View Full Version : New To Forum - Keesh has crossed over
Stopping by to say hello.
I have a sling for Zoe. I use it for her walkiing when it is really icy outside. It works really well and helps her feel more secure on the slippery surfaces.
It just might work for Keesh.
molly muffin
12-15-2013, 11:46 PM
I'm going to say based on what I see in my yard that yes, Judi has a lot of snow right now. :) We sure do anyhow.
Hope Keesh is doing okay in this stuff.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Sharlene got more snow then us - ♫ nah nah nah nah nah nah ♫:D
I'll be buying the sling today if it's wide enough. If it's just a skinny thing it won't work, but I've been looking at the double sling. I can only get it from the States and it's over $100.00 plus shipping, taxes, duty and whatever else our gov't thinks they should be needing in their ever constant empty pockets. ( sorry got carried away there.)
Keesh freezes up a little in his front paws in the snow but I'm sure that's because it's been -4 Fahrenheit for a few days. Last night I bbq'd outside and he was romping in the snow. Totally confused by this pup !!
His last 5 hydrotherapy sessions are today, but I'm signing up for another 5.
Someone should take a picture of me climbing out of this warm salt water pool, dripping wet, and going immediately outside for the dog to pee, both of us soaked and in freezing weather. I don't even get a chance to towel off . He then comes in and gets a tea rinse and conditioner put on. Me????? - Well I'm still soaking wet, almost frozen and I don't get to change until his majesty has conditioner rinsed off. blown dry and he's finished with his peanut ball therapy where he gets Bennys' Bullies so he stays balanced on the ball. Writing this I almost wonder if there's something the matter with this picture - LOL
Christmas shopping is almost done, only have to buy 1 more gift - and all brides have been taken care of, at least for now.
I check in on all of you regularly, I just don't get to post often enough, but thinking about you all.
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 07:59 AM
I have this image of you shivering, dripping wet, teeth chattering, arms slapping yourself to generate heat all while you look on as Keesh is being conditioned, massaged, dried, and given treats. Nah...nothing odd about this picture! :p Just a good mom suffering so her baby can feel better! Seems normal to me especially if you hear the word "insane" whispered as you walk by! :D:p:D:p
12-16-2013, 08:25 AM
It is the truth, what a Cush mom will not do for her baby. That sounds like pure torture you endure for your Keesh. I am glad he is still enjoying the hydrotherapy it must make his musculoskeletal system feel better after that warm water. How about you BBQing outdoors in the snow!! Blessings
No hydrotherapy today. It was just too cold. -28 fahrenheit this morning and Keesh actually held on to his business until 8 this morning- LOL - even he wasn't going out. That's a record without accidents. Almost 7 hours.... that's "mah boy!"
12-16-2013, 11:43 AM
I would say Keesh did an excellent job not going potty for all he has been thru. I know what you mean it is 8-9 degrees here too. Tipper just had a solid poop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Tipper... solid poops is what we want to see !!
molly muffin
12-16-2013, 04:50 PM
Pffftt, we got more than you? You know things are messed up when That happens. We were clearing snow till midnight last night and both feeling it this morning.
Molly's schedule is all off for her walks, and she just wants to run in and out, in and out. Good thing I stayed home to work today or I'd have tons of accidents to clean up. This always happens after she boards. They do different times than I do and I think just let her do what she wants half the time there. sheezz
I died laughing hearing about you freezing and Keesh getting the spa treatment. Doesn't that sound just about right too.
Okay got to run, little miss wants out in the backyard now.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-17-2013, 02:20 AM
OMG LOL Judi, you are going to catch your death of cold!! I hope you have at least a warm blanket to wrap around yourself when you go outside... that sounds like the polar swims they do here in the middle of winter!! :eek::eek: No wonder Keesh likes that, we would pay good money to have that done for ourselves!! What a little Prince he must look after his hydrotherapy sessions!! No wonder he likes it :D:D
12-17-2013, 08:52 AM
Hi Judi:
I hope you and Keesh are doing well. It sounds as though Keesh will remain a mystery as he always rebounds. I hope you are ready for Christmas, and that your biggest joy will be celebrating with Keesh. Blessings
12-18-2013, 08:24 AM
Hi Judi:
Hope you are busily working and Keesh is still well. Are you snowed in up there yet? WE are to get 40 degree weather on Friday so Tipper can go out and walk finally. This week has been hard on her as she gets very naughty when she cannot burn off energy. Blessings
"Mah Boy" and of course myself want to wish all of you
Merry Christmas to All My K9 forum friends
Only the Best for 2014
God Bless our furbabies, their Mom's and Dad's and all our pups who are
now running free.
New post of Keesh in Album, after a wee bit of eggnog without the booze, but you'd never know it by the look on his face. This was a few years ago.
molly muffin
12-20-2013, 05:40 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Judi and Keesh.
Love that picture of Keesh, he does look a bit wonkered eh. hehehe
hope this ice storm misses you. We had some last night, then it turned to rain, power flickered a bit earlier today but is just rain now, expect that will be ice or snow later tonight though.
If you get it, stay in, safe and warm!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
12-21-2013, 09:37 AM
That is a great picture of Keesh. Not sure he did not sneak some liquor somewhere though!. Keesh does not look his age whatsoever. He looks like a much younger dog. Are you having the kids for Christmas or are you going to their house? I hope you all have a great time, and be careful going out in that weather up there as we are supposed to get 2 more storm systems moving in. Blessings
12-23-2013, 08:00 AM
Hope you and Keesh have a very nice Christmas together. He is a blessing to be with you this long. God Bless you Both
Merry Christmas right back at you and Keesh:)
molly muffin
01-01-2014, 12:47 PM
Happy New Year Judi and Keesh
Wishing you all the best in the new year
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-01-2014, 12:55 PM
Hope all is well with you and Keesh and that you have a great New Year. Blessings
Been off the forum for awhile, but I have a confession. When Woody passed, that pretty much did me in. I'm a complete wimp when it comes to bad news. Usually I'm the strong one in an emergency and fall apart after, but the news of Woody sent me for a loop. I emailed Squirt's Mom and told her that I needed to leave the forum for awhile. I checked in once in awhile, but with Keesh failing a little bit every week, and knowing I will be extremely fortunate if he makes it another year, I had to take a break over the holidays and just focus on things directly around me, and stay away from any potential bad news.
I know I'm terrible especially with all the support and love that has been sent my way over the last few months, but I guess I'm selfish and needed to focus on my "mah boy" for awhile. I can see a slow steady decline with him, and actually just this morning he scared me.
You have all been so very supportive of each one on here and I really do feel a bit ashamed for having to take this break. Please forgive me for staying away.
01-05-2014, 03:11 PM
Judi, I haven't really followed your thread a lot, because I am fairly new here - but, grief is different for everyone. I tend to pull away too, when things get tough. And you never know when one event is going to be the one that just sends you a little over the edge. I highly doubt you owe any apology at all! The people here are amazing, supportive, and understanding. No one could blame you for needing a break.
Roxee's Dad
01-05-2014, 03:11 PM
Aww Judi,
No need to apologize, many of us have to take a break once in a while. While it is great to share in the many success stories, it also very difficult to see the sadness. We need to take breaks to avoid the depression that it can bring on. Sometimes we all just need a mental break. As Addy has often said... sometimes we need to put it in the draw and close the drawer for a bit and enjoy the moments we can.
We know you continue to take good care of Keesh and that is what is important.
molly muffin
01-05-2014, 07:41 PM
Hi Judi, I'm really sorry to hear that Keesh hasn't been doing so great. It is still his hind quarters giving out on him?
Of course we all understand about needing a break and dealing with the sorrow on the forum. Woody definitely affected many of us. It is never easy to lose even one.
In the meantime, whether you are here or not, we all care about you and Keesh and think of you often and hope for the best days possible for you both.
big hugs,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-05-2014, 07:46 PM
I feel that way sometimes too, especially since we've had multiple losses recently and that has really gotten to me. I get it.
Instead of drawing away, I tend to stick around in case i'm needed.
We all manage in different ways.
01-07-2014, 04:59 AM
Hi Judi
Popping in to send you and Keesh a big hug!! You are totally right to take a break and concentrate on your boy, sorry to hear he has not been that great. He is another one of our mystery dogs. Hope you had some good times over the holidays and Keesh got lots of tasty treats of the season :) Take Care and look forward to seeing you whenever you can pop in, but never feel guilty... we all do what we can, when we can and you have provided a ton of support to people and their pups here xxxxx
Thanks you guys.
He is really unstable now and this weather is wreaking havoc with him. I have bought a sling for him but it's the wrong size. He is so determined, he will take the stairs once in awhile, but prefers not to. I panic everytime he figures he should climb them, so I limit myself to where I am to keep my eyes on him . Just turning around his leg (legs) will buckle. No particular one at any time. He hasn't been swimming over the holidays, and it's probably wishful thinking on my part that once he gets back into that groove it will improve. I also am going to have to pump up the dosage of Previcox.
I pretty much can't let him out of my sight anymore, and he's become extremely lovable lately. His appetite is good, and everything else seems normal in his behaviour.... he's just getting old.
01-07-2014, 08:24 AM
Again I am sorry as this is heart wrenching to watch. The Dr. from Pgh. told me when I talked to him the other day to cut the sides out of a shopping bag and make a sling out of it. Maybe that would work for you. That is what is going on with Tipper to I cannot let her out of my sight, her leg is really bad. When she sits she holds it out way to the side it looks like her leg is broken. God Help Us.
molly muffin
01-07-2014, 11:48 AM
Judi, I swear I think this weather would wreck havoc on a penguin. (well, maybe not, but you get the idea :) )
Poor Keesh, this cold is probably really affecting his joints. Even molly is did the pee and dash this morning. She has been laying in a comfortable sunny spot in front of the window every since, with no desire to go back outside. She'l have to at some point, but I understand her not being that interested.
Stay warm and safe
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Just got off the phone with the vet. So here we are at vet # 6? and a total screw up.
Keesh can have no more then 134-136 mg tops of Previcox for his weight. They marked the prescription I got at 57mg each tablet and told me to give him 1 1/2 pills per day which would total 85 1/2 mg. Knowing he could have a higher dose I called to see if they would bump it up.
To my absolute shock, I have been overdosing him for almost 2 months now. The label on each of the prescription bottles I got was typed wrong. It said 57 mg, but each pill was actually 227 mg, therefore I was giving him 340 1/2 mg per day. He's a wonder dog for sure. No diarrhea, upset stomach or any other side effects, however I wonder what the long term could be. I can't believe this. Good thing I'm giving him milk thistle for his liver, he must be almost toxic now.
Obviously he won't be getting a stronger dose, just hope there aren't withdrawals from reducing the dose now. Have to say I'm really p#$%* - not to mention I thought maybe he needed something that lasted longer during the day. I can't give him a split dose according to the vet, it won't work properly. At a loss now completely.
molly muffin
01-07-2014, 04:51 PM
Holy Crapola Judi!!
What did the vet say about toxin and what will she do now to make sure that Keesh is okay?
Do you have to wean off this stuff?
I read just now, can cause liver, kidney, ulcers, etc so keep a close eye on him.
Maybe this is why he has been "failing". Perhaps at an appropriate dose, he would be okay?
oh judy, poor you and poor keesh. He really is a trooper.
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
01-07-2014, 05:00 PM
Okay I read that a surgeon, said 72 hours for Previcox to clear the system, in contrast to the manufacturer who said it takes 8 hours.
I think you'll have to watch Keesh to make sure that he has no ill effects from the over dose.
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-07-2014, 05:29 PM
OMG! I would just be beside myself, and very ticked off at this misprint!
Deep breath.
01-07-2014, 05:31 PM
Oh My God, I would want to strangle the person who made this horrendous mistake. It could have cost him his life. Oh I am sick from hearing this. How do you get the after affects straightened out now?? He probably needs a blood panel for his liver and kidneys. This just makes me sick at my stomach knowing this could happen. I am so sorry Judi, no wonder this poor baby is feeling ill and failing. I am praying that Keesh can hold up to this terrible mistake. As if he did not already have enough problems. I hope whoever did this has been told about their humungous ,stupid,_____ error. God Bless you both. I hope you can get this straightened out Judi I am praying for you both. Blessings
Budsters Mom
01-07-2014, 05:34 PM
OMG Judi! Just when I think we have reached the pinnacle of incompetency, this happens!:eek::eek::eek: What did the vet say about this blunder? I am so sorry. Poor Keesh:o xxxxx
molly muffin
01-07-2014, 06:38 PM
Well I for one think that the vet should pay for a full liver and kidney panel and blood work, urinalysis to be done.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
01-07-2014, 06:57 PM
I'm with you Sharlene. That vet would be seeing me in his nightmares and looking over his shoulder as he moved about! :eek: Did you get the meds from your vet, or did they come from an outside pharmacy. Could it have been the pharmacist who messed it up?
01-07-2014, 10:47 PM
That vet better comp anything that Keesh needs for the rest of his life or I'd sue. I REALLY would! This kind of mistake should never, EVER happen!
