View Full Version : Zoe, the energizer doggy (Update: Good-by to our girl)
05-29-2009, 03:50 PM
Yep, she just keeps ticking and ticking. I got an e-mail from Beth telling me I'm way overdue for checking in. So here we are, me and the Zo, checking in!! No excuse, other than we've been busy.
Zoe is doin' pretty good. We upped her trilostane after a high acth reading and now she's back in range (well, range for Zoe :p;)) at 6.3-post. We took the poor baby on a five day road trip (which I swore I'd never do again!:o) and it was pretty hard on her. But she got to visit with our new granddaughter Kailani (#10) and some of her other favorite kids (our gr'kids) plus those rascals, Roxy and Daisy . . . her lab 'nieces'. Overall, she took it like a trooper and now that we're home, she's slowly getting her four feet back on the ground. Dave has vowed to keep working, as long as Zoe is with us. He says he can't afford to retire, what with all her vet bills!! :rolleyes:
I'm so glad to see this new site up and running and I will try to stop by more often and offer the occasional moral support to whoever needs it. Also need to catch up on all the 'old-timers' latest adventures. Scott and crew - thanks for all your hard work in getting us re-established. I've been scarce because I've been focused on finishing up the infamous "book" and I'm sure I'll be busy with submitting it to publishers over the next few months. Here's hopin' I find one who's interested. Sue and the Zo
05-29-2009, 03:56 PM
It's great to see you and the energizer doggy here! Really weird to see us as junior members though!! :rolleyes: Does that mean I'm younger now???
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
05-29-2009, 03:58 PM
Geez, I hope that's what it means. Junior sounds pretty good to me! Sue
Wylie's Mom
05-29-2009, 04:24 PM
That's funny... I just read one of John's (Roxee's dad) posts and he had mentioned how he found us (at through Zoe's thread. And I was thinking, "this new member isn't going to know who Zoe is".
Glad you're back:D!
Squirt's Mom
05-29-2009, 04:26 PM
Hi Sue,
Good to hear from you and the amazing energizer doggy! Good luck with the book!
Leslie and the girls
Truffa's Mom
05-29-2009, 04:32 PM
Nice seeing you girls again!!! We were looking for you!!!
Lots of choco kisses to beautiful Zoe and you, and tons of encouragement to Dave.;)
05-29-2009, 05:09 PM
YAY Sue and Zoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :D :p :) :D :p
05-29-2009, 05:46 PM
05-29-2009, 07:39 PM
Glad you found us Sue... the place just wouldn't be home without you and our Zoe. Hugs from me and mine. Kim
05-29-2009, 07:54 PM
Yo! from Louise & Munchie!!!!!!! Glad to see you two. :D
05-29-2009, 09:15 PM
Hey Sue and Zoe,
We missed ya!
05-29-2009, 09:40 PM
Hey there!!!!
Glad to see you made it!! :D I told Sharon to get over here too...and Lynne (clydetheboosmom)....still looking for Jeanne...
So glad Zoe is doing so well!! Can Dave work for me too???:rolleyes:;):cool:
Big hugs!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Roxee's Dad
05-29-2009, 09:46 PM
Welcome back Sue and Zoe. Glad The Zoe is doing well.:)
05-30-2009, 02:10 AM
Hi Sue,
Glad to see you and Zoe back here, you have been missed.
Linda and Spicey
05-30-2009, 07:34 AM
Guess I should have kept quiet, EH? We got old very quickly!! :p
05-30-2009, 08:49 AM
Hi Sue,
Good to see you. Happy:D:D to hear that Zoe is doing well.
But she got to visit with our new granddaughter Kailani (#10)
Congratulations:D:D:D:D on the new granddaughter. Love that name.
Hugs to you and Zoe.
Lynne and Angel Lady 7/98-3/09
Barney's Mom
05-31-2009, 06:42 PM
Sue! Nice to see you! Glad that all is well with Zoe.
Barney and Cheryl
05-31-2009, 10:53 PM
So glad you found us again.
Give the Zoe big hugs from me. She is truly a miracle dog.
Fill me in on the book???? I must have been asleep.
Hugs ~ Mary Ann
06-02-2009, 03:45 PM
Hi Sue,
So glad to read Zoe is still here and doing fine!
Things just wouldn't be the same without the zo.
Best wishes,
Karen & Tascha
06-02-2009, 09:44 PM
KAREN!!!! Where have you and Tascha been? We've missed you. Will have to go see if you have started a thread. :):):) Sue//Zo
06-02-2009, 11:20 PM
So glad to hear Zoe takes a licken and keeps on ticken... (oops thats timex and I am dating myself) Anyway glad to hear all is well. Good luck with the book. I dont know how you do it. I cant even get an article done, I am impressed.:) I received a note from Brandi Mollys mom and she said to say hello to you. She said that Molly was doing OK, getting old but just keeps on ticken as well. For those of you that dont know Brandi and Molly. Molly was very sick, I think she started on lysodren then got very sick her electrolytes went way out of wack and she was hospitalized and they changed to trilo, I thing, Molly had radiation treatments for a tumor, and was also diag with DI. Molly and Zoe were going for the most things going on at one time award. Brandi and her hubbie moved from Texas to southcarolina, I hooked her up with Nikes IMS. Sue, Brandi and I started here close to the same time, we were all green together.
Keep up the excellent work with Zoe Sue, obviously what ever you are doing, you are doing right and give Zoe a big kiss from me and a cookie from my pups.:)
Dogs taking certain drugs (most notably seizure medications phenobarbitaland potassium bromide;or with illnesses other than thyroid disease often have depressed T4 secretion. These dogs will have low T4 levels but are not hypothyroid. This means a normal T4 indicates normal thyroid function but a low T4 may or may not indicate hypothyroidism. There is also a grey zone where T4 results are considered not definitively normal and not definitively abnormal. In short, T4 alone is not adequate to make a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Just curious if Zoe had the Free T4 since she was on phenobarb before you changed her to the KBr wasnt she? both can cause it to look low apparently. I wonder if it was the meds that making her appear to by hypo.
Hugs to you and yours from me and mine.
Sharon, Nike and Kenai
06-03-2009, 02:06 PM
Hey Sharon-
Glad to hear from you. HRH and Kenai are doing ok, I presume?
Actually, Zoe never took pb. We started straight away with the sodium bromide. But the hypothyroid had started several years before that - and before the cushings. I think Zoe was about six at the time. Not sure if NaBr would have the same effect as you mentioned for KBr. But thinking back, her T4 was consistently up and then down from the start......and until we started the tylan last year. Her doses of thyroxine ranged anywhere from .8 to .2, which is quite a spread. I just have a feeling that her innerds, in general, were screwed up most of her life - maybe from her beginnings on the street and having to eat God-knows-what.
This last year, her thyroid tests have been consistently in the 'perfect' range. So again, I wonder if it's maybe that tylan. I give it to her daily. It's been like a miracle drug for the Zo, more or less, with some side benefits I never expected (how to explain its beneficial effects on her urinary tract and drinking - when it was prescribed for the intestinal issues?) It's been close to a year since she's had a visit from Percy. That's absolutely unheard of!!!! But hey - I'm just happy it's done her so much good. Hugs to you guys. Hope you aren't working too hard! Sue/Zoe
07-13-2009, 03:12 PM
So, Zoe's stay at the petsitters is over. Here's what happened.....maybe you can avoid a similar scary happening. When we went to pick her up last night, straight from our Chicago flight home, Zoe was out on Stacy's patio. When she saw me in the kitchen, she got all excited and wanted to come in. So I go over, open the slider, and in she comes, and in the same instant, out goes Stacy's lab puppy Maverick (8 mos. old). I didn't realize that Zoe's food was just outside the door, however, and in the blink of an eye, Maverick - in typical lab puppy mode -wolfed down everything in Zoe's bowl.....all the pills included, we're pretty sure!!!!!!! Yikes!!!!!! Any other time, I've always sent some pred along with Zoe. This time, NOT. Naturally, both Stacy and I were concerned about the trilostane because Zoe takes such a large dose (177 mg.) The other stuff - proin, thyroxine, and meloxicam I figured wouldn't be an issue. (Plus there was also the cephalexin, which we both forgot about.) I told her what to watch for and that she should run it past her vet, or even ask for some pred. She did call him after we left and he didn't think one dose would cause problems for Maverick. BUT, that didn't stop me from worrying about it all night. Stacy e-mailed this a.m. and said Maverick had no reaction (at least so far), so I'm hoping that since it's now been 12 plus hours, any effect from the trilo is on its way out. So just a word of caution to everyone in hopes that you can avoid the same kind of situation.
I didn't really see anything in Zoe's bowl but Maverick's head and the last few bites of kibble. It all happened so darn fast. He inhaled whatever was there and I didn't really notice what that was. But Stacy said Zoe didn't eat yesterday morning and when she put her out last night to eat, just a couple minutes before we got there, she said all Zoe ate was her bite of bagel with the NaBr on it and then she ignored her cheese wrapped pills and the food and disappeared around the corner of the house. I thought maybe Zoe had come back and eaten the cheesy pills before I let her in. But Stacy thought not.
So....then we got home and she still wouldn't eat anything. Or this morning, either. So now I'm worryin' about that. Turned her nose up again at the pills in the cheese AND the chicken chunks and the food. A couple hours later, I went ahead and shoved the pills down her throat manually and then got her to eat a handful of the dried kibble. Not much and I'm not sure what's goin' on with the appetite. She's acting kinda listless, too, but she did take her usual walk this morning, and also barked to come in from the balcony. So apparently she's not completely down and out. Will have to see how the appetite goes thru the rest of today. Sue/Zoe
07-13-2009, 03:27 PM
OMG, I think we were given labs to make us all feel feeble.
They, in all their permutations are so full of energy and life.
I am sure Maverick will get over any individual dose even if it is large and I am hoping the 'Zoe is just showing her butt a bit.:D
Welcome home!
07-13-2009, 04:33 PM
Welcome home Sue....wish it could have been less stressful for you! :( Hope her normal appetite returns soon,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
07-13-2009, 04:54 PM
Hi Sue,
You must have been worried sick about Maverick but it sounds like it was all ok. Tell Zoe not to share her meds again.:eek:
07-13-2009, 09:26 PM
Speechless.....but soooooo relieved for an OK outcome! I always worried someday in my blondeness I would be the one taking the Lysodren!!!
And yes, no med sharing!!! :p
Love ya, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
07-13-2009, 09:46 PM
Yikes! What a scare about the pills and Maverick. Glad there was no problem. Hope the Zoe will regain her appetite and that all is ok.
07-13-2009, 09:55 PM
In a moment of being too tired to think, I gave Apollo one of Pallie's benezaprils. I realized what I had done ASAP and opened his mouth and shook the pill out. He would have swallowed it if I waited a second more.
07-14-2009, 03:19 PM
So day 3 of still not wanting to eat. Now I'm getting a bit worried. I wonder if the cephalexin could be affecting her appetite, altho' it didn't do anything for the first 10 days or so of tx. She's not vomiting or having diarrhea. In the poop patrol dept., she's only had one teeny tiny 2" poop in the last day and half. (Sorry if that's too graphic for some of you!) But that's not much for the Zo, who normally goes 3x a day.
This am, she did eat a few bites from her bowl. But probably not even 1/4 c. I've stopped putting the pills on top. She began rejecting the pill-stuffed bagels last week or so and now she's not buying the pill stuffed american cheese either. Today, I resorted to double chocolate brownie ice cream for the pills and they went right down.....natch!
Chicken's cooking on the stove for dinner. Here's hoping that works, but messing with her diet is always risky because of the sodium/chloride balance thing that affects her bromide levels (antiseizure med). I have no ideas about what's causing this. I'd be suspicious that maybe the cortisol has taken one of those unexpected nosedives, like happened last summer, except that Zoe's appetite usually goes UP when the cortisol goes down. I find it hard to believe that her cortisol has gone too high, considering the recent increase in her trilo dose...... She's sleeping alot, but the walks are still happening AND she's happy to eat her treats. She's gotten way more than usual the last few days. Actually, Stacy the petsitter said the appetite started to fall off on Saturday, while we were out of town, and was full-blown gone by Sunday. Hmmmmm??????? Any thoughts? Sue/Zoe
07-14-2009, 03:41 PM
Hi Sue,
I'm sorry to hear that your Zoe is not eating. Other than loading, I can't think of another circumstance that worries me more. I'm well over a half a century old and the only reasons my numerous furry butts over the years have quit eating have been due to 1) hepatitis 2) cortisol too low; 2) severe dental issues and 3) sudden kidney failure. I lost a little Maltese to sudden kidney failure and she never had diarrhea, vomitted nor drank profusely. It came out of nowhere and I lost her in two days. Since then, I am very cautious about inappettance, especially in a very senior dog. If Zoe's appetite doesn't come back tonight, I'd highly recommend that you get her in to the vet.
Fingers and paws are crossed here that Zoe pigs out for dinner.
Squirt's Mom
07-14-2009, 04:01 PM
Hey Sue,
Not eating really worries me, too. Goldie is my first finicky pup and tho I no longer panic when she doesn't eat for a bit, I still hover and fret, and she's been here a year now.
