View Full Version : Is it normal to feel so much pain? (idiopathic vestibular syndrome)

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07-01-2013, 04:37 AM
Hi guys,
my name is Meghan and I'm 23 years old. I live with my wonderful family and our incredible dog, Abby. I found this site while searching for some answers and some comfort on the web. Ive never felt this kind of pain or fear in my life... watching my beloved dog, slowly, but steadily begin to fade away.

I adopted Abby when she was 1 year old. We rescued her from an abusive family who beat her and left her malnourished. She was scrawny, but beautiful. She is a mutt, part lab, collie, spitz, and retriever. Her coat is white with Carmel coloring on her ears and back. Instantly we fell in love with her and did our best everyday to give her the most incredible life possible. She just turned 14.

She was diagnosed with Cushing's in early spring of 2012. She was so hyper and anxious, panting so much, drinking and peeing all day and all night. Unable to sit still. We've had her on medicine and and shes been doing well, she runs every day and has a fantastic diet regimen... until our world turned upside when she had a stroke and suffered a very severe and very traumatizing case of "Old Dog Vertigo" also known as Vestibular Syndrome. I can't express in words how hard it is. My heart breaks when I see her suffer but the doctor said she is making remarkable improvements and could fully recover.

Does anyone here have experience with idiopathic vestibular syndrome or "old dog vertigo." ? Does anyone know how this kind of pain feels? I don't know how to feel better.

07-01-2013, 08:14 AM
Hi and welcome to our site. I am very sorry you and your Abby are having to face IVD on top of Cushing's.

There are some treatment options (management protocols) that will help with any nausea and disorientation.

What has your vet mentioned about this?

Keep us posted

Squirt's Mom
07-01-2013, 08:59 AM
Hi Megan and welcome to you and Abby! :)

We have had members who faced IVD with their babies and I hope they will be along to share their experiences with you soon. These pups do typically return to normal - it just takes time and TLC, which I am sure you have in spades. ;)

I can so relate to your fear and anguish. In March, my Squirt (15 this Feb) had a seizure from a med she was on (Proin) and for 2 months it was touch and go....I knew I was losing her. Squirt is the light of my world and the very idea of facing a single day without her is unbearable. But today, my baby is better, almost back to her old self - she even woke up at 2am wanting to play earlier this week! So don't lose hope, honey. The love we have for our babies is pure magic and can do miracles.

I'm glad you found us and look forward to learning more about both of you as time passes. Please know we are here anytime - someone is online almost 24/7 and we have some excellent hand-holders here. In fact, you simply cannot beat the support you will find here at K9C. Never hesitate to ask questions or reach out your hand - we will be right by your side.

Leslie and the gang

07-01-2013, 09:11 AM
Hi Meghan:
I believe my Tipper has had episodes of this. She tilts her head down and to the right, and her tail goes a million miles an hour, she starts circling, and sometimes falls down. She has had maybe 8 episodes, she had one about a week and a half ago. At first I thought she was having a seizure, and then I saw a dog on YouTube that had this, it was doing the exact same thing she does. I try to get close to her, and make sure she does not fall and get hurt when she does this. I am sorry you are experiencing all these problems with your beloved dog. It is the most terrible thing to watch the physical changes in your dog from all this. I am sad and want to cry every time I look at my girl too. I always have flash backs of her when she was so strong and muscular. She is just a shadow of herself. This disease robs you of your baby little by little each day, it is hard to get thru this at times. I hope you and you baby get thru all this, and that it all turns out better. Blessings

Budsters Mom
07-01-2013, 11:01 AM
Hello and welcome from me too. :)
I am sorry for the reason that brought you here, but so glad you found us. You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. We will do all we can to help. So again welcome Meghan and Abby,


molly muffin
07-01-2013, 12:24 PM
Hello Meghan and welcome to you and Addy.

I know this is scary, but yes, they can and do recover from IVD. As Leslie says, it can take quite a bit of time though.
14 years, in a wonderful home, with wonderful care. What a wonderful life to have after such a rough start. Kudos to you and your family for rescuing her.

It is very scary when you see them going through this and I am sure the stroke scared you too.
Sometimes a bit of a head tilt will remain and be one of the last things to go away. Sometimes, it stays with them. Not causing pain, but more of an annoyance. Did she have any lasting physical effects from the stroke? Sometimes that too can cause one side to be weaker than the other.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Harley PoMMom
07-02-2013, 12:28 AM
Hi Meghan,

A belated welcome to you and Abby from me as well. I have no experience with IVS so my knowledge of this condition is very limited but I did want to provide a link to a old thread that members did discuss vestibular syndrome: http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1902

Hopefully it can help.

Love and hugs, Lori

07-02-2013, 04:39 AM
Hi Meghan,
Sorry to hear that Abby has suffered a stroke and vestibular syndrome. My dog Brin (who doesn't have cushings) had a vestibular episode about 3 years ago. You can read it and the replies in the link that Lori provided above. It is very frightening to watch them fall over in a heap when they try to move but, as far as I am aware, they don't feel any pain from it. It is more like a neurological thing. How long has Abby had the symptoms now? Brin recovered in less than a week and is now nearly 17! He still has neurological problems with falling over and wobbliness but we are not sure if it is caused by a problem with his brain or spine, or both. He now has kidney issues which doesn't help his weakness but he is a really strong dog and fights everything that is thrown at him and still gets about and eats well and is happy.
I understand your fear and pain in watching Abby suffer but hopefully she will soon start to feel better and be more like her old self.

07-26-2013, 09:04 PM
Hi everyone,

Wow thank you for the wonderful feedback!:) I couldn't remember my username so I haven't been able to log-on since the night of this post!

This is a truly wonderful website. I can't believe how many lovely people have responded and helped me. It's so nice to have a welcoming place where people are so understanding and compassionate.

Abby is now fully recovered! The vet said IVB is common in lab mixes as they get older. He kept assuring us, but we kept taking her in, fearing for the worst. About a week after it began, she got noticeably better. She was eating and drinking on her own and walking normal. She was even attempting to climb the stairs!
After two weeks, I began taking her on walks through our neighborhood again. The more we walked, the less her head tilted to the side! I love her more than ever and have never been more thankful for her.

I'm told the dark side to this illness, is that once it occurs, it tends to come back. Has this been true for anyone? Abby is fine now, but she is drinking alot and panting quite a bit. She is back on her Cushing's meds and going on daily walks. Does anyone have nutrition or supplement tips? Has anyone seen IVB come back?

I want her to live as long as possible.

Thank you all!

xoxo Meg

07-26-2013, 09:09 PM
Hi Meghan:
I believe my Tipper has had episodes of this. She tilts her head down and to the right, and her tail goes a million miles an hour, she starts circling, and sometimes falls down. She has had maybe 8 episodes, she had one about a week and a half ago. At first I thought she was having a seizure, and then I saw a dog on YouTube that had this, it was doing the exact same thing she does. I try to get close to her, and make sure she does not fall and get hurt when she does this. I am sorry you are experiencing all these problems with your beloved dog. It is the most terrible thing to watch the physical changes in your dog from all this. I am sad and want to cry every time I look at my girl too. I always have flash backs of her when she was so strong and muscular. She is just a shadow of herself. This disease robs you of your baby little by little each day, it is hard to get thru this at times. I hope you and you baby get thru all this, and that it all turns out better. Blessings
How old is Tipper? :(

07-26-2013, 09:43 PM
I'm so happy to read that your dog's episode of ivb has gone away!! You must have been so relieved. I have no experience with it but a Scottie in our building had it, it went away, and he did not get it again. I hope Abby does not get a recurrence either.


molly muffin
07-26-2013, 10:07 PM
I'm not sure about IVB coming back or not. That is great though that she is doing so much better now. Some dogs never seem to lose the head tilt, so that right there is better than some do. :)

You'll always worry though because that is the nature of us poor humans. We adopt them, we love them and then we spend the next many years worrying about that. :)

You're doing good. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-09-2013, 04:41 AM
It has been 2 years since the Cushing's diagnosis. We have Abby on Vetoryl Capsules (10mg), Previcox, and Dasquin w/ MSM for Large Canines daily. We walk her, feed her properly, and give her as much love as possible. I’m devastated to report, however, that I think we are reaching the end. With each day, Abby loses more weight and sheds more hair. She drinks more and more and pants almost uncontrollably. She is barking all night, at the top of her lungs, for no reason at all. I wake up to let her outside, but she doesn't go. She just smells the air and looks at me, wagging her tail. I don't know what she wants. I don't know how to help her. Is she in pain? Does she want attention and love? What can I do to help my little girl?

On a recent visit to the groomer, she had a disastrous fall as she tried to jump out of the car. Abby doesn’t realize how old she is. She thinks she can jump like she did as a toddler, and run the hills of our neighborhood like she used to. This time, however, she leapt from the car and fell on her bad leg. She crumbled, on all fours, struggling to get up. It broke my heart and I sobbed the whole ride home. Later, when she returned from the groomer, her hair was cut too short, nearly buzzed, exposing her tiny body, bones, and significant weight/hair loss. The pot belly is unmistakable. So much muscle mass gone. It's scary to see her like this. In addition, she has had trouble with her back leg. She’s always had a bit of arthritis in it, but now she seems to have acute pain and trouble walking on it. For the past two days, shes been limping and not putting much weight on it. She begged me to take her for a walk (yelping at the top of her lungs and grabbing her leash for me), but I had to carry her home became her back leg began to drag.

I love this dog more than anything in the world. I would do anything to take her place and get rid of her pain. I just don’t know what to do at this point. She looks thin, but she is constantly eating and begging for food. Shes still incredibly affectionate and loving, constantly wanting exercise and to be walked, and doesn't seem to be suffering (except for the leg). Do you think its an acute injury that will heal in time? Or is this the end of the road for us? Her symptoms seem to be back in full force and I feel powerless to stop it. All I want is for her to be happy. Her quality of life is my sole focus.

Budsters Mom
08-09-2013, 05:09 AM
Hello and welcome :)
You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. We will do all we can to help, but be ready for lots of questions! Others will be dropping in to welcome you also. So again, welcome to you and Abby

I recently lost my beloved Buddy a little over a month ago, so I feel I can answer your question. Buddy let me know when it was time and I just knew. He looked at me with pleading eyes asking me to help him. You seem very tuned in to Abby. She will let you know when it's time for her to join our other fur baby angels at the rainbow bridge. She will communicate her wishes/needs to you. You will know when it's time. Hugs,

Budsters Mom
08-09-2013, 05:20 AM
I just noticed that I have already welcomed you on another thread and got a little confused. Someone will be coming along to merge your threads, so we have all of Abby's information together. It's much easier to follow that way.:) It is obvious that you are crazy about Abby. We feel exactly the same about our fur babies. I hope I helped you out with your question and others will be responding also, I'm sure. No one wants to think about our babies ever moving on. I do know how you are feeling right now. We all understand.

08-09-2013, 07:53 AM
It sounds as though Abby has a whole host of problems that are so sadly weighing on your mind and heart, including this new leg injury. But from what you are describing, I have to wonder whether Abby's Cushing's is being adequately controlled by the single 10 mg. capsule of Vetoryl. The only way to know for certain is by performing a monitoring ACTH blood test. Can you tell us when she was last tested and what those results were? Also, how about any other recent labwork that would reveal any other abnormalities or imbalances? I think that is the place where I would start -- to first see if there is any obvious signal of a treatable problem.


(And just as Kathy suggested, I have merged your threads so that we have all of Abby's history in one place. ;))

Squirt's Mom
08-09-2013, 09:03 AM
Hi Meg,

I'm with Marianne - this sounds like the cortisol control may have been lost on the current dose and she needs an increase - certainly worth checking out asap if an ACTH hasn't been done very recently, sweetie. ;)

Cush pups are prone to ligament ruptures so the leg could be an ACL rupture or some such. Rest and restricted activity will help as much as anything right now, surgery could repair it. You would need to have the leg looked at to be sure but that is my guess.

The barking and restlessness sounds a bit like a cognitive issue. As our babies age, they can start to act a bit like a human with Alzheimer's, in particular the "sun down syndrome" in which they are more active and confused during the night. There are meds that can help with these conditions so I would ask the vet about this possibility as well. My Squirt does things like that at times but she's 15 so I try to take it in stride...and cry in the bathtub. ;)

You know your sweet Abby better than anyone else and I have no doubt you will do whatever is in your power to help her all you can. I want you to know that no matter what, we are by your side always. We are here to help, to listen, to hold your hand, to laugh and cry with you.

Leslie and the gang

08-09-2013, 09:07 AM
Tipper will be 12 on October 4th God willing. She had 2 episodes of this in the last 3 weeks. I held her for the one, and she was still trying to go in circles as I held her tight. It was like she could not stop her body from doing it. The head tilted down and to the right is the first signal to me that she is going to go into an episode. I am glad to hear your baby is doing better. Tipper never started this until she got Cushings, which I did read can bring this on. I will post later to you as I have to get ready and take TIpper to the vets and pick up test results. Blessings

08-09-2013, 04:05 PM
You are all so wonderful. This is such a hard time.

