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molly muffin
09-11-2013, 07:03 PM
Puddles!!! That doesn't sound good. Have you taken a sample in?

Crud on not hearing anything yet.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-12-2013, 11:13 AM
Puddles have firmed up as of this morning. It was quite a scene last night though. Almost had to hose him off completely. He didn't eat yesterday, so something was bothering him. Looks like it's cleared up, but he only nibbled this morning. Back to one meal a day at night, which is going to be hard with him on Tramadol twice a day. Last thing I want to do is upset his stomach in the a.m. with only his meds.

So... local vet hadn't heard anything from Oakville today, I had to call Oakville, - they are chking with IMS and said they'd get something together for me after they ck with IMS . Don't know when that's supposed to be, but it better be soon.

Drinking drastically reduced yesterday.. peeing however just as much... go figure.

09-12-2013, 02:47 PM
Keesh sure does keep you guessing doesn't he? Aww...poor guy. Happy to hear those puddle poops are gone...perhaps something he lapped up in the pool?
What is with these vets and why can't one of them get back to you? Good that drinking is down, but still lots of peeing...:confused: That is puzzling. I really hope the mystery can get solved soon...in the meantime I hope Keesh will get his appetite back and feel better! :)


09-12-2013, 03:47 PM
Ahhh geez !! Came downstairs a few minutes ago and a lake was in the family room. Where is he getting this pee from?? He isn't drinking that much.

He didn't drink anything in the pool that I saw and I have my eyes on him all the time. He gets fresh water from a bowl when standing on the ledge. He only took about 4 laps of that then kissed the therapist. Think he has a new best friend.

I've given up on the "leaks no more" no change in a week at all.

09-12-2013, 04:48 PM
Something you said about the water just struck me. Tipper has a kiddie pool to chase her fishy in. When the water in the pool is too cool she gets the runs, so I am wondering if the heated water could be having the same effect on Keesh???Just something else to ponder in this maze of things!! Hope you hear some news on Keesh soon. I have had it with vets, as far as I am concerned Tipper is just a cash cow to my vet. Hope you weather is not as bad as ours. It is starting to cool down though. Blessings

molly muffin
09-12-2013, 06:04 PM
Oh my gosh. That sure doesn't sound right does it that he isn't drinking that much but peeing a river.
Glad the puddles are better. It's hard to get poop issues fixed. Ugh

No word yet?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-12-2013, 06:15 PM
Got a call at 5:30 tonight from IMS office. They said same thing almost. They will be in touch with local vet and either they or he will call me. I asked how long it's going to take and they don't have a clue. They did say they do several Univ. of Tennesse tests monthly, but that's them. I need my vet to know what he's doing and I don't think it's asking too much to have had it done this week.
I am going to pull a "Patti" - no offence Patti, that was a compliment, if I don't hear by noon tomorrow. IMS was off until this past Wednesday, but geez, can't someone else tell my vet what to do? I have never been able to speak to her, it's always a guy named Chris that phones me from Oakville. He passes along messages, that's all.

Patti.. never thought of that. He goes again on Monday, so I'll see what happens the next day. Thanks for the heads up.

Sharlene.. he was drinking 2 1/2 quarts daily when we went to Oakville, he's doing a little less then 2 quarts a day now. That's 64 ounces which is dead on for his weight daily. He drinks far more in the late afternoon and evening then he does all day. Still up with him twice in the night to let him out. If he'd do all his drinking in the morning, it would be great. I figure when he doesn't eat all that water has to give him the runs.

molly muffin
09-12-2013, 06:19 PM
They do have other IMS's on staff at Oakville, but maybe once you get one, then that is your assigned doctor? Not sure really.

Just tell them look, you are trying to have the test done this week, which means your vet needs to know how to do it today. (say that tomorrow)

I think the hardest part with Oakville, is that they are swamped and people come there from all over Ontario. I know someone drove like 1/2 a day to get there when I was there for an appointment. Which shows we need more ER's like that in Ontario obviously.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-13-2013, 06:03 AM
Poo puddle again last night. I think the Tramadol could be bothering him as he doesn't eat regularly. I only give the Tramadol though when he eats, usually around noon.

Glynda, forgot to thank you for that link re atypical.

Sharlene, I am going into day 4 without any response re his testing. If I haven't heard anything by noon, I will go to my local vet, put a fire under him and get him to take the lead into finding out what has to be done. I don't think it's a major testing issue, it's just lack of communication for whatever reason between Oakville and my vet.

5 months now with no answers - I'm getting very ticked off and worried about any damage that may be going on with Keesh in the meantime.

09-13-2013, 08:30 AM
I am praying for you that you get answers. You go girl and tell the vet to get moving on this. I am right behind you as I know what it is like when nobody calls back and you have no answers. You can only take so much and this has been going on too long. You are right to be worried about the effects on Keesh. My Tipper has a heart murmur etc. from this. It does bad things to the organs. When I think of my poor Tipper suffering because my vet was too lazy to call, and wanted to head home early, it empowers me to take him to task. You can get the ball rolling, as it seems no one else is attempting to. Good Luck, I am with you in spirit. Blessings

09-13-2013, 08:48 AM
Thanks Patti... will update later today.

Re poop.. all is well this morning, cause he ate yesterday.

09-13-2013, 12:49 PM
No phone calls between vets, so I phoned local vet to get a hold of Oakville.
Local vet wants me to go somewhere else for test, he is leaving next Thursday for India for 9 weeks. Should have just gone down to Oakville before I booked my calendar almost solid for the next 3 weeks and got this over with.

I'm getting very weary of all this runaround !!

Update: Local vet calls and cannot talk to IMS. The intern or whoever is taking the messages, has no info at all from IMS. My local vet said that he needs the information on how to perform the test ( which I can pretty much tell him) but where does it go from there.. to Guelph then to Tennessee? Nothing is going to happen today.. so another weekend and a few days without any answers. I swear if all this crap has any derogatory affect on Keesh, heads are really going to roll. It would only take 5 minutes of anybody's time to phone or email directions, or even send a link that vet's only have access to, to perform the test.

09-13-2013, 01:38 PM
So here are my options. It amazes me when a dr. calls there is an immediate response, but when the paying customer calls there was nothing.

1. Take Keesh to Guelph and have a kidney function test done, but the test could damage kidneys and he'd be there overnight.

2. Start on low dose Trilostane 25 mg twice daily

3. Have a modified water deprivation test done, again he'd have to be taken to Oakville.

4. Start him on Proin

I can't find anything on a " modified" deprivation test and right now don't have the heart to even consider it.

IMS believes that the Atypical test to go to Tennessee will not help at all.

I am waiting for IMS to send an email to local vet about what they discussed. I will then look at that report and decide what if anything I can do.

It almost seems to me that Oakville has written the dog off entirely and giving me these options to appease me, which obviously hasn't worked.
Here come the tears.

molly muffin
09-13-2013, 01:47 PM
I didn't know the kidney function test could damage their kidneys, that does Not sound like a good option.

The modified water deprivation test, I wouldn't do it personally, just because it scares me. I am a wuss though.


25 mg Trilostane, if his cortisol is normal is to do what? help with the peeing/drinking only maybe?

Proin, Leslie had problems, Kim did not.

I'm sorry that this has not worked out for you and Keesh. I don't know what else to do at this point. :(

Maybe some of the others will have some ideas.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-13-2013, 02:06 PM
Well I think I've diagnosed my dog. I believe he is in borderline kidney failure and the only thing that I know of is to change his diet a little.

I can't believe it !!

Roxee's Dad
09-13-2013, 02:13 PM
Scratching my head in confusion .... and agreeing with Sharlene. If Cortisol is okay, why give Trilo. We know the bad reaction Keesh gets from it.

Did Doc say why restarting Trilo was even an option and what he hoped to accomplish?

I myself would be hesitant to use Proin, but, we were all hesitant to use Trilo, Lyso etc.... So I would give it a try with a close eye.

From that link I posted a while back, it does seem that some of the other intermediate hormones could possibly cause some leaking of urine. If you are hesitant to do the UTK, maybe just try the typical treatment of Lignans and melatonin. Some of the Atypical moms here could probably help you out with dosage amounts.

Junior's Mom
09-13-2013, 03:34 PM
Hi Judi, you sure are having a time of it with poor Keesh. If it is the beginning of kidney failure, I had a dog like this a few years ago. Diet recommendations are low phosphorous foods. Some vets are still stuck on low protein, but studies show that does more harm than good. I first went with the vet recommended kidney diet, and a supplement from the vets office. My dogs symptoms did not change, and he lost weight and muscle mass.
After much research, I found Hills Nature's Best Lamb and Brown Rice. It has the lowest phosphorus of any commercial food. I could only get it from a Little Critters Pet Shop, but I think Pet Smart carries it now as well. I also got a supplement from Pet Wellbeing (online), which was called Tripsy, it is now called Kidney Support Gold. My dog was doing lots of drinking, peeing, having accidents etc. Blood work came back showing kidney problems. I put him on this food and supplement, and he turned around immediately. I hope this helps.

09-13-2013, 04:18 PM
Sharlene, I really do appreciate your support in all of this. I may be wrong, but it seems to me Oakville is guessing only because what she is telling the local vet and what she told me aren't the same, and why so many different options?

John, there was no mention as to why start Trilo. It was an option when I first went to Oakville, but I chose not at least yet to go that route, because I wanted more definitive answers, which I didn't get and I've considered Proin out of the question. I wasn't hesitant at all to do the UTK I was told point blank that it won't help by the IMS. I have reached out to one other vet to see if they know how to do it. Haven't heard from them yet.

Tracey, I read up on the low phosphorous and the controversy over low or high protein. I tend to agree that the low protein is NOT a good idea. Thank you for that information, I will be trying that for sure. Much appreciated.

molly muffin
09-13-2013, 05:31 PM
I just wish that we had gotten some definitive answer from the IMS in Oakville, they said the kidneys were fine didn't they? I thought that was in the report. It might not hurt though to try the food and supplement. If you do get a good result from that then that is what you could talk to your vet about. I don't like a test to check kidneys that can cause damage though. grrrrr

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-13-2013, 06:14 PM
Hi Judi

Sorry you and Keesh still do not have answers, I has wondering why you think it is kidney failure? I cannot recall his kidney test results but I do know that it has to get quite bad before they have symptoms from it. Early kidney problems can be quite sneaky as they usually do not exhibit any problems and by the time they are drinking excessively or having other problems like lethargy there has usually been substantial kidney damage which would show up in Keesh's tests and aren't his pretty good?? Just throwing a few thoughts out there on kidney problems as we are also dealing with this in Flynn.

Hope you guys have a good weekend, I can feel your frustration xx

09-14-2013, 09:56 AM
I got a reply from another local vet. This is what they said about the UTK.

"Our reference lab will send blood out to Tennessee to run the atypical cushings panel. There is a lot of controversy regarding this panel in that almost every dog screened comes up with an abnormality. The test is also expensive. I am at home so I don't know the exact price but it will likely be between $300 and $400 and the turn around is 7-14 days. Atypical Cushings should be considered when all other diseases have been eliminated.

09-14-2013, 10:49 AM
I totally understand your dilemma. When I was going to get Tipper's urine tested to see if her tumor was a pheo with the Catecholamine test, but it was 350.00 and it said there were a lot of false positives. Really what good does a test like that do if you never really know for sure if the results are correct??? Is there any other test that has better results for the Atypical? It would seem you and I are on the problem wagon! Blessings

09-16-2013, 03:41 PM
Been MIA but super busy these days. Here is an update
1. Waiting for conversation between Oakville and local vet to be discussed with me. This conversation was last Friday. I phoned local vet and he was too busy to talk to me, is to phone back. He better as he leaves for India for 9 weeks this Thursday.

2. Another local vet who thinks UTK tests are controversial has asked for all of Keesh's lab reports. She is going over them and I will make an appt. with her, without taking Keesh to see what she thinks. How many is this now?? !!! Only doing this because Oakville test results were normal, and I am of the opinion they don't know what to do with him. Gotta keep trying.

3. Keesh had this 3rd hydrotherapy today and is crazy in the water. Chasing ducks, balls and in general whimpering when I rest him on the ledge as he wants to get going in the water. I can't let him overdo it, however today he lifted his leg to pee, so his legs seem fairly strong.

4. I stopped "leaks no more" but got the drops from the same company called "digestive upset", put it in his water and he's eating normally, lifts his paw for his supper and is extremely playful. His poops are normal and he's like a new dog. I'm very happy, but this is soooo strange. He is raring to go, not sleepy and much more alert.

5. One month today "mah boy" turns 14, so whatever this new attitude is, whether it lasts a day or months, I'm grateful for each day I have with him. I may never put him on medication, if I can live with this peeing, as he seems to feel so well.

I've been reading everyone's updates, sorry I haven't been able to respond. Busy, times for sure.

09-16-2013, 05:20 PM
You poor thing you have really been thru the mill!. I am praying you get some concrete answers off of someone, anyone!!! Glad Keesh is doing better, keep doing the same thing you are doing maybe he will remain stable. Blessings

molly muffin
09-16-2013, 07:02 PM
I'm very glad that Keesh is being lively and playful and eating alright again. Strange, but we'll take it :)

This all been very frustrating and I'm disappointed that the Oakville Hospital hasn't been more communicative with some sort of plan or pursuing alternative testing.

Cooler weather, I know the dogs are loving it! :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-18-2013, 05:47 AM
I've had no response from local vet in regard to his conversation with Oakville. I've been waiting since last Friday with several reminders to him. He said he'd phone me back on Monday but that never happened. He is gone tomorrow now for 9 weeks... nice eh?

Another local vet has asked and rec'd all of Keesh's tests and she is investigating further. She emailed me back and asked several I think good questions, which I'd like to think she's investigating his condition thoroughly. Maybe wishful thinking though on my part.

Now for a great story.

Was at my son's yesterday who lives on part of a big lake attached to the Great Lakes. He has a shepherd that is 8. He had some friends come and pick him up in a boat late at night to go to a bonfire across the lake. 2/3 rds of the way across they looked back in the pitch black and there was the dog swimming behind the boat. Nobody was going to take his Daddy away from him. Good thing they saw him, and with great difficulty got him into the boat. This poor dog swam a marathon. No worse for wear though. Somebody had left a door open, that's how he escaped.

Keesh in the last few weeks has gone almost completely deaf. He will be in a room and if he hasn't seen you, he jumps when he realizes you are there. I can only get his attention mainly by clapping my hands, but he can still catch a treat being thrown across the room. Guess I should be thankful he can see fairly well.

09-18-2013, 12:14 PM
Aren't these dogs something?? What a great story. They truly are mans best friend. I am so annoyed for you that you still are getting no answers and that this vet is leaving tomorrow. I would be phoning him a million times today. If he doesn't like it tough. You are going to have to go ballistic on them like I did to make them shape up. I hope when I log on here later you have heard something. Blessings

09-18-2013, 03:35 PM
(Banging head against wall) - So I phone local vet... he has already left for the airport. Nobody at his office knows anything. He obviously left a day earlier then what he told me.

As far as I'm concerned all vets can plain just go to *&#@.:mad::mad::mad::mad: at least any of the 7 I've dealt with. I could literally pick up this computer and pitch it right through the wall right now. No wonder people go postal.... I'm about as close to it as anyone can be. I'm almost breaking the keys on this keyboard. Furious doesn't even describe me right now.

I honestly think I need a tranquilizer at this point. Oh wait... didn't I mention Golden Cadillacs in a post? I'll take 40 of them right now.

09-18-2013, 03:45 PM
Oh no Judi!
How disrespectful of him to not return your call before he left.
I would be infuriated as well.

Aside from the loss of hearing, I'm glad that Keesh is doing so well!

Squirt's Mom
09-18-2013, 04:16 PM
Oh, I don't blame you at all....I would be mad as a hornet, too. :mad: Thank goodness Keesh isn't in crisis!

Bless your heart! I can't believe all that you and Keesh have been through! And still don't know what's going on. Do you know about belly bands for male dogs? I've never tried them but they wouldn't interfere with the gait like diapers can and look to me as if they would be easier to keep on.

I think I would give him a break from vets for a while for sure, tho....give me a break, too. ;)

09-18-2013, 06:00 PM
I can't help but think in my less then humble opinion that they all have considered his age, and have just written him off. It sure is the impression I am getting. Guessing and confusion with him is one thing, that I understand, but to not try to help eliminate at least something is beyond my scope of any understanding. It was bad enough having a vet that knew nothing, but when none of them are willing to help, well then again they can all go to %^&#. I thought just maybe amongst at least one of them there would be a bit of compassion knowing how hard I am trying to help "mah boy" and they certainly all know how much money has been spent trying to unsuccessfully achieve that. Unfortunately they have all left a very bitter taste in my mouth, and personally I think they are all a bunch of money grabbing quacks the ones I've had,.... ok there may be a couple of exceptions, unfortunately they aren't convenient to me.
Sorry for ranting, I haven't settled down yet, but at least you now know the worst of me.

Leslie, once again you've come to the rescue. I never heard of belly bands, and I have to go away in November. This is a miracle I say... a miracle. I'll be buying this for sure, you have taken literally days and days of worry from me.

molly muffin
09-18-2013, 07:23 PM
Oh Judi, that is a horrible thing to do! Just disappear like that. I am very NOT happy that Oakville didn't step up to the plate and been more communicative. BID trilostane or proin. :(

What about this new vet you have contacted? My vet said she would see you but it's too far for her to be a regular vet for you and we already know that if it is difficult then she'd send you to Oakville, and well, you've already been down that road.

Wasn't there a vet in Barrie or near Barrie somewhere that Barbara found?

*sigh* Belly bands for november sounds like a good idea

hugs, hang in there!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-19-2013, 12:48 PM
The vet I contacted has been thorough as far as I know going over all his tests. She has emailed me now 4 times with questions and was looking for the ACTH test done after his original LDDS test was done in June, which we all know was never done and when it was, it was after he started on Trilostane.

That is a good sign, she's asking all the right questions so far.

I am meeting with her Saturday morning at 9 - minus the dog and go over whatever she needs to know, plus take the copies of all the summaries she hasn't seen from Guelph, Oakville and the the clinical pathology report.

This is my very last kick at the can:( I've exhausted all avenues and spent all I can possibly spend for a diagnosis.

molly muffin
09-19-2013, 05:10 PM
I know Judi, this has been a terrible journey for you and Keesh.
You do what you can, with what you have. At least she seems interested. I really do think that he stumps all the vets and that they end up not knowing what to do with him.
Good luck Saturday!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-19-2013, 09:56 PM
Wow Judi...who could blame you for the frustration and anger you feel after how these vets are treating you and Keesh. It's really terrible that you've seen and paid so many and to no avail. You're right, out of 7 vets you would think at least one would have made a bit more of an effort to help regardless of Keesh's age.
Maybe this vet you have now and who you'll see this weekend will surprise you (and all of us) and prove to have a heart and try to figure this out. Hoping vet #8 is the lucky charm and you can get some answers, or at least a few ideas to help with Keesh's urinating. I'll be crossing my fingers for you and hope something positive happens on Saturday!


09-20-2013, 08:08 AM
I definitely feel you frustration. All these vets, and all this money and you are no further to finding the cause of all this. I would be going ballistic too. I said long ago, that all these vets care about is money. Very few are in it to benefit the animals, although I think Leslie has one who truly cares. Maybe this one on Saturday will be a Godsend. I am praying for you both. I am hoping the reason for all this is not his age, as that will really set me off! He lived all these years and they don't want to help him??? Better not be the answer or I am coming up there personally and whoop some ____ !!! Blessings

09-20-2013, 04:05 PM
I know I would be out of my mind. I hope you get some relief from the new vet. I hope they will work with you in finding out what is going on with your boy.

09-21-2013, 08:14 AM
I am praying to hear some good news about the vet with Keesh today. I know how you feel spending all this money, still having a sick dog, and no answers. It is enough to push anyone over the edge. I pray you get answers today. Blessings

09-21-2013, 10:28 AM
$77.00 later with the vet without seeing Keesh she has come up with these recommendations. I like her, here's hoping we can work together to accomplish something.

1. She suggested using pee pads and paper as Keesh is used to paper.
2. Taking 3 urine samples at different times. 2 are for specific gravity, the other will be a culture to completely eliminate the possibility of infection. Remember 3 samples earlier came back with a bit of infection, but nobody seemed to think it was bad, plus 1 was possibly equipment not sterile. She won't give the dog an antibiotic until she knows if he needs it.
3. Keep him off Trilostane completely as he doesn't do well on it.
4. Forget about the UTK test for Atypical, it's not reliable enough and he isn't showing some of Atypical signs.
5. Start him on lignans and melatonin as it won't hurt him.
6. Possibly down the line he can go back on Metacam as he does so well on it.
7. Trying to eliminate both kidney disease or liver disease.

Keesh will be seen by her next Thursday, so when these tests are all said and done another cost of $260.00 to add to my pile.
"Mah boy" is doing ok. He's eating normally, still climbing the stairs several times a day, and his usual self.

09-21-2013, 10:33 AM
I know how the costs pile up, but at least this Dr. seems to have come up with a plan and none of the others came even close. I think this Dr. will be the best bet for figuring out what is wrong. I am glad you are going to see her Thursday. I am hopeful she comes up with an answer. It would seem she has done way more than the others without even seeing the dog!! Hoping for a good outcome. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
09-21-2013, 10:48 AM
It sounds like you may have an option after all for some decent care and attention for Keesh! I sure hope so. I like that she doesn't want to add ABs nor keep him on the Trilo a great deal. I also agree with simply starting the lignans and melatonin to see if they help. I hope you have a little more peace in your Soul today and can enjoy some time with your sweet boy. SO GLAD he is eating and acting well!

molly muffin
09-21-2013, 11:50 AM
So glad to hear that the new vet might be one that you can work with Judi. Sounds like some good options there.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-21-2013, 01:02 PM
Thanks for the encouragement. Here's hoping something works.

The melatonin pills are scored so I can cut them in half and sneak it into Keesh, but how do you get 2 1/2 tsp of flaxseed oil into a dog. He's not going to tolerate me fooling with his food. Every treat from my hand now HAS to go into his dish so he can scope/smell it out to make sure I'm not giving him a pill. I've now had to resort to really strong large sausages from the deli to overpower the smell of a teeny tiny tramadol. I think I'll record this, you'll see what I mean.

Squirt's Mom
09-21-2013, 01:45 PM
I don't use the oil and UTK doesn't recommend it for cush pups as it is high in fats and they are prone to pancreatitis. Also, the oil has a much lower content of the SDG, the part that works on the hormones, than do the capsules or crushed hulls.

Squirt will not take a pill and the pill pusher is a joke in my book. I have to use either liquid forms or capsules I can open and mix in her food. Sometimes I have to dissolve the pill in chicken broth, etc. and use a syringe to get it in. If you go with the lignan capsules and he likes something stinky with a strong taste like sardines or cod you can use a small amount of that to mix the lignan with as sort of a treat.

09-21-2013, 01:50 PM
Well, I was thinking, which at the best of times can be dangerous. I'll use up the oil that I have, it isn't a large bottle. He is to get 2 1/2 tsp a day... so where is John my algebra, math whiz.

I was going to make up oatmeal dog cookies and put the oil in those. I don't have a clue though what ratio or how many cookies a day - LOL - I'd have to give him to make up his daily dosage.

Ya know.. you'd almost think I had too much time on my hands, but I want to start him on this today. If I can find the capsules or hulls in this town, I'll get that after this bottle.

As far as the fish oil goes.. he'd roll in it first, or at least try to. He even rolls in bird and rabbit poop.

09-21-2013, 04:55 PM
Here's to hoping this vet will work out and you finally get some well deserved answers. I'll be keeping an eye on your thread.

09-21-2013, 10:06 PM
Finally it sounds like you have a vet who seems to have sensible suggestions to help Keesh. Hoping you can figure out how to get him to take the stuff and that it helps. Really glad to hear that Keesh is doing okay and acting himself. :p


09-22-2013, 02:13 AM
Hi Judi and Keesh! Hopefully you are another step closer to getting some answers, but sounds like he is doing real good at the moment anyway so that has to be good!! Pleased he is eating well, long may it continue. Shame he won't eat the oil on his food, picky boy :) :) I think it would be pretty hard to mix it into cookies (although they do sound tasty!) I was wondering if cooking the oil would change its properties, not sure about that though. I am lucky my dog is such a pig and eats all his supplements including the tramadol drops mixed in with his venison. Hope you can get him to cooperate :) x

09-22-2013, 08:15 AM
I need to be slapped. I have to admit I lost my total patience last nite. I can't get him to take the Flaxseed, so I didn't give him the melatonin. I went out last nite to get flaxseed hulls, Walmart has a version of them, almost like a powder, but whatever name they called it I didn't recognize it, so I didn't get it. It was in the vitamin section though.

Obviously the Tramadol is upsetting his digestive system and we had orange liquid again last night, but this morning everything was normal and that was prior to eating anything.

He sniffed at his food this morning, had a couple of munches (small amount of oil was in the food) then walked away. He even had sprinkled cheddar cheese on it too. He sure can &^*# me off when he does that.

I was so mad last night, I just ranted that there wouldn't be anymore tests and nature can just take it's course. I have to train him to use pee pads which is another issue entirely, then worry that I can't break him of it when I get back. I raised my voice, scared "mah boy" and he bee lined it up the stairs to go to bed early. I felt bad, but I'm just too frustrated to deal with this on my own anymore.

When he was well, if he didn't eat, I didn't care, but I certainly care now.

09-22-2013, 08:31 AM
I hear your frustration and feel your pain. You have really had a time of all this. I am wondering would Keesh eat a spoonful of tuna? If so maybe after the first tasting, try to put the oil in it. It has such a strong smell, maybe he won't know it's in that. I am not familiar with these ingredients so I can't tell you if the stuff at Walmart was right or wrong. I am so hoping that this Dr. on Thursday has some answers for you. I would let her know she is your last hope of helping Keesh. That may get her to really delve into this mystery. I can't believe after all the money you spent and everywhere you went that you still know nothing. Talk about frustration to the max. Hope you two have a better day today. Blessings

09-23-2013, 01:39 PM
I'll try the tuna. Thanks for the suggestion.

I just got back from hydrotherapy and she made a suggestion. Cook up some meatballs (very small) with parsley, egg and flax seed crushed.

Well I rushed home and cooked them up.... no go.

I don't know where this dog got his palate from, but it isn't canine I'm sure.

Roxee's Dad
09-23-2013, 02:20 PM
Maybe try sardines packed in water not oil. Whenever our Rozee gets real picky, we put sardines in her dish and she chomps it up for a day or 2. Of course I had to try it, wife looked at me like I was crazy. Wasn't bad...

Plus the smell of the sardines may cover up the meds :)

09-24-2013, 08:32 AM
Just checking in on you and Keesh. How is it going with the peeing. Have you settled on a way of curbing the mess? I am thinking belly band or the potty patch they pee on. I bet you are getting some cool weather up there. I have an easier week this week, just going Wednesday for blood pressure. I need a rest as I am sure Tipper does too. Just cleaned the house and got that done so now I have some more time for my girl today. Blessings

09-25-2013, 05:30 AM
Patti...nothing has changed around here. Keesh had hydrotherapy on Monday and has 3 more coming up. He got more tired this last one and wanted out of the pool badly. That was kind of discouraging cause he wasn't worked any harder then normal. I took a urine sample in yesterday for specific gravity and have to withhold his water a little to get another sample for cultures. His next appt. with vet is Thursday so she can actually see what he is like. At this rate, I'm going to have to cancel my Florida trip and cruise I booked for November. Good thing I took out cancellation insurance. This dog is costing so much money, which goes without saying as we all have spent a fortune on our babies. I'm at the $5000.00 dollar mark now since June with appts, tests and medication... all to no avail so far. I wouldn't mind the money issue if he was diagnosed, but this looking for answers is getting to the point of ridiculous. I'm going to have to draw the line after the visit to this vet unfortunately.

09-25-2013, 07:33 AM
Judi, I just read your whole saga here. I'm so glad you shared it. I really hope you get answers soon.

You've given me a lot to think about and I am certainly going to be pushy if need be when we get our test results back!

I hope Keesh is feeling better soon!

09-25-2013, 09:33 AM
I am hopeful that this vet will be the one to give answers. I am praying for you and Keesh. I certainly know how expensive this can get. I think I am approaching 15,000.00 with Tipper. I will give my last dime for her though. Good thing you had the insurance to cancel. I am going to keep praying for you both that Thursday will be your saving grace. Blessings

09-25-2013, 02:19 PM
First urine random sample came back for specific gravity perfectly normal. Will take in the culture sample tomorrow after witholding water for a few hours (which funny enough he isn't drinking as much anymore) -the little bugger will probably now skew those test results.
He basically now is devouring water after his meals... he's normal during the day. He even chased a cat today out of the yard. It's a long yard and he ran the whole length including barking about 5 times. Completely shaking my head - even his bark is back.

molly muffin
09-25-2013, 06:57 PM
Go Keesh! He loves to keep you guessing.

Wouldn't it be strange, if he basically returned to normal? I mean normal for his age :) But this whole cushings thing could have been something else, that has passed and with him off the metacam, his liver might be returning to normal too. It is one of those organs that can do that.
Don't go canceling your trip yet. :)

Hang in there!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-26-2013, 08:06 AM
Just checking in on Keesh this morning. I like Sharlene would hope that this is some sort of fluke and he can return to normal. He sure keeps you going with his diet!. I am thankful Tipper still eats well, and we have had no problems with that. Blessings

molly muffin
09-26-2013, 07:07 PM
There you go, a specific gravity being normal is not an indication of either DI or cushings. Both of those have very dilute unrine, with DI being even more so.
Keesh our wonder lad.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-27-2013, 12:26 AM
I would be as frustrated as you are Judi! Between all the vets, the money you've spent and Keesh not eating and still doing a lot of peeing--well, who wouldn't feel angry!! Aww poor Keesh..glad he got to have his water therapy. He likes it a lot, doesn't he?

Does Keesh like raw chopped meat? Trixie will do anything for it. There must be something he won't turn his nose at. Hope he gets his appetite back soon.


09-27-2013, 07:28 AM
Just checking in on Keesh. I hope all is going well and this is going to be resolved with the new vet. You have been thru the wringer, so I know your frustration. Praying for a good outcome. Blessings

09-28-2013, 07:51 AM
Just doing our morning check in. Tipper had a good walk and it is cool here. We have rain for 4 days next week, as long as it does not bring thunder Tipper is ok. What is Keesh up to/ Has he been eating? How is the Pooh? Was it ok after the hydrotherapy? Blessings

molly muffin
09-28-2013, 09:04 AM
So what happened at the vet on Thursday? Is there a Plan?!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-28-2013, 09:57 AM
Sorry... I've been away the last couple of days. Brides don't give you a break.
I will lay odds that Keesh is in renal failure, specifically his kidneys giving out. He fits that almost to a tee.

The vet on Thursday did a thorough exam of Keesh, even measured his lumps, ck'd his glands, inside and out, the only thing she didn't do was take his blood pressure.

I am waiting for the urine cultures to come back. If it shows anything we will try an antibiotic. She is NOT going to do an ACTH test for now. I will have to wait and see what the cultures show and whatever else she was checking for before I know what my next move is. His drinking has subsided a lot, but the peeing continues. Big mistake, thought I'd try last night to see if he could go 5 hours without peeing... nope..... kitchen had a puddle this morning. Another reason he fits the bill for kidney failure. That just plain scares me as there is nothing much that can be done other then possibly changing his diet.... which isn't going to happen as I have such a struggle at times to get food into his picky palate anyway. This last vet so far has cost another $280.00 - anybody want a cruise ticket? - LOL

P.S. Sharlene when at Oakville Keesh had an elevated temp. He didn't on Thursday.

09-28-2013, 11:06 AM
I don't know what to say at this point. I would personally try to get him on some supplements that support renal function, that is all I know. I give Tipper Renal Essentials from Vetri Science. I have had her on it since she started with the Cushings as it supports their renal system. I am so sorry this is happening to Keesh. I pray things can get turned around. If he is in fact in renal failure was the vet able to suggest any measure you could take to help or slow it down? I know this is so hard after you have has him this long. I am praying for you and Keesh that he somehow turns around. Blessings

molly muffin
09-28-2013, 12:16 PM
Hi Judi,

I'm sorry to hear that you think it might be renal failure for Keesh.

There are some things that are pointers towards renal failure that you can look for. One is dilute urine, as the kidneys lose the ability of concentrate the urine. The other is that as kidneys are unable to filter out the toxins, they start to show up in the blood and you can look for increases in BUN,creatinine, and electrolytes. Protein will start to show up in greater amounts in the urine.
Those are just some pointers to be on the look out for that point to renal failure or less ability of the kidneys to do their job. I hope it isn't this. We do have some dogs on the forum currently who are battling kidney issues and there is medication to help in the beginning stages.

I like the La Castile Piano Lounge, with the piano player and the wonderful atmosphere. The last time I was in the bar area was for an after wedding reception when a bunch of us didn't feel like going home yet, so instead went over there to hang out for awhile.

For those of you who don't know of it and why would you unless you lived in the area. :) It is a castle like atmosphere steak and seafood restaurant. http://www.lacastile.com/

I think you should see if someone can just take care of Keesh while you are off on your cruise. They have to be able to let him in and out enough and be interested enough to feed him by hand and get his meds into him. Worth a shot to see if you can find someone, since you already have your cruise ticket. :)

Hugs, have a good weekend,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-28-2013, 03:11 PM
Well I'll admit it. I was ON the piano for my birthday... I mean on it. I taught Michelle Pfeiffer how to do it - LOL- I tried to insert the image but it won't take.

The piano player then was Joe Hildago. He's played all over Toronto piano bars, but I think he's retired now. Then they had an ex priest for awhile.

Vet called with some results today, but still waiting for the cultures.
Specific Gravity is now low, she said 10:15
No tumour cells, white and red blood count is ok.... all this from urine? That's all she said and she will wait till the culture test comes back.
Guess I'll know more on Monday.

09-28-2013, 05:50 PM
*hugs* for you and "your boy"

Budsters Mom
09-28-2013, 09:38 PM
No tumor cells and white and red blood cells are okay. That is a cause for celebration! Go Keesh!:) You are doing a great job mom, but I am intrigued by the piano thing! :D I am such a clutz, than I would probably break the dang thing just climbing up. Now THAT would go viral!! LOL :D:D xxxx

09-29-2013, 04:30 AM
Hoping that the vet can slow down the process if it is renal failure. Prayers coming!!!

09-30-2013, 09:52 AM
Just checking on you and Keesh. Hope you both had a good weekend. I am by no means trying to be a party pooper, and understand you need a break from the stress of all this, but would you be ok if you left Keesh and something happened while you were away? If you can say yes to that I would go, if not I would cancel. It all comes down to what you can live with. Not to say Keesh is at the end of his road, he could go on for some time, as you never know with all this stuff. I just don't want you to do something and regret it that's all I am going to say. I am hoping the vet can do something to slow or stop the progression of this renal failure. God Bless you and Keesh.

10-01-2013, 07:59 AM
You must be busy with some of those demanding brides. How is Keesh doing? Any better and did you hear anything more on the urine results? I am praying for you both to have a good outcome with all this. Blessings

10-01-2013, 05:16 PM
I am sorry I haven't been on more, and haven't been able to check on how everyone is doing. I just got last Thursday's urine results back a few minutes ago.

No growths of any kind in the culture - bacteria free.

Specific gravity is low 10:15 and should be 10:25-10:30

No protein loss.

She does not believe he has cushings. The last few days Keesh is perfectly normal, eating his usual picky (frustrating) self, climbing stairs, swimming, but still has to pee a lot, however his thirst has decreased a little.

Plan of action is no antibiotics at this time, sometimes it can help if by chance something didn't show. I will take another urine sample back in about 3 weeks from now for specific gravity again.

If he continues to do as well as he is, my only plan is to possibly put him back on Metacam if I find his back end is too weak, but at this point he is stable and content.

Hopefully tomorrow I can check in on how everyone is doing.

Patti.... I haven't had a holiday in years, if something happens, then so be it. I am praying he will be fine, with great reservation, but I still have 3 1/2 weeks to go. If he remains the same way he is now, I will go, but I do have cancellation insurance, not sure though if a sick dog is covered by the policy.

molly muffin
10-01-2013, 08:17 PM
Hi Judi, I'm happy to hear that Keesh is doing well for now. I think that is wonderful news. It could be that the bacteria that Was there at one time as cleared up and maybe the peeing with lessen with time too as he gets back to more normal.
Still I think it is all pretty good news.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-02-2013, 12:24 PM
I agree with Sharlene in thinking at one time there may have been bacteria that was not detected, and that is why all the peeing. It warms my heart to know how much you enjoy swimming with your boy. I am sure he loves to be with you and gets so much enjoyment from the session, that it probably makes his whole day uplifting. Keep up the good work, you are doing a wonderful job with him, and are so fortunate to have him this long. Blessings

10-02-2013, 12:51 PM
Judi...so it seems the news is all pretty good for Keesh. Hoping the excessive peeing begins to subside. I really hope he continues to do well and that you can take your cruise Judi! After all these weeks of stress and frustrations with the various vets I think you deserve a break!! Who watches Keesh when you're away?


10-03-2013, 07:59 AM
It seems Keesh is doing fairly well and you may be sailing the high seas after all! Hoping he continues to amaze everyone and do well. How many times do you go to hydrotherapy? I know Tipper would love that, but we have none except for my big deep tub she jumps in! Blessings

10-03-2013, 09:08 AM
I take Keesh to hydrotherapy once a week, usually on Mondays. He's like a puppy when he's finished and a little imp for the rest of the day. He is so invigorated yet I thought it would tire him out. We are in the water a good 1/2 hour and he chases tennis balls, flat floating ducks. He is so focused on getting those toys, he only looks around for me once in awhile. Gotta make sure his momma's there with him. They keep a life jacket on him so he doesn't over exert himself and he can last longer in the water. The therapist and I are both in the water. I am used as his main focus, when I pull away from the resting platform, he follows immediately until he sees that toy floating. It's $50.00 per session if you buy a group of sessions, or $55.00 for single ones. He also has a rubber peanut ball, he stretches over it with "benny's bullies" as incentive. It forces him to put weight on only his back legs, stretches his spine and I go up and down with treats as he's laying over it to use his neck muscles too. It's really cute. Those peanut balls are worth about $150.00 I think she said, and you can use them on any dog, they come in different sizes. Keesh uses the largest one.

Barbara... his Daddy (separated) will look after him. Unfortunately he can hardly look after himself never mind the dog... so this is a huge worry. It's a long story, but I'm sure with nothing else to do, he'll make the dog his priority. The dog is comfortable with him and the routine won't change much, other the "mah boy" will sleep by the door waiting for me.

10-04-2013, 08:05 AM
Hoping to hear Keesh is still doing well this morning. I am busy making icing for Tipper's cake and getting her stuff ready. This is a happy, but sad birthday for me. Hoping Keesh keeps doing well as you need a break from all this, and I hope you go on your vacation. Blessings

10-04-2013, 09:31 AM
Keesh is well... Patti have a wonderful day with Tipper. Enjoy each day as it comes. I get up in the morning and am so thankful to have another day with "mah boy." Every day I have with him now is a blessing.

10-05-2013, 08:10 AM
I guess that is all we can do as all we have really is today. I am so blessed to have my Tipper, she has seen me thru some really tough times, and been my support. I need her in my life. There is not a day that I get up that I don't research something to try and defeat this disease. It has become my life sadly to say, but I have an urge to help my girl so I continue on. Fear is a great motivator. Hope Keesh is doing well. Is he still drinking less and not peeing as much? Blessings

10-05-2013, 02:53 PM
Keesh is doing very well I think. The peeing is about the same but the drinking has slowed down. That's what makes me think it is kidney failure, but I just take it a day at a time. He still loves his walks, swim and is eating ok.. so for that I'm grateful. Will have a specific gravity test in another week or so, and I'll take it from there. We are having finally some normal days, so I'll take them as they come.

New picture of Keesh with his duck in the therapy bath is posted.

molly muffin
10-05-2013, 03:52 PM
Yay Keesh, good times in the pool. Gosh I need some hydrotherapy too I think. :) Don't really want to have to retrieve a rubber ducky in my mouth though. hmmmm

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-06-2013, 04:31 AM
Sharlene... you can have a tennis ball!!- LOL :D

10-06-2013, 08:40 AM
While awake last nite I always think of tall the cush babies and was thinking of Keesh. I thought of a good idea used for kidney failure. I know they have herbal treatments that even people use. I know Ginkgo Baloba is one. Your best source for a concoction would be Dr. Leslie. I am positive she would know what herbs to take to support his kidneys, and help with this. Maybe you could ask her what to do. Hope you didn't get the awful storm we had last nite. Blessings

10-06-2013, 05:23 PM
Thanks Patti... we didn't have a good day today. Keesh drank like a banshee, peed twice as much.... was begging me for food and to top it all off had a huge poop on my white broadloom in the living room at supper time. He hightailed it upstairs so fast when he saw that I found it you'd never think there was anything wrong with him. Normally he makes 5-6 attempts at the bottom stair before zig zagging up the stairs.

He swims tomorrow and I'll see how he is, it's almost time for another urine sample. Man this dog has me totally baffled.:confused::confused::confused:

Here we go again !! Round two????

molly muffin
10-06-2013, 05:34 PM
Keesh swings wildly from one extreme to another, I don't know how to figure him out either.

Oh no, sorry about the poop on the white carpet. If you don't have the Bissel little green machine, it's well worth getting one. We have used it for everything since we got it, including red wine spill on a wool area rug. Came right out. It's light weight so easy to carry anywhere.

Tennis ball huh. Well that paints a pretty picture in my head.. Nu huh. LOL

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-07-2013, 08:41 AM
My one cat is prone to throwing up and the first place her runs to do it is my white carpet in the living room. He could be all the way on the other side of the house and her runs to it. I get swo mas I often say to him " Why can't you go in the bathroom or kitchen on the tile?" It is like all the animals gravitate to that rug when sick. I decided to cover it when we are home alone, and if company comes I just pull it up. I got a few thick old sheets and put over the rug- it is an area rug over hardwood. So you think he could even vomit on the hardwood??? No way! He has thrown up various times since then that would have ruined that wool rug. I just pick up the sheets, dump them out and wash them. He is 13 so while he is here this is just easier. The cool air form the north is starting to come down, thank God. Tipper was very lazy the last few days, I think partly because of the heat. I hope Keesh doesn't do another number like that on your rug. I know you just want to scream when they do that. Hope you both had a good nite, and that Keesh keeps eating and not peeing so much. Blessings

10-07-2013, 12:29 PM
Little bit of a scary episode this morning. I am really hoping it's NOT a symptom. His back end gave out on him but I'm not sure if it was due to the life jacket, he was protesting or weakness. Maybe I'm looking for excuses too. This was before he was in the pool.
He was very hungry this morning... drank a lot before his swim and is showing some signs of cushings in the last 3 days. I will just have to wait it out for another couple of days and see how he's doing.

I think the poop party he had yesterday in the living room, was a fluke... sure hope so.

10-07-2013, 11:27 PM
Oh poor Keesh. Sorry to hear it was a bad day of drinking, peeing and big appetite. There's no rhyme or reason that's for sure. I hope he is better tomorrow.


10-08-2013, 12:47 PM
Hi Judi:
Just checking in to see who you and Keesh are doing. Hope that he is not getting worse. It seems there is something there that mimics Cushings and rears it's ugly head once and a while. Did Keesh apologize for the rug incident? These babies keep you hopping. Blessings

10-08-2013, 01:37 PM
This morning Keesh has drank a lake. I also notice his nose is dripping. His back right leg gave out on him twice this morning, once when he went over the door frame which he doesn't like to touch, but the other was when he was standing at his food dish. The laser was done on the opposite leg. I'm not panicked yet, because it could be from his swimming yesterday, or at least I'm hoping. I'll know better tomorrow. I'm keeping a very close eye on him, but he's still taking the stairs without issue today. He ate more then normal this morning for breakfast, and he ate well last night. Being the picky eater he is, although not a good sign, it's refreshing to see him eat. He does leave some in his bowl, so although hungrier then normal he's not gorging himself. It's been so long now, I can't remember what his normal eating habits even were anymore. He seems good, so it's just a day at a time. I'd like to know what I ever did with my time before this dog became ill? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

10-08-2013, 01:52 PM
Sorry to hear about Keesh's drinking, and especially the leg thing. I know what you mean about what did you do with all this time before. It seems that most of my day is taken up with something to do with Cushings. I am either trying to help someone else, or there are new problems I have to research. It is always something. I need to use my computer to keep Tipper's schedule! Before I used it for mine. I am not complaining though, as long as Tipper is with me I will jump thru any hoops necessary. I hate to leave her tomorrow with the sitter, and go to Pittsburgh, but I must go to my Dr. I will just keep calling and checking on her. There will be a vet in so if need be she can be rushed right to the vet's office. She is just acting funny lately and it scares me. That swallowing she does, if I could just get to the bottom of that I would be glad. I am waiting for my vet to call me before he goes on vacation as I want to go over a few things with him. Knowing him he will revert back to his old ways and leave and never call me! Blessings

10-15-2013, 01:22 PM
Just checking to see how you and Keesh are. I hope he has been doing ok and that you get to go on your vacation. IS you weather getting colder and the leaves are turning? It is beautiful out today, and Tipper did get a walk after we got home. It has been a long day for her already. Blessings

molly muffin
10-15-2013, 09:15 PM
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving Judi and that Keesh is doing okay. That boy of yours sure does beat to his own drummer. hmm, THAT doesn't sound right, okay, you know what I mean though. :)

Big hugs,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-16-2013, 06:10 AM
Keesh is holding his own. Had a great swim yesterday and even lifted his leg to pee, putting all his weight on his bad leg.

Taking the specific gravity testing in today.

BTW.... :D:D:D:D:D


He's 14 today !!!!!

10-16-2013, 07:38 AM

Squirt's Mom
10-16-2013, 08:27 AM
:):):) Happy 14th Birthday, Keesh! :):):)

And many more!

Now pass that cake!

molly muffin
10-16-2013, 09:04 AM
Whoooo hoooooooo!!!!!


Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Roxee's Dad
10-16-2013, 11:06 AM
:D:D:D Happy Yappy Birthday Keesh :D:D:D

Harley PoMMom
10-16-2013, 02:31 PM
Happy Birthday Keesh!!

10-16-2013, 02:43 PM
Happy Birthday Keesh!

10-16-2013, 07:09 PM
A Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday Keesh

10-17-2013, 04:05 AM
Happy Birthday Keesh!!!

Judi, I hope you had a wonderful day with your boy! :)

Tina and Jasper

10-17-2013, 08:35 AM
Hi Judi:
Just checking in to see what Keesh the old fellow did for his birthday. I hope he went swimming and ate a big steak! Blessings

10-17-2013, 11:52 AM
As much as I love my dog.. he isn't getting steak before I do.. and I didn't have any.

Keesh got a real treat for his birthday... a shortbread cookie with coloured sugar sprinkles on top that I was making. Didn't think one would hurt him.

I took a picture of him, but he wasn't impressed I was making a fuss over him.

He didn't even go downstairs to pee on the rug somewhere last nite, he just walked into my bathroom and relieved himself on the brand new (expensive - LOL) mats I got for the ensuite. He also 4 days ago decided to poop in the living room. He is now banned at nite from all good areas.

He is going in cycles repeatedly now. No eating and not much drinking then good eating and lots of drinking, occurs every couple of days. He is getting plenty of exercise, but his swimming is now over for a few weeks.

I can't get him to wait long enough between pee breaks to get a decent urine sample for the specific gravity. No doubt it's out of whack but I'm at a loss as to what to do for him.

After my holidays I'll take him for another ACTH test and see where that leads, however he hates the new vet.

Keesh says thankyou for the wonderful birthday wishes.

10-17-2013, 01:14 PM
He probably enjoyed the cookie just as much as he would a steak cause his mom made it for him. Can you restrict him to one area at nite? I would not let him keep going potty everywhere it is too hard for you. I hope you can get some urine out of him for the test. Glad he had another birthday though it was a blessing.

10-19-2013, 06:40 PM
Awww missed Keesh's big day so HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOY!!! xx

10-20-2013, 08:29 AM
Hi Judi:
What are you two up to? I am wondering if you are getting all this rain? It poured here all nite. I hope the birthday boy is not making anymore presents in the living room! Blessings

10-20-2013, 01:37 PM
Hi Patti... it's hectic here. I had 2 real quick weddings to get done and the last one will be finished tomorrow. Then I'm off on Tuesday to get the flu shot, tetanus and where I'm going I might need a rabies shot :D who knows?

I leave next weekend for over 2 weeks, but I did get the urine sample just today, so will take it in tomorrow and see how it is. I should know on Tuesday at the latest.

Keesh the little b%^#@er did go again in the hallway last nite. He was outside at 10:00 for his pee. Roamed around, came inside and I watched him from the upstairs landing as he usually does a few circles around the house before climbing up the stairs. I always watch him on the stairs for safety sake. Lo & behold he squatted on the hall runner and proceeded to poop.:eek: This time he got told off big time. I think, he thinks that because he's peed in the house without getting caught, it's quite acceptable to poop now too. I sure hope not though.

He has been eating 2 meals a day, but he had just gone late in the afternoon and this morning another huge one at 5:30 a.m. I just hope that with all his peeing he hasn't decided that several poops a day are now in order too. Guess I should be thankful they weren't messy and easily picked up. Oh geez... here I go again talking about poop.:)

Good news is and a huge relief for me, that his Daddy will be taking him with him in the car everyday when he goes to work. Keesh will not be alone at all while I'm gone. Now I can enjoy my holidays. I knew I was going to be sick with worry which made me wonder why I was going away at all... but it's worked out and Keesh will never be out of sight for a minute the whole time I'm gone.

I won't be on the forum much if at all this week, and I am taking absolutely NO technology with me. I am looking forward to my time away without cell phones, laptops, or anything that reaches me by airwaves, cables, antennas, optical fibre or any other means. I can hardly wait - LOL .

So with that said, I want you all to know I will be thinking of all our furbabies and I just know when I get back and check back in here, they'll all be doing well.

molly muffin
10-20-2013, 02:52 PM
Naughty Keesh! Unless he is just having a harder time, with muscle control of the sphincter and bladder. hmmm..something to think about and maybe ask your vet about too.

You have a good trip Judi and lots of fun. Relaxation is a must in these busy lives of ours.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-20-2013, 03:01 PM
HI Judi

Glad you are going to be able to head off on your trip knowing your boy has company each day, that is a huge weight off your shoulders! You sound so busy you will probably just collapse by the pool on the boat for a couple of days and chill out!! Sounds divine and I hope you have an absolutely wonderful time and recharge your batteries. Techno free sounds good too, I am on holiday this week but have my ipad set up to get work emails and it has been beeping already this morning and I am fighting the urge to go check it, think I shall turn the beep off!!

Keesh sounds like he will be in good hands too :) xx

molly muffin
10-20-2013, 06:51 PM
Oh no, beeps are deadly. Beeps had me working while I was off this week.

Beep free time Judi! LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-21-2013, 08:22 AM
Glad you are going to get some much needed R&R. Hope you enjoy yourself on your trip and we look forward to hearing what Keesh was up to while you were gone. Stay safe friend.

10-21-2013, 08:30 AM
Have a wonderful trip Judi. You deserve a nice, good break to recharge

10-22-2013, 09:10 AM
I apologize for not answering anybody's else's threads, however I'm in a complete mad rush here and have to dash immediately. Can't figure out why 3 weddings waited last minute for flowers, including a couple from Texas.

Anyway, got Keesh's specific gravity back, he was 10:15 and now down to 10:14.... not sure where to go from here.

Talk to you all soon, I'm off now.... thanks for the good wishes re my holiday.

11-01-2013, 05:22 AM
Ok... so I lied. I signed on at the reception computer of the hotel I'm at. I just briefly scanned all the topics to make sure everyone was doing ok. Seems some of our pups are actually better then I am right now.
Picked up my girlfriend in Ohio to drive to Florida with me. By the time we got here both of us had a virus and were so sick neither of us could move. She went to stay with her daughter and I have spent the last 3 days in the hotel room trying to get better. Whatever this is, you are deathly ill. Guess if I needed the rest, I certainly got my fill of it. In Florida for another 2 days then off on the cruise.

In another note I'll tell you about the 1st hotel I was in.. but let's just say that as guns are legal in Florida.. this hotel was so bad, there was a gun in the room. Scariest place I've ever been and no travel agent should have this place listed. Right out of the "psycho" movie.

Keesh is doing ok.. but hates being babysat as he's in the car many hours and it's stiffening his legs, so that routine had to change a bit. He will be glad to get back to hydrotherapy when I get back.

Hope everyone is doing well... your babies are good and I'll answer everyone's posts when I get back in about 1 1/2 weeks.

Take care everyone.. give your babies a big belly rub and smooch from Keesh and I.

Squirt's Mom
11-01-2013, 07:30 AM
Many, many years ago my college roommate got a job teaching in Texas after graduation. Her first day on the job she was asked to come to the office to sign some papers. No big deal, to be expected, right? Not THESE papers. :eek: The school was issuing her a hand gun to keep on her person at all times - most of the kids were armed so the school made sure their staff was as well. :eek: She had never used a gun and had no intentions of starting then so she politely told them she had changed her mind about the job and walked out the door. I am really struggling to understand laws that allow a state to leave guns in hotel/motel rooms for their guests, tho! :confused:

I hope you and your friend are feeling much better soon and able to thoroughly enjoy your cruise!

Leslie and the gang

11-01-2013, 12:04 PM
I stupidly thought only I had things like this happen. my God I bet you never slept a wink. I am so sorry you got sick. What part of Ohio did you go to ? Wish I could have met you. There is a lot of flu in Ohio every year, I think the people just ignore the flu shots here. never had any of this crap living in Pennsylvania. I hope you arte ready to enjoy a good time on the cruise. Hope Keesh stays well while you are gone, he misses his mommy. Blessings

molly muffin
11-01-2013, 05:02 PM
Holy Cow Judy!! Remind me why us Canadians (snow birds) want to head down to a state with guns in motel rooms for guests?!!! I've never had that happen before, and would probably be a bit freaky about it if I did encounter it.

So sorry to hear that you are sick :( I hope you get better and go on to have a grand time with your friend on the cruise. Sea air and lazy days, sounds like just what the doctor ordered.

I'm thinking of going up to Shoppers to get the flu shot this year. Very convenient now to have the pharmacies dispense them. They do that in Europe too I remember, France, Spain, Italy you just go to the pharmacy for most things.

I'm sure Keesh misses you and will be happy camper when you are home.

Have fun,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-01-2013, 06:24 PM
Hi guys,,, thought I better clarify things here. The gun wasn't in the actual hotel room.... the hotel was so scary, I called my girlfriend to come and stay with me... she brought the gun. I almost died when I saw it, so foreign to us Canadians... but she had it loaded and cocked with the safety on - none of those scary people hanging out of their doors and barbecuing in the parking lot were going to intimidate her. Redneck attitude she said she was showing. The hotel was a dump. Quality Inn at Kennedy Space Center. You can bet they will get an earful from me at their head office when I get back, and the travel agent gave me a full refund.

Sharlene. I got the flu shot just before I left. With my luck that's what made me sick. My girlfriend did the same and she got sick. Coincidence? Not sure.

Patti... I actually picked her up at the Michigan/Ohio border... can;t remember the little town, but I;ll tell you when I get back. I went straight through Ohio on 75... was under construction 10 years ago and still is - LOL

molly muffin
11-01-2013, 07:07 PM
oh gosh judi. okay that is a bit better but still sounds pretty awful.
sharlene and moll muffin

Squirt's Mom
11-02-2013, 09:12 AM
~~whew~~ I was really concerned about FLA for a while there. ;):D Of course, they still have 'gators roaming around free and that's plenty of danger for me! :p

11-02-2013, 02:08 PM
Yeah, me too, for a minute I thought we were going to have to amputate it from the rest of the states:p Florida, I mean!!!:p;)

11-02-2013, 02:26 PM
Oh my gawd, that sounds so scary sleeping with a gun :eek::eek:, I don't think I could :eek::eek:. Glad you got out of that place unscathed!! Sounds like you have had all the excitement you need so now the cruise will be the plain sailing and relaxing part, Have Fun! :)

11-12-2013, 04:07 PM
I'm back and have the worst case of sea legs imaginable - LOL !! I drove from Georgia right through to London Ontario in one day before the snow squalls stopped me last nite. Got home at 11:00 this a.m.

I will catch up on everyone's updates while I was gone tomorrow. Just looking at this screen, I get a little dizzy.

Keesh was a champ while away, and although he's still climbing the stairs-he seems weaker in the back end. I'll be doing his ACTH test next week, then take it from there. He either goes back on Trilostane if he's positive, or I'll put him back on Metacam. Hydrotherapy starts up again next week.

He copped attitude with me for the first couple of hours but he's warming up to his Mama again. Had to sniff, inspect and pull out all my belongings I brought home. He's satisfied another dog was NOT involved in my absence.

I'll post tomorrow on all things I missed.

Squirt's Mom
11-12-2013, 04:22 PM
YAY! Glad you're home safe and sound. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip!

11-12-2013, 04:47 PM
Judi, are you saying that the motel provides guns in every room? Did they tell you when you checked in that they supply guns for self protection or did you just a find a gun in your room? If they provide guns, I want the name of that motel so I can write a letter to their corporate office and elected officials in Florida. This was in Florida, right?

I was married to a cop and competitive shooter for 20 years so I know my way around guns. I am a gun owner, living in a carry state and I wouldn't hesitate to use one if my life or anyone else's life around me was in danger. However, supplying guns to motel guests is one of the most outrageous, and probably very illegal, thing I've ever heard. I simply can't wrap my head around that one.

11-12-2013, 05:28 PM
I am relieved to hear from you. I was just going to post where is Judi at??? Glad you got home ok. When you recover, I can't wait to hear about your trip. Glad Keesh is ok. Blessings and have a good sleep.

molly muffin
11-12-2013, 08:34 PM
Judi, so very glad to hear that you are home and while a big wobbly, doing well. Glad the drive home was safe.

Glynda, she explained later that her friend brought the gun to the hotel room when she came to stay with Judi because the neighborhood was so bad. I thought the exact same thing that you did, that the hotel had supplied it, but they didn't.

Well gosh, hope Keesh's ACTH is fine. :) You never know though with Keesh do you. LOL

hugs, welcome home!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-12-2013, 08:40 PM
Welcome back! I bet Keesh is giving you the business....like "where have YOU been???" Dogs are so funny like that, I'm sure he's so happy you're home now that he didn't sniff any mystery dog scent on your things! :D
Hope the testing goes well.


Budsters Mom
11-12-2013, 09:47 PM
Hi Judi, Welcome home!:)

I wanted to update you on Rosie's itchies. I tried bathing Rosie every other day in Johnson's baby bath vanilla oatmeal. They didn't have it in regular oatmeal, just vanilla oatmeal so I bought that. I remembered you posting that. I ran out of things to try, so I broke down and tried it for two weeks, even though I didn't think bathing her that often was a good idea. Bathing, drying and combing Rosie out that often was a quite a chore, but I have to say it worked!:D:D:D Her itchiness cleared up and she's hardly scratching at all now. No sprays, no Benadryl, nothing! Amazing!!! THANK YOU!!! Xxxxx

11-12-2013, 10:29 PM
That's awesome Judi!
Itching is torture, I'm glad that you found a cure.

11-13-2013, 04:33 AM
Haha I had the sea legs after the pirate cruise the other night, but it might have more to do with the wine we had with dinner :D:D:D Glad to see you back, I bet Keesh was absolutely delighted to have him Mom home too, hope the testing goes well next week xx

11-13-2013, 05:51 AM
Judi, are you saying that the motel provides guns in every room? Did they tell you when you checked in that they supply guns for self protection or did you just a find a gun in your room? If they provide guns, I want the name of that motel so I can write a letter to their corporate office and elected officials in Florida. This was in Florida, right?

I was married to a cop and competitive shooter for 20 years so I know my way around guns. I am a gun owner, living in a carry state and I wouldn't hesitate to use one if my life or anyone else's life around me was in danger. However, supplying guns to motel guests is one of the most outrageous, and probably very illegal, thing I've ever heard. I simply can't wrap my head around that one.

Glynda.... look at my previous post. The gun wasn't in the hotel, my girlfriend brought it over with her. It was legal, but scary just the same. Us Canadians are not used to guns anywhere much and I was shocked that not only did she bring it... but I actually figured it might be needed. I hardly slept that night, not sure whether it was because the gun was in the room, or that she may have to use it. Quite the experience.... guess I live a sheltered life.

11-13-2013, 06:00 AM
Hi Judi, Welcome home!:)

I wanted to update you on Rosie's itchies. I tried bathing Rosie every other day in Johnson's baby bath vanilla oatmeal. They didn't have it in regular oatmeal, just vanilla oatmeal so I bought that. I remembered you posting that. I ran out of things to try, so I broke down and tried it for two weeks, even though I didn't think bathing her that often was a good idea. Bathing, drying and combing Rosie out that often was a quite a chore, but I have to say it worked!:D:D:D Her itchiness cleared up and she's hardly scratching at all now. No sprays, no Benadryl, nothing! Amazing!!! THANK YOU!!! Xxxxx

YAY!!!:):):) Itchies are gone. I was told years ago to never use dog shampoos, it was too harsh as they don't have the layers of skin that humans do. The vet said that the strongest to use was baby shampoo. The oatmeal worked wonders for Keesh. I bought the Aveeno body oatmeal wash, but that didn't work either. I now rinse Keesh with a tea formulation after he has his salt water therapy, but.... on my trip to Honduras I met dog owners whos dogs are swimming in salt water several times a day. The don't rinse the dogs off and their fur was like touching silk, and they were adopted strays at that. So glad it worked for you.... and I'll bet Rosie feels even better. I gave Keesh a Benadry about twice a week after most of the itching subsided and he finally quit scratching completely shortly after. He still gets seasonal itching, usually in August, but for some reason this year he didn't. Could be due to his swimming, not sure.

11-13-2013, 11:43 AM
It was so nice to hear from you. I know what you mean about the work piling on when you go away and come back. You will be a busy person for a while. Keesh is probably so happy to be with his mom. Did he have any accidents in the house while your ex was watching him? He will be so happy to get back to therapy. Glad to have you home safe and sound, especially after that motel stay! Blessings

11-13-2013, 02:15 PM
Test is booked for 10:00 a.m. the 20th. They will do it in my van as Keesh really does not like this vet. She did a thorough exam when he first met her, so that put her on his bad list!!

11-14-2013, 05:47 PM
At least you have someone who is willing to work with you. One time when I asked the Dr.'s assistant if she could do Tipper's bp in the car the Dr. came and had a fit, and said no way bring her inside. It does help to keep the stress down, and I am glad they can do that for you. I hope you are getting rested up some if possible. Keesh will be excited for his hydrotherapy, and hopefully mom won't be too tuckered out. Blessings

11-15-2013, 05:53 AM
So.... "mahboy" decided to throw a bit of a temper tantrum I guess. He has a blanket he likes to make into a nest before settling down for the night on the floor . He walked into my bedroom, and immediately leaned forward and peed all over it the first night I was home. Needless to say I scolded him, he actually heard me, but has been good as gold since. He had just been out literally a couple of minutes before, so I can't even figure out where all this pee came from.

I am a little concerned. His appetite is good, his drinking is reduced but his pee is almost clear. I watched him in the snow yesterday and there is hardly any trace of yellow which is very unusual since his drinking has decreased. There are no other symptoms at all other then his hind legs may be a tad weaker, but still taking the stairs several times a day.... and only after he puts his front legs on the first step then comes down 3-4 times before he actually heads up the stairs.

11-15-2013, 08:14 AM
Maybe when they test him on the 20th you could mention that urine thing. That does seem rather odd that the water consumption is down and the urine is diluted. I think the peeing on the blanket has some significance to him, but you will never find out why. They do some crazy behaviors. Tipper had been so energized after walking she runs through the house doing 90 and I am afraid of her hitting into something and really hurting herself. She still thinks she can do what she did before she got sick. A couple times I tried to stop her and slow her down and she almost knocked me over, she is still very powerful. Hope you and Keesh have a good day together, and that you are getting some rest. Blessings

molly muffin
11-15-2013, 08:54 PM
Well I know that Keesh's kidneys have been looked at before, but yes I agree, it is worth mentioning to the vet that he doesn't seem to be concentrating his urine very well currently.

I guess Keesh had a few things to say about the whole being gone thing, eh. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-16-2013, 05:56 AM
I have no doubt that was a protest pee on the blanket... the little s*** that he can be.

I have a question cause I'm completely not with it these days. I'm blaming it on travel vertigo and hoping it goes away soon.

Vet is doing she said a 3 draw for his ACTH test, which the way she explained it just seems to be the norm. She said base line draw then 2 more an hour apart after the original. Isn't that the norm? She is charging me an extra $25.00 for this so the test will cost $215.00 plus tax. What am I missing here?

She also wants him fasted as she said it's a better reading. Only meds he's on is Tramadol which I usually give him mid day. By the time he has his last draw he will have been without food about 18 or so hours unless I feed him later at night which will throw off his schedule completely. She said nothing about water intake, which I guess I should ask.

What are your thoughts about the extra charge for the test and fasting/water etc.

Thanks in advance once again for all your valuable input.

11-16-2013, 08:22 AM
That is too funny about Keesh peeing. If they are not on Vetoryl for the ACTH test they do fast them. I was never told to withhold water, and would not anyway knowing what it can do. Not sure why she feel the need to gouge you when they are getting paid enough as it is. Blessings

11-20-2013, 02:20 PM
Back from ACTH testing but I'm being hosed I know for the bill. She insists it's a 3 draw... so $215.00 later. I had some blood work done on Keesh as well, but I balked at the price, too late they'd already run it right there so instead of a $500.00 plus bill the total came to $325.00 as she gave me a break. All blood work was good other then
ALT - 342 should be 10-118 U/L
Calcium was 2.97 should be 2.15-2.95 MMOL/L

All in all not bad so far and his glucose is now back to normal. ACTH results will be in tomorrow. First time I ever saw the vets take blood from the neck.

My latest problem is two of his teeth look bad, and his gums are almost blood red. She said that with such good blood work, he'd take an anesthetic ok. An antibiotic would only work temporarily and then the problem would be back again. Fee for that is anywhere between $350.00 - $500.00 - this never ends does it? :(

Another thing this vet charges for is to either hand write a prescription so you can fill it elsewhere or give you the prescription note. She charged me $14.00 to give me a prescription for Tramadol which I fill at Walmart pharmacy. That really annoyed me.

This morning the little b%^&* decided to crawl from the back of the van to the front seat and got stuck part way on the way to the vets. I was a hazard on the road trying to get him either all the way onto the seat or risk hurting him by pushing him backwards to the back. He got his way and made it to the front seat. He couldn't get up 3 cement stairs this morning, yet he can jump from the seat in the van to the ground with no issues and crawl into the front:rolleyes::rolleyes: No easy feat when there's a huge cup holder and storage bin between the seats. He also actually heard the door bell yesterday and barked.

I am worried though. Keesh is eating well now (wonders never cease) yet he continues to lose weight. He was at his heaviest 78 pounds and now at 61.4 - he's actually dropped another 2 pounds in the last month.

Will post his ACTH results when I get them.

Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 02:28 PM
I would call the vet right this minute and make sure they ran the ACTH and not the LDDS. The LDDS has 3 draws, the ACTH 2.

11-20-2013, 03:47 PM
I am not sure of the test the vet is running because there are only 2 draws on the ACTH. Is she mistakenly doing the LDDS? I never heard of such a thing. The nerve charging you for an RX. That blows my mind, what gall. I am so sorry Keesh did not act well in the van. I hope he never does that one again. I am hoping for a good test for him. Praying for you both.

11-20-2013, 04:00 PM
Hi Judi,

Your vet has done nothing wrong. Most vets use cortrosyn as the stimulating agent because it has proven to be more reliable. Your vet is undoubtedly using acthar gel or a compounded acth, which is the least expensive stimulating agent. Both acthar gel and compounded acth have peak cortisol secretion at two hours, which is why two post injection draws are done. Cortrosyn has peak secretion at one hour. Cortrosyn is very expensive and since Keesh is a bigger dog, an entire vial would be necessary, so your vet is probably saving you money by using a compounded acth.


Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 04:03 PM
Good to know...or to be reminded of maybe! :D

11-20-2013, 04:31 PM
Well that is a really good thing to have explained to us. I am so glad you told us that Glynda, I never heard that before. Thanks for all you do. Sorry to hijack your thread Judi.

11-20-2013, 05:11 PM
You are very welcome.

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 05:24 PM
I just wanted to second what Glynda said. Here in Canada, in general, our ACTH tests all use a compounded agent and it is 3 draws. Mine always are and I have noticed on the board here that others in Canada experience 3 draws generally too. It is cheaper, if they use the compounded agent I think, but they do need to do 3 draws with it.
As for charging for prescriptions that they don't fill themselves, yep, I've heard of that. I know that I was charged 75. for a referral to the IMS. If not one thing another usually when it comes to the various ways to charge you. Hello, the girl who had to pay $25. per bill for 5 pills of antibiotic this summer, remember. LOL

Glad Keesh's numbers seem pretty good over all. That calcium still high I see.

Hopefully these numbers will be fine on the ACTH too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-20-2013, 05:30 PM
Patti.. you're not hijacking my thread.. don't worry.

Glynda... it seems to me that this is the standard ACTH test, she took his blood first, injected the meds then took 2 other blood draws after at 1 hour post med and 2 hour post med- so she must be counting the original blood sample pre meds as the first draw. I've never been told I had to pay for 3 draws... and she was the most expensive of all vets I have been to. I'm definitely in the wrong business.

Sharlene... she didn't do 3 draws post meds... only 2- I'm confused - LOL not only that but all the vets I've been to (too many now to count) only did 2 draws???

11-20-2013, 06:14 PM
Hi Judi,

Yes, three blood draws are done with compounded acth. They do the first draw, which is used to determine the resting cortisol then they inject the dog with the stimulating agent and do two more draws. The first is done one hour post injection and second at two hours after injection. The cost of this test is driven by the stimulating agent. I follow Dr. Peterson's blog and he said that any costs saved using compounded acth is offset by the extra time and expense it takes to do three draws. In my opinion, it is certainly more stressful for a dog to be jabbed with a needle three times and spend one minute more than necessary in a vet's office.

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 06:23 PM
3 draws would include the first pre or baseline and then 2 posts. (1 hr and 2 hr)

I looked back and this is what they did in July for the ACTH for Keesh. Other vets might not give a breakdown that they are charging extra for the 3rd draw, they just say this is the price of the ACTH test. That is what my vet does anyway, so I don't know if the charge is extra for the third blood draw or not.

Remember too, that on the day of the ACTH test ,they usually will drink and pee more too. Watch for puddles in other words in the house. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Junior's Mom
11-20-2013, 08:46 PM
I am also in Ontario, where the synthetic is used. My vet has told me even if they wanted to, they can't get the real stuff. Junior's acth however have been the pre, and then a post at 2 hours. Never a 1 hour draw as well. His tests ran me $115 plus tax. Now that the vet can do them in house, they are $80 plus tax.

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 10:19 PM
That is an excellent price!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-20-2013, 11:24 PM
Judi- I know how you feel. Even though my vet has been good with Trixie's treatment I always feel like I'm getting ripped off when I see the bill! Getting charged for writing a prescription though...that's really taking advantage!!


11-21-2013, 08:12 AM
Just checking in on you and Keesh. Has he gone back to hydrotherapy? That is great that he is eating well, but the weight loss is really a mystery that needs solved. We are getting ready for a lot of snow this weekend, hope the roads are not bad as I take Tipper to Pittsburgh very early Monday morning. Blessings

11-21-2013, 09:42 AM
Sharlene... he's drinking a lake and peed in the night on his blanket. Drinking still continues this morning... I totally forgot about this after affect.

Patti... Keesh went back to hydrotherapy-started again last Monday and will be going for another 4 weeks every Monday. He was really weak in his back legs for the first couple of days.. but seems to be ok now, yet yesterday his back end went down at the vets. Poor guy he's so confused. Stand up, sit down, put him in the corner.. all directions from the vet. Got a break for hydrotherapy price for these next 5 sessions as he's now been going for so long. I needed a break with something.

His test yesterday was traumatic for me. They shaved his neck, withdrew the blood from his neck, then two injections in his back end of the stim agent- she didn't have enough in the first syringe, then two more blood draws an hour apart from his neck again. The poor guy, never whimpered but not happy having his head held. It's a wonder he even comes near me.

Barbara... I was floored when I saw the charge for writing a prescription, that's why I balked at the blood test, but seeing as they had the results already, they gave me a break and charged me $68.00 instead of the $136.00.

Juniors Mom ..... WHERE IS YOUR VET???? - lol

Glynda... thanks

11-21-2013, 10:27 AM
Ahhhhhhh s$%^!!!!!! :( Sorry for the swearing but I'm just absolutely beyond frustrated.

Vet called, I'm going to pick up the test results

Here's what she said

Resting - 251 - 15-120 nmol/L
1 Hr - 419 - 220-550 nmol/L
2 Hr - 555 - 220-550 nmol/L

Going to get another drug called Previcox instead of Metacam and a copy of the test results. Am not going to treat at this time as he's borderline - AGAIN !!!!!!

11-21-2013, 05:33 PM

molly muffin
11-21-2013, 06:06 PM
Well borderline, Keesh has been there before. Lets see how this pain med does for him. It's a NSAID I believe and I think it's one you also have to watch his liver with (any NSAID) so make sure you are also giving him a liver supplement.

Some of the others will be by to give their thoughts on the NSAID, but he isn't on any cushing meds now, so that might be alright. Is this for a short term or a long term medication?

Hang in there Judi!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-22-2013, 03:06 AM
Sharlene... I had Keesh on Metacam for almost a year. I'm thinking that's why his ultrasound showed an enlarged liver. It also upset his stomach even though I gave it to him right after eating.

This is a long term med at least for now, as I've taken him off Tramadol completely and trying the Previcox. I got a weeks supply from the vet to try him on it and see how he makes out.

Looks like I'll be up in the night all the time now to let him out. The peeing is the only symptom he has still.

11-22-2013, 08:13 AM
Just wondering how the ACTH came out and if you got the results yet? I am praying for your sake all is ok. Blessings

11-22-2013, 09:15 AM
Hi Judi,

I have a really horrible memory and your thread is pretty large so was wondering if you can refresh my memory a bit. As I recall, Keesh's cortisol went too low and you have had a long break from meds for a while, right? How long has it been and are you seeing symptoms return? I ask these questions because of your comment about the results of the acth stimulation test being borderline. Those results would only be borderline if the acth stim test is being done for purposes of diagnosis. If done for purposes of monitoring treatment, those results should be interpreted as very high and if symptomatic, treatment should be resumed. Even if Keesh isn't symptomatic, her cortisol is very high and I would think at that level, it would be helping her arthritis. I personally am very leary of giving NSAID's to a dog with uncontrolled cushing's for two reasons. If cortisol is high, the dog is self medicating, making it difficult to even determine if the problem is weakness from the catabolic effects of the cortisol or arthritis. The other reason is that NSAID's should not be given concurrently with prednisone and I think that same risk would exist with high cortisol. My dogs' internal medicine specialist would not prescribe Metacam for my Jojo until his cortisol was within therapeutic range. Some people are anti NSAID no matter what. I am not. I think it can improve the quality of life greatly but I have no less concerns about the safety of NSAID's than I do Lysodren or Trilostane.


11-22-2013, 09:54 AM
Just wondering how the ACTH came out and if you got the results yet? I am praying for your sake all is ok. Blessings

Patti, the results were posted yesterday. Scroll up or down - LOL depending if you are signed in or not.

11-22-2013, 10:01 AM
Hi Judi,

I have a really horrible memory and your thread is pretty large so was wondering if you can refresh my memory a bit. As I recall, Keesh's cortisol went too low and you have had a long break from meds for a while, right? How long has it been and are you seeing symptoms return? I ask these questions because of your comment about the results of the acth stimulation test being borderline. Those results would only be borderline if the acth stim test is being done for purposes of diagnosis. If done for purposes of monitoring treatment, those results should be interpreted as very high and if symptomatic, treatment should be resumed. Even if Keesh isn't symptomatic, her cortisol is very high and I would think at that level, it would be helping her arthritis. I personally am very leary of giving NSAID's to a dog with uncontrolled cushing's for two reasons. If cortisol is high, the dog is self medicating, making it difficult to even determine if the problem is weakness from the catabolic effects of the cortisol or arthritis. The other reason is that NSAID's should not be given concurrently with prednisone and I think that same risk would exist with high cortisol. My dogs' internal medicine specialist would not prescribe Metacam for my Jojo until his cortisol was within therapeutic range. Some people are anti NSAID no matter what. I am not. I think it can improve the quality of life greatly but I have no less concerns about the safety of NSAID's than I do Lysodren or Trilostane.



Hi Glynda... I'll try to answer in the order you asked.
I have to assume that his cortisol went too low, that was back in July after increasing his dose of Trilostane from 58 mg with no improvement to 68 mg. About 3 days after the increase he crashed. The vet wanted to put him down, and as of that date he has not had anymore Cushings meds. I got the prednisone as I thought I'd continue treatment just in case, but he's never taken it and I stopped treatment.
July was his last meds for cushings, and the only symptom he has and had is peeing problems. He was leaking badly, but that seems to have righted itself.. he just has to go very often, and there's hardly any colour to the urine. He drinking has decreased even though it wasn't an exorbitant amount originally, but more then usual. That is almost normal now.
The ACTH test was done for diagnosis only, and not monitoring as he is not on any meds for cushings at all. I have switched him from Tramadol to the Previcox. He did very well on Metacam, but I am trying Previcox to see if it won't upset his stomach which Metacam did.

I think Keesh is in kidney failure, not sure why I think that, but I'm at a loss now as to what to do. I am terrified of the Trilostane and what it did to him.

11-22-2013, 10:15 AM
Hi Judi,

If you think he has kidney problems, have the vet do some bloodwork. They have a mini chemistry they can do that provides kidney values and limited liver. If his kidneys are seriously impaired, the bloodwork will let you know.


11-23-2013, 03:17 AM
Hi Judi Hi Keesh

Yes, I would get them to do a renal panel (Creatinine and BUN), does he have protein in his urine to make you suspicious of renal failure? If so, get a urinary protein ration done. There is treatment for renal failure but they need to check whats going on and it is a simple test. Protein in the urine can be an early indicator of a problem, as with Flynn, his blood tests for kidney problems are normal but he is still having treatment as he has had ongoing proteinuria.

Re Previcox, my vets and also IMS both said this is not as harsh on liver and kidneys and Flynn was on it for quite a while and it worked well for his arthritic pains. I just got too nervous using it longterm so stopped it with their agreement. We went to pentosan injections monthly, and a bone and joint supplement which is like a gel and contains glucosamine, chondroitin, green mussel, deer velvet and shark cartilage. I did have him on Tramadol too, but when liver tests went real high I stopped that and to be honest did not notice any increase in his pain.

Hope that helps, thanks for popping in and keeping us company this week Judy, much appreciated xxx

11-23-2013, 08:41 AM
Hi Judi:
Just checking in on Keesh this morning to see what he is up to. That must have been nerve wracking with that policeman driving next to you. Poor Keesh hitting the dashboard, all because this guy wanted to turn in another lane? What were the lights for?? What about turn signals? Blessings

11-23-2013, 01:45 PM
I think Trish and Glynda have good advice- if you have not already had the blood work done.

Sorry it is all so hard but know that we are all here for you.

What a month, maybe we need to take November off the calendar;)

11-24-2013, 04:35 AM
Keesh's urine test in the last month came back fairly normal. I will have to double check his file or call the vet on Monday. Protein in the urine I believe isn't an issue, his sugar was down, but that's normal now.

Patti... the cop was at a cross street, not beside me. He literally wanted to cross the street in front of me, that's why he threw on the lights. There was no emergency, he just didn't have patience to wait until a break in traffic.

11-24-2013, 07:46 AM
Hi Judi:
Wondering if you have snow on the ground? Does Keesh like the snow? It is in the single digits here today and the wind is howling so Tipper and Toby will not be walking. I am resting up for the early morning drive to Pittsburgh. Blessings

11-24-2013, 07:34 PM
Hi Judi
Well if there is no protein in the urine and his bloods are OK especially Creatinine and BUN then I think you can safely cross renal failure off the list. At least that is one less thing to worry about

Hope your weekend is going well xx

Junior's Mom
11-24-2013, 08:43 PM
Hi Judi. I had a cop do something similar once. I didn't realize it was a cop at first, just a car weaving back and forth on the road. Suddenly he pulls onto the shoulder, I start to go past him, and he pulls in front of me, then crosses to the opposite side of the road and pulls off. I was so pissed, I pulled my car over, got out, banged on his window and asked if he was okay cause his driving was erratic! He didn't have a good answer.I probably put myself on a watch list for that.
On another note, my vet charges for prescriptions as well. Not if they are hand written, but if they are to be faxed somewhere. Why can't we claim our animals as dependants for benefits too?

11-25-2013, 12:31 PM
Hi Judi,
Catching up on posts...so I see Keesh's acth came back borderline. How frustrating. This disease is so complicated and maddening.
Is Keesh doing okay though? Is he still drinking a lot of water??


11-25-2013, 12:55 PM
I agree, this disease is maddening you are always waiting for the second shoe to drop. Nothing is easy, it all has to be complicated. I am hoping Keesh is still doing well. We are exhausted. Blessings

11-25-2013, 01:08 PM
Good thing the boat is big enough to hold us all:):):);)

Hope you are ok

11-26-2013, 08:06 AM
Hi Judi:
I guess Keesh is just going to remain the mystery boy, even though I pray every time you test him you will find out what is causing his symptoms. It is cold and the weather is turning bad here. Supposed to have snow and ice going on tonite. Hope you and Keesh stay inside and keep warm.

11-27-2013, 08:07 AM
Are you snowed in up there yet? Hope you and Keesh have a good holiday, and stay warm and safe. Blessings

11-27-2013, 08:18 AM
stopping in to say hi and let you know I am thinking of you and Keesh

11-27-2013, 10:52 AM
Hi guys... just quickly giving an update on Keesh. Why on earth do 5 brides to be decide at the last minute to get their flowers? I'm going crazy with work.. that's a good thing though.

The Previcox so far is working well with Keesh, we finished a weeks worth and am getting another 2 weeks of pills to see how he makes out. It took awhile for the Metacam to upset him.. so baby steps with this med.

Keesh is still peeing like a race horse, but I've monitored his drinking for the last week. Nothing out of the usual... he's decreased a lot in the last while and is between 6-7 cups a day. That's exactly where he should be for his size. I've also increased his meals a little. Looks like me putting him on a diet, was too much weight loss so want to get another couples of pounds on him. His appetite is good, not excessive but then that's a bit of a worry as he's always been a picky eater..... not now though.

A day at a time.. that's all any of us can do.

Update: Just got back from vets picking up meds. Weighed Keesh, he has lost another 1 1/2 pounds in exactly a week, and with increased food too by over a cup a day . Don't like that too much.

11-28-2013, 08:44 AM
I know you are crazy busy so no need to write back. hope Keesh is well and you are having a good week, except for the 5 brides driving you nuts. You will need another vacation when you are done with them! Blessings

molly muffin
11-28-2013, 06:34 PM
5 Brides!!! goodness!

hugs to you and keesh
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-29-2013, 03:48 AM
YUP !! 5 brides and have another 2 appts. coming in. One this Saturday and another next Saturday. I have only one that is driving me crazy, seems she can't read a contract. I hate to say it, and you can all jump down my throat, but the worst clients I have are school teachers. I can't figure out why but over the years, they cause me the most grief, expense and frustration. I have 2 siblings that are school teachers so I'm going to have to teach them how to be good clients - LOL :rolleyes:

I posted on Valerie's thread about my most embarrassing situation with a cell phone, pop over and read how no one should ever have me at a funeral. :o

Squirt's Mom
11-29-2013, 08:00 AM
Oh, Judi! That is freakin' HILARIOUS! :p:D:p:D:p I needed a good laugh this morning, too! Thanks! :p

11-29-2013, 08:15 AM
You are too funny. I hope you are not driven to sheer madness with all the bride drama. If you think teacher are bad at contracts, try doing a Real Estate contract with an attorney. The contracts are miles long, and it never failed that at every closing where I represented an attorney he wanted everything read to him page by page. Everyone would be dying by the end, and ready for bed. We would be in there for hours. The closing officer I used was a personal friend and he would ball me out afterwards and say don't call me if your client is an attorney, unless you supply booze. It was just so miserable for everyone we would all run out of there at once when it was over. Hope Keesh is doing well and behaving so you can get the brides squared away. Blessings

11-29-2013, 08:16 AM
I couldn't describe it as well as the actual event... it was one of those you had to be there.

I'll bet there's a hundred such episodes I have found myself in, all hilarious, embarrassing and with absolutely no warning whatsoever.

11-29-2013, 03:15 PM
Oh GAWD, your funeral story takes the cake. That's hilarious, I was at a funeral yesterday and it was such an occasion of telling funny stories I think most would have laughed if that had happened there! Certainly way to lighten the mood a little! haha I am still giggling... :D

molly muffin
11-29-2013, 03:21 PM
Gads those brides are going to be freezing their tushies off in this weather. Where do you do scenic pictures at this time of years. Inside I hope.
Contracts, ugh, they are a necessary pain I suppose.

Well, it was funny to read it. :) Say Cheese!! What phone does that??

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
11-29-2013, 03:29 PM
Hey, SCHOOL TEACHERS!!!! :D:D :D:DYes, that what you should expect from people who deal with kids every day! We are ALL a little NUTS!! No offense taken Judi.


11-30-2013, 02:56 AM
Sharlene... it was a Blackberry Pearl that blasted out "Say Cheese" and 4 out of 5 brides are heading out to destination weddings. They don't like the expense or types of flowers these resorts offer, plus they have to leave them down there when they return to Canada.

Kathy.... glad you didn't take offence to school teachers, but just yesterday she sends me a cheque. It's made out to the wrong recipient (I have 3 companies) after telling her who to make it out to, and it's also for the wrong amount after sending her an updated invoice. She also changed her mind (count em) 5 times with her designs, including destroying one complete bouquet and going with different flowers completely after I had finished and she had approved her original choices. I almost fired her, but it's a good patience test I guess for me.

As far as embarrassing moments go, sometime when appropriate I'll tell you about how I ended up careening across a room, taking out about 5 chairs and ended up under a table flat out face down-in the middle of the Toronto airport. All of course through no fault of my own:D

11-30-2013, 07:44 AM
I can't wait to hear this story I am really intrigued. Hoping you are getting thru all the stuff with the brides. You are going to have to start giving them aptitude tests before the contracts. Hope Keesh is doing well. Blessings

molly muffin
11-30-2013, 09:24 AM
Judi! Really at the airport? :eek: I have to admit I've taken some tumbles at the airport too. Those floors are slick! Once I went down and did a major twist of my ankle. Air Canada supplied ice for it and I iced it all the way to Ottawa and then danced all night on it at a party, then the airlines provided ice for the way back to Toronto. Now that is service!

Oh okay, destination weddings. So do you ship the flowers to the resort or do they take them with them?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-30-2013, 11:42 AM
Sharlene that was my next question. How do the flowers get there? I guess there are restrictions coming out of Canada???

11-30-2013, 01:03 PM
I do both. I either give them to the brides, or ship them to the resort. Remember these are not fresh flowers, but called real touch, they look and feel like real flowers.

Dept. of Agriculture won't let you bring fresh flowers or plants back from anywhere nor take them anywhere.

As far as the dramatic and oh so ungraceful episode at the airport, I wish it was because of slippery floors, but I have to admit it was caused by sheer vanity in the days of mini skirts and extremely high wedge heels. I'm sure you're getting the picture now :D:D:D

Geez Patti, an aptitude test would be a great idea, if only I could get away with it !!

12-01-2013, 08:27 AM
The flowers sound beautiful, I have never seen anything like that. Do you do fresh flowers in your shop also? You must really get busy. I hope you and Keesh are doing well. I have a mental picture of that fiasco in the airport and keep laughing to myself. It is very cold here the morning, but is supposed to warm up so I have to wait and walk Tipper. Blessings

12-01-2013, 01:52 PM
Yup Patti.. I do both fresh and real touch, concentrating on that a lot since I ended doing wedding decor this year.

The airport thing could actually have gone unnoticed if I hadn't made such a commotion knocking over chairs and sliding tables as I did the face plant on the floor.

12-01-2013, 05:24 PM
I bet the mice would not mess with steel wool as that could rather smart on the way out! Good idea thanks.

12-01-2013, 10:33 PM
Sounds painful Judi!

12-02-2013, 02:27 AM
The mice won't chew through it, so they won't come into the house. I plugged up pipe and drain holes under bathroom sinks, places in the garage etc.

12-02-2013, 07:32 AM
I used some in some other holes and now we'll see what the little rascal does! Hope Keesh is doing well. Blessings

12-02-2013, 11:47 AM
Keesh isn't well today. He wouldn't eat anything this morning, it's now noon and he still isn't hungry. Today was hydrotherapy and he didn't for the first time like it today either. We cut it short as he wanted out of the pool completely. He's sleeping now and being extremely sucky not wanting me out of his sight.

I have to go out today and drive an hour to see my doctor today. Can't find a doctor in my town, so a 2 hour drive for a 10 minute appt. drives me crazy.

12-02-2013, 01:20 PM
Sorry to hear Keesh isn't feeling well today Judi. Maybe just an ordinary upset stomach?? I'm hoping that's all it is and nothing more. Let us know how he is doing later.


molly muffin
12-02-2013, 04:58 PM
Oh gosh, sorry that Keesh isn't having a good day. Hopefully it will pass. Don't like it that he didn't like the hydrotherapy though as usually he does. :(

That is awful to have to drive so far to see a doctor. Good grief!

Hang in there, it must get better right ? :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-02-2013, 05:46 PM
I wonder what's up with Keesh. He usually like the hydrotherapy! Maybe he is just having an off day like we have. I worry every time Tipper does something different too. Blessings

12-04-2013, 03:17 AM
Keesh had a running accident yesterday and today I'll find out the damage done. He saw a cat on the backyard fence, but I didn't see it. I let him out and he ran full tilt about 100 yds. The last 50 yards it actually looked like he broke his back, he dragged his back end completely through the snow, and his left leg was actually stretched full out dragging on the ground. It didn't seem to be painful as he dragged himself right to the end of the yard determined to chase the cat away. ( He was successful) I got coat and boots on to run and help him. He literally dragged himself very fast around the yard, and made it back almost to the house. I got to him about 10 yards from the back step and had to pick up his back end to get him in. Once in he was a little stiff but walked ok within seconds. He wanted to go for a walk later, so out we went and I thought it would help. Well we got across the street to the park and down he went. I picked up all 60 some odd pounds of him and got him onto the sidewalk. He was fine until I crossed the street and down he went again on the street. He recovered quickly and was fine the rest of the day. I blocked him in downstairs, but he managed to manouvre his way under the chair legs and climbed the stairs to the office. He did this 2-3 times. Last night for his final outing before bedtime, he was in the front yard on the snow and down he went again. He can't get up without help. Since then he insists on being upstairs in the bedroom to sleep and handled the stairs again without help 3 times in the night. I am going to take him for x-rays today, he seems fine so I'm not sure if it's a combination of snow and aching bones or he needs rest for the next few days. He's such a tough character, determined and will never show he's in distress. I have done some damage to my back picking him up off the ground but hopefully in a few days it will be ok too. It could be pulled muscles, that left leg was where he had the original tear and I had the laser done. He's tough to read these days.

12-04-2013, 03:53 AM
OMG that sounds awful scary for you and Keesh, poor boy. Sounds like it might be something in his back? I would keep him strictly indoors, off the stairs until he has been reviewed by the vet so he doesn't worsen anything. I have had that problem with Flynn lately, they don't seem to understand the principle of resting when they need to, do they!! Keesh sounds like it is a minor inconvenience but wonder if he is in pain? Is he still on the Previcox? Because it might be helpful if he is in pain from some sort of injury. Gosh, hope the visit to vet gives you a clue to what he has done. Slow down Keesh!! xxxx

12-04-2013, 11:18 AM
Oh my what a terrible ordeal. Darn cat had to be there! What a scary experience. I am hoping you are both alright. You had quite a task picking up 60 lbs from the ground, and dead weight yet. I pray that there is nothing permanently wrong with either of you. These babies can sure get in the trouble huh? Hoping this is a better day and that you both feel better. I think the xray is an excellent idea in light of what happened. Bad kitty! Blessings

Squirt's Mom
12-04-2013, 11:36 AM
Judi, do whatever you must, but Keesh needs to be restrained until the vet can check him out thoroughly. Crate him, leash him 24/7 to you, close him in a safe room, something to prevent him from running, jumping, or climbing the stairs, through chairs, etc. It seems to me he is feeling little if any pain when this happens or he wouldn't keep trying to go and that is scary as all get out to me. I would be terrified he would paralyze himself as well as rip off his penis, injure his legs and/or damage his knees. The fact that it keeps happening would have me running around like a madwoman in total panic. :o

You said he can't get up on his own....do you mean he is down on all fours and can't get up or that he can't get his back legs under himself again? Has the lack of leg use seemed to progress since the cat chasing incident - getting worse and spreading to all four legs?

Please let us know what the vet says and if he needs it, look into some slings for helping him get around that won't put so much strain on you. We can't have mom getting down and unable to get back up! ;)

12-04-2013, 11:54 AM
That incident sounds so scary Judi...your adrenaline must have kicked in when you were able to lift Keesh like you did. I am hoping he is not seriously injured. Hard to believe he could manage the steps if there was something broken.
Hoping to hear good news on him once you have it.


Harley PoMMom
12-04-2013, 04:14 PM
Sending prayers and love, Lori

molly muffin
12-04-2013, 06:12 PM
omg Judi! How are you and Keesh doing today? What did the vet say?

It sounds like a worse case of when his back legs just go kaput and he sits down and can't get up? Only dragging himself sounds just awful and then you having to life him that many times. Woman, you aren't that big to be picking up a 60lb dead weight dog!!!

Hoping for the best. Hugs, Judi

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-05-2013, 01:52 AM
Omg Judi! I'm praying that this is a temporary injury like swelling in his back. Crossing my fingers and toes!

Squirt's Mom
12-05-2013, 08:27 AM
How is our sweet boy, Judi?

