View Full Version : Zoe, the energizer doggy (Update: Good-by to our girl)
12-14-2009, 11:03 PM
Oh wow, I've been waiting on pins and needles and have been filled with dread every time I checked your thread. This may sound crazy but I have been a basket case and sick with worry about your baby girl. I found myself several times yesterday, while cleaning house, standing in the middle of rooms asking God to make Zoe and Ruby better. It is so strange that I should love a dog that I've never met but I surely do love Zoe and my heart is soaring right now. YES, YES, YES!!!!!!
12-14-2009, 11:56 PM
12-15-2009, 01:31 AM
Oh Sue, what a relief to read your news :)!! Zoe is such an incredible girl, with such an enormous will to survive. Like you, though, I am feeling worried about depression during the three weeks without you and Dave...
This probably is not a workable suggestion at all, but might it be possible for Stacy to make a couple of quick visits during the time you are away? It sounds like Stacy is booked solid through the holidays, so she may not have any opportunity at all to leave her other clients. But I'm just wondering whether it might help Zoe to see a familiar face with whom she has spent time during other absences from you guys -- that it might reassure her in some way, and make the separation seem a little more normal.
It's just a thought. And like everybody else, I so wish that I was closer, and that Zoe actually "knew" me. I'd love to be able to give her some pep talks personally, and to tell her what a fine and brave girl she is!
Fingers crossed for continuing progress in these coming days,
12-15-2009, 05:07 AM
I too am incredibly glad to hear she has a spark in her eyes and is doing better. I am still sending tons of prayers this will continue on.
I was also wondering is there someone who can go and visit Zoe during your absence - a family member or a friend maybe.
And I second it, wished we all lived closer - I would visit Zoe and keep her company - and so would a lot here.
Safe travels to you Sue
special ((((hugs)))) to Zoe
12-15-2009, 05:26 AM
Wonderful News
Am so filled with joy at your news. Yay Zoe! Yay Sue and Dave for being incredible parents to your/our beautiful baby girl.
She has the spark, she can pee, oh Sue, your update made my day:)
Continuing prayers for a speedy recovery.
A workmate took her dalmation Elly for accupressure for her arthritis, and she said she wishes she had started earlier, it made Elly a lot more comfortable, and she moved around easier.
Once again, YAY ZOE!!! Go the Hoppy Dance
Love and lots of hugs,
Jane and Franklin xx
John II
12-15-2009, 06:54 AM
:D:D:D Hoppy Dancing!!! :D:D:D
12-15-2009, 06:56 AM
I too am very glad to read that Zoe started to improve :) That's a good way to start my day. If I would have been able to travel, I would have come to "Zoe sit" and take care of her in your absence but staying at the vet's will be a very good place for Zoe to be :) For now, we will hope for continued improvement and for you to be able to take her home after your trip.
Saskia and Yunah :)
Harley PoMMom
12-15-2009, 07:00 AM
Hi Sue,
This might be a stupid suggestion but here it goes...what about a tape recording of a message of your voice for Zoe while you are gone? Do you think this would help her? And do you think they would play it for her? Also, maybe give them some more of your clothes with your scent on them too? Just thinking out loud here...:rolleyes::o:)
With much love and big hugs,
12-15-2009, 07:34 AM
Hi Sue,
Along the lines of Lori's thoughts, keeping a favorite toy and blanket with her might also help.
Just a thought, I was wondering if Zoe would be well enough to go home while you're away, would it then be possible for the sitter to get her?
I hope Zoe is doing better today.
12-15-2009, 09:41 AM
GREAT NEWS. :):):):)
I'll keep thinking of you and Zoe
Heidi & Kira
12-15-2009, 10:21 AM
Yay Zoe!!! I'm still hoppy dancin' for you sweetie!!!!
Sue, I'm assuming the vet knew she was on Cipro, right? Did they say anything about Cipro having any central nervous system effects from Cipro? Pallie was on Cipro and I have my suspicions she had some side effects from it too. I hate Cipro and I hope I never have to use it again, ever. I'm hoping she didn't have any problems from Cipro, but I'm so glad she's off of it and hopefully another antibiotic will help her infection. Perhaps being off Cipro for a few days has helped her improvement too!
Yay ZOE!!
Squirt's Mom
12-15-2009, 10:35 AM
oooo good thought, Steph! I have been on and off Cipro for several months now and it always makes me dizzy! :eek:
12-15-2009, 11:56 AM
Hi Sue...
Wow...I haven't been on in a while, but just read your story; and all I can say is Wow! What wonderful news! Zoe is an incredible fighter with a strong will to live, it sounds like:)
A lot of her symptoms sound identical to what Lucy had after her surgery...she also had one pupil larger than the other, walked in circles and pulled to both the right and left. This went on for a couple weeks, and they weren't sure if she had a stroke or it was from the surgery, but the point is she fully recovered, and it sounds like The Zo is recovering as well!:)
What a wonderful mom you are, and what a great girl Zoe is! You're lucky to have each other, for sure..
Gina and Lucy
12-15-2009, 12:18 PM
Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I DO wish we all lived closer as I would take you up on the offers to go and visit the Zo.
Hi Sue,
Along the lines of Lori's thoughts, keeping a favorite toy and blanket with her might also help.
Just a thought, I was wondering if Zoe would be well enough to go home while you're away, would it then be possible for the sitter to get her?
I hope Zoe is doing better today.
Actually, Terri, what you suggested is very possible since my petsitter e-mailed me yesterday that she would be more than happy to go pick Zoe up and take her home to her house, if things improve enough. I plan to keep in close touch with the clinic after we leave (Saturday), and if it sounds like the Zo is getting making great strides (and upright ones!), I think that is what I'd do.
Stacy is wonderful and has experience with "gimpy" dogs. Not only does she petsit them, but her own yellow lab, Angus, injured his spine when he was two and has a back leg that doesn't work right. So that is a very viable option. I would want to know that Zoe is over her incontinence and that she'd be closely monitored, especially with the other dogs that are there. Last time, she kept Zoe and Angus in the back carpeted bedroom whenever she had to leave the house, just so that the Zo didn't try to play excessively. That's would be the main problem now. Seeing that she gets exercise but not the kind that will be too much for her and set her back. Will have to see how the week progresses but I am certainly thinking about that. I know I will be so so worried until we get back.
She does have two of her favorite toys with her. Will have to take something else over - maybe a blankie. I was also planning to discuss Zoe's meds with one of the vets today. She is off the cipro, Steph. And now on baytril. But from what I read, they are very similar drugs. Will have to ask about that? And when we ought to get her back on her trilo? I asked them to hold up on that, thinking maybe a rise in cortisol would help. Also, I'm not sure at this point what they are doing, if anything, for her anal problem. She's lost some of what little strength she had in her limbs, simply because of the confinement and lack of use. I know it'll take her awhile to rebuild that, and I don't see that happening at the clinic. They have so many others to take care of. Better chance for that at Stacy's. So lots to sort out before Saturday. But I have hope now for a good outcome. :):):):)
Meeting with the acupuncturist at noonish, so am anxious to hear what she might have to say. You guys are the best!!!!! Sue
12-15-2009, 12:59 PM
I'm so glad to hear this, Sue.
That would be great if Zoe improves enough that Stacy would be able to get her and take her to her home. Stacy sound like she is a wonderful person. I'm sure this would help ease your mind a little. (I get very emotional at times, and this news brought tears to my eyes.) I understand about your not wanting her to get too involved in playing, but that she would be getting some exercise.
I hope you can get some good answers from the vet today.
I wish you and Zoe the best. My thoughts and prayers are constantly with you.
Extra big hugs from the Corkster and me.
Squirt's Mom
12-15-2009, 01:03 PM
Hey Sue,
So good to hear you sounding so positive and upbeat! :) I hope Zo can get to go to Stacy's while ya'll are away, that would do her a world of good! Stacy sounds like an amazing lady and you both are lucky to have her in your lives.
Hanging with you still!
Leslie and the girls
Carol G
12-15-2009, 01:39 PM
Hi Sue,
I'm so happy things are improving. Here's a couple of thoughts I had.
First, could you see if maybe there is a tech at the clinic that might want to earn a few extra dollars by working with Zoe on exercise/strength building during their time off work. I think it would depend on the clinic if this would be okay but I'm guessing there would be a tech or two that would be interested in the opportunity.
Now this is going to sound very airy fairy (but hey, I live in Southern CA), but what about a animal communicator to tell Zoe that you have to be away for awhile but you will be back.
Okay, that's it from me now that I've let everyone know I'm weird.
Carol & Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
12-15-2009, 01:53 PM
Hi Sue,
Now this is going to sound very airy fairy (but hey, I live in Southern CA), but what about a animal communicator to tell Zoe that you have to be away for awhile but you will be back.
Okay, that's it from me now that I've let everyone know I'm weird.
Carol & Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
That's funny . . . but not all that very airy fairy to me, given the fact that Zoe's former petsitter (the Allison from Oceanside, who is a canine water therapist and who tried to help find a home for Lucy, the cattle dog - you probably remember) is an animal communicator!!! At least, she says she is. :):p;)
But we're a long way away from her now that we're in No. Cal. Otherwise, I'm sure she'd be happy to communicate the necessary info to the Zo. Your idea about a vet tech working on the side with Zo is also a good idea (like everybody else's great ideas!) and I will look into that. Thanks. Sue
12-15-2009, 02:54 PM
Just checking in one last time with you, not sure when I will be back on a computer although maybe the laptop will work....but I wanted to let you know I am still thinking of you all and sending all my best! Sounds like you have some great suggestions to help Zoe cope while you are gone....and I will also add to my thoughts that Stacy can spring Zoe asap!!
So until I can get back, all my love and support still flowing....
Beth and the rest of the pack
12-15-2009, 06:03 PM
YAYAAAAAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY!!!!!!!!!! Zo zo the girl!
Sue, Im so pleased she's picking up and am sending the message to her. big hugs
Wendy xx
12-15-2009, 10:07 PM
I went to bed last night wishing and hoping and praying that Zoe's petsitter would offer to take her when she's able to come out of the clinic.
And when I came on earlier today that's exactly what had happened!!! Isn't life grand sometimes?!?
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
PS-Glynda, I constantly marvel that we can love one anothers' dogs and we've never met them!!
PPS-Sorry weirder than the rest of us! ;) :p
12-16-2009, 11:28 AM
Hi Sue,
I just wanted to see how Zoe is doing. I hope she is continuing to improve. All of you are still in my thoughts and prayers.
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2009, 11:45 AM
Hoppy Dance!!
hOPpy danCE!!
HoPpY dAnCe!!
Harley PoMMom
12-16-2009, 12:48 PM
Prayers and healing thoughts continue from York, PA. for Zoe.
Love and hugs,
12-16-2009, 03:03 PM
I've hardly been able to sleep, trying to figure out the best plan for Zoe. In the middle of the night last night, I came to the decision that I have to bring her home today - to a more familiar setting. Maybe that will speed things up. I know it will give me a better idea of her progress. She's just so distraught at the clinic. Yesterday, she kept pulling me towards the direction of their parking lot - even while stumbling around. She wanted to go in any direction, away from the building. When I got her back inside and was straightening her bedding, she went straight back to the exit door and whammed right into it, with her head. They have a fan on her, but she's always hot. And that stall is just so confining, that she's losing strength by the day in her legs.
I've got a call into Stacy, to see if it's feasible to fix a padded cell for her in their garage - away from their slippery tile floors and the other dogs that will be there. And more room to move around and avoid any more loss of mobility. She doesn't mind the cold at all so that's not an issue. But her drinking leaves a gigantic puddle around her and she needs to be on a leash if out of her cage - to help balance. Eating is still good, so that's a plus. I'm going over to the vets at 2 pm - which is when they told me I'd have the best chance of talking to one of her doctors. I think she needs to get back on the trilo to slow down the drinking for one thing. And I just need to go over her other meds situation with them further. And then I'm bringing her home.
I went to Petco and bought a shoulder harness so that she will have more stability when walking outside. And maybe that will help with the pottying hesitation. Also picked up a 16 ft. fence (which can be configured a number of ways) - in hopes that we can confine her in Stacy's garage somehow. I came home and spread blankets all over half our garage floor (Dave will just have to park on the street and my car will keep her from the other half.) If we can do something like that at Stacy's, maybe it will work. She could go right out their garage door and be on the sidewalk level, with no steps involved, if Stacy can take her potty out front. This is my hopeful plan for now . . . but of course, my mind changes constantly and who knows what my plan will be, come Friday. It is such slow progress, but if I can just buy her another 3 - 4 weeks, I will feel better with whatever decision I have to make. If this plan doesn't work, I have come to terms with sending her to the bridge right before we leave. There's simply no way I can leave her in that small stall at the clinic for 3 more weeks and have her legs deteriorate any further. She has been doing the most pitiful vocalizing every time I show up and leave. And she's never been one to do that before now. I know she's begging - please take me home, mommy. Please keep the prayers and chants and hoppy dances going for us. Love you guys. Sue
12-16-2009, 03:16 PM
How heartbreaking. I can only imagine the pain you are going through having such a short time to make any decisions for Zoe, especially at this time of year. We are all thinking of you.
Linda and Spicey
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2009, 03:22 PM
Hi Sue,
I so understand the need to try to buy her at least a few more weeks, until you can get back home to her again. Being at home for a few days and then with someone she knows and trusts will probably do her a world of good! You would be more relaxed and able to enjoy your time away from her as well.
Praying, chanting and hoppy dancing all over western TN for you all!
Leslie and the girls
Roxee's Dad
12-16-2009, 03:28 PM
Please keep the prayers and chants and hoppy dances going for us. Love you guys.
They haven't heart still hurts for you and the Zoe. I am hoping for the best outcome. Prayers, good thoughts and hoppy dancing is ongoing.
We love you and the Zoe too.
Carol G
12-16-2009, 04:16 PM
Thoughts and prayers still coming from here.
The harness should help a lot (my first Cush Pup -- the Kees before Winnie) was unsteady on her feet and I kept a harness on her all the time. If needed, a wide belt or towel under her stomach just before her back legs will help her to squat more comfortably.
Also, Costco has these big doormats -- I bought them to put down outside on the covered walkway where the concrete is really smoothed and slick. If there are any slippery areas, they give great traction. Plus they are rubber backed so piddle accidents wouldn't be a problem.
Hugs & prayers,
Carol & Atty and always Winnie & McGill
12-16-2009, 04:29 PM
Sue, however this week unfolds, I support your decision 100%. I must tell you that I had been inwardly fretting ever since hearing about leaving Zoe at the clinic for three weeks. Given her age, her temperament, and her condition -- I have worried tremendously about her ability to cope in that situation.
We were faced with a similar dilemma when we decided to release Barkis instead of considering the possibility of an extended hospitalization a long distance away from us for radiation treatment. Our decision might have been entirely different for our sweet, docile, sociable Peg -- she loves everybody, and is much more adaptable. But given his fearful disposition and his fragile physical condition, I could never have driven away from the hospital, knowing I had left Barkis in that situation for a month's time. I do not believe he would have survived, or if he had -- at what price?
The situation with Stacy has the potential to be entirely different. I am so very hopeful that things will work out for Zoe to be left in Stacy's care!! But if not, I support your decision to release Zoe. To borrow Saskia's wonderful word, Zoe has had such a "dogworthy" life in your loving care. Perhaps it is just not meant to be for her to return to Georgia as she is now. But if not, you'll be carrying her spirit and your memories of her back "home" once again. And in that way, she will always be young and healthy and strong.
My heart remains with you, Sue. Whatever happens, I believe you are doing what is best for Zoe.
Many hugs, warmest thoughts, and prayers for you and sweet Zoe.
