View Full Version : bit of info please
Hi and thanks for any help.
OK we have a bulldog (roly) he is now 7 and been fit as a fiddle for a bulldog till bout six weeks back.
We had to put in the kennels two times in the same month the second time the guy said he got very stressed and due to barking he had lost his voice.
Seemed OK after about a week but the the following week he seemed to drink water after eating treats ect so off to the vets his throat seem inflamed so was put on metacam for ten days. But the drinking and pee got worse so back to the vets she did over 10 days
Blood test to check kidneys/liver OK but liver ensime was up (old age we was told at the time)
blood test throyed OK
Diabetes OK
Urine test OK then a week later low gravity
Lungworm test OK
roly was put on a weeks antibiotics for his throat and he seem to improve all round but he is loosing muscle mass on his head so off to the vets, we have just done another blood test for myostis which we expect to be clear to be fair. (get it back in day)
when this comes back in a day or so he will have blood test Cushings
Which I think will be positive his symptoms below
Drinking more water but not to excess.
peeing more re water intake.
Starts peeing before he gets his leg up.
Muscle loss on head some on back legs. (looks bad on a bulldog)
Wants treats all the time and gone from 25.20k to 26k from first visit.
Yesterday happy and normal today complete opposite
So the help bit
Its been 5 weeks now since the start can you leave this to long
To start treatment.
is this early or later on Cushings
I understand its maintenance not cure but will things like his muscle mass return ect in time.
thanks again for any help
06-25-2013, 09:57 AM
I just want to say a quick Hi and Welcome to the forum. Sorry that you felt the need to find your way here and that Roly is perhaps not the best at the moment, but we will certainly help you out all we can.
With regards to the potential cushings, rest assured, there is absolutely no rush to start treatment options. Because of the nature of cushing's, it is very hard to get a definite diagnose - it mimics so many other things. However, it is very important that if you suspect that it is cushings, that you pursue the full testing regime before beginning treatment. It can actually be dangerous to treat a non-cushingoid dog with the drugs available, so we always like to make sure that it is a solid diagnosis.
Best advice would be, when you do get the tests run, ask your vet for copies and post the results here. If you also then put the reference ranges in brackets next to the test results, the wonderful and knowledgable folks here will be able to look them over and give you some experienced advice as well.
Do you know which test it will be that your vet will run first? There are a number of different tests, unfortunately no specific one can give you a full answer, some can rule it out but there is not yet a single test that will point and say "Yep, that's cushings!" If only there were, there would be a lot of with a lot less emotional stress!
Anyway, I hope that helps you out a little, do let us know how Roly goes with that test.
Tae care and give him a big cuddle for me.
Thanks for the fast reply and info
It will be a blood test
1) take blood check levels
2) inject stuff to push levels wait an hour
3) take blood again
Sorry for basic reply
Budsters Mom
06-25-2013, 10:30 AM
Hello and welcome from me too. :)
I am sorry for the reason that brought you here, but so glad you found us. You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. We will do all we can to help. So again welcome to you and Roly.
06-25-2013, 11:33 AM
I just wanted to welcome you to the group, and give my 2 cents here. After you get finished with all the tests and post your results, and if your dog does have Cushings: Please make sure you have someone treating him that truly understands, and has treated this disease, make a daily diary of your dog so you have it for a reference when needed, if you use Vetoryl to treat with please call Dechra and get a file established on your dog. Dechra has vets on staff to help you, and the information you provide will help your dog and other that come afterwards. The number is 866-933-2472. They are quite helpful, and your vet can call also. Finally if Cushings is diagnosed please listen to the members on this forum, as they know more about this disease than most vets. God Bless You and good luck
Thanks again
He as lost muscle fast in his head and back legs Will the muscle loss in back legs and head return when treated .
This is the reason i am concerned about time.
06-25-2013, 04:46 PM
My Tipper lost a lot of muscle in the back legs and next to her rib area on both sides. Her head is rather boney now also. She walks over a mile a day and has not regained the muscle. When their cortisol is controlled the muscle wasting is supposed to stop, but it has not with Tipper. That is the best I can do is tell you our experience. Blessings
molly muffin
06-25-2013, 09:39 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Do you happen to have copies of the test results done so far? We've be interested in anything that is abnormal high/low posted with the normal range. You mentioned that the liver enzymes were high.
It sounds like you are having the ACTH test done to test for cushings. That can tell you how much cortisol is in the body now and how much is in reserve. So, how much over all he is producing. Many things can cause the cortisol to be high, some of which you have already eliminated like thyroid, diabetes. UTI can cause high cortisol or any infection.
I wouldn't necessarily do any cushing testing while he is being treated with antibiotics for the throat, which might have developed a bacterial infection. I'd let that heal, then test, personally I mean. Just so you know for sure that the test results are all valid.
As for the muscle wastage, that is usually one of the later things to clear up, with appetite, water intake, peeing being the first. Some times it will come back and they'll gain some strength and other times it doesn't. Each dog is different and unique.
Again welcome to the forum. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-26-2013, 09:16 AM
Hope you find out what is troubling your baby soon. Just letting you know Tipper and I have added you to the prayer list. Blessings
Hi me again
myostis blood test was normal
Waiting on results for cushings test
Q. Vet said if it comes back very high then it is cushings and would need
Ultasound on kiidney then can start treatment ?
But if low or borderline then more tests so if its high result / scan
Is that enough tests to start treatment ?
Ps. Checked his urine again had some protine this time ?
Hi, Make sure to get the test copies and post the results here. Did your vet by chance do a urine test called a UC:CR and blood work?The urine test can rule out Cushings or indicate further testing is needed. It cannot diagnose the disease.
Dogs can throw protein in their urine for many reasons, not just from Cushings and it may or may not resolve with treatment. Proteinurina can affect the kidneys over time if it is not transient.
Thanks for your replys
Just had a word with the vet on results she said
ACTH was 750
Said its high but not happy to treat just on this result so he is going in on monday
For an 8 hour test 3 blood tests over the 8 hours ? And a urine test
06-29-2013, 08:36 AM
Did the vet do a blood panel also? You will need to post the results of all testing so you can get help. I hope Roly is doing ok, and that you find out what his medical problems are. Blessings
molly muffin
06-29-2013, 06:14 PM
Sounds like your ACTH was in nmol measurement. Did the vet give you a range? Is this the pre or the post number? There should be two results.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
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