Once you get him weened off and the correct dose going, I'll bet that he improves drastically.
I still can't believe what you've typed and it's not like they transposed numbers because the numbers aren't even the right digits!!!!
The individual responsible should lose their job. This is a grievous mistake.
Please insist that the vet run all tests necessary to be sure that Keesh won't have any lasting affects and that something isn't brewing that could be corrected now free of charge. Let them bill the idiot who can't read or type.
I'm sorry, this makes me beyond livid and I'll be praying that there are no lasting affects for Keesh.
01-08-2014, 03:33 AM
Good grief! Yes, how did it happen. Did the vet give you the pills or a pharmacist on the vet's prescription. If it was the vet I would for sure be wanting free care. That is dangerous.
I did a quick google and found these symptoms of overdosage
Loss of appetite
Dark or tarry stool
Increased thirst
Increase urination
Pale gums
Fast or heavy breathing
Behavior changes
Maybe Keesh's weakness is due to this? Have you got him right off of it now, I think I would and use something else like Tramadol. The recommended dose of Previcox for oral administration in dogs is 2.27mg/lb (5.0mg/kg) body weight once daily as needed. How much does Keesh weigh? You could work out how much over that dose he was given?
I sure hope there are no lasting effects from this, wouldn't it be good if some of the incoordination settled. But also agree with the others getting them to run blood panels especially to check kidneys and liver. xx
Keesh has had no direct symptoms from the overdose that I know of other then some weakness. His drinking actually has slowed right down to normal range. His appetite is good (depending on what goodies I add to his kibble) but the co-ordination thing certainly is an issue.
When I spoke to the vet, she actually left the phone for a minute then came back and said first she thought that the technician may have hit the wrong button for dispensing the pills. Then she told me to open the bottle and check the back of the pills. It is inscribed 227 on them. Why I didn't check that is beyond me, but with 3 prescriptions filled no one said any change in dosage and I was going strictly by the label printed.
She made no apologies at all, and continued with the conversation as if it was a simple error. The end comment was that they typed the wrong label and said this in a nonchalant way. Why wouldn't anybody tell me they upped the dose without me knowing and the wrong label is just inexcusable. There are actually 2 mistakes they made, upping the dose and typing the wrong label. The pills came directly from the vets office.
I got 3 prescriptions in such a short time as I was trying him for a week first to see how he tolerated the drug. Then I got another one with a few more pills to make sure he didn't have a delayed reaction. This last prescription was for 20 pills as they were to be split at 1 1/2 pills per dose and I really wanted to make sure all was ok before I went ahead and got a couple of months worth. Not once was anything said to me about the dose change from 57 mg to 227. Matter of fact when I actually called first to see if I could up the dose, the receptionist pulled his file and agreed with me and said she'd speak to the vet which is protocol before they refill anything.
I have tried the Tramadol with no real improvement and as he did so well on Metacam other then it upset his stomach, I thought I'd give the Previcox a try.
I am going to the vet today and will discuss this completely with them. As far as I am concerned there shouldn't have been a upped dose, and someone is not telling me the truth.
I am also getting a medication for him to coat his stomach (can't remember the name of it) to take an hour before eating or 2 hours after eating as I thought this would be a preventative action to take, of course I ordered this before knowing the screw up.
Keesh weighs approximately 60 pounds so the overdose was 204 mgs over and above what he should have gotten daily.
I will talk to them about running the free tests. I'm also going to ask to see his file but they may have covered their tracks. Here I was worried about whether he could handle getting his teeth fixed which was one of my main concerns right now, and this came up.
In addition to this, the vet suggested some special dog food, which they try to sell me all the time. The technician called back after I hung up from the vet and told me the stomach coating meds came in liquid and pill form, which one did I want. Then right away she wanted to know if the vet mentioned buying this specific dog food. I guess they make a huge profit on selling dog food. Wouldn't you think they'd have been more concerned about an overdosed dog then selling kibble.
01-08-2014, 04:37 AM
That is disgraceful, that vet was doing some serious butt covering in that conversation :mad: Bottom line, she is the vet and has cocked up.
If she did purposely up the dose, then why the heck is it so high for a dog of Keesh's weight. I don't think she did up it, but someone has put the wrong pills in the bottle.
When Flynn had an adverse event (swab left inside of him in surgery) I pursued it too, I made sure protocols were changed so that it could not happen again. I got reimbursed too, plus did not pay for the treatment to rectify it which included further surgery. If she is not the boss, I would be going to them. Put it in writing and ask for a response to your complaint.
If you do not get a satisfactory response to this muck up then Canada will have a veterinary council of some sort that handle complaints and I would go to them.
Mistakes shouldn't happen, but they do and they should be honest with you and it does not sound like she is which would really make me want to take it further.
Let us know what happens tomorrow and I really hope poor Keesh has not been compromised by this. x
01-08-2014, 08:20 AM
I would go to the vet's office get all the records including the vet's notes themselves before they even get a chance to hide anything. Don't warn them that you're coming.
Maybe call the manufacturer of the drug and get their input. You could even call the ASPCA animal poison control number 1-888-426- 4435.
I'll bet that they've run into this situation before and can advise you about treatments, tests, what to look for etc.
At this point, you're vet is dishonest and unprofessional and should be reported asap.
No excuses for her nonchalant attitude and still pushing special food?!!!! Are you kidding me!!!!!
Please find another vet. Explain the problem and get their advice.
I found a website for reporting veterinary malpractice all over the world. There is step by step advice on here too. International information is near the bottom of the page. .
01-08-2014, 11:20 AM
These are some very troubling issues with your vet. I would never take Keesh there again and trust anything they told me. There is a serious breech of trust here, and the vet seems to be covering up. I would go and get the file unannounced and catch them off guard. I would demand Keesh be tested and call the lab to make sure the tests are for real. He could have problems from this later which they should pay every cent for. I am sorry I am so angry about this , if someone did this to Tipper they would be very lucky to escape with their life after all she has been thru. Where does this vet get the nerve to act like this is no big deal??? I would report all of them and demand the person who did this be let go asap. They should be ashamed of themselves. God Bless You Both
Back from vet. This is a combination of both their error and mine by not paying attention.
Prescription 1: says 54 mg on the label, they gave me 227- I dosed 1 1/2 pills as told to do.
Prescription 2: I threw out the bottle and don't know what it said and cannot remember if the pills were the same size or not. 57 mg and 227 are different sized pills - but I believe they were 227- I didn't notice any difference.
Prescription 3: Labelled 54 mg - 227 mg in bottle.
I was told I got a deal as they charged me for 54 mg when they gave me 227- go figure.
His actual dose should be 3/4 of a pill of the 227 mg pill for his weight.
With all that said, the vet was not available at first, and when she came down she had another patient she went to right away.
For now Keesh is ok, I will pursue this further when time allows, but for now I am giving him sucralfate to avoid any issues or deal with any that he might get, no thanks to any vet telling me this was available. I have some heavy writing to do to the Ontario Veterinary College, his old vet from Orangeville who wanted to euthanize him and didn't even mention prednisone, and of course this latest one.
Veterinarians completely now disgust me.
molly muffin
01-08-2014, 02:02 PM
I find the cavalier attitude totally inappropriate. Dogs have had serious consequences from overdosing on medications to include as dire as death. A google search tells one that, so I think they ought to be taking things more seriously than they seem to be.
As you can tell we are all properly outraged on your and Keesh's behalf.
Very frustrating for you I am sure.
01-08-2014, 02:17 PM arrogant of them to say you "got a deal" by paying for the lesser dose when you had more expensive pills!! WHAT!? It was the wrong dosage! So you got a deal for their mistake, what kind of deal is that exactly? I cannot believe the vet did not apologize for the error and reimburse you for all the medications. What kind of person is this!? It is their responsibility to their patients to get things right! It is truly unbelievable. They should have offered a free blood test to at least try and make up for this error which could have proved fatal. They stink.
I'm so glad that Keesh has not had an obvious bad reaction to the error of the vet tech. It's astounding what you have encountered with all these vets, Judi. It's so unfair.
01-09-2014, 01:39 AM
This is not a combination of their error and yours Judi, it is 100% their fault. I hate how they are continuing to minimise it to you. Someone less educated may let it slide but I am glad you are taking it further when you get more time. This is unacceptable, please make sure you are writing down their conversations with you so you have a very clear record and timeline of what has happened.
Glad Keesh is OK, what pain relief is he on now? Hope his tummy stays OK, that new med will help there. This does make me fume on your behalf, they are lucky a delegation of us are not their banging on their doors... lucky we live so far away!! x
01-09-2014, 08:23 AM
Please don't put any of this blame on yourself. None of this is your fault. I don't like the sneaky ways this Dr.'s office operates under either. They all need a harsh wake up call. Hope you and Keesh are doing well and staying warm. Blessings
Well I don't like brown liquid presents on cream/white broadloom, but that's exactly what I got last night at 11:00 p.m. I have not changed anything of Keesh's diet but I did give him 1 pill of the sucralfate 2 hours as it says after he ate. (Other option is an hour before eating) - which is impossible with this picky eater I have on my hands.
He got the pill at 4:30 yesterday afternoon, and I guess it doesn't work for him. I read he could get constipated with it, but NOPE :eek:
It was bad, and he dripped all along the hallway too. Sorry if that's too much info., but there was absolutely no control at all. We are talking about this accident in my bedroom and upstairs hall.
Could be just about anything at this stage, whether it's a reaction to too much Previcox combined or whatever. He appears completely normal today and was hungry when he got up.
I had other things more pressing to do then clean carpets today, but he had other plans for me. :(
01-09-2014, 11:52 AM
Judi - I hope you can make the time to really call these vets out on this. They can keep up their careless and cavalier attitude as long as no one ever really holds them accountable. It is a disgrace. They should be ashamed.
And, please don't blame yourself. This is on your vet, not you.
01-09-2014, 03:56 PM
awww poor Keesh. So glad to hear that today he is okay and eating fine. Poops normal today too? Hoping your carpet will recover and look like new after the cleaning. :( It's always something isn't it??
01-09-2014, 08:24 PM
oh no! Try canned pumpkin from the baking aisle. It works wonders for Daisy and is all natural. When she's finicky, I give her pills in a tablespoon full and then it's gone in a nano second.
I would keep an enzyme cleaner handy which will help to prevent any lasting stains from future accidents.
I'm so glad that you're reporting the vets! Please include the way that they tried to tell you that you got a deal/ What the H - - - ! That is beyond unprofessional and it just keeps getting worse.
I'm sorry if it seems that we're harping over this, but the consequences could have been so much worse for Keesh.
You're not at fault at all. They're suppose to be professionals.
01-10-2014, 08:07 AM
I am not trying to beat a dead horse, but I am glad you are reporting that vet. Enough said. I am hoping that Keesh is better after redecorating your broadloom the other day. Gheez what a mess that must have been to clean up! I am hoping Keesh is straightened out now and will celebrate another birthday next year. We just got more snow last nite. Tipper just want to go play in it and I cannot allow her and she gives me a real mean look like I am depriving her of fun. Blessings
Hi guys!! Still not on the forum much but when I do get on I try to catch up on everyone.
Patti... wishing you all the luck in the world this week and today. I really hope things get resolved for Tipper.
Sharlene... I'm sorry you guys have been so sick. A total bummer when you have to cancel so many things. I know hubby is in great hands and honestly I'm sure that Molly really does love it when you guys are there all day.
Keesh has pretty much lost his appetite for the last two days anyway. I can't entice him with anything. I've tried even removing his dish and putting it down for the next meal, but he's just not interested. I'm going to get some green tripe today, but I'm sure that will be a wasted trip and money. My last effort was filet mignon with no luck... so I highly doubt if tripe will work.
I am not going back to that vet anymore, so after going through 6 now, I have no more resources unless I travel great distances and of course they'll want to do the same testing all over again that I've paid for many times to get a base reading on him. When it comes to vets, I'm batting my head against the wall.
Keesh is almost a full time job now unless he's sleeping, so haven't had much time for anything.
molly muffin
01-15-2014, 06:32 PM
Hi Judi,
Oh no, poor Keesh, what do you think is going on? He's lost his appetite before right, so maybe it will come back like it did last time.
It really is a full time job when all you do is worry about them and try to get things right for them, whether it be food, or poops, or exercise.
Crapola on the vet situation. :( Is there even one of them that you would feel okay taking Keesh to? Just in case you need to.
hugs Judi, hang in there.
Sharlene and molly muffin
What a mess for you and poor Keesh. Our vet called in 20 mgs prednisone as a rescue dose for Zoe- the bottle said give 1 pill a day.
I called them and said, aw hello, my boss gives 20mgs to a 140 pound mastiff, Zoe is 17 pounds- dahh why dont I have 5mg pills to cut in half for her?
I swear, we have have to watch everything and then people wonder why we are parinoid and dont trust any vets. Mine are all c#@p too:mad:
Are you still giving him the sucralfate?
i am so sorry you are having such a hard time.
