View Full Version : Introducing Henry
02-01-2016, 10:41 AM
It's all snow ;)
Our beaches have fairly dark reddish sand (for the few months we see it!!!!)
molly muffin
02-01-2016, 05:57 PM
How cute is he. That stick is bigger than he is! lol Got to love Henry's zest for life and adventures.
02-01-2016, 06:58 PM
our beachboy with his big stick, cute!
so, you can't let henry play on the beach off leash or he will escape? [i read about his escape adventure]
maybe he will like some obedience classes? or go and practice the recall yourself.
so he can run free on the beach this summer?
02-01-2016, 07:24 PM
We've done recall training and he will come back if the treat is desirable enough, however as a terrier I would never trust him 100% off leash. If there was something to chase he'd be off and it wouldn't matter what treats we had we'd be ignored.
We had him on the leash at the beach yesterday as there are pheasants in the long grass nearby, and he tries to chase them, plus I've seen a few porcupines in the area :eek:
02-02-2016, 04:52 PM
okay, then it is better to keep your boy safe on a leash.
chasing porcupines is not a good idea. and i guess pheasants are like dinner to him.
is the beach near to your place? i have to drive 1 hour to get there.
02-02-2016, 05:16 PM
We have a beach around 30 minutes drive, then another around 45 minutes if there's no traffic, and one (where dogs aren't allowed but it's usually deserted in Winter ;) ) that's around an hour from the new house, so we have a few choices.
We went to the 45 minutes away one today as a treat after he went to the vets to have his nails trimmed. Fortunately he was on the leash as there was a dead porcupine that had washed onto the beach and he really wanted to investigate :(
molly muffin
02-02-2016, 06:00 PM
Anything dead seems to draw their immediate attention. LOL uck
02-03-2016, 06:52 PM
i think it is because of the smell........and they want to roll in it too......
04-03-2016, 10:31 AM
Well, Houdini struck again. We took him hiking and he managed to wrap his leash around a tree and escape from his harness :( We were the only people on the trail and he was gone for 10 minutes, before running back and teasing OH then running into my arms.
I think this is the fourth type of harness we've tried. We're trying to think of ways to secure him so suggestions welcome.......
Oh and pic of him after his return in his album
04-03-2016, 02:53 PM
Well, Houdini struck again. We took him hiking and he managed to wrap his leash around a tree and escape from his harness :( We were the only people on the trail and he was gone for 10 minutes, before running back and teasing OH then running into my arms.
I think this is the fourth type of harness we've tried. We're trying to think of ways to secure him so suggestions welcome.......
Oh and pic of him after his return in his album
Oh, I have one just like that! Gable can get out of anything! And I also call him Houdini...he doesn't come back, though. We have to chase him down, trick him and then grab him!
04-03-2016, 02:57 PM
he sure is a houdini........pffffft!
glad that he came back, but that must have been a long 10 minutes!
i don't know anything about dog harnesses.
how about a tight collar?
Harley PoMMom
04-03-2016, 04:12 PM
What about a Ruffwear harness? Someone stated that the second belly strap is the key, it tightens into the "tuck" area so it cannot slip over the ribcage if the dog tries to go backwards.
04-03-2016, 09:36 PM
Thank you so much for the suggestions. I almost bought him one of those Ruffwear harnesses a few months ago, but they didn't have it in his size. I need to find it in a local store so he can try it on first.
I was also considering the Julius harness but again I can't find it locally.
The interim plan is to tie the harness to his collar with a bit of string but we need a better solution.
Budsters Mom
04-03-2016, 09:45 PM
Henry would look like an astronaut in the Ruffwear harness. If you buy one, take a picture and post it.;):D
It is terrifying when they slip out of their harnesses. Rosie has done it a few times. Buddy would have never dreamed of attempting such a thing. They are VERY different. I am so relieved to hear that Henry is OK after his adventure. I think that he's just keeping you on your toes.;)
04-03-2016, 10:49 PM
Those 10 minutes felt like 10 hours. I have never felt so helpless and I really didn't think I was going to see him again. :( I couldn't believe it when he ran back to me.
Hamish was also known as Houdini!!! He escaped from my mother's garden several times, and she had to call some friends to get him back as he would go to them but not her (typical terrier!!).
04-03-2016, 10:50 PM
Henry would look like an astronaut in the Ruffwear harness. If you buy one, take a picture and post it.;):D
:D :D :D
it might be worth getting one just for the pictures ;)
molly muffin
04-04-2016, 06:22 PM
Wow, Henry! Quite the little guy isn't he. :)
I've had molly slip her harness a few times and scare the wits out of me afraid she'd get hit by a car or something.
That Ruffwear looks like it might do the trick, but I agree, we need pictures!
04-04-2016, 08:24 PM
Just been doing some research and no local retailers (for at least 100 miles!!) so might have to take a risk. I took him to the beach today and tied his harness to his collar with a bit of string. Not sure he was that impressed by his new look ;) but have posted a pic
04-05-2016, 06:47 PM
can't you order one online at a store which allows you to return it when it isn't the right size?
or some harness custom made for him?
i know some rescue organizations for greyhounds, spanish podenco's, whippets and other escape artists have invented their own type of harness.
maybe they can help you?
good luck!
04-05-2016, 07:05 PM
I can order online from Amazon US (Amazon Canada is twice the price!) but need to be fairly sure about the fitting as I probably won't have an opportunity to return it. If it doesn't work though I can always donate it to the local rescue.
None of the local stores deal with Ruffwear so I can't order it that way to see if it fits. I've asked at a couple of local stores but they don't have any suggestions, and their harnesses look much less effective than the ones we already have :(
molly muffin
04-05-2016, 07:37 PM
I asked Tracy to pop in, she has a new ruffwear harness for her new baby poppy. She might have some pointers on sizing for you
04-05-2016, 07:52 PM
I,m here. I love ruff wear harnesses and all my dogs have had them and I've just purchased one for my new baby poppy which arrived today :D
There are various types of the ruff wear poppy,a is a front ring harness and Woody had a webmaster ruff wear which has a handle on the back. If fitted correctly the dog won't be able to slip it. I don't have any suppliers near me either had to send to England for Poppy's I'm in Scotland so roughly 600 miles away. For sizing if you measure the girth of the dog just behind the front legs this will give you the size, if the dog is inbetween the size chart then go up a size. Also I found contacting ruff wear direct to be very helpful. They are pricey harness but in my opinion worth it, as gives piece of mind and lasts for years. :) oh the bonus is this harness doesn't rub the dogs skin or under the armpit like many harnesses do. I will pop a picture of poppy in hers
04-05-2016, 08:00 PM
Sorry forgot to say I use a double ended lead with poppy one end attached to harness one end to collar, you can also buy connectors which is a small like lead attaches between the harness and collar. Hope this help
04-05-2016, 10:16 PM
Thank you so much for the information and the pictures. They've given me a really good idea for an interim solution - I'm going to get a double lead so I can attach one end to his harness and the other end to his collar.
