View Full Version : Steroid related Cushing's in Boxer dog

04-02-2013, 01:47 PM
Hello all
First...apologies as this will be long
Glad to have found this group. Have so many questions :(
My boy (Reuben) is almost 7 and has Cushings from taking Prednisolone
He has had numerous health problems starting with a low grade tumour 3 years ago. He had tumour removed and seemed to make a full recovery. Not long after he started to lose his fur and vet thought it could be alopecia and as he was scratching like crazy they put him on a low dose steroid. His fur never grew back so they did numerous tests for Cushings and also Thyroid. Everything came back negative so seasonal alopecia was the only answer they had. This time last year he was really poorly with vestibular disease. He was put on Vivitonin and they also increased his steroid dose.
Last July I was told by the vet that quality rather than quantity of time was all I could hope for.
Where they had shaved him to take blood his fur didn't grow back and he continued to lose more and more fur from his back and flanks.
Just before Christmas last year we think he may have had a mini stroke as he was drooling from one side of his jaw and his face did droop that side too.
He has the dropped belly and almost no fur on his back. He has calcification around his joints and a horrible calcified mass on his neck/spine...which occasionally little bits fall off from there. His muscle tone is poor and occasionally he develops a limp after coming down a step.
The vet wanted me to withdraw his steroids which I've tried to do very slowly numerous times but he always goes downhill fast and I end up giving them to him again.
He does look a sorry sight but still wants to walk, eats well and loves having visitors. He always manages to hold on if I'm out and doesn't wet in the house.
What I'm asking really is have we any hope if I keep him on steroids or have we already gone too far. This last month I look at him and think we only have days left...which breaks my heart
He has no meds for the Cushings but don't know if he could have them while he's on steroids.
We have an appointment with the vet on Thursday and I'm dreading it as I think vet might say 'no more'
I've always known before when it was time to let go but because my boy is still himself I keep holding on.
I don't want him to be in pain but other than itching he doesn't seem to be.
Thanks for reading and sorry to waffle on.
I live alone and I just dread the thought of coming home to an empty house,


04-02-2013, 04:48 PM
Hi Jayne,

Welcome to our site and I am sorry you both are having these troubles.

I have just a sec, but am wondering if this long term use of steroids have actually caused his adrenal glands to stop excreting cortisol all together (maybe permanent Addison state) since when he is off the steroids you mentioned he goes down hill fast.

Talk with your vet about this! The calcium deposits you described is Calcinosis Cutis and your vet should be able to talk about relieving this miserable condition.

Please keep us informed and you are not alone - we are all here to help!

04-02-2013, 04:49 PM
Dear Jayne,

I wish to welcome you and Reuben to our family, although I understand how sad and worried you are feeling right now! I'm afraid I only have a moment to post right now, but I will come back again later on to write some more thoughts. And I know that, in the meantime, you will be greeted by other members, as well.

Just wanted to let you know that we are very glad you've found us, and we will be here to help in any way we can.


04-02-2013, 05:00 PM
Hi Jayne and welcome to the forum.

I am so sorry for the circumstances that brought you here but I'm glad you found us. Reuben is a breed that is at the top of the list of breeds who are over represented in cushing's; however, it appears that in Reubens case it is not his genetic but rather the oral administration of steroids that is cause of his problems. Steroids can save lives but they can also cause serious problems, especially if used long term. What steroids is Reuben on, when did he start taking steroids, what was the initial dose and what dose is he getting now?

If my vet was not able to confirm a diagnosis and like so may vets these days threw a steroid at the problem, hoping it would help, I would have asked for a referral to an internal medicine specialist (IMS). Since your vet is at a point where he's thrown his hands up and is telling you that quality, rather than quantity, is all you have, I think this would be a good time for you to ask for a referral or find an IMS or derm vet who don't necessarily need a referral. These board certified specialist are far more qualified and experienced to handle cases like Reuben's. Both are also more experienced with safely weaning a dog off of steroids.


Simba's Mom
04-02-2013, 07:28 PM
Hello Jayne and Rueben, glad you found us on this site, settle in and get lots of info and encouragement too..I hope Rueben's vet appt. goes well, but if your not happy it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion...take care, you are in good hands here!!

molly muffin
04-02-2013, 08:38 PM
Hi Jayne and Rueben. Welcome to the forum. I just want to give you a great big hug. What a horrible position to be in and feel that you have no options. So, first, lets see if you maybe do have some options. I second the recommendation of seeing about going to an IMS (internal medicine specialist for small animals) or even a derm vet. An ultrasound will show you what is going on with his adrenal glands if that is a possibility. I do realize it isn't something everyone can do. A good derm vet though might help with the caliconosis cutis, which can just be a miserable part of the disease.
My golden, was on prednisone for many, many years and it did a number on her body, skin, hair, eventually she couldn't even move on her own. It was very sad to watch that happen. We thought she was allergic to her own skin it was so bad. Of course we knew nothing of cushings and prednisone issues at that point in our lives. I too could never get her weaned off, I did try cutting down as much as possible though.
Whatever does happen in your future, you aren't alone now and we'll do what we can to be there for you and help you with this horrible disease.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-03-2013, 07:12 AM
Thanks to all who have replied. Will be asking lots of questions at vets tomorrow and hopefully will get some answers.
My problem with vets is I'm on sickness benefit and can only afford to make a contribution at the vets so I use the PDSA and unfortunately they do have limited resources, no scan and no way that I could be referred elsewhere.
Wish I could do more than just love him.
Not looking forward to appointment tomorrow

Jayne & Ru

molly muffin
04-03-2013, 08:16 AM
We do what we can with what we have sometimes. I hope that the vet can give you some options and that things will start to look up.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-03-2013, 08:52 AM
Thanks, hope I get to see the best vet...lottery who you get to see at PDSA
Not knocking them though, they do what they can with limited resources.
Would love to win lotto and buy them a scanner :)

Jayne & Ru

molly muffin
04-04-2013, 10:29 PM
So how did the vet visit go today? Any answers or possibilities?

We're thinking of you and Ru.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

molly muffin
04-21-2013, 10:59 AM
Hi Jayne. I wanted to check in and see how you and Reuben are doing.

Hope all is well.

Let us know when you get a chance.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin