View Full Version : Lucygoo updates/Lucygoo has passed
05-27-2009, 12:27 AM
Hi all...
How is everyone? Decided to just start a new thread for Lucy. She's doing great:):)
I really can't believe how good she's doing. The other night she even jumped up on the couch:eek: I can see remnants of her personality coming back. There's still a bit of confusion, but I'm really seeing phenomenal improvements every day...she even started to bark a little bit hear and there...which she hasn't done for months:D
Take care,
Gina and Lucy
05-27-2009, 01:30 AM
Hi Gina,
I'm happy to hear that Lucy continues to improve!! :)
05-27-2009, 02:47 AM
Great news. Lucy will continue to get better all the time....but it's so hard waiting isn't it? Keep us posted on how it's going.
Carol G
05-27-2009, 03:04 AM
That is wonderful to hear Lucy is doing so well.
Carol, McGill, Atty Cat & Winnie (always)
05-27-2009, 06:14 AM
Gina...Have been thinking and wondering how things were glad to get an update!!!!!
Still wishing better and better and better days ahead!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Barney's Mom
05-27-2009, 09:06 AM
Hi all...
How is everyone? Decided to just start a new thread for Lucy. She's doing great:):)
I really can't believe how good she's doing. The other night she even jumped up on the couch:eek: I can see remnants of her personality coming back. There's still a bit of confusion, but I'm really seeing phenomenal improvements every day...she even started to bark a little bit hear and there...which she hasn't done for months:D
Take care,
Gina and Lucy
Be careful what you ask for! :eek:
05-27-2009, 09:08 AM
Good news Gina,
Best to you and Lucy. Scott
05-27-2009, 09:22 AM
Hi Gina,
I'm so glad to hear of Lucy's continuing improvement..:) Keep us posted!
Dorothy and Mikey
Harley PoMMom
05-27-2009, 09:54 AM
So happy to see a Lucygoo thread :D and to read that she is doing so well :D
Take care, Lori and Harley
Roxee's Dad
05-27-2009, 12:38 PM
Yay....Yay.....Yay!!!! :D:D:D:D
So happy she continues to improve.:D:D:D:D
05-27-2009, 12:50 PM
Yay....Yay.....Yay!!!! :D:D:D:D
So happy she continues to improve.:D:D:D:D
Me, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05-27-2009, 01:32 PM
Hi Gina,
So Happy:D:D:D:D to hear that Lucy continues to improve - what GREAT NEWS!!!!!
Lynne and Angel Lady 7/98-3/09
05-27-2009, 03:28 PM
So happy to see you and Lucy and glad your little girl continues to improve!!!
Squirt's Mom
05-27-2009, 03:52 PM
So glad to see you again and especially thrilled to hear about our girls continued improvements!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
Please, please, please keep in touch. :o
Leslie and the girls
05-27-2009, 04:17 PM
Hi everyone...
Just got back from our visit with Dr. B. (He and his entire hospital are officially our heros around here.)
Lucy's doing absolutely fantastic. Today she's even better than yesterday:D It's just so fun to watch her come back now, sometimes bitchy personality and all:rolleyes:
Hope all is well with you all,
Gina and Lucy
Roxee's Dad
05-27-2009, 04:20 PM
Hi Gina,
Another Yayyyy:D:D:D:D for the good news. Looking forward to continued good news.:D:D
05-27-2009, 05:05 PM
Hi everyone...
Just got back from our visit with Dr. B. (He and his entire hospital are officially our heros around here.)
Lucy's doing absolutely fantastic. Today she's even better than yesterday:D It's just so fun to watch her come back now, sometimes bitchy personality and all:rolleyes:
Hope all is well with you all,
Gina and Lucy
Very cool Gina :D
Carol G
05-27-2009, 05:11 PM
It is so great to hear Lucy is doing so well!
Carol, McGill, Atty Cat & Winnie (always)
Wylie's Mom
05-27-2009, 06:40 PM
That's wonderful news:D... keep it coming!!!!
Sabre's Mum
05-27-2009, 06:54 PM
Hi Gina
ALthough I haven't posted to you yet ... I have been watching and reading your thread as it developed with great interest. When I saw that David Bruyette was on the job I knew Lucy was in fantastic hands.
It is wonderful that Lucy is doing so well.
Take care
Angela and Sabre
05-27-2009, 09:01 PM
Thanks everybody..
Forgot to mention she's also eating like a ravenous pig..gained two pounds already:D It's hard to believe what a difference a few days makes in the whole scheme of things, isn't it? For a while there I thought she was done.
Thank you all so much for your support:)
Harley PoMMom
05-27-2009, 09:10 PM
I am so happy Lucy is doing so well. :D
And I want to thank you for sharing her journey with us. :D
When time permits, please continue with the updates. :)
Take care of yourself too, Gina.
Lori and Harley
05-27-2009, 09:53 PM
It is truly wonderful to see the progress Lucy has made. She is a miracle. It is a pleasure to witness this. Thanks for sharing.
05-28-2009, 12:01 AM
I am so happy:D:D:D:D to hear that Lucy is coming back to herself - and barking! (Maybe barking hurt with the pressure in her head?)
Truffa's Mom
05-29-2009, 04:57 PM
What a wonderful news.
Bitchy personality, ravenous pig..... :D:D:D:D. Anyway, it's a joy to see you bouncing back sweet Lucy.
05-29-2009, 08:21 PM
Thanks everyone...
Now we're just waiting for her personality to come back fully. I hope she hasn't lost that. She's been doing this oddball thing where she doesn't really want to walk outside at all. She just sort of stands there and stares at people. I mean, she really follows them with her eyes...enough to freak people out. And she didn't really react when I got home today:( I'm guessing this is all part of the healing process, and she's still adjusting. Overall I'm ecstatic at her progress, though. Now she's even going down the stairs like a professional:eek: Before I had to practically lift her going down.
Hope all is well with you all:)
Gina and Lucy
05-29-2009, 08:23 PM
Although I have no personal experience, I have to believe that she is just still in a healing mode. She is getting better every day based on your posts, and I am certain she will continue to do so.
Best from us. Scott
05-29-2009, 09:42 PM
She has come so far....I am still thinking she is still healing. All that surgery...
It is so great to hear she is doing well!!!!!
Lots of hugs,
Beth, Bailey and always Scooter
Roxee's Dad
05-29-2009, 09:50 PM
Hi Gina,
Good to hear that Lucy Goo continues to improve. :) Please do keep us up to date.
05-29-2009, 09:57 PM
I think she's still very much in healing mode at the moment both from the procedure and the tumor itself.
Remember I mentioned my severely bruised leg that happened about 8 days before Lucy's surgery? Well there is still some discoloration there (almost invisible now though) and it's still very tender when poked or bumped.
I think she's making amazing progress.:D (But I do understand your anxiety.:))
Wylie's Mom
05-31-2009, 06:57 PM
Hi Gina,
It's so great to hear about her progress:D!
About the staring - is she still on any post-op pain meds?
05-31-2009, 07:15 PM
Hi Susy...
No, she's not on any pain meds. They took her off those pretty quickly after the surgery. Now we're having another issue, however. She's showing neurological signs, so Dr. Bruyette increased her cortisone, put her on antibiotics today, and I'm bringing her in tomorrow.
I was just marveling at how great she was doing Friday and Saturday, and then yesterday afternoon she started this weird, confused behavior. I'm hoping it's too low cortisone levels, but we'll see. And just when I thought it was safe............
Other than that she's doing good...getting up on her own, walking, etc. I'm just worried about her head.
Take care,
Wylie's Mom
05-31-2009, 07:27 PM
Just curious... is she showing any other neurological signs besides the staring and being non-reactive?
05-31-2009, 07:34 PM
Yeah...yesterday she started walking around the house in the same circular pattern (not in a circle, but through the dining room, living room, hallway in a circle), and was confused when walking...then collapsed at one point outside, but she got up with a little prompting. This morning she was walking oddly again, and ended up at one point with her head in the open door of a closet. Outside she wanted to just walk, and she didn't respond when i called her...I would have to go get her and steer her in the right direction. She's also having trouble navigating doors and corners, and going down steps especially. She's also shaking her head more, like her ears are bothering her.
She seems a little better today, more alert, even played a little "get that fly" (don't ask). She's still not herself at all though. I'm just hoping for the best at this point.
Wylie's Mom
05-31-2009, 07:48 PM
I don't know what these signs mean... did Dr. B ever discuss symptoms he had found in other patients that have had this procedure done?
I hope these signs go away.
05-31-2009, 08:04 PM
Susy...That's just it. No other patients have had this procedure done. Just Lucy. I hope they go away too, believe me.
Wylie's Mom
05-31-2009, 08:08 PM
I remember the procedure was new, but I didn't recall that she was the first.
Sending good thoughts your way!!!!
Squirt's Mom
05-31-2009, 08:45 PM
Hi Gina,
Hope this is just the cortisol levels or continuing adjustment to the surgery.
Let us know what the docs say. As you know, we all wait anxiously for word on your sweet Goo.
Leslie and the girls
05-31-2009, 09:02 PM
I think Lucy is going to be in the healing process for a long, long time. That's just the way it is after a major surgery and Lucy went through a big time major surgery.
I think I already mentioned this but Shiloh continued to get better and better for at least a year after her adrenalectomy. She was clearly more healthy a year after her surgery than she was after six months. I had a pretty serious surgery on my right wrist 18 months ago. I saw my surgeon after 4-5 months and was frustrated it was not better than it was. He explained to me that it would still be healing for at least a year post-surgery. He was right and it is still getting better.
You are most likely going to have some bumps in the road with Lucy's recovery. Just keep in mind the type of surgery she had. Overall, she is just going to continue to get better and better for a long time. I think you should just kick back and enjoy the ride.
05-31-2009, 09:10 PM
Hey Gina,
I agree with Ken 1000%! I used to work with people who suffered from traumatic brain injuries...some had surgeries, some had other traumas, some were post-surgical...and yes, they had an actual "injury" which is not the case here with Lucy....BUT...
the brain can take a long time to is amazing at its ability to heal actually...and it does quite well....but the one thing it takes is time...lots and lots and lots of time...
so, while I would investigate all possibilities, I think you are going to see a two steps forward, one back kind of thing for quite a bit of time....including some odd behavior that may come and go...
she will heal...she's a very tough little girl...and so is her mom. Hang in there...and keep us posted!!:)
Lots of hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-01-2009, 12:28 PM
I know how worried you must be...
I did something tiny - sprained an ankle - on March 22nd and it's still far from healed. I never thought it would take this long. Us older folks, canine or human, probably take a bit longer too.
Will be checking back for news from the doc visit.
06-02-2009, 10:11 PM
Hi everyone...thanks for all your support. Nothing earth-shattering to report. Lucy seems to be doing a little better today. Lowering her cortisone again....we'll see what happens.
Ken...enjoy the ride, indeed! Thanks:rolleyes:
She keeps shaking her head..I think her equilibrium is all off from the space left from the tumor? Or not. I guess it's all a crapshoot from here on out. She keeps eating...but not as much now. And I've had to get more creative with hiding her pills.
Take care...
Gina and Lucy
06-02-2009, 11:34 PM
She keeps shaking her head..
Have you had her ears checked - it's possible there is quite "ordinary" going on like an ear infection or some sort of irritation in there. Could be that something in or around her head feels "funny" too from either the tumor or the surgery - if only they could talk:p.
My dog had a really advanced and nasty ear infection that would have had a human just about incapacitated by pain but (in retrospect) the only sign she showed was the occasional head shake!
06-03-2009, 09:29 PM
Hi're right. It's a yeast infection in her ear..probably from antibiotics...duh!! And now she's not eating again:mad: Here we go again.
I'm trying to find a canned food that she'll eat but won't give her diarrhea...anybody have any suggestions? (she can't have kibble yet because of incision.) I've been giving her Natural Balance duck and potato and fish and sweet she's turning her nose up at that. She'll eat chicken, turkey and cheese, but no dog food. I feel like we're back at square one again. Then I thought maybe she's not eating because of her ear? I swear I'm ready to commit myself to an institution.
Thanks, Gina and Lucy
06-03-2009, 09:35 PM
Could be the ear - I've had a bad ear infection myself once (mixed yeast/bacterial most likely from the way it responded and didn't respond to certain treatments) and I couldn't eat because of the pain and had to force myself to just swallow water.
A lot of people have had success with Merrick's canned foods. There is quite a knowledge base here regarding tempting the fickle appetite so you should start hearing some good ideas pretty soon. Scrambled egg is often a winner too with fussy dogs - doesn't require much or any chewing so that could be a plus if it is ear pain.
Good luck and keep us posted.
PS: I've just temporarily changed your thread title to attract the sort of help you need at the moment.
06-04-2009, 10:10 AM
Hi, Gina, I don't think I've talked to you before but have certainly followed your incredible story. I don't know alot medically speaking, but I have certainly learned alot about digestive problems in the past year.My bichon, Nikki, had three solid months of diarrhea and I think I have tried every canned food on the market. I finally started cooking and she hasn't had diarrhea since. I swore I would never cook for her because I am really sick of cooking for my family, but it is easy.Nikki has egg and low fat cheese with brown rice for breakfast and brown rice with ground chicken and beef with low fat cottage cheese for dinner.I also use virgin coconut oil which seems to help, too. I cook a big batch of her dinner and put meals in seperate containers for 3 or 4 days.She loves her meals. She also lost interest in eating before I started cooking. I think they put way too many additives and supplements in canned foods.It sounds like Lucy is doing great with all she has been through. It is so troubling when they won't eat. When the ear infection clears up she may just get hungry again.:o Hugs to you and Lucy
Squirt's Mom
06-04-2009, 11:10 AM
Hi Gina,
Alison may have hit the nail on the head with the pain from the infection and swallowing or chewing. Try to stick to things that don't have to be chewed, that she can lick up or just drink, like a broth. You can make a stock with chicken, carrots, celery, things you would normally use in a stock, and let her drink it once it has cooled. If she does ok with this, you can thicken it with sweet potatoes, but avoid white fleshed potatoes as they promote inflammation. Plain pumpkin may help with the diarrhea, too.
Wellness, Innova, Solid Gold...these are all good feeds and they have the canned type that does NOT have chunks. Innova Flex has the chunks that have to be chewed so try the puppy formula or the regular adult formula. With these, you can add water to make it real soupy which might make it easier to swallow.
Eggs are a good idea but be sure to cook them for Lucy. Cottage cheese and full fat yogurt are some other things you can try.
I hope and pray she will be feeling better soon. Ear infections can make one feel so bad. :(
Hang in there...we are hanging with you!
Leslie and the girls
06-06-2009, 02:03 PM
Hi everyone....And thank you so much for the helpful suggestions.
Nikkismom..when you cook for Nikki, does she have to take any additional supplements or vitamins?
I cooked some ground turkey and pasta for Lucy the other night, which she ate finally; now we're trying dog foods. So far the winners are Solid Gold and California Natural. Candidae she hates. She's become such a spoiled madam! Pill pockets worked for 1 she won't take them even without a pill, so we're using cream cheese. (I still have to open her mouth and put it in, close her mouth and hold it.)
Her ear infection is better too, and all in all she's improving a little every day. I'm not seeing any weird neurological behavior any more (knock on wood) except when we go outside for our "walks." I still have to coax and pull her along. She's very hesitant. Still haven't figured that one out yet. And going down steps is still a problem, but we're getting there. Her personality seems to be coming back more and more. (The other day she tried to catch and bite the windshield wipers, which she always did before, so it was so exciting when she tried):)
What's definitely improved from before surgery is she doesn't tremble at all any more...even her back legs. She was doing this for about the last 2 years, now not at all. Also, her tail is generally up now, whereas for the last year, year and a half it's been tucked between her legs almost all the time. I'm wondering if that was the cushing's or the growing macrotumor, or both.
Her arthritis is definitely getting better as well. When we ran out of Cosequin I put her on Dosuquin. I've also heard about injections of something called adequan?
I'm just waiting for the day when I can bring her to the park again and she can chase a squirrel:)
Thanks so much everyone, and I'll keep you posted on Lucy's progress. You've all been such a help to us:)
Gina and Lucy
06-06-2009, 02:32 PM
Gina! What a great bit of news. I think our Lucy is doing fantastic given the trauma her body has been through. A real walking miracle.
Yes - cushings causes hind leg weakness and trembling. With that I believe you get that tail issue. Cushings is cured with the surgery and it disappears. Hurray.
My dogs have been chowing on Solid Gold for 10 yrs now. They have quite a selection depending on age and needs. Re home cooking - I read up on that a few years ago but I do remember reading about a need to add nutrients. Others can help you with links and answers I am sure.
Adequan. Scott has been using it successfully with his dog Moria for some time. I decided to try it 2 weeks ago so my dog only has 2 shots so far but I can tell an improvement. I prefer the way it works over meds. So far so good.
Anyway I am so glad to hear an update and such a good one at that! Congrats! Kim
06-06-2009, 02:55 PM
Hi, Gina! Sounds like Lucy is doing great! I am so happy for you both. Concerning the home cooking, I read that they need vitamin B which they get from eggs, and calcium which they can get from cottage cheese or yogurt. I supplement with milk thistle. I was giving fish oil, but the egg has omega 3, so I don't give it every day.If they get fish oil they also need vitamin E. This may not be all they need, but Nikki is so much better and happier on this diet. All canned foods gave her digestive problems, unfortunately, but not until she got cushings. Before that she always ate any canned food with no problem. At her age, 15 in July, I'm not too worried that she may not be getting all the nutrients she needs, as long as she feels good. But this is just me, so anyone else should probably research more before they home cook. I would definitely give commercial canned food if Lucy can tolerate it.Homecooking for me was really a necessity. I love reading about how Lucy is doing. You are doing a great job! Sharon
06-06-2009, 03:36 PM
So glad to hear that Lucy continues to improve and that she is eating again. Hopefully that pesky ear infection will be completely healed soon. No trembling, going for the windshield wipers and tail up....all positive signs. I'm smiling for you two!!! :D :D :D
Regarding home cooking and supplements, I'm able to give you some feedback. Just my experience though. I home cook for my Munchie. His diet was created by a Veterinary Nutritionist from UC Davis here in CA (they complete all the vet training and then receive additional training/education in animal nutrition) and yes, according to the Veterinary Nutritionist, supplementation with vitamins/minerals is required - not an option when feeding a home cooked diet. The Vet Nutritionist calculates how much of what he is to get and then I add to his meals. Munchie's blood work is checked 3 times a year as recommended by his IMS and the Vet Nutritionist to ensure that there are no deficiencies or health issues popping up from something lacking in his diet. I've had to have a consult a couple of times and change the protein source but he is doing very well on his home cooked whitefish and potato. Just had his labs done and everything is a-ok!!
Hope this helps.
Squirt's Mom
06-06-2009, 04:02 PM
Hi Gina,
I am so glad to hear all these good things about LucyGoo! :D Does my heart good! Going after those windshield wipers must have been really exciting for you to see. And, holding her tail up tells me that she feels better than she has and has better balance now. I hope you see many more exciting things in the weeks and months fact, I'm sure you will!
Louise is right on the money about the supplementation when home-cooking. It is required in order to ensure the pup is getting all the vitamins and minerals they need. With a pup that has been through all Lucy has, extra attention needs to be paid to her diet if home-cooking. Her needs are quite different at the moment as her body heals and adjusts. If you want to do this for her, I would suggest you get with a nutritionist or nutrition consultant who can help. Puppies, seniors and those pups with chronic or acute serious illnesses have dietary needs that are quite different from the healthy adult dog and most of the diets you find in books or on the web are geared toward healthy dogs. Feeding her both commercial and some home cooked goodies is a good idea. I would think keeping her eating is the priority right now, so if her interest is encouraged with some turkey and pasta...have at it! :D
Scott used Adequan with Moria I believe and has found it to give some relief.
Will be waiting to read the Squirrel Report any day now. :p
Keep up the good work!
Leslie and the girls
06-06-2009, 06:29 PM
Hi Gina,
Very glad Lucy is asserting herself by attacking the wipers:D I take that as a very good sign:D
Two, big thumbs up from me for Adequane:cool:
06-06-2009, 07:11 PM
Your last post was great news. I'm sure Lucy will improve more each day. Now you just have to give her ladyship the food she wants to eat and all will be well.
Roxee's Dad
06-06-2009, 09:14 PM
Hi Gina,
Wow, what great news! It was a bumpy road for a while but very happy for you and LucyGoo.:D:D:D:D
06-06-2009, 11:21 PM
Thanks, guys. You're the best:)
Will keep you posted, of course. If it wasn't for all of you wonderful people, I don't know what I would have done these past few weeks...and month! It's been almost a month since Lucy's it's almost been 2 months since I've been on here harassing you guys:)
Honestly, with the size of Lucy's tumor, I really was thinking she was done, with or without the surgery, but you guys were right there with me, hoping and preying, sending positive thoughts...I really do think it made a difference:eek:
My poor Goo...she's so funny. I think she used to hide her symptoms. When she started losing her appetite, she would come nudge me the few times when she did finish her food, and I would have to go check her dish and praise her. I keep thinking now....shouldn't I have noticed something sooner?? I've been wracking my brain to think when this all started exactly.
But believe me, I'm so grateful to have her here with me now, acting more like her old self every day, and I'm super grateful for this site and all of you for getting me through a very difficult time...
I propose a toast to you all and all your babies, both that are here and have passed on...thank you.
Gina and Lucy
06-07-2009, 07:57 AM
It's really an honor to be part of Lucy's story! She is an inspiration to us all, and she is leading the way for so many other Cushpups!!! I think our journey is to see this disease managed to the point where it will be truly curable and Lucy is helping lead the fight in that very direction!
Thanks to you both for being so brave and letting us be a small part of her story!!!
Hugs!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Roxee's Dad
06-07-2009, 09:50 AM
It's really an honor to be part of Lucy's story! She is an inspiration to us all, and she is leading the way for so many other Cushpups!!! I think our journey is to see this disease managed to the point where it will be truly curable and Lucy is helping lead the fight in that very direction!
Thanks to you both for being so brave and letting us be a small part of her story!!!
We hope you continue to check in and update us on the LucyGoo. Never know, maybe someone will need your experience to help them thru. (and keep their sanity)
Belly rubs to Lucy:)
06-07-2009, 09:53 AM
It's really an honor to be part of Lucy's story! She is an inspiration to us all, and she is leading the way for so many other Cushpups!!! I think our journey is to see this disease managed to the point where it will be truly curable and Lucy is helping lead the fight in that very direction!
Thanks to you both for being so brave and letting us be a small part of her story!!!
Hugs!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Beth has said it perfectly!! I am SOOO glad to read about Lucy's continuing progress, and cannot thank you enough, Gina, for remaining here with us to share Lucy's story.
:) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D
Giant (((hugs))),
Squirt's Mom
06-07-2009, 11:16 AM
Hi Gina,
Beth and Marianne have said it so well, all I want to add is my thanks for letting us accompany you and Lucy on this journey. Your courage and strength is inspirational; I am honored to know you and LucyGoo.
Hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the girls
06-07-2009, 03:52 PM
I propose a toast to you all and all your babies, both that are here and have passed on...thank you.
Gina and Lucy
I raise my glass along with you in the toast and wish to also include my thanks to you, Gina, for sharing Lucy's journey with us and becoming part of "the family".....Cheers!
Many hugs to you and lots of extra pets for Lucygoo!!
06-07-2009, 08:01 PM
Thanks, and blessings, all around.
Roxee's Dad
06-10-2009, 09:47 PM
Hi Gina,
I assume the Goo Girl is doing well??
06-10-2009, 10:10 PM
Hi John...Yeah, Goo's doing well, thanks:)
Not so much me, though:mad: Had a pretty stressful day trying to get her DDAVP drops for her diabetes insipidus, which is supposed to go away, but doesn't look like it is. So hence, I was up all night with her last night because she was drinking massive amounts of water and peeing accordingly. (I don't have a doggie door, and am afraid of cats, skunks, possums and whatnot coming though if I did have one) Then today juggling people to go let her out so she could pee while I was at work, and fenagling a wonderful tech at the hospital to bring home a bottle of drops with him so I didn't have to drive all the way to the west side to get them at 4:30 p.m.! And if anybody knows what traffic's like in LA at that time, going from Hollywood to the west side....I'd almost rather have root canal with no anesthesia!:eek:
She's holding her own though, and has a good appetite:D Now she's allowed to eat kibble again, so she likes that. She's still somewhat weak, and acts like a weirdo when we walk outside, so I'm still trying to figure out a way for her to get more exercise to strengthen her back legs, especially. She actually chased a cat the other day....:eek::D
Hope all is well with everyone, and I'll keep you posted with the continuing saga of Lucy:)
G and L
Harley PoMMom
06-15-2009, 06:36 PM
Hi Gina,
Just wondering how you and Lucygoo were doing, haven't heard much from you lately.
Hope everything is going well.
Miss your updates :)
06-15-2009, 08:40 PM
Hi Lori...
Thanks for asking and missing my updates:)
Lucy's doing good. I think I'll always have sort of one eye on her at all times from now on, but I'm very happy with the outcome so far. She continues to improve every day. She does keep panting though sometimes. And it can't be because she's hot, because it's been quite cool here. I know, now I'm looking at every little thing she does through a microscope...always on the lookout for anything weird neurologically. Still haven't been able to get a decent night's sleep either, as her DI kicks in at night...and even after I give her a drop, she stops drinking but has to be let out sometimes at hour intervals:mad: I wish that damn thing would go away. I also still sort of have one eye and one ear open all night, worried that I'll miss some sound of distress. I'm nuts. I was talking to a human endocrinologist friend of mine, and he said it's all a guessing game whether the DI is going to stop or not. He also said in humans this particular surgery does do damage to the hypthalamus.
All in all, though, I certainly can't complain. She's getting more and more of her personality back every day...the good, the bad and the ugly:) I never thought I'd be glad to hear her barking so much again:D She's also gaining weight, finally. I'm still trying to find a decent canned food that won't give her diarrhea that she'll actually eat. Everything she likes gives her the runs. I found a kibble that she likes, Innova Senior Plus, so I'm sticking with that. I wonder if there's some kind of digestive aid/supplement I can give her so she won't get diarrhea so much.:confused:
Hope everyone is well, and I'll be posting until you all throw me off:eek:
Gina and Lucy
06-15-2009, 08:59 PM
It sounds like the DI needs a bit of fine tuning - it's something that should be able to be done so don't hold back on mentioning it Dr. Bruyette especially as it is impacting on your well-being - probably more than it does on Lucy's. Might be worth checking her for a UTI too just to be on the safe side.
People here swear by pumpkin as a diarrhea remedy - also works for constipation too as it seems to sort of "normalize" dog poop in a lot of cases. I believe in the US you can get canned pumpkin but that it is important to make sure that the only ingredient is pumpkin - no spices or anything. I use pumpkin which I zap in the microwave until it is thoroughly mushy - it is a normal part of Zac's diet actually as he likes it. I'm not quite clear on how much you use as a diarrhea remedy and I probably feed more than you would use if you were using it as a 'remedy'. Someone else will be able to help you with the "dose" - I know it is surprisingly little.
Hope everyone is well, and I'll be posting until you all throw me off
You do realize that this means that you are never going to be able to leave....:D
06-15-2009, 09:04 PM
Hi Alison...
I've tried the canned pumpkin. She sort of liked it the first time i gave it to her, but no more. Now I actually have to force feed it to her, and she still spits it out most of the time:mad:
You heat it up? Maybe that's the problem.
Yeah, the DI probably does need some sort of tuning..dont' know what though. She's probably due for bloodwork and stuff and the dreaded MRI anyway, so we'll have to see. Right now I'm enjoying no bad news for a while:)
06-15-2009, 09:11 PM
Can you mush it through some canned food - she might take it that way? Mia would never eat straight pumpkin (except when her cortisol was high, of course) and had to have it mixed into some meat before she would classify it as something a dog should be eating.
Zac (3yo Cattle Dog) eats almost anything that is put in front of him, bless him - he even loves big, tough broccoli stalks and eats them raw, chewing on them like he would a bone. Slightly weird dog, I think, but I'll take it!
06-15-2009, 09:17 PM
I'll try that...although I've tried that with other things; i.e., mixing a little W/D in with her regular canned food, and she's wise to it right away and turns her nose up to the whole thing. Today she just seems to want to eat kibble, no canned. She threw up early this morning, so maybe that's it.