I've also just discovered that I actually have a Ruffwear harness, just one of the very basic ones. I bought it for Hamish from an outdoor shop in Keswick when we were staying nearby in 2007.
Oops - wrong :o It's a Rogz for Dogz harness. I just found the tag :o :o
04-06-2016, 10:26 AM
Henry is 3 today :D
After his adventures the other weekend I'm just so happy to have him. He's had carrots, which he loves, and I've explained the responsibilities which come with being 3 (calmness, maturity, etc.) and he's looked at me as if I'm mad before running round the house with his bone ;)
Pic posted of the birthday boy.
Harley PoMMom
04-06-2016, 03:22 PM
Happy Birthday, Henry!!!
molly muffin
04-06-2016, 05:07 PM
Happy Birthday Henry!!
The big 3!!!! whooo hoooo!
Looks like nap time in his pic! Must have exhausted himself with all the birthday celebrations. Gosh where does the time go. Seems like just not that long ago he was a baby. :) :)
04-06-2016, 05:48 PM
happy birthday henri..... from enya, new pup midas and iris.
and being 3 indeed is the time to be mature..........................................
no more escape artist parties!
04-06-2016, 10:08 PM
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. I was actually thinking I should have said "I have survived almost 3 years with Henry and only ended up much grayer than I was when he arrived" :D :D
Budsters Mom
04-08-2016, 10:11 PM
Happy belated Birthday Henry!!! So sorry I missed the party!
I had forgotten that Henry was exactly 2 weeks older than Rosie. She turns three on the 20th. Good luck with that maturity talk! It wouldn't do any good at all with Rosie. She has matured enough to know that she will do exactly what she wants when (and if) she feels like it at the moment.;):D
07-27-2016, 09:32 PM
It's been beyond hot here recently, and there's not even any respite at the beach, but I've posted a picture of Henry trying to burrow into the cool sand.
molly muffin
07-27-2016, 10:17 PM
It's been hot and humid here too. Molly loves morning and evening walks and tolerates the early evening one just for the bathroom break, then straight back to the house. We don't go far.
07-28-2016, 08:08 AM
Aw he's cute, even when he's so hot.
07-28-2016, 07:06 PM
smart dog; lying on the cool sand to survive the heat.
smart molly too.
hoping for lower temp. soon for everyone.
08-06-2016, 01:53 PM
Henry looks like a happy and content dog. I looked at other of his photos too. He seems to enjoy getting the most out of life. Fun!
It's been beyond hot here recently, and there's not even any respite at the beach, but I've posted a picture of Henry trying to burrow into the cool sand.
09-16-2016, 04:40 PM
Henry's a bit under the weather at the moment. We're waiting for a vet's appointment but from various checks and a bit of googling it looks like he's pulled a muscle in his neck. We're trying to keep him quiet and resting (not easy!!) but when he turns suddenly it obviously hurts him as he gives a little cry / whimper. :(
Squirt's Mom
09-16-2016, 04:51 PM
:( awwwww...let us know what the vet has to say! I hope he is back to par soon!
molly muffin
09-16-2016, 04:53 PM
Oh poor Henry. :( yes let us know what the vet says . It's hard to get that little bundle of pure energy quiet too.
09-18-2016, 11:46 AM
Well he hasn't been to the vets yet, but he has been resting, a bit! and we've tried to ensure he doesn't make any sudden turns / jerks. Yesterday he had one little tiny yelp and so far none today. I'm keeping the vet's appointment at the moment but will re-assess tomorrow as I don't want to take an appointment that someone else could use more.
09-18-2016, 02:43 PM
Sorry to hear about little Henry. I just went through that with Apollo's little brother. I think he hurt either his rear left leg,hip or back. Having dachshunds, you always have to watch. I put an ice pack on th area, gave him doggie aspirin, massaged the area and moved his leg softy, bed rest and later a little heat. I also stretched his neck turned it the other way heard a little pop. I used to watch what the animal chiropractor did. You will know what is best for Henry. I had done accupuncture for Apollo, and chiropractic for Arial. Any injury can be serious. The neck is a difficult area to heal . It sounds Ike Henry is quite the energizer bunny.
Sonja and Apollo
09-18-2016, 07:00 PM
get well soon henry!
09-18-2016, 10:27 PM
Thank you for the suggestions Sonja. I have been massaging him gently in the general back and neck area as I am not sure exactly which muscle he has pulled, and it does seem to be helping, however I think resting is making the most difference, but yes, he isn't what you might describe as calm.....
Budsters Mom
09-18-2016, 10:54 PM
Awwwww, Poor Henry and poor you. It's tough to try to get those teenagers to rest.:rolleyes: I hope he feels better soon and is back to his usual mischief once again.
09-25-2016, 08:20 AM
Thinking of Henry and hoping that he's continuing to improve. Hugs!
09-25-2016, 01:57 PM
Thank you for the get well thoughts and wishes. After a week of rest I'm pleased to say that Henry is back to normal :D
It was tough at times as he's not happy being a couch potato but he seemed to realise that it hurt when he did certain things so relaxed more than usual.
Squirt's Mom
09-25-2016, 02:59 PM
Glad to hear Henry is recovering nicely! Normal is always nice to see after they have been sick. ;)
molly muffin
09-26-2016, 10:24 PM
Whoo hooo glad to hear that Henry is back to normal. Now behave yourself Henry! (yea like that is going to happen :) :) )
They are like full speed ahead and no slow mode at all.
Budsters Mom
09-26-2016, 10:28 PM
Go large or go home. That's Henry's mantra.:D So glad that all is well and he's back to raining havoc once more.
09-28-2016, 11:29 PM
Have to say that was definitely Hamish's, as he did take time to rest. Henry is more of a "go large and keep going" type of dog, and there are times when I think I should remove the batteries ;)
However good thoughts needed for him tomorrow as he is off to the vets. This evening when I went to cuddle him I discovered a large lump on the left side of his neck (about an inch below his ear). It really reminds me of the reaction he had to a tick bite 2 years ago, although I think that lump was bigger. I'm hoping it is a reaction to a tick bite, and nothing worse (grrrr Dr Google!), but I'm beating myself up for not finding the tick - I check him frequently and he is dowsed in natural tick repellent before he ventures beyond the yard plus I use Frontline so I can't believe the little blighters have managed to breach the defences :mad: He was very lethargic on Tuesday but I put it down to the 3 mile walk on Monday. He was a bit livelier today so I assumed all was well until I found the lump.
