View Full Version : Heat exhaustion... a fatal reminder.

Roxee's Dad
08-04-2013, 11:25 PM
Rough and sad afternoon. A neighbor down the street came knocking on my door as many of my neighbors do when their is an issue or help needed with a dog. He said there was this Bulldog laying next to his door and having trouble breathing. I knew right away it was Lola my neighbor 9 Y.O. English Bull dog.

I knew Lola had mega pallet that they attempted to have surgically repaired but failed, so I was hoping that was the issue. I ran down to the corner and by the time I got there, I could see she was already unconscious.

She was having labored breathing, I asked for help to get her in my arms and ran her home and laid her on my cool tiles. We laid wet towels on her and wrapped ice in towels to try to cool her down, but it was too late. Her breathing stopped, and I checked her heart which had also stopped.

I was trained by the Red Cross in canine CPR and started the CPR.... but she didn't make it. Such a sad and horrific way to die. She now lays in my foyer covered with a blanket. I lit a candle to light the way for her spirit.... Rest in Peace Sweet Lola.... Tonight you are our newest and brightest star in the sky.

I know those of you here always check and double check the safety of your pups, but just a reminder to double check that gate and make sure it's not only closed but also locked. We have no idea how long Lola was exposed to our 100 degree plus temps today, but how ever long it was... it was too long. :( Please... please always make sure our cush pups have plenty of water and protection from the elements.

We now wait for our neighbor to come home to this devastating event.

08-05-2013, 04:57 AM
My god, that is an awful story John. That poor poor dog. Oh no I bet you are dreading your neighbours coming home, what a shock for them. How sad for everyone and wow what a great job you did trying to save Lola although I bet you are pretty gutted right now with the outcome it sounds like you did all you could and then some. your neighbours are very lucky to have you living nearby. RIP Lola x

08-05-2013, 06:30 AM
Oh John, what a tragedy and how awful for you and Pattee!! There are no words. Bless you for trying all that could be tried. And bless dear Lola who is now rolling in the dew and sipping from a crystal clear spring.

Enormous hugs...!

Squirt's Mom
08-05-2013, 07:24 AM
ah, John. What a terrible time for you and Pattee and your neighbors. :( I am so sorry for the loss of Lola, for her family's pain, and the anguish I know must rest in your hearts. What a blessing you are to your community, John, and to all who know you and Pattee.

I know when Lola looked back through that candle light as she crossed The Bridge, she was thinking how grateful she was that you were there to hold her, to give her failing body a small measure of comfort, that she was with someone at that moment who truly cared.

May peace attend you and all who love Lola in the coming days.

Fly free, sweet Lola, fly free.

molly muffin
08-05-2013, 10:28 PM
Omg John. How horrible for all of you. This is so sad and so unnecessary. :(

I feel the same when I read of some poor dog, left in a car during the heat waves and then dying. Police here are charging owners that do this now, with animal cruelty and animal neglect, but for many it is too late. One I think survived out of many. Children too have been left in cars and died from it. :( It happens every year.

I'm sure your neighbors are devastated too, so I don't want to harp on it overly much, but it really is heart breaking. Hugs to you and Pattee. I know this was very hard to go through.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-06-2013, 03:45 PM
I'm so dreadfully sorry for you and your neighbours. What a terrible thing to happen. Your neighbours are very lucky to have someone like you who can try to help their dogs.

It's not only a reminder to look out for pets in the hot weather and try to keep them safe, but also to learn how we can help our pets when these situations arise (canine first aid).

RIP Lola and hugs to you

Budsters Mom
08-07-2013, 11:14 PM
Thank you John for this very sad reminder.:o It breaks my heart each time one of these tragedies occur.:(

RIP sweet Lola. You have been welcomed by the rest of our fur baby angels and have all the fresh, cool water you could possibly drink.

08-11-2013, 05:16 AM
What a sad story and it must have been hard on you too. You are a great neighbour, not to mention fabulous on here.