View Full Version : Need Information Please (11 y/o Husky) Neeko on Vetoryl

07-30-2013, 03:45 PM
I have an 11 year old Husky named Neeko who as of today was diagnosed with Cushings Disease. I am picking up pills called Vetoryl 50mg and will give them to him 2 times a day and in a week he will have a blood test. Can anyone please tell me if they have had great success with these pills or have they made your pets syptoms worse? I am so afraid of the cure killing him before the disease does and do not want him anymore tired and less active than he has been. Any experiences anyone may of had would be of great help. I am desperate as I am about to spend $108 on pills that may harm him before they help him..Thank you all very much

Harley PoMMom
07-30-2013, 04:26 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Neeko,

Sorry for the reasons that brought you to us but glad you found your way here.

Cushing's is one the most difficult diseases to get a confirmed diagnosis for because not one test is 100% accurate at diagnosing it and other non-adrenal illnesses can create false positive results on all tests for Cushing's.

Since strong obvious symptoms play a huge part in the diagnosis could you tell us what Cushing's symptoms Neeko is displaying? Also, if you could round up copies of all tests that were done on Neeko and post any abnormalities that are listed that would be great, we are especially interested in the results of any Cushing's tests that were done.

The two most rx'd drugs for Cushing's are Lysodren/Mitotane and Vetoryl/Trilostane. These are strong medicines but are life savers for dogs that have Cushing's.

With Trilostane/Vetoryl the starting dose is based on a dog's weight, could you provide us with Neeko's weight? Is he taking any other herbs/supplements/medicines? Does he have any other health issues?

Cushing's is a treatable disease but must be managed with the proper protocols. Experience and knowledge of this disease is very important, has Neeko's vet had any experience with treating dogs with Cushing's?

Please know we help in any way we can so do not hesitate to ask any and all questions.

Love and hugs, Lori

07-30-2013, 06:18 PM
Just wanted to welcome you to the group. What tests were done to conclude Cushings? Please keep copies of them and could you post the numbers, as it will help everyone to help you. About the pills, My Tipper has been on them for a year. She had such severe symptoms that I feel she would not be here if it were not for the Vetoryl. Just one big thing I learned very quickly. Start on a low dosage. You can always go up. A lot of the vets start the dogs too high and then you have problems. Start low, you can always go higher after the dog adjusts. I believe you said you were using Vetoryl so you need to call the manufacturer. They have vets on staff to help you and your vet. If your vet is inexperienced at Cushings please find one who is. Dechra # is 866-933-2472. They will tell you the appropriate dose you dog should be on for his weight so call them, better safe than sorry. Just be vigilant about watching for signs that your dog is not handling the Vetoryl. Diarrehea, vomiting, won't eat. Did your vet give you prednisone? You will be ok and your dog will too as long as you watch him carefully and act quickly if any problems occur. Blessings

molly muffin
07-30-2013, 06:56 PM
Hello and welcome from me too.

If you are giving 50mg twice a day then does Neeko weigh 100lbs?

Do you have the test results of the cushings test and any blood work that you could post? Just abnormal and ranges, and then the full results of ACTH or LDDS. Also, was a urinalysis done?

A dog with cushings, treated by a knowledgable vet and diligent owner can live our a normal lifespan. The key is the vet to know what they are doing and the owner to make sure they are doing what should be done and proper testing and medicine protocols followed.

Welcome to the forum
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
07-30-2013, 07:56 PM
Hello and welcome from me too. :)
You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. We will do all we can to help, but be ready for lots of questions.

The starting dose of Vetoryl should be no more than 1 mg. per pound per day. You are giving Neeko 50mg twice daily, he would need to weigh at least 100 pounds. Many vets are still using old manufacturer recommendations. That has changed. It is important to start on the low side and work up if needed. What tests. Have been done to determine if Neeko even has Cushings? Please post any and all test results here.

So again, welcome To you and Neeko.

07-31-2013, 08:38 AM
Thank you all sooo very much. It is a comfort to know I have help out there that is only a click away....Yes Neeko weighs 101 pounds as of last week. He did have a 8 hour low dose test that supposedly showed the Cushings Disease. I am going to call the vet today and have them fax me a copy of the results and will post the levels and such for you all to look at. He has been treated in the past for some type of liver disase as his liver levels were high. I will get all blodd tests and post them here as well. You are all like Angels that have been waiting in the wings to help me. I am in the Medical Field and help many people each day but have never asked for help myself. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I will post more soon once I gather all the info. xoxo
Carla, Neeko's Mom

08-01-2013, 10:26 AM
Neeko's Mom:
I just wanted to say that dogs with Cushings can have high liver values. Are you giving you dog any supplement for the liver. There are some the members on here using some like Denamarin or Hepato Support. Check with you vet first. I give them to my dog as they help support the liver. Hope you can post the results soon. Keep a daily diary of your dog, it will help when you need to reference something. Blessings

08-01-2013, 03:46 PM
Neeko has been on Demamarin 425mg daily since Novemeber of last year. I am waiting for the results of his Low Dose 8 hour test and his latest blood work. What levels would you like posted on here. Thank you

Squirt's Mom
08-01-2013, 04:18 PM
If you would post all the info from the LDDS and just the abnormal values, too high or too low, on the other labs, that would be great! Please include the normal ranges as different labs use different norms so it helps when we can see what that lab calls "normal" and how they measured it. Thanks!