He has drop in appointment so they could see him at short notice (otherwise it was Tuesday!) so not sure when he will be examined but he's heading off with OH at 7am with his packed lunch and I'll have everything crossed until I get him back at 6pm.
09-29-2016, 07:19 AM
Hopefully it is nothing...I found a lump on Gable's neck a few months ago and kept putting it off because I was not ready to deal with anymore bad stuff. But I finally took him to the vet a couple of weeks ago and it turned out to be just a fatty cyst. I also did blood work because I was worried about Cushing's (again), but his blood came back perfect.
So, hoping Henry's lump turns out to be nothing to worry about...but we always worry, don't we?
Budsters Mom
09-29-2016, 01:47 PM
It's always something.:o yes, it's best to get it checked out. Usually these lumps are nothing to be concerned about and don't bother our pups at all.;) keep us posted.
09-29-2016, 03:05 PM
Just picked him up. Doesn't appear to be a tick bite. Because of location they are thinking it could involve lymph glands and did ultrasound plus SNA test with results in 7-10 days. They have to be really careful as its close to trachea etc. :-(
On a positive note he's much livelier than he was the other day although he wasn't queuing for breakfast which upset OH as he is usually a total chow hound!
Just stopped by OHs office and Henry is complaining about the wait which is making me happy.
it's going to be a long 10 days though.
Budsters Mom
09-29-2016, 04:10 PM
Okay, so we wait.
10-06-2016, 03:19 PM
Well after a week of worrying, praying, and hugging Henry we have just got the results back and the vet thinks he has an infected salivary gland so he is being given a 2 week course of antibiotics and we will monitor it to see if it reduces in size. He is doing well in himself - eating fine, drinking a bit more than usual (but not excessive amounts), and running around whenever he gets the chance to go outside. The lump itself seemed to grow a bit from Fri to Sat, and it also moved more to the front under his chin, then on Tue it seemed to go back to the original location.
From reading it looks like these type of lumps may return, and surgery may be required (the vet has said if it doesn't shrink they will do a biopsy) but for now we'll take it one day at a time, cross our fingers and pray.
10-06-2016, 04:03 PM
All of mine are crossed!~
Squirt's Mom
10-06-2016, 06:20 PM
I hope the ABs do the job and Henry is back to his usual self soon!
molly muffin
10-07-2016, 07:39 PM
oh my I hope the antibiotics get rid of that lump. I know people get infections in saliva glands, so why not dogs.
Let us know how he is doing.
10-10-2016, 09:51 PM
Thank you for the good wishes. Unfortunately Friday evening saw Henry scratching manically at his neck / lump :crycry: OH and I immediately jumped up and stopped him but the damage was done as it started to weep / bleed. I called the vet and they asked me to send pictures, which I did, and they recommended a collar so OH popped down to collect one. It was still bleeding the next morning so we took him to the vets and the tech said to keep the cone on and give it time to heal. It's dried up a bit and isn't bleeding, but is still very red, however he is well in himself so we took him out today and used a neckwarmer to keep it safe.
molly muffin
10-10-2016, 10:01 PM
Oh no. Okay. So what does this mean for the situation itself?
Still using antibiotics and the cone to keep him from scratching it?
Poor boy. It just was irritating him and so he did what dogs do and scratched it.
That is excellent that he is still his cheery self. Sure he will recover fine. Just has to leave it alone.
Let us know how it goes.
Budsters Mom
10-10-2016, 11:56 PM
AWWWW Poor Henry and poor you.:o They hate those cones from hell. How about a soft collar? They look like little life preservers. I hope he heals quickly.
10-11-2016, 07:12 AM
The soft collars are so much more comfortable. Sibbie didn't give me any trouble with that after crying and crying with the other one and even managing to get out of it. She even used the inflatable one like a pillow.
10-11-2016, 09:47 PM
I would have preferred a soft collar but late on a Friday evening it was a case of taking what the vet offered. I've seen soft cones and also the padded collars - both look like better options, however he doesn't seem to mind the plastic one. I think OH and I have more of an issue, but that's because of the injuries we are sustaining!! I tried a couple of local pet shops but so far can't find either option so have to order online.
It was interesting timing with the scratching as it happened around 30 minutes after his once daily dose of one of the antibiotics - it was almost as if the AB was attacking the infection, but I am probably just being silly :o
The wound he caused by scratching is now dry and the redness is diminishing by the day. OH and I have not felt the lump itself for a few days because we don't want to hurt him so we can't say if it is getting smaller, but he is 5 days into a 2 week course of antibiotics so it may take a few days before there is any change.
We took him out again today, wearing his neckwarmer, and loads of people made a fuss of him so he was a happy chap :) I'm just keeping everything crossed that the diagnosis is correct (I know, I'm a bit of a worrier!)
10-12-2016, 05:35 PM
poor henry, i hope the antibiotics will do the trick and the lump will be gone in no time.
i am glad to read that he is feeling fine and wants to go out for his walks.
get well soon henry!
10-18-2016, 09:39 PM
We took Henry to the vets for his re-check today, and whilst she was pleased that the lump was reducing she said it was still there so has prescribed another 2 weeks of antibiotics. It is definitely much smaller than it was 2 weeks ago and the skin where he scratched has healed fully, so we're very hopeful that he'll be fully recovered soon.
10-20-2016, 07:59 PM
let's hope that the lump has gone after this round of antibiotics.
11-01-2016, 08:36 PM
Well, it was Henry's check up at the vets today and after 4 weeks of strong antibiotics I'm pleased to report that the vet said the lump had totally disappeared :D
However I finally let him sleep without his cone last night and he obviously decided to scratch the area and he made it bleed so we now have to use a spray for 4 days to help it heal. This I can cope with.
Budsters Mom
11-01-2016, 08:54 PM
So glad to hear that nasty lump is gone!:p keeping him from scratching is another matter.:rolleyes:
11-01-2016, 09:02 PM
maybe henry needs the cone for another while to make sure the skin can heal properly.
good news that the lump is gone.
Squirt's Mom
11-02-2016, 08:57 AM
YAY for disappearing lumps! I hope the scratched areas will heal up quickly.
molly muffin
11-02-2016, 05:34 PM
Glad to hear Henry got the all clear. Whew but what a bugger scratching himself again and making it bleed.
02-05-2017, 09:24 PM
I need some help please.
Last Winter OH and I took Henry on a road trip and en route back he started to shake and didn't stop no matter what I tried. Initially I blamed OHs driving ;) as he was absolutely fine when I took him for a drive on my own. But then he was OK when he went out with just OH too. So the next few trips with all three of us I slowly fed him and he was OK (as he's very food motivated).
