View Full Version : Confused and Overwhelmed-Diagnosed Anal Sac Carcinoma (Woody has passed)
12-09-2013, 08:55 AM
I cannot believe they have not called you yet. There seems to be something going on there. I am sorry you have no power. That is tough when everything is powered with electricity. I am praying for you to get a phone call soon. Is your niece looking after your mom while you are home? It is ok here today, but more storms are coming in the next few days. Blessings
12-09-2013, 11:44 AM
Well Ian has finally called. He has apologised profusely for taking his time in getting back to me, but assured me that he had been doing lots of research both human and animal into woody,s condition. We spoke in detail about his colitis and his collapsing episode, and he is like me shocked that Woody still has colitis. He will look into different meds that he can take and also agreed with me in changing his protein for his diet. He then discussed his findings from his research, both human and animal but Woody is not a candidate for any of the treatments he found, surgery is an option, but as we can,t find the tumour then it pretty much rules that option out. He says Woody displays a lot of classic symptoms of cushings, pu/pd, the hungar, the pot belly, the increased cortisol in his urine but all tests were negative several times over. But he said he is sure that it is all coming from the adrenal mass, but he still can,t believe that the affected lymph node on the left side, has affected an organ on the right as this is soooo rare, but then so is Woody lol
He knows of one treatment that Woody maybe able to take, which will help him and that's a drug call Pallidia, which in the UK is a new drug for cancer, it originated in the US so anyone over there heard of it.? Its main side effect is diarr. The vet hospital have never used it on any of their patients yet so Woody would be the first animal that they would treat with this. Ian has all the literature on this from the US, but he wants to speak with me face to face to go over all of Woodys case notes and hopefully formulate a plan going forward, he is asking Emma the IMS we saw and Craig my own vet to attend the meeting with us, so we are all together and on the same page sort of speak. He will call me in the next few days for an appointment.
Thoughts please : Would you let your dog be treated with a new drug ?
12-09-2013, 12:52 PM
That is a million dollar question you are asking. If I knew for sure 100% that there was cancer in the adrenal mass and that all the side effects of this drug have been thoroughly studied and had independent clinical trials supporting its efficacy I may go for it, dependent on how much time they feel it would give Woody. There are also the considerations of Woody being a good candidate or not, with his heart issues etc. If I truly knew my dog was going to die soon if I did not do something, and that this drug would extend a good quality of life for him, and he was a good candidate, and having a really qualified person to look after him while on the drug I may go for it. I would have to know the clinical trial stats as to how many became ill and it accelerated their death, and how many were helped and living a good quality of life after taking the drug. My biggest fear would be how a dog would react to this when it has only been tried in humans. Are you saying they have never tried this in any animals? That could be the deal breaker for me as then you could be put in a situation of either curing, or killing them, sorry there is no other way to put it. Are they 100% sure this adrenal mass is going to affect Woody and in how long of a period before it would? Do they feel this drug is safer than removing the adrenal gland? What side effects will he suffer, and how long must her take it? This is really a hard decision that I probably could not make. You will have to get a bunch of questions for the meeting and then think on it a while before doing anything so you know you made a decision you can live with. I do not envy you, having to decide this is terrible. We all need support when we get to a cross road such as this, as this is truly very hard decision to make. God Bless You Both.
12-09-2013, 01:20 PM
Patti - This drug is for Animals only not humans. Sorry I think I put it wrong this is the first time the pet hospital would use it on an animal, as its a relatively new animal drug to the UK and they,ve not had any canditates for it. I have research it a little and its used for MCT (Mast Cell Tumour) or skin cancer in dogs, from what I can see the most side effect is GI upset, hence the reason he wants Woody,s colitis under control before we consider it.
Ian has been back on the phone just now, he has discussed Woody,s case with Emma IMS, Jo Ward (head of oncology), Laura and Mike who are both IMS, and with the symtoms woody has, they have said sounds like adrenal cushings, but with all bloods being negative what can they do. They want to run another LDDS test on Woody to see if it has changed as its 2 months since his last one. So we have an appointment on Thursday at 0930 hours to see all of them, including my vet, bit nervous to be dealing with 6 vets all at once, but Ian says he is confident that I will give them a run for their money, as I sound a very clued up owner. (thanks to all you lol)
Ian also mentioned in this phone call that when discussing Woody with the others he didn,t tell them about him collapsing, when they said cushings he then told them about Woody collapsing and 3 out of the 5 said it maybe a Pheo there dealing with.:( So on Thursday woody will be having a LDDS and a full check up, bloods and BP etc, we will discuss his case in detail, discussing the possible Cushings and the Pheo, and the Pallidia will be discussed. I,m wibbling muchly lol:eek:
Roxee's Dad
12-09-2013, 01:24 PM
Geez Tracy, this is always a very difficult decision. I have been doing some reading on this drug and it seems to have about a 40ish % success rate which is considered pretty good.
It only seems applicable to certain types of of Grade II and III, cutaneous mast cell tumors. Here is a link to a pretty good information sheet on it and I hope it will help you form some questions that you can discuss with your vet.
Ideally your vet could give you a long or short term prognosis and along with your thoughts on Woody's quality vs quantity of life. You really know woody best, so after your discussion with the vet, and gathering all the information, go with what your gut tells you.
12-09-2013, 10:17 PM
I went back in your thread but could not find the description of the collapsing incident. can you repeat it/describe it for me please?
Are they saying this new drug is their recommendation for treating a pheo? I'd need to ask them a boat load of questions - seems like there are alot of nasty side effects.
molly muffin
12-09-2013, 11:35 PM
Kim, here is where Tracy described Woody's collapse.
I'm back but little Woody dog is being kept in for a few hours. By the time I got to the vets 30 mins away Woody had come round and looked a bit better. My vet examined him, his temp was fine and his colour was good my vet thinks that Woody had a smpgo (sp) it when the blood pumping from the heart doesn't get pumped quick enough the the dog faints it's common in Boxers apparently so he reckons it's been Woodys heart murmour has caused the problem one thing after another. It didn't want to poke and prod Woody or take bloods he just wanted him to relax and get back to normal but does want to keep an eye on him for the next few hours so I will pick Woody up at 8pm tonight. I can't stop shaking as one minute he was having a drink of water and the next he had collapsed out cold with head in water dish I had to grab him flip him onto his side and take his head from the water dish he was out for ages. I'm scared that I'm running out of time with him (cry)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-10-2013, 01:38 AM
[QUOTE=Trish;129743]OMG what a shock for you and Woody. Like Sharlene I hope they did check his BP, that adrenal mass could cause BP spike if it was a pheo /[QUOTE].
Tracy said obs were OK, but not 100% sure if BP was checked. But the vet thought it was due to low BP. But it sounded like it affected him for a while as she commented he was still walking around like a little drunk person when they got home a few hours later.
The surgeon who did Flynn's adrenalectomy a year ago discussed using Palladia. Again last month in Auckland, this IMS also mentioned this for Flynn after the liver resection. "Metronomic chemotherapy +/- palladia are possible medical treatment options for Flynn. These are unlikely to be all that helpful though" He told me that it is more useful when the tumour is microscopic and only starting to form and the use of Palladia will disrupt the formation of the blood supply (angiogenesis) that would feed the potential regrowth of the tumour therefore slowing it down or preventing new growth. Most of the research I read was with mast cell tumours but apparently it is being used with other tumours. His thinking with Flynn's liver tumours (either adenoma or low grade tumour) is that they are already formed so its not so useful in that case. Plus GI side effects can be troublesome and with Flynn's IBD that could be a deal breaker but I do indeed on discussing it with him again when I see him for our next checkup early February.
I am pleased you have this team discussion coming up Tracy, and further investigations. It sure does seem a coincidence with his known adrenal mass and the collapse, they could be related and I hope we can get to the bottom of it. xxxxxx
12-10-2013, 06:02 AM
I went back in your thread but could not find the description of the collapsing incident. can you repeat it/describe it for me please?
Are they saying this new drug is their recommendation for treating a pheo? I'd need to ask them a boat load of questions - seems like there are alot of nasty side effects.
Woody,s collapse was about 10 days ago, he was resting on the sofa got up to get a drink and I noticed he was walking with what looked like stiff legs, at first I thought he had hurt his leg (he has a luxating patella) he then went to get a drink and as I was watching him he just collapased in front of me, his head fell into his water dish and he fell against the side of the sofa, when he came round he was very disorientated and was staggering, he was a bit unstable on his legs for 2 days and very subdued afterwards. His BP wasn,t checked at my own vets as he doesn,t have the facilities to check, his last BP check was at the hospital a few weeks ago and it was I think 163/83 which was borderline hypertension.
The hospital aren,t saying he defo has a pheo, just some of his syptoms fit for it, but they also fit for other things too, he said we can,t rule it out as a possiblility. He didn,t say if the Palladia would help if it was a pheo, which is why I have to go in on Thursday for a full discussion on this drug, and he will show me the statics, studies etc.
12-10-2013, 06:15 AM
Trish - I hope we get to the bottom of this once and for all as well. I am a bit nervous facing all the professionals, but the more heads involved the better the chance of coming up with a plan I think, its like fresh eyes looking over him and his notes. I am wary of Palladia for the same reason as you the GI upset, but all I can do is go on Thursday and listen to them and see the studies for myself. The good thing is that Ian isn,t doing any treatment to woody whilst he still has the Colitis, he said its a priority to get this fixed out. He kept apologising to me, that Woody still had it, and how sorry he was that such a cheeky chappie had got sick, I was almost in tears.
This is Ian, Dr McDreamy eh no so sure lol
12-10-2013, 07:24 AM
Thanks. That was a scary episode. Annie did have the stiff leg thing but she never collapsed. In her case her leg just gave out. That doesn't help you at all. Glad you have lots of qualified eyes on this and will be interested to see what they say. Hang in there! Kim
12-10-2013, 07:47 AM
Thinking of you and Woody this morning and hoping that all is well. Blessings
12-10-2013, 06:10 PM
Evening all. We,ve had a pretty busy day here, firstly I had to take mum to hospital as her stitches were bothering her, but the doctor sorted it out for her, she is healing well :D I then started the dreaded Christmas shopping and everywhere was really busy, so I gave up, but did manage to buy Woody his Christmas toys. When I got home I dumped the bags and ran to the little girls room, I could hear woody in the bags and was shouting from the loo for him to leave them alone, next thing Woody appears at the bathroom door holding in his mouth his Christmas toy, little sod wouldn,t give me it back, he has carried it everywhere with him today, slept with it under his chin and has the look of All is good in Woodys world on his face. Looks like I will need to buy him something else now.:p
My vet called me tonight after his surgery to check on Woody and let me know he will be attending the discussion on Thursday, he offered to pick me up and we could go together, I have politely declined, Woody can be a barker in the car sometimes so I know I would be on edge. He said that he is intrigued to see what they come up with, as he can,t help Woody at the moment, as he has never dealt with anything like this in his practice, he has dealt with anal sac carcinoma before but not neuroendocrine tumours, so it will be a learning curve for my vet and myself.
12-10-2013, 06:16 PM
Woody aims to please and he never disappoints. Yeah!!!!!!!!!! I got my Woody fix today. He is the craftiest little JRT ever. Her got his present early, he figured why should I have to wait after all I 've been through!!! He deserves it mom so you'll just have to find another something that tickles his fancy. Tipper was naughty today too as she could not walk in this frigid air. Blessings
Hi.. I thought it was just my dog that rooted through the bags when I came home. Glad to hear Woody does too. It's almost like "whatcha bring me this time?" Every bag has to have their head stuck in it, sniffed and completely checked out. They are soooo funny. He stole his Christmas present just so you'd get another one for him.
Will be thinking about you on Thursday with positive thoughts. Woody deserves the best.
12-11-2013, 04:39 AM
Oh no:-) even our cats can't resist a bag!
How cute though, I wouldn't have the heart to take the toy back. I'm a total sucker.
12-11-2013, 08:53 AM
I am praying for you and Woody that Thursday turns out to be a good day about getting answers and formulating a new plan. God Bless you both.
12-11-2013, 10:22 AM
Just to show that I think little Woody is a faker lol He does love to play, and I love to see him like this :D
12-11-2013, 11:41 AM
This dog is hilarious and does stuff just like Tipper. Tipper ruins everything she rips it apart. It is so great to see him play like this. I love the end part where he throws it up over his head. Then the look on his face when he is done is priceless. I just wanted to mention that now that I got a look at his whole body, I am suspect of Cushings, and I will tell you why. Glynda on here told me to check Tipper for a fatty deposit by her breastbone. Tipper's chest bone hangs down much lower than it used to and Woody looks identical. Please mention this to the Dr.'s on Thursday as Glynda knows her stuff. We have terrible cold and wind right now 12 degrees here. Stay warm and safe with that little comedian Woody. Blessings
12-11-2013, 11:46 AM
Well, he certainly looks chipper! Bright eyes and doing a fine job of killing that sausage man! Looks like he's healing well on the back end too.
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann
12-11-2013, 02:58 PM
This dog is hilarious and does stuff just like Tipper. Tipper ruins everything she rips it apart. It is so great to see him play like this. I love the end part where he throw it up over his head. Then the look on his face when he is done is priceless. I just wanted to mention that now that I got a look at his whole body, I am suspect of Cushings, and I will tell you why. Glynda on her told me to check Tipper for a fatty deposit by her breastbone. Tipper's chest bone hangs down much lower than it used to and Woody looks identical. Please mention this to the Dr.'s on Thursday as Glynda knows her stuff. We have terrible cold and wind right now 12 degrees here. Stay warm and safe with that little comedian Woody. Blessings
Yes Patti I had noticed it, but will add it to my list of questions for tomorrow. While I was making dinner earlier I sat down a glass of milk and went into the kitchen, came back and little thief that is Woody had his head stuck in it drinking, need eyes in the back of my head with this one. I did take a picture and put it in his album lol
molly muffin
12-11-2013, 03:56 PM
Loved the video, he is such a hoot! Just silly. I love it. got milk! LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-11-2013, 04:12 PM
I think you better get something where you can see behind you and all around you at all times as Woody knows when to pull a fast one on you. He is too funny, I guess he felt entitled to some milk! I love everything he does, he so reminds me of Tipper. These are some goofy dogs we have. Blessings
12-12-2013, 02:59 AM
Hi Tracy
I see you!! What time is the appointment? Love the new video, he so reminds me of Flynn, not just in looks but in temperament! He looks real good and full of energy, was great to see :) x
12-12-2013, 07:32 AM
I will be thinking of you and Woody today at your appointment. Just know you are not alone and my thoughts and prayers are that you find a solution to Woody's dilemma. Blessings
12-12-2013, 08:22 AM
Hi everyone
Just a quick update as I,m on my phone. We,ve been at the hospital since 9 am this morning and am still here. We spent almost an hour letting Woody play outside while they all observed him and his colitis, and how he generally was. We then came in and he jumped up on Craig my owns knee oops he had muddy feet lol. Woody has gone for his LDDS, Bloods and BP check. I have just walked him and he is fine. I don,t know what I,ve let myself in for as I am in like a classroom situation with whiteboards and drawings and they are drawing things and discussing where everything should go, ie the cancer cells, they have also listed general causes of PU/PD and are going into each one in detail and crossing them off the list when ruled out. Anyways better go back to class. Will update fully later, I have taken lots of notes so be prepared for questions
12-12-2013, 08:27 AM
I am quite impressed with what you have described and feel you and Woody are in excellent hands. I am with you in spirit so just take it all in. Maybe recording it would have been good. I am sure the Dr.'s have the capability to do it and give you one so in case you forget something you can listen to it. Please stay safe driving home. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
12-12-2013, 08:51 AM
We have a TV show here called "House" that is about a human diagnostician who is very unconventional to say the least yet a genius. The scene you describe of the classroom-like setting reminded me of the scenes on the show when Dr. House and his team are trying to find out what is wrong with the current patient under their care. I bet that is fascinating to see in real life!
I hope the collective knowledge and experience of Woody's team finds out what is going on with him and offers a good game plan. Let us know how it goes!
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
12-12-2013, 04:19 PM
Wow, that sounds Very comprehensive. Good thing too, Woody is a mystery. :)
Will be waiting for the final consensus or next step :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-12-2013, 04:28 PM
Your team sounds amazing!
12-12-2013, 06:37 PM
Finally made it home phew. By that had to be the longest day every, I left the house at 6 am this morning and just got home at 10 pm, and I,m only a little bit further forward.
Forgive me as this maybe long, I will try and just bullet point it.
1. Woody presents with a lot of Cushing symptoms, PU/PD excess hunger, pot belly, thinning of hair, especially after being shaved for operation. LDDS test done results tomorrow, all other tests for cushings show negative - Cushings is not being ruled out at this point.
2. Collapse:- Sounds like a syncope and maybe related to his already exsisting heart murmour - ECG and Chest X Rays required, to rule out heart related.
3. BP remains stable no sign of hypertension, blood pressure taken during the day at intervals I think the highest was 170 which they weren,t too bothered about as it could be white coat syndrome.
4. General blood work up done - results tomorrow.
5. Colitis still present and at times severe - continue with meds the vet gave me, change of protein in diet recommended.
6. Due to Woody having a neuroendocrine tumour, Thyroid, cushings and several other hormonal diseases can,t be defiantly ruled out.
7. Adrenal Mass - Could be the primary tumour but they can,t understand if it was then why did the cancer cells go from right to left and cordial and not cranial as it "should" do. Adrenal Mass maybe a Pheo but CT scan would be need to confirm, and if so then surgery would be the normal option, but may not be in woody,s case. Ultrasound recommended to check on the adrenal, all lymph nodes in the area, and internal organs.
8. Anal Sac Carcinoma and Left Medial Iilac LN. LN had cancer in it of that there sure and again should go cordial towards the anal sac and not across the body to the left adrenal gland, although pathology has revealed that no cancer was found in the anal sacs they are not convinced that there wasn,t a microscopic tumour there, cancer cells have been found in woody,s endocrine system, but no sign of where they are going, coming from or will end up.
9. MDR Entercoccu - Urine sample taken results tomorrow to see if this has cleared up or not.
10. Palladia - Ian explained all he knew of this drug, I have literature home with me (not had a chance to read it yet). Primarily this is for MCT tumours and has quite a good success rate, it is also used in skin tumours, which is what Anal Sac Carcinoma is classed as especially with a mestarsized (sp) to a lymph node. This drug is given Mon, Wed, Frid for the life of the dog. Main side effect is GI upset, which usually happens in week 2 then the dog is taken off the drug until symptoms subside then slowly drug is re-introduced, I take it this is a bit like what people do with the Cush meds. The dog is monitored every week with bloods being taken to see if causing any damage to likes of liver, kidneys etc, this is done for 6 weeks then monthly thereafter if dog is doing well.
All of the above was talked at great length and detail, so I,m just giving you the outline of it. Ian has explained endocrine system, and neuroendocrine cancer to me in full, and I finally get it, and how hard this is to pinpoint the tumour. Nothing has been ruled out, which I know isn,t great but at least things are a bit more clear to me. I have asked Ian what happens if I just do nothing except US every month or so, what can I expect, symptoms, life expectancy, and he said honestly he couldn,t answer me as they don,t know where the tumour is. He said he would expect it to go to the lung first, then liver and heart possibly brain, as he,s not sure of primary then he didn,t know life expectancy as some tumours grow quickly and others don,t. It was hard to hear by I admired his honesty. He did say that as Woody isn,t the norm then who knows lol. We didn,t get out of "class" till 4.30 pm and as Woody wasn,t due his last blood till 6 pm I just stayed at the hospital café. At about 5.45pm Ian came into the café and had a coffee with me, he said he had been down to say hello to Woody and he was doing fine, but he was really worried about his colitis especially the straining and couldn,t believe it was still going on, we discussed it again at great length and how worried I was that he was hurting himself, he said he was going to look into it some more as he hated watching Woody earlier in the day. When he was leaving he said to me how glad he was that Woody was with me, and he could see how dedicated we were to each other, and that he would try his best to help Woody and I should never give up on him as he is a fighter, then he gave me a big cuddle, I had tears streaming down my face.
Now here,s where it all goes wrong, at 6pm I went to reception to let them know I was there to pick up woody and sat in the waiting room, at 7 pm (reception closed) I rang the night buzzer and a student vet came out, I explained that I had been waiting an hour to pick up Woody, she apologised and said she would go get him. At 8 pm after trying to get a hold of numerous people I got a hold of the cleaner and told her to either get someone out to speak with me or swipe her card and let me into the wards, as by this point I was tired, hunger and worried that something had happened to Woody. Finally at 8.15 pm this student vet brought Woody to me, I was so relieved that I asked what had happened as I had waited 2 hrs, he mumbled something but by that point I was heading out the door. So if that wasn,t enough I get home, walk Woody and go indoors to see that he had a bandage on his back leg, started to take it off him, when I realised they had left the canular in his leg (idiots) I called them immediately and was told to bring him back in, I live 2 hours away, so I agreed to take him to my own vets in the morning and keep him quiet tonight. What a day eh. Woody is fast asleep in my bed as I type this and hasn,t bothered with the bandage yet.
Sorry its so long
12-12-2013, 10:43 PM
what a long day and what a wonderful mom you are. wow. also have to say how impressed i am with your vet. i have had many vets and cannot imagine any of them sitting down and having coffee with me to discuss my dog let alone telling me how glad they are that my dog has me as a mom... wow i am stunned. you are fortunate to have ian on your team. wish i could help with the diagnosis - so complicated. but i can continue to cheer you on and help however i can even if it is just through prayer. Hugs, Kim
12-13-2013, 03:28 AM
Wow you have had quite a day of it, what the heck was happening at the end there... waiting two blardy hours :mad: I would have been like you and broken the door down!
Your vets have really done well today Tracy, that is awesome they all met like that to go over everything. Your Ian sounds just lovely, so nice to get that personal touch. Very impressive!! But you deserved it too after all the waiting about the last few weeks. I am so glad you have a better understanding of it all. Be waiting to hear all the results of today's testing. I hope they are all excellent!! That palladia does sound a bit harsh, I hear it is very expensive too. His colitis seems the immediate problem so hopefully you will get on top of that. What protein are you going to swap him to? xxx
Gosh, what a day you had. I would have been freaking right out having to wait those 2 hours. I would imagine all kinds of things were going through your mind.
I sure hope that this colitis can be rectified very soon. Poor Woody.
You are doing so well getting to the bottom of things and I really, really hope the tests today steer you in the right direction to help Woody.
I admire you for everything you are going through.... hugs to you both.
12-13-2013, 04:49 AM
Thanks everyone. Woody slept well last night and only bothered his leg once, me I hardly slept everything running thru my head you all know how it goes.
But now the plot thickens ( nothing easy for my Woody) Ian rang me at 7 am this morning he apologied for me having to wait and the canular thing. He said there had been an emergency in the hospital and as Woody was to be released about the same time that the IMS simply forgot , he will have them call me today to apologise. He said that after work last night he had been thinking a lot about Woodys colitis, the straining especially he said it's like something is stopping him going, he is wondering if the endocrine cancer is in Woodys colon or gut and it's the tumour causing the symptoms as there is no real reason for his colitis. He also said that this would fit with the lymph node and anal sac carcinoma as it's all cordial and in the same area in the back end of the dog. So something else to consider and worry about great!!!! Woody will be going next week for x rays, ECG, US and any other test they deem. We're off to the vet to get this out his leg and hopefully have a restful day :)
12-13-2013, 05:02 AM
Wow he was up early! He really has his thinking cap on pondering it all. I did not think he had the anal sac carcinoma from the histology :confused::confused: plus I thought Woody had a history of colitis for a few years? Couldn't the colitis just be flaring right now after all the stress he has gone through with the recent surgery etc and maybe that could also be causing the straining. Just trying to think it through without it being anything nasty. I guess if all those sympoms are all caudal then they might fit. Was he scanned prior to this surgery? I cannot remember. Silly buggers leaving the cannula in but I guess in the stress of an emergency it was just overlooked. You are going to need a Nana nap today with this sleepless night and early morning!
