with everyone, especially when he all went into the school field behind our house, he didn't know where to run first with so many people on our walk :)
01-02-2014, 05:53 AM
Aw I love to see them when there like that dashing about the place seeing who to go to next, sign of a happy dog:D
Glad dinner went well. I'm going to decorate the living room today just have to get my butt in gear I've been watching rubbish tv since I got up lol
01-02-2014, 05:58 AM
What decorating are you going to do?? Crap TV is good, especially on rainy days! Funnily enough I have some docu on right now, a crime thing and the guy is called Woody! A coincidence? I think not :)
01-02-2014, 06:03 AM
Oh another Woody I hope he's not the bad guy :D I'm going to paint the living room just freshen it up a bit it keeps me busy.
Sharlene Dumfries and Galloway is beautiful i just to have my mobile caravan on a site in Castle Douglas in Dumfries and I would finish work on a Friday and go down every weekend.
01-02-2014, 06:06 AM
Yep he is the bad guy unfortunately!!
So your a DIY kinda girl! I am impressed, what colour are you going for?
01-02-2014, 06:13 AM
I live alone got to be a DIY kinda girl I will try most things but not electrics. My other claim to fame is I can service my own car and can change tyres, fan belts and wheel bearings my dad was a mechanic and before my first car had to learn to do all that before he would give me the keys but secretly I loved it getting all dirty, greasy. My sister was all oh my nails and I was let me at it:D
I can't change the colour of the walls rented property so 2 walls cream and 2 walls a light beige
01-02-2014, 06:30 AM
Redecorating is fun sometimes. I've been in the process of completely redoing my bedroom at dad's house. Must be the night for crap TV :-) Twilight Zone Marathon just ended!.
01-02-2014, 06:55 AM
I live alone too, but I am hopeless at DIY... I break things.... :D Enjoy your painting, I will be sleeping :) my bed is calling me... Nite! x
01-02-2014, 08:01 AM
Hi Tracy:
I enjoyed your bit about the car mechanics. My dad was like that he could fix anything from a toaster to a helicopter. He taught me many things that I use in my life today. It can save you a lot of time and money if you can do things yourself. Once when I was younger my dad built a boat, and I helped him. Now that I look back, I realize how talented he was. We are in blizzard conditions here today and a foot of snow on the way. Blessings
01-02-2014, 06:18 PM
The painting is done, but if I every mention it again someone please remind me that it is blardy hard work lol. I decided to do the kitchen first as it only has one full wall, doh forgot you had to paint above all the units and behind fridge and oh it was endless. Took me hours but I,m impressed as it looks really good. I will consider the living room tomorrow but need to see how my arms are feeling, and I didn,t step in the paint or fall of the ladder so I would say that was a result !
01-02-2014, 06:33 PM
Yay, that is one productive day, good for you!! It is hot here but blowing a gale so not real nice outside, hopefully it will die down later so he can get out for his walk. Nothing planned which is nice, we need a rest day after yesterday's busyness! Well apart from vet visit!
molly muffin
01-02-2014, 06:41 PM
hehehe, so glad that it turned out looking good. I know, kitchens are trickier than they look. Sneaky little spots all over.
At least you have a good result for all your hard work and painting is definitely hard work!
Sausage sandwich sounds pretty good to me. I'd take that too. :)
Believe me, the stuff I make is all very simple fare, no grand gourmet lurking here. :)
Although molly thinks I am a wonderful hunter who produces breakfast and dinner every night, which I go out kill, drag home just for her and process for her meals. (that is how dogs think right???) :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-02-2014, 06:48 PM
Trish you must have my weather for a change, I really can,t remember the last time it didn,t rain here, it does go off for a little while but then comes back with a vengeance.
Molly is right this is how you get her breakfast and dinner every day you are the hunter lol
01-02-2014, 06:52 PM
Haha cute, little hunter and gatherers :D Well it is not raining here, but looks like it might be threatening. Greg and Fi are driving back to Wellington today and they have severe gales down there but they had to go back to collect Timmy from the vets where he stays when they go away. Hope they get back OK.
01-02-2014, 06:57 PM
Trish I have an old friend who lives in Wellington in NZ she immigrated many years ago, we still keep in touch and I always see her when she comes home to visit family. She lives in a farm I think with loads of horses. A lot of people from my home town have moved to either Australia or NZ over the years and they love it. I lived in Australia with my bro for a year and I was only sorry I never stayed for good :confused:
01-02-2014, 07:14 PM
Australia is great, I lived in Sydney for 6 years back in the 90's, but it got to the stage where I wanted to buy a house and they were too expensive there for me... and tin the end there is no place like home so I am pleased I came back!! I am pleased I came back but love visiting over there and usually get over once a year to catch up with my friends! I am envious of you, I wish I had stayed longer in London than the year I was there. So close to all those beautiful places in Europe!
Flynn is funny, there are a couple of flies buzzing about. He gets quite OCD with flies... he gets this manic look on his face and snaps at them if they get within snapping distance or stalks them like prey!! It is like he considers it his job to rid the house of flies and he keeps a firm lookout if any are about... so I let him!! If I do not get them with the spray first! :D
01-02-2014, 07:27 PM
Woody was the same he was the resident fly catcher, although I don't think he ever actually caught one, if the fly was on the wall he would stare at it and it would fly off and Woody would still be staring at the same bit of the wall with no fly there I used to have to say its away.
My brother is in Melbourne, I,ve been over several times, but not for a few years. You are far travelled London, Australia, NZ you jet setter. I was never a fan of London, my last full time job I had to go to London 3/4 days a month for Business and always thought it was too busy for me, I did however do the site seeing bit when I was there but mostly just saw the inside of meeting rooms and hotels :)
01-02-2014, 07:54 PM
:D Woody the Resident Fly Catcher :D I like that, they do like to have their own *jobs* don't they, Flynn keeps the fly population under control, chases away the birds, when we get home he jumps out the car and runs around the house checking everything out, if he goes outside at night he has to run out and bark at any potential burglars ohhh and most important he is always on cat patrol and he is really on top of that right now, have not seen a cat in ages here! I think it is important they feel useful and participate in things, I think they like to feel useful... doggies are workers after all!!
Melbourne is great, I was there last April for a conference. I think as NZ is so far away from the rest of the world we do travel a lot. It is almost a rite of passage to have your OE in your twenties, hence my year in London! I loved it there. I am hoping to go back in 2015 for the Rugby World Cup, I have a very close cousin there and he lives in Putney and keeps nagging me to come stay with him so least I have free accommodation!! He is going to get us tickets for the All Black games, can't wait... ohhhhh it's next year now!! Maybe if I do get there you, me and Mel will have to meet in the middle somewhere for a catchup, wouldn't that be awesome! x
01-02-2014, 08:03 PM
Oh that would be awesome, we must do that :D Have you heard from Mel is she home from her holidays yet, not seen her around
01-02-2014, 08:14 PM
No, haven't heard from her yet so hopefully she will be back soon all refreshed and ready for another year of work!! :D
01-02-2014, 08:17 PM
Oh I hope she,s not in one of the badly flooded areas down south, there is a few places that are really bad.