12-16-2009, 05:09 PM
I'm glad you decided to bring Zoe home, Sue. That's where she really wants to be. I really feel that the healing process is faster in more familiar and comfortable surroundings, and with people she knows and loves.
Continued thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for Zoe, and that you will be able to find peace in whatever decision you make.
12-16-2009, 05:37 PM
I know she's begging - please take me home, mommy. Please keep the prayers and chants and hoppy dances going for us. Love you guys. Sue
Yes Sue, I hear her also.
And I am sure you both know the prayers and chants are nonstop.
I have a number of devices, both for forward and rear, and boots. They have all served their purpose and we have not needed them for a while, but when they were needed they were very welcome.
Big Hoppy Dance for you all!
12-16-2009, 05:46 PM
Sue, We got you and Zoe's back. Prayers won't stop til she's back in tip top shape and getting in trouble again. :D Hugs Kim
12-16-2009, 08:45 PM
Well, she's home and she seems so much more at peace. I know I am. We just took a short walk and she peed about 5 times and did a teeny weeny poop. I could tell she was having a hard time balancing for that one. :o:rolleyes::eek:
Still waiting to hear back from Stacy, but Zoe is settled comfortably into the well-padded garage. She walked around a bit and then laid down and went right to sleep. Now all I need is the come-ahead from Stacy. The halter did seem to help her, Carol. I bought two, to see which fit better because she's got that huge melon of a lipoma on one side in a critical spot. I don't know what my problem is but I am definitely challenged (or maybe just stupid) when it comes to figuring how to get those darn things on. Guess I'll keep the easiest one and return the other. This is probably a good sign.....I decided to open her 40 lb. bag of food tonight that Dave picked up right before this happened. We were holding up on that, in case we had to return it. Thank you for keeping up the hoppies and the chants and the prayers. It means so much to me. Sue
Sabre's Mum
12-16-2009, 08:56 PM
This is absolutely wonderful news. I totally agree with you ... and you know her best ... but she will be much happier away from the vet clinic.
I will keep sending positive thoughts and vibes from down under.
Take care
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
12-16-2009, 09:26 PM
Hi Sue,
I'm so glad that Zoe is home and seems to be more at peace:) I'm sure she is so much more comfortable now.
Take care and get a good night's sleep. My thoughts and prayers are continuing.
Harley PoMMom
12-16-2009, 09:43 PM
Welcome home Zoe!!
We love you very much!!
Hoppy Dance!!
Hoppy Dance!!
Hoppy Dance!!
We love Sue and Dave too. :)
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2009, 10:03 PM
Yee - HOPPY - haw!!!
Welcome home, Zoe! Congrats on the major bladder release and well, you know.... ;)
I am so happy for all of you, Sue! :) Opening that bag of feed is just your way of tell Zoe how much faith you have in her. She is one tough cookie! Enjoy the next day or two with her at home and I hope Stacy calls soon to say, "SURE!"
Way to trust your gut, supermom!
Keeping you in my prayers and sending healing thoughts,
Leslie and the girls
12-16-2009, 10:44 PM
This is great news Sue and I'm glad you've brought her home. Have a good sleep and give Zoe lots of hugs and kisses from me.
12-16-2009, 11:15 PM
I am sooooooo happy that you were able to bring Zoe home. She is happy, you are happy, we are happy, and that should make Dave happy too!!! :):):):):D:D:D:):):):)
This will give you the opportunity to see for yourself just how Zoe is really doing and you will be able to honestly tell Stacy about her limitations and situation and let her decide is she able to care for her while you are gone. There is nothing like first hand knowledge. We are all hoping and praying, not only for Zoe's recovery, but that Stacy will be able to accommodate Zoe. But if she is not able to, at least you were able to let Zoe spend these days with you and Dave, and not in a cage. If Zoe does have to go to the bridge, believe me, you will be so thankful that you brought her home. That is the one thing that I am happy that I brought Sachi home and was able to spend time with her before I had to make the decision to send her to the bridge. I would have been devastated if I had to make the decision while she was in the cage. I treasure that last day and replay it over and over in my mind (just the good parts). You will do the same.
However, it sounds that Zoe is very, very happy with her accommodations and will transfer that happiness over to Stacy's. She is a wonder, but then she takes after her Mom!!!! :D :D
Continued healing thoughts and prayers.
Zoe, get better and better baby girl.
Luv & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
12-17-2009, 06:26 AM
Sue, I am so glad that Zoe is home!!!!!!!! :) And I "second" everything that Mary Ann has written above...:o
Much love and many prayers coming your way,
12-17-2009, 07:04 AM
Oh Sue, this is great news, I'm so happy for you all. Welcome Home Zoe!:D:D:D:D:D Hoping for continued improvement, still sending good thoughts, healing vibes and prayers your way. And hoping that Stacy can look after Zoe while you're away:)
With love and hoppy dances,
Jane and Franklin xx
Vehicle Insurance Forums (
12-17-2009, 08:58 AM
I'm so happy to hear that Zoe is home. I'm sure you'll start seeing improvement in her. They love being in their own homes and with their people. Welcome home Zoe
Heidi & Kira
12-17-2009, 10:36 AM
Welcome home Zoe!
Happy Hoppy Dance!!
Happy Hoppy Dance!!
Happy Hoppy Dance!!
Happy Hoppy Dance!!
Happy Hoppy Dance!!
Happy Hoppy Dance!!
Happy Hoppy Dance!!
Happy Hoppy Dance!!
Happy Hoppy Dance!!
12-17-2009, 12:10 PM
Finally connected with Stacy last night and she will be able to watch Zoe. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! We are going to set up a spot in her garage, like I've done here at home. What a load off my mind - and heart. With progress, maybe Zoe can even move inside, if isolated from the other rambunctious pups! So I feel much better, knowing she'll be in a home which she is familiar with. Zo says thank you for all the ongoing faith in her!!! Sue
Casey's Mom
12-17-2009, 12:15 PM
Wonderful news!
12-17-2009, 12:16 PM
What a load off my mind - and heart. Sue
And the same for us, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Sue, this is great news! :D
Carol G
12-17-2009, 12:28 PM
That is the news I've kept checking in to hear!
On the harness, I understand -- Winnie & McGill had these seat belt harnesses that were pretty old and I decided to spring for new, more top of the line models. I hardly used them because each time I had to spend about 10 minutes trying to remember how to put them on and I finally went back to the old ones.
Seat belt harnesses might be another option if the current one rubs Zoe's lump as they tend to be configured a little differently.
Again, so happy to hear the good news. How is Zoe doing today?
Carol & Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
12-17-2009, 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by zoesmom
What a load off my mind - and heart. Sue
And the same for us, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, yes, yes! Sweet Zoe! My inspiration during the coming days!
So blessed to have you in our lives. Need to make sure your little pink bunny has plenty extra batteries! How bout we send you some for Christmas?
Continued love, prayers and good thoughts.
Shelba and Suni
12-17-2009, 12:51 PM
This is such wonderful news, Sue. :D It seems like Zoe is really doing better since she's home. I'm sure you are very relieved right now.
You and Zoe will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Squirt's Mom
12-17-2009, 01:21 PM
Wonderful, Sue! :D Give Stacy a big group hug from all of us here!
Now you can travel with less stress and Zo will be much more comfortable and happy. This is just great! :D
Hugs to you and give Zoe a kiss from me right between her sweet eyes,
Leslie and the girls
12-17-2009, 01:51 PM
Wonderful news :D:D:D:):):)
I'm sure Zoe will improve very quickly now that she's in familiar surroundings. You might not even recognize her when you get back home.
12-17-2009, 02:40 PM
I'm so glad Zoe is home and that Stacy will be watching her while you're away. Hope you enjoy your trip/plans. Have a good holiday!
Carol G
12-17-2009, 03:17 PM
To add to Leslie's thought -- please tell Stacy that she is a hero and all sorts of people that she has never met think so.
12-17-2009, 03:30 PM
I'm very happy to read about this solution while you're away :) How's Zoe doing? Seeing some more improvements? And how are you doing? You must be feeling relieved about this solution... Give Zoe a big hug from her Dutch friends and yourself too ;)
Saskia and Yunah :)
12-17-2009, 04:35 PM
Very good news Sue.
Go, Zoe, Go!
Roxee's Dad
12-17-2009, 04:45 PM
Great news Sue. I am so happy for you and Zoe. :D:):D:)
Now a bit of a selfish request.....:o...... will there be anyway you can keep us updated on "The Zoe's" progress while you are away? :o:o:):o
We love our Zoe. :)
12-17-2009, 04:54 PM
Thanks, all !!!!!
John - I'll sure try. We'll have the laptop with us and will set up some pre-agreed arrangement with Stacy for getting updates. Not sure just what yet. But will definitely keep all of you posted.
Off to pick up her antibiotics at Walgreens. Zoe has her own discount pharmacy card there......Twelve bucks for 90 cephalexin!!!!! So much cheaper than at the vets. Every penny counts, at this point. Sue
12-17-2009, 04:58 PM
Only a second to say I am so happy for this good news and to send many warm Canadian hugs your way! :D :D :D
12-17-2009, 06:18 PM
There aren't enough happy faces :) or big toothy happy smilies :D to express myself. And my arms aren't long enough to reach up north to give Stacy a big hug, so you'll just have to do that for us.
I really think the stars are really shining for Zoe. You found her a terrific vet/clinic/hospital and a even better baby sitter. Both those on top of the bestest mom and dad. Yep, the stars are shining.
I sure hope that you can figure out some way to keep us updated.
Not to worry though, healing thoughts and prayers will continue.
Zoe, get better and better baby girl.
Sue and Dave, enjoy your Christmas holiday.
Luv & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
12-17-2009, 06:38 PM
Sue, what awesome news!!! :D :D :D
MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Have a safe and comfortable trip....your girl is in great hands.
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
12-18-2009, 12:57 PM
Hi Sue,
I just wanted to check to see how Zoe has been doing. I hope you have been able to see lots of improvement since she's been home.
Have a safe trip and a very happy holiday.
12-18-2009, 06:08 PM
Terri -
I wouldn't call it lots, but yes, definitely some improvement. It's just slow and steady, I guess. She's taken to the garage living just fine. And has been going on short walks and pooping and peeing ok. No accidents in bed since she's been home either. Still eating good too.
Night time walks are harder. And sometimes she veers unexpectedly so it's treacherous for the walker, too. :eek::p They said to keep her with a light on, so we strung some Xmas lights in the garage. She's just basically so much happier and relaxed since she came home. She slept alot Wed. & Thurs - since she probably was too stressed to sleep well at the clinic. I think she's catching up now. We leave tomorrow and will drop her off at Stacy's in the a.m. I know she'll be fine there, but I'll still worry the whole time. We're both hangin' tough tho!!!!!!!!!! Sue
Roxee's Dad
12-18-2009, 06:13 PM
Travel safely and hugs to the Zoe.:)
12-18-2009, 06:14 PM
Thank you for letting me know, Sue.
I'm so glad that Zoe is making progress. I know you'll be worried, but she will be in good hands.
Take care.
12-18-2009, 06:31 PM
Hi Sue,
I'm not going to bother saying try not to worry too much :o. But such great news about Zoe :). Hope you and Dave enjoy (there's gotta be a more appropriate word, but I can't think of it) your trip, and hugs and kisses to the Zo from us.
Be safe,
Jane and Franklin xx
Marijuana Vaporizers (
Squirt's Mom
12-18-2009, 06:47 PM
Hi Sue,
Glad to hear there's improvement since Zoe's been home! :D That is great news!
Travel safe and enjoy yourselves as much as possible!
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
12-18-2009, 07:09 PM
Hi Sue,
So happy to hear that there's been improvement in Zoe. YAAAA!!
We Will continue our chants and prayers for our precious Zoe. Have a safe trip, and like Leslie has mentioned, please try to enjoy yourselves.
Hoppy Dance!! Hoppy Dance!! Hoppy Dance!! Hoppy Dance!! Hoppy Dance!!
Love and hugs,
12-18-2009, 08:35 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D Will keep checking for your updates.
Truffa's Mom
12-19-2009, 01:54 AM
Keep doing better Zoe!!! Sue and Dave, enjoy your trip. We will keep sending good healing vibes for the lovely Zoe, and "anti-worry" energy your way.
Hugs and choco kisses
12-19-2009, 10:29 PM
I am so glad to hear of the improvment. Zoe is recovering I think faster than Moria.
You have her now in a known environment and with a known caregiver.
I am betting and hoping, and praying that it all continues to improve for her.
You all deserve the chance.
Safe travels, and Merry Christmas.
12-21-2009, 02:15 PM
Sue -
I'm just catching up. So sorry to hear about Zoe's troubles, but glad to hear she seems on the mend...have a great trip and Merry Christmas!
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
Annie's Mom
12-22-2009, 02:03 AM
I've been reading about Zoe tonight and sooo wish I had read this a week ago. My Annie had a vestibular episode in September (prior to being diagnosed with Cushings) and it was the scariest situation to go through. I too lost hope many days. I am so glad to read that Zoe is doing better and hopefully will show improvement while at the dog sitters. Vestibular is a very very slow recovery process and requires lots of TLC and patience. Reading posts on a vestibular forum helped me to realize Annie's slow progress was normal. I believe bringing Zoe home was the best medicine for her so she can get good rest, and walk around as she needs to so she can regain muscle strength. You've done all the right things: using a harness so you can stablize Zoe when walking and potty time; padding her surroundings so when she falls, it's a softer landing. About a month after Annie's episode, Annie's improvements stalled; I didn't see any more improvement in Annie's balance (still couldn't walk a straight line, I was still hand feeding her as she couldn't find her food in the bowl). I had to accept that this might be as good as it gets. A few days passed, and I saw huge improvement! I also read that dogs learn to adjust to the way their brain sees things. ue to Annie's elevated liver and Kidney enzymes, the vet didn't want to treat her with any pred or the like. Annie also has a lot of lipomas, and one very large one on her upper chest. I kept a harness on her 24/7 for many weeks so I had control to catch her and help steady her. The risk of her falling and getting injured was a larger concern than the harness rubbing on her lipomas. Annie shook her head alot during the first month or so. About the time she stopped shaking her head is when I saw the huge improvement. She still stumbles at times on uneven pavement, and falls sideways on inclines, but her leg strength has improved so she can catch herself. She also stands with a wide back leg stance. I walked her on a short leash in the backyard for at least a month, until I felt confident in her stability. I pray that Zoe continues to improve, but keep in mind, that the recovery is very slow. It's all about baby steps forward, isn't it?! A friend's dog had a vestibular episode this past spring. Similar to Zoe's condition, "Scruffy" couldn't get up off her bed on her own for 5 days. Scruffy is now walking/hiking 2 miles! I pray Zoe will be back to her normal activity in the next month.
12-22-2009, 09:14 AM
Just thinking of sweet Zoe and praying she is still improving. Sending lot'sa love to Sue, Dave and the Zoe!
Shelba and Suni
Harley PoMMom
12-22-2009, 11:15 AM
Hoppy Dance!!
Hoppy Dance!!
Hoppy Dance!!
Keeping Zoe, Sue and Dave in my thoughts and prayers too.
Love and hugs,
12-25-2009, 04:05 PM
Hey - We're here in the NC mountains. Snow on the ground was finished off by a torrential downpour all night and this am. Got a report from Stacy that Zoe is doing fine. She's maybe a little better in that she can stand longer. Stacy has been bringing her in from the garage at night because it's been so cold at home. She says she fixed her a nice "suite" in their dining room, where she can watch the other dogs and all the activity. She even tried to get around the gate once so that's a good sign.