12-13-2013, 08:16 AM
You were certainly through the mill yesterday, but I have to admit I wish I had a team brainstorm like that for Tipper. That is awful that you have to drive 2 hours to get that off Woody. I think what Ian said made a lot of sense to me, as my dad had that type of cancer. I think it is certainly a high possibility. I so wish you did not have to worry about all these possibilities though. I think it is winding down now and the possibilities are getting narrower. I feel soon you will know what is wrong. Although that was a good experience yesterday, I am sure it was grueling going through it. I pray that this can all get better for you and Woody soon. You have had so much to deal with, but Woody is s trooper and has kept you laughing throughout. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
12-13-2013, 09:07 AM
What a day, Tracy! And what an amazing doc Ian is - what a blessing for you and for our sweet Woody boy. Next time you talk to Ian, tell him thanks from all of us here at K9C. Vets like him help restore our faith in his profession and we wish all vets were more like him. ;)
That tumor somewhere in the intestinal tract is something I have been wondering about with Grace. She has numerous tumors all over her belly and starting up her sides but none show up internally on xrays. However, when she got here, her anal glands were horribly impacted - her poop came out in flat ribbons! We got that taken care of and they seem to working correctly now but she still strains to poop very often and they are sometimes flattened even tho the anal glands seem to be fine. So I wonder if there isn't a tumor growing in the tract that hasn't shown up yet causing her problems. Her cancer markers remain normal so we are at a bit of a loss as to what these tumors are.
And of course, my mind wonders if they could have left something in him again or perhaps stitched something a bit too tight. My mind is worrisome at times. :rolleyes::D
I hope they can pinpoint what is going on with Woody soon and can offer a viable solution.
Leslie and the gang
12-13-2013, 12:11 PM
Trish _your right histology showsno cancer in the anal sacs but they are still saying it was there but microscopic (maybe just covering their backs). Woody has a history of stress colitis that usually clears up in a few days like it did before the operation. He was scanned twice pre op and nothing showed up.
Leslie this is how Woody poos at the moment very ribbon like small amounts and strains everytime, but woods doesn't have any anal sacsso they can't get impacted not much use to you there lol. Like you my mind has wondered down the road of something being left inside him after op as the straining started the day after his operation. Ian did briefly say yesterday could it be the op itself I don't want to think this
Woody has had his canular out and I had a good chat with Craig and he agrees that the tumour may well be in gut or colon but I'm not so sure, not sure of anything just now. The hospital called earlier and his LDDS test was negative for cushings surprise so it has been ruled out now, still waiting on urine and blood work up to come back. Woody is booked in on Wednesday for his heart and US.
12-13-2013, 12:34 PM
You are holding up and doing a wonderful job. Woody is so very lucky he ended up with you. He is getting every opportunity there is to get help with whatever the problems is. I am confident in this team that they will get to the problem here soon. I can only dream of such good medical care. My vet just wants the money and then just get out. The veterinarians that I have been to are a real sorry lot. The money has taken over the well being of the animal. I could just see my vet taking the time to have a conference with me like that. Yeah right! If he is pooping like you say, it could either be the operation, or a tumor there. I know with people this is what happens. I pray this is nothing that cannot be corrected easily. You and Woody have a good rest while you can, you deserve it. How is your mom doing? Is your niece with her? Blessings
12-13-2013, 08:21 PM
You were certainly through the mill yesterday, but I have to admit I wish I had a team brainstorm like that for Tipper. That is awful that you have to drive 2 hours to get that off Woody. I think what Ian said made a lot of sense to me, as my dad had that type of cancer. I think it is certainly a high possibility. I so wish you did not have to worry about all these possibilities though. I think it is winding down now and the possibilities are getting narrower. I feel soon you will know what is wrong. Although that was a good experience yesterday, I am sure it was grueling going through it. I pray that this can all get better for you and Woody soon. You have had so much to deal with, but Woody is s trooper and has kept you laughing throughout. Blessings
Thanks patti mum is doing well she has hospital next week for check up, yeah my lovely niece has been staying with her not sure who's looking after who but, but I know mum enjoys the company. I'm sorry that your vet team is all about the money suppose I've bn lucky Craig is in it for the animal and money I suppose as it is a business I don't get charged half of what he should charge me and let's me make payments to him if it's a big bill, he may not be the most clued up vet around but Woody loves him. Ian again is all for the animal which to me speaks volumes he makes a point of trying to get to know the animal he is very "camp" spoken which makes giggle. I am not going to focus on yesterday for now I'm going to spend a good weekend with my baby.
He was cleaning all his shaved bits tonight mostly front legs and I was singing to him "gonna wash that hospital right outta your fur" and dancing all silly and Woody was wagging his tail, it helps to laugh I think as otherwise none of us on here would get through all this
12-14-2013, 03:43 AM
Hi Tracy
I was just having a look at a website on anal sac carcinoma and noted this complication rate: 10% complication rate associated with anal sac resection including intraoperative hemorrhage, infection, fecal or urinary incontinence, hypocalcemia, tenesmus, and perianal fistula formation
Tenesmus means a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowel and includes straining.... I wonder if that could be what it is, considering you have said that is started straight after surgery??
I like your song!! Sounds like Woody did too :D
12-14-2013, 04:52 AM
Yeah Trish I have read that and this is a strong possibility as he does feel like he needs to empty his bowels all the time. We did speak of this at hospital but they felt it should off cleared up by now but then this is Woody we,re talking about. I just think it's not in his gut and it's something to do with the adrenal mass, I also don't think his heart is any worse as it's been stable at grade 4 all the way through this but who knows I maybe completely wrong. But at least cushings has been ruled out. At the hospital they spoke in length of a pheo and it was one of the things still left on the table along with cushings, and the anal sac carcinoma with a spread to possible chest that was all still to be considered. You would have loved watching them all the other day the we're drawing pictures of a dog with arrows going everywhere to try and get to the bottom of this, there was a lot if pacing and head scratching going on a lot of it I didn't understand but you would have I just hope I didn't look stupid lol
12-14-2013, 04:58 AM
I bet you didn't look stupid, because your not!! Plus you're the heart of Woody, so that keeps them honest having you in the room!! Your vets are awesome Tracy! After that little discussion you had with them about communication they have really come up trumps, so I think that is a great lesson for anyone reading your thread about how you stuck to it and even though it took a while look at the excellent care Woody is getting. Well apart from leaving the cannula in him :eek::eek:
I would have thought the anal sac carcinoma would have shown up in the histology. Even if it is microscopic.... they were looking at it through a microscope after all :eek::D that is what that means, ie macroscopic - can see it with your own eyes vs microscopic - can only see through microscope. It just seems strange they still think it could be that.
12-14-2013, 05:00 AM
Flynn had a bit of straining when he had the big liver mass, the one end of 2011. He never did with his adrenal mass though.
12-14-2013, 05:07 AM
I with you I wish they would stop saying anal sac carcinoma as he didn't have it the pathology proved that so they should move on from that which they seem to be struggling with as going on everything on his tests he should of had it. It still angers me that I put him thru that for no need and when I see him straining it kills me inside knowing I may have caused that with unnecessary surgery and of course there was the cost of it. Woody has an enlarged liver that they will be looking at next wk along with all other organs, so it's a waiting game again
12-14-2013, 05:31 AM
You didn't cause it sweet, you went along with the advice the professionals gave you. I would have done exactly the same! So you can kick those thoughts to the curb!
The trouble with diagnosis sometimes it can be so tricky as we are seeing with Woody. Yes it is a shame he has had to go through that surgery. I think if he needed more, I would be negotiating with them very hard for a discount.
Our surgeon said to me at least with liver tumours, if they are not diffuse all through the liver they are operable and can regrow. I think Flynn has shown us how well they can get through that surgery... twice :eek: But hopefully we will not be going there with Woody
12-14-2013, 09:52 AM
You and I tend to beat ourselves up. Please don't blame yourself as you did what you thought was in Woody's beat interests. I know the guilt feeling all to well. Read my post today and you will see what I mean. You and Woody rest up for the weekend as it has been a grueling few days for you both. I want to see some Woodyisms next time I log on about his wonderful antics. God Bless You Both
12-14-2013, 05:07 PM
Evening everyone, we,ve had a lazy day today, lay on the sofa and watched Christmas movies and ate junk food and it felt good :p Woody has been quiet today but then it does take it a few days for him to get over hospital appointments, he is currently throwing a toy about, he seems to come alive at nights. We,ve had really shocking weather today heavy rain and really high winds, Woody nearly got blown over in the garden when out for the toilet, and he looked at me like it was my fault or maybe he thought I pushed him :p
Hope everyone is having a good weekend :)
12-14-2013, 05:24 PM
Oh that sounds so nice, it is getting pretty hot here and I would love to stay inside with the a/c on and blob and watch movies, sounds bliss and I think that will be on the agenda later today.
One of my colleagues who is also a great friend is retiring this week :( sad for me but :D happy for her!! We are having a company wide reception on Thursday and I have to make a speech, so Ihave been putting together a talk with stories and photos of her (sure to make her cringe hehe) so a friend and Ih ave to go out get the pressie today. Then Friday she is having special drinks at a winery to celebrate!! Looking forward to that bit!
Yesterday evening I made a start on this big patch of overgrown garden at Mum and Dad's it is too much for them to do and it is along a fence line and they hate their garden looking messy. The blardy weedy bit is along and under this wild rambling rose, so I had to crawl in and pull the weeds and dig. Gawd, I looked like a wild woman all hot and sweaty, swearing away when the rose jabbed me.. classy eh :eek::eek: Flynn kept breaking trails through the undergrowth to come see me and he would give me a kiss then take off again! I only got half done and have promised them I would do the rest today! :p:p:p Honestly, my brother is a little shite living 4 hrs away and leaving all this kind of stuff for me!!! :mad:
But other than that it should be a relaxing day :D:D
12-15-2013, 09:28 AM
That sounds like the kind of day Tipper and I need today. I am so fatigued. Tipper is tough and she just keeps on going. That was funny about Woody thinking you pushed him. He is so silly, and cute. I have been meaning to ask you the name of you village. I wanted to see if I could see where you are on Google Earth!!. I hope both of you have a peaceful Sunday and rest up. No pushing Woody now!! Blessings
12-15-2013, 05:48 PM
Patti - I live in a village called Sorn, Ayrshire you should get it on google earth, and sometimes if you can get the street view up you can see my house too :D
Well I finished the xmas shopping today, and have spent the last hour trying to wrap it up, but its a bit difficult when a certain nosey little dog keeps lying on the wrapping paper, and reckoning everything I bring out of bags must be sniffed within an inch of its life just incase its edible or playable with. I have given up for tonight and will do it on the kitchen table tomorrow. :D
12-15-2013, 10:19 PM
I have a table set up in the basement to wrap presents. Far away from prying pups and cats. :-)
12-16-2013, 03:30 AM
I hate wrapping, always cut the paper too small or run out of tape or cannot find the scissors :mad: I need to hire a wrapperupperer! Glad Woody has fun with it too :D.... here is Flynny opening his Christmas presents when he was 7!! He is just like your boy and thinks every bag or present belongs to him, I used to have two cats that have both passed in the last couple of years. But if I brought groceries in while they were about he would sit by them guarding from cat invasions :D Hopefully you can see this video Tracy, as I have posted it before and it does not work for some in the US but your in Scotland so should have no problem :D My nephew did it, it always makes me smile when I see it :)
12-16-2013, 05:51 AM
Trish I can see it :D Flynn is so like Woody they way he rips it and then spits the paper to the side lol. I loved the music that went with it. :D
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 07:51 AM
That's cute, Trish! :D
12-16-2013, 08:29 AM
I think I found your village. Are you near Sorn Road? What I was looking at was magnificent. Terrific views of the sea etc. I am hoping you and Woody had a good weekend together. How is you mom progressing? Does your grandmother live close to all of you? That is great to still have her around your are lucky. I guess you will have to go out and get Woody new presents! I saw Glasgow also looks like a beautiful city. How far of a drive is it from you? Blessings
12-16-2013, 09:43 AM
Woody has collapsed again, he,s not good please please pray for him, I am rushing him to the vets.
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 09:57 AM
Oh goodness, Tracy! Please let us know! Sending prayers, positive thoughts, and healing energies flying his way.
Leslie and the gang
12-16-2013, 11:11 AM
We,ve not made it to the vet yet, Woody won't stand, walk and won't let me pick him up I've spoke to Craig who said as soon as he is up get him in. Someone tell me to get a grip I feel like I'm watching him die in front of me, he is asleep good colour and I'm right beside him on the floor willing him to get up so I can get him fixed.
12-16-2013, 11:23 AM
Oh my God I am praying with Tipper. I am saying a pray to St. Francis also. This is horrible for you, I am so sorry Tracy I wish I was there to help you thru this. God Bless you Both. Let us know how he does.
