View Full Version : Possible Cushing's Diagnosis? New to forum!

07-30-2013, 03:21 PM
Hi everyone! I've been making myself crazy researching Cushing's Disease online and then I found this wonderful forum! I have an 8 year old maltese named Gizmo that has received a possible Cushing's diagnosis based on his routine senior blood panel. I've read through some of the posts on here and you guys are much better at interpreting blood work that I am, so here are his abnormal numbers:

1. Alkaline Phosphatase - 1200 U/L (normal was stated at 5-131)
2. BUN/Creatinine Ratio - 35 (normal is 4-27)
3. Platelet Count - 606 (normal 170-400)
4. Monocytes - 920 (normal 0-840)
5. GGTP was at the high end of normal - 11 (normal is 1-12)

Everything else was within a normal range. I know that ALT is commonly looked at and his was a 43 (normal being 12-118). He also had a urinalysis done and his urine was yellow, the specific gravity was 1.046 (normal), and his PH was slightly high at 8.5 (normal 5.5-7.0).

At the time of the test he had been at the vet for nearly an hour having his routine yearly exam, including nails trimmed and anal glands expressed, and he was absolutely FRANTIC. He hates vets and has severe anxiety that increases by the minute while we're there. We also learned that he had a pretty severe worm infestation (thanks dog park!) at the time of the test. I've heard that anxiety can influence ALK so I'm hoping that combined with the worms may be a likely reason for the excessive numbers?

We were so taken aback by the blood work because he's had no real symptoms! I know that the most commonly seen symptoms are urinating frequently and clear-ish urine, but he still pees normally and it's always yellow; he's been an incredibly food motivated dog since he was a puppy so he's ravenous over what he considers GOOD food, but he happily leaves part of his kibble lying in his bowl on a daily basis; and he's always been a very high strung/anxiety ridden dog so heavy panting has also always been there. He has had persistent yeast infections between his toes and ear infections since he was 1, but they've both actually managed to clear up and look great for the past several months since going to a new vet and being more rigorous with his grooming. He doesn't have any hair loss or noticeable skin disorders, except for some cysts on his back. We had those aspirated a year ago and our vet said that they were just like doggy acne and come with age.

We ended up having a low dose dexamethasone test and had to leave him at the vet for 8 whole hours (the first time he's ever been left alone at the vet) and due to his severe separation anxiety and nervousness at the vet, I don't know how much I trust the numbers. Our vet said that the test was slightly inconclusive because the numbers didn't exactly follow the formula for either adrenal based or pituitary Cushing's, but that they leaned toward adrenal based.

His baseline cortisol was 1.9, his 4 hour level was 2.7, and his 8 hour level was 3.2 He also had a severe worm infestation during this test - we discovered it a couple of days later. I'm worried that these numbers are also a little skewed because of his severe anxiety at being separated from me and our other dog AND how much he hates being at the vet, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.

After this test we decided to have an ultrasound done to check for any adrenal abnormalities and the vet said that an adrenal tumor is unlikely (thank goodness!!) due to the lack of major differences seen between the adrenal glands - the left gland was 0.54-0.61 and the right gland was 0.58-0.63. There were no masses found.

They did, however, find a "well defined" nodule on the left cranial liver that was 0.67 cm (quoted directly from his paperwork). They did not seem concerned about this finding.

Wow, sorry for writing a novel for my first post :eek: I'm just so happy to have found this forum filled with people that know what I'm going through AND know about Cushing's! I've felt so lost and alone since all of this started happening - Gizmo is my baby and I hate to imagine him being sick :(

Where should I go from here? I want to see a specialist, but I don't even know what to ask at this point. What does this sound like to you guys?

Roxee's Dad
07-30-2013, 03:26 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Gizmo,
Love the name :) Their will be many more to welcome you and share their knowledge and experiences. :)

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Harley PoMMom
07-30-2013, 03:32 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Gizmo,

I have approved your membership so that all your replies will be seen right away.

Strong obvious symptoms are a huge part of a Cushing's diagnosis, and I didn't find anything in your post that screams Cushing's to me. I believe those abnormal values can be attributed to the worm infestation and when those worms are gone Gizmo's values will normalize. So, if this were me I would not pursue the diagnosis for Cushing's any further.