Her last blood tests were all normal! We had her ACTH tested (for alot of money) and the doctor said they were "normal for a geriatric dog with Cushings" It's so frustrating because I really feel like her symptoms are worse than ever. I had no idea that pups with Cush were prone to ligament tears. Should I take her to the vet and ask him to check it out? I can't watch her suffer.

And I'm so sorry to hear about Buddy. I know you are probably in so much pain. My heart bleeds for all our lost angels. I'm very tuned into Abby just
as you were, so I think you're right. And thank you for making me feel so much better about it. She'll let me know. Right now she seems so happy and loving. She wants to be normal so badly. I couldn't imagine losing her.

And thank you for merging my posts! I'm so new..
I know nothing. Could you guys share a little information about the medications and supplements you have your dogs taking to control their disease?

08-09-2013, 04:15 PM
Also: I just added a few photos of Abby after her visit to the groomer. They are the images of her in the purple bandana. Hopefully you can see the significant weight loss and leg injury.

Squirt's Mom
08-09-2013, 05:02 PM
Would you mind getting the actual test results and posting them here? Too often we have seen vets say the results were "normal" only to find out via the numbers the vet didn't know how to read them for a treated cush pup. They are not read the same as for a non-cush or non-treated pup. ;)

molly muffin
08-09-2013, 08:06 PM
I think that the close haircuts always makes them look smaller and boney and not as great as when they have a bit of hair growing out. I've had a couple cuts on molly where it was just too short and one where they cut her tail hair, which made her look ridiculous and poor thing, it tickled her bum, so every time she'd walk, she'd get tickled and jump around to try and get it. Attack the tail!
I still think she looks pretty good and she probably needs some tramadol for pain if it is a muscle pull or something. If it continues, then take her to the vet and make sure it isn't a tear. Limit her activity is first and foremost to take care of these leg issues. That gives it time to heal with limited mobility.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-10-2013, 10:24 AM
I just looked at all your photos and posted comments on them. You doggie reminds me of my Tipper. I can see the same body type. Unfortunately this is what this disease does to them. My Tipper was all muscle and built like a tank, then this happened. It wastes away their muscle and redistributes their fat if they have any left. My Tipper is just a shadow of herself now. Keep watching your baby closely. Do not let her jump up and down on step couches etc. Give her leg a chance to heal. Fortunately I learned early on what this can do to ligaments in these dogs. I carry Tipper up and down the steps much to her dismay. She does not want help with anything. You can't stop them from jumping down from everything, but try your best. I hope your baby does well and continues improvement on that leg. Blessings

08-10-2013, 10:26 AM
I forgot, please post the numbers from the tests. Keep a daily doggie diary, and keep copies and post of all tests as that will help everyone to help you. Vets are not always knowledgeable about Cushings numbers etc. You can trust the experience of this forum. I would be lost with out everyone on here. Blessings

09-10-2013, 02:02 AM
Hi ladies,

Ive posted a few times about my 14 year old dog, Abby, who has Cushing's Disease, Adrenal Cortical Cancer, and recently suffered a serious episode of Vestibular Disease (Old Dog Vertigo).

Tonight, we are having major problems and Im on the brink of a panic attack.
First, I felt a new lump located right above her hind leg. It must be new because i have not noticed it before. Abby has another lump on her right front leg, but the doctor said it was a fatty tumor.

Second, her head is tilted to the side again, ever so slightly. I'm terrified this means a vestibular episode is coming. She is panting (very heavily), her heartrate is elevated, and shes pacing around the house. I believe she is in severe pain.
She is constipated as well. I let her outside and she lost her balance and fell over. She tried to crouch down and it seemed too painful to her. When I pulled a piece of dried feces off her bum that I saw dangling, she yelped very loud and seemed to cry in pain. After this happened, she began limping a bit, with her bum (back area) tucked in. I looked for her pain medicine and cannot find it anywhere. She is following me around, panting and staring at me for help.

Please, can anyone tell me what to do? How can I help her?

Does this mean she is about to have another episode of old dog vertigo?

I don't know how much more I can take, my heart is breaking.

09-10-2013, 03:47 AM
Please take her to the emergency vet immediately! You need to rule it out and find out what is causing her pain.

09-10-2013, 04:05 AM
My parents will not let me. We have spent thousands on her and they said to wait it out and see how she is in the morning.

Abby is wandering around the house, very restless, and still panting. Her tail is wagging, so thats a good sign. But she still seems in pain, like she cannot get comfortable. Perhaps it is the "Sun Down Syndrome"... but I am very worried and cannot sleep over her. The head is still tilted down and to the right.... a vestibular episode is coming, right? :(

09-10-2013, 04:56 AM
If you can keep her comfortable for the rest of the night I would think it would be ok to take her to the vets first thing in the morning. It is hard to know which problem is causing her the most trouble. She could be constipated because her legs hurt too much to squat down so she is holding it or it could be the constipation that is actually making her uncomfortable. If the new lump has come up suddenly then it definately needs to be checked out at the vets. Older dogs do get a lot of fatty lumps but I think they usually grow slower.
If Abby is starting another vestibular episode then you need to try to keep her settled and hopefully it will just last a few days and go like it did before. It is good that she is wagging her tail but she does need to see a vet soon. Brin's vestibular episode was years ago but he still falls over now and finds it hard to get down sometimes and it is hard to tell whether it is neurological or pain from arthritis.
I hope you can convince your parents to get her to the vets in the morning. Let us know how what they say.

Squirt's Mom
09-10-2013, 08:03 AM
How is Abby this morning? I hope she was able to settle down and that your parents will allow her to get some help today. Perhaps if they understood how important Abby is to you, they would be more compassionate and willing to get her help. Do you have your own income? Is there something you are willing to sacrifice in exchange for them to pay for her care?

It would help us a GREAT deal if you would get copies of the testing done, especially the recent ACTHs. As I said in an earlier post, we have seen many times here that a vet didn't know how to interpret the test for a pup on treatment so seeing those numbers is a huge help to us.....and to you.

I hope you both were able to get some rest and are feeling much better this morning.
Leslie and the gang

09-10-2013, 09:54 AM
I do believe she is going to have another vestibular episode. That is what my Tipper does when she starts into one. Is there anything you can possibly list for sale to get enough money to take her to the vet? Any jewelry or anything of value you could sell? Maybe she has some arthritis in her rear area and that pulling was just enough to get it hurting? Can you call around and see if you can find a compassionate vet to see her and let you make payments? Sometimes it takes a while for these vestibular things to go away, such as the head tilt. I read somewhere, sometimes they do not resolve. I know it is scary to see your poor baby like this. Could you so some work for the neighbors to earn some money? Would you consider going to a website called fund me? You can ask people to help pay your dogs bills? They put it up online. I hate to suggest this but is there some way of embarrassing your parents into helping her?? I don't know what else to suggest. Do you have any income of your own? I pray things get better for you both. Blessings

molly muffin
09-10-2013, 10:18 PM
Checking in to see how Abby is today. What did the vet say about the bump? Molly had hers come up so that I noticed it rather fast in my mind, but the vet did aspiration and they were fatty tumors and nothing to worry about unless they grow so as to make them uncomfortable.

I'm most worried about her being in pain which could be from either of the things that Spiceysmum mentioned. Or could be something else. I hope the vet was able to figure it out.

I'm so sorry sweetie, it is terrible to see them in pain and not know how to fix it immediately. Just breaks your heart. Those big eyes will do us in every time.

I hope today is better for you and for Abby.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-10-2013, 11:04 PM
Meg Elizabeth I can just hear the panic in your words and my heart breaks for you and Abby. Your precious baby is 14 years old and sounds like she has quite a few health problems and sometimes you just can't fix everything as much as you really want to. You need to make her as comfortable as you can right now. From what you describe Abby sounds like she's in pain and needs pain medicine if you have some for her and it also sounds like she has dementia as someone else already mentioned. "Sundowning" can be a big problem with dogs who have dementia. They bark at the air, they pace, they get up and down, sometimes they don't know where they are. Very sad to watch. I had a dog that suffered from this and we finally made the decision to set him free. Only you and your family know how uncomfortable Abby really is. I hope you are able to get her to the vet for some help. Hugs to you and Abby

09-11-2013, 12:46 AM
Meg, how are things today?

09-11-2013, 03:36 AM
Hi Meg,
How is Abby today? I hope the fact that we haven't heard from you doesn't mean that she is worse. Did you manage to get to the vets?
Let us know when you are able.

09-11-2013, 09:33 AM
I thought about you and sweet Abby all nite when I could not sleep. I am hoping she is better today. Since we have not heard anything from you naturally we are concerned. My heart goes out to you and your baby. I hope you can find a way to get her to a vet. If you explain the situation that your parents won't help you maybe the vet would have some empathy and help you? Maybe he would let you make payments, at least then you could find out what is wrong and make a plan from there. There is definitely some pain issues Abby is dealing with. Pleas let us know what you are going to do as we are concerned for you both. Blessings

09-16-2013, 10:10 AM
Hi. I just wanted to jump in here and mention that some of the symptoms you mention (falling over on one side, panting, extreme pain - he would yelp when anyone tried to touch him, etc) are the same ones that Dudley had when he had a herniated disc in the cervical area. Dudley has also had IVD, but the symptoms with that are the head tilts and circling. When Dudley had that herniated disc he was in so much pain that he wouldn't eat and he lives to eat. He would hide anywhere he could. He would fall over on his right side and couldn't get up.

Sometimes disc problems can be diagnosed with x-ray, however that won't tell you if it is "active." A CT scan can do that. (Maybe an MRI too but we don't have one of those anywhere nearby.) Dudley was given morphine patches and valium (suppositories) to help with the pain. We kept him on strict crate rest - only outside to do business and then immediately back in. I hand fed him for weeks on end and lifted his water bowl for him so he didn't have to get up. After two weeks of the meds and crate rest, he was able to walk again and didn't have pain. It took another month before he was really himself again.

I can see it's been several days since you last posted. I hope you were able to find a way to get Abby treated. Many vets will be sympathetic and let you run a tab until you can pay for the services. You could always ask if you could work off the bill by cleaning kennels, walking dogs, cleaning litter boxes there, etc.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and Abby.

10-24-2013, 03:49 AM
Hi guys, I need some help. I think Abby is having trouble breathing. Something is not right. She is functioning quite normally and her breathing is normal, but every 10 minutes or so, she seems to cough or choke on something. She keeps going to the water bowl and pacing around. Then the cough happens. Has anyone experienced anything like this?

10-24-2013, 03:51 AM
Hi. I just wanted to jump in here and mention that some of the symptoms you mention (falling over on one side, panting, extreme pain - he would yelp when anyone tried to touch him, etc) are the same ones that Dudley had when he had a herniated disc in the cervical area. Dudley has also had IVD, but the symptoms with that are the head tilts and circling. When Dudley had that herniated disc he was in so much pain that he wouldn't eat and he lives to eat. He would hide anywhere he could. He would fall over on his right side and couldn't get up.

Sometimes disc problems can be diagnosed with x-ray, however that won't tell you if it is "active." A CT scan can do that. (Maybe an MRI too but we don't have one of those anywhere nearby.) Dudley was given morphine patches and valium (suppositories) to help with the pain. We kept him on strict crate rest - only outside to do business and then immediately back in. I hand fed him for weeks on end and lifted his water bowl for him so he didn't have to get up. After two weeks of the meds and crate rest, he was able to walk again and didn't have pain. It took another month before he was really himself again.

I can see it's been several days since you last posted. I hope you were able to find a way to get Abby treated. Many vets will be sympathetic and let you run a tab until you can pay for the services. You could always ask if you could work off the bill by cleaning kennels, walking dogs, cleaning litter boxes there, etc.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and Abby.

Thank you very much. I've been doing all I can. Im completely consumed and overwhelmed with helping her in any way I can :(

10-24-2013, 08:34 AM
Sometimes dogs with heart problems cough. My Tipper developed a heart murmur from the Cushings, and they said it would affect her 3-5 years down the road. They asked me if she coughed. Maybe your baby is further into it that Tipper is. The trouble breathing can also be a sign of heart problems, among other things. Tipper has had breathing problems form the get go with this disease, so I am not sure what to tell you on this. I pray all goes well for you and your baby, but this does not sound good to me. Blessings

molly muffin
10-24-2013, 09:26 AM
You know when something isn't right. I would take her in and have the vet check her out. Always better to go in if any doubt at all about what is going on.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

10-26-2013, 02:07 AM
Lots of loving thoughts and hugs for you and Abby.

molly muffin
10-26-2013, 02:22 AM
How is Abby today? Did you take her in to the vet? Hope things are much better today. Let us know when you can.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

10-26-2013, 09:07 AM
Just checking to see if you went to the vet, and how your baby is doing this morning. I hope and pray all is well for you both. Blessings

11-03-2013, 05:50 PM
Hi guys, I post from time to time about my sweet Abby. 14 year old with cushings, severe arthritis, and some vestibular issues.

