View Full Version : Zoe, the energizer doggy (Update: Good-by to our girl)

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03-19-2010, 07:22 AM
Oh Sue,

I am crying too Sue after reading your post. She will always be with you.

Rambling is life and ramble all you want about your wonderfully incredible life with Zoe. All the adventures, routines, nonconditional companionship and memories are what makes life with our pups so worthwhile. For me I could not think of going through life without ever having my Mytilda as sad as I was to let her go.

This is not final and I know Zoe is watching over you and I do think we will see them again.

Safe travels and please post again.

03-19-2010, 01:25 PM
Mary Ann and Terry - When Zoe and I first came to the old forum, it was you and our other Marianne, and Shelba and Cushy, who shored me up, time and again. You were always there with answers and guidance and, most importantly, moral support whenever the going got tough. If not for all of you, it’s quite possible that Zo would not have made it to the ripe old age of 13.

Back then, there were a group of us who all joined about the same time - early ’06. Jenny, Sas, Sharon, Heidi P., and Brandi * come to mind but I know there were lots of others in that “class of ’06” (as someone aptly called it.). Out of that group, I watched as ‘our’ cush babies, one by one, were called to the rainbow bridge. Each time, it felt as if I’d lost one of my own. Just last month, it was Brandi’s Molly - who I daresay had more bumps in the road than even Zo. Their passing reminded me of how fragile my time with Zoe was. She may have been the last one left from that early ‘06 class’ - I’m not sure. At times, I felt like maybe she was invincible but, deep down, I knew she wasn’t. And so, I tried to prepare myself for what the others had already faced. But, of course, you cannot prepare yourself for this, no matter how many times you’ve been thru it.

But always, always, our cush family is here to catch us when we are falling. And of course, there are the other newer friends and bonds formed since ’06 - too many to list but you know who you are. It’s funny how it works. First, you come here as a pupil, so worried about your own baby and then before long, you find yourself reading about others who are just starting this journey and you are paying it forward, by sharing with them what you’ve learned along the way. Next thing you know, those same newbies turn into teachers themselves - and confident ones, at that.

But for those of you who go back to the earliest days of cc.net, well before Zoe and I joined, you are the foundation and our ‘house’ just keeps getting bigger and stronger with each passing year. Words cannot thank you enough! Sue

* Hope I didn't leave anyone out? Kim, when did you and Haley join??

03-19-2010, 02:44 PM
Class of '07 here. Feels like yesterday and forever ago at the same time.:(

03-20-2010, 10:40 AM
Class of '07 too....and you've phrased that very well Stephanie.

03-20-2010, 01:21 PM
Thank you Sue, I remember way back then and I guess I would be the class of '03 (the old ezboard - before cc.net) :( at the end of that year I lurked and actually my first post was 2/2004 - and I completely agree - it is the foundation build by all of us that have made this site carry on and on.

I have seen so many of you and your cushpups and I cherish everyone of you. I like the old saying "play it forward" and that is what we do, for them, in their memories and for each other.

It is exactly like that Steph -
Feels like yesterday and forever ago at the same time

03-20-2010, 02:54 PM
Was doing ok, keeping busy until yesterday when Zoe's extra strap for her dogleggs arrived in the mail. She had gotten good at slipping out of them and so the company suggested the extra one to wear under her chest :( I'd completely forgotten that I had ordered it a few days before the sad day.

This morning not good since it was exactly one week ago today that I woke up and knew what I had to do. :(:( I am anxious to get out of this house and leave all of its reminders behind. Shuttting the home computer down today but in the interim, have a gmail account for the laptop:


I'm sure I will be checking in from the laptop. Sue

Squirt's Mom
03-20-2010, 03:19 PM
Hey Sue,

I found the simplest things would reduce me to tears out of the blue, like eating pizza or vacuuming; I had no idea those things would be difficult without Ruby so I wasn't prepared at all when they came.

It does get better, even when it seems it never will. Perhaps not ever the same, but better than today. :o

Many hugs,
Leslie and the girls - always

03-20-2010, 03:26 PM
Sue, have a safe trip, and please keep us updated whenever you are able.


03-20-2010, 03:44 PM
Sue, just sending you some extra (((hugs))) and hoping on hope that you have a safe and uneventful trip.

Love....Shelba and Suni

03-20-2010, 07:47 PM
Have a very safe trip Sue.


Harley PoMMom
03-20-2010, 08:10 PM
Sending love and big hugs, and wanted to wish yous a safe trip also.

Love and ((((hugs))))

03-20-2010, 08:37 PM

Godspeed to Zoe, and safe travels to you all.


Annie's Mom
03-21-2010, 10:09 PM
Sue, Sending you and yours lots of healing energy and prayers for a safe journey to GA. Your notes have been so eloquent and right on the mark. I've only been on the forum since fall 2009, and I have already shed so many tears for the furbabies that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge in this short time; I've breathed a sigh of relief when positive test results come in, and prayed for those who need a small miracle. Godspeed to Zoe. Barb and Annie

03-24-2010, 03:09 PM
Sitting here in the motel, waiting for the movers to finish loading the van. Had to get out of the house. Such a pain . . . moving. Dave forgot to get the Garmin out of the drawer and so it got packed. Lots of dog fur/dust balls to clean up. Don't know where anything I need is. Wanted to eat a bite of cheesecake left in the frig and not a single utensil to be found in the house!!!!!!

I thought I might go walk around a couple of Zoe's favorite parks this afternoon, for the last time, but then I thought . . . why torture myself, going past all of her favorite sniffing spots. As I suspected, three people went by our house in the last couple days and when they saw me, stopped to ask where Zoe was. :(:(:( I was able to choke out the answer w/o totally losing it. Other times, not so much. I guess the timing is good for the move. Won't be any reminders of my sweet girl at the new house. We hit the road tomorrow. Sue

Roxee's Dad
03-24-2010, 04:10 PM
Will be thinking of you....drive safely.

03-24-2010, 05:01 PM

I remember our last move, it was 1993 in July.

When we moved here we decided this was the last one.

The following spring was when 'brown' came into our lives.

I also remember that that move was stressful, we did not lose a pup, but it was hard on all.

God's blessings on your travels, and your new home.


03-24-2010, 09:47 PM

Having a bad Bailey night....don't know why, today was a "normal" day, but tonight is back to being brutal. I re-read his thread, couldn't think of a thing to write, and then came to check on you...and the lump immediately formed in my throat for you. The people asking, the having to get the words out, the wanting and then not wanting to go to all the old places....it's just all so hard. And I really have no words to comfort you bc what can I possibly say? I don't even know...

But, what I do know is that for a long time you stood by me, and I stood by you...and you loved my boys as I loved Zoe...and always will...and I wanted you to know that I still stand by you and hope that somehow the presence of all our pups can bring us some peace tonight. And even on the move, these long arms from NJ can reach you and will be with you as you travel to your new home.

I was watching Baby Pallie lying on the kitchen floor just a few minutes ago, a place where Scooter took refuge during his Cushing's hot flashes....and then Cayden lying at my feet where Bailey spent the nights when he wasn't feeling so well either...and I thought, I wish I could get out of this house. I love these two pups with all my heart, but it just isn't the same. However, I really hate moving so I am with you on the whole actual moving thing! But I do understand the wanting for someplace new. Of not being able to revisit old memories.

I also wanted to wish you well on your journey...and I hope that you have a very safe trip.

OK, I'll stop my blabbering now and just leave it that I am sending you peace and love and I will always stand by you...
Tons of hugs, love, chocolate (remember when Zoe ate all the chocolate when you had had company?? I was thinking about that the other day as I was indulging in some chocolate eggs...and it made me smile...), and maybe not margaritas until you are done driving...
Love ya, Sue....Beth

03-25-2010, 01:57 AM
A few months ago I tried to take Jack to a park that was "Chris' park" his last year when he was so frail. It's small but feature rich.

Jack thought the park was really nice - lots of trees and goose poop and squirrel smells. However, I think my nonstop sobbing kind of ruined the mood... I decided then I wasn't going back there any more.

Have a safe drive and I hope an at least intermittently scenic one!


03-25-2010, 06:11 AM
Hi Sue,
Thinking of you and Dave, have a safe journey
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Babes live (http://www.girlcamfriend.com/webcam/babes/)

03-25-2010, 06:38 PM
((((((((((((((((( big Harry licks )))))))))))))))))))))))))) xxxxxxxxxx
Wendy, Harry & Izzy xxxxx

03-25-2010, 07:04 PM
Won't be any reminders of my sweet girl at the new house.

There will always be reminders of your sweet girl wherever you go but at a new place you can put the worst memories behind you. I'm amazed at all the funny little things I've remembered about Maggie now that I am past the initial pain of losing her.
Wishing you peace.

03-25-2010, 10:26 PM
Just checking on you two....hope your first day on the road went well.
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)

03-27-2010, 06:13 PM
There will always be reminders of your sweet girl wherever you go but at a new place you can put the worst memories behind you. I'm amazed at all the funny little things I've remembered about Maggie now that I am past the initial pain of losing her.
Wishing you peace.

