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08-09-2014, 01:00 PM
I was thinking the same thing. If you're the only one walking Abby, and she has a touch of dimensia, she most certainly has her nights and days reversed. Poor girl.

Can you walk her before you leave the house in the morning?

It's worth a try.

Budsters Mom
08-11-2014, 03:05 AM
Hey Meg,

Us aunties are getting a little anxious. :o What is happening with our little night owl and are you getting any rest? Thinking of you both and surrounding you with love and care.

My sweet Ginger
08-11-2014, 06:57 PM
How are you and sweet Abby doing? Thinking of you two. Hugs, Song.

08-12-2014, 12:28 AM
Hi everyone, Abby is the same. Very agitated and hyper. I will give you a more detailed update when my head feels a little better. I just worked 10 hours and can't see straight. Hugs :)


Budsters Mom
08-12-2014, 12:52 AM
Thanks for the update Meg. OMG working 10 hours! You must be exhausted. I'm so sorry you have a headache. :o

Did you order those pills that Leslie talked about a few posts back? The ones that are supposed to help her settle at night.

Abby is probably overjoyed to see you after being gone all day. It's so hard when you are wiped out and they can't settle. :o

Do your folks at least help out with meds and feeding while you're at work? Is someone home that could walk Abby during the day?

Take care Sweetie. You are doing great and thanks again for the update. xxxxx


Budsters Mom
08-16-2014, 02:31 AM
Oh Meg, it's time for an update. ;)

08-16-2014, 12:42 PM
Hi guys, Abby's trial of Novifit arrived so I'm very excited to start that. Abby had another accident in the house yesterday, not sure why so I'm trying not to get myself worked up about it. I walked her this morning hoping maybe her sleep cycle will change (instead of walking her at night)

Thank you all again for being so wonderful and caring. You're helping me and Abby way more than you know.


Budsters Mom
08-16-2014, 02:08 PM
Hi Meg, thanks for checking in. I'm glad that the Novifit arrived and I really hope it helps. ;)That abby is quite the trooper and so are you.:p you are stronger than you think Meg. xxxooo

molly muffin
08-17-2014, 08:43 PM
Hi Meg, hoping the Novofit does well for Abby. Let us know okay?

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-24-2014, 02:43 PM
Hi guys, the novifit was working wonders for abby but the roller coaster continues. Today I woke up to her poop in the house and just found her throw up upstairs. :(

My sweet Ginger
08-24-2014, 09:56 PM
Hi Meg,

How is Abby doing this evening? The lady who I talked to from Novifit mentioned that one possible side effect would be a change in stool so I wonder if Abby is having a bad reaction from Novifit or she got into something again. She didn't mention vomiting but I guess that would be possible too. I don't remember clearly what she said or what to do if that happens so I will call her tomorrow morning and ask again. Just to be on the safe side maybe you should hold Novifit until we figure this out. Also let your vet know and see what he says.
I hope Abby will get over this problem quickly and be able to stay on Novifit since it sounds like she's benefiting a lot from it.
Hang in there, Meg. Hugs, Song.

My sweet Ginger
08-25-2014, 10:42 AM
Hi Meg,

I just talked to the lady from Novifit and told her about Abby. She really doesn't think Abby's pooping in the house (did you mean diarrhea?) and vomiting are an adverse reaction from Novifit and probably something else was going on.
She said she meant softer stool when she said a change in stool and haven't heard dogs having diarrhea or vomiting. She also said that if there is any reaction from Novifit you would see it within first 48hrs of administration. So she suggested that you stay on Novifit and talk to the vet if her problems continue.
I hope Abby is doing better today. Hugs, Song.

molly muffin
08-25-2014, 06:40 PM
Hi meg. What song says makes sense. Unless it was right after stating Abby on nofofit not sure that would be the cause. When moly has has vomiting and diarrhea sometimes it is a gastro upset. I usually give her a probiotic and I use a more fiber filled food. So e have even used Metamucil on here. It also good be a gasto intestinal bacteria although not positive that they vomit with that but it is possible in which case an antibiotic usually helps clear it up.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

08-25-2014, 11:33 PM
Hi guys, I haven't read any comments but I want to say thank you in advance for caring so much about me and Abby, despite the frustrating downward spiral occurring. Today she had two more accidents in the house. In the morning I found vomit, and in the afternoon she left poop in my parents room. I will be back when I stop crying.

molly muffin
08-25-2014, 11:48 PM
Oh meg sweetie. I am sorry that you and Abby are having such a rough time.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

08-25-2014, 11:54 PM
In the time since my last post, she pooped in the house again.

08-26-2014, 12:01 AM
My dad responded "who cares? she's on her way out anyways."

Budsters Mom
08-26-2014, 12:07 AM
I am so sorry Meg. You poor thing. You must be exhausted. :o

Since Abby seems to be having so much trouble controlling her bowels right now, you might want to consider diapering her. I know that other members do it. She should be confined to tile floor areas, at the very least. I would stop the roaming through the house for now because scrubbing poop off of carpeting is very low on my favorite's list. ;) That would make cleaning up a whole lot easier.

Big hugs sweetie. I know you are not getting much help from family. That makes this all so much harder. We understand. We really do.

Big tight hugs for you both,

Budsters Mom
08-26-2014, 12:09 AM
So not cool! I'm very unhappy with your dad right now! :o:p

My dad responded "who cares? she's on her way out anyways."

molly muffin
08-26-2014, 12:13 AM
An antibiotic like metronidazole might help of it is a gastro problem. If you don't have any on hand call vet in morning and see if you can pick some up for Abby.

Hugs. Sharlene and Molly muffin

My sweet Ginger
08-26-2014, 12:22 AM
How about pumpkin everyone? Would that be a quick fix in this case?

molly muffin
08-26-2014, 12:46 AM
It might help with the poops not sure it would help vomiting. But only a little and plain pumpki. Not a pie mix type


08-26-2014, 12:46 AM
Pumpkin works really quickly too. Canned pumpkin from the baking aisle at the grocery store with nothing added to it.

Budsters Mom
08-26-2014, 12:49 AM
I personally would not try the pumpkin because Abby has been vomiting too. Pumpkin can be helpful with either diarrhea or constipation. I think Sharlene's suggestion about the Metronidazole would be a good place to start. Yes Meg, call the vet in the morning and ask about that.

Again, I am so sorry Sweetie,

08-26-2014, 02:02 AM
Thank you guys so much. I can't diaper Abby. She would never let me, she'd rip it off. And the sight of my baby in a diaper would be way too hard and dramatic for me. She's been too good of a dog and a friend to me, if she's suffering I would want to end it. Not put her in a diaper where she'd be completely ashamed of herself. She's aware of her accidents (at least in the past 48 hours) and seems so embarssed. I will call the vet again first thing in the morning and ask for his thoughts and inquire about the antibiotic.

08-26-2014, 02:04 AM
I don't understand my parents rationale. They jump into action and decide like it is nothing until the very last minute...when abby is at her very worst...then they spring into action. I think this only hurts all of us. They leave me all alone with this terror and fear and sadness. I don't know how to get thru to them or help Abby. (thank god she is sleeping for now)

Budsters Mom
08-26-2014, 02:34 AM
Meg, I answered your PM as to what I would do.

I really need to go to bed now because I have to get up early for work in the morning.

I'll check back in a little later. Hang in there Sweetie,

08-26-2014, 05:53 AM
Thank u so much Kathy. I got your message. I'm going to do exactly What you told. She just woke up with way too much energy. I'm gonna try and keep her in one area and calm her down to sleep. Xoxo Meg

Squirt's Mom
08-26-2014, 09:05 AM
Sending many hugs and belly rubs, Meg.

My sweet Ginger
08-26-2014, 09:38 AM
Dear Meg, we are all pulling for you and sweet Abby. Today will be a better day. Love your new avatar. Many hugs to you and kisses to Abby, Song.

Budsters Mom
08-26-2014, 12:57 PM
Hi Meg,

I hope Abby finally settled down and you were able to at least get a little rest. Let us know what the vet says this morning.

I won't be able to stay up late during the week and monitor the forum for a while because I have returned to work. Pleas post your questions and concerns so others can respond and help out. I will be checking in as time allows, but it is much more limited now.

Big hugs,

08-26-2014, 01:10 PM
Yep, Meg, we are all here to provide back-up, so please don't hesitate to ask us anything, OK? We may not always have answers immediately, but we care so much and we will do everything we can to research things and help sort out a direction forward.


08-26-2014, 06:00 PM
Hi friends, so far no accidents today. We were up all night but she slept a little. I had her gated off in our foyer and took off the rug so there was just the hardwood. I brought in her bed for her. Her activity level is normal today. The vet gave me no direction whatever so ever and sort of blew off the issue. He said "if it continues, we will address it but for now let's keep her on a strict diet and keep her out of the trash."

Thank you all again for sticking by our side through this

08-26-2014, 06:33 PM
Well, we are going to welcome every single success we get, so hooray for a calm day so far! It sounds like Kathy's advice last night was really helpful, too. I'm so sorry your vet is not addressing your worries, but we are most certainly here to listen and throw out suggestions of our own. So I will be checking back for further updates.


P.S. I agree, I love your new avatar!

Squirt's Mom
08-26-2014, 06:35 PM
I'm glad Abby is having a better day and hope you both get to rest a bit tonite. I remember how it was when Squirt was so restless at night - I was afraid to close my eyes and sleep for fear she would need something and she simply could not settle. It was hard to watch so I know how you feel. I hope the Novifit will help her more and more like it did my Sweet Bebe.

Budsters Mom
08-26-2014, 06:57 PM
Yes, here's another vote for the new avatar! :p That's a look of love and sheer joy! Love it!!!! :D:D:D

Yes, we absolutely celebrate every calm, successful or happy moment our babies have. So yay Abby for an accident free morning. :)

I hope you are able to get a little more rest tonight.

I am sorry that you feel like the vet dismissed your concerns. There are plenty of us around to listen and help in any way we can. However, please do what you have to to keep Abby out of the trash!:eek::eek::eek: My hair is already prematurely white and I don't want it falling out more than it already is. ;)

Hang in there Meg. xxxxoooo

molly muffin
08-26-2014, 08:15 PM
well fooey, I'd hope that the vet would address any issues immediately.

I'm hoping that tonight is a better night.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-27-2014, 07:50 AM
Thank you guys. I'm going to try to get some sleep. Abby is finally resting. I took her out 7 times over the course of the time. Gave her melatonin around 2 or 3.

I was thinking about the pain medication and the shots we've been giving her for he arthritis. I was thinking this may be the cause of bowel problems or gastrointestinal troubles. What If I tried giving her some pumpkin or the rice? Do you think that may help.

Love and blessings, and so many thanks

-meg and Abby

08-27-2014, 08:04 AM
Oh gosh, Meg, what a restless night for you both! Did Abby have diarrhea each of those seven times, or was it just that she was acting restless so you took her out to see? If she actually had seven episodes of diarrhea overnight, that is very worrisome in conjunction with the earlier vomiting and I do believe your vet should be taking notice!

If you can, remind us as to the specific pain meds she is taking because, yes, it definitely seems possible that they may be upsetting her system. A bland diet of mushy rice and boiled chicken or hamburger is consistently recommended to settle GI upsets. But if Abby has major gastric irritation, then medication specifically targeting that irritation can also be very important and your vet ought to get on top of this sooner rather than later (GRRRRRR!). She can become dehydrated from excessive diarrhea or vomiting, and unrelieved gastric irritation can lead to much bigger problems.


08-27-2014, 09:42 AM
How wonderful that you have given her 13 years of wonderfulness. No better gift you can give her than that. Prayers for your sweet pup and for her recovery.

Squirt's Mom
08-27-2014, 09:45 AM
Hey sweetie,

I hope you both had a better night. What is Abby eating, her feed, what is it? Is there any blood in the poop? And, yes, some of these meds and combinations of meds can wreck havoc on the digestive system. ;)

Look forward to hearing from you!
Leslie and the gang

My sweet Ginger
08-27-2014, 10:07 AM
Yea, it sounds like it's time your vet addresses this problem by now.
I know you started Novifit around 15th or 16th, how about the pain meds and shot? Was it around the same time as Novifit?
Didn't Abby get the med and shot a while ago? How did she react to them back then do you remember?
I keep going back to what the Novifit lady said about some reports on loose stool even though she said it usually happens within the first 48 hours of administration. You said Abby's stools are loose and they are not diarrheas, right? How about last night? I hope her body will adjust to the drug soon if that's what's causing all this. Ginger was having more frequent bowel movements too tho not like Abby's and they weren't loose either.
Maybe Abby's having a bigger reaction than most. I'm sure the vet will be able to help her hopefully sooner rather than later.

Budsters Mom
08-27-2014, 12:05 PM
Hi Meg,

I'm checking in from work to find you in really good angel hands this morning. :p Sorry you and Abby has another rough night. I'll check back in a little later. xxxxoooo


08-27-2014, 05:48 PM
Hi Meg
Haven't popped in for a while but just wanted to send you a hug, good question by Leslie, what is Abby eating right now? Hopefully nothing that will upset her tummy further and you got the trash totally out of her reach!! Sorry your still having a rough time but I hope in all that she is still having good times too, she looks so cute and fairly active in your videos! hang in there xx

08-29-2014, 06:49 AM
Hi frends, I've been up all night with Abby after working a double soI can barely keep my eyes open but i wanted to give u an update. Vet said stop the Novifit for now whichi did. Abby has not had an accident today or yeaterdy. Her hyperactivity is again keeping her up all night like a lunatic and she's doing the tremoring thing all over her body which I don't know is because of the over excitement and cortisol or something else. I will give u more info when I finallyget some sleep. I gave her melatonin to calm her down hours ago but it's obviously done nothing. Just at a stalemate. I walked herfor 20 minutes after my shift tonight thinking it might calm her but it did nothing I guess. Talk to you soon. -Meg and Abby

Ps all of Abby's accidents have been either solid poop or vomit. Never diarrhea. Again I will give more info and chat later, I desprtly need to talk to you wonderful ladies. I'm so lost and sad wanting to fix her, but I'm workingso much to pay for the bills that I can barely function. Thank u for being understanding

Squirt's Mom
08-29-2014, 09:13 AM
Since it was normal poop, I'm not sure why the vet wanted the Novifit stopped especially if it was helping Abby with other issues. If it wasn't helping, then no need to continue it of course - I would think it's been long enough to see improvement if it was going to help.

Did the vet offer any cause for this or any solution other than "keep her out of the trash" - which doesn't fit either if the poop is normal. :rolleyes: Dogs that eat something they shouldn't typically end up with loose stools at the least in my experience. ;)

I know how exhausting it is to tend to our ailing babies and find ways to pay for that tending but I am grateful you are able to work and I know Abby is so grateful to you for everything you do for her. Try to rest when you can and keep your chin up, sweetie.

Leslie and the gang

08-29-2014, 09:31 AM
Oh Meg, I know you are exhausted!!! As Leslie says, try to hang in there and we will be right here when you are rested enough to tell us more.

Sending big hugs to you and our Abby girl.

My sweet Ginger
08-29-2014, 09:56 AM
See if you can have your vet talk to a vet from Novfit through the lady who I've been talking to. Her name is Barb and her number is 800 338 3659 ext. 3534
She gave me a case # for Ginger and have Ginger's IMS call with that case # if she has any questions. Maybe they can figure it out better together.
Since stopping Novifit, is she better with pooping and vomiting?
I'm so sorry Meg this is still going on. We are all praying for you and sweet Abby. Hug, Song.

Budsters Mom
08-29-2014, 12:45 PM
Oh Meg,

Please come back and talk with us more once you've had time to rest. We understand how hard this all is. xxxoooo


Budsters Mom
08-31-2014, 03:54 AM
Hi Meg,

Dropping in to check on both you and Abby tonight. I hope you are both peacefully snoozing away.

09-03-2014, 02:01 AM
Hi all, I just got off work and walked Abby. I finally got enough money to pay for this months Trilostane from the vet. No accidents since my last post. Just the normal strain of Cushings.

09-03-2014, 02:02 AM
And I have her back on novifit because I doubt it had anything to do with her accidents.

09-03-2014, 05:30 AM
Meg, it's highly likely that something from the trash bothered Abby.
Food can spoil really quickly in this heat. I'm glad she's doing better.

Budsters Mom
09-03-2014, 12:11 PM
So glad she's better:p

Hang in there Meg. You are doing great! ;):)

09-04-2014, 10:40 PM
Well Abby had another accident today. Solid stool all over the foyer. :(

09-04-2014, 11:26 PM
Meg, who takes her out when you're not home? Could it be that they possibly aren't giving her enough time to find the spot she likes to go potty?

Budsters Mom
09-05-2014, 01:26 AM
Are these accidents only happening when you're not home to take her out? She is older and it's very likely she can't hold it as long anymore.:) If she really can't get out, she might be doing the best she can. It's not easy on her either. A solid stool is a good sign though.

You are making memories with Abby. Try to concentrate on the happy moments that you have together. Those are what will sustain you in the long run.

We know how hard it is dealing with an older dog with health issues. It is exhausting, particularly when you're working so hard just to pay for Abby's needs. It was hard with Buddy the last few months. He couldn't settle to sleep at night, so I couldn't either. I then had to work the next day. I slept very little during that time. Having admitted that, I would happily do it all over again just to have him with me a little longer.

09-05-2014, 04:14 AM
Thank you Kathy and Val, I'm sorry I'm a broken record. No one is usually home when I'm not. If they are, they usually just let her bark for 10-15 minutes before they let her out. It's just exhausting... And so draining. I've been crying so much over her

09-05-2014, 05:00 AM
I'm going to say that her accidents are because they aren't taking her out in time. Do you have a close neighbor who could take Abby out for you instead of leaving it up to your family?

Like people, as dogs age they need to relieve themselves more frequently and can't hold it as long.

This is on your family. Not you or Abby. It's horrible that they don't help you. Shameful behavior for adults.

My sweet Ginger
09-05-2014, 09:27 AM
Dear Meg,

I'm not 100% sure on this but as I've noticed this on Ginger that Abby's bowel movements might have become a little more frequent from Novifit, too. Just a bit loose at times but otherwise solid poops and def more frequent than before. She probably needs to be let out more often.
Is your work place close enough for you to come home to let Abby out on your lunch break on your work days?
For many, many years before my retirement last year I came home every single day to let Ginger and Stella out.
I was lucky enough to live only a few miles away from home but I had to be fast as I only had 30min to drive back and forth and take care of their businesses regardless of the weather. It'd be great if you live close enough and get an hour long lunch break so you can come home to let Abby out as it is clear to me that you pretty much have to forget about getting any kind of meaningful help from your family. I feel very sad for Abby and you about that. As unfair as it is, you and sweet Abby are on your own it seems.

Although you and sweet Abby will always have our undying love and support here on the forum but ultimately you will have to be the one who gets things done for Abby and her comfort which every old dog deserves in their golden years.
Meg, stay strong for Abby because she needs you and she's got no one else but you to take care of her in this whole wide world.
We will help you any way we can and be here for you and Abby as long as you need us.
Please, don't despair. Keep thinking the positives and the sweetest face of Abby. You will get through this and we are all so proud of you for what you've been doing for sweet Abby. Yes, she's so sweet.:)
Many hugs, Song.

Budsters Mom
09-07-2014, 12:34 AM
Hi Meg,

Just dropping in to deliver more support and hugs. :p

Try to be patient when Abby has accidents in the house. I know that's hard and cleaning up crap sucks, but I do believe she is doing the best she can.

You are stronger than you think Meg. Hang in there Sweetie, xxxooo

09-07-2014, 09:43 AM
I could ask a neighbor. Thank you for the idea.

Abby wiped out this morning on the hardwood floor. Her little paws slipped and she fell on her tummy. Her heart was racing and I was crying so hard, but I called her down.

09-07-2014, 09:44 AM
Thank you, Song. You are so sweet and so compassionate. I will try my best to be there for her. I may have to quit my job because physically I cannot handle it. I get so sick from working with a migraine that I vomit throughout my shift and get so lightheaded.

My sweet Ginger
09-07-2014, 10:44 AM
Hang in there Meg. I hope Abby didn't get hurt too badly and doing better by now. Do you take something for your migraine? I heard they are horrendous. Take care. Hugs.

09-07-2014, 12:02 PM
I have a chronic migraine that I wake up with and go to bed with. It's from my four head injuries. It's life, but all the more hellish.

Abby was okay about 5 or 10 min after she fell. She was her normal self. My dad offered to take her for a walk after the aspirin kicks in because he sees how much pain I'm in

Budsters Mom
09-07-2014, 02:06 PM
Hi Meg,

I am so sorry to hear about your migraines. I had a traumatic brain injury about 18 years ago. I had daily migraines like that for a very long time. They went away eventually, but not entirely. I still get migraines now and then. I am told that they are caused by a chemical imbalance, but I still think that they linked to my head injury. I can't imagine having four. :o :eek::eek:

My prayer for you and Abby is that you are both able to find peace. I can't even begin to relate to the difficulties you are facing right now. We remain here as always to help in anyway we can. xxxooo.

molly muffin
09-09-2014, 11:08 PM
Hi meg. Checking in on you and Abby.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

09-11-2014, 12:35 AM
I know how much migraines suck. I used to get them every month at the same time as my period and would stay in a darkened room for a week only to come out to eat and use the bathroom. Believe it or not, they put me on a low dose of birth control pill and they went away. As I got older, I stopped the pill and they haven't come back.