I'm concerned because she has started trembling and shaking from time to time. It happens when she is standing or sitting or laying. It
seems she has no control over it.

Is this common in Cushings Dogs?
Is it because she is old?

I read online that it can be a neurological disorder, infection, kidney disease. I'm terrified and caring for her alone.
Anyone have experience with this?

11-04-2013, 05:04 AM
Hi Meghan,
Sorry to hear that Abby is having more problems. Shaking and trembling can sometimes happen when they are in pain. Brin very occasionally trembles in his head and I never know whether it is from arthritis pain or is neurological. It doesn't last long. Has Abby still got the cough? Is she on any pain medication for her arthritis? Hope you get some answers to all of her problems soon.

11-04-2013, 08:30 AM
Hi Meg:
Good to hear from you again, I have often wondered how your Abby was doing. It could be from pain, do you have any pain medication to give her for Arthritis? That's the problem, you just don't know what is causing it. I am so sorry for your situation, and will pray for you and Abby. I know you love her and I hope you can still maybe get her some kind of help. Blessings

11-04-2013, 08:45 AM
My own Cushpup suffered from intermittent involuntary tremoring episodes across his shoulder blades that made him look as though he was shivering. For him, the episodes happened most often when he was sitting down or at rest -- even when he was sleeping. Sometimes he would jerk himself awake, they were that severe. They began before he started trilostane treatment, worsened significantly when he first started the drug, and then ended up stopping entirely a few months down the road.

We never did figure out what caused them. Through the years, we have had other members here who reported similar issues with their dogs, both using trilostane and Lysodren (and also dogs not yet being treated at all). I've always wondered whether such tremors just somehow relate to rapidly changing cortisol levels. But the good news is that they didn't really seem to bother my dog at all -- it was ME that was going crazy trying to figure them out. :o


11-04-2013, 09:58 AM
Like Marianne said Tipper started this jerking and tremors, but only after being put on the Vetoryl for Cushings. She never did it before and still does it sometimes her whole rib cage is twitching and her legs fly up in the air. Some have said it is a side effect of the Vetoryl, but Abby is not being treated right? Blessings

11-04-2013, 03:42 PM
Oh my goodness, thank you so so much for the feedback. I feel much better! Your stories give me so much comfort and relief. It's nice to not have to go through this alone.

Abby is on Vetoryl (Trilostane) 10mg and has been for almost a year. I don't believe the dose is efficient, but the vet says its based on weight and refuses to change it. For the arthritic pain, we give her Previcox 1/4 tablet (227mg) and also Glucosamine daily. She still has pain in her back legs and sometimes limps, but shockingly, I've noticed her legs function better after I take her for a quick 10-15 minute walk. Its heartbreaking watching her try to lay down or stand up when shes in pain.

Thankfully, she is no longer coughing. It only lasted two days. Still not sure what caused it. Her trembling and shaking really scare me, but i'm hopeful that it is just a side effect of the Cushing's medicine. The reason I believe it's not pain causing it is because her little tail still wags while its happening Whenever Abby sees me or anyone in our family her little tail goes crazy. It's her trademark sign of happiness :)

Does anyone have any recommendations in terms of vitamins or supplements? I've been researching it online, but I'm not sure what to trust.

Squirt's Mom
11-04-2013, 04:02 PM
Abby is on Vetoryl (Trilostane) 10mg and has been for almost a year. I don't believe the dose is efficient, but the vet says its based on weight and refuses to change it.

This is tad concerning to me. The starting dose is based on weight, yes, BUT subsequent dosing is based on the ACTH results and signs, NOT weight.

When was the last time Abby had an ACTH?

What were the actual results?

What did the vet do / say when you took Abby in recently?

Harley PoMMom
11-04-2013, 04:07 PM
Oh my goodness, thank you so so much for the feedback. I feel much better! Your stories give me so much comfort and relief. It's nice to not have to go through this alone.

Please know you are never alone, we are always here for you and sweet Abby. ;)

Abby is on Vetoryl (Trilostane) 10mg and has been for almost a year. I don't believe the dose is efficient, but the vet says its based on weight and refuses to change it.

The initial starting dose of Vetoryl is based on a dog's weight. After treatment has begun a dosage adjustment is determined from the results of an ACTH stimulation test AND if the Cushing's symptoms have abated along with how the dog is feeling.

Does anyone have any recommendations in terms of vitamins or supplements? I've been researching it online, but I'm not sure what to trust.

I would suggest either Wild salmon oil or krill oil because they are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Hugs, Lori

11-04-2013, 05:32 PM
If you look back at my posts you can see all the supplements I give Tipper that are all listed. I am glad you are treating Abby, but my concern is it is not enough. She is a pretty big dog, I don't remember her weight off hand, and she is only on 10mg. That would be like for a 10lb dog. It could be some of her trouble is muscle wasting because her dose is still too low. If it were my dog I would take her for and ACTH test. Feed her before the test no matter what the vet tells you. The test must be finished within 4- 6 hours after starting it. If you do this and give us the results we can tell you what needs to be done with her dosage. I would imagine she may need up to 30mg- just guessing as I have no weight. I would get that straight first , then worry about supplements. Treating the disease halfway just will not work, it must control the cortisol to stop damage to your dog. You did great getting treatment for her, as I know you could not do it before. When you get that straightened out then I would take care of the supplements. You may be seeing the tremors etc. from the Vetoryl as I said Tipper does it really bad at nite, and wags her tail too. I am glad you came back for help, I missed you and know you love Abby. We will help you any way we can, but please get her the ACTH test. If your vet thinks 10mg is enough he is not experienced with Cushings, and everyone on here is. I don't want anything to happen to your dear Abby. Do not put blind faith in anyone including this vet. You can trust the experience of this forum, I give you my word on that. Blessings

molly muffin
11-04-2013, 07:15 PM
Hi Meg, Molly is on a liver support supplement, Heppto support, in the states, I think it is called Denamarin (?). I think a good oil supplement that Lori mentioned could be worth while to look into.
yes, current dosage should be based on ACTH testing. If you want, you can call Dechra and they will start a file on Abby, give you a case number and your vet or you can call and talk to them at any point. This is a great option for those of you who live in the US and costs nothing. DECHRA 913-327-0015 Not sure if they have a toll free number or not.

This is the link to the list that Patti put together for what she gives Tipper:

You are never alone. You have All of us :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-05-2013, 09:40 AM
I just hope we have helped you concerning your sweet Abby. I am glad Sharlene got you linked up with the supplements I give Tipper. I put a lot of research into what I give her. I have now added Tumeric to her food, you can buy it in the spice isle in the grocery store. It is to reduce inflammation. Hope you can get Abby feeling better so it is easier for her to move about. Blessings

11-08-2013, 02:44 PM
Please, please keep us in your prayers. I woke up today and found Abby downstairs walking in circles, running into walls, falling over. I took her outside and she vomited four times.
Now her eyes are darting back and forth uncontrollably. I can't stop sobbing. She doesn't deserve this

Squirt's Mom
11-08-2013, 02:53 PM
Oh, bless her heart and yours, too. I can only imagine how scary this is for the both of you. I've never witnessed this condition but it must be awful to see. :( I know she is in the best of hands with her loving mom tho. Prayers and healing energies for you both coming your way.

Leslie and the gang

PS. I merged this post with Abby's original thread so all her story is in one place. ;)

11-08-2013, 03:41 PM
Sorry to hear Abby is having another vestibular episode. It is very frightening to watch. Just try to keep her still and calm and I am hoping and praying she will recover from it quickly.

11-08-2013, 03:51 PM
Ladies is it time to put her down? :(

11-08-2013, 03:57 PM
Only you and your vet can make that decision but I think you can wait a while to see if she recovers as she did last time. I am always thinking I will have to make that decision for Brin and then he recovers and surprises us all. I am sure you will know when the time is right. Prayers for you both. Linda x

Squirt's Mom
11-08-2013, 04:42 PM
You know Abby better than anyone and we trust your judgement as does Abby. I'm with Linda and would want to give her time to recover if she can. I believe you will know if she can't and will make "the decision" when the time is right.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
11-08-2013, 04:44 PM
Oh sweetie. So sorry that Abby had an episode. How is she doing now? Has she recovered from it? Only you see how she is doing and know if she is coming out of it. I know your heart is breaking.
Sending you huge hugs and healing energy.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Budsters Mom
11-08-2013, 04:56 PM
You will know without a doubt when the time is right. Abby will convey that message very plainly to you. Take the clue from her.

My Buddy crossed over a little over 4 months ago. I was always told that I would know when he was ready. I could read it in his eyes very plainly. It was a pleading look begging me to help him.

Meghan, you love Abby so much and are in tune with her every step. Please don't worry about the right time release. You won't have to watch for it. You will just know. Xxxxx

11-08-2013, 06:41 PM
I am so sorry that Abby had this spell. How is she now? Honey just love Abby as much as you can, and spend as much time with her as possible. You will know when it is time, Abby will let you know. I am so sorry you are going thru this, please take care. Blessings

11-12-2013, 11:54 PM
Thank you for your condolences. They mean so much. Abby is not doing well. She's 14 years old and for the first time, really showing it. The vestibular episode is still crippling her. She can move around a bit but the headtilt, moving eyes, and circle walking are back. The good news is she's drinking and eating. But I really think the end is near for us. I can't let her suffer thru this again, it would be inhumane. Many family members are encouraging us to put her down... Maybe they're right.

Budsters Mom
11-13-2013, 12:35 AM
I just answered your PM. This is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do in your entire lifetime. None of us are ever ready to let our babies go. This is not about you. This is about what is best for Abby. You have always taken care of her the best that you are able and she loves you for that. I trust you to do what's right for her when the time arrives. You will know when that is. Abby will convey that message to you. Xxxxx

11-13-2013, 01:25 AM
You'll know Meg and Abby knows how much you love her. God bless you both. I have been in the same place multiple times and while it doesn't get any easier, I have no doubt that I did what was best for my beloved companions. HUGS.

11-13-2013, 02:31 AM
Thank you both so much. I noticed some dried blood in her ear. Its blackish in color. Do i need to take her to the emergency vet? Could she lose hearing?

11-13-2013, 04:50 AM
Meg, could she have scratched her ear or bumped into something during the episode? If it's dried, it's been there for a little while I think.

Is she still eating and drinking? If you're unsure or she seems to be getting worse, I would certainly give them a call and see what they think.

Keeping you and Abby in our prayers. Hugs.

11-13-2013, 05:08 AM
That was my thought too, maybe she has scratched it to make it bleed. But I think in her case it would be worth getting it checked out so they can see exactly where it is coming from, could she have an infection in there that has burst ear drum and its a bit oozy, that could certainly account for her current symptoms. x

11-13-2013, 06:23 AM
I didn't think of the ear drum! And she has been shaking her head and scratching it all day. An inner ear problem would explain the recent vestibular episodes. They've been on and off for a few days, but today it got terribly worse.

She is eating again. I just got her to eat her favorite: Cheetos. She's drinking lots of water and I just carried her outside to pee in the snow (I'm amazed she was able to hold it!) and carried her back in. I dried her off and gave her some love. I need to see the vet tomorrow for antibiotics or something. She can't live like this.

11-13-2013, 06:30 AM
Good, I am glad you are going to the vets, they will be able to look at her ear drum and see if it is OK. She might need pain meds too, as I imagine that would be pretty sore if it was that.

I had an attack of that vestibular vertigo last year sometime, I do remember the Dr telling me to go low on salt as that can upset things in the middle ear if you have too much. I just thought of that when you mentioned Cheetos, I am not totally sure what they are but if its a snack food thing it might be high in salt. Just thinking of anything that may help her but if she is struggling to eat I bet you are glad to get anything at all into her! Hope she is feeling better after getting some meds from the vet and eats a little more, keep giving her all that love as I think that is the best medicine of all x

11-13-2013, 06:39 AM
Hi... just catching up with everything on the forum as I've been away. Sometimes our pups have bad episodes and then things return to almost normal. I was going to put my dog down in July and here it is November and he's hanging in. He's a lot better then he was but he will never be the little rip he was.
Only you know what is best for your baby. I wish you luck and many hugs as you make the decisions only you know is best.
Hopefully the vet can get this under control and there is much more time to enjoy your Abby.

