View Full Version : My sweet Sabre girl just diagnosed with Cushings

06-01-2013, 12:49 PM
My 9.5 year old Lab Sabre tested positive for Cushing’s on Friday . We were just getting back to normal from emergency bloat surgery back in September when I almost lost her from a twisted stomach. We had done blood work several times, I have also had sonograms and xrays done numerous times since trying to help with her continued bloating.
I noticed last week, she was drinking unusually large amounts of water and peeing all the time. She also had a couple of accidents in the house which Sabre has not done since she was 4 months old.
We treated her for a UTI and then tested her for Cushings using an ACTH test. Her ALKP was high: 981, HGB high: 18.7, her choletreol is high: 406 and her Lymphocrytes were low: 641
Aside from the enormous water intake/peeing, she also has a pot belly, has much less energy and seems generally uncomfortable.
My vet and I discuseed options and he is not "pro" medications unless absolutely necessary because of the potential damage they do.
I have read many different opinions on this and have found some holistic advice using Melatonin, Milk Thistle, flax seed and or the use of Denamarin.
I have to be cautios of her food intake because of her previous bloat and she eats yogurt with her morning meal and ground turkey with evening meal.
Sabre is my baby. She is my heart and my love and I will do whatever she needs to be comfortable, happy and here with me as lomng as possible. I am not concerned with costs, just her safety and well being.
Any help, advise or support but be very much appreciated.

06-01-2013, 01:24 PM
so sorry to read that Sabre has been having some issues and possibly Cushings. I am still kind of new here myself but there are experts on board to help advise and guide you as they did for me.
My dog was diagnosed in April. In March she had very high liver levels. Prior to testing for Cushings she was on Denamarin. Her liver counts came down a bit but once off the pill they went back up.
The only way to control Cushings is with the medication. There are 2 medications that are used..we are on Trilostane. The amount and dosing will be important and levels will need to be tested for optimum effectiveness and to avoid an over dose. Of course every dog will be different but my dog is on Trilostane and doing fine now. After a number of weeks all her symptoms are gradually going away. This is the 1st week of more normal water intake. She is more herself again so for us the medication has been a welcome solution.
The knowledgeable ones on this board will want you to post all your test numbers so they can give you good advice. Don't discount the medication as it can help get your Sabre back to normal. It's not without worry but there are not many choices except to medicate or not medicate, unless your dog has an adrenal tumor and then sometimes surgery can be a possible option. My dog is still on Denamarin for her liver but that pill had no effect on her Cushings symptoms. I do hope it's still helping her liver though! Good luck moving forward and let us know how Sabre is doing.
Barbara :)

06-01-2013, 04:32 PM
Hi and Welcome,

Sorry to hear about Sabre's problems. Do you have the results of the ACTH test? Were any other tests done? Cushings is a hard disease to diagnose as many illnesses can mimic it and the tests we use to diagnose it can have false positives.


Sorry this is so short, others will be along soon.

Roxee's Dad
06-01-2013, 04:37 PM
Hi and welcome from me too :)

I am sorry for what you and Sabre are going through:( Just a few questions to start with.
Has Sabre been on any steroids? Did the Vet do an LDDS test to determine if it's PDH or ADH type cushings. As for the ACTH, could you post the results of that test. If you don't have them, your vet or vet's assistant should be happy to give them to you. When the sonograms were performed, did they note anything about the adrenal glands?

As far as the medication goes, Melatonin and flax seed are usually used to control a type of cushings called Atypical. The Lysodren or Vetoryl are used to control ADH and PDH cushings. While they can be dangerous if not properly prescribed and monitored, they are life saving for a cush pup. It is possible your vet is not very experienced, it wouldn't hurt to ask him about his experience. You may even want to consider a referral to an IMS.

