View Full Version : Is it normal to feel so much pain? (idiopathic vestibular syndrome)
02-04-2014, 01:11 AM
Thank you Kathy... I'm going to try that. If she were in alot of pain, wouldn't she be crying out or letting me know?
Budsters Mom
02-04-2014, 01:14 AM
They usually moan or whimper when in pain, but not always. Buddy panted like crazy when he was in pain. Try the Tramadol and see if it helps her settle. Hang in there Meg. You are very brave.
02-04-2014, 01:26 AM
Ur an angel Kathy. Thank u.. But I'm not brave.. I'm just a scared and petrified little girl afraid of losing her dog
02-04-2014, 01:29 AM
Hugs Meg.
We all feel that way, regardless of how old we are.
Budsters Mom
02-04-2014, 01:35 AM
Yes Meg. We are all petrified when these things happen. YES, you are very brave. I said I would never lie to you. Take several deep breaths and try to hang on to see if Abby settles. You can do it! Xxxx
Budsters Mom
02-04-2014, 01:49 AM
How is Abby now? Is she starting to settle?
02-04-2014, 03:50 AM
It seems the Tramadol has only exacerbated her symptoms and made things worse. She's drinking even more water and has so so much energy.
PS: Thank u both for being so kind Val :(
02-04-2014, 04:07 AM
She is now coughing/choking quite violently
02-04-2014, 08:46 AM
Can she take melatonin I wonder?
Some use it to calm dogs with anxieties. People use it to help them sleep.
molly muffin
02-04-2014, 09:09 AM
Oh dear. Hi Meg, how is Abby now? Hopefully the coughing episode will stop. I wonder if she has a heart issue, high BP or something that is causing these episodes. :(
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-04-2014, 10:38 AM
I think it is the cortisol being too high and Abby has no control over that. It is making her drink and be more active. She cannot help herself or stop it voluntarily. I am afraid she needs a higher dosage to get it under control. I am sorry I don't know what else to say, except if I had the money I would send it to you to help her. This is hard to deal with I know, God Bless you both.
02-04-2014, 07:23 PM
Thank you guys so much. The coughing has stopped. Symptoms are still terrible. I dunno how to help her. I can't reach vet. Please pray for her.
02-04-2014, 07:52 PM
Did the vet ever say there were any problems with Abby's heart? How long was she doing the coughing? How does she seem now? God bless you Meg, you seem to always be with this sweet wonderful dog. She's to be your very best friend. Blessings
Budsters Mom
02-04-2014, 11:47 PM
Meg, Of course I will pray for Abby and you too. Have you been able to reach the vet yet? How is Abby doing now? Has she been able to settle at all?
Hang in there Meg. You can do this! You are not alone. We are here and we care. Big hugs,
02-05-2014, 09:38 AM
Praying for you and Abby and hoping today is a better day for you both. Blessings
02-05-2014, 05:06 PM
HI Meg
Just popping in to send you a big hug and a pat for Abby, hope today is a good day! xx
02-06-2014, 09:00 AM
How are things going with Abby. I hope things got better since the other day. Praying for you both. Blessings
Budsters Mom
02-07-2014, 12:41 AM
Hi Meg,
Thinking of you and Abby as I head off to bed tonight. I hope you are ok. We are here to talk whenever you want or need us.
Big soothing hugs,
02-07-2014, 03:11 AM
I hope that things get better soon for you and Abby. Praying for you both.
02-07-2014, 09:00 AM
Hi Meg:
How are things going? If you are overwhelmed don't worry about answering. Just wanting to know how sweet Abby is making out?
02-07-2014, 09:06 AM
Hi guys, Abby is still not doing well. Not much to say. Nothing I can do but suffer with her. Love u all.
Budsters Mom
02-07-2014, 12:41 PM
So glad to hear from you Meg. Thanks for updating us, even when there is nothing new to report. We worry when you disappear!:o
We know that you are doing everything you can for Abby. She knows it too and loves you for it!
Many soothing hugs for you both,
02-07-2014, 04:14 PM
I'm glad that you're sticking around Meg, you need our support. Hugs.
Squirt's Mom
02-07-2014, 04:33 PM
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((bighugs))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))
02-07-2014, 04:40 PM
Thinking of you and Abby, hang in there :)
molly muffin
02-07-2014, 07:11 PM
Hi Meg, Sorry to hear that Addy isn't doing well. It is so hard to see them struggling and not be able to change things for them. :(
Sending you big hugs and love
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-07-2014, 07:18 PM
Thanks everyone. You're all so wonderful. :(
My moms a nurse and thinks maybe Abby is panting so much from Congestive Heart Failure.
Anyone know about this in old age? I can't stop crying
Budsters Mom
02-07-2014, 07:23 PM
Hi Meg,
I'm not sure about the panting. Buddy used to pant excessively when he was in pain, but that also is a signal that cortisol is uncontrolled.
Panting and restlessness is often Cushings related.
With regards to congestive heart failure, I'm not sure about the panting, but violent coughing is often a symptom of that. You did mention Abby coughing before. I'm sure someone will be around who can help out a little more. Xxxxx
molly muffin
02-07-2014, 08:29 PM
Coughing and panting, could be signs of CHF. I hope not, but it is possible. Would your mom consent to taking Addy to the vet to see if that is the issue or not and if she has any fluid building up? There are medication they can give to help.
However, that being said, you need to determine if Abby is any distress. If it is chf, then it is important especially if she isn't on any medication for it.
We're right here with you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-08-2014, 06:49 PM
My parents won't let her get any more tests. But they took Abby to the groomers today while I was at the library. She makes my dad sneeze so they had them shave her down. I don't understand. How can you get a dog groomed but not get her treatment?
She looks so so ill. I can see her bones now and I can feel bumps on her. I can't stop crying and I know I'm overreacting.. But it's so shocking to physically see what the Cushings has done
02-08-2014, 08:04 PM
Sorry Meg you are not over reacting. I see this in my Tipper to and all it makes me do is cry. I think you are doing well under the circumstances. As far as your parents having Abby groomed, maybe you could discuss with them how much that grooming money could have helped Abby get treatment. I am sorry they do not understand what is at stake here, but we all do so talk to us. Blessings
Budsters Mom
02-08-2014, 08:18 PM
Oh Sweet Meg,
I am answering your PM here, so others can help too. I am not real happy with your parents at the moment. To be fair, I don't know them, but I'm not feeling the love right now. Taking Abby to the groomers, but not treating her or allowing a vet visit makes no sense to me either. Abby needs to go to the vet, even if it's her time to say goodbye. It sounds like she is feeling quite miserable according to you PM. You mentioned being able to feel and see her ribs.
You are not overreacting. You are reacting to a near impossible situation. It's hard to know if there's anything that can be done to help her without a vet. Your parents say, no more tests. Will they allow a vet visit to determine if anything else can be done? Are you prepared to end her pain and let her go if it's her time? Release her to run free to the rainbow bridge with the others?
I want you to do something. This is going to be very hard. Wipe your tears for a moment and examine Abby closely. Is she still the dog you know and love or is she just hanging on for you? Only you can honestly answer that question. It's the one we all have to answer eventually and it breaks our hearts every time.
We are right here with you every step of the way. Sending tons of love and strength to you.
Harley PoMMom
02-09-2014, 01:16 AM
Dearest Meg,
I am so sorry that Abby is not feeling well and I know how worried you are about her.
As parents of our beloved furbabies the most difficult task we have is making the decision to let them go. What helped me when that time came for my furbabies was what a dear member wrote about a dog having a "dogworthy life." Quoting from one of her posts "A dog still has to be able to be a dog, no matter the condition it's suffering from and no matter the age."
I surely do not want you to think that I am pushing you to let sweet Abby go because I am not. I just want you to know that we are here for you, and we realize how strong the bond you and Abby share. Remember we support and love you and Abby both, so please do talk to us.
Love and hugs, Lori
Budsters Mom
02-09-2014, 01:38 AM
All I can do is share my experience. So many of us here have lost beloved fur babies. All of our stories are different, yet somewhat the same. They all deal with extreme grief and sadness. They all deal with letting go and they all deal with family. Our family here who stays with us to help piece our lives back together. It is an outpouring of love and acceptance like no other anywhere.
Buddy had a suspected enlarging macro-tumor. He had neurolgical symptoms long before it was discovered. His front legs would give out on him when he got up to walk or run. His back legs were weak with muscle wasting due to Cushings. He had head tremors, later linked to reactive hypoglycemia. He was a mess. We went through weeks where he was unable to settle at night to sleep. He was usually okay during the day. Finally one day he wasn't. He couldn't get up out of his bed on his own. He laid there whimpering. I laid down on the floor by him and petted him. He stopped crying and looked into my soul. I saw his sorrowful eyes and knew he was ready to go. I also knew he would hold on much longer for me. I took him that day, so he could fly free. I owed him that. He was always there for me. I needed to do this for him.
None of this is easy. It hurts like hell! When Abby's time comes you will survive. You will get through it and carry on. Even hopefully sharing your love with another lucky pup someday. It sucks that our fur babies don't live as long as we do. But that is the way it is.
We're right here with you Meg. Just keep talking with us.
Praying for you both,
02-09-2014, 02:02 AM
Thank you for being so sweet and understanding. I don't know if I'm overreacting or if it really is Abby's time to leave us. My parents say she is fine and the haircut looks great. But To me she looks so sickly. She's still extremely hungry and thirsty, running around, begging for food. Her tail is still wagging like crazy. But she just seems... So ill.
I'm in the process of uploading two videos of her from tonight. Maybe once you watch them you can let me know what you think. I don't care how bad it hurts me to hear the truth, I need to know. Maybe I'm a crazy mom who is making a big deal out of nothing. But maybe, I'm Ignorjng the signs that my pup is ready for heaven. I still see the Abby who loves life. But I see her decrepit body and bones.. And I just don't know. It's breaking my heart. :(
02-09-2014, 02:03 AM
Kathy do you think Abby would let me know? Is she consratly giving me love and licking up my tears so that I'm ready?
Budsters Mom
02-09-2014, 02:42 AM
Hi Meg,
Buddy let me know, but not all of them do.
I believe that Abby is licking your tears and giving you love because she knows you are sad and wants to take care of you like she always has.
We are NEVER ready to let them go. It is just something we have to do when it's time. xxxxx
02-09-2014, 06:34 AM
Hi Meg
I don,t post much on your thread, but please know that I do read it everyday.
I lost my precious baby on the 19th Dec, although he wasn,t a Cush pup, he had a neuroendocrine cancer, he had surgery to remove the tumour and pulled through nicely. He was a very feisty, happy Jack Russell for 6 wks after the surgery, then he collapsed, I rushed him to the hospital and was told the cancer had spread and that I only had a few days left with him. I spent the day with him at the hospital and although he did his best to be Woody again, I looked deep into his eyes and knew he was only doing it for me. The hospital told me that I could take him home, but he would need to be on high painkillers. I couldn,t do it to him, I couldn,t have him in a haze of painkillers, as it would just be for me. I wanted and needed him to be the dog that I had loved and adored and I knew he could never be that again, so I let him go that day. My heart broke into a million pieces, but with the help of everyone on here, I am slowly putting myself back together. I,ve always went with the better a day to early than a day to late.
Sending big hugs to you and Abby and no matter what you do we are all right behind you
02-09-2014, 07:48 AM
Tracy your story has me in tears. I feel I will soon have to do the same. Thank you so much for sharing.
