View Full Version : Godspeed, Moria

05-24-2009, 06:22 PM
Hi all,

I am reconstituting this thread on Memorial day 2009.

The brown has been a pest, Vandy and I have been in the backyard planting, and pruning, and reading, and grilling. She has been woofering at us through the patio door.

She loves to be out but cannot stay out for long, she gets hot and starts to wander around and so we put her in until the woofering gets too bad and then out she comes again for a bit.

We are having a wonderful holiday and hope you all are as well.


05-24-2009, 06:24 PM
Ah Scott - give Moria a big ole hug from me and mine. Glad you and Vandy are chilling. Happy Memorial Day. K

Squirt's Mom
05-24-2009, 06:40 PM
Hey Scott,

You need to get Moria one of those freezie bandana things. I use one and it helps this old broad so one might help her, too! :p Sounds like you and Vandy are having a great time.

Our holiday has been spent getting Jim and Gary ready to drive to VA in the morning early tomorrow so we have been husslin'! What fit last summer, no longer does. :eek: Plus they have a semi-formal affair to attend so it's been a real tizzy here! :p I am looking forward to tomorrow when it will be just me and the mutts for a bit.

Hope all continues to be cool, lazy and pleasant at your place! Enjoy!

Give Moria, Talos, and the kitties a scratch from me,
Leslie and the girls

05-24-2009, 08:16 PM

Reconstituting.....hmmmm, somehow that brings the word blender to my mind. Oops, sorry, trying to behave but lost control for a second...it's Beth's fault.....yeah, that's it.....she told me not to! :D :D

Grilling, reading and woofering sounds like a great way to spend the holiday. Give big brown some extra scritching from me!

Mr. Munchkin et al here in CA are enjoying our day as well.


05-24-2009, 08:19 PM
Pork ribs, potato salad, and baked lima beans. Not to mention libations:eek:

It has been a very nice afternoon:D

05-24-2009, 08:22 PM
Ohhhhhhh, can I come over to your house and eat leftovers???

You know who

05-24-2009, 08:22 PM

Give big brown some extra scritching from me!

And from me, too!!! :) :D :) :D


05-24-2009, 09:28 PM
And me too!!! It's great to get an update and I just read about one of your comments about Moira on another thread.
Jo-Ann & Lady :)

PS Will have to "reconstitute" Lady's thread very soon.

05-24-2009, 10:21 PM
I'm on my way!

Pork ribs, potato salad, and baked lima beans. Not to mention libations:eek:

It has been a very nice afternoon:D

05-25-2009, 01:26 AM
Boy do I need a libation...

It's good to read about Moria. With all that's gone back and forth in setting up this place, too little of it was focused on your beautiful brown girl. I was copying the thread about all of the supports for dogs having trouble walking and mourning the loss of Moria's thread with all the great information that was there.

I need to check your album and see if all your pictures are back up!

Glad you had a chance to relax,


Roxee's Dad
05-25-2009, 09:40 AM
Ohhh Man, I missed the BBQ party:( Sounds like it was a good day:D

Give Moria some belly rubs:)

05-25-2009, 01:35 PM
Hi Scott,

Happy to hear that you guys had a good day. Hugs to all of you.


05-25-2009, 05:36 PM
Everyone is welcome anytime.

Thanks for the well wishes, they are much appreciated.


05-25-2009, 08:40 PM

It sounds like a perfect day....shall I bring the brownie cheesecake for dessert??? A bit late maybe but always enjoyable...

Hugs to Big Brown from me too! And you ever notice how someone around here always blames me for her bad behavior??? ;) But we know the truth! Like I am a bad influence or something.....sheesh!!!:cool:

Hey Louise, IT'S HAMMER TIME!!!!:D

Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie and Allo too!

06-03-2009, 05:02 PM
The brown is back to being miss fussy about eating. She will eat treats just fine, she scarfs pills in pb but she is disinterested in her meals again.

A few days ago we ran out of ranantidine (generic for tagamet 75mg) and have been subbing famantodine (generic for pepcid 10mg).

I just got off the phone with the Dr. who suggests first switching back to the ranantidine and if the appetiete does not go back to normal in a day or so thereafter to begin a course of antibiotic.

She is eating treats just fine, but is turning her nose up at her regular ration.


Wylie's Mom
06-03-2009, 06:13 PM
GEEZ... is it just my imagination that this is becoming prevelant right now? I regularly use Famotidine for Wylie... but no food strike here, yet. Maybe you could try out some of Debbie's techniques: changing foods, finger feeding, dropping food on the floor. I'm glad she's at least eating her treats & PB covered pills;).


06-03-2009, 06:15 PM
Pallie is doing the same thing right now with her UTI.

06-03-2009, 06:50 PM
Pallie is doing the same thing right now with her UTI.


The most recent time this happened with Moria was also in conjunction with UTI.


06-03-2009, 08:14 PM
Scoobie was always the same way...I guess they just feel so "yucky"with the UTIs that they just don't care to eat. I am sending my very best that Moria pigs it up soon!!!
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

Wylie's Mom
06-04-2009, 04:28 PM
Scott, I thought you giving Moria cranberry pills or something to help prevent UTI's (not that it still couldn't happen anyway)?


06-04-2009, 04:44 PM
Scott, I thought you giving Moria cranberry pills or something to help prevent UTI's (not that it still couldn't happen anyway)?


No not me, I think it is either Steph or Sharon, we have added a daily vitamin C. I am thinking it is my messin with the routine and the change of famantodine rather than ranantidine. She is back on the ranantidine as of today, we will see. I do not think we have an UTI here.