Well good luck at the vets and let me know how Flynny gets on, time for bed for me since its 1.20 am oops :eek:
01-02-2014, 08:20 PM
Yikes, I hope she is high and dry and back home soon!!
Have a good sleep, I need to get organised too.... lazy sloth I am today xxxx
01-04-2014, 02:58 AM
Hey Tracy
Thanks to you both for thinking of me. I am back and ok. Weather was outrageous but we didn't get flooded, so many poor people have been affected.
How is its in Bonnie Scotland? probably not that Bonnie right now! It's blowing up a gale and pouring again here, there is just nowhere for the water to go.
How are you doing? It was frustrating not having any internet as I expected it to work from my phone, I think they don't have proper 4g in Dorset and that's why it wouldn't work. I did think of you and wanted to post as much but couldn't get on!
Hopefully you are resting still and I will see you later.
Bug hug
01-04-2014, 07:23 AM
Great you got your kitchen painted. How is the weather over there? WE have very frigid temperatures today and for most of the coming week it is to be worse than this. I tried the lead attached to Tipper's cage. She wrapped it around her leg which was really bad so that is not good for her either. I will just do the best I can with this and suffer thru it with her. Sometimes I find myself getting frustrated, then I remind myself how she must feel. Blessings
01-04-2014, 10:58 AM
Hi Mel, glad you got back safely and didn,t get flooded out :D Its been pretty horrible up here, the river burst its banks last week and took half the main road with it :eek:
6 months old baby oh I,m scared of babies I don,t know what to do with them, I,m scared incase I drop them. I do like toddlers though mostly because I like to play with there toys at that age ;)
I,m hanging in there, you know how it goes one day good, 2 days bad and repeat. I just kept busy over the holidays, but he was never off my mind:mad:
01-06-2014, 04:26 AM
Hey Tracy
Just checking in to see how you are?
It's blowing a gale here again the wind is actually whistling through the window. I heard You are due some snow did it turn up?
The baby was ok if you didn't put him down!
It was my first xmas without Tia too so I know exactly what you mean
01-06-2014, 04:43 AM
Hi Tracy
Just checking in before bed, we seem to keep missing each other lately. Hope the flood has receded and your village has dried out! Are your days going ok? When is the job hunting starting? What type of work are you looking for? Good luck with that! We can practice interview questions on you!! Although I did that for a friend recently, put her through a mock interview and afterwards she said they did not ask ONE question I had come up with :D:D xxx
01-06-2014, 10:22 AM
Trish - Operation get a job started today ;) Days aren,t too bad as I can keep busy, but nights are the worse, but it will get better it has too:confused:
I,ve had a bit up and down day today, my friend makes bespoke jewellery from metals and makes some lovely stuff. So today in the post I received a necklace with "the brightest star in the sky is yours, Woody" and on the back was "I love you" it is beautiful and so personal I rang her up to thank her and we were both crying but happy tears for a change I really do love it.
Then this afternoon the hospital rang and told me Woody,s ashes are ready to be picked up cue the sad tears, I can,t face picking them up today so the hospital said whenever I was ready just ring them. I want him home where he belongs, but picking them up means its finally final and I,m not ready to deal with that :(
molly muffin
01-06-2014, 12:12 PM
I think picking up the ashes and facing that is the hardest ordeal after the initial loss to which nothing is comparable.
That was such a lovely gift from your friend. Very special.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-07-2014, 04:37 AM
Awww the necklace story brought a tear to my eye, what a gorgeous gift your friend gave you, it is truly a beautiful thing to have such caring people in your life :)
I think you will feel better with Woody home again, but I can totally appreciate why you are hesitant to go back there. So you go when you are ready, they are lovely to recognise you need a bit of time. Maybe your sister can come with you to drive?
Good luck with the job search too! Finger's crossed the perfect job for you appears now you need it! xx
01-07-2014, 04:43 AM
Would you mind posting a picture of the necklace? That was so sweet of your friend.
01-07-2014, 08:36 AM
Such a wonderful and thoughtful gift from your friend. She must be a very caring person. I hope you can find some work. I think it will help keep your mind busy too. Hope you do not have to travel far if you get a job, as you are having some nasty weather too aren't you? Just know there is not a day that passes that I do not think of you and dear Woody. Blessings
01-07-2014, 05:06 PM
Valeria - I have uploaded pics of the necklace, it is made of Ali and it is hand stamped by my friend, a friend I,ve never met in person, but have "known" her for many years via a dog rescue forum we were members of :)
01-07-2014, 05:41 PM
Beautiful necklace from a beautiful friend indeed. It just made me start welling up seeing all the photos of Woody again. God Bless You and Woody.
01-07-2014, 05:47 PM
Thanks Patti my house is covered in pictures of him and I have a large portrait one on my wall to me they are a comfort as I speak to it ;)
molly muffin
01-07-2014, 06:42 PM
You know, there you are going through the photos of the necklace, very nice by the way, what a good friend and then you click next and there is Woody's bum in the next shot :)
For a moment I just looked at it and then I completely cracked up laughing. Some how it just seems so very Woody appropriate.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-08-2014, 03:49 AM
The necklace is very sweet Tracy, a treasure indeed. How has your day gone today? Hope it was a good one for you xxxx
01-08-2014, 05:34 AM
I'm not too bad, had a really bad headache yesterday then a nose bleed think it could just be like a stress headache. Feel better today. I'm going for Woody on Saturday and mum is coming with me for company I guess it's a bit of closure when he comes home don't half miss the little guy, my niece txt me some pictures of him that she took at some of his hospital appointments and he looks so well in them hard to believe sometimes that he's gone😥
We still have rain but not as bad I'm managing to get a walk done In-between the down pours, so getting some fresh air
01-08-2014, 05:39 AM
Nothing worse than headaches, you might be like Valerie and getting a bleeding nose from the dry air as I would imagine your heating is cranked up right now with that stink weather your having. The fresh air on the walks is good for you so glad you can get out between the rainy bits!
We will all welcome Woody home on Saturday, back where he belongs. Nice your Mum is going with you, how is she doing since her surgery?