Big Hugs
01-15-2014, 10:21 PM
Awwww Judi,
I'm sorry that Keesh still isn't himself.
I hope that he improves soon!
I returned the sulcrafate to the vet and she did give me back the money other then the dispensing fee. I only used the one pill, then the diarrhea episode so back it went. I really don't think that was fair considering the amount of money I've spent there, but maybe it's because I didn't buy the food they were pushing.
I am reducing the Previcox now for Keesh, it is upsetting his stomach like it would humans if everyday they would have to take an anti-inflammatory and pain killer. It's just too much for him. After being off it now for 2 days... he's improved a bit with his hunger. I have started making a broth for him from bones and for the first time in his life he's at the stove looking for more. He absolutely loves it. The tripe did not go over at all, so I'm glad I only bought one can of it.
I also bought some powdered pro-biotics for him and will be trying it in the broth he likes so much, but the way Keesh is, what he loves one day, he turns his nose up the next.
Sharlene... there isn't really any vet around here that I would trust anymore. When you have a vet that practices for decades and you have to tell him how to do an ACTH test cause he's never done one before... you can imagine what I'm dealing with, then he takes a holiday for 9 weeks, that's why I had to try this latest one. He actually brought out a reference book and read it with me on how to do the testing. I was flabbergasted. This last one that labelled the meds wrong had two black eyes and bruising on her face last time I saw her. Evidently she had a run in with a horse's head, so she can stick to the large animals and I'll just plod on here doing what I think is best now. The only other one around here has never used Trilostane ever, so I don't feel he's experienced enough with Cushings if he's not willing to deviate from his methods and try it.
Funny thing though, the last 2 days out in the yard trying to navigate he didn't go down once and yet on the Previcox I had to go out and pick up his hind end. The ice is underneath the snow, so he slips easily but not these 2 days. I'm going to give him the Previcox maybe every 3rd day and see how that goes. I also notice he is more laboured climbing up the stairs without it, but just the same up he comes. We actually were able to go for a small walk yesterday without any issues as well. Up and down it is with him, literally.
01-17-2014, 04:52 PM
Good idea with reducing the Previcox, it should be given with food so if he is not eating well it will affect his tummy more.
Maybe that vet had a head injury from that horse with her doing those meds wrong!!
That broth sounds tasty, does it have meaty bits in it? Or a few mushed up vegies to get some nutrients in him.. although the marrow from the bones would be pretty nutritious! Glad he likes your home cooking :D
I would be feeling like you with the vet situation, so disheartening when you cannot trust the professionals. Jeez it just makes me feel sad today, I hope you get someone you can feel comfortable with xxxxxx
01-17-2014, 05:14 PM
Keep up the good work girl you are doing a fabulous job, even though that vets office really messed up. I am hoping Keesh gets on the upswing of things again. Hope you are not too busy with work as both combined will really have you hopping. Blessings
01-22-2014, 10:15 AM
Just letting you know I am praying for you and Keesh. The next post from you I pray we hear Keesh is on the upswing again and doing much better. God Bless You Both
Not reading good news on here at all.
My heart and warmest thoughts are with you all that I have been following lately.
I have taken Keesh off all meds. We are just taking it now a day at a time and I'm letting nature take it's course.
The only thing now he is getting other then his regular meals is bone marrow broth that I make. This frigid weather is taking a great toll on him and I of course am frustrated beyond words lugging him inside after he decides to wonder forever before he gets down to business. By that time he's frozen and collapsed and I have to run out and get him and pull him inside. There isn't a word in the English language that describes how much I detest winter and this year of course is literally going to kill my dog I'm sure. He collapses into his poop and just yesterday I thought I'd give him a break and take him to the pet store 40 minutes away. He pooped in their aisle, couldn't get up off the slippery floor, had it all over him and my van was pretty much destroyed inside on the way home. Of course I'm trying to sell it and advertised immaculate... not now.
He used to go on paper for years in the garage, but he won't take the wooden stairs for some reason into the garage. I think they are too steep. I don't know if I can re-train him or not if I buy a ramp, but I'm at the point where I've tried everything and nothing has worked. I might as well have taken the thousands of dollars I've spent and burnt it.
01-23-2014, 07:17 PM
Oh Judi...Just so sorry for you and Keesh. What a difficult time you're having and I wish whatever words I could come up with could help qthe situation. You've done everything you can and more....and so many vets have failed you along the way. I hope whatever happens now is just as peaceful and easy as it can be. I'm sorry for what you're going through.
molly muffin
01-23-2014, 07:27 PM
Judi, sending you great big hugs. :( You Have tried everything and nothing seems to have worked. There was no way for you to know that though when you were trying everything, you just wanted Keesh to be better .
Sometimes we do come to that point, where all we can do is love them and try to make sure they have as comfortable of life as possible going forward. One can only do so much and you've done that and more.
I don't like this winter either, but I think you're having it worse than I am. :( It's just so hard on Keesh and you with this ice and freezing cold weather.
Hope your back is better.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-23-2014, 10:18 PM
I'm so sorry that you and Keesh are going through all of this.
Sounds like that vet might have made a mistake with the horse and it retaliated. I'm sorry, the visual of that makes me laugh.
I am so saddened by the incompetence of these vets and the dishonesty is purely disgusting. I know that you said taking Keesh to another involves traveling, but i would do my research and have a plan just in case you need to. I would sue the dishonest vet once you get the records and we're all praying hard for a turnaround for Keesh.
Budsters Mom
01-23-2014, 10:53 PM
I have started my attack on the veterinarians involved. I went to the Dechra website and this is verbatim what they say about an ACTH test post pill.
"The optimal post ACTH serum cortisol concentration and timing of sampling remain to be elucidated. Cortisol concentrations may vary with the interval between dosing and testing.
In accordance with the package insert I recommend starting the ACTH test 4-6 hours after administration."
So.... it looks like the original vet will be off the hook with the timing issue. I have asked for the actual time that the ACTH test was done. There are no times on the lab report.
I fed Keesh and he took his pill at 7:30 a.m. I had him at the vets for 1:00 p.m. for the testing, and picked him up shortly after 4:00 p.m.
01-24-2014, 07:52 AM
I am so sorry this is happening with Keesh he has rallied so many time before that I was praying for another time. All you can do is let him know how much he means to you and hug and love him. I am so sorry for this, I wish I could take away your hurt and pain. God Bless you Both
molly muffin
01-24-2014, 08:41 AM
The test should be started and finished in the 4 - 6 hour period. If you gave the meds at 7:30, then the last draw would need to have been done by 1:30 at the latest.
Wasn't that the emergency ACTH test though, where things were looking very bad for Keesh? So, it might have been done to make sure he hadn't gone Addisons. In which case, all bets are off on the timing I'd think.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Judi I am so sorry you are having such a bad time. I think I felt very similar many times with Zoe. I too said this winter will do her in.
We fight as hard as we can and we know when we have to stop for their sake.
I pray for you both and hope he too will rally again, maybe if the dang weather would just break and we could get vets that really care.
Thanks everyone. Sharlene, that wasn't the emergency test. When he collapsed there was no test done. Vet took him outside, did a figure 8 with him then said he needs to be put down. No mention of trilostane collapse or prednisone at that time. This was of course after about a month or so on Trilostane. The ACTH test I'm referring to that was timed incorrectly was after he started Trilostane and had only had the LDDS test done prior. This particular test was to see how he was doing on the Trilostane..... glad I have a good memory for some things.
So just got the test results ( which I already had ) with hand notes from the vet now written at the bottom for Keesh's July ACTH test.
She wrote
- medication given orally by client at 6:30 a.m. ( I thought it was 7:30 but I have to find my last years day minder which if this is correct makes the testing even worse.
-1st sample taken at 1:00 p.m. 0 hour > 6 1/2 hr post meds.
-recommended in literature 4-6 hours
- levels at 80-120 at 1 & 2 hours post
So I emailed back and said
So his last draw was 8 1/2 hours after his meds... isn't that a little too late when it's recommended between 4-6 hours testing?
Waiting for a reply, then all hell is going to break loose.
molly muffin
01-24-2014, 06:33 PM
Ha! You're absolutely right Judi. It is late. You are looking for the most accurate result, when the trilostane is at it's most potent, which means that actual result could be lower than what you had then.
Note to the vets, don't mess with Judi's Keesh!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-24-2014, 09:12 PM
You are correct Judi. I hope that Keesh improves!
Here's the reply with no definitive answer to my question and the Dr. K she is referring to is one of the local vets I tried who had never given an ACTH test before, the one I read the manual with. He didn't even have the courtesy to speak with original vet.
Hello Mrs. Tutton.
I did recieve your inquiry earlier today. The protocol I was following had been sent to our clinic from a veterinary Internal Medicine specialist, in order to help clients treat their pets through their veterinarians instead of travelling to referral centers. From the protocol, the guidelines recommended are:
"The ACTH stimulation test should be performed 4-6 hours after administration of Trilostane. Ideally, they are in a post stimulation range of 80-120 umol/L cortisol at 1 and 2 hours post stimulation".
I hope this helps with your questions.
If desired, would your current veterinarian like to contact me? On July 31/13 tried returning a call to "Dr. K.", who had left a message to discuss Keesh. The doctor was busy when I called, and he/she did not return my call.
I have replied to this email and will post it later, plus I need to shoot off another letter to Dr. K about him not talking to original vet, having to learn on my dog how to do an ACTH test, and the fact he took off on holidays for 9 weeks while I was trying to get to the bottom of Keesh's issues, without having someone else that knew what they were doing help me. This is just the beginning folks... good thing I have a lull between weddings to shake up a few vets.
01-25-2014, 07:48 AM
You need to hold all these people accountable. You are doing a good calling them all out on all the mistakes etc. that were made while treating Keesh. He sure deserved better than some of these dim wits gave him. I have though many time over that you should be able to sure a vet for more than what you paid for your dog. Look as the mental suffering that goes along with it when they make mistakes. An MD is held accountable, so why not a vet?? Blessings
I know Patti.. but here's an interesting article... of course it would be Canada that lags behind. html
And another long one about possibly some changes in Canada'
Here is my email reply to vet # 1 who did not test properly.
With all due respect, I don't believe your testing was done within protocol
range, it wasn't even started until 6 1/2 hours after his dosing. As I
brought the dog in at 1:00 p.m. without times being provided by you, I
really don't know when the first draw was actually taken. If you recall I
picked him up at 4:30 after our conversation in the hall as there was no
rooms to go into. I did come earlier thinking the testing should be over,
however I was told to come back.
Not only would this skew the test results, but Guelph College took your test
results and concurred with your diagnosis of Cushings. Without your testing
being completed within the 6 hour range, I think I have wasted over $1000.00
for a test not performed properly, money to your clinic and to Guelph.
Dechra website gives the guidelines. Dechra does state that it needs to be
started within 4-6 hours, but the common protocol for most testing is
starting at the 4 hour mark, not 6 1/2 hours or more.
Then when we started him on Trilostane, not only was there no improvement in
his only two symptoms, but later he crashed and we considered putting him
down . You took him out to test his walking and said you did a figure 8 with
him and didn't believe that he was doing well at all. You also did not
mention once the possibility of crashing on Trilostane which I have since
researched later, nor did you mention anything about Prednisone to get him
out of this possible crisis. That very same day when we decided to take him
home this dog who was supposedly in such bad shape, not only recovered but
was able to jump from the back to the front of a van, no small feat
considering his size and the front of a van. His electrolytes should have
been checked immediately on crashing... again no mention of it.
His LDDS test I take as also being completely out of whack, as one of your
technicians as a side remark said how stressed Keesh was to the point he was
licking his wire cage. This alone and in itself with a stressed dog can
cause testing results to not be accurate.
All of Keesh's symptoms have completely disappeared to date. No excessive
thirst or peeing. He is on no medications at all now and only has hydro
therapy for his back legs. He is able to walk up and down a full flight of
stairs several times a day still. There are absolutely no signs of any
cushings at all, and when I got the ultrasound results back from Guelph
saying his adrenal glands were perfectly normal, it raised a white flag for
me immediately.
I am more then annoyed at what I believe to be less then good veterinary
care, especially since he had been going to your clinic since a puppy. The
Dr. K you referred to I no longer use at all as I had to tell him how to
perform an ACTH test while he stood there reading a manual in front of me on
how to perform the test. He's been a vet for decades too. Doesn't exactly
give a pet owner faith in veterinary care at all.
I am going to pursue this further.
01-25-2014, 05:30 PM
Go Judi I am right there with you supporting you. This is crazy stuff they did!!
Ok... I need some advice. Here is what the vet wrote me back after my email below was sent. I got this just a few minutes ago.
I never said I was angy, but I am shocked at the response from her myself. The only resolution I would want is my pocket book replenished. Notice there is no denial of proper care...
What would you do now?
Mrs. Tutton,
Your letter I read this morning was both surprising and unexpected. I am deeply distressed and saddened to hear you feel this way about the veterinary care provided to you and Keesh. It is truly distressing to find you so upset.
It is wonderful to hear that Keesh is doing well, which is paramount.
Moving forward, I hope there is a way to resolve your feelings of distrust and anger.
On a side note Keesh went for therapy today. He did his business before going in, and gifted us with another load right after he walked in. That's twice now he's done it at the therapy pool. He wore a diaper swimming just in case.
01-27-2014, 02:42 PM
It appears that your vet has realised that he has done this wrong and wants to retain you as a client without actually apologizing. Or, that he's afraid of the repercussions.
Valerie... I tend to think possibly the same way, but I won't be going back. I think silence from me may be golden here, and they can wonder for awhile what my next move is. I really don't have any retaliation up here, pets are considered chattels unfortunately and you have to go to small claims court.
01-28-2014, 08:54 AM
I would be sending them an invoice to pay!! That will shake them up a bit. The vet is well aware that it was a mess up, and I would give them a due date to pay the invoice by. How is Keesh holding up? This weather is not helping these babies any. Blessings
Update - Keesh's new pic of him with the vest to help him up is posted. I like the handle in the center of the back, it's padded underneath and he can do any outside business he needs to without interference from straps. He doesn't mind it at all as he's used to a life jacket, and this isn't as bulky. You can also buy an add on to go further on his back, they add on and this vest clip together to give you complete control of the dog. At least I won't wreck my back now if I have to pick him up and I retrofitted another clip belt to slip into a back loop, behind handle. That will work for his back end.
Well I replied saying with respect basically I want all my money back that it cost me for her wrong testing. We'll see where this goes, I'm not holding my breath.
Patti this winter is wreaking havoc on "mah boy". I ordered a ruffwear web master harness for him so I can easily pick him up if need be. It's should be here today or tomorrow. I'll let you know how it works. It's fairly inexpensive and low and behold I can get it here in Canada - LOL
Here's what I wrote back
Again with respect, you have neither denied nor admitted that testing
specifically the ACTH test was performed properly. It was on your testing
alone that Guelph concurred with your results as they did not do a test
themselves other then the ultrasound and urine. They didn't even sedate him
for the ultrasound. Due to the wrong diagnosis we put Keesh through a
tremendous amount, and I am thankful he's such a little hard nose to have
been able to survive what we humans did to him. My costs were enormous in
trying to get a correct diagnosis, Guelph alone was over $800.00 and all for
naught, and in the process almost killed him, both through trying to adjust
his cortisol, and the thought of putting him down. I took him to a
specialist and had him re-tested as I considered he may have diabetes
insipidus which again was never discussed by you that I recall. His results
came back fairly normal and we proceeded with no medication at all. He had
no urine infection and is not having excessive thirst or peeing anymore. We
were told about the water deprivation test and trying PPA but those were out
of the question, I wasn't putting him through it, He is now normal. He
continues to eat well, exercises regularly, climbs stairs, and interacts
with us and his toys as well as with other dogs and guests.
There is nothing that resolves my distrust of his care. If anything at all
and it's a guess he may be in very early kidney failure.. and that's a
I would like compensation back for his LDDS and ACTH testing, plus
re-imbursed for the fee at Guelph. I don't think this is too much to ask
considering what I feel to be a less then proper testing and care he
received. My expenses have been in the thousands of dollars.
molly muffin
01-28-2014, 01:24 PM
That's a nice looking vest. Very helpful and you really need it with Keesh. He's not a light weight to just be hauling around. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-28-2014, 01:49 PM
I support you whole heartedly in this effort to get back money they really do owe you. I am hoping you are successful as Keesh really suffered at the hands of these people. Blessings
Well here's the reply.... I'm amazed but thankful too.
As an expression of professional courtesy and in recognition of your distress, _________ Veterinary Hospital will arrange for financial compensation.
So no admission per se but I would think if they thought they performed properly that compensation would be out of the question.
01-29-2014, 05:43 PM
I am hoping this means they are sending you the whole amount requested??? Thank goodness, but an admission would have been nice!! I guess they just can't seem to do it! Blessings
Hey Patti.. it was never mentioned the amount at all. I copied verbatim what they said... so it remains to be seen what they figure is fair.
01-29-2014, 06:14 PM
You should be very proud of yourself for going for it and prevailing. Congratulations!
molly muffin
01-29-2014, 06:55 PM
Yay Judi! Congratulations. Every bit helps! :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-30-2014, 04:07 AM
You go girl!! Good for you! Hope Keesh is doing OK this week, love the pics xxxx
Hi everyone... just keeping you in the loop here.
Last email from "bad" vet is
A disbursment should arrive shortly, in the value of $1200.00.
No apology, no admission or error, but obviously the "disbursement" tells the story.
Looks like Keesh can now have a few more hydrotherapy sessions with this money. He is doing as well as can be expected. No meds at all other then Previcox once every 2 or 3 days. Still coming up the stairs on his own steam, drinking is normal, eating is normal cause he loves the bone marrow broth, peeing is normal, other bodily functions see to be ok I think for his age, and we coast along day by day.
I am keeping up on everybody's posts and thinking about you all.
A day at a time is all we can do, and treat each day as a blessing and sometimes a miracle.
02-04-2014, 07:41 AM
I can't believe that they still won't admit their mistake.
Unbelievable. Judi.
Glad that Keesh is holding his own.
02-04-2014, 08:05 AM
The right thing would have been the money plus an apology! At least you will get some of your expenses should be doubled for all that both you and Keesh went through.
So proud of you, you go girl!:):):):)
I hope the hydrotherapy helps him keep moving. I know it is hard for you on every front.
02-04-2014, 09:33 AM
You did the absolute right thing. It is about time some of these crappy vets are held accountable for their actions. Praying for you and Keesh to have many more years together. Blessings
This is just too funny... or absolutely and completely ironic.:confused:
I just got a request from an equine veterinarian to co-ordinate their wedding at their horse farm about 15 minutes from here. The request came in about 10 minutes ago.
Mouth is shut and zipped about what I think of veterinarians when I meet with them at their farm. Blew me away......
02-05-2014, 08:49 AM
Only you could get a coincidence like that! Hoping Keesh keeps up his therapy and gets stronger. I pray for you both every nite. Blessings
02-05-2014, 04:11 PM
Wow, I am impressed with the refund... GO YOU!! Hope you and Keesh are doing OK this week xxxx
02-10-2014, 05:04 PM
I was thinking of you and Keesh today as I had fight 5000 with my vet. Hope you are both doing well and Keesh is keeping up his hydrotherapy. Blessings
Long update but thanks you guys for the encouragement. I was wondering if I should tell my current vet about the refund just to re-enforce the fact that I take things seriously and follow up on the care of my pet. Thought it might make them very cautious and thorough when dealing with Keesh. What do you guys think?
Keesh is doing ok... back left leg is giving out on him a lot now. I've ordered a ramp for him being custom made to help him out a bit more. The weather hasn't helped at all with being extremely cold or too much ice and snow for him to be able to go for walks, but we continue the hydrotherapy. Everyday I see him deteriorate a little more, his body is a mess. His backbone and hips are starting to stick out, but he remains active and has a good appetite. He is back to normal with his peeing, can now go all night again without being let out, so that's a huge relief.
I still check up on everyone here once in awhile....but been busy, and I did land the wedding for that veterinarian-LOL- turns out she's an equine vet for the largest racetrack in Ontario... too funny.
02-28-2014, 01:02 PM
Just wanted to see how you and Keesh are doing. I guess you are having bad weather like us. Tipper is so sick of not being able to walk. Hope Keesh is holding his own. Blessings
Hi Patti... Keesh is about the same, his body though is sure becoming more skeletal, but he's still climbing stairs, and eating well. This weather though has been horrendous. I can't count how many times I've had to go out and rescue my freezing boy. He does everything outside but his business and by the time he gets around to what he should be doing, he's frozen up.
We had a large squal go through yesterday and there was a 96 car pile up on our major hwy... something like your I95 or I75 hwys plus many large pile ups almost across southern Ontario. The squal was huge, fast, furious and lots of damage. I went into the store for literally less then 4 minutes and my car was covered in snow. You couldn't see across the street at all, and the wind was horrendous. It is to warm up tomorrow then we are in for another round of bitterly cold weather next week. Honestly Patti I could scream with this weather. I am soooooo sick of it.I've been reading your thread with Elvis and your travels, keeping an eye on Tipper and reading about Grace too.... you did well with her. You have more nerve then I do to go out in bad weather. I park it until I can see pavement again.
I got a guy to make me a custom ramp for Keesh. He doesn't need it yet, but I tried it out by putting it up against the couch. He climbed it like a champ and he hasn't been on the couch in months. He couldn't stand on the couch though cause it's too soft and his back legs would give out with him having no support. All surfaces have to be hard for him to walk on, that's why he doesn't do well in uneven snow, but he was pretty proud of himself and looked at me wondering why I was praising him so much. It was like "no big deal Mom-sheesh." They are funny at times.
02-28-2014, 06:19 PM
I know the weather has been brutal this winter, and another storm bearing down for Sunday/Monday. I know what you mean about that skeletal look. It is sad to see your best friend go down hill like this. Have you been busy working? Is Keesh still going to hydrotherapy? Stay safe, and take care of yourself and Keesh.Blessings
It is snowing this morning and the deep freeze is on its way tonite. Keesh is still taking hydrotherapy, I swear by it and so does everyone else that has their dogs in it. One guy has a chocolate lab that got stung by about 6 bees. It completely paralyzed the dog's back end. With hydrotherapy the dog is now able to walk but can't jump so uses ramps. He's only 6 yrs. old too. This happened last summer and they thought they were going to have to put it down. Hydrotherapy has him walking again.
Keesh is acting very weird this morning and has been sleeping way to much in the last couple of days. I won't be able to take him to hydrotherapy on Monday morning as it will be just too cold for him to be out. Every Monday it seems for the last couple of months it's been a Monday morning when it has been the coldest. He only got to go twice in February due to the bad weather. That really annoys me too. He needs it if only just to see him get excited once in awhile. Have a great weekend.... and you take care of yourself too.
molly muffin
03-01-2014, 11:14 AM
Hi Judi,
Nothing here yet, it seems to be breaking up as it leaves your area moving our way. I did check and we're suppose to get 5 - 10cm between now and tomorrow night, so looks like it will reform at some point. *sigh*
I know it's awful when you can't get Keesh out to do the hydrotherapy as he likes it and it helps him. Hopefully March will be better than February. Crossing fingers.
That is amazing about the bee sting. I always try to pull molly away from flowers when I see bees around them, but she loves to stick her nose in a flower or bush. Keen sense of smell that dog has.
Stay safe,
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hi guys... an update on "mah boy." I am glad to report that he is doing very well. I got the ramp custom made for him and we've tried it twice on the couch. He wants up on it and that's the only way he can manage. Unfortunately the couch is too soft for him and yesterday his back legs completely went numb. He couldn't move them, so I eased him off the couch and had to hold his back end until he got blood flow back. He's ok now. The ramp will come in very handy later.
Now that the weather has improved a little I don't have to worry so much about him outside, however again yesterday in the deeper snow he collapsed but got himself up again. He's still climbing stairs on his own too.
Had to cancel his hydrotherapy on Monday as it was just too cold, but we are back at it come this Monday and hopefully no more interruptions for the next 5 weeks.
Peeing, eating, drinking and pooping remains normal, no leaking at all, he's been a good boy in the last few weeks. He's even playing catch with me (stands still and catches the tennis ball) and tore apart his stuffed hedgehog yesterday, all signs he's feeling pretty good. If I could just fix his teeth I'd feel better and you wouldn't have to stay on the other side of the room when he has his mouth open. Man he's got terrible breath which at times the milk thistle helps. Can't figure out though that when he is swimming and getting his bath, there is no odour at all. I'd take him in for dental work but I'm terrified of him having anesthetic at his age. He has gum disease which I can see but I'm not willing to take the chance when it doesn't seem to bother him yet.
We have good days and not so good, but overall he's in great shape and even the hydrotherapist said she hasn't seen dogs his age be able to shake themselves without losing their balance. He doesn't yet so even that I'm happy about. I can't say enough about the hydrotherapist. She calls Keesh her grandfather client and has gone out of her way to accomodate him.
Hope everyone is doing good, again I do come on and try to catch up on your threads.
03-05-2014, 09:00 AM
This is truly wonderful to hear. Maybe you could get that plaque spray, or CET toothpaste and brush his teeth. Would he let you do that? I noticed since I do not get Tipper's teeth cleaned anymore because not the anesthesia that he mouth has an odor. It is much better after I brush her teeth, but she is used to having it done since she was a puppy. Keesh seems to amaze everyone that he keeps on going thru all this adversity. I hope he continues to do so well, and that the weather cooperates so he can go back to hydrotherapy. Blessings
He won't let me brush his teeth, tried that ages ago with peanut butter flavored toothpaste, now he hates peanut butter - LOL - but I think I'll try the spray.
Good luck with Tipper today, and btw... you are important so take your time with your testing.