Sorry for the circumstances that brought you here but glad you found us and we will help in any way we can, so ask all the questions you want. ;)

Love and hugs, Lori

07-30-2013, 03:44 PM
Thank you both for your quick replies and kind words!

I'm so relieved that you think that the worms could be contributing to all this - it's what we've been hoping for ever since we discovered that he was wormy at the time of the test.

07-30-2013, 04:20 PM
You're first post is exactly like my first post last spring. I had the exact same experience with my 9 year old mini schnauzer! High liver numbers found during the senior bloodwork...no symptoms and at the time my dog was doing great.
I hated leaving my dog for the 8 hour test too! What a day.
I'm no expert with the numbers and what to make of the test results but others who know a lot of stuff will be posting with advice and suggestions. This board has been a life saver from the worry and anxiety I felt through all of this. You will find a lot of support and help.
My dog began to show some symptoms about a month after the senior check up. The symptoms were quite obvious-stuff you would notice for sure. With the absence of symptoms-especially that there is no excessive drinking and peeing, then perhaps your dog does not even have Cushings which I hope is the case for Gizmo. The worms could have a lot to do with what's going on I believe. Others will be on with their opinions.


Budsters Mom
07-30-2013, 04:52 PM
Hello and welcome from me too. :)
You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. We will do all we can to help, but be ready for lots of questions! So again, welcome To you and Gizmo.

07-30-2013, 05:27 PM
I just took Gizmo out to potty and he bounded out of the house and immediately ran across the yard chasing a squirrel! His energy level still gives me hope that he's going to be ok.

I purchased some urine test strips to check his blood sugar occasionally (just as a precaution) and the urine that I just collected was bright yellow and normal looking. I bet he thinks that I've lost my mind following him around the yard with a cup though :rolleyes: I'm also so paranoid that I keep watching him everytime he takes a drink of water, but so far he doesn't seem to be drinking any more than usual and his blood test was 5-6 months ago. His blood sugar seems to be staying within range, too!

Harley PoMMom
07-30-2013, 06:14 PM
What type of worm/s does Gizmo have?

07-30-2013, 06:48 PM
He had hooksworm, whipworms, and tapes. We gave him the entire round of deworming medication (Panacur) and then within a couple of months the tapes were back. His fecal was negative for all worms last time, but he was still passing them in his stool so it's incredibly frustraing and hard to know when they're actually gone. We gave him another round of dewormer a couple of weeks ago and it appears that it's worked so far. We will definitely no longer be going to the dog park after all this! Gizmo licks his feet ALL the time and is very prone to picking things up in places like that.

molly muffin
07-30-2013, 07:09 PM
Hello and welcome from me too.

Yep, we have another member who is also fighting a bought of the tapeworms, after having gone through deworming once already too. Those are hard little buggers to get rid of.

I'd suggest once the worms are gone, and everything appears to be cleared up, then you can think about doing another CBC and checking how things are doing. A bit high in the PH, so you might want to get that into a normal range too just so as not to risk any crystals forming.

The LDDS isn't really that bad and might actually end up being normal later, when things have settled down. You can wait and see if symptoms start for cushings and then treat. It can take a while though.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-31-2013, 08:19 PM
The vet called and we have our first visit with the specialist tomorrow. They're going to do his blood work again and then do another abdominal ultrasound. We're definitely hoping and praying that they don't find anything suspicious on his adrenals. Wish us luck!

Harley PoMMom
07-31-2013, 08:26 PM
So glad to hear that Gizmo has an appointment with a specialist, is this an IMS (Internal medicine specialist)?

Wishing you and Gizmo the best of luck and please do keep us updated, ok. ;)

07-31-2013, 08:29 PM
Yes, he's an IMS. I researched him and he seems really good so I'm hoping he'll have some insight on the situation. I'm so ready to know for sure what's going on, but I'm also SO nervous!! :(

I'm pretty sure my fingers are going to stay crossed until after his appointment tomorrow!

07-31-2013, 09:14 PM
Hoping all goes well at the vet. It's a great sign that Gizmo is acting fine and has energy to run and play...that says a lot. The worms can really throw things off..hope that's all this is!
His photo is so cute!! :p Good luck tomorrow! ;)