Looking forward to learning more about Sabre :)

Budsters Mom
06-02-2013, 02:51 AM
Hello and welcome from me too.:)
I am sorry for the reason that brought you here, but so glad you found us.You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. We will do all we can to help. So again welcome to you and Sabre,


molly muffin
06-02-2013, 10:45 AM
Hello and welcome to you and Sabre :)
Was the ACTH test done while Sabre had the UTI or after that had cleared up? I ask because just about anything else going on can invalidate the results of cushing tests.
You definitely want to know that it is cushings that Sabre has before any sort of treatment is started. It sounds like your vet is very much on board with that too.
Did you happen to also have an ultrasound after the surgery for bloat? I wonder if the report would mention things like the liver, adrenal glands, kidney on it if they did one. If not it can be very helpful to determine what is going on and with Sabre's recent issues I am thinking I would want to have one done if you haven't.
I hope that they can get his figured out for Sabre and you. I know it is so difficult when they are not being themselves and you know something is wrong.
I very much understand about the accidents. I bet Sabre is terribly embarrassed. My golden only had one accident in the house during her good years and she was mortified. You can just tell by the expression on their adorable faces.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-08-2013, 12:15 PM
Sabre's ACTH test was done after she had been treated for the UTI. Her ACTH numbers were: Pre-ACTH 8.6 and Pist ACTH 39.7
Do these seem typical or high?
I am having her tested Tuesday to determine if it is Adrenal or Pituitary caused. Two days ago, she began having a lot of accidents in the house, something she has never done, She has a doggie door and even when she makes it outside she is only getting a few feet out the door.
Yesterday morning she was eating breakfast and took about 2 steps and peed all over the floor. She is 100 lbs and that is a lot of pee!
I did have an ultrasound done about a month after her bloat surgery. I was holding her when they did the test and they looked all over for anything that might be an issue. They found nothing but a slightly enlarged Pancreas.
If the test on Tuesday shows it to be Adrenal, I wonder if another additional ultrasound would be beneficial, since tumors are inoperable most of the time. But I am willing to do anything for my Sabre girl, she is my love and my heart and I want her to have the best chance of being here with me as long as possible.

molly muffin
06-08-2013, 01:41 PM
Does the ACTH have the normal range given next to the result? Also there should be comments on the test paper.
It isn't necessarily true that all adrenal tumors are inoperable. It depends on where they are located, and what the size is, and several other factors. I assume you are having the LDDS for determining if pituitary or adrenal.
So no enlarged liver or adrenal glands on the last ultrasound.
I'm wondering about testing showing UPC ratios. Just to rule out any kidney issues also.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-08-2013, 01:50 PM
Normal ranges listed on test were:
Pre ACTH 2-6 and post ACTH 6-18
And other than some general comments, it just shows her range to be high.
On the Ultrasound, liver looked good, etc.
Yes, she will have the LDDS on Tuesday, and she is going to NOT want me to leave her. She has had to go to the vet so much in the last 6 months she hates it now and just starts trembling.

molly muffin
06-08-2013, 02:01 PM
Awwww, poor baby. Yes the numbers are high for the ACTH. You always want to look at the ranges given, because different labs have different range values. So, it's hard to just do a blanket, yes it's high, if we don't know the range. So there is a pretty good size storage of cortisol in her adrenal glands. Not outrageous though and not as large as some we've seen. So no panicking :)

Going to have to make those vet visits seem more like a treat and good time for Sabre. (not that I expect you'll be able to fool her much) LOL Take treats though for afterwards, play with her while you are there.

Molly freaks when she is on the way to the vet (or anywhere actually) but is fine once we get there and then everyone makes a big deal over her and she has a good time (as long as she can see me, she is fine as long as she doesn't SEE me leave)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-14-2013, 10:31 PM
Sabre's HDDS test results came back positive for Pituitary based Cushings. She is 9.5 yr old, 106 lb Lab. I have her on Melatonin 2 MG 2x day and 350 mg Milk Thistle. We will start her on Trilostane Monday. What should I watch for, be alert to as she starts treatment??
Is anyone using Flax Seed with Lignans?

06-14-2013, 10:38 PM
What dosing amount and frequency are you giving?

Your vet should have discussed what to look for but in general you look for lethargy, vomit, diarrhea as signs that cortisol is going low too fast/dose too high. If that happens you simply withold the drug and call the vet - probably lower the dose.

Here's a link with more info. Good luck! Kim


PS I used lysodren which treats cushings and lowers the sex hormones (that you are treating with the melatonin and flax). sorry I cant help you there.

06-17-2013, 03:17 PM
We are statring Sabre on 120 mg/Vetoryl 1x a day and I will keep her on the Milk Thistle to continue to try and support her liver. She is so unhappy right now, she has always been a very active dog and now she she has zero energy, restless, unconfortable....It makes me so sad to see her like this.:(

Budsters Mom
06-17-2013, 03:37 PM
I am so sorry that Sabre isn't feeling well.:( Hoping the meds will help.

06-20-2013, 12:48 PM
Sabre has been on 120 mg of Vetoryl for 3 days and I have already noticed a significant difference. Her frequent drinking/peeing has become almost normal, she is sleeping through the night w/o panting/anxiety attacks. She seems much more calm, less restless. Is this common to see results this early on? I seem to have read other threads where results were not seen for weeks.
My vet did tell me I should see some kind of change within a week, but it has only been 3 days.
Should I be concerned that the dosage is too high. she is not lethargic and has shown no sign of tummy distress.

Roxee's Dad
06-20-2013, 03:03 PM
Glad to see an improvement... Just keep a close eye on Sabre and watch for loss of appetite, lethargy and diarrhea.

After only 3 days of dosing, it is possible the cortisol may continue to drop. I assume Sabre has an appointment within the next week or so for an ACTH test?

06-20-2013, 04:24 PM
I can get Sabre into the vet at anytime, so she isn't scheduled for another ACTH test. The vet wanted to see if she would actually respond to the Vetoryl and take it 1 day at a time. Assuming she continues to do well, I will have her tested again next week.
I am working from home all week so I can watch her for any sign that she needs to stop or lower meds.
Her appetite is excellent and she is moving around just fine. Her poopies look good and she is breathing well.
I just hope it stays positive and this will help her enjoy life again.:o

Squirt's Mom
06-20-2013, 04:52 PM
There is a specific schedule for ACTHs with Trilo but I will let the Trilo parents fill you in 'cause I'd probably get it wrong. :p I do know that the cortisol drops pretty quickly with Trilo and can continue to drop for about 30 days so you don't want to increase the dose during those first 30 days in most cases. As John, said just keep an eye on her for signs the cortisol has dropped too low. You're doing a good job, Mom!

Leslie and the gang

06-20-2013, 05:02 PM
Sounds like Sabre has some real relief...and you do too! yay!
I think you should just keep watching him carefully like you've been doing. We did our first acth test 10 days after starting the medication. Unless you see evidence that he is getting too much then 10 days or there abouts is probably a good time to check Sabre's levels, then you will know how it's going and if the dose should continue to remain the same.
It took me over 3 weeks to see any change in the symptoms but every dog is different. We started very low and we have continued to up the dosage, so maybe you have started out just right for Sabre.
You know what to look for if he begins to drop too low. For now things sound great! So glad that Sabre is feeling better!!

06-24-2013, 11:56 AM
Well its been 7 days and so far so good. She is still panting in the evenings starting about 8 but is sleeping through the night now. Appetite is excellent, water consumption is way down and she is showing interest in being active again. Praying this continues!!:)

Roxee's Dad
06-24-2013, 01:07 PM
The good news keeps flowing :) Glad to see such an improvement. Probably should have an ACTH in the next few days to see where her cortisol is at. Then remember that "post" ACTH number and that is pretty much where you want to keep her. Some do better at a higher post range, some do better on the lower end of the post range number.