I guesss she's not eating very well tho' - except to pick the pill pockets off the top of her food. But she can be picky when she thinks she might get a different food than her own. She wolfed down the food that they gave her in the hospital (not her usual), so I think she's playing that game again . . . hoping for some variety. It sounds like Marcela's Truffa has a mild case of the same thing Zoe has been dealing with. Many thanks to Annie's Mom, above, for sharing her experience with me..... on vestibular syndrome. That makes me feel better. Maybe Zoe's plateaued and then will make a sudden big improvement. Merry Christmas to all. Sue
12-25-2009, 04:41 PM
Merry Christmas Sue. I think Zoe is back to her usual antics and that is a WONDERFUL thing! :D;) How sweet that Zoe has taken over the dining room! LOL. Step up from the garage. Only our Zoe.
Thanks for the update! Enjoy your trip. Zoe will have the master suite before you return.. I just know it! :p Kim
12-25-2009, 07:29 PM
I hope you had a Merry Christmas, Sue.
I'm so glad to hear that Zoe is doing better. :) This is great news.
Roxee's Dad
12-25-2009, 09:24 PM
Good Christmas magic :):D:):D
So glad that Zoe continues to improve. :)
12-25-2009, 11:41 PM
Hi Sue,
Great news on Zoe! :) Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers,
Merry Christmas,
Jane and Franklin xx
Agnelle (
Squirt's Mom
12-26-2009, 11:22 AM
Hi Sue,
Good to hear from you and to know ya'll are safe on the road so far. Sounds like ya'll are having a real experience in NC! Watch out for the mud! ;)
Really good to hear about Zoe! She is getting better and better! :D That indomitable spirit of hers is shining through and it is such a joy to see!
Please be careful the remainder of your trip!
Leslie and the girls - always
Truffa's Mom
12-26-2009, 05:15 PM
OMG Sue what a strange coincidence!!!, and thank you for letting me know about Annies's mom.
Yeah I think, patience is key here. I was just asking Leslie for some help, because Truffa does not want to eat by herself (which is the symptom that tells me how bad she feels, since food even with pancreatitis is never off her list :rolleyes:)and I had to hand feed her.
I was looking for a harness or sling too. Thank you Annie's mom.
Hope you keep enjoying NC, and we will keep praying for Zoe's recoup. A balanced HAPPY HAPPY dance is flying your way sweet and energetic Zoe. I just had to share your pics, specially the one with the Xmas antlers with my sisters. A big hug and a tender choco smooch to your lovely grey face.
Harley PoMMom
12-28-2009, 10:01 PM
Hoppy Dance!!!
Hoppy Dance!!!
Hoppy Dance!!!
Sending positive thoughts and prayers out to Zoe from York, Pa. :)
12-28-2009, 10:07 PM
Update on Zoe, courtesy of Stacy the petsitter, as we're still back east (now back in GA). Guess the Zo is spending more time with the canine gang at Stacy's. Apparently she even went out back and sniffed around on her own, then came inside and went straight to Stacy's room. (Wonder if she's wangled her way into sleeping in Stacy's room). But she was barely eating anything except her pill pockets for the first week. Stacy says she finally ate most of her food last night. She's in good hands so I'm worryiing less and less. Hope you're all enjoying the holidays. Sue
Roxee's Dad
12-28-2009, 10:11 PM
Very good news, what a fighter she is. :D
12-28-2009, 10:39 PM
Great news on Zoe :D Thanks for the update. Oh, if Zoe hasn't made it to sleeping in Stacy's room just yet...give it time, it'll surely happen ;) and probably then Zoe will take over the bed and push Stacy out :):)
Happy Trails (tails?) and hoppy dances,
Jane and Franklin xx
Truffa's Mom
12-29-2009, 04:08 AM
YeY Zoe, you really are the super energized doggy. Keep eating baby girl, pill pockets are delicious but you need to keep eating. Tons of smooches pretty Zo. Your mommy needs less worry weight on her shoulders, and God bless Stacy. I'll bet the Zo already has her plans for the rest of her staying.
Thanks for ghe update Sue
12-29-2009, 05:43 AM
This is such wonderful news, Sue. :D I'm so glad that Zoe is doing things on her own, and that she is now starting to eat better. She just might be sleeping in Stacy's room now! ;) You have such a terrific person taking care of Zoe.
Take care. Have a safe trip home. Happy New Year, with tons of best wishes for you and your family, and especially Zoe.
John II
12-29-2009, 06:53 AM
Hi Sue,
It's great to hear the news that Zoe is improving.
And working her way into the best accommodation ;)
12-29-2009, 09:31 AM
Great to hear the Zoe is doing better every day. Once she eats more on a regular basis, she'll regain her strength and want to to more 'doggie stuff'.
Heidi & Kira
Squirt's Mom
12-29-2009, 10:03 AM
Hey Sue,
This is wonderful news! :D Again!! :D:D Next time we will hear that she has been chasing butterflies and playing chase with her friends there at Stacy's. :p Every report finds her improving steadily and I couldn't be happier for you and Dave, not to mention Zo herself!
You mean Zoe hasn't managed to be in Stacy's bed at nite yet? Amazing! :p
Leslie and the girls - always
12-29-2009, 11:50 AM
Sue that sounds great. I wonder if the lack of appetiete is due to nausea brought on by mild vertigo. If so the motion sickness meds you described earlier might help.
Continued prayers and wishes for a complete recovery.
Hope you both are enjoying your trip.
12-29-2009, 01:23 PM
I sure am glad she is eating on her own and exploring - both good signs.
My best for continued improvement and have a great New Year!
12-29-2009, 01:57 PM
Update on Zoe, courtesy of Stacy the petsitter, as we're still back east (now back in GA). Guess the Zo is spending more time with the canine gang at Stacy's. Apparently she even went out back and sniffed around on her own, then came inside and went straight to Stacy's room. (Wonder if she's wangled her way into sleeping in Stacy's room). But she was barely eating anything except her pill pockets for the first week. Stacy says she finally ate most of her food last night. She's in good hands so I'm worryiing less and less. Hope you're all enjoying the holidays. Sue
:D I TOLD you Zoe would have the master suite before this was said and done. I just love this news. Go Zoe Go!
Sue have a fantastic trip... your dog is running the show for sure! Great sign. Hugs, Kim and clan
12-30-2009, 05:49 PM
Yep, it's confirmed. Spoiled doggy was just holding out for a change of menu. Stacy went out today and bought a different food, took it home, mixed it in with the refused breakfast . . . and lo and behold, Stacy reports that Zoe's gobbling it all down. I was getting worried 'cause she hadn't eaten much except for her pill pockets since we left. AND she's sleeping in Stacy's room every night now, apparently. Uber-spoiled doggy!!!! Stacy also reports that Zo's walking around out back for about 5-10 minutes on her own and really enjoying it!!! Can't wait to get home and kiss that silly old white face. Looks like the "walking textbook" is gonna pull off another recovery. WHEW! Sue
12-30-2009, 05:54 PM
This is such great news, Sue.:D Zoe deserves to be spoiled after all she's been through.:)
The improvement she's made is fantastic.:D
Corky and I want to wish you a very Happy New Year. I hope this coming year will be full of joy and happiness.
12-30-2009, 05:55 PM
Just saw your last post Sue and I can't tell you how much it lifts me.
I have to get off now, but I wanted to let you know I was looking in.
Carol G
12-30-2009, 06:04 PM
Now that is good news!
Carol & Atty Cat
Harley PoMMom
12-30-2009, 06:09 PM
Oh my do these pups have us wrapped around their paws or what?? :eek::D When Harley had his 3 teeth extracted and came home, that night he would not eat his home-cooked food...nor his brother's canned dog food...I had to make him scrambled eggs!! :p:)
So happy to hear that Zoe is eating and walking around on her own. By the way...we really appreciate the updates, thank you and a big thank you to Stacy too.
Love and hugs,
12-30-2009, 06:24 PM
Sue, just stopped in to see if perhaps you updated us, sooo glad to see the energizer doggy just keeps on ticken..... She never ceaces to amaze me. I asked Nike to keep an eye on her friend and to keep her safe while she was at the vets. What a great pet sitter you have, wish I had one half as good as her, close. Hope you are enjoying your time out this way. Sorry I put in an order for good weather but have gotten nothing but cold and snow, not what you would expect for this part of the country.
Hope your Christmas was excellent even with the rain and hope you, Dave and Miss Zoe have a wonderful New Year.
love ya
sharon and Kenai and always Nike
12-30-2009, 08:13 PM
Just got online tonight after more than a week offline to see this awesome news!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
12-30-2009, 08:23 PM
Happy New Year to you all!
:D :D :D
12-30-2009, 08:28 PM
Oh I am soooo behind in everything! Trying to get caught up though and have been keeping my eye ;) on all of you!!!
You go, Zoe-girl!!!! :D:D:D
Lots of love and tummy rubs and squirrley chases and kissies to all of you in the new year!!!!!
Beth and the rest of the crazy crew
Squirt's Mom
12-31-2009, 11:14 AM
Hi Sue,
Man, the news just keeps getting better and better on the Zoe front and I am tickled pink about it! :p "Uber-spoiled" is exactly what Zoe deserves and Stacy is such an angel to make sure that is what she gets. You are so blessed to have her in your lives!
Have an enjoyable and safe New Year's Eve tonite as we all bring in 2010 here in the States!
Leslie and the girls - always
Hoppy, hoppy, hoppy dancin'!
12-31-2009, 12:01 PM
YAY for ZOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year wishes from me, too!
12-31-2009, 09:13 PM
Wonderful news!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D Zoe just keeps getting better and better, thank for the update, joy and hoppy dances from all of us!
Jane and the gang xx
Blonde Blowjob (
01-01-2010, 09:30 AM
It's a new day and a new year and a new life for Zoe . . . latest communication from Stacy:
"12:06 AM (9 hours ago)
Zoe is all about causing trouble! I love it! She's back! She just opened the gate to the stairs while I was putting the kids to bed! Imagine my surprise when I saw her very smug face in Abby's room!! Thankfully no harm done and I practically carried her back down to keep her from falling! I have reinforced the gate to ensure it doesn't happen again! I guess she's keeping me on my toes tonight! Nice to have her back!"
Not only that, but got a phone call earlier last night - from Stacy - worrying because Zo had escaped from somewhere and gobbled up one of the other dog's dinner. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Told her to keep the imodium handy but not to worry too much. It's been just over 3 weeks since that BLACK Wednesday when Zo went down and out. Thank God for Stacy or this story could have had a much different outcome. Sue
01-01-2010, 09:43 AM
Sue, what a fantastic "first Zoe update" for 2010!! :D :) :D :) :D
It's got me smiling from ear-to-ear this morning...and hip, hip, hooray for Stacy. Please thank her over and over again on behalf of us all!
Hugs and Happy New Year kisses to Miss Zoe,
P.S. And aren't we all freezing our butts off here in Georgia?????
Squirt's Mom
01-01-2010, 09:47 AM
Zoe is all about causing trouble! I love it! She's back!
What a great way to start the new year! :D Yippee!!! :D
Hoppy, hoppy, hoppy dancin'!
Leslie and the girls - always
01-01-2010, 10:15 AM
Hearing Stacy's last report about Zoe is about the most awesome start to any New Year I've ever had. I am smiling ear to ear.
01-01-2010, 11:03 AM
What a great start to the New Year. Glad to hear that Zoe is back to being her mischievious self.
You Georgia people.... give us Canadians back our snow!!!;););)
Happy New Year all.
Heidi & Kira
Harley PoMMom
01-01-2010, 11:04 AM
Way to go Zoe!!
Hoppy Dance!!
Hoppy Dance!!
Hoppy Dance!!
01-01-2010, 11:22 AM
I don't think it will let me post 2010 of these smilies so ten will have to do!!!
Go, Zoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wasn't is last Christmas she ate all that chocolate??? Or was that the year before? Does this girl like the holidays or what???? :p
Love to you all and Hoppy New Year!!!!!
Carol G
01-01-2010, 11:29 AM
Joining the others to say this is such a great way to start the new year.
Carol & Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
01-01-2010, 12:59 PM
This is fantastic news, Sue.:D I'm sure that you and your husband are so relieved.
It sounds so good to hear "she's back". I agree with others that this is a great way to start a new year.
Truffa's Mom
01-01-2010, 03:34 PM
What a great start for 2010!!! We love our mischievous Zoe !!!! Way to go baby girl and hooray for Stacey; could you make a copy and send it to us here at Houston?
Happy New Year !!!!! Keep us smiling Zoe
01-01-2010, 03:44 PM
So happy for you! :D
Virginia and angel Maggie
01-01-2010, 03:51 PM
This is really good news Sue - you go Zoe girl.
What a great start to a New Year.
Happy smoochies to Zo Zo, and a sign a of relief.
01-02-2010, 12:57 AM
That is so wonderful.... just wonderful. Happy new year to all of you and especially to Zoe.
01-02-2010, 03:18 AM
:D:D:D Excellent news!!! So happy for you all! Go the Zo! Yay!!! :):):)
01-03-2010, 08:49 PM
Thats our girl Zoe! :D Great news. Kim
01-03-2010, 09:17 PM
YEE HAA! You go Zoe baby! :D :D :D
01-03-2010, 09:25 PM
Zo had escaped from somewhere and gobbled up one of the other dog's dinner. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Sue
Oh, Yeah!
The other doggies dinner is always better:D
Tremendous good news Sue.
Can't wait for the personal update when you get to see her yourself.
Annie's Mom
01-04-2010, 11:05 PM
Great news on Zoe's recovery ! YIPPEE!
Barb (Annie's mom)
Annie's Mom
01-04-2010, 11:27 PM
Hi Sue,
I finally got pictures posted of my Annie, and, wow ! what a resemblance there is of Annie and Zoe! Ok, I know black labs look alike, but not all have the short smooth, shiny coat that Annie has, and it looks like Zoe has. Annie came from a litter of 10 pups, and I often wonder where her litter-mates are. Annie came from a family in Long Beach, CA.
I hope this finds Zoe continuing to be mischievious :)
01-05-2010, 07:11 PM
Just checking to see if you're home yet...
01-07-2010, 03:04 PM
Hi all - we're home at last and trying to get back into the groove of things. Picked Zo up from Stacy's Tuesday night and she's doing remarkably well with the balance now. She's still being a bit temperamental about her diet, but is eating ok at least. Refusing the pill pockets now, though . . . so must be time for another change of game plan on that, I guess. I swear. . . trying to keep ahead of her and her finickiness is an ongoing challenge. BUT she wants to go on her regular 5 block walks and only stumbled a couple of times yesterday. Also, she's again able to get in and out of the car with her steps and just a little help from Mom. (This is impt. since she has it in her head that she needs to go bye-bye in the car at least once every day . . . and also so she can make that long drive across the country soon.) Although yesterday she took a bad tumble coming out of the car and ended up lying under the open door, all tangled up. Stubborn girl didn't want to get out . . . so I left the car door open and ran to get a treat to coax her - in the meantime, she decided to try it on her own. Won't allow that again!!
Wow - you're right Barb about the resemblance - down to their cute old white faces. Zoe and Annie could be sisters. Zoe did live in So Cal until 2.5 years ago, but she was actually born and rescued near Atlanta. How old is Annie again and what does she weigh? Zoe is almost 13 and is fast approaching her 4 year anniversary on cushings treatment (trilo). She weighs about 79 lbs (or she did until she refused to eat for the first week while at the petsitters.)