I agree with Glynda, if she's not eating soon, like by tonite, I'd take her in. Zoe gets out of balance so easily and you have worked hard to keep her on the right path.
If she will eat some raw veggies like cabbage, carrots, apples, lettuce, celery, something high fiber, she might be able to have a Zo-poop. Antibiotics can sometimes cause constipation.
Hoping she is back to our sweet Zoe soon,
Leslie and the girls
07-14-2009, 04:20 PM
I've joined the growing group of worriers. :eek: When a dog who normally eats stops eating, my red flags go up. I'd be taking her in and getting her checked out. My motto is "I'd rather be safe than sorry" so off to the vet we'd go (or in Munch's case specialist) to attempt to find out what's happening and treat. If it's something that couldn't be treated, I'd want to know. Maybe it's something simple but Zoe's definitely not feeling her normal self if she's not eating.
Keeping my fingers crossed for your two!!!
07-14-2009, 06:02 PM
Moria has been a real puzzle in this department for over a year now. In our case we think it is an entrenched issue in her gut as a course of antibiotics seems to set her straight.
The first thought that comes to my mind is pain that she may be hiding.
I have never mixed pills with food, I give pills with pb, I think certain ones may get wise and associate pills which they do not like with food and so get turned off from otherwise perfectly palatable meals.
Hope you find an answer soon.
07-15-2009, 08:25 AM
Hi Sue,
Sorry to hear that Zoe isn't eating. Hoping you find an answer soon and it's something simple. Hugs to you and Zoe.
07-15-2009, 12:16 PM
Doesn't Zoe have a history of IBD? Could it be that flaring up a bit? Have you tried to do the Pepcid thing too on top of the bland diet? Did I miss that part?
I stopped Bailey's Lyso a while back bc of the appetite issue. I know Zoe usually does the opposite in the appetite/cortisol issue but am wondering if she hasn't dropped lower than her usual low and just is feeling too yucky to eat?
She always keeps us guessing.....Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
07-15-2009, 08:36 PM
Beth -
I think you may have hit on something with the IBD. And I think I know what's been going on now. I didn't send Zoe's tylan to the petsitters with her because she has so darn many meds and I figured she could live without that one for a few days - you know.....give Stacy a little break maybe.
Once we got her back home, I started the tylan again and her appetite is slowly coming back. But all afternoon, I've been sitting here, gagging from the stink-bombs she's been lettin' loose. I'm thinkin' that it took a few days for her intestinal tract to miss the tylan and then that's when her appetite went away. Now that she's back home and on the tylan again, it'll probably take a few more days to get the tummy back on track. In the meantime, the GAS reminded me why we started the tylan in the first place. So I'm anxiously awaiting a turn-around. The appetite IS improving gradually, although I had to add a lot of home-cooked chicken and broth to her food today. She's still not quite up to par, but this is day 3 of the return to tylan so I suspect that's it and that things will continue to get better!!!!
I guess her gut was just missing that crazy tylan! I swear on Zoe's pointy little head, that damn drug is a like a freakin' miracle . . . as long as she doesn't start squawking around, doing the chicken dance, or laying eggs!! (It's a chicken-feed antibiotic, normally.) Sue
07-15-2009, 08:50 PM
So glad to hear that her appetite is improving and that you have an idea what could be behind the inappettance. In 13 years we've only had 2 mornings with Lady not wanting to eat and it's terrible.
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
07-15-2009, 09:59 PM
So glad her appetite is coming back some. Way to go, Zoe!!
Steph, Pallie and the magic duckie
Truffa's Mom
07-16-2009, 04:47 AM
Yey the miracle is in the tylan!!!!. I'll keep the paws crossed for a normal appetite mood. Lots of fabreeze in the air for you... sorry.
Now I'll carry everywhere a big fat file with all the supplements and medications....and feeling like "who the hell is going to pet sitter for us when Truffa's medication requires a check list, some of the pills are given with food, another ones in an empty stomach, another ones every 12 hours and another one at least 1/2 to 1 hour away from any medicine or supplement?" mm NO ONE, Just mommy and daddy that sometimes need supervision and the check list on hand....:o
I have given miss Nina-Maverick amlodipine+benazepril from Truffa's :eek: (they both go into one pill pocket).....I was waking up Nina every 10 min....but nothing happened.... now Nina doesn't have access to the pill pockets, not even the emty ones :(, she has to have another treat totally different so distracted and tired mommy has at least a tactile warning before giving something to this labs that at any age devour everything.
Here is something that might help you, if the pickiness continues, for me as well inappetence is a big alarm, specially in our senior babies.
Here is a recipe recommended by Goldstein D.V.M.. It says that its concentrated nutrients can help nearly any ailing pet. Goldstein recommends it for most debilitating conditions and it should be helpful for cancer, liver, kidney disease, colitis, IBD, etc, even for feline ill pets.
You have to use fresh organic ingredients. Mix all the following in the blender (do you hear Louise? ):
¼ cup distilled or filtered water
½ cup raw organic liver or 2 raw organic egg yolks
1 TBSP. powdered dulse or kelp
1 TBSP nutritional yeast
1 tsp organic apple cider vinegar
½ tsp ground rosemary
400 I.U. vitamin E (open capsule and add)
Add Fresh Juices before feeding:
½ cup freshly extracted organic carrot juice
1 TBSP extracted parsley juice
1 TBSP aloe vera juice
If the pet is allergic to yeast, vinegar or eggs, you can omit those ingredients.
Cats and small to medium size dogs can take 2-5 TBSP per day, while large and giant breeds can take up to ½ cup.
Divide the recipe in half and refrigerate this base; for better results add freshly made juices at the last minute. This is specially important if you use a centrifugal juicer. Juices made with a macerating juicer or hydraulic press retain most of their nutrients when refrigerated.
We will keep our paws and wagging tails crossed.
Barney's Mom
07-29-2009, 08:10 AM
Hi Sue, I think you did hit the nail on the head, she was probably off the Tylan long enough to produce symptoms. How is her appetite now?
Squirt's Mom
07-29-2009, 11:33 AM
Hi Sue,
How is Zoe? Haven't heard in a few days so I'm poking my nose in! :p
Leslie and the girls
08-07-2009, 06:04 PM
Seems like my 'energizer doggy' needs a new battery. Took her in today for all her latest symptoms....the slack appetite, the weak, weak legs (with frequent stumbling and legs giving out), heavy panting, nighttime restlessness, mild drooling and sloppy drinking. At first I thought cortisol was creeping up....then I suspected her thyroxine was too high....and then I saw this 'thing' on her gum yesterday. Now methinks she has an abscessed tooth or gum or something similar or else a tumor on the gum. Dr. C gave her the once over, and I left her for an hour so they could do an ACTH and draw blood for complete labwork.
She's going back in tomorrow and they're putting her under to get a good look inside her mouth (another tooth, a molar, is not right either) and they will remove any problems, plus the growth inside her lower eyelid . . . and then they are also going to x-ray her spine to see if that's what's causing the leg problems. Sharon....I could use some of your luck on the slots. I hate to think what THIS bill is going to run!!!!!!! But hopefully, she'll come home all 'fixed' up and re-charged tomorrow. She has a record for having 'troubles' in August, so we don't want to put a kink in that record, I guess!!! Sue
Carol G
08-07-2009, 08:24 PM
I too am hoping that the dental work tomorrow will do the trick. Lots of good thoughts coming your way for you and Zoe.
Carol, Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
Harley PoMMom
08-07-2009, 08:34 PM
Wishing you and Zoe lots of luck tomorrow at the vets and hoping after she receives her "recharging" she feels a whole bunch better.
Love and hugs.
08-07-2009, 09:02 PM
be happy to give you any luck I have left. Did you look at the pic of Kenais growth? His was an epulis (sp). Hope the ACTH and the dental fixes Miss Zoe. Nike legs were getting very weak, I was not sure if was low cortisol or her just hurting, I gave her more pred and more fishoil and an extra injection of Adaqan and something fixed her. It may have been just sore as she would slip when she would try to get up and kind of do the splits. She was in the kennel for the 10 days when i was in AK and she was better when I picked her up. Something fixed her, dont know what dont care, just glad it did.
Keeping you and Miss Zoe in my thoughts tomorrow.
Sharon, Nike and Kenai
08-07-2009, 09:49 PM
But hopefully, she'll come home all 'fixed' up and re-charged tomorrow.
Hoping for the same!
08-07-2009, 10:28 PM
Me too!! Me too!!
Jo-Ann :)
08-07-2009, 11:23 PM
thanks, guys. Sharon....I just looked at the picture again. Of Nike's epulis. Zoe's 'thing-ey' is in the same general area. But hers isn't that big. Did it affect Nike's eating? And, did she show any signs of higher cortisol right before the surgery??
Just one other silly question. How on earth did you ever get that 'good' picture of it. (or did the vet give you that picture?) I can't even get into Zoe's mouth to get a really good look. Even the vet gave up on trying today. The Zo was really fighting us on it. No surprise there, I guess. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Sue
Squirt's Mom
08-08-2009, 12:31 PM
Hi Sue,
Just wanted to join the others in hoping for a positive outcome today and a recharged Zoe once all is said and done! I know this is early in August, but tell Zoe this is it for the more til next August. :p;)
Hugs and prayers,
Leslie and the girls
08-08-2009, 01:29 PM
Dear Sue,
I'm just now getting caught up on the goings-on with Miss Zoe, and I've sure got my fingers crossed that everything goes well for her today!! Like Leslie says, she needs to come home fully charged and with an extended warranty in place...:o :o :o
Big (((hugs))) to you both,
08-08-2009, 01:30 PM
I hope she feels better too.
08-08-2009, 06:31 PM
Well, it isn't high cortisol levels causing the Zo's weak legs and the puny appetite. Her post # was 6-something and the rest of the bloodwork looked good, Doc said (other than the usual elev. in some of the enzymes - which is normal for cushies). So in she went for her busy day in the OR. She should be out of surgery by now, but haven't heard anything yet from the vet's office. 'No news' I take to be 'good news.' Sue
08-08-2009, 07:55 PM
Sue, we're right here alongside you awaiting word from the vet...
Continuing (((hugs))),
08-08-2009, 07:59 PM
Hopefully just a tune up is all Zoe needs. Waiting with you.
08-08-2009, 08:07 PM
it was Kenai that had it not Nike so the cortisol was not an issue. I used my phone as it is small and just opened his mouth and snapped real quick. If it is around the tooth it probably is the same thing, it originates from the connective tissue between the tooth and the gums, as far as eating he never had any trouble at all even when I touched it he didnt do anything other than try to bite my hand off:D, he didnt seem to be tender there. Wish it was the cortisol that made her weak. Maybe she is just hurting more, feeling arthritic??
Well hope the vet has good news.
Harley PoMMom
08-08-2009, 09:30 PM
Waiting alongside you here too.
Love and hugs.
Squirt's Mom
08-08-2009, 10:02 PM
Hi Sue,
Hope to hear from you soon...
Leslie and the girls
08-09-2009, 01:20 PM
See this is why I don't take vacation....I come back and what is this?????
Seriously, on stand by hoping for good news on the Zoester!!!!!!
I need to go find tequila now!!!!!! I saw "surgery" and nearly fell out of my chair!!!!!
Love ya!!! Please let us know when you can!!!!!
Beth and you know the rest
08-09-2009, 03:15 PM
So the energizer doggy went in for her 50,000 mile tune-up and she's runnin' more smoothly now. As surgeries go, Beth, this one was probably relatively minor. I thnk at this age, the anaesthetic is always my biggest concern - especially given the seizures. We weren't able to retrieve her, tho', until about 7:30 last night. Brought her home, got her settled, gave her a small amt. of water and a few bites of soft mushy food and then she proceeded to leave puddles everywhere she laid. Lots of Nature's Miracle last night and lots of laundry today. I guess she was just 'dull' from the anaesthetic since her proin was the one pill I gave her yesterday morning. But today it's better. We even took a short walk and she sniffed out everything in sight, as usual.
The Zoester is two teeth lighter now. They took out the lower incisors on each side of where the gum looked bad. Doc said the teeth were solidly rooted, but that the swollen gum pocket went way way down. She couldn't tell whether it was just an infection or if it was one of those epulis growths like Kenai had. So she took a biopsy but is going to hold up on sending it in, on the theory that if the swelling disappears, then it was probably just infected. If, on the other hand, it persists, then she'll send in the tissue sample. It sounded like those growths are benign tumors. At least I think that's what I caught out of the conversation. Do you know, Sharon? The spinal x-ray showed some age-related deterioration, but nothing that requires further treatment. I think she said spondylitis and some bulging discs. She thinks that's probably part of the reason for the legs.
The ugly red inner eyelid growth that was a constant irritation is now bye-bye, too. They snipped and cauterized it and it doesn't seem to be bothering her today, but I did give her double tramadols last night and this am - in case anything, anywhere, hurts.
That's the good news. Now for the better news!!!! Doc says Zoe is in pretty darn good shape for her age. Her heart is strong, she did amazingly well during the procedures, and all her labwork looked fine. So Dave's retirement is on indefinite hold, again. ;):rolleyes::D
He went with to pick her up 'cause he's never met Dr. C. I guess he wanted to see who was getting all his hard-earned money. Plus, I think he was anticipating bad news. He likes to complain about how much the Zo costs, but deep down, he loves that crazy girl and how she gets so silly excited when he walks thru the door. She doesn't do that for ME!:confused::(::p - the little brat!! Anyhow, she's the first of our dogs that's really warmed up to him and . . . don't tell him I said this, but the feeling is obviously mutual. :)
So onward, with the Zo...... thanks, everybody for being there - like you always are!! Sue
Squirt's Mom
08-09-2009, 03:22 PM
~~~deep sigh~~~ WHEW!! I was getting really worried when we didn't hear from you yesterday and by this morning I was starting to get frantic! :eek: I was SOOOOOO happy to read this post! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Yeah, Zoe!!!!!!
Many big hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the girls
08-09-2009, 03:29 PM
I'm way behind but happy to catch up to find good news! She has such a beautiful, old-girl face... give her a hug from us,
08-09-2009, 03:35 PM
Thanks for the wonderful update, Sue! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Now I can relax again...:p
08-09-2009, 03:37 PM
Not posting as much as I used to, but still reading and trying to keep up with all the goings-on around here and I was holding my breath (well, almost holding my breath) since yesterday. So glad to see your update today!
BIG HUGS to Zoe and to you and Dave, too. :D :D :D :D :D :D
Carol G
08-09-2009, 03:41 PM
So very wonderful to hear the good news.
Carol, Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
08-09-2009, 03:50 PM
Great news about Zoe. Glad her 50,000 mi. tune-up was a success. Zoe and the Munch need to put their newly removed teeth under the dog bed so the doggie tooth fairy can make a the vet! :D
08-09-2009, 03:54 PM
So glad Zo is ok!! I too was worried when you didn't post yesterday. (((BigZoeHugs)))))
08-09-2009, 04:33 PM
Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Barney's Mom
08-09-2009, 04:45 PM
Glad to hear that all went well with Zoe.
Barney and Cheryl
Harley PoMMom
08-09-2009, 04:51 PM
I was just like the others...worried when I kept checking for you post and there was none :eek: and finally today...YAAA. :D:D So happy that everything went well with Zoe.
Love and hugs.
08-09-2009, 09:18 PM
Sue and Miss Zoe, so glad to see all went well. I think you made a typo and you ment to say 50,000 $$$ not miles right?;) I know not quite but sometimes sure seems like it doesnt it? The money I won should have direct deposited to my vets account only I wanted to see the number on my bank statement go out of the red, if only for a moment before turning it over to him, I just want to hold it, to touch it hoping one hundred bill would breed with another hundred bill and make baby 50s for something, no luck so far:rolleyes:
From what my vet and the dental vet, not the specialist the owner of the clinic we go to loves dental so that is all he does, What he said was it was benign but it can grow back. they biopsied Kenais and cut it off down to his gums or rather where his gums should have been. they develope from the connective tissue between the gums and the tooth so the entire tooth may need to be removed and the socket cleaned out. Sometimes they can invade the mandible and part of the bone needs to be removed. He also said that they can grow and grow.
Hope it was absessed and not have to worry about the epulis, epilus what ever it is. Glad to hear that she again took a licken and has keeps on ticken, I am not surprised the vet was impressed at how well she is doing, she has a great owner taking excellent care of her.
Let me know if that growth goes down or not, will be interested to see what comes of that.
Hugs to you and Zoe and my sympathies to Dave
luv ya
me and mine
08-10-2009, 08:48 AM
So glad to hear all the good news about Zoe. And tell Dave not to worry about the're going to take care of him some day with the proceeds from your book!
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
Truffa's Mom
08-10-2009, 02:42 PM
Very glad to hear the good news. Zoe we love you girl.
09-15-2009, 09:27 PM
So happy to read this thread....:)
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
09-18-2009, 04:12 PM
Hey Lynn - thanks for bumping Zoe back to the first page!! Haven't posted in a long time. How are Clyde and Bailey doing/?
Jo-Ann - again I'm so heartbroken about Lady. (You did get my private e-mail, I hope?) The reason I've not been around much is a GOOD one. I have two publishers interested in my book, and have been scrambling to get it ready to send off to the first one. The other wants exclusive review, so they'll have to wait, I guess. Fingers, toes, paws, eyes, all crossed. It'll be a few months before I hear anything, I'm sure.
Zoe's doin' ok. The legs are really a struggle for her these days. But the cushings is under control (probably why the legs have gotten worse, huh!) She's off to the petsitter for two whole weeks (that worries me, as that's the longest we've ever left her.) But it's getting close to retirement time, and we HAVE to find a place to live. So we're off to GA/NC soon and will be hunting for something cheap and spectacular there. Zoe's FROM Georgia and I'm praying that she gets to go back there. She never seemed to mind the HUMIDITY and BUGS, but of course, now the heat really bothers her. We've had such a hot summer here and she just can't be outside at all when it's in the 90's. At least, the humidity is not so high here.
Marcela - what's new with Truffa. All must be well, I presume?
Sharon - HRH and DS doin' ok, too, I guess. Can you believe Nike and Zoe, as big as they are, are still at it, goin' on four years with the cushings. We were at the park yesterday, and some guy was there with his grandson and his camera, and he saw Zoe and hollered over....."Is that the oldest dog in the world???" I had to laugh - she was hobbling along with her entirely white face. I told him....."close to it!" He then asked if he could take her picture! Zoe always attracts attention wherever she goes. This time, it was for a good reason, not a bad one~!
Zoe's gum went back down and she's had no further problems since the two little teeth came out. Must have just been an infected pocket. She did get a visit from Percy, unfortunately. But HEY, the good news is.....she went a whole YEAR without a uti!!!!!!!! That's definitely a record for her. And when Doc did the cysto, Zoe's USG was like 1.015 or 1.016! Also unheard of!!!!!!!!
Hope everybody else and their little furry friends are all doing fantastico! Sue/Zoe
09-18-2009, 07:03 PM
Hello Sue,
I think most of us are fantasico and very glad to hear from you and the 'Zoe.
09-18-2009, 07:36 PM
Glad all is going well with you and the Zoe. Good luck hunting for your retirement dream place. Humidity and bugs - ackkkkk! :eek:
I have two publishers interested in my book, and have been scrambling to get it ready to send off to the first one. The other wants exclusive review, so they'll have to wait, I guess. Fingers, toes, paws, eyes, all crossed. It'll be a few months before I hear anything, I'm sure.
That's wonderful news about your book. Hope everything works out. I've got my reading glasses all ready. :D :D
09-18-2009, 08:04 PM
Sue, good news on all fronts from you. Glad to hear you and the Zoe are doing well. Kim and clan
09-18-2009, 08:13 PM
So maybe we'll be neighbors before long????????? :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Good luck on the house-hunting, and many (((pats))) to Herself while she is lounging at the pet-sitter's during your trip...
09-18-2009, 10:53 PM
Sue, it's so good to get an update on the two of you. Lots going on in your life....have been wondering how the book was coming along. Wishing you all the best in your house hunt. Thanks for your email about Lady...haven't gotten to answering them all yet.
Hope Zoe has a great time at the petsitters.
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog Angel :)
09-19-2009, 09:14 AM
Hi Sue,
Happy to hear that all is going well with you and Zoe. Good luck with the publishers and your house hunting. Hugs to you and the Zoe.
09-19-2009, 11:10 AM
Hey Sue! Good luck with the book. Can't wait to read it.
So happy to hear the Zoe is doing well. Give her some big hugs and
loves from me.
Shelba and Suni
09-19-2009, 09:03 PM
Sue and Miss Zoe;
glad to hear that Miss Zoes gum is not back, Kenais is still normal too, no oral surg yet. No I can not believe that they are close to 4 years now and they are doing so well. Its hard to believe that I have been on here for that long. Time flys. I totally understand about leaving Zoe for that long, believe me. I have left Nike and kenai for 10 days 3 different times this year and I hate it but it seems to bother me more than it does them, and that is at a kennel. I wish i could find a reliable pet sitter that Demon spawn would not chew up, thus the kennel they know him and he knows them.
Just FYI Asheville is in the mountains of NC, we are western NC and it is cooler here in the summer. If your looking in this area let me know, I can hook you up with a good RE agent. I used to work at the hosp and work real estate when I was not working there. And it would be nice to have you as a neighbor.
Oldest dog in the world huh? those grey hairs in their beards dont lie. I think it makes them look dignified.
anyway if youhappen to come up this way give me a call and we can meet somewhere. I will PM you my cell phone number.
good luck house hunting and congrats on the book, you should be very proud of your self, Im proud to say I know you. let us know when the book is out so we can get a copy:)
Hugs to you and Miss Zoe the Dawg( no longer dog as she is going to be a southern bell soon)
love ya
Sharon et el
09-20-2009, 07:22 PM
YAY on the book, Sue!!!! And double-yay on the good news with Zoe!!!! And triple-yay on the no uti!!!!:D:D:D
Now, if you are moving to Georgia, I'll be expecting two suppliers of peach daquiris!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Zoe earned every single one of her little gray hairs! She is just beautiful!!! I'm pretty sure I am the oldest dog in the world...I sure feel like it!
Love ya! Beth and the worms
10-03-2009, 01:23 PM
Well, we're headed back to CA today. Wish we could pick the Zo up tonight but it will be too late. Stacy the petsitter says she's enjoying herself and walking with a new spring in her step lately! Dave and I must slow her down. She always enjoys being at Stacy's with the other dogs. Such a social butterfly. When it wasn't over 100 outside, she apparently spent her mornings 'communicating' with the firemen at the station down the hill from the Stacy's house.
Looks like we'll be moving to GA. Found a nice house in Ellijay - the apple capital. Close on Oct 16 but won't actually be moving out here until next May (me and I hope Zoe, too, since she started out here in GA). Dave will stay behind in Oakland and work a couple more years, or so he says!) We'll be 45 minutes from our youngest daughter and her family (and one of the two sets of twin - grandkids).
Have to not think about the new house too much yet - 'cause I promised I'd get the book to the publisher this month . . . and then it's more waiting to see if they like it. Hurry up and wait....I'm good at that, thanks to Zoe. Sue
10-19-2009, 06:45 PM
Sue, I ran across a picture of a handsome fellow named Sonnie that now lives at the Milagro Senior Pet Refuge in Arizona. I had to share this with you because it is just too uncanny that Sonnie not only looks like Zoe but he also has seizures.
Sonnie was left at the Pima County Animal Shelter by his owner Thanksgiving week 2007. A very kind and caring couple, Amy and Derek, saw Sonnie and knew he didn't belong there, so they rescued him and cared for him till a permanent home could be found. Milagro was contacted, and we brought him to Phoenix to join the other seniors. Sonnie is 12yrs old and, in spite of his advanced age and a couple of epileptic seizures, he seems to be in very good health. Sonnie has all the sweetness of the Labrador breed and is a wonderful addition to the Milagro family.
Barney's Mom
10-19-2009, 09:08 PM
Sue, I ran across a picture of a handsome fellow named Sonnie that now lives at the Milagro Senior Pet Refuge in Arizona. I had to share this with you because it is just too uncanny that Sonnie not only looks like Zoe but he also has seizures.
301 is uncanny how much Zoe and Sonnie look alike.
10-24-2009, 11:40 PM
Double Wow. They could be siblings. Noo, wait . . . TWINS. This isn't the first Zoe look-alike either. One day my daughter (who then lived in DC) was walking son Bobby to school and Bobby yells out - LOOK, there's Zoe. He actually thought it was Zoe and it took his mom awhile to convince him it wasn't. Zo-Zo must have one of those 'common' faces. Little booger's feeling fine, by the way. She sat on the balcony all day today and watched the world go by - and did some barking at it, too.
Sorry I've been so scarce around here. Have been following some of you on facebook, but have had no time to post. Busy getting that book ready to send off to the should go this week (I promised them in October - good and vague, huh!) and then I'm gonna have me a whole pitcher of margaritas, probably pass out on the floor and wake up to find Zoe licking my face!!!! It'll be such a relief to have it out of my hands....of course, then the other nerve-racking part starts. THE WAITING! And the thought that if they don't want it, then I have to keep looking.
Hope all's well with all of you. Plan to catch up on everybody's threads, starting in about a week. Sue and the Zo
10-25-2009, 08:05 AM
Hey Sue!
Somehow I had missed your earlier post about your new Ellijay house -- YAY!!!!!! North Georgia will be thrilled to welcome you and Zoe back home (and Dave too, of course - I'll bet he changes his mind about stickin' to the grind ;)). And May SHOULD be such a pretty time to make the move up there (if our crazy weather ever settles down again).
Good, good luck on your book. You may have told us this in the past, but somehow I also missed it if you did -- what's the nature of your book? Is it fiction, non-, or something in between?
It'll be great having you back with us again in fuller force.
Hugs to you and big pats to Miss Zoe,
Squirt's Mom
10-25-2009, 09:23 AM
Hi Sue,
Glad Zoe is doing well and enjoying the scenery! A common face?!?! Never! No other pup could have that special glow that our Zoe does, just can't happen! :D Tho, Sonnie could be a brother without a doubt!
