View Full Version : Rebels mom checking in

05-23-2013, 11:44 AM
Hi all I know it's been awhile but I've been keeping myself busy and just needed a break from Cushings. We are doing ok on this end. I still miss Rebel everyday and I know Sadie does also. She had another knee surgery to remove the implants because of infection. Good news is that the implants were in long enough to stabilize her knee so now she is doing great. Her and I were both dealing with some depression after losing Rebel and although my heart wasn't quite ready for another pup I knew she needed a playmate. So I went to our local shelter and there in a cage was this little blue heeler pup. I might have a soft spot for heelers and labs :) So she came home with me a couple days later. After getting her home we discovered she had kennel cough, intestinal bacteria and worms :( all easily treated though and she's doing fine. The biggest hurdle we discovered was her deafness!! Didn't realize that till after having her home for a few days. I seem to be a magnet for special needs dogs! :) it's ok though cause I know I saved her life cause they wouldn't have adopted her out if they had known. Anyway her name is Sammie and I added a few pics in an album of her and Sadie. I also posted a pic of what Rebels stone will look like once finished. I have an interview today with the school to see if I get into the OTA program here. I'm 1 of 30 being interviewed out of 175 applications. Thanks to all of your support through a very difficult time. My boy is always with me I know. And on clear nights here when I look at a southern sky there is always a shooting star and I know that's him letting me know he's still here. :)

05-23-2013, 11:49 AM
Oh Melissa, your post popped up on my computer screen right as I was sitting here just checking over the forum! I can't tell you how glad I am to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I haven't even taken a second to look at Sammie's picture yet, because I wanted to write to you first :p. But I will check out your album and please, please, please keep us updated re: you, Sadie, and Sammie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sending huge hugs your way,

05-23-2013, 11:54 AM
OK, now I've seen your pictures, and the tears are just filling my eyes. Rebel's stone will be perfect, and the photos of Sammie snuggling up to Sadie are beyond precious. You are such a strong and resilient woman yourself, I know that you will help Sammie cope well with her deafness. And you are right, thank goodness she had already made her way to you before the rescue found out.

Love 'ya, girl, and don't be a stranger!!!!!!!!!

05-23-2013, 12:02 PM
Thanks Marianne. I was adding a few more as you were looking. I planted a yellow rose were Rebel is at. I'm happy that Sadie is doing so well now. It warms my heart to see her play again. She hasn't for months. She's not limping anymore. Her knee is doing great. Working on hand signals with Sammie she's just so hyper that she won't focus. Lol

05-23-2013, 01:47 PM
Oh I am so happy to hear from you as I was wondering about you the other day and now here you are. You must have felt my vibes:D
I am just finishing my lunch break now so cant check out your album but will do it as soon as I get home.:):)

Cant wait to see the photos:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

molly muffin
05-23-2013, 05:34 PM
Sammie is adorable!!!!!! Deaf, pffft. I just know this is going to be perfect for you And Sadie. Sammie completes the picture and Rebel I am sure would have loved Sammie too.
How did the interview go? You looked stunning in your "i'm ready" photo.
So glad to see you again.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-23-2013, 07:23 PM
I am so very glad you have checked in and let us know how you are doing! I am happy Sadie is doing well.

I think Rebel most certainly had a paw in this, knowing this little girl needed a perfect, loving home and family:)

Please stay in touch - we miss you.


PS - all of the photos are great. What a sweetie pie.

05-24-2013, 12:02 AM
Thanks all for the comments. My interview went well. I should know within a week if I make it into the program but I left with a good feeling :)
I also think rebel had a hand in me finding Sammie although I forgot how trying potty training can be ( try it with a dog that can't hear you say no!) we are getting there though :) if she would just stop waking Sadie and I up at 5 am I would be a lot happier!

05-30-2013, 02:47 PM
Well apparently the interview went really well cause they called me the next day and offered me a spot in the program. I start this fall. FYI. I forgot how trying and difficult potty training can be throw in a deaf puppy and its nerve wracking

molly muffin
05-30-2013, 05:56 PM
That's great news Melissa, congratulations.
Potty training any pup can take nerves of steel. Throw in deaf and they just have another reason not to listen to you. hahahaha
Try the tap method to get the attention. Then always tap in the same spot. This lets them know that they need to stop, look at you and see what you want. Then if potty training take to the door and let outside.
Well that is the idea anyway. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-30-2013, 08:30 PM
OMG, Melissa, I am so happy you got the spot. Time to haul out those girlie drinks, I think Trish had a good recipe from her recent trip:D:D:D:D:D

Toast to Melissa, chink, chink:D:D:D:D

Potty training, girl friend, you'll be done with it in a blink of an eye;)
My Koko was the worst, oh the memories of those days.

Sammie is so darn precious I can just picture holding that furball.