03-05-2014, 10:10 AM
Happy to hear Keesh is doing well, climbing stairs, playing catch! Good for him!! So nice to read good news!!
thanks... but I ruined my day. Just took him to vet when I was out and about to weigh him. He's dropped another full pound. At one time he weighed 75 pounds... he's now down to 59. A full pound in a little over a month.
molly muffin
03-05-2014, 03:56 PM
Awww Keesh. He is eating better though right, so not sure why he'd drop a pound, unless he's been using a lot of energy trying to keep himself upright on walks in the snow. See how he does with spring and summer, if the weight comes back. It might never though as I think the older they get it seems to either swing one way or the other with no a lot of happy middle ground. Either too much or too little. I'll give him some of mine. :) :) LOL
Glad to hear from you Judi. Hope we can get some nice weather, get this snow melted and Keesh can do his water therapy with no risk of freezing anything important off. LOL
sharlene and molly muffin
It's not a matter of Keesh freezing anything off... it could be part of my anatomy that freezes - LOL - warm water therapy makes him want to pee, so I have to rush him outside as soon as he exits the pool. We are both dripping wet.
molly muffin
03-06-2014, 08:55 AM
Well you don't freeze anything important off either!!! LOL
Now what do you do about the cold air hits you and you have to pee too. That's what would happen to me for sure. I guess you can hold it though, so all is good, but still doesn't sound like a win win there kiddo. :) :)
3C tomorrow, whoo hoooo! It's a celebration!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
What makes you think I hold it :eek:- I'm wet anyway - LOL
03-06-2014, 02:26 PM
If there is one person who can always bring a smile to my face it is you! You are too funny, I am going to get you a fifth job as a stand up comedian! Blessings
03-06-2014, 07:08 PM
and 17C overhere!
3C tomorrow, whoo hoooo! It's a celebration!!
Sharlene and molly muffin[/QUOTE]
molly muffin
03-06-2014, 07:20 PM
4C now predicted for tomorrow. It won't last but hot dang, I'll be glad to feel it!
I agree Patti, Judi is a hoot!
We all need to head over to the Netherlands, 17C indeed!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-07-2014, 04:54 PM
Let me recommend pelvic floor exercises!! :D Shame he lost another pound, such a worry with losing weight! Hope you all start to thaw out soon, it can't be far away now?? xx
LOL !!!! Kegel exercises would work if I could figure out a way to get Keesh to do them :rolleyes:
Just a quick update on how everything is going. Keesh is gradually getting weaker in his back legs. He cannot walk at all anymore on uneven ground. It's pavement or nothing.
Appetite is still good, but you can certainly see a physical difference in him as he seems to be wasting away from the ribcage on down and his spine is starting to stick out at the back end.
Still takes the stairs, but I am always with him and even that is becoming such an effort for him. Poor wee guy, my heart aches for him.
Another bitterly cold next couple of days and we had blowing snow yesterday. The yard is almost completely a no go for him with all the ice beneath the snow. Worst winter I think I've experienced in decades but you can bet I won't be spending another one in this climate. Completely had it!!
I still keep up on your threads everyone.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
03-16-2014, 11:04 AM
Thanks for the update, I was wondering how you two were doing. This weather is really the pits. It is 16 today and Tipper cannot understand why no walking today.I know what you mean about the ice, it makes it hard on these poor babies. I hope Keesh has one more turn around left in him. He has rallied so many times. I will pray for you both. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
03-16-2014, 11:39 AM
If you can cut a soft sheet or thin blanket into a strip that will make a circle of the right height, you might be able to help Keesh walk. That sounds complicated but it's not. It's the same principle as the suggestion to use the handles of plastic bags - I just don't trust the bags to hold up in the event of a sudden collapse.
What you do is measure how much fabric you will need in order to tie a knot in it, forming a circle, that will allow you to hold him up. So it needs to of a comfortable length for yours and Keesh's heights once it is tied in a circle - both walking and squatting. (I usually start off with a longer piece than I need so I can adjust as I see how it works.) It doesn't need to be very thick because it is going to wrap around his thighs and we don't want it to interfere with his gait or be uncomfortable....or get in the way of "things". ;) But it needs to be strong enough to support his weight fully if he needs that at any time...including the knot.
When the circle is done, fold it in the middle and slide it between Keesh's legs. Then take the sides of the circle from behind him and under him, one on the left and one on the right, so that when they come together you have a handle of sorts over his hips with loops around inside of his thighs. You should be able to hold his back end up completely or just provide a little extra stability.
It may take him a little bit to figure out how to walk in a sling so practice inside first where he has good traction. Figure out which side and where you will be when walking with him and always be in that position when he uses it. That gives him a sense of continuity and familiarity, giving him more confidence - or it certainly did Squirt. My place with her is beside her right back leg. I had a male I had to walk directly behind. Once he figured out he could hike his legs again, he made full use of it...and he was a multi-directional hiker! :p
Keeping you and your sweet boy in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
03-16-2014, 11:49 AM
Awww, poor Keesh it really is so very hard to see them struggling to do the every day things.
Hugs Judi,
Sharlene and molly muffin
Leslie.. I got the harness for him and at the back there is a loop I can attach another leash to pull up his back legs. I was thinking of rigging this up so once we can get to the park, he will have the support. At one time he was soooooo embarrassed that he collapsed and I had to help him up, but now he looks at me like "c'mon, what's taking you so long."
He's lost that look of shame so to speak, but he will get up on his own if it's possible.
Judi, a harness is what I was going to suggest. It sounds like you have one. When my lab had her 2nd ACL repair, it didn't heal as well as the other leg for some reason, and she always had a significant limp. As she aged and arthritis set in, she would collapse easily, and could not manage stairs at all anymore.
The harness I had for her made all the difference. She got accustomed to it and learned the routine pretty quickly. She would wait at the stairs until I got it on her and then we would proceed either up or down. She would get embarrassed when she collapsed too, I know that look. I know, it is so sad and tough to see this happen to them. Once Keesh gets confident with the harness, I hope it will be smooth sailing. ;)
Tina and Jasper
03-17-2014, 09:05 AM
Poor Keesh he can't catch a break. I am hoping when spring finally arrives and the snow and ice go away he will have an easier time of it. He is certainly a trooper at his age. In pray he gets stronger when this weather goes away. The cold probably affects him as he probably has some arthritis at his age. Blessings
Keesh has been having trouble settling down at night.. I call it the night pace. He goes from bedroom to bedroom to make sure all is ok in his world then settles down. He gets back up after an hours sleep and does it again. Then the games begin!!:eek::eek::eek: It's "lets see how many times mommy gets up and takes me downstairs to go outside" He then proceeds to sniff the air and in general goof off. If I don't take him out that would be the time I end up with a huge mess somewhere. So.... last night I decided it was MELATONIN time. :rolleyes: Sheesh.. he was worse, so I'm not going to try that again. As I type this the little #$$%^ is sound asleep on his blankets and I've been up now for 3 hours. Where's the justice here - LOL !!
03-25-2014, 05:29 AM
Awww Judicial,
I'm so sorry about all that is going on with Keesh. You both have been through so much!
Praying that warmer weather will come soon and he'll be able to get out more and gain some strength.
03-25-2014, 07:38 AM
Hi Judi:
Good to hear from you. I know what you mean about not getting up with them when they wake you so many times. I am always afraid Tipper will go on the floor which she never has and I don't want her to start now. In fact she did it this morning, she was up at 5am and I told her to lay down. She got up every five minutes there after so I just got up, it was not worth it after being awakened so many times. Freezing cold here again this morning. Hope Keesh continues to do well, and you get some sleep. Blessings
molly muffin
03-25-2014, 07:33 PM
Oh poor Keesh and poor you. Sounds like neither of you get sleep during the night. Only difference is he can sleep during the day.
Oh I saw dives yesterday on the deck so we should be having warmer weather soon!!!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
I am taking Keesh to vet today to get his rear end looked at. Seems now he has a possible fissure that needs taking care of somehow.
The Melatonin I gave him went right through him and he was pooping black tar yesterday afternoon. Sorry if that's TMI. He cannot it seems have any variance in his meds or food whatsoever without repercussions.
So his daily diet is bone marrow broth (either beef or chicken) kibble and laced with real chicken or his rollover which he loves. Both are dipped into the broth then added to his kibble. He laps up the broth that is left over. I make a batch, put them in ice cube trays to freeze and take a couple out for each meal- of course warmed in the micro wave prior to eating. His nibs loves warm food.
He is getting Previcox every 2-3 days which most times I don't even know if he needs. We will see today if he's lost any more weight.
Now a bit of personal information. I am going through a divorce at present which isn't exactly going smoothly, and I thought I should mention this just so you know the other reason why I haven't been on here as much. This isn't my first rodeo, so we will get through it, just have to weather a few ups and downs in the process. ;)
03-26-2014, 03:58 AM
Hi Judi,
Sorry you are not getting much sleep, I know how hard that can be. I would think it unlikely that the melatonin caused the black tarry poops, I have never heard of that before. Brin had those a couple of years ago and it was caused by internal bleeding and he was very ill, but recovered fully, so I'm glad Keesh is going to the vets today. Hope it turns out to be nothing too serious.
Hi Linda... the exact same thing happened when I put him on sulcrafate. Only that time he deposited all over my bedroom. He just cannot take many meds and it seems throughout his life we've had the same problem. Switch anything and both he and I pay for it somewhere, sometime. I will see what he's like today, hopefully I have an idea before our vet visit. Nothing surprises me and it could be serious as he is becoming so thin, yet still pretty much his normal self.
03-26-2014, 07:36 AM
A divorce. I am so sorry.
I hope that Keesh has some good days soon for both of your sakes. Hugs.
03-26-2014, 07:49 AM
You sound like you are having some bumps in the road this year like me. When did you notice the fissure on Keeshs behind? Hope they can do something with it without any surgery. Poor Keesh it's always something that poor boy has to deal with, and you too. Stay strong Judi, everything will turn out how it should. I will be praying for you and Keesh. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
03-26-2014, 08:38 AM
aw, Judi....I am so sorry about the divorce. It's tough no matter what the reasons or who wants out. :(
Let us know what the vet says about his rear end. I hope it's an easy fix.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
03-26-2014, 09:45 AM
Judi, hope everything goes well with the vet visit today. I know it's always tricky with Keesh and vets. Black tar, yea I'd be wondering about bleeding somewhere inside too, but it's hard to say.
Hang in there. Sorry you've hit some bumps on the personal level lately. :(
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Back from vet. This is almost funny!! He has a wart on his butt. :D:D She did a thorough exam of him while there. The wart is no major deal right now, it's at the very top. It doesn't interfere with his tail, she checked that too in case there was anything attached. His anal glands are normal. Now the good news. He gained 1 1/2 lbs :):):):)
He hasn't done his business today, so I'm to just check it when he does go to see if it really was the pill.
No worries about the divorce guys... it's been a long time coming:cool::cool:
molly muffin
03-26-2014, 01:20 PM
A wart!!! Keesh! LOL
Well that is good. Warts can be dealt with easily enough if they become bothersome.
Hopefully the poop will be a good one and it won't be a 1 1/2 worth. hahaha (sorry couldn't resist)
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-26-2014, 03:26 PM
A wart for prince Keesh :)
A good vet report.
Divorce is rarely easy. Even if it's the right thing to do.
03-26-2014, 04:04 PM
Hi Judi,
Glad it was only a wart and he's putting weight on too, that's great news.
03-27-2014, 08:23 AM
As I said before Keesh has the uncanny ability to always rally when he needs to. Again he makes a comeback with his weight gain!!! Gooooooooo Keesh!!!!!
Yesterday was a good day all round, except he wouldn't poop at all. Woke up at 1 a.m and a nice deposit upstairs on rug just outside laundry room door and he'd been out at 9:30. That I was NOT happy about but it was normal so... runny stool I am convinced was from Melatonin. I've got to get this dogs pooping routine just that, a routine.
molly muffin
03-27-2014, 02:34 PM
Hi Judi, see if you can tell how long between eating and going poop is. Maybe you could make an adjustment and get him onto a poop routine that way.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hiya Sharlene... he doesn't have a set schedule. I know he usually goes twice a day cause I feed him twice a day. At times though he's just walking normally and out comes a surprise.:eek: He's as shocked as I am. I got told that the urge can come ( literally, no pun intended, well maybe just a little) with his age at any time, but usually it's a couple of hours after a meal. I've never worried about it until lately with so many accidents happening in the last few months. He's done it twice without warning at therapy ( he now wears a diaper just in case when swimming ) and once in the middle of the pet store. Seems any other dogs smell will set him off instantly. I'm just thankful it's not messy. His last messy one was outside. I know they like to pee over another dogs scent, but the pooping is something new.
He's getting so he isn't hungry first thing in the morning, so now he's eating around 11 and then again at 5 or 6 at night. I'm letting him do his thing basically with eating but it's hit and miss. Some mornings he dives right into his dish, and other times he just sniffs it and walks away, but comes back a couple of hours later. No rhyme or reason to it. I was faithful with feeding at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. but that doesn't work now either. Then again... I'm getting at that age where it doesn't work for me either :D:D
If I could get back to his old routine where he ate and then instantly went out to do his business, it would be great... but no such luck now.
Update: Keesh fell down 7 stairs last week as he was heading up the stairs. My fault. The barricade wasn't up. I ran upstairs to get something and he decided he'd head on up without me. He slid on his belly down the stairs and his front paw claw marks were embedded on every stair in the carpet trying to stop himself. When I got to him he was laying at the bottom in a regular position, but looked at me like I had shoved him down the stairs. Our normal routine is with leash and collar we both go up or down the stairs with me beside or behind him going up and in front of him going down. He also normally takes about 6-7 tries at the bottom stair before he flies up the stairs but this time I guess he decided to be super dog.
I ck'd him out then helped him up and he was fine. Not a peep out of him during the whole episode.
I have noticed in the last little while his hips seem to look really stiff as he walks. Hard to describe. He also drags his feet at times cause you can hear them on the pavement when he walks. Guess you could call it a shuffle. He doesn't do it all the time, but it's definitely odd.
He is drinking, peeing and pooping normal, so we plod along. Can't be too bad if he can still do the stairs alone or assisted. Love "mah boy" and so grateful for yet another day with him. Today is swim therapy, and he's seen the bag we take, so puppy mode kicks in, yet he forgets his body isn't a puppy anymore. I try my best to hide that bag but when he spots it.... the games begin.
I am trying to sell a lot of stuff from the house and in general get rid of everything, so that is time consuming as well as keeping the business running. The divorce should be final within 30 days, so it's onward to better things.
04-07-2014, 07:36 AM
Oh my goodness when I read the first sentence my heart just dropped? I am so happy Keesh is ok. I think in his previous life he was a cat, because he certainly has more than 9 lives. Hope you are doing well also. We are going to have an all day rain and I pray for Tipper's sake no thunder. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
04-07-2014, 07:54 AM
WOW my heart stuttered on the first line, too! :eek: I'm so glad he seems to be alright!
I hope you have good luck getting rid of things. You have some lovely offerings so hopefully they will go quickly and profitably.
So as I was typing the last post, he decided to get my attention. He came flying into the office and I knew he needed outside, so I ran to the back door, saying what good boy he was, and he flew out the door. Instantly there was a squat. I'm thinking this boy reallly had to go and man is it powerful. I had the door shut and could still tell, if you know what I mean :eek:- then I looked down. No wonder it was powerful, there it was in all it's glory at my feet inside in the kitchen. You'd have thought a horse had been here.... so we are off to a good start this morning :D When he pulls these little escapades, I usually have to cancel his swimming.
04-07-2014, 04:22 PM
One thing about Keesh he keeps you on your toes!!
molly muffin
04-07-2014, 04:34 PM
goodness! Heart failure Judi! You know how to catch the readers attention. Sure you don't want to go into writing? :) :) :)
Wow, Keesh just really, had to GO! hahahaha
Sharlene and molly muffin
Well no swimming yesterday... too dangerous to take him in the water even with a diaper on. I gotta get a picture of him with the diaper.. it is comical.
Put my scuba pants on this a.m. cause we are going swimming today, now he won't leave my side cause these pants are 'SPECIAL" - bad enough I have to hide the bag, now I'm going to have to go pantless, just so he doesn't get so excited. Nice to know though you can still get someone excited at my age - Pantless. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Tomorrow I will post a story about Keesh, and what happened on my girls yearly weekend.
molly muffin
04-08-2014, 04:32 PM
Oh I definitely want to see the diaper picture! Sorry Keesh, inquiring minds and all.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-08-2014, 05:24 PM
I need some cheering up so let's see that diaper!!!
I'm waiting for the swim therapist to send them to me. She took some good ones. If I don't get them this week, I'll take some myself on Monday and post them.
Sorry, no pics this week. Therapist cancelled the session as she has the flu.... Keesh is safe for another week before embarrassing pics are posted.
04-14-2014, 10:13 AM
Keesh will most certainly pay you back for the embarrassing pictures! Hope you both are doing well. We are waiting for a storm right now and Tippee is already Andy. Blessings
So once again "mah boy" isn't doing well. I just ride it out but it can be so stressful. He has stopped eating pretty much. He went 2 full days without anything, and I tried everything. Finally I cooked up some chicken wieners late in the day on the 3rd day and he nibbled a little last night, and that was after he refused, chicken, roast beef and his rollover treats. This morning he took a couple of sniffs and a mouthful of food and walked away. His pooping is very strained and I think part of that is him trying to keep his balance. When he does go, well there's hardly anything there which of course is because he isn't eating. His drinking is drastically reduced as well, so I'm not giving him at present any meds at all. He is still alert and glad to see you, so I don't know if his bad days are more of them at a time, or if this is something that will pass quickly. He is now 14 1/2 yrs old officially, and that's 9 months of sheer happiness I've gotten that wasn't expected. Will post in a couple of days and let you know what's up with him. Hope everyone enjoys their Easter weekend.
molly muffin
04-16-2014, 02:09 PM
Eeek! Keesh, come on now, have a bite to eat, so you don't worry your momma so much.
Judi, hang in there, Keesh has done this before, and bounced back, so I have to think that he will again.
Hopefully spring is right around the corner and he'll enjoy that. yesterday was just a weird abnormality of winter fighting to hang on.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-16-2014, 03:32 PM
My money is on Keesh. He has rallied so many times that I am sure he has another one in him! I am going to pray that he comes through this as he has many times before. I know how hard it must be for you seeing him not eat. god Bless you both.
Not a good day again, for sooooooooo many reasons including a broken furnace but we've now had 2 accidents in the house, both poop and peeing. Appetite is negligible.
My sweet Ginger
04-17-2014, 11:52 AM
Judi, when I thought my Ginger was suffering from very poor appetite and just happened to cook these chicken wings (of course deboned and cut up as she can't chew hard foods anymore), they were gone so fast!!! I mean you can't feed her those day in day out but every once in a while they work like a charm. How about just try them once?
They have to be chicken WINGS and no other chicken parts.
Marinate them in 2 part soy sauce, 1 part sugar, a bit of minced garlic and 1-2 tea spoonful of roasted sesame oil for over night and bake them @ 350*F for about an hour. The smell is sooo tempting. I think Ginger goes for more flavorful food these days and at times these wings will do the trick for her. Try it and good luck. I hope it works.
I will try that. I've already tried roasted chicken, chicken breasts, steak and roast beef. He hates pumpking and scrambled eggs, and when he won't eat his rollover even when dunked in his marrow bone broth, I've just about exhausted all avenues. We'll see if your recipe works.. thanks
My sweet Ginger
04-17-2014, 12:24 PM
I know, I know. I've gone through so many different meats and stuff with Ginger myself. The only constant success so far has been these wings. If he takes them do not stay on them for long as he will soon get tired of these too. I think marinating chicken WINGS in soy sauce creates some kind of distinct flavor. I usually add ground black pepper in the sauce for human but for him maybe you can omit it unless he wants to share with you.
I'm really sorry you two have been going through such tough times together and hope things will turn the corner for the better for both of you. Hugs, song.
molly muffin
04-17-2014, 03:03 PM
Oh Judi :( What a day you are having. Hope this entices Keesh to eat. That boy is the embodiment of the world stubborn. How he can look so sweet and innocent and have a core of steel I don't know. LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-17-2014, 03:46 PM
Here I am working my %&$ off and log on and see people cooking wings for their
babies??? Where are mine is what I want to know!! Seriously I hope it works as Keesh is a hard nut to crack. Will he eat meat baby food? I use it when I have a sick animal that won't eat. Blessings
Have to admit it's been a complete day from h***, however onward and upward. Patti, he won't eat anything mushy. It's all got to do with substance and anything mushy he happens to even come near he is swiping his mouth to make it clean on my white parsons chairs in the dining room. Well 3 of them are white, 4th one is white with grey/brown streaks right at his head level.:rolleyes: I never saw a dog turn down a good meal because it just might be a little mushy..... he has quite a developed palate I guess... and it's not for his own good.
04-17-2014, 04:11 PM
Hi Judi
Sorry to hear Keesh is on another hunger strike, funny (well not really, but you know what I mean!) how he does this periodically. When Flynn was really sick once and would not look at food our vet suggested mixing a little slightly warmed milk with a raw egg. He lapped that down like no tomorrow so hope it helps and gives him a bit of energy. That boy is such a worry sometimes, hoping her perks up soon xxxx
"Mah Boy" is stumbling a lot now and his walks are a real effort for him. He does love his swimming though, so picture of him with diaper is in his album taken today.
He is knuckling as they call it and I cringe every time it happens. I hear his claws scraping on the pavement and it breaks my heart.
I still check in everyone, but it's been a real rough go of it for so many reasons lately.
molly muffin
05-05-2014, 04:56 PM
HUGS Judi!
I know this is a hard time in many ways with all you are going through lately.
I'm sorry that Keesh is having problems and I wish he was doing better. It's great that he enjoys those swim sessions still. The diaper pics are cute. :) So, Keesh. LOL
sharlene and molly muffin
thanks Sharlene... a pop at La Castille is in order real soon :D
05-06-2014, 06:08 AM
Awww sorry to hear Keesh not feeling so well lately, love the pool pics... is that you in the water with him? In your clothes?? :) so nice he is having fun there! x
Yup Trish that's me in my clothes. I wear tights and a loose shirt. No swim suit for me, until they start making suits with sleeves:) The therapist wears a wet suit, she has 4 or 5 of them and changes almost that many times in a day.
Last night Keesh fell down hard on the front porch...just standing there. His gate is way off too... so we will see what the next couple of weeks brings. I am hoping he was just really exhausted from his swim. He has a terrible time trying to poop, just can't really hold himself up anymore at times so that can get messy too. I took him to be weighed late last week and he's at 62 pounds which is very good, but the poor old guy is just wearing down. Lots is going on here, trying to sell off things, get packed, sell the house, waiting for final divorce papers so everything is happening at once.
05-06-2014, 07:45 AM
So sorry for all your troubles you sure have more than enough going on. The has to be mentally exhausting for you. Keesh just amazes me, he just keeps on going thru thick and thin. I am hoping this is just a bump in the road, and he continues on. He certainly enjoys that swimming. He is going to get back at you for showing his bum in a diaper!! Blessings
Squirt's Mom
05-06-2014, 08:23 AM
So sorry everything seems to be crashing down on you at once, Judi. :( It's hard enough to go through a divorce and all that comes with it without having to watch Keesh decline as well. Squirt is also getting less and less steady, needing support to go out more often again. It is heart-breaking to see them sink down in their own waste then look at you as if to ask, "what is happening?" :( Maybe the stress from everything else happening around him is playing a role and when things settle down a bit, he will bounce back again. It's good he is still swimming and enjoying that, and enjoying his food.
I hope your life finds a wonderful balance soon as you and Keesh start on this new phase of your journey, a single lady and her dog. ;)
Leslie and the gang
Thank you guys for your concern. I am trying to keep Keesh from being upset at all. I am sticking to his routine, and matter of fact he is getting even more attention then normal. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, but at least we spend every waking moment together. It's sad to see him lay down in his Daddy's room by the bed waiting, and when swimming looking for him through the bars at the top of the pool to see if he's there to take him out for his pee before he gets rinsed off. That alone can get the tears flowing a little. We will get through all this, just getting from here to there is the hardest part.
molly muffin
05-06-2014, 01:52 PM
Oh Judi Big Hugs!! I know this really sucks and is very hard. :(
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-06-2014, 04:11 PM
aww...I'm so sorry to hear Keesh has been struggling.
So happy though that he still loves his swimming and I imagine it feels so good to him to float in the pool, nothing weighing him down.
I hope he stays pain free. Sorry for all the difficult things you're dealing with.
This morning for the first time Keesh's front legs gave out and he did a nose dive into the grass. He was able to sit up but looked at me for help and I picked him up. He seemed ok, so I took him for a walk, but the knuckling was really bad. It doesn't seem to affect his enthusiasm though but I can't take him far. I'm too afraid he'll go down and I won't be able to get him home. I have bumped up his Previcox now to everyday in the a.m. and it seems to help, but the reality is getting closer. Yesterday he needed to poop, but was unstable, so I held him to stabilize him while he did his business and that was late afternoon after his Previcox . His hearing and eyesight seems to be very good, I'd even go as far to say his hearing seems to have improved, either that or he just wouldn't pay any attention before which is probable. More bad days now then good, and I'm holding on that he'll remain stable for a few more weeks. We'll see how his walking is later today after the meds have been in his system for a few hours.
05-07-2014, 03:17 PM
Very hard to hear this about Keesh, he has been such a wonder. I am sending you strength and big hugs friend. God Bless you and Keesh.
Thanks Patti... I'm a bit of a wreck these days.
molly muffin
05-07-2014, 06:02 PM
Oh Judi :( The front and the back.:( Are you using the sling with him at all right now? I'm worried about you hurting your back again. He isn't a light weight. So you be careful!