06-04-2009, 08:34 PM
Scott, I thought you giving Moria cranberry pills or something to help prevent UTI's (not that it still couldn't happen anyway)?


I am and I think I posted in Scott's thread about it a while back. They have worked for Haley when nothing else did. Kim

06-04-2009, 08:49 PM
Pallie takes vitamin C and Cranberry. She's so susceptible to UTIs I can't tell if they really work well. She still gets UTIs a lot, but whether they aren't as severe or the frequency is spread out more I really don't know.

06-08-2009, 06:43 PM
Hi all,

Moria is on her first day of cephalexin, she got the first dose this morning and is beginning to eat better.

I hope this works, she is wasting again.

I have found a large part of her earlier posting and Louise has found even more. I intend to put it all here.


06-08-2009, 07:37 PM
Glad to hear Moria is eating better, hope she keeps it up. :D


06-08-2009, 08:00 PM
I'm glad to hear that she's eating better too. Cephalexin can bother Lady's stomach after 5 or 6 days....but just in the morning. She can leave some of her breakfast and eat it after a couple of hours. We're using the liquid human form of Clavamox for her antibiotic now and it's so easy to give her. It doesn't appear to upset her stomach.
It will be great to see Moria's posting here,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)

06-08-2009, 08:06 PM
I've been remiss in not checking in on Moria. Hope the antibiotic does the trick.

Sending a hug to the old girl,


06-17-2009, 01:14 AM
Hi Scott,

I'm sorry to read that Big Brown hasn't been feeling well. Give her some scritchies for me.


Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie

06-17-2009, 01:44 AM
Hi Scott,

Since Moria has been on the antibiotic for over a week, was wondering how she is currently doing? Hope she has continued to improve.


06-17-2009, 07:06 AM

Just read that Moria is not eating well. So sorry to hear that news. I hope the antibiotic did the trick and she is feeling much better. Give her a big smoooooooch from us.


06-17-2009, 11:25 AM

I hope Moria is doing well. Shiloh is also on Cephalexin, 3000 mg. /day to treat a bump on her buttie. The side effects I think I've noticed are: increased appetite, increased panting, increased drinking and not quite feeling herself. I'm glad, she only has two more days of it. On the suggestion of a very good friend I got her some plain, natural yogurt to counterbalance the effects of the Cephalexin on her tummy. She loves the yogurt, maybe she thinks it's ice cream.

We all want to hear a report that Moria is doing pretty dogonne well. BTW, "Big Brown," wasn't that Secretariat's nick name?


Squirt's Mom
06-17-2009, 11:28 AM
Hey Scott,

How is Big Brown doing?

Leslie and the girls

06-17-2009, 03:38 PM
Thanks all,

Well I don't bet on the ponies Ken:D so I am going to have to rely on you there.

Thanks all, after a day or so she began to become interested in food again and after nearly a week she is back to nearly her old habits and eating well. We seem to have an entrenched infection of some sort and the Dr. thinks it is better to treat the symptoms than to try to find and culture the bug, mainly because she thinks a gut scope would be necessary and does not want to subject Moria to that procedure.

She has lost some weight in the process but is beginning to put it back on.


06-17-2009, 04:55 PM
Hi Scott,

Glad:D:D to hear that Moria is eating again and putting some weight on.

Lynne and Angel Lady 7/98-3/09

Squirt's Mom
06-17-2009, 05:26 PM
Hi Scott,

That is good news! :D I don't know that I would want to subject her to a scope, either. UGH! So if the antibiotics seem to help, keep it up!

I hope she continues to eat, gain weight and strength back. The thought of her wasting breaks my heart. :( For her, as well as you and Vandy.

Leslie and the girls

Roxee's Dad
06-17-2009, 06:11 PM
Hi Scott,
So glad to hear Big Brown is eating and gaining weight. Always good to hear good news. :) Hope the infection clears up soon.

06-17-2009, 06:18 PM
yay for good news!

06-17-2009, 08:09 PM
Kenai is on 500 mg bid from his surg yesterday. He was on it before and did well on it, other than having to really hide it well. Glad to hear Moria is eating again. Nike was on one antibiotic, cant remember which one but I believe the same thing happened to her think it upset her stomach even when given with food, she was eating well then just stopped, we took her off her antibiotic and after a day she began eating again. I have the med in my file somewhere, just to lazy to look.
Glad all is looking better.
Sharon, HRH Nike and Kenai

06-17-2009, 08:45 PM
Scott, glad our baby is back to eating and putting on some lbs. Has to be a relief. Hugs Kim

06-17-2009, 10:20 PM
Hi Scott,
I, too, am glad to hear that Moira is eating better and starting to put on weight.
When we used human Cephalexin for Lady, it came with instructions...give one hour before a meal or two hours after. It really worked for her stomach...the Cephie pills could affect her appetite negatively and she was taking them 7 days out of 30 for whatever infection has plagued her off and on for 6 years. I've been using the liquid human form of Clavamox for the last few months. It's easier to give her than the pills.
Take care,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)

06-18-2009, 12:30 AM
I'm so glad to hear she's eating again. It is really difficult when they get into these phases of refusing food.


Carol G
06-18-2009, 04:01 PM
I'm sooooo happy to hear she is eating well again. I know what a relief that is to you. Way to go Moria.