Right now I have enough dog food of different varieties I could open up a dog food store. In fact, I have more dog food and treats than human food in my house. I kid you not. It's insane:eek:
06-15-2009, 09:28 PM
I am one of many here who have had success with pumpkin and the runs. The key is to only use a small bit - between a tsp and a T. Any more than that can cause the runs. Go figure. Just wanted to make sure we shared that with you.
It plugs 'em right up. My aunt's dog recently became diabetic and I had told her about it and a week later she gave it a try and it worked like a charm.
Hope you can get Goo to give it a go. :D
Harley PoMMom
06-16-2009, 08:34 AM
Innova Senior Plus is what I feed Harley too. They also carry a canned food variety of Innova Senior.
For Harley, I mix the dry and canned together. I also use raw vegs, which I put in my food processor until they are a mush texture, along with the canned pumpkin. I also cook very lean hamburger and ground turkey and add all this (veggie mush/ cooked meat) to the dry/canned mixture.
For the pumpkin, or anything new, at least with Harley, I had to start out with giving him just a little bit.
The veggie mush, when I first made it for him I started out giving him only 1 teaspoon daily, now he gets 1 tablespoon daily, and that's his max, anymore than a tablespoon for Harley and his poop just doesn't look right.
I'm so happy the Goo is doing so much better. You are such a good Mom, Gina. I second what Alison says about talking to Dr. Bruyette about fine tuning the DI, Oh Honey, you do need your sleep.
Take care of yourself,
Hugs to you and the Goo,
Lori and Harley
06-16-2009, 09:55 AM
Hi, Gina, Nikki really hated pumpkin, but since I have been cooking for her it is one of the veggies I use. Nikki will eat about anything mixed with cottage cheese, which is good for her.You might try that, but the pumpkin never really helped with Nikki's diarrhea.I know how frustrating this is for you.Hang in there! Sharon
Squirt's Mom
06-17-2009, 10:38 AM
Hi Gina,
Good to hear from you, and Alison is absolutely will be here FOREVER! :D Throw you out? HA! ;)
A while back Squirt had some pretty bad diarrhea and we used Imodium with success when the pumpkin didn't work. It was the liquid form and it only took a couple of doses for her. You might heck with your vet about trying that for Lucy.
DO keep in touch...often. :D
Leslie and the girls
Roxee's Dad
06-25-2009, 08:43 PM
Jonesing for an update on the Goo Girl.
06-25-2009, 11:38 PM
Hi John..
Lucy's doing great.:) She goes through periods where she doesn't want to eat her food, but I'm more relaxed about it and she eventually does eat. I'm noticing a little more arthritis coming out, so I think we're going to have to put her on something besides the Dosuquin. She was doing really well for a while, but they're talking about lowering her cortisone again next week. I have to bring her in next week anyway, so we'll see. Other than that, she's pretty much back to her old self...before the cushing's, that is. I forgot how much she used to bark:eek: She's even talking again...still waiting for her to smile again, though...which looks alot like this :D when she does.
She's still a little weird outside, but getting better...but then again she was always an oddball.
Hope all is well with everyone:)
Gina and Lucy
06-26-2009, 12:00 AM
Hi Gina,
Sounds like Lucy is doing well. Let us know when you finally get that smile.:D
Harley PoMMom
06-26-2009, 06:59 AM
Hi Gina,
So happy that Lucy is doing great. It also sounds like your getting alittle less stressed out too!!
Were you able to find a canned food that didn't give her diarrhea that she'll actually eats?
Best of luck with your visit with Dr. B. (I'm assuming it's with him) Please let us know how it goes.
Hugs to you and the Goo.
06-26-2009, 07:07 PM
Hi Gina,
I'm glad to hear Lucy is doing great and pretty much back to her old self again. I'd love to see a picture of Lucy's smile when she decides to bestow you with one. If she's barking and talking, a smile couldn't be that far behind!
Hope all is well with you too, Gina.
Take care,
07-06-2009, 02:07 PM
Hi everyone....
Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. Lucy's doing fantastic:) ..I have to bring her in this week for an MRI, not sure which day yet, and I'm to collect her first morning's urine:eek: Does anyone have any tips on how to go about this??
The diarrhea seems to be a chronic problem...I don't even know if I'd call it diarrhea exactly, just maybe chronic loose stools. I'm going to see if there's some kind of enzyme or something she can take that will help.
If anyone has any tips on the urine collection, I'd really appreciate it:)
Hope all is well,
Gina and Lucy
Carol G
07-06-2009, 02:28 PM
Hi Gina,
I'm really happy to hear Lucy is doing so well.
I've used a disposable pie pan that I've washed well and sterilized (probably not necessary but I'm just that way). Then the minute the dog squats, I stick it under her. That way, even if the dog moves, the wide pan will catch it. When I had a diabetic dog, I could use a smaller container because we were both used to the process.
Despite being the hand washing queen, I'm not bothered about getting a little dog pee on my hands. If you are, you could use rubber gloves.
I'm sure others will have good suggestions.
Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
07-06-2009, 02:31 PM
Hi Carol....
A pie pan is a great idea. I was thinking oven pan, but pie's smaller so there's a better chance of me getting it in place without her freaking out.
07-06-2009, 03:01 PM
Munchie is a male dog who squats instead of raising his leg. :rolleyes: When I collected his urine I used either the disposable Glad or Hefty bowls that come with the lids. They have some fair sized bowls but I got so adept at doing this I could use the smaller size. I liked the fact that it came with a lid and I could just snap it on and nothing would spill out. Also good for temporarily storing in refrigerator. :eek:
Munchie would give me the "huh...what you doing Mom" look but never had a problem with collection and although I wouldn't have cared if I got some doggie pee on my hands....never happened.
07-06-2009, 11:51 PM
Hi Gina,
Glad to hear the Goo is doing Great!!!!
What ever type of container that you use, just make sure to heed Carol's advice and clean and sterilize it. Years ago I used one of those plastic lids for the dog food can, because I needed something really, really shallow as when Sachi squatted she would touch the ground. So it was next to impossible to catch. But the long story short, a horrible bacteria was discovered in the sample. :eek: It took several tests and cultures to determine that it was just a common bacteria to be found in the kitchen, but not in urine!!!!! :D
Good luck with the MRI and we will be waiting for the results right along with you.
Smoochies for Lucy.
~Mary Ann
07-07-2009, 10:32 AM
Gina, when my other dog had diabetes, I used one of the small bathroom paper cups. It's pretty easy to catch. And it is much easier with a girl! Glad she's doing so well!:D
07-07-2009, 03:57 PM
Hi Gina,
Its not that big a deal as you will find out. Easy to catch, the main thing is do not contaminate the sample.
Good catching:D
07-07-2009, 04:31 PM
Thanks everyone for all the helpful suggestions. Tomorrow's the big day, and I'm kind of nervous about the MRI..hopefully all will turn out well, and that I also arrive with an uncontaminated urine sample in hand.:) I'll post again with the results of the MRI.
Gina and Lucy
Wylie's Mom
07-07-2009, 06:23 PM
Hi Gina,
Wylie squats if he pees on grass and raises his leg for the vertical objects... I get a steralized container from the vet, tape it to a stainless steel ladle and slide the cup under him as he pees. The ladle give me enough distance so I don't get into his "personal space":p.
I now keep sterilized containers at home - if I turn a urine sample in, I ask the vet for a new container for the next time.
07-09-2009, 12:54 AM
Quick update on Lucy..
Just got back from picking her up from her took us 2 1/2 HOURS TO GET HOME...of what is normally a 20 - 40 minute drive. I swear I hate this town sometimes.
Anyway, the good news...all the tumor is gone:) They did all her blood work today, too, so I'll get those results in a few days. I'm just so happy about the tumor, though. I can't wait to see the MRI myself, to compare. I thought there might be some residual stuff left, but apparently not. What a crazy time this has been! I feel so fortunate....Lucy..the miracle dog:) She's almost back to her old self a few years ago, before she even got cushings:)
The only thing is, now she's not interested in eating anything except treats, and she hasn't eaten all day. Do you think it's because of the anesthesia? At least she'll sleep tonight...she hasn't been sleeping much these days. I'm thinking they're going to have to tweak her thyroid and/or prednisone...she's now on 2.5 mg. prednisone a day.
Hope everyone is good, and thanks for all the well wishes:)
Gina and Lucy
Squirt's Mom
07-09-2009, 10:15 AM
Hi Gina,
Oh! This is GREAT news! The tumor is GONE!!! :D:D:D:D You couldn't ask for a better outcome there! How wonderful for you and Lucy! If the hospital and your doc haven't commissioned that statue for Lucy yet, they really need to get busy on that! She truly is a miracle dog and deserves recognition for her part in this medical advancement at the very least, if not just because she is such a sweetie! :):p
The anesthesia could easily be what is causing her to be a bit off. It may take a day or so for her to get over it, too. The sleep will help, in more than one way if she isn't sleeping much lately. So don't panic just yet....:p
Hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the girls
07-09-2009, 10:36 AM
Hi Gina,
We are sooo happy for you and Lucy :D:D:D Your story and Lucy's recovery is an inspiration to all of us!!! I'm crying tears of joy for you today!!!
Hope Lucy starts enjoying her meals again soon.
Thanks for the updates.
Dorothy and Mikey
07-09-2009, 10:37 AM
Thanks, Leslie...
Not to worry. Lucy ended up eating a whole bowl of food about 2 a.m.....and got me up accordingly all night to go out:rolleyes: She also drank a ton of water. Then got me up at 6, just because she wanted me up. Indeed, she's back to her old self again:)
Gina and Lucy
07-09-2009, 10:39 AM
Thanks Dorothy...
How's Mikey doing? I was reading your thread earlier but haven't posted. Hope he's feeling better:)
Gina and Lucy
Harley PoMMom
07-09-2009, 12:17 PM
Hi Gina,
Oh! This is GREAT news! The tumor is GONE!!! :D:D:D:D You couldn't ask for a better outcome there! How wonderful for you and Lucy! If the hospital and your doc haven't commissioned that statue for Lucy yet, they really need to get busy on that! She truly is a miracle dog and deserves recognition for her part in this medical advancement at the very least, if not just because she is such a sweetie! :):p
Hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the girls
I feel the same way, and I know it's been said before, but it is truly a honor and pleasure to have gotten to know and love your LucyGoo and You, Gina.
Hugs from your PA. friends.
07-13-2009, 07:46 PM
Thanks Lori..
Another update on the Goo. Her labs came back all normal!:D Dr. B said her cortisone is a little low, but that's where they want it. I'm to watch her appetite, as he said that's the best indicator of steroid levels. She's currently on 2.5 mg of prednisone and .8 milligrams of levothyroxine. I also give her 2 Dosequin (sp?) a day. He gave me carprofen to give her, but she doesn't seem to be needing it yet. I figure, why add something to the mix if she's okay without it.
Her pituitary function is low, which also shows they got all the pituitary as well as the tumor. (I'm hoping this means it doesn't come back) He said she probably won't need another MRI for three months:)
Lucy's doing very well, and we couldn't be happier. Her appetite is okay...she always eats her treats, but she's developed this little game now where for her meals, she hops up on the couch and waits for me to hand feed her a few bites, then she eats the rest out of the bowl voraciously. She just won't spontaneously go to her bowl and eat. I think she's doing it for the attention or something..wise guy.
Thanks as always for all the support, and will keep you posted..
Gina and Lucy
07-13-2009, 09:23 PM
All I can say is
Many hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scooter
07-13-2009, 09:36 PM
Congratulations!!! Tumor gone and labs normal....wonderful!
07-13-2009, 10:03 PM
Thanks everyone...
The only issue at this point is her exercise. She doesn't seem to want to move her ass at all when we go out for walks. I'm thinking she's taking after mom in the lazy department:eek: I'm trying to think of a way to have her get more exercise...actually googled "dog treadmills" today...isn't that ridiculous? And they're about $1500!
I know it's hot out now, but she's always like this. She does better when I take her to the park, less distraction, I think, but I can't do that every day. Maybe I can fashion my own treadmill for her somehow;)
Gina and Lucy
07-14-2009, 12:15 AM
Hi Gina,
That's a really terrific update on your girl. Woohoo!!!!
Ya know, I have a really big problem with exercise too and suffer from frequent power surges which eliminates any possibility of exercising outside in this heat. When you figure out what to do about Lucy's problem can you help me out. :D:p:D
Harley PoMMom
07-14-2009, 07:13 PM
Gina this is really wonderful news about the Goo girl, I am sooo happy for the both of you.
Re: your treadmill; I've watched many episodes of the "Dog Whisper with Ceasar Milan," and he uses this exercise technique and I have tried it on my dogs can do this...but it takes patience and treats. :D:eek: You first have to get her to get on the treadmill (without it being on), you'll probably need to have a collar and a leash on her, just have Lucy step up and down on the treadmill, give her treats when she does this, until she will do this effortlessly. Then when she does this with comfort and she is on the treadmill, you go in front of the treadmill and show her the treat, turn it on the lowest speed until she is walking comfortably, give her the treats when she does good. Does this make any sense to you? :confused:
Hugs to you and the Goo.:)
07-14-2009, 09:44 PM
Hi Lori...
I've watched that dog whisperer episode too. Wasn't that the one with Ed McMahon? I was actually kind of kidding about the dog treadmill. Sure, it would be great if I had one, but I'm not about to pay 1500 for one. Now I'm sorry I got rid of my own treadmill, but it had become a catch-all of sorts, and the belt got all messed up.
Do you use a regular treadmill for your dogs? Maybe I'll get a new one for me AND Lucy. Lord knows I could use it:eek:
I just wish the Goo would want to walk more...I think she just doesn't like the neighborhood...never really did, actually. (She's very peculiar)
And Glynda....if I end up getting a treadmill, you must get one as well, if you don't already have one. Then we can BOTH discuss how we don't use them:p
Gina and Lucy
07-14-2009, 09:51 PM
Better yet...maybe I can get Cesar to come to my house. He is local, after all; and maybe he can get Lucy off the damn couch! Then I'll send him over to Glynda's house:p
07-14-2009, 10:07 PM
Hi Gina,
That's a cute idea...Maybe we can fly him to NJ to get me off the couch!!:):)
So glad to hear the Goo is doing well ...exercise will come later.
Could she possibly just want to stay home or close to home because she feels safe there?