You may have told us this in the past, but somehow I also missed it if you did -- what's the nature of your book? Is it fiction, non-, or something in between?
Now I'm gonna be nosy...what moniker do you publish under? I love your genre' so I would like to read some of your work!
Hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the girls
10-25-2009, 03:11 PM
Hey Leslie and Marianne -
I haven't published under any moniker yet!!! But if this one gets published, it'll be under my 'real' name.
And Marianne, it's non-fiction. Historical true crime. I've always been a big fan of true crime. This one is about one of my ancestors - she was a young teacher in a rural school in IL when she was raped on the last day of the school year - in June 1882. Ii first learned of the story from a great-aunt many years ago, but then in 2003, I discovered it was one of the biggest news stories of its time. Covered in all the papers across the country and a mystery that was never solved. I used my genealogy research knowledge (HA!!) and attempted to solve it. At least I have my theory which I give at the end of the book.
The titlle will be Nameless Indignities, because that's how the papers referred to some of her injuries. In those days, they were apparently too horrific to put into print but I think I've figured it out what they were. She finally pulled through, became a morphine addict because of her injuries, and the accused were acquitted. There were so many surprising twists and turns in the case and you couldn't dream up a mystery this good, I don't think. Thanks for asking. Hope everybody will read it, if and when it becomes a REAL BOOK. Sue
Squirt's Mom
10-25-2009, 03:54 PM
Hope everybody will read it, if and when it becomes a REAL BOOK.
Count me in!! Sounds like a great story! I just love a good mystery...:D
Leslie and the girls
Roxee's Dad
10-25-2009, 04:05 PM
The titlle will be Nameless Indignities, because that's how the papers referred to some of her injuries. In those days, they were apparently too horrific to put into print but I think I've figured it out what they were. She finally pulled through, became a morphine addict because of her injuries, and the accused were acquitted. There were so many surprising twists and turns in the case and you couldn't dream up a mystery this good, I don't think.
Well your preamble already has me intrigued and interested. You can count me in.:)
Barney's Mom
10-25-2009, 07:40 PM
Well your preamble already has me intrigued and interested. You can count me in.:)
Me too!
10-25-2009, 08:37 PM
Me three!!! I love historical crime. I'm almost finished with Ann Rule's Green River Running Red. Creepy, creepy, creepy.
Harley PoMMom
10-25-2009, 08:51 PM
Me too!
CherylMe four...count me in. :)
Love and hugs.
10-25-2009, 11:41 PM
Guaranteed five! :D :D
I love a good mystery. I have a neighbor that will only read true crime stories, and I usually pass on my books to her, but in this case . . . I will have her buy her own . . .
So there goes six. :D
So good to hear Zoe and family are doing so well.
Love & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
10-26-2009, 03:10 AM
I want in too. Maybe we can get this book on the bestseller list just with k9cushings people.:D
10-26-2009, 06:26 AM
I would love to read your book. I have been very scarce myself on site, work has me busy, and just saw this. We can start a fan club too and you will have to have a book signing, we'll all come to GA (road trip anyone?).
Terry :)
10-26-2009, 11:25 AM
I'm anxiously waiting for this book to come out....can you use us as leverage to get a publisher moving on it?
I'd love to be at a book signing...our 2010 road trip begins on Dec. 20/09 and will include GA this winter, plus a "few" other states. ;) But of course there would be more than one book signing!!! We can all take turns to look after Zoe.
But I feel so bad for your ancestor....
11-17-2009, 08:44 PM
Hmmm, so the Zo was showing some signs, I thought, of the dreaded uti again. She finished her last antibiotics at the beginning of Oct. and I didn't take her in for the follow-up cysto. (Just didn't want to put her thru it and she seemed better.) Then she started with some symptoms again a couple weeks ago, only the urine sample grew nothing this time.
She was licking quite a bit and left some wet spots on her bed, appetite slightly off and drinking slightly up. Vet said we could put her back on the a/b's but I said no. She's continued to lick at herself, but dang....I'm not sure which orifice she's licking at - other than it's at her backside, obviously.
Then she started leaving some poopy smudges on her car blanket and bed lately. That's when she always licks - the second she gets in the car and sits her little buttsky down. :eek: So.....I took the blanket out to wash it and replaced it with a clean beach towel and, dang it, right away - more poopy smudges. So I got the towel out to wash and looked at it more closely (sorta like poop patrol, I guess, 'cause I don't normally go around examining such things close up) and some of the smudges are actually blood!!!
Guess I should take her in, huh? What could it be? Any ideas? I'm hoping it's just an irritation but I tried to get a look and didn't see anything unusual. Then again, she isn't that cooperative when it comes to having her tail lifted up. Sue
11-17-2009, 08:58 PM
Anal sac infection/blockage/irritation? Christy had some fun and games regarding this (with Erik) a while back:
11-17-2009, 08:59 PM
Things can get infected back there from the licking... our Jack was doing some licking and the skin got quite red and a little bleeding because of an anal gland problem.
11-17-2009, 09:08 PM
Yep take the Zoe monster in... my Annie had that once and they thought it was stress. She is a bit psychotic. :D Glad for the update and to see Zoe still has you hopping. Biggest of hugs from me and the girls, Kim
11-17-2009, 09:27 PM
Can't say that I've experienced this particular problem with the Munchmeister (fingers crossed) but I always say "better safe than sorry". If it were me, I'd take her in. Could be something minor or could be otherwise but I think an exam by the vet is in order. Hope whatever this is falls in the minor category and the Zoe feels better real soon.
Squirt's Mom
11-18-2009, 11:03 AM
Hi Sue,
Chiming in with the gang to say get it checked out. ;) Anal sac issues were my first thought as well when you talked about the poopy smudges on her bedding. Another thought was that maybe the gut isn't completely emptying, causing some tiny, frequent "oops!". If she's licking a lot, she can irritate it to the point of lick granuloma - and you don't want that to happen. :eek:
Have you tried squeezing the anal sacs to get them as empty as possible? Nasty, I know! :eek: But it might help her a bit. And maybe taking a baby wipe to clean her real good after she goes out?
I think I would explain to the sweet old gal that she's just gonna have to suffer her pride, raise that tail, and go on in to see the doc. Embarrassing, boy do I understand! :o But sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do. :p
Leslie and the girls
11-18-2009, 02:33 PM
Hi Sue,
Sorry to hear about Zoe's rear end problems. Lots of maybes so I guess it's a vet visit to get it checked out.
11-18-2009, 08:52 PM
Ok, so I got a better look this a.m., out in the daylight and I think I'm seeing some pustules around the anus. Which made me remember a couple years ago when I was wondering if maybe she had pemphigus v.....she had those blistery, watery pustules just inside her lower eyelids and along her lip edge at the time and I think some in her private area too. When they break, they can leave a tiny amount of blood. And, in fact, just last week, it looked like she had one inside her eyelid again. And that was when she was feeling kinda punk (also seemed like she had a fever then, which can also happen with PV.) They never diagnosed that, though, but I'm still suspicious about it. It eventually just kinda went away on its own. (Naturally, steroids help!) Maybe I'll cut back on her trilostane a little bit. But I will definitely keep an eye on it, to make sure no infection is developing. It says they (the pustules) can cause bad itching so maybe that's why she's always trying to get back there to her backend and lick herself. Poor baby - that's a hard move for her in her old age.....and I think that's why she only does the licking right when she gets in the car. Because the way she has to sit in the car must make it easier to execute the necessary contortion! ;)
The anal glands, Zoe's never had any trouble with. She's never even done the anal gland SCOOT, but I suppose that could also be a possibility. No bad smells coming from her, though. Will give it another day or two and see how things progress. Then again, if I don't take her in tomorrow, the next day that her vet will be in will be Tuesday. Maybe I'll sleep on it tonight.:rolleyes: Sue
11-18-2009, 09:38 PM
The "anal gland scoot".. that is perfect! I totally know what that is. Schnauzers. :rolleyes: I bet you are right Sue. If that is what it is save your bucks on the vet visit and go buy yourself a treat! Kim
11-18-2009, 10:11 PM
It probably is something else like the pemphigus if she isn't scooting but ('scuse pun:D) they don't always scoot with anal sac problems and Zoe certainly may not if any arthritis issues make it uncomfortable for her to do so and there could be other reasons too.
Mia had ongoing anal sac problems - never anything serious just a tendency for them to gunge up as happens with a lot of little dogs. I think I only ever actually saw her scoot once or twice in 13 years - but other family members did see her scooting and would tell me.
I'm pretty sure the the reason I rarely if ever witnessed it is that she so totally adored me that if I was around her attention was pretty much on me only. It was only when she wasn't distracted by me that she'd get down and have a much-needed scoot!:rolleyes::)
12-09-2009, 11:10 PM
Zoe needs prayers tonight. She's at the doggy hospital. She was doing fine and then today, she didn't get out of her bed. I kept checking on her and she seemed to be sleeping, so I chalked it up to our late nite (1:30 am potty run.) At 10:30, I got worried and went to check on her again and that's when I realized something was wrong. She wouldn't move - only lifted her head. Refused her favorite treats, water and seemed confused. She seemed not to respond very well and her head kept jerking right and left. Eyes and lids were twitching and she had a hard time tracking me with her eyes. She didn't move from that position until 2 p.m. I thought if I could get her up and into the car, I'd take her to the vets. When she tried to stand, she fell over sideways. I figured this was the end and then I got a call back from our IMS at 3 pm and she thought since it came on suddenly, it could be either a ministroke, or vestibular syndrome. If not, probably the dreaded brain tumor. She did try to stand when Dave came home but fell after about three steps. We managed to get her into the car and over to the clinic and they had to bring out the stretcher.
So she's staying overnight, getting bloodwork and an IV and some motion sickness drug. But if it doesn't start to improve in the next few days, it's probably something in the brain and I just can't let her suffer like she did today. I'm heartbroken but trying to be positive that maybe it is vestibular, due to the sudden onset. Then again, the vet we saw tonight said that one pupil was more dilated than the other, which was suggestive of brain disease. She felt it was either an extremely severe case of vestibular syndrome or else a tumor. She did get hung up in a corner recently and also after one late night walk a couple weeks ago, she stood by the 'dummy' front door waiting for it to open, rather than the one that does opens. We are going to give it a few days to see if there's any change. I can't bear to see her like this but I also don't want to rush into making the wrong decision. Gotta stop and get a kleenex - too much crying. Sue
Harley PoMMom
12-09-2009, 11:15 PM
Oh Sue,
I am here and I am praying hard for you and Zoe.
Much love and big hugs,
Carol G
12-10-2009, 12:07 AM
Prayers coming from here too.
Carol & Atty
12-10-2009, 12:37 AM
Dearest Sue and Dave,
My prayers and thoughts are with you and the Zoe tonight.
I know that you will only do what is best for her, so we can only hope this is a temporary thing and improvements will happen.
Please keep us posted.
Hugs ~ Mary Ann
12-10-2009, 12:55 AM
Dear Sue,
I just woke up to read Zoe's in the hospital. One of the first things I do every day is saying hello to my Pascha, Cukie and Sogno and light a candle for them. I will light another one for Zoe today... We will be thinking of you and Zoe, hoping for the best and sending you lots of hugs.
Saskia and Yunah.
12-10-2009, 01:35 AM
Our candle is lit and hoping for some good news.
12-10-2009, 02:29 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Zoe. I hope Zoe will get through this and be okay.
12-10-2009, 03:29 AM
I am so sorry that Zoe is having difficulties and in the hospital. Special prayers from me for the Zoe and for you and Dave also. Think I'm going to have to get some kleenex now.....
12-10-2009, 04:21 AM
Dear Sue,
Sending special prayers to Zoe. Thinking of you all and hoping for some better news.
Linda and Spicey
12-10-2009, 06:15 AM
Oh Sue, I just woke up to read your news. I am praying as hard as I can for our girl. When you are able, please tell her how much we all love her.
We are waiting here alongside you,
12-10-2009, 09:09 AM
Dearest Sue,
I too am sending tons of prayers for sweet Zoe and big hugs to you.
Know we are all here for you.
12-10-2009, 09:16 AM
Hi Sue,
Zoe is so special to us all and I've always considered her our honorary mascot so when I read your post this morning, my heart fell and the waterworks started. I am praying with all I have in me that Zoe's problem is vestibular and that she recovers from this.
My thoughts are with you and Dave and it goes without saying that I will be preoccupied with thoughts of your baby girl today and will be anxiously awaiting your update.
((((Warm comforting hugs))))
Roxee's Dad
12-10-2009, 09:19 AM
Dear Sue,
I will be praying especially hard for the Zoe. It was her story that led me to this forum and all the kind and knowledgeable members here. It was a year ago that I was reading and reading your and Zoe's long journey. It gave me hope.
The Zoe holds such a very special place in my heart.
I am praying hard, sending positive thoughts.
Squirt's Mom
12-10-2009, 09:26 AM
Dear Sue,
My heart is in my throat reading this news. Zoe is so special to me and many others here. Her story has inspired and comforted so many over the years. I am praying that this is just vestibular and they will be able to help her regain her strength so she comes home to you and Dave.
Huge hugs and prayers for all,
Leslie and the girls
12-10-2009, 10:05 AM
I haven't been able to be on in a while but thankfully Leslie got me a message. I came as soon as I saw it.
Where do I even start? You know how I feel about you both. My heart snapped when I saw this and I am praying as hard as I can for you all. I wish there were words, but as we know there just aren't any.
Please feel my strength and love coming to you across all these miles and know that you are all in my heart today, as always. Please give sweet Zoe girl so many kissies from us and know that the miles between us cannot possibly stop all the love coming your way...
Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, Allo and Baby Pallie
and I too am off now to light a candle for our girl...
12-10-2009, 11:10 AM
I just heard from Beth that Zoe is in the hospital. I am sending my positive thoughts and hugs across the miles. Zoe is a strong girl and I am sure is fighting with everything she has. I know how hard it is to have her in the hospital, I am sure they are doing everything they can for her. Am hoping this is just a dip in the road.
love to you and to Zoe
Sharon and Kenai and forever in my heart Nike.
12-10-2009, 11:22 AM
Sending you lots of love.
12-10-2009, 11:23 AM
Oh Sue, just got Leslie's message. Lots of prayers and hugs coming from me too. Will be checking often for an update on your precious girl. I know you'll do the very best for her. Kleenex time for me too.
12-10-2009, 12:53 PM
Dearest Sue,
I am praying so hard for our precious Zoe and her wonderful mom.
She has shown us more than once how strong and determined she is and how she likes to be in control of a situation, and I pray this is one more of those times. Hang in there beautiful girl for all of us who love you dearly.
Love and ((hugs))
Shelba and Suni
12-10-2009, 01:20 PM
Thank you everyone for your love, and prayers, and never-ending support. I just talked with the vet tech and Zoe's about the same - unable to stand or walk. But she did eat this morning which is a positive . . . and went poo and pee, too - with the sling, which she wouldn't do last night. Her IMS is in until 1:30 pm so I'm hoping she'll be able to examine the Zo and give me her expert opinion when I go over to visit midday. She's had no meds now for 36 hours - so the cortisol must be rising. Maybe that will help reduce any potential inflammation. I think they were also going to put her on a different antibiotic, in case there's a bad ear infection. She was (until this happened) on cipro for the bleeding anal lesion. Will post an update when I get home. Sue
12-10-2009, 01:21 PM
Dear Sue,
Jo-Ann sent me an e-mail about Zoe. Tons of prayers, hugs and positive thoughts being sent your way. We're all here for you.
12-10-2009, 01:24 PM
Hey Sue,
Been watching and waiting and watching....I am so glad Zoe ate something this morning and there is even the slightest improvement...any is a step in the right direction. Hope this afternoon brings even more good news...
we're are all here and waiting with you and Zoe...
Lots of love and kissies, Beth and the bunch
12-10-2009, 01:33 PM
Hi Sue,
I'm so glad that Zoe ate and was able to go potty. These seem to be very positive signs. I hope she will be home with you soon.
12-10-2009, 01:59 PM
Here I am again, checking to see if you had posted an update on Zoe. Sure enough there was a new post and I was relieved to see that Zoe is eating and going potty now - both positive signs. I'm still praying real hard for Zoe that she continues to show improvement and makes a full recovery from whatever this is. Will check back this afternoon and hope you get some good news from the IM.
Sending an abundance of hugs and love for the Zoe and her family.
12-10-2009, 02:38 PM
Just saw your updates from last night and today Sue, and I'm here thinking only positive thoughts for Zoe. I'm hoping that it turns out to be just vestibular syndrome or something else where you can get a good recovery with some med changes and minor treatment plan adjustments.
I think if it's vestibular syndrome, there will be some improvement in the next few days, but it may take a bit longer than that (a couple of weeks or more, according to several links I found) to see her get really better. I swear I also read somewhere that different pupil size can be a vestibular syndrome symptom, even if it's a less frequently seen symptom than the falling over, loss of balance and back and forth eye movements etc, but I can't find the reference right now. They do all seem to say that canine vestibular syndrome is more common in older dogs, comes on suddenly, is very scary to see and is often confused with brain tumor or stroke.
Don't worry about rising cortisol - at Zoe's age it's likely okay for the cortisol to be higher than what we might usually aim for in a treated Cushing's dog anyway, especially if it's just for a few weeks or months and/or if higher cortisol production just helps her to feel better.
Will be looking for your updates.
(((hugs))) to you and Dave and your beautiful Zoe girl
12-10-2009, 03:09 PM
SO glad she ate and went potty!! Good girl Zoe! Hang in there Mom,
12-10-2009, 04:05 PM
Back from the clinic. It was a stressful visit - for both of us. She struggles constantly to try and stand, only to fall again. She won't look at me either, but I'm hoping it's because she's so dizzy. Saw the IMS and she's very positive - saying 80% of dogs recover. No time frame, of course. She is just so distressed because she hates being at the vet. I need to see that she's coping better in the next two or three days or I'm afraid I can't put her through any more, given that she's been thru so much already.
And there's no way we can bring her home unless she shows more marked improvement. No place to take her potty without going down two steps to the street and then walking a block. Which for her is impossible right now. They did take her out in the sling again, right before I left and her legs were no help to her at all. She's absolutely miserable. But at least she can swallow, which the vet was encouraged about. So guess it's wait and see. I was hoping for a more noticeable improvement. It's awful to watch and not be able to help her. Even the 'good doggy massage' failed to calm her down. Sue
12-10-2009, 04:10 PM
Came to check on you and Zoe before going to bed and am pleased to see Zoe ate something. Given the time here, I can't say I will keep you in my thoughts but I will definately keep you and Zoe in my dreams tonight...still hoping for the best possible outcome.
Big hugs,
Saskia and Yunah
12-10-2009, 04:15 PM
I'm so sorry to hear she's stressed at the vets....I was wondering how she was making out....keep remembering how you "camped out" in the waiting room with her when she needed to go for testing.
Would she be able to recover at the place where she goes when you take a trip without her? Didn't they have/or look after a dog with limited mobility?
More hugs and prayers for you all,
12-10-2009, 04:16 PM
Oh Sue, this has to be so hard for you. And still such a shock, given how abruptly things changed for Zoe. I'm gonna hang on to that "80%" recovery quote, and hope and pray that there will be some quick improvement to signal that you will be able to make it past the worst of this illness. Thank you so much for the update, and I know that your family here is standing ready to help brainstorm about recuperative issues if that will be a help to you in any way.
I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
12-10-2009, 05:49 PM
I know the stress is tremendous, not only for precious Zoe, but for you and Dave. I hang on to the 80% and perhaps tomorrow will show even greater improvements. Even though being on poop patrol is a major improvement!!
Can they give her a mild sedative to calm her, or would that interfere with any monitoring they need to do? Well if they can't give it to Zoe, maybe they will let you have some!.
Doing the double time healing prayers for Zoe.
You are never far from my thoughts.
Hugs ~ Mary Ann
12-10-2009, 06:04 PM
Zoe has shown over and over that she is a serious fighter. If any dog can get through this, it's Zoe. The Internist's 80% number is very encouraging, as is Zoe's eating and going potty.
Zoe will be in my continued prayers and Shi's got her paws crossed.....she also sends kisses to both you and Zoe.
12-10-2009, 06:12 PM
Sue; I am sorry there is not a marked improvement, 80% sounds pretty good. Good sign she is eating and her swallow is good. Will the vet clinic let you bring in a blanket or something of yours or hers with your smell on it? maybe that will help calm her and let her relax a little bit.
You and Zoe continue to be in my thoughts. lots of candles lit for Zoe, she is getting love, prayers, hugs and healing thoughts from all over the country.
12-10-2009, 06:18 PM
Corky and I are still sending our thoughts and prayers for all of you.
12-10-2009, 06:43 PM
Keeping everything crossed that 80% becomes 100%. C'mon Zoe! We love you, sweetie! Get better, please.
Roxee's Dad
12-10-2009, 06:50 PM
Continued positive thoughts and praying hard that the Zoe recovers quickly.
Carol G
12-10-2009, 08:10 PM
Continued prayers from here too.
Carol & Atty Cat
Harley PoMMom
12-10-2009, 08:25 PM
Prayers from here too.
Love and hugs,
12-10-2009, 08:31 PM
Checking in on you too, Sue. You've all been on my mind all day and tonight...and always in my heart. I have to echo what Ken said, and actually I was telling my boyfriend about her.....Zoe is the wonder dog, she has been through so much and has always fought back with all she has. Hang onto to that 80% as much as you can. I am not dismissing your thoughts on needing the marked improvement, as you and I have had those quality of life issue talks countless times, and I know you will know what is the right thing to do when and if you need to....but for right now, we are praying so hard for that improvement bc if any dog can do it, it is our Zoe-girl.
The strength of this board is amazing, truly miraculous, and that's what we are all pulling for right now, a much better Zoe tomorrow.
I understand the dog hating the vet thing, as you too know, and was thinking too if you could leave something of your's and Dave's for her? I hope she can feel all the love being poured her way. Because there is just soooo much of it!
Hang in there, Sue...and we are right here with you all....
Sending lots of love and prayers and healing hugs and tons of "Get Better Zoe" chants...Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, Allo and Baby Pallie
Squirt's Mom
12-10-2009, 08:46 PM
Hi Sue,
I am so glad to come back tonite and read about an 80% chance of recovery! :D That has to be good news in spite of your disappointment in her mannerisms today. Remember it takes a bit more for us old gals to regroup but for tough ones like Zoe can do it. She has yours and Dave's abiding love, plus the love, prayers and healing thoughts of all her family here behind you all, which more than doubles those chances. We have seen more than one miracle through this bunch of folks and I see no reason to doubt the possibility of one now.
Please take care of yourself, get as much rest as you can and know you are held close by 100's of arms all through the nite.
Leslie and the girls
12-10-2009, 09:23 PM
Sue, I'm just reading about Zoe's setback and wanted to add my words of encouragement, positive vibes and thoughts. Zoe is a special member of this cushings family. Big hugs to you tonight. Prayers being sent out. Kim, Haley and Annie
Casey's Mom
12-11-2009, 12:26 AM
Sue I am just now reading about Zoe's stuggles and want you to know that we are sending positive thoughts and prayers for you tonight,
12-11-2009, 12:47 AM
Sending more prayers to you and Zoe. She has always shown that she is a fighter so I am hoping this is one more battle she can win.
12-11-2009, 12:17 PM
Hi Sue,
How is Zoe doing today? My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I'm hoping you will get some good news today.
Squirt's Mom
12-11-2009, 12:23 PM
Hi Sue,
Sending healing thought, prayers, hope and strength continually. Know we are with you all.
Leslie and the girls
12-11-2009, 02:37 PM
The "Dutchies" are also still with you and Zoe, in mind, heart and spirit...
Saskia and Yunah.
12-11-2009, 03:12 PM
Just checking on Zoe again and sending more positive, loving, healing thoughts for you, little girl.
12-11-2009, 03:31 PM
Hi Sue,
Keep checking for an update, and hoping and praying.
Sending healing thoughts, prayers and love.
Hugs ~ Mary Ann
12-11-2009, 06:27 PM
12-11-2009, 07:02 PM
You and Zoe are in my thoughts and prayers too.
Is she on valium? It calms down the vestibular system and reduces anxiety too. I think it is a great med for dogs.
12-11-2009, 07:06 PM
Just checking in again this evening. Sending tons of hugs your way...
Harley PoMMom
12-11-2009, 07:32 PM
More hugs and tons of prayers coming from me too.
With much love,
12-11-2009, 09:19 PM
Not much change when I was there today. I came home pretty depressed, and thinking maybe it's time to let go. But she did do her little hoppy-dance twice when we had her outside in the sling. That's where her front feet go up a couple inches off the ground as she barks. Meaning.....give me a treat or I want something. She didn't bark but I did see that slight little hoppy dance. Unfortunately, she's not figured out how to go potty with the sling around her gut. So she's trying to hold it, I think, and then having accidents in her little cubby. And now the anal lesion is bleeding again. The tech was gonna try and clean up her backside a bit. Talked to vet #2 (the one we see the second most often) and asked what she'd do if it was her dog. She said she'd give it few more days.
Came home and went online and read some of the postings by people whose dogs have gone thru this. The general concensus is that you have to be patient. And patient I am not. Most say within 3 - 5 you should see a change, assuming it's peripheral and not central (tumor or lesion in the brain.) It'll be 3 days tomorrow morning. She seemed less stressed to see me today - maybe since I visited her in her cubby instead of in an examining room. She immediately tried to stand and couldn't, so I gave her a hand and she was able to stand on her own while the tech got the sling. But when we came back inside, she tried to circle to lie down and tipped over and crashed into the side of the cubby, whamming her head hard.
I'm gonna ask them to run a T4 tomorrow. I've seen some mentions that low thyroid might be a cause and she's not had that checked for several months. Also asked if they could withhold the trilo for awhile and the vet agreed that might be a good idea. On the sedatives though, they said they don't like to give them to vestibular dogs because it makes them dopey which makes it even harder for them to focus and find their balance. Alison - does the valium have some specific effect on the vestibular system? Dave's home now so we'll probably be leaving shortly to go visit her. I always come away feeling confused and that maybe I'm not being fair to her. Sue
12-11-2009, 09:27 PM
Sue, Of course it is hard to be patient when you see her suffering right now. But I think you asked the most important question which is "what would you do if it was your dog?"....I am so hoping Day 4 is the magic day!