08-02-2013, 07:53 AM
The results from the Dexamethasone Suppress 3 Cortisole were
Pre-Dex 3.13ug/dl
Post-Dex 1: 0.980 ug/dl
Post Dex 2: 1.15ug/dl

[On 7/5/13 he had blood work and the abnormailities were;[/U][Alk ALK Phosphatase 1314
ALT 379
AST 53
Calcium 11.9
Triglyceride 420
Cholesterol 412

Everything else in the test was normal.....Whats everyone thoughts..
Thank you
Neeko's Mom Carla

Squirt's Mom
08-02-2013, 08:21 AM
Thanks! Would you mind editing the lab values to include the normal ranges for that lab?

08-02-2013, 08:29 AM
I hope everything is going well for you and your baby. Blessings

08-02-2013, 08:35 AM
Hi and a belated welcome to the forum.

While you haven't listed the reference ranges for the abnormal blood chemistry, I'm still fairly certain that those abnormalities are what we see in cushing's; however, the LDDS test result is not consistent with cushing's . I am therefore unable to understand how your vet could have confirmed a cushing's diagnosis. I have yet to see any lab with the 4 and 8 hour post dex reference range less than 1.4 ug/dl that is consistent with cushing's. Is there an interpretation of results on your paperwork and if so, can you post them for us?


08-02-2013, 10:12 AM
Here is how it reads on the reports..Thankyou!!

Dexamethasone Suppress, 3 Cortisole
Result Reference Interval
Pre-Dex: 3.13ugdl 1.8-4
Post-Dex 1: 0.980 ug/dl 0 – 0.5
Post-Dex 2: 1.15 ug/dl 0 – 0.5

Chemistry Blood Work Range
ALK Phosphatase: 1314 10 – 150
ALT 379 10 – 100
AST 53 10 – 100
Cholestrol 412 125 – 250
Cacium 11.9 806 – 12.0
Triglyceride 420 25 – 160
Hopefully this helps. Everything else on his blood panel was

Thank you again,
Neeko's Mom Carla

08-05-2013, 11:00 AM
Hi Again, Its Neeko's mom!! I was wondering if anyone got a chance to look at his blood results please? I received the medication in the mail over the weekend but am still alittle concerned about taking it. Other than drinking alot and urinating some, he has no real syptoms. he is on Actistatin for his arhtitis so he actually getting around pretty good. What do you all think of this blood work? I trust my vet but am thinking about seeing a Cushing specialist in the Syracuse NY area for a 2nd opinion before starting this drug. Please help...Thank you!!

Carla, Neeko's Mom

08-05-2013, 12:21 PM
Hi again, Carla. Sorry that we've been so slow to get back to you!

The "normal" range for Neeko's LDDS is significantly different (and lower) than we are used to seeing. But if it is accurate, then yes, Neeko's results would be consistent with the pituitary form of Cushing's. When the second post-dex (8-hour) value exceeds the laboratory "norm," the test is "positive" for Cushing's. And if either the first or second post-dex value is less than 50% of the baseline pre-dex value, the result is consistent with pituitary Cushing's.

I believe Neeko's other lab abnormalities can also be associated with Cushing's. At Neeko's age, though, whether or not to start treatment really does depend upon factoring in different quality of life issues. Can you tell us more about Neeko's overall health history and what prompted the Cushing's testing in the first place? As you already know, consistently elevated cortisol can and does cause worrisome symptoms and is associated with chronic systemic damage. But on the flip side, for a senior dog, the elevated cortisol may help ease mobility or inflammatory issues for which steroids are helpful.

If you have any doubts at all about treatment and have access to a second opinion from a specialist, I'd say "go for it!"


08-05-2013, 12:41 PM
I was worried about giving my Tipper the Vetoryl also. She can become allergic to anything and I was worried about the side effects. She has been on it for a year now, it seems like only yesterday we started it. Her symptoms were so severe that I feel it saved her, and kept her with me. I know you are afraid, we all are, but if you watch closely everything should be alright. Hope all goes well. Blessings

08-06-2013, 07:39 AM
Thank you for your response! Neeko's overall health had been fine up to last October when he was extremely ill. All of his liver levels were through the roof and we thought we would loose him. The vet assumed he had liver cancer and after a ultrasound that saw a large dark mass inside his liver she thought he did too. He was put on a antiobiotic and I prayed for days and days and he actually got better. His levels came up and he was pretty much himself again only he was deaf and somewhat weak on his legs. The vet started him on Denamarin 425mg daily and he has been on that since November of last year. He goes for ocassional blood test which noramlly show abdormailities but nothing like he had. After talking with me about Neekos weight gain, constant drinking and peeing they decided to do a cushing test. Hence the test. I guess at this point I really just want to know if I should start him at 50mg 2 times a day or start low like everyone here is suggestining and only do 50mg daily He does weight 101 pounds now tho. Please help and let me know. Thank you so very much...I have the pills in my possession but havent had the nerve to start them!!! Thank you and good day to you all.

Neeko's Mom

08-06-2013, 07:56 AM
All I can say if from my own experience and reading the experiences of others on this site, go low and let him adjust to the drug, you can go up from there. Just watch him real well after you start him and everything will be ok. Did the vet give you prednisone? If not you need to get some in the event his cortisol would go low he will need it. Not so scare you and say it is going to do this either. Just want you to be prepared. Everything will be ok just take 1 day at a time and you will get thru it. Make sure you give it to him with a piece of cheese or meat as it is fat soluble. Blessings