View Full Version : Boxer boy (7) Cushings with cutis calcinosis. Long...sorry
07-14-2013, 10:14 AM
Hello everyone
I'm new here and would like to say hi from me (Jayne) and my boxer boy Reuben.
Please bear with me as I have memory problems and also use a charity based vet so do not have many details of test results etc.
Reuben has been on steroids for 15 months, he has had numerous health problems which the steroids helped but they have left him with Cushing's. Have tried numerous times to reduce his steroids but panic when he seems unwell and increase his dose to original (2 a day 5mg each) he has been on Vivitonin for a year now as he developed vestibular disease shortly after having his kennel cough vaccine. He also had what vet thought might have been a mini stroke 6 months ago but could have been related to vestibular.
He had already lost fur on his back and was very itchy before vets put him on steroids but had been tested for Cushing's and thyroid and both were negative.
He's now a sorry sight :( hardly any fur on his back, pot belly and cutis calcinosis (sp)
The calcinosis started on his shoulders/neck area and was 'washed' off by vet. It left a large v shaped area bloody and we were given anti b's and a wash for him.
The CC is now on his head going down to his neck and down to the area that had CC before. Lumps fall off and then scab.
We saw a new vet and he suggested putting the 'wash' on for 15 minutes to soften CC and then sponge off. (haven't yet as I'm trying to get as much info as possible first)
He gave Ru AB's as he also has some infected looking spots on his tummy.
He is quite lethargic but still loves a cuddle and a short play with his toys. He doesn't 'wet' around house but does go for extra long potty sessions in garden.
We have to go back in 2.5 weeks and new vet wants me to try and get his steroids down to 1 a day. He has also taken Ru off of Vivitonin.
Ru also had tatty looking ears and a raggedy looking tongue.
Family members think I should just 'let go' but I'm sure he's not ready yet (me too)
I don't want him to suffer but also don't want to give up trying yet.
Sorry for such a long post but not good at condensing :(
Any advice, hope or help would be truly appreciated.
Budsters Mom
07-14-2013, 10:18 AM
Hello and welcome:)
You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. We will do all we can to help, but be ready for lots of questions! Others will be dropping in shortly to welcome you too. So again, welcome to you and Rueben.
07-14-2013, 11:19 AM
I wanted to welcome you and also give you some good pointers. Sorry your Reuben is having problems. Please keep a daily diary on Reuben, it will be very helpful for treatment purposes. Try to educate yourself on this forum and learn as much as possible about this disease. If you get testing done to confirm Cushings, get copies of all of it and keep it in a folder. The members will want you to post the information from the tests on here so that they can help guide you. This is the best place to be to help you and your dog. Get a vet qualified in Cushings as many don't even understand it. If not seek out an IMS, this is vital as your dogs life depends on your decisions. It will save you heartache, time and money to get someone who treats and understands this disease. If your dog is confirmed to have Cushings and you use Vetoryl call this number and have them start a case file on your dog 866-933-2472. They have vets on staff there to help you. The expense of this becomes a lot less after the initial testing is done. We have all struggled thru it to pay our vet bills. If you need help apply now for Care Credit. It will lessen your burden if need be. You will be the best advocate for your dog, so you must educate yourself, and ask for help with things on this forum. That way you can tell if a vet is going to do something with your baby that is not right. I don't know where you live, but it is hot out now, and Cush dogs cannot cool their inner core. Be careful of the sun and the heat exposure. Make sure your dog always has fresh water available. If you dog is having accidents in the house invest in a pair of doggie pants or diapers, it will make it less stressful on you and him until his cortisol gets under control. Lastly you have a 7 year old dog that could live his life expectancy out, if he does have Cushings and you get it controlled. He is only 7 he should handle this ok with meds. If you start on Vetoryl start with a low dosage no matter what. Vets start these dogs off too high and they have problems. You can always increase the dose when his body adjusts to it. Buy these drugs only from a reputable place. They are powerful drugs, and you don't want crap from a shady website. I use Lambert Vet supply. Please give your baby a chance. My Tipper is going to be 12 and I chose to treat her. She has been doing ok for about a year now on the Vetoryl. I hope I have given you some helpful advice. God Bless you and Reuben.
Sabre's Mum
07-15-2013, 02:41 AM
Welcome to you and to Reuben.
I am familiar with naturally occurring cushings and also the side effects of long term use of steroids. Our Hungarian Vizsla had cushings and also calcinosis cutis. Our current Vizsla was diagnosed with SRMA and IMHA at 6 months old and was on prednisone for about 14 months.
There are two possibilities with Reuben - (1) he has iatrogenic cushings (2) even though he has been on steroids he may possibly have developed cushings. IMO, I would strongly look into ruling out or confirming the first scenario. The best way of doing this is to wean Reuben off the steroids. Please follow the vets instructions with the reductions as Reuben has been on steroids for some duration. Are there any alternatives that the vet could use?
Unfortunately long term and or high doses of prednisone may cause calcinosis cutis. If Reuben's cushings symptoms are of an iatrogenic nature, the only way of relieving and dealing with the calcinosis cutis is to get him off the steroids. Whilst this is happening you will need to "manage" his lumps and try and prevent any infections.
If you have any further queries please ask away.
Angela and Flynn
07-27-2013, 07:16 AM
Thanks to all who have replied and my apologies for not thanking you all sooner....lap top has been poorly :(
We have vets appointment this week and have spent the last 2.5 weeks reducing his steroids, very slowly. 1/4 tablet at a time. We're down to 1 tablet a day and I'm going to try to give Ru 1/2 tab night & morning every other day starting tomorrow (scared!)
He's just finished his AB's this morning and has for the last 4/5 days been dropping what look like little plug with hair all over the place.
Vet gave me a medicated liquid to dilute and soak his cutis calcinosis in soften and the AB's to stop infection. He's still got a lot of the lumps with fur attached on his neck/head which actually looks like a bad perm. So far skin underneath just looks pink for a while and he has little bleeding from that area.
Last vet chose to soak & scrub and left an open wound but with AB's did heal well and he now has fur regrowing in that area.
New vet said if he's doing OK with lower dose steroids he will put him on some newish medication for Cushings. Can't remember if he said he will do more tests first (sorry)
I am taking someone with me this time who has more than half a memory ;)
Will post again after the vet visit.
Thanks again to all who replied, so glad to have found this site.
07-27-2013, 07:33 AM
Hello again and I am so glad you are checking back with us. I truly hope that Ru will continue to do OK with the predisone taper. And I just want to reinforce that the greatest likelihood is that Ru's Cushings-like problems are the result of the long-term predisone use. If that is the case, he will never need to be treated for Cushing's itself. I am worried by your statement that your vet is planning to start the Cushing's meds right away. Surely he will be waiting to evaluate Ru further until after the steroid wean has been completed and Ru has been predisone-free for a period of several weeks at the least. Can you clarify what your vet has been telling you in that regard?
Thanks so much,
Squirt's Mom
07-27-2013, 08:04 AM
Hi Jayne,
I'm with Marianne. No treatment for Cushing's should be started until the pred has had plenty of time to leave Ru's body. It is entirely possible that the CC and other things you are seeing that come with Cushing's could be laid at the feet of the pred and NOT true Cushing's. If this is all due to the steroid treatment, putting Ru on Cushing's treatment could cause some serious problems. So be sure to talk to your vets about this before you let them put him on any cush meds. ;)
I am so glad he seems to be feeling a bit better and hope the trend continues!
Leslie and the gang
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