The fact that she even attempted her little hoppy dance I think it another positive sign, a small one maybe, but sometimes it is in baby steps...and any step to being positive, is a step in the right direction.
I was wondering last night about her thyroid, or even if her seizure meds could be off? Does she get blood levels drawn on those? Just grasping but trying to help think....
I'm so sorry she hit her head....that has to be so hard on you to see her like that...I winced myself in reading about it. But it seems on the other hand she is trying a little more to manage, being more responsive towards you, and so forth. Small steps....lead to hopefully a huge one...
I am praying my you know what off....and thinking of you lots...I hope you and Dave find her even better tonight...and I will check in again.
Until then, the "Zoe get better baby girl" chant is going on in NJ and will until you get through this....
All our love and hugs, Beth and the rest of the zoo
12-11-2009, 09:45 PM
I can't speak for what Alison said, but I did a quick search on the use of Valium and vestibular disease. From what I am reading it is used more as a sedative and generally not used a treatment per se bc of the concerns your vet already may make her even more unsteady, etc.
That's what I found in my search anyway...
Love ya, Beth
12-11-2009, 09:47 PM
Doing the hoppy dance for Zoe!!! Just like all the quacks for Pallie, we all have to do a hoppy dance for Zoe!
Hoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy danceHoppy dance...Hoppy dance
12-11-2009, 09:54 PM
Yes, Valium is what is called a "vestibular suppressant" and reduces dizziness. Here's a quote (
Use of medications such as Antivert (Meclizine) is usually of no benefit in true Meniere's Disease, even if it helps in other balance disorders. However, Valium (Diazepam) and other Benzodiazepines have a direct effect on the nerve controlling balance and its central connections to the brain. When Valium is given at the onset of a vertigo attack, it can prevent the attack from continuing. (N.B. Valium and similar medications should not be taken daily, because they may be habit forming.)
Mia had a brain tumor which appeared to eventually to have wiped out her balance mechanism entirely. Her course was very different from Zoe's though with a very gradual increase in vestibular symptoms (starting with a slight gait abnormality for about 3 - 4 months prior to anything obvious) and going onto complete loss of all balance which resulted in her being in her throwing herself around in a blind panic on the last night of her life. That was when I gave her the Valium and it was like a miracle, she could at last get to sleep and no longer was in a panic. Prior to that I had to hold her down firmly against the sides of the soft-crate she was in to give her any sense of security. It was the most ghastly night of my life and that includes kids! The only way it could have been worse would have been if she'd been a bigger dog. And at least she wasn't nauseated (still wanted to eat and chowed down the valium with a little cream cheese!).
(Zoe sounds more like a "normal" peripheral vestibular problem.)
Of course Mia was probably fairly sedated but her symptoms were so severe that that didn't really matter and in fact the more out of it she was the better by that stage, really. It doesn't sound like Zoe is anything like as distressed as Mia was and over sedating her is probably not a good idea. It looks like there is/was also a theory that Valium could decrease the ability of the patient to adapt to and compensate for peripheral vestibular disturbances and thus prolong the problem but I just found some research that refuted this - at least in cats.
Valium is one of the meds used in humans for this problem although sedation (and probably addiction) can be a problem. My niece (16yo) recently had a relatively mild vestibular problem (after a cold) and was given Stemetil which was fantastic for her - worked a treat and no side effects.
Apparently when an animal or human "recovers" from a vestibular problem it isn't that the problem itself has gone away (although that must happen sometimes) but it is more that the brain has adapted to new situation and learns to more or less ignore the confusing signals from the balance organ(s) in the ears most of the time.
I hope that Zoe improves - it sounds like she could be starting to with that little hoppy dance happening.
PS: I should add that Mia's brain tumor was not related to her Cushing's or her pituitary it was completely separate, much bigger and in a different part of her brain. She did also have a pituitary macroadenoma which showed up on the scan (a whopper too for such a little dog) but for some reason it wasn't causing a problem.
12-11-2009, 10:01 PM
Sue, I was so glad to see your post....wish you had better news but it may be too soon to make any decisions. She's trying....she still wants to be here. I always let that be my "decision" with long as she wanted to be here.
Hope you find her better tonight...
12-11-2009, 11:09 PM
Sue, Thanks for the update... I'm sure it is exhausting and we appreciate your taking the time. Meanwhile, know that Zoe's fan club will continue with our vigil of prayers for a speedy recovery. Sending you strength and hugs, Kim
12-11-2009, 11:24 PM
I am praying my you know what off....and thinking of you lots...I hope you and Dave find her even better tonight...and I will check in again.
Until then, the "Zoe get better baby girl" chant is going on in NJ and will until you get through this....
The west coast continues the chant along with everybody in between.
Pretty soon none of us are going to have a "you know what" as we are praying it off. It sounds like she did a little better today. I hope this evening finds things more improved. The hoppy dance is good. Just so that she is more comfortable and not scared. It has to be so frightening for them, they just don't understand why the physical stuff isn't working like it should.
Tons of healing thoughts and prayers.
Luv & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
12-12-2009, 12:17 AM
Pheww....I'm exhausted. Poor Zo gets so worked up when we are there so I spend most of the time trying to calm her down and keep her from trying to stand. She's all over the place, falling and stumbling and collapsing. And the head-cocking is way more obvious now than at the start. But we did see that her personality is still there, trying to show thru. Took lots and lots of treats, though her mouth wouldn't always go where the treats were. We ended up passing them out to all her "cell-mates," too (except the two with diabetes). She finally gave up and just laid there and let me massage her, but then when we got ready to leave, it was pitiful again. I know she thinks we are there to pick her up and take her home.
Love the clinic. We can visit pretty much any time between 8 am and 9 pm. They take such good care of their patients. Change her dirty blankies every time she messes them. Get her up and 'walk' her every four hours. The vet sat with us awhile and I asked about Zoe's nystagmus (the eye movement). Hers is horizontal which is more indicative of peripheral vestibular disease, so that gives me another ray of hope. She and the vet tech felt that Zoe did do a little better today. Her appetite is good (she's getting something new instead of her usual). And all her pills are given in pill pockets - which she loves. But she's still relieving herself on the spot, rather than outside in the sling. If she could just walk on her own, I think that would stop. It's just so so sad to see her like this, but I'm holding on to that 80% recovery rate. Please, please just let there be a teeny bit of progress over the weekend. All that chanting is bound to help!!!!! I can hear you all! And THANK YOU! Sue
12-12-2009, 04:55 AM
Hi Sue,
I'm hoping and praying that you will soon see improvement in Zoe. I'm thinking positive thoughts for all of you.
I know that when she sees you she does think you are there to take her home. It's so hard to leave them there.
12-12-2009, 08:56 AM
Thanks for the post, Sue....I hope you and Dave had a good sleep and will see great improvement over the weekend. Eating is such a good sign! :D
The stumbling and falling has got to be brutal to watch....wish I could give her a hug and a massage too.
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
12-12-2009, 09:08 AM
Sending healing thoughts and wishes your's Dave's and Zoe's way. Hoping for continued improvement for Zoe.
Hugs, Hope and Prayers
Jane and Franklin xx
12-12-2009, 10:49 AM
Sue.....Still chanting, praying, crossing, and anything else I can think of-ing....I am relieved to see that the vet thinks it is peripheral although I know how hard it must be to watch Zoe like this. I am so hoping that today will bring about a much bigger change so that ray of hope brightens your hearts even more! The fact she is eating and responding to you so much tells me she is not done fighting....She has lots of angels watching over her...
Sending all our love and hugs, Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, Allo and Baby Pallie
Squirt's Mom
12-12-2009, 10:51 AM
Oh Sue,
I am so happy to read the last couple of updates! :D
I can imagine how very difficult it is to see your Zo this way, but every little step forward is so encouraging and uplifting. She is really trying hard and she is such a trooper, I can't help but think she will overcome and be back home before long. I know that is what you want, too. "Home" can mean so much to all of you.
Ya'll got lots of chants, prayers, healing thoughts, candles, and hoppy dances comin' from TN!
Leslie and the girls
Truffa's Mom
12-12-2009, 04:12 PM
Tons of kisses and choco-healings thoughts flying and dancing your way.
We are praying for more happy dances. Glad to hear she is eating, We love you Zoe. Hope this weeend keeps improving for you and Dave.
Paws in TX are crossed and dancing like crazy for you guys.
12-12-2009, 04:34 PM
Hoping and wishing today will bring some more improvement... Bedtime here again, so untill I get the change to read the next update, I'll keep you all in my dreams (((((((((big hugs)))))))))
Saskia and Yunah :)
Harley PoMMom
12-12-2009, 05:16 PM
Until then, the "Zoe get better baby girl" chant is going on in NJ and will until you get through this....
All our love and hugs, Beth and the rest of the zoo
And the "Zoe get better baby girl" chant is going on in York, PA. as well.
Doing the hoppy dance for Zoe!!! Just like all the quacks for Pallie, we all have to do a hoppy dance for Zoe!
You are so right Steph and here they are for Zoe.
Hoppy Dance!!! Hoppy Dance!!! Hoppy Dance!!!
Tons of prayers, and positive and healing thoughts are being sent your way Sue.
With much love and big hugs,
12-12-2009, 06:35 PM
Still thinking of you guys and sending lots of love and best wishes your way. Kim, Annie and Haley (who turns 16 tomorrow!!!) Hang in there friend. xoxoxo
12-12-2009, 07:29 PM
Everything that everyone writes means so much to me. I can't begin to tell you all. I'm struggling today. Last night, Dave saw Zo for the first time since Wednesday and he told me today he thinks it's time to release her. I know he's probably right, but I was just starting to feel a glimmer of hope. It's so hard. I cancelled the petsitter for over the holidays. I just can't ask her to care for Zoe for 2.5 weeks, in the shape that she's in now (unable to go potty in the sling, etc.) We can leave her at the vets, as a medical boarder, but that would mean she'd be there almost a month, by the time we get back on Jan. 5. But she so hates it there, and I'd never forgive myself if something happened and they had to put her down while we are gone.
I have to make a decision soon and it's so hard. I dread going to visit tonight because I'm afraid there won't be any improvement. I've thought about bringing her home so that she could take her final journey from a place where she is comfortable and happy and at peace. But I keep wondering . . . what if she could get back to normal. I just don't know at this point. I've been hoping and praying that we would get a sign from her....and also that we could get her back to GA, where she started as a pup. We will be moving in two months. But I've been worrying for some time that the trip alone may be too much for her, even had this not happened. My heart aches and I am so torn. Sue
Roxee's Dad
12-12-2009, 07:39 PM
Sue...., My heart so hurts for you. I am praying for the best outcome.
Squirt's Mom
12-12-2009, 08:18 PM
Dear Sue,
Please know that we are here for you, Dave and Zoe. The prayers, chants, and hopes are still strong in all of us, so lean on us when it's too hard to stand on your own. We will hold you up through the days to come with our love.
Big hugs,
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
12-12-2009, 08:25 PM
Oh Sue,
My heart is breaking for you and Dave.
Only you know Zoe best and we know that, and we know what decision you make is from deep love and for the best of Zoe...we love you Sue and we are here for you...always.
You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
12-12-2009, 08:28 PM
Sue I know you will make the right decision for Zoe because you always have.
One thought though - is it feasible to get a CT scan done? There's the cost - financial and to Zoe - but it could help to know what the likely prognosis is. We had one done on Mia and although the news was as bad as it could be it did bring tremendous peace of mind, too.
12-12-2009, 08:36 PM
Sue and family,
I am sorry that I have not been around.
If it is vestibular I know how scary it is. I was convinced that Moria was gone and the local Dr. really did not know what to do with it either.
That was nearly three years ago.
In addition to the valium which has been recommeded and which we used we also used an otc motion sickness med, I can't remember which one but if it has not been suggested you might ask.
Moria has never completely recovered, she still trips if she is startled and moves her head quickly, but she copes.
My very best to you all.
12-12-2009, 08:36 PM
Oh Sue, my heart is breaking for you too...
12-12-2009, 08:42 PM
My thoughts and prayers are still with you Sue. I can understand what you're going through. I know there comes a time when we have to make the right decision for our babies. It's not easy, but knowing that they will not be in any more pain or suffering helps us to make the right decision.
I wish there was something I could do do help. They are such a special part of our lives.
I'm sending extra hugs to you, and give Dave a hug from the Corkster and me.
12-12-2009, 08:47 PM
Sue and family,
In addition to the valium which has been recommeded and which we used we also used an otc motion sickness med, I can't remember which one but if it has not been suggested you might ask.
Zoe probably can't have OTC motion sickness meds because generally they are old-fashioned sedating antihistamines which can be a problem with seizures disorders because they lower the seizure threshold.