01-08-2014, 05:47 AM
Mums doing not too bad, she still gets a pain from the eye but the surgeon said she would. I try and be happy when I'm round her as I know she worrys about me, but I know she can tell lol. I'm enjoying getting out and about walks again helps clear my head :p
01-08-2014, 05:50 AM
Of course she can tell, she's your Mum they have the uncanny ability to tell when their kids are fibbing about how they feel :) Hope that pain goes away for her soon.
I need bed Tracy, nearly midnight and have busy day tomorrow, Thursday and Friday are my busiest of the week usually so better get some sleep!! See you soon and have a good day xxxx
01-08-2014, 06:03 AM
Hey you
I am lurking supposed to be doing a report which I swear I already started but can't find now. Work has been very busy the last few days which is why I haven't been about.
Pleased to read your mum is going with you on Saturday.
It has cleared up here to the sun is out right now but no doubt that blinking rain will be back later!!
Have the agency come up with anything yet? Can you get temp jobs so you can try a few things out? Used to be a recruitment agent in my first life!
Big hug
01-08-2014, 07:58 AM
Hey Mel skiving I like that, have you got the can,t be bothered head on today :)
Yes the agency I registered with is for full time/part time and temp work as I really don,t know what I want to do. I was in management for 26 yrs and the last 8 of them were senior management in the security industry (a very male industry) but was made redundant in Jan, so took a part time job locally whilst woody was ill. Now I think its maybe time for a complete change of careers so I think I need to just take any job at the moment to make ends met until I can decide what I want to do long term. :confused:
How are you and boyce doing, I bet the holiday is a distant memory now your back at work, I just have too much time on my hands at the moment which makes the mind wander. It is sunny here today as well and I had a lovely dry and at times when the sun was out was quite warm at last could the weather be turning.
01-08-2014, 08:02 AM
I have had it all week to be honest but deadlines are deadlines so I have done them regardless.
I now work in IT which is equally male dominated so I get that. I often joke about going to make stuff out of shells by the seaside but that may not work now after this extreme weather!!
I got this job now from a temp to perm so you never know what could crop up, like you say taking something completely different may open up new doors. I understand that mind wandering thing and the need to keep busy! Maybe you should take up a wee hobby, start cooking or baking might be in your genes as your sisters a chef :D
01-08-2014, 08:29 AM
Ha ha I can,t cook worth a jot, if I can,t put it in the microwave or in the oven I don,t eat lol. My sister made up a cook book for easy meals all healthy made in 20 mins and its now been implemented throughout the health board anyway she gave me a copy of the book and it is so basic its funny it lists everything you need with pictures of what they are etc, and guess who tried it and failed miserably yip ME ! Its been a running joke amongst my family for years, now I buy ingredients and take them to my sister and ask her to cook them for me simples :cool:
I may need to find a hobby, maybe I could start a pet walking service as there is none in this area
01-08-2014, 11:11 AM
Thinking of you and hoping you get work soon. I know you must have a lot of time on your hands now. Tipper and I will pray you get something soon. Too funny about you cooking. That is great about your sisters cook book. Blessings
01-08-2014, 12:03 PM
So cooking is clearly out of the question :eek:
Dog walking sounds like a good idea, you could probably charge for that I think, maybe see if you could make some money that way. If you have worked in security am guessing you already have some type of clearance you can reference...
I got dragged into a call which is why I disappeared on you, things crop up unexpectantly which keeps it interesting but some days you just need a break and it rarely happens.
We haven't had any rain all day first day in forever! I think it's due back later!
01-08-2014, 01:23 PM
Yeah Mel I have a high level of security clearance as did a lot of work for the government.
I had the lovely Ian on the phone earlier, he was asking how I was doing without Woody which I thought was very sweet of him. He offered to get his ashes transferred to my own vet save me driving so far but I declined as picking him up from where I dropped him off is another closure thing for me (silly I know). He told me he had got all the results back from the tests they did on the 18th and although they told me it was cancer the results of the FNA have confirmed that indeed it was, so I made the best decision. Woody,s official diagnosis is Gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumour, with malignant spread to the liver. He said this is very rare in animals and humans. Ian said the primary tumour was in the large intestine and so difficult to show up on a US. I asked if this kind of cancer could have caused his "cushings" symptoms and he said yes as its all part of the endocrine system in a dog, so finally I can put all this to bed now that I have my answers :eek: I have also had his last report emailed to me, as I forgot to pick it up that day and it says on it "we would recommend you consider letting Woody go" so although I knew I made the right decision it is good to have it backed up with the specialists I can stop doubting myself now. A bit of a bittersweet day but I feel calmer now if that makes sense ;)
molly muffin
01-08-2014, 02:05 PM
It is good to know exactly what happened. Woody's case was such a medical mystery and now it has been resolved. In the intestine. :(
That is awful nice of Ian to check on you. He's a decent guy, that cared for Woody a lot, you can just tell.
Sending you huge hugs!
01-08-2014, 03:13 PM
Wonder if you could advertise in your local paper or online via gumtree or something.
I get going to get him from where you dropped him off makes perfect sense to me x
Nice of him to call and talk to you and go through what they eventually found out as it resolves some questions I am sure you had. Must have been hard to read it in black and white. Trust your Woody to get something rare!
Have you been eating ok and Sleeping ok, it's such a daze most days I know I didn't properly for months so just checking up on you xxxx
01-08-2014, 03:39 PM
Yeah Mel trust Woody. I'm eating a bit but mostly chocolate oops sleep well not had a full nights sleep since April with having to get up with Woody but I don't sleep much now mind is to active plus there usually a good film on during the night lol. I really do need to sort out the sleep thing as it's not good and I'm always exhausted ive tried all sorts milky drinks, hot baths, listening to relax tapes nothing seems to work maybe my body is used to little sleep now :rolleyes:
It was hard to see everything in black and white but it helps me finally knowing what was wrong with him. People still can't believe it when I tell them as he looked and acted so well until his second collapse
01-08-2014, 03:51 PM
At least your eating something, may need to get your sister round soon mind!
I think it takes time with the sleep, I never thought I would get back to normal as I also used to get up numerous times. I do think the more you think it's an issue the more it becomes one. If you can't sleep forcing it makes it worse!!
I think we are all still in shock with you and for it to be such a rare issue. You did your very best to help him and that's all any of us can do. I am sure he is causing some havoc! I talked to Tia's picture too and I asked her if they were getting into trouble!
01-08-2014, 04:10 PM
I have this picture in my head that when he arrived Tia, buddy and all the others gathered round while they discussed what brought him there I can see them all in a circle with Woody in the middle telling his story, I can then see them running over the fields, stopping to eat some grass and chill out :D I know he will be having a ball cause he won't be sick anymore and I can live with :)
I had got my head round him living on borrowed time of maybe 6 months but 6 wks that was hard to take but I look back and he had a ball in that 6 wks and that's all I wanted for him. Time won't heal what I feel but I will be able to live with it in time .
