View Full Version : Alternative treatment options

04-03-2013, 07:26 AM
My 14 bichon has cushings and can't tolerate meds--stops eating and becomes totally lethargic. Looking to manage his symptoms to make his days as comfortable as possible biggest concern issue is constant drinking of water. Does anyone know about alternative meds anything homeopathic . Much thanks

04-03-2013, 07:51 AM
Welcome to you and your dog, and we are sorry you are having a rough time of things. Before moving onward, it will help us a lot if you will tell us more about your dog's medical history. What testing was done to confirm Cushing's, and which conventional medication has he been taking? How much does he weigh, and what has been his dosing level? Also, have any monitoring ACTH tests been performed since he started taking the medication?

Sorry for so many initial questions, but often we have found that dogs are able to tolerate the conventional meds just fine once they are placed on a dose that is appropriate for them.

Thanks in advance for any info you care to share.

04-03-2013, 08:32 AM
Hi and Welcome,

Marianne has such a good point. In my Zoe's case, we struggled with what we were told was "colitis". It took me almost a year to control it beofre treating her Cushings. I then started Zoe on a very low dose of Vetoryl for her Cushings and BOOM! the colitis flared. After 3 weeks, her colitis was again back under control and I was able to increase her dose of Vetoryl. Had she started on a higher dose, I would have had big problems.

Could you possibly give us more information?

I am really glad you found us.

04-03-2013, 09:18 PM
yes of course here's his medical history. Mikey starting drinking a lot (i starting drinking wine a lot at the same time LOL). was tested for diabetes, negative, and then the all day cushings which came back positive. had ultra sound to rule out tumor. Started on 30 mg Vetoryl (he's about 18 lbs). water consumption went down!!! but so did his eating. 1 month later repeated 4 hour test, levels still high so increased dose to 40 mg a day (4 10 mg) at this point he stopped eating totally. He had lost about 2 lbs at this point so I stopped meds completely and got him eating again--he uncharacteristically fussy but at least he's getting some nutrition. it's been about 2 months and he starting drinking a lot again past few weeks so tried 30 mg again of Vetoryl and he totally stopped eating and was extremely lethargic. So no more meds. He's 14. My job is to help him with insatiable drinking and keep him happy and healthy as possible. That is the reason looking for alternative to meds.

04-03-2013, 09:32 PM
You could try taking him to a holistic or homeopathic vet they may be able to help you

molly muffin
04-03-2013, 10:37 PM
Do you know if Mikey's thyroid was tested? Kidneys? Pancrease? and do you happen to have copies of the ACTH test that were done prior to starting and then during the treatment of vetoryl?

First I'd say that probably starting at 20 mg, would have been a more appropriate place to begin rather than 30mg. The common dosage recommendation now is 1mg/1lb. I know you said that the cortisol didn't go down, but if the symptoms are controlled even with the cortisol say around 9 then that is okay. We do have some who keep it higher for other reason with controlled symptoms (like arthritis, etc). So there are definitely options if cushings was the cause of any high ACTH test to begin with, however, those other items I mentioned need to be ruled out also. Even if you are looking at only making him more comfortable, you need to be sure of the root cause as that is what you'd be addressing. Does that make sense?

So, it's important to know the answer to those questions to know where to go next.

Those 10mg pills, would be better to give maybe twice a day, once in the morning, once at night, with food, to see if that would be tolerable to his tummy. It might be a light enough dosage to help control the symptoms and not upset his tummy.

These are just my thoughts of the top of my head. We don't really have a holistic method that has been proven to lower cortisol. A light dose of the vetoryl though might work if he can tolerate it.

We have one member who is treating naturally, but not sure if her method would work or not. Every dog is different and what is wrong and what they need is different too. Her thread is here: http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4702

If it were me I'd probably try the lower dosage first if the things I mentioned have been ruled out as that will offer the best control of symptoms. That is my opinion of course.

hugs (I'll share a glass of wine with you :) )
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

molly muffin
04-21-2013, 10:56 AM
Hi, I just wanted to check in on you and Mikey. Did you find something that would work with him?

Hope all is well.

Let us know when you get a chance.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
04-21-2013, 01:09 PM
Just wanted to pop in and say hello and welcome to you and Mikey:D

I am so glad that you found us. Our arsenal of angels are very knowledgeable and will do everything in their power to help you. Be ready to answer tons of questions! It looks like some of our angels have already started to work their magic! Keep talking to us, There are angels on duty 24/7:)

Kathy and Buddy :D

04-23-2013, 06:24 AM
I had to laugh: "arsenal of angels"----sounds scary....LOL....