View Full Version : Cushings - Sweet Zues has passed

05-21-2013, 12:44 PM
My baby boy Zues, (he is 12yrs) has had cushings for the past 5yrs. or maybe it's ALWAYS been there? and has just manifested itself in the last few yrs? anyway.......I am NOT ready to let him go!!
A month ago he SWELLED up something awful! we adopted 2 new puppies and I thought he had gotten into the puppy chow and that caused weight gain. I took him to the vet and she took xrays, sure enough he is FULL OF FLUID! his temperment has not changed other than his breathing is labored and the extra weight makes walking a bit tougher. he and his brother, Max, always "SING" (howl and bark) when I leave the room but he has NOT done it so much because of the breathing.
We have out him on meds, to help rid the body of fluid, and it seems that his belly is going down? I know that they can insert needles to help remove fluid but it also removes protein which he needs and would have to be put back. so all these things can be done but at his age all I want is to, YES! keep him as LONG as I can and keep him comfortable.
I am not looking for advise on what else I can do cuz I think I have done all I can, I just wanted to write it down. maybe would make me feel better?
BUT!! PLEASE!! if you think there IS something else I could try let me know. I am NOT opposed to new suggestions :O))
THANK YOU for letting me vent!!

05-21-2013, 01:28 PM
Sorry you baby is having issues. Where is he retaining the fluid? What did the Dr. say it is coming from? My girl has breathing issues too, so could you tell me what exactly he is doing, and if he has the breathing issues all the time? Does it sound like he is struggling to breathe? Blessings

molly muffin
05-21-2013, 01:28 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Can you tell us where exactly the fluid is located? Is it in the lungs, stomach, liver pocket, etc.
Cushings is something that usually shows up in older dogs but can in younger one too, just not as frequently, it is caused by either a tumor or steroid drugs given over a long term.
Symptoms of cushings are as follows:
• increased/excessive water consumption (polydipsia)
• increased/excessive urination (polyuria)
• urinary accidents in previously housetrained dogs
• increased/excessive appetite (polyphagia)
• appearance of food stealing/guarding, begging, trash dumping, etc.
• sagging, bloated, pot-bellied appearance
• weight gain or its appearance, due to fat redistribution
• loss of muscle mass, giving the appearance of weight loss
• bony, skull-like appearance of head
• exercise intolerance, lethargy, general or hind-leg weakness
• new reluctance to jump on furniture or people
• excess panting, seeking cool surfaces to rest on
• symmetrically thinning hair or baldness (alopecia) on torso
• other coat changes like dullness, dryness
• slow regrowth of hair after clipping
• thin, wrinkled, fragile, and/or darkly pigmented skin
• easily damaged/bruised skin that heals slowly
• hard, calcified lumps in the skin (calcinosis cutis)
• susceptibility to infections (especially skin and urinary)
• diabetes, pancreatitis, seizures
The most common is the constant hunger 24 hours a day, and drinking water by the buckets that causes urination accidents in the home.

Are these symptoms evident with your dog?

Have you had tests such as the ACTH, LDDS, CBC showing elevated liver enzymes done?
How old and what breed is your Zeus?

These are some of the questions we would have before being able to really comment with any degree of knowledge about your boy.
Again, welcome to the forum.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-21-2013, 01:35 PM
Hi and Welcome,

I am sorry to hear of the problems with your pup. We can certainly relate to needing to vent, so vent away. :):)

We would need much more history and test results to have any possible suggestions for you.

When you say your pup has had Cushings for the last five years, how was it diagnosed and was it treated?

What tests were done to diagnose the fluid build up?

Those are just two questions that come to my mind but I am running out of time on my lunch hour;)

Please feel free to provide more info if you can.

05-21-2013, 02:24 PM
We had the same problem. It appeared as if she was bloating. Recently we found her cortison levels were too high. After loading her and getting her numbers down, she lost the bloated look and looks normal again.
When were her last checks with a stim test?