Carol, Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill

06-19-2009, 08:14 PM
:D:D:D great news to hear she is eatting again. Nothing like having a happy pup......I gather the summer is not a good time for them. This is our first summer knowing she is ill so I will be watching the forums on suggestions for the heat. We already purchased an air conditioner for the pets (and humans too :D:D )

Sending puppy hugs your ways,
Heather and Zoe Claire:p

06-19-2009, 09:46 PM

So happy that Big Brown is feeling better and eating!! Nothing like watching a dog eat bc eating means all is right with the world...

maybe that is why I keep gaining weight myself??:p:D

Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

06-24-2009, 08:49 AM

Glad to see Moria is marching on. I just joined this forum.

Bonnie and Angel Criss

06-24-2009, 08:22 PM
I noticed you as a new member Bonnie, and let me welcome you and thank you for the well wishes at the same time.


06-24-2009, 11:45 PM
Hello Scott,

I'm sorry to hear that Moria wasn't feeling well! But, from what I have been reading, it sounds like she is on her way to recovery! Especially, with the plain yogurt that tastes like ice cream??? :p I am still trying to pull that one on my Sophie!

Hugs to all of you from all of us,
Heidi, Marco & Sophie
...and Friskie, Lucky, Cheri and Snicky from Heaven...

Harley PoMMom
07-25-2009, 01:08 PM
Hi Scott,

I see it's been over a month since we had an update on Moria. :D
This last post was from 6/17. :eek:

Thanks all,

Well I don't bet on the ponies Ken:D so I am going to have to rely on you there.

Thanks all, after a day or so she began to become interested in food again and after nearly a week she is back to nearly her old habits and eating well. We seem to have an entrenched infection of some sort and the Dr. thinks it is better to treat the symptoms than to try to find and culture the bug, mainly because she thinks a gut scope would be necessary and does not want to subject Moria to that procedure.

She has lost some weight in the process but is beginning to put it back on.


Hugs from your PA. friends.
Lori and Harley

07-25-2009, 04:32 PM
She has been doing quite well Lori,

Today she does not want to eat, but Vandy has been gone for several days visiting her family in KY and I think the disruption is finally catching up with her.

I do have to take her out once in the middle of the night which Vandy usually does as she is a lighter sleeper than I.

Marching on:)


Harley PoMMom
07-25-2009, 05:09 PM

So glad to hear she has been doing well, and I'm sure when Mom Vandy comes marching back home the feasting will began.

It is alittle odd the quirks our furry friends have, at least my two do, when I get home from work at 3:15pm...rush to let them outside to potty...even though I have puppy pads down, Harley hasn't used them for a while, anyways...I'm rushing to leave them out, bc they really have to go...they peed and pooped, within 5 min both dogs are done potty. Now if I have to be late coming home I get someone else to let my boys out, and my boys NEVER POOP for nobody else but me. What gives? I can come home late, say 6:00pm and whomever had let my boys out will tell me, " The boys peed, but no poop," and the minute I take them outside they are both squatting and doing their thing. :eek::p I always thought I brought the best out of them...guess I was wrong. :D Just thought I'd share that with you. :)


07-26-2009, 07:03 AM
Thanks for the update Scott, I've been thinking about you guys the last couple of weeks.
Lady's appetite is still very good but she can get uncomfortable every couple of days....a PepcidAC seems to help her out. I've cut down on her dry food just a tad and she doesn't seem to miss it.
When people ask how she is, I just tell them she's doing fine and still hanging in....marching on sounds good too.
Jo-Ann & Lady :)

07-26-2009, 01:34 PM
Hi Scott,
Glad you hear your marching on.....seems like we should make a special marching group just for us :) make sure you get those little naps in during the day to make up for the interrupted sleep at night so you and Moria don't get over tired. I find it so amazing how in tune our animals are to us humans:D:D.....with Zoe she seems to have set backs around the time our human lives are becoming roller coasters:eek:. Hang in the and sending puppy hugs to you all.
Heather and Zoe Claire

Wylie's Mom
07-27-2009, 06:20 PM
Hi Scott,

Did Moria start eating again?

my boys NEVER POOP for nobody else but me. What gives?

Lori, they leave their "presents" for the one they love;):p.


07-27-2009, 06:25 PM
Hi Scott,

Did Moria start eating again?


She took a one day hiatus and has gone straight back to eating well. I have no idea what was bugging her.

Vandy arrived home safe and sound but very tired about 3 hours ago. She is not the best long distance driver, she has to stop frequently when she is alone.

So, all is very well in my home this evening and I hope it is well for everyone else as well:)


07-29-2009, 10:59 PM

Glad to hear all is well and safe in your household. Glad to hear that Moria is eating and Vandy is home safe.

Hugs to all of you.
Heidi and the gang

07-30-2009, 12:00 AM
Scott Glad to hear Moria is hungry again and that Vandy's home safe. Zoe's appetite is still a bit off, but she's eating most of the time.

Of course, she's added foil to her diet now :rolleyes:. She got into her Dad's wastebasket by the grill a couple days ago and found some pieces of foil, covered in two week old chicken drippings which had been baking in the 100 degree heat off and on. She had herself a regular old feast. I was getting worried that we might need an x-ray today, but then .....she had some 'shiny' poop this morning. WHEW! I guess it's a good sign when they are up to their old tricks. (The DOGS, that is.) Sue/the Zo

Truffa's Mom
07-30-2009, 05:37 AM
Glad to hear the good news about Moria and the safe return of Vandy to home.