The first ACTH check should be about 10 days after starting medications, then 30 days, and if still no changes in dosage then ... 3 months. Every time there is a change in dosage, we need to go back to 30 days in checking her levels via the ACTH.

You doing a great job... :D

Budsters Mom
06-24-2013, 02:47 PM
I'm thrilled to hear that Sabre is doing so well, so quickly on the Vetoryl.:D Please follow up with an ACTH test within the next few days. Vetoryl can continue to drop the cortisol level for up to 30 days or more. You do need to know where she is at. But, this is still great news!:D

molly muffin
06-24-2013, 03:56 PM
Yay for good news for Sabre! :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-03-2013, 09:25 PM
Sabre has now been on Vetoryl for 15 days. Her water intake is close to normal, her panting is a little better, but she still has moments where she is obviously uncomfortable and still has low energy levels. Her hair is growing back in the 2 spots on her belly and her appetite and poop are excellent. However...she has developed another UTI. That is 3 in 2 months. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does it get better? Is there anything I can do to help prevent them?

07-03-2013, 10:53 PM
Good news that Sabre's symptoms are subsiding.:) It's such a relief to see some improvement. We have finally had a few days in a row of pretty normal drinking...then today it was up a little again, though it was plenty hot out so maybe that was the cause of some more water intake. Then tonight we had some panting again...but we also had thunder so who knows if it was Cushing's panting or weather panting?? Sorry that I can't help with the question about the UTI..just seems there's always something to worry about isn't there?? :(


07-04-2013, 02:16 AM
Hi! I'm new here, too, so I won't try to offer advice, but I'd like to cheer for Sabre's quick response to the meds - yay!

My dog may have a UTI problem, too, and I was just wondering myself if dogs can take cranberry supplements to prevent UTIs. Can't expect them to drink cranberry juice, and it helps so much for humans. So I Googled and, yup, there are cranberry supplements for dogs. I'd check with the vet before using them, though.

Budsters Mom
07-04-2013, 02:31 AM
I am thrilled to hear that Sabre is doing so much better. :)We love good appetites and excellent poops around here! Go Sabre!:D

07-04-2013, 02:57 AM
Welcome Sabre and Sabre's mom!

Many general practice vets don't know much about Cushings. Daisy and I went through three of them before finally seeking out an IMS specialist. It is costly but so worth it and once you have a relationship with one they will generally be more than happy to work in conjunction with your general practice vet.

Careful monitoring and treatment are of the utmost importance with Cushings.
Many Cushingoid dogs live our their expected life spans as long as you have a knowledgeable vet treating them.

molly muffin
07-04-2013, 08:38 AM
Dogs with cushings are prone to getting UTI. Hopefully as her cortisol is within normal ranges, they will become less and less.
How is her PH? I am wondering if that is off at all and could be a contributing factor. This is just a thought as I'm not sure if it will affect getting a UTI or not. Something to look at though and maybe ask the vet about next time.
I'm glad to hear that she is doing well on the vetoryl and her symptoms are clearing up. That is a good sign.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-04-2013, 10:00 AM
I checked her PH through her pee and it was 7.4-7.6 (high). Sabre has never been a dog to go in the house and when she starts having accidents it really bothers her. It is obvious when she cant hold it long enough to get out the doggy door and/or wakes up too late to get outside. She hangs her head and looks at me with those big brown eyes, as if to say "I am sorry mom". And of course I tell her its ok, no big deal and hug her neck. I love her so much, the thought of her not being here with me breaks my heart.

molly muffin
07-04-2013, 01:08 PM
So doing some research and it looks like the high PH is present with the UTI is present and antibiotics is needed of course to get rid of the infection.
You also see if crystals are present. My molly has a high occurance of UTI's, although not as frequent as Sabres and started when crystals were discovered in her urine.
I wonder if the bacteria actually went away with the first UTI or if it just semi resolved, causing it to recur.
You can try using wipes with her after she has gone potty in tall grass, to see if that would help too.


If your dog does have high levels of PH in the urine, an antibiotic will be prescribed, usually once a day for a two week period. Along with the antibiotics, your veterinarian will advise you on the use of cranberry juice or V-8/tomato juice. Pour ¼ cup of the juice over your dog's food each day, as my own vet stated, for the rest of your dog's natural life. Cranberry juice is a bit sour and many dogs would favor the vegetable juice over the fruit juice. The juice works to stop the bacteria from adhering to the bladder walls and growing there. The acidity prevents future infections.

Might want to check into this also, as it could be helpful when frequent UTI's are present.

There are specific links on the site I provided above that talks about it further.

Accidents and leaking unknown to them is frequent in the case of a UTI. They just can't help it and then poor things feel terrible.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-04-2013, 03:00 PM
Sabre is on antibiotics for the infection and after 3 days, she has not had another accident. I discovered if I put XL pee pads in front of the doggy door and place beach towels over them so they wont move, they trap most of what she releases so it is easier to clean up.
I will hit the health food store today and try the cranberry approach. I am thinking maybe the powder would be best for her. I have to also be careful of what she eats because of her emergency bloat surgery last Sept. I almost lost her then and her digestive system has been very sensitive ever since. I have to feed her 3 small meals a day to keep the air intake down.
My poor baby, this time last year we were romping at the lake, swimming and running like the wind. Now she can barely walk down the street. I love her more than anything and will accommodate her any way I can to make her happy. She has been the greatest dog and has brought me so much happiness. :)

Simba's Mom
07-04-2013, 03:04 PM
Aw your furpup is sweet, brown eyes too, love that, sending hugs and prayers for your sweet Sabre!

07-18-2013, 02:52 PM
Sabre's 30 day out ACTH test results came back normal, which means the Vetoryl is working!
PreACTH cortisol 5.4 (normal range 2-6)
Post ACTH cortisol 15.6 (normal range 6-18)
Her first test Post ACTH cortisol was 39.7

Sabre still pants at night and has little tolerance for heat or exercise, but her drinking is almost normal, her hair grew back and her appetite is normal. I also have her on Milk Thistle and Cranberry concentrate.
Praying this will continue and I will have a few more years with my baby girl ♥

Squirt's Mom
07-18-2013, 03:02 PM
uhmmmm....I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is not within a controlled range for a pup on Vetoryl - it is the normal range for a non-cush pup. The controlled range for a pup on Vetoryl is between 1.45 to 5.4 ug/dl. IF all signs are controlled the post number can go as high as 9.1ug/dl. The range posted of 6-18 is not for a treated cush pup. So with a post number of 15.6, the cortisol is not controlled and the dose may need to be increased but I will let the folks who use this drug help you there. This is why we always ask to see the test results...so many vets don't know how to read the results and think they are good when they actually aren't. ;)

07-18-2013, 03:11 PM
Yep, Leslie is so right. You're baby's cortisol is not within the therapeutic range for vetoryl. The normal range you posted, is this what your vet told you, or is it on the paperwork for the ACTH results? As Leslie mentioned, we tend to see this, where vets try to use the normal range for a healthy pup not being treated for Cushing's. Could you refresh our memories as to what the current dose of vetoryl is & Sabre's current weight as it definitely looks like you will need to be making some dosage adjustments.


07-18-2013, 03:12 PM
Actually, I have the test results and simply read what was on the test. My vet who is treating her is out today but I will see him tomorrow. The simple fact that both her resting and post cortisol levels are much lower than they were 30 days ago seems to be a positive. Especially considering the fact that 30 days ago, she was drinking 5x her normal water intake, was losing hair and panting 24/7.
I have been told that true results will be shown after 90 days and only gradual improvement at 30 and 60 day tests.
So, I am still hopeful and happy to see improvement.

Sabre is 106 lbs and on 120 mg Vetoryl a day

Bo's Mom
07-18-2013, 03:31 PM
Sabre: What a beauty!!!:)

molly muffin
07-18-2013, 06:49 PM
Leslie and Deb are correct. The normal range is for a dog not under any treatment. There should be some further comments after the results that gives the control range for dogs treated with trilostane and/or lysodren. It's usually after the test result and normal range.

This is what it said on one of the ACTH results, mine was a bit more wordy than this though: POST - TRILOSTANTE: Pre & post cortisol leels between 1.5 - 9.1 ug/
optimal control

Some vets don't read any further and then base their reaction to the test on the normal dog range of control. This can cause problems so make sure your vet is up to speed on that and if needed, Dechra is happy to tell the vet what the normal range should be.

I do agree though that is is an improvement over where Sabre was at, which is good!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-18-2013, 10:01 PM
So glad that there is noticeable improvement in Sabre's symptoms. :) Good going!! It's a relief to see things headed in the right direction!


07-22-2013, 03:51 AM
Your vet didn't by any chance have you fast Sabre before the ACTH test? My vet told me to fast Rosie, but the good folks here straightened me out on that. If Sabre was fasted, the results are invalid. They could be misleadingly high.


07-24-2013, 02:04 PM
Sabre had not fasted per say, but she did have an empty stomach. She eats dinner around 6 and then breakfast around 8 am, but bc I was at the vets office at 8, she didn't have anything to eat until lunch time when I picked her up.
My vet is as focused on clinical signs as much as numbers. He says the numbers can be close but her clinical signs are what tell us she is doing better.
Her water intake is normal, her appetite is normal, she gets excited to go somewhere and all her is back.
Her panting has gone from 75% of the day to maybe 5% of the day.
We have began walking 30 minutes each evening since she can no longer tolerate the heat or the lengthy walk at the lake.
I am just happy she is so much better than she was a month ago.

07-24-2013, 03:35 PM
So great that Sabre's symptoms have decreased to normal! What a relief for you and for him!
Where do you get the cranberry concentrate and how did you know how much to give? Is it like a vitamin pill?


molly muffin
07-24-2013, 06:58 PM
This is really great to hear. The treatment is for the symptoms as there is no cure, so symptoms and numbers go hand in hand. I think the one thing though that everyone discovers is what works best for them. That is what is important that Sabre's quality of life has improved and things are more normal now.
Good news!

Sharlene ad Molly Muffin

07-29-2013, 11:59 PM
The cranberry concentrate I get at the Vitamin Shoppe. They also sell it in capsules you break apart and dust over there food. Because Sabre is 106 lbs she gets a normal human dose, but I reduce it to 1/2 because she isn't crazy about the taste if its too strong. I also bought her a "cool bed", which is basically a doggie water bed and she LOVES it. It pulls heat away from her body and takes pressure off of her hips. She sleeps like a baby on it. She has not woke me up panting in over a week.
It is so nice to be able to see her sleep peacefully, there was a time I was afraid I would never see that again.

07-30-2013, 09:55 AM
Is there anything that can help the loss of muscle mass? A year ago, Sabre's back legs were solid muscle and when she ran they would just ripple. Today, they are weak, and she struggles to get up sometimes. She wont do anything above a walk for a short distance and you can tell they really bother her. The fat buildup around her rear end is very prominent and she has gained about 8 lbs since all this started.
I am going next week to check out the underwater treadmill for her at a doggies hydrocenter. But are there any supplements to help with this?

07-30-2013, 10:44 AM
Sabre had not fasted per say, but she did have an empty stomach. She eats dinner around 6 and then breakfast around 8 am, but bc I was at the vets office at 8, she didn't have anything to eat until lunch time when I picked her up.
My vet is as focused on clinical signs as much as numbers. He says the numbers can be close but her clinical signs are what tell us she is doing better.

