View Full Version : I think my 10 year old rat terrier has cushing
Hi I am new, I am so upset now. I am alone and was very busy with getting house ready to sell in the fall when I really noticed my dog squirt started peeing like crazy in house plus the over eating and drinking. He went to vets sometime in fall way back then just reading about cushing I thought this is what he has. Vet did blood tests, urine test, took xray which showed enlarged liver put on demarin and antibiotics. Liver readings came out better, doctor said next thing should be ultrasound. Wanted to wait awhile cause not sure if ultrasound was needed and house sold and peeing got better. We moved in Feb and he still seemed better. But he had the pot belly at first I thought he was getting heavy from eating, but the thing that bothered me most was his legs they were farther apart. I just ended up getting ultrasound on thursday to get more info. My doctor was not their on friday but another doctor called and said report showed enlarged liver and enlarged glands and they thought it was cushings and also some enlarged vessels that might cause high bp. But what is really upsetting now is his belly looks bigger, legs seemed to have got worse fast. He is having a harder time getting around, he is getting real boney in the front and legs are shaking when standing, I guess its from lost muscle. Please someone tell me that when he gets on medicine his muscle and legs will get better. I need to talk to clinic and vet on Monday about next testing I think something was said about injecting him and taking his blood 2 times. I am worried too because I am on fixed income and heard this is costly to treat. Can anybody give any info on cost. Thank you, very upset mother
04-14-2013, 09:19 AM
Hello. Sorry you had to find us but glad that you did. It would help us help you if you could provide us with the results of the tests so we can just make sure it is in fact cushing's. It is not a death sentence - but is a pain as you figure it all out.
You are no longer alone - we've been down the path and can help you if you'd like.
Re the costs - the testing up front is the most expensive part. Once you get thru that you are only paying for the meds. Since your dog is a small one it won't be as expensive.
molly muffin
04-14-2013, 09:28 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum. It sounds like the next test they want to do is an ACTH. That will show what is cortisol is at.
Yes, treating cushings is expensive at first especially, all the testing to determine that it IS cushings and not thyroid, kidney, diabetes, those all need to be ruled out as they can cause the same symptoms.
How old is your little guy and how much does he weigh?
Do you have copies of his blood work and any urine testes? If so could you post the high/low values with their ranges. This will help us to give you better feedback.
This is a section with polls of different costs you can browse through to get a better idea of the cost:
As for the muscle weakness, if it is cushings, then it should get a bit better with treatment, but that long with coat can be some of the last things to clear up.
Here is our resource section where you can read up on cushings and the medications used to treat it.
It's like a homework section because the more knowledge you have the better advocate that you will be for your little guy. Not all vets are quite as familiar with treating cushings as they would have you think, so you want to know as much as possible going on.
For instance, if they choose to treat with Vetoryl (Trilostane), then you start out with 1mg/1lb of dog weight. You give in the morning or morning/night, but always with the knowledge that the ACTH follow up test has to be done within 4 - 6 hours of giving the medicine and you give the medicine with food, for better absorption.
But we aren't there quite yet. Also there is a way to save money with the ACTH test by freezing and using only a portion of the stimulating agent. Make sure that you're vet will be willing to do this as it will save you money. You'll be having a lot of ACTH test till you can get a dose that is right for him. The first follow up test after starting medicine is (they now say 10 - 14 days) after starting and then again at the 4 week mark. So you can see why you want the vet to be willing to divide the stimulating agent used for the test up for you.
I know you will have a lot more questions and that is fine, this will just get you started.
We all come here terrified for our little ones. The more you know though, the better you will be and the more capable to make informed decisions. Dogs with cushings, with proper medical treatment can live out their normal lifespans. It is a matter of getting everything under control and in a proper balance in their little bodies.
Again, welcome, we're very glad you found us although sad that you needed to. We think of all of our members as one big family, where we care very much for both the owners and their furbabies and want only the best for them. We're all about support and figuring this horrid disease out and doing the best we can to give them the longest, best quality of life possible.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Thanks for giving me some info I dont have any test results but I will ask for them He has been laying around the last couple days not as much energy and moving that much acting weird and I just think whats going on in a couple of days is their something else wrong? Is medicine for treatment vets choice?
Hi and Welcome,
Is medicine for treatment vets choice?
You would want your vet to have good experience with the drug chosen. Trilostane/Vetoryl is the newer drug so not all vets have great experience with it.
The muscle weakness can be the last symptom to get better, it takes awhile to build up lost muscle. Untreated Cushings should not suddenly get worse. If you could get copies of the tests done last fall it would help us.
Hang on, you have come to the right place. We'll help however we can.
Budsters Mom
04-14-2013, 02:39 PM
Hello and welcome,:)
You are no longer alone!:). There is a huge arsenal of K9Cushing's angels to help and stay with you every step of the way. They love details, test results, any information you can get your hands on. The more the better.
So again welcome to you and Squirt:)
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-14-2013, 02:49 PM
You will get your questions answered here and plenty of support. It's all a bit overwhelming for sure. You're not alone with your worries....everyone on this board understands how you feel.
I was just walking him 10 days ago, now he is just laying on floor doesnt want to stand much today he drank some water but did not eat. I am praying and crying that he's ok till I call vet tomorrow to take him in. I lost a dog last year on mothers day ended up taking him to emergency vet and he was put down. He didnt have cushings he was old and was time to go. I just need to talk to somebody I am so upset. Did this happen to anybody that their dog just laid around like this and you knew he was not feeling good? I get things in my mind something will happen to him before he goes to doctor. I see by your names your location how do I go and put my location in?
Hi there,
To add your location, click on the username you gave yourself. Then go to "About Me" If you click on the little pencil you can type in your location.
I'm so sorry things are not going well. I think what's most important is that he is getting water. They can go for a while without eating, so I don't think that's an immediate concern. You could always call the emergency vet for some peace of mind? They are usually pretty good at knowing if it is a true emergency.
Like many have said, we are here to help you however we can. We have all been through the sadness and fear about Cushing's, but every case is a little different. There is a wealth of knowledge amongst the people here, and someone is almost always online, so feel free to keep us updated if things change or worsen. I'm hopeful that he just doesn't feel well today, and that your vet will be able to give you advice tomorrow. I'm thinking they could also want to do the LDDS (low dose dexamethasone suppression) test on him.
Thinking of you and your pup,
Julie & Hannah
molly muffin
04-14-2013, 07:06 PM
At the top of the page, you'll see User CP. Click on that, which will take you to your User page and on the left hand side you will see the option at the top left to Edit your Profile. Click that and at the bottom of the page you'll see "where do you live" and enter your answer there. I believe that is what is then shown on your post. Let me know if that doesn't show up and I'll go through the options, but with just a fast glance, I think that is it.
It seems that this has come on awful fast, not eating at all, not walking, cushings usually progresses slowly.
Do you have access to an Internal Medicine Specialist?
I do hope that he will be okay. It's hard to see them so down and not feeling good.
If you notice him in any distress, then head for the VET ER. Keep us posted, we'll be worrying with you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I think something else may be going on. Your dog should not deteriorate to that degree in 10 days from untreated Cushings. Julie is right, if things get worse, head to the ER. Otherwise, make sure you see a vet tomorrow. If he is ill, it would not make any sense to to any Cushing screenings tomorrow as a non adrenal illness can alter the tests, even the adrenal glands on an ultra sound.
Did you check his gums? Is he on any medication?
I just wanted to confirm what Addy and Sharlene said. This doesn't sound like it would be occurring because of Cushing's. I'm thinking something else is wrong. Like Addy said, they may not do any Cushing's tests when you see the vet because it could skew the results if something else is wrong.
Did they run basic blood work? If so, do you remember if there were any concerns?
Julie & Hannah
Thank you for replying I have had so many bad things happen with pets that its hard for me because I just love them so much.
Yes I had different blood work done already a couple of months ago the only thing that was wrong were numbers on liver and he was put on demarin (if that is spelled right) and the numbers got better. There were 2 or 3 tests but I couldnt tell you the names. Then xray with enlarged liver and ultrasound last week with enlarged liver, enlarged adrenal glands, and there was enlarging of something else that could mean high bp have to get that test too. He has gone outside and eaten deer poop on and off and has had bad gas on and off hope he didnt get anything from that.
Harley PoMMom
04-14-2013, 09:29 PM
Have you tried making him skinless, boneless, low fat chicken breasts with some very well cooked (mushy) rice? Also maybe he would eat some baby food, just make sure there are no onions in it.
Did the vet take his BP? Nausea can be caused by very elevated blood pressure, I would make sure that the vet does check his BP.