This is such a hard time. I don't know how you did it :(
02-09-2014, 07:51 AM
Here are two videos I uploaded of Abby late last night. Please let me know what you think about her body and size and overall demeanor. I need an outside opinion.
Squirt's Mom
02-09-2014, 10:04 AM
Mornin' sweetie,
From the videos, Abby's body condition looks better than Squirt's by a long shot. ;) Were Squirt's hair cut that close, you could see her hip bones, ribs, the bones of her face and legs...all standing out clearly. Squirt's tail is seldom up, usually hanging down or tucked to her belly. Because of the weakness in her muscles now, she couldn't turn around like that without wobbling. Her steps are very careful and mincing most of the time.
What is that "dog worthy life" we talk about? It is this - does Abby still enjoy sniffing things in her environment? Is she responsive to your overtures for play and attention? Is she withdrawn from you and activities she used to enjoy? Does she greet you when you come home, excited to see you again? Does she enjoy being touched? Does she react when she hears or sees other dogs? Is she eating well? Drinking enough on her own? Are her bodily functions fairly normal? Does she sleep ok at night? Does she seem to be in pain most of the time? Here is a link to judge quality of life (there are several out there on the web) -
Until the grooming "incident" I was able to put myself in your parent's shoes and find some understanding for their stance against spending money on a vet. BUT to waste money to have Abby shaved, a dog that does not NEED shaving like a Poodle or Bichon might, while denying health care is, to put it kindly, illogical. As one who was raised under the old rule of "if you eat at my table and sleep under my roof, you will live by my rules" I understand where your parents are coming from. But to cause you needless pain and worry, I do not understand. It is the job of a parent to teach their children life lessons - sadly we parents do not always see the actual lesson we are teaching, tho, even when trying hard to teach a positive lesson. This is something you will never forget, something you will carry forth into your own parenting years. It is a lesson your parents never meant to teach you. But even when we parents screw up royally, 99% of the time it is an error made out of love. Misguided perhaps, but love just the same. ;)
Hang in there MOM!
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
02-09-2014, 12:11 PM
Abby looks pretty good in those video's. Tail is up, she seems happy. Sure skinny, but my molly looks pretty skinny when she is shaved down too. With molly's back pain right now her tail is down when it hurts, up when it isn't. The tail is a great indicator.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
02-09-2014, 12:59 PM
She looks pretty good to me too. She is responsive, perks up when you talk to her and her tail is held high. She does not look severely ill to me, but the videos were short.
Try to find something that you and Abby can do together and do it! Do it for all it's worth and make those memories! That's what I did with Buddy and I KNEW he was dying. Sure, I cried for a few days when I first found out, but then I started enjoying him to the fullest. I soaked up every minute of Buddy time. I know that your time is limited with school and everything, but do that with Abby the best you can when you're home.
Meg, I am telling you the truth because I do not lie. Abby does look much better than the picture you had painted in my mind.:p xxxxx
02-09-2014, 04:09 PM
I have to agree with the others, Abby looks pretty well in the videos. She is responsive to your voice, eyes are bright, tail is up, all good signs.
I have to agree with Kathy as this is what I did with Woody, I knew we were on borrowed time so I made everyday count, I banked the memories sort of speak, I did what he wanted to do, whether it be a walk, play etc, I took videos of him, pictures and wrote about his daily antics on his thread, I focused on the good and made everyday count for him and more so for me. Try and just chill with Abby I know its hard not to focus on the bad times, but just take a deep breath and make each day count for both of you ;)
02-09-2014, 04:21 PM
Meg, Cushings redistributes fat so dog's do tend to look thinner.
I can see Daisy's ribs too but her IMS vet says that she's doing well and hasn't actually lost weight. Abby looks good to me honestly as others have said. Her tail wags when you speak to her, she seems alert and her eyes look good.
When it's her time, I believe that you'll see a major change in behavior. Her tail will droop and you'll see it in her eyes.
02-10-2014, 07:41 AM
Oh my gosh, thank you all for the feedback. I thought it was her time, to be completely honest. Shes had so many bad nights and she looks like skin and bones to me. You guys made me feel so much better, Im crying tears of relief. Its just so so hard to watch your dog age and get sicker, and you cant stop it no matter how hard you try.
I do have good news to report, however. My parents are going to let me get Abby's cortisol checked this week if the test is under $100 or if the vet lets us pay in increments. They said I can help pay and ask my grandparents for help with the bills.
Again, thank you for the feedback on the videos. You are truly angels and i'm so lucky to have you by my side. Abby is doing okay. She slept through the night. The only scary thing I'm noticed is a slight tremor in her sleep, but it doesnt seem to bother her or wake up.
Hugs and love,
Meg and Abby
02-10-2014, 07:42 AM
Meg, Cushings redistributes fat so dog's do tend to look thinner.
I can see Daisy's ribs too but her IMS vet says that she's doing well and hasn't actually lost weight. Abby looks good to me honestly as others have said. Her tail wags when you speak to her, she seems alert and her eyes look good.
When it's her time, I believe that you'll see a major change in behavior. Her tail will droop and you'll see it in her eyes.
Val thanks for the heads up. I had no idea about the fat distribution. Does her muscle tone look okay? I have her on a strict diet and vitamin regime.
Budsters Mom
02-10-2014, 12:10 PM
Hi Meg,
So glad that your folks are allowing a vet visit. Abby does need to be checked out. My vet allows for an interest free payment plan in individual cases. They do for clients who have always paid their bills on time before and need extra time. Maybe you vet has something like that too. It doesn't hurt to ask. Others have used "Care Credit". I don't know a lot about that, but others will probably be around to explain soon.
So glad you are doing better. Remember, make every minute count with Abby. Xxxxx
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2014, 12:14 PM
You might also volunteer to work off some of the bill by walking, feeding, cleaning cages, etc.
02-10-2014, 12:42 PM
Great idea Leslie and Meg I am so proud of you. I am elated that Abby will get the care she so deserves. Praying for you both Meg
Budsters Mom
02-10-2014, 01:16 PM
Wow, Leslie you are a rockstar!:D:D What a great idea! That would make you much less dependent on your folks for Abby's care. Who knows, it could even lead to a part-time job around school hours. Love it!!!
See Meg, this is why it's so important to post here on your thread. That way all the angels can drop with with suggestions/ideas. Many (such as Leslie) know tons more than I do. :p
02-11-2014, 11:27 AM
That is such a good idea. Thank you Leslie. I take Abby in tomorrow for a checkup and to see what kind of tests I can afford. I will absolutely ask about volunteering and working off some of the bill. Love you guys!
02-11-2014, 02:25 PM
So Abby is having quite a day. Cortisol is running very high, she's restless and going in circles (the usual) but I almost started to cry with joy when she brought me her leash and wanted to walk! The temperature is now up to 20 degrees so I thought, why not make her happy?
I took her for just 5 minutes, but she did so well! She almost fell once on of the ice, but actually caught herself and remained steady! I'm going to upload a few pictures in her album. Is it crazy that my dog gives me more joy and happiness than any human?
- Meg and Abby
molly muffin
02-11-2014, 03:31 PM
She looks really good on her walk pictures Meg. Stride is right out there, nice and long, body form is good.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
02-11-2014, 03:36 PM
20 degrees! I would be dead. 60 degrees is freezing here!:o Abby does look good though. :) xxxx
02-11-2014, 11:45 PM
Kathy and Sharlene, thank you for looking :) She seemed so happy earlier. Like her old self.
She's trembling very bad again. And coughing. Started about an hour ago. why does this happen? It seems we can never have a full day of joy. It's like a never ending rollercoaster of ups and downs.
02-12-2014, 12:05 AM
Meg, what changed your parents' minds?
I am so glad that Abby is clearly feeling better. I wonder if the fall awhile back just made her really sore and with Cushings, they can take more time to heal from injuries when it isn't properly controlled.
Budsters Mom
02-12-2014, 02:37 AM
Be sure to tell the vet about her coughing spells at tomorrow's appointment. He/She needs to check her hear for CHF. (Congestive Heart Failure). Please post the results of any tests they do. Hang in there Meg. Yes, having these pups are like riding a roller coaster with many ups and downs. xxxxx
02-12-2014, 09:41 AM
We are all so anxious to see you post what was done at your appointment. I am so happy for you that you are getting Abby examined so you can formulate a plan for taking care of her. Good luck, and Tipper is sending hugs and kisses to Abby. Blessings
Budsters Mom
02-12-2014, 04:32 PM
Hi Meg,
Just dropping in to see how Abby's vet visit went. Will check back later. Xxxxx
02-12-2014, 08:04 PM
Hi Meg:
I am hoping everything is alright??? I guess we are all waiting to hear about Abby's appointment. Praying for you both.
02-12-2014, 09:26 PM
Hi everyone.
The appointment with our vet was a complete waste of time and money. It was $70 just for the consult and he did no tests. Apparently a resting cortisol or ACTH test would be $150 or more, any X-Rays would be over $100, and an echo or ECG are over $200 (testing for congestive heart failure).
He doesn't believe Abby has CHF and thought the tests would be unnecessary. He also doesn't like to put such old dogs through a series of tests. He said the last time her cortisol was checked it was relatively normal and that she just needs more exercise. Its normal for Cushings dogs to get more restless in the winter when they are indoors and have less time outside. He said 10mg of Trilostane is more than enough. (I DISAGREE)!!
He believes the shivering is a side effect of her medications or due to the cold weather. Cushing's dogs have a hard time regulating body temp. He said Abby could also be having seizures but he doubts it, and any neurological test would be hugely expensive.
All in all, it was a complete waste of time. Poor Abby had to go on a car ride (which gets her so worked up) and we got no tests, no medicine, and no reassurance.
Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry to be such a debbie downer.
-Meg and Abby
Budsters Mom
02-12-2014, 10:38 PM
Hi Meg,
There is no way your vet could possibly know if 10mg. Vetoryl is enough without running a monitoring ACTH test or at the very least testing her resting Cortisol. To be fair, you did say, no expensive tests and the tests are expensive. The same thing goes for CSF. He couldn't verify that Abby didn't have it without testing for it. How could he possibly know that she just needs more exercise? What a crock! I am very disappointed and I agree with you. This appt. seems to have been a waste of time.
I can't remember without reading back through your thread, as to whether Abby ever had any tests in the first place to determine if she even had Cushing's. Please refresh my memory. Did she has an LDDS test, bloodwork, urinalysis, or an ultrasound? If so, please post any numbers and ranges out of the norm, either high or low. There are other conditions that mimic Cushings. I am not convinced that she actually has Cushings, but I'm not a vet and I know less than many on the forum.
Again, I am so sorry that you were unable to get any answers today.
Big hugs my dear,
02-13-2014, 12:12 AM
Thanks for your support Kathy :( I was really really disappointed and I feel utterly helpless.
In terms of Abbys diagnosis, we know for sure it's Cushings, adrenal dependent. I don't have the exact numbers or tests results because it was all done years ago while I was away at college in South Bend, Indiana. (before I transferred to Pitt to get head injury treatment and be closer to Abby)
My family is disorganized and never hung onto the information/scattered it around the house. I'm gonna try to dig around and see if I can find her old meds and paperwork so you guys have a better understanding.
02-13-2014, 01:40 AM
I'm so sorry Meg. I hope that you find the test results.
02-13-2014, 04:04 AM
Thanks Valerie... So far I haven't found anything.
Do you think if I call her old vet and ask for her records, they would print them out for me?
