View Full Version : Gunner - 4 year old Golden Retriever- Gunner has passed

05-02-2013, 12:08 AM
I am so sad for you! I just found this post because I was searching for answers about my 4 year old Golden Retriever. On April 20th Gunner was acting very nervous and kept having to go out to pee that whole night he laid by me and just seemed upset. Well that Sunday morning my Siberian Husky tried to play with him and Gunner cried out in pain so I checked him all over for an injury. Well on his left side of his lower abdomen was a huge lump bigger then a softball. Monday I bring him into the vet and get xrays yes there is something growing they say it could be cancer or just some sort of benign tuor so they reccommend exploratory surgery for april 30. So I bring him home he is eating fine but getting more nervous and uncomfortable so I call the vet Wednesday the 24th and see if they can move the surgery up and give him pain pills. The surgery was moved up to the morning of the 26th and I had prepared myself to the extent that they may open him up see that it is terrible cancer and send him home with a week to live but it was not to be. I brought him in that morning and they sedated him and said stay by a phone in case they call so I was not hme long when I get the call that my baby died on the operating table he had a huge adrenal tumor that was somehow involved or grown into the vena cava. When they moved the tumor his heart rate went out of control and he bled out from the vena cava there was nothing they could do for my gorgeous 4 year old Golden. The vet said he was already bleeding out and that is why he was panting more and uncomfortable that week. He said if I had not moved up the surgery he would have not lasted 2 days and would have had a horrible death. I did not get to say good bye and I am devastated. Your loss is so horrible but please please be so grateful you had so much time with your precious baby. I did not. Maybe God had me find this post to help you know that at least your baby lived a long good life. I am so heartbroken I can not even put it into words. I need prayers really bad if I will ever get through this.

05-02-2013, 07:30 AM
Gunnersmom - I am so sorry to read your story, what a shock for you to go through. Sounds like Gunner had the odds stacked against him and was in acute trouble. I guess in that situation it is maybe a blessing he went to sleep with the anaesthetic and did not wake up. That certainly sounds like a pheo (gee we are seeing lots of these lately) because with anaesthetic they can have dangerous BP swings plus the added difficulty of it being in the blood vessel. But how gut wrenching for you, it is so hard whether your dog is 4 years old or 12 years old, they are all such short times in the context of our human life spans and we are never ready to say goodbye. My thoughts are with you at this time and hope you are taking care of yourself. xx

05-02-2013, 08:17 AM
I had tears in my eyes while reading about your baby Gunner.I'm so sorry that you lost him this way and that he was such a young baby.We know that their lives are so short going in but this isn't something we even think about at only 4yrs old!The only solace is that he was not at home when this happened as this would have been so much worse for the both of you.As you know,I just recently lost my Fella after his surgery so I'm still a little raw and not the best with words.The others here will chime in soon and will be here for you every step of the way.They have been a lifeline for me during my darkest days and I hope that some of that warmth and kindness can begin to heal your heart as it has mine.Loving thoughts and prayers for you and Gunner.

You have suffered a horrific tragedy and are still in shock.Please keep writing and sharing your thoughts with us-it really does help.I struggle with the fact that I never really got a chance for a "proper" goodbye but I truly don't believe they ever leave us.I am surrounded by Fella's love and Fella is what led me to this blog which I do believe was a gift from him.I truly felt alone and didn't know how I would ever feel anything again.Being here has helped me get thru the day-minute by minute sometimes.My little Fella loves goldens as he has a "big" little sister,Gracie who is 7.I also lost my golden Kelsey,whom Fella adored.I just know my little one will find your Gunner.My thoughts,prayers and tears are with you in the days ahead-you are not alone on this site.
Much love to you