Hopefully they can find some way to relieve them for you Meg.

09-11-2014, 08:29 AM
Hi Meg, hope this week has been better for you. I admire you for all you have to manage not least having those nasty migraines constantly. Hope Abby gives you lots of kisses to make you feel better! You do not strike me as the type who would give up, so you keep on keeping on and loving that girl of yours. Big hugs xx

09-11-2014, 11:00 PM
Hey guys, I just got off work and thought I'd update u. Abby has been a little better past few days. Going for walks once or twice day. Giving her aspirin every morning for hind leg pain. No accidents (knock on wood). She wakes me up about three or four tomes a night, testless and barking.

I've been working still (not fired yet) and my parents are in Orlando, Florida til Monday so I've been insanely overwhelmed and scared. Thank you for caring about us so much despite me bing so busy and Abby's health fluctuating so often. It really means so much to me. Ill be back on later tonight. Xo, Meg

09-12-2014, 12:09 AM
Meg! That's great news!
Don't be afraid that your parents are away. Think of it as a nice break for you and Abby to have the house to yourselves!

Budsters Mom
09-12-2014, 12:39 AM
Hi Meg,

Now is your time to smoother your sweet baby with tons of love and attention. You are not there alone. Abby is there to watch out for you like she always has been.;)

There are some little tricks that are helpful when people are scared. What exactly is scaring you? If it's noises particularly at night, turn on some background sound like a TV or radio and leave it on all night. If it's shadows, leave a small light such as a night light. You could even try leaving a TV or radio on in your parents room, so it sounds like they are there. A talk show radio station works great for that. ;)

Do you have a friend who could come over and spend the nights there with you and Abby? We all feel scared sometimes. No one is ever alone when you are part of our family here. If you're having trouble sleeping, read some threads and post what you're thinking/feeling. Somebody will be around very soon to talk with you.

Finally, I know that you have a guardian angel who watches out for you because you have survived so much. That angel is not me, but I care very much about you too. I can't be on the forum all the time, but do watch out for your posts and respond as quickly as possible. Once you realize that you are safe and protected at all times, whether your parents are home or not, that fear will slowly start to slip away. Until then, we are here as always.

Big soothing hugs,

Budsters Mom
09-12-2014, 01:23 AM
What about neighbors?? Do you have any neighbors who know your folks are away and are willing to keep a watch out for you? You mentioned that a neighbor might be able to let Abby out to potty while you're at work. Maybe that same neighbor would be willing to help?

So glad Abby is doing well. That is certainly a blessing. Stress triggers migraines, so try to relax when you can. Maybe a warm bath with candles?

I'll check back in a little later. ;)

Budsters Mom
09-12-2014, 03:01 AM
Well Meg,

I hope you and Abby are peacefully sleeping away. Hang in there. It is less overwhelming when you stay in the moment. So concentrate on what you have to do for now. xxxooo

Budsters Mom
09-12-2014, 11:39 PM
Yo Meg!!!!! Checking in to see how you and Abby are doing.

09-13-2014, 09:39 AM
Kathy your post about my guardian angel touched my heart and brought me to tears. You are such an incredible friend and truly an angel to me and Abby. Thank you so much for being there for us

09-13-2014, 09:41 AM
Hi guys, my grandma is staying with me and helping take care of Abby. Still no accidents but she is keeping me up at all hours with her energy and barking. Is 3mg of melatonin enough? Also thank you all for being so kind and caring about my pup. She's the my loving creature on the planet.

09-13-2014, 09:43 AM
I uploaded a few cute pics

My sweet Ginger
09-13-2014, 09:51 AM
Hi Meg,

I'm glad your grandma is staying with you and helping Abby. That's very sweet of her.
Is Abby still on Novifit or is it not helping Abby anymore at night if she is still on it? Did you get my PM?
Take care. Hugs, Song.

Budsters Mom
09-13-2014, 11:49 AM
Way to go for Gramma!!!!!!! So glad she's there!!! :D:D:D

09-13-2014, 11:59 AM
That's great Meg!

09-13-2014, 08:58 PM
Abby is not taking the novifit anymore. I noticed it was increasing her stool accidents. She is very happy today my grandma gave her scrambled eggs for breakfast :) I love them both so much. And all of you. You're angels :)

Budsters Mom
09-13-2014, 10:00 PM
Aren't grandma's awesome! :p:p:p

molly muffin
09-13-2014, 10:53 PM
Oh yes, grandma's are a happy, safe place and person to be with. (I might or might not be prejudice in this regard! :) ) hahaha

Glad your grandma is there with you and Abby is doing well.

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-14-2014, 06:52 PM
HI Meg

Glad to hear you have company!!! Grandma's are awesome and love their grandpups too!! Hope your weekend is going well with no accidents! x

09-15-2014, 08:20 PM
HELP PLEASE... Abby just started projectile vomitting outside and popped and peed all at once, she fell to her side and the eyes rolled to the back of her head. I think she had a stroke. She's pooping and throwing up again what do I do

09-15-2014, 08:30 PM
Can you get her to a vet? She needs emergency help.

09-15-2014, 08:37 PM
There's chocolate and raisins and almonds in her puke. She is falling over. Heart raising. Scariest minutes of my life

09-15-2014, 08:40 PM
Both chocolate and raisins are toxic to dogs, Meg. You need to get her to a vet asap!

09-15-2014, 08:42 PM
This sounds possibly like a grand mal seizure to me. How is she now, Meg? If it is a seizure, she will start coming back out of it. She may act unsteady and dazed, but probably will be back to trying to stand up again after a little while. Seizures are so scary to watch while they are happening, but doggies will come back out of them. What is happening now?


Edited: I am just now seeing about the chocolate and raisins -- that is a different story!

09-15-2014, 08:45 PM
Oh, I just now see about the chocolate and raisins! Yes, this is an emergency situation if she has eaten this stuff.

Squirt's Mom
09-15-2014, 08:50 PM
Meg, listen to us...get Abby to the vet NOW.

Squirt's Mom
09-15-2014, 08:53 PM
You aren't on the forum right now so I have sent you an email. Please let us know how Abby is as soon as you see the vet.

molly muffin
09-15-2014, 09:07 PM
Meg I hope that you have gotten Abby to the Vet Emergency and that is why you are not online. As the others have said both chocolate and raisens are poison to dogs and she has to be treated right away!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-15-2014, 09:19 PM
Abby is at e vet it is coming out of her at all ends

09-15-2014, 09:21 PM
We are here waiting right alongside you Meg. Please keep posting as you can.

molly muffin
09-15-2014, 09:28 PM
Meg, are your parents back now?

The same way that food poisoning affects humans, we vomit and get diarrhea, terrible stomach cramps, etc.
What exactly are they doing for Abby at the vet? Who is there with her?

Sending hugs
Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
09-15-2014, 10:23 PM
Oh Meg,

I am so sorry to have missed this. I am just reading it now.:o

I am so glad that you got Abby to the vet. Who is with you right now? Are your parents back or is your grandma still there?

We are all very worried about both of you right now. Please update as soon as you know anything or even to let us know that you're okay.

We be standing by here with our prayers, love and healing energy.

You are not alone. We are with you and Abby always. xxxooo

09-15-2014, 11:11 PM
They got most of the poisons out of her. She's still shaken up and her heart is racing. They noticed a major growth in her adrenal tumor. They said she's an old dog who's health is declining who has suffered a lot. It's ultimately time.

09-15-2014, 11:12 PM
I feel like this came out of nowhere but maybe it's gods plan

molly muffin
09-15-2014, 11:13 PM
Sending you big hugs Meg.

How do you feel about this?
We are here for you, as always and will support you, no matter what.

Sharlene and molly muffin

molly muffin
09-15-2014, 11:16 PM
It is like you were answering me before I even asked.

It isn't out of nowhere. You have been working really hard at keeping Abby as healthy as possible for a long time. You have in fact, worked your butt off to do so and have done a good job, and it is a testament to that love and caring of her that she has become an old dog, who has encountered some very tough issues now.

Sometimes though, they just get tired and it is harder and harder for their bodies to recover. We keep trying and trying, but each time something happens, it is harder for them to recover completely.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
09-15-2014, 11:42 PM
I'm here Meg, for whatever you need to say.

We have talked many times about the rainbow bridge and ending Abby's suffering. Abby loves you so much and knows how hard you worked to care for her and how much she will always be loved. I am proud of you Meg. I have been right there with you every step of your journey and know the sacrifices that you have made. You have always put Abby's needs first and you'll continue to do so when it's time for her to fly. We will always be here for you. Please stay with us and let us help you. xxxxoooo

09-16-2014, 01:14 AM
I love you guys. Thank you for understanding and not judging. I can't do it tonight. Abby's tail is wagging again but I know deep down that its the true end of our relationship together. This was too much for her, it was unfair. It was Inhumane. We are going to schedule a day this week with the vet to say goodbye to our precious angel, Abby

09-16-2014, 01:16 AM
I'm not going to be okay

09-16-2014, 02:07 AM
You will sweetheart. Abby will be ok too running over the Rainbow Bridge with Daisy Mae and so many others and you will see her again when it's your time.

Cherish the wonderful memories Meg and grieve as you need to because grief is as individual as each of us and our sweet furbabies.

Abby's tail wagging is wonderful, it means that despite all of her trials she is still happy!

Budsters Mom
09-16-2014, 02:30 AM
You are going to be okay Meg, but it's going to take time. Lots of it. It helps to talk with others who understand. No one understands better than we do. So many of us have lost our precious babies and are still grieving. We remain united, celebrating the lives of our precious fur angels and standing by to support other family members in need. You and Abby will always be a very special part of our family here. We will continue to honor Abby here as your very loving friend.

Love on your sweet angel for now. Soon she will be happily flying off pain free to meet all of her new friends who are waiting to welcome her at the rainbow bridge. Our fur angels will take wonderful care of her, while we take care of you. Please stay with us.

Close you eyes Meg and feel all of us surrounding you with love and care. Whenever you start to feel anxious, close your eyes and you'll feel us with you.

Big hugs my dear,

09-16-2014, 07:28 AM
Oh Meg, there is no way you can be OK right now. This is just too hard and painful a time. But you will survive this, and you will find a way to live with the pain. This is because love never dies when you have shared hearts like you and Abby have done. And it is love that will hold you up and carry you forward.

We are here for you, Meg. And Abby has a whole new family that awaits her at Rainbow Bridge.

Sending loving and comforting thoughts to both of our precious girls.