Dogs have their own way of dealing with psychological issues:D:D:D
The most important thing is that she is doing well!!!
Dorothy and Mikey
Harley PoMMom
07-21-2009, 04:43 PM
Hi Gina,
Do you use a regular treadmill for your dogs? Yep, just a regular walking treadmill made for people, you may be able to find one at a yard sale or in the newspaper for alot cheaper than $1500. You know, I don't use the darn thing, my dogs do! :D:eek: Isn't that just pathetic :( They're in better shape than me. :) I like using it especially in the summer when it's so hot outside, I can put them on it for 10-15 minutes and they are in the air-conditioning but still getting exercise. My one Pom. is solid black, and the heat from the sun really bothers him, so this works for him.
Roxee's Dad
07-21-2009, 05:02 PM
Hi Gina,
Just catching up on the Goo girl. So happy she is doing well :D:D:D:D
Can't help you with the excersizing, seems to be that time of year, maybe too hot and uncomfortable outside.
Maybe go to the Goodwill and look for a treadmill, probably get one cheap. When I tried to give mine to them, they turned it down and it was one of the good ones with BP monitor, pulse monitor, mileage and speed readouts. They had so many they actually refused it and I took it to the recycling center:confused: Then their are garage sales, take the Goo girl and she'll get some excersize while your looking for treadmills. It might be fun for her:)
07-22-2009, 12:33 AM
Hi John...
Good idea:) I will check out Goodwill...thanks.
Lucy's doing good, but she's panting all the time, just seems really tired...even when I have the A/C blasting. Thought that would go away, but it seems to have increased. I'm thinking maybe it's a temperature control problem with the hypothalamus..who knows. She's still drinking and peeing a lot too, but today I was gone for around 8 1/2 hours and she held it...bless her heart. I've been trying to give her just one drop of the DDAVP (or whatever it is) at night, but when I know I'm going to be away for a long time I give her one before I leave. The DI seems to have improved a little, but not completely. She does have normal tear production now, so no more artificial tears...hurray:)
The chronic diarrhea is still there too, but I'm trying a new product called Gentle Digest, a probiotic thing and I think it's starting to work a little...and I do stress the word "little."
All in all though, she's doing very well. Her personality is back, and that's the best part.
I'm starting to think about putting her on the Carprofen. Does anyone have any experience with this drug? I know it's an NSAID, and I hesitate putting her on it, at least all the time, but maybe it will make her want to move more? I just get nervous giving her that and the prednisone, but she's only on 2.5 mg prednisone, and Dr. B said it shouldn't be a problem, but to give her a pepcid just in case.
I gave her a couple doses a few weeks ago, and she didn't have any adverse effects...but I still worry. What do you guys think?
Gina and Lucy
07-22-2009, 01:17 PM
Hi Gina,
Many of us use carprofen (Rimadyl), there are many annecdotal reports of a wide range of side effects. Personally I think it is fine for most pups but I also think in many cases too much is prescribed. Moria has taken it first only occasionaly for ten or so years and for the last couple of years daily. When we began daily administration she got 1/4 the recommended dose and that controlled her pain for over a year, within the last year we have increased the dose to 1/2 the recommended dose. We also divide the daily dose in 1/2 and administer it twice daily.
There are other more modern NSAIDS if Rimadyl does not work for Lucy for some reason and there is a product called Adaquan which works well for Moria and some of the other pups around here.
Squirt's Mom
07-23-2009, 03:14 PM
Hi Gina,
I've been reading along even tho I haven't posted and I was glad to read the last report on Lucy. She is getting better all the time!
Can't help with the Rimadyl, sorry. We use Tramadol for pain around here.
Leslie and the girls
08-05-2009, 09:18 AM
Hi guys..
I'm hoping someone has a suggestion here. Lucy had me up most of the night with diarrhea, and she vomited a couple times. Unfortunately I have to work so I can't monitor her. She has to have some food with her prednisone and thyroid, and was wondering what or how much I should feed her? I was thinking of just giving her a little food and a pepcid. She seems to be okay now, and I've already e-mailed Dr. Bruyette, but was wondering if anyone had any quick advice:)
Gina and Lucy
Harley PoMMom
08-05-2009, 09:56 AM
The only thing that comes to my feeble mind is a bland diet, and that is like rice, or maybe if she won't eat that try scramble eggs??? or boiled eggs???
Hope that helps and our Lucygoo feels better soon.
Love and hugs.
08-05-2009, 10:01 AM
Feeble can assure you that my mind is the feebilest at this point:) Thanks for the suggestion...I just hope I can get her to eat something....but not too much.
Also, do you guys think I should lay off the Dosuquin and the probiotic this morning?
Harley PoMMom
08-05-2009, 10:13 AM
Also, do you guys think I should lay off the Dosuquin and the probiotic this morning?
This is I really don't know the answer to, the Dosuquin, is this for arthritis? Is Lucy still throwing up? The probiotic is this a pill or capsule?
I'm just thinking out loud here, but if her tummy is still yucky, and more meds are put in there, she might just vomit them back up.
Hopefully Dr. B. will be getting back to you soon. Another food you could try is crackers, but you might have to scrape the salt off of them for her, incase she isn't allowed to have salt.
Love and hugs.
08-05-2009, 10:20 AM
Tha Dosuquin is a glucosamine/chond. supplement...the probiotic is a capsule with just Lactobacillis in it. I know I'm butchering the spelling!
She vomited last about 2 hours ago, got her to have a few sips of water, but she's not interested in anything else. I don't think I'll hear from Dr. B until this afternoon...I know he has rounds in the morning. I think I'm going to just give her the pred. and the thyroid. The less the better right now, I think.
Harley PoMMom
08-05-2009, 10:28 AM
Altho I am no medical professional, I think that's a good idea to give her only the meds. that she essentially needs.
Usually scrambled or 3 minute boiled eggs are a big hit with pups that don't want to eat.
Praying and wishing you the best of luck with Lucy today.
Love and hugs.
Harley PoMMom
08-05-2009, 10:30 AM
I just thought of something else, dry toast.
08-05-2009, 10:46 AM
Thanks, Lori..
I really appreciate your help:) She seems okay, even jumped up on the couch, but isn't interested in food or really much water right now. Wish I didn't have to work today:mad:
Thanks again,
Gina and Lucy
Harley PoMMom
08-05-2009, 11:18 AM
They say getting water into them is more impotant than food, so if she's drinking, at, I wouldn't be too worried. Please keep us updated, tho.
Love and hugs.
Roxee's Dad
08-05-2009, 11:27 AM
Hi Gina,
Wish I could help:( but this is where I think you need your vet's advice. Could you tell what she was vomitting? I would guess water is important to prevent dehydration.
08-05-2009, 11:57 AM
Hi Gina,
The Dasuquin does not seem to have any warnings about gastro issues and probiotics are intended to settle the gastric tract. I would ask the Dr.
Have you began the Carprofen? this can cause gastro issues.
08-05-2009, 01:54 PM
Hi Gina,
I have had great success treating GI issues and vomiting with Slippery Elm. My last foster dog had terrible diarreah for about a month and ate very little (vet could not figure out what was going on). I gave him Slippery Elm daily and even so he should have lost weight, because he sometimes would not eat for days, he had gained weight while on the Slippery Elm.
I make a syrup and add some honey to make it more tasty. If the dog does not eat at all I just use a large syringe and squirt it in their mouth several times per day.
Slippery Elm is Juliette de Bairacli Levy¹s "tree bark flour." It is a nutrient and food for very young, old, or very weak cats and dogs. It coats and heals all inflamed tissue internally and externally, and is used for the stomach, ulcers, bowels, kidneys, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery and colitis, and the entire digestive tract. Use it externally for wounds, burns, rashes, abscesses, boils, or insect bites, and internally for the lungs, coughing vomiting, and for stomach or bowel cancer. Use slippery elm as a food in convalescence, mixed with a bit of honey and water. It tastes sweet and pets take it readily.
The Natural Remedy Book for Dogs and Cats
Diane Stein
More info can be found here .. (The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body By Stacey Chillemi, Michael Chillemi)
Hope you find this information useful - it might be worth a try and perhaps it will give your dog some relieve until you can figure out the root cause of the issue.
08-05-2009, 03:41 PM
Hi Gina,
Sorry to hear about Lucy's GI issues. Hope she is feeling better soon. Serena is having some minor GI issues so I am wondering if it occurs in dogs who have had radiation or surgery on their tumors. In Serena's case she has loose stools and her appetite has fallen off a little bit. Otherwise she is acting normally.
January and Serena
Wylie's Mom
08-05-2009, 04:32 PM
Hi Gina,
I don't know what you should do about the meds, but here are a couple sites that suggest what you should do if your pup vomits...
One says to "Never give a dog vomiting blood oral medications.", but you hadn't mentioned any blood.
They both say to withhold food for a certain time. Don't allow her to drink large portions of water - that's hard to do if you're not there... I have several small travel size water bowls... when I had to make sure Wylie didn't guzzle down water (after his gall bladder attack), I replaced his big water bowl with several small bowls, each with about a 1/2 cup of water.
08-05-2009, 07:08 PM
but she's only on 2.5 mg prednisone
I'm wondering if a big part of Lucy's problems - low energy, seeming achy and sore, a tendency to diarrhea and now lack of appetite couldn't be related to the very low dose of pred she is on. I'm not sure how much she weighs now - but I guess she is a bit over 50lbs (around 22 - 25kg)? If she's on 2.5mg per day then that is around 0.1mg/kg per day and the usual physiologic dose (that is the dose that provides cortisol replacement sufficient for normal, non-stressed daily functioning) of pred is around 0.2mg/kg. How much a particular dog needs is an individual thing and it seems that older dogs sometimes like their cortisol level maintained just a tad higher than younger ones, too.
What Lucy has now, after her pit surgery, is what is called Secondary Addison's. Here's a link to an article on Addison's that mentions the usual dose of prednisone - you can skip over the stuff about mineralcorticoids because that isn't an issue in Lucy's case, and go to the para headed "Glucocorticoids". It's got info on fine tuning the dose and also on the importance of giving more when the dog is stressed in some way either by illness or psychological stress.
I know that appetite is usually regarded as the best indicator of whether the cortisol/prednisone level is adequate but I have noticed that some dogs seem to get "used to" very low levels if the level has come down very gradually over time and their appetite can remain normal despite having other symptoms of low cortisol such as weakness and diarrhea. I've seen a few dogs here have this happen and my own dog did this once when she went low during the course of her Cushing's treatment (she'd been on treatment for over a year at that stage): One evening she was walking around looking weak and miserable and had diarrhea but still wanted her dinner! A dose of pred had her trotting around happily again within the hour.
08-05-2009, 07:55 PM
Hi everyone...
Thank you all so much for your help. Dr. Bruyette did e-mail me this morning, and said to give her a little bland food and a pepcid with her pills. I tried giving her a little W/D but she would have no part of it. She did have a few bites of her regular canned Innova Senior. I got home and she's acting completely normal so far....had a few cookies, and is running around excited that I'm home.:)
January...Lucy's always had a bit of a nervous stomach her whole life, with intermitten bouts of diarrhea and vomiting, but the diarrhea has definitely increased since her surgery. She ALWAYS has loose stools now. The only time she didn't was when she was on the I/D after her surgery, but of course she'll have none of that now. I was reading something about dogs that have this surgery (not sure about the radiation, but I would imagine it's the same) have trouble digesting fats...Lucy doesn't have a pituitary at all anymore, so maybe that's why.
Scott...No, I haven't given her the carprofen yet. She seems to be doing okay so far without it. I've only given her two doses in total about a month ago. I also get nervous about giving that and the pred together, but she's on a pretty small dose of prednisone.
Alison...We've been playing around with her pred. dose. I noticed her appetite dropped off a little a couple weeks ago, so Dr. Bruyette increased it to 5 mg. per day. The water drinking and panting and staying up all night were out of control, so he decreased it to 3.75 mg/day. That seems to be sort of a happy medium so far, if there is such a thing. The appetite is weird. She plays this game where she hops up on the couch and I hand feed her a few bites, and then she eats the rest out of the bowl. We're in that sort of "if it's not one thing it's the other" picnic. She definitely pants more now than even when she had cushing's, but she doesn't seek out cool places anymore, i.e., bathroom floor. It's really odd. If I give her a drop of the anti-diuretic at night it helps a little, but she still gets me up at least 1 to 2 times a night...and that's on a good night! So I really don't know what the answer to the pred. dose is. I guess it's one of those things where it's nearly impossible to get to that perfect dose.
Susy, I did check for blood, and there was none. I remember that from when Lucy had pancreatitis a few years ago.
Nathalie...I'll definitely check out the slippery elm. Maybe that will work better than the lactobacillis thing I have her on.
Thank you all so much, as always, and will keep you posted on how Lucy's doing:)
Gina and Lucy
08-05-2009, 07:59 PM
You mention staying up all night - could her thyroid med levels be a little too high for her, I wonder?
I think "running hot" can by a symptom of hyperthyroidism too.
08-05-2009, 08:05 PM
Not according to her last test, when she had her follow-up MRI about a month ago. That was my question, too, but Dr. Bruyette said they were fine, and wants to keep her at that level. I noticed that when we increased her pred to 5 mg., she was REALLY up all night, and just acted agitated. Now that we've lowered it, it's helped a bit.
I've read in quite a few posts here that a lot of people use you think I could use that for Lucy? I'll ask Dr. B, of course, but I don't see why not. I also have tramadol, but I know that causes panting, too, and I don't want to increase the panting.
08-05-2009, 08:15 PM
I just thought of something that may have caused this...and it's all my fault:mad:
Lucy's on .4 mg of levothyroxine every 12 hours...I'm usually pretty good about the timing. She gets it around 8 or 9 a.m. and 8 or 9 p.m. THe night before last, I realized to my horror at 1:30 in the morning that I forgot her evening thyroid dose:eek: So I gave her one then; and then she got her usual morning dose, and her usual evening dose last night. Maybe some kind of toxicity built up??:eek: It was either that or the bite of cat poop she ate last night...she hasn't done that in years.
So far she's acting fine, so I'll see how she eats tonight.