11-13-2013, 12:54 PM
I am so sorry to hear of Abby's ear problem. I know sometimes Tipper tries to scratch hers, from the Vestibular disease it may make a funny sensation in their inner ear and they try to scratch it. I would definitely have it checked to see if her eardrum is ruptured, especially since she is acting so funny. hang in there dear Meg I know it is hard, but Abby needs you more now than ever. I pray all goes well for you both. Let us know what the vet says. Blessings

11-13-2013, 06:25 PM
I've been massaging Abby's neck muscles all morning, took her to the vet and got her some ear drops and antibiotics. The vet said she looks happy and still full of life! He said this is an ear infection and a vestibular issue.. She will get through it.! I added a few pics from our way home! Thank u all for the continued love. I hope she makes it

11-13-2013, 06:50 PM
I looked at and commented on all the cute pictures. This is a wonderful, beautiful, loyal girl she deserves to be treated special. I can see why you love her so much. God Bless You Both

molly muffin
11-13-2013, 06:56 PM
She is adorable! Okay, ear infection, and another episode, this is all doable. She will get better. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-14-2013, 01:08 AM
Meg, you got your answer dear and the vet confirmed it :)

I'm so happy for you and Abby! Infections are curable and the vestibular episode will subside. I'm sure that the two conditions combined are wreaking havoc on Abby's equilibrium.

Part of me was afraid to read your post today. I'm glad to know that we were right about the ear issue :)

11-14-2013, 03:58 AM
Hi Meghan,
Really pleased that Abby has been to the vets and that she has got some antibiotics. It is surprising how ill they can be sometimes but can still be treated and recover well. Glad you got some good news for a change!

Squirt's Mom
11-14-2013, 08:45 AM
Bless her heart! Ear infection and vestibular event. :( I can only imagine how dizzy and unbalanced she must feel.

11-14-2013, 09:13 AM
How is Abby today? I am glad that this was something fixable. No wonder poor Abby is not walking well, she is probably so off balance from this infection. Maybe she tried to scratch her ear cause it hurt. Blessings

11-14-2013, 11:11 PM
I looked at and commented on all the cute pictures. This is a wonderful, beautiful, loyal girl she deserves to be treated special. I can see why you love her so much. God Bless You Both

Thank you :)

11-14-2013, 11:15 PM
The ear infection and episode are doable... But I don't know if its humane. I'm watching her walk in circles and she can't get comfortable. It's so up and down with her. One minute she seems okay, but then she's tripping or throwing up. My parents are so annoyed and angry with me for caring so much. They said "we can't keep doing this." Do you guys ever feel so alone in this?

Budsters Mom
11-15-2013, 12:02 AM
Oh Meg, you are so young and Abby has been your constant companion for the majority of your life. Since you are only 23, your parents still have a large influence in your life. You are under a mountain of pressure. It is hard to push against parents who are annoyed and angry. You are being pushed to let sweet Abby go. We all understand why you care so much, because we care just as much about our own fur babies. Unfortunately, not everybody gets it. Your folks are probably worried about you and hate to see you so upset about Abby. I am so sorry that you are under so much added pressure. My family was begging me not to take Buddy, when I knew it was time. I had reverse pressure. I am more than twice your age and it was still difficult for me, so I can imagine how hard it is for you now. I am so sorry.:o:(

To answer your question about feeling alone. I was definitely alone with all of Buddy's ordeal. My savings grace was this forum. All I had to do was log onto the forum, then I wasn't alone anymore and I had people with me who understood. You are not alone either Meg. We are here and we will not leave you. Big hugs my sweet girl, I wish that I could hug you in person. Xxxx


molly muffin
11-15-2013, 12:29 AM
We all feel alone when we are scared and frightened for our furbabies and when those around us don't understand how and why we feel like we do, why we try so hard. An ear infection will clear up and the dizziness will decrease. The dizziness makes her feel like throwing up, so she does.
I don't think your vet would have told you, this would clear up, if he thought it wouldn't.
I do think that you will know, but it is something that you will just feel in your stomach as they say, when it is her time to pass. It's not an easy journey obviously.
You know that no matter what happens, or when, that we will support you.
Sharlene and Molly muffin

11-15-2013, 01:01 AM
Meg, go with the vet.

The next time you have an appointment with the vet, insist that one of your parents go with you so that they can hear everything for themselves. It might help for them to hear that the vet says that it's not Abby's time yet and they can understand what is making her throw up etc.

11-15-2013, 04:32 AM
Hello there, I notice you are online so I just wanted you to know you are not online alone.

It's very easy to feel isolated, like no one understands when your dog is poorly. We do all understand and we are here for you

Big hug

11-15-2013, 04:37 AM
Ditto, come chat with us if you like :) Mel is in the UK and me in New Zealand so we are pretty far flung and you will usually find someone here at odd hours!!

Budsters Mom
11-15-2013, 04:45 AM
Hi Meg,
I have to get up in a few hours so I need to crash now. Trish and Mel are great!:) They talked me through many rough nights. I'll check on you and sweet Abby tomorrow. xxxx

11-15-2013, 05:18 AM
Thank you all so much.

Squirt's Mom
11-15-2013, 09:23 AM
I'm so sorry you are under additional pressure from your folks. You might try explaining to them that Abby is your first child, just as you are their child. As such, you care for her just as they care for you, you want to do all you can to help her just as they would want to do all they could to help you. They may not be able to understand such a connection to an animal but it might help them have more compassion to know how you feel.

Feel alone? Oh my yes, for so many years I did. I can't tell you the number of times my family has told to me put Squirt down rather than let her have a surgery that would save her or spend so much money on testing and meds or sacrifice a vacation so she had money for her needs. If I tried to talk to my mom about Squirt her response was one of anger - "I don't want to hear about that blasted dog!" In her germophobic world, dogs were a walking petri dish full of the worlds most catastrophic diseases. :rolleyes::D Friends have gotten frustrated because I won't leave my babies to take a trip with them or when I cancel lunch plans because one of the babies isn't doing well. But you know what? I feel sorry for them. They don't have the ability to feel the depth of love we do for our babies and as such they miss out on oh so very much. To my dying breath, I will be grateful for the ability to love like we do.

And we never know what effect we may have on some of these folks - my brother has always been rough and gruff and oozing testosterone on the outside with a marshmallow heart few knew about. We lived with them for nearly 2 years not long ago and I went about quietly, for the most part quietly anyway :p, making the lives of their dogs better. We did get into a few yelling matches over things like the use of rat poison but he watched and he listened even tho he did his utmost to act as if he wasn't. They are both learning to read dog food packages and how to choose better feeds, their outside dog has a warm dry space to stay and fresh water as opposed to the pond, brother built a new shed for their horse and has changed how they care for him, too. Little things that mean so much to the animals in their care and they are seeing the love returned from them 10-fold as a result. So don't give up, don't change your thinking to fit with others, just keep doing what is natural for you - loving with all your being.

Leslie and the gang

11-15-2013, 09:37 AM
Please don't give in to the pressure to put sweet Abby down. When it is Abby's time you will know. I think Valerie mad a good point that maybe you should take one of your parents or both to your next vet visit. The pressure they are putting on you is not fair. Abby is your dog and they need to respect that. I know parents can be over bearing and try to make you do things, but it is not Abby's time, she will let you know when it is. I pray your parents wake up and realize what they are doing by causing you this pain. If I were you I would block everything else out, but Abby. Help her, and love her as much as you can while she is still here. It is a shame, but people sometimes do not realize what they are doing until it is too late. So don't give in to pressure, just love Abby and wait for her to let you know it is her time. I am sorry you face all this at such a young age, I pray for you and Abby. Blessings

11-15-2013, 09:39 AM
Oh Meg, I am so very sorry for the pain and anguish you are suffering. Your love for Abby shines through in every word you write, and I can only imagine how rough it is to watch her, and wait, and wonder what tomorrow will bring.

I've gone back to re-read your thread, and am reminded that some of the things that are affecting Abby now may indeed be transitory (like the ear infection), but other things cast more of a long-term cloud. First and foremost, she is an elderly girl whose body may be generally failing overall. Also, she has suffered a stroke (which apparently makes additional vestibular episodes more likely and may be additionally affecting her mobility and cognition in other ways). I don't believe we've ever discussed the specifics re: her Cushing's diagnosis, but I see you've written that she has "adrenal cortical cancer." Does this mean that the vet has actually determined that her Cushing's is caused by an adrenal tumor that is likely cancerous (as opposed to the more common pituitary tumors that are not cancerous?). The reason why I ask that question is because, if actual cancer is strongly suspected, that really changes Abby's life expectancy above and beyond her age alone.

From what you've written, it seems to me that you are really struggling to decide, for yourself, whether or not Abby's quality of life gives her enough good moments to offset the bad ones. And that decision is tearing your heart apart. I wish there was some way to make it easier for you. But it is because you love Abby so much that this hurts so much.

Here are some thoughts of mine. I do think that, for many people, they do feel as though they receive a sign or a signal from their dogs that it is time to let go. But I do not think that is true for everybody. It was not true for me. My sweet boy was having neurological problems and I don't think he was even fully aware of what was going on around him at the end. I was hoping for a signal, but I finally realized the decision had to be made by my husband and myself. We were the ones who had to judge whether there were too many bad moments and not enough good ones. Some people may have thought we took him in too soon. Others may have felt we waited too long. But we did what we thought was best for him, based on his losses and the changes in his behavior. Actually, in his case, we did end up at a crisis point that necessitated a decision -- he had stopped eating and drinking entirely. But had that not happened, I think we still would have arrived at the same decision because of the loss of the joy in his life. The decision would just have been made on a different day. :o

Normally I tell folks to consult with their vets about this. But I have to admit that I'm not sure I have a lot of confidence in your vet's overall assessment of Abby's quality of life. It does not sound as though her Cushing's has ever been controlled properly, and that is one thing that might have made things easier for her. Apparently Abby looked chipper to the vet on the day you took her in for her ear exam. But your vet is not living every moment of every day with Abby. At this stage of her life, I do believe you are the better judge of Abby's overall experience of pleasure vs. pain, and whether there are enough good moments to sustain her.

I do not say this to heap a greater burden on your shoulders. But instead I hope to try to ease one part of your torment: I don't believe you must rely on Abby to give you a sign. I do believe that you can trust your own judgement and this is a decision you will be able to make on her behalf. And not necessarily when your parents or friends tell you it's time (although it may be the case that their feedback can be helpful if they are genuinely seeing a signficiant degree of suffering or impairment with Abby). It is a decision for which you can do some prepartion, by showering Abby with love during every day you are together, and also strengthening yourself. I am so pleased to see that you are already doing that, by reaching out to us, your k9cushing's family, for thoughts and feedback.

So perhaps you can tell your friends and family that you understand why they are worried about Abby, and that you are worried, too. You are not ignoring what they are saying. But you will make the decision as to the day and the time. And that will be based on your eyes and your heart. It will be based on how you see Abby doing, and on your compassion for her. It may be the case that she has many days left. Or it may be the case that there are only a few. But trust yourself, Meg, to make the decision that is best for your girl.

In case it may help, here's a link to a resource page published by the University of Pennsylvania Vet School regarding end-of-life issues.


And we are here to walk alongside you every step of the way -- for days, and weeks, and months, and years. Please continue to talk to us and lean on us. We are here to support both you and your dear, sweet girl.


11-16-2013, 01:42 AM
Meg my heart breaks for you and I know it's painful watching your precious Abby in this condition. Marianne couldn't have worded it better. If you ask yourself one question I think you will come up with the answer. "Is Abby enjoying her life?" At the end of our pets lives sometimes they do not give us the clues we just have to make the decision on their behalf. I know it's really hard to do this but Abby is relying on you to take care of her at the end of her life just like you have taken care of her through her life. I will pray for a strong heart to get you through. Big hugs to you and Abby. I will send some names of books I have that might help.

11-16-2013, 09:25 AM
Just checking in to see how you and Abby are doing? Hope she is feeling better after taking the meds the vet gave her. Have you noticed any difference in her after she has been taking them? Just take it a day at a time, we are all here for you, you are not alone in this. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
11-16-2013, 09:27 AM
Popping in to see how you and Abby are doing this morning.
Leslie and the gang

11-17-2013, 02:05 AM
Meg, how are you and Abby doing?

11-17-2013, 07:53 AM
How is Abby doing? Hope the meds are helping her ear. Blessings

11-17-2013, 11:43 PM
Hi Meg. How are you and Abby? Just letting you know that you're in my thoughts and I hope that you're getting the clarity and peace that you so need right now. Here are a couple of books that helped me with my journey. "Cold noses at the pearly gates" by Gary Kurz and "Saying goodbye to your angel animals:Finding comfort after losing your pet" by Linda and Allen Anderson. Hugs.

11-18-2013, 12:26 PM
Hi Meg:
Concerned that we have not heard from you. Maybe it is just that Abby is getting better on the medicine?? I am praying for you both. Blessings

Budsters Mom
11-18-2013, 04:06 PM
Hi Meg,
Just hoping that you're okay. We're here for you and Abby. xxxx

11-18-2013, 05:51 PM
Girls I have good news! Abby made huge strides this weekend and is doing so much better! It really was just a vestibular episode. She's eating and drinking like normal, she's going up and down the stairs again, she's not puking, and she's not falling or tripping nearly as much!! Today she even brought me her leash and I took her for a quick walk :D I uploaded a picture just now.

Thank you for all your encouragement and support during this rough time. You are all so wonderful

Squirt's Mom
11-18-2013, 05:54 PM
OH my gosh! I am so happy to hear this and I know you are ecstatic! WOOHOO Abby! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

11-18-2013, 06:01 PM
Oh Meg, this is fantastic news!! :) :)

Please give your sweet girl a huge hug for all of us here! ;) :D


11-18-2013, 06:03 PM
Seeing this made me tear up. This is so wonderful I am so happy for you both. God has blessed Abby. She is a sweet and wonderful girl. Blessings

molly muffin
11-18-2013, 06:08 PM
Thank you so much for letting us know Meg. We just think Abby is adorable and want the very best possible for you and her.
So glad that she is doing better.
Way to go Abby!
sharlene and molly muffin

11-18-2013, 06:15 PM
Thank you guys, I have tears in my eyes too! I am so so glad I found all of you wonderful ladies. :)

Budsters Mom
11-18-2013, 06:23 PM
AWESOME!!!!:D:p:) xxxx

11-18-2013, 11:15 PM
Meg I just read your news and I am so happy that Abby pulled through and is doing well. Hugs and good health to you and Abby
This is great news!!!!!

11-19-2013, 02:19 AM
Oh my God Meg!!!!
I was so afraid that something horrible was happening since you weren't responding.

I am ecstatic that it is quite the opposite! YIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEE!

11-19-2013, 02:49 AM
This is wonderful news Meg, so happy to read that Abby is doing better! Big hugs from me and Jasper. :)

11-19-2013, 03:37 AM
That is great news. I know this time last week you felt so desperate but it just goes to show how well our dogs can bounce back. Hope your parents are proud that you fought for Abby.

11-19-2013, 03:49 AM
Meg, I was so pleased to read she is starting to feel better.

Take care

11-19-2013, 11:16 AM
I'm taking it day by day, but she's doing so much better and I am overjoyed! This dog has been a better friend to me than most humans in my lifetime. That's why I love her so dearly. I'm sure you all understand :)

11-19-2013, 11:50 AM
I totally understand what you mean. Humans can disappoint you and hurt you badly, but the dogs are always giving unconditional love to us. Take care sweet Meg and love Abby and spend your time with her. Blessings

11-22-2013, 02:26 AM
Hi friends.. Abby is making choking/gagging/coughing sounds every few minutes and I have no idea what to do. Has anyone ever experienced this?

11-22-2013, 03:41 AM
How long has she been making these sounds for? If its just for a short while it might not be anything too serious, just that she needs to be sick or her throat feels irritated. If its been going on for a long while then, yes, she will need to go to the vets. I know you have a problem getting to the vets and paying for it yourself but I hope you can sort something out. Sorry you are having one problem as soon as another clears up.
Linda x

11-22-2013, 03:49 AM
Linda I just sent a message before reading this! I'm sorry!

The cough has been off and on for a few hours now. I called the emergency vet, and they were no help: "We can't assess her ailments without seeing her." I'm afraid it might be something stuck in her throat. However she's breathing and eating fine. Google search tells me it could be a "reverse cough" ... Here's hoping for the best :-/

11-22-2013, 04:12 AM
If she's breathing and eating fine then I would think it will be ok to see how she is in the morning and take her to the vets then if she doesn't get any better. Do I remember right that she had a coughing episode a few weeks ago that went away? I'll have to go back and read through your thread again. Glad to see you've logged off now, hope you are getting some sleep! Linda x

Squirt's Mom
11-22-2013, 07:59 AM
How is Abby this morning?

11-22-2013, 09:10 AM
If Abby is having a reverse cough that means she may have tracheal issues, they also do reverse sneezing when they have this as my Tipper does this. The other thing that comes to mind is the heart. Had any of the vets noticed a heart murmur or any heart problems while examining Abby? This would pretty much be most all of the time though from what I understand. What about your regular vet, can you take her in for him to check these things out? I am hoping this morning it has gone away. Blessings

11-22-2013, 04:08 PM
Patti, the vet checked her heart and ran all kinds of test a few weeks ago. He said she has a strong heart because of all the exercise we've given her through the years. I think you are right about the reverse sneeze/cough thing. My parents won't let me take her in to the vet but she's still doing it off and on today

Budsters Mom
11-22-2013, 04:33 PM
I am so sorry that all of this is so tough. :o It is not uncommon for our older fur babies to have multiple symptoms and problems as they age. It works the same way with people. Believe me, I have two seniors over 80 at home.:eek: Your folks are seeing Abby's decline with different eyes than yours. When we love them so much, it's sometimes hard to process what is right in front of our noses. Your folks love you so much and it probably pains them to see what all of this is doing to you. You are their baby after all. They obviously have their reasons for not allowing you to take Abby to the vet. All you really can do is try to make her as comfortable as possible and hope the coughing resolves itself. Please realize that it may not.

Sending you big hugs, healing energy and strength for what lies ahead. xxxxx

11-22-2013, 04:56 PM
If you think it is her trachea, when she does cough rub her throat gently underneath and see if she stops doing it. That is usually what I do with Tipper. God Bless you both, you are in a tough situation, and it makes me cry thinking of your pain. I hope things get better Meg, I truly will say a special prayer for your sweet Abby. Blessings

11-22-2013, 05:02 PM
Hi Meg

Just wanted to send you a virtual hug, I know this must be very tough.


11-23-2013, 09:58 AM
Hi Meg:
Hope Abby is doing well today and know that I am thinking of you. Blessings

11-26-2013, 09:08 AM
Hi Meg:
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and see how your beautiful Abby is doing? I pray all is well and you can celebrate the holiday with her. Blessings

11-27-2013, 09:09 AM
How is it going with Abby? I am hoping you can enjoy the holiday with her and your family. Love Abby and keep taking photos we love to see them. Blessings

11-28-2013, 09:46 AM
I just wanted to wish you and dear Abby a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy each other for the whole day. I am thankful you are still together with her. Blessings

molly muffin
11-28-2013, 07:34 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Meg Hoping Abby is doing well.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-03-2013, 05:27 AM
Hi friends, just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I hope you ladies had a wonderful holiday! I felt extra grateful this thanksgiving for finding such kind and compassionate friends who have been so good to me and my Abby these last few months. You are all such blessings and I hope you have a joyous holiday.


(Ill try to post as much as possible during finals but it will probably be impossible!)

12-03-2013, 05:30 AM
Ps: Abby is still struggling a bit but I'm trying to worry less and simply enjoy her love and company these last few months.

Squirt's Mom
12-03-2013, 08:31 AM
ahhh, sweetie, try not to think in terms of "these last months" tho I know how hard that can be. But I can tell you without hesitation that these babies are so very tough, they can take so much it blows my wee mind...then bounce back. I've got three OLD gimpy babies that just keep on trucking in spite of some pretty heavy health issues. They have their bad days, like their mom :D, but they have more good than bad and that's what counts. They are happy, with full bellies, and bathed in love every single day. That last part is the most important to all our babies - just being with us, those who love them to pieces is the very best medicine of all. You have the right of it tho when you say you are trying to worry less and enjoy her more - and that is tough at times, I know. At any given moment, Squirt, Brick, or Grace could get very bad very quickly and there will be little if anything I can do about it so it is the "now" that matters most of all. BTW, the "now" is where our babies always live. ;) If we could just learn more from them about how to face life, how much better we humans would be, huh? :)

You're doing a good job in a difficult position. Keep loving that girl and doing the best you can....Abby knows how much you love her.
Leslie and the gang

12-03-2013, 09:01 AM
I hope your holiday was good and I know you were thankful to have Abby celebrate it with you. I wish things did not have to be like this for you both. I know this is hard to cope with and you are doing well. Just love Abby for every second you have with her. I am doing the same, and know how hard this journey is. God Bless you and Abby.

Squirt's Mom
12-15-2013, 10:58 AM
How is our Abby girl doing? How are you doing? Ya'll are on my mind, hoping all is well with you both.

Leslie and the gang

12-15-2013, 08:37 PM
Thanks for checking in girls. Abby is doing okay for now, her head is still significantly tilted :( Just praying that she doesn't have another vestibular episode again. I couldn't handle it.

Best wishes xoxo

Abby & Meg

Budsters Mom
12-15-2013, 10:57 PM
Hi Meg,
You are handling a very tough situation very well. Abby is blessed to have you as her best friend. Way to hang in there. It is not easy, I know. Xxxx

molly muffin
12-16-2013, 12:48 AM
Hugs Meg. :) Hoping Abby doesn't have another episode either.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-16-2013, 09:56 AM
I am so happy to hear from you and know that you and Abby are together. Maybe the tilt with her head will go away with time. I pray she has no more episodes. Tipper had the worst episode ever a few days back. It scared me to death that it would not stop. It is a terrible thing to have to watch. Hope she continues to do well. Blessings

12-17-2013, 03:28 AM
HI Meg

Popping in to say and to send good wishes and hope all is going OK with you and Abby. Are you doing anything fun for Christmas? :)

Budsters Mom
01-04-2014, 11:59 PM
Hi Meg,
Just thinking of you and hoping that you and Abby are doing well. We'd love to hear from you. Xxxxx

01-05-2014, 05:13 AM
One day at a time Meg.
Sounds like Abby is hanging in there :-)

01-05-2014, 08:32 AM
Hi Meg:
I know first hand what you mean about Abby having another episode. I fear that every day with Tipper too. It is a very hard thing to witness. Glad you made it thru the holidays and have Abby with you. Enjoy and love her every moment you can. Happy New Year Meg and Abby. Blessings

01-16-2014, 11:58 PM

01-17-2014, 12:40 AM
My first boy, Barkley, wa successfully treated with lysodren for nearly 8 years. He passed at the age of 15 from causes unrelated to his Cushings. My 2nd boy, Harley, who was diagnosed at the age of 13, was successfully treated with lyso, also, for 2 1/2 years, Harley crossed the bridge at 15 1/2 from causes not related to his Cushings.

01-17-2014, 01:07 AM
there is no typical. Every case is unique but many pass on from causes unrelated to Cushings.

01-17-2014, 04:21 AM
Abby was running around the house and barking like a wild animal for a solid six hours tonight so I finally took her for a much-needed walk. I started school again and am living with post concussion migraines so i do the best i can...

It was pretty snowy and windy but she did fine for 20 minutes and then started limping terribly. I carried her home and now I'm afraid she's hurt because of me. Has anything like this happened to you guys?

01-17-2014, 04:59 AM
Might be the cold? Check her paws good to make sure that she didn't cut one on something.

01-17-2014, 05:08 AM
I didn't even think of that, thank you!

Im afraid the wind/snow made her sick and weak. I shouldn't have taken her. Ill die if this brings on another vestibular episode.

Ive read that weather conditions can affect our dog's ears and can trigger equilibrium problems and infection.

01-17-2014, 05:57 AM
Hey Meg

How does she seem now?

You doing ok, don't beat yourself up about this, little minx barking at you for that long clearly meant she wanted to get out and about.


01-17-2014, 06:08 AM
Hey Meg

How does she seem now?

You doing ok, don't beat yourself up about this, little minx barking at you for that long clearly meant she wanted to get out and about.


"Little minx" made me laugh out loud because she is such a little brat sometimes. Im a wreck, but Abby is hanging in there. Shes not sleeping. Shes laying in an uncomfortable position with her eyes open. Thank you for asking.

I try not to come on here and post because I know everyone else has much bigger problems and I know I'm neurotic about Abby (im sorry guys) but tonight scared me to a point where I needed to vent and my parents just don't care or understand. So thank you again.

01-17-2014, 06:12 AM
Don't be sorry. We are always here for you. Hoping she settles soon

Squirt's Mom
01-17-2014, 08:53 AM
MODERATOR NOTE: I have merged your post about ??? (post deleted after replies were posted) into Abby’s original thread. We like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!

Squirt's Mom
01-17-2014, 09:14 AM
I try not to come on here and post because I know everyone else has much bigger problems and I know I'm neurotic about Abby (im sorry guys) but tonight scared me to a point where I needed to vent and my parents just don't care or understand. So thank you again.

