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Harley PoMMom
06-18-2013, 11:40 PM
Do you buy it in capsules or as a spice to sprinkle on food? I'll Google it and see what I can find out. Thanks,

In my area, the ginger root is found in any grocery store. I believe you can make some kind of tea/broth out of the meat of the root and mix it in some wet dog food.

I think it is also sold in a capsule form, and I am not sure if the ginger spice can be feed to a dog, it might be but I'm just not sure.

Simba's Mom
06-19-2013, 12:01 AM
AW poor Buddy, goodness he just can't catch a break...sending hugs and prayers!!

06-19-2013, 06:44 AM
Ohh no, poor Buddy. Flynn takes Losec for his tummy, maybe that would be worth asking your vet about?? When his tummy was real upset I was giving him one capsule a day (10mg) but now it has settled I just give him one every 2-3days. Sure hope you find the magic ingredient that will settle him, hope your last few work days are whizzing by nice and fast so you can be home with him full time for the holidays xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Squirt's Mom
06-19-2013, 08:05 AM
The ginger has the potential to help. The Pepcid AC stopped helping Squirt after a while and I switched her to Tagamet (Cimetidine) when she needs some assistance. The SEB helps her more than anything. Squirt will eat some ginger cookie treats I have but will not eat the ginger itself. :rolleyes: The Queen RULES! :D

06-19-2013, 09:02 AM
You can't be chasing down lizards with a tummy ache and runny nose, so we have to get Buddy fixed up! Tipper does the same thing with the tummy ache, and allergies. Did you happen to try the SEB? Maybe just a one time and see how it goes?? You could try some yogurt, that is a cheap try and if it doesn't work no money thrown away. Do you give Buddy the meds inside food or not?? That could make a difference. I put Tipper's inside of a piece of chicken or she won't take them, and will get a stomach ache also, maybe try that. How about a small amount warm rice and chicken with the meds? How about Manuka honey that has done wonders for Tipper with the acid reflux erosion they get. You give them a small amount on a piece of bread or by itself about 20minutes before meds or food. Ok that's it I'm out of ideas for now. God Bless

Squirt's Mom
06-19-2013, 09:37 AM
AH! My mind! I've been wanting to share something with you and keep forgetting! duh....

Tasha also had allergies and when we found the CHF the vet wanted to put her on Lasix - I wanted to try some natural diuretics first. I had Dandelion so I came home, made up some tea, dipped my finger in it and touched Tash's belly. Within minutes, it was red and itchy so I knew she couldn't take that and I started the Lasix. Every time there was something I wanted to use with her, I tested it that way - mixing it up as required then touching her belly with just a wet finger. Even when she didn't react on her skin, I kept Benedryl close just in case. ;) But I found that method to be quite accurate in determining if she could try something or not.

Budsters Mom
06-19-2013, 09:54 AM
Thanks Leslie, that's a help!:) Once the pumpkin is out of Buddy's system and his allergies settle, I want to try the slippery Elm bark. I know it's a risk, but I'm at a loss for what to try. I'll make the tea and test it like you did with Tasha.

Budsters Mom
06-19-2013, 04:42 PM
Summer break starts officially now! I'm going home to take a nap with the Budster! The last week of school is exhausting! :eek:This is a huge treat, as I never get to nap during the week! I'll catch up with all of your threads later this evening.
Hugs to all!

Harley PoMMom
06-19-2013, 05:31 PM
So happy for you that the Summer break is finally here!! Hope you have a very restful nap with sweet Buddy, sending you both huge hugs, Lori

Budsters Mom
06-19-2013, 07:51 PM
Well, Buddy hasn't had any pumpkin since yesterday morning. Today was the first day in several, that I came home and he wasn't wheezing with a runny nose. So pumpkin is out to help ease his tummy issues. Walmart carries ginger in capsules. I know because they had a empty spot on the shelf when I was there today!;) What would you suggest I try first? The SEB or the ginger? I am thinking that the ginger might be more mild, therefore less likely to cause an allergic reaction. I wouldn't be giving him a whole capsule at once. I would probably just sprinkle a little bit on his food. Now that I know Leslie's testing method, I will definitely try that first. The SEB arrived yesterday. That is fast! I only ordered it on-line Sunday afternoon and just used standard shipping.