Let's hope Zoe doesn't write back to Moria about the hidden foil treasures under the BBQ..... those puppies with gray muzzle always tricked their masters:p

Barney's Mom
07-31-2009, 11:28 AM
Good news Scott!
It is a nice feeling when all is well in the house :D

Squirt's Mom
07-31-2009, 11:49 AM
Hi Scott,

Been remiss in not telling you how glad I am that Brown is eating again and that it seems to have been just a bad day for her, AND that I am happy Vandy made it home safe and sound.

Leslie and the girls

07-31-2009, 08:02 PM

07-31-2009, 09:13 PM
Scott, WATCH OUT!!! Steph has developed a cat poop fascination and I am not quite sure now if she is referring to Moria or the poop...:eek::rolleyes::eek:

But in seriousness, I am very glad she is back on track!!!:D:D:D

And Vandy too of course getting back safely!!!:D:D:D

Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

07-31-2009, 09:22 PM
Hahahahahahahaha! I think Beth is trying to ruin my reputation.
It's Bailey with the poop fetish!! hahahahaha! (sorry for the hijack)

07-31-2009, 09:26 PM
Puleeze, don't even get me started on the poop stories:eek:

Suffice it to say that she comes by the brown color honestly:D

07-31-2009, 09:33 PM
OK, and who sent me three cat poop pics just now???

Of course, she does, Moria is pure-hearted!!!!

I hope Louise doesn't see this...:cool:

Beth and her non-poop eating doggie

07-31-2009, 09:46 PM
OK, and who sent me three cat poop pics just now???

Of course, she does, Moria is pure-hearted!!!!

I hope Louise doesn't see this...:cool:

Beth and her non-poop eating doggie

ok now....I know I get blender bashed - but how did my "pure" name get involved with poop??


07-31-2009, 09:48 PM
Pure????? You must be confused and thinking about me!

Because Louise you have a rep....plus, you told me first about the cat poop delicacies...

Sorry Scott!!!


07-31-2009, 09:55 PM
Pure????? You must be confused and thinking about me!

Because Louise you have a rep....plus, you told me first about the cat poop delicacies...

Sorry Scott!!!


I protest!

07-31-2009, 10:02 PM
I'm free!
(sorry Scott!)

Truffa's Mom
08-01-2009, 04:50 PM
OK, So to avoid to be mixed in this new fetish "thing" and puree concept (poor Louise, but I agree, now you are on THAT wall of fame with your blender as your "Oscar" Trophy :p...although it seems that Steph is making a good marketing campaign to win the prize, or so the reporter Beth says),

I am sending humongous
to our

PS: Scott please forgive me too for the hijacking

10-30-2009, 06:10 PM
An update.

The 'Brown' has been amazing.

She gets up in the morning, wags her tail and asks for pills.

Lately she is refusing to go down stairs, she insists on being carried but she does try to go up and most of the time makes the three steps. When she is outside she sniffs and looks around for people and when she sees them she runs as best she can toward them. More of a hop than a run, but the intent is clear.

She is not waking us as much as a few months ago, she is sleeping deeply and waking slowly. I pray that she will be taken in her sleep, dreaming of her youth. I know she dreams as I see her movements and vocalizations. And I am certain that her dreams are pleasant to her.

We have just started another antibiotic treament as we saw signs of UTI and the sample we ferried to the Dr. today confirmed it; she is prescribed Clavamox.

All in all, it is well. We love her much and are watching for signs that she is ready to leave. We have both released her, she is doing this on her own.

She's stayin! At least for the time being.


10-30-2009, 06:27 PM
Oh Scott, what a beautiful update on Moria. I'm all teary eyed now. How old is Moria now?

10-30-2009, 06:45 PM
Oh Scott, what a beautiful update on Moria. I'm all teary eyed now. How old is Moria now?

Way too old Glynda,

She will be sixteen years old in March of 2010.

She is our heart.

Scott and Vandy.

10-30-2009, 07:23 PM
Moria is amazing and I am sure her longevity is due to all the tender loving care she gets from mom and dad. I am looking forward to wishing her a happy sweet sixteenth birthday in March. Until then, make sure you keep us posted on her progress.

Harley PoMMom
10-30-2009, 08:19 PM
Oh Scott,

I, too, am sitting here all teary eyed reading your beautiful update about Moria. Soon to be sixteen years old... she's an inspiration to all of us. And I agree with Glynda, that's a testament to the deep love, complete devotion, and exceptional care Moria is being given by you and Vandy. Moria sure is a amazing girl and I am also looking forward to celebrating her sixteenth birthday in March.

Love and hugs.

10-30-2009, 08:40 PM
Hi Scott,

Thank you for the update on "Big Brown." Sounds to me like she is doing well and still finding lots of joy in life. It's a testament to the phenominal care you and Vandy have taken of her. Something tells me she's going to stick around as long as she possibly can.


Roxee's Dad
10-30-2009, 08:40 PM
Hey Scott,
Boy, what can we say about our senior pups? I watch Mickee dream and I am sure he is chasing someting as his legs are going and it makes me happy. Rozee barks in her sleep and I know she is happy. Because they are seniors, we learn all the more to appreciate every day with them and make sure they know we love and appreciate them.

They don't ask for much but I always try to give them all a little special attention all their own. Okay, well maybe Rozee does ask, she stamps her paws and talks when she wants me on the floor to play with her. :)

I'm sure you are giving Big Brown all the special attention she can handle, but give her just a little more and tell her it's from us. :)

10-31-2009, 07:18 AM

Please give Moria an extra hug from us. Wow, 16 years! That is truly amazing.