Thanks again,
08-05-2009, 08:44 PM
Gina, you sound like me. So guilty for everything! I take thyroid meds, and I'm sure that's not what caused a problem.I know dogs are different than people, but once on a trip, Nikki got my thyroid meds and ate them all out of my pill container. I was sure she would die and called the vet. They said it would not affect her at all and it didn't. She will recover from this, I'm sure. Hang in there, you're doing great! Sharon
08-05-2009, 09:13 PM
Hi Gina,
I have been unable to post before, but have read your thread about sweet Lucygoo.
I just wanted to share my experiences with pred and soloxine dosing.
We had a difficult time finding the correct dose of pred for Misty and as it turned out, it was a bit higher than most. (She weighed 8 pounds and 6 ounces).
I tried more than once to reduce the pred dosing but she would let me know quickly that she needed more. We settled on 1 mg in the morning with meals and 1 mg in the evening with meals, giving her a balanced 24 hour coverage and it seemed to be perfect as long as she didn't become extremely stressed. If she did get in a stressful situation, I would then give her an additional 1/2 of her total daily dose. However, most of the time she would just sleep it off.
I also learned that Soloxine caused the pred to exit the system faster. So we developed a plan to give her adequate amounts of each med on a continuing basis. 3/4 of .1 mg Soloxine and 1 mg pred with morning meal and same with evening meal. She also was given 3/4 of a carafate pill an hour before each meal to coat and protect the stomach. This worked really well for her for the past year.
Another thing I learned from experience, and a good vet, is that too much pred can cause basically the same symptoms as too little, so it is definitely a fine line to follow.
I don't know if any of this might be beneficial with Lucy (Misty didn't have surgery), only Atypical/Secondary Addison's caused from too much ablation of the adrenal gland. Her electrolytes were never an issue, so all she had to take was prednisone.
If any of this has already been covered with you, please disregard. :)
I am not advocating any of my experiences would work for Lucy.
Only your doctor can determine that, but I think sharing experiences sometimes sheds a little light on a situation.
Hoping for happy and healthy days ahead for Lucygoo and you.
Shelba and Suni
08-05-2009, 10:19 PM
I wouldn't think the one-off change in timing of the soloxine dose would have made a difference - but ya never know! I guess time will tell. Remembering to take or give meds at the right time is something we all have trouble with - setting a reminder in your cell phone could help and if you give a treat with the pills you'll probably have Lucy jumping up and coming to "remind" you when she hears the alarm.
Shelba's experience with Misty's Atypical Addison's is very relevant to Lucy's situation as the two types of Addison's are basically the same in that the mineralcorticoids/electrolytes that you get with "typical" Addison's aren't an issue - just the glucocorticoids.
In the course of my research I've come across quite a bit of info on human addison's and it's treatment and it appears that some people find some glucocorticoids better for them (as an individual) than others and some even use a combo of two or more preparations at different times of day to fine tune things. I don't think you'd ever need, or be able to, do such fine tuning with a dog (because they can't talk) but I guess it could be worth a try switching to another preparation like cortisone or dexamethasone (dex is slightly longer lasting and can be more even in its effect, I gather) if you just can't seem to find the right pred regime for Lucy. As Shelba said the timing of the dose can matter too.
I think the melatonin sounds like an excellent idea and many here have had great success with it especially for night time restlessness, but like you said, run it by Dr. B first. I wonder if the tumor or the surgery somehow did something that affected her sleep/wake cycle and (as you mentioned before) and the fine tuning of her body temperature regulation.
08-05-2009, 11:38 PM
Hi guys..
That's interesting. I never knew that about the pred and thyroid. I've been giving her the pred in the morning only, and the thyroid she gets 12 hours apart. Hmmmm. Thanks, Shelba:)
There's definitely something wrong still, because she's not eating at all. She only ate a couple milk bones when i got home today, and won't touch anything else. She's only drinking a little water, which is also odd for her. I'm hoping that it's just an upset stomach and she's trying to clear her system. I think I'll give her another pepcid with her thyroid pill...she's supposed to have that with food.
Alison...Lucy weighs about 55 lbs now I'm guessing. That's what her last weight was about a month ago...she may even be a little heavier now. She was originally on coritsone, and when we went down to 2.5 he switched it to prednisone. So now she's on 3.75, which I give her in the morning. I'm wondering if she doesn't need 5 mg., maybe split up in two doses? That would certainly be easier than quartering a 5 mg pill. I'm going to e-mail Dr. B now about her continued not eating...I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear from me....again! lol
Thanks again, guys..
Gina and Lucy
08-05-2009, 11:41 PM
You can get 1mg pred pills - and they probably come even smaller than that - which you'd probably find very useful for the purpose of tweaking doses.
08-06-2009, 11:29 AM
Hi all...
Just a quick note to let you know that Lucy ended up eating some rice and a couple milk bones last night. This morning she got up acting like a puppy:eek:
Dr. Bruyette told me it was definitely not caused by the thyroid meds, so I feel better about that.
I'll see how she eats this morning.
Thanks again,
Gina and Lucy
Squirt's Mom
08-06-2009, 12:17 PM
Good news, Gina! So glad to hear that Lucy has eaten some and is acting better! :D:D:D
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
08-06-2009, 02:17 PM
That is great news Gina, thanks so much for letting us know...was getting worried about sweet Lucygoo and her not eating and not acting herself. Hopefully she has regained her appetite. Is she drinking water now too?
Love and hugs.
08-06-2009, 03:59 PM
Thanks Leslie and Lori...
Yes, she's eating and drinking water normally. Her appetite is still a tad off, but I'm not pushing it.
The thing about the thyroid made me think of another time when i thought I killed her. When Lucy was on trilostane, I accidentally one day more than doubled her dose. Called the vet in a panic, and she told me not to worry, she'd be fine. And indeed she was. It had absolutely no effect on her. She said they were treating a little scotty with trilo, and the owners were double-dosing him for a full month, without any adverse effect. Just to be sure, though, we stopped the trilo for 2 days, and she went into full-blown cushings again.
Thinking back now, a lot of the symptoms that Lucy had that I was blaming on just getting old or the trilostane, I'm pretty sure now they were symptoms of an enlarging macro. Even in the beginning of her diagnosis she had some pretty odd behavior sometimes. Just thinking out loud.
Thanks everyone,
Gina and Lucy
08-22-2009, 02:02 PM
Hi Gina
haven't been here lately but was wondering how your dog is going?
bye Mienke (snoopy)
08-22-2009, 02:58 PM
Hi Mienke!
Thanks for checking on us. Lucy's doing okay. We just increased her prednisone to 5 mg/day today. She was on 3.75 mg, but for the past couple days her appetite decreased, she started walking like an old lady more, increased weakness in her hind legs, and last night was acting really lethargic. Still haven't seen much change in the appetite yet, but hopefully that will change.
How's Snoopy doing? :)
Harley PoMMom
08-22-2009, 06:21 PM
Hi Gina,
Here's hoping the extra pred. will do the trick for Lucy, so sorry she's been having some issues. :(
Please keep us updated, and how are things with you?
Love and hugs.
08-23-2009, 04:51 AM
Hi Gina
Sorry to hear about Lucy . I haven't got any experience with the prednisone but do hope it will do its work.
Is she eating nothing at all? even some meat isn't doing the trick?
Snoopy is doing fine ..getting older (almost 10) and having a bit of trouble with the warm weather now and then (dehydrated)
In the morning she's very energetic while the afternoons are sleepingtime.
At the moment we're waiting for the last blood and urine testresults (will take a week I guess) because its a year after the operation and hopefully the tumor hasn't come back!
Take care with Lucy and hopefully she'll response to the medication
Bye Mienke:)
08-24-2009, 10:39 PM
She only eats her food if I hand feed it to her, but only to a point. She does eat her treats, but only sometimes. The increase in prednisone has not increased her fact it's decreased. Otherwise she's acting okay. I'm thinking we might need to increase the steroids again. This is so weird! She was doing great on 2.5 mg for so we're up to 5 and it doesn't seem to be making a dent. I'm thinking maybe she's getting sick of the food. I've been giving her Innova Senior Plus dry and the canned mixed...she now won't eat any dry, and only a handful of the canned. Lucy just had her MRI in July, so it can't be the tumor growing back already.
What dosage of cortisone is Snoopy on? Prednisone is the same as cortisone.
08-24-2009, 11:32 PM
Have you had her teeth checked - not just looked at but an x-ray done to look for any hidden decay. Possibly something might be visible on the imaging from the MRI so it might be worth asking them to have another look at those images for any lurking dental problem. What is her breath like?
There is nothing like a sore mouth to put them off their food - it even puts me off my food, and that's saying something!
Whatever it is, it is looking it is something not directly related to her steroid dose and probably not even related to the surgery or the Cushings.
Is the weather still hot where you are - Mia used to become quite fussy in really hot weather. That was a lifelong thing with her.
PS: I think you mentioned a week or so back that it was thought possible that the pred could have caused some stomach ulceration. Has that been followed up?
08-24-2009, 11:45 PM
Hi Allison!
Lucy's teeth are in good shape. She's always had exceptional teeth..really white too, still! I wish I had them. Vets are always amazed at her teeth.
And she finally ate some kibble. She's now turning down the soft food, and going for the crunchy; so I know it's not the teeth.
And you're is hot here now...and humid, which we normally don't get the humidity. I think she finally ate because I was home for a while. She gets pissy when I'm gone all day.
About the prednisone and stomach ulceration, I don't think I mentioned that. I was just worried about giving her the pred and the carprofen together, to prevent something like that happening. I think I'll leave her at 5 mg for a while, and see what transpires.
I just freak out when she doesn't eat now...any little appetite decrease brings me back to the days when she wasn't eating, and I may be panicking prematurely.
08-25-2009, 12:08 AM
Do you think these appetite issues started around, or shortly after, the time she started on the carprofen? NSAIDS are notorious for irritating the tummy and making the appetite fickle - not just reducing it but causing pickiness and going on and off different things. If I have "NSAID tummy" that's exactly what I'm like.... I find that slippery elm fixes the yuckiness within about a minute of taking it. There are also medicines (sucralfate is one) that can be given to help with this problem too.
08-25-2009, 12:11 AM
I haven't given her the carprofen. I gave her only one dose a few months ago, and I gave her one a few days ago when she was on 3.5 mg. still. And I gave her a pepcid with it then. I'm really hesitant about giving her that and pred. I read they're not supposed to be given together.
Squirt's Mom
08-25-2009, 02:38 AM
Hi Gina,
Just thinking out loud here.... ;)
To remove the tumor they went up through the roof of her mouth, didn't they? If that is the case, you might want to have that incision looked at. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes a stitch that is supposed to dissolve, doesn't and it can cause some problems.
I've been on meds before that did weird things to my taste factor. Foods would taste different, or there was very little taste to anything even when I was hungry. So I would think the same thing could happen to animals.
The heat may well be a factor - I had a German Shepherd once who really fell off her feed during the summer and by fall she looked like she had been almost starved! :eek: When the next summer rolled around, she was sleek and sassy again only to lose it over the next few months. She did that her whole life. The only thing I could see that might have played a part in her loss of appetite was she didn't move around a lot when it was hot. Syra spent most of her time in the bushes, laying down, so she wasn't expending as much energy as she did during the cooler months.
I'm not familiar enough with the canine brain to know if the operation may have influenced the area that controls appetite or not, but that is something Dr. B could probably tell you.
Our Goldie eats a little like you have described Lucy doing...eating this now, but not later yet will eat just about anything if its handed to her. She is very finicky about everything concerning her food...even the type of dish it's served in! :rolleyes: I know how frustrating it can be trying to get her to eat at times and I'm sure is much harder on you because of Lucy's surgery. I wish I had a magic solution for you. :(
Keep up the good work! Feed Lucy whatever she wants and will/can eat whenever she wants it just like you have been. You're a good mom, Gina.
Leslie and the girls
08-25-2009, 11:09 AM
Thanks, Leslie.
You're so nice:) You know what, you just may be on to something. I thought her incision had healed, but I'll have it checked. I notice sometimes she makes a face at food, the upper lip will curl up. Dr. Bruyette wants to see her tomorrow, so I'll be bringing her in. He thinks it's odd as well. I've noticed a lump at the top of her front leg, sort of right behind the armpit. Now I'm paranoid this whole appetitie thing is something else.
Her appetite seems to peak at night...even sometimes at 1 or 2 am. Then by morning....nothing. I guess it's just a hard thing to gauge, because I want her to be at the right steroid level, but I don't want to overreact to things, you know?
Gina and Lucy
08-25-2009, 11:31 AM
Hi Gina
snoopy is on 1.5 tablet a day and 1 tablet contains 5mg
Snoopy's weight will be around the 15 kilogram
beside the Cortisol she 's having Forthyron 200 two and a halve tablet a day. I'm not sure what that one will be in America . its used to replace a deficient endogenous hormone for the longterm treatment of hypothyroidism in dogs
I do believe its a good idea to have a look into the fact if there's stil some problem with Lucy's throat. I had Snoopy a few times on medication because we suspected a sore throat. My vet discussed the matter with the specialist and he thought there could be a possibillity
hope it helps a bit and don't worry too much ..
Take care and please let me know how things went at the vet
Bye Mienke:)
Harley PoMMom
08-25-2009, 02:40 PM
Hi Gina,
Sweet Lucy likes to keep her mommy on her toes. :eek::) and us. :p
Altho I don't have any advice for you, FWIW, I just wanted to let you know what a terrific job I think you are doing with Lucygoo. Being so observant of her facial expressions and appetite peaks is very important information that Dr. B. will want to're such a good mommy. Please let us know how the visit goes and here's hoping Dr. B. finds a solution to make Lucy feel better.
Love and hugs.
08-26-2009, 10:20 AM
Hi Gina,
I hope you have a great visit with Dr. Bruyette today. How fortunate for you and Lucy to be working with such a wonderful doctor.
Squirt's Mom
08-26-2009, 05:50 PM
Hi Gina,
Just checking in to see how the visit with Dr. B went today.
Leslie and the girls
08-27-2009, 08:17 PM
Hi Guys...
Thanks for checking on us. I was so tired by the time I got home last night I didn't log on.
The visit went well. I dropped her off in the morning, went to work, picked her up around 6. Dr. Bruyette came out with Lucy, and said clinically she looked very well. She's growing back her hair, and she's gained almost 20 pounds:eek: She's almost 65 pounds now! (I thought maybe she's just self-correcting with the appetite thing)
He told me they were doing another surgery yesterday, so they considered it a good omen that Lucy was there. He called her the "miracle child." :D Still am waiting to hear the endocrine results. He'll probably e-mail me soon. I'm thinking maybe the weight gain has caused her to need more prednisone.