Okay angels, it is poll taking time. Cast your ballots on my thread. Should I try ginger first or SEB (Slippery Elm bark)? Don't delay, vote now! Thanks!;):D

Right now I am sitting pool side in my back yard. A beautiful yellow and black butterfly is flittering from flower to flower. His friend who is staying right with him is a baby blue hummingbird. It is an unlikely pair of friends, but it seems to be working for them. We can learn so much from nature!:) What an incredible gift nature gave me today!:)

I will be waiting to tally those votes!

06-19-2013, 08:07 PM
Well I don't know much about Slippery Elm Bark so I vote for ginger. I read it is good for allergies as well as digestion so maybe it will help Buddy in two ways.
I'm so jealous of your hummingbird sighting! I just watched an episode of Nature on PBS which was all about them. I spent a few summers at my cousins in L.A. and we saw many at her house, she had put out a nectar feeder that they came to. They are so tiny!
Sitting poolside watching the butterflies and the birds just sounds so nice! Hope you get to spend many days doing that now that your break is just about here!
Hope Buddy is having an equally perfect day! :cool:

Budsters Mom
06-19-2013, 08:10 PM
Well that's one vote for Ginger! Thank you so much for that. My last day of work for the summer was today! :D

Squirt's Mom
06-20-2013, 08:05 AM
I vote for the SEB. It is chock full of nutrients as well as having the action of acting like a band-aid for irritated mucosal cells, like the lining of the tummy or intestines. Ginger has a warming action that I personally don't care for but I am very hot natured and it doesn't take much to over heat my body. It does help Squirt's morning tummy upsets (she gets ginger treats when she has bile in the mornings) and I think it can be used with other meds without interfering with absorption like the SEB. SEB needs to be given 2 hours either side of other meds - 2 hours before, or 2 hours after. Ginger doesn't have the effect in the intestines like SEB but does help with nausea/vomiting...and can cause a release of excess gas which contributes to nausea at times.

Budsters Mom
06-20-2013, 10:02 AM
Thank you so much for your vote Leslie. The polls remain open throughout the day. :D I really do want to know what you think! Well, today is my first day of summer vacation. I have been needing to install a new router for some time, and a wireless printer for my IPad. I'm tired of having to hop on the computer every time I see something on my iPad I want to print. Anyway, the reason I'm filling you in on this is that my Internet will be down for a while today. Hopefully not for too long, but tech stuff doesn't always go as planned. Sometimes there needs to be a little troubleshooting here and there. I installed the setup we have now, so I'm hoping it won't be too difficult to upgrade. I will catch up later with all of threads, once the wifi comes back up. In the meantime, please vote for SEB or ginger. Thanks angels:)

PS. The mighty lizard Hunter still thinks I need to get up at 5:30. and is very insistent that I do so! He is oh so helpful!;)

06-20-2013, 01:51 PM
Ginger also works great on humans. My mother used it for the nausea that she experienced from her Parkinsons meds.

Harley PoMMom
06-20-2013, 05:26 PM
I favor the SEB myself, as Leslie has mentioned it has nutritional value and is soothing to the tummy.

If the SEB seems to bother Buddy then the ginger could be tried.

I have 2 hummingbird feeders on my deck and they attract those beautiful hummingbirds, they are such wee things!!

Boriss McCall
06-20-2013, 05:30 PM
YAY Summer!!

Budsters Mom
06-20-2013, 07:42 PM
Okay Angels, As much fun as all of you were having, I am very sorry that I must conclude the poll:D Thank you to all of you who have participated and gave me your feedback.:) For those of you that missed out, stay tuned. My little allergy boy is sure to have a couple more things to try soon.;) SEB won by a very small margin, so I tested that today on Buddy's tummy. There was no sign of irritation. I gave him a dose this afternoon, only one tablespoon of the slippery soup. It did settle his stomach very quickly! :D I'm not going to give him anymore today and see how his stools and allergies go tonight. He didn't like the taste of it at all, so I squirted it into the back of his mouth with a syringe. I went out and bought some canned food earlier. I am going to try to mix it in with some of that and see how it goes tomorrow. There are very small windows in which I can do this, because SEB has to be given two hours before or after meals with meds. Otherwise it can interfere with the absorption of the meds. Ginger is now Plan B. ;)