So has Annie made a full recovery from the vestibular syndrome? Seems like if Zoe tries to walk fast, she's more unsteady so we go slow and stay off the uneven ground. I started reading Annie's thread last week, but hope to finish it when I get my feet back on the ground from this LONG holiday trip. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Annie looks like a sweetie!!! And to everybody who was HOPPY dancin' and chantin' for Zo all thru December . . . IT WORKED!!!! It was four weeks yesterday and what a difference a month makes. That first week was the worst thing ever with our gir (at least for me - and probably for her)l!!!! Sue and the Zo
01-07-2010, 03:30 PM
Hi Sue,
I'm so glad you got home safely and that Zoe is doing so good.
I know exactly what you mean about changing the game plan for giving them their meds. They are so smart.
I hope Zoe continues to do well.
01-07-2010, 05:38 PM
Welcome home Sue and big hugs to Zoe.
Squirt's Mom
01-07-2010, 05:49 PM
Hi Sue,
Welcome home and what a great homecoming it is! I am so glad you and Dave had a safe trip and that you are home with your steadily improving Zoe! :D
Leslie and the girls - always
Roxee's Dad
01-07-2010, 06:19 PM
Great news and welcome home. :)
Harley PoMMom
01-07-2010, 06:23 PM
Welcome Home Sue!
Hoppy Dance!
01-07-2010, 07:15 PM
Welcome home (for awhile anyway) and am so glad to hear this update. I know you've got a lot to do in the next couple of months and it will go so much smoother with Zoe in such great shape! Big smoochies for that gorgeous face!!
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
01-07-2010, 08:51 PM
Hi Sue,
Welcome Home to you, Dave and Zoe!!! :D:D:D:D:D So glad you had a safe trip and that Zoe is still getting better. YYAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Jane and the gang xxx
Medical Marijuana (
Annie's Mom
01-07-2010, 11:46 PM
Hi Sue,
Welcome home and so glad to hear Zoe is doing so well! HOPPY DANCE ! I can't believe a dog would turn down a pilll pocket??!! Your experiences with Zoe and Vestibular are completely normal. From your descriptions, it sounds like Zoe is doing remarkable well and is adjusting to the condition. I wonder if Zoe's finicky eating is because she has a bit of nausea from Vestibular? I think you've mentioned that she has been finicky in the past, tho? just a thought. Annie also wanted to walk fast initially, and would stumble. I kept her on a short leash attached to the halter so I could catch her and stabilize her mid body, rather than by her neck collar. Annie still has balance issues. I think she always will. Some days she weaves or stumbles more than other days, but she has gotten stronger and is able to catch herself most of the time. I think it depends on how strong her legs are feeling. We walk between 5-8 blocks, depending on her gait and strength. She will surprise me and walk extremely fast at times, with no stumbling, and other moments she weaves a bit and walks into me. I always have to be watching her gait and adjust for her "drunkeness! As Annie has regained strength these past 4 months, she too has wanted to jump in and out of the mini-van without assistance; I learned the hard way that she isn't quite strong enough, or stable enough (especially with a very arthritic R elbow) to do it on her own without stumbling. I have a home-made ramp and she will use it quite easily, but most of the time now I just assist her with my arm under her belly and give her back half a boost into the car; Isteady her on exit with a hand on her collar and my arm under her belly. Annie has fallen many times and I feel aweful when she stumbles and I am not quick enough to catch her. Like us, they are so independent, and want what they want! With Vestibular, dogs don't generally like heights. Annie has always been allowed on the couch and bed, and has always sat in the 3rd row seat of my minivan. Since the Vestibular episode, she doesn't even attempt to get up on the couch, bed or the seat of the van. I've always had the 2nd row seats removed from the van, so now that is her place in the car, with cushy bedding. If Zoe likes the car, I expect she will do fine on your trip cross country - just might take a bit longer with the slower moving Zoe! Annie LOVES the car too, and goes practically everywhere with me. I think back to the first month, and it was frightening for me, and I'm sure for her. I cried so many days, worried that she would never be able to walk in her own yard without a 2 foot leash. For weeks it was like having an infant - I rarely let her out of my sight. I was fortunate to be able to take her to work with me every day, and evenings and weekends she had the cozy, safe mini van to rest in while I ran errands or visited with friends. I didn't feel she was safe home alone. As the saying goes "we've come a long way baby!" Level ground is the best for walking Annie. Slight inclines and declines are still a little challenging - she walks/falls a little sideways. Some days she does better on the inclines and other days better on declines. Keeps me on my toes! If Zoe is able to use the stairs, that's a great sign! Annie can walk up stairs, but going down more than 3 steps is challenging. She falls sideways. Some of her instability I think is from her arthritis, but the sideways falling is definitely due to Vestibular. In 2 weeks we are going to Oakland, CA for the weekend and staying with a friend. My friend's house has 8 stairs up to the front door. It will be very challenging getting Annie down the stairs! I better work with her this weekend on manuevering on stairs! yikes. Oh, Annie turned 12 in October 2009, and weighs about 64 #. She's always been lean and all muscle and loves the outdoors, like her mom :) She ran like a greyhound until a couple years ago when the arthritis slowed her down. She loves to swim, and I am anxiously waiting for warm weather to see how she does swimming, post Vestibular. I look forward to reading about Zoe's continued progress! She's doing great, and I'll bet that now that you are home, she will continue to improve and get back to eating normally. She sure looks like a sweetie ! hugs and scratches behind the ears to Zoe! Barb
01-08-2010, 01:09 AM
I love good news :) ... Natalie
01-08-2010, 12:35 PM
Barb - with Annie several weeks ahead of Zoe on the vestibular, it really helps to read about all the ins and outs of living with an 'unbalanced' doggy. Thanks for sharing.
Annie can walk up stairs, but going down more than 3 steps is challenging. She falls sideways. Some of her instability I think is from her arthritis, but the sideways falling is definitely due to Vestibular. Barb
Zoe, too, does better going up than down. We have 3 stairs to get into our house and she can now handle those, though at the end of the day, it is a bit rougher for her. Her arthritis seems to also come and go, depending on the day, so that's a definite factor.
I live in great fear, however, that she will try to go down our indoor stairs to the lower level. The 'going down' is much more treacherous for her and if she were to get to these indoor stairs we have, she'd wipe out and probably take a fatal tumble. We keep a gate up at all times, but before the vestibular, there were a few times when we forgot to close it off and, like radar, she would make a beeline for the stairs and hurry down them before I could stop her. With her stiffness, it's long been an "if-fy" undertaking, even before the CVS. So now, there's just no way she can handle them.
But I am relieved about the car. Awhile back, I took stacks of priority boxes and duct-taped them together (and put waffley rug pads on each surface.) I made a set of them, in varying heights. That way I can easily pick up and take with. To get her in, I have to wave her up the steps and as the rear half goes by, I'm ready with a two-handed boost (requires some precise timing :D:p;) on my part!) So far, so good - though she is more hesitant about getting in now. Getting out, I do like you and just steady her by her collar until she lands. Away from home, if there's a curb, then I park close to it and need fewer of the boxsteps to get her in and out. It's worked out well as she prefers the back seat to the rear of the car (the hatch area).
It sure does my heart good to read about Annie's progress. I know the spunk factor is a big thing for these dogs - and both Annie and Zoe seem to have it.;):cool: Sue and Zo
01-29-2010, 09:50 PM
Sooo, you know it's not going to be a good day when you're walking your dog at the park first thing in the am and a bird craps on you :eek: (and you're wearing the brown coat you just got for Xmas)! Day went downhill from there.
Zoe's been doing ok with the CVS, but she had a big bump on her elbow, which I first noticed back when she was in the hospital in Dec. It grew steadily worse and she was licking at it quite a bit this month. Finally, it was oozing and infected, so off to the vets on Tuesday. They cleaned it up and said to keep the radar collar on her and, of course, they put her back on a/b's.
It continued to drain yucky stuff until today. So put her out in her favorite spot - the garage with the door slightly raised. Nice big blanket to protect the elbow, the collar on, the fence keeping her from the rest of the cold hard garage floor. What does she do.....pushes the gate and the big doggy bed behind it out of her way, catches the collar on it and has to wiggle out of the collar - leaving it behind. Goes to the hard concrete and lays there, elbows in the dirt, and licks away. Should have checked on her sooner, I guess. :o But I was on the phone for hours with two crying daughters (trying to help them sort out their mutual disagreement). Oh yeh, and also learned on facebook that one of my dearest uncles, whose 87, may not last much longer.
Anyway, just fed the Zo and went to get my coat and shoes on for her evening walk, and imagine . . . in the time it took to don my garb (the formerly clean brown coat), it started pouring rain. Now she's bugging me to take her on a walk - which is already overdue - but there's no way I'm trudging out in this downpour with a dog that serpentines and has an infected elbow. Can't even ask Dave to do the dirty work - he's in GA for the weekend. Which also means that I have to administer Zoe's eardrops alone and she fights like a banchee. (No, they're not the gentamycin. I know better than that! Something safer - or so they say - for a yeast infection they found in her ears on Tuesday.)
Oh well - I feel better now, having gotten all that off my chest. :):p Tomorrow will be a new day. Just want to get those elbows of hers cleared up before our move 'cause I'm sure 6 hours/day in the car won't do them any good. Anybody got any suggestions for clearing up that problem. I've been using antibiotic ointment on them, in addition to the oral a/b's. Sue
01-29-2010, 10:11 PM
Hot compresses help with infections like this - probably in two ways. Increasing the blood flow increases the antibiotic dose the area gets and the bugs themselves probably don't handle the increased temperature too well either. It can make quite a difference with how effective the other treatment ends up being - just tips the balance in your favor.
I've got pet birds so I get crapped on very, very frequently. Now I think about (the bad day-bird crap correlation thing) I'm starting to wonder about myself....:p
01-29-2010, 10:47 PM
Thanks, Alison. Moist or dry though??? (The compressees, I mean . . .not the bird crap!!) ;):D:p:D;)
01-29-2010, 10:56 PM
I'd go for a microwaved wet washcloth in a couple of plastic bags. You can throw the outer plastic bag away after each use and re-zap it. The idea is to get it as hot as is bearable.
Harley PoMMom
01-30-2010, 06:59 AM
Hi Sue,
I don't know anything about how to heal the sore and infected elbows on poor Zoe but Nathalie has had this same problem with her Phillip alot, and I am sure she could give you some recommendations as well, maybe you could PM her?
Hoping Zoe's elbow is healing fast.
Nathalie's Thread:
Nathalie and Phillip 11.5 y/o Collie/Beagle mix PDH & Hypothyroid
Love and hugs,
01-30-2010, 08:30 AM
Hi Sue,
When I had a cyst a couple of years ago, along with the antibiotic, my doctor recommended hot compresses to help the cyst drain. All I did was to wet a washcloth with hot water from the tap. I held it on there for 10 minutes, and repeated it 3-4 times a day. It really did work.
01-30-2010, 09:25 AM
Hi Sue,
As Lori mentioned we have been struggling with elbow problems as well. Last year the skin was paper thin and started to bleed, which caused him to constantly lick so it would not heal. For months I tried bandaging it different ways adding foam for cushioning but nothing stayed in place and one morning his paw had swollen to twice its size because I wrapped it too tight. :eek:
You may want to check into getting Zoe some dogleggs made
I wish I would have found these sooner as his left elbow completely healed and grew hair on it again but the right side is continuing to give us problems as at that time he already had grown a mass (in response to the trauma of laying on hard floors all day) with tissue starting to necrotize. Now Phillip’s right elbow is chronically inflamed and the mass is growing (now the size of a cherry) and has become a management problem. I use Flamazine
to help with inflammation when needed, comforters and dog blankets in the spots he likes to lay, the DogLeggs when needed and give vitamin E with fish oil every day. What I like about the Dogleggs is that they provide the cushioning but don’t fit tight as a bandage would to let air get in the area. If you need to put some ointment on the elbow you can just stick a pad on the inside so you don’t have to wrap the elbow. If Zoe’s lump is oozing it needs to be kept off the floor completely – with a donut like people with bedsores
I am so sorry you are going through this – this can be so difficult to get a handle on. Why don’t you just call the people at DogLeggs – they are very nice and knowledgeable.
Did your vet ever suggest removing the mass? I have been thinking of removing Phillip’s while it is still small enough to do it using local anesthetic but I am very apprehensive because we could end up with a situation worse then now.
01-30-2010, 04:00 PM
Hi Sue,
I hope some of the suggestions help with Zoe's elbow issues. I know it seems that just when you get through one challenge another comes along.:( Give Zoe a big hug from me.
01-30-2010, 11:10 PM
Will do, Jenny. Thanks.
I love the doggleggs that Nathalie suggested. But they are on the pricey side, for sure. Am gonna have to think about it since Dave is still reeling from last months bills (the hospital and the petsitter and special harnesses and all the medicines. )
They do have some other products that might work, though. For sure, I think she'll need something to protect those little bony, knobby, elbows on that long car ride next month. The move is set for the end of March and that's gonna be several days in the car for her. She isn't able to get up and move around in the car like she used to . . . so lots of pressure on those already sensitive pressure points - bound to be trouble. We'll be driving 2400 miles - from northern Cali to GA - and even I'm dreading it! :eek::rolleyes: Sue
02-01-2010, 01:59 AM
Was just thinking - what Zoe needs is a water bed so I Googled "water bed dog" - and such a thing exists! (Of course!)
Probably lots of different types available.
02-01-2010, 02:36 AM
Guess what. She already has one and the funny thing is she used to hate it. Avoided it like the plague. It's been in the bedroom for awhile now, covered with her favorite blankey and she has finally decided that she likes it. I've been washing that blanket alot lately - thanks to the oozy elbow - and several times I've caught her sleleping on the water bed, sans blankey.
Another thing she does in recent months is what I call "rearranging her beds". For some unknown reason, she'll totally mess up her bedding - by pawing at it until its all dishevelled and in a heap off to the side and out of her way (well sorta). My theory is that she does it when she's mad - like when I go off and leave her home alone. I rarely left her in the past but lately, it happens much more often since it's such a chore to get her in and out of the car. And then when I come home, I find her bed/blankie completely tossed around. It's like she's trying to say, this is what you get, Mom . . . for leaving me here all by myself. :eek::rolleyes::eek:
Back to the water bed. They are pretty good cushioning, except that for the big ones, like Zoe has, the weight of the water is so great that it's practically impossible to move the dang thing around. So for that reason, I don't have it filled to capacity - but maybe I should add some more water to it, considering the current elbow problems. Will probably put it in the back of the car when we make our move. Then she can stretch out back there on the drive and hopefully be comfy and "cool." (They're called 'chilly' beds, I think, and I first bought it because she was always panting!) Sue
02-01-2010, 09:39 AM
Hi Sue:
Just letting you know that Zoe isn't the only dog that like rearranging the bedding. I have a big blankie on my bed, because when Kira isn't outside, she's usually on my bed. The bed is near a window, so she can actually lie on the bed and look down the street. She too rearranges the bedding, usually when I've left her alone for a while. It's hard getting her in and out of the car these days, so she is being left home alone a bit more. I think it is saying... "this is what you get for leaving me Mom".
To add insult to injury, Kira also howls when left alone. That's OK in the winter, when the windows are closed. But I've had neighbours ask if Kira is OK, because she was howling so much while I was away. The neighbours have adjusted, but now I try to remember to close the windows when I go out. It's embarrassing!:o:o
02-01-2010, 05:22 PM
Hi Sue,
If she is at all like Moria she is worse going down than up.
Moria has only three step to negotiate. She is not permitted to go down without assistance, (altought she goes down all by herself if she gets half a chance:eek:) and only is allowed to go up with close observation.
We do not have the elbow issue, but I do seriously endorse Ali's suggestion of warm compress. I would suggest adding a drawing agent, such as salt to the compress.
And I am not so sure about the dogleggs, as they will compress the area, which is good, but at the same time they reduce the areas ablility to 'breath', and I think increase the risk of infection.