Budsters Mom
09-16-2014, 07:54 AM
Good morning Sweetie. Thinking about you and our precious Abby as you start your day. Did you bring her home with you last night, or is she still at the vets? Your folks were due home from Orlando yesterday. Are they back? Is there someone there with you right now?
Were you able to get at least a little rest last night. So many questions because we care. I'll check back a little later. It is not quite 4:00 AM here now, so I'm going to try to get a little more rest before getting up for work. xxxooo

Budsters Mom
09-16-2014, 07:06 PM
Yo Meg,

What's happening there? The last we heard Abby was at the vets being detoxed. Please update ASAP. Thanks, xxxooo

09-16-2014, 10:45 PM
Meg sweetie,
please update us when you can. Hopefully Abby is detoxed by now and feeling better. Hugs.

Budsters Mom
09-17-2014, 01:30 AM
Meg, I know you're there. Please let us know how you are and what's occured since yesterday. We are still waiting, praying and watching. xxxooo

09-17-2014, 03:29 PM
Hi everyone, Abby is resting on her blanket now. We are going to wait until the weekend. We are pampering her and giving her so much love. She seems happy and peaceful, but in my heart, it is time. I love you guys thank you so much for being with us at the end of our journey

Squirt's Mom
09-17-2014, 04:11 PM
Sweet Meg, we are with you and Abby every second, all you ever need to do is reach out here and you will find us taking your hands. Tell Abby everything you ever wanted her to know, talk about the fun times you've had together, spoil her rotten, and know your sweet girl understands how very much you love her.

We are here, sweetie, anytime.
Leslie and the gang

09-17-2014, 04:23 PM
Thank you Leslie and everyone for being so amazing and loving. I'm an emotional wreck and don't know how I'm going to live without my best friend. So I might not be on for a few days. Forgive me, it's just to heart wrenching for me because Abby seemed so happy a few days ago

09-17-2014, 04:23 PM
I blame myself

09-17-2014, 04:33 PM
Hi Meg. Was Abby feeling okay and did she appear to be happy before she ate the chocolate and raisins that made her very ill? Did the vet not think she could have a full recovery for that?

Budsters Mom
09-17-2014, 08:08 PM
Oh Sweet Meg, There is no place for blame here. You did the very best you could and always put Abby first. You loved her with every fiber of your being. She knows that and doesn't blame you. She only has love in her heart for you. Take that cue from her. ;)

You mentioned that the vet discovered a major growth on her adrenal tumor. That has nothing to do with the chocolate or raisins.

You will make it through this Meg. We all feel like that when our beloved heart dogs soar to the bridge. You allow yourself the time necessary to grieve concentrating on the moment without worrying about the next hour, day, month or year. Do whatever you need to. It's okay to yell, scream, beat up a pillow and slam doors. I've done all of those things at one time or another. The most important thing is to let those feelings out in a safe and loving way. For me, the forum was my lifeline to sanity because I was free to say anything and EVERYONE understood. No one else around me understood the depth of feeling I had/have for Buddy and how much I was hurting and still am sometimes. They were not intentionally being cruel. They just didn't understand.:o It does get better. It really does.

Do what you need to Meg. We will be here when you are ready to return, like we've always been. For now, shower Abby with love and care. Tell her everything you want her to know and treasure every precious moment you have together.

With much love for both of our girls,

09-17-2014, 09:29 PM
Thank you Kathy. You're kindness makes me tear up. I wish I had a mother who cared half as much as you.

LuLu's mom that's what I said. Abby was having a very good time before this incident occurred. My father had left his leftovers in the trash and Abby ate it all. But after he examined her he felt the tumor on her tummy and noticed the growth. It feels to me like a fatty tumor and Abby had been happy so I don't know. My heart hurts and I'm torn.

Abby brought me her leash today so I walked her. I uploaded some pics in her latest album,
Like I said.. I'm just in a terrible place. But thank you all so much for being wonderful

Budsters Mom
09-17-2014, 10:12 PM
Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm sure that your mom loves you very much. Sometimes it's very hard to express those feelings to the people who are closest to you.

I can't be your mom, but I would be happy to be one of your very loving aunties. We have many of those around here who care very much.

Remember, you are never alone. You have us. ;):p xxxooo

09-17-2014, 10:13 PM
Meg, older dogs get lots of fatty tumors, especially on their belly so you are probably right. They are benign and vets won't even remove them unless they get so big that they interfere with mobility. My old girl, Sophie, has them everywhere. Sophie is pretty debilitated and like you, I am watching her to make sure that I know when it's time. I love her with all my heart and as long as she still is still playing with Suzy, wagging her tail and eating like she enjoys, she'll stay right here with me. It's a horrible decision and I know how you feel because we're both in the same boat.

Based on what you've told us, it really sounds like you are in a worse place than Abby. She's already rebounded from that nasty chocolate and raisin episode and she's ready to keep you fit by making you walk her. :D Could it be that your little girl feels better than you think and wants to stick around and enjoy a little more life with you? I don't want to influence your decision but I just want to make sure that the horrible trauma you felt while watching Abby be violently ill isn't what is stuck in your mind and is making you think that perhaps you need to let her go. It's the way you see her right now that matters. What do you think?


P.S. I love the pictures you posted. Abby's stepping out with her tail held high. Go Abby!!!!

09-17-2014, 11:34 PM
I agree with Glynda. Abby is still wagging her tail and stepping high which to me, are NOT signs that she's ready to go to the rainbow bridge. Quite the opposite.

Haven't you ever gotten so sick that you thought that you would never get through it? That's what food poisoning and eating chocolate do to dogs. If they survive the incident which Abby obviously has, that should be the end of it without any other problems.

Let the fright of that incident go and look at Abby. If she's happy, still wanting to walk etc I would say that is it not time yet. You will not have a doubt when it is.

09-18-2014, 07:18 AM
It does sound like she is feeling much better and I agree --- I do not think it is her time!!!!! Did your vet say it was?

My dog has fatty tumors as well so no big deal. You must be strong for her, you have the strength in you just let it come out and continue to be her advocate as best you can.

deep breaths, Meg and one day at a time :)

09-18-2014, 08:17 AM
Meg, what are your parents and your vet thinking right now? And most especially, you? Your sweet photos of Abby do catch a snapshot of a dog who seems to be taking pleasure in her walk. But I know these photos are capturing only a moment in time, and you are the one who sees what Abby's life is like around-the-clock and must be the judge as to whether the good moments offset the bad.

I can only imagine what a heart-breaking decision this is for you, and I will support you no matter what you decide.

Sending so many hugs,

Squirt's Mom
09-18-2014, 10:29 AM
Meg, no one knows Abby like you. No one loves Abby like you. I am by your side no matter what today or tomorrow may bring, no matter what you decide or when. I believe that love will guide you if you just listen to that voice and no other - listen to the voice of love you and Abby share.

Leslie and the gang

09-18-2014, 07:54 PM
Hi Abby

It feels like we were just here before when you thought it was her time and she bounced right on back!! I look at those pictures of her and see her walking out in front with her tail up and see a dog that looks pretty frisky!! But as the others have said we are not with her all the time.

Did your vet do an ultrasound to determine that this lump she has is an adrenal tumour?? If not, I cannot see how they can possibly say it is that from just feeling it. That would be downright impossible to do as the adrenal glands are so deep in the body. As others have said much more likely to be a lipoma. That sounds a bit fishy to me.

Abby looks like she is showing you she is feeling much better after getting in that damn trash (you really need to put that somewhere she cannot get at it!) and making herself sick!!

She is looking great, and I hope you are feeling better too!
Trish xx

molly muffin
09-18-2014, 10:00 PM
Hi Meg,
Just checking in to see how you and Abby are doing today.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
09-19-2014, 09:49 AM
Good morning Meg. Thinking of you and Abby as I start my day.

Budsters Mom
09-20-2014, 03:50 AM
Hi Meg,

I've been hanging around tonight hoping you would surface. It's almost midnight here, so I'd better get some rest now. I'll be back to check on you and Abby in the morning. I hope both of you are peacefully snoozing away. Sweet dreams.:p xxxooo

Squirt's Mom
09-20-2014, 07:45 AM
My thoughts are with you, sweetie.

09-20-2014, 07:50 AM
Mine, too. If today is the day that Abby is released, please know that I am holding you both in my hearts and I will be here awaiting your return to us.


09-20-2014, 10:33 AM
Hi friends. My parents are torn. Abby still with us. Very emotional time, no final decision yet. Abby keeps showing us life but the doctors seemed so sure. I'm going to pray on it today and tomorrow while my parents decide. Love to you all. I work a 10 hour shift so that should at least occupy my mind and stop the tears for awhile. Xo Meg

09-20-2014, 10:35 AM
Ultrasound is what id like. But it's expensive. Vet did a thorough physical exam though and took her vitals. ---I also added two pics from yesterday of Abby

09-20-2014, 10:36 AM
It was the ER vet, not our regular vet. We see him


09-20-2014, 02:02 PM
Meg, I would trust the regular vet's assessment of Abby more because he knows her history and has seen her regularly. The ER vet saw Abby at her worst after ingesting a toxic substance.

Not too long ago Abby's regular vet told you that it wasn't time yet. I can tell you from experience that it will be obvious. During Daisy's stay at Cornell when she was really sick, her tail was down the whole time, I had to beg her to walk with me and she looked depressed.

Everyone has good days and bad days, think of Cushings being a lifelong illness like diabetes in humans. When diabetes isn't controlled adequately, the person is going to feel sick. Abby will have good days and bad days just like us. As long as she's happy and loving her walks, I don't think it's time.

Budsters Mom
09-20-2014, 02:03 PM
Hi Meg,
Thank you so much for updating. I get Crazy when I haven't heard anything for a while.:eek:

I know how hard this is on you sweetie, but I think your folks just want to make sure that it's her time to cross. It's okay to let those tears wash over you like a waterfall. You need to get those emotions out, but probably not in the middle of your shift.;)

Thanks for uploading all of the photos lately. I never tire of seeing sweet Abby.:p

We will be right by your side for as long as you need or want us. However, this is my day off, so I don't plan on working during your shift.;) I'll just hang close by and give anyone the evil eye who isn't nice to you. How does that sound? I can be pretty intimidating when I have to be, but it's not really in my nature.

Please update us at after Abby's appointment on Monday.
Hugs and love to both of our girls,

Budsters Mom
09-21-2014, 12:15 AM
Wow, I'm exhausted after that 10 hour shift, what about you? ;)

Seriously, what type of work are you doing Meg? You don't have to tell us where or anything. Is it sales or? Is it something that requires manual labor or standing for lengthy periods of time? I was just wondering what they have you doing for 10 hours? If you would rather not say, that's okay too. I am just being nosy.

How was our sweet girl when you got home this evening? Have your parents said any more about what they're thinking. Are they going to Abby's appointment with you? Yes, I care very much, so I have plenty of questions. Please answer only the ones that you are comfortable answering.

Tell Abby that there are plenty of us aunties here praying for both of you and sending love. xxxooo

Squirt's Mom
09-21-2014, 08:12 AM
Hugs and gentle belly rubs!

09-21-2014, 02:31 PM
Thank you all for the love. I took a waitressing job at an upscale restaurant where I live. I can make about $100 or $200 a shift even though I'm in agony cause I'm really good at hiding it. I can pay for Abby's tests and medicine and bills this way.

Also, thank you for being there and your input. My heart broke into a million pieces when I saw Abby collapse the other night. I've had nightmares every night since and wake up sweating, in tears. She fell like she would never get back up. And I know it was food poison and that she's happy again. But what if that happens again? I can't let it. I'm so scared of letting her suffer at all. I know she loves me and loves life, but her tail wags so much, it's hard to know if she's truly happy or in pain. That's why tomorrow is so important.

09-21-2014, 02:33 PM
Also. Thank you for your input Val and Kathy, you two are guiding me through this and I don't know what id do without you. My parents aren't coming to vet appt, even though I begged them. Abby has been happy and enjoying walks since. We are giving her ZERO people food

molly muffin
09-21-2014, 03:11 PM
Tail wagging is not a sign of pain. Tail lowered between the legs would be a more common pain sign in dogs. As is a hunched back with tail down between legs. Tail wagging and up is a happy sign.
Abby has been into the garbage and ended up poisoned twice. That has to be in an area she can't get to or this could happen again.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
09-21-2014, 04:17 PM
I'm with you all the way Meg.:p

I had hoped your parents would go to Abby's appointment tomorrow too.:o Have you thought of possibly seeing another vet and getting a second opinion? Your vet has been treating Abby for so long that he could have missed something. None of us are perfect. A fresh perspective could help, particularly when you are assessing Abby's quality of life. What do you think?

Yes, that dang trash needs to be in a container tighter than a bank vault!:eek::eek::eek:

You are working hard to pay for Abby's vet bills and meds, despite being in constant pain. I am soooooo proud of you! :p xxxooo

09-21-2014, 04:37 PM
Meg, buy a container with a lid that has to be lifted to keep the trash in. Many of them can be ordered through Amazon.com for much less than the manufacturer's website. Search online for one that you think will work and then compare the price on Amazon, be sure to add the shipping cost which can vary.


Budsters Mom
09-22-2014, 01:09 AM
Hey Meg,

You and Abby won't be alone at the vets tomorrow. We will all be with you in spirit.;)

Thinking of you and sending love to both of our girls. xxxooo

09-22-2014, 07:06 AM
Sharlene, Kathy, Val -- I agree with all of you. Thanks for the input. She is such a scavenger I have to be more diligent with the trash. Now that I have enough money I will absolutely get a second opinion from a different vet. A fresh perspective could do wonders. I am so glad you helped me stay strong this weekend and keep Abby alive. Her spirit is still strong and willing and I believe she still loves life on this earth. Just need to keep her out of trash, cortisol managed, and arthritis taken care of. Lets pray for no more disasters. Xo Meg

Budsters Mom
09-22-2014, 12:06 PM
Please let us know what the vet has to say today, okay? Go Abby! :p

09-22-2014, 03:49 PM
I'm so happy for you and Abby!!!!!

09-23-2014, 12:26 AM
We had a great visit with the vet today!! Abby had a series of tests done and we left extremely optimistic and hopeful. More details tomorrow when I hear back from the office. Thank u everyone

Budsters Mom
09-23-2014, 01:32 AM
So glad it went well. :p

What kind of tests were done? Was it bloodwork, or something else? Please ask for copies of the tests that were done and post any abnormalities here. That would include anything that falls out of the normal range either higher or lower and include the normal reference range. Some of our angels here are pros at interpreting blood work. They may be able to tell us more about what's going on with Abby.;)

09-23-2014, 02:25 AM
Yay!!!! I'm also curious to know what tests and the results.

Squirt's Mom
09-23-2014, 09:14 AM
Thank goodness she was tested! Please let us know what tests were done and what you learn from them as soon as you can, honey. We are so worried about the both of you.

Leslie and the gang

09-23-2014, 10:25 AM
I'm here too, Meg, anxious to hear your news and so relieved to know the vet visit went well!


09-23-2014, 04:01 PM
Waiting anxiously to hear back from vet - thank you everyone!

09-23-2014, 05:16 PM
I just spoke with the vet assistant. Before I panic or take her back in (which I was just instructed to do) I want you guys to have all the details.

Abby had all those tests done and a physical exam yesterday. Urinalysis, CBC, biochemistry panel, ACTH stim test, the works. During the physical exam, the vet noticed the increased size of the lump and also found another very small one, but said it was not life threatening or cause for concern. He said its common with older dogs. Heart rate, BP were normal. He said it takes Cush dogs longer to recover from illness or poisoning so expect her to be a little lethargic or weak, etc.

I just got a phone call that Abby's CBC showed abnormally high calcium levels and low WBC. I dont know what that means in terms of disease or illness?? The assistant wouldnt elaborate and said Dr Shader would give me more detailed and accurate information. I have no fax machine so they cant send me the numbers. Im panicking. No one home but me and Abby. She said the vet strongly encourages an abdominal ultrasound and additional testing, (which are very expensive). I just posted so many happy pictures of Abby and get this news.
Can anyone give me advice or cost estimates?

09-23-2014, 05:40 PM
Oh Meg, I have only a moment to type right now. But one suggestion I'd make is for you (and your parents if they want to join you) to go in and first talk to the vet without taking Abby -- just let her stay home for the moment. That way you can find out exactly what the vet is thinking and also get specific cost estimates for any additional testing, and you won't have to make a decision on the spot. You can take the evening or another day to think things over.

I have done this before with my girls -- just gone in to see the vet on my own when I had something complicated that I wanted to talk over. It was much easier for me to concentrate when I was just there by myself, and then I could take Peg or Luna back later with greater security and confidence once I'd made up my mind as to exactly what I wanted to do. The vet may charge you for a simple office visit, but I think the money would be worth it in order to give you time to figure out what is going on and which steps you want to take next.


09-23-2014, 05:51 PM
Thank you so so much Marianne. I'm going to head there now on my own and let Abby stay home. My parents aren't home but she just went the bathroom outside so she should be ok.

Great idea thank u

09-23-2014, 05:54 PM
And Meg, ask them to make you copies of all the test results so you can bring them home and look them over with us.

09-23-2014, 06:14 PM
I just arrived and I'm waiting for the vet. There's a million thoughts going through my mind but I wanted to take a few deep breaths and say thank you. I'm crying as always but I feel comfort in knowing whatever the vet tells me, it'll be okay, Because I have you guys to help me. I am only 24 and so scared and alone when it comes to Abby. Yet you have been with me, all of you, from the first day I posted and have never given up on Abby and have never abandoned me in a time of need. Which is often. ... I do not know what id do without you ladies. I never have time to thank each of you personally, but every one of your posts mean so much to me. Re-reading them at times like this helps me see clearly and try to be strong like you.

I told my boss about the emergency and he is letting me come in an hour late. I'm closing the restaurant tonight so I won't be home til 12 or 12:30. I will post Abby's results and labs as soon as I can tonight/tomorrow. Thank you all again, so very much, please say a quick pray for Abby.

09-23-2014, 06:19 PM
You can do it Meg, you are stronger than you think!! Hopefully her bloods still righting themselves after the garbage incident. Good Luck xxx

09-23-2014, 06:20 PM
Absolutely that prayer is on its way. And we're right here beside you Meg, no matter what!

09-23-2014, 06:43 PM
Meg, ultrasounds with Cushings dogs is always a good idea to see where the organ are at health wise. Don't panic. He did tell you that it takes them longer to recover as well so the blood work may be indicating just that.

You said it yourself that Abby is happy.

My sweet Ginger
09-23-2014, 07:28 PM
Meg, as you've said take a few deep breaths and try to stay calm for Abby. Whatever results you're about to get can't be so bad if Abby seems to be doing ok, right? Remember she was very sick only a week ago or so, so she maybe still recovering from that as Trish and Val said. Also remember how strong and resilient Abby has been through all of her recent obstacles. She will be ok. We will pray for Abby and you as always. You are doing absolutely wonderful for sweet Abby. All of us are so very proud of you. Big hugs.

09-23-2014, 07:56 PM
Hi Meg,

Please try not to worry. Valerie is correct. Dogs who have hypercalcemia (high calcium) from ingesting toxic substances, like chocolate and raisins, will have elevated calcium for weeks and weeks. I would have been surprised if Abby didn't have high calcium. I'll be anxiously awaiting your update and do hope you rounded up all the test results while you were at the vet's office.


P.S. I forgot to mention that those lumps your vet weren't worried about are most likely lipomas, which are benign fatty tumors. I hope you aren't worrying about those.

Budsters Mom
09-23-2014, 08:51 PM
Hi Meg,

I have a emergency situation with Rosie that I need to take care of right now. I'm leaving you and Abby in very capable hands with the others. I will be following along with your thread as I'm able.

Hang in there Sweetie. One step at time. Everything is not so overwhelming that way. xxxooo

Budsters Mom
09-24-2014, 02:42 AM
Hi Meg,

Checking in with you before crashing for the night.

I hope you were able to get your questions answered and have some test results to post, as well as a tentative plan to move forward. I know you worked a very late shift and are probably exhausted. Get some rest and I'll check on you and sweet Abby tomorrow.

Remember, she has been enjoying her walks and happily wagging that tail like crazy. Please keep that in mind and try not to panic. There are many members here that have tons of knowledge. The more they know, the more they will be able to help. xxxooo

09-24-2014, 07:41 AM
Looking forward to the results and what was outlined by the vet too :) Post when you can.


Budsters Mom
09-24-2014, 01:22 PM
Yo Meg! Here's you wake up call! ;):p

Thinking of you both this morning. Please update ASAP!
Thanks Sweetie xxxoooo

09-25-2014, 01:14 PM
Hi everyone, taking Abby to vet again for ultrasound. How much does a biopsy cost

Squirt's Mom
09-25-2014, 02:25 PM
The biopsy question will be better answered by your vet as prices vary from area to area and even vet to vet. ;)

What did you learn when you met with the vet the other evening before going to work? An ultrasound is always a good idea in my book since it was the US that saved my Squirt's life by finding a tumor on her spleen. Let us know what the vet had to say and what you learn from the US!

You are doing a great job, Mom!

Leslie and the gang

09-25-2014, 02:34 PM
Meg, what does the vet think he will need to biopsy? The answer may also affect the cost. As Leslie says, it will really help if you can share with us the info the vet gave you when you met with him.


09-25-2014, 04:51 PM
I have to go in to work, I'm posting on my phone from the vet real quick.

He believes Abby's bloodwork indicates some sort of liver problem or worst case scenario, metastasis of her tumor. Ill keep u posted. My parents said if she does have malignant tumors, it would be too expensive and not worth the pain or effort to have surgery so they have already vetoed a biopsy (if necessary). Anyone have experience here?

Also should I just take a picture of Abby's chart and post it on here after work?

09-25-2014, 05:08 PM
Yes, if you can do it, please take a picture of Abby's chart and add it as an image/images to your photo album.

It will help us to see what lab values your vet is concerned about. If Abby's cortisol has been running too high all this time, it would not be at all surprising for her to have abnormal elevations in some of her liver numbers. That is a common thing with Cushpups. Those types of elevations do not necessarily mean that her liver function is severely compromised, though. So without seeing the actual test results, it is not possible for us to know exactly what has your vet so concerned. It will be good for us to see those numbers.


09-25-2014, 08:22 PM
Marianne is right. Daisy's liver values were off extremely high the entire time that she had Cushings. She had PDH, nothing on her adrenal glands at all.

09-27-2014, 06:26 AM
I've been up with Abby all night after working a 10 hour shift and expect to do the same tomorrow. She won't sleep I don't know why. Nothing works.

. We are going in go speak with the vet and his colleage tomorrow, my parents are actually joining me. I will get copies of her numbers, labs, the works if possible and upload them asap. I wasn't able to last visit. I'm sorry it's been so hectic and busy on my end. Trily

My sweet Ginger
09-27-2014, 09:03 AM
Thanks for your update, Meg and I will pray for a good visit with the vet on Monday. Hopefully the vet can help Abby with her messed up sleep cycle. That's good that you will have your parents's support this time and I hope it will continue.

Meg, you are doing all you can under the circumstances which is a lot more than other people your age. Make peace with yourself in that regard and try to restore calmness in you and enjoy each day with Abby. Like Rosie's dad said there will be plenty of time for tears later. Love each other and cherish each moment as much as you can. Hugs.

09-27-2014, 05:21 PM
Meg, Kathy has asked me to add a note to let you know that she is having computer problems right now that are keeping her from posting on the the forum or seeing her PMs. She, and all of us, will be really anxious, though, to find out those test results and also the outcome of your discussion with the vet.


09-27-2014, 05:49 PM
Meg, a thought occurred to me.
Abby is still a very active dog who enjoys her walks. If no one is taking her out while you work so that she can expend all of that energy , she's left to deal with it when you come home and she's obviously excited to see you.

Your family has to help while you're at work. Even if they just engage her in a game of fetch with a toy, something so that Abby can release energy. They can't expect her to sleep all day an night too.

Engaging her in activities during the day will help to reset her sleep cycle.


09-28-2014, 05:42 AM
Quick update before I pass out: after working all day and night I came home and found my parents asleep and Abby's droppings all over the house. I'm hysterical and just want t9 collapse

09-28-2014, 05:44 AM
I will read everything in the am when I'm functional. Love U all

My sweet Ginger
09-28-2014, 09:08 AM
Oh dear Meg, this can't keep going on. Something has to give. Can you try to work more regular schedule and certain number of hours a day so that you and Abby will have a steady daily routine and Abby is not left unattended (not counting your parents:mad:) for too long on any given day? Disregard whether your parents are home or not. We can all see that you two can't rely on them when it comes to caring for Sweet Abby.
You have to take as many stressors out of Abby's and your daily life by eliminating them that are controllable by you being proactive. You two already have enough going on that are way out of control.
Abby is doing remarkably well considering all her medical problems but I think she will do much better and be happier in a calmer and more settled environment. Take 100% of charge in Abby's care and never forget you are the one and only advocate for sweet Abby. Not your vet nor your parents.
Use any help from your parents whenever available but don't count them in too much. You are only setting yourself up for more disappointments later. You are a strong person so I know you can do it. Try to hang in there Meg. You two have come this far. Make all of your heartaches, sacrifices, devotion, love and affection worthwhile for many more happier and healthier days with your staunchest companion and protector.

Squirt's Mom
09-28-2014, 09:23 AM
Sweetheart, do you have a friend or neighbor who would be willing to come walk Abby once or twice while you are at work?

10-01-2014, 07:22 PM
I have not been able to access this site on my phone because of network problems so I am at Starbucks by my work to give u a quick update. Abby's tumor on her adrenal gland metatised and has spread to her liver and throughout her abdominal cavity. We cannot afford a biopsy or surgery, she is too old at this point and could not survive any formal treatment. I was in tears and a total wreck while the vet gave us our results, I didnt get any pictures of lab results but I know my parents have them somewhere. So we are currently treating her as we always do. Trying to get her outside as much as possible and walking her. Her accidents occur when she's home alone too long but never when I'm there. So that's what's happening with Abby. I'm barely functioning. But she is still happy and her "normal" self going for walks etc.

Our neighbor has agreed to come let her out once a day while I work. Thank for u the suggestion.

10-01-2014, 07:53 PM
Oh Meg,
That stinks!! Not at all what we wanted to hear.

I am glad that Abby is still happy. That is what we would all ask for.
Yay for your neighbor taking her out for you!!

Enjoy being with her as much as you can. Hugs.

molly muffin
10-01-2014, 10:40 PM
Oh Meg, I'm very sorry to hear that the tumor has spread.
You're doing all you can and the very best for her. As long as she is happy and not in pain, then just enjoy every single day with her and take lots of pictures.
Remember, Abby doesn't know she has any problems. She just wants to be with her family and be loved on and give love back. That is her life. The worries and the sadness, those are what we humans have to deal with.

Sharlene and molly muffin

10-01-2014, 10:43 PM
On that note, please do your best to not let Abby know that you're upset. They absolutely sense our emotions. It will be a hard thing to do but after all is done, you'll be glad that your time together was full of happiness and love. Hugs.

10-02-2014, 07:18 AM

I'm so sorry it wasn't better news. My Woodys tumour also spread to his liver so I know you will be beside yourself. Abby still seems happy and that is what counts, just love her and make each day count, and if you want to shout, cry, scream then we are all here for you to do that.

Take care of yourself

Squirt's Mom
10-02-2014, 07:42 AM
Dear Meg,

This is not what any of us wanted to hear and I know your heart is shattered. :( Remember, Abby knows nothing of this. All she knows is that her mom is nearby, her mom loves her, and that is ALL that matters to her. Spend every minute with her that you can, talking to her, touching her, holding her. Create memories to sustain you in the days to come, memories born of a deep abiding love shared by two special Souls.

We are here anytime, sweetie, anytime.
Hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

10-03-2014, 07:46 AM
Dear Meg,

I am so terribly sorry to hear this news. But like all the others, I want you to know we are always here for you and for Abby. Also, here is a special message that Kathy wants me to post on her behalf. Unfortunately, she is still having trouble getting the forum to load on her computer.



You have counted on me to always respond with absolute honesty and not beat around the bush, so that's whatI will continue to do.

Unfortunately, I am still locked out if the forum with some freaky Internet glitch. One of our administrators are being kind enough to post this for me and keep me updated.

Here goes.....Thank you so much for updating us as to Abby's condition. I assume that an ultrasound revealed the fact that Abby's tumor has spread? Regardless of how you discovered this, I am truly sorry. :(

It's time to regroup and get your emotions in check. I do know that's easier said than done. I totally lost it when Buddy's macro - tumor pretty much became a reality. I mourned that information for several days and was a total wreck. Up until then, I was hopeful and that I would be able to manage Buddy's Cushings. Others have, so I could too! I was forced to switch gears and figure out a way to keep him as comfortable for a long as possible. I had to process that he was terminal and his quality time left would be very short. I pulled myself together, dried my tears and committed myself totally to my precious boy. Whatever he wanted, he got. I smothered him with love and attention. I paid close attention to his needs and wants. I took videos and pictures to help sustain me when his journey came to an end, which I knew would be very soon. Tears flowing even now.

Please remember that Abby is happy for now. She lives in the moment, knows nothing about this and is all about love. Continue to smoother her with love and attention and go on many glorious walks together. That is what makes her truly happy. Take plenty of photos and videos. Those are for you to treasure always.

Hang in there Sweetie. You can get through this. You really can!

Big hugs to both our girls,


My sweet Ginger
10-03-2014, 09:23 AM
Dear Meg,

I'm very sorry about Abby's US. You just continue doing what you've been doing keeping Abby's comfort as number one priority in mind.
You and Abby will still have many happy days together with your love and devotion combined with her strong engine and resilience on her side. How I wish it was a different outcome tho. Hugs and kisses.

10-03-2014, 06:57 PM
Hi Meg, she did actually have an ultrasound? I may have missed that bit of information. I hope she did and they managed to get a clear view of what is going on with Abby. I hope she continues to do well for a good long while and get much more time with your precious girl!! x

Budsters Mom
10-04-2014, 12:21 AM

I'm back on-line for now. I don't know for how long.

Budsters Mom
10-05-2014, 07:54 PM
I'm still here Meg.:p Thinking of both of our girls.:p We would love to hear from you. xxxooo

10-05-2014, 09:27 PM
Meg, hoping that you and Abby are having some fun in this beautiful fall weather. Perfect weather for dogs with Cushings since their body temperatures tend to run high. Nice and cool.

Does Abby like to play with fallen leaves like some dogs do? I would make piles and Daisy ran through them as fast as she could. It was adorable.

Budsters Mom
10-05-2014, 09:51 PM
It's not fall weather here Meg. It's been triple digits here for the last four days!!! :eek::eek::eek: If it's cool there, stay where you are! :D

Budsters Mom
10-05-2014, 09:53 PM
I see your light on Meg !!! I know that you're there!:D

10-05-2014, 09:53 PM
Thank you all so very much. Finally have a day off and am reading all your wonderful comments, they have me in tears. It's Amazing to have so much love and support from strangers who have now become friends. I am so thankful.

Abby is vomitting atleast once a day now. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Better take her back to vet and see if there's anything we can do. Maybe cut back on aspirin or arthritis meds

10-05-2014, 09:54 PM
Please tell kathy I got her loving message thank her for me. I'm a total wreck over the tumors and cancer

Budsters Mom
10-05-2014, 11:10 PM
You are very welcome Meg. I wanted you to know that many of us have been through this and we're still here. ;)

Yes, it is very hard to emotionally switch gears from managing a condition to accepting the fact that our pups are terminally ill.:o Of course you are a wreck. That is all part of the processing. I was a wreck at first also. We all process information in different ways and different speeds. Be gentle with yourself while you're processing. None of this is easy. In fact, it is damn hard!:(

I am sorry to hear that Abby has been vomiting every day. Aspirin, arthritis meds, and trilostane can be hard on sensitive tummies. I used SEB (slippery Elm bark) to help settle Buddy's tummy. It's the only thing that really did help him.


Big hugs to both our girls,

10-05-2014, 11:22 PM
I am so very sorry to hear Abby's tumor has spread.
Big hugs

10-05-2014, 11:38 PM
Canned pumpkin did wonders for Daisy and she loved the taste of it. Easy to find in the baking aisle.

Budsters Mom
10-06-2014, 12:32 AM
FYI..... If you try the pumpkin, be sure to buy PLAIN PUMPKIN, not the mix that has seasonings in it. Read the label carefully!! Also, you only need a very small amount, about a rounded tablespoon, a couple times a day. Too much will cause diarrhea. You don't need that on top of everything else!

10-06-2014, 01:50 PM
Libby's makes the canned pumpkin and it says on the can that nothing else is added.
I put a small teaspoon of it underneath Daisy's food. It helped on the days that she was being picky too because she loved the taste.

Budsters Mom
10-13-2014, 01:39 AM
Yooooo Hooooo Meg!

It's been a week since you last checked in. Has Abby's stomach settled, or is she still vomiting daily?

Thinking of you both and hoping that Abby is still a happy girl enjoying her walks.

10-15-2014, 12:56 AM
Sorry guys, I was in New York for the past few days for a family emergency. Abby is vomitting occasionally (few times a week) and dropping loose stool. Nothing good to report. It's hard to come here to be honest. I cry just looking at the app because I remember when I first came here and was filled with so much hope and happiness. Now it's just pain and dread at the thought of Abby's name soon being "in loving memory" and I just crumble. I'm trying to enjoy the time I have with her but it's hard watching the animal you love more than yourself or any person slowly leaving you. Hugs and lots of love. -Meg

Budsters Mom
10-15-2014, 01:40 AM
Hi Meg,

Thanks for checking in and updating us. We do worry when time goes by without a word. We understand that coming here reminds you of better, happier days with Abby. For all of us that stay with the forum long enough, our precious pups do end up moving on to "In Loving Memory". It is a place where they will always be loved, cherished and remembered by all.

Yes, it is very hard to accept the fact that our babies are slowly fading away and even harder to watch them decline. Abby is 15 years old now. She has had a long, loving life. You have had five more glorious years with her then I had with Buddy. Be thankful for all of those moments and cherish them always.

All you have to do right now is to take one day at a time and relish those positive moments that occur sporadically. The wag of Abby's tail. Her joy and anticipation when it's walk time. The quiet moments when you're petting her and snuggling without words. These are just a few of the type moments to savor. There are many, many more. Please try not to get so wrapped up in anticipatory grief, that you lose out on any of those precious moments.

Big hugs to both our girls,

10-15-2014, 03:18 AM
Meg, Kathy is so right!
When it is Abby's time, you'll be glad for the happy times so just do your best to enjoy all that you can with Abby.

She's still very much with you. Even on her "off" days. Don't forget that.

10-16-2014, 01:32 AM
Thank you both. I don't know how I'd keep going without your constant support and care. My parents have already started looking for a breeder for our next dog which hurts even more. Sorry to complain so much. Abby is just my world

Budsters Mom
10-16-2014, 02:52 AM
It is what it is Meg. You are not complaining too much, so don't worry about that.;)

We all understand what Abby means to you and how hard all of this is.

I got your PM and have responded to it. It was very sweet of you to think of that. Yes, I do care very much. We all do.

Big hugs to both of our girls,

10-16-2014, 05:19 AM
Meg, I think that your parents know how much you're hurting and just want to fix it. Let them know that you'll tell them when you're ready for another furry family member and not before. Subject closed until you reopen it.

In the meantime, enjoy being with Abby. One day at a time.


10-16-2014, 06:49 AM

Hugs to you and Abby

Squirt's Mom
10-16-2014, 09:40 AM
Meg, I am so sorry. To me, the search for a replacement already is cruel and I don't understand your parents at all. :mad: I hate that term "replacement" but that is what they seem to be doing, as if Abby doesn't matter! And through a breeder when so many die every day in shelters?! :mad::mad: Nope, do not understand your parents in the least.

My sweet Ginger
10-16-2014, 01:43 PM
Meg, I'm not going to worry about Abby's "replacement".
Just tell them firmly you will get a dog when you are ready and what kind of dog you want and it will be yours only.

Campaign very, very hard against them getting a dog if they are getting one for themselves, please. You don't need a 'redo' experience of another Abby. They sound like fair weather dog lovers and dogs need a lot more than that as we all know by now.
I have all the confidence in the world in you that you will not let this happen.

Take one day at a time and enjoy each day as a gift. Make her as comfortable as possible and just love her.
I'm sort of doing the same thing with Ginger. I feel relief after each meal if she eats and try to deal with whatever problems come our way on a daily basis. I think we are still in tune in some ways and enjoy and love each other very much. She is much stronger than I thought and she's still hanging in there like a little trooper whose UTI at the moment seems to be rearing it's ugly head once more for the 5th time in a raw.:mad::mad:

I will pray for you and sweet Abby for many more loving and happy moments and days. Hugs, Song and Ginger.

10-16-2014, 02:35 PM
Meg, for your own sake, Abby's sake, and a new dog's sake _ please squash your parent's idea right now. This is NOT the time to add a new family member.

Enjoy every moment with Abby and make it clear that you will decide when, if, and where a dog comes from. Tell them flat out that you can't handle it. Period.

When you're ready. If you are, please rescue! Forget the breeders. Too many are in it for the money and not the welfare of the dogs. Daisy was a perfect example. I found out afterward that her breeder had been barred from breeding by the AKC until 2011! I didn't want to return her of course but got a full refund thankfully.

Shortly after coming home with me, Daisy got a bad case of kennel cough. Since this takes 2 weeks to show symptoms, and it took 2 rounds of antibiotics to clear! Not a way for a puppy to start her life. A few years later, she needed luxating patella surgery and as you know a heart murmur and Cushings.

Long story short, bad breeding shows up. It may take a few years, but it does.

Please rescue when and if you decide to.

molly muffin
10-16-2014, 07:12 PM
Hi Meg,

I just wanted to let you know that we are here for you any time it gets to be too much just pop in and someone will be around. Don't worry about the future for now, just concentrate on today and the time you have with Abby. Take pictures and videos. I often look back with amazement at the time that has passed since I beloved Tasha and Tipsy passed away (within months of each other). Can't say it doesn't hurt still and it's been many years, but I wouldn't trade that time together for anything at all.

Sending you big hugs
Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
10-17-2014, 01:43 AM
Hi Sweetie,

I am not going to put any pressure on you regarding what your parents choose to do or not. I realize that those decisions are beyond your control and I just don't know enough about their thinking.

My focus is on you and our sweet Abby, as it has been from the beginning of your journey. Please try to concentrate your attention on what you can control right now. Abby is warm, soft and loving. Savor that while you still can. Try to block out the rest as much as possible for now. You can only do so much. So make what you can do count. ;)

We are here for both of you. Remember, try to stay in the moment with Abby as much as possible. ;)

10-17-2014, 06:25 PM
Hi Meg

Ya know, if you find it hard coming here don't make yourself sweet. Sometimes it is stressful reading here and when I get like that I take a break. You know we are all here when you need us. Give that beauty a hug from me and here is one for you too!!! xx

10-17-2014, 11:19 PM
wow thank you so much. I thought I was crazy for getting so upset with my parents but you're all right. It is quite insane and so insensitive of them.

Abby is dropping poop all over the house and doesn't even realize it when it comes out. It's always solid. I don't know if she's constipated or just in so much pain back there. Anyone have experience or advice? My parents scream at her but it's not her fault. She doesn't even realize it's happening. It's such a hellish environment here

Budsters Mom
10-17-2014, 11:39 PM
Hi Meg,

As people age, they often lose control of their bowels are aren't able to hold their urine as long. I imagine it's the same with our fur babies. It is very likely that Abby does not know that she's doing it, or if she does, she's unable to control it. You're right, it's not her fault. She is doing the best she can. :o

I am sorry that you're feeling so much tension at home. If you need a safe place to blow off some steam, you can always come and chat with us. ;) We all understand how difficult all of this is for you right now. In the meantime, continue to focus on Abby as much as you can and you'll get through. You are doing an awesome job with her and I know it's not easy.

Big hugs to both our girls,

Budsters Mom
10-28-2014, 02:34 AM
Bumping up, so Meg can easily find her thread when she's ready to update. ;)

Thinking of you and our sweet Abby,

10-29-2014, 03:39 AM
I wonder if the canned pumpkin would help at all?

11-15-2014, 02:47 AM
Hi friends, I wanted to give you a quick update. I haven't read any recent posts or been on the website in a few weeks cause it's just too hard. Abby is very sick and pooping in the house atleast once or twice a day. Nothing more to add, just the same wonderful dog slowly leaving us. Love you all. Hugs and best wishes xo Meg

11-15-2014, 04:27 AM
Hey Meg... My name is Suzie. I'm not familiar with Abby's story, but I can tell from the last few posts that you and Abby are very much loved around here. I'm so sorry to hear that she is sick and not doing well. I will say a prayer right now for your sweet girl and one for comfort for you because I know you love her dearly. I know some of the others will be around for you to chat with soon, so hang in there honey. You are not alone. We are here for you.

As soon as I am able, I will go back and read Abby's story. I'd like to know more about your sweet girl and I hope to get to know you better too. (((MEG)))

Budsters Mom
11-15-2014, 04:26 PM
Hi Meg,

Thank you for your update. We care very much about both of you. We still want to know how you're doing, even if there isn't much to report.;)

Watching our older babies struggle and slowly fade away is heartbreaking. We would all love to keep them as playful pups forever. Unfortunately, their life spans are not as long as ours, so we do eventually have to end up saying goodbye. No matter when that happens. It's much too soon.:o

Abby loves you so much and really is doing the best she can under the circumstances. Although cleaning up poop is no fun, you still have her with you. That precious girl who is filled with love and has a heart of gold.

You have my email and know how to contact me. Since you find it so hard to come here right now, you can always send me a message and let me know what you would like me to tell the group for you. I would be happy to update your thread for you. If you choose to do this, please be clear on what you would like everyone to know.

You are doing great Meg. Sometimes holding on for dear life is all anyone can do. Big hugs to both our girls.

molly muffin
11-15-2014, 11:32 PM
Hi Meg! Just sending you a big hug across the miles.


11-16-2014, 01:00 AM
Hugs to you and Abby as always.
I still check in multiples times a week.

11-18-2014, 11:06 AM
Thank you for the endless support, prayers, and love. You guys are really too good to me. Abby is on canned dog food now and having a little less accidents, but she seems very fatigued and tired all the time now

Budsters Mom
11-18-2014, 12:39 PM
Hi Meg,

I'm thrilled to hear that Abby has been having less accidents since switching to soft/canned food. It does seem to be easier to digest as our babies age.:p

As we age, we tire out much quicker. It's the same for our babies. It's not surprising that she's tired all the time. Let her rest as much as she wants/needs to. As you walk together, take the cue from Abby. She'll let you know when she needs to rest.:D xxxxoooo

Big hugs to both of our girls,

Squirt's Mom
11-18-2014, 01:19 PM
Glad to hear the digestive issue is settling down some and hope it continues to improve. And yep, we do tire much more easily as we age. I get exhausted just thinking about getting up for a glass of Coke. :p

My sweet Ginger
11-18-2014, 01:53 PM
It's so good to hear from you, Meg. Hugs. :)

11-18-2014, 02:54 PM
Hi Meg,
I'm so glad the canned food is helping.
Getting tired easier is normal.

Budsters Mom
11-30-2014, 11:12 PM
Bumping up, so Meg can easily find her through thread when she returns.;)

Big hugs to both our girls.

12-03-2014, 05:45 PM
Hi gang, Abby says hi. We miss you so badly. She is bouncing back and forth between good days and very bad days so I figure I might as well keep it to myself. Family is starting to pressure us to put her down because her tilted head and cataracts "break their heart" and the sight of her "makes them so sad". We had thanksgiving at our house and Abby was running around all night looking for scraps, no accidents. But her appearance is apparently frightening.

The new puppy is arriving on Christmas, I have no say in the matter, so I figured I would share it with you guys instead of hiding away and avoiding the website because of Abby's short time left on earth.

Also, The pet store that I love is so familiar with me these days that they give me half off most of her vitamins and supplies. The owner made me smile and cry simultaneously today when he joked, "that dog of yours has been dying for over a year. Must be a tough old girl."

Here is Abby today taking her medicine:


Lots of love,

Budsters Mom
12-03-2014, 06:09 PM
Hi Meg,

No sense in trying to hide because we will find you! LOL;):D Thank you so much for returning to update for us.

Abby will always be beautiful in my eyes because she has a heart of gold. I agree with your friend from the store. Abby is one tough old girl. She takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

I am sorry to hear about the puppy situation. A new puppy is always joyous, but I know you wanted to wait, as your hands are already so full with Abby. It does bother me that you feel you have no say in the matter. :o

Hang in there Meg. You are doing great!:p

Big hugs to both of our girls,

Squirt's Mom
12-03-2014, 06:31 PM
It is really good to hear from you and especially to see Abby looking so good in that pic! I will be quiet about the puppy.

12-04-2014, 12:15 AM
A few hours after returning to the forum, I'm sitting in my room sobbing as my parents scream back and forth about putting Abby down. I took her for a very brief walk two hours ago and she tripped a little and I think hurt her leg. The stones hurt her paws. I gave her pain meds when we got back and fed her. She was fine until screaming erupted. I came out of my bedroom to see she pooped all over the upstairs and going down the stairs. It's soft stool so it stains and my parents are unforgiving and enraged. My dad screamed at Abby, smacked her, and forced her down stairs into her cage in the basement. I'm not allowed to let her out. This is worse than hell.

12-04-2014, 12:31 AM
Oh honey, I am so sorry. You really are caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Abby and your parents. It's pretty obvious that she had the nervous poops since it happened when the screaming started. I think she looks absolutely beautiful in that picture and healthy. I know she is have issues, but she looks very good to me. I wish there was something I could do to help you and Abby. Hang in there Meg. You are doing a great job.

12-04-2014, 01:04 AM
Thank you so much. I just can't stop crying and worse, I can't help Abby or protect her from their wrath. It's not fair. She's an animal :(

12-04-2014, 01:51 AM
Meg, I would get an inflatable bed and anything else you need and hang out with Abby for the night. Your parents are abusive and that is so wrong!!!!

Animals definitely respond negatively to stressful situations and that is terrible that your parents are disregarding your feelings and Abby's. I doubt that they would be reacting this way if they were talking about a human being.

Is there someone who you and Abby can stay with for awhile? I'm completely serious about this. I'll bet that Abby would improve greatly out of that environment and so would you.


Budsters Mom
12-04-2014, 03:02 AM
OMG! I am so sorry.:o I don't know what to say that could possibly help, but I do have a few thoughts....

Is the basement warm? Could you take some bedding down there and sleep (rest) by Abby's crate tonight? You could still be together, which would be soothing for both of you.

How about your grandma? She helped you out with Abby while your folks were out if town. Could you and Abby stay with her for a few days, giving your folks a chance to diffuse?

Yes, it does sound like Abby pooped because she was nervous due to the yelling. I'm not going to comment on your parent's actions, as I would lose my cool which wouldn't help. I am smoldering now as it is and will be up worrying tonight. :o:mad:

My heart hurts for everyone involved. Poor innocent Abby who only wants to love and be loved for the remainder of her days with you.

Please grip that thread you're hanging from and hold on for dear life. Hopefully tomorrow will be brighter once everyone has time to calm down. I know that you have no control over Abby's time to fly. Please remember that when it does happen, Abby's spirit will soar to a very loving and peaceful place and be greeted by all of our other fur angels and she will finally be free of pain. She will be able to run, play and frolic, just like when she was a puppy.

Please keep us posted. We are a bunch of worry wart aunties here who care about both of you very much.

Sending tons of love, hugs and prayers your way,


12-04-2014, 05:09 AM
Thank you both. I'm still shaking with tears and Abby is wide awake beside me. She's laying there just looking at me and into space. Anytime she gets up her tail wags but I'm not sure if it's because she's okay or because I'm with her.

I brought her up to the first floor and set up a bed for her with my comforters. I'm sleeping beside her with a pillow so I can let her out anytime she needs it and be with her. Abby tried on multiple occasions to go back up the stairs to my parents bedroom where she sleeps every night. I can't figure out why. I guess it's become her true bed and rest place over the years. Despite the horrific episode a few hours ago. I had to put up a barrier to block her from the stairs but she seems peaceful now. I gave her a treat and keep massaging and petting her. I guess that's all I can do for now. Give her endless love.

Perhaps my dear angel with fall asleep sometime tonight and peacefully drift off to heaven and be with our other fur babies. But one can only hope. I love her more than I love anyone or anything on this planet and all I want is for her to be happy, and pain free

12-04-2014, 06:19 AM
Meg, Abby wags her tail because she's happy. Regardless of the reason, she's happy. That speaks volumes. It sounds like she's not ready to fly and I fear that your parents' negatively is influencing your subconscious.

Could you both stay with your grandmother for awhile?

I think that it would Bo good for both of you.


12-04-2014, 08:36 AM
Meg, I have just a sec, but I think you and Abby need a break from that situation! I am now wondering if Abby's incontinence problems are primarily due to fear of some kind.

Budsters Mom
12-04-2014, 05:30 PM
Hi Meg,

Dropping in this afternoon to check on you and our sweet girl. I hope that everyone has had a chance to calm down and are thinking more clearly today.

Know that we care,
Big hugs to both our girls,

12-04-2014, 08:12 PM
hi my friends,
Thank you so so much for your support. You truly keep me going. I asked my grandma if me
And Abby could stay there for a few days and she politely declined. She said Abby is "too old and sick". So we are stuck here. I don't know what else to say except you are all so wonderful and it means everything to know I have people supporting me and rooting for Abby. My friends seem to be filled with guilt today, trying to love on her and stuff. But she seems to hang onto me. We walked for 15 earlier and looked at the Christmas lights, but she is starting to have gas again that preceded last nights events.... So I'll keep you posted. Say a prayer, I beg you

Budsters Mom
12-04-2014, 08:26 PM
I am very sorry that your grandma would not let you (and Abby)stay with her for a few days.:o You mentioned that you were stuck there. Do you have any friends who would be able to house you and Abby for a couple of days? It's probably hard since you're working because no one would be there with Abby.

I'm glad you both were able to get out for a nice walk to see the Christmas lights.:p Might be a good idea to sleep downstairs again tonight, so Abby can be close to the door to get out.

Thanks for keeping us posted. Yes, more prayers headed your way.

Big hugs for both of our girls,

12-04-2014, 10:11 PM
Meg, I also worry about how the stress is affecting you and Abby
I wish that your grandmother would reconsider!

If you lived nearby, I would let you both stay here for a bit.

Definitely spend the night near Abby again and in fact, from now on. You need each other. <3

12-04-2014, 10:53 PM
I am going to sleep with her from now on.

I hate to sound morbid and I hate to even ask, but how much will it eventually cost when we decide to put Abby to sleep? I had to quit work to start full-time neuro cognitive rehab and I don't have too much saved.

12-04-2014, 10:54 PM
I wish so badly that I lived close to you, to anyone, that could help or just be there

Budsters Mom
12-05-2014, 12:08 AM
Oh Meg, You are not being morbid asking about the cost of euthanasia. Unfortunately, the price varies from vet to vet. It is far cheaper to have it done in the vet's office, than at home. Some vets will come to your home and perform the service, but that's pricey. There are varied services performed depending on what you want and where you live. If you are planning on having your vet do it, I would suggest going by the office and discussing your options ahead of time with the office staff. Be sure to get a copy of the price lists. You will be sad and nervous doing this and won't remember what they said. At least I didn't. Looking back, I wish I would have taken care if the details ahead of time. Buddy told me it was time and that was that. I took him then and there. I had to take care of the paperwork in tears and didn't really comprehend much of what was being said, as I was in shock.

As for how much. The cost could range from a couple hundred dollars for the basic service to much more, depending on what you want of course. You don't need to spend a fortune on the premium services. Don't let them talk you in to it! Abby is not going to care. I hope this helps.

I would hope that your parents would help with the cost. All you can do is ask. You vet may be able to give you a break also. Don't be afraid to explain your situation to the office staff.

I am sorry to hear that you have to quit work, but am glad that full time rehab is available to you.

I worry to the point that I can't sleep Meg. Yes, I worry about people I have never met face-to-face, particularly when I have made a commitment to support them. I will continue to support you and Abby, but need your help. Please don't leave me worrying for weeks on end, waiting for you to resurface and update. If it is too painful to come to the forum, I completely understand. In that case, you have my personal email address. Please keep me posted there, so I know what the heck is going on. Okay?

Big hugs to both of our girls,

12-05-2014, 05:09 AM
Hi Meg

What a sad update this is, I feel for you. Not much to say that has not already been said here. But I also know how hard this is for you so I am here to give you a big old hug when you manage to pop in and snuggles for that beautiful Abby, who I must say still looks pretty happy in her photo!!! Take Care and hope you both get some sleep xxx