02-13-2014, 04:08 AM
It's worth a try Meg.
02-13-2014, 08:55 AM
If this were my dog this is what I would do. I would call the office and ask for copies of your dogs records. They have to give them to you. When you get them picked up do some research and find a better vet or IMS that will look at Abbys records and help you. Because it has been so long Abby needs a blood work up and ACTH done to see where she is with her cortisol The cortisol is the enemy here that needs controlled to make her feel better. I am very disappointed in your vet. To say your dog is too old for testing makes no sense to me whatsoever. To me he had an attitude of just let this go and don't help her which I don't agree with because it could be something as simple as adjusting her Vetoryl dosage and Abby would have a better quality of life. I am sorry but see no compassion on his part for you wanting to help and prolong your dogs life. She still is doing well for not having any medical intervention for so long so she may have a great improvement if her dosing is right. Blessings
Budsters Mom
02-13-2014, 11:34 AM
Hi Meg,
I am so sorry to hear that you had sustained a head injury. If you don't mind me asking, how long ago did this occur and how are you doing now?
I hope you were able to find (or get) the results of some of those tests from long-ago for Abby. We are very anxious to see them. Xxxx
02-13-2014, 11:57 AM
I'm waiting to hear back from the vet. Abby keeps shivering/trembling uncontrollably and it's really starting to scare me. It's like all of her muscles are moving without her control. I've tried the vet and I'm waiting to here back. She doesn't seem to be in pain, or too cold, its just constant now, even when she's asleep, her muscles keep twitching. I don't know what to do.
Her tail is wagging and her demeanor is perky as always. She keeps wanting to go outside and play in the snow. I'm so lost on this one
02-13-2014, 11:59 AM
Kathy, I've suffered 4 head injuries. I was just required to write about myself in a social media course for this semester, aka "give an introduction" .. Ill copy and paste it here even though its quite long.
02-13-2014, 12:39 PM
Please delete
Budsters Mom
02-13-2014, 01:12 PM
Thank you for trusting us enough to share your story Meg. You are a very brave girl. 4 Concussions OMG!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Vetoryl can cause trembling. Did this episode happen after her dose this morning? xxxx
02-13-2014, 01:27 PM
Hi Meg and thank you for sharing a huge part of yourself with us. I can't imagine what you've been through and there are no words to tell you how much I admire your strength and determination. You are one determined young lady and I bet your parents are very proud of you. You may get frustrated with them from time to time but it sounds like they made sure you had and still have the care you need. They sound pretty darn awesome and I bet you know that already.
Squirt's Mom
02-13-2014, 02:00 PM
Good Grief, girl! :eek: Like Glynda, I stand in admiration for all you have been though, all you have overcome and continue to battle. Your strength and determination are an inspiration.
02-13-2014, 02:41 PM
I was just mesmerized by you story and what an inspiration you must be to all those around you. Keep going forward Meg you are wonderful. Blessings
02-13-2014, 04:53 PM
Please delete post. thank u!
Budsters Mom
02-13-2014, 10:01 PM
Okay Meg, what is going on? You deleted a post. Is there something you want/need to share with us? I didn't get a chance to read what you decided to delete. I hope all is okay. xxxxx
02-14-2014, 05:28 PM
Abby has a tumor that I just found out about.
I wanted the other posts deleted because they feel so irrelevant and selfish now.
02-14-2014, 05:43 PM
How was it determined she has a tumor? Did you have her to another vet? Where is the tumor and what size is it? Maybe it is not all bad though. Not all tumors are cancerous. I am thinking you went somewhere else with her? This is shocking and I am so sorry, but can you please tell us a little about what is going on as we are just guessing at things unknown to us? We are here to support you Meg so you are not alone in this. We have been with you all this time and will continue to help, but we need to know what we are talking about. I know how beside yourself you must be, but let us help you and figure this out together ok? God Bless You and Dear Sweet Abby. I know you feel like your whole world is caving in and I get it believe me. Please talk it out with us.
Budsters Mom
02-14-2014, 10:06 PM
Hi Meg,
All Cush dogs have tumors. If they have pituitary dependent Cushing's, they have a tumor on the pituitary gland. If they have adrenal dependent Cushing's, they have a tumor on one of their adrenal glands. Is that what you were referring to, or does Abby have a tumor somewhere else and how did you find out about it? You mentioned that her Cushing's was adrenal dependent. Is that tumor growing? Please provide a little more information when you feel up to it.
Big hugs,
Budsters Mom
02-19-2014, 12:01 AM
I am worried about you Meg. Please let us know if we can help you in any way. Belly rubs to sweet Abby. xxxxxx
02-19-2014, 07:26 PM
Hi Meg:
I hope you and Abby are OK. Please let us know what is happening when you can. Maybe there is something we can help with?? Blessings
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 05:51 PM
Hi Meg, weekend coming and we're all looking for an update on you and Abby. :)
I hope she is doing well. You said you just found out that she has a tumor, do you mean an adrenal tumor? Many dogs have those and go on and live a good life for quite a while. Not all tumors are created equal remember.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
02-21-2014, 06:05 PM
You are in my thoughts and prayers, sweetie.
Budsters Mom
02-22-2014, 11:20 PM
Please post that you are okay. I am worried. We all are! :o xxxxx
02-23-2014, 09:03 AM
Hi Meg:
Would you please just tell us you are alright? I am hoping you and Abby are ok.
We are concerned about you both. Blessings
03-15-2014, 06:16 PM
Anyone have updates on Abby? She is such a pretty dog
molly muffin
03-15-2014, 07:50 PM
I wish, but we haven't heard anything recently. :(
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-16-2014, 10:21 AM
This is one of the things that has really saddened me. I pray that Meg and Abby are ok , when you don't hear anything you worry. blessings
Budsters Mom
03-23-2014, 03:56 PM
We miss you Meg. I hope you are okay. We would love to hear from you. xxxxx
03-23-2014, 04:05 PM
Me too Meg Kathy must have been reading my mind as I was searching for your thread. Blessings
04-11-2014, 09:21 AM
Hi everyone, I miss you and think of you daily. We've been through hell and back these past two months. Abby is still with us. Hanging on by a thread. Please keep her in your prayers.
-Meg and Abby xo
Budsters Mom
04-11-2014, 09:36 AM
Oh Sweet Meg,
It is wonderful to hear from you. I have been very worried about you and sweet Abby. So worried that I've checked a couple times a day hoping you would return. It's been much too long without a word, but I understand the stress and strain that you are under.
Of course, I will continue to pray for both you and Abby. You have been included in my prayer list for many months now. There are many of us angels fluttering around you at this very minute offering strength and love. When you think you are being bothered by an annoying fly, it's probably one of us fluttering close by. You are never alone Meg. We are always with you. Please keep talking to us.
With many loving hugs,
Squirt's Mom
04-11-2014, 09:40 AM
You and Abby are always in my prayers. Please know we think of you daily and miss you. We are here anytime you need us, honey.
Leslie and the gang
04-11-2014, 10:01 AM
How wonderful to hear from you. Tipper and I pray for you and Abby every nite. I have missed hearing from you. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
04-11-2014, 10:23 AM
So good to hear from you. We all know how hard this journey been on you and our heart just breaks for you and your sweet Abby. We are praying for you and your baby. Stay strong, Meg. Hugs. Song.
04-11-2014, 01:32 PM
You and Abby are part of the family here. We always think of you. Hugs.
molly muffin
04-11-2014, 03:28 PM
Meg, so good to hear from you and to know that Abby is still with you.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
04-24-2014, 02:50 AM
Thinking of you Meg. Hope that you're okay. xxxxx
04-24-2014, 08:46 AM
Miss you and hoping everything is OK with sweet Abby. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-03-2014, 05:30 PM
Hi Meg, it's me again. We'd love to hear from you.
Big hugs my dear,
06-04-2014, 12:04 AM
Hello friends.
I'm just checking in and letting you know my little girl is still fighting. We are hanging in there, although the past six months have been an emotional roller coaster of agony, pain, and fear.
Abby is nearing the very end of her life, but she is still eating, drinking, and going for occasional walks. Her tail still wags and she still gives us so much love and affection. But time and repeated illness have taken its toll on her. I can see it in her eyes and her body. She is weak, lethargic, and just so tired, all the time. Her spirit is keeping her going, it seems. She loves life so much. And we love her even more. But she is 15 now, and Cushing's has robbed her body and health. She's a shadow of the old Abby and it breaks my heart day after day.
I just wanted to let you all know she's alive and we're both doing our best to manage. I hope you are all doing well and life is offering you blessings and joy. Please let me know how you are doing.
-Meg and Abby
Budsters Mom
06-04-2014, 12:26 AM
Oh sweet Meg,
Thank you for checking in. :p I have been very concerned for you both. I am glad to hear that Abby seems to still be hanging in there. She's 15, yet her tail still wags and she's full of love. I know how difficult it is to see our babies age with various illnesses.
How are you Meg? I sincerely hope you haven't bumped that pretty little head of yours again. If so, we will just have to take up a collection and buy you a crash helmet. ;)
Try to hang in there Meg. Your folks are there to help manage Abby's needs. I know how much you love her. I have no doubt that you'll do what's best for her when the times comes because you always have.
Sending you both tons of love, strength and healing energy. Please keep in touch. We do care for you both very much. Xxxxxxx
Budsters Mom
06-04-2014, 12:27 AM
I forgot to sign my last message. Just in case you've forgotten, I'm Kathy:p
06-04-2014, 12:52 AM
it sounds like Abby is still happy with her life, tail wagging :)
Cushings is horrid and i wish that they would find a cure asap!!!!
molly muffin
06-04-2014, 08:47 AM
Hi Meg, How wonderful to hear that Abby is still loving life and tail wagging.
Really pleased that you popped in to say hello.
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
06-04-2014, 08:47 AM
Hi Meg, How wonderful to hear that Abby is still loving life and tail wagging.
Really pleased that you popped in to say hello.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-04-2014, 01:33 PM
Hi Meg:
Many nites when I lay awake I wonder about you and Abby. I am so glad she is still with you. I wish I could make it all better for you Meg. I hope you are doing well also. Blessings
06-05-2014, 06:53 AM
Thank you for being so kind and welcoming. It was selfish and cowardly to hide away for so long. I'm sorry. I just couldn't face the fact that my beloved dog and best friend would be leaving me soon... Forever.
Abby has dealt with multiple vestibular episodes "Old Dog Vertigo" and I can tell she is about to experience one again. Her balance is off, shes tripping, running into things, and panting so heavily. Shes still eating and that tail is always wagging, so i cant tell if shes in pain.
I think as her mother, it's my job to put her to sleep if this does happen. Ive been debating it for months and have finally come to my senses. Abby has been too good to me and our family to let her suffer that agony once again. Every episode is worse, every episode damages her, and I'm fearful that this one will be worse of all. I can't let that happen. I can't let her suffer because I'm selfish and can't imagine life without her.
Please let me know your thoughts. Both positive and negative, I need advice and feedback from people who truly understand me and my relationship with my dog. My family and vet tell me I'm overreacting...but they don't understand the love I have for Abby. They don't know what it feels like to watch your companion slowly wither away.