12-12-2009, 09:06 PM
OMG, what a roller coaster. The eyes are red and swollen and then the phone rings. It's the vet, telling me that she just got Zoe up (unassisted) and walked her around the back room for five minutes, without the Zo falling over once! It's like a miracle! There is a power in this forum and I have to think that all that chanting and praying is starting to pay off! I'm not gonna get my hopes up too much until I can get over there and see for myself - this evening. But I know that the positive vibes and strength that comes from the members here must have had a part in this. Thank you all so much for your continuing help and will update when we get home later. Sue
Sabre's Mum
12-12-2009, 09:09 PM
Hi Sue
I am just catching up on the events. Great work Zoe ... getting up and walking around! Let's hope that things are on the up and up. Hang in there Sue.
Take care
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
12-12-2009, 09:20 PM
I was getting so scared for Zoe and now like you I have that glimmer of hope. I am hoping for more improvement. That short walk around for Zoe is a massive step forward so I'll just keep praying that it continues.
When Nelson had his vestibular episode I thought it was the end. He had never had any health problems and it hit him hard but he pulled through maybe Zoe can too.
12-12-2009, 09:33 PM
We are praying hard Sue. Bless you sweet Zoe.
12-12-2009, 09:37 PM
I'm so glad to hear this, Sue. This is such a positive step forward.
Continuing prayers for Zoe.
Harley PoMMom
12-12-2009, 09:40 PM
This is good news and we will keep sending our positive vibes and prayers for beautiful Zoe.
Will be glued to this screen waiting for your update...
Love and hugs,
12-12-2009, 10:09 PM
Oh Sue,
That is wonderful news! :D Prayers and healing thoughts still being sent your way.
And blissful tears of happiness at Zoe's improvement :) You are all in my thoughts,
Lots of Love
Jane and Franklin xx
Extreme Q Vaporizer Temperature Range (
12-12-2009, 10:14 PM
Zoe, get better baby girl.
We are all praying for you and your mom and dad.
You are a miracle and have shown us so much in the past.
Perhaps you can pull this one out too.
Will be waiting for more good news, Sue.
Luv & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
Carol G
12-12-2009, 10:39 PM
That is such good news! I could tell from your earlier post that you weren't ready to give up hope and Zoe is showing you how right you are. This makes my day.
Carol & Atty Cat
12-12-2009, 10:43 PM
I have to go to bed soon so will check first thing in the morning.
12-12-2009, 10:55 PM
:) Zoe Monster... thanks... you made my day. Keep up the great work cuz Mom and the rest of us were all pretty worried about you. Keep on fighting and we'll keep on praying. Hugs, Kim
12-12-2009, 10:59 PM
Your last post about Zoe sounds very positive and I am full of hope for sweet Zoe's recovery. Healing prayers continue on her behalf.
12-12-2009, 11:07 PM
Dear Zoe, and Sue,
If it is vestibular syndrome there is no way to predict outcome. The good thing about CVS is that it is not life threatening, but it is extremely scary for both you and Zoe.
I have not heard yet if you have a diagnosis. You have the complicating issues of seizures and related meds.
It is very good to hear of her ability to get around this evening.
criteria for CVS is nystagmus which is involuntary movement of the eyes
12-12-2009, 11:16 PM
I'm still hoppin'!!!! Go Zoe Go!!! We love you!!!
12-12-2009, 11:54 PM
Hi Sue,
I had no idea until this moment that you and Zoe were going through all of this. I experienced a one-day version of what you have been through with Chris. He started to recover right away though and his episode was chalked up to a TIA. He had nystagmus, couldn't stand, couldn't walk.
We did see a neurologist who was very helpful in running him through various tests to identify the most likely causes, which in Chris' case included a tumor or the TIA. His nystagmus was not consistent with Vestibular, which is why the vet sent us right away to the neurologist.
I hope that this new ray of hope is added to a little bit every day until your Zoe can come home sunny and cheerful again. These dogs... Zoe is one, Chris was one... have a tremendous will to survive. If any dog can recover from this, it will be Zoe.
We are sending our heartfelt wish for stunningly good news,
Squirt's Mom
12-13-2009, 09:24 AM
Mornin' Sue,
Couldn't wait to come check on Zoe and what a treat to read she was up and going on her own!! :D Made my old heart just sing!
The power of love is immeasurable, as is the love here for you and the Zo. We have seen it before with our precious babies so I know beyond a doubt that this group is capable of just about anything. You are all surrounded by us with everything we have to offer.
Big hugs to all and a special kiss between the eyes for Zoe,
Leslie and the girls
12-13-2009, 09:52 AM
One word....
Great wonderful news!!!!
I hope today is even better!!!!
Love ya, and still chanting, Beth and the crew
OK, so who said I could ever keep it to one word???:cool:
12-13-2009, 10:11 AM
Every time I came to this forum and saw new posting under Zoe's thread, by heart leaped into my throat. It was great to read that there is a least a small light and the end of the tunnel. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Zoe.
12-13-2009, 03:32 PM
I guess I was expecting more change than I saw last night. She is still struggling a lot, with every step. It took her about a minute to get up by herself and she is still extremely unstable on her feet. even in the sling. Head cock is still severe, legs go all over the place and she goes in a circle if not guided straight. I just don't know if it's fair to expect her to keep fighting so hard. It has to be wearing her down. I'm sure the incontinence only adds to her misery and it's also aggravating the bleeding problem on the anus.
I'm gonna have to make a decision in the next few days. Wednesday will be one week, and we are due to leave on Saturday (too late to change those plans.) If she's still incontinent and can't go to the petsitters, that would mean leaving her at the hospital until Jan. - in her 3' x 5' stall. I know they would give her good care there, but they wouldn't be able to give her the extra exercise and therapy that she would need at this point. Plus, they keep the patient room warm and she hates being hot. Also, the upcoming Feb. move to GA still looms. Tho' we planned to take it slow and stop every 2 or 3 hours to give her a break, if she can't negotiate getting in and out of the car, it would be too much for her, I fear. I am just so confused and conflicted about what to do. It breaks my heart to watch her struggle so. Sue
12-13-2009, 03:39 PM
This is just the hardest thing. I know you will do right by Zoe even if you don't think so at the time. I am praying for a miracle.
Squirt's Mom
12-13-2009, 03:53 PM
Dear Sue,
I can imagine how difficult it is to see Zoe like she is and how incredibly painful it is to contemplate making a decision for her. If only circumstances were different and you could be around a bit longer it may be easier to know what to do. My heart is with you, my prayers continue, and my hope still lives.
Many hugs,
Leslie and the girls
12-13-2009, 04:27 PM
Dear Sue,
I cannot begin to tell how I feel for you... I can so imagine the struggle you are going through. It's inhumane and yet at the same time we have to try and make the most humane decission possible for our beloved pets. Is the vet able to give you some sort of prognosis? How soon Zoe should show some considerable improvement? Is having to support Zoe (with a sling or otherwise) to go out to potty and then have her return to her bed again to sleep till the next time she goes potty or eat a dogworthy life? What is a dogworthy life? So many questions that are so hard to answer...
I can tell you my personal opinion on " a dogworthy life "...strictly personal. A dog still has to be able to be a dog, no matter the condition it's suffering from and no matter the age. But especially in old dogs, people will often "accept" the dog sleeping most of the day, eat his meals, go potty and that's it. They think that's normal due to aging. But in my opinion, such dogs are often depressed and that's the reason they "stay in bed" all day and night. Because a reasonably healthy old dog will still enjoy his doggy things like having a good sniff around, dig a hole here or there, hide a bone in the backyard, bark at the neighbours or sqiurrels...simple doggy things that all dogs like to do. If we get old, we still enjoy the same things as when we were younger. We might not be as good at them as we used to be, or as fast as we used to be...but we do like the same things and enjoy doing them, adapted to our age. Dogs that just sleep, eat and go me is not a dogworthy life. It wouldn't be a worthy life for us humans either. You want to be able to interact in some sort of way, read the newspaper still, have a chat with your neighbour, etc. Dogs are no differant, they are, like us, social creatures and they need still some sort of social interactions in a meaningful doggy way.
I wouldn't worry to much about the long drive and things like that. If Zoe would have a dogworthy life at the end of that long trip, then the trip would be unpleasant, uncomfortable and a big ordeal to her, but it would be worth it if after that horrible trip a still dogworthy life is waiting for her. I think that's the big question you are facing..and you're the only one (and Dave) who can answer that question. And when you look inside your heart, the answer will be there.
Zoe was here when I first came here with Cukie, Zoe was here with Sogno and she was here when Yunah came...Zoe is an icon, like furniture here in our k9cushing's lounge :) I know that whatever the outcome will be, it will be best for Zoe....and that's all that counts. She gave you and so many of us here her best, she deserves nothing less herself now...
Know we love you, ache with you and hope with you,
With all my support and big hugs,
Saskia and Yunah.
12-13-2009, 04:50 PM
My heart truly hurts for you. I have to echo all that Saskia so eloquently said bc I think that is the question you are asking deep down in your heart. I was going to tell you the same, although not half as well, that the answer you need is in your have never done wrong by Zoe, you know Zoe the very best, and in your love for her you will know whether to keep going or not.
All I can say to help you in some small way, is when I had to let Scoobs go last year. Not that I am saying that is the right answer for Zoe. But I know the struggle with "the question". In the midst of my heart breaking in more pieces than it already was, I had to ask my question, I asked it right out loud to my sister who was with me that day and I asked it to the vet....and then I asked it of myself and I had to reach into the deepest part of me....."Who am I doing this for?" Basically, am I doing this for me bc I don't want to let go or am I doing this for Scoobs bc he still has more good dog days ahead of him? You know what my answer was. I never, like you, wanted it to be about me.
My boyfriend told me a long while back that a vet once told him, and I am reminded of it here with Saskia's words, when a dog can no longer reach the food or water dish, can no longer go out, can no longer enjoy being a dog, it's time to let go.
I too don't know what Zoe's prognosis is...and I am not trying to tell you to let go. I think only you can answer these questions. What I am trying to tell you is that if you no longer feel that Zoe will have that life, if it won't be dogworthy a term I now love, it's OK to let her go.
You know we will keep chanting, keep praying, keep all our strength aimed directly at you no matter what happens.
Zoe is a special girl, just as you are a special friend....and no matter where this latest journey takes you, we are still and forever by your sides....
All our love and lots of big hugs, Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, Allo and Baby Pallie
12-13-2009, 06:11 PM
If she is good about being in a vehicle, I think she will do well.
About the incontinence issues, I think you are going to have a hard time until the vestibular issue subsides. If she is at all like Moria she will be unable to get herself up, and when up will have to be closely monitored. A dog has to be ambulatory to be able to be continent.
Zoe is a bit older than Moria when she had her episode at about 13.
Valium, helped Moria a lot.
12-13-2009, 06:35 PM
Oh Sue, my heart is with you and Zoe. This can be the hardest part of being a doggie mom - I am hoping she will improve and this is just a combination of a lot of things going on that makes the others seem worse.
Take care and we are all here Sue,
12-13-2009, 09:28 PM
Zoe and Nike started their journeys at the same time and I consider you a sister and Zoe as one of my own and I hate the decision you are having to make. Although it was tramatic for me finding Nike, I am sure it was peaceful for her and she spared me having to make this decision, for that I am most thankful. Saskia put it wonderfully that Zoe has always been there for us, an Icon and she deseves only the very best what ever that is. Zoe has trusted you to do what is best for her all these years, you have and will continue to do so, because you love her.
My heart is breaking with yours.
love and hugs from me and Kenai
12-13-2009, 09:32 PM
All I can add to what the others have said, especially Saskia and Beth, is that we are very, VERY good at taking care of the beings in our lives. We have gone the extra step and can still go another if they need us to. It's hard to know when to stop taking care and just let go.
Another thing that complicated making that decision for Lady was the thought that she might be my last dog. We had this discussion on the old board....about whether we'd get another dog at this stage of our lives. It took a month after Lady's passing to realize that I WOULD get another one some day....I couldn't face the rest of my life without one.
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel
12-13-2009, 09:49 PM
Sue, Sending you strength and love. Kim
12-13-2009, 10:36 PM
This is the hardest time. No matter what decision you make you will probably second guess yourself for months to come. Did I wait to long and she suffered or did I end it too soon? As the others have said, Zoe is a part of our hearts and always will be. But it is you that must have the strength to make the decision for us all. I wish I could remember the quote that you so lovingly gave to others about making their pain ours to bear.
We will still pray that Zoe makes enough recovery that she can go to the pet sitter while you are gone, or the doctors give encouraging prognosis that she can stay with them for two weeks and get the needed therapy.
Zoe, get better baby girl. It will be better.
Sue, prayers of strength for you and Dave. The decisions are hard, but you will make the right one for Zoe. Not for yourself, not because of the trip, or the pet sitter, or the hospital, or us, only for The Zoe.
Luv & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
12-13-2009, 11:39 PM
Thinking of you and Dave during this difficult time and sending love and continued prayers for Zoe.
12-13-2009, 11:47 PM
Sending you lots of love and strength.
12-14-2009, 01:27 AM
Hi Sue, just checking in on all of you and sending my concern. I know you will do what's best for Zoe and I know just how difficult that decision is. Even when Chris made it clear that he was on the doorstep, knowing when the right time to give up was so hard.