molly muffin
05-02-2013, 07:17 PM
Oh my gosh what a horrible, traumatic experience. I am so sorry you lost your beautiful Gunner.
I know the heart ache is pretty awful. There is never an easy way to say goodbye and when you don't get to say it at all, then that in itself adds another layer to the hurt that is already so sharp.
Deep breaths.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-02-2013, 08:08 PM
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! This has been the worst thing I have ever been through and just so unexpected. I'm afraid to even get another dog I just don't know how common this disease is in animals and is it genetic. Strange thing about this is I have a pituitary adenoma that went unchecked until I was 28 but from all that time not knowing it affected my adrenal gland (cushings) and parathyroid. What a horrible disease for an innoccent dog to get. Here is a pic of Gunner Christmas 2012 if it works and that is also him in my avatar. http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd4/goldiefur/Facebook/Blaze%20and%20Gunner%20Christmas%202012/466355_4165124214576_1071255098_o.jpg (http://s222.photobucket.com/user/goldiefur/media/Facebook/Blaze%20and%20Gunner%20Christmas%202012/466355_4165124214576_1071255098_o.jpg.html)

05-02-2013, 08:22 PM
I'm so upset I am reading on here different syptoms and I just read tremors and when Gunner was even a puppy his back legs would shake and the week before he died he was sleeping and his back leg was shaking and I woke him up and it stopped but when he laid down it started again. So this could have been the Cushings? He was probably born with it. He came home from the breeder with ringworm on his shoulder and it took me and the vet a year and a half to cure it I must have spent hundreds of dollars with special shampoos and creams. He was neutered at 14 months and he still had the ringworm it was just starting to improve at that time and after his neuter he went through hell and had horrible swelling and had to go for pain shots and anti-inflammatories. At about 8 or 9 weeks he got an abcess and they gave him a shot of pennicillian and he keeled over instantly and stopped breathing they had to give him a shot of epinephrine to revive him. He had the greatest disposition and he always knew how I was feeling. Gunner did not leave my side his entire life. I miss him!:(

05-02-2013, 08:34 PM
Oh,he is just a beautiful boy!!Of course,Goldens are one of my favorites!!You can never say no to that sweet face!I thought of you and Gunner all day today.The shock of losing them is numbing.I still find it difficult to accept that I have lost Fella and it's been almost 2 weeks.From what you describe,Gunner's symptoms,vet appt,surgery and losing him all transpired in such a short amount of time!The same occurred with Fella.I found out he had a tumor on a Thursday,lots of test followed,surgery on the following Thursday and he passed the next day.In a matter of 8 days he was diagnosed and gone.My heart is with you as I know the shock just makes you numb!I'm glad you're posting here and so happy to see your beautiful boy!I wish I had words to ease your pain.Fella also had tumor involvement that was thought to have invaded the vena cava and had a thrombus.Know that you did the very best for your baby.Had you not moved up the surgery,it could have been so much worse for the both of you at home.As short as his life was,it sounds like he was so lucky to have been loved by such a wonderful mom!Hope you can find some peace in your heart in the days to come.Keep coming back though-we love to hear about your Gunner!!And trust me,everyone here opens up their hearts to all our babies and their kindness starts to heal our hearts before we are even aware of it!Much love and prayers sent to you and Gunner.

05-02-2013, 08:43 PM
I am so sorry to hear of Gunner's passing. Reading over your posts it sounds as though he had quite a few struggles in his young life. Losing your pet, love, is never easy...this is so sad...how the events unfolded, although it is never easy...I am just so sorry, my heart aches for you. Sending love, peace, comfort and mercy to you.

Sharon, Norman and Millie

molly muffin
05-02-2013, 08:51 PM
Oh Gunner is just adorable. I too love goldens, their disposition is just so sweet and nurturing, caring, funny and so many more great things.

I think some of the others can address more about cushings specific, but from what I understand, it is not confirmed yet, if cushings is genetic or not. If it is genetic, then it is a predisposition that they could get it. They aren't born with the symptoms or tumors that I have ever heard.

Sometimes, these pheos seem to come out of nowhere fast and are quite aggressive. Cushings normally is adrenal or pituitary based and a very Slow progressive disease that with treatment dogs can live a normal life span with. So, there are many different factors to try and wrap your head around.

Pheos are a whole different kettle, in that they do not cause the cortisol to rise, that is usually normal, and they can be active or inactive, however, they play havoc with the BP as Trish mentioned.

It sounds like you had a wonderful 4 years with Gunner. I would let the breeder know that he had the pheo and that he passed. This is something they should be aware of, just in case it is genetic.

I've known many goldens in my life and none of them have had pheos that I knew personally. I'm now pretty convinced that my golden had cushings due to steroids. She had Horrible allergies and was on prednisone from the time she was 2 years old. It was pretty awful for her and she lived to be 10, but it wasn't easy on her. So, 8 years of steriods, it is more than likely, yet no one told me that was what was going on with her.

I wouldn't be afraid to have another dog. Not that this is yet the time to even think about that. Just take some time. This has been and Is very, very hard and you really do have to give yourself some breathing space to take in everything that has happened.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Bo's Mom
05-02-2013, 09:15 PM
Our thoughts and prayers are sent to you at this most difficult time. It is always so hard to lose our fur babies. Even though I know my words can never heal the pain, please know we are all here for you with arms and hearts open wide. Gunner is now free making his paw prints all over the Heavens.

05-02-2013, 09:22 PM
Thank you all very much!!! The day Gunner died the first thing I thought of was to contact the breeder for the sake of his other littermates and to see if their owners had reported anything to her. I also went into details about what happened and of course how devastated I was and how much I loved him. Well she had attitude and said she had never even heard of any dog having Cushings much less a Golden. She did say she ws sorry for my loss and asked how my mothers Goldens are. They are NOT good! She was not interested in the least about anything or did not seem to want to notify anyone. My moms dog Cooper has the same father as Gunner and he is really showing signs of Cushings now that we know what we are looking for and he is very fat. My mom is so distraught over Gunner (the whole world just loved Gunner) she can't even think right now. This breeder has me so mad I don't want anyone to go through this but of course I also would not have traded him for anything so I have mixed feelings. My mom's other dog Baxter (same breeder) has severe hip dysplasia he is only 6 She was considered a good breeder but in recent years I have heard bad things.

molly muffin
05-02-2013, 09:44 PM
That is totally unacceptable answer from any reputable breeder. Is this a registered breeder? If so you would have been issued papers by the AKC for Gunner and Cooper. If they are, then you can take it directly the the AKC about concerns brought to the attention of the breeder, but not taken seriously and your concerns on this lineage.
Next, lets not get the cart before the horse. You've had a horrible experience and it is both frightening and traumatizing. However, you have to remember that cushings is one of the hardest disease to diagnose. Many other things have to be ruled out first, such as diabetes, thyroid, kidney, etc. If you have any concerns about another pheo, an Ultrasound could be helpful.
So no panicking yet.
That breeder sure does irritate me though.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-02-2013, 10:11 PM
I agree with Sharlene about the breeder.I don't know too much about Cushings but the members here are very knowledgeable and could guide your mom in the right direction.The breeder,however,is a different story.Her reaction is very upsetting.A good reputable breeder would be very concerned with what has happened to your Gunner.Once you begin to work through your grief,and feel you are ready,it would be a great idea to follow up with this breeder,AKC,etc.
If this breeder proves to be as irresponsible as she sounds,you may find some peace in knowing that because of Gunner,another pup might be saved.I'm so sorry for your loss.Gunner was so beautiful-I could look at goldens all day!Sometimes its just enough to take deep breaths and take one second at a time-the girls here are great and are here with you every step of the way.I'm still leaning on them tremendously and am so grateful to them.Just as Fella led me to this site,your Gunner did as well.I felt completely alone and can't begin to express my gratitude for all the love and support found here.