With Keesh it is not the spirit that is giving out, it is the body that is failing him. Poor boy. It must be so frustrating for him. I know that it breaks your heart a little bit more each time something happens.
It is so hard to have this kind of pain when there are so many other things going on right now that have to be sorted out too.
Know that we are all thinking of you and holding you close in our hearts.
sharlene and molly muffin
05-08-2014, 08:39 AM
Thinking of you both and sending strength to you and Keesh to get thru this. Blessings
My heart goes out to you, I know how hard it is. Big hugs and lots of prayers.
I think the thoughts, hugs and prayers from you all worked. I'm a little embarrassed to be on here after my last couple of posts and tell you this story. Without a word of a lie, Keesh has NOT been able to lift his leg to pee in a few years. Ask Sharlene.... she saw him last August and he couldn't do it. Yesterday ..... 3 times the little wiener lifted his leg to pee. Twice he could keep it up and the 3rd time he had to bring it down quickly. Granted he doesn't lift it high... but it is off the ground. He then proceeded to do the prance where they kick up the grass. He could only do it once, but he did it. This morning, without his Previcox, he decided to take a prance quickly across the park to chase a honking goose. You had to be there, he started his squat, saw the goose and interrupted his business, pranced quickly, squatted and finished what he was originally doing then continued quickly on until the goose took flight. I am completely confused with this dog, but looks like a good day today. The other thing that has changed, there is no more getting up in the night to put him outside. For over a week now he has dropped off to sleep and stayed put for almost 10 hours.....(yes he's a lazy little +%^* in the mornings.) I have come to the conclusion that his weakness comes in spurts. He has 2-3 bad days then 1-2 better days. I'm just grateful for any day with him.
molly muffin
05-08-2014, 11:18 AM
Tis true, he wasn't leg lifting in August. :)
I'm glad to hear todays report. Go Keesh!
Keesh sure does keep you on your toes! Chasing geese and leg lifting all in the same day!! whoo hoooo
So, sleeping through the night, this is a good thing, are the accidents in the house lessened too?
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-08-2014, 12:31 PM
Bless his heart, that makes me so happy. He has been such a trooper, and really makes so many come backs. Blessings
05-08-2014, 12:35 PM
I think there are always good days and bad days.... but, I love those good days! Good for Keesh!
Is a cart something you would consider for his mobility? Not something to use all the time, but on occasion?
My sweet Ginger
05-08-2014, 03:19 PM
I've been so sad for you and Keesh but today I'm so happy to hear that you're seeing some of old Keesh. Hang in there, Judi. You are there for each other and I hope both you and Keesh will come out of this difficult time in you lives very soon. Hugs.
05-09-2014, 08:19 AM
Thinking of you and Keesh, sending you both strength to get thru this. I never, ever count Keesh out, he is miraculous as I have said many times. Blessings
Keesh had another bad day. He didn't eat at all yesterday or this morning and has now tried to throw up twice. That's probably from hunger. Sharlene, no accidents in the house at all ( touch wood) and I'm not using a sling but his vest for now. I won't try the cart but I had considered it awhile ago. Sometimes you just have to let nature take it's course, here's hoping it's very, very slow. I am sick about Squirt and Leslie today. My heart is aching for Leslie right now.
molly muffin
05-09-2014, 01:10 PM
Oh no, sorry to hear that Keesh is not having a good day. Hopefully he will do as he always does and bounce back. When he doesn't feel right, he doesn't eat. That is a given with Keesh. So hopefully only a minor set back.
Yes our hearts hurt today. :(
sharlene and molly muffin
05-09-2014, 05:18 PM
Gosh that Keesh fluctuates so much, like Sharlene said I hope he bounces back tomorrow and starts enjoying his food again xx
Keesh ate a bit this morning, but he has the runs big time since yesterday. This morning he just laid in the grass, and pooped. Didn't even try to assume the position. His fur was a mess. He is walking and alert, but this weakness I think is getting both him and me down terribly. Sure wish I could do something for Leslie at this point... she is constantly on my mind.
My sweet Ginger
05-10-2014, 11:23 AM
Judi, I'm so sorry Keesh is having another bad day today because I know what it does to you also. I've been going through the same thing with Ginger as far as where eating is concerned.
She hasn't eaten on her own since the 21st of April except for 3-4 occasional small amounts of dinners and it doesn't look any more promising today.
I've been syringe/ finger (not hand)/ spoon feeding her with the mixture of meats (she seems to take mix of pork with chicken and even hotdogs and carrots) and kibble that I finely ground at every meal time and I think she'd have been in a much worse shape today without that mixture because she's maintaining her weight so far. At least this way she will have some energy and her stomach won't be so empty for the pills she has to take.
I know Keesh is much bigger than Ginger (10 lbs.) but can you grind meats and kibble up and try to give it to him using a syringe or a finger or whatever that works so he will have some energy to stand?
When they don't eat that makes pill administering task extremely hard. So far cheese cake has been a god send with pills for us tho I think she's finally figured it out now. So the battle continues.
I really don't know what our next step should be if she keeps this up but for now we are going to do what we've been doing.
I just wanted to offer an idea just in case this works for him too because I'm so sad for you and Keesh.
I will pray that he will turn around and start eating for you soon.
Thank you so much for your concern. Keesh has a palate that would blow your mind. What he likes one day... he won't touch the next. Up until a few days ago, he would take his pill in good old white cheddar cheese, and if that failed a small piece of salami. For months now he won't take a thing from my hand, doesn't matter what it is, cause I made the ungodly mistake of hiding a pill in a treat once. Once is enough for him. :D He only takes something from his dish or I have to put it on the floor. this morning he wouldn't get up to eat, so I put his bowl in front of him and he ate laying down. His menu would put the finest restaurants to shame, including boiling beef marrow bones for broth which he did love up until a week or so ago. Hamburger gives him the runs, but he has veal, steak, wieners and chicken in very small amounts in his kibble. Depending on his frame of mind, one day he'll eat chicken, the next won't touch it. Sometimes I feel like hooking up an IV to him and keeping it attached so he'll get his nourishment. Today I've made a stew out of filet mignon steaks that were in the freezer, so I'm hoping he'll eat that tonite. Guaranteed tomorrow he won't though - LOL- Cheesecake sounds promising, and if he won't eat it you can bet I will.
My sweet Ginger
05-10-2014, 12:39 PM
That sounds very familiar that one evening she'd take a few bites of juicy steak so I offer the same the next morning to no avail.:o:(:mad:
So on and so forth but somehow she's been grudgingly taking this mixture of purée so far and I'm so thankful about that. I've tried meats with fish but I can see she hates it. She's never been crazy about fish anyways.
I hope he eats or drinks SOMETHING soon. Good luck with the stew today. ;)
So the stew with rice added to help his bowels is a complete no go. He sniffed it and walked away. Very worried.
molly muffin
05-10-2014, 02:50 PM
Oh judi, that doesn't sound good. I don't think I've ever heard of a dog just laying down to poop. :( Not being able to stand at all just isn't good and he's a big dog to try and manage on your own. I know he's a love, but it's still hard to manage holding that up.
What do you think? His back? or his hips? Do you think this will improve? I hope it does. Keesh has come back from so many bad things that it's a miracle, literally, that he is still with us.
I know this is very hard for you to deal with right now too.
Come on Keesh boy, you can do this!
Sharlene and molly muffin
I really don't know at this point what to think. A couple of days ago he was standing at his food dish and back legs just gave out and down he went. I poured myself a glass of wine for the first time in years this afternoon (pity party maybe?) :rolleyes: and he walked across the street just fine to the neighbours with me. Couldn't help myself they were play great country music. He should be hungry now, but wants nothing to do with food. I really don't think it's his hips, I think it's his knees. His stance is half up and half down at times bending at the knees, so I'm figuring it's that. The no eating though, dry heaves and laying to poop is what's really got me concerned. No reason for the runs either.... unless the Previcox is now starting to get to him.
Real estate agent comes this afternoon, lots to deal with.... lots to think about. BTW, what dog in their right mind walks away from filet mignon in a stew?
molly muffin
05-10-2014, 03:07 PM
I'm sure there is just tons going through your mind. One thing though when molly hurt her back, it showed in her hips, back legs. So she would rather sit than stand and if you ran your hands straight down the spine, you could get the skin, doing a ripple where the inflammation of the discs where and she would immediately drop to a down back leg position, sit or lay. Often she would lay when it first happened as it hurt too much to stand. The ripple is in a back injury a sign of a pain response. (not ever ripple on every dog is pain though) some it is nerve sensitivity.
So, he can walk sometimes, when he wants to but if he doesn't eat, he'll lose strength and his electrolytes can get messed up.
Sharlene and molly muffin
I just want to let you know that I am following along and I am so sorry for everything you are going through, and all that is happening with Keesh. I know that the struggle to get him to eat is exhausting, not to mention everything else you have to deal with.
I think I have suggested to you before about getting a sling type of harness for him to help support him when he needs to squat to poo. It worked pretty well for my lab when she had problems with that after ACL repair and then later arthritis. Without it she would fall over, and I would have wrecked my back. I think you have one, don't you?
I am thinking about you and Keesh and praying that he eats something soon.
Tina and Jasper
05-11-2014, 07:53 AM
Just checking in on Keesh. I hope all is well with you both. Happy Mother's Day Judi. Blessings
Pretty quiet around here for mother's day. Thanks Patti. Got all my china, crystal and cups and saucers ready for an antique shop to come and see everything on Tuesday. Rather sad when you've collected these things since a teenager, then I cut the back lawn.
Keesh had me up in the nite to go out, then promptly pooped in the house twice later in the nite . I didn't see one little mess, stepped in it then walked right through the dining/living... what a disaster. I believe the broadloom is ruined now and that is one expense I just can't handle. Just after I said there hasn't been any messes for awhile, this happened. He did walk ok today though, so I will discuss the shape he is in with the swim therapist tomorrow. He didn't eat last night but had some kibble and his roll this morning. I don't know what he's thriving on.
molly muffin
05-11-2014, 10:40 PM
Oh Judi :( What a thing to have to deal with while having the house on the market.
Try one of those enzyme cleaners and see if that will take it up. (the mess on the carpet)
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-12-2014, 08:13 AM
So sorry you are having to deal with this and sell your house when Keesh is having a hard time. Are you going to leave him there or take him out when people come? I am worried about you with all these stressors. Please take care of yourself. Blessings
The good old boy ate today like he hadn't seen food in a year then had 3 good rounds of pooping during the day. He completely blows me away . So guess I can call this a good day. Does this mean you're old when you are excited about your dog eating and pooping??
Sharlene, I foolishly took some Fantastik to the rug and forgot it had scrubbing bubbles in it. I now have bleached white spots on the rug. I'm going to call a professional cleaner and see what they say. I'm so mad at myself for doing that.
The buyers for china... said they were coming so I unpacked, unwrapped everything and put it on display.. they cancelled, so now I have twice the work to re-wrap and pack.
Patti, I'm a tough old br*&% and I will get through this, just out of spite if for no other reason.
The therapist checked out Keesh thoroughly and he has 3 lumps on his vertebrae that she pointed out. I never felt or noticed them before so this in her opinion is what is causing so many leg problems as it interrupts the nerve flow to his back end. A veterinarian awhile back told me that he guessed that could be the problem even though it didn't show up at the time on x-rays at the time. Therapist suggested I take him to a holistic vet, but it's too far to travel, and too expensive. Therapist also said that Keesh can swim circles around some 6 year old dogs, and his strength is very good. Last nite he chased a cat off our fence which I didn't see, and down he went, couldn't get back up, this morning it was a rabbit in our back yard, but he managed to get it out of the yard and did his gallop without any problems. He was very steady too this a.m. after his swim... no sea legs. All in all a good day. Sure hope everyone else had a good one too.
Thinking about you tomorrow Patti, drive safe.
molly muffin
05-12-2014, 07:07 PM
Hi Judi, for the rug, get yourself some water and a roll of paper towels and wet the spot, blot up, wet and blot, continue to do this till no more soap comes up. The soap can soak in so much that it makes the area look white. Hopefully it didn't have bleaching in it, so no permanent damage. You might use a whole role of paper towels or more to get it all out, but you want to bring it up. The professionals would suck it up with the vac, but you can do this yourself too with some patience.
Glad to hear that Keesh had a good day. That does sound quite possible to be a problem with his back.
What a pain, did they cancel completely or just for today? I hate packing at the the best of time. LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
Oh Judi I dont know what to say except here is a big hug
Quick update. Keesh's knuckling is getting bad and our walks are almost a chore for him now, even though he's so excited when he sees the leash. He is stumbling a lot both on grass and pavement and today he fell forward and down, but got right back up. Yesterday he was resting, got up and his right hind leg was knuckled for about 4 steps. I'm hoping is leg was asleep, at least that's what I tell myself. Vest is on him now all the time to go up and down the stairs. Breaks my heart completely, and today I got the divorce papers from the court. This isn't what I would call a particularly good holiday weekend coming up, but we'll make the best of it. His last swim therapy session is this Wednesday, and I don't know now if I should spend the money for another 5 sessions, or just let it be. There comes a time when you just can't do anymore, and that time is getting real close.