01-08-2014, 04:18 PM
That's a nice image, the others showing him the ropes and looking after each other through our bond :D
I am sure he loved all his life with you, I loved all his videos which showed his personality so much you were lucky to find each other xxxx
Budsters Mom
01-08-2014, 05:30 PM
Yes, Woody is in the middle of all our Cush Angels acting silly and cracking them all up.That is the picture in my mind of sweet Woody. :) you are doing great Tracy. :p xxxxx
01-09-2014, 03:07 AM
Hi Tracy
I really like your Ian, he is such a kind guy to call and speak to you personally and not just send a report in the post. So I guess that does explain all the straining Woody had that you were so worried about. It does all fit in now you have the official diagnosis and some closure. You certainly did do the right thing by your boy. With that diagnosis he was up against it from the get go, but Woody lived his life to the fullest right to the end. I can also imagine him up there telling his story to the others... like oh yeah I had an evil cancer but that didn't stop me opening the fridge, drinking milk out her glass, mangling toys, walking the woods and being a video star around the world... yeah dawgs, I am the man :D I hope he does not lead Miss Tia astray :D xxxx
01-09-2014, 08:20 AM
What a kind fellow your Ian is. He is looking out for Woody's mom. He must be very special, and you are so lucky to have him. I know what you mean about the finality of picking up the ashes and that you must do it yourself. Blessings
01-11-2014, 01:53 PM
I have picked up Woodys ashes today and he is finally home :D My mum came with me for company and on the way home she asked if I could drop her at the hairdressers, so I pull up and she hands me an envelope and inside is a voucher for a mini pamper day she said she knew I was having a hard time and just wanted to cheer me up today. :o So I have had my hair done, my nails done and a facial and actual feel as if I,m in the land of the living once again.
I miss Woody so very much, but today I feel like I can actually start grieving and come to terms with things better as I felt in limbo without his ashes here as he was so far away and on his own, but he,s home now (in a sense) and he is at peace
Budsters Mom
01-11-2014, 03:25 PM
What a sweet mom Tracy.:) I am glad Woody is home where he belongs. Xxxxx
01-11-2014, 03:51 PM
Yay Welcome Home Woody!! I am pleased he is back with you Tracy, but I kind of think he has never left your airspace anyway :D You have the perfect place for him to watch over proceedings.
Wow your Mum is awesome, what a day to be having a treat like that, so thoughtful of her just when you needed it. I like her!! xx
molly muffin
01-11-2014, 07:46 PM
Your mom and Trish's mom, love them both. What darlings! Mum's just know don't they. :)
Woody is home, but I agree, I don't think he ever left or that he ever will leave. He'll be there always just to make sure things are going okay in His home. :)
I don't know sometimes where grieving begins and ends, it just sort of is.
Well, how as that for profound nonwisdom!! LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
01-11-2014, 09:00 PM
I don't know Sharlene, that sounds pretty profound to me. Your point being that it is what it is. That we ride the waves as they wash ashore. Now that's PROFOUND! ;) LOL Then again, what do I know. I am still riding those damn waves!
I don't know sometimes where grieving begins and ends, it just sort of is.
Tracy, you are doing great! Sharlene is a shining star. We are blessed to have her watching out for us. Xxxx
molly muffin
01-11-2014, 09:33 PM
That we ride the waves as they wash ashore.
ohhh, that IS profound Kathy!! LOL
See you are graced with all our abundant wisdom Tracy. hehehehehe Cause we luvs ya
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-11-2014, 10:19 PM
mom's know just what to do :)
You knew Woody well enough to make the decision that was best and now that's been confirmed. Getting past blaming yourself is a major roadblock that you no longer have to contend with.
Pampering sounds great!
01-12-2014, 04:36 AM
Welcome home Woody Boy, where you belong wee man
That was nice of your mum to do that to try and make you feel a bit better on the outside, I know the inside will take some work yet. I felt a bit better when Tia came home so I get what you mean
Did you get any snow? We finally have had a break from the rain and now we just have freezing temps but the sun has been out.
Work has been really sucky which is why I haven't been around one of my clients has had issues on and off all week, no fun especially when people make mistakes fixing it!
Hoping you hear something back from all the bits you went for next week
Big hug
01-12-2014, 07:24 AM
Thanks everyone for the profund words, yeah I do think you have to ride the waves of emotion, and one day I will hopefully come of the rollercoaster and back to my new normal.:)
Good to see you Mel - We got snow, ice, freezing wind and sunshine all in the same day yesterday, he was really weird, today is dry but cold. I had a really weird drive up to the hospital left the village with -2 and snow and ice, got to mums it was 1 with ice then when I got to the hospital it was 6 degress and sunshine. Can,t figure the weather out these days. Sorry to hear work has been sucky, I hope to hear something this week from the job front as my savings are running a bit low lol
01-12-2014, 07:30 AM
What a wonderful mom you have. So caring and in tune with her daughter's emotions. I bet you had a lovely day all because of your caring mom. I am glad it picked your spirits up. I am happy Woody is where her belongs and will always be with you now. Blessings
01-13-2014, 05:00 PM
Hey you
Just checking in to see how you are doing?
Did you get any call backs today?
Eaten something other than coco pops?
01-13-2014, 05:05 PM
Hi Mel good to see you. No not heard anything yet its all a waiting game I think.
I,ve had some soup for lunch and Weetabix for dinner well its healthy lol:) How are you, is work still busy
01-13-2014, 05:19 PM
Waiting is the worst. I often find myself waiting for updates on issues and I am rubbish at it, get so annoyed. You think I would be used to it by now!
Hopefully someone will come back with something soon. Is there any volunteering you could do around your way to fill some time?
Well at least you had something, I did fillet steak with potato rosti and coleslaw was pretty tasty. Another incident came in just as I was off to make it but I managed to get that on hold till tomorrow. This client has 24*7 support in January so it's like being on tenterhooks waiting for something. Have done this for over 8 years now but it gets no easier esp as people are leaving and systems change so it's makes it harder.
Did you get anymore snow? We had hail and rain again today but me and Boyce managed to miss it for once!
01-13-2014, 05:24 PM
That sounds really tasty I love steak. Bit of a pain in the butt giving 24/7 support means you can,t really plan anything. I used to do every 3rd wknd on call in my last job and I hated it.
Some of the positions I applied for the closing dates are until this Friday so I,m assuming I won,t hear till next week. There isn,t a lot of my type of work around this area, so I may need to move or travel a lot wait and see :confused:
We had beautiful weather this morning clear skies so I managed a good walk, but rained all afternoon, the temp has risen and that normally means snow is on its way :cool:
01-13-2014, 05:39 PM
Wishes you were closer as I would come and cook you a good meal, can't even fedex it to you as Scotland is a mission from here!