12-16-2013, 11:58 AM
Sending many positive thoughts for Woody. So sorry this is happening.
C'mon Woody... up and at it.... praying for you.
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 12:17 PM
I would be tempted to throw a blanket over him so he can't bite then get him to the vet. How is he doing now? How are YOU?
Waiting to hear how you both are.... can't stop thinking about either one of you... praying very hard at this end.
12-16-2013, 12:51 PM
Come on Woody we are all with you on this, you can do it I know you can! Prayers, Prayers and more Prayers going out to you and your mom Woody.
12-16-2013, 01:47 PM
Paws up Woody, thinking of you and your mum
Hope your both doing ok Tracy, we are all right beside you.
Big hug
12-16-2013, 02:24 PM
Thank you everyone we are both home phew. We saw Emma the vet and she spent over an hour with us. His gum colour was pink and good, his temp was good, heart rate was 120 which she said was good considering his stress. She couldn't hear any fluid around the heart but he did look bloated. She also said he looked like he was in pain and walking funny. She said thru all this he has never looked so unwell, as usual he looks not bad all things considered. He was . given tramadol and an injection to help with the possible fluid. She said maybe the tumour was given him the pain. We had "the talk" and I have a lot to think about but right now I just pray he makes it thru the night :mad:
12-16-2013, 02:45 PM
Thank God . I was so nervous waiting to see what was going on. Poor Woody and poor you. Did Emma say what she thinks is causing this? Could he have fluid build up from his heart? Isn't that one of the tests you had done the other day was on the heart, and echo? If so do they have the results yet? I am wondering what the heck can be wrong here. I am happy you are home, but I guess now you will have to figure out the cause of this before it happens again. Thank God you are able to handle all this. I am so sorry this is happening to your sweet buy. Hugs and Kisses from Tipper and I to you and Woody.
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 02:56 PM
I can only imagine how worried and frightened you are, honey. :( I would have been hard pressed to leave without a clear answer as to why this keeps happening. Of course, there may not be a clear answer which would make it that much worse. :( My thoughts and prayers remain with you both.
Leslie and the gang
My sweet Ginger
12-16-2013, 03:08 PM
Tracy, I'm awfully sorry you and Woody are going through this terrible time again. I just watched his video again from only a few days ago and he looked so awesome in that video. It's so hard to imagine that he could be seriously ill. It just seems so wrong and cruel that anything could be going wrong inside his perfectly healthy looking body. He looks like a picture perfect. I hope he will bounce right back in no time and provide us a lot of smiles with more of his crazy head spinning turning skill. I know it's hard but I hope you stay strong for your Woody and give him lots and lots of love and kisses and hugs. Please, try to take a good care of yourself, too as Woody needs you. We will do all the crying and worrying for Woody. Hugs.
Glad to hear you are home. I'm really hoping Woody improves through the night. I've had "the talk" as well, but we just keep plugging on. Sure hope this is a fluke happening again and all is well tomorrow.
12-16-2013, 03:52 PM
I am at work so can't follow up until tonight but I suspect that was an episode from the pheo. You didn't provide a ton of detail and Annie never fully collapsed as in 'out of it' but she would be running along and then a leg would give out with no warning. She would lay down and close her eyes and breath quickly. At this time I believe the blood flowed from her heart to her brain and within a few minutes it stopped. She was usually sweaty and her skin was bright red afterwards. She would be tired also. And then she would be fine.
I share in the event it helps. Sending bunches and bunches of love. Kim (and Annie from above)
12-16-2013, 03:54 PM
Leslie/Patti - Emma my vet said going on the symptoms it sounded heart related, but his heart sounded healthyish to hear taking into account his murmour, she said it didn,t sound any worse, but off course it may well be worse. She was concerned that he was walking funny really uncomfortable looking and we both thought he was in pain, she couldn,t feel anything obvious on his abdomen when she examined him.
This collapse was so like the last, only I actually knew it was going to happen before it did, as he was lying on the floor, stood up looked at me and put his head down, not sure why but I knew he was going to go, so I stood behind him, talking quietly to him and sure enough down he went on his right side, I was very calm and waited till he came round. The last time this happened he was up on his feet in about 10 mins afterwards, but he couldn,t get up this time, so I tried scooping him up but he nipped my arm, Craig told me to let him "come to" in his own time as he didn,t need anymore stress. It took him about an hour to stand and another 30 mins to get down the stairs and into the car as he could barely walk. It felt like the longest time sitting there with him on the floor willing him to get up. I tried to be upbeat and positive when I was sitting with him, telling him funny stories but inside I was crying "get up woody" Sorry I,ve gone all mordally. The vet thinks other possibilities is that the tumour is now causing him pain, and may be causing the collapse, as it could have went to the heart or even the brain. Woody is due at the hospital on Wednesday for a scan and to get an ECG done, but I will speak with them tomorrow to see if this is still safe, as woody will need sedated and that is worrying me now.
Thank you all so much for the hand holding I can,t tell you what it means as I,m scared, really scared but he,s a little fighter and I hope he can fight on some more. Emma my vet calls him The Legend as she thinks he is a legend to go through all this and still wag his tail, but even she said tonight he didn,t look good.:(
12-16-2013, 04:20 PM
I am at work so can't follow up until tonight but I suspect that was an episode from the pheo. You didn't provide a ton of detail and Annie never fully collapsed as in 'out of it' but she would be running along and then a leg would give out with no warning. She would lay down and close her eyes and breath quickly. At this time I believe the blood flowed from her heart to her brain and within a few minutes it stopped. She was usually sweaty and her skin was bright red afterwards. She would be tired also. And then she would be fine.
I share in the event it helps. Sending bunches and bunches of love. Kim (and Annie from above)
Thanks Kim, we did think it could be coming from the adrenal mass, did Annie ever look like she was in pain with her pheo or walk funny. Woody had a funny gait really wide and was almost like he was walking without bending his legs it was really weird.
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 04:21 PM
That head dropping is what Tasha would do just before she had a seizure but then she would stiffen and shake, eyes rolled way back - obvious seizure. The seizures, or what we think are seizures, that Sophie has are nothing like that - she just becomes terrified of things and seems not to recognize anyone. I wondered about Woody's BP maybe spiking then dropping too low but didn't consider that the unknown, un-located cancer cells could be causing these spells. I think I would keep the appt. tomorrow, explain what has happened and see if there is something they can look into that might give you more of an answer, "why", what can be done, and what the prognosis is.
That's ok, honey. You can cry, scream, whatever you need to do.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
12-16-2013, 04:23 PM
omg Tracy. How terrifying. You must be just sick inside, but good for you to keep calm on the outside for Woody's sake. It does seem so unbelievable after looking at the video. Does he still seem to be in pain?
I don't know what is causing this, but I sure hope that they can figure it out, there just seems that there should be something that can be done. :(
We're all right here with you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-16-2013, 04:37 PM
Sharlene He doesn,t look to be in pain now, but he has been in his bed resting since we came home, he isn,t sleeping just resting. This is what I find so hard to accept that he has been so good, playful, walking albeit not as far as we used to go after his first collapse then this today I don,t get it I really don,t and the experts don,t seem to have any answers either its so damn hard.
But I have to try and stay positive that he will get over this collapse like he did the last one :)
molly muffin
12-16-2013, 05:16 PM
I certainly hope he gets over it too. They need to get this figured out, what is causing these. He never collapsed before, so I just find it strange that he is so good at one point and then kaboom. Maybe it is like Kim said and a pheo that is acting up, but taking so long to come out of it and then acting like he is in pain, well, it makes you wonder what is really going on.
Poor guy. He is such a trooper though everything. It seems impossible that there is anything he can't overcome.
Hang in there! (and p.s. you can have my snow any time you want. Now just have to figure out how to ship it over from Canada. :) )
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-16-2013, 06:01 PM
Thanks Kim, we did think it could be coming from the adrenal mass, did Annie ever look like she was in pain with her pheo or walk funny. Woody had a funny gait really wide and was almost like he was walking without bending his legs it was really weird.
Absolutely she got 'wooden legs' just like you described. Her pain seemed to be a headache. I'm guessing of course but she kept her eyes closed and she squinted some afterward. Then she'd be totally normal.
Again I got the description of what a pheo is like when active from going to a human forum so I am totally assuming there are similarities. It helped me understand Annie's situation. Specifically the humans said they could feel the blood vessels enlarge as the blood rushed from their heart to their brains and some got migraines afterward.
12-16-2013, 06:17 PM
I talked with Glynda a while back. She posted a question asking about Tipper's gait and if it was wide. I never heard back though, as Addy said Zoe does this too. I think we need to ask Glynda what this means as she obviously knows. Blessings
12-16-2013, 06:25 PM
Thanks Kim I am up to pg 80 on Annie's thread. This does sound like Woody wooden legs is exactly him. His legs don't seem so wooden now and not in pain but he was in pain earlier of that I'm sure. He has a US booked in 2 days time with some more tests on his heart so we,ll see what that brings. Did you notice if Annie's colour changed Woody went pale almost blue like guess that's lack of oxygen
12-16-2013, 06:39 PM
No need ever to thank me for praying for you both. I felt like it was a privilege to pray for your Woody as he is a real trooper, and I have gotten so fond of him and his antics. I pray to God someone somehow can get this figured out for you. I know you are a strong woman to make it thru all you have. Thank God the vet explained what to do after he had the first one and you were perfect at it. You rest with your baby you both deserve it. God Bless You Both
12-16-2013, 07:25 PM
Thanks Kim I am up to pg 80 on Annie's thread. This does sound like Woody wooden legs is exactly him. His legs don't seem so wooden now and not in pain but he was in pain earlier of that I'm sure. He has a US booked in 2 days time with some more tests on his heart so we,ll see what that brings. Did you notice if Annie's colour changed Woody went pale almost blue like guess that's lack of oxygen
Annie was a white schnauzer so her ski was like an alibino's. So she was always white but her skin turned bright pink/red during and immediately after.
In retrospect I am sure Annie's 'heart murmur' was simply the tumor. One vet caught it the others not - that's because the blood pressure and breathing episodes were sporadic and almost NEVER when visiting a vet... another reason it took so long for us to get her diagnosed. Kim
12-17-2013, 01:24 AM
Oh no, I did not want to read Woody had another funny turn today. How scary for you both Tracy, I am so sorry you have had to go through that again. Your description sounds like you handled it really well although I am sure your heart was pounding ten to the dozen. I think I would have been like Leslie and scooped him into a blanket and whizzed him off if he bit me or not!
What did they say last week about the adrenal tumour again? Were they thinking it might be a pheo? It is a shame your local vet has no BP equipment, so you could see what was going on there. I would be ringing the specialists and trying to get him seen asap, if there was some bleeding going on or anything like that an urgent scan is needed. Can you ring and try get him in today? I think the worry of light sedation for a scan is outweighed by the necessity of finding out what is going on. He is in pain like you said, so we need to find the cause. It could be something bleeding or a pheo but whatever it is it is making him really sick with going blue etc... but really we are all just guessing until they can come up with some form of diagnosis for it.
I hope you both got some rest last night, your poor frazzled nerves. That boy is so good at other times we just need to get to the bottom of what is causing these collapses and get it sorted out. I don't think it is time for "the talk" just yet Tracey, not until we know what it is!! :confused:
I will be here for a couple of hours if you get up early and want to talk xxxx
How is Woody doing today? How are you actually today?
Hi Tracy,
I didn't have a chance to post yesterday, but wanted you to know that I am so sorry for what happened with Woody and I worried about you both all day. How scary for you. I hope you both have had a quiet night and were able to get some rest. I am also hoping that your vets can figure out what is going on with your sweet boy. I will be keeping Woody in my prayers.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper
12-17-2013, 03:39 AM
We made it thru the night hooray. It was a long night he stayed inside his crate all night and just stared into space. He did watch me when I moved. I got a little sleep. He seems brighter this morning and has asked for food he isn't walking funny anymore and managed the stairs quite well something he couldn't do yesterday.
Trish I did think something was going on inside his abdomin but I don't know what. I will contact the hospital at 9 am this morning. It could be fluid around the heart or it could be the adrenal mass. They haven't taken a pheo of the table yet and last week his BP was all right think the highest was 170 but that was after much poking and prodding so they said it could be white coat syndrome. I think I aged 10 yrs yesterday
12-17-2013, 03:48 AM
So what, your 30 now?!?
Glad you had an OK night, hope he got some sleep too... be waiting here to see what they say when you ring. Hopefully you can take him in for a scan. xx
12-17-2013, 04:10 AM
Called the hospital Ian and Laura are on ward rounds, but once I explained they said they would put out an emergency call to them. Woody is back inside his crate just staring into space, but doesn,t look as uncomfortable as he did last night, the poor boy although he is better than yesterday still isn,t quite right. He was perkier last time after his first collapse albeit a bit quiet but he looked better the last time, I think there is something going on inside him :( So we wait patiently (read as pacing floors staring at the phone) for the hospital to ring us.
12-17-2013, 04:16 AM
Has he eaten, done a pee and poop?
If they have not rung back in 5 mins, ring them again!! He needs to see them today. Put your bossy voice on!!
12-17-2013, 04:16 AM
Actually, I wouldn't feed him in case they do need to sedate him for scan.
12-17-2013, 04:27 AM
Too late Trish when he asked for food when he got up, I was so pleased he wanted to eat that I gave him a little food, I didn,t think idiot that I am I could kick myself.
He does need to get sedated for scans as he wriggles and won,t stay still. Gosh I,m an idiot
12-17-2013, 04:36 AM
That's OK, sometimes they do not need to be fasted. Have they called yet? If not, if it was me I would be calling back to tell the receptionist I am on my way with Woody and to tell Ian to expect me.
12-17-2013, 06:48 AM
We,re on our way to hospital will update when I can
12-17-2013, 07:17 AM
We are all thinking of you over here. Sending love and positive vibes your way. Kim
Prayers and positive thoughts being sent your way. I will check from work for updates when I can.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper
12-17-2013, 08:14 AM
I am with you 100% on all of this. You aren't an idiot, after all you have been through it would be hard to even think, so don't blame yourself. I am hoping this brings some much needed answers. I am praying for you both and will continue to do so. You are doing wonderful, and Woody is very fortunate you are his mom. Blessings
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Woody
Squirt's Mom
12-17-2013, 08:34 AM
You are both surrounded by the wings of the angels here, by much love, and much hope. We will be "waiting patiently" to hear what they had to say.
Leslie and the gang
12-17-2013, 09:21 AM
We,ve made it to the hospital, Woody is on IV fluids at the moment as he hasn't drank at all today and with him getting the diurectic last night the were worried about dehydration, they will keep him on it for an hour or so then he will be transferred to cardiology for tests ECG etc of the heart he will then be transfered back for a US and because silly mommy fed him they won't be using any sedation or if they have to then it will be very light. The have said it all fits with a pheo but due to his murmour need to rule out the heart first, they said the can do a specific blood test that would or could along with his symptoms that a pheo is the problem. So wait and see I,ll be here for a while but Woody is being kept in so I,ll stay as long as I can
I wouldn't worry too much about no sedation for the US. Keesh at 60 plus pounds couldn't be sedated. He hates his back too, but they got it done.
Thinking about you today and all you're going through.
12-17-2013, 12:07 PM
I am just waiting and praying. God Bless you both
12-17-2013, 01:24 PM
Just catching up on these posts...I'm sorry to see what's been going on with Woody. I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers for Woody and for you Tracy.
12-17-2013, 01:29 PM
Continued prayers and positive vibes sent your way. Kim
12-17-2013, 02:08 PM
Hi Tracy
Just popping in before I head to work, hope you are getting some results and answers today and that Woody feels a better with the fluids and has had no more episodes either. Will check in later and hoping for some good news xxxx
12-17-2013, 03:59 PM
I am just waiting and praying for you both. Just know many prayers are coming your way. Blessings
12-17-2013, 04:06 PM
I,m home at last. Woody is doing not to bad, but will be staying overnight as they need to do more tests in the morning, and some obs.
The ECG has found that he indeed he has a grade 4 murmour, and it is stable at 120 bpm, which considering his stress is good. I am still waiting on the full report there was no fluid around the heart, so, so far so good on that. I was then allowed to walk him to de stress him and we walked around the car park and when we walked past my car he pulled over to it sat down and looked at me, like can we go now please, it was funny but took me ages to persuade him to go back inside the hospital. I had to take a urine sample from him and then he got some more obs taken, heart rate, pulse rate, bp all were quite high and they took his pulse on his back legs and they couldn,t count it as he was shaking that much poor wee lad. He then went for the US and he wasn,t away long when they came to get me he wouldn't stand for the US without being sedated and they really didn,t want to do that, they then noticed that Woody,s colouring had gotten pale, pale gums, pale eyes, and a pale tongue, they were concerned that he may collapse again so he was returned and put into the ICU unit on 10 min obs. They took the BP and it was 190 at this time gulp. I was allowed to go and sit with him in the ICU and sat with him on my knee for over an hour, his nurse Lorraine was really good with him and came every 10 mins on the dot to check on him. It was decided at this time that nothing else would be done to woody as they wanted him just to rest, which I was really glad at as he was shattered. He gets so stressed in these places. So tomorrow he will be getting his US depending on obs, they will also be speaking with the cardiology department regarding the pale colouring which seems to come and go, he will also be getting a urine test to test for the pheo, I said blood test earlier but indeed its a urine test oops should really listen, and they want the neurologist to have a look at him, if they are available as they didn,t like it when I said after an episode he walks with wooden legs. There really do think that it is a pheo that Woody has so should know tomorrow after the results are in. Woody had eaten some dinner and was settled when I left him. It is Emma the IMS that we originally saw that is on duty tonight, so she has put him on 30 min obs during the night for 3 hours and if all ok then hourly the rest of the night. He is in safe hands there as he knows Emma and likes her so he may well not be too stressed.:)
Forgot to say they checked Woodys, eyes tonight for any sign of blood vessels bursting due to the surge of blood to the head and Woody has the start of cataracs in both eyes, making it harder for them to see if any damage behind but they don,t think so.
12-17-2013, 04:24 PM
I don't know how you are handling all this, but you are really doing a great job. So from what you are saying you should have some idea tomorrow what is happening. I am worried about you so please try and rest. I know you have been really stressed so take care of yourself. God bless Woody he is real live wonder dog. He is in the best place now, so try and unwind somehow. I am thinking and praying for a miracle to help Woody. I told Tipper today all about Woody, and told her to pray too. Blessings
12-17-2013, 04:37 PM
Patti I deal with it by ranting on here and when it gets to much for me I go into the woods alone and scream it out lol
My lovely sister and niece came up to my house when I was at the hospital and I came home to a lovely sausage casserole and some fresh baking, I called them when I got home to thank them and my sister told me that she knows I,ve not been eating right and didn,t want me getting sick. I have to say it was delish.:D
12-17-2013, 04:46 PM
Tracy, I hope that they get to the bottom of things. It sounds like Woody is in good hands. Daisy didn't need to be sedated for her US, she fell asleep as they did it! Must have thought it was an awesome belly rub :-)
It's hard when they don't like the vets. Daisy doesn't mind the IMS thankfully. Keeping you both in our thoughts.
12-17-2013, 05:10 PM
i hope you and woody will both get some rest tonight and hopefully they find out what is wrong with him.
12-17-2013, 05:55 PM
I hope Woody has a restful night, it must be some relief that he has the IMS who he knows there with him. Hoping all goes well and they figure this all out. Woody is such a trooper! Glad to hear you have your sister and niece there taking good care of you!!
molly muffin
12-17-2013, 06:09 PM
Holy Cow Tracy! So much going on. My heart was pounding as I was catching up on what was going on today.
I do hope they figure this out. hmmm, Snuggs (a beagle on the forum) had the test for the pheo and Trish and Song, both know a little bit about it too, so can give you some insight on that test.
The symptoms just all seem to jumble together sometimes, and I am sure that makes it even harder to get a firm reading on what is going on with Woody. When he is good, he is real good, but when he is bad, he is real bad. Very little in between staging for him.
A couple questions I think I'd ask would be about these episodes being since the surgery (any possible connection to the anesthesia or anything else) and that the second one was so much worse than the first one, including the during and after. What could the signify.
I'm so glad it is Emma on with him tonight as I'm sure he doesn't like to be away from you for this stuff.
So nice of the family to come over and fix a meal for you! What sweethearts they are. They are probably quite worried about you and Woody. The dears.
Well, we are here, scream, rant, whatever you need to do. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-17-2013, 06:41 PM
Ok Tracy now that you got my mouth watering for some of that sausage casserole and they baked yet??? Wow what a fantastic family that loves you and Woody so much. I bet Woody would have liked to have some of that casserole too. Sleep good tonite friend we are all here for you. Oh I may need to get that recipe!! Blessings
12-17-2013, 06:49 PM
I've just called the hospital for an update on the boy, Emma said he had been moved out of ICU as he was getting too stressed by the dog next to him so they have moved him into a side room away from all digs with a blanket and bed. She checked on him and he as fast asleep all 4 legs in the air lol I told her how I appreciated that she moved him to lower his stress levels and she said nothing's too good for Woody as everyone is talking about him and his case lol
I'm so tired but my mind won't let me sleep. Patti I can't cook worth a jot just basic stuff my sister is a chef and is fab at making me food :p
molly muffin
12-17-2013, 06:55 PM
Oh so glad they moved Woody. He doesn't need to be stressed out right now.
oh yum, a chef that cooks for you! Gotta love sisters that cook. My sister bakes, she's pretty good too. Now I'm missing being with her at the holidays. drat!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-17-2013, 08:49 PM
Tests will be more accurate without the added stress. I'm glad they have moved him and that he's able to sleep.
12-18-2013, 01:45 AM
Hi Tracy
I am home from work and you will be getting up soon, hopefully you have news that Woody has had a good nights rest in his own private room! They sound like they are taking very good care of him and so nice Emma was on as she loves our boy too.
Hope you had a little catchup on sleep yourself, feels so weird when they are not there doesn't it. Think I need a bit of an early night myself after the late one last night :D but will be here or round about a few hours yet! xx
12-18-2013, 05:11 AM
Hospital have just called. He,s had quiet a good night, his obs were good but there was times when his heart rate was high, but did settle down, I think that would be the stress. Laura the daytime IMS is not convinced that his heart is ok, so wants cardiology to have another look at him, as at times last night he went pale for a little while then back to pink (which is what I saw with him) He will also come home with a 24 hour monitor on. Does anyone have experience of what that its.
Neurology department will be seeing him today, he will have his US, he has had a rectal examine to try and determine maybe what is causing the colitis and he will also have the urine test to check for the pheo. So lots going on for him today I hope his stress levels holds up.
I,m alright have a bad migraine, think its stress or lack of sleep but will stay strong for the wee man. So lots more positive thoughts needed for him.
Trish - you deserve an early night and thank you so much for staying up to talk to me I really appreciated it as it kept me calm. :D
12-18-2013, 05:41 AM
Doc isn't convinced. Hmmmm, best to be safe. Sending prayers!
12-18-2013, 07:33 AM
Is it an echocardiogram that they did on Woody? If so I would think that would tell them if his heart is functioning properly. I am not so sure they are going to find anything out about his blood pressure as he is in a stressful environment. I am hoping the tests he undergoes today are going to produce some solid answers for you. I feel bad that you have headache from all this. I know it is so easy to forget about yourself during these times as you are just concentrating on Woody. Me telling you to not get stressed out is like the pot calling the kettle black. Just know I am thinking of both of you during this trying time. When I talk to Tipper about Woody she just keeps turning her head back and forth like what do you mean. So you sister is s chef? I would be staying on her good side and get her an xtra special Christmas present. I am still thinking of that sausage casserole! I will be praying and waiting to see word on Woody. This kind of stuff can age you 10 years. Blessings
molly muffin
12-18-2013, 08:01 AM
Heading work soon, but wanted to check in on your and Woody. Glad he had a good night. Also glad they are going to check him out thoroughly.
The heart monitors shows what his heart does during normal activity. They use it for people too.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
12-18-2013, 08:42 AM
Yes, like Sharlene said, the monitor will periodically record his heart rate during all periods of his normal daily routines. I have worn one several times myself. Our Wonder Dog really is a mystery! But I am glad to see he had a fairly good night and hope he is home very soon.
Leslie and the gang
12-18-2013, 09:02 AM
I,ve not heard back from the hospital yet, so no news is good news right! I,ve cleaned the house, wrapped the Christmas presents without a nosey wee dog sitting on the paper and have been and bought Woody his favourite toy a plush squeaky raccoon for his Christmas but have hidden it up high so he can,t find it. I,m sure he can sniff out toys at 50 paces :D Just keeping myself busy until they ring. Thank you everyone for keeping me and Woody "the Legend" in your thoughts.
12-18-2013, 10:08 AM
I had one of those on twice. Not sure if it is the same type for a dog or not. It sends records data and they can pick up on things happening with the heart rate and rhythm. They have a cardiologist read it then. Hope all is good is Woody World today and that you get to see your boy soon. Blessings Patti
12-18-2013, 11:48 AM
The hospital have just called me, Woody is a real sick little puppy and won,t be coming home tonight. So please bare with me as this may not read properly.
ECG - Found no fluid around the heart, and some Mitral Valve issues disease but stable at the same time. I knew this from his previous history.
Nerology report - Woody presented fine and no problems where found.
Ultrascan - Woody had to be lightly sedated for this as he wouldn,t settle. The ultrascan found the adrenal gland to be the same size 9.9mm as on previous scans it hadn,t changed in colour/appearance. The ultrascan also found a tumour on his Liver which covered three quarters of it :eek: They also found a small tumour in his gut :eek:
They said Woody was in pain due to the liver mass (I can,t have him in pain) so they are giving him IV pain relief so he has to stay in the hospital tonight. She has spoken with Ian Woody,s oncologist and he is going to call me later tonight to discuss things. They are shocked at how fast this has grown in less that 2 months as they two tumours weren,t there on his last US about 6/7 weeks ago. They reckon woody,s collapse is from the pain of the tumour, which is why he is taking his time to recover from these. I am in bits my boy is in pain, the one thing I didn,t want for him. I will update when Ian calls later. :mad:
12-18-2013, 11:53 AM
I am so, so sorry. I know you must be a wreck. I never wanted to hear anything like this. God Bless You and Woody.
Squirt's Mom
12-18-2013, 12:04 PM
Oh my word! That did come on fast. With them not being present 6-7 weeks ago, it would have never occurred to me to think about something like this causing his collapses. wow...what a shock this has to be to you and his whole team.
Please know we are right by your side and waiting with you for Ian's report and recommendations.
Positive thoughts, prayers, and healing energies flying yours and Woody's way,
Leslie and the gang
12-18-2013, 12:52 PM
I checked in from work and appreciate the updates and am so sorry you are going through all of this. I am praying at my desk for you and your boy. Have faith and know we are all right there by your side right now in spirit. Love, Kim
Roxee's Dad
12-18-2013, 01:02 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts from me too and all of us.
12-18-2013, 01:19 PM
Oh no, that is not the news we were wanting. Is it operable? Sometimes these large liver tumours, like Flynn's are able to be removed and sometimes they are the better tumours to have in the liver rather than little ones right through it. When Flynn had his massive liver tumour in 2011 and collapsed (they still think it may have been the pheo in its early stages) but the other theory was because of its size it was pressing on the blood vessels and that is what caused his collapse. He also had a bit of it on his omentum involved - maybe similar to what they think is on his gut? You have seen how Flynn has got through his surgery so I hope they are consulting a surgeon too.
Pleased to hear the good cardiology and neuro reports Tracy. Also glad they have given him pain relief. Waiting on tenterhooks for Ian's update. I really am hoping something can be done for Woody and am here right alongside you until we hear more. xxxxx
Budsters Mom
12-18-2013, 01:20 PM
Me too! My thoughts and prayers are with you also. ((((HUGS))))
12-18-2013, 01:31 PM
Thanks everyone no call from Ian yet. Trish I think this is why Laura the IMS kept saying Ian wants to talk to you when I asked if surgery was an option she just repeated that Ian would call me , I think because he is Ian's patient that he will be better to answer all my questions. I honestly hardly heard anything after she said he was in pain I am trying to get myself together enough to ask Ian everything, hope I don't breakdown like I did when Laura rung earlier. Surgery finishes at 7 so Ian should ring after his clinic I would think
12-18-2013, 01:35 PM
Trish sorry but do you know of anything else I need to ask Ian as my mind is blank
12-18-2013, 01:40 PM
Your OK Tracy, deep breaths :) I so know how you feel as I was facing this just last month. I am not giving up until the fat lady sings... hold on until that phone call. Have you got someone with you? Call your sister and niece sweets
12-18-2013, 01:41 PM
I would be asking about the actual tumour, is it operable, have you talked to surgeon. What part of the gut is involved, could the tumour be coming from that or could it be a bit of spread from the liver. Does it relate to what they found in the lymph node? Have they rechecked the initial scans to see whether there was any sign of it then
12-18-2013, 01:55 PM
Trish - I prefer to be on my own in times like this. I know some answers to the questions you stated. They (Laura) reckons that the original diseased lymph node which was removed and indicated Anal Sac Carcinoma, was infact in his gut the whole time but didn,t show up on orginal or second US she has checked both. She also thinks it has then spread to the liver so its went from Left Iilac Lymph Node - Gut - Liver but it should have went LILN-Anal Sac but we all know by now Woody doesn,t like rules so he doesn,t follow them lol I,ll see what Ian says when he rings, I keep shouting at the phone ring, ring but alas its not. I feel sick :eek:
I'm sending prayers and love to you and Woody.
I can imagine how sick you are feeling. We are right here along with you feeling the same way. I really hope Ian gives you all your answers and Woody, God Bless Him, for being just the sweet boy he is.
12-18-2013, 02:15 PM
I am just like you and prefer to process it on my own initially, so fully understand that. I feel sick with you :o
Tracy, I have to go take Flynn to the vet and then to work but I will be checking in during the day. Talk soon xxxxx
12-18-2013, 02:50 PM
I am waiting with you, and praying. Blessings
12-18-2013, 02:51 PM
Hoping you are hanging in there Tracy, can't imagine how you must be feeling trying to take this all in
I really hope that phone rings for you soon
Bug hug, Paws up Woody Boy
Checking in real quick and waiting with you here too. I know that sick feeling all to well Tracy and feel it along with you. I hope you get the call soon. Love and prayers to you and Woody. Big hugs. xo
12-18-2013, 04:22 PM
Ian has called he said how sorry he was of what they found today. He has been down to the ward and saw Woody just before he rang me and he said he was comfortable and sleepy but he did lick his hand when he sat with him. Ian hasn,t saw the US from today yet, but will view it with Laura in the morning, but he has read all the notes from all the tests today. He explained about where the tumours were and where they had spread to something we,ve spoken about last week about. Sadly in his option which I do value surgery is not an option for Woody, they could take the tumour out the liver out but as its so aggressive (its 6 weeks since his last scan which was all clear)then he expects that it has already went to another organ as in 6 weeks the cancer has invaded the gut and the liver. He said Woody would be just recovered from one surgery when another tumour could pop up else where in his body, his exact words were "you will be forever chasing the next tumour." and I can,t do that to him :( He has assured me that Woody hasn,t been in pain daily as to him he looked really good last week when we saw him. He has said that they could offer Woody the Pallida drug but this is not guaranteed to work and with the side effects he,s not sure. I,ve to think about it overnight. So in a nutshell it looks like Terry is going to win, they have offered me palliative care for him and have said they will support me and woody to the end. :mad:
It is the news no one should ever have to hear. Tracy, I am so sorry.
Squirt's Mom
12-18-2013, 04:34 PM
Not what we wanted to hear at all, none of us. My heart is just breaking for you both, honey. Woody has always been a fighter so he may well surprise us all yet again. I'm sure it is a relief to hear that he has not been in pain all this time. Please know we remain by your side every step of the way.
May hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang
12-18-2013, 04:39 PM
I am just sick inside hearing this. I have been crying since reading it. I am so sorry this is happening to your boy. I will support what ever decision you make and be with you all the way. I wish I had that magic wand that alludes everyone on here. I truly know how you must feel. There is no easy decision here and for that I am truly sorry. Please know I will continue to pray for you and Woody. Blessings
12-18-2013, 05:36 PM
i hope your woody will surprise us all....... enjoy his company. hope they can keep him painfree.
12-18-2013, 06:01 PM
Thanks everyone I,ve called the hospital and its Emma that,s on again tonight. We had a good long chat about things and if I,m honest when he collapsed on Monday something looked very different in him so I had slightly prepared myself for bad news, not this bad though maybe surgery. I love Woody more than words can say but I won,t see him suffer, so I,ve made a decision no more poking and proding, needles, stress nothing he,s done with all that so I going to bring him home tomorrow and love him for however long he feels he can stay with me cause we all know everything is Woodys way or the highway.:D
I had to tell my niece tonight and she is in pieces, but she understands so she will come stay the weekend with us. So everyone when you look across the room and you,re furbaby is lying there or curled up on its bed give it a little extra hug cause although there not all healthy there still all here cause that's what I will be doing with woody tomorrow when he comes home I will hug him and not let go.
Theres been a lot of sadness on the board this week and it doesn,t seem fair but I,m sure these pups come into our lives for a reason whether its to make us better people, happier people whatever the reason its still so darn hard to let them go
12-18-2013, 06:17 PM
Thinking of you and sorry that you got this news. It touched me when you mentioned Woody licked the Dr.'s hand. What a sweet and amazing dog, I haven't met him in person but I love him!
Squirt's Mom
12-18-2013, 06:50 PM
This is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite authors -
From The Darkest Evening of the Year
By Dean Koontz
“Because God is never cruel, there is a reason for all things. We must know the pain of loss; because if we never knew it, we would have no compassion for others, and we would become monsters of self-regard, creatures of unalloyed self-interest. The terrible pain of loss teaches humility to our prideful kind, has the power to soften uncaring hearts, to make a better person of a good one.”
“Dog’s lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you’re going to lose a dog, and there’s going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with (them), never fail to share (their) joy or delight in (their) innocence, because you can’t support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There’s such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and for the mistakes we make because of those illusions.”
12-18-2013, 06:53 PM
Big hugs, have to post later bugger :(
My sweet Ginger
12-18-2013, 07:37 PM
Tracy, I'm truly sorry you are going through this today but bringing Woody home and love him and hug him to the max would be the exact same thing I would do, too if he were mine. He was lucky to have you as his mom as much as you were lucky to have him as your furbaby. Lots of hugs for Woody and his mommy.
12-18-2013, 08:17 PM
My heart hurts with yours to read your post, I wish we had more than words at this time, I so hoped that there were more options available to you
I am having trouble sleeping too so I wanted you to know you weren't on your own if you want to talk
Sending you a massive hug
12-18-2013, 08:20 PM
Thanks Mel sleep is so over rated. I keep forgetting your on the same time zone as me. Hope your all right and can get some sleep. I've given up trying lol
12-18-2013, 08:24 PM
Luckily you have us 'yanks' to talk to a bit longer. I followed your journey today and never quit praying. I know without a doubt you are doing what Woody would want you to do. Bless you and know that both of you have become family to us all and when you hurt we hurt. And we are all hurting right now. Give him hugs and kisses from us all. Strength my friend - sending you gobs of it. Kim
12-18-2013, 08:29 PM
I am always around odd hours sometimes through work and sometimes cause I can't sleep!
I am sure your mind is in overdrive as it's so much to take in and sleeping is hard when you have so much on your mind.
That wind is whipping up outside, would appear we are lucky to have power, hope it's not too bad with you.
12-18-2013, 08:31 PM
Thanks Kim for saying that's what Woody would want me to do I think that's what he would want too. I'm strangely calm now, I just want to see him, maybe he,ll not want to see me after leaving him for 2 days ha
12-18-2013, 08:33 PM
There's no way he won't want to, your his ticket out of there. You may get the stink eye and ignored when he gets home :eek:
Tia would take herself to bed for the afternoon after getting back fro her tests and Boyce after surgeries wouldn't even sit with me!
12-18-2013, 08:38 PM
They are so funny at times aren't they. Not too bad up here but was heavy rain and real high winds most of today but has died down now thankfully it hasn't been too cold either
Tracy x
12-18-2013, 08:47 PM
Yes such characters, your little woody especially. I did laugh when he was back chatting you at the fridge, I showed my other half (which I never do as I don't really discuss the forum as it is my place) because of his cheek!
The wind seems to have quietened down since I have been posting so hope the worst is over.
12-18-2013, 08:54 PM
Can't believe it's already nearly 2am. I don't feel tired but have to be up for work at 9.
Are you doing ok?