Sue, I think Virginia is very right in this post.

I also have left them in various places.

I remember them all with the same care.


03-27-2010, 10:22 PM
You're right Virginia. There will be reminders, even in a new house. I can't tell you how many of Zo's things were packed for the move. All her beds and blankets, her foods, treats, toys, collars, leashes - even the stash of poopy bags. Well, everything, really. I may not unpack them for awhile after we get there, but at least I know I still have them for when I'm ready to do it. The meds - I hope to donate most of them. Just didn't have time before we left.

First night we stopped in Barstow, CA. Major WINDY! Second night - Holbrook, AZ. Windy AND cold. Tonight - hold on . . . . Shamrock, yes I said Shamrock . . . in TX! Just cold. After 3 long days in the car, I now realize that, in a way, it's probably a blessing that things worked out the way they did. The drive would have been really difficult for Zoe. But I still hate looking over into the back seat and seeing junk and pillows and shoes and a computer and more junk - instead of my girl. I actually said to Dave while we were driving today -'Don't be surprised if you come home some weekend and find a new dog or two.' (He's gonna be commuting between GA and CA for another year or so.) Nobody was more surprised than me that those words came out of my mouth. I just can't imagine knocking around the new house without a furry buddy following me around all the time. I suspect it's only a matter of time. Maybe I can hold out slightly longer than Beth. . . or not!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

My heart still breaks and there are certain songs that I put on my iPod for this trip weeks ago, and that can set me off. Like "My Buddy" (Dr. John, the best version . . . Nights are long since you went away, I think about you all thru the day. My buddy . . . my buddy . . . your buddy misses you) and "Can't Smile without You" (Can't smile without you, can't smile without you . . . I can't laugh and I can't sing. Findin' it hard to do anything . . . ) And of course, "Brown-Eyed Girl" - which is how I labelled one of Zo's pictures in my album here a long long time ago ('cause, yes, it's true . . . I did sing that to Zo-Zo many times.) OK - Am I the only dork or do you sing to your dog, too? Sue

03-28-2010, 02:10 AM
It's good to hear from you!

I never sang to Chris but I do sing to Jack for some reason. Which is especially odd because I don't sing as a general rule ever. It's something about Jack in particular.

In previous times when I lost a pet I needed a long time to mend before I could do it again. But five years of Chris' diabetes and having a dog had become a part of me - engrained in who I was. When Chris died, I didn't feel whole anymore without a dog in my life.


03-28-2010, 07:27 AM
It IS good to hear from you and I'm not surprised at all that you're going to want another dog. Me too!
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)

03-28-2010, 08:31 AM
Hey Sue,

Glad to see you checking in :). You're not the only one who sings...
"I'm a little Franklin, short and stout, this is my tail and this is my snout", sweet child o'mine, summertime, plus I've rearranged the words to she's a rainbow-- see the leaves all in his hair, he's a rainbow etc :o:rolleyes:.
Wishing you luck for when you begin looking for a furbaby or two
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Ipad guide (http://ipadguides.info)

03-28-2010, 07:45 PM
Cailey is helping me mend. It's hard to be sad when you are watching a puppy discover the world.

03-28-2010, 08:14 PM
LOL, Sue....it wasn't my fault! I walked into Cayden! And Baby Pallie...well, she just found me....and Allo....well, I just happened to find him...and :rolleyes: wellllll......:rolleyes: you know we can't help ourselves!

The singing thing...I had to laugh... I thought I was the only crazy one who did that....every animal has a song, and I reserved the right to change the words to how they suit me...

Scooter, was of course, "Bad boy, Bad boy, whatcha gonna do...whacha gonna do when I come for you..."

Bailey, was, "Mr. Big Stuff who do you think you are....Mr. Big Stuff..."

Allo's is, "Ooohhhhhhhh, sweet kitty of miiiinnnneee...."

Baby Pallie's is, "I'm a b**ch, I'm a lover,....." and "wild thing, you make my heart sing..."

I'm still working on Cayden's....but I sing to them all the time...actually Mr. Big Stuff came on the radio the other day :(:( but I know they are singing along...

Maybe we can start a "Cushing's Idol"????:cool:
Love ya!!! Beth

03-29-2010, 09:46 AM
I know this is very late, but I haven't been online in a couple of weeks. Please forgive.

I'm very sorry about the loss of Zoe. She, like my Crissy, fought the good fight and lived as long a life as possible. It was time for Zoe, just like it was for Criss Ann, to make the journey on without us.