I have done it forever but then I had a break from it and now I have a client who needs it again. Sucks as like you say daren't plan anything as it's like the universe knows :D
Hoping that something crops up to suit you, as I am sure you could do with the distraction of work.
At least you managed to get a walk in with some sunshine, I always think that's good for you especially as we get so little in winter.
How is your sleeping? Getting a few more hours?
01-13-2014, 05:48 PM
Sleeping is not much better I can,t seem to fall asleep before 3 am most days no matter how tired I am. I,ve given up trying as the more you try the less sleep you get. I,ve never been a great sleeper, but obviously it got worse when woody needed out during the night and now I think its all just with everything running through my head, I guess in time that will go. Getting a job would be a distraction for my brain and it would give me back some structure in my life, as I,ve always worked so not used to having so much free time, I try and go a walk everyday so that the walls don,t start closing in on me :)
01-13-2014, 05:57 PM
I can relate. I find it difficult to switch off and Tia was exactly the same could be up 3/4 times
I still have nights where I wake up that many times, I always seem to wake up like an hour after I have fallen asleep then takes me another hour to get back to sleep! Wishes we didnt have active brains sometimes!!
It's good to force yourself out even if you don't feel like it. Did you find out any info on the dog walking or is it a bit soon?
01-13-2014, 06:06 PM
I,ve been looking into it, and all the paperwork I would need like insurance etc so hopefully can do it later on when I get some money together.
My friend asked me today to look after Mac her westie for a few days at the end of the month, he usually goes to a petsitter,s house so I agreed to take him for 3 days, he is a lovely wee dog and I,ve been around him since he was 8 wks and he,s 5 now, she says she will pay me the going rate I said no way I,d do it for free but she insists on paying me so this could be the tester for me and if it works then I could look into doing it more often at least its extra money and I get my doggy fix, without the heartbreak. My brother has also asked if I could look after Murphy for a week in Feb if I,m not working, so they can go on holiday abroad, as they,ve not been since getting murphy 6 yrs ago again I,ve known his since he was 8 weeks so this could become my hobby for the moment :)
It sucks when you can,t switch your mind off, I,ve always been the same but at least I had Woody to keep my mind of things.
01-13-2014, 06:12 PM
I didn't even think about insurance would make sense, nothing is simple!
I think it will be great for mac to go to someone he knows, I know you probably don't like the idea of taking the money but she would have paid the pet sitter and it will help keep some of your savings babe, that's what friends are for. Will be nice to have him around for some cuddles too.
Boyce has gone to bed, he doesn't sit up with me, I take him out he gets his biscuit then buggers off to bed! No loyalty at all :D
01-13-2014, 06:18 PM
Ha ha Boyce is probably thinking yeah right I,m not sitting up its bedtime and I,ve lots of snores to be doing. I didn,t realise he was a staffie till I looked at his picture, I love them they are so loyal (well except at bedtime) I have one in the village and he is cute as a button and nearly knocks me over with his tail he is a rescue and is covered in scars poor soul but he is a great wee dog. Its just a shame they get such bad press up here, not sure if its the same where you are.
01-13-2014, 06:23 PM
Tia didn't look so staffie like but she was pedigree and his sister so all stafford. She was more slight and not so much of a bruiser as him
Boyce has never grown up, he is 13 going on 8 weeks for all his life, he is such a happy guy, you just have to look at him and he wags his tail, he sometimes seems like he will take off! The amount of things he knocks over with it is ridiculous :D
Yes unfortunately they do get very bad press, he would never go for a person he just wants a cuddle. All dogs can be dangerous it's how they are brought up same as humans!
01-13-2014, 06:35 PM
It is exactly how they are brought up, never a bad dog only a bad owner is what I say.
You better get yourself to bed its gone 11.30 you,ll never get up for work in the morning.
Good to catch up with you Mel and I hope work gets better :)
01-13-2014, 06:42 PM
Indeed, and I think you just have to be sensible. I never left the kids alone with the dogs ever and never would no matter how much I trusted the dogs.
I always get up whether I am any use once I am awake is another matter :D
I should sign off though and try for some sleep, hope you get sleepier early tonight ;)
Big hug
01-13-2014, 06:50 PM
I,m sure you do great when you are up, I,m a terrible morning person and didn,t usually wake up till I was in work and on my second coffee ;)
Goodnight and take care
01-13-2014, 06:53 PM
Night, you take care as well.
It's evening in the states now so company will be arriving soon xx
01-14-2014, 05:20 PM
Hey Tracy
Just popping into see how you are doing? Did you get out for your wander today? We were free of rain until about 9 and it's come back with a vengeance!
Work was ok but more issues cropped up, my brain aches from it all!
Did you see anything else that could be a possible for you?
molly muffin
01-14-2014, 05:27 PM
Hi Tracy and Mel! Waving from across the pond! :)
We're due for more snow here tonight, after several days of above freezing temps and ice/snow melt, now we are heading to below freezing and more slow. *sigh*
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-14-2014, 05:27 PM
Hey you I had a lovely wander round the outskirts of the village today, it was dry up until about an hour ago, but its really cold tonight. I,ve made scones today and they actually turned out all right and even better they are edible :D
Applied for an Office Managers job today with a company not too far from me, so fingers crossed as that would be less travelling.
There is nothing worse than brain ache especially from work related stuff that sucks
01-14-2014, 05:30 PM
Hey Sharlene *waves* your weather sure does sound iky. More snow pftt. How are you and the hubs doing is Molly getting any sleep
01-14-2014, 05:36 PM
Sending you good job vibes and hoping you are doing well. Blessings
01-14-2014, 05:37 PM
Hey Sharlene - hope your all feeling better x
Am pleased you managed to get a change of scene
You baked :D that is great and you could eat them which is even better! So what are you going to try next?
Less travelling would be good, I just hope you hear something about one if them as I know it must be tough going for you.
01-14-2014, 05:46 PM
I,m going to try mince and tatties, my big sis came up tonight we have some stuff going on with my mum we needed to discuss and she helped me bake, she made some and I made some and I just followed her and they turned out I,m amazed, she has shown me how to make the mince so will give it a try tomorrow :D I felt like I was in school again lol.
I,ve had a bit of a crappy year with Woody and mum being sick then losing my job, then the wee man and its been really tough but I,m still standing, just need to focus on sorting out the future. I already have a plan, get a job, renew my car as its old and falling to bits and then get a new furbaby, so as long as I stay focus on that I,ll do all right I think :D
01-14-2014, 05:51 PM
Hope all is ok with Mum xx
Progressing on to dinner. Tatties are potatoes for our non Scottish readers :D. Nice that you could do it together. Just like home economics class. I loved them :D
Is good to have a plan and yours sounds very sensible. You have had a crappy year so it can only get better babe.