10-31-2009, 07:30 AM
Oh Scott. What a gift she is. I know she is priceless to you, and we are all the richer for also being allowed to share in her life. It seems as though she still has lessons to teach, and that her mission is not quite finished. Please give her a special hug for me, and whisper "GOOD DOG!" in her ear. For what an exceptionally good girl she truly is...


Squirt's Mom
10-31-2009, 11:10 AM
Dear Scott,

My heart just soars and aches to read about Moria in your post. She is such a trooper! Moria is an inspiration to so many, as are her mom and dad; it is a gift that we are able to share in her life here.

Take that big ole brown head in your hands and give her a kiss right between the eyes from me - then grab Vanny and ya'll give each other a big hug from me.

Hugs and blessings to all,
Leslie and the girls

10-31-2009, 10:19 PM
Hi Scott,
Glad to hear that the "Brown" is still marching on. I know you're treasuring these moments with her...

11-02-2009, 08:12 PM

So happy to hear your update! It is amazing, isn't it, how their will and strength seem to surpass even the toughest of us humans....what a lesson in determination...:)

I am sending the very best wishes for many more happy days for you all...

Love and hugs, Beth

11-02-2009, 10:19 PM
Oh Scott... the tears are flowing as I read about your baby girl. So glad she is doing so well. My baby will be 16 December 15th and she too has been taking long naps and I feel exactly the same as you.

Tonight when I came home from work the boy who lets her out made a mistake and instead of putting her back into the bathroom he put UP the gate but left Haley out... and she had a poop accident... not much but she steps in it as she can't see well. So it was everywhere.

I am wondering if he really let her out. She had to go potty so bad when I got home. She also cannot go down stairs by herself and she always waits for me to carry / guide her. Except this time she had to go and just ran down the steps (only 2 of them) and she bounced down 2 steps and landed hard on the pavers and let out a yelp.

My heart just bled for her. She got up and limped. All I could do was hug her. She is fine now and I am sure has no memory of it... but I sure do.

So we just have to take each day and love them with all we have. Give Moria a big old hug for me. And one from Haley too. Kim

11-03-2009, 05:35 PM
They are what they are.

As has been pointed out, it is widely held that they do not think forward like the rest of us.

I am not sure about that, I think they are not near as obsessive as us, and I think they are largely oblivious to the ravages of time on their phyiscal being, but I do believe they understand who they are at any given period of time.

Right now, I think this one is still happy to be with us, her family.

We will keep her as long as she is happier than not.

Thanks to you all.

Scott, Vandy, Moria, and the others

11-03-2009, 07:00 PM
I thought I had replied to you but I must have just thought how wonderful that Moria is still doing so well and that you are treasuring every day with her.

11-03-2009, 09:15 PM

I think Haley forgot about her episode with the stairs about 5 seconds after it happened. I'm sure glad she didn't get hurt. Similar things have happened to Shiloh several times as she thinks she can do more than she can. She's done a few "face plants" when her front legs just wouldn't support her.

Scott, I would love to be inside Shiloh's head for 5 minutes to see how she views things, thinks, etc. I'll say this, I believe they are far more advanced than most people think. I admire the way they go with the flow and live in the moment, virtually no worries.

I was just thinking, Moria and Haley are two of the most senior dogs on the board with Shiloh close behind. I am so thankful I had Shiloh as a wild, pretty crazy young dog, as a cool, totally under control adult dog for so many years and now in her mellow senior years. Pretty darn good deal.


11-03-2009, 09:46 PM
Scott, I like the philosophy you are taking about so long as she is happier than not. She's a lucky dog obviously surrounded by love. Let us know when the 16th birthday party is and we will surely bring some treats!

Ken, thanks for the encouragement - no doubt you are right that Haley has forgotten the fall. The thud and the yelp hit me at the core.

It is great to have a place to discuss our geriatric challenges. :D (I'm talking dogs not us of course) It is also great to have proven that cushings dogs can lead normal, happy lives with treatment. I think cushings made me more aware and that Haley has actually lived longer as a result.

01-29-2010, 06:28 PM
Moria update.

She is doing very well.

Sometimes she demands out in the middle of the night and sometimes she does not. We much prefer the 'not' evenings.:D

She has put on weight, she looks good.

She still pants a lot, but she is an elder:D

This afternoon I took her out and she insisted on chasing Vandy's girls who are working in the greenhouses. It was a hopping sort of thing, but Moria insisted on seeing the girls.

And she eats DS snacks everytime she can:(

She is our pup and she is doing well.


01-29-2010, 06:40 PM
So glad to hear your Moria is doing so well.
Virginia and Angel Maggie

Roxee's Dad
01-29-2010, 06:44 PM
Nice to hear Big Brown is doing pretty well. :D:D:D "Chasing the Girls" That's our boy ooops :o! ;):):D

But glad SHE is doing well. :)

01-29-2010, 06:55 PM
I'm so glad that Moria is doing well. It's great that she still wants to play with the girls.

01-29-2010, 09:20 PM
Such a good report on Moria. Warms my heart, Scott. Sue

01-29-2010, 09:21 PM
Yeah, very cool Scott. Great that she still has a little pup in her. You are doing something right!!!! Keep it up. Thanks for the update. Kim

Carol G
01-29-2010, 11:24 PM
Sue, is right. It is just heartwarming to hear that Moria is doing so well. Definitely brightened my day.

Carol & Atty Cat

01-29-2010, 11:44 PM
Reading your update is such a sweet way to end my day -- it sounds as though Moira remains a force to be reckoned with...:D

Please pass along some pats from me to the great Brown Beast, ;)

01-30-2010, 07:27 AM
Hi Scott,

It's wonderful to hear that your girl is doing so well. Give her a big hug from me.


01-30-2010, 08:06 AM
Hi Scott,
What a great update! Hugs from me too!!
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)

01-30-2010, 03:55 PM

I just love these good updates about Moria.


Harley PoMMom
01-30-2010, 04:56 PM

I just love these good updates about Moria.


Me too! ;):D

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
01-30-2010, 05:05 PM
Hi Scott,

So good to hear that Moria is still doing well! Like the others, it warms my heart!

Leslie and the girls - always

Casey's Mom
01-31-2010, 12:41 AM
Glad to hear Moira is well and still has the spunk in her. I love to see the good reports - makes us all feel good!

Love and hugs,

01-31-2010, 04:38 AM
Hi Scott,

So glad to hear Moria is still doing so well. Big ((hugs)) to the beauty,

Jane and Franklin xx
Zoloft settlement update (http://www.classactionsettlements.org/lawsuit/zoloft/)

01-31-2010, 03:03 PM

I'm happy to read Moria's great update. Two thumbs up for Big Brown (and lots of cyber hugs too!)


01-31-2010, 03:17 PM
Hi Scott,

So happy:):) to read that Moria is doing well. Hugs to all of you.

02-01-2010, 05:40 PM
Thanks very much to you all.

She is crazy.

She is very old, but is just hanging in there.

She cannot get up on the slick floor unless she is wearing the boots, which she detests.

So, we only impose them upon her when she is particuarly weak.

Tonight, she is well. And so for us is the world also.


02-02-2010, 09:13 AM
Scott -

Glad to know things are well. :)

Lynne, Clyde & Bailey

Barney's Mom
02-03-2010, 01:23 PM
Reading your update is such a sweet way to end my day -- it sounds as though Moira remains a force to be reckoned with...:D

Please pass along some pats from me to the great Brown Beast, ;)

What she said. :D
Glad to hear that Moria is doing so well, and that your hearts are happy.

02-04-2010, 11:30 PM
Hello Scott,

I hope you and Vandy are doing well. I am glad to hear that Moria is doing well. I will keep you all in my prayers that she continues in that direction. Give her a big hug from all of us.

Heidi, Marco, Sophie and our newest little imp Sasha

04-06-2010, 07:51 PM
Moria quit eating well this weekend, she continued to drink.

For the last two days she has not been able to stand and when helped up walks a step or two and collapses.

She is not able to control her bowel.

This afternoon, lying in the grass on a warm sunny day our Dr. released her from this world.

Vandy and I have just committed her to the earth.


04-06-2010, 08:06 PM

I was reading my email when up came this post...and I literally have a huge sob stuck in my throat right now so I don't know that I will be much comfort. But I could not not come here...I am so completely sorry...so completely sad to hear this...and I know you made the only decision you could, and we all know how lucky Moria was as lucky to have you and Vandy and you were her...I'm just in a bit of shock so I can't even think but I wanted to come and let you know, my heart just broke and I am here....and so very sorry....and am off to light a candle for Big Brown...

Love and hugs and peace to you and Vandy....and sweet peace, to sweet Moria...I never would have made it through my own journey without the three of you....Beth

04-06-2010, 08:10 PM
Oh Scott, I have no words to help you through this time. I wish I did. I'm so sorry to hear Moria has crossed the bridge. You joined the forum just shortly (like within days) after Pallie and I did. You and Moria went through the same thing Pallie and I were at that time, we compared notes, we traded treatment options, we were of the few Atypicals back then 3 years ago. Moria helped inspire me when Pallie was so sick. She was a tough, strong fighter. And you, Scott, are one of the strongest, toughest people I've gotten to know. You and her (and Vandy) have been through so much and Moria has always been at your side. She's always be with you. Godspeed, Dogspeed sweet Big Brown. I will never ever forget you.

With Love and hugs,
Steph, Angel Pallie, Apollo, and moonwalking Gypsy

Sabre's Mum
04-06-2010, 09:02 PM
Ohhhh Scott!! I was just checking in and saw the title of your thread. I am totally lost for words! My thoughts are with both you and Vandy.

Take care
Angela and Flynn

Casey's Mom
04-06-2010, 09:09 PM
Scott, I saw your title and the tears came.

You have been such a great help to me and to Casey, more than you know. I have followed Moria's story and marveled at her great age and all that you have done for her to keep her happy and comfortable. You are an inspiration to all of us on this forum.

In the end you gave her such a peaceful, loving transition - my thoughts are with you and your family and my tears are for you.

Love and many hugs,

04-06-2010, 09:55 PM
Scott....you guys have been on my mind for the last few weeks but especially yesterday. Moira was the last of the group that I identified with as we joined the old Cushings forum around the same time.
I love the image of her lying in the warm sun.....and I know Big Brown is running free with all of the others that have gone ahead of her.
But I'm sure going to miss you Moira.
(((Hugs))) for you and Vandy,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel

04-06-2010, 10:02 PM

It is with such a heavy heart that I read your news tonight and I am so very sorry. Just like the others who have replied here, I can't even begin to find the right words. Moria was a grand ole gal and so fortunate to have had you guys to love for so long.

Lots of new friends were there to greet her at the Bridge. I can promise you she will just love the one with the big stick in her mouth!

Keeping you and Moria in prayers -


04-06-2010, 10:07 PM
There have been many dogs pass through this site and some only fleeting that we never really got to know but Moria was like one of the family. Releasing her was your final gift and shows how much love and respect you had for her.
Godspeed Moria.

04-06-2010, 10:23 PM
Scott, Its like losing a sister. Moria became a part of our lives and she will be missed by us all. We got ourselves one Big Brown Angel now looking down upon us. Rest in Peace dear Moria. Scott and Vandy there are so many memories to cherish and may they sustain you as you grieve this huge loss. Big hugs from Kim and the girls

04-06-2010, 10:30 PM
Scott, I am so, so sorry for your loss. You have had to deal with so much lately and my heart hurts for both you and Vandy more than you realize. Like others, my heart sank when I saw your post and I mourn for Moria and all the others that have passed recently. She was an icon and is in good company with other k9c icons at the bridge.

The "Nose"" as I affectionately called her had an incredible run here on this earth, thanks to your and Vandy's love and nurturiing. You two are awesome parents and Moria was so lucky to have been able to share her long life with you.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Godspeed, sweet Moria. We shall miss you.


04-06-2010, 10:46 PM
Words can't truly say how sorry I am. Know that her spirit lives on in the many pups you have helped with your advice.
I'll be lighting the candle on the hearth and saying a prayer for you and Vandy.

04-06-2010, 11:16 PM
Dearest Scott and Vandy,

My heart is so heavy. Her loss is so great. I have sorrow and tears, but can not find proper words to comfort you.

Moria, like Zoe, was not only a pioneer but an icon here. You and Moria paved the way for so many Atypicals. She was so lucky to have such wonderful and caring parents, and we are all so lucky that you have shared her life with us. You may have committed her to the earth and a stone may mark her resting place, but it is upon our hearts that her life is forever engraved.

Godspeed Moria. You have so many friends that have gone before you.
Find my little Sachi and she will give you the best nose nookies ever!

Love & Hugs,
~Mary Ann

04-07-2010, 02:55 AM

So sorry and sad to hear about Moria, she was an inspiration to all.
My thoughts are with you and Vandy.

Linda and Spicey

04-07-2010, 06:21 AM
Scott and Vandy,

My thoughts and prayers are with you both. I know Moria touched your lives and you both her's. Well she has touched so many here and she will truly be missed.

I am so very sorry for her passing but am relieved she is no longer in pain.

My continued (((((((hugs)))))
Terry (S.T.)

04-07-2010, 07:13 AM

I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Moria. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Vandy. My deepest sympathy.

04-07-2010, 07:32 AM
Scott - I am so so sorry about your loss.

04-07-2010, 08:15 AM

I'm so very sorry for your loss. Moria had a wonderful, long, full life, surrounded by those who loved her. She is now the sleek and strong girl of yesteryear, running, jumping, and playing with all of the Cush babies that have gone on before.

You did the very best for her, right up til the last breath.

Bonnie and Angel Crissy

04-07-2010, 08:30 AM
Dear Scott -- I always check the site before I start my work day and tears started to flow as soon as I saw your updated title ... Moria and Maggie and Pallie started on the atypical road at the same time and comparing notes helped so much as we all tried to figure out the best treatment plan for each of our loved ones. Now they are all at peace and looking down at us ---

Perhaps they are not stars in the sky but rather openings where your special pet shines down on you to let you know they are happy. (Author unknown.)

You and Vandy provided Moria with the best life possible -- please take care of yourselves as you navigate the days ahead.

04-07-2010, 09:06 AM
My heart dropped when I saw your thread,, Scott. I can hardly write for the tears. After Zoe left, I felt like Moria was the one who was carrying the torch for the bigger pups here and she, too, seemed invincible - especially given her age and size. I thought of her virtually every day and marvelled at her strength and tenacity. Having to say good-bye to her, so close on the heels of my Zo, makes it all the more painful for me. Words seem so inadequate. I know you and Vandy are heartbroken. Sending big hugs to you both. Sue

04-07-2010, 09:54 AM
Dear Scott,

I tried to write many times last night, but I could not. I couldn't think where to begin or how to end.

I'm just now back from walking my Big Black. Your (our) Big Brown was on my mind the whole way. I let Peg take the lead, as I'm certain Moria would have done. To see the sights, and smell the smells, and roll in the cool grass. Actually, the first thing out of the car, Peg found an especially nasty pile of goose poop to roll in. All I could think was "definition of life well lived for a Lab..."

But on her walk yesterday, Moria really took the lead and went far ahead of the rest of us. We will each follow, but only in our own time. Until then, all we can do is hug our pups to our hearts and wish they would stay with us forever. The time goes by so fast. It is hard to bear.

Scott, you and Vandy loved Moria well and truly. You did everything right with her. And when the time comes and you've learned all the lessons you were meant to learn in this part of the universe, you'll follow her lead and catch up to her. You'll always know her, and she'll always know you. Because she'll always be your puppy.

I am so sorry for this lonely morning and this sad day, my friend.

With many (((hugs))) to you and Vandy both,

Squirt's Mom
04-07-2010, 10:16 AM
Dear, dear Scott,

Tears blind me, my heart is aching for you and Vandy. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am. Please know you both are on my mind, in my heart, and in my prayers.

Moria waits with all our other babies for the day when we are reunited - whole and strong once again, together forever.

Our deepest sympathies and heart-felt love,
Leslie, Squirt, Crystal, and our angel, Ruby

04-07-2010, 10:28 AM

I am so sorry for your loss. May you always have wonderful memories to cherish. It sounds like a beautiful release, though I know it was very painful for those left behind.

My thoughts are with you.

Bettina & Angel Niko

04-07-2010, 10:53 AM

Woke up this morning thinking of this first full day for you and Vandy...there are no words I can offer you...but please know I am thinking of you both and sending you both my biggest hugs...


04-07-2010, 11:17 AM

I am so sorry to hear about Moria. You have my deepest sympathy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Moria is now able to run and enjoy things once more. Godspeed, Moria.

04-07-2010, 11:39 AM

I'm so very sorry for your loss of Moria. You were such a huge comfort to me when I was going through my own hell. My thoughts are with you and your family today...


Carol G
04-07-2010, 01:06 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.


04-07-2010, 03:37 PM
I am so sorry that Moria has passed away.
Elly & Augie

04-07-2010, 04:02 PM
very sorry 2 hear this news

Wally P's Mom
04-07-2010, 04:15 PM
Scott and Vandy:

Please accept our deepest sympathy on the passing of Moria. You and Big Brown were here as Wally and I had begun our journey. Your posts and words of advice made it seem like that we were not alone. Please remember that you and Vandy are not alone at this time as we (all of us on the forum and myself) are mourning the passing of Moria with you.

You have are prayers. God bless you and Vandy and of course Moria.


Harley PoMMom
04-07-2010, 04:46 PM
Dear Scott and Vandy,

I am so sorry to read about the loss of your beloved Moria. Like many have said, Moria truly was an inspiration to us all and will be remembered always.

You and Vandy were deeply devoted and loved Moria very much, which is why she lived to the elder age of 16. This deep love and devotion is also the reason we have to let our furbabies go. The decision is not an easy one but it is one made from the heart.

I know you both are hurting terribly and my heart goes out to you and Vandy, and I wish I could find the right words to comfort you both...but unfortunately only time does that. We are here for you...always. Keeping you and Vandy in my thoughts and prayers.

Godspeed sweet Moria.

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

Roxee's Dad
04-07-2010, 05:00 PM
Dear Scott & Vandy,

My heart hurts for you, and my eyes cry for you. I am so sorry for you loss and the heartache that it brings you.

I am thankful that she was released on a nice sunny day laying in the cool grass of her home that she loved so much.

04-07-2010, 05:23 PM
Dear Scott,
So saddened to learn of your precious Moria. May the wonderful, sweet, loving memories help you get through the rough times, even though I know Moria was the one who helped you get through your tough times. UGH :( UGH :(. My thoughts and prayers are with you both....tight hugs too. xo Jeanette and licks from Princess

04-07-2010, 05:47 PM
Scott and Vandy; I am heartbroken to hear of Morias passing. They have such a presence in our life and leave such a void when it is gone. I am so sorry. Scott you were there for me when Nike died and just know if there is anything I can do for you now please just ask.

04-08-2010, 07:58 AM
Thinking of you all this morning, and hoping that Moria and Barkis are having a fine walk together today.

Take care, my friend.

04-08-2010, 08:53 AM
Likewise, Scott. And I'll bet that Zo is with them and trying to engage them in a game of chase. I can see it all now - so clearly. Sue

04-08-2010, 08:58 AM
Oh Sue, I'll bet you're right! There they'll be -- Big Brown, Big Black, and Big Yellow all together. What a perfect sight...:o :o ;)


04-08-2010, 10:15 AM
And a little bossy one jumping at their snouts and trying to keep up....and doing a very good job I might add!! :)

Squirt's Mom
04-08-2010, 10:18 AM
Just thinking of you and Vandy this morning. I know how difficult that first day is and just wanted ya'll to know you aren't alone. You are being held in the arms and hearts of so many here who understand, who care about you, and who continue to walk beside you both on this journey.

Many hugs,
Leslie and the girls - always

04-08-2010, 05:17 PM
All of your kind words and expressions mean more to me than I can say. Thank you all.

You may have committed her to the earth and a stone may mark her resting place, but it is upon our hearts that her life is forever engraved.

Godspeed Moria. You have so many friends that have gone before you.
Find my little Sachi and she will give you the best nose nookies ever!

Love & Hugs,
~Mary Ann

And Mary Ann is very right. Moria's spirit was not ours to commit and her memory is being treasured and guarded by many. What we gave back to the earth was her poor spent body. I also believe she is free like all of the little ones who have gone before.


04-08-2010, 10:55 PM

Please accept my very deepest condolences on Moria. We know she is now in God's Kingdom with all of her best friends and she's right in her prime. At some point I think she's going to send you a clear sign to let you know, for sure, that she's in a really good place. I hope you and Vandy are doing OK. Moria lived a life that 99% of the dogs on this planet can only dream about. Take care my friend.


04-08-2010, 11:44 PM
I am so very sorry for you loss. She had the best this world could offer in you.

04-11-2010, 09:16 AM
I am so very sorry for the loss of Moria. She will be missed. You and Vandy are in my thoughts and prayers.
With love, Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
BUY MARIJUANA SEEDS (http://marijuanaseeds.org/)

04-12-2010, 10:08 AM
Scott -

I have been off the board, and just read about Moria. I wish I could say the right things, like everyone wishes. Please know that I am so very sorry and I hope that you know I am sending you all my hugs and sympathies.

Lynne, Clyde & Bailey

Wylie's Mom
04-20-2010, 07:04 PM
Dear Scott,

As you know, I've been away too. I'm so terribly sorry to hear of Moria's passing. You and Vandy did so well by her...it's an inspiration to us all. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Godspeed, Big Brown...