However..... the rest of you have a great holiday weekend.
05-16-2014, 06:59 PM
Awww Judi, I wish we knew what was wrong with Keesh. Makes it so hard to think of anything helpful to say to you. He has stumped the vets, and stumped us but you know he still having his good days so I hope you get more of them this coming long weekend. Hugs for you both xxx
molly muffin
05-16-2014, 07:34 PM
Judi sending you big hugs. I don't know what else would work for Keesh. I wish I did. I hope that you get out and do something good for yourself this weekend.
Poor Keesh. Him and you both try so very hard.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
05-16-2014, 08:28 PM
I am so sorry Keesh is failing. It is not for lack of effort on your part as you have done it all from a to z. This has to be very distressing to see. Keesh seemed to be free of all the problems while doing hydrotherapy, maybe he needs that. His body probably does not have all the pain and pressure on it in the water. I feel so bad for you both, as you two have been thru the mill. Tipper has not been good this week either. Every day I ask myself the same question. Is this all worth it, and every day I keep going on. Blessings
Well this morning first thing to take him downstairs, he just collapsed completely. He very slowly took a stair at a time, and usually he hops down the stairs. I haven't walked him yet, so we will see how today goes. He is getting Previcox everyday now which isn't helping. I think he's past that point. If he progresses the way he has in the last few days, I will be making that dreadful call later this week. Not sure if I have the guts to do it. I will put it off as long as possible but I can't let the little guy suffer.
05-17-2014, 08:14 AM
My God you poor thing. I am so sorry you are having all this come down at the same time. I am praying for Keesh to get up and rally like always. I know this is heartbreaking for you, as I can feel your agony. Praying for a miracle for you both.
My sweet Ginger
05-17-2014, 08:36 AM
Oh, poor you and Keesh. This is just incredibly sad to read his body is deteriorating while his spirit still seems to be not quite in synch with his failing body. I hope you and Keesh still can find some quality time together doing things that both of you enjoy doing. How about one more swimming session if he still enjoys his swimming in your eyes.
I'd look at the divorce papers as the beginning of a new chapter in your life. There is a brand new canvas for you to start painting. It will be a much more mature, clever, colorful (crazy:eek:), meaningful, in depth and beautiful painting this time around because you are now standing in front of this untouched white canvas with a brand new paint brush with so much more life experience and desire than the chapter you are about to close.
You will get through this tough and testing period and come out even stronger and more compassionate person.
I think you guys on here should all be nominated for sainthood. Then be awarded it.
UPdate this a.m. Just took Keesh out to the back yard and even with my help his back legs collapsed and his whole body went down. He got up again... but he isn't doing well at all.
I can't stop crying....
molly muffin
05-17-2014, 09:04 AM
Oh Judi. I really am so sorry. Poor you and poor Keesh. It seems so unfair.
My golden Tasha got bad like that but she was always wagging her tail even as her body failed. That makes it all so much harder because you know they are still themselves and it's just the body going. Makes it so hard to make that decision.
Judi we are here for you.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Judi, I am so sorry to read about Keesh. Sometimes life just plain stinks when it throws so much at one person. It just doesn't seem fair that you have to handle so much at one time.
I am sending much love and prays for you and your sweet boy.
My sweet Ginger
05-17-2014, 10:45 AM
Oh Judi, I'm terribly sorry today isn't going the way we all had hoped for you and Keesh. I truly hope you two will be blessed enough to have a few more good days together so that you can cherish those happy and loving memories for a long long time. I hope he eats and gets some energy back and makes his mama very happy. Hugs.
Took Keesh for his walk... saddest thing I've seen. His back end is so wobbly sways back and forth then he catches himself and and he drags his back feet. Not Good...
I find it soooooooo hard to come on here and update you about him... makes me unbelievably sad. No offence... it's just hard.
molly muffin
05-17-2014, 02:27 PM
Oh poor baby.
I am thinking the inevitable is extremely close now. Last night on his walk he sat at the side of the road and did his business. Sitting completely down. This morning he couldn't manage the 3 stairs from the porch to go outside. He is very hesitant of stairs now, and I'm actually picking him up in his harness and doing most of the work. It's funny though he can lean completely forward to pee without losing his balance yet everything else is so difficult for him.
His bowel and bladder control are amazing. His eyesight and hearing are good, his enthusiasm is wonderful, yet his poor old bones are giving up rather quickly. Being such a big dog, when he goes down, it's hard.. and my heart skips every time it happens.
05-18-2014, 04:54 AM
Awww that darling boy Keesh, so sorry to read this Judi. I guess like all our babies sooner or later they are not going to bounce back. But I am hoping Keesh has it in him to go a bit longer yet. I hate you are going to have to make that decision none of us want to make so we will be there to hold your hand and dish out all our hugs for you both xxxx
I need help with this. I have been crying for two days. I am selfish, I don't want to let him go. Maybe it would be easier if he was sick, or in pain... I just don't know how to do this... I don't know how everyone else was able to do it... I am beside myself.
05-18-2014, 05:27 AM
Hi Judi, I am still here just my internet connection playing up. It is the hardest of things to decide. I think you just need to weigh up how much pleasure Keesh is getting out of life... if you look at all the things he likes to do, or enjoys vs the bad things. Once it gets to be more on the bad side then it might be time. I think there are some lists on the internet somewhere regarding quality of life.
And darl, your not selfish at all. None of us want to say goodbye...
My sweet Ginger
05-18-2014, 06:57 AM
Hi Judi,
Here is the quality of life scale I used on Ginger and she scored 39.
Btw, is Keesh on any kind of medication currently?
05-18-2014, 07:39 AM
I am so sorry you are in this position. Whatever you do, will be in Keesh's best interests. Something in you heart will speak to you. I am praying for you both. Blessings
Hi Judi,
Here is the quality of life scale I used on Ginger and she scored 39.
Btw, is Keesh on any kind of medication currently?
Keesh is on Previcox, metacam made him too sick and he did have cartrophen shots last year as well as laser. He has 1 more hydrotherapy session this Wednesday, and I'll take it from there. The quality of life test, Keesh actually did well.
molly muffin
05-18-2014, 08:59 AM
It sounds like it is his back that is causing the problems. I don't know what the best thing is to address that. Perhaps adequan shots? But because he can lean forward but not backwards, that seems to be where the issue is. The therapist I think mentioned that to you also?
That is my only real thought and I don't know for sure what will help it.
My heart breaks for you. I understand that for Keesh everything is good except for this back/rear end issue. It doesn't help that all the homes around here are stairs up and stairs down too.
sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
05-18-2014, 10:39 AM
Dear Judi,
I have been reading your updates with a huge lump in my throat and tears flowing unchecked down my face. I understand completely where you are and what you are feeling. Seeing our beloved baby's body fail while their spirit remains strong is so very hard and knowing what that will mean is even harder.
Now are the days when you simply spend as much time with Keesh as you possibly can. Sit by him, hold his head in your lap, touch him often and tell him everything you want him to know, everything you want him to carry with him through the Veil. Let him know that in spite of everything, you will be alright, that you will always be together in love. Make every day to come special, whether one day or 1000 days, make them special for you both.
My thoughts are with you both.
Leslie and the gang
05-18-2014, 06:20 PM
I am so sorry that you are in this position. Many of us on here have been where you have been, and it is the single most hardest decision any of us will every make. I am a great believer in they will let us know when the time comes.
Lavish you boy with love and cuddles and let him know you are there, and we will be here to love and hug you, whatever and whenever you need us.
Sending big Hugs and strength your and Keesh way
Keesh got outside this evening just in the nick of time, and had a large runny number all over the porch. He couldn't hold his squat at all, so needless to say he was covered in it and everytime I picked him up he'd go down again. Reminds me of the Petsmart episode only worse. I think because he knew more was coming he wouldn't stand up. It was so bad it stained the concrete. After hosing down the porch, we went for a small walk, then home to be cleaned up. I had company today and he enjoyed that as he got all kinds of attention, but it's bad and I know I'm ignoring it, letting on like things will be fine.
molly muffin
05-18-2014, 08:03 PM
I wish I could make it all better for you and for Keesh Judi.
sharlene and molly muffin
We had settled down for the nite or at least I thought. I knew he needed out, so on went the leash.. down the stairs part way and you know the rest of the story. The stairs, bottom of stairs and hallway. I don't know why he has the runs, no meds and nothing has changed, but I do know he just cannot hold himself up anymore to poop. He won't come to bed now... and is acting very strange.
He's off in a corner on the main floor between the couch and the window. He won't look at me nor will he let me cuddle him. Something is up.
UPDATE: All ok at least for the time being. He finally got up and walked around.
molly muffin
05-19-2014, 12:15 AM
It sounds like he is not feeling well. Something is definitely messing up his gastro intestinal system. Thinking sleeping downstairs on a couch or something where he doesn't have to go up and down the stairs is probably a good idea. Plus you won't have the situation of trying to get down the stairs when he has to go. I don't think he'll make it as long as this is going on. :( Does he seem to be in any pain? That can cause an upset and the "runs".
Sharlene and molly muffin
He finally settled down and I am/was on the couch. Can't sleep at all right now. He however is. I don't think he's in pain but I was minutes away from taking him to the 24 hour clinic in Barrie.
I'll see what tomorrow brings. I did make a call to his Daddy and left a message that I thought his time was actually here due to the way he was acting.
molly muffin
05-19-2014, 12:37 AM
Crossing my fingers that things settle down tonight.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-19-2014, 03:30 AM
I really feel for you and know just what you are going through. It is so hard when they don't seem 'ill' as such but their body is just giving up. I went through the same thing with Brin and he fought it so hard but one day he couldn't walk or stand without leaning on us and I knew that it was the sign I needed to be able to make the right decision. Enjoy your time with Keesh whether it is long or short and I am sure you will know when the time is right too. Sending prayers for you both.
05-19-2014, 04:32 AM
Oh Judi,
I'm. So sorry that you and Keesh are going through this.
It's so hard to know what is going on exactly.
Do you have a vet visit planned soon?
05-19-2014, 05:13 AM
Oh gosh, no better then. So sorry to read that. Hugs and hope for a better day today xx
Well his nibs had a great nights sleep, I got about 3 hours. His daddy called early as he got last nights message this morning. Keesh seems ok other then he went outside 1st thing and still has the runs. A little firmer but still not good. He is asleep again, so I'll see if he'll eat today.
Valerie I think tomorrow I'll get some emergency blood work done (meaning results asap) if there is such a thing and take it from there, will also see how he does today. When he wakes up he'll need a good wash down. Stores are closed so I hope I can get some wipes somewhere. Paper towel and warm water doesn't get him clean enough and because of his back end weakness I have to get him washed up quickly or he'll just sit down and make the area unreachable. When there was two of us, one held him up while the other cleaned him up. I will post later this evening and give an update. Thank you everyone for the support.
05-19-2014, 07:32 AM
I guess this will be a day to day evaluation from now on. I hope things start looking up for Keesh as he has beaten all of this stuff so many times before. I hope he is able to go to his hydrotherapy session as that may relieve some of the pain in his back, and maybe why he does so well there. Praying for you both.
Keesh had a relatively quiet day and slept a lot. He did eat, but not a lot. He hasn't had a poop at all and after 3 walks nothing. I take him to the park off leash and let him meander slowly at his own speed. Tonight well.... he saw his girlfriend a great dane named Phoenix and tried to gallop over to her. They know each other through the fence as our backyards meet. He didn't fall at all and she is gentle with him. After a few minutes the great dane layed down. She was hot. For the first time ever with her, and the 2nd time in his life he decided to assume the position and figured he could make dane-retriever pups. He stayed on all four paws but the motion was there, so how come he can do that, yet have so many leg and back problems?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:. He didn't miss a beat until I got over to him and stopped him. He's neutered too..... and so is she. Maybe he's trying to make up for what he figures he missed in the time he has left. I just hope he hasn't injured himself even more.
Sharlene.... no couch tonight. I could hardly move today cause it's sooo soft.
molly muffin
05-19-2014, 08:37 PM
I don't know Judi. Keesh is a force unto himself. He continues to amaze. He has really horrid, horrid days when we all just know it is a matter of time and that the time is soon and then he'll go and do something like this.
Just goes to show that a guy will do along to impress a girl. eh :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-20-2014, 05:03 AM
Crikey lol... thought we were getting ready to say goodbye to Keesh but obviously he has other plans!! :D Hope he has another good day and finds his appetite xx
05-20-2014, 07:58 AM
Well we know for certain one thing on him that still works! I swear this dog is messing with you. I always have bet on Keesh when the odds were stacked against him, and he has always come thru. I think he will again, and hope he has much more time left as I really enjoy his little antics and am so fond of his spirit. Blessings
05-21-2014, 06:58 PM
How is it going? Hope you are not dealing with these storms. Did Keesh go to hydrotherapy? Anyone interested in the house yet? Do you have a plan on where you will go? Hugs to you and Keesh.
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