05-28-2013, 07:41 AM
Good day everyone,
I am so happy that I found this website. I have been reading a lot online regarding cushing disease on dogs. This website provides a lot of great information and hearing from passionate dog lovers, i feel so blessed.
Thank you for creating this website and for those who share their experience and knowledge.
My dog Bo is very dear to my heart, i am very worried about her aging and her health. Bo is from Canada and we both relocated to Hong Kong about 2 years ago. 2012 was not the best year for Bo, who had broke her leg, Urinary tract infection (UTI), ovary infection, bad tooth and need a dental clean and last but not least, cushing. Most of the above requires anaesthesia to cure. Poor girl. All these happened within 6 months. Finally cushing disease, which required multiple testings, testings, and more testings. To a point, I am not sure if the vet here in Hong Kong just wants me to do more test because they have to pay the extremely high rent.
Anyways, after many many testings, I put Bo on Veteroly, 10mg, then 20 mg, 30 mg. then reduced to 20 mg again ( suggested by the vet) because she is vomitting everyday.
Now, its been almost 6 months since she first took the pill. She is not drinking as much water as before (approx 250ml now, 600 ml before) per day, she is eating approx 1/2 cup Hill's G/D everyday, before it was 1.25 cup, ( I think normal should be 1.25 cup ), she is around 13 lbs.
Since April, she had changed a lot. I had to go back to Canada and I left her with my family for 3 weeks. After my return, she has a bad temper, and a change of attitude. She became very picky on her food, and rather not eat if I dont mix treats in her food (beef liver), even if I put treats inside her bowl, she would pick the treats and throw out everything else. I used to kiss her a lot and she loves it, now sometimes she is aggressive and 'huuu' me and show her little teeth. When I call her, she does not listen as much as before. I dont think is because of hearing problems, because when its treat time, she runs over. Other times, she just ignores and sleeps. Oh, she has been sleeping much more, and when we are too close to her bed, or touched her bed, she would be so mad and make a sound. It used to be just a short one to warn people not to stay too close. But now, its a 3 minutes madness she had when my brother stepped on her bed. She was really mad.
My vet asked me to start Veteroyl, and stop her Thyroid tabs. Which she has taken for 4 years. I thought once you start the thyroid tabs, you must take it forever? I am very supicious whether the vet just want me to buy more medicine from them (I bought my Thyroids tabs from Canada, not them)
Is dog cushing and hyperthyroidism related?
I am switching to another vet this week. I hope this one will give me more insights of how Bo is doing.
Her changing in attitude is because senior dogs behave this way? Or is it because of the medicine/ hormones? Is she ok? Is this normal?
Is she still mad at me because I was away?
Anyone can share their experiences? Thanks
I am so happy that I found this website. I have been reading a lot online regarding cushing disease on dogs. This website provides a lot of great information and hearing from passionate dog lovers, i feel so blessed.
Thank you for creating this website and for those who share their experience and knowledge.
My dog Bo is very dear to my heart, i am very worried about her aging and her health. Bo is from Canada and we both relocated to Hong Kong about 2 years ago. 2012 was not the best year for Bo, who had broke her leg, Urinary tract infection (UTI), ovary infection, bad tooth and need a dental clean and last but not least, cushing. Most of the above requires anaesthesia to cure. Poor girl. All these happened within 6 months. Finally cushing disease, which required multiple testings, testings, and more testings. To a point, I am not sure if the vet here in Hong Kong just wants me to do more test because they have to pay the extremely high rent.
Anyways, after many many testings, I put Bo on Veteroly, 10mg, then 20 mg, 30 mg. then reduced to 20 mg again ( suggested by the vet) because she is vomitting everyday.
Now, its been almost 6 months since she first took the pill. She is not drinking as much water as before (approx 250ml now, 600 ml before) per day, she is eating approx 1/2 cup Hill's G/D everyday, before it was 1.25 cup, ( I think normal should be 1.25 cup ), she is around 13 lbs.
Since April, she had changed a lot. I had to go back to Canada and I left her with my family for 3 weeks. After my return, she has a bad temper, and a change of attitude. She became very picky on her food, and rather not eat if I dont mix treats in her food (beef liver), even if I put treats inside her bowl, she would pick the treats and throw out everything else. I used to kiss her a lot and she loves it, now sometimes she is aggressive and 'huuu' me and show her little teeth. When I call her, she does not listen as much as before. I dont think is because of hearing problems, because when its treat time, she runs over. Other times, she just ignores and sleeps. Oh, she has been sleeping much more, and when we are too close to her bed, or touched her bed, she would be so mad and make a sound. It used to be just a short one to warn people not to stay too close. But now, its a 3 minutes madness she had when my brother stepped on her bed. She was really mad.
My vet asked me to start Veteroyl, and stop her Thyroid tabs. Which she has taken for 4 years. I thought once you start the thyroid tabs, you must take it forever? I am very supicious whether the vet just want me to buy more medicine from them (I bought my Thyroids tabs from Canada, not them)
Is dog cushing and hyperthyroidism related?
I am switching to another vet this week. I hope this one will give me more insights of how Bo is doing.
Her changing in attitude is because senior dogs behave this way? Or is it because of the medicine/ hormones? Is she ok? Is this normal?
Is she still mad at me because I was away?
Anyone can share their experiences? Thanks