12-18-2013, 08:57 PM
I'm hanging in there I have my moments but I'm ok. I'm up in 3 hrs to take my friend to airport for 6.30 am flight didn't think that one thru did I ha. We,ll both be like zombies later today but I,ll have a sleep when Woody comes home in the afternoon
12-18-2013, 09:03 PM
It is expensive to get cabs to the airport so your being a great mate! Might be better not to sleep now in case you don't wake up :eek:
That is something to look forward to snuggles later x
12-18-2013, 09:08 PM
Good idea i doubt I will sleep got to much going in inside my head but you should try and catch some sleep for work, I don't work so ok on that front
Thank you for keeping me company in the wee dark hours x
12-18-2013, 09:13 PM
I will try now, I have set 3 alarms to ensure I wake up! I have 2 reports that have to be completed tomorrow. Finance ones to, my fav not!!
I will check back in later to see how you both are. Everyone else will be coming online now, that's the great thing about this forum, someone is usually around so you don't have to feel alone.
Sending you the biggest hug Tracy, speak to you later
molly muffin
12-18-2013, 09:16 PM
Oh Tracy. :( Not at all what we hoped to hear today or any day really.
Woody is such a trooper. Strong as an ox and yet this horrible tumor just seems to keep prodding at him.
You have done everything possible to give him every chance and I don't think anyone could have done more for him. I am sure he knows that this is all for him, and while he might have to let you know he wasn't happy about staying over, he is thrilled to be home.
He's had a good run and it's not over yet. It might not be for as long as any of us hoped going forward, but he's still got some oomph in him and I'm sure he'll show you whats what.
Is there anything they can give you for him, when he does show pain? Or perhaps a pain med he can go on daily?
Gads, don't like to think of you driving after sleepless, worrisome nights. You be careful!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-19-2013, 03:16 AM
Hi Tracy
Are you back from the airport? Hope you managed to get a little sleep but I think would have been hard with all that news whirling.
So pleased your niece is coming to stay, that girl sounds like a real treasure. My niece Jade is lovely like that too, I remember when Flynny did that initial collapse and I had him home overnight on IV fluids she came and stayed with me too.... so kind of them to care for their Aunties and pets like they do :) once when Flynn was still a pup she stayed with him overnight while I was away and he bit her hair dryer, phone charger and ate one shoe... she was not that keen on him after that :D:D:D she soon learnt not to leave anything around a chewy puppy!
So what's the plan for today? When are you going to pick up our boy!! He needs some major spoiling and fun after those couple of days of tests. xxxx
12-19-2013, 03:27 AM
Morning Trish I made it and am now back in bed. The plan for today catch an hours kip then go get the boy yay. I have to wait till they ring me as they are waiting on some tests coming back as they did a FNA of the liver yesterday and chest x rays which are due back this morning, so won't probably get him till this afternoon, I'm itching to see him
12-19-2013, 03:44 AM
I bet you are, as he will be wanting to know where the heck you have been. But it sounds like he has been taken great care of there. Made me tear up when you wrote Ian had been to check on him before calling you and Woody licked his hand. What a sweet boy AND a lovely caring vet. Hope you get a bit of shut eye, I am here for an hour or so yet. I have to take something to work for a shared brekky at our 7.30am meeting. I am going to do mini herb muffins topped with cream cheese and smoked salmon. Just deciding if I should make them tonight or do them early tomorrow so they are real fresh!! I am so not a "morning" person so doubt I will feel like baking then!
12-19-2013, 04:09 AM
That sound delish best maybe do them tonight if not a morning person or it could all go wrong ha. Ian and his team have been very good with Woody and the part that gets me is they do really care about the animals and not all about the money which is good to hear.
12-19-2013, 04:19 AM
Yes it makes all the difference doesn't it, I don't know what I would without Mike and all the specialists we have had. They have all been great and I really cannot complain about the care we receive. I am sure Mike must groan when they see my emails pop into their inbox but I don't know how I would manage without their support. My specialists in Auckland wanted to be paid on the day, but I usually just leave Mike's without paying, they know I pay it all quickly so they are very relaxed about it... they say just get that boy home and pay whenever! I have been there 3x since his surgery and not paid yet :eek: But I will when I pick up his meds on the weekend and drop in their Christmas pressie!
12-19-2013, 05:06 AM
I took your advice, muffins are in the oven! Hope they turn out as used the last of the flour and not much time left to make something else!! Sounds like my cooking skills are right up with yours haha... send your sister over!
12-19-2013, 06:47 AM
Hi all
Tracy has received more news today on Woody while we have been chatting, this blardy tumour looks like it has invaded his lungs as shadows were seen on his chest xray this morning. They think the cause of his collapse is bleeding into his abdomen from the liver, but it may have stopped for now. This is all new from 6 weeks ago when none of this was seen on his imaging. Cannot believe how nasty this tumour is.
He has not had a very comfy night and is on IV pain relief. She has been told he most likely only has a few days. :(:(:(
She is just waiting for her sister to pick her up to go to Woody, she wants to spend the afternoon with him and speak further with the vets before making any decisions. She wanted me to post for her as she is understandably very upset and I am so pleased her sister is going with her.
Sorry for this news as there are loads of us who hold a special place in our hearts for this spunky little dog and his Mum.... Tracy my thoughts are with you today and I will be sending all my strength to you. Woody is such a special little man so please give him a cuddle from all of us xxxxxxxx
12-19-2013, 06:58 AM
Thanks Trish for updating us all. Please let her know we all send love and are here for her. How terribly sad. Praying for dear Woody too. Kim
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 07:00 AM
Thank you for posting the update Trish. It is all so very sad.:( xxxx
12-19-2013, 07:17 AM
How very unfair and cruel life can be. I am so so sorry Tracy, I was holding out for a miracle for you both. I know you didn't want him in pain, I am so sorry to read he has been uncomfortable.
I have asked my Angel to watch over him for you.
Squirt's Mom
12-19-2013, 07:19 AM
I can find no words, only tears.
molly muffin
12-19-2013, 07:26 AM
Thanks Trish. My gawd, so aggressive. The tears just won't stop this morning.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
My sweet Ginger
12-19-2013, 07:59 AM
Tracy, I'm just so sorry. When you get a chance would you tell Woody that I will always remember him as the delightfully crazy head spinning Woody in his latest video and he was so awesome handsome! That was some performance for the camera.
I'm so sorry and my heart is breaking for you and Woody. Sending my prayers and hugs.
12-19-2013, 08:12 AM
Oh no, such devastating news! So sad. Woody nor you don't deserve this outcome. I'm so very sorry. He's such a little dear.
Hugs to all,
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann
12-19-2013, 08:17 AM
I just love your little man Woody. I can't even express how I feel but just to cry, this is heart wrenching, God Help You Both. Blessings
12-19-2013, 08:31 AM
Just wanted you to know I am still here thinking of you both, finding it hard to concentrate on work.
Hope you are holding up as ok as you can be
12-19-2013, 08:34 AM
Heading to work now and just sent more prayers. Much love, Kim
Our hearts are with you and Woody today, I think you know that.
I am so sorry for the pain you are about to endure but know it is because you and Woody have had so much joy together.
Honey, I am so, so sorry for this terrible turn of events.
My heart literally aches for you today. I'm so sorry to read this update.
molly muffin
12-19-2013, 01:41 PM
Tracy, you and woody are in my thoughts, heart and prayers today.
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-19-2013, 02:33 PM
Woody has left the building :eek: We had a good afternoon walking well mostly carrying Woody and it was obvious he couldn't stay with me any longer so I let him go accross the bridge. I'm just leaving the hospital I'm devasted.
So I would like you all to raise your glasses/cups of teas whatever you drink to Woody cheeky monkey Steele who fought cancer with grace, dignity and off course humour. So here's to you wee man I love you and safe journey you can chase as many rabbits as you want now
Your heartbroken mom xxxx
Tracy, I am just devastated to read this latest news about Woody. I can't stop crying at my desk. I don't know what else to say, I just can't stop crying. I'm so sorry and am praying for you and your sweet sweet boy.
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper
Oh Tracy, ((((Hugs))))
I am so very sorry. Sending love and my deepest sympathy. Safe journey precious boy. xo
12-19-2013, 02:46 PM
The world lost a mighty warrior today. I'm so sorry. I asked my Angel, Criss, to take good care of Woody.
RIP, Wee Lad
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 02:49 PM
I am truly sorry. Run free sweet boy, run free! :(
12-19-2013, 02:52 PM
I am so sorry to read your post, I don't really have any words right now. I am gutted for you.
Roam free wee sweet bonnie lad x
12-19-2013, 03:03 PM
So sorry. Sending my deepest condolences on Woody's passing.
Sail on Woody.
I didn't have to open your thread, just saw the title in my in box. I am so sorry. Words are just that, but I really hope you take comfort knowing that you did everything you could. I was and am sick for you.
Bonnie said it... we've lost a warrior today. My sincerest, deepest condolences.
12-19-2013, 03:38 PM
I am so devastated by this news, I am shaking as I type this. I have cried all day over Woody and you. I really know how you must feel. Your best and most loyal friend in the whole world is gone. I never imagined that things would turn out this way. Woody was a one of a kind dog, that kept me laughing at his larger than life personality. You will see him again on day and he will be your good old Woody free of pain. God Bless you sweet Woody, run free. God Bless you Tracy what a courageous women you are.
12-19-2013, 03:38 PM
Ah Woody man how we will miss you! My Annie and Haley (cush angels) join with the other angels to meet you at the bridge. Haley will give you huge hugs and Annie will flirt relentlessly with you.
Please look down upon your dear mom tonight and let her know you are doing ok. She loves you so very much. Heck we all do. RIP sweet angel - your spirit will live on forever here.
Tracy, I can't think of a single word to help right now. Just know we are mourning your dear boy. If there is anything at all that we can help you with just let us know. Much love, Kim
Squirt's Mom
12-19-2013, 04:12 PM
Tracy, I am absolutely heartbroken for you and for Woody. What a courageous little Soul. We have all been blessed to get to know him and will miss him deeply. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, Grace and all our Angels
Roxee's Dad
12-19-2013, 04:35 PM
Oh Tracy, I am so very sorry. Woody knows how much he was so very loved. I am sure there is a special place at the rainbow bridge, where all our cush pups gather and run free through the meadows.
Rest in Peace Sweet Woody, tonight, you are our newest and brightest star in the night sky........
My sweet Ginger
12-19-2013, 04:59 PM
I'm sorry, Tracy. I'm truly so sorry.
Bo's Mom
12-19-2013, 05:08 PM
I am so deeply sorry to read about Woody. We here will always honor your little Angel and he will forever live in the hearts of all those who were so honored to have known him. RIP Dear Woody.
12-19-2013, 05:34 PM
r.i.p little woody, you will be missed dearly.
12-19-2013, 05:46 PM
Am thinking of you both x
12-19-2013, 06:18 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind words, I really do appreciate it. It was a long drive back from the hospital knowing he wasn,t there or was going to be at home to greet me with his wiggly bum (tail wagging). It took me an age to actually go through the front door, as everything is still in its place, his toys, his beds, his dishes everything, that was hard. But I,m happy (well maybe not the correct word) that I made the correct decision for woody, it was the last thing that I could do for him. I feel like I,ve lost a limb, just so numb and it all feels so surreal. :mad:
Mel - I saw you lite a candle for Woody that was so sweet of you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I hope work went ok for you today and you weren,t too tired from keeping me company.
I also have to thank Trish for listening to me ramble on the last few days and keeping her up late.
An off course all the K9 angels, who have helped me through all this and taking Woody and I to their hearts for that I will always be grateful.
Tracy & Woody (from the bridge) xx
12-19-2013, 06:27 PM
I wish I could have done more and I am sure each and every other member who has followed your spunky wee man felt the same today.
Normal isn't normal anymore for you and we are all here for you day and night to support you in any way we can
My heart broke with yours today and I am so sorry xx
molly muffin
12-19-2013, 06:28 PM
Tracy, there are no words to express how sad and what a hole Woody leaves. We were so blessed to have you and woody and that you allowed us into your lives and shared what an extraordinary little guy he was.
I cannot imagine how devastated you must be right now. Even when making the right decision, the pain is still there. Poor little guy, at least he is no longer in any pain and there are tons of playmates waiting for him at the bridge.
my sincerest condolences.