12-05-2013, 09:07 AM
I am so worried about you and Keesh. I am praying nothing bad is going on with either of you. When I could not sleep last nite you two were on my mind. Know I am praying for you both.

12-05-2013, 02:38 PM
The good news is - Keesh is fine. The bad news is - I can hardly move.

The vet said that it was probably the interruption of the myelin sheath and the nerve impulses just were not getting through, so his back end gave out. An old vet a couple of years ago thought that was an issue with Keesh after taking an x-ray. He has been absolutely fine ever since, thank goodness. I think because he was going full tilt to the back of the yard, he didn't notice his whole hind end was dragging until the cat was out of the yard. That's why there wouldn't be any pain, just no nerve impulse to tell his legs to work. I have noticed though that he cannot walk in snow anymore, he's too unsteady, so his back legs are definitely a major issue now. I did get him to the park today (albeit I looked like a wooden soldier) ( a real feat to pick up after him) and I noticed where there was some snow left on the ground, he was very unsteady. He scared himself I think when he finally realized he was dragging his back end.

Vet did not take x-rays.. she just checked him out thoroughly, muscles were ok, and no bone injuries. I think this dog is made of rubber at times.

Now as for me - I am mobile, but that's about all. It's going to take some rest to get my back better. It didn't hurt when I picked him up, but that sure changed hours later.

I'm going to get a huge wagon for myself for Christmas, and if anything like this happens again... I'll put Keesh in the wagon. He won't like it, but that's the only way I can exercise him and get him home if something happens.

12-05-2013, 02:46 PM
Judi, I'm so glad that he's ok!!!! The wagon is a must. I know how it feels to hurt your back. See a doctor, they can give you anti-inflammatories if necessary. Feel better soon!

12-05-2013, 03:25 PM
I am so grateful to hear from you and that Keesh is ok. I am so sorry that you hurt yourself so badly though. I would hop into bed and get on a heating pad, that is unless the brides are still causing havoc! I hope you do have some time to recuperate, you back can cause you problems the rest of your life from just one incident, so take care of yourself. Blessings

molly muffin
12-05-2013, 05:52 PM
Yowser Judi. I agree, head to the nearest walk in clinic and get some good anti inflammatory meds. You've probably pulled a muscle and those hurt like the dickens. If it doesn't get better though on meds, then head over to get checked out, you don't want any disc problems.

Glad that Keesh is doing better, but I absolutely agree with you, you can't be picking him up. No go for that. What are you going to do in the winter if he can't go out in snow? A bit worried about that as I think we are suppose to get some sunday night? They are saying Monday commute will be messy and slow. (joy joy)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-05-2013, 06:00 PM
I am taking anti inflammatory drugs now as last week I got an inner ear infection for the first time in my life . It's finally improved and now the back issue. Nothing I can't handle though. Everything went to h___ right after I had the flu shot - :rolleyes:

Sharlene, not sure about the winter and what to do. I try to keep the bottom of the steps in the backyard shoveled, and the front steps and walkway.... but last night he just pooped right in the middle of the driveway. He wasn't having anything to do with snow at all. Just something else we'll have to overcome somehow.

Thank you guys for all your concern and well wishes. I really, really do appreciate everyone of you on here and I'll say it again " YOU GUYS ROCK!!"

Oh, forgot to tell you that I bought the hydro therapist a Christmas gift from Keesh. I was at a loss as to what to get her, so I went online and uploaded a picture of Keesh in his life jacket in the water. I put that on a mug, with her company name on the back of the mug and Keesh's name. I'm going to fill it with herbal teas and give her a big bag of Benny's Bullies which she gives as treats. Think that is an ok gift for her? It's the last picture in his album here but I photo shopped myself out of it and did a bit of tweaking.

12-05-2013, 06:20 PM
Really great idea for the hydro therapist. Glad you are feeling better with the anti-inflammatories. Well I guess poop in the middle of the drive way is better than in the middle of the living room. good old Keesh keeps you jumping. Blessings

molly muffin
12-05-2013, 06:45 PM
I think that is a wonderful idea for the hydro-therapist!! You are an inspiration my dear.

Well, that might be all you can do is just shovel some areas clear for him and hope he'll do his business out there. He wasn't particularly interested in pee pads was he? Can't remember if that was tried earlier or not.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-06-2013, 05:05 AM
Gosh that sounds weird, not quite sure I understand all that about the myelin sheaths. But pleased to hear there was nothing to much to worry about. Do you think it is safe taking him out while this settles down or did they not seem to think that resting Keesh for a bit would help? Poor boy and Poor You too!! Flynn is only 30 pound and he is heavy enough to pick up. Maybe if he has to go out you take a plastic sheet and can slide him home on the snow if it does it again? Hope it settles down quick as I am worried about the pair of you now! xx

12-06-2013, 07:09 AM
I hope you and Keesh are doing well and that your back heals quickly :)

12-07-2013, 08:43 AM
Those videos are too funny. It looks exactly like when I put the purple booties on Tipper, she looked like she was walking on hot coals lifting one leg up at a time. It's funny how they all stretch that one back leg straight out!. Hope you and Keesh are recuperating and staying safe and warm. Did you get any of the ice storm/ WE got it last nite on top of snow. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
12-08-2013, 11:49 AM
Happy Birthday, Judi!

(thought you would sneak that by us, huh? :p)

12-08-2013, 01:42 PM
I wish you a happy birthday and hope you are feeling ok with your back. I hope Keesh baked his mom a birthday cake!! Especially after you hurt your back carrying him. It is about 19 here now, we are having a heat wave! Have a wonderful birthday. Blessings

12-08-2013, 04:13 PM
Well thank you for the birthday wishes. I really appreciate it.

No birthday cake, I went to a flea market to get some fancy brooches for a brooch bouquet a client wants and stopped on the way home at a chip wagon. Best french fries "evah." That will have to do as my birthday treat.

Quiet day all the way around.

Patti, no ice storm, snow has melted too, but it's cold now. We are to get some snow tonight. Blasted winter....

12-08-2013, 04:22 PM
That is so true what you said about the vets. Tipper would be dead if I listened to my vet. I can hardly stand to look at him since I had to threaten him and diagnose my own dog. He knows very little and what he does know is wrong a big percentage of the time. It makes me angry, because how many other dogs that had Cushings did he blame on old age. I trust no vets, and never will again. This has been a huge wake up call for me. Your bouquet you are putting together sounds really cute. Oh well when you get older some fries for your birthday aren't so bad. Stay safe. Blessings

molly muffin
12-08-2013, 05:47 PM
Happy Birthday Judi.

Birthday fries. Sounds good. :)

Take care, I'm hearing snow and then freezing rain after that, maybe early in the morning. :( Not a fan of ice and freezing rain.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-09-2013, 07:52 AM
Hope you enjoyed your birthday fries! Just seeing how you and Keesh are doing today? Did you get the bouquet put together yet? I bet it will be beautiful. Stay safe up there. Blessings

12-09-2013, 03:22 PM
Bouquet isn't together yet. Too busy telling clients that they cannot order a $6.00 flower that they think they can get out of China pay 49 cents for it and expect to get the same thing. Sometimes ebay sure hoodwinks people, but they think they are right as they are about to do their one and only wedding and won't take my word for it after 30 years in the wedding industry and almost a decade dealing with less then scruplulous suppliers. Sometimes you could just slap people -

Keesh and I are good. He seems to be normal, I'm still having back issues. He did well with his swim today and seems happy.

molly muffin
12-09-2013, 05:21 PM
Hi Judi, I've never see a brooch bouquet, that sounds interesting. You'll have to take a picture of it. I'm dying to see it.

Geezzz, that is why you are paying the expert, for their advice, so you don't screw it up. How silly to not pay attention to what they tell you. Frustration!!

Glad Keesh is doing better and enjoyed his hydrotherapy today. Maybe you should have tried it too for your back!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-09-2013, 05:57 PM
Sharlene.. brooch bouquet from awhile back I just put in my albums.

molly muffin
12-09-2013, 06:03 PM
OMG, that is beautiful Judi! I've Never seen one before or anything like it.

You have some serious talent my dear!

Thanks for showing me.
Sharlene and molly muffin

12-10-2013, 08:17 AM
The brooch bouquet is so beautiful. You are so talented. I hope your weather is better up there, and no icy roads. It is very cold here today, Tipper will not be walking this morning. I just now saw some of Keesh's redecorating with the plastic bags in the house. He it too funny. Blessings

12-11-2013, 04:22 AM
Well for somebody that paid the builder extra money to expand the ceramic floors there is hardly an inch of them showing. Had to go out and get more runners to cover the floor to keep Keesh from slipping and not able to get up. He came in from outside yesterday, was on a rug, but walked off it, and down he went. The little bit of floor showing of course was the part he had to slip on. This time he whimpered, so he hurt himself. Didn't stop him though from climbing the stairs later on. The main floor of the house is a collage of mismatched, misshapen runners and rugs. A little embarrassing when you have clients in and out, but hey.. "mah boy" is more important. Sheesh rugs aren't cheap either even at Walmart. I put safe salt out for him as the grounds are covered in snow and ice, but he slipped anyway. No matter how clean I keep the outside stairs, there's alway wet paws coming into the house.

Keesh's heavy drinking has subsided completely-now maybe I'll start with all we've been through.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Peeing is a little better too, he can actually last up to 5 hours now if I watch him carefully without having to go outside. Then at times he wants out every hour. I think it's a game with him now. Hydrotherapy and the warm water makes him pee a little more. We actually have to take a pee break for him during the one hour session. So it's pee before going in, pee during and peeing right after. Last week I was embarrassed. He walked in the front door and pooped right inside the entrance. That was my fault, but we sure weren't popular.

I've been reading about everyone else's problems with their furbabies and I should consider myself extremely fortunate that Keesh is at least stable, even though we don't have a clue what's wrong with him.

Everyone dealing with all these issues their pups have is incredible, I just wish that someone could wave a magic wand and make every single one of them completely better.

Thinking about you all, and really hoping that those waiting get some definitive answers. Believe me, I know exactly how frustrating and expensive it is.

Thanks for the compliments on the bouquet. I'm doing several of those this year.

12-11-2013, 04:43 AM
Awwwww poo. Falling is no fun at all and worse when you already have something else going on. Poor Keesh.

12-11-2013, 07:24 AM
That is how my living room looks. Small rugs everywhere there is wooden flooring showing. Just one little spot left uncovered and Tipper will slip on it. I hope Keesh did not hurt himself. I know you have been thru a lot, and it is not easy. Funny you should say about Keesh wanting to pee when he feels the warm water. When I was a kid and if I attended any sleep overs, we would put the persons finger in a cup of very warm water to see if they would pee the bed!! Blessings

12-11-2013, 07:58 AM
LOL Patti on the finger in the cup. Too funny

12-12-2013, 08:05 AM
Hi Judi:
Hope you and Keesh are staying warm, we have 6 inches of snow on the ground and it is 12 degrees here. Needless to say Tipper will not be walking. Do you think a harness on Keesh would better control his slipping around? I use one on Tipper when she gets to a spot and starts to slide I gently lift her out of it with the harness, but then again she is a lightweight compared to what you are dealing with. I would not want you to re-injure your back either so forget that idea. Hope you both are well and staying warm. Blessings

12-12-2013, 04:43 PM

I can't stop laughing after reading your post.

There was a snobby girl in school who would sleep in her gymnastics leotard. We went away on a camping trip in 6th grade and myself and another Valerie did this to her.

Imagine the silence of everyone sleeping and we actually heard her pee! Both of us had to bury our faces in pillows so that she didn't hear us. To this day, I don't think she ever figured out who did it. :)

12-13-2013, 04:38 AM
The swim therapist has a dog sling she sells for $20.00. I was considering it for Keesh but he confuses me completely.

2 days ago he came down into the basement where my actual workshop is. He doesn't like the basement stairs, even though they are carpeted. He hesitated several times to go back up them, but as soon as I got his leash, he bounded up the stairs. It's a false sense of security for him, and everytime now (as a test) I use the leash to climb the stairs, including the main floor ones, he actually walks up them the same way he did when he was younger. Normally now he would bring both hind legs onto one step then move onto another. With the leash it's a normal walk up without hesitation.

I think the park and street collapse was because of damage he did chasing the cat. At least I'm hoping that is it.

I think he's doing excellent for being over 14 and the size he is. Every day is a blessing with him and I'm so thankful for each day.

I still have to lift his hind end into the van so I may just get the sling for that.

On another note: Valerie & Patti - you bad !! - LOL

12-13-2013, 05:05 AM
Keesh just keeps on being a mystery, he confuses us all! :confused: Sounds like he is not too sore if he is trotting up those stairs ok with the leash on, I bet that made you feel good to see him do that! That sling does sound like it would be handy getting him in and out the van. I lift Flynny in and out my car but he is only 14kg!

12-13-2013, 08:09 AM
Do you think her has a fear of slipping or falling, but when you leash him he is more secure knowing you will help him? Trying to figure these dogs out is so hard. Next we will have to be getting them a shrink. Tipper has so many different Dr.'s now I am going to have to get her a secretary to keep all this straight. Have a good weekend you two. Blessings

12-14-2013, 03:06 AM
Judi, the sling is definitely a good idea. It will help you to support him while he gains some strength and heals whatever damage he's done.

Yeah, I wasn't bad often really but this girl was a borderline bully. She needed to be brought back down to earth.

12-15-2013, 09:48 AM
Just checking in to see if you got all the snow too? We have about 9 inches and it is still snowing lake effect today. It is beautiful, but dangerous out there on the roads. I may have to take Tipper to the vets if she is not better by tomorrow morning. Does Keesh like the snow? All Tipper wants to do is rub her head in it! Blessings