01-14-2014, 05:58 PM
Yeah Mum will be fine, we just need to keep a close eye on her, she is having problems seeing out the eye she had the operation on and its causing her to stumble and fall, she isn,t good on her legs at best of times due to arthritis. My sister is going to speak with her doctor see if they can do anything about her eye, shes not due back at the hospital for a while. But Mum doesn,t want a fuss know what there like.;)
01-14-2014, 06:06 PM
Stubborn as a mule probably and determined to do it all herself! Hopefully they will be able to give her something to help her sight. Must be frustrating for her, there is nothing worse than not being able to do things.
I broke my wrist nearly 6 years ago and I had to move home for a few months as I couldn't walk the dogs on my own then I couldn't move the bloody thing when it come out of the cast, had to have 6 months of physio which was brutal. I was so pissed off in the end, my mum even had to cut up my food was tough going!
Hopefully when it gets a bit warmer and nicer your mum will start to progress, I do think this cold makes things worse as my wrist is painful now and it's not even that bad out!
01-14-2014, 06:12 PM
I think winter is tougher on her and her joints, and yes she is very independent wonder where I get it from lol.
Broken wrists sucks I broke mine years ago, falling over the dog of all things, but I was fine didn,t need physio. You don,t realise how much you need both arms to do simple things, I wore skirts for 6 weeks whilst in cast as I could pull up trousers or do up the zips lol.
Is work getting you down, it sounds as if your run off your feet there
01-14-2014, 06:23 PM
Work is a juggling act as I have more than one client and if they all need something it becomes a bit nuts. I used to love the diversity of it but IT has changed so much mainly due to the rubbish economy so outsourcing is harder. Everybody wants everything as quick as possible and for nothing. Wasn't like that when I started!
I like to be busy but since they made some changes it's got a bit much. I do however always remind myself of how lucky I am and I know it could be worse. I would like to peruse something else but done this for a long time so it's not that easy :)
01-14-2014, 06:31 PM
Yeah the economy has a lot to answer for. Suppose I,m lucky in a way as I was in my last industry for 25 years and before being made reduntant was getting fed up with it and now I,m not working I can change industries. But right now I will have to just take whatever is going just to get pennies together, as my savings won,t last forever :rolleyes:
01-14-2014, 06:39 PM
That's a good way to look at it. Don't want to burn through all your blinking savings as you never know when you may need something!
Can't believe it's nearly midnight already, I should really try for some sleep. Nice to catch up with you and I will be back tomorrow to see how your mince and tatties turned out.
Hope you get some sleep babe
01-14-2014, 06:41 PM
Hope you get some sleep too
Night night x
molly muffin
01-14-2014, 06:59 PM
A good plan from the sounds of it and I'm sure that it will happen and all come together for you.
Hope your mom's eye can be sorted out so as to make it easier for her to see and get around. I'm sure it's a balance issue with the sight involved.
Well molly manages to get her sleep, she just complains till the rest of us shut up and give her peace and quiet. That is a dog that knows what she wants. Right now she wants my michael kors slippers in the worst way possible. she can't have them!!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
01-15-2014, 03:59 PM
Hey you
How did your mince and tatties turn out? Hoping you had a good hot meal. Was roast chicken tonight here! Did you sister manage to speak to the doctor for your mum?
We had a rain free walk tonight which was nice am sick of getting blinking soaked as soon as I step out of the door.
Had more issues today but resolved most so wasn't as bad as some days.
Hope your ok today and that I catch you in a bit
Big hug
01-15-2014, 04:47 PM
Hey Mel
Well what can I say about the mince and tatties, the mince was a bit dry but was ok, according to my sister I cooked it too long oops, but I did eat it.
Took mum to the doctors today and went in with her, the GP said that her eye is really red and sore looking, but didn,t want to do anything about it, I asked her to contact Mums surgeon for an urgent appointment so will wait and see, hopefully she can get into see him soon. I think its getting her down a bit.:(
Rain free walk here this morning but it has been non stop rain since about 3 pm and its bitterly cold. Glad you didn,t get another soaking when out with Boyce, I don,t miss walking the dog in this weather although Woody hated getting wet and would pull to get home after 5 mins ;)
Good to hear that you managed to get the issues at work sorted out, I,ve still not heard anything back from any I,ve applied for so still a waiting game here.
Hopefully catch up later
01-17-2014, 04:33 AM
Hey you
Nutty yesterday and day before that spilled over a bit into the evening's not good!
How you doing?
01-17-2014, 05:44 AM
Hey Mel
Blarrgh to work spilling over, that's not so good.
I,m hanging in there bad day yesterday but I got through it. Going to hospital with Mum today so hopefully they can fix this eye problem out.
Hope to catch you over the weekend
01-17-2014, 10:27 AM
Sorry you had a rubbish day and I wasn't around! I am having a few myself too if I am honest. I think cause it's nearly the 1 year date I had to say bye to T.
Good luck with your mums appointment. Hopefully you will be able to work something out with the doctors.
Did you make anything adventurous for last nights tea or was it back to coco pops? Rain is back here again, been pouring all day, it's the lack of sunlight that gets me, is dark when we wake up and all day. Wishes spring would hurry up! Bet we get a bunch of snow before that happens.
Hopefully speak to you later work permitting.
01-17-2014, 11:42 AM
Ok what is mince and tatties? Never heard that before. Hope you have some job prospects coming on the horizon. Also hope you are doing well. How is the weather over there. We got snow this morning. Blessings
01-17-2014, 03:56 PM
Blooming heck, sorry I have not been here too and you have had a couple of sucky days.. damn life getting in the way of my dog group because you all mean so much to me and help carry me through the bad days. Mmmm coco pops, wish I had some right now.. but alas the cupboards are bare even the cheese is mouldy :eek::eek: Might be time to get the groceries done today and clean up a bit so I should be around if you pop in later!! Hope your having some fun tonight (and a decent dinner :D:D) xxxxx
01-17-2014, 06:56 PM
Hey you guys, Mel sorry you are having bad days too, it just sucks doesn,t it, we will just need to cheer each other up or cry on each others shoulders whatever I don,t mind. One year nearly already Mel, Tia anniversary is the day before my birthday, I don,t know what to tell you other than they are both running around having fun at the bridge, Woody like a little kid going come play Tia, pleeeeeeease, c,mon lets have some mischief and Tia going yeah Woody in a minute in her laidback way. :) It is hard but we,ll get through this, and Trish will keep us amused with tales of Flynn and the creek, I struggle everyday without Woody but I try and stay strong as he was a little fighter and I don,t want to let him down by falling to pieces although I want to :(
Trish - you must go grocery shopping even I have more in my cupboards than you do:p I had a lovely meal tonight of fillet steak and chips and onion rings it is my favourite dinner, and off course a bellini to wash it down with. :)
Hopefully catch up with you both over the weekend. Big hugs being sent to you Mel whether you want them or not !!!!
molly muffin
01-17-2014, 07:21 PM
Oh crud, Tracy, sorry to hear that you and Mel are having bad days. They really can catch you unaware sometimes. Then Bham there you are.