02-01-2010, 06:47 PM
And I am not so sure about the dogleggs, as they will compress the area, which is good, but at the same time they reduce the areas ablility to 'breath', and I think increase the risk of infection.
Actually there is no compression at all – even if I where to fasten the 2 velcro’s that are well below the elbow the only thing I could achieve is a tighter fit on the leg part keeping also in mind that the material also has stretch to it. The material is breathable. In Zoe’s case a ‘donut’ is needed so the area that is oozing does not touch anything, eliminating any pressure if possible.
I don’t think there is a perfect solution, whether it be the dogleggs or some other type of homemade padding, especially if Zoe prefers hard to soft surfaces.
The only thing that worked for Phillip was to address both issues, getting some padding on the area as well as addressing the open sore – unfortunately I did not catch the right elbow in time, hence the granular filled mass.
Good Luck,
02-01-2010, 07:03 PM
Do you think she has recently taken to the water bed because of the elbows? If so, it's great to see a dog using a bed that it actually needs (a rare thing indeed).
Mia used to be a great one for rearranging her bedding - in her case it was more about humping it (yep!:o:p), possibly with some sort of rat-hunting fantasy thrown in. With her there was no anxiety component - it was simply a life-long hobby. She even used to arrange it about the place according to the weather - out in the sun or in the shade just depending and hastily brought back under cover (by Mia herself) if it started to rain - as long as she could see it when the rain began, that is, otherwise she was very likely to forget about it until it was too late. It was an on-going saga that was endlessly entertaining to watch, like a small child with a favorite blanket.
I think Zac would love a water bed (might get one one day) he loves luxury - tough farm-bred herding dog that he is!:rolleyes:
02-01-2010, 07:23 PM
Actually, no, Alison. She started using the chilly bed well before the elbows went south. She finally gave in and started using it, once I covered it with a blankie - I think it was the vinyl coverying that she hated at first. It's now in the bedroom where she sleeps at night - and sometimes during the day if I'm not home. But at night, she really has no choice but to use it if she wants to sleep next to me! ;):rolleyes:
On the dogleggs, I looked at the entire website (pics included) and it doesn't look like they would actually give much compression to the area. Just wondering, though, what the inside of them is made out of, Nathalie? Is it fleece or something similar and soft? I see they are washable, so that's a good thing. But would they keep something like that donut foam from slipping around or down, if I used the foam underneath the dogleggs?
'Cause like you - I've tried all sorts of homemade contraptions to protect the problem, and nothing stays put for long. Last week I was using sterile gauze pads directly on the oozy area and then wrapping that over lightly with stretch bandage. But within an hour, it would all slip down and be worthless. Actually, I've just left the area open to the air the last few days and it looks like it's healing, although slowly. And there are still some nasty feeling/looking bumps around the wound. But the open part of the wound is now scabbed over . . . finally. I continue to slather on a/b ointment, Burt's bees ointment (that, only on the better elbow), and occasionally give them both a quick spray of the diluted GSE spray (which has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, antiseptic properties.) I suspect with all her prior a/b tx's that there is a fungal component to what's going on. In fact, they gave me that enrofloxacin/silver-something ointment for her fung-y ears and I've even put that on her elbow a couple times. She's still in the radar collar, 'cause the second it comes off and I turn my back, she's licking. And tho' I have dog blankets spread all over the dang place, in usual Zoe fashion, she will lie on the hardwood floors whenever she can. So I need to find something to protect them with her stubbornness.
I've decided I AM going to order the dogleggs - maybe it will speed the healing along and because she'll definitely need to wear them on that long car ride when we move. I just won't tell Dave how much they cost. And if he asks, well - a little stretch of the truth may be necessary!!! But I think they should really help. Thanks for the tip, Nathalie. Gonna go try and get the necessary measurements, right now!!! That will probably scare the big sissy, too, but oh well. Sue
02-01-2010, 07:32 PM
Actually, no, Alison. She started using the chilly bed well before the elbows went south.
Knew it was too good to be true!:rolleyes::D:p
Those dogleggs look to be a really good product. They would certainly be cheaper than an emergency vet stop en route because of her elbows blow up.
02-01-2010, 07:36 PM
Yeh, much too good to be true. :p
I think what really set the elbows off was the CVS last month - when she wasn't able to get up and move around for such a long time. All that lying around for 3 or 4 weeks just aggravated the already not-so-good elbows. Sue
02-02-2010, 08:17 AM
Sue, have to get ready to go to work but just wanted to quickly make a few comments ..
Yes, they are very soft - I suggest you call the people at Dogleggs to discuss Zoe's issue they will explain to you how the donut has to be fastened inside the dogleggs ( I have not had to use a donut so far) Actually, I send them pictures of Phillip's elbow's before I called so they could see what I am talking about.
Meassuring - make sure your meassurements are bang on.
I can only give you my opinion/experiance but I was impressed when I recieved them - nothing flimsy about it and I took them into the vets and they where impressed too. I understand the money part - but in the longrun these can save you money considering these ulcers can really blow up and then what - that is always something I am afraid of.
I send you a PM.
02-02-2010, 12:02 PM
Hope they do some good Sue.
02-20-2010, 09:13 PM
Finally got the dogleggs about 3 days ago (took awhile, thanks to all the snowstorms back east.) Really, what a great product!!!! :):D:):cool: I love them and so does Zoe, apparently. I love them 'cause I don't have to worry about her where she wants to plop herself. It's almost always the hardwood, rather than the rugs and in the garage, onthe concrete floor, rather than on her soft blankies. She loves them because she got to shed her 'party hat' that she'd been putting up with for almost a month.
They fit nicely and don't seem to bother her in the least. She's only done a minimum of licking at the elbow - 'cause basically, she can't get to the skin and do any damage. She wears them constantly and they don't hinder her movements in any way shape, or form. Think she's sleeping better than she has in a long time, compared to how she was sleeping in her party hat! All I can say is a big THANK YOU, Nathalie, for telling me about them.
They will be especially great for her on our move to GA. Only five weeks left before I have to say good-bye to Cali. Gonna miss it - especially the weather! Sue/Zoe
02-20-2010, 09:27 PM
Hi Sue.
So glad to hear that the dogleggs have made a big difference for Zoe. Any chance we can get some pics of her modeling her new legwear?
02-20-2010, 11:36 PM
Hi Sue,
Have been thinking of you two the last couple of days. Glad to hear the dogleggs are working out so well.
Enjoy your last few weeks in CA...and rest up well for the big move.;)
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
02-20-2010, 11:52 PM
Glad to hear the dogleggs are working. I know you and I (and others) have bought stuff that looked amazing but our dogs didn't think much of them.:o
In my case
At least you have had a win with this one and it looks like they are helping Zoe too.:D
02-21-2010, 09:34 AM
Hey Sue,
I am glad and relieved you and Zoe like the dogleggs! I was starting to wonder and thought maybe you did not like the dogleggs and that is why we have not heard from you. :)
Let's hope you can get some good healing action happening. Are you using a donut inside the dogleggs and if yes, is it staying in place or do you have to use vet-wrap?
Just don't let Zoe get into the habit of licking the outside of the dogleggs - for a short while I put vitamin E on the elbow and I guess he liked the taste/smell and he started to lick until the dogleggs got soggy - not a good thing. I now give vitamin E internally and Phillip knows what 'no licks' means.
Yeah, a picture would be nice.:D
02-25-2010, 08:35 PM
Hey Sue,
Yeah, a picture would be nice.:D
Was going to take a pic and post it, but discovered my camera battery was shot. Will do it, some day soon, when I get around to replacing it! Of course, the dogleggs are black and probably won't show up very good on my black doggy!
I was looking at Zo straight on - from the front - contemplating whether a picture would do the dogleggs any justice and I noticed she now has a big lump on her chest, to the left side where her leg meets her chest. It seems like it sprung up virtually overnight. I'm going to assume it's just another lipoma 'cause I'm not going to subject her to a biopsy and certainly not to a major surgery. I'll have the vet look at it when we go in for that last run of tests before we move, but if she thinks it's something more, it'll just have to stay. With all the other lumpy bumpies shee has, I'm hoping doc will say it's probably more of the same. Poor baby looks like a pitifiul old lumpy mattress, she has so many fatty tumors all over her body.
Otherwise, she's chugging along, completely unaware of the big move that's coming up in four weeks. You'd think she'd have a clue, what with all the stuff pulled out of closets and boxes lying around all over the place. But in truth, she doesn't get nervous until she sees the dreaded suitcases come out of hiding. I know one thing. We can't leave her in the empty house alone that last night, after the movers pull out. Some of you may remember what happened when we moved from So Cal to northern. We went to stay at a motel, just around the corner from the house, and left her in the empty house, figuring she'd sleep better there, in her familiar surroundings. But oh no . . . instead, she chewed up the front door jam so bad that it had to be replaced and we had to make one final run to the vet, before we could leave town. I still feel guilty about that decision!
I worry about the toll that this trip will take on her and am already thinking about how to make the ride more comfortable for her. Will feel a heck of a lot better when she's safe and settled in GA, for however long she has left. Sue
Harley PoMMom
02-25-2010, 08:57 PM
I worry about the toll that this trip will take on her and am already thinking about how to make the ride more comfortable for her. Sue
Forgive my feeble memory, but is Zoe taking Melatonin? If she isn't maybe ask your vet if she can take Melatonin for the trip. It does have a calming effect on our pups...just a thought.
Love and hugs,
02-25-2010, 09:22 PM
Sue, I think so long as she is with you she'll be fine. Gotta tell you that my last move was from Florida back to Nebraska. I wasn't concerned because they were such troopers when we moved to Florida.
Wrong. Annie freaked when she saw the furniture going to the truck. I took them to the groomers my last day in town. I was cleaning the empty house for the walk thru. Picked them up and the groomer said Annie had vomited all day so they bathed her multiple times.
I was staying at some friends. Went to shower prior to the walk thru. When I came out of the shower there was vomit everywhere. I took her outside and she got diarrhea. And then I saw blood coming out the same end. :eek: So I ran real quick to the vets who were about to close for the day. He said it was stress and game me tranquilizers for both of them.
Morale to the story - don't let them see the furniture leaving! I would try melatonin even before you get in the car to keep her calm. Old dogs don't like new tricks don't ya know? ;):D
You must keep us posted on how you are doing thru this ok? We will be thinking of you all. Safe journey! Kim and girls
02-25-2010, 11:32 PM
Hi Sue,
I must still be living in the past because I remember like it was yesterday the story of the shredded door before the move. If you can shield Zoe from the things being moved and the cases being packed should help but I'm sure she will be the most comfortable with you. She knows you love her and will keep her safe so whatever is going on make sure Zoe can see you and knows you won't leave her.
Don't forget the cool mat for the trip.
02-25-2010, 11:35 PM
Forgive my feeble memory, but is Zoe taking Melatonin? Lori
Yeh, Lori, she's already on melatonin. She gets 3 mg am and pm. Started it because of her seizures - as an addition to her bromide. And then decided it was a plus, because of her trilo and the possible atypical effect. I thought about a light sedative type drug on the trip but she has enough trouble getting in and out of the car so I'm afraid it would make her a little too dopey and she'd fall and hurt herself. I wonder if it would hurt to give her 3 melatonins/day, like every 8 hours instead of 12. Sue
Jenny - must have been typing at the same time. The chilly bed is going in the back of the car (Subaru wagon). That way she can ride back there in the morning when we are heading into the sun. In the afternoon, tho, she'll have to move to the back seat so she can be out of the sun. It gets way too hot for her when the sun beats in thru the rear of the car - chilly bed or no chilly bed. We even have those solar shades for the two windows in the back seat. All about keeping the old girl comfy!!!! She does get stiffer in the back seat tho. She can't stretch out as much or get up and turn around like she can in the roomier and flatter rear cargo hold.
02-26-2010, 12:17 AM
Maybe you'll get some nice, cloudy days and Zoe can remain stretched out in the back more of the time.
I have to believe the new lump is just another lipoma.
Have a safe trip and give Zoe a kiss from Shiloh.
02-26-2010, 12:22 AM
Another thought is the DAP stuff.
We have a DAP (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) collar on Phoebe and a diffuser in the bedroom. Really not sure if they work but it may be worth a try. I also use the rescue remedy and rub a few drops inside the flap of her ear
We also have the sunshades in the back of our car (subaru too) for the dogs.:D
Harley PoMMom
02-26-2010, 10:02 AM
I wonder if it would hurt to give her 3 melatonins/day, like every 8 hours instead of 12. Sue
I think giving her more Melatonin, like every 8 hours, is a great idea, and see if your vet thinks so too! ;):)
Love and hugs,
02-26-2010, 04:47 PM
Sue, I don't know how you plan to pack things in the rear footwells of your wagon -- but we've been really happy with a "dog hammock" that we've placed in the rearseat area for the girls when we travel. There are lots of different versions from many different sites, but we purchased ours from Foster & Smith:
(Ours is the $31.99 Deluxe Quilted Rear Seat Hammock pictured there.)
If there's stuff that you don't need ready access to, you can pack it in boxes or containers that will fit in the footwell area, but are the same height as the seat. Then, when you put the hammock in place on top of the boxes, Zoe would have an expanded, totally supported area to lounge in. And the quilting on the base of this particular hammock truly is very soft and plush.
For a dog of Zoe's size, I'm not sure how stable I think the hammock would be if you DON'T support the portion that would extend over the footwells. They don't indicate that you need any support there, but we've always put boxes in (even empty) when we use the hammock to transport the girls.
Don't know whether this would work for you at all, but it has definitely made it tons easier for us when we travel.
02-27-2010, 08:02 PM
Lots of good suggestions. Thanks, everyone. Marianne - our back seat is already pretty well set up for the Zo. She rides in the car almost every single day and that area is her domain - hers and hers alone. Ever since she had the seizures in the car and fell upside down into the footwell during one of them, I've kept that space filled with rolled up sleeping bags, level with the seats. We have a couple of special fleece blankies that we use over the whole area - which I can easily pull out and wash when needed.
The main problem is the little bump in the middle and the slight tilt of the seat bench. Also, I keep my front seat pretty far back (I've got some long legs) so that is what limits her 'turning' span. Unfortunately, the car isn't going to get any bigger, so not much I can do there, except move the seats forward whenever she gets in and needs to do a turnaround.
When she stretches out, she has to lie on that hump in the middle and I think that will get uncomfortable over the long haul.. I'm thinking maybe I'll lay the chilly bed across the whole back seat (including over the sleeping bags) - because I'm having grave doubts about her ability to get into the rear hatch anyway. In fact, I'm pretty sure it isn't going to happen, the more I think about it. She won't just put her front paws up and wait for us to lift her backside in . . . whereas she does have getting into the back seat, down pat . . . at least most of the time. First thing in the morning is hardest for her.
Plus, if she's right there behind us, I can feed her treats and give her water while we are on the road. If I can just level it out a bit more, then she can do the entire trip in the back seat. Yeh, a plan is taking shape in my head, thanks to all of the good input. Now if I can just convince Dave that we should stop every two or so hours, for a stretch break, all will be great. But you know men! Once they get on the road . . . . they hate to stop!! And why is it that their bladders have a greater capacity, too???:eek::confused::p;):D Sue
02-27-2010, 08:46 PM
Hi Sue,
Jay and I drove back east about 7 years ago. We put Corky's favorite blanket in the back seat, along with a few of his favorite toys and some treats. The only time he would try to get our attention, was when he had to go potty. Somehow, he would do this right before we would see a sign for a rest stop. I'm hoping that you have a good, safe trip.
02-27-2010, 09:02 PM
Good luck on the trip, and one word, valium.