Then Summer came, all of us used a different car, and no shaking...
Then back to the Winter car and all was OK until a few weeks ago and he started shaking again.
We think he's anxious about something (possibly the chance he may get a bath, but that happens more in the Summer than Winter!) so we were wondering if it was worth trying a herbal remedy such as valerian, and just wondered if anyone had experience using it please.
Budsters Mom
02-06-2017, 12:19 AM
Benadryl can help relax them for car rides, but the shaking worries me. Please explain the shaking episodes. Are they like seizures, head tremors, shivering???
02-06-2017, 10:20 AM
It's definitely not seizures or head tremors. It's more of a shudder in his legs and body - he insists on standing unless I tell him to lay down and give him treats, but that doesn't address the real problem because as soon as I stop the treats he starts shaking again, and it doesn't matter where he is in the car, so I can cuddle him, even wrapped in a blanket, and he still shakes / shudders (I don't like doing that because he's not as secure if there was an accident).
He's absolutely fine when the car is stationary, so it's just when it's moving and there's someone in the passenger seat :confused: I did wonder if it was a specific noise the car made, but it's both winter cars and only in the winter as I take him out in the winter car in the summer, so the only difference is the winter tires and even they are different (one has studded and they are different brands).
He is quite happy to get into the car, and there's no drooling or any signs of car sickness.
Squirt's Mom
02-06-2017, 10:37 AM
The insisting on standing and shaking reminded me of Squirt. She had become so scared of the vet that she associated the vehicle with the vet and would be very stressed every time she got in the truck. She had always loved to ride but that went away after the Cushing's and so many vet visits. So think if there is any association Henry may have with that car - you mentioned the there anything else he considers unpleasant that he may be associating with that winter car?
As for herbs, Valerian is tricky. It is both a sedative and stimulant nervine...meaning it can calm AND it can hype you up. I used it myself and it acts as a stimulant for me. I used it with an uber hyper foster dog I had and it made him go bonkers! :eek::D So I don't use Valerian any more. Instead I use Skullcap (Scutellaria spp but preferable the lateriflora - ie Scutellaria lateriflora) or Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata). Be SURE to check the Latin names when purchasing. ;) I use the Passionflower for storm phobia and it works very well. I sometimes add melatonin if the storms are strong and last a long time. I would try the Skullcap first as it is gentler than the Passionflower. The Passionflower may simply put him to sleep while the Skullcap can calm without knocking one out. My brother is very high strung and I make him a Skullcap tincture that he uses every day and says it helps him a lot without making him drowsy. Also, make a tea with dried herbs; don't use an alcohol tincture or capsule.
Let us know if you figure this out!
02-06-2017, 11:10 AM
Leslie has offered you some great suggestions. My baby was a poodle which required frequent trips to the groomers. I used a product called Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets. It did seem to work for her. I am sure you can look them up on their site for more information.
02-06-2017, 11:54 AM
So much love ! Glad you get to have new experiences with Henry, he appreciates it!
02-06-2017, 12:34 PM
Thanks so much for the information Leslie. I will see how I go about getting the skullcap to try.
I've heard of the Bach Rescue Remedy so will order some of that too, plus Benedryl, then take a few trips.
I really want to try to understand exactly what is upsetting him so much so I can fix the problem. It can't be the car as we use the winter cars all year round and he was fine until a few weeks ago.
Trips to the vets, groomers, kennels, etc. tend to be just one of us (he only shakes when we are both in the car) and whilst the vets isn't his favourite place he will happily run inside to see the staff, whilst he loves the groomer and will do somersaults at the sight of the road to kennels.
It's also strange that it's only when the car moves - we have actually pulled over and he will stop shaking, then start as we pull away.
He's slightly better on the interstate than other roads, but most of the driving we do with him individually is on other roads.
He loves the snow (fortunately as we get a lot of it!) so it can't be that.
Baths aren't that frequent but happen more in the summer if he's been in the sea.
Sorry for waffling but it's sort of helping to write this down - I just keep going over and over things in my mind but have yet to work it out. I just need to work out what only happens when we are both in the car with him in the winter :confused:
Squirt's Mom
02-06-2017, 01:09 PM
Ya may want to have a mechanic look at the winter car to see if it is making a noise Henry can hear but ya'll can't. Or maybe it IS hubby's driving! :p
Squirt's Mom
02-06-2017, 01:10 PM
Oh and check Mountain Rose Herbs for dried herbs, or on Amazon the company Frontier is a reputable house to buy from.
02-06-2017, 01:36 PM
Thanks so much for those suggestions. Will take a look now and see what I can order :)
It's actually both winter cars that he reacts to, but only in the winter, and he's fine with hubby in either winter car when it's just the two of them.....
The other day the three of us went out with OH driving for 15 mins and Henry shook, OH got out and I drove Henry round for 15 mins and he was fine, collected OH who then drove us all for 15 mins and Henry shook..... Conversely OH drove and Henry shook, I got out and Henry was fine, I got back in and Henry shook :confused: :confused:
So the problem seems to occur in the winter when I'm a passenger. We haven't tried me driving with hubby / someone else as a passenger so may give that a go to see what we can eliminate.
molly muffin
02-06-2017, 05:05 PM
Wow, that is just weird isn't it. I mean it has to have some root cause but it's strange the combination that makes him fearful.
Molly shook like crazy when we would get in a car to go somewhere, but it wasn't car specific, more all cars terrified her. She was transported down to Ontario on an 11 hour drive and it just I think freaked her out so that she associated the car with a long scary ride.
Any sudden stops where he might have unbalanced? I would put my hand on mollys head or back, somewhere on her body and she would be better than if I was sitting right next to her not touching.
I just don't know. I never could figure out how to cure molly of her fear.
02-07-2017, 07:43 PM
OK, been racking my brains and the only thing I can think of was a trip out last winter where OH took the railway line crossing at way less than the speed limit but more than he should given the state of the road!! It was the first time he drove that road and didn't realise just how uneven it was. I had done something similar a few weeks earlier but managed to get a less uneven patch.
However we drove that road quite a few times afterwards, at much lower speeds, and it was one of the ones where we were giving Henry treats then a walk on the beach.
Thanks so much again for all of your help with this.
I have decided that I will probably try the Benedryl first as I need to order the other options, and I have some questions:
- Henry is around so how much Benedryl should I give him?
- Can I make the Skullcap tea up in advance then just give him some before we take him out? and if so, how long will it keep? does it need to be chilled? how much should I give him?
- If I give him the Bach Rescue Remedy how much should he have?