It doesn't seem like a year that Tia has been gone. :( It seems like just yesterday she was having her walks with you and Boyce.
hmm, steak and chips and onion rings. We had pizza. Hubs was in the mood for pizza and chicken wings tonight, so that was what we had.
jeebees you guys are having more bellini's now than I am!! ROFL!
Now are we doing the frozen kind? because I went to a restaurant the other day and ordered one and they came back with this mixed drink thing in a champagne glass and it was not what I was expecting at all. So, just to be clear...
That is just for the picture, not the recipe, which doesn't seem right to me...rum? hmm..
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-18-2014, 03:20 AM
Crikey, my bellinis looked NOTHING like that one Sharlene... mine just had a lot of the frozen peach in it... but it was not all icy :)
I also cannot believe it is nearly a year since we lost Tia, unbelievable where is the time going. She was such a sweetheart so we will have to have a big celebration of her life next month Mel! Sorry your days have been so sucky lately too... Big Hugs for you xxxx
I went and did the groceries Tracy, bought a nice juicy steak for dinner which I am cooking soon with a baked potato and salad. I was just flicking through the channels and stopped in on the tennis.. Australian Open just in time to see Andy Murray win his match. Lots of Scottish flags flying there :D
01-18-2014, 04:40 PM
Hello. My goodness never saw Bellini,s like that before and I,ve tried a few over the years lol.
Had a good day today took the gruesome twosome (mum and nana) out shopping then lunch, my nana cracks me up she was lecturing mum on looking after her eye, she kept saying well I,m your mother so do as you are told, my mum will be 70 in Feb ;) I then came home and cleaned the house top to bottom including the spare room which has became a bit of a junk room so it now looks like a proper bedroom, and I even cooked dinner tonight then a long soak in the bath.
Its a month tomorrow since Woody has been gone, some days it feels like yesterday and others it feels like forever :mad:
01-18-2014, 05:24 PM
Moms will always be moms. It doesn't matter how old you are.
I miss mine terribly. Your post made me smile.
01-18-2014, 05:27 PM
OK you get your butt right over here, I need your energy in the house cleaning department :D:D:D although not doing too badly myself so far today!! But what a productive day you have had!! Green bin has to go out tonight so once it cools down outside the garden shall be my project this evening :) Mind you if I go to a winery for lunch, probably not much be happening this arvo :D
Your Nana cracks me up telling your Mum what to do.... never too old to give your babies a piece of advice, love it!
molly muffin
01-18-2014, 06:01 PM
hmmm, what do your bellini's look like? Maybe because this is the frozen style? It's what most of them here look like. (trendy I guess it is) LOL
oh nice! I need to get my house cleaned top to bottom. :( With this sick thing going on and hubby home, I'm running the dishwasher ever day and constantly picking up, cooking or something it seems like and still the place is a mess! :( I use my spare bedroom as a storage too, then run around like crazy getting it looking like a bedroom again when company shows up. LOL
I know, sometimes it's like I don't even believe Woody is gone and yet, already a month :(
I think a nice long soak in the tub sounds like Just the thing. Maybe I'll do that later after dinner. I have a chicken roasting in the crock pot. Might be easiest meal ever, these crockpot things. :) Smells good anyhow :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
01-18-2014, 06:10 PM
Sharlene our bellinis are less icy peach and more presecco/champers so therefore more alcoholic :D
Maybe the cleaning was a bad idea, I,m feeling a bit stiff now lol. Cleaning actually relaxes me. I,ll book the flight right now Trish if you have good weather I,ll do your cleaning its freezing here.:)
Hope you enjoy the winery and don,t have too much lol x
01-19-2014, 06:39 AM
Trish must have enjoyed herself at the winery as she hasn't been back today :eek: jealous of their nice weather that's for sure.
How you doing today?
Am off in a bit to see the kids, not really in the mood but promised so I don't like to break it!
So sad about little mikaeel, I so hoped he would be found
01-19-2014, 10:48 AM
Hi Mel
Yeah I think Trish must have enjoyed the winery :D It is a tragic shame about Mikaeel the news is saying his mother has been arrested what is the world coming too :eek:
I,m doing ok today, the weather has been dry so managed a walk, although after all the cleaning and moving furniture my back and legs are a bit sore, just a reminder I,m not getting any younger :rolleyes:
How are you doing, I hope your feeling better, yeah sometimes you just have to force yourself to do things, life goes on, not the life you want but off a fashion. I hope work isn,t too manic for you this week you could be doing with a break :)
molly muffin
01-19-2014, 11:04 AM
I saw that the mother had been arrested in the Daily Mail. :( I usually try to keep up with the daily mail or the guardian as to whats going on over there. :)
It's not easy when you start to feel the aches and pains and the cold in the joints. :( A walk, though might loosen things up.
I hope you both have a good week. :)
I'm going to assume that Trish had a lovely time at the winery and now is back into the work week. Full steam ahead! :)
sharlene and molly muffin
01-19-2014, 01:50 PM
Hi girls - blech Monday is here already :rolleyes:
I heard about that little boy on our news too, very sad.
The winery was fabulous, lovely lazy afternoon :D we went to visit our friend and her little dog Cooper afterwards, I took Flynny and they had a great time playing until my friend turned the sprinkler on the lawn. Cooper loves it but Flynn was like.... heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey that's wet, what you doing fool and hightailed it inside :D:D! My friend could not get over how much energy he had. But boy was he knackered afterwards and slept for ages! But he is good this morning.
Glad you had some doggy time with Murphy Tracy, and kid time for you Mel, fun fun fun :D:D:eek::D:D xxxxxx
01-19-2014, 06:32 PM
Ha ha I love the story of Flynn high tailing inside, don,t you know water makes him shrink :D Really pleased to see that he is enjoying life to the max that a boy :cool
I,m jealous of your sunshine although its been dry here, its bitterly cold and I,ve had to put the electric blanket on the past couple of nights I always feel the cold, my poor old bones need some warmth :rolleyes:
Have a good week at work
01-19-2014, 06:37 PM
Hey you
Hope you have been ok today? 1 month doesn't feel that long but feels like a lifetime too, that feeling hasnt changed for me.