Cooper is missed
12-19-2013, 07:13 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to see your best friend go but I know you did everything you could for him. He knows that too. It's such a difficult time, my heart goes out to you.
12-19-2013, 10:06 PM
Tracy I just read about your Woody and wanted to tell you how sorry I am that you had to say goodbye to your baby. My heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry. Big hugs to you.
12-20-2013, 12:59 AM
I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your sweet boy Woody.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Big hugs.
12-20-2013, 02:29 AM
Hi Tracy
Just wanted you to know I am online. Thinking of you
12-20-2013, 05:08 AM
Hello darl
I am finally home, its nearly 11pm here and left this house at 7am. Thank you so much for sending me your messages today while I was at work I had to go into the loo when I saw them in my inbox so I could read them and shed a silent tear for you and Woody and then head back out to work some more.
I have had to go to a party straight after work, I organised it for a my favourite colleague who retired this week. But I have been thinking of you and dear Woody and raised my glass to toast your both, I said to you last night you had to be strong for him and by crikey you were Tracy, such unselfishness on your part. I had a friend who was the sober driver tonight and we just drove home right along the beach front. There was this most gorgeous orange full moon coming up over the horizon and it was 10.30 at night! I said to her oh look at that huge orange moon, that must be Woody painting the sky red for us tonight. I think she thought I had finally lost the plot until I told her about my Scottish friend who had lost her darling boy today and so we drove along looking at the beautiful moon and I was thinking how much cancer blardy sucks and how unfair this all is. RIP Woody, you were a much loved boy and your family will be missing you dreadfully. I am here for you Tracy, I so admire your strength through all this xxxxx
12-20-2013, 05:22 AM
Thanks for your post on T's thread. I hope you are holding up as ok as you can be.
Tia liked a sunbathe too, she wasn't that great at sharing it mind so poor Woody shouldn't be surprised if she gives him a kick in the ribs to shove over, she did it to her brother all the time!
Sending you a great big hug
12-20-2013, 05:42 AM
Oh Mel sorry I missed you last night, I just went to bed at that time, I managed to get a little sleep, but mostly just lay in the dark with my thoughts.
I got up this morning and went into the kitchen and like every morning I shouted "Woody Tablets" only he never came running in like he used to :( He did love his heart meds as they were beef flavoured anything for food :)
My mum goes for her cancer check up today and I was supposed to take her, but I just couldn,t, I so hope its good news don,t know if I can take anymore bad news this week.:confused:
12-20-2013, 05:46 AM
No worries, I just like you to know your not on your own if you feel like a chat.
It breaks your heart all over again, I so wish it could have been different for you both
Am sure you mum understands they love him too, praying for good news for her today babe
12-20-2013, 05:49 AM
Must,ve posted at the same time as you. Painting the sky red that was him making his way on his final journey I bed if you looked closely you would have seen a trial of destruction behind him. lol
I,m trying so hard to get my head round how quick this all happened, as last week he was playing throwing his toys everywhere and now he,s gone. But he wouldn,t have wanted to be sick every day I knew he wouldn,t cope with that, so he bounced into this world and my heart and he bounced back out, but he took a piece of my heart with him :(
12-20-2013, 05:57 AM
Destruction is what is expected from a JR Terrier
It's such a shock I am sure, so hard to get your head around all the things they were discussing to this point.
You did the right thing by him Tracy, I know you are now suffering but you did that so he didn't have to.
I am hosting a meeting now but I will be in and out throughout the day x
12-20-2013, 05:58 AM
Well there has been a bit of hail so that might be his trail of destruction. I know I think the speed of this has shocked us all Tracy, so fast. In some ways that is good, good for Woody that he did not have to struggle for long, bad for you as you do not have so much time to prepare. I hate that this has happened and I still do not know what way is better. Personally I don't think there is a better way as you still end up hurting in the end.
I was so pleased it was Ian with you, I loved his caring ways and he sounds like he was so upset too. I think Woody will live long in your vets minds as a puzzle, he confounded them all.
I hope your Mum gets a good report today xxxx
12-20-2013, 06:10 AM
Yeah I,m glad Ian was there, he was in bits, and couldn,t believe had fast this had happened. He told me during the afternoon that Woody was the 12th patient with an Neuroendocrine Tumour in the whole of the UK this year so its pretty rare. I spoke with Craig yesterday as I,ve known him for 15 plus years, to ask his advice and he said he would do the same although you know your making the right decision its always good to have it confirmed.
I have to say the hospital were wonderful yesterday, the had set aside a room for us with access to the grounds outside for a walk and got me sweet tea when it was over. They will deal with everything save me doing, his ashes, cancelling the insurance and anything else I need. So all I need to deal with is his stuff and the big empty hole he has left in my life.
12-20-2013, 06:19 AM
And that should be all you have to cope with right now. Your pet hospital is awesome taking care of that for you, big ups to them. Craig has been great too, so reassuring to speak with those you trust to make sure you are doing the right thing. I am so glad they were there for you Tracy. Must have been some horrible conversations you have had.
Did you actually sleep last night, have you eaten... sorry but I have to get the practicalities out the way... ask Kathy, I am the food police at a time like this! xx
12-20-2013, 06:21 AM
Trish - I did manage a few hours, and em I can,t remember the last time I ate, but now your on the case I promise to eat today :D
12-20-2013, 06:24 AM
Just something light, don't want you getting sick right now when you have enough on your plate... see I used the word plate :) that's what you're to use to put your food on!! :)
12-20-2013, 06:50 AM
I am still lurking. I work from home and use my pad for here which is why I am online :)
Did you find that little something to eat x
12-20-2013, 07:03 AM
Mel I,m having some toast and a sweet cup of Tea, not very inventive but it should settle my stomach. I,ve walked around the house today and theres stuff everywhere, every room has something in it belonging to him, toys everywhere under my bed, dog beds he had 4 yes I know he was little but I,m a bit OCD with dog beds, cupboard full of treats and food jez this little guy wanted for nothing, it wasn,t too bad looking at it all, as there was so many good memories attached to it all. As I look over to his crate I can actually see him lying sleeping in it and snoring his little head off. When the time is right then I will gather up his food and treats and take it to the rescue centre so that some other needed dog can have some food and treats, as had it not been for the rescue I would never have met little Woody dog
12-20-2013, 07:31 AM
I am glad you are having a little something. My Nanny was Scottish she was born in the isle of mull and she loved her tea too
I am glad it's not too painful to see his things and that they do bring you some small comfort right now
I need to pay some cheques in so will be out for a few hours, maybe you should try and have a little nap for a bit?
I will be back online in as little time as I can as I hate shopping!
Speak soon, more big hugs
12-20-2013, 10:01 AM
I am so sorry for your loss. I'm crying as I type this. Peace and love to you and yours. :(
12-20-2013, 01:09 PM
Hey Tracy
Just checking in to see how you are doing?
Hope everything went ok for your mum
12-20-2013, 01:15 PM
Hi Mel Yes got good report on Mum, looks like the operation has got all the cancer and she will be monitored every 3 months so that was good to hear today.
I,m hanging in there it seems to come in waves :confused:
12-20-2013, 01:18 PM
Good news for your mum, that must be a relief.
It's such a horrible feeling just don't know what to do with yourself, that's how I felt, not sure what you should be doing.
Did you manage a nap this afternoon?
12-20-2013, 01:24 PM
I know Mel, I,m just lost at the moment, it was always just me and him against the world but I,m sure he,s up there causing mayhem :p
12-20-2013, 01:29 PM
For sure, cause like you said no one to stop him chasing those pesky rabbits.
I imagine Buddy hunting his lizards too. Tia would be supervising, she was a lazy mare so she probably let's out an oof to let them know the rabbits and lizards are about!
12-20-2013, 01:34 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Woody. Thinking of you at this sad time.
12-20-2013, 01:36 PM
I,ll never forget when Woody had been with me about 3 weeks and we were in garden in the dark, he always knew that in the winter time that he stopped at the door and got his collar/lead off and this night ran straight in the door, as I turned to him he looked at me and he had a dead rat in his mouth, I tell you Mel I ran screaming out the door, leaving Woody inside the house I had to get my neighbour to go in to him, by that time he had eaten half of it yuk I think it was at this point that I know how much of a handful he was going to be :D
12-20-2013, 01:38 PM
Oh my gawd.... just got up to check in on you, I must say I am feeling a little seedy after the night at the winery and the image of Woody demolishing a rat is not helping hahaha!!!!! Yes that boy sounds like he was personality plus from day 1!!
12-20-2013, 01:42 PM
What a little rotter, I would have needed help with a rat! After 3 weeks didn't even wait to show his naughtiness
Terriers just typically hate anything that moves quicker than them :D
Just got in. It's 07:42 you dirty stop out Trish! - I read that wrong you said got up lol
12-20-2013, 01:45 PM
Oh dear sorry Trish :D Sounds like you had a good night at the winery:p Have you got Flynn from his grandparents yet ?
Mel - nothing fazed my little man, he thought he was 10 ft tall and 80lbs instead he was 10 inches tall and 20 lbs but it never stopped him trying :rolleyes:
12-20-2013, 01:46 PM
Did he destroy all his toys too and chuck them around like a nutter?
12-20-2013, 01:46 PM
Haha yep I did just get up!! My god I cannot remember the last time I stayed out all night! Flynny is still around at his Nan's so I will go pick him up later this morning when I have recovered a little. Having a nice cup of tea and just pondering bacon sammies... want to join me Tracy??
12-20-2013, 01:48 PM
Mel yeah it did just that, I posted a video of him playing and chucking toys about just last week on his thread.
Trish - that sounds yummy but think the bacon sarnies maybe cold by the time I get there :p Oh and you are a dirty stop out lady :eek:
12-20-2013, 01:49 PM
Terriers are such feisty little creatures aren't they... a couple of nights ago when we arrived at Mum and Dads after the vets I was getting him out the car and this huge yellow dog from across the road came barrelling out barking at us :eek::eek: I scooped Flynn up so fast and screamed at that dog to bugger off, Flynn gave him a bark for good measure from the safety of my arms :D My sister had arrived there at the same time and was quite impressed with how we scared that dog off, it slunk back home with its tail between its legs :mad:
12-20-2013, 01:51 PM
I loved that video of him throwing his toys about, he had that look in his eyes haha. I am pleased we have these great memories of him from just last week Tracy, that boy lived life to the full at 100km/hr!
12-20-2013, 01:54 PM
Yeah he did Trish, he embraced every day and woke up with the right what can I do today look in his face. I never found Woody,s pause button never mind the off switch lol I would not have had him any other way. Life is for living and boy he lived it to the max us humans should take a leave out of woodys book
12-20-2013, 01:56 PM
I must have missed that video will have to go back and take a look x
12-20-2013, 02:03 PM
Your very right Tracy, I think one very important lesson we learn from our dogs is not to sweat the small stuff and keep looking forward to what fun things they can find to do... and just enjoy life! Sometimes I might not be feeling to keen on taking a walk but I look at those doggy eyes looking at me expectantly, even when they might not be feeling too great themselves... and off we go :D they don't ask for much do they, but living life to the full is so important to them and even when he was sick you did that for him Tracy and he loved you for it! x
12-20-2013, 02:06 PM
Oh Trish stop it you,ll have me blubbing again at this rate. But yes your right I know in my heart that I did my best for him. I could,ve brought him home last night but what for a few days of him lying in pain just for me, neither him nor me wanted that.
How,s my sarnies coming along, have you burned the bacon tut tut
12-20-2013, 02:12 PM
OK no more sad things, I know when I am feeling a bit fragile it only takes someone to say kind things and I get to blubbering.... so onto the bacon, I like it a bit burned, crispy in fact! It is sizzling as I type!
12-20-2013, 02:23 PM
Oh oh crispy will do nicely, I actually feel hungry and may make myself a bacon sarnie you,ve put me in the mood for it. See I,m listening to you about the eating;)
12-20-2013, 02:24 PM
That's good, been ages since you had your toast :)
12-20-2013, 02:26 PM
Good girl!! I am eating mine now... nom nom nom!
12-20-2013, 02:28 PM
Yip that's a plan some bacon sarnies a long soak in the bath and early to bed, hopefully feel a bit more in the land of the living tomorrow, my cheeky mum said today I looked like death warmed up lol.
Thank you Mel and Trish for letting me warbling on about Woody, it really does help me. You go get that Flynny boy and give him a kiss from me. :)
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