Now you listen here, young lady! That ^^^ will NOT do! :p We are not your parents. We do care a great deal about you and about Abby. We DO want to hear about your worries and concerns as well as the good times. And, trust me, we do understand the deep connection you share with Abby. If you want to call it "neurotic" that's fine....but bear in mind you are in the midst of a whole host of folk who feel just as you do about our babies...ya know, that "birds of a feather thing"? I freely admit to being extremely neurotic about my babies and I'm willing to bet many others here are as well. :D;) We consider that "normal"! ;)

When we don't hear from our members, we worry, really worry. It's hard to come to a thread that hasn't been active for a while and ask how things are going....because for all we know, things haven't gone well at all and we may hear something none of us ever want to hear. And by asking, we may be forcing the parent to face pain they are not ready to share. So it is scary when we don't hear from members for a while. (And when they keep posting then deleting the posts, that's scary, too! ;) What was so hard to share? :eek:)

So you have two families on opposite sides of the fence. One set there telling you to be quiet, they are tired of hearing about it. BUT the other set, HERE, is telling you to talk and talk a LOT. Your physical family there can get in your face and scream at you if they wish. Wellll....the next time you decide that you can't post because "it's too neurotic", imagine this crazy old broad in your face screaming, "POST IT! TALK TO US!" You can assign any image to my face you wish as long as it gets you typing! :p

We really, really, really want to hear from you, Meg. Truly we do. WE care. We care a whole lot.
Leslie and the gang

01-17-2014, 09:46 AM
"Ditto" to what Leslie just said, and also I love the new photos of Abby in the snow. They are magical! :)


Budsters Mom
01-17-2014, 10:39 AM
Yes Meg, I get much more worried when I don't hear from you! :eek:

We are all NEUROTIC! Even those who will NEVER admit it!;) So keep posting, ok? I didn't have anyone else either who understood. You have it particularly tough because you are young and your parents play an enormous role in your life. you are still dependent on them for many things. Just think of us as a bunch of NEUROTIC, LOVING AUNTIES! We care about you and Abby a great deal! xxxxx

Auntie Kathy:p

01-17-2014, 12:43 PM
Hi Meg:
Hope everything has settled down with Abby. Please let us know how she is doing as we all worry about both of you. Blessings

01-17-2014, 03:54 PM
We care Meg, we're all in this together, different situations of course.
I can't imagine how hard it is to deal with family members who don't care! That is awful!

Our pets are family members too. Each has a unique personality, just like humans do.
In fact, our pets treat us better than most humans.

Talk to us anytime. We have knowledge to share and when we don't know, we're still here to listen. Xo

01-17-2014, 04:01 PM
Well Meg, I hope you got the message loud and clear to come talk to us if anything is bothering you, even if its not and your just checking in that is good for us to see as we love to hear the pups are doing well!! Hope Abby's leg is feeling better, is it just one leg hurting? Good idea to check it out for a thorn or something you can easily deal too. Really good to hear she was barking and running out, must mean she is feeling pretty good!! x

01-20-2014, 12:47 AM
This is my first time on in a few days and I'm blown away by the responses. Thank you guys so much.

I actually started crying a little while reading your replies because i feel so lucky to have found this site and made such wonderful friends. You have no idea how much it means to find support and so many kind words of encouragement and compassion. The last few months have been hell for me and Abby, but you guys always give me hope and comfort when i need it most. My parents always tell me how crazy I am for worrying so much and devoting so much of my time to Abby...but it's such a relief to realize I'm not the only one.

Abby is doing terrible still and ive had so much schoolwork, so I haven't been able to get online much. But thank you for always listening and tolerating me. I'm so sorry for the novel. Ill try and keep everyone posted

- Meg & Abby

01-20-2014, 01:01 AM
PS: Does anyone know if I can give Abby an OTC pain medication for her leg?

Has anyone ever given their dog Dramamine or
Benedryl to help them rest/sleep when they're super agitated?

Budsters Mom
01-20-2014, 01:08 AM
Stop apologizing Meg! Your post Is not too long. They are never too long when you have something to say.;) I'm sure your folks are loving and intelligent people who love you a great deal. However, you are NOT CRAZY Meg! You are a young lady in a very difficult situation who loves her best friend. Yes, Abby is a dog, but that doesn't mean that she's not family.

I had a dog when I grew up. He came into my life when I was three years old and passed on when I was 18. He was my little brother. We did everything together and worshipped each other. I loved him more than my real brothers who were often jerks. I was NOT CRAZY for loving him so much. You aren't either.

Big tight hugs my dear,
Auntie Kathy

Budsters Mom
01-20-2014, 01:14 AM
I'm not sure about an over the counter pain medication. I always gave Buddy Tramadol, but it requires a prescription. :o

Benadryl is considered very safe. I don't know how much it will help her rest if she's in pain though. Normal dog dosage is 1 mg. per pound every 8 hours.

I am sorry to hear that Abby is hurting. It is very hard for them to settle when they hurt. When they hurt, we hurt too. I am so sorry. Xxxx

01-20-2014, 01:27 AM
Stop apologizing Meg! Your post Is not too long. They are never too long when you have something to say.;) I'm sure your folks are loving and intelligent people who love you a great deal. However, you are NOT CRAZY Meg! You are a young lady in a very difficult situation who loves her best friend. Yes, Abby is a dog, but that doesn't mean that she's not family.

I had a dog when I grew up. He came into my life when I was three years old and passed on when I was 18. He was my little brother. We did everything together and worshipped each other. I loved him more than my real brothers who were often jerks. I was NOT CRAZY for loving him so much. You aren't either.

Big tight hugs my dear,
Auntie Kathy

Thank you for this, Kathy. I really needed it

01-20-2014, 01:32 AM
She tripped trying to go up the stairs tonight and tumbled all the way down and landed on her back. It was one of the most horrifying experiences ive ever had with her. I felt my heart break and I haven't stopped crying since.

We are out of her usual pain med (previcox) and I am so desperate to help her because I know this is my fault.

Budsters Mom
01-20-2014, 01:35 AM
I am here for you Meg. We all are! You are not alone in this. You are surrounded by a flock of very loving K9Cushings angels. Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed, close you eyes and inhale deeply. You will feel our presence and know that we are there with you. Xxxxx

Budsters Mom
01-20-2014, 01:39 AM
IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!!! Older dogs often trip and fall. Their muscles are not a strong as they used to be. Please do not blame yourself. I know that feeling of desperation very well. I so wish I could do more to help you and sweet Abby. :o xxxxxx

01-20-2014, 03:28 AM
I know but I never should've taken her for that walk the other night. She was running around the house for hours, coming up and down the stairs looking for me, barking at the top of her lungs until I finally gave in. Do you think maybe the salt on the roads irritated her paws as well?

She's restless tonight and can't get comfortable. Lays down, gets up, lays down, gets up. I have the Benedryl to give her but I'm afraid it might not make her rest, some people (or animals) have the opposite reaction to anti-histamines.

01-20-2014, 08:05 AM
Salt can definitely irritate. I rinse Daisy's paws if I know that she's walked in a heavily salted area. Abby's falling isn't your fault. She might have slipped on ice.

Would she tolerate a nice warm bath?
This might help to sooth her aches.

01-20-2014, 09:35 AM
Meg, I surely understand why you feel guilty about letting Abby take that walk (I would be feeling the same way because I am the queen of second-guessing myself :o). But since I am on the outside looking in this time (instead of beating my own self up :o :o), I hope you will listen to me when I tell you to please forgive yourself and to realize that at this stage of Abby's life, if it had not been that walk that bothered her, it would have just been something else. She is so fragile at this point that there is no predicting exactly which false step is going to cause her pain. For the twenty minutes of her walk in the snow, you gave her the gift of a dog-worthy winter wonderland -- a chance to enjoy being herself, doing what a dog loves to do. Even if that should turn out to be her last walk in the snow, it was a gift for you both to share. Please, please, please do not regret giving her that gift.

I wish I could comment on the painkillers, but I just don't know enough about them. But I do know that your love for Meg is your greatest gift to her. Do not ever doubt that.


01-20-2014, 12:37 PM
I feel so bad that you are so young and basically on this journey yourself. You were trying to let Abby be a dog and go for a walk. You were trying to please her, so don't fault yourself. You love Abby we all know that . With older dogs, especially ones with Cushings anything can happen at any time. It could be that she did have salt on her feet, maybe they were dry or cracked and it burned her and she ran barking. I am so sorry all of this is happening to you and that you are virtually alone except for us. How does Abby seem to be after the fall? She is one tough cookie so don't count her out yet Meg. I am praying for you both, and hoping Abby will be ok. Just come on here Meg and everyone will listen and help you. Remember a long while back I told you that you were beautiful inside and out. God Bless You both and give you strength to get thru this.

01-20-2014, 12:53 PM
Meg, I surely understand why you feel guilty about letting Abby take that walk (I would be feeling the same way because I am the queen of second-guessing myself :o). But since I am on the outside looking in this time (instead of beating my own self up :o :o), I hope you will listen to me when I tell you to please forgive yourself and to realize that at this stage of Abby's life, if it had not been that walk that bothered her, it would have just been something else. She is so fragile at this point that there is no predicting exactly which false step is going to cause her pain. For the twenty minutes of her walk in the snow, you gave her the gift of a dog-worthy winter wonderland -- a chance to enjoy being herself, doing what a dog loves to do. Even if that should turn out to be her last walk in the snow, it was a gift for you both to share. Please, please, please do not regret giving her that gift.

I wish I could comment on the painkillers, but I just don't know enough about them. But I do know that your love for Meg is your greatest gift to her. Do not ever doubt that.


You're right about the walk. Abby loves it more than anything. Its the time when she is happiest. Thank you so much for saying that.

01-20-2014, 01:11 PM
Abby would die before she let me give her a bath. I would've loved to soothe her aching body if I could but she is the most stubborn little girl in the world. I carried her up to my bedroom and brought her orthopedic bed, so she did sleep a little. She's limping a little but okay today. I called the vet at the crack of dawn and already got her pain meds (including previcox)

I took your advice and asked for something a little stronger to help her sleep and he gave us Tramadol.. I am thrilled and i cant wait to try that tonight. I also got her glucosamine and also at Petland, they gave me a natural supplement to sprinkle on her food that helps labs and retrievers especially. It helps rebuild or strengthen cartridge with arthritis. The man who helped me said it saved his 14 year dog who was at the point of barely walking...and lived til he was 17. I'm not gonna get my hopes up but I'm SO RELIEVED she's in a little less pain now. I made her scrambled eggs and we are gonna go from there

Budsters Mom
01-20-2014, 01:34 PM
I am thrilled that you were able to get pain meds for Abby without taking her in. :p Tramadol can make some dogs unsteady and unable to move easily. Be prepared for that and reduce the dosage if needed. Even as little as a 1/4 tab, can make all the difference. You might need to experiment with it for a few days. Hopefully you will both rest better tonight. Xxxx

molly muffin
01-20-2014, 02:36 PM
That is great that you were able to get pain medication and some of the other supplements. Hopefully the one the guy mentioned will help too.

You might end up having to babygate of the steps if she is regularly having problems with them or at least until she gets a bit stronger. I've had to do that before.

Sharlene and molly muffin

01-20-2014, 02:38 PM
Good job Meg!
Sounds like you've got it covered.
I would start with 1/4 tab of the Tramadol and see how it goes.

01-20-2014, 03:22 PM
Yeahhhhhh Meg you go girl you got all the right stuff and your baby will benefit from it. Please hug Abby and give her a Big Kiss from Tipper and I. Blessings

01-21-2014, 02:17 AM
Thank you guys.. Great advice. The vet gave her 50mg of Tramadol and it says take 1/2... But give the 1/4 sounds much better!

01-21-2014, 02:51 AM
Hi Meg
I love that pic of Abby in the snow, she blends in so well :) I agree with the others, don't beat yourself up as you cannot be beside her every second of the day. Dogs will be dogs and remember they live in the moment and at that moment she was feeling great!! Sorry she hurt herself though and hope she gets a better sleep tonight. I think that dose sounds fine for her. Hope your studying is going well, you need to keep on top of that so you look after yourself Missy!!! xx

01-21-2014, 09:07 AM
Hi Meg:
just wanting to know how Miss Abby is today after her tramadol?? You are doing a great job at taking care of you both. What are you studying at school Meg? I am sure whatever it is you are doing well. Blessings

01-22-2014, 10:54 PM
Thank you Trish! Abby really loves the snow, god bless her. She used to romp around in it and have so much fun.

Abby is doing okay with the Tramadol.. It seems to make her restless, instead of drowsy, which makes no sense to me. I think it's helping her pain though, because she won't stop boppin around the house. I'm too terrified to walk her, and it's in 0 degrees in Pittsburgh.

01-22-2014, 11:00 PM
Oh and Patti, I'm studying Psychology! Working towards my B.A. with minors in neuroscience and sociology. Hope all is well!!

01-23-2014, 12:05 AM
bopping around the house sounds like definite improvement!

Sociology and psych were so much fun in college! I loved those subjects and had incredible instructors.

01-23-2014, 07:04 AM
It's definitely an improvement. She's still tripping over things and falling way more than usual.

More importantly, I don't think her Cushings is being managed properly. I give her the vetoryl everyday, like clockwork, but she's still panting all the time, walking in circles, and extremely restless. She needs to be re-evaluated by the vet but there's no way my parents will pay for that. They're just ready for her to die.