I think you can give it with almost anything and for Moria it has been a very good med when traveling.
You can give it orally or IM.
02-27-2010, 10:54 PM
Valium, huh? Did Moria insist that you and Vandy both take it???? :p:p:p :p:p:p:D
I could give it to Dave, but then I'd have to drive all the time!:eek: Maybe I'll take it and force Dave to drive . . . . the whoooooooole way.
As for giving it to Zo, I did think about that, but she's so shaky and iiffy getting in and out of the car that I'm afraid she'd stumble or fall - and do herself damage. As it is, she has to use our homemade steps and still needs a boost on the way in. And a steadying hand on the way out. And even at that, there've been some ugly entries and exits!!! But I am going to ask the vet about giving her an extra melatonin each day. We don't actually leave until the week of the 22nd so I've got time to figure everything out, at least. But as you can tell, I'm a worry wart when it comes to my baby (the furry one, that is!;)) Sue
PS - WOW - is Moria really going to be 16??? (You said in her birthday notethat you got her in 1994!). For some reason, I thought she was only 14, going on 15? Guess I lost a year somewhere! Time flies when you're having fun . . . or getting old!
03-05-2010, 06:54 PM
Finally - got some pictures of those new dogleggs. Kinda hard to see them since both are black (Zo AND the dogleggs) Have posted them in her album, "Zoe, otherwise known as . . . " along with some old pictures of her that I found from when we lived in GA. I miss that shiny, sleek black coat that she used to have! Also, added some other pics to her "family and friends" album.
The dogleggs are great but they sure do get 'hairy' in no time. It sticks to the velcro and the neoprene and everything. One day, she was out in the garage and I went out to check on her and she had one leg entirely out of the dogleggs. Still can't figure out how she accomplished that. I keep them looser when she's just lying around and when she is down for the night. In one of the pictures (at bedtime), you can see that her elbow wasn't exactly down into the dogleggs where it should have been. But I keep playing with adjusting them and now have a better idea of how to keep all the parts in place. Her elbows have really improved but are still not quite 'normal' so I'm continuing to doctor them with various stuff every day.
03-05-2010, 07:01 PM
Hi Sue,
It sounds like the leg things are working, very nice.
Moria's coat is also thin and lacking in color.
I took her outside today as one of the boys who takes her out when we are not around was leaving and she hopped across a considerable distance to see and be petted by him.
I have never had one this old, they become wise. This one is exhibiting her age, but the puppy is still there.
03-05-2010, 07:03 PM
Great pictures Sue. I love the ones taken earlier this decade
03-06-2010, 08:40 AM
Hi Zoe,
Nice pictures!:)
The dogleggs are a total hair magnet – that’s for sure.:)
It took me quite some time to have the doggleggs tweaked so that they would fit just right – adjusting a Velcro here and there. Until they are truly worn in and adjusted to the body you will need to make little adjustments here and there. Once I had the best possible fit I only opened the Velcro of one leg to get them on and off.
The dogleggs should have come with a second strap that can be fastened under the armpits, running behind the legs to prevent the dogleggs slipping forward. Phillip managed to slip an elbow or a leg out in the beginning too . Just keep on adjusting and you should find the ‘perfect’ fit.
I am so glad you are seeing an improvement in Zoe’s elbows. Even so the material is breathable I think it is also important to let air freely get to them with the dogleggs off and no ointment on the elbows once a day. Phillip wore his dogleggs all the time except at the park and there I made sure he did not lay down until there where no ‘open’ areas.
03-06-2010, 02:17 PM
Nathalie -
Zoe's dogleggs don't have a piece that goes under, but they do have a fabric strap that goes across the front of her chest - from each side. Unless I'm putting them on wrong. You can't see the strap in the pictures as it's just thin stretchy black fabric. At first I was keeping them on her for walks, but she seemed to stumble with her left front leg alot. So I've started taking them off for walks. At some point every day, I take them off and put her back in her 'party hat' for awhile, just to let the area breathe. Sometimes, overnight, too. So happy we got them!! Thanks again for telling me about them.
Her back legs are not doing so good, tho'. Not sure why - maybe the cold, damp weather. So I've been skipping her evening trilo, in hopes that her cortisol will go up a little bit and maybe counteract the arthritis. Need her to be able to help get herself into the car on the upcoming trip. Sure don't need her legs to give out on her at this point in time!! Sue
03-06-2010, 02:54 PM
Sue, take a look at the pamphlet that came with the dogleggs with the instructions on how to put them on under the header 'Chest Strap Tip'
It says ..some dogs, when in sphinx position are able to 'back out' of their dogleggs. and that you can attach the chest strap to the doglegss 'backward' and strech under ribs and attach to doglegg on opposite side.
It states that you may need to puchase a second chest strap. Now if I remember correctly I did not order a second one but the package included 2 and my bill does not list any extras. Maybe you want to email the people at dogleggs ..
In the meantime you could try to either use the one strap 'backwards' as shown in the picture in your pamphlet. Or maybe just make another strap out of elastic material which would be the same lenght as the one you already have and attach velcro to it if Zoe needs two straps.
I would be very reluctant to keep them off over night this early in the healing process. I would be worried that she might be laying for too long on the elbows without cushening which could possible set you back a bit in the healing process. But you know your dog best and if she needs a break she needs a break.
Sorry to hear about her hind leg issues :( I wish I had any suggestions to offer.
03-07-2010, 03:41 PM
Need some expert opinions! With our move fast-approaching, I'm really concerned about Zo's ability to get in and out of the car several times/day as her hind legs have taken a noticeable turn for the worse this last week. I'm not sure if it's just arthritis, or possibly her cortisol is a bit low. Today, she had trouble just rising from peeing. The back legs are really not very good at this point.
Wondering if more or less exercise would be the way to go? Our vet, in the past, has suggested less. Zoe has been declining slightly longer walks now for several days, and yet the legs haven't improved. So I'm thinking maybe more frequent walks, but still keeping them short ones?????
In view of the latest, I've also been giving just one dose (180 mg) of her trilo/day - thinking that if it's arthritis, letting it rise a bit would help. Of course, it could be her cortisol is just running too low for her. Last two acth results, just over 5 - which for her is low. She's always done best around 7 or 8.
I have her last appt here scheduled for Mar. 16th - it's been over 4 mos. since an acth. But do you think it would be best to keep her on the twice a day dose to get an accurate reading of where her cortisol is running.? Then again, if I continue doing the once a day dose until the acth, we would surely see a rise in cortisol and hopefully improvement in the legs. If it rises too much, I can always reintroduce extra doses. I would like to see her up around 9 or 10 or even 11, what with the coming stress of the move. I don't think that would hurt for a few weeks, until we can get moved and settled and then we can go back to twice a day. I guess the main problem is . . . not knowing if this is just an arthritis flareup or if it's from lower cortisol levels. I guess it could even be from too high cortisol. Opinions welcome!! More exercise or less? And once or twice a day dosing?
Her eating is good, her drinking pretty stable, altho' occasionally it seems to go up for a day or so at a time. Sue
03-07-2010, 05:44 PM
Sue, I wish I could help.
I think this arthritis issue varies much from pup to pup.
I do think strong muscles help but if the joint is painful it is difficult to exercise to maintain muscle tone.
I really have no advice, it is an issue I worry about constantly with brown. I do not exercise her, I let her be as mobile as she wishes and I do encourage her but that is the extent of it for us.
03-07-2010, 09:31 PM
Hi Sue...
I have the same problem with Lucy getting in/out of the car, so I purchased a ramp. It was around $130.00 from the pet store, it's light weight, and I just keep it in the trunk of the car.
Good Luck,
03-08-2010, 03:50 PM
Hey Gina - I've thought about a ramp, but my guess is that Zoe would be afraid to use it. Did Lucy take to it right away or was she hesitant? Zoe is such a big scaredy cat about anything new and unusual.
If they are lightweight, are they pretty sturdy? And how much of a slope is there, say for an average car? (or can it be opened out longer or shorter to make the slope less steep?) If we did get one, then we could use it to get her into the back of the car instead of the middle seat. The middle seat is her normal place as it's less of jump and for that, we've been using steps made out of priority mail boxes taped together in stacks of varying heights. They are pretty sturdy, but heavy, and have to be placed just so-so for her to make her entry into the car. Like I put one shorter stack, and then another higher stack next to the car itself. It's a nuisance, to say the least, and now she's having trouble, even with those. I might go to Petco and have a look. Just wish they weren't so expensive. :rolleyes: Sue
Harley PoMMom
03-08-2010, 04:14 PM
Need some expert opinions!
First let me point out that I am no expert, ok, this here will be just my opinion. :)
Opinions welcome!! More exercise or less? And once or twice a day dosing?
As far as exercise for Zoe, if it were me I would let her tell me how much she is willingly to do, I mean, I wouldn't push her to walk more than she wants.
Once vs twice a day; According to Dr Feldman a Cushingnoid pup needs more cortisol to deal with stress, so if it were me, I would do the once a day dose and see what the ACTH test results are. Like you said, once you get settled in you can go back to the twice a day dosing but with the once a day dosing, on the road you will probably be having to make more pee stops. :(
Her eating is good, her drinking pretty stable, altho' occasionally it seems to go up for a day or so at a time. Sue
Like I said, this is JMO, and I am no expert. Best of luck to you and Zoe and keep us updated.
Love and hugs,
03-08-2010, 06:01 PM
Yeh, Lori - that's kinda the way I'm leaning. If I do once a day for next week and a half and then the acth shows that she's crept up above 11 or more, I could always give her the evening pill 2 or 3 times a week.
And with the exercise, I think we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Like Scott said, if they are hurting, it's pretty hard to keep up the muscle tone. Ever since we've banned her from going downstairs to the yard and thus eliminated that 'potty' option, there's no choice but to walk her out on the street for that. A month ago, she could do one 5 or 6 block walk, once per day, with a couple of shorter ones. But now, she doesn't want to do that longer one, so all 3 or 4 walks are only about a block or two long - to get to some 'free' grass so she can go potty. And because of that, the legs seem to be getting weaker. She still enjoys them, but they are just a struggle and not long enough to do any good for stamina. I decided to run out and take a look at the ramps. Going right now, in fact. My back is so shot from getting her in and out of the car, her usual way. Have to unload and load her heavy box steps in and out of the car, plus give her hind end a boost too, as she goes in. If I could convince her to do the ramp, that would probably be easist for all concerned. :rolleyes:;):) Sue
Carol G
03-08-2010, 07:01 PM
I've been researching ramps because that is one thing I've decided to do from the get-go with a dog. I think it will save wear and tear on the dogs when they are younger and be better when they are older.
A number of them are telescoping or folding. I'm sure you could find one that serves a dual purpose for both the back and the middle.
Costco has one on line now at a very good price. $80 including shipping.
On one of the sites, part of the description said something about an instruction sheet for teaching the dog to use it. You might try a site like Drs. Fosters & Smith or Amazon or just googling.
Carol & Atty Cat
03-08-2010, 07:36 PM
Just got back from Petco and they have the folding one, 66" long, which gives a pretty mild slope into my car. $80 - plus my son is coming up this weekend and I betcha he can get it for me at a discount! Not sure how much but anything is better than nothing. So think I will get it. They said I can return if Zo won't go up it. :rolleyes: Sue
03-08-2010, 10:56 PM
Your use is probably short term but we tried out a lot of ramps with Chris - four or five - and learned a lot along the way. One is that heavy and bulky is really a pain.
The best ramp we found by far for us was this one.
This is Orvis but lots of places sell them.
It's long - six feet - but weighs only 13 pounds. Of the four we tried it was by far the lightest. And it didn't take up a lot of space.
It's also reasonably wide. Some of them are rather narrow. Good grip too. We had a carpeted one and it was slippery as heck.
We always guided Chris up it since he was blind.
03-08-2010, 11:13 PM
Hi Sue...
Glad you got the ramp! Mine does have an extension, and if I'm in a tight spot (too close to the car next to me), I have to angle it a bit...if that's the case I make sure I have one hand on the ramp to stabilize it and one hand on Goo's (Lucy's) collar.
She was a bit hesitant to use it at first but took too it pretty much immediately, and seemed relieved that it was there. She can pretty much always get in the car, unless she's really worn out, but getting out has always been the problem. Her legs really got weak from the cushings and now she just doesn't want to exercise (can't say that I blame her). The ramp is very sturdy though, but there have been a few times when I've not had it sort of locked in place (my fault) and it falls down, with Lucy on it. So now I make sure it's secure.
I'm sure Zoe will take to it in no time, and it takes a lot of the shock out of especially exiting the car, so she won't have to jump down.
Am anxious to hear how it goes:)
03-08-2010, 11:35 PM
Actually, I didn't buy it yet - waiting for my son to come for a visit - he works for Petco and can get a discount. The one you have is folding, right? The one at Petco folds in half. I hope it will work but I'm also wondering about how it stays on the edge of the car without slipping off. Our back hatch edge slopes downward and I can't quite tell if the ramp will go further in and sit on the edge of the carpeted area or what. Does this sound like the kind you have?
Natalie - those at Orvis look like what I'd prefer, but with Zoe's age and how long we may need it, I will probably opt for the cheaper folding one. It's probably a little heavier but Dave can do the lifting on the trip!! Appreciate all the 'ramp' info from everyone!!! Thanks. Sue
Annie's Mom
03-09-2010, 01:27 AM
Hi Sue,
My guess is that Zoe will quickly adapt to using the ramp -- especially if you entice her with a treat! I made a ramp with wood covered with an area rug for Annie (heavy, but it works!) and she used it immediately. I steady her and guide her along. If she hadn't had the vestibular episode, I think she would do fine without assistance. Has Zoe recovered completely from the vestibular? Annie still has difficulties with stairs and even the slightest hill, so we avoid them! It's a catch -22 RE the amount of walking for Zoe. I lean towards frequent short walks -- and, Zoe will let you know how much activity she can handle. I am sending positive energy your way for positive test results and an easy drive across the country. Hugs and scratches to you and Zoe.
Barb and Annie
03-09-2010, 12:05 PM
Hi Sue..
Mine does not fold in half, but it has an extension that slides out. On the end of the extension is a curved end piece that fits on the floorboard and sort of locks it in place and keeps it sturdy. I'm sure the folding in half one will work just fine.
Carol G
03-09-2010, 03:13 PM
If you have the time, you might look on Craigslist or ebay. On another forum some folks were talking about buying crates on craigslist.
Natalie -- thanks for the ramp recommendation.
Carol & Atty Cat
03-09-2010, 06:15 PM
When do you leave again?
You're not so far from me that we couldn't arrange a meet and you could use ours. We still have it.
03-09-2010, 06:43 PM
I bought a ramp for Kenai, who now is about 118 lbs and the one I have is very sturdy, it has kind of a little lip on it that keeps it where it needs to be in the truck , I use it to put Kenai in the back seat of my truck, it is an easy step for him from the ramp to the seat. I first layed it down in the livingroom and had him walk on it a lot before we tried the truck, I had to coach him to start up but once he did he did fine. The one I have I found for 110.00 it expands up to 70 inches I think, it does not fold it slides in. I had it expanded outall the way in the yard and the slope was very gentle, in the garage it is of coarse a lot steeper but he still does well. mine is solvit.
I have not read all the replies but did just wanted to say that I am sure Zoe will get stiff from not moving a lot while in the car. You may want to consider adding some pain meds for her. I found that for Nike the gabapentin helped her out a lot, it blocks the nerve pain, I think that helped more than the tramadol for her.
Hope you have a safe trip and email me when you get out here since we will be neighbors. Not sure how far you will be from greenville SC but there is a fantastic clinic that I had Nike to and Brandi took Molly and still takes her other dog there as well.