Simba's Mom
05-03-2013, 12:52 AM
Sending prayers to you, so sorry to hear about your beautiful Gunner..

05-03-2013, 09:25 AM
So very sorry to hear about the loss of your precious Gunner. My heart breaks for you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Dodie & molly

Squirt's Mom
05-03-2013, 09:37 AM
I am so sorry to hear about your sweet boy. We are never ready to lose our babies no matter the circumstances and these tumors can be very sneaky, giving no indication of how serious they are without extensive testing. These tumors that grow into the vena cava are the ones that make seasoned board certified surgeons step back and take a deep breath - it is a very tricky surgery to remove a tumor that has grown this way. They are the basis of the most risky and serious surgeries in adrenal based Cushing's. Without a very good abdominal ultrasound you nor the vets could have known how much the tumor had grown and in which direction.

Based on all the care Gunner received at your loving hands, I have to believe if you had been aware of just how serious this could be, you would have moved heaven and hell to get him help asap. As it is, you did all you could with the info you had to give him the very best life possible and I know Gunner appreciates all you did for him. I know he does not blame you one little bit for what happened but loves you with all his heart and always will. He knows that one day he will be in your arms again and when that day comes, you will never be parted.

If your mom is concerned about her baby, I would strongly suggest an abdominal ultrasound performed on a high resolution machine making sure they get good images of both adrenal glands. There is speculation but no proof that Cushing's is a genetic disease however we do know that certain breeds are over-represented such as the Boxer, Boston Terrier, Dachshund, Poodle, GSD, Cockers, small terrier breeds, and Labs among them but any hereditary connection is unclear. We have had several Goldens here.

I am going to preface this by letting you know that I am one who does not think it is possible to be a responsible breeder when they keep breeding in the face of the 1000's of dogs, including pure breeds, who are killed every single day in shelters for want of a home, plus the 1000's upon 1000's of others waiting in foster homes for their forever homes. I also think it is incredibly irresponsible for the AKC to require show dogs be intact and believe they are perpetuating the overpopulation problems leading to the daily deaths of so many pups. Having said that, your breeder sounds like one who cares for nothing but the bottom dollar and I am willing to bet Gunner isn't the first of her litters to have Cushing's and other serious problems like he had to face - she is continually breeding pairs that have thrown pups with problems and does not care as long folks keep buying them. Dysplasia that Baxter has is something that could have easily been found by testing the breeding pups and not allowing any with this condition to breed - but they didn't care. ;) In my eyes, everything that Gunner had to deal with can be laid squarely at this breeders feet due to their irresponsibility and greed. I would never purchase another pup from them for anything if I were you and would be shouting from the rooftops about all of Gunner's problems and how they treated me when I tried to talk to them about it. It makes me angry they showed so little concern not only for what Gunner suffered but for your loss as well. Now I'm getting off my soapbox. :o

I am glad you came and shared your sweet boy with us, allowing us to celebrate his life and honor his memory along with you. We are here anytime you wish to talk, to cry, even to scream. This is a safe place, a soft place to fall.

Our sincerest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie and our Angels, Tasha, Crystal and Ruby

05-04-2013, 12:39 AM
Was just checking in to see how you were doing today.I thought alot about you and your sweet Golden today.I agree with everything Leslie said,especially about the breeder.It hurts my very soul to hear of someone that would risk the health of our pups all for greed.I'm confident there is a space reserved for her in hell.Hmm...I think the anger phase of grief must be beginning to rear its ugly head.:).

It's scary to think that someone like that is breeding dogs without any regard to their health.So many will suffer the heartbreak as you have.I love your pictures-he is such a beautiful boy and he was so loved!I wish I could say something to make you feel better but just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and Gunner and sending lots of love and prayers!

05-04-2013, 12:12 PM
Honestly, I would contact the AKC immediately. This person should not be allowed to sell dogs. No one deserves the heartbreak that you and others have experienced because some loser was more concerned with making a buck.