06-05-2014, 01:11 PM
Please do not be so hard on yourself and say you are selfish. I know the exact position you are in, as I am in that position too. Tipper is my best friend, no one understands the depth of love I have for her. You are not selfish, you are trying to survive with your baby the best you know how and I am not going to fault you for that ever. I know how much you love Abby, there is no shame in that! Tipper has vestibular problems too, but you never know what is going to happen during an episode, so try to see if she comes out of it ok. Can you ask the vet if she could be put on something that improves this problem, as I get vestibular episodes and I have a medication I can take so I am sure it is available for dogs too. This may lessen the frequency and severity of her episodes so you are not so worried. I understand your position Meg, but you have been thru so much with your baby, could you please ask about this medication? It is very inexpensive too. I am thrilled to hear from you, and don't think badly of you for staying away, this forum can be heartbreaking so invariably the members need a break from it. So please give Abby a chance with some meds, it may make all the difference. If you called the vet maybe they would just let you pick some up. Blessings
06-25-2014, 12:54 AM
Abby has been having accidents around the house. She's been puking a few times a week, but I don't know if its because she goes through the garbage and eats paper and junk or what. She seems a bit more restless than usual as well. Oh well, I guess there's nothing I can do but love her and give her anything to make her happy
06-25-2014, 12:55 AM
And Patti, thank you for being so kind. You really are an incredible woman and such a caring friend
Budsters Mom
06-25-2014, 01:09 AM
Hi Meg, it's good to her from you. I am glad to hear that Abby is still hanging in there.
Yes, getting into the garbage can definitely make them vomit. :o
Are her accidents because she's left alone and can't get out, or is she's just losing control? Several of our members use dog panties with pads for their incontinent dogs. It would depend upon how often she's having accidents. xxxxxxx
06-25-2014, 08:50 AM
Hi Meg:
So glad to see you post again. I am truly sorry this is happening to Abby. She is a strong dog as she has gone thru a lot. Stay strong for her Meg she needs you just as much as you need her. I wish I could wave the magic wand and change the course of things for you both. I know you are heartbroken and Abby is all you have, I know that feeling well. Please remember I think of you often and still keep you and Abby in my prayers. Blessings
07-01-2014, 07:51 PM
Has anyone tried "Quiet Moments Calming Aid" by NaturVet?
It's all natural and I'm hoping it will calm Abby's nerves a little. She's been panting and running around like crazy lately. Just want to help her.
Thanks guys,
Harley PoMMom
07-01-2014, 09:41 PM
I have not tried that. I used to give Harley melatonin, this would calm him down, he was always so afraid of thunder but with the melatonin they no longer bothered him.
07-01-2014, 11:08 PM
Oh thank you, that's a wonderful suggestion. Mind If I ask the dose? Abby is about 60 lbs I think.
I hope this isnt TMI, but I noticed a change in the color of her stool. It's paler and tanner, which I believe could mean liver disease.. common with Cushings dogs. The vet said to bring her in first thing tomorrow, so that can't be good.
Harley PoMMom
07-02-2014, 01:20 AM
I would start her off with 3mg of melatonin given twice a day and see how she does, if it doesn't seem to be working you can bump the melatonin dose to 6 mg twice a day.
Since you are seeing the vet tomorrow, I would ask them their opinion on this. Hopefully the change of color in her stool turns out to be nothing to worry about, crossing my fingers. Will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers, do let us know what the vet says, ok?
Hugs, Lori
07-02-2014, 02:49 AM
Meg, exposure to Giardia bacteria can also change stool and since Abby has been Herring into things, this is a real possibility. Good luck tomorrow!
07-02-2014, 05:28 AM
Thank you both so much. I will ask the vet about both issues tomorrow. I can't thank you enough for being so helpful and kind
molly muffin
07-02-2014, 08:52 AM
Hi Meg, I just wanted to say when I looked it up, that the color of poop with liver disease is a pale grey in color, so maybe that isn't the cause of her's being paler and tan in color, but definitely second asking the vet about it and I'd take a stool sample in so they can see what you are talking about.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-02-2014, 09:02 AM
Hi Meg:
Glad to hear you still have your sweet Abby at your side. I am going to go out on a limb here and say what I think will help Abby stop running around and panting is a higher dose of Vetoryl. I know you have not had her tested lately and she is about 60 lbs. I think you had her on 10mg of Vetoryl as I don't have time to look back I am readying to take Tipper to the vets. The reason she is running and panting is the uncontrolled cortisol. It will make her move all around at nite too. If you cannot afford to have her tested, I would up her dosage to a safe dose like 30mg. to help control her. I never ever opt to tell anyone to do this as an ACTH test is a must to see where her numbers are. If your grandparents will help maybe the vet could give you a break on the test. She is miserable because of this high cortisol surging thru her body. I think that is going to be the biggest help of anything right now. She needs to get her cortisol lowered to feel better. I hope someone can help as the melatonin at this point may not do it. She has been uncontrolled for a long time and I am hoping you can get her on a higher dosage of Vetoryl. You can even purchase it online cheaper than at the vets. I want you to keep your dear Abby with you so that is why I am saying this. I pray she gets some help in the form of medication. Blessings
07-02-2014, 01:30 PM
She pooped all over the house again, guys. I really think this is the end and I can't stop crying
07-02-2014, 05:05 PM
My heart breaks for you I wish you could take Abby to the vet and have her cortisol checked. Will you grandparents help you? I am so sorry this is happening to you, I wish I could change your situation. I am saying a prayer that you can get Abby to the vet. Keep you chin up and fight for Abby, she is fighting to stay with you. Blessings
molly muffin
07-02-2014, 06:07 PM
Hi Meg,
Did you take her to the vet today? What did the vet say? This could just be a gastro upset, colitis, etc as that will cause her to poop in the house too. This happened with my molly and she had a bacterial infection in the intestines (gastro system) and antibiotics cleared it up.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
07-02-2014, 06:33 PM
Hi Meg,
How is Abby? Were you able to see the vet today? Hoping this post finds you both doing well.
Hugs, Lori
07-02-2014, 06:39 PM
Thank you Patti, truly. I couldn't physically get her in my car today because lifting her was impossible. Her back legs and rear end are so sensitive and cause her so much pain. I didn't want to risk dropping her or causing her anymore suffering.
I rescheduled her vet appointment for tomorrow evening so my family can be with me when we put her to sleep and my dad can lift her comfortably.
She seems to have lost control of her bowels. Together with the Cushings and severe arthritis, I don't think it's fair to let her live any longer in pain. It's the hardest decision I've ever made in my life, but I know in my heart it's time to walk Abby across the rainbow bridge. Thank you all for being so kind and understanding. I don't know what I would've done without you. *hugs*
07-02-2014, 06:42 PM
I am so sorry to hear this Meg, my heart is just shattered for you. God Bless you and Abby.
07-02-2014, 06:45 PM
Lori, Sharlene, and Patti-- thank you for your help and kindness as well. I just read your posts. They really mean so much to me during this excruciatingly painful time.
Harley PoMMom
07-02-2014, 06:46 PM
Oh Meg,
I am truly sorry as we all know how the decision to let them go is so very, very hard but is made from the deep love we have for them. We all will be with you in spirit tomorrow when sweet Abby receives her angel winds, we are here for you, Meg, we will always be here for you.
Love and hugs, Lori
Budsters Mom
07-02-2014, 06:54 PM
Meg, I am so very sorry to hear this. :o Abby will be greeted with love by all our other fur angels already at the bridge. It is a glorious place free of pain where our babies soar freely. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and sweet Abby during this very difficult time.
With many loving hugs,
07-02-2014, 07:20 PM
Meg, tell Abby to look for Daisy Mae. She'll show her the ropes.
I am so sorry.
molly muffin
07-02-2014, 07:37 PM
Oh Meg. :( I don't even know what to say.
This decision is the hardest to make and the greatest gift of all, to take away her pain. It is those who are left behind, who will miss them every single day that will suffer now. It is something you take on for them, so they don't have to any more.
My heart breaks for you, for Abby, for your family. Cherish this time together it is all tat you can do.
hugs and love
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-02-2014, 08:28 PM
I can't stop crying or looking at her. I don't know how I'm going to get through this. I don't know how to live in my house without my little Abby following me around with her tail wagging. I'm trying to give her as much love and support as possible, but it'll never be enough.
I put up a new album of pictures from the last two days. Documenting every moment.
07-02-2014, 10:45 PM
Dear Meg, even though we cannot be physically present with you and Abby tomorrow, please know that your family here will be holding you safely in our hearts and beaming you strength and comfort from across the miles. Neither you nor Abby will be alone, not for one moment.
All the photos you have added are so dear. But I think this is my favorite, because Abby looks like a sweet angel who is looking ahead in the distance to a perfect sunny meadow that is already beckoning to her.
At the moment of release, I do believe her spirit will race ahead on legs that are once again strong and sure.
But after that, we will be here for you Meg, because we know how dearly you will be missing your girl and how hard it is to be left behind.
07-03-2014, 12:54 AM
Oh Meg,
I am so sorry to hear this about your Abby.
I wish you wouldn't have to be going through this.
Just know that I am thinking of you and Abby.
Sending you lots of love and hugs.
07-03-2014, 01:10 AM
This is so tragic to hear about, Meg. So sudden. I cried reading the last page of comments. I know you may not want to hear this, but are you absolutely sure it's time?
The GI problems shes experiencing could be an infection or parasite or curable issue. You said she was pooping all over the house and has lost bowel control, but was she peeing all over as well? Typically dogs who are nearing the end of life experience both. They will pee and defecate, their accidents become frequent, daily affairs. That's why I ask. How many times has it happened?
I know Abby has been through a lot, but after looking at the beautiful pictures you added, I noticed she doesn't quite look near death. When I lost my first pup, she was barely moving, eating, or functioning. Forgive me, but Abby seems rather active and happy in the photos you posted. Laying in the grass, wandering around the yard, wanting to exercise, and her tail is still wagging in one photo. Perhaps you are very overwhelmed by her recent struggles and feel you have no options. But I want you to know I think you do, Meg.
You and your dog have a very close and intimate relationship it seems, so I trust that you know her best. If it is her time to leave this world, you will know, with all of your heart. But this is a major decision that you should not make reactively. Sometimes a test, vet consultation, or medication change can do wonders if the problem is fixable. Perhaps Abby needs an adjustment to her Cushings meds, anti-inflammatory/pain meds for the arthritis, or an antibiotic for a gastrointestinal infection? Make sure you have explored all options before you say goodbye to your baby girl. If she still seems to enjoy her life and favorite activities, she may not be ready.
Whatever happens tomorrow, know that we are all here and support you. Abby is a little angel. She is blessed to have such a caring mother.
07-03-2014, 04:02 AM
Hi Meg
I am sad to read of your recent struggles with Abby. I do think it is up to you to make the decision when you feel her quality of doggy life is leaving her more miserable than having fun. You are the one looking into her eyes sweet, so you go with what your gut is telling you to do. None of us are there or going through what you are with your girl. Just know we are all here for you. I have had a look through her album too, she is a beauty! xx
07-03-2014, 08:26 AM
Hi again, Meg. You and Abby are the first thing on my mind as I arise this morning, so I just wanted to stop back by to give you another hug. I'll bet you didn't get a lick of sleep last night, yourself. I hope you will feel us all standing right beside you today, and I hope it gives your heart strength to know how much everybody is wanting to help you. If you still have remaining doubts, we are here to talk with you, just as Angel Toto's mom has said. But also as Trish has said, if instead the pain or losses in Abby's days outweigh the good, then you are giving her the greatest gift by releasing her.