Sorry for all of the questions - this is all new to me and I don't want to give him the wrong amounts.
molly muffin
02-07-2017, 07:53 PM
I found this site that says 1mg/1lb every 8 - 12 hours
The usual dosage of Benadryl for dogs is 1 mg/lb every 8 to 12 hours (two to three times daily). This suggested dose is for formulations containing diphenhydramine as the only the active ingredient. In certain situations (e.g. following a snake bite) 2 mg/lb per dose may be given instead. When used for allergies, it is best if the medicine is given before exposure to the allergen.
Don’t give any amount to your dog without checking with your vet first, as the dosage can differ depending on several factors including your dog’s medical history. It’s also important to determine the cause of symptoms before administering the medicine. When treating a small dog it’s better to use the children’s formula which contains smaller amounts of active ingredient, making it easier to measure out an accurate dose.
Giving the medicine on an empty stomach is fine, but giving it with food can help to prevent drooling and vomiting.
This site here too talks about pros and cons with dogs:
I never used it anything other than melatonin with molly which did help her anxiety, but I know some of the others here have so they can pop in and Leslie is our go to for natural remedies so would know about the skullcap.
I don't know why I didn't think of melatonin but when molly got that it was the only time she wouldn't suck her tail before going to bed. (that was a stress habit and i didn't even know that, thought it was just a habit until she stopped when taking melatonin)
So that might be an option to try also!
02-07-2017, 08:37 PM
Thanks so much for the information. I'll check that link out. I did a bit of googling but didn't find that link, and some of the info I did find was a bit conflicting / confusing. I'm planning to try the medications in the house first just in case he has a reaction or any side effects.
I'm interested to learn more about the melatonin please, as I'm guessing I could buy it locally.
Hmmmmm just been doing some research and see that it's effective for up to 8 hours. This would be OK for a long drive, but I really need something for shorter periods as OH and I often take him out to the beach at the weekend, which may only be an hours drive each way and he'd want to run around whilst we're there. I think it's the same with the Benedryl :confused: Maybe we'll have to take two cars!!
molly muffin
02-07-2017, 10:59 PM
3 mg for dogs under 30lb. 6mg over 30lb.
I would only give to Molly when she needed it about 30 minutes before a thunderstorm for example. This is a good write up about it.
It can be hard to find the small dose over counter. I ordered lignans for life and it came quickly. You don't want a times or slow release.
Squirt's Mom
02-08-2017, 09:09 AM
Herbal teas will last no more than 48 hours in the fridge. As for how much to make, I use the folk medicine method. For my babies' Passionflower tea I use an 8oz canning jar and put about 2 tbsp of dried herb in the jar then pour boiling water over the herb til the jar is almost 1/2 full...the same will work for Skullcap. Then cap the jar and let it sit until you can handle it easily then put in fridge. Be sure to put a metal spoon or knife in the jar before pouring the boiling water in to help prevent the jar breaking. ;) I usually sit the jar with the herb in it on the stove near the kettle so the jar has time to warm a bit and use a spoon/knife. There is no need to strain it unless you just want to. If you DO want to strain, let it sit until it is cooled then pour thru cheesecloth, squeeze the excess from the cloth, dispose of the spent herb, and put the liquid in the fridge. I use an old eye dropper to put in their food or squirt directly into the mouth. I would start with 1ml for a pup Henry's size; if that's not enough add more next time til you find that sweet spot. Give it to him about 30 min before you are to leave to give it time to go to work good.
If you are like me and dislike waste, you or hubby can drink the tea use at bedtime Henry doesn't to help ease you into sleep. It will not put you out as easily as Passionflower but it will relax you a bit. I would add honey to taste if you drink it.
02-09-2017, 10:00 PM
Oh, Thank you so much for all of the information. I have so much to learn and I'm doing loads of reading at the moment.
I need to work out the best way to test the different options as most seem to be effective for quite a few hours, and he's quite small, but I want to take him for a relatively short drive then let him have a walk / fun, so he associates the car with good things so I don't want him to be too drowsy.
I really like the idea of a natural remedy so I'm leaning towards the skullcap, but it did cross my mind that it might cause problems at the border ;) so I'm wondering if I should try the Bach rescue remedy first.
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2017, 11:54 AM
I have shipped tinctures, which are liquid, across several borders with no problems, include Canada. If you write to Mountain Rose Herbs I'm sure they can talk to you about any problems they have had. Nice folk own MRH and have always been willing to work with me on anything I've contacted them about. They may have a Canada phone #, I'm not sure.
02-10-2017, 04:08 PM
Thanks for the info Leslie. I was actually thinking more about taking a bag of herbs, which may be mistaken for something else ;), across the border (which I would have to do if the tea only lasts 48 hours) as there are restrictions on food stuffs (e.g. no fresh fruit) and dog food (no beef products).
However around 3am this morning I had a revelation, well possibly!! If I need to sometimes calm him for short periods and other times for longer ones why don't I try the thundershirt concept, but use a small doggy tshirt or similar. When I used to take Hamish to the vets I often took a towel which I wrapped / cuddled him in and it made him relax, so I could try the same thing with Henry. It's got to be worth a try :D
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2017, 04:38 PM
ah! good idea! The simple ones usually are and for me are often the hardest to come up with! :D
02-12-2017, 10:30 PM
Just a quick update. We took Henry out in the car wearing a fairly tight top to act as a thundershirt then I wrapped him in the towel on my lap whilst hubby drove. Henry started to shake so we stopped the car and I drove with hubby cuddling Henry. He still shook a bit, but slightly less. Then we took him for a walk on the beach which he really enjoyed, then I drove whilst hubby cuddled him and he shook a bit, but still less than before...
Then we popped him into the back seat and hubby drove whilst I fed Henry bits of kibble and apart from one point on the highway where he had a small shake until I shook the food bag under his nose he was fine.
Budsters Mom
02-12-2017, 11:09 PM
Great news!!!:p Keep up the great work! Go Henry!!!
Squirt's Mom
02-13-2017, 09:45 AM
Curious but YAY for less shaking! Good job, mom, in experimenting and finding ways to help you sweet boy feel less stressed/frightened/???.
molly muffin
02-13-2017, 05:48 PM
It does sound like he has a case of fear for some unknown reason and that hopefully keeping on doing what you are doing will have him get over it. It's always harder to get past fear than it is to develop it so might take a bit, but it does sound like you are on the right track and it's working.
02-14-2017, 10:11 AM
My Gable started being afraid in our bedroom at night a couple of years ago. He would pant, breath so heavy and tremble so much that it felt like I was on one of those vibrating beds. I couldn't let him downstairs because we had a cat who would only come up from the basement at night when the dogs were locked up in my bedroom.