06-20-2013, 09:35 PM
You might have seen my Annie trick on another thread but my vet taught me this... you put the liquid into a plastic syringe (like you use with kids) and you squirt it into the mouth/throat very quickly. This is how I had to give meds to my little angel because she wouldn't take any meds or even food on alot of days. IT works. :) KIM

Budsters Mom
06-20-2013, 10:07 PM
Thanks Kim. I used the syringe today and did just like you said, because Buddy didn't like the taste at all. He normally isn't picky, so that must be bad tasting gruel! I'm going to mix it in to some canned food 50/50 and see if he'll take it willingly tomorrow. ;) I thought shooting it down his throat would irritate him stomach, but it didn't at all. He got over the ordeal soon enough, as I gave him some kibble cookies right after!:D However, he'll probably go running tomorrow if he sees that syringe!:eek: Hopefully there will not be any allergy problems with the SEB tonight, so we'll be able to continue it tomorrow. Just a tablespoon once or twice a day would make a huge difference!;)

molly muffin
06-20-2013, 10:08 PM
Wow, lots going on, hope the SEB helps over all. It's a good sign if that it settled his tummy. Of course pumpkin settled his tummy too but then the allergies :(

What a cool idea leslie has about the tummy test! Great one I'll have to remember that.

Waiting to see how he does on the SEB. Sorry I missed the poll. :(

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-20-2013, 10:29 PM
Sharlene, with my allergy boy, there will be many more polls!;):D
Condolences to you and your family over the loss of your aunt. I hope Molly wasn't too put out having to stay at the vets. Let's hope she didn't terrorize the poor vet techs. Was their hair standing on end when you went to pick her up? LOL

molly muffin
06-20-2013, 10:58 PM
I haven't been able to pick Molly up yet, we just got back from the airport. I'll be able to pick her up tomorrow morning.
I'm sure Molly managed to do some terrorizing. She usually does. :)
Thank you. It is always good to see the family, and sad to have to say good bye to any of them.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-20-2013, 11:13 PM
I'm so sorry Sharlene. You don't have your baby tonight!:o How does anyone expect you to get any sleep?;)
Big hugs,

molly muffin
06-20-2013, 11:43 PM
It's just so very quiet in the house when she isn't here. Tuesday night, hubby came home from work, walked in and said I'm home and no one except me was there to greet him and so sad, but I didn't want any treats. It wasn't the same and he said, oh I forgot she is already at the vets.
Now I just have to figure out what time I can go get her, since I am working tomorrow. Ugh
I'll probably try to go early.


Sharlene and Molly muffin

06-21-2013, 12:47 AM

my sincere condolences on the loss of your aunt.

I'll bet that Molly is having a blast at the vets. We had a miniature poodle that spent a few days at the vets. Come to find out that she was spoiled rotten! They share their lunch meat with her and she sat on the vet's lap every night while she caught up on paperwork :)

Molly will be eager to see you both tomorrow :)

06-21-2013, 03:40 AM
Bum, i missed the poll. I would have gone for SEB though! Fingers crossed those allergies keep away from Buddy. YAY so pleased your holidays are here, sitting by the pool watching the butterflies and birds sounds idyllic right about now as we have an antarctic polar blast ripping up the country! Is freezing out there, very quick pee stops for the boy! But it's the weekend so we can stay in by the heater all weeked if we choose! :)

06-21-2013, 07:20 AM
Hope your baby is back with you by now. I think it is more stressful on the human end when they are not home. Tipper has never been away from home and I hope she never has to be. Blessings

06-21-2013, 07:25 AM
So glad to hear Buddy had no reaction to the SEB and that it helped his tummy. After all tummy noises will scare the lizards away! I always have a syringe in my purse, and many in the house. They are handy dandy little items for times like these. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
06-21-2013, 10:22 AM
Hi Kathy,

Most of mine like the taste but I still mix it in their food most of the time simply for convenience. The one who needs it most often, Trink, is the one who hates it and the one who is usually off food when she does need it. :rolleyes: So I often syringe it with her, which is always a fight. I do sometimes mix a tiny bit of dark Karo syrup in with it to help keep her sugar levels up while she's off food - itty bitty ones are prone to low blood sugar episodes when they don't eat well - and the syrup makes it a tad bit more palatable to her. Another herb works the same way and is not endangered like SEB so I use it as well. It's called Marshmallow - and MAN, it tastes really yucky! No one in the house likes that one and you can't disguise its taste very easily.