Kisses to Sadie too.

05-31-2013, 06:37 AM
Big congrats Melissa!!!!! Good news!!!!!!

Oh dear - potty training a puppy :rolleyes: (I have actually forgotten all about that). I can imagine how much more difficult it is with a little deaf puppy.


06-01-2013, 02:22 AM
Thanks for the ideas Sharlene. I get her attention however I can then point to my eyes. Trying to teach her to focus on me. The problem with potty training past couple days is that she will be outside playing running around for almost an hour then come in and pee on the rug or worse yet the dogs beds!!! Not sure why she does that. She runs away as soon as I notice her she knows not too. When I'm not home she uses the pee pads with no issues. It's that damn blue heeler in her being stubborn! :)

Thanks all for the congrats. I've worked really hard to get to this point now 2 more years of more hard work so I can walk across the stage! Addy in ready for some girly drinks. Join me??? I found a couple good recipes lately one I got when I took Sadie back to Fl for her other surgery. Got it from Bubba Gumps! :)

Sammie is precious except when peeing on the floor! What's so strange is I can look at her and see so many similarities to Rebel. I'm guessing its the breed, she's already so attached to Sadie and I that she just lights up when she sees us. What's even better is seeing Sadie play and be happy again. My girl was so depressed I thought we might have to seek out a therapist ;)

06-24-2013, 08:55 AM
Rebels stone is finished. Adding it to the new album. We are good here. Potty training is getting better we are now in the everything is a chew toy even a $120 Bluetooth headset!!

06-24-2013, 07:16 PM
Hi Melissa,

I am so happy Rebel's stone arrived. Did you post the pictures yet? I'll go look. I know it is beautiful.

Ahhh, the chew phase, I remember it as if it were yesterday.;);)
Just remember to put your shoes away:D:D:D Koko chewed up one of mine over the weekend and he is five.:eek::eek: What was I thinking, they dont ever get over it completely.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm ready for that girly drink and a toast to two more years and then stage walking. Girlfriend, you better have someone take a video of that moment for us. I know you have worked so hard.

Keep up the news, we love it.

molly muffin
06-24-2013, 08:12 PM
The stone is beautiful. I love the wording on it too.

The little one is just precious. What a character. :) Stiletto heels are still Molly's favorite. Just the heel, she doesn't care for the rest of the shoe. LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
06-25-2013, 08:37 AM
Rebel's stone and roses are just perfect, Melissa! Sammie is a cutie pie and I can see you will have lots of FUN in the time ahead. :D I am so happy you got the job and things are looking up for you - it is past time!

06-26-2013, 02:19 AM
Thank you all for taking the time to look at our pics and for loving rebel also. I'm not sure when I will be placing his stone but I will let you know. I will be gluing it to a paver stone so it will be raised up off the ground some. My fringed here in town does the engraving and if any of y'all ever need anything done leg me know. He can even make some pet tags :)

06-26-2013, 06:48 AM
Oh Melissa, Rebel's stone is beautiful. Your friend does wonderful work!


06-26-2013, 12:02 PM
Thank you. I will tell him you said so. He also engraved a small dog bone shaped pet tag with his name and dob and dod for his shadow box. I might have him make Sadie and Sammie some new tags also. I will post a pic of the tag

06-26-2013, 07:19 PM
Finished rebels shadow box. Posted a pic

09-19-2013, 10:15 PM
Little update since it's been awhile. My heart is breaking for Jeanette and her girls but I know that my baby boy was there waiting when Princess crossed that bridge. I know they are running free together.

My life is a whirlwind. School full time and working 4 nights a week also. Sadie I believe has torn her other ACL!! Trying to save some money to get her to the vet. Sammie is a pain and has eaten had my belongings. She's also a biter and doesn't realize how hard she bites when she plays cause she can't hear! Sigh such is my life.

Squirt's Mom
09-20-2013, 08:08 AM
We appreciate you letting us know about Princess. That had to be tough.

Sounds like you are settled in quite well in your new life and keeping busy! I hope you have found peace and some measure of happiness now. Let us hear from you when you can!

Leslie and the gang

09-21-2013, 03:17 AM
Ah there is no peace with a deaf dog!! I never expected her to have such a big bark! We are settling in pretty much I'm just so busy with work and school that I feel guilty being gone so much. I tell Sadie everyday that I'm doing this for us so we can have a better life soon. Maybe I'm trying to convince myself!!

09-22-2013, 12:36 PM
I uploaded some new pics in my growing family album. Hope everyone is doing well here

molly muffin
09-22-2013, 01:33 PM
So cute! Thanks for posting Melissa. :)
I know life is super busy for you these days. All good though for those forward goals! We love to hear from you when ever you have time and especially love the puppy updates. :)
It's like the cycle of life when a puppy enters our world.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin