View Full Version : Lila is 10 months Beagle and diagnosed with Cushing's

06-19-2013, 06:32 PM
Lila has been diagnosed with Cushings..need all the help we can get. here is a brief history:

Female Beagle

Birth date: July 20, 2012.

We got Lila and her brother Yogi when they were 2 months old.

Lila was a normal active dog, but a bit chubbier than her brother. From the start she was fed Royal Canine medium junior dry food (daily quantities as per product instructions). Quantity was spread over 3 meals a day until she was 6 months old. Lila had a healthy appetite and was always eating too fast and not chewing ( more gulping) . She had to be prevented from eating her brother’s food. We never left them food unattended.

At 4 months of age Lila got a Urinary Tract Infection, and was urinating a few drops every few minutes with some traces of blood in the urine. Her Dr prescribed antibiotics and a diet of Roya Canine Urinary for 2 weeks. She recovered well and had no further complications.

Lila continued to gain weight much faster than her brother, although they ate the exact same food.

March 2013, Lila started showing signs of behavioral change. She switched from being a playful, slightly stubborn dog, to a very quiet, docile and very obedient dog.

April 2013, Lila gained more weight (reached 17.7 kg) and started having difficulty getting up. She looked like she had trouble with her real legs. Going up and down stairs she would hop using back legs together ( like a rabbit) rather than alternating between legs. Her movement became more hesitant whenever jumping on or off a couch or bed. She was drinking excessive amounts of water and urinating very frequently, her urine significantly lighter in color than her brother. She had to go out twice during the night to urinate.

April 27th, 2013, we did xray on hips which was normal. And also did some Hormone Tests. Results as follows:

Free T3 7.72 Pmd/L (ref range 8-40 Pmd/L)

TSH <0.01 ulU/mL (ref range 0.35-4.5)

At this stage Dr diagnosed Hypothyroidism, and prescribed medication. I wasn’t comfortable so took her for a second opinion.

May 9, 2012: The new Dr suggested further investigation and more tests. And we started feeding Lila only weight control food ( Royal canine weight control). Lila weighed 17.7 kg.

He also did an ultra sound on the liver and uterus. No abnormalities were detected.

We did the following test:

CBC, Blood sugar fasting, Amylase, Lipase, Hormones, Lipids Profile, Urine Analysis, Urine Culture and Sensitivity.

All tests are done at Human Labs 9 because we have no other options. The vet has a chart for reference ranges for dogs that he uses.

She was given medication for the UTI.

One week after medication, her urinary frequency went down significantly. Now she can hold her urine for up to 10 hrs at night.

June 12, 2013 Lila’s weight went up to 19.5 kg.

We did the Low Dexramethazone Test. (done at the only clinic that does it in Egypt, and this is only the 3rd time they do it) they used Dexmethaone 2mg/ml.

The results were as follows:


Ref range
Cortisol (before injection)
4.3 – 22.4
After 2 hrs of injection
After 4 hrs of injection
After 8 hrs of injection

Now Lila has reached a stage where she has difficulty getting up, and sometimes cries in pain if we try to lift her up or carry her. She can’t jump up on any sofa or bed. She doesn’t play fetch or catch. She runs for a maximum of a few seconds when playing with her brother. She is panting all the time and gets tired very quickly . And she is still as friendly as ever, but seems more anxious or afraid of sudden noise and new people.

And for the past month she growls if anyone tries to move her or carry her when she is sleeping (as if she is afraid of being in pain). She has to be soothed and patted gently before any attempt to move her.

Her features have changed since April: eyes a bit bulging and has a skeletal look ( as if her face is losing weight)

Her appetite is quite good and she still gulps her food quickly.

Lila is better on some days than others (more active and playful) but I haven’t been able to establish a pattern for the good days.


Budsters Mom
06-19-2013, 08:03 PM
Hello and welcome Nihal and Lila:)
I am sorry for the reason that brought you here, but so glad you found us.You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. We will do all we can to help. Others will be popping in to welcome you also.
So again welcome to you both. Wow, Egypt! I think this is a first for me!!!! :)


Budsters Mom
06-19-2013, 08:07 PM
I just noticed that Lila is very young to have Cushings. It is usually a disease that attacks older dogs. Lila is only 11 months old. She Is still a baby! I'm sure our members will have a lot of questions for you, so be prepared. We will do all we can to help.:)

06-19-2013, 10:47 PM
Hi Nihal welcome I'm very sorry to read about Lila. I won't comment on the cushings diagnosis as the other members have more experience with the testing and the numbers. I just wanted to know if you ever checked her back for disc problems. I know you checked her hips.
My sister had a beagle that passed at age 15 and he had ruptured discs and couldn't walk up and down stairs. Couldn't jump on furniture. Was a little over weight which didn't help. Had a very hard time lifting himself up from lying down position. Would never let anyone touch him to help and was in alot of pain. They brought him to see a specialist and it ended up being his back. Just a thought.
My sister now has 3 year old beagles. Male and female. From the same litter as puppies. They are just the best. I love beagles. But boy are they a handful. I wish you all the best

06-20-2013, 07:00 AM
Thank u all for the welcoming messages.
"Concernedmom", your comment is very valid, I will check her back because I am suspecting a back problem.

06-20-2013, 01:51 PM
Nihal, welcome to youi & Lila! The first thing that caught my eye in your introductory post was Lila's age. It's very unusual for a pup so young to develop Cushing's, but not totally impossible. When we have a new member with a pup so very young, one of the first things we ask is any member of the family using topical hormone creams, usually for estrogen replacement therapy? There have been a number of case reports where pups have developed Cushing's like symptoms because a family member has been using one of these types of creams, the pup has been licking on this person's skin, & is ingesting the estrogen from the cream. Stop the use of the hormone creams, & the pup's symptoms go away. I don't see where you have mentioned whether or not Lila has been spayed.


06-20-2013, 06:41 PM
Debbie, Thanks for ur msg. No one at home is using hormone creams.
to be honest I am not 100% convinced of Lila's diagnosis, and will try to investigate further.
anyway there isn't much I can do now even if it is Cushings until I manage to get her the necessary medication, which unfortunately in not available in Egypt.
I can get them from Europe or USA but I am having a problem with that also because I d need a prescription from a certified dr in the country :(