View Full Version : 8 year old beagle - please help

04-04-2013, 08:06 PM
hi to everyone from costa rica
my 8 year old beagle was diagnostized with cushing since august 2012
i started treating him with ketakonazol because over here it is the only drug available for such disease.
Unfortunately it isn't working i tried to get the vetoryl in the us thrue online pharma site but without an US prescription nobody wanted to sell it to me . i finally got my mother to send it to me from Switzerland but without the ACTH hormone i can not initiate the treatment.
My dog's health has drop since 3 weeks, now he doesn't event want to go out his skin is presenting calcium deposits with infections.
Now he event has an eye which is getting infected i am afraid he may loose his sight.

To be able to buy the medecin i need urgently a vet from the US whom can make me a prescription for Vetoryl 30mg and the most important is SYNACHTEN this one i can't event find it to buy online

I have enough for a month of treatment but i really need to find a way to get a prescription to enable me to continue with it.

Can anyone Help me in this matter?

I have been fighting with this for almost a year but i got to a point where i feel i am not going to be able to keep up with it longer.

Sorry for sounding a little negative but i imagine that you can understand the situation being far away from the proper medicine.

04-05-2013, 06:47 AM
Hi and welcome to our site.

I have approved your membership so your posts will appear immediately.

I am sorry for the very tough situation you and your dog are in just now. None of us are vets here nor can we send these types of medicines across borders -- but I am trying to find if there are any specialist in your country through this organization - http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=182. Nothing comes up for me but it may be a good idea to make contact with them.

In the meantime are you looking into giving any type of medicine for the infections you mentioned - I would check this out as quickly as you can.

Keep us posted

Squirt's Mom
04-05-2013, 07:52 AM
Hi Patrick,

What an awful situation to be in. :( I don't know how things work down there but have you looked into Lysodren (Mitotane)? It is an older drug than Trilostane (Vetoryl) and has been used in humans for a long time so I wonder if it might not be available down there? If the Lyso isn't available either, then how about a holistic vet that uses herbs as in Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, etc? Or for that matter, an herbalist / native healer? When your conventional avenues are limited, don't hesitate to look outside the box. ;) Is it possible that the vet who diagnosed him could find a vet in the US or EU to work with in securing treatment for him - as in have a vet here send the med sent directly to them and not you? Have you tried to get the Trilostane from EU? I don't know that it would be any easier than getting it from the US but it would be worth a shot. Also, have you talked with the manufacturer, Dechra, to see if they have any programs or avenues to access the Vetoryl? Here is a phone # for them - 913-327-0015.

The calcium deposits are likey Calcinosis Cutis - almost 100% diagnostic of Cushing's. There are some things you might be able to get for that but without treatment for the Cushing's I'm not sure how much benefit they will provide. DSMO is often used and here is some info on it -

DSMO info








And a TMC (Traditional Chinese Medicine) cream one of our members is using on her baby with positive results -


Hopefully others will be along soon with suggestions, too. Hang in there and keep talking to us. We will be with you all the way, Patrick.

Leslie and the gang

04-05-2013, 08:09 AM
I think Leslie's suggestion that you contact Dechra directly is a great idea. In addition to the phone number she gave you, here's a link to their office here in the U.S. that also provides a means for you to email them if that is the better way for you to reach them:


We'll keep trying to think of other options that might help you.


molly muffin
04-05-2013, 07:49 PM
Hello and welcome from me too. I'm still looking for a Vet IMS in Costa Rica and I am sure that there must be someone there. In the meantime I can't say enough how much I agree that you need to get the infections looked at immediately.
My first recommendation is going to be for you for you to contact, the Veterinary School in Costa Rica. This is their website and it appears to be current. http://www.una.ac.cr/medvet/
Where there is a school, there are graduates!
I don't read spanish but it should tell you how to contact them, if you need a referral, if they list vet specialist.

Okay they have a small animal hospital. Here is the link, with hours and phone number to call:


Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres
Correo electrónico Imprimir PDF

En el HEMS se labora de lunes a domingo los 365 días del año, incluyendo feriados.

Horario de consulta general: de lunes a viernes de 10 a.m a 6 p.m (Jornada continua)
Horario de emergencia: las 24 horas. De lunes a viernes fuera de horario de consulta general. Sábado, domingo y feriados SOLO SE ATIENDEN EMERGENCIAS.
Horario de visita: miércoles y viernes: de 5 p.m a 7 p.m. y domingo de 12 m.d a 2 p.m.
Para consultas sobre pacientes: a partir de las 2 p.m.
Teléfonos: 2260-9234 / 2261-4013
Fax: 2261-1775

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
04-05-2013, 08:45 PM
:)Hi Patrick,
I just joined the forum last month. You have certainly come to right place. The members here have ways of performing miracles. They will try their hardest to help. I feel really ashamed of myself after reading your post. I have been stressing about vets and expenses, while drugs and medical care for my little Buddy are abundant. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your precious little Beagle. I'm sorry that I can't be of more help:(

Kathy and Buddy:)

04-05-2013, 11:08 PM

I can't imagine how frustrated and worried you must be but you definitely have come to the right place!!!

Good luck!

04-08-2013, 11:53 AM
My heart goes out to you and what you are going through. I'm pretty new also, but these people are wonderful at helping others with all sorts of issues. Try to hang in there.

Dodie & Molly