I've just looked at your album again, and your photos are so loving and dear. Because they are so lovely I do see why, on the face of them, it may be hard for others of us besides you to judge how Abby is really doing. You are the one, though, who knows what is going on inside as well as out. I will share with you that I'm guessing that onlookers would have been stunned had they known my husband and I were taking our Barkis in to be released that morning at the vet's. Although it was tough for him to jump, he still made it into the car, and he sat up the whole way for the ride. He walked in the door on his leash all on his own, and quietly sat beside us awaiting our beloved vet, just like every one of the million visits we had made previously. But what nobody else could see was the way his brain had changed from the tumor, and the strength and health and joy that was gone forever. Our vet knew, though, and he understood and grieved with us that day because he had taken care of Barkis from the day we brought him home as a puppy.
The week before, we had talked with him about the agony of figuring out when the time is right. When is "too long?" When is "too soon?" But in talking with us, he helped us realize that nobody ever feels entirely at peace with that question when it is one that they must answer on behalf of their own pet. After a lifetime of love and devotion, the question eats at us in a way that it does not for our doggies. They know they are loved, and they live only in the moment. When there are too many bad moments and too few good, I do believe that release can be a blessing no matter when it comes.
We'll be here for you today, Meg, and everyday. So many of us with all different thoughts and suggestions. No matter how you are feeling or what is going on, there will be somebody here to walk alongside you.
07-03-2014, 08:41 AM
I have been thinking of you and Abby non stop since yesterday, you were also my first thought today. Know that I care deeply about what you are going through and will be there with you in spirit. I am praying for you and for Abby to have a peaceful transition. Blessings
07-03-2014, 12:44 PM
I am with you and thinking and praying for you and Abby
07-03-2014, 01:17 PM
Me too, Meg, me too.
Dear Meg,
I am so sad to read the latest about Abby. You are in my thoughts and heart. We are all here for you.
Big hugs,
07-03-2014, 01:36 PM
Thank you all so much. I couldn't do this without you. This is the hardest day of my life but you have given me strength and courage.
Abby is my best friend and has been my companion and greatest supporter through all of life. She has given me everything and more, living through pain to make me happy and stay by my side. I believe it's time for me to give her relief and tell her it's okay to rest and be free. She's earned it. She's given me nothing but love since the day I brought her home from the rescue shelter and she jumped into my arms. I think the ultimate gift of love would be to get rid of her suffering. If the vet agrees with me and my decision, I have no doubt it is the right thing to do. I will miss her every second of every day but all my time with her and all the joy was more than worth it.
Thank you all for helping me be strong.
07-03-2014, 01:43 PM
Bless you, Meg, and bless little Abby. Fare thee well, precious girl, on your new journey as you run to join our loved ones who eagerly await you with wagging tails and so many games to play.
07-03-2014, 01:51 PM
God Bless you all and Stay strong Meg we are all with you on this. We are here when you need us. Just one thing I want to remind you of, please clip some of Abby's hair so you have some to keep forever, it will bring you comfort to hold and smell it. I do it with all my babies and thought you might want to, but are too upset to think of it. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-03-2014, 02:49 PM
Sweet Meg,
You are such a brave and strong young lady. You are choosing to do what you feel is right for sweet Abby. You are setting her free to soar. I am so proud of you! You can do this! Stay strong sweetheart.We know it's not easy.
Please come back and talk with us whenever you like. It does help talking to others who truly understand.
Soar, fly, run and play Sweet Abby. Soon you will be free of pain and puppy like once more. The others will be eagerly waiting at the bridge to welcome you. If you happen to see a little brown dude playing with three or four lizards, that will be Buddy. Please tell him that his mom loves him very much. Xxxxxxx
07-03-2014, 03:05 PM
Please rule out infections and parasites first. Cushdogs are prone to infections and guardia is present everywhere birds and other wildlife roam.
In fact, Guardia often only has the symptom of discolored stools or diarrhea.
If none of these fit and the vet agrees with you, then please know that Abby has many waiting to meet her on the other side. Xoxoxo
07-03-2014, 03:38 PM
Thank you everyone, your posts are keeping me together.
Valerie, I will absolutely rule out all causes before we make the decision at the vet. Her appointment is at 7 and we are going as a family. She has not had any diarrhea. She has had random stool drops, about 3 or 4 times in the last week. Never pee though. The stool was chocolate brown color yesterday, no longer tan. Im taking a sample to the vet. But I am not optimistic.
I've added pictures of her from today if anyone would like to see her.
Thank you all so much. Me and Abby love you all. We are trying to be brave together.
07-03-2014, 04:17 PM
Please ask the vet if Abby could have colitis, or irritable bowel. This may be a gut problem. Abby never changed doses of Vetoryl all this time right? So she is still on 10mg? If she got this bowel thing cleared up and you were able to get her the correct dosage would you do that? Are you even thinking on those lines? I am just throwing things out there so it is all well thought out. The high cortisol is making her run around, and that could be solvable. Just saying.
molly muffin
07-03-2014, 06:58 PM
Hi Meg, just off work and checking in on you and Abby.
Whatever happens today, we are here for you, with you. You do not walk alone. Whenever it may be that Abby crosses that rainbow bridge she will have the greatest of company, as so many of our precious furbabies have gone before and will be there to meet her.
You are so much stronger than I think you even know sometimes Meg. It takes a lot of strength to even consider when the time has come let alone to make the decisions and sometimes it isn't all at once either. It's a journey, but none of us walk it alone, we have each other.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-03-2014, 07:11 PM
Hi everyone, the vet wants us to come in early so he can run a series of tests. He believes she is not incontinent, because he was solid stool, just a couple times. I'm still very concerned about her joint pain so he is going to thoroughly examine her back legs and rear end. Finally, he's going to run an ACTH test. I will keep everyone posted throughout the evening
molly muffin
07-03-2014, 07:12 PM
We'll be here Meg!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-03-2014, 07:16 PM
Ok Meg,
It sounds like you have options which is a good thing. Crossing my fingers.
Remember, dogs with Cushings are prone to infections, especially when it's uncontrolled. If Abby is having trouble with her back end and leg, this could be a kidney infection. It might be completely unrelated to arthritis.
07-03-2014, 07:24 PM
I just want to be the first to say how relieved I am to read your post. I am beyond thrilled Abby is finally getting an ACTH test. I think if you get her cortisol controlled, she will feel better and not run around so much. I am hopeful they can get her bowel situation straightened out. Ask the Dr. about Adequan shots for Abby if she has arthritis. They are inexpensive and really have helped Tipper. I am praying that Abby is going to rally. I am thinking of you both and am thrilled that there is a glimmer of hope. Blessings
07-03-2014, 08:26 PM
Meg I am very glad to hear you are exploring options with the vet before making the decision. It's very smart of you. I've followed you and Abby closely because my heart hurts so bad for you, you seem to take all this on your own with little help from friends or family. I'm thrilled to hear your family is finally supporting you and letting the vets run tests that seem to be long overdue. I know you said you are certain, but listen to the vet, discuss your options, the issues, and ask him or her about Abby's quality of life and her heart. I agree with Patti, her Cushings seems to be handled improperly. A medication change or double dose could help. I've been researching for you all day. Good luck with everything tonight. Hope it turns out the way God planned. If you are uncertain, look inward and ask yourself if Abby is happy on this earth and if she enjoys life.
07-03-2014, 10:34 PM
Eagerly waiting to hear an update from you. Praying for you both.
07-03-2014, 11:17 PM
Hi Meg,
I hope all is well with you and Abby.
07-04-2014, 03:03 AM
Is silence usually a good thing or bad?
07-04-2014, 03:48 AM
One never knows. Meg will pop online soon I hope.
07-04-2014, 08:31 AM
Please when you can fill us in on what is happening with Abby. I prayed for you both many times last nite, I hope they are answered. Blessings
07-04-2014, 02:10 PM
Abby is with us. My parents refused to put her down after speaking to the vet for what seemed like hours. They finally paid for all the tests shes needed for months. The vet suspects she has Giardia and sent her samples to the lab. He said she has a very strong heart and "good quality of life" in his opinion. The physical exam showed she has a click in her knee that is causing the pain. They treated it with a shot of Adequan. He believes it will work wonders. They have upped her dose of Trilostane to 10mg twice a day.
The vet said putting her down before we try the medication changes and get back the lab results back would be a mistake. He said to give it a week and if I still feel strongly and she has not significantly improved, I can put her to sleep.
I'm very emotional today and furious with my parents for waiting this long to take action. I was set in my decision and they worked with the vet to change it. Perhaps he is right but still, I am very confused and all over the place today. Emotionally exhausted.
07-04-2014, 02:19 PM
I did not want to speak anything bad of your parents they just don't understand. I knew in my heart Abby needed meds and that was all, that is why I kept making suggestions to you. I did not want to come out and say I was trying to change your decision, but knew in my heart Abby needed the correct dosage of Vetoryl and some Adequan and I told you so because I was frightened you may do something that cannot be undone and that does not need doing. I applaud this vet for taking the time with your parents and telling you Abby has a good quality of life. When you get time I want to discuss something that may help the vestibular episodes. I am over the moon happy today, this made my whole year knowing your will be with your beloved girl and she will not suffer. I am so happy for you Meg tears are streaming as I type. Thank God this vet had the sense to do what he did. I am overwhelmed with joy!!!!!!! Blessings
07-04-2014, 02:59 PM
Meg, I can surely understand why your emotions are in a turmoil, and especially why you feel so conflicted about your parents since they waited so long to finally step up to the plate. I do think it is good to get the vet's perspective to add to your own although you are still the person who lives with Abby daily and sees how she seems to be feeling and doing the majority of the time. But to me, a huge positive is that now, no matter what ends up happening, you will know that you will have given Abby every chance possible to reclaim some quality time. If the meds do not end up helping, then that will be the reality that will have to be dealt with. But you will at least know that no stone was left unturned in order to assist her. So as weary and emotionally exhausted as you are feeling today, I do think there is positive that can come out of this situation. You will still have the responsibility of making decisions in the future. But for right now, there is a chance that Abby may feel much better with yet some more bright days ahead.
07-04-2014, 07:18 PM
Hi Meg
Gosh with all these highs and lows you are certainly on a roller coaster so you hang on tight sweet! We will all be alongside you watching and hoping to hear of small improvements that will add up to big improvements and keep your girl with you. She is a fighter and we already know you are too, so I send some more big hugs to last a week! xxxxx
Oh Meg, I am so happy to read that Abby is still with you! I am hoping that the medication will help her feel better, and that she can be with you for a long time. Emotional roller coaster indeed. Hang in there and let us know how she is doing.
Tina Jasper
07-04-2014, 09:59 PM
Oh Meg,
I am so happy to hear this. It sounds like you have a vet who really cares.
Here's hoping for a week of steady improvements for Abby.
Prayers and hugs to you and Abby.
07-04-2014, 11:06 PM
Meg! Regardless of your parents' delay, I am SO happy that they have finally come around and are helping you and Abby!
Please don't hold onto the anger for long, thankfully is was not too late and they DID finally come around.
Giardia, it's very common and like I said that only symptom is often just a change in stool and having accidents. Otherwise, the dog acts normal.
Wonderful news and I am so happy that Abby is finally going to get what she needs. Hopefully, getting control over the Cushings will stop her from eating garbage. I can almost guarantee that is where she picked up the Giardia.
One huge thing to keep in mind is that as long as Abby still wags her tail, SHE is HAPPY so things aren't that bad for her.
07-04-2014, 11:15 PM
Thank you all so so much for the support and compassion. Abby is doing remarkable better today. I gave her a little melatonin before the fireworks to help her. I hope all your pups are surviving the many fireworks tonight.