Sending healing and loving hugs, Lori
04-14-2013, 10:07 PM
Yes, the tests are expensive but as others have said, Cushings is a very slow progressing illness and while the symptoms that you describe are the same, the fast timeline doesn't fit at all.
What makes Cushings hard to diagnose is that these same symptoms also match countless of other problems.
Honestly, I would consult with an internal medicine specialist vet and I'm happy that you did the ultrasound because that shows a lot that our furlets can't tell us about.
Good luck!
Simba's Mom
04-14-2013, 10:36 PM
Welcome to you and Squirt, so glad you found us, we are here to help! Get ready for lots of questions so we can find out all we can about your furbaby..and get ready for lots of encouragement, this is hard but we are here for you!!! Sending hugs!!!
Took dog to vet this morning blood work was not like last blood work everything was way above or below where it should be. Vet sent me to emergency specialty hospital and they had to keep him there and hook up to IV. One thing I found out is he has diabetes and they had to keep him there to get that under control something about ketones it is very bad now. So did not get to Cushings part yet, internal doctor will be checking on him. I will be calling and checking on him tonight but what a day I am whooped. Hoping he gets out as soon as possible because I miss him and that place isnt cheap.
04-15-2013, 06:22 PM
Thinking of you, must have been a scary day. At least your little one is getting the help they need now
Hope you hear some good news tomorrow.
There is a K9 diabetes site and I am sure one of the girls will paste you a link soon.
Sending you positive thoughts and vibes and a big hug
Squirt's Mom
04-15-2013, 06:24 PM
Oh, my! I am so glad you got him in today. It sounds like the BG must have been quite high! We have a sister site for diabetes, k9diabetes, and I will give you the link. You need to go over there and get registered so you can start talking to them and be prepared when he does come home. They are the experts on canine diabetes. ;) You don't want to even think about Cushing's right now. Getting the glucose under control is the primary issue now. Diabetes WILL cause false positives on the Cushing's tests so it would be a waste of your money and an added stress your baby does not need right now. So just focus on the diabetes for now. The diabetes site will let you know if it is time to look into it again in the future.
I have merged your post about the diabetes into your original thread. We normally like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!
Please let us know how your sweet boy is doing! You are family here now whether he has Cushing's or not and we will want to hear from you.
Leslie and the gang
diabetes info
So sorry to hear he is at the hospital, but I'm so glad you got him there and he is being taken care of. I'm sure it was a very stressful day for you. I'm so glad they've already given you the link for the diabetes site. I know they'll be incredibly helpful, too.
I sure hope he will be feeling better soon. Keep us posted.
Julie & Hannah
thank you for replies, simba and squirts mom, my babies name is squirt too!
04-15-2013, 07:43 PM
Just wanted to confirm what Leslie said. The chances are that there was never cushing's and that it was the diabetes you were seeing. Don't waste a dime on it right now - focus all you got on the diabetes. Sending love, Kim
Harley PoMMom
04-15-2013, 07:49 PM
I totally agree with Kim and Leslie. The diabetes has to be the focus, and that link that Leslie gave you to our sister site, the k9diabetes forum, please, please join there too.
Here's another handy link:
Love and hugs,
molly muffin
04-15-2013, 09:26 PM
Yep, I agree with the others. Diabetes and cushings can have the same symptoms. And get over to k9diabtes forum! They are our sister site and we have several who are members of both sites. It works exactly the same as it does here and the people are wonderful and very, very knowledgeable about diabetes.
Don't forget us though, you're part of our family too! (I just know they will give you all sorts of good direction)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
04-16-2013, 07:25 AM
Another Squirt! :cool::D:cool: How did your Squirt get his name? When my Squirt came along, she was so tiny she fit in the palm of my hand - she was just a squirt of a dog! And that's how she got her name. :D
How is your Squirt doing today? I hope he is rebounding and stabilizing, and will be back home in your arms where he belongs very soon. Let us hear from you when you can.
Leslie and the gang
How are things going? Are you okay?
04-16-2013, 03:41 PM
Thinking of you both, hope that your little one is home safe
Post us when you can, we worry right with you
molly muffin
04-16-2013, 06:01 PM
Checking in on your and Squirt and hoping everything is better today.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-17-2013, 05:40 PM
Thinking of you. Hope all is ok
molly muffin
04-21-2013, 11:00 AM
Good morning.
I wanted to check in on you and Squirt. We all are a bunch of worriers here.
Hope all is well.
Let us know when you get a chance.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
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