After Lena died last year, it got worse. Phoenix, the cat, passed away 2 weeks after Lena and I let Gable stay downstairs after that. He's been doing that since last March. I never could figure out what set him off, but he was terrified! Sometimes I'll get up and go down in the middle of the night and he is out like a light! He'll come up sometimes during the day, but still won't sleep upstairs with us.
03-01-2017, 10:19 PM
Well it seems to be a case of one step forward then two back. We had a long drive the other day which started with Henry and OH + me, then just me, then OH + me again.
Henry was really stressed (panting etc.) during the first bit with OH + me then started screaming when it was just me so I got some childrens Benedryl (the only option I could find where I was at the time as I couldn't give him bits of kibble whilst I was on my own and driving) then took him to a park and walked him round for 2 hours, then I gave him a partial dose of Benedryl with food before collecting OH. He continued to scream and pant so I gave him more food and the rest of the dose of Benedryl but no change :( I tried offering him bits of kibble but he didn't seem to notice (and he is totally food obsessed normally). We stopped and took him for a 45 min walk then I wrapped him in a towel and cuddled him. Eventually he stopped shaking and went to sleep but I think that may have been more exhaustion.
I could only get the childrens Benedryl with the dye so I am wondering if the dyes could be the problem. I now have the non-dye version, although it's bubblegum flavour so not sure what he'll make of that! I also now have the Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets and I'm going to get some melatonin and work out how to order the Skullcap. I really need to find a solution as we currently live in the middle of nowhere and have no choice but to drive him places - even just to take him for a walk (as our disgusting neighbour's dogs poop all over our driveway etc. and they don't pick up so I can't even take him to the street!) Wish me luck!!
Squirt's Mom
03-02-2017, 10:12 AM
Bless his heart! It sounds for all the world as if he has had a traumatic experience in a vehicle but you know he hasn't! The way my weird mind works....I couldn't help but wonder if he has had a premonition! :o I wonder if he has had a nightmare involving an accident or something? So strange indeed!
My new neighbors were doing the same thing when they first moved in so I politely scooped it all up, put it in a bag, and set it on their front steps with a note explaining who had done that and why and what they needed to do to prevent that from happening again. Of course, I can be a real b____! :D
03-03-2017, 10:47 PM
Well we had another interesting drive yesterday, in more ways than one! We gave Henry a full dose of Benedryl and popped him in the car. He shook and panted but didn't cry or scream, so I got some kibble out and he lay down wagging his tail and ate some but then started to get stressed again so I got some higher value treats and again he lay down and wagged his tail. I tried to extend the time between treats but if I didn't treat him for around 2 minutes he stood up and started to shake / pant. I was getting a bit worried that I was training him to shake then lie down and get a treat (as he can pick cues like that when it comes to training) so I sat him on my lap for the next part of the trip. He was happy if he was able to look around but didn't want to sleep on me.
So, it was dark and getting chilly and we were on the interstate and suddenly there was a very wet patch across the road and we hydroplaned heading for the hard shoulder. Then we hit ice and the car fishtailed around 4 or 5 times. Fortunately OH has done quite a few driving courses so he managed to catch the car and we were OK.
We keep contacting the dog warden as a few neighbours have said the perpetrator can be "unreasonable".
03-04-2017, 10:37 AM
How did Henry react to the fishtailing? Did he panic? I know I would've!
Sibbie has become fearful of riding in the car suddenly. When I asked my husband if anything happened he did admit that he stopped short and the car seat went flying with her in it. She was fine before that happened. Now instead of lying down and sleeping, she sits up and shakes, sometimes whining. I wanted to kill him! So now if she is really afraid I will hold her in my lap while driving and she calms down. Not good, I know, but I want her to feel comfortable. If we all go out in the car, she sits in my lap and is fine...doesn't shake or seem afraid at all. It's just the car seat.
I think that once they get something in their heads that frightens them, it's really hard to undo it.
03-04-2017, 10:56 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Sibbie is also fearful in the car. Do you think she'd be OK with a different car seat? I keep wondering if changing the conditions would make Henry think differently - so far we've tried a crate on the back seat and different cars! We're considering a seatbelt harness with less freedom to move (to help him feel more secure) but that's for a time when he's feeling better about cars in general, or maybe the summer as he's never had a problem with the summer cars. :confused:
I'm not sure he actually noticed the fishtailing as he was sitting on my lap and he didn't seem to react either at the time or afterwards. I think I probably held him a bit tighter as it was happening, but it definitely seemed like OH and I were more shaken than he was. If I'm honest when it was happening I was thinking how glad I was that OH was driving instead of me as he has driven so many different vehicles in so many conditions, and done quite a few skid pans, so I just trusted that he would know what to do.
Budsters Mom
03-05-2017, 02:00 PM
Laps! The best place EVER!! Henry is brilliant!!!:D
So glad you are all okay.
molly muffin
03-05-2017, 05:58 PM
Holy crap that would scare me stupid. Actually, have been there, spinning in the middle of a highway before going off into the ditch and it did scare me something awful. I hate black ice, well, any ice but black is the worst.
It does seem like something has him spooked but weird since nothing up till that point has happened with him in the car. (winter car that is) I just don't know.
Did you try the melatonin about 20 minutes or so before you are to leave?
I know what you mean about teaching him to shake, lay down and get a treat, dogs are so smart, they learn quick what works when it comes to treats. LOL
03-05-2017, 07:50 PM
So far we've only tried the Benedryl as that was all I could find the first day, however I now have Melatonin and Bach Rescue Remedy so will be trying them too. I also want to try Skullcap but I need to order it online, and I'm still a bit worried about taking it across the border.
molly muffin
03-05-2017, 08:04 PM
I'd try the others and see if they work first. If one of them work then you wouldn't have to worry about border crossing with them.
Melatonine worked best with molly but you know every dog is different with what they respond to best so it's more try and see than anything else when it comes to nerves and panic attacks which is what he appears to be having.
Does he ever show any panic anywhere else at all?
Budsters Mom
03-28-2017, 10:06 PM
I would be very careful about taking any herbs over the border. I was detained once because I had ginger in my purse, which I take for migraines. This was crossing the border into Mexico, not Canada to US. They stole my ginger powder. and warned me not to attempt to bring any herbs over the border again. Oddly, they took it very seriously. :rolleyes:
03-30-2017, 09:16 PM
I thought it was time for a quick update, so here goes. So far we've tried Benedryl and Melatonin. The Benedryl had no effect on him at all, whilst the Melatonin made him drowsy in the house but as soon as we went out to the car he was totally alert and started to cry.