Again, me and Abby both love you all so much and continue to thank you for being so understanding. I will be keeping a very close eye on her for changes and improvements. Hugs :)
07-04-2014, 11:16 PM
Your comments make me so happy and help me see the light.
Budsters Mom
07-04-2014, 11:19 PM
We want what's best for both of you Meg. :p
07-04-2014, 11:21 PM
Parents have their own reasons for things and they aren't always right - but they love you nevertheless. Keep that in mind.
07-05-2014, 04:44 AM
Thank you friends. Truly.
I can't sleep, I'm so conflicted. Something the vet said really stuck with me. "Abby is like an old car with a really strong engine. The parts may be rusting but she still really wants to drive."
Am I a bad person for wanting to end her pain and put her to sleep so she could join all our fur babies in heaven? Maybe the meds will help but I don't know. I'm still struggling with it so much now. Any advice?
07-05-2014, 04:46 AM
Should I give it a week? Would you?
Budsters Mom
07-05-2014, 05:29 AM
The choice is not entirely up to you Meg. It seems that your parents and vet have already decided to give it a week with the change in meds. It doesn't matter what any of us would do. We are not in your shoes. My decision to release Buddy to fly was mine and mine alone. The responsibility for that is also mine. Who knows, the meds could help and give you and Abby a little more loving time together. When the time does arrive to set Abby free, you will know in your heart that you did all you could to help her and setting her free would be your ultimate act of love. I know your stressed sweetheart. Abby is still with you for now. Lavish her with love and continue to make memories that will last a lifetime. xxxxxxx
07-05-2014, 05:39 AM
Yes, I would. You never know how much improvement there is going to be until you try this. But Kathy is right, we are not in your shoes or seeing how Abby is doing day in, day out. Gosh, I hate nights when thoughts keep swirling around your head. Sorry I missed you when you got up Meg. Hope you get back to sleep and can enjoy the weekend with Abby. xxxx
07-05-2014, 08:10 AM
Hi again Meg. Yes, I agree that I would give things another week to see how they sort out. And as Kathy has said, it sounds like the vet has already decided that he will not move forward before that, anyway. So to the extent you can free your mind from mulling over the decision, I hope you can grant yourself a few days of peace to see how Abby does with the medication.
I can imagine how wrung-out you must feel. After struggling so mightily with the decision and finally steeling yourself to what you thought was going to happen, it must be a kick in the gut to imagine possibly going through the pain of it all again in a week's time. But you are a very strong woman, Meg. I think stronger than you even know. And so, whatever this next week brings, you will make it through.
And no, I do not think you are a bad person at all for wondering whether it is time for Abby to be released. Since prior to this, neither your parents nor your vet seemed willing to intervene with Abby to try to improve things for her, you were the one left holding all the pain and responsibility upon seeing her degenerate. From what you have told us, I admit to feeling irked with them all three for waiting until this very late date to finally decide to make what will hopefully be some helpful changes that she may have needed for a long time. That's well and good for your vet to talk about the old car, but where was he and your parents during this past year when Abby has been in dire need of tune-ups? But if the changes are indeed helpful, then that is what will be important, after all. So we will all be here alongside you as this week unfolds, hoping so much that you will see enough improvement to restore your confidence that it is not yet Abby's time to fly. If not, then of course we will still be here to support you as well. We know how dearly you love Abby, and that all you want is what's best for her.
molly muffin
07-05-2014, 09:40 AM
Hi Meg, I understand that you are feeling conflicting emotions, making a decision and putting on the emotional armor to see that decision through and then having to take it off is not easy. It is however, something that I think we all go through when we reach these points in our pups life, where options have to be considered.
Yes, you give it a week, or however long. That will be dependent solely on how Abby does on the medication and if she improves over all. If the vet sees improvement and thinks she has quality of life, if your parents see that improvement, will all be dependent on Abby herself.
Older dogs do change, they maybe aren't as playful as when they were younger, don't have the energy that they did, that is normal.
I think that the really important thing right now is to see how she does and to keep the communication lanes open with your parents and your vet so that Abby's best interest will be served by all and that everyone will be on the same page concerning her care and future.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-05-2014, 12:38 PM
Absolutely give the meds a chance. When the right dosage is found, you will see improvements. It sounds like Abby isn't ready to go yet. That is most important.
You said that she still wags her tail. If she were feeling awful, she wouldn't do that.
You're exhausted, we all know that feeling. Step back, relax, keep a journal to refer to and record improvements. It may take more than a week though so track everything no matter how small.
07-05-2014, 10:36 PM
I am overwhelmed by your support and understanding. Thank you so much for being with us through everything. I do not know what I would have done without all of you. I am a bit of an emotional basket case when it comes to Abby. She is everything to me.
I uploaded a couple short videos of Abby from today. You can check them out:
I must admit, there seems to be a bit of a hop in her step. She is more active than she was just two days ago. The Adequan shots are given over the course of two weeks but just one seems to have helped her a lot. She is again jumping on the couch to snuggle and get her ears scratched. She is bopping around a bit more. Shes gone for a 10 minute walk for 2 nights in a row. Maybe her pain is a little less than usual. Hopefully it will continue to get better.
Budsters Mom
07-05-2014, 11:48 PM
So glad to hear that That Abby is feeling more like her old self. That's very encouraging Meg. :):p
07-06-2014, 02:18 AM
Look at that tail wagging!! Lovely to see her videos Meg! x
07-06-2014, 03:45 AM
I watched your videos. No way is Abby nearing the end. She looks great. Give the meds time to work.
molly muffin
07-06-2014, 06:16 AM
Addy does look like a very happy dog in these videos. I think the medication must be helping her.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-06-2014, 06:36 AM
Thank you for watching and giving me some feedback.
07-06-2014, 06:40 AM
wow sorry too emotional
Budsters Mom
07-06-2014, 02:32 PM
Your vet has already doubled Abby's Vetoryl to 10mg. twice per day, equalling 20 mg. total per day. That is still below the 1mg. per pound starting guidelines. You mentioned that an ACTH test was being done. Has it been done yet? It needs to be started 3 or 4 hours after Abby's breakfast and Vetoryl in the morning to get an accurate reading. An ACTH is normally done before any change in Vetoryl. It is an expensive test. Cost can vary, but I paid just under $300. If the test is done, please post the results here. We are all anxious to see them.
So glad to see your video. Abby does look happy. :p I am more worried about you Meg. You have been on such an emotional roller-coaster for so long. You can't go on like this forever. Try to do little things for yourself. Even a long soak in a bubble bath can help. As hard as it is, you need to take care of yourself too, so you can be strong for Abby. We worry. Too many loving aunties around here.
Big hugs sweet,
Budsters Mom
07-07-2014, 06:52 PM
Oh Meg, I did get a chance to read your last two messages before you deleted them and what you wrote was not too emotional. There is no such thing as too emotional on this forum. I have blubbered all over Buddy's thread numerous times. Sometimes I was crying so hard that I could barely see the words that I was dictating. You feel what you feel. It is perfectly okay to share those feelings with us. We have all been there at one time or another. Please don't worry about that anymore.;)
How is Abby doing today? Hugs,
07-07-2014, 10:02 PM
Simple question Meg. Think about this.
How could you NOT be emotional over something (Abby and all of our pets) that loves you unconditionally. We expect you to be emotional as we ALL are. <3
07-07-2014, 11:35 PM
Hi meg, just checking in to see how your little one is doing? Your videos were so adorable, her tail wagging is the greatest sign of happiness. You did the right thing by waiting. If you need someone to talk to about the emotion and stress of it all, never hesitate to ask or message me. -Erin
Squirt's Mom
07-08-2014, 09:12 AM
You both remain in my thoughts and prayers, sending strength, clarity, and hope your way.
07-09-2014, 06:46 AM
Hi Meg, I hope today was a good day for you and Abby, thinking of you both xx
07-09-2014, 08:14 AM
Please update all of us. Abby is so precious and beautiful. You are so young and vulnerable :( don't handle this alone. I tried to, and I went into total depression and a complete nervous breakdown
Budsters Mom
07-10-2014, 01:22 AM
Thinking of you Meg. I hope you and Abby are okay. xxxxxx
07-10-2014, 10:36 PM
Hi friends, Abby is doing alright. Panting much less and not nearly as restless. She is active, especially with the arthritis treatment giving her so much relief. Her stool tested positive for Giaria so we have her on an antibiotic. Thank you SO much for helping me realize it and get her tested.
Sadly, she did have one accident this week. Loose stool came out while she was running inside the house, don't know if she even realized it or was overly excited or what. But I gave her a treat and extra love anyways.
Budsters Mom
07-10-2014, 10:48 PM
So glad to hear from you Meg and thrilled to hear how well Abby is doing.:p Her infection is treatable. I'm glad it was found and antibiotics have been started. Overall a great report! :D xxxxx
07-10-2014, 10:50 PM
Meg, the loose stool definitely sounds related to the Giardia. Daisy has had that twice in her lifetime, nasty diarrhea the first time but I recognized that something was off the second time so it didn't get that bad.
Keep going Abby!
Budsters Mom
07-16-2014, 03:01 AM
Hi Meg,
Just bumping your thread up so you can easily find it when you return. ;)
Please update when you get a chance. Thinking about you both and hoping all is okay. Xxxxx
Squirt's Mom
07-20-2014, 09:07 AM
Hey sweetie,
Just checking in on you and Abby, hoping you are both enjoying your time and that you are finding some improvement in her.
Leslie and the gang
Budsters Mom
07-24-2014, 04:35 AM
Yoooo Hooo Meg! I am hoping that Abby is doing so well that you're off playing together and haven't had a chance to check in with us. ;)
Thinking of you both and sending huge, loving hugs,
07-26-2014, 03:55 AM
Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I've posted because its gotten harder and harder to be on this forum. Although Abby's health initially improved, she is still steadily declining. Her Cushings is better managed, yes, but her old age is impossible to ignore. The arthritis is her worst problem. She's still going for walks but they are very brief, she's going up and down the stairs but you can tell it pains her. At this point I feel I'm in a gray area of uncertainty. Just enjoying every minute with her. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the weather and spending time with your babies.
Xo - Meg and Abby
07-26-2014, 03:57 AM
Thank you all for continuously thinking of us. My parents who were momentarily very giving and compassionate are again ignoring her. I'm doing it all on my own. She's very happy still though, wagging her tail and enjoying the weather. But she's 15 and I can tell her bones ache and she's doing the best she can.
Budsters Mom
07-26-2014, 04:24 AM
Hi Meg,
Thank you for returning and updating for us. I'm so sorry that your parent's support was only temporary and you're once again dealing with it all on your own. :o You may be handling this on your own, but you are not alone. We are here. We have always been here for you and Abby and here we will stay. ;)
Abby's arthritis may be bothering her more since her Trilostane was doubled. Cortisol self medicates reducing her inflammation naturally. Buddy's allergies went haywire once his cortisol was controlled. You mentioned that Abby was receiving shots that were helping with her arthritis symptoms. Is she still getting them?
I'm glad to hear that she is still wagging her tail and enjoying the weather. :p
Yes sweetie. We know how much you love Abby. Savor every precious minute you have with her and build memories that will stay with you forever.
Big hugs my dear,
07-26-2014, 11:35 AM
Glucosamine chondtoitin with MSM for dogs is a fairly inexpensive supplement that's helps dogs with arthritis. I gave it to Daisy.