In the future, you will want to make sure to schedule the monitoring ACTH test 4-6 hours after Sabre has had her morning dose of trilostane along with at least a small meal. What Kathy said earlier is true -- the drug is not metabolized as efficiently when given on an empty stomach and therefore the ACTH results will be falsely higher on the test day than is the norm for Sabre on every other day. This complicates dosing decisions. Even though you were not purposely trying to fast Sabre, she still had no food in her stomach at the time she took her trilostane. Also, the timing of the test is important, too. Some specialists like to perform the test sooner than 4 hours post-dosing, and that is OK as long as every subsequent test is performed at the same time. But the testing should never go longer than 6 hours because the effects of the drug will soon be starting to wear off for some dogs.


molly muffin
07-30-2013, 07:07 PM
Other than glucosomine supplement for joints, I'm not sure that there is anything other than lowering the cortisol and slow steady exercise to build the muscle back up.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-27-2013, 07:04 PM
Sabre's ACTH test results have now dropped too low.
The test was done 4 hours after her dose.
Pre ACTH: 3.2 ug/dl
Post ACTH: 4.2 ug/dl

My vet is in surgery at the moment, so I cant discuss with him.
She has been on Vetoryl for 72 days now. I am assuming a reduction in Meds?? Should I be concerned?

molly muffin
08-27-2013, 07:18 PM
If that is the last ACTH test result, then you aren't too low, you are right where you want to be.
Remember, you are not comparing this to what normal dog that is not on treatment results. You want the results that should be Post 1.45 - 5.0 ug , and up to 9.0 is okay if all symptoms are controlled. At 4.2, you are just right for control. The pre number, Dechra doesn't like to fall under 1.45 I believe, but I could be off by a .25, etc.
Your numbers are perfect.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-27-2013, 07:54 PM
How's Sabre doing with clinical signs? Is she drinking and peeing ok? How's her appetite? Has she gotten some of her strength and muscle-mass back? How's the panting? Stool consistency? If she's doing well with all those things, count your lucky stars, take a deep breath, and give Sabre a huge hug. Give her a huge hug even if things aren't going so well :) .

Please keep us posted on what's going on.

08-27-2013, 08:01 PM
Sabre's drinking, peeing, poop and appetite are all normal. But, she has no energy and has not gained any strength back.
Her favorite thing in the whole world is to go swimming and she has very little interest. She will get in and kind os act like she wants to but then she is done.
I swin her around the pool with my arm under her shest. We also do about a 20 min walk in the evenings. By the end she is wiped out. And she sleeps a lot now.
While I know she is getting older, this time last year she was swimming for 2-3 hours, running with pups and full of vigor.
She had emergency bloat surgery last September and she has not been the same since.
She likes to fall asleep in my arms and I am so afraid one night she just wont wake up.

08-28-2013, 02:26 AM
Awww. That is so scary. Have you mentioned the changes since the surgery to the vet?
Could Sabre have an underlying systemic infection like my Daisy did? They couldn't find anything on the labs, but it was clear that something wasn't right.

02-06-2014, 02:20 PM
It has been a while since I posted...I had shoulder surgery and down for a while. Sabre has been doing fairly well and her numbers have been good. I took her to a specialist and We changed her dosage to 2x day instead of one which definitely helped. She has been diagnosed with trigeminal neuritis or drop jaw so I hand feed her now.
I noticed the past couple of days she had been less alert than usual and last night while I was sitting in the floor feeding her, she stopped, eyes rolled back and she fell limp onto the floor. I was screaming her name and holding her as she gradually came to. But she was not very alert. We rushed her to the vet and they gave her fluids. They believe she may have had an Addisonian event, but will know more when blood work comes back today. It scared the hell out of me and I thought I had lost her.
Has anyone else experienced this?

02-06-2014, 02:43 PM
Sorry to hear about that. I would have been terrified as well

What were the results of her last ACTH test, when was it and how much is her dose and weight?