05-25-2013, 01:13 AM
I wrote out a BIG LONG answer and it's GONE!!!
start over. Zues has always had his teeth cleaned but about 5 yrs ago the vet did the blood test that older dogs get to make sure he could "go under". that is when we found out he had cushings. I have kept it under control with diet. about 7 mos. ago he was having severe pain in his left front shoulder. Dr wanted to put him on pain meds but I said no. then about 4 mos ago he moved the wrong way and let out a HORRIBLE CRY! we took him in and was given Volox? we were told that he may have side effects, maybe would hurt his liver, kidneys but nothing was said about bloating. every 4th day for 1 wk, then 1 every 7 to 8 days until I stopped giving them to him. Then about 6wks ago he got into the puppy food, within 4 days he started swelling. I took him to the vet and an xray was taken. he has fluid built up in his heart, very little lung capacity and fluid in the body cavity. we have him on meds, a water pill and a pill to remove the fluid from his heart. he has MOST of the symptoms that have been mentioned here. we have had a couple of accidents but I make sure he goes out often and right before we lay down to sleep and again at 11:30pm when my husband gets home from work. he won't lay down during the day he stands up! he has lost muscle mass, you can see his spine, has lost his hair. he also has the lumps. I FEEL the difference in his body AND ALL WITHIN THE LAST 3 WKS this has happened!! NO wonder in dog yrs its 7 to 1!!! :''''''( we also found out he has a heart murmur. on the scale of 1 to 10, it's a 7! he is still wanting to play and run down the hall with the babies, he tries to give our baby girl, Chikita, "the pickle". he just can't get enough air!!
I have started massaging essential oils (formulated for cushings) onto his tummy and into the pads of his paws, in between his toes. I don't know if this will do anything but he SMELLS good and the other "kids" think he tastes good! he and his brother, Max, have always sung to me. now when he tries.........well, I am crying :''''''(
I do not expect to have him much longer but I want what he has left to be comfortable. in the last 2 yrs we lost his daddy, then his mama the yr after that. IT HURTS!!! I HURT!!! I am SOO AFRAID AND MAD at myself that I may have caused this by giving him the pain meds!! if anyone has ANY thing they can add or suggest we do or try PLEASE let me know. if you have questions also.

Budsters Mom
05-25-2013, 02:22 AM
Welcome Rose and Zeus,
I am sorry for the reason that brought you here, but so glad you found us. You have come to the right place! There are many K9Cushing's angels standing by to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better. Please tell us how you have been keeping Zeus Cushings controlled with diet. As far as I know, medication is the only thing that can bring down cortisol levels, thus controlling Cushings symptoms. Cushings is difficult to diagnose. Has Zeus had any specific tests to determine that he has Cushings? If so, please post those results. We will do all we can to help.

Kathy and Buddy:cool:

molly muffin
05-27-2013, 06:09 PM
Rose, when you are writing a long post, you can check go advanced, and then preview the post, that will save it. I have written it out on notepad and then copy pasted it back in.

Did you go back to the vet? I saw your visitor message and my heart just breaks for you. Are the pills not working to reduce the fluid?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-29-2013, 01:52 PM
Thank you all for letting me write. Where do I start....Zues was on the meds for about a week, we went in for a check up on sat and he had lost 2lbs. that was good for him since he was at 23lbs. TOO MUCH for him. the vet increased his dose by a half tab. that day he was, or it seemed, he was doing better. sunday he was eating and going out to pee without to much trouble. then in the early am, about 1, I awoke to find him standing and he was having trouble breathing. I stayed awake with him most of the morning. finally I was able to get him to rest on a VERY soft pillow, propped up so he could breath and rest. monday was pretty much the same way and into the early hrs of tues am, I again stayed awake with him trying to make him comfortable. I should also say that his belly was swollen more than before, I could see that he was breathing fluid out of his nose and my husband and I decided that he was not good for him. we took him to the vet that morning, tues May 27, and at 8:15am :'''''( Zues went to everlasting rest! he was soo tired that he did not fight the shot and went to sleep in my arms! MY HEART ACHES SO BAD! even at this writing I can not see well thru all the tears! WE MISS HIM SO MUCH! but worst is that his brother Max is missing him. I had mentioned that they would "sing" for me, Max would start barking then Zues would howl, then Max would howl and Zues would bark. Max started that familiar bark this morning........but there was no Zues to howl back. I can see it in his face that Max is sad. I PRAY that Max will not die of a broken heart. these two have been together from the womb.
Thank you again for letting me write out my sorrow :'''( Rose