It might help Abby just enough. Wagging her tail is still wonderful.
07-26-2014, 12:09 PM
Thank you guys. Although its tough coming here sometimes the support really is amazing. It feels like a dozen hugs from friends who all understand. Abby is due for another shot and I give her glucosamine with MSM and omega 3 fatty acids daily.
07-26-2014, 12:10 PM
Kathy I didnt even think of the cortisol and anti-inflammatory processes. That makes me feel better, maybe she's just adjusting. I wish she didnt climb the stairs so much. She sleeps in my bedroom and goes up and down the stairs at least 20 times a day following me!
Budsters Mom
07-26-2014, 12:39 PM
Just a thought..... Would it be possible for you to move some of the things downstairs that you use often during the day? Maybe keep them in a bin or something? That would reduce your trips up and down the stairs, so Abby wouldn't feel the need to follow you. You could also try blocking the stairs so she can't follow, particularly when you're coming right back. If you are staying upstairs so much because you need your privacy and space. I totally get that.;) xxxxxxx
My sweet Ginger
07-26-2014, 12:47 PM
Hi Meg,
I'm so glad that Sweet Abby is happy and doing fairly well even through some pain and aches. How about putting a gate at the bottom of the stairs to limit her going up and downs? I use one for Ginger so she stays downstairs all day until bedtime and I bring her down in the morning. It's been a constant fixture at the bottom of the stairs so everybody is accustomed to it now. I totally get that Abby follows you everywhere as long as she can because not too long ago Ginger came upstairs all by herself :eek::eek::eek: and scared the heck out of all of us while we were moving some furniture from upstairs and no one really thought (including myself) she could be able to climb the stairs any longer. I was horrified for the next few days thinking about the what ifs and amazed about her determination. She will try to go anywhere just to be with me as long as there's a way and not thinking about her limitations.
I'm sure Abby will feel less pain if she doesn't have to go up and down less through out the day. Hope this helps.
Hugs to you and sweet Abby. Song.
07-26-2014, 01:05 PM
You are so sweet, thank you for sharing your story with me. I've tried, that's the thing. I've tried to block the stairs, but if I do, she'll cry and bark all night until I go downstairs and get her. One time I tried to put screens up (from the windows) and she knocked them down three times. She is spoiled, and that's my own fault, but she refuses to sleep alone. I think it's because of her past abuse and terrible owners.
Budsters Mom
07-26-2014, 01:17 PM
Could you sleep downstairs with her? Maybe a couch or an air bed? I was mainly thinking about limiting your trips upstairs during the day. Abby is heavy and you SHOULDN'T lift her by yourself. We don't want you bumping that pretty little head again. :eek:;) There will come a time where she can no longer make it up the stairs by herself. I slept on the floor right by Buddy in his nest bed during the last few months. Granted, I didn't rest well, but that is where he felt the most comfortable, so that's where I needed to be. We make adjustments when there is a need. xxxxx
My sweet Ginger
07-26-2014, 01:48 PM
Meg, I meant Abby stays downstairs during the day time and still sleeps with you at night since she still can make it to upstairs on her own. I don't think Ginger will sleep away from me knowing I'm in the house and I have another pup doing the exact same thing sweet Abby does if I leave her downstairs for 30 sec at bedtime so I know it is next to impossible to change their sleeping habits. Somehow she is ok during day time, only at bet time she couldn't be left alone.:rolleyes:
07-28-2014, 11:41 PM
The vet waited way too long to increase Abby's Cushing's medication. For the first time ever, she's starting to show signs of the disease. Patches of hair loss, pot belly. I uploaded a pic. How has everyone else been? Are you pups surviving this hot, muggy summer?
-Meg and Abby
07-29-2014, 02:22 AM
The symptoms are not permanent and will subside once the appropriate meds are back in her system. Symptom return is often how we know that a tweak is needed and an ACTH helps to determine how much.
Budsters Mom
07-29-2014, 02:24 AM
Hi Meg,
I have old lady eyes. I can't see too much in the picture. Yes, I think the vet waited too long to do a lot of things, but he/she could only do what your folks wanted done at the time.:o At least increasing her dosage seems to be helping for now. :p
I am so glad that you are still hanging in there. I worry when I haven't heard from you in a few days.
Yes, Cush pups tend to have a tougher time when the weather gets warmer. That is due to the excess cortisol pulsing through them. Buddy has a terrible time with the heat. He panted continuously and would lie on the cold bathroom floor for much of the day.
07-29-2014, 03:48 AM
Thank you both. Kathy I'm praying your still up. Abby just woke up and is running around the house like a wild animal. She's panting and jumping, I have no idea what she ate or what happened. Do you have any experience with this or advice?
07-29-2014, 03:49 AM
Please help.
Budsters Mom
07-29-2014, 04:52 AM
How is she now Meg? Is Abby still hyper?
No, I'm sorry. I don't have much experience with that type of behavior. Buddy would often have a hard time settling at night. He did a lot of pacing and was unable to lay down, but he did not jump around like a wild animal. That behavior for Buddy was an indication that he was in pain. Are you still giving Abby tramadol for pain? I would suggest confining her to a very small room (such as the bathroom) so she can't jump and injure herself. Stay with her so she doesn't panic and make sure she has cool water available. When did she eat last? Did you feed her anything different or change any of her meds? She might be having a hard time cooling down since you said she was panting. Rubbing her stomach down with a damp washcloth might help her feel a little cooler. Other than the panting, is she breathing normally? Panting also can also be an indication of pain.
Didn't you say previously that you were giving her Melatonin? You could try to give her a dose and see if it calms her down enough to rest. If you think that she might be in pain, I would also give her a dose of tramadol.
Others who know more, will be along is a few hours. Hang in there Meg. If Abby starts struggling to breathe, please ask your folks to help you take her to the closest emergency vet. Abby needs you, so don't try to lift her alone. You need to take care of yourself too.
Are your parents up Meg? If so, do they know what has occurred? If Abby is unable to settle soon, please let them know what is happening and give then a chance to help. You mentioned before that your mom was a nurse. She may have some ideas that might help. All you can do is try.
It is likely to be a long night. Once Abby settles, rest when she rests.
I'll check back in with you in the morning.
Budsters Mom
07-29-2014, 07:33 AM
Well, since I haven't heard back, I will take it as good news. ;) Hopefully both you and Abby are peacefully snoozing away.
Budsters Mom
07-29-2014, 01:00 PM
How is Abby doing today? Were you both able to get any rest? :confused:
Budsters Mom
07-30-2014, 03:38 AM
Hi Meg,
There is something that I need to say..... We are here to help in any way we can. We are here when everything is going well and when nothing seems to be going well, as well as everything in between. When you ask for help, please come back and let us know how Abby is doing when the crisis is over. You asked me specifically for help last night. As well as responding, I sat up all night monitoring the forum. I wanted someone to be here if you returned, so you wouldn't be alone. Please let us know how you both are as soon as possible. As you might have guessed, I am sitting up once again tonight wondering. Thanks,
07-31-2014, 02:31 AM
I am very sorry Kathy. Abby had eaten chocolate from one of the garbage cans. She was up all night running around before she began vomiting everywhere. We took her to the vet and she is doing okay. She's still vomiting but it's calming down
07-31-2014, 02:34 AM
I have push notifications turned on for this forum, so I expect to get notified when anyone replies to my posts or questions. This isn't working, obviously. I had no idea you had responded so quickly or that anyone had. I apologize. I will try not to post as much or ask so many questions from now on.
07-31-2014, 02:36 AM
Abby injured her leg quite badly during the chocolate incident, and she has been limping ever since. Tried the Tramadol and today, aspirin, but they have no effect.
Budsters Mom
07-31-2014, 03:00 AM
Oh Meg, I absolutely do not want you to post less or limit your questions. Heavens no!:eek: I would just like for you to come back to the forum and let us know what is happening when the crisis is over. That way if someone like me is sitting up waiting to find out how things are going, we won't be left hanging wondering and worrying. Okay?
I am so sorry to hear that Abby got into chocolate and hurt her leg. Chocolate is poisonous to dogs and is loaded with caffeine. No wonder she was bouncing off the walls. What did the vet say about her leg injury and the vomiting? The best thing you can do for her right now is to limit her activity by confining her to a small area with you and NOT letting her jump. She needs to rest it, in order for it to heal. As long as she is still vomiting, you might want to stay with her in a small room with a tile floor, such as a bathroom. That would also be an area where she would not be able to jump up or down off of anything. Again, I am so sorry this happened on top of everything else.
I have push notifications turned on for this forum, so I expect to get notified when anyone replies to my posts or questions. This isn't working, obviously. I had no idea you had responded so quickly or that anyone had. I apologize. I will try not to post as much or ask so many questions from now on.
07-31-2014, 03:33 AM
Oh no Meg!!
She was doing so well.
Chocolate can induce seizures so vomiting is not great, but much less dangerous.
08-01-2014, 04:55 PM
She's still throwing up throughout the day and so so hyper that its actually dangerous to her. Is this still the chocolate? Hot weather?
08-01-2014, 04:56 PM
Vet gave her another shot for her arthritis, which is helping. He said the vomiting should subside soon. He said she MUST stop eating garbage and paper. But it's impossible to hide everything from Abby. She's constantly on the prowl in every room sniffing for trash or food
molly muffin
08-01-2014, 05:56 PM
Yes chocolate can take awhile to get out of system. It is quite deadly to dogs.
Limiting activity is the best option for the leg.
Nope don't post less. You only usually get one notification per thread until you log back in and check so you might not realize that others have posted. Best just to check in and see.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Budsters Mom
08-01-2014, 06:30 PM
Hi Meg,
Thanks for reporting back. Yes, we do care about both of you. :p
Yes, chocolate is extremely dangerous for dogs to ingest, even in tiny amounts. The fact that she is still vomiting isn't really surprising. :o I hope her poor little tummy gets a break from all that vomiting soon.:o
It is NOT impossible to keep Abby from eating garbage and paper. It wouldn't be impossible, but will be extremely difficult. That would involve confining Abby every time someone is not going to be right with her to supervise, just like a new puppy. There can be no variations from that. Abby wouldn't be too happy, but it can be done. Sometimes as the parent, we just have to do these things for their own good. It is no different than a dog who is recovering from surgery. They need to be confined to a crate or small space to limit their activity and keep them from jumping. You could even leash Abby and walk with her from room to room when you have to change to a different area.
I am glad that her arthritis shot is helping and that she's under a vet's care now. xxxxxx
08-01-2014, 07:01 PM
Hi Meg
How are Abby's poops, maybe the chocolate incident has given her a tummy flare up. She eating ok, was just wondering whether her cortisol has gone too low with the vomiting but I guess they would have checked that. Could be just her gut still recovering, the naughty little monkey!! Hope it settles down soon xxx
molly muffin
08-02-2014, 12:11 PM
Checking in to see how Abby is doing now? Has she calmed down and stopped throwing up?
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
08-04-2014, 01:37 AM
How is Abby doing now? Has she settled down and is she still throwing up?
Budsters Mom
08-05-2014, 04:01 AM
Dropping into check on you and Abby once again. ;)
08-05-2014, 07:32 AM
Thank you for all the help and feedback. Vomitting has stopped. Everything else is a nightmare. -Meg and Abby
Budsters Mom
08-05-2014, 08:28 AM
Hi Meg,
Thank you for updating for us. I am glad that Abby's vomiting finally stopped. Her poor little tummy must be pretty sore.:o
I'm so sorry to hear that you both continue to struggle. We are here to listen if you'd like to come back and tell us more. You must be exhausted!