Do you guys ever feel like the Cushings is worsening or being mismanaged? Can dogs become tolerant to the medicine? :(

01-23-2014, 09:42 AM
I did not know you were from Pittsburgh where I lived practically my whole life. What part are you from. Are you going to Duquesne or Pitt? I was so excited when I saw you were from there. How is Abby today? Hope all is going well with the pain meds. Blessings

01-25-2014, 05:14 AM
Abby is still rambunctious but falling and tripping alot. She's got so much energy from the Cushings but I just wish she would rest. Everytime she falls down I want to cry.

Patti, I go to Pitt but live pretty far away from main campus. Greensburg area!

01-25-2014, 05:18 AM
I have a question about Arthritis treatment.

I usually get glucosamine from the vet but I bought vitamins at Petland instead. One is called "Hip Flex" by Overby Farms. I got the advanced formula which contains glucosamine, MSM, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, and omega 3 & 6. I also bought "Joint Mobility" by Health Extension which is a powder you sprinkle over the dogs food.

Any experience or tips? I can't sleep from worry

01-25-2014, 08:45 AM
Hi Meg:
Yes I have had many accounts in Greensburg when I worked that I handled. Pitt is a good school. How far are you from graduation? I use Glycoflex for Tipper so I don't know anything about the supplements you are using unfortunately. Stay safe and warm with dear Abby. Blessings

01-27-2014, 05:01 PM
Hey everyone,

Abby has an appointment with her vet this week and I want to talk to him about her medication. I don't think 10mg Trilostane (Vetoryl) is enough. Her symptoms are worse than ever.

What tests should I have the vet run?

Any advice is appreciated. I don't want to be overcharged for unnecessary tests, but I want to get her better!

Harley PoMMom
01-27-2014, 06:29 PM
Hi Meg,

I have merged your recent post into Abby's existing thread so all information about sweet Abby is in one place. We like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!

I just scanned Abby's thread and couldn't find any recent ACTH stim results. Since it has been a while that her cortisol was checked I would ask that an ACTH stimulation test be done, that way we'll be able to see if the dose of Vetoryl she is taking is adequately controlling her Cushing's.

How are her symptoms? Is she drinking, eating, and having normal bowel movements?

Hugs, Lori

Budsters Mom
01-27-2014, 06:31 PM
I am so happy to see that your folks are letting you take Abby to the vet. :p xxxx

01-27-2014, 06:36 PM
I think you need and ACTH to see where Abby stands with her cortisol as I don't ever remember you saying about getting one. Just in case this vet does not know you must feed Abby a lite meal and give her the Vetoryl then the test must be completed 4-6 hours after this has been given. Make sure you feed her no matter what her says as if you don't it could cause over dose in her medicine as the results will be skewed. I thought before that she was not on a high enough dose, and that is why she was having some problems. before. She is only on 10mg, and she is much larger than Tipper who is on 28 and going back to 30. How much does she weigh now? Hope all goes well. Blessings

01-28-2014, 07:42 AM
Hi Meg,

I have merged your recent post into Abby's existing thread so all information about sweet Abby is in one place. We like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!

I just scanned Abby's thread and couldn't find any recent ACTH stim results. Since it has been a while that her cortisol was checked I would ask that an ACTH stimulation test be done, that way we'll be able to see if the dose of Vetoryl she is taking is adequately controlling her Cushing's.

How are her symptoms? Is she drinking, eating, and having normal bowel movements?

Hugs, Lori

Thank you, Lori. Im sorry... ill stop posting multiple threads.

I'm afraid the stim test is too expensive. I've tried begging my parents because I know its exactly what she needs. I think her cortisol levels are messed up. They said I can take her in, but "no $200 tests or blood work" so I dont know what to do.

Her Cushing's symptoms are back in full gear.. begging for food, drinking excessively, running around in circles all night. Shes eating more than ever. Bowel movements are normal. (so thats good) But the panting and restlessness is terrible again. Back to where we started.

01-28-2014, 07:43 AM
She weighs 40lbs. I know the tumor is adrenal. I have no clue why they wont raise the dose.

molly muffin
01-28-2014, 09:31 AM
Ask the vet how much a resting cortisol test would be. Maybe that would give you and idea of where she is. If it isn't too bad, then maybe your parents would go for that option.

I'm sorry, sending you tons of love and hugs Meg. This really isn't easy and sometimes you really have to just do the best you can with what you have available.

sharlene and molly muffin

01-28-2014, 09:39 AM
I would go for the resting cortisol too. Could you ask the vet to make payments and then it will be easier on your parents?? Abby really does need to get her cortisol established as I can tell form what you are saying she needs her dosage tweaked, and you must know the cortisol level first to do that safely. Please tell your parents this is a safety issue for Abby. Hope you can sway them as I feel for you in your situation. Anyone that would make you a personal loan? Blessings

01-28-2014, 03:33 PM
I will ask him about the resting cortisol as well as some type of payment plan. Thank u so much for the advice. Just very frustrated and scared

01-29-2014, 07:02 AM
Woke up and found Abby pooped and puked all over
The house. I'm guessing its the end for us. Ill talk to you guys in a few months

01-29-2014, 07:09 AM
Please delete this entire thread. Thank you

01-29-2014, 08:11 AM
Oh Meg.

My heart is breaking for you. Normally we do our best to honor a member's wishes, but I am leaving your thread in place for now. I can only imagine how upset you are, and I am hoping you will have a change of heart and return to us today. Please talk to us, Meg, no matter what is happening to you and to Abby.


01-29-2014, 08:36 AM
I pray you change your mind and take Abby to the vet, this all may be because her cortisol is too high. It has not been checked for a really long time and you said she was exhibiting symptoms from high cortisol. I am sure poor Abby is struggling with this. Please reconsider and get her checked first I know you love her and she is deserving of a checkup. Once her meds get increased this may go away. I am praying for you both that you change you mind and take her to the vet Meg. Blessings

01-29-2014, 09:05 AM
Meg, I am guessing that Abby's illness overnight may have changed things so that your parents are no longer willing to continue on with any more treatment or vet visits. I am thinking that was what you were afraid of when you wrote to us earlier. Meg, no matter what happens today, we will be here for you. We know you have wanted only the best for Abby, and what a hard spot you have been stuck in.

If it turns out that Abby's spirit is released today, her tired body will be at peace. But I fear you will not be at peace because you have been wanting and hoping to do more. So please come back to talk to us. We are always here for you, and we understand how hard it is, both to hang on and also to let go.

01-29-2014, 09:08 AM
Yes please do come back and talk with us. No matter what happens Meg we all know how much you love Abby, I am sorry you are in this predicament, but hoping for the best for you both. God Bless you and Abby.

molly muffin
01-29-2014, 04:33 PM
Oh Meg. :( Sending you tons of love and hugs.
Sweetie I am so sorry to read this.
No matter what happens. Your friends here will support you.

sharlene and molly muffin

01-29-2014, 05:47 PM
So sorry, but we are all here for you not matter what happens. :(

01-29-2014, 06:11 PM
Thinking of you all day and hoping to hear something from you. Blessings

Budsters Mom
01-29-2014, 06:42 PM

I am so sorry to read this news today.:o This forum saved my sanity when my Buddy was released to run free at the rainbow bridge. I was in shock, numb and desolate. That was on the good days. The lovely angels here kept me company and talking when I had no one else who understood what I was feeling. We are here for you too, regardless of what happens. Please keep talking to us. It will help. Remember, you have a bunch of worry wart Aunties here. We are going to worry about you anyway, you might as well let us in. Please reconsider leaving us. Xxxxxx


Harley PoMMom
01-29-2014, 07:14 PM
Oh Meg,

My heart is breaking with yours, please do remember we will always be here for you, if you ever want to talk, vent, or anything, you can come here and we will do our absolute best to help.

Hugs to you, Lori

01-30-2014, 05:05 AM
HI Meg

Gosh, that's awful... I hope you were able to get Abby to the vet and can get through this. I too hope we see you back soon. Lots of hugs xxxxxxx

01-30-2014, 08:43 AM
I am still hoping against all odds that you come back on here and tell us you took Abby to the vet. may be wishful thinking, but we are really worrying about you and would like to hear from you. Blessings

01-30-2014, 12:22 PM
Hi Meg, just checking back in today and hoping you will, too.

Remember, no matter what you have to tell us, we are here. Whether Abby was able to see the vet or not, we are here. We are all hoping that a vet visit might help, but in truth, it might not make any difference even if you were able to take her in. You have given her a long and wonderful life, and it may just be that her body is now giving out in too many ways. I cannot know if this is true, but it may be.

Either way, what is happening now in these few days or weeks does not change all the days and weeks and months and years of love and care that you two have shared. Nothing will ever change that.

But I also realize nothing will ever change the fact that we all carry lifelong regrets over things that we have done, and also over things we were unable to do. Or hardest yet, things we now wish we could do differently. I promise you, you are not alone in any part of what is happening. If you will just come back and talk to us, we are here to listen. Because we are all in this together.

Bye again until tomorrow.

01-30-2014, 12:27 PM
You wrote that beautifully and I am sure we all feel the same way. Please don't forget us Meg. No matter what happens we love you and hope to talk with you. Blessings

01-30-2014, 03:57 PM

you're not getting the support that you need at home and we're so worried about you. Please take the time that you need and then come back and talk things through with us. Everyone here has lost a best friend at one point in our lives and we know exactly what you're going through.

If this is the time for Abby, then please, please know that you did all that you could and I have no doubt that she knows that.


molly muffin
01-30-2014, 08:25 PM
Oh Meg, Marianne said it all.
We don't know what is going on in Abby's body right now and what is wrong, if it is fixable or not.
No matter what happens, we all wish that the time would never come when they wouldn't be with us, that we could do more for them.
I don't know what is going on right now in your home, but I do hope you know that you have a support group right here, good or bad, we're here for you.

sharlene and molly muffin

01-31-2014, 01:07 PM
"Sometimes you can't make it on your own." -- U2

01-31-2014, 07:18 PM
My dearest friends,

Please forgive me for being such a coward and running away during Abby and my darkest hours. I wish I could be HALF as brave and kind and strong as the rest of you selfless, incredible women. I don't even deserve to be in the company of such angels. You've given me endless amounts of love, advice, support, and comfort... and all I do is cry and complain like a child. Please forgive me. I've never experienced anything as terrifying or soul-crushing in my life. I've never felt more alone. It is true hell to watch your best friend slowly fade away and not being able to stop it, no matter how hard you try, no matter how bad you want to.

There is no one in my life who understands or cares about Abby the way I do. Nobody wants to talk about it, nobody wants to deal with it. Nobody cares that the dog who has given me endless love and companionship for 12 years is ready to cross the rainbow bridge. "She's just an animal. You'll get over it," they say. But everytime I think of the future, I have to catch myself before I break apart. I've done nothing but cry for 48 hours because I can't emotionally comprehend the idea of my life without Abby. I cant imagine waking up in my house without her in it. I cant imagine coming home without her waiting at the door with her tail wagging and all the excitement in the world. Shes been a better friend to me than any human and she has never left my side since the day I adopted her. I'm a mess right now and I fear it will only get worse.

Thank you for sending me your love and support. Thank you for not giving up on me. Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have friends who understand and care. I will never be able to thank you enough.

With tons of love,

Meg & Abby

01-31-2014, 07:33 PM
Oh Meg, thank goodness you're back!!!!!!

Now, don't you dare leave us again, OK? This is your safe place to come to write about anything you are thinking or feeling. We totally, totally understand how important Abby is to you and why you're feeling so scared. So you can write anything and we will understand.

Sending huge, huge hugs your way!

01-31-2014, 09:01 PM
You are the brave one for getting on here and saying things that some of us think but are afraid to say..You can come on here and tell us anything as we truly understand. All the fears you have about Abby, I too have about Tipper. I know how incredibly hard you have tried to help Abby, and we are all in this with you. We will be your support Meg so lean on us and we will carry your thru this. Just know I pray for you and sweet Abby. I find you statement about animals being better to you than people very prophetic, as I feel that way too. God bless you both.

Harley PoMMom
01-31-2014, 09:07 PM
Oh Meg, we are so happy that you came back! One thing you need to know is that you have done nothing wrong, it is so obvious to us that you love dear Abby and your deep devotion to her is also evident.

When ever you feel like talking, venting, or anything, please do feel free to come here and we will listen because we care so much about you and Abby.

Sending huge and loving hugs to you both, Lori

01-31-2014, 10:19 PM
you're younger than most of us here I think and in a way lucky enough to not have experiences such heartbreak in your lifetime before now. All that we can do is love them as we always have and do what we can do. Trust me, Abby has no doubt whatsoever of how much you love her.

She also will feel upset to see you so sad. Spend the time that you have now wisely. Adapt to Abby's condition and do the things that she enjoys and can still do together. If it's not safe to walk outside with her, walk around the house inside where the floors are even. I think that you get my point. As hard as it is, have your cry when you need it but please, please for your sake and Abby's make a point to have more happy memories while she is still here. It is important for both of you.