How your bones doing tonight after all that work yesterday? Kids were good but it was manic!
Have you continued to cook dinner? What was on the menu tonight? I had a sandwich for dinner couldn't be bothered :eek:
01-19-2014, 06:44 PM
Your up late Mel. I,ve done pretty well today had a good walk, that helped loosen up my legs and back. I,ve cooked the last two nights, I had homemade chips, chicken, peas and carrots tonight followed by a cheesecake (sister made the cheesecake). I know its basic simple cooking to most people, but I usually just have a sandwich or put something in the microwave, or hope my sister has cooked for me :D
I think that is my problem is most of the time I can,t be bothered cooking, so I just grab a sandwich, but I,m making a conscious effort to cook. :D
How are you doing today Mel, Yeah a month already, feels like a lifetime some days other days it feels like yesterday. I had toast at mums this morning when I was over and left the crusts, mum was like Woody,s not here anymore, he always got the crusts of the toast and I can,t get out the habit of it.:confused:
01-19-2014, 06:54 PM
Trying to unwind before sleep, know if I go now mind will be whirring. Washing machine has decided to play up too so I am fighting it to give me all the socks back!!
I think it is harder to bother cooking for one but I do believe that nutrition does play a part in feeling well. Google is great for inspiration and everything can be scaled down. I love to cook and bake and really don't even mind if it's rubbish cause I tried :D
I am ok, having my moments. Tia started to get poorlier over these weeks last year so I can't help but think back to it all. Still feels like yesterday to me too sometimes. I try not to think about it as she slowly slipped away in front of my eyes and there was nothing I could do.
I know all about saving crusts. It's the little things that can really get you sometimes. He was such a presence in your life, it's makes it so so hard
01-19-2014, 07:06 PM
I think in that respect I was lucky if you can call it that, in that I didn,t need to watch Woody get sick over a period of time as it happened so quick with him as he was what I thought quite well right up to his second collapse, and was playing in the morning, but the flip side to that is the shock of the speed of it all. I am still haunted by the look in his eyes on his collapse, something inside me just knew he wouldn,t be with me much longer, I see it every time I close my eyes :mad:
I,m sorry I wasn,t around when Tia got sick, and I can understand that you will be thinking of her at this time, it is sometimes harder to think about them in happier times when they were well, I try and focus on that when I think of Woody, doesn,t always work though. So you need to be kind to yourself, and if you need to cry, scream, rant, reminisce then I will be here with you ;)
01-19-2014, 07:17 PM
Just bloody sucks they are only with us for a short time. I was so lucky in many ways, I had her from 8 weeks to 12 years 3 months and got to spend the last 6 or so years working from home with her every day. She was such a character a right little miss, who liked her own way, hated the floor, loved her snuggles, she was a very loving little girl, a mummy's girl for sure, although she would never talk to me after the vets visits, would go straight to bed and sleep till dinner then she would be ok with me!
Thank you for saying that. I didn't post much when she was poorly, I think for a while I was in denial but I came back a little while before I let her go and everyone was kind to me in the months that followed.
I am sorry that you had to go through what you both went though, it's must be very hard to have that image in your mind, when I think sad thoughts of Tia I always try and remind myself of her happy memories and naughty ones. I bet your wee man has a few of those xx
01-19-2014, 07:31 PM
She was defo was a mummy,s girl and why wouldn,t she be :D I love staffies, they always seem to be smiling and always have there tail wagging.
Denial I think we all know how that goes, we,ve all been in denial I know I was. It is great that you had so long with her at home with you, and yea it Sucks big time that there only with us for a short time. I only had Woody for 3 and half years no time at all really, but we did pack in a lot in those years. We loved the Lake District and would go there 4 - 5 times a year for a week and he loved it, big open spaces, lots of new smells and plenty of pub fires to lie in front off. :D
Trying to focus on the good, naughty times is good for us both as by the sounds of it they both had a lot of them, I have never met such a naughty little feisty terrier as Woody, nothing like my last terrier who was very quiet, but it won,t stop us missing them like mad, sometimes I feel like I,ve lost a limb as it was me and him against the world and now its just me. :mad:
01-19-2014, 07:38 PM
She had her grumpy moments. Boyce is the ever go lucky happy fella. She was more selective which staffies typically aren't!
The Lake District was one of the only places I didn't take them! So great you both got to do that. We also used to have about 4-5 breaks a year. We have such great beaches and walks and it's so great to see them scamping around checking it all out.
Woody was a character that's for sure and that's what makes it harder as he kept you on your toes! Not just you, all of us are with you. Never alone ever, may only be via the internet but I am very real sitting here in my pj's talking to you xxx
01-19-2014, 07:46 PM
Right back at you Mel, I,m in my PJ,s too. That,s the thing our lives revolved around our dogs, I would never go on holiday unless Woody went too, if I was out for the night I went home early so he wasn,t left too long, came home from work at lunchtime to walk him, it was all about Woody, but I would never have had it any other way :D
I sadly sat in my bedroom this morning and had a good cry while I was holding his bed, as I can still smell him on it sad I know but I would give anything for just some more time with him, but alas it wasn,t to be and it sucks. I,m sure you feel the same way about Tia
01-19-2014, 07:55 PM
Sounds like he had a great life in the time you did get to spend with him, you made it count for both of you. Did he used to get excited when he knew you were going away? Mine know the word holiday!
I can imagine him exploring all the places, sniffing around.
A good cry is what's needed sometimes, have to let it out as it's hard to have a brave face always. Good it smells of him still, some small comfort however hard.
I do wish we had longer.
01-19-2014, 08:02 PM
Yip he knew as soon as I brought the suitcase out, I would open his holdall that I put all his stuff in and he would sniff it and start jumping around, it was funny to watch him. I would put toys in it and he would take them out and look at me, as if to say there not going, so I had to make that the last thing I did before zipping it up. He loved the car and would sit in his bed in the back and look out the window all the way there as soon as you said "we,re here" his wee tail would go that fast it was like a helicopter lol :D
Did you win the fight between the washing machine and the socks yet :)
01-19-2014, 08:09 PM
Bless him! He made a game out of the toys being packed. I tend to start packing a few days before so she would always twig and start following me, she would sleep most of the way but then usually wake up and sit in the gap so she could see when we arrived!
Nope all the bloody lights are flashing now so I think it might be broken. They are new socks and lots of them so will have to figure out a way to get them tomorrow, given up in disgust right now!!
I better try and attempt some sleep as it's getting later. Catch you soon, thanks for the chat tonight xxx
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