And yes, Ken, I feel really very fortunate. Dr. Bruyette is wonderful, and the whole staff there is just the best. And judging from the accolades I read on the wall in the waiting room, I'm not the only one that thinks so. I was reading that they took in a bunch of dogs during the Malibu fires a couple years ago, and boarded all of them free of charge, whereas one woman who was writing the letter said her own personal vet was going to charge her something like $65 a night.
I'll post again when I hear:)
Thanks again!
Gina and Lucy
08-29-2009, 04:36 AM
Hi Gina
Good to hear and still fingers crossed for the test results.
I still find it difficult with Snoopy from time to time to figure out what the problem is or why she's having a off day. Looks like that sometimes she needs more medication (stressrelated?) than other days ...
And yes having a vet who you can trust helps a lot .
i do have one like that and I'm even staying with him although we've moved and have to drive 40km for a visit
Take care with Lucy:)
08-29-2009, 07:45 AM
Dear Gina,
I'm so glad to hear that Lucy's visit to Dr. B went so well! (And I'll bet that she DID bring good luck to the doggie who was having surgery...:o). Do let us know when you get the lab results back -- it'll be interesting to find out what her levels are at this point. I'll be watching for your next update.
08-29-2009, 02:07 PM
Hi all...
Lucy's doing great, and her lab work is all good, so we're keeping her on the 5 mg./day.
Since we got back from her visit she's been literally walking with a spring in her step. I swear she loves going to that's insane. She definitely seems to want to walk more now, so it's all good:)
I think she's just becoming more particular about her food in her old age, madam that she is! Also it's hard for me to figure out what normal is anymore...for two years she ate like a ravenous pig, then it slowed to nothing.
I find now if I switch up her food, she's more interested. Right now she's liking the Solid Gold canned (this is going to be exhausting!)
Thanks again for all the well wishes and support:)
Gina and Lucy
Roxee's Dad
08-29-2009, 05:01 PM
Hi Gina,
That is great news:D:D:D I am so happy it all worked out. I do remember the pins and needles we were all on during the whole ordeal. Give Lucy Goo some belly rubs from us.:)
Squirt's Mom
08-29-2009, 06:50 PM
I just love hearing good news about our Lucy Goo! Wonderful, Gina, just wonderful!
I have one that is very finicky and I have to keep changing her food to keep her interested, too. And it does get frustrating and confusing after a bit! I have developed a system...the things she has eaten for some time and seems to like, I keep an empty can on my fridge so I can remember the ones she likes. We rotate through them and that seems to keep her eating. Goldie is even picky about how it is served, the dish, the order she is in compared to the others, where her dish is placed in the room....geez :rolleyes: But I love the little psycho! :D
Keep up the good work! Lucy is so lucky to have you as her mom!
Leslie and the girls
08-29-2009, 08:11 PM
He called her the "miracle child." :D
Gina and Lucy
From Dr. Bruyette's lips to God's ears.
09-06-2009, 08:37 AM
Hi Gina
Love to read the good news:):):):):):):):):)
bye Mienke
09-19-2009, 12:48 PM
Hi all...
Hope everyone is well. Lucy's doing fine, but I have a question concerning my sister's dog, a 10 year old hound mix, 50-70 lbs. He's had severe allergies, and they're worsening as he gets older, mainly affecting his ears. He's already had surgery on one ear to remove most of the ear canal. However, the problem persists. They've had him on cortisone shots, which stopped working after time, and then was on cyclosporin, which he's still on now, but is declining in its effectiveness.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help relieve poor Dino's ear issues? Maybe something holistic or a vitamin or anything. (Benadryl doesn't help either)
Gina and Lucy
09-19-2009, 06:04 PM
Have they identified what he's allergic to?
Could be a diet issue, which would be easy to resolve, or environmental, which would not.
If he's constantly being exposed to what he's allergic to, I imagine it's impossible to control.
A dog from our diabetes forum recently had some testing done. Here's her post:
I thought food allergies would always show up in skin issues. This is NOT true. Food allergies show up in many different ways. In a diabetic it means glucose out of control due to an inflamatory response every time they eat. The only time I responded to a food allergy is when Andys skin broke out, or turned red or his ears turned red. I always looked for an outward physical manifestation.
Turkey and Chicken did none of those things to him so I felt he was not allergic to them. But internally it was causing an allergic response that played havoc with his glucose control. Not to mention making him sick and lethargic.
If your dog is hard to regulate and you feel you have ruled out infection, I would recommend you get the RAST test done. You can have the food panel only run for approximately $200. It is just a blood draw that is sent off to a lab so you can certainly shop around for best price. The individual Vet does not do the test so it does not matter where you go.
And yes there are a lot of opinions about the RAST test versus skin prick testing pros and cons. The skin testing is probably better if you are looking to test for airborne allergies and opt for allergy shots. But if you are looking for food allergies the RAST test is a very good one. Cheap by comparrison and easy to do. All I can say is that it changed Andy's life and mine too!
Apparently it wasn't terribly expensive and has really helped her dog.
09-19-2009, 06:23 PM
Gina, Barkley was on cyclosporin for years to control severe allergies, & this is a real surprise to me that the cyclo did not control this pup's issues as it was extremely effective for Barkley. As Natalie has said, food allergies may be a possibility, but since cyclo has been used that would give me a doubt as to the treating vet suspecting food allergies. Do you know if the treating vet is a GP or a dermatology vet? If this vet is just a GP, it definitely sounds like it's time to head to a derm vet. Dr. Lewis, my derm vet, did a superb job of taking care of Barkley for about 5 years. Chewbacca has developed allergies that are severe enough that he underwent skin testing & has been on allergy injections for almost 3 months. The shots are slowly but surely helping, but they are definitely not a quick fix. I really, really would recommend that Dino go to a derm vet especially since he's already had the ear canal ablation, ( I think that's what it's called in the one ear). Also, when it comes to over the counter antihistamines not all types work for all dogs. You have to try one for about 2-3 weeks, then try another one, if you think the first one isn't effective. For instance, Chewbacca was taking 3 Benadryl a day without a lot of improvement. I moved him to Zyrtec once a day, & it has been like very helpful. My derm vet gave me a whole list of OTC antihistamines with appropriate dosages to try. This is another good reason for Dino to head to a derm vet.
09-19-2009, 10:09 PM
I second a consult with a derm doc for Dino. That's what I finally had to do with my Munchie and it was worth every $$$ I spent.
09-20-2009, 12:49 PM
Hi guys...
Thanks so much for your help. Debbie, the cyclosporin worked I think for about a year, and now it's declining in effectiveness. Dino's vet is a GP, but he's going to consult with a derm. vet. I too think he should be actually seen by the derm vet. Right now they're going to try him on an anti-fungal. The GP vet said the area we live is notorious for bad allergies, which makes sense, since you're in Arizona and Louise is in So. Cal. too. (They tried him on some kind of prescription anti-allergy food, which didn't do anything, so they don't think it's food allergies.)
In the meantime, she's going to try the Zyrtec too.
Thanks so much!:)
09-20-2009, 05:10 PM
Gina, Dino's Mom needs to clear the Zyrtec with her vet. I'm almost positive that my derm vet has a clinic in the S. California area, not exactly sure where. You may want to check out the following website,, Dermatology Clinic for Animals. Dr. Lewis & company run 8 derm clinics in the western US.
09-21-2009, 12:10 PM
Thanks, Debbie...
I'll pass on the info to my sister:)
10-09-2009, 01:29 PM
Hi everyone...
Lucy's doing okay, but I had a question about her prednisone dose. She's been doing well on 2.5 mg for the past month or so, but for the past two days she seems like she's more arthritic, panting excessively, etc. She's 68 lbs now, so I'm wondering if she needs more. I hate to do that, however, because it makes her drink and pee even more than she does now. I gave her half a carprofen the day before yesterday with a pepcid, and I'm going to give her another one today. She's going to be 12 in Dec., so I know she's getting older, but I hate to see her uncomfortable.
Is there a table of doses for pred I can reference?
Gina and Lucy
Wylie's Mom
10-09-2009, 02:05 PM
Hi Gina,
Here is some dosing information from BUT, I would check with Dr. B... don't know how the other meds would factor into things;):
Anti-inflammatory doses range from 0.1 to 0.3 mg per pound (0.2 to 0.6 mg/kg) up to twice daily.
Immunosuppressive doses range from 1 to 3 mg per pound (2 to 6 mg/kg) up to three times daily.
Doses for various diseases range between 0.1 to 3 mg per pound (0.2 to 6 mg/kg).
10-23-2009, 11:18 AM
Hi guys...
Lucy's doing great these days, but I had a question concerning a friend's dog who was just diagnosed with kidney failure, and given only a couple weeks. Of course he's heartbroken. He's in Michigan, somewhere outside of Detroit. Is anyone from that area, and know of a good vet? And does that sound right, 2 weeks to live from kidney failure? I'm going to ask Dr. B if he knows anyone there, but figured I'd check here first.
Harley PoMMom
10-24-2009, 09:03 PM
Hi Gina,
I am so sorry about your friend's dog that was diagnosed with kidney failure, this is so sad, please let him know that he is in my thoughts and prayers.
I don't know much about kidney failure, so I can't give you any answers there.
I am very happy to hear Lucy is doing so well, when does she go back to see Dr B again?
Love and hugs.
Roxee's Dad
10-24-2009, 09:43 PM
Hi Gina,
Sorry to here about your friends pup. Was it a sudden onset maybe caused by poisoning, heart condition, shock or dehydration?
May want to check this link.
Hoping for the best for your friend and his pup.
Squirt's Mom
10-25-2009, 09:17 AM
Hi Gina,
Glad that Lucy is still doing so well! :D
Can you tell us more about your friends pup? How this came about, pre-existing signs that may have been missed, how long the pup has had problems, etc? That might give some of these folks who have dealt with kidney issues some clues. I do hope the prognosis is incorrect and something can be done for them. :(
Leslie and the girls
10-25-2009, 11:44 AM
Hi All!
Thanks for getting back to me...Lucy's doing great these days. She did see Dr. B last month, for what I thought was a melanoma on her side...turned out to be a tick! Boy, did I feel like an idiot. You know you're getting old when you can't see well enough to differentiate tick and melanoma. She's definitely slowed down, but she'll be 12 in Dec. She's been doing fine on the 2.5 mg prednisone, so we're keeping it there for now...she still drinks and pees up a storm, tho, so if I'm gone for more than 4 hours I have someone come and let her out. She's also grown back most of her hair...even hair on her belly, which she hasn't had in years!
As far as my friend's dog, he's a 12 year old lab, shepherd mix, and I believe this came on rather suddenly. I think he stopped eating, and started doing this weird thing with his jaw, shaking like he's cold. I did contact Dr. B and he told him to see a Dr. Kuehn at Michigan Veterinary Specialists. I did a little research myself on line, and have seen that with aggressive treatment, some dogs do very well. His regular vet only put him on pepcid, carbonate? (or something like that), and a special diet, and told him he'd probably last two weeks if he's lucky....that just sounds odd to me. I hope he sees this specialist. I told him it's amazing how much more they know than regular vets.
Thank you all so much...and I'll keep you posted on what I hear next.
Gina and Lucy
11-12-2009, 12:03 PM
Hi Everyone!
Thought it was time to give an update on The Goo, since it's been six whole months since her surgery! She's doing very well! She does seem to have a little more arthritis now, so I think I'm going to start the adequan shots. She's currently on Dasuquin. I'm assuming the adequan is better? She's been holding out very well on our current dose of prednisone of 2.5 mg per day, and she's down to one desmopressen drop at night. (The thyroid dose is still the same) I am now usually able to get a full night's sleep! The best thing is that her personality is back, which I was so fearful was lost after the surgery. I'm just enjoying every minute with her now. She's grown back her hair on her belly, but still not on her sides from the ultrasound in April, nor around her neck from the surgery...but I don't care.
As far as my friend's dog with the kidney failure, he sadly had to put him to sleep after a couple days. I don't know many details, and don't have the heart to ask, but he deteriorated quickly and he didn't have much choice.
Hope everyone is doing well, and as always, thank you all for your support:)
Gina and Lucy
Squirt's Mom
11-12-2009, 12:12 PM
Hi Gina,
Good to hear that our Lucy Goo is still doing so well and in fact has recovered her personality! :D That is just wonderful! I remember you posted about your concerns in that area so am very glad she is back! I know you are giddy! :p
I am so sorry about your friend's pup. :( I hope they are doing alright with their decision.
Leslie and the girls
11-12-2009, 12:18 PM
Thanks, Leslie!
I's amazing with how large her tumor was, and the space it left in her head afterwards, how she's been able to recover so well...but she's definitely a fighter!
The only odd thing that's left is for her meals, she still hops up on the couch and I have to bring her dish over to her. She rarely just eats out of her dish spontaneously. I think she got spoiled when I was really babying her after the surgery..madam that she is!
Gina and Lucy
Squirt's Mom
11-12-2009, 12:37 PM
LOL....that will happen for sure! :p I always wonder just how much of Squirt's "need" to be carried is actually related to her legs and how much the "Queen of Dogdom syndrome" has to do with it! :D Of course, I love her in my arms so that isn't really an issue. LOL
Roxee's Dad
11-12-2009, 01:06 PM
Hi Gina,
So good to hear from you. :) I am really happy that the Goo Girl is doing so good. Dinner on the couch, looks like she has you trained well. :p
11-12-2009, 01:17 PM
Gina, what a great update! Lucy is sure a spunky girl, and I am SO GLAD that she is back to being "herself" again. I know you treasure every minute with her. Thanks so much for staying with us and continuing to share her with us, too. It makes my heart feel lighter this afternoon, just reading about you two. :o :) :D
Big pats as always to The Goo, and big hugs to you ~
11-12-2009, 03:35 PM
Hi Gina,
So happy to hear from you and the Goo Girl. I was quite in awe when I read your journey. It must have been so difficult for you when she was blind from the surgery. You two have really been through a lot and deserve good health for many days to come.
January and Serena
P.S. So sorry about your friend's dog.
11-13-2009, 02:01 AM
Thanks for the great update on Lucy Goo. How wonderful that she continues to do well and has her personality back! The fact that you are able to get a full night's sleep now is pretty good news too. :D Very sorry to hear about your friend's dog.