Trust me when I tell you this, everyone of us here has felt the same way that you do. It kills us to watch our loves become ill and old. Every pet that we lose had their own individual personalities and all are part of the family. It is never easy, but with time, it does get better I promise and you, like the rest of us, will eventually meet another pet who needs you in their life. When that happens, don't feel badly or guilty because it is in our nature to care for others, regardless of the species.

Sadly, many family members don't know how to handle watching us being upset, Especially parents. When a child is going through a difficult time and they can't fix the problem - parents can and do say really stupid things in an effort to ease your pain. It doesn't work of course and makes us feel worse.

Talk to us, cry with us - yes, the wuss that I am is crying with you as I type this. It's what makes us the caring people that we are and you are no exception. We all handle fear, sadness, and grief differently. Don't beat yourself up for needing time for yourself to deal with your feelings.

If you need someone in person to help you through this, and I think that it's a good idea - talk to a school counselor. It really will help you to work through all that is going on.


molly muffin
01-31-2014, 10:22 PM
Meg, so glad to see you back as we were/are all very worried about you and Abby.

I think you are doing and have done, whatever you can to give Abby the best chance possible. You are doing this on limited resources and not all decisions are within your control.

I think I mentioned this before, that here I am, years and years later and I Still remember my first beloved beagle, who grew up with me and was my best friend no matter what. He will always hold a special place in my heart and Abby will always hold that special place in your heart to. Whether that time comes sooner or later, it will hurt, and I wish we could take that pain away from you, but we can't. I hope it is far in the future, but none of us ever knows how long we'll have left with our beloved furbabies. It will Never be enough time.

So whatever does come and whenever it comes, we'll be here.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
01-31-2014, 10:33 PM
Thank you so much for your beautiful message! I did PM you back.:p I am so happy you decided to stay. I will admit to losing some sleep over you my dear. I love that Abby's photo album is back! Now we can all look at that adorable face. :p

We really know how tough this is for you Meg and we would love to help you if you let us. xxxxxx

Auntie Kathy;)

02-01-2014, 01:02 AM

Thank you for such kind words and advice :( I was so embarassed by how upset I am but it's such a relief to know that you ladies understand. I'm trying so hard to make happy memories with Abby and to live in the moment, but I can't help but think every day could be her last. It's hard not to think ahead, you know?

She's been such a wonderful, loving dog my entire life. When im sad, she comes and finds me. When i cry, she licks the tears off my face. She's the only thing I know and love in my house and I'm just not ready to say goodbye. She was so healthy and happy until this summer. The Cushings and Vestibular Episodes have taken everything out of her.

How old were you ladies when you lost your first pet?

02-01-2014, 01:06 AM
Marianne, Lori, Patti, Sharlene, Val, & Kathy -- you guys are true angels. I really believe I found this website for a reason. <3

Budsters Mom
02-01-2014, 01:26 AM
Hi Meg,
I was 18 when I lost my first dog Spot. A picture of him and me is in my "Check it out " album. He came into my life shortly after my 3rd birthday when he was 6 weeks old. We were inseparable. He was my little brother. We did EVERYTHING together. Spot did not like many people and wasn't always the friendliest of dogs except with me. I could do anything to him and he would never growl or show his teeth at me. I'd sit him on my lap and ride him around on my bicycle with his paws on my shoulders. I would carry him around like a baby. Spot was my defender. He would get between me and anyone he saw as a threat to me and bear his teeth and growl. My older brothers were afraid of him and did not mess with me. He was supposed to have been a family dog, but he clearly wasn't. He was my dog and everyone knew it. They knew from the time that I was small that Spot I were soulmates. I would've happily given up one of my human brothers in order to keep Spot with me longer. That's how much I loved him.

02-01-2014, 01:32 AM
Kathy you seem to have a way with animals! He is adorable and looks just like the pup from My Dog Skip! Were you very upset when you lost him?

Also I saw the pictures of Rosebud and I am absolutely in love with that gorgeous furry creature!

Budsters Mom
02-01-2014, 01:46 AM
I will not lie to you Meg. I haven't and I will not start now....

Yes, I was devastated when I lost Spot. He was always right by my side. He was there when I was sick. He was there when I was scared. There was a streetlight on the next street below my window when I was a child and a tree out in my backyard. When the wind would blow the tree would move and the streetlight made it look like a creature was on my closet doors. Spot slept with me and protected me from that monster. He knew it was not just a tree like everyone said it was. I had two older brothers and they really wanted little to do with me. I was a tattle tailing little pest. Spot thought I was wonderful and couldn't get enough of me.

So yes, losing Spot was devastating. Until him, I had never lost anyone before and had no idea how to grieve. I was totally lost without him for many days. It was a very sad time.:(

Budsters Mom
02-01-2014, 01:50 AM
Rosie does have her own thread in the "Everything Else" section. It is called Rosebud Blooms. You can read all about her there. She is quite a character. Not at all what you would think by looking at her. ;)

02-01-2014, 03:40 AM

Wow, that's a tough question for me. I grew up with hamsters, gerbils, turtles, parakeets, rabbits. As I got older, we had a family cat and several dogs. Then a had two purebred Cockatiels, one a taught to talk and sing :-) and a Guinea pig who would sunbathe and literally stretch out in my bed with one leg sticking out. She knew the sound of my car and squealed happily until I came inside to greet her.

Every time we lost a pet, mom would say "no more". She didn't like to see us hurting. Dad is an animal lover too so "no more" never stuck. At one point, he built a divider separating the dining room and living room that held nine fish tanks. He bred neons and learned how to get fish with certain colors!

Long story short, I learned very early that our beautiful friends don't live nearly as long as we'd hope and that veterinary science is far behind medical. Some passed in their sleep, a few had deaths that were extremely traumatic for me and I still can't talk about them without crying so I'll leave it at that.

As long as I'm able to property care for a pet, I will have two or three :-).

02-01-2014, 05:57 AM
Hi Meg! I am glad you are back too :) I am hoping Abby is holding her own and keeps it up for a long time, how was she today? x

02-01-2014, 10:43 PM
Thanks Trish! Abby is doing okay today. She hasn't been in to see the vet but I've been taking her for short walks and giving her vitamins and her medicines on a strict regime so she's improving a little. I'm trying to give her more proteins and healthy food.

02-01-2014, 10:46 PM
Val, I can't believe you're parents let you have so many! Did you have a favorite?

Abby is the only pet I've ever had. I'm so new at this. My mom said when she passes, they will consider getting me a new puppy to love, but my dad said absolutely not (quite the opposite of yours!) I think they know how absolutely devastated I will be, so I can only hope they are compassionate

02-01-2014, 11:39 PM

No favorites, each had their own special place in my heart. Most of the hamsters came from a friend whose pair kept having babies. We had two pets at the same time generally.

After Abby's time, give yourself time to grieve. There is no rush and then please adopt a dog. There are too many that need homes.

Budsters Mom
02-02-2014, 12:04 AM
Hi Meg,

There is no rule on how much time you need to grieve before adopting a new dog to love. Some on the forum lost their beloved fur babies a few years ago and still aren't ready to love another. Other's like me, knew that they needed another dog to love in order to heal. I wouldn't feel whole or happy again without another fur baby in my life. I adopted Rosie 5 days after losing Buddy. I was an absolute wreck until she arrived and needed to be loved. She did not replace Buddy. No dog ever could, but she has helped me heal. It took about four months before I felt a connection to her. It did finally come when I stopped worrying about it. Most, fall in the middle somewhere. A few weeks, a few months, maybe longer. Everyone is different. You will know when the time is right to welcome another love into you heart. When that happens, that new pup will be forever grateful to have found you. :p

I am glad that Abby is hanging in there. :pXxxxxx
Auntie Kathy

02-02-2014, 08:48 AM
Hi Meg:
Hoping you and Abby are fine today. That is a good idea giving her a good diet and vitamins. I am so glad you said she improved. Do you think you are going to be able to see the vet soon? Just know we are all in this with you and when you need help we are here for you. I feel bad that no one in your house understands your deep love and devotion to your Abby. Many people don't understand mine to Tipper either. I pray Abby gets better and you have her for a long time, I know what it is to love a dog with your heart and soul and that you simply cannot bare the though of being without them. Blessings

molly muffin
02-02-2014, 02:06 PM
Hi Meg, I was 15 when I lost my best buddy Bobo, a beagle. I'd had him since I was 5. He traveled everywhere with us across the country. If we went on vacation, Bobo went with us, head sticking out the car window, wind blowing his ears backwards. He slept in my room always and was just a great dog. There was a tragic accident, that we thought had done him in, but he recovered some, was never the same and passed approximately 6 months later, a very hard passing and it was devastating to me. I think while it was awful and I'll always remember Bobo and hold him close to my heart, that I was okay with his passing, because he was out of pain which was good, because it had been a very hard six months on him. I couldn't stand to see him hurting like that. It helped that I also had a horse that was still with me, we use to be like the three musketeers, me, the dog and the horse, having grand adventures.

One the horse was no longer with us, I didn't have another pet because once I turned 18, I traveled most of the time, for years, moving here and there until I got my cat Tipsy and my golden retriever Tasha. Once I had them I stayed on the continent where we could drive where we wanted and those two went cross country with me, everywhere (tipsy wasn't a fan of flying so only one trip home to the mainland for him from Hawaii). Tipsy and Tasha passed within a couple months of each other, and it was a year till I found my Molly.

I hope you and Abby are doing okay and having a good weekend.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
02-02-2014, 04:55 PM
Hi Meg,

Happy Sunday! I hope you are able to get plenty of cuddle time in with Abby today. Take plenty of photos and video. You are making memories to last a lifetime. xxxxx

02-02-2014, 11:29 PM
Hi friends, I don't have time to respond to everyone's post yet... Abby is having a very bad day. Very bad Cushings symptoms. Speeding heart rate, can't sit still, panting like crazy. I'm very worried bc I don't know if she's in pain or just experiencing very high cortisol. *Helpless*

Thank you for the thoughts and support. Ill update you when I get Abby settled a bit.

-- Meg

Budsters Mom
02-03-2014, 12:10 AM
((((( HUGS))))) Hang in there Meg. You are doing great! We all feel helpless when our fur babies are restless.

02-03-2014, 12:30 AM

is she shaking? If she is, that could be a sign of pain.

02-03-2014, 09:16 AM
Would your vet just do a baseline cortisol on Abby and let you pay him later? Could he give you some Vetoryl if Abby needs a higher dose? I think her cortisol is high, and maybe he would help you. Could you call him and ask? Blessings

02-03-2014, 05:12 PM
Sharlene, I'm so sorry to here about Bobo, that is so tragic :( He sounded like such an amazing pup with a very happy life. I'm so glad you found love with other animals, and especially your baby Molly.

02-03-2014, 05:13 PM
Patti thank you for your prayers. I don't think I'll be able to get Abby to the vet. I already used all my christmas money on her medicines and previous vet appointments. By reading so many threads on here and learning everyone's story, I've found how often and how expensive the Cushings tests really are. I'm suprised Abby and I have made it this far considering

02-03-2014, 05:17 PM
Val, she is not shaking. Just breathing very rapidly, panting, and her heart rate is crazy fast. I want to walk her more than anything but we got four inches of snow last night in Pittsburgh and the roads are covered in salt and ice.

02-03-2014, 06:14 PM
I figured out a great way to share video clips of Abby. They are from this summer and fall. Check them out here if you'd like:

http://https://vimeo.com/m/user24810508 (https://vimeo.com/m/user24810508)

molly muffin
02-03-2014, 06:27 PM
Wonderful vids Meg. Addy looks so happy and playful. :)

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Budsters Mom
02-03-2014, 07:14 PM
Loved the videos Meg. Thanks so much for sharing. Xxxxx

02-03-2014, 08:18 PM
The videos of Abby are so cute Meg, she is a treasure and I can see why you love her so. It is hard to look at these babies and know how sick they are. I pray that Abby is with you for a long time. Meg have you inquired at any of the resources listed for financial help with Abby? Maybe you could get help to take her to the vets thru one of them? Do you have a humane society there? Sometimes they can help or guide you to where you can get help. They have cheap care there and may help with Abby's Vetoryl. Just throwing ideas out there. I would search online too to see if there is any financial assistance available from any groups.Abby is so sweet in the videos, I am just trying to think of some way to help her. God Bless you both.

02-03-2014, 10:17 PM
The videos are adorable, I wish that they were longer :)
We also got snow. Wet, heavy snow and more than they originally predicted. I want a job where it doesn't matter when you are wrong :)

02-04-2014, 12:50 AM
Guys I'm going crazy over here. Abby is walking in circles, panting like mad, heart racing, too agitated to lay down.

I give her Trilostane in the morning. Does it wear off by night? Is there anything I can do to help or soothe her? I'm so worried.

Budsters Mom
02-04-2014, 12:55 AM
Yes Meg, Trilostane generally wears off in about 12 hours. Do you have any tramadol left? That might help calm her some. At least it would help manage any pain she might be having.

Big hugs,