I am not sure from what you have said whether the vestibular diagnosis has been made. That would perhaps affect my decision making process in your shoes. If they still think it could be a tumor, then giving prednisone might not only help her get back on her feet by relieving the inflammaton but also could perhaps... I don't know for sure but it seems like it could... sort out the diagnosis if they still are not sure. I have seen several dogs with problems from brain tumors be markedly helped with steroids. So I was thinking that if steroids helped, that might suggest a tumor - a double edged sword I admit.
The lack of seizures seems, from what little I have seen about tumors, seem to suggest that a tumor is less likely.
This is so difficult and at such a complex time in all of your lives... I wish there was something we could do to help.
12-14-2009, 02:01 AM
Please don't take this the wrong way. I am attaching a link because it really helped me get things in perspective. I looked at this scale often throughout the last few years of Buddy's life and used it for Nelson too. It may come across as a bit morbid but I really needed something written in front of me to be able to make my decisions. Luckily Buddy took this matter out of my hands.
12-14-2009, 02:33 AM
Hi Sue, just checking in on all of you and sending my concern. I know you will do what's best for Zoe and I know just how difficult that decision is. Even when Chris made it clear that he was on the doorstep, knowing when the right time to give up was so hard.
I am not sure from what you have said whether the vestibular diagnosis has been made. That would perhaps affect my decision making process in your shoes. If they still think it could be a tumor, then giving prednisone might not only help her get back on her feet by relieving the inflammaton but also could perhaps... I don't know for sure but it seems like it could... sort out the diagnosis if they still are not sure. I have seen several dogs with problems from brain tumors be markedly helped with steroids. So I was thinking that if steroids helped, that might suggest a tumor - a double edged sword I admit.
The lack of seizures seems, from what little I have seen about tumors, seem to suggest that a tumor is less likely.
This is so difficult and at such a complex time in all of your lives... I wish there was something we could do to help.
I believe that steroids can help with normal ol' peripheral vestibular disease - but more so when given very early in course of the disease which is usually when they are used (as I understand it). (Please don't take that as any sort of statement of fact - it is just my understanding from what I've known of people with this problem and what went on with Mia and what I learned from that.) Steroids most certainly help if the problem is a tumor but how diagnostic that is I wouldn't know. Can your vet consult with a neurologist?
Despite having a ginormous tumor that eventually caused profound vestibular issues Mia never had any seizures and remained herself right to the last - obviously clear-eyed, still thinking and perceiving everything completely clearly, or as clearly as she could given her profound dizziness. On her last afternoon she was still barking at people coming into the house and rolling on her back and smiling when offered a tummy rub! She remained continent to the last, too - her being such a tiny little dog would have helped on that front as she was so easy for me to carry out side and support. From what I've read this is all most unusual with such a large tumor but it must have had something to do with the precise area in which it was growing - and it must have been one reason why the GP vet was so late to suspect a tumor and refer for a CT. The other odd thing about Mia's vestibular issues is that she never, never seemed to suffer from nausea or vomiting or even the slightest bit of inappetance. Maybe the particular type of damage the tumor caused was the reason for that but whatever it was it was one big blessing.
It must be so hard for you to know what to do Sue - with your upcoming trip and the dilemmas that brings. :(
If it is regular peripheral vestibular disease I'm wondering if the damage to her ears from the ear drops isn't making it worse or making it harder for her to adapt to it?
Sabre's Mum
12-14-2009, 02:50 AM
Hi Sue
I am so sorry that you didn't see more a a change with Zoe at the vet. You really do have the world on your shoulders but, reading through the posts, you have all of us beside you (well sort of).
Positive thoughts and vibes channelling from Down Under.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
12-14-2009, 05:36 AM
Just checking in, and sending continued prayers, thoughts, well wishes and hopes for Zoe.
With love and care,
Jane and Franklin xx
12-14-2009, 07:34 AM
Hi Sue,
My thoughts and prayers are still with you. I'm hoping that you will see some positive improvements in Zoe today.
I know you are going through a very difficult time right now. I know that any decision you make will be the best one that can be made for Zoe.
Take care.
Squirt's Mom
12-14-2009, 09:37 AM
Morning Sue,
This is a terrible, heart-wrenching place to be. Knowing what we want, what we need, yet also knowing this isn't about us. We are elated and renewed by every tiny indication of improvement only to think a short time later maybe it was just a fluke, just a momentary burst. It's a bit like walking on a high wire - balance is critical, theirs and ours, and we know at some point we will have to put down our poles and fall into the net.
Ruby tells me she can see The Bridge and it is beautiful. Across the way is healing light, soft green fields abounding with scents to chase, a blue sky reeling with birds and butterflies, crystal clear streams to splash about in, and friends galore both old and new waiting to show her around. She isn't quite ready to cross, but knows when she is it will be ok.
I wish I could tell you the answer to this, but I don't know myself. I am still listening to Rube with all my being and preparing as best I can for the time she says she's ready.
Many hugs my friend,
Leslie and the girls
12-14-2009, 11:55 AM
Still hoping and praying for news of an improvement in Zoe. I know how difficult this decision is but know you will make the right one.
Linda and Spicey
12-14-2009, 01:26 PM
You once wrote to a fellow cushings sister or brother:
The release from pain is theirs only when we choose to make the pain ours or something similar. I love that quote and have used it often. My sincerest hope is that Zoe is not in any pain, I know she hates the vets but I hope they are keeping her comfortable. One of our trauma docs when he talks to families of some of our severest injured patients" there may be a time where we begin doing things TO your loved one instead of FOR your loved one and I will let you know if that time comes" I hope the vet is still doing things for Zoe and not just to her. Keeping on hoping that things will turn around for Zoe.
love ya
Sharon and Kenai
12-14-2009, 02:01 PM
Sue, Continued prayers and strength being sent. You and the Zoe Monster are in my thoughts. Biggest of hugs, Kim
12-14-2009, 04:01 PM
Yes, Sharon is right, that pearl about taking the pain did come from you.
And I know that you meant it then, now and always.
Thanks for letting us be there and to help you form your action.
I trust you, everyone here trusts you and most importantly Zoe trusts you.
John II
12-14-2009, 04:37 PM
You and Zoe are in my thoughts and prayers.
12-14-2009, 05:13 PM
Bedtime for me but not untill I checked in on you and to let you know I'll be keeping you in my dreams,
Saskia and Yunah.
12-14-2009, 07:48 PM
Just visited the Zo again, and for the first time, I saw some encouraging improvement. THANK GOD! (And thanks to everybody here who's been chanting, and praying, and sending those good vibes.) This was the sign I was hoping for and there's no way I can call it quits for her now. She was standing and excited when I got there and couldn't wait to get out of her cage and go somewhere . . anywhere, I think. So we went outside and walked and walked - without the sling, no less.
And best of all, she finally decided to go pee although she had a hard time finding her squat. She was almost sitting on the ground but then peed for a good long time. With the poopy - still no luck and there were a lot of bloody smudges on her blankies from that anus lesion bleeding. But I imagine finding her poop squat will take longer to remaster. She's still a long way from being 'stable'. Constantly listing to the right and if she had not had me pulling counterbalance on the leash, she'd have fallen over many times. Plus, we made a lot of circles. But I saw her old spark for taking a walk.
In truth, I think she wanted to keep walking until she found our car. That part is the saddest because she will now have to stay at the hospital for another 3 weeks. And when we stop visiting every day, I hope she doesn't get too depressed but I suspect she will. But I will feel a lot better, knowing that she's at the clinic with constant care and supervision rather than at the petsitters . . . even tho' Stacy specializes in dog's with disabilities and health problems. I also wouldn't feel right about asking Stacy to deal with the pooping and peeing issues in her own home when she's got a full booking of canine guests. I am just so relieved. Now I can go on this trip, without my heart breaking. The worry will still be there, until we get home. But I pray we'll come home to 'the old Zoe' - or pretty near. What an ordeal. Of all the things this poor dog has been through, this has to be the hardest for her (and the most hard to watch as well.) I know that all of you here understand what it's like and what I've been going thru this last week. And for being here for me and the Zo (again), I can't ever thank you enough. You are the truest friends I've ever known - with the possible exception of my Zo(and all my other canine children who came before her!) ;) Sue
PS - The clinic has an acupuncturist - two, actually - and I have an appt with one tomorrow, to see if that might be an option for speeding things along. Has anybody ever gotten acupuncture for their dogs? If so, what for? And did it help?
Roxee's Dad
12-14-2009, 07:54 PM
That is great an encouraging news Sue. :) The prayers will still be flowing for a full recovery.
Happy, hoppy dance continues........ We love our Zoe.
12-14-2009, 08:00 PM
Great to hear this Sue! I wish I lived close enough - I'd visit her daily for ya. I'm sure you brought her some blankets etc from home by now.. next best thing I guess. Enjoy your trip and know our vigil will continue. Hugs Kim
Harley PoMMom
12-14-2009, 08:01 PM
This is great news, Sue, and the positive and healing thoughts and prayers will continue for Zoe.
We love you all very much. :)
Love and hugs,
12-14-2009, 08:02 PM
Vandy had an experience with an acupuncturist a number of years ago with an allergy concern. She thinks she benefited from it.
About Zoe and her 'squat', if she is already asserting herself I am thinking she is working her way out of the miasma.
I continue to bet on Zoe.
12-14-2009, 08:03 PM
Much better news.
I have never had acupuncture done on dogs but I did try it once with a horse. A very cranky old mare with a bad back and it worked great for her.
I always wanted to learn how to do canine massage properly because it seemed to be a good healing thing as well being a nice connection.
12-14-2009, 08:09 PM
Oh what awesome news :D ....I hear the relief in your post ;) ....and the excitement for your future with Zoe. :D
Wish I could visit her for you but I'll be on the opposite end of the continent from her while you're away.
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
Casey's Mom
12-14-2009, 08:18 PM
You must have been so happy to see her today, wonderful news!
12-14-2009, 08:20 PM
I'm so glad to hear this update, Sue. I wish I lived closer, as I would love to take care of Zoe while you're away. Sometimes the healing process is faster when they're in a more comfortable environment.
I wil continue to pray for her improvement, and hoping that she doesn't have any setbacks. Corky sends his love and kisses to you and Zoe.
12-14-2009, 08:28 PM
Excellent news Sue;
Zoe always did do things in her own time. Will keep on hoping for continued improvements until our old Zoe is back. Hugs to you all, have a safe trip, I am sure the clinic will take great care of Zoe. I know when I left Nike and Kenai in the doggie hotel, it is definately harder on me than on them.
Stay safe and give Zoe a huge hug from her aunty Sharon
Squirt's Mom
12-14-2009, 08:33 PM
:D Woohoo, Zoe!!! :D
Oh Sue, I couldn't be happier for you, Dave and Zoe! This news does my old heart much good! As others have said, if I were closer I would love to visit and keep her company while ya'll are gone. Our prayers, chants, candles and hope will remain strong that you will find her much more her old self when you return home. I know she will be glad to go home when you do come to get her!
Huge HOPPY DANCE hugs,
Leslie and the girls
12-14-2009, 08:50 PM
THAT'S OUR GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:):D:):D:):D:)
I am sooooooo relieved, soooooo happy, and we know Zoe definitely is the fighter doggie! And that's bc she has such a strong mommy!!!!
I am elated, joyous, ecstatic, thrilled, beaming....did I say happy????
Sue, I wish I could reach out and give you a great big squeezer hug and scream at the top of our maybe you can hear me if I can catch the wind in the right direction!!!
I will be off the computer for a while after tomorrow....but I will be thinking of you and continuing my chanting and praying...and Zoe won't be alone bc she has all of us and all of her angel brothers and sisters watching over her and keeping her close....
You go, Zoe girl!!!!!!!:D:D:D
Love and hugs, Beth and the rest of us
Carol G
12-14-2009, 08:51 PM
What great news! I've been checking all day for an update and this is what I was hoping for.
I think she will be more comfortable at the vet's than you think.
Carol & Atty and always Winnie & McGill
12-14-2009, 08:58 PM
Dear sweet Zoe, how I wish I could cup that big black face in my hands and give you a big kiss on that sweet nose. You are an amazing gal as we have learned in the past few years and as Sharon said:
Zoe always did do things in her own time.
We don't care how you do it beautiful, just keep doing it. We love you so much.
Sue, you are one special lady and we love you too!:D You guys have a wonderful trip and we will continue taking care of the prayers, chants and thoughts department. Will you be able to check in with us at all?
Big (((hugs))) and lots of love,
Shelba and Suni
12-14-2009, 10:45 PM
This is more wonderful than I could have imagined in such a short time. The energizer doggy is once again. I hope that you are giving her at least ten smooches from each of us and that is per hour.
This hospital sounds like such a wonderful place with lots of wonderful techs and vets. I am sure that they will grow so attached to her sweetness that they will be giving her a lot of extra attention. You know she will be well cared for, so enjoy your trip. Check in with the hospital and THEN check in with us!!! :D You and Zoe will never be far from our thoughts.
Zoe, get better and better baby girl.
Healing thoughts and prayers will continue.
Dave & Sue - Luv & Hugs for you.
~Mary Ann
12-14-2009, 10:47 PM
Totally thrilled to hear about Zoe's progress! Go the Zo, the energizer doggy recharged - again!:D
12-14-2009, 10:58 PM
Just tons of smiles... :)
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