05-29-2013, 02:03 PM
BTW, Zues' ALP was 1750. when I was at the vets office on sat the 25th, I asked some of the questions that you folks asked me here. Our vet was surprised that I EVEN KNEW some of this stuff. anyway she did say it was hard to know if this is what he had but all the signs were there. I TRUST our vet, she has seen us thru the passing of, now 3 of our babies.
thank you again for allowing me this, to write my sorrow :"""(

05-29-2013, 02:41 PM
Dear Rose,

I cannot tell you how sorry I am about your baby boy. But thank you so much for coming back to tell us what has happened. This way, we can all join you in honoring him. His name has now been added to our special memorial thread of honor. Here he joins all our other angels.


Please know that we will welcome you back at any time. We are here for you, and we will be waiting to read anything at all that would be a comfort for you to write. You can talk about Zues, or Max, or just how you are feeling or doing. We know how much this hurts, and we are hoping that it may help, even a tiny bit, to know that we understand and care so much.

I am sending you many hugs, Rose, in loving memory of your precious little boy.

molly muffin
05-29-2013, 02:45 PM
Oh I am so very sorry about Zeus's passing. I am sure Max is feeling grief too. You'll just have to give him some extra hugs and cuddles.
It is so hard to combat the fluid, especially when it ends up in their lungs. You and your vet did all you could for Zeus and tried your hardest to make it okay again.
I know your heart is broken, but you love will on, inside you, you'll carry it with you always.


Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 02:53 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Zeus has crossed the rainbow bridge. My heart goes out to all of you. I know your heart is broken. Please come back often and share your memories of Zeus when you are able. We would love to hear more about your life together.

Sending lots of love and many hugs,

05-29-2013, 03:13 PM
Dear Rose,
I am so sorry to hear the news about Zeus. What a heartbreak for you and your family and of course Max and your other beloved pups. Everyone here knows the depth of your grief. So sorry you have to face this sad loss.

05-29-2013, 07:19 PM
Rose, words cannot express how sorry I am to read this now.

May your sweet Zues rest in peace and I hope you find peace and comfort as well.

Simba's Mom
05-29-2013, 09:47 PM
So sorry to hear about Zeus, so glad he was safe in your arms when he went...it's so hard to let go, but remember he will always be in your heart, and someday you will see him again, I truly believe that..take care Rose, sending hugs and prayers....

05-29-2013, 09:49 PM
Oh I am so very sorry about your sweetie pie. My heart is with you.

We are all here for you!!!
Always in memory of your Zues

Roxee's Dad
05-29-2013, 10:02 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss.

Rest in Peace Zues, you are our newest and brightest star in the sky......