Bonnie and Angel Criss

04-03-2010, 07:36 PM
Boxes, boxes and more boxes. TIRED is an understatement. Keep coming across Zoe's things in various boxes and my heart breaks all over again. Sent a few of things home with my daughter today for her Dixie and Libby. Libby's gonna try the proin 'cause she has accidents when she gets excited.

It was 85 here yesterday and the downstairs never got above 62 all day. I can't help but think how much Zo would have loved lying down there, especially on hot days. Unrolled her chilly bed today 'cause Dixie and Libby and their humans are coming to spend the night Monday and help with more unpacking on Tuesday so maybe they'll enjoy Zo's chilly bed (Dixie and Libby, that is . . . . not their humans!:p:rolleyes:).

Sometimes, for a break, I come to the laptop and look up sites for rescue groups in No. GA and read about all the poor babies who are looking for a forever home. There are alot! Once we can get beyond the insane chaos here, I will probably have a more serious look. In the meantime, we are taking the day off tomorrow - and having Easter dinner at our daughter's. The 'other' Grandma who will be there tomorrow works with a rescue group in the Alpharetta area so I'm sure she'll have some furbabies to tell me about too. But I don't think I'm quite there yet. It just feels too soon and the grief is still too close to the surface . . . all the time. Sue

04-03-2010, 07:46 PM
Hi Sue,

I know where you are coming from with the moving. I have only moved a few times but I don't like it.
I know you are missing Zoe and this new chapter in your life must feel strange without her.

It will get easier and some lucky dog in the future is wagging his/her tail in anticipation of coming to live with you.....when you are ready.


04-03-2010, 08:18 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I just saw your post. You and Zoe were such an inspiration to me when I was going through Cushing's with Dexter. He has been gone for almost 2 years now. It does get easier to deal with the grief, but it doesn't matter where I go I will never forget him.
Take care and when you are ready you will make a wonderful "mom" to a kind soul who needs a great home.


04-04-2010, 11:09 AM
Hi Sue,
It's good to see your post and know you arrived safe and sound. Everything must seem very unreal right now, especially with being so tired. I'm glad you're occupied with a big project and have lots of family around to keep you moving forward.
It's still hard to believe that Zoe has passed on....you two were here when I joined....and have been around since Lady passed away.
I love the image of some blessed dog wagging it's tail in anticipation of coming to live at your place.
Hope you get lots of rest in the days ahead....as long as there's a path to all the important places in the house boxes and stuff can stay put for awhile ;) :rolleyes: :p
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)

04-04-2010, 12:33 PM
Sue - thinking of you, the clan and dear Zoe today. Ignore the boxes today and enjoy the weather. Hugs - Kim and girls

04-04-2010, 06:42 PM
Glad you have made the trip and are on to the unfurling stage.

Glad you are having help with the unpacking.

I'm thinking there is already at least one lucky pup in North GA who is already sensing your pressence:)


04-12-2010, 10:07 AM
Sue -

I have been off the board, and just read about Zoe. I am heartbroken for you and for all of us who had grown to love Zoe like one of our own.

From one friend to another, I can only send warm hugs and soft condolences.

Hugs -

Lynne, Clyde & Bailey

06-02-2010, 11:10 AM
So . . . I was just reading Wendy's post in 'Everything Else' - about her recent experience with Harry and Izzy.

Here's what just happened in our family - a bit different AND equally weird. Ever since losing Zoe, I've been half-hoping that she'd send me a 'sign.' So.....went last week to my granddaughter/grandson's (twins) pre-k graduation, and the teacher said a little something about each child in her class. She called Sophie an 'old soul'. Three days later, my daughter was sitting with the twins in a Waffle House and out of the blue, little Sophie says . . . "My other name is Trudy." TRUDY? What the .....!!!! How in the world would a five year old come up with that name. Nobody has that name anymore. Well, Trudy was my mother's name and she died in 1992. . My own kids have always referred to my mom as Grandma T - not Trudy. :eek::eek::eek:

So here I am, waiting for a sign from beyond from my dog, and lo and behold, I get one from my mother instead. I think I will have to re-read the book "The Search for Bridey Murphy" - which is the one that got me so interested in 'other-worldly' possibilities back in the '70's (oops, dating myself! :rolleyes:) Anyway, I can't get this out of my mind. Now, if I'd just get something from my Zo! I'm waiting patiently. ;) Sue

06-02-2010, 12:30 PM

I'm here eating lunch at work and this popped into my email. Had to come and tell you that years ago I gave in and went to a psychic who knew some pretty weird stuff...like nicknames and things no one else really knew. Anyway, he told me that the reason my son and I are so close, yet struggle over power so much, was bc he was my father in a past life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't sleep for weeks! Grossed me out to no end to think I gave birth to my own father!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Zoe will come....I do believe that in some way both human and canine and othernine come back to us to let us know we aren't really alone. Scooter barked, Bailey came and sat beside me one night, my mom came and told me she was fine (and she looked about 25 years old and was beaming happy) and I just got a message from my dad.

She will come....maybe this is some way for your mom to give you a sign that she is there....but also sent a sign to you for Zoe too?

Lots of love, Beth

06-12-2010, 06:47 PM
Well, I suppose I should post this question in 'Everything Else' but I just wanted to post one more time in Zoe's thread. It just seemed like the thing to do, having done it for so long. And especially since I'm having little twinges/pangs/something-or-others right now about adopting another. Not that I don't want to . . . 'cause I so do. I can't even express it in words. But it feels a little like being disloyal, for even considering another furbaby so soon. I'm sure it will pass, once I get caught up in the day to day joys of being a doggy mommy again. Anyone else feel like this, ever?

So, this morning I picked up my daughter and her twins and we went over to an adoption, being held by a local rescue group, "Labrador Friends of the South." I've been pondering several of their dogs, ever since I got to GA. Well, it was a loony lab-fest. Yellows, blacks, browns, labby mixes, mostly. Little puppies, bigger puppies, grown boys, a 1- year old mommy named Wilma, whose last pup was just adopted today. So adorable. And as I feared, seeing them in person makes a decision all that much harder. I could have come home with a whole legion of labs, but I came home, instead, with nary a one. Mainly because the one I had hoped to meet today was not there. Britt, 6 or 7 yrs old, stayed home because his foster mommy felt it was too hot for him. And it IS sticky hot here, so probably just as well for him.

But I saw two others that I now have in my radar as well - simply because of their wonderful termperaments. One is a 3 yr old black male with THE perfect personality. In fact they use Austin to introduce all of their incoming dogs to the gang. Thing is, he's totally bonded to a younger chocolate female (maybe part pointer) named Lacy. They are apparently a twosome now - although Austin is stuck in a kennel at this pet spa at night, while Lacy goes to her foster home each night. But the two spend their days together at this doggy/spa/daycare center (where their foster mommy works.) Now Britt, the one that I'm still going to visit in his foster home, is also a male. (You can check all of them out - Lacy, Austin, and Britt - at:


(Lacy's actually much bigger now than in the pics shown).

So here's my question. I've never had males before but I was thinking one male and a couple of females. But this would be two males (ages 7 and 3) and one female (age 1). Is that a potential mistake, having two males and one female in the same household? Anybody have that experience in their house and if so, how did it go? I wanted mellow and laid-back and all 3 of these dogs seem to be just that. Ohhhh, dilemma . . . . :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Any advice welcome. Sue

PS- Mr. Britt, I learned, does have arthritis already and is on melox and G & C. Doesn't 6 or 7 seem kinda young to have arthritis? I asked if it was possible that he was a bbit older but they said "Oh, no, just 6 or 7.) I think they may be afraid that if they say (or think) he's older, he'll be less adoptable. (Wouldn't matter to me one whit, tho'.)

06-12-2010, 07:24 PM
Oh Sue, I can't help with the gender question, but what a sweet set of doggies...!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o

I hope things work out so that the whole crew is able to join your family. What lucky puppies they would be...:) :) :)


06-12-2010, 08:42 PM
Labs, labs everywhere and oh my goodness, how do you possibly choose without becoming a hoarder. :o:D:o I say go with Lacy, Britt and Austin. You'd definitely have one of each color for sure. In my experience, two or more females can be a much bigger problem, especially if you've got an alpha in the mix. They truly are bitches. :D:D

Until my little Otis passed, I had four boys and one girl. Now just three boys, Lulu the princess and a continuous stream of fosters. Everybody gets along great but Jojo is the odd man out. He's an old fart that's an equal opportunity grouch with everybody. My babies are little but I don't think that makes a difference. If you think it does, then I'll tell you about my brother's crew. Before he lost his two boys, he had Ozzie, a big ol' Aussie, Harriet, an Aussie, and Hoss, a massive black Lab. I've never seen a lab that huge and boy, could he eat. Nothing was sacred so you better not leave your food unattended. :D Hoss was 8 years old when they adopted him. Ozzie was 5 and Harriet was 4. They all loved each other and never so much as growled at one another for as long as the two boys lived. Ozzie and Hoss are at the bridge but sweet Harriet is still with us and so is Major, a huge Aussie adopted from a rescue.

I am so excited for you!!!