Safe travels
Sharon and Kenai
03-15-2010, 01:51 PM
I always prayed that when the day came to say good-bye to Zoe, she would give me the signs. Saturday was that day. I vowed in December that at the next hint of trouble, we would not subject her to any more tests, any more treatments, any more of anything. We took her in at 4 o’clock, knowing that it was the right decision, and it was quick and peaceful.
I’m not even sure what happened between Friday night and Saturday morning, but it doesn’t matter. She’d been thru enough and her eyes told us that she was tired of fighting the good fight. Friday she was ok, Saturday morning she was not. Our son and two granddaughters came up for the weekend and when they arrived just before midnight on Friday, the girls went straight in to see Zoe and give her hugs and love. She got up and visited for a few minutes and then went back to bed. All seemed fine. Saturday morning she didn’t want to get up. I finally got her out front for her morning walk but she she wouldn’t go. So put her in the garage on her blankie and she didn’t move after that. Her third eyelids were both way up and she was squinting. I couldn’t even pry her right eye open to get a look. She took only a few treats from the granddaughters, to humor them I think, but she really didn’t care and it was obvious. She was pretty much unresponsive to all of us. Dave finally got her to cross the street and pee. She moved so slowly, kept veering to the right, fell a couple of times, didn’t see the curb, and ran into my son’s car. It seemed like she’d gone blind. We wanted to wait until the girls left on Sunday but when our son saw how she was, he said he didn’t think we should wait. He’s the one who brought Zo home to us, so his opinion meant a lot.
As much as I tried to deny it, the last 2 or 3 weeks she’d been slowly losing ground. It was no one single thing but lots of little, seemingly insignificant things which, in hindsight, were probably clues when taken in total. Stumbling with one of her front legs, hesitations that didn’t happen before, difficulty getting her to go on her bedtime walk, at times walking with her head down close to the curb, sleeping in longer in the morning, the increasing weakness, and over the last few days, odd periods of incessant barking - as if she was trying to tell me something but what, I didn’t know. Still, she was eating well and enjoying her morning and afternoon routines and short walks, so I was hopeful that she could handle the upcoming move.
Both third eyelids coming up can occur with pain. The vet also felt that she had probably lost her sight. We also noticed that her left eye had clouded up - virtually overnight as it was fine on Friday. Doc called it uveitis or something and said it was often an indication of something serious going on elsewhere in the body - systemic things like virus, infection, cancer. She suspected it was in the brain, because of all of Zo’s previous problems. I’m just thankful now that it all came down before our move east and not ON the trip. And so our sweet girl has gone to be with her sissy KC, and her sissy Guinness and her buddy Ivy and all the cush doggies from here that have gone on ahead us. She is a California girl forever now, as Natalie wrote me. Thanks Nat - that made me smile. I’m sure it will be awhile before I can write about my Zo in the Memory forum. The pain is just too raw right now. Sue
03-15-2010, 01:56 PM
Oh Sue... I am so sorry for your loss, but you know you made the right decision. It's never easy letting them go, but they do tell you when the time has come.
My sincerest condolences on your loss.
Heidi & Kira
03-15-2010, 01:59 PM
I have your thread in my email and started to read and then started to cry. I have no words, you have been my inspiration as you know, and Zoe such a huge part of my heart. I can tell you how you made the right decision, but you know this. I can tell you a million things but I already know you know that I know. And none of those things can make this time any better. I am still in shock, still in disbelief, even though we knew this day/time would doesn't make any of it any easier.
I always hold you both close in my heart, that is something that will never change. Our precious Big Black Dog with the White Face will live on in the hearts on all she touched...she will always be in you are too.
I am going to light a candle for you, and Dave and Zoe here on the board. I am going to pray, as always for peace to you, I am always here for you. Always.
Godspeed sweet precious Zoe....and peace to your mom...and thanks for letting me be a part of such a special life.
So much love and hugs, Sue to you and Dave...
Beth and the Bad Boys forever
03-15-2010, 02:28 PM
I am so very, very sorry for your loss. My heart absolutely breaks for you.
Peace be with you sweet Zoe.
With deepest sympathy,
03-15-2010, 02:28 PM
Sue, there is nothing I can write to tell you what all I am feeling. Zoe has meant so much to me, and I had hoped against hope that I might have the chance to give her a real hug upon your arrival back in Georgia. But I was so worried about the trip, and how hard it would be for her. Now there is no need for any of us to worry. She is free.
I will let Natalie claim her as a California girl -- but only because I know that her spirit has been released to return and race underneath our Georgia pines whenever she pleases. Maybe she will still pay me a visit after all. I so hope she will.
She's a treasure, as are you. I will miss her so much. So very much. This is just so hard.
Fare thee well, our sweet girl.
03-15-2010, 02:42 PM
Sue, I am too choked up to write & will do so later. For now just know I'm thinking of you and sending love. Big hugs, Kim and the girls
03-15-2010, 02:52 PM
Oh Sue, I'm so so sorry. I know no words can comfort you right now. Zoe will always live in my heart as an inspiration to me and I'm sure many others. She fought so hard and for so long. She made the call and she is no longer hurting or falling. Her eyesight and hearing is perfect and you have another angel watching over you.
With much love,
Steph, Apollo, Gypsy and forever and always Pallie
03-15-2010, 03:19 PM
I am so very sorry about your loss. I haven't been on very much recently, but a dear friend let me know that something was not right.
You did the right thing for Zoe. Bless her heart, she's been through so much, and deserves to be able to run free and play without any more pain and suffering.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Rest in peace Zoe.
Casey's Mom
03-15-2010, 03:22 PM
Sue I am so sorry for your loss of Zoe. I have followed her story with you since I joined the board, rooted for her and cheered for her.
My tears are here for you and my heart is so very sad. I know I can't say anything to ease your pain except to let you know that I am there for you.
Love and many hugs,
Squirt's Mom
03-15-2010, 03:36 PM
Dear Sue,
Words are too inadequate to express how deeply sorry I am. Like Kim, I am too torn up but had to let you know I am holding you and Dave in my heart.
Sending hugs and love to you both.
Our deepest, most heart-felt sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Goldie, Crystal, and our Angel, Ruby
03-15-2010, 04:09 PM
Dearest Sue,
I am so very sorry, my heart is breaking. There are no words right now that can convey to you how sorry I am, it is beyond what exists.
Your Zoe has touched me more than you know over these years and has been an inspiration to us all. She is free from pain and will be watching over you.
I am holding you and your family in my heart and prayers. Always in loving memory of "our" brown eyed jungle girl.
03-15-2010, 04:15 PM
Dear Sue,
You and Zoe were some of the first people we met when we first started this journey. Zoe is now at peace but it will be some time before that fully sinks in. I think sometimes we pretend those little signs are not happening and only in hindsight see that it was. Bless you for knowing it was time and being brave enough to let Zoe sleep.
03-15-2010, 04:48 PM
I think you know just how much Zoe meant to all of us and her passing is a huge loss for me and no doubt, all your k9c friends. Zoe was and always will be an icon here and I will shall hold her in my heart forever. I am so, so sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you and Dave.
Godspeed sweet Zoe.
03-15-2010, 04:49 PM
Godspeed sweet Zoe.
03-15-2010, 05:31 PM
Dear Sue,
My heart goes out to you. I am so so sorry about your loss.
03-15-2010, 05:43 PM
Oh Sue, I am so sorry. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
03-15-2010, 05:49 PM
I'm back from walking Luna, and you and Zoe were on my mind the whole time. So just a couple more things to add...
When we lost Barkis to his enlarging tumor, I did not know how to contain my grief. But I found that it comforted me to honor Barkis by trying to be helpful to others. There were so few of us here who had been using trilostane, and so I devoted myself to trying to learn more. You and Zoe came to us right at that time. I remember puzzling with you over all of our trilo questions, and what a triumph it felt like when we seemingly got things "right" -- at least part of the time...:o It felt as though we were making progress for all the trilo pups. And that was such a good thing.
You and Zoe have been such constant companions to me. I do realize that in losing Zoe, it feels like I am losing a part of Barkis all over again. That hurts so badly. But the comfort comes from being able to honor Zoe as "our" girl. Because that's what happens here. We become family. Our family. I really do hope it helps to know how much you and Zoe have meant to so many of us. Sue, she will never be forgotten, and we will always be here to support you.
Many, many (((hugs))) ~ always in loving memory of our Zo.
03-15-2010, 05:57 PM
Sue, words won't come, but I just wanted you to know that you and Zoe are in my heart now and forever. Godspeed sweet girl.
Love and many ((((hugs)))),
Shelba and Suni
Harley PoMMom
03-15-2010, 06:17 PM
Dear Sue,
There are no words that are adequate to convey how truly sorry I am for the loss of your sweet Zoe. She was a special girl and she will always be remembered.
I believe it was you who said something like: "It is the the greatest act of love to take their pain and make it yours." Oh Sue, this saying is so true, and my heart goes out to you and Dave because I realize just how much you both are hurting. But because of your very deep love, Zoe is free of any pain, running with all her dog-friends, and keeping an eye on you and Dave too.
Godspeed sweet Zoe.
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
03-15-2010, 06:21 PM
Dear Sue,
eventhough we all knew that Zoe's time was limited, it's still such a shock. It's so hard to believe that the Grand Old Lady, Zoe, is no longer here... She and you were here when I came here with my Cukie, she and you were here with Sogno and the past couple of years, she and you have been here with Yunah. It's like Marianne said, loosing Zoe is like loosing part of me, part of Cukie and Sogno all over again. I'll cry a few tears for all the brave souls that we have lost but then a smile will appear through my tears, knowing all our precious ones are painfree in a place where there's no more fear, where sickness doesn't excist...Goodbye Zoe, go run and play...
Sue, I'll be holding you and Dave close and wishing you all the strength and courage you may need,
Saskia and Yunah.
Wally P's Mom
03-15-2010, 07:45 PM
So sorry to hear about Zoe. Tears filled up my eyes as I read you thread and remembered all of the support that you and your have provided the rest of us over the years. Let us return the favor to you and offer you our support at this time.
God Bless you and Zoe.
Sabre's Mum
03-15-2010, 08:52 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. Tears blurr the screen .... I am lost for words. Thinking of you.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
Roxee's Dad
03-15-2010, 10:23 PM
Dear Sue,
I am so very sorry for the passing of sweet Zoe. It seems she was not only my pillar of strength but also for many others. It was Zoe's story that brought me here and for that I will be forever grateful. I have learned so much from the trials and experiences in Zoe's life.
My tears are flowing and my heart is hurting. Rest in Peace sweet girl. We will forever remember you and miss you always.
03-15-2010, 10:38 PM
Dear Sue,
I am so sad to hear that Zoe has passed. I saw her name on the candle site and my heart sank. She was one of the pups that stood out in the profile pics. I always loved the red scarf on her and her sweet white face. What is it about a white face?
It sounds like the timing was right and you listened to her message. What a good mom. I know they never want to leave us, so they leave it to us to sever that tie. I know your heart is breaking, despite it being the best choice. My heart aches for you and I hope you will find peace in your many happy memories.
Bettina (and Angel Niko)
03-15-2010, 11:18 PM
Zoe is up there in heaven with all of her best friends. She's running and jumping and romping and playing and chasing and swimming and doing all of the things she loved to do. She is a young, strong, happy, healthy dog, right in her prime, I suppose about two or three years old. Zoe's spirit lives forever and just imagine what it's going to be like when you're with her again!
My very deepest condolences. Zoe was a warrior.
John II
03-16-2010, 12:46 AM
Dear Sue,
I am so sorry to hear that Zoe's time has come.
Please know that you did everything possible for her and released her at the right time.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. :(
03-16-2010, 01:48 AM
I'm so very sorry over your loss of sweet Zoe. My thoughts are with you..
03-16-2010, 05:39 AM
I am so sorry and sad to hear about Zoe. You have both been an inspiration to us since we joined nearly 3 years ago. She will be missed so much.
Thinking of you and your family.
Linda and Spicey
03-16-2010, 06:14 AM
Sue honey,
I am so, so sorry for the loss of your precious Zoe. Her strong will and determination were an inspiration to us all.
Zoe will be sadly missed, thought of often and remembered forever. Thank you for allowing us to share in her journey.
You and Dave are in my thoughts and prayers. My deepest heartfelt condolences to you both.
Jane, Franklin and Bailey
Depakote attorney (
03-16-2010, 03:28 PM
I would have been honored to have had the opportunity to meet you Zoe. Rest well.
03-16-2010, 04:42 PM
Sue and Dave,
I'm so sorry to hear of Zoe's've all been such an inspiration to me for the last 3 years.
I'm still in this public room so can't post much now...too many tears after reading this thread. Rest well dear sweet've earned it. Have fun with my little finally get a chance to meet!
I too didn't want to see all the little signs in the last few weeks...then it was just too obvious on the last day that she'd had enough. Will pm more later,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
03-16-2010, 10:59 PM
Dear Sue and Dave,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious Zoe. Such a precious gift from God. My Sasha is licking my tears. I know it has been a while since I have been here, but you have always been an inspiration and I thank you for that.
I hope you find peace in knowing that Zoe is eating ham sandwich biscuits up in Dog Heaven at the Sandwich Bar with all of her buddies....with eyes wide open. She is running free. She even has her very own huge cloud to go round and round on until she finds her comfort spot.
I wish I had a ham sandwich biscuit for you. But, instead, I am sending you lots of hugs and prayers from our house to yours.
Marco, Sophie, Maggie and Sasha
...and Friskie, Lucky, Cheri and Snicky from Heaven...
Squirt's Mom
03-17-2010, 12:26 PM
Dear Sue,
When Squirt and I first showed up on the Cushing's scene, you and Zoe were among the first to greet us and make us feel welcome. Over the last couple of years, Zoe's story has been such a source of encouragement, hope, unbelievable strength and will, and joy. As her mom, you shine bright a with love and devotion almost unbearable to see. Together, you and Zoe fought every battle with genteel gallantry.
In her life, she gave so much to so many, especially here in this family. She is, and will be, sorely missed.
Our Ruby was there to meet her, along with so many who have gone before, and they are off chasing deer and geese for the sheer joy of the chase. But they always have us in their sights and in their hearts, as we do them.
Teary hugs to you and Dave,
Leslie and the girls - always
03-17-2010, 03:06 PM
It warms my heart to hear that Zoe’s spirit touched so many, that her journey was a help and inspiration to others. Thank you all so very much. She truly was my energizer doggy as she took lickin' after lickin' and yet kept on tickin'.
Here, when someone loses a furbaby, we often write about the intangibles. About the pawprints that they left on our hearts and souls, or those ethereal fields of clover where they can romp and play forever - along with all the others that we have loved here on earth and that are waiting for us now. But for me, it is the tangibles in my day to day routine, in my house, in my life, that remind me of my painful new reality. The pile of her things - leashes, blankets, bandannas, toys - that I’d already gathered near the front closet for the movers to pack next week. They will still go with us, of course. So will her bin and her bowls,and her food and treats. I’m sure my daughter’s two dogs, Dixie and Libby, will make quick work of the latter. I wonder if I can donate Zoe’s meds to a rescue group? If so, that is what I will do.
When we first came home after saying good-bye to Zo, I entered the kitchen and as I walked past her water bowl, I saw it was low and reached down to pick it up and fill it. Then I remembered there is no need anymore. Later, I noticed what I thought were keys on one of her beds and when I went to pick them up, it was the tags on her collar. Dave must have laid it there when we got home from the vets.