05-30-2013, 11:35 PM
THANK YOU ALL!! for you words of comfort. I helped his mama, BABY, bring him and his siblings into this world. They were little fur balls! We had many people want to buy one from us but......I could not part with any of them. So we raised 4 boys and 1 girl. We gave my mom Harley and my sister has Bastian and Kiah. We kept Jake and Baby, the parents and Max and Zues. We lost Jake 3yrs ago, Baby passed away 2yrs ago, she also had the symptoms of cushings and had fluid in her heart. She could not get comfortable and stood up alot to try to breath. But we held on to her longer and now I am sorry that I did that.....knowing what I know now! She suffered more than she should have. But we learn and I was not going to put Zues through that pain, so we let Zues go. I know that ALL life comes to an end but as most of you know, IT HURTS! Yes, we do have 2 new puppies and we said once the boys were gone we were NOT going to get any more DOGS! but the 2 new puppies were rescue and there was NO WAY we were going to say NO! Buster was supposed to be a chiwawa, hehe and weinne dog. We found him in an alley with a chicken bone stuck in his throat. I believe he was tossed out there because the people who had the puppies could not afford a vet and figured he was going to die anyway :O(( I stuck my finger down and pulled out the bone THEN TOOK HIM HOME! HE LOOKS LIKE A SHORT STOCKY GERMAN SHEPARD, LOL! Chikita, we were told was a tea cup chiwawa. SHE looks like and the vet said, a Minpin. Buster is 3 times bigger than Chikita and they LOVE each other and MAX loves having playmates. I do cry when Max starts his bark and waits for Zues to howl back. I wish the puppies would learn to do it :( but I am grateful that God gave us another opportunity to LOVE and CARE for more of HIS creatures. Thank you again for allowing me to put my feelings in writing. Rose :o))

05-30-2013, 11:38 PM
:O)) I too believe that we WILL see our babies again. Thank you for your kind words, :)

05-31-2013, 07:31 AM
Oh Rose, I've just visited your photo album and see that you've posted some sweet, sweet pictures of your babies. They are wonderful! :)

I sent you a private message about adding a photo link to Zues' memorial line, so do be sure to check your message inbox.

Sending you many hugs,

Bo's Mom
05-31-2013, 07:51 AM
I was just checking back in and catching up on some posts. I am so sorry to read about Zues. My prayers for strength and peace be sent to you and your family at this most difficult time. Please know we are all here with wide shoulders and arms spread wide to give hugs at times of sorrow.

06-01-2013, 12:28 AM
Just wanted to let you know how sorry I am about the passing of your little fur buddy. I love Gracie so much and I know I will also have to let her go someday. Like you I will be heartbroken. I cry just thinking about it.

06-01-2013, 11:19 AM
I am so so sorry about your babies passing. God Bless you and your dear baby in heaven.

11-06-2013, 12:16 AM
It has been awhile since I have been here. BUT I AM BACK! because NOW Max is starting to show signs of having Cushings :''(
It was HARD losing Zues BUT MAX! I helped birth this one! Baby (his mama) DID NOT WANT him from the start cuz he was sickly and soo tiny! Different from his siblings who were little fat round balls of fur,
all the same color and size. Brown with little bit of black and white, Max was white with a black saddle and HUGE eyes!
Max seems to be doing fine. We now have 2 NEW puppies and Max is acting like them. He wants to run and play and roll around with them! I love to see my 13yr old "baby" acting like a puppy :O))
I also know the day is coming SOONER then later and I AM SICK OVER IT!!! :'''''''''(
ANYWAY just wanted to stop by and let everyone know.
Thank you for letting me vent :/

Budsters Mom
11-06-2013, 01:03 AM
Hi Rose,
Welcome back, but sorry about the circumstances. What Cushings signs is Max showing? Has he had any tests or blood work done? If so, please post anything out of the normal range, either high or low. The more you are able to tell us, the more we would be able to help you and and Max. Others will be dropping by in shortly with more questions and to welcome you back also.

Please feel free to vent any time. We've all done it! Yell, scream, cry, whatever you need to do is allowed here. Hugs,

11-06-2013, 01:18 AM
Awww, I'm so sorry about Zues. Many things can mirror Cushings, hoping that Max doesn't have it but I would want to know for sure.

11-06-2013, 07:54 AM
You have been thru so much I am hoping this is not the case. I will pray for you and your baby. Blessings