06-12-2010, 09:14 PM
Hi Sue,
What a great, big heart to rescue these loving pups and give them the love they so much deserve. I think you are just wonderful and those are some very lucky pups. oh they are all so precious. I pray they all find great homes. Looking forward to all the details and more pics. Warmest regards and luv. Xo Jeanette, licks Princess

Carol G
06-12-2010, 10:51 PM
Good for you Sue, I think it is a tribute to Zoe that you are looking. I've gone way too long without a dog (I've had extenuating circumstances but it has still been too long).

I agree with Glynda -- the potential for serious conflict exists more with two females. Since these are dogs in foster care, they are probably pretty used to being in situations with meeting/living with other dogs. I would also guess that the Lab rescue people can give you some advice.

I think it is wonderful that you could give Austin and Lacy a home together. What a gift to them.

Carol & Atty Cat

06-13-2010, 03:24 AM
Hi Sue,

Loved the pictures of Britt, Austin and Lacy and think they are the dogs for you! Poor Lacy looks like she needs a good home and someone to feed her up and I'm sure they would all settle together as they have such good temperaments.

We felt disloyal when we first had Spicey as we had only ever had one dog before who we loved for 10 years and all the family were heartbroken when Lady died. The first day we brought Spicey home I remember my husband saying 'it's not the same is it' but it wasn't long before we loved her just as much but I do know how you feel.
It's the love that Zoe gave you, and you to her, that makes you want to do it again.

Linda and Spicey

06-13-2010, 06:52 AM
Hi Sue :)

You know I would love for you to adopt 10 Labs ;) But since you asked...let me play the devils advocate for a bit.

Lacey and Austin, female and male already used to each other, both "young"...

From the remarks on the website and the pictures, I would raise a few questions about Lacey. Her front legs don't look right to me. Too much "A" shaped and her wrists are too flat. Could be caused by the malnutrition she suffered...? Wich could lead to a series of "joint" problems down the road... Just thinking out loud here :) And not saying that it would be a reason to not adopt a dog, just something to consider. Another thing about Lacey is her "hunting instinct". If she gets soooo excited over a cat, you can almost count on it that she will react the same to squirrels, rabbits, etc. And I didn't see anywhere how she is with small children....given your grandchildren :)

Then there's Britt... An older dog with arthritis. I would wonder if it were the right thing to do to adopt Britt together with Lacey and Austin. Given his arthritis, the fact he's an older dog compared to the other 2...and the fact that Lacey and Austin are already familiar with each other and already have established some sort of pack order. This all could be in the desadvantage of Britt. The other 2 could gang up on him fore example since they might consider themselves already a pack. His age and arthritis will make him the "weaker" one in the pack... And if the arthritis worsens, you could end up with having to take Britt on seperate walks since he would need slower and less long walks where the other 2 (if healthy) need more robuust walks. The needs of Lacey and Austin, will be very different from Britt's. Britt, with his arthritis shouldn't play fetch for example to protect his joints, but with two young exuberant dogs around that do play fetch...that could be hard to prevent.

So, apart from really understanding that you would love to adopt all three of them, if it were me, I would either go with Austin and Lacey...or with just Britt. Simply because their needs are too different :) Or Britt together with another "oldie", with simular needs :)

Big hugs,

Saskia and Yunah :)

06-13-2010, 10:19 AM
Haven't double-posted in awhile. Until JUST NOW!!:rolleyes::p:o

06-13-2010, 10:33 AM
Thanks for all the input, everyone. First off, this is by no means a done deal yet. My mind - and circumstances - could go any which way. I want to take my time and make sure my new pack will be a harmonious one. So it's sounding like two males would be less of an issue that two females. We did have two girls before as when Zoe came into our family, we still had KC, who was definitely the 'alpha' dog. But Zo was so easy-going that she had no problem adjusting to the #2 role. And it worked out just fine. I know it depends alot on their personalities.

Sas, I appreciate all your insightful thoughts. Most of them, I too have been considering. All three dogs are pretty used to being around other dogs(their foster moms all have multiple labs at home and Austin spends his day at doggy daycare with all sizes and ages.) The fact that Austin is such a good and gentle leader - and does well with both females and males - is a BIG plus, in my book. This group asks that any dogs already in your household be brought with you and introduced to those you are considering. So bringing any potential adoptees together first is one thing I would definitely do. Could even be that Britt HAS already spent some time in the company of the younger two - at adoptions. It was obvious that Lacy and Austin are both very well socialized, thanks to spending their days at the daycare. When we were there yesterday, they were inside in the big play area with a small sheltie and a min-pin and there were no shenanigans of any kind. In fact, both Austin and Lacy got tired and laid down right in the middle of floor and went to sleep together. Extremely calm dogs. So I doubt there'd be the 2 against 1 thing. Also, older dogs will sometimes just go off to be alone and the younger ones will seek out each other for play - which is what Lacy and Austin apparently do. But I do hear ya' Sas, and think a 'group session' would be wise - before any decision-making.

So here's our new home situation: We expect to have a fence up within about 3 weeks, so my plan was to get Britt (or some older dog first) and wait a few weeks before adding another one or two younger dogs - once the fence is up. That way, the younger ones can burn off energy in the yard (or even at the nearby dog park. ) Whereas an older one would be content with short easy walks until then (and after.) So I don't forsee walking all three together, now or in the future. My biggest concerrn now with Britt is his arthritis. But foster mommy says he's improved alot since she started him on the meds (G & S - plus metacam, not my favorite idea but we did use it cautiously in Zoe, and Britt has no contraindications for it so far.) Foster mom works and so has not taken him on any walks. Short walks might actually be good therapy for him and keep him from losing any more ground. Foster did say he can no longer get on her bed, but no biggy. From the pictures, he apparently has no trouble still getting on a sofa. But we do have stairs here. However, we had thought that all out in advance for Zoe and there are ways around using the stairs too much. (Like out the front door on main level and down the gently - sloping driveway to get to the back yard and the lower level. Main level entry steps are wide slabs of stone and not very steep or demanding, as actual stairs would be. I was also hoping to spread out their ages, so that we don't have more than one geriatric dog at any given time. In fact, from my experience with Zo and KC, I think that for the older ones, having a younger one around can actually help - by keeping them a little more active (with limitations when necessary, of course.)

With Lacy, Sas, I too noticed that picture where her legs looked funny. And that was also my concern. But when I saw her in person yesterday, she is now just an inch or so shy of Austin and she's filled out and developed into a beautiful young lady. I looked specifically at her legs and they look normal to me now. Could it be she was just in a growth spurt - something like that skinny, gangly teenager stage. But I will have another, closer look at them.

So as you can tell, nothing is a certainty yet. These foster moms all know their dogs well and I'm sure would be willing to have the dogs meet up, however the timing goes down. Plus, sometimes the decision is made for you - when a dog you're thinking about gets adopted by somebody else. (Disappointing but always a good thing for the dog!) And there are 2 or 3 others, right here in our new town, who I'm also still considering. I may set up appts. to go meet them this week. Two are smaller (well, medium-sized, by comparison) One is a shy border collie type (F), one a shep-hound looking mix (also F), and one who looks similar to Zo - maybe 4 or 5 - black with some white markings. Supposedly very smart, possibly part border and part lab, but that's always a guessing game.

Ok, shutting up. Just want to consider everything so as to end up with a happy - and hopefully not too crazy - pack!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes: Sue

08-28-2010, 12:19 PM
Dear Sue - I've been off the board since December, and looked to your post first. The title said it all, and I was afraid to read back a few pages, but there it was...
Please accept my deepest and most heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your Zoe. There are some super Moms and Dads on this board, but I think most will agree that there is nobody quite like you. And no dog quite like Zoe. I know she is with all our dogs running free and waiting to join us again someday. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. With love - Joyce

08-28-2010, 04:55 PM
Thanks, Joyce. We've missed you around here, but I do remember when the lady from where you got Angel stopped by with questions. I still miss my Zoe girl immensely and some days, the tears come unexpectedly. Seems the craziest little thing can set them off. Coming up on the 6 month anniversary of that horrible day and while sometimes it seems like just yesterday, other times it seems like forever ago. I hate that the little memories fade so quickly. Sometimes I just sit and try to recall the littlest details of life with the Zo.

But now we've got a new distraction and that helps. Her name is Cooky and I have a thread about her in "Everything Else' - case you missed it. She's a pure delight of a border collie. Still fairly young - at 16 mos. Found her at a local rescue shelter. We've had her for two months.

