Roxee's Dad
08-04-2013, 11:25 PM
Rough and sad afternoon. A neighbor down the street came knocking on my door as many of my neighbors do when their is an issue or help needed with a dog. He said there was this Bulldog laying next to his door and having trouble breathing. I knew right away it was Lola my neighbor 9 Y.O. English Bull dog.
I knew Lola had mega pallet that they attempted to have surgically repaired but failed, so I was hoping that was the issue. I ran down to the corner and by the time I got there, I could see she was already unconscious.
She was having labored breathing, I asked for help to get her in my arms and ran her home and laid her on my cool tiles. We laid wet towels on her and wrapped ice in towels to try to cool her down, but it was too late. Her breathing stopped, and I checked her heart which had also stopped.
I was trained by the Red Cross in canine CPR and started the CPR.... but she didn't make it. Such a sad and horrific way to die. She now lays in my foyer covered with a blanket. I lit a candle to light the way for her spirit.... Rest in Peace Sweet Lola.... Tonight you are our newest and brightest star in the sky.
I know those of you here always check and double check the safety of your pups, but just a reminder to double check that gate and make sure it's not only closed but also locked. We have no idea how long Lola was exposed to our 100 degree plus temps today, but how ever long it was... it was too long. :( Please... please always make sure our cush pups have plenty of water and protection from the elements.
We now wait for our neighbor to come home to this devastating event.
I knew Lola had mega pallet that they attempted to have surgically repaired but failed, so I was hoping that was the issue. I ran down to the corner and by the time I got there, I could see she was already unconscious.
She was having labored breathing, I asked for help to get her in my arms and ran her home and laid her on my cool tiles. We laid wet towels on her and wrapped ice in towels to try to cool her down, but it was too late. Her breathing stopped, and I checked her heart which had also stopped.
I was trained by the Red Cross in canine CPR and started the CPR.... but she didn't make it. Such a sad and horrific way to die. She now lays in my foyer covered with a blanket. I lit a candle to light the way for her spirit.... Rest in Peace Sweet Lola.... Tonight you are our newest and brightest star in the sky.
I know those of you here always check and double check the safety of your pups, but just a reminder to double check that gate and make sure it's not only closed but also locked. We have no idea how long Lola was exposed to our 100 degree plus temps today, but how ever long it was... it was too long. :( Please... please always make sure our cush pups have plenty of water and protection from the elements.
We now wait for our neighbor to come home to this devastating event.