So I have been doing a bit research and I think he may be overstimulated as he is also reacting to other things - he goes wild if anything remotely resembling an animal appears on the TV, barks at the people opposite (they're not close!), barks when the hare appears in the trees, barks at the sump pump, etc. Well you get the idea. He's been like this since we moved so I think it'the house layout / location, although it may also be because I have to drive him somewhere to take him for a walk (although I thought that would make the car a positive experience as 99% of the trips are for walks :confused:).
Anyway we are working on training him to be calm and trying to reduce reactive situations (we've blocked all of the windows!) so keep your fingers crossed for us.
Squirt's Mom
03-31-2017, 10:20 AM
I wonder if something like Prozac might help him? It sounds like this is progressing. :( Have you talked to his vet about this to make sure there is nothing physiological going on....maybe thyroid or other enzyme over/under production?
03-31-2017, 01:18 PM
I was holding off speaking to the vet until I had tried all of the OTC alternatives as I reluctant to give him something stronger however we are very close to that point now.
I was trying the "softer" options as I want him to be OK to walk when we get somewhere, so I want him to relax in the car but to be able to run around when we arrive at the park. I know, I want it all :o
It's interesting that you mention about the thyroid - are there other signs I should be looking for, in case I should get it checked sooner rather than later?
Fortunately one of the vets knows a bit about alternative meds so she may have some suggestions.
Squirt's Mom
03-31-2017, 02:10 PM
I was just tying to gthink of anything that might help and hyPERthyroidism came to mind (we usually see hyPOthyroidism, or low, in our cush pups). Here is a link about that -
A story of a pup on Prozac (not that I particularly think that specific drug is needed but maybe one in that class) -
More info on Prozax -
And of course cortisol or another corticosteriod could be in play causing the anxiety. We do sometimes see restlessness and anxiety in our cush pups. JUST what you want to think about, huh? :D
And again - I am no expert....just letting my mind roam and seeking possibilities. ;)
03-31-2017, 09:20 PM
THANK YOU so much for the information. I've been reading the articles and doing more research.
What's especially interesting about the hyperthyroidism is the location of the thyroid - remember that he had the infection in his salivary glands? From my very limited knowledge I think that's close to the thyroid, and thinking back the car fear could have started around that time. Something I really need to think a bit more about. :confused:
That said he's definitely not losing weight, nor is he drinking / peeing more, and his appetite is the same as always (constant!)
04-01-2017, 10:13 PM
and then today was a totally different story :confused:
We gave him some Melatonin and playtime then popped him on my lap and headed out. He shook and panted a bit, but less than previously, for around 30 mins then OH got some crackers out and he totally focused on them so we gave him some and he started to relax, then we got him out for a walk. When we got back in the car I had some kibble ready but he was fairly relaxed, no shaking or panting. Then we saw a fox so he got very excited and panted a bit after that then went to sleep on me for around 20 mins. He then woke up and shook / panted a bit for the last 10 mins of the trip.
So overall not great, but much better than the last few trips.
Squirt's Mom
04-02-2017, 09:34 AM
molly muffin
04-02-2017, 11:42 AM
That is good that he was calmer at least some of the time in the car. It's all so strange the way he reacts.
The thyroid is a good place to start especially considering the previous infection. The thyroid is dogs is on the sides of the larynx I believe.
It still could be that he is anxious over all with no medical reason but it's hard to be sure without any kind of testing to see. If all thyroid test came back negative you would have a better idea.
04-02-2017, 01:07 PM
For any tests I want to take him to the vet that Hamish went to, because she does a lot of complimentary therapies. Problem is that involves a long drive with lots of slows / stops / starts which is currently Henry's worst nightmare, so I am going to try a few more trips like yesterday to see if we can find a way of at least relaxing him a bit.
If it ever stops snowing we'll be getting the summer cars out and that will be really interesting as he never had a problem travelling in them.
molly muffin
04-06-2017, 09:50 PM
I heard that you guys where getting lots of snow still. Newfoundland was it that just got socked with a huge dump of snow!
Yes it is going to be really interesting to see how he does in the summer cars. I hope no problem at all and then you can take him to Hamish's vet to see what she thinks. Another pair of eyes/minds on the issue might be just the thing.
04-08-2017, 09:22 PM
We've managed to avoid most of the snow from the last few storms, but Newfoundland got hammered.
Well, the latest news is that Henry turned 4 on Thursday, and on Friday we took him for a drive after a dose of Benedryl and whilst he "talked" a lot when it was just me and him, he sat on my lap then in the back seat without shaking at all when OH was driving, and even lay down for a few minutes - same car, same tires, .... :confused: :confused: but :D
04-09-2017, 08:17 AM
Awww...Happy Birthday, Henry!
Squirt's Mom
04-09-2017, 08:50 AM
Harley PoMMom
04-09-2017, 10:08 AM
Happy belated Birthday, Henry!!
Budsters Mom
04-09-2017, 10:57 AM
Happy Birthday Big Guy!!!:D:D:D
04-09-2017, 02:01 PM
Belated happy, happy birthday, Henry.
Love and licks
Sonja and angel Apollo:p
04-09-2017, 02:36 PM
Henry says THANK YOU so much for the birthday wishes. He can't believe I didn't tell you all on Thursday - reckons you just can't get the staff these days ;)
About to take him for another drive - fingers and paws crossed!!
04-09-2017, 07:41 PM
happy birthday henry! i hope they got you your own car so you can drive yourself...............
04-09-2017, 09:08 PM
Lovely to hear from you Iris. Hope all is well with you and the pups, and the weather is being kind to you.
04-10-2017, 08:39 PM
enya is still going strong for her age. she will turn 15 may 2. still missing her brother.
midas turned 1 in january. he is a very powerful working dog. very high energy, pffffft! he passed his first detection sniffer dog exam a few weeks ago. he loves to do all kinds of nosework.
we had no winter at all again -unlike you- and had some hot "'summer"'days already. it is very dry. weird weather due to climate change. everything is off.
can you smell spring coming in your area?
04-10-2017, 09:25 PM
Pleased to hear Enya is doing well. How is she getting along with Midas these days?
We had less snow than the last few years, which was a good thing as we now live out of town. We did have a power outage which lasted more than a day, but we were lucky compared to many others who lost power for almost a week, plus we have a (small) generator. Now it's mud season, or bath season for poor Henry ;)
molly muffin
04-10-2017, 10:38 PM
Iris! Good t hear from you. I bet Midas is keeping you super busy.
It was 22c here today. Now it's pouring rain. W had snow on Friday morning. Spring in Canada. Lol.