In March, we moved to GA from CA (left for GA about one week after having to say good-bye to Zo) and once I got settled in here, I could just NOT be without a dog, as Dave is still in CA working a few more months before retiring. Have plans to add another one or two more orphans to the mix this fall, with Cooky's approval! I saw your update on Angel's thread Sounds like your canine GANG is doing well. :):) And glad to hear that Angel is doing so well w/o the trilo. I am actually looking at some JRT's myself. Like their spunk and their size. I really love the big dogs too, but Zoe, in the last year or so, was - because of her size - a lot to handle. Getting her in and out of the car was taking a toll on my back. Plus, I could never have lifted her into the car that last day, but fortunately my husband and son were there to do it. So maybe a smaller 'big dog' plus a JRT will work. Cooky's a nice 46 lbs. which I could lift if I had to. :rolleyes:

Really, we all do miss you around here. So don't be a stranger. ;)Hugs. Sue

03-20-2016, 06:56 PM
Wow - I only drop in here on rare occasion now since it's been six years since Zoe went to that great clover field in the sky. I wasn't sure of the exact date (other than late Mar. 2010) but after browsing the last 3 or 4 pages of this thread, I found the answer. It was March 13 - a Saturday - just one week before we left to move to GA (we left CA on Mar 20, 2010 - six years ago today). So I find it kinda weird that I chose this day to clean out all Zoe's old dog meds, etc. I didn't even think about that date until I started going thru her meds. I truly think she is sending me a sign!

Anyway, her things have now been tucked away here in GA for almost six years!! It is definitely time to dispose of Zoe's meds which all expired long ago - each and every bottle, jar, ointment, powder, etc. Which brings me to my main question. I didn't dispose of the trilostane, in particular, because I never knew what to do with it. And I STILL don't. Dave said flush down the toilet - we're on a septic system here. But after looking online, even that seems risky - our dogs nibble on the grass that grows over the septic plus we're close to a river. Everything else (thyroid meds, tylan, anitibiotics, etc, etc.) is going into the trash. BUT what in the heck do I do with that darn trilostane?? I can't believe the bottle says she was taking 180 mg twice a day. But she was. Anyway, I have a large supply of those 180 mg caps left - about 3/4 of a bottle of 120 caps so it's not a small qty. Any thoughts on how I can safely dispose of these? They are 6 years old so I wonder if they've lost potency - in which case I might just seal them up w/duct tape and put them in the trash.

I confess that this project has brought a few tears to my eyes. I still have Zo's favorite toys, bandannas, footies (for getting up on slippery wood floors) and some bedding, etc, that I'll probably never get rid of. Sometimes Cooky and Maizie will sniff out Zo's favorite stuffed 'squirrel' toy and I get it out and let them play with it for a minute or two. Then I must repossess it before they destroy it!! Crazy border collie girls. Well anyway.....I was mainly looking for thoughts on what to do with that old trilo - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sue/zoesmom

03-20-2016, 07:20 PM
Hi Sue,

I remember you well. You were still on the forum a bit when I joined with my Zoe. She has been gone two years and I still have all her meds and belonging packed in a trunk.

Someone told me I could turn in unexpired medications to her regular vet and they would donate to patients that are in need or I could donate to the humane society. I'm in Wisconsin but perhaps that would be true in your state as well.

A big hug and a toast to our girls in rememberance

Harley PoMMom
03-20-2016, 08:03 PM
Hi Sue,

Here in York County we have a facility (York County Resource Recovery Center) where we can take our unused OTC and Rx's and then they dispose of them. We can also drop them off at our local police headquarters.

I just did a search for Georgia State and found this:

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) works with state and local law enforcement agencies to sponsor National Prescription Drug Take-Back Days. These community drug take-back programs allow you to bring your unused medication to a central location and the sponsor will dispose of it for you. Call your local government's household trash and recycling office (which is listed in the blue pages in your phone book) to locate and take advantage of a community drug take-back program.

There are over 180 different locations across Georgia that will accept and safely dispose of your medication.


I sure remember dear Zoe, such a beautiful girl.

Love and hugs, Lori

03-20-2016, 09:35 PM
Hey Sue <waving wildly!!!!!> :) :) :) :) :)

I'm so glad the others have given you suggestions about the trllo, and I am so happy to see you here! ;)

Seems like only yesterday we were all loving on our dear brown-eyed girl :o. Where does the time go??

It's gonna be a cold one tonight, isn't it, and I've got my fingers crossed that the baby leaves on Barkis' little memorial Japanese maple don't get frozen...

So good to see you, girl, and hoping you are doing well!

molly muffin
03-21-2016, 05:27 PM
Hi Sue! It is sooo hard even years later going through their things. Every item brings back a memory. It's funny, I still had all of tasha and tipsy's things and when we finally got molly, those are the items she wanted more than anything else. Not her shiny new toys, but theirs. I don't know if it was the smell on them, probably, but it sure did bring more than a few tears to my eyes to see them being carried around in a doggie mouth again.

03-22-2016, 05:58 AM
My dearest Sue,

Good to see you pop in here. The others have some great recommendations. I am sure your vet will have access to the same reclaim and dispose services. I dropped some very old heart medicine off from Clancy and the vet office took them and properly disposed them.