Big hugs,
08-05-2014, 03:11 PM
I'm at the point where I can't decide what the right answer is anymore. Keeping her alive with so many medications and so much hardship, or letting her go, even if she does love life.
Budsters Mom
08-05-2014, 06:04 PM
Oh Meg, making the decision to let them go is never easy regardless of the situation.:o Your hardships, stress levels and general well being also need to be considered, not just Abby's zest for life. You have been doing this on your own for a long time and not getting much help from your parents, other then paying vet bills here and there. It is okay if you are totally exhausted and can't do it anymore. Abby loves you above all else and wants nothing more than than for you to be truly happy. There is no judgment here. It is what it is. We will support you in whatever decision you choose to make.
Big tight hugs Sweetie,
08-05-2014, 10:55 PM
Meg, it is difficult to find the balance when a dog has Cushings and even more so if other health concerns exist. Especially when you first start treating them.
If Abby is happy, still wagging her tail - ask the vet what he/she thinks. They were honest with you before and will be again. If the vet says that it is not time yet, an option would be to ask them to find a way to help you to do what you need to for Abby since you're on your own with this. It is an option.
Squirt's Mom
08-06-2014, 08:03 AM
Dear Meg,
I don't know if this will help or not but anyway....for over a year I thought Squirt was on her last leg. She had that seizure in March of 2013 and almost didn't make it through the recovery - I thought she was leaving then. Twice more during 2013 I thought she was leaving me. Then in Jan of 2014 I KNEW she was done and called the vet for "the appointment". Then I learned that she was not ready at all and did not want help at that point - she still had fight left in her. It wasn't until May of this year that the end came. SHE had much more fight in her than I gave her credit for having - and one the biggest guilts I carry today is just that, I gave up on her long before she was ready.
Our babies are so very stoic and strong. It is just amazing how much they can take. Squirt's days were spent mostly sleeping and when she moved it was obvious she was in great pain, but she was content with her days as they were. She was happy just to be with her family in spite of all she was enduring.
I also know Squirt had things to tell me and she wanted the time to do so. We spent much of her last year plus simply talking. Talking about the things we had done, the places we had seen, and what was to come. As much as I worried about her, as much as I hated seeing her steady decline, as much as it hurt I cherish that time more than I can say. During this time I was also able to spoil her rotten with all the good things to eat she wanted, all the loving she wanted, anything she wanted that I could supply - I did my best to do so. And we both enjoyed every second.
No one can tell you when enough is enough other than you and Abby. YOU know her best of all and she knows you best of all. Listen to Abby, listen to your Heart. There is no right nor wrong answer here...but no matter what you decide, that *will* be the right decision because it will be made out of the deep love you have for her. And we are right by your side regardless, honey. We trust you, Abby trusts you.
Leslie and the gang
08-06-2014, 08:52 AM
Oh my goodness, Leslie's reply brings tears to my eyes. Such an incredible journey she and precious Squirt shared throughout every moment of their lives together. I know you and Abby have shared such an incredible journey as well, and my heart aches at the conflict you are enduring over the decisions about her care.
I know you are searching for thoughts and solutions, so here are a few of mine to add to the mix :o. For me, obvious pain would be a huge consideration. Leslie and Squirt shared a special level of communication of which I am in awe. For most of us, though, I think we are simply stuck with judging some things on the basis of what we can see. And if it looked to me as though my aged dog was in pain more often than not, it would be hard for me to bear to allow that to continue. I am different from some folks in that I would not want to wait until the misery became so great that there was never a spark of joy remaining. I would wish to spare my dog from reaching that point.
From what you have written, it sounds as though Abby's times of physical discomfort create the greatest pain for you, as well. If you can talk to your vet and there are avenues of better pain control that you might try, you may surely wish to first consider them. But if not -- if this is the best that things can be -- then the hard decision falls to you as far as judging the balance of joy vs. pain in Abby's life. And I do think you are actually the better judge of this over either your parents or the vet. The vet only sees Abby for a short office consultation every once in a great while, and I doubt that your parents attend to Abby with the degree of vigilance as do you. You are likely the one who knows best how she is able to make it through every day and night.
As Leslie has written so beautifully and sweetly, there are so many lessons to be learned from our connections with our beloved companions. And when they are ill or hurting, it can take such great courage and patience to settle one's own heart and mind in order to find a way to peacefully support them and to be fully "present" with them during each moment that they remain in our loving care. This can be such a hard thing to do. I know this only too well, because I am still only a novice at it, myself. I still have such a long way to go to be as strong as I do wish. :o
I also believe it takes great courage to act on their behalf, including euthanasia, in order to save them from reaching the point where their pain will overtake them. There are times to be still, and there are times to act. The decision between the two can be heart-wrenching and heart-breaking. But to me, great courage is also defined by saving our babies from suffering, no matter the price to ourselves.
My heart remains with you, Meg. And as all the others have already said, we are here to support you no matter what.
My sweet Ginger
08-06-2014, 10:25 AM
Dear Meg,
You got me thinking about my own Ginger. She's really not doing much and it's been like that ever since the treatment especially.
Her tail is up halfway but not wagging, doesn't eat on her own, takes 9-13 pills everyday, can't make a straight line when walking, sleeps or rests most of the day, her seizures are acceptable but not controlled...
I can go on and she scored miserably on her quality of life test.
I know my mother in law thinks I'm crazy for keeping her alive spending all this $$$ and probably she is not alone in that.
The reasons she's still with me today are very simple ones and those are I know she is not in pain, she sniffs around the ground and smells things when she's outside and still eats when I feed her. She greets me at the door often times while being pushed around by the other two stronger sisters.
Her IMS says it not time for 'the talk' yet and I'm totally with her. There's been three times that I thought she wasn't going to make it far and she came back each of those times one being very recent. For me it's her pain and suffering. If she's still in pain even with the help from meds that will be the only thing that will force me to make the decision as I do not want her to be in constant pain.
Now the ever expensive vet bills, I have to say that it's slowed down quite a bit now that we have her somewhat under control(?).
For some reason ( I never asked) her neurologist hasn't been charging us for our recheck fees which we pay $100 each time with our IMS.:eek:
My point is it will be more than worth it if you talk to your vet re lowering the vet bills. I also think it's a good idea having a heart to heart talk with your parents. The worst comes, try to get a loan from them and pay it back after you graduate and have a job.
My heart aches every time I think about you because you remind me of my own daughter who is 27 and no way, no how she can bear your kind of financial responsibility and she's out of school and does have a job.
Meg, you need help from both the vet and your parents. You are not in the position to bear this kind of responsibilities.
You and Abby don't deserve this kind of torturous time at this time in your lives. From the scheme of bigger things you two don't have much time together anyways because of her age. You should enjoy each other every waking moment.
My hope is that if you think Abby can be helped with her pain from meds please, talk to the vet and your parents and plead with them if you have to.
I'm hoping this will help you in some way and not the other way. Hugs, Song.
08-06-2014, 11:19 AM
I am sending you and Abby many loving hugs!
08-07-2014, 05:30 AM
Wow, Your replies have me shaking in tears because of how deeply you care and how much you help me. You are complete strangers and yet you care more than anyone in my family or circle of friends. no one understands like you and i can never thank you enough for keeping me going and sharing your wisdom. Every story I read has given me guidance and insight and strength to keep going. My journey with Abby is so lonely and heartbreaking, and I know my posts on here are annoying and redundant, but this has been so hard. So many ups and downs. Its taken everything out of me. But it gives me relief to know I'm not the only one. You all understand. You're all angels.
08-07-2014, 05:32 AM
Abby is currently wide awake running around the house, barking occasionally, and keeps coming to find me. I walked her after I worked 8 hours and gave her all her meds, including melatonin. I don't understand why she won't rest or simply give her poor joints a break. She can't stop moving, even after the increased dose of Trilostane. It's like we are at an impasse, nothing can help this terrible, destructive disease
Budsters Mom
08-07-2014, 06:52 AM
Hi Meg,
This is a new wrinkle.:confused: You must be exhausted. Possibly the shots that Abby is getting for her arthritis are helping and she's feeling better? Maybe Abby slept all day while you were at work and is wide awake now and ready to play? Does she seem happy, tail wagging or droopy tail and restless, unable to settle?
Meg, we do care about both of you. We are a first class group of worry wart aunties standing by to help in anyway we can. Keep posting my dear. Your postings are not redundant. They are what is occurring or how you are feeling at the time.
Squirt's Mom
08-07-2014, 07:27 AM
Well, for crying out loud! My brain! I swear! :rolleyes: That running and barking could so easily be dementia, like CCD (or CDS), a cognitive dysfunction common in older dogs. This behavior becomes especially evident at night, or did for Squirt anyway. She didn't run but she walked and walked and walked and walked....hour after hour after hour. UNTIL I started her on Novafit - it does not require a prescription and wasn't that expensive for her size dose. It was a miracle for Squirt and I highly recommend trying it for 30 days. Some pups only need it for 30 or 60 days but Squirt needed it continuously for the rest of her days...and it made her days, especially nights, so much more enjoyable. Based on my guess at Abby's weight, she would probably use the M, or medium size dose for dogs up to 44 lbs. Here is some info on it from the place I purchased Squirt's - you may can find it cheaper if you use credit cards.
08-08-2014, 01:04 AM
This is a fantastic idea, thank you so much for sharing. I will definitely give it a try with Abby. She is 40 lbs exactly so the the M will work. Again, thank you for telling me about this!
I agree about the CCD, the vet said on our last visit that he believes Abby has a bit of dementia and that it is common in older dogs.
Well, for crying out loud! My brain! I swear! :rolleyes: That running and barking could so easily be dementia, like CCD (or CDS), a cognitive dysfunction common in older dogs. This behavior becomes especially evident at night, or did for Squirt anyway. She didn't run but she walked and walked and walked and walked....hour after hour after hour. UNTIL I started her on Novafit - it does not require a prescription and wasn't that expensive for her size dose. It was a miracle for Squirt and I highly recommend trying it for 30 days. Some pups only need it for 30 or 60 days but Squirt needed it continuously for the rest of her days...and it made her days, especially nights, so much more enjoyable. Based on my guess at Abby's weight, she would probably use the M, or medium size dose for dogs up to 44 lbs. Here is some info on it from the place I purchased Squirt's - you may can find it cheaper if you use credit cards.
08-08-2014, 01:08 AM
An update on her activity level: She is still running around the house like a wild animal, her injured leg appears to be better (why else would she be so active). The chocolate disaster appears to have passed because she has not thrown up in two days. Again, I walked her after my shift to soothe her cortisol and stress, but she is still so energetic.
I don't know how to fix her sleep schedule, Kathy, she is most active in the evening and midnight hours, but wants to sleep all day. She is getting her haircut tomorrow, hopefully that may help with her relentless panting and agitated state?
Bless you all and thank you
-Meg and Abby
Budsters Mom
08-08-2014, 01:18 AM
Sounds like our Abby has her days and nights mixed up. She sleeps when you aren't around to be with her and then wants to be up with you all night.:eek: That pace must be exhausting!:eek: Is anyone home with her during the day or do both of your parents work? I am glad that her stomach is settled and her vomiting has stopped. What a relief!
Leslie is really on the ball. It is very likely that Abby could have some kind of old age dementia that causes her to be so active at night.
Hang in there Meg. You can do this! xxxxx
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