So good that Enya is still doing well. Hope you are too
04-11-2017, 07:22 PM
@mc davis; i keep enya and midas seperated. he is too high energy for her and way too big!
that is good that you own a generator. 1 day without power in winter is no fun, but a week.......
poor henry mud season....smaller dogs contract more mud than bigger dogs being closer to the road and grass.
@ sharlene; we had 20+C already too in march. last sunday too. weird.
today it was 13C.
no snow or rain over here, it is very dry which isn't normal too.
midas is keeping me very busy indeed. i am too old for such a dog ha, ha! he can easily pull me over if he wants to and i am no feather weight.
how are you doing without miss molly?
04-14-2017, 04:26 PM
Well Henry has much longer legs than Hamish did, which helps avoid some baths, but others are inevitable.
We took him to the beach today, without any meds. There was some minor shaking for the first 10 minutes then excited squeaks when he recognised the destination, oh and yelps when we drove past a dog, then no shaking on the way back so overall it was a good day :)
Squirt's Mom
04-14-2017, 05:01 PM
YAY!!! Hopefully he will get over his fright and not repeat it!
04-14-2017, 06:14 PM
glad to hear that henry had a good day and enjoyed his beach walk.
have you tried just putting him in the back of the car in a covered bench/transporter and just ignore him?
maybe he is enjoying all the fuzz he is getting from you.
he sounds like a smart boy.
how about his houdini tricks? did you find the right harness for him?
04-14-2017, 08:11 PM
We've tried a crate on the back seat and he wasn't happy (shaking) as he does like to look out / around. He's been like this since we got him and I wanted to try to ignore him but OH didn't - guess who takes him out most :rolleyes: That said a crate just won't work in the Mustang and we use that for most of the summer drives.
We're using a similar harness which we attach to his collar with a small collar (looks better than the string I used for a few weeks!). We recently got a buddy belt for him but I've not had a chance to try it.
Budsters Mom
04-14-2017, 08:27 PM
So glad to hear that the beach trip worked out so well. Henry has always loved the beach!:D
molly muffin
04-14-2017, 11:13 PM
This is good news! Maybe Henry is calming down from whatever bothered him. More trips to the beach!! LOL
02-01-2018, 09:29 PM
Can't believe how long it's been since I posted about the little chap! Well, he'll be 5 in a few months time, but still behaves like a puppy, not that I expect him to slow down.
And so, it's that time of year again. Henry was absolutely fine in the cars all Summer regardless of who was driving, then just after Christmas I was driving back on the interstate and all the warning lights came on so limped the car home. Next trip out was in OH's car and Henry started shaking when we got onto the interstate and I thought it was after the problem, but no, he's OK with me on the interstate, but not with OH either as a passenger or driving! So if we go out together on the interstate I'm in the passenger seat armed with treats which work as a great distraction. My only worry is that he's now worked out how to get treats in the car!!
ETA: I've added a recent photo in his album
Squirt's Mom
02-02-2018, 08:46 AM
Good to hear from you, Mc!
The car business is very odd but it would seem his dad is the source. LOL I am glad ya'll have worked out a method to help Henry cope...even if he result is he has trained you to give him extra treats. :D
02-02-2018, 03:48 PM
Have to confess to teasing OH about his driving skills, but he's definitely the better driver given his experience and various courses he's done over the years - just don't tell him I said so!!
I'm more than happy to do whatever it takes to get Henry to be happy in the car, but he's so food oriented and so clever that I don't want him to think he has to be stressed to get a treat. Maybe I'll have to give him treats in the Summer too, when he's happy - hmmmm, he has got me trained hasn't he ;)
molly muffin
02-02-2018, 05:53 PM
He Is one smart guy that henry. hahahaha Training his peeps right.
It is so weird about how just OH driving makes him freaky. But that just goes to show how little we know about what goes on in their heads sometimes.
Really great to hear from you again. We've had really cold and off and on again snow. Hear we are suppose to get a bit this weekend. I'm not a fan. I like snow at christmas then I'm basically done and ready for one of the other seasons to kick in. hahaha
02-02-2018, 09:16 PM
Actually just thinking about a recent experience with Henry, and wondering if by any chance anyone else had ever experienced it. Back in October we decided to change Henry's food, and after a lot of research I decided to get him some Victor which was highly rated. When I opened the bag I noticed that it was very dark, almost black. Around 4 days into the transition the fur in the area beneath his tail went very dark. It wasn't itchy or anything, and didn't bother him in any way, but it did look rather unsightly and it got darker as time went on. I wiped the area and a dark sandy substance came off! Oh, the poops were good and solid but I did wonder if it related to the anal glands, but he wasn't scooting or anything?? In addition his eyes started to run and I had to clean black lumps out of them each morning. So we changed the food back and the eyes cleared up immediately, whilst the fur under the tail is gradually getting lighter again. I assume it was an ingredient that didn't agree with him but have no idea what it could have been.
Squirt's Mom
02-03-2018, 09:50 AM
Yeah, sure sounds like something in the food for sure. I have fed Victor's in the past with no issues but that was several years ago. I would check the ingredients in the Victor and compare to his old food to see what the differences are. I hope his tail clears up soon!
02-03-2018, 05:27 PM
beautiful pictures of henry in the snow, water and playing with a stick.
just like my dogs.
how about his houdini tricks?
no more escapes?
p.s. i tried to upload some photo's too. my old pc is very slow. 3x midas, 1x enya.
02-03-2018, 09:29 PM
Yeah, sure sounds like something in the food for sure. I have fed Victor's in the past with no issues but that was several years ago. I would check the ingredients in the Victor and compare to his old food to see what the differences are. I hope his tail clears up soon!
As you can imagine I've been checking and re-checking to see if I can work out what the problem ingredient was. I've even been comparing the Victor to other foods that have worked for him. It's interesting because he did react to another food when he was still a puppy but that time it was licking his paws, and I can't find an ingredient that is only in the Victor and that food. Oh well, it keeps me out of trouble ;)
02-03-2018, 09:47 PM
beautiful pictures of henry in the snow, water and playing with a stick.
just like my dogs.
how about his houdini tricks?
no more escapes?
p.s. i tried to upload some photo's too. my old pc is very slow. 3x midas, 1x enya.
I love your photos. I didn't realise how similar their colouring was. It's beautiful.
We're still attaching his harness to his collar with another collar and keeping everything crossed!!
02-04-2018, 09:07 PM
I love your photos. I didn't realise how similar their colouring was. It's beautiful.
We're still attaching his harness to his collar with another collar and keeping everything crossed!!
this rare bi-blue merle colouring ended up to be a hallmark sign of most of my dogs. except for flynn, he was black and white.
i have to double check midas" collar and working harness too, because he is so strong and wants to fight with every male dog. he is an intact male working dog.
very social to people though.
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