My Zoe has decided to become sensitive to her Vetoryl. She had been on the same dose for over a year and suddenly her numbers dropped although not technically too low, within the suggested range. I kept lowering her dose and her numbers fell even more. We have now stopped the Vetoryl for awhile.

What tests are they doing on Sabre to confirm Addison's?


02-06-2014, 02:57 PM
Sabre is 110 lbs and is on 60mg Vetoryl 2x a day. Her last ACTH test was in Dec and her pre ACTH cortisol was 3.7 (NORM 2-6)
and post ACTH was 4.0 (NORM 6-18).
They are doing blood work to check her potassium levels. The Vetoryl affects the minerals in the body and if they have dropped them too low it would explain her low heart rate and fainiting. she is very alert this morning and has not had any Vetoryl today.

02-06-2014, 04:22 PM
I have never experienced this with my Tipper, and she is running low on her pre number again. It scares me that we could have an episode like this. I pray your girl is alright. What was the jaw issue caused by? Is it permanent? I hope everything turns out ok. You must have been scared to death. I hope I never have to witness one of these episodes. Blessings

molly muffin
02-06-2014, 05:54 PM
Oh my gosh, how scary!! I hope they can figure out what happened. That would be a huge decrease from December's results. Is that when they changed Sabre to twice a day dosing?

Hang in there and I hope no more episodes like That!

Those shoulder injuries can be pretty nasty. Hope you are doing better.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-07-2014, 12:31 PM
Sabre has been on the 2x a day dosage since September.It seemed to be working well for her. Her arthritis had become very obvious with the cold weather and she has been on Novox every day as well.
Her blood work came back normal yesterday so...now we are not sure what caused all of this. She has not had any vetoryl since Wed night and today she is rather bright eyes and very hungry. I am now wondering if she didn't have a sudden drop caused by the Vetoryl. Her heart rate was very low and irregular when we got her to the clinic.
she has never had any heart issues in the past and has always been a very active dog.
I know Cushings can be tricky to treat but does it ever smooth out a little?

07-15-2014, 12:10 PM
It has been a while since I posted. These past months have been a incredibly difficult journey for Sabre and I. I have learned more about Cushings and Pituitary tumors than I ever wish I had. This is an awful disease that wreaks havoc on the entire body and the tumors can alter everything depending upon their growth rate and position. The Vetoryl can also be fatal if not monitored closely. Sabre has almost died twice as a result of the Vetory continuing to drop her Cortisol levels which resulted in an Addisonain event. She has been off Vetoryl for 3 months now and on heavy prednisone and Dex. After seeing a neurologist, it has been determined the tumor that started all this has continued to grow and is pressing on the nerves causing facial and laryngeal paralysis and partial blindness on her left side. The nerves affected are also causing her paralysis in her hind legs. Add this to her diminished muscle mass and stress on her body from the original Cushings and it is devastating. My beautiful, muscled up Lab who could swim for hours and still want more can no longer even lift herself from a sitting position. She can only walk far enough to go the bathroom and back before falling in exhaustion. I stay with her 24x7 now and will do my best to keep her comfy while I wrap my head around what is to come. Letting her go will be one of the most difficult decisions I will ever have to make and it is breaking my heart. Hug your fur babies and keep them close, our time with them is never as long as we wish but having it cut short by this awful disease is just not fair.

Squirt's Mom
07-15-2014, 12:47 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your sweet girl. This is one of the most difficult yet beautiful times you will share with Sabre. Hold her close, tell her all you want her to know and carry with her as she continues her Journey. Whisper the memories the two of you have created over the years into her ear, remind her that they will live as long as you do and through them so will she.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
Many hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
07-15-2014, 05:07 PM
I am very sorry to hear that Sabre has had such a difficult time. Once the tumors begin to grow, it can be very difficult trying to keep up with the things that can be affected.
You just do the best you can and as you are already doing, spend all the time with her you can.
Precious days to you and Sabre.

sharlene and molly muffin