I want to lean over the left side of my bed each morning when I wake up, to see if she’s still snoozing, but there’s no use. If she was awake and saw me do that, she’d go into her “big stretch” and then I’d get down on her bed and we’d have our morning snuggles. If she was still asleep, I’d sneak downstairs to my computer until I heard the sound of her nails on the hardwood upstairs . . . or the jingle-jangle of her collar. Sounds that, in the past, told me she was up and looking for me. And then the hustle was on. Hurrying to get dressed and going, as Zoe paced around behind me, anxious to get to the car and head to the park (her preferred option) or, lately, take a walk thru the neighborhood.
From my computer, I look out at the empty yard, and imagine her still lying there, so black against the green of the grass, as she looked around, hoping to spot a squirrel. When we sit down to dinner now, I half expect her to come sneaking around the corner cabinet and up to the table, to see what her humans are having to eat. We’d always tell her to go back and get on her rug, but she’d usually just turn around and plop down right near our feet, with her back towards us. She knew she could get away with that ‘cause it seemed less like begging.
I used to grumble, jokingly, about how long it took to fix her food and all her meds and supplements. Those thirty minutes/day are now gained time. Will I make good use of them? Probably not. Her personal pharmacy bin on our countertop has been put away. But those things that I had to keep in the frig. catch me off guard each time I open it. And there’s the ceramic black lab treat jar - a gift from Ivy’s mom. It sits under the window as a reminder of both girls and always will.
Up until a year ago, Zoe would lie at my feet as I worked on my book and, come mid-afternoon, start nudging my elbow, letting me know it was time for a break and a walk. She could still do the stairs down to my office then. It was only after I finished, a few months ago, that we had to start banning her from them. We kept a baby gate propped up at all times – so she wouldn’t try to go down. She always checked to see if the gate was up and if it wasn’t, I’d have to scramble to stop her. A few times, she beat me and my heart would literally be in my throat as she made her clumsy descent. Since December, it was crucial to keep the gate up at all times. Now, sometimes I forget and momentarily panic, when I see that it is not there, blocking her way anymore.
When she could no longer follow me down, her favorite morning spot became the garage. There, she’d lie near the slightly raised door, peeking out at the street, watching for the usual walkers to pass by. They all knew her by name and called out to her every day. I’ve been avoiding going out front since Saturday, for fear somebody would stop and ask “Where’s Zoe” . . . . like happened in Dec. when she was in the hospital for a week. In the afternoons, she liked to lie on the balcony and survey the world. Sometimes the little toy poodle next door, Napoleon, would come out on his balcony and, seeing Zoe on hers, would start up a conversation. They’d bark back and forth for awhile - usually him more than her. Eventually, Zo would tire of it and stop answering. She really wanted to just sit and enjoy the view.
No longer do I have to drag myself out of bed while watching some favorite primetime tv show and throw on something semi-clothes-like in order to take Zo on her bedtime walk. Oh, what an effort that was, especially on chilly nights, but I would give anything to have to do it again. Afterwards, I’d join her on her bed and say “Are you ready for your ‘good doggy massage?’ ” To me, that meant a massage for a ‘good doggy.’ For her, the word ‘good’ was surely attached to the massage itself.
For thirteen years, she was my constant companion - except for the occasional air trip and those few times when she was hospitalized. Day in and day out, we were together. Thirteen years of those almost-daily trips to the park . . . even after we acquired a house with a yard - just for her. In fact, she’d go with me in the car, almost every time I went out, unless the weather was too hot. My car was in the shop from last Friday until Monday - with all her things still in it. So it wasn’t until yesterday that I had to deal with that. My back seat was set up exclusively for the Zo. I took her blanket out yesterday, exposing the ripped seams in the upholstery - from her sitting the same way on the seat all these years. After our morning park visit, I’d usually stop for coffee and when I’d return to the car, she’d always raise her foot and do a little paw at the air. That meant, I need my treat now, Mom. Kept a full bag in the car at all times. And air deodorizer for the doggy smell. And water bottles and her portable water bowl. Always had a bunch of doggy ‘pick-up’ bags strewn on the passenger side floor. And this last year, her homemade box steps - tossed into the rear hatch - had to go with us everywhere. If I could park next to a curb AND use the box steps, that made it all the easier for Zo. Of course, the sleeping bags had been tucked into the floorwell, for several years, so that she’d never fall on the floor again if she had another seizure in the car. Marianne had her Barkmobile, and our Subaru had become the “Zobaru.” Zo made one trip across the country in the Zobaru - when we moved back to CA from GA in 2000. It will be so hard to travel back the other way . . . in the Zobaru . . . without the Zo. She left such a huge void in my heart and soul but it is the excruciating void in my day to day life that can start the tears flowing, so easily.
I didn’t mean to ramble on for so long, but hey, it’s me, zoesmom . . . and when did I ever keep it short? But I guess it was a bit therapeutic. I will be shutting down the PC in the next few days and wanted you all to know how much your heartfelt words have meant to me. Thank you for being there, as usual. Once we get settled in GA, I will try to write a more upbeat tribute to my Zoe in the “remembering” forum. Sue
03-17-2010, 03:28 PM
Sue... I loved your rambling on. And please don't feel like you have to try to be anything at all when next we hear from you.
When we lost Chris, it was passage through the front door that was the absolute worst. Going in or coming out - it didn't matter. He wasn't there to miss us when we left or be thrilled that we were once again home. So it seemed pointless to do either one.
Thank you for sharing such rich detail about Zoe...
03-17-2010, 03:47 PM
I think this is a beautiful tribute to really touched me bc it is in the "simplicity" of life that we feel the loss the most. The day-to-day routine, the things that we seem to take for granted that we miss the most. It isn't the specific funny story, or the big fluffy cloud they are now maybe on, it isn't in the complexity of philosophical is simply and purely in the living we do with them here. That's what captures both the love and the pain. Not that life with our pups wasn't complex, but it was in the simplicity of their love for us and our love for the hearing the footsteps or watching the water bowl or going to feed is missing the constant unconditional companionship and love...the "small" things that really are so huge and leave the biggest void.
When Bailey passed, as happened with Scoobie, I was on the constant lookout over the water bowl, watching the yard to see if they were running the fence, the listening for the goodnight moan that meant peace and I could go to sleep knowing they were OK, the getting on the floor for the belly was in the simple things I did that left the most difficult mountains. I still face them.
Zoe was and always will be an amazing you are and always will be an amazing mom. Through your tribute, I could picture your its daily simplicity...and in it, I saw the beauty of it all. A beauty that I know now brings you heartache, but a beauty I hope someday will give you peace.
As we've said to each other, we've been down this road before and know it will get better, but each loss is an unique as the story of the life behind it...and it is a passage we all must take. I know you will make it through it, I just wish, bc I care for you so deeply, that you didn't have to make it. Just as I know, you wished I didn't...or any of us.
It is truly, sincerely an honor to be a part, even in distance, of your life with Zoe. And I think you could not have made a better tribute than you did just now. I would love to hear her story, the one that extended back so many years ago, but for now I had to tell you how much you touched my heart yet once again just now....bc it is a beautiful, loving tribute to your girl.
All my love and tons of hugs, Beth
Casey's Mom
03-17-2010, 04:02 PM
Thank you for your beautiful tribute to Zoe - I loved the ramblings!
The day to day is what I dread when Casey's time comes - those thoughts are always in the back of my head.
The hardest part of owing a dog and of being on this forum is that most of us have aged dogs and we are all going to have to go through or have been through what you are going through now.
I think talking helps us heal - go on and ramble Sue.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
03-17-2010, 04:16 PM
Hi Sue,
Please do ramble on! Your words touch many of us and we are in tune with what you are feeling. It does help us all to share and you do ramble so good!
It's been nearly 3 months and I still do the water bowl thing, start fixing her meal; I still smell her and hear her at times. Rube's collar is hanging on the bedpost on Jim's side and sometimes when he moves, I hear the jingle of her tags and raise up to check on her. I hope these things continue, as they remind me she is never far away. As time passes, the tangible brings comfort instead of grief.
Please be safe on your travels and come back as soon as you can. We will be holding you and Dave close til then.
Leslie and the girls - always
03-17-2010, 05:25 PM
Ramblings are good. That's why we're all here. We all have gone through the same thing when we lose a furbaby, but some of use (like myself) can't put into words well how I feel or what I'm going through. So your ramblings, just as you being here during Zo's fight, touch us all and mean something to us all.
Pallie's been gone 7 months now and I still don't know what to do with some time. I went home for lunch every day at work for 2 months in the end. And now, I have nothing to do on my lunch hour, so I often just sit at my desk and eat instead of enjoying my hour or going outside. I don't know what to do with it even still. Everywhere I look in my house, I see the spots not only where she slept but where she threw up or where she played. Happy and sad memories. The house I'm in now I moved into when she was 8 1/2. She was 10 when Cushings testing started. I have more bad memories in this house than good ones because all the good ones are in Colorado and Texas where I lived prior.
I'm glad Apollo was here when the end came because we got through a lot of pain together. It helped not to have an empty house. But it still felt empty and even today still does. Gypsy's arrival has cut out a lot of pain, but I will be having those same feelings you are having for the rest of my life.
So thank you for rambling. It's making me ramble too! :-)
Lots of love from my sad home to yours.
03-17-2010, 06:42 PM
Your 'ramble' brought me to tears. As I read through your words, I shook my head at so much of it. I can't help but wonder if her and Niko have met now, as there were so many similarities in your days to ours. What a wonderful tribute to a special girl... just so heartfelt.
In regards to the drugs, ask your vet. I had leftovers too and my vet has a donation program, so they can (legally) be put to good use.
Again, my deepest condolences for your tremendous loss. I know you will have some really hard days - who am I kidding - months - ahead, but it does start to get easier with time, and I find happy memories can heal a lot.
My thoughts remain with you. All the best....
03-17-2010, 07:07 PM
Hi Sue,
Thanks for taking the time to ramble....for putting our feelings into words. You and Beth are so good at it.
Have a safe and comfortable trip across the country. The travelling we've done this winter has been easier than I thought it would be....and I think it's because I had so many years of travelling without Lady before I travelled with her. But she's always around and close by...
Take care (((HUGS)))
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
03-17-2010, 07:44 PM
Sue and Beth;
You have expressed oh so well what a lot of us have felt. Although the places may be different and the routiens a little varied you have sumed up what the end of this journey has been for me. I guess we all have the same feelings, only you put it so elequently, as always.
Zoe, Nike and Molly all began their Cushing journey about the same time, 4 years ago now. Just goes to attest to love and excellent care you gave to her. She was an amazing girl and as you say took a licken but she kept on ticken... Zoe was dear to my heart and she will be missed by me as well, she was a member of my family.
Please stay safe on your trip across the country, and know that my thoughts are with you.
love and hugs
Sharon, Kenai and always HRH Nike
03-17-2010, 08:06 PM
I want to post before you head to your new home. Zoe's passing has left a void for so many of us. I was a part of "the class of 2006" as well. I came along after you and Sharon and so looked up to your words of advice as we went thru the 4 month load. ;) It was a stressful time and the stories of Nike and Zoe gave me hope and made me laugh. I felt like I knew them. I remember when both of them made the infamous "front page" with their beautiful photos.
Such personalities. They truly became like family to many of us. So when I read of our newest Angel it hit hard and deep. I watch my girl going thru some of the things you mentioned and I promise to enjoy every minute.
Please know that we will be missing you as your journey south and east. Do let us know how you are doing. We love you too Sue! So come back and see us, write long paragraphs, and continue to give us hope and laughs.
Sorry to ramble... I just wanted you to know that I am mourning Zoe too. :( Big hugs and travel safe friend. Kim, Haley and Annie
03-17-2010, 08:18 PM
Such beautiful thoughts Sue, and such a beautiful tribute to a girl who touched so many lives.
As I read your memorial, I could relate everything you said to my precious girl and it touched me more than I can say. Thank you.
I could write a book about Misty and never say everything I want to say about her as she graced my life for 14+ years. And it is true,
I have found it does help the healing process a lot to openly express those feelings. Call it rambling or whatever, just let it roll.
I know the days ahead will be filled with heartache, heartbreak, loneliness and tears, but there will come a time when you are smiling
more than you are crying and it does get better from there on, not OK, just better. After 8 months, my smiles outnumber my tears...finally.
Love, thoughts and prayers for you and yours. Godspeed sweet Zoe.
Shelba and Suni
03-17-2010, 08:46 PM
Awwwww, Sue, thanks so much for remembering the Barkmobile. :o
I hope this is not too irreverent a thing to write, but I daresay you'll still have a bit of Zoe riding to GA in your backseat -- in the form of her hair :o :o. If the Zobaru is anything like the Barkmobile -- then Zoe will ALWAYS be riding behind you, wherever you go.
Even though yellow Lab hair seems to be even "stickier" than black Lab hair -- Lab hair is still Lab hair. And the Zobaru was Zoe's trusty steed. So she will never leave it entirely.
Back on, I wrote about my pain upon selling the Barkmobile. How hard it was to think that somebody else was going to be the owner of Barkie's car and his hair. Such a silly thing, but how I cried. Just like you've said so beautifully -- it's the tangibles that make us weep and break our hearts.
Travel safely, Sue. As I'm sure you already know, we've had a hard winter and spring is late in arriving. So all the beautiful blooms should still be awaiting you.
Many (((hugs))),
03-17-2010, 08:47 PM
Dearest Sue,
I feel your pain over Zoe. I am so very sorry, and know your deep love for your Zoe and the wonderful memories with her will sustain you for always. Tight hugs and we luv ya. Jeanette and Princess
03-17-2010, 08:50 PM
This is such a beautiful tribute to Zoe, Sue. Bless your heart.
Carol G
03-18-2010, 11:35 AM
I'm just so sorry.
03-18-2010, 02:45 PM
Dear Sue,
I am so very sorry to hear about your sweet Zoe. When I joined the board in 06 you were one of the first to respond to me and were always a great help especially after Lady started trilo. What a beautiful tribute you wrote for Zoe - you always had a way with words. Sending special hugs to you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Annie's Mom
03-18-2010, 03:46 PM
Sue, I am soooo sorry to hear of Zoe's passing. You have been in my thoughts this week, knowing that the big move was coming up. My heart goes out to you and Dave. We all know Zoe is in a better place, painfree, but that doesn't lessen the sadness we feel when we have to say goodbye. Keep the ramblings coming! It is healing, for you, and for all of us who have been through the same, and those of us who anticipate this is down the road for us. You are right -- Zoe gave you a clear sign that it was time. I will light a candle for Zoe tonight, and am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You have been soooo helpful to me and Annie (along with everyone else on this forum). It is obvious from the posting here that you and Zoe hold a very very special place in many many hearts. Lots of hugs to you from Barb and Annie.
03-18-2010, 05:09 PM
so sorry to hear of Zoe's passing; the tribute was wonderful
when I think of all the little bothersome things I have to do to keep my Mandy healthy, it is sometime tiring...but, I know that the day will come when I will not have to do them...and I'll miss it terribly:(
Wylie's Mom
03-18-2010, 06:21 PM
I’m so very sorry to hear of Zoe’s passing… and you’re not rambling, you’re sharing your memories and thoughts with us.
Godspeed sweet Zoe.
03-19-2010, 12:14 AM
Dearest Sue,
As others have said, words can not express my sorrow. When I saw the title change, my chest became so tight I think my heart stopped. Zoe may have lived with you, but she resided in all our hearts. We rejoiced with her every victory and felt every set back as if it were our own. We cheered for her and prayed for her. Now we cry for our loss and pray for you and Dave.
The memories of so many battles that she won.
Perhaps this was the final battle and she won the freedom from pain.
Heaven has gained another gentle angel.
Godspeed sweet Zoe.
Luv & Hugs
~ Mary Ann
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