Take care, Gina, and give the Goo some extra pets from me.
Harley PoMMom
11-13-2009, 08:25 PM
Hi Gina,
It is always so wonderful to hear from you and about Lucy Goo!! I can't believe it's been six months since her surgery and I am so happy that she is back to being "The Goo" again.
I am so sorry about your friend's beloved dog, please extend my condolences to him.
Love and hugs.
12-15-2009, 12:25 PM
Hi everyone...
Wanted to post because I'm a little worried about Lucy. She's been doing amazingly great until yesterday...she suddenly didn't really want to move in the morning, and had trouble going down steps..moved very slow, lethargic and poor appetite. I'm actually brining her in today to Dr. B because she's due for a steroid check; but I'm hoping for a little luck from you guys. She's also been doing this weird breathing thing, where it almost sounds like she's congested, and when she gets up she does this short little inhaling breath thing, like she's in pain. I'm hoping maybe she just needs more prednisone or something. I hate the fact that I can't give her a pred this morning, and I'm hoping they don't keep her there all day.
Does anyone have any insight into this breathing thing? I'll post again after our visit today.
Gina and Goo
Squirt's Mom
12-15-2009, 12:34 PM
Hi Gina,
No suggestions, but could the breathing be pain from arthritis? That would also fit with the slow movements. I hope Dr B can help and give you some answers. Please let us know what you learn.
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
12-15-2009, 02:14 PM
Hi Gina,
Oh Gina, I have no suggestions either, so sorry, please know that you and LucyGoo are in my thoughts and prayers.
Will be watching for your update on our precious Lucy.
With much love and big hugs,
12-15-2009, 03:25 PM
Hi guys..
Nothing really to report; I didn't see Dr. Bruyette because of a scheduling error, so the assistant just took the urine and did the blood draw and now we're home...I let her know what's going on..
It also didn't help that Lucy was so excited to get back in the car on the way home that she tried to jump up herself and fell in the she's really limping. I just gave her her prednisone, so I'm going to wait a little while and give her a pepcid and a Carprofen, see if that helps. I'll let you know when I hear back from them.
Thanks for the kind thoughts..
Gina and Lucy
12-15-2009, 04:26 PM
Hi Gina,
Thanks for updating us and please accept my apologies for not being around at the time.
Lucy had a ground breaking procedure here in the states and I am glad her recovery is so complete.
I really don't think this current issue is related to her surgery. Most of them do develop joint issues and when they are in pain or distress they tend to pant. Please continue to post.
Best to you and the Goo.
12-15-2009, 04:28 PM
Hi Gina,
I'm so sorry that Lucy is having difficulties.
Corky really had a hard time with his breathing and walking late this summer. He would walk very slowly and sometimes would only walk around the block. When he would lay down, his breathing sounded so labored and congested. It was so loud at times, that it almost sounded like a "fog horn". I even taped it for his IMS. She said that it was possible that he had an elongated soft palate that might have to be cut. She said it wasn't something that just grew larger, but that it was probably the same size it has always been. Since he's older now, there was a possibility that it was bothering him more. She also mentioned that with Cushings and his flatter nose, that this could also cause problems with his breathing. Corky also has allergies, and I had to start him back on his allergy medicine.
Since Corky has been on Trilo, his breathing and his walking are back to what they had been before. He's back to walking very long distances, and his breathing has been so good.
I hope you can get some answers and recommendations that will help Lucy.
12-15-2009, 05:53 PM
Hi everyone..
Thank you so much for all your support. The funny thing is, Lucy has not been panting at all lately...but the thing you mentioned about Corky's palate made a light bulb go off in my head...since they went thru Lucy's upper palate to do the surgery, maybe there's some lingering something there? It almost sounds as though she has a cold in her throat sometimes. I'll be sure to mention that to the doctor.
And I don't know if I'm watching her like a hawk now and getting paranoid, but sometimes she seems a bit confused lately too...I'm hoping it's just that she needs more prednisone...even though it makes her drink and pee like mad, I'd rather see her feeling better...even if it means me getting up all night again;) She's now at 68 lbs, and only taking 2.5 milligrams a day, so I think we may need to increase it. I just gave her a pepcid and a carprofen, but the only thing she's interested in eating now is bread! Go figure.
Anyway, thanks again everybody, and I'll update as soon as I hear anything..
Gina and Lucy
02-08-2010, 07:30 PM
Hi All...
Thought I'd post an update on the Goo as I've been neglecting to read this board until recently, and realized I still had my old thread in limbo, so had them post it to archives.
Lucy's hanging in there:) We increased her prednisone to 5 mg a day a few weeks ago, which seems to be agreeing with her, has increased her appetite and just generally seemed to make her feel better, but for the life of me I can't get her to take her Dasuquin supplement any more. A friend mentioned to me that they use laser treatments for their dog's arthritis, and it worked wonders. Am curious as to whether anybody has heard and/or tried this.
It's hard to believe it will be a year in May since Lucy's surgery! She's definitely an old lady these days, but makes me laugh every day still, and I know I'm so fortunate to have her. She's due for a check this month, so I'll let you know how that goes. She never grew back the hair around her neck from the surgery, or on her sides from the ultrasound they did before surgery....someone told me it's just that she's old. Who knows...and who cares. As long as she feels good, that's pretty much all I care about these days.
Hope you all are well; and thank you all so much for your support over this past difficult year...I know you all had something to do with Lucy's recovery;)
My best to you all...
Gina and Lucy
02-08-2010, 07:36 PM
May I say welcome,
Thanks very much for staying around, and best to you and the Goo.
Here is is link for those not familiar.
Roxee's Dad
02-08-2010, 10:26 PM
Hi Gina,
Happy to hear from you and glad Lucy is doing well. :):):) It's just so weird as I was thinking of you and Lucy a few hours ago and wondering how she was doing. :D
Squirt's Mom
02-09-2010, 10:38 AM
Hi Gina,
Always so good to hear from you and our miracle pup, Lucygoo!
I am very glad that she is still doing well and still makes you laugh...that is such a gift for you both after all you have been through.
Here's to many more days of love and laughter! :)
Leslie and the girls - always
03-20-2010, 12:34 AM
Hi All!
A belated update on the Goo...I took her in Tuesday for a check; and they all couldn't believe how good she looked:) They asked my permission to put her story and before and after pictures on a facebook thing that they're starting, so I'll be sure to post the link as soon as they set it up.
Lucy is hanging in there and doing really well. I took her to the groomer's a few weeks ago and that was sort of traumatic. She scolded the guy, literally, after he cut one of her nails. She stood there defiantly and barked at him. (I'm glad the groomer found it as funny as I did)
The only issue with her I'm having now is she's refusing to take her Dasuquin chewables, even when I cover them with cream cheese or something else...Dr. Bruyette said it's okay to give her Rimadyl even on the 5 mg prednisone, so I'll try that again.
It's hard to believe it will be a year in May since her surgery! It feels like just yesterday! Hope all is well with everyone, and I'll post Lucy's facebook deal as soon as they send it to me.
Gina and Lucy
Harley PoMMom
03-20-2010, 12:59 AM
Hi Gina!!!
It is so good to hear from's been too long, we've missed you and our Lucygoo!
So Lucy's going to be on FB! WOOHOO!! By all means get that link to us!!!...pretty please!
Harley can get picky too with his pills, it used to be anything I put in cream cheese he would eat but now it's, if the cream cheese doesn't work the potato bread does. ;):) Our pups!
I laughed when I read how Lucy scolded the groomer for trimming her nail too short...Good for her, that will show him! So happy she is doing so great and thanks so much for keeping us updated.
Love and hugs,
03-20-2010, 01:07 AM
Hi Lori..
It's hysterical about the facebook thing, isn't it? I'm not even on it, but Goo is apparently going to have her own blog! LOL! She'll also be in some textbook down the line, but I'm sure by the time that gets published she'll be long gone, but I still want to get my hands on that!
When I was at the hospital the other day with her they told me they just did the same surgery on a cat:eek: And it went well:eek::D Wonders never cease, right?
Gina and Lucy
Harley PoMMom
03-20-2010, 01:22 AM
Wonders never cease, right?
Gina and Lucy
Gina, Thank God that wonders never cease! The Medical Field still advances and I am amazed by it all. Your Lucy is an attest to the advancement of our Doctors, although it was her will to live and the deep love and devotion of yourself that made her recovery a success. You should be so very proud of yourself, I know we all are.
Love and hugs,
03-20-2010, 12:10 PM
Hi Gina,
Excellent news on Lucy!!! :D:D I'm so happy that she continues to do so well :):D. A facebook pup...Fantastic!:) She'll be even more famous :)
All the best to you both,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Fix Ps3 (
Squirt's Mom
03-20-2010, 01:48 PM
Gina, Thank God that wonders never cease! The Medical Field still advances and I am amazed by it all. Your Lucy is an attest to the advancement of our Doctors, although it was her will to live and the deep love and devotion of yourself that made her recovery a success. You should be so very proud of yourself, I know we all are.
Hi Gina,
I can't say it any better than Lori has, so ditto!
Oh, and....
WooHoo! LucyGoo!! :D:D
Leslie and the girls - always
Casey's Mom
03-21-2010, 09:02 AM
I just read through your old thread about Lucy's surgery - how amazing is that? I didn't join the forum until August of 09 so I missed all of your story.
What a wonderful ending - it should be a movie!
Love and hugs,
03-21-2010, 09:15 AM
Gina, what a great update from you and the Goo!!! :) :) :)
You two have been such pioneers for all of us...thank you so much!
Please give your baby girl tons of hugs for us, OK??? ;) :p
Roxee's Dad
03-21-2010, 09:32 AM
Hi Gina,
Always great to hear good news from you and the Goo Girl. I do remember it was a rough road for a while. Glad she is doing well and enjoying life. :)
05-05-2010, 02:44 PM
Hi Everyone....
Just got an e-mail from Dr. Bruyette reminding me that next year will be the one year anniversary since Lucy's surgery! Yikes! I can't believe it's been that long! We have to go in Monday for her tests and he wants to do another MRI....keeping my fingers crossed that all is still well.
Lucy's doing pretty good...definitely getting older and has good days and bad, so I'm looking into getting something stronger for her arthritis. She's taking Carprofen, but doesn't seem to do much any more. I'll post again after Monday when we get results:)
Hope all is well with you all...
Gina and Lucy
05-05-2010, 03:00 PM
Correction! Not next year, next week will be 1-year anniversary....DUH!
Roxee's Dad
05-05-2010, 04:02 PM
Hi Gina,
Wow, it's so great to hear from you and weird too because I was just thinking of you and the Goo Girl this week. Glad to hear she is doing well and keeping everything crossed that she passes her 1 year check up with flying colors.
RE: The arthritis, our Mickee is 30 lb, 15 year old and we put him on Adequan a few months ago. He is doing really good, the Adequan really helped him. 1 shot a week for a month then once a month thereafter. Some dogs have to go every 3 weeks and some go about 6 weeks between shots. 4 weeks for Mickee is about right for him. Hope you find something that works for our Lucy Goo.
So good to hear from you :D:D:D:D:D:D and give her a big hug from me.
05-05-2010, 04:07 PM
Hi John!
So good to hear from you too!:) And I'm so glad you responded, because I have a grooming question for Lucy is a shepherd mix, probably with some lab and rhodesian ridgeback, so she has that werid excess hair around her butt. As of late she tends accumulate dried poop there. Is there a quick fix trick that I can use to get rid of it, short of a full bath? Sometimes I'm not quick enough with the baby wipes.
Also, thanks for the Adequan info....I think we're going to insist on that, as I've heard nothing but good things about it. I just dread having to bring her in every month or so.
Thanks again:)
Gina and Goo
Roxee's Dad
05-05-2010, 04:19 PM
Hi John!
So good to hear from you too!:) And I'm so glad you responded, because I have a grooming question for Lucy is a shepherd mix, probably with some lab and rhodesian ridgeback, so she has that werid excess hair around her butt. As of late she tends accumulate dried poop there. Is there a quick fix trick that I can use to get rid of it, short of a full bath? Sometimes I'm not quick enough with the baby wipes.
Also, thanks for the Adequan info....I think we're going to insist on that, as I've heard nothing but good things about it. I just dread having to bring her in every month or so.
Thanks again:)
Gina and Goo
Weird excess hair, well I do butt cheeks for many dogs. Using a pair of curved shears and shape it so it looks like butt cheeks. My customers laugh but love it and always ask me to do it again. I would have to see it but many times do what called a feet, face and fanny (sanitary) and we use a 10 blade to shave around the anus and make what we call a potty path. (techinical groomer talk lol) trimming the hair so the poop doesn't catch on it.
Some how we always get around to talking about poop around here. ;)
Regarding the Adequan, Some vets will let you inject it yourself if your willing. Each shot cost me $35.00. It doesn't work for all dogs but when it works, it wonderful. Love seeing Mickee trotting around without much of a limp. You won't notice a change for a few weeks as it has an accumulative effect or action. Hope it works for the Goo Girl.
05-05-2010, 04:26 PM
Hi John...
I love the butt cheeks description! I wish you lived around here! We'd be in all the time:) It was never a problem with the poop in the hair until recently...I think because she's getting so old when she does poop it comes on suddenly, and she just sort of poops where she stands. That's what she does when I take her out too....I don't even call it going for a walk anymore. I just say..."Wanna go out for a stand?" :)
And sorry I used "poop" so many times in this post! I just said it again!;)
Gina and Goo
Harley PoMMom
05-05-2010, 04:54 PM
Hi Gina!
It is always so good to hear from you and the Goo! I just can't believe it either, that next week marks Lucy's one year anniversary! So very happy that she is doing well, and keeping everything crossed here for Lucy for her tests, which I am sure she will ace! :)
Please do let us know how everything turns out, and again it is so nice to hear from you! Give Lucy some hugs from Harley and me.
Love and hugs,
05-05-2010, 06:22 PM
Hi Gina,
It is wonderful to hear that Lucy is doing so well. What a trooper she is! Hey, she's earned her spurs, she deserves to hang loose and take things smooth and easy.
05-11-2010, 11:47 AM
Hi everyone...
And hi Lori and Ken! So good to hear from you guys, and thanks for the well wishes.
Lucy had her MRI yesterday and I'm happy to report there's nothing there:) Dr. Bruyette said there's no chance of her getting a tumor recur now, as it's been a year. There is, however, a slight chance of her developing cushings again, since the pituitary gland does try to regrow. He doesn't think it will happen, but wants to continue keeping an eye on her. He's reduced her thyroid dose in half, so we'll see what happens with that. Still waiting on her urine and blood work.
Roxee's Dad
05-11-2010, 11:51 AM
Hi Gina,
So happy to hear the good no, GREAT news. :D:D:D:D:D I hope she still enjoys going out for a stand :p:):D
05-11-2010, 11:56 AM
Hi Gina,
Fantastic news on the Goo!! :D:D:D:D:D Excellent! Hugs and scratchies from us here,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
05-11-2010, 01:55 PM
Whooooopppppeeeeeee! Love good news! Sue
Casey's Mom
05-11-2010, 03:18 PM
You have an amazing story Lucy! Congratulations!
Love and hugs,
07-30-2010, 07:59 PM
Hi guys....
It's been so long I couldn't find my thread...had to search for it!
Anyway, Lucy's doing okay, but has had a lump on her side for years that suddenly got huge. They took a biopsy and Dr. Bruyette called and told me it's a mast cell tumor; he wants to remove it Tuesday. He said so far the pathologist thinks it's benign. She also developed a bacterial skin infection, so I'm wondering if they're related. Does anyone have any experience with these tumors? I'm worried that it's gone too far and is affecting her appetite, which means it's in her bloodstream?
Gina and Lucy
07-30-2010, 09:16 PM
Hi Gina,
So good to hear from you, but so sorry that it's in relation to Lucy's issues! I really don't have the knowledge to speak to the bacterial infection, but my guess would be that it is unrelated to the mast cell tumor.
However, I can share my mast cell tumor experience with my Cushpup, Barkis. One of the hallmarks of these tumors is that they can change in size dramatically -- both upward and downward -- in the drop of the hat. In their case, I don't think the size correlates with the "seriousness" of the tumor itself. They are one of the most common types of tumors in dogs, and are graded by pathologists from being benign to being more seriously malignant. If Dr. Bruyette is reporting that the initial pathology of the tumor seems to be benign, I think that is very good news.
Barkis' tumor showed up as a lump on his flank. In his case, the tumor did not change too much in size, but after watching and worrying for a month, I took him in to the vet. The tumor was excised with pretty wide margins, and we were relieved that the pathology came back as "Grade 1," which was the least serious class. He never did have a recurrence or any associated problems, so that was the end of the story as far as we were concerned.
Once again, since the initial pathology is positive for Lucy, I have every reason to believe that she will have the same outcome. But I know it is very worrisome in the meantime. Please give her some big hugs and pats for me, and definitely keep us updated, OK?
07-30-2010, 09:21 PM
Hi Marianne...
Thank you! That makes me feel better. She's hardly eating anything now except treats, hot dogs and chicken, and doesn't touch those until late afternoon, evening. Dr. Bruyette said sometimes they can cause stomach issues/ulcer. I've been giving her pepcid, since she's not only taking prednisone and thyroid but now she's on an antibiotic as well. They think the skin infection is due to the prednisone use, possibly. I hate to put her through another surgery but this doesn't seem like that big of a deal? But the tumor at least tripled in size seemingly overnight, which worries me; and, of course, reading about mast cells on-line isn't helping either! Now I feel guilty for not getting this addressed earlier.
07-30-2010, 09:32 PM
Gina, truly I don't think the sudden increase in size is "sinister" in the case of mast cell tumors -- they are unusual in that way. I used to be able to recite "chapter and verse" about them, because I also read everything I could get my hands on at the time that Barkis was diagnosed. Unfortunately, I've forgotten some of the specifics. But it sounds as though Lucy's tumor is a cutaneous tumor as was Barkis' (in the skin layer rather than in an organ or buried in the body). Since it WAS so readily accessible, the surgery was basically a breeze (other than him trying to lick the incision afterwards, of course! :().
07-31-2010, 04:05 AM
Okay, I gave Lucy her antibiotic about an hour ago with Pepcid. She's taking Cephalexin (750 mg twice a day). She just woke me up and went outside and vomited, came back in and drank water. I'm starting to get paranoid now and feel like I should stay up and watch her. Anybody on that has any advice? Thanks
07-31-2010, 04:08 AM
How long has she been on Cephalexin? Has she had it before and if so, did it cause any problems then? Cephalexin can definitely cause some GI upset in some individuals (humans and dogs) - although usually it doesn't.
07-31-2010, 04:14 AM
Hi Allison....I just started her on it yesterday morning. I don't remember her ever being on it before. I'm wondering if I should give her her morning dose or hold off until I e-mail the doctor. Her appetite hasn't been good for a couple weeks, and I think it's because of the mast cell tumor causing stomach upset. I'm sure the antibiotic isn't helping either. Maybe I should time it better with the Pepcid, like give it to her an hour before anything else?
07-31-2010, 04:41 AM
I suspect the worst thing that could happen is that she will throw up the dose if you give it to her - although there isn't much use in giving a medication if it isn't going to stay down - and it is unpleasant for all concerned too. Probably a good idea to make sure her pred has gone down and hopefully been absorbed before risking making her throw up though. How soon can you get in touch with the vet?
The mast cell tumor could be upsetting her - but the Pepcid should be helping with that because it is an H2 receptor antagonist which should help with stomach problems caused by histamine overproduction (as you probably know, mast cell tumors produce histamine). Did the tumor react (get big and puffy) in response to being biopsied?
Harley PoMMom
07-31-2010, 09:00 AM
FWIW, Harley was put on Cephalexin a month or so ago, after one day of taking this antibiotic he became nauseated and didn't want to eat. Maybe ask about giving her reglan for her tummy with the pepcid, when Harley's tummy was giving him problems these two meds given together really seemed to help calm his tummy and then he would eat something.
Big hugs to you and Lucy, and I will be watching for your updates.
Love and more hugs,
07-31-2010, 01:44 PM
Hi Alison and Lori..
I will ask about the Reglan, thanks. She seems okay this morning, but since she doesn't eat anything in the morning, I gave her the pepcid and pred first, then I'll wait about an hour before giving her the antibiotic. The tumor got a little irritated after the biopsy, but it was already big and puffy.
Thanks guys:)
Squirt's Mom
07-31-2010, 01:47 PM
Hi sweetie,
Just popping in to add my healing thoughts and prayers to the list for you and Lucygoo. You are both so special to us.
Let us know how things are going!
Leslie and the girls - always
08-04-2010, 05:14 PM
Thanks Leslie...
Just a quick note to let you all know that Lucy went through the surgery fine, but now she has a giant incision on her side, is on a Fentanyl patch and tramadol. I'm taking off today and tomorrow to keep an eye on her. The ride home was awful. She kept crying and whimpering and trying to get out of the car. I'm assuming that's the fentanyl. Poor girl has been through so much. Will keep you posted:)
Gina and Lucy
08-04-2010, 05:18 PM
Oh Gina, thanks so much for the update. I'm so sorry that Lucy is hurting. I know how hard that is on you, too. But hopefully the medication will soon start to take over and give her some relief. All fingers crossed that the pathology will come out "negative," and that The Goo can just heal up quickly and get back to being her normal self!!
Big hugs to you both,
Squirt's Mom
08-04-2010, 05:35 PM
Hi Gina,
So glad to hear that Lucy is came thru the surgery fine and is home again. Squirt had a Fentanyl patch, too, and it kept her pain under control...and her basically knocked out the first day and a half! She would go pee and get up to eat or drink, but otherwise she was out! It's a fairly potent drug so Lucy may have some strange reactions but hopefully she will settle down and sleep once she is back in familiar surroundings.
Hope her recovery is uneventful and speedy, and that the path report is negative!
Leslie and the girls - always
08-04-2010, 05:42 PM
Gina, be careful about the tramadol. Both Kim's Annie & my Chewy have had serious problems with tramadol. Chewy tore up his knee on Monday night, the ER clinic sent me home with tramadol, told me I could give him one about 10PM which I did. I assumed the reaction I saw was pain as he was whimpering, whining, panting, couldn't get comfortable to go to sleep. I don't know how long it was before he crashed. After talking to the surgeon who works in the clinic where the ER is located, she told me that some dogs can have a reaction like this to narcotic pain medication including tramadol, & that it's extremely difficult to tell whether their response is due to pain or the medication. We stopped the tramadol, moved Chewy to Rimadyl, & there has been no further problem. I really think he did have a reaction to the tramadol.
08-04-2010, 05:46 PM
Hi Debbie...
Wow, do you think I should hold off on the tramadol for tonight then? They told me to give her one about 9 tonight, but it makes me a little nervous with her being on the fentanyl patch. I know I've given her tramadol once or twice before with no real effects, besides knocking her out. She's acting weird now; lies down for a little bit and whimpers, then gets up and drinks water, lies back down and whimpers, like she's agitated but sedated at the same time.
08-04-2010, 07:43 PM
I know that fentanyl is a pretty strong narcotic, this is why I was kind of concerned that you had been given both for the Goo girl. I can't advice you to not give the tramadol, need to check with Lucy's vet. What Kim ended up doing with Annie was cutting the suggested dose by 1/2 which worked just fine.
What happened with Chew was he had been given morphine at the ER, they told me to give a full tramadol tablet at 10 PM & that's when the problems started. He has not had one since Monday night, only the rimadyl & he shows no signs of what was going on Monday night.
08-19-2010, 03:26 PM
Hi guys....
Lucy has recovered completely from her surgery, and is doing well. She had two weird days after the surgery, but as soon as I took off the fentanyl patch she was back to normal. They took out her stitches yesterday. Looks like they got all the tumor out, and it's a grade 2, meaning that we don't have to do anything more but just keep an eye out for more tumors popping up. I'm so glad because I didn't want to put her through radiation or chemo. Dr. B called her a "tough broad," Goo:)
Love to all,
Gina and Lucy
08-19-2010, 03:47 PM
This is great news, Gina! I had a feeling it was the drugs that were weirding the Goo girl out. Chewy had his knee surgery last week. I insisted on no tramadol. They used an alternate pain, sent me home with the alternate, & the Chew man has had no problems.
08-19-2010, 03:52 PM
Hi Debbie...
Thanks:) About the tramadol, I confirmed if she could have it with the fentanyl and was told that she could, so for the first few days she was on 50 mg every eight hours. The first day she seemed restless as well as sedated, but then was fine after that. I think some dogs do have an intolerance to it, but I did some reading and for many dogs the side effects go away after a day or two. Of course I was watching her like a hawk for the first 2 days, too.
I forgot to mention what Lucy looks like now. I wish I had a decent digital camera. She still hasn't really grown back her hair around her neck and sides from the original ultrasound and surgery; now she has a whole new giant shaved area with an 8 inch incision scar....she kind of looks like a science project gone awry, but I think it makes her look even cuter...LOL! I don't care if she ever grows it back, it doesn't bother her, so who cares. It's just funny the double take looks I get from people.:)
Roxee's Dad
08-19-2010, 03:53 PM
Hi Gina,
Good to hear the Goo Girl is doing well. :):D:):D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
08-19-2010, 04:01 PM
Hey Gina,
Always good to hear about Lucy Goo! I am glad she is doing will with her recent surgery even if she may look at bit like Frankenstein' bride. I think she's adorable period! ;)
Leslie and the girls - always
08-19-2010, 05:52 PM
all good news!
Yes, more good news, we love good news about our pups!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work:)
10-22-2010, 12:48 PM
Hi all...
Hope all is well with everyone...Just a quick note to let you know that Lucy is going to be a superstar!:eek: Cedars did a press release and I've already been contacted by a reporter...possible TV news appearances coming up:eek: Going to try to post the link to Cedars press release, but keep in mind I'm computer illiterate...will keep you posted on what's happening.
Gina and Goo
Harley PoMMom
10-22-2010, 01:11 PM
How very exciting!!!! :D:D:D The link worked perfectly!
Our Lucy a superstar!!! You both are superstars! Congrats to you Gina. Please keep us updated!
Big hugs to you both.
Love and more hugs,
Squirt's Mom
10-22-2010, 02:06 PM
The link worked great for me, too, Gina...and I second every word Lori wrote!
Leslie and the girls :D - always
Worked for me too. You go girl!!!!!
10-22-2010, 02:33 PM
Thanks guys:)
Glad the link worked. I think the most exciting news is how they're developing drugs to shrink the tumors by studying the tissue...perhaps there's a cure for this dreadful disease down the pike after all!
Lucy continues to do still on 20 mg and 10 mg of prednisone every other day since she had the mast cell removed. Noticing a little increased hind end weakness, but she'll be 13 (we think) in December, so not too worried about it yet.
Gina and The Goo
10-22-2010, 06:14 PM
Managed to upload some of the pictures to my album that I sent to Cedars today so you all can see what the Goo looks like these days...missing hair and all!
Casey's Mom
10-24-2010, 11:08 AM
Very cool Gina - it is heartening to know that there is more research and treatment for this disease. Lovely to see Lucy too!
10-30-2010, 01:20 PM
I've been keeping my eye out for any media coverage on our famous Lucy and my neighbor, bless her heart, left an article from The San Bernardino Sun on my windshield. I was able to find the article on line. WOOT, WOOT, go Lucy go!!
Carol G
10-30-2010, 02:00 PM
That's great Glynda -- what a good neighbor you have. Please tell her thanks for me.
10-30-2010, 04:20 PM
Oh, Gina -- this is WAAAAAAAAAAY cool!!!!!!!!!!! :) :D :) :D :)
Lucy has always been a heroine to all of us, and how wonderful to know that now her story is being shared with the whole world :o ;)!
All best wishes to you both, always ~
10-30-2010, 04:25 PM
Hi guys:)
Glynda, thank you so much for posting that. I thought he told me it was coming out in a Pasadena newspaper but haven't had time to check yet.
Isn't that awesome though about the drug they developed to shrink the tumors? And I don't remember saying that guy was a magician, but I'll take
Hope all is well with you guys. Had a bit of a setback with the Goo lately; her appetite has been gradually declining so I started giving her a Pepcid every day again....also tried a product called Dogsure and it seemed to perk her up again. Her appetite's a little better so now I feel like a jerk for discontinuing the Pepcid in the first place....
Anyway, take care all, and thanks again for everything:)
Gina and Goo
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