I really hope the SEB works well for Buddy with no allergic reactions. Once his stools are more normal, you can start cutting back the SEB, making it weaker and weaker, til he is off of it. It doesn't need to be weaned, you can stop and start anytime you wish - but by slowly weaning him off, you can tell by his stools if he needs more or if you can continue to decrease the SEB. I gauge Trink's status like this - if the stool has a shine to it, that typically means mucous which means inflammation so she still needs the full dose of SEB; if the stool is formed most of the way, no shine, but has tail on it that gets thinner and thinner, then she still needs the SEB, but can try a lower dose. Once the stool is formed, no shine, no tail, then I feel comfortable stopping the SEB. I keep watching for shine or tails for a while and give her a dose if I see either one. She's had her first colitis flare in over a year just recently so I think this approach works for her. And we got through this one, like several other flares, without antibiotics. ;)

Hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

Budsters Mom
06-21-2013, 10:41 AM
Buddy's stools are normal, knock on wood. His meds upset his stomach which makes him uncomfortable and hard to settle to sleep. He gets the gurgles, burping, reflux thing. Just one dose of the SEB did settle Buddy's tummy very quickly yesterday. :)Since it coats the stomach, I am hoping it will help. Buddy has reactive hypoglycemia episodes. Your idea of adding Karo syrup to the SEB when Trink is unable to eat is an excellent idea. I will use that. Thanks for all your help.

Squirt's Mom
06-21-2013, 10:56 AM
Oh, YAY! It seems to be helping that sweet boy! I'm so glad and hope he just gets better and better.

06-21-2013, 12:06 PM
Yeah, SEB!!! Please, please keep working!

Enjoy those butterflies and the humming birds. I think I'll put out my nectar feeders today. It's getting dry here in northern California, so the little hummers are going to be thirsty.

Budsters Mom
06-21-2013, 01:11 PM
I was reading that many dogs with Cushing's have runny noses and allergy like symptoms. Buddy's allergies have not improved despite maximum medication. He has had sneezing, wheezing and runny nose type symptoms for the last few weeks. More so than his usual allergies. I know that Tipper has a problem with this. How about the rest of your pups? Also, could Buddy's runny nose be caused by his macro-tumor pressing on nasal cavities or ???.

So far, so good with the SEM. His allergy symptoms are no worse because of it. No scratching or licking at his paws. I gave him his second dose about half hour ago. This time it was mixed 50/50 with some wet food. He guzzled all of it down, cleaning his bowl and looking for more! Loved it! So much better than the syringe.:D

06-21-2013, 01:45 PM
Too funny. Great news.

Boriss McCall
06-21-2013, 04:12 PM
Boriss seems to have seasonal allergies. He was sneezing his head off in bed last night. He rarely does that. I had to get up at 2am to give him some benedryl. It did the trick. I will see how he is tonight.
He also occasionally has the runny nose as well.

Budsters Mom
06-21-2013, 09:38 PM
Okay angels, another question.;) This question is about SEB. For those of you that have used it or use it, can I stop the Pepcid that doesn't work, and just continue with the SEB? Buddy doesn't seem to be having any allergy reactions with it. YAY!!!!!!! :D Thanks.

06-21-2013, 10:01 PM
Yep. Why take it if it isn't doing any good? So relieved the slippery elm bark is working for our guy..... glad you decided to go for it... was worried when you talked about the plant allergies but see... you did great. Whew huh?

Budsters Mom
06-21-2013, 10:47 PM
Frankly, I'm not real sure about the allergy thing with the SEB. :confused: Buddy continues to have the sneezing, gushing nose and wheezing thing. It is no better despite meds three times per day. The SEB just hasn't made it any worse. Normally, if Buddy is really allergic, he'll be itching, scratching and licking at his feet. He hasn't done any of that. His nasal discharge is clear, otherwise I would suspect an infection. The SEB has really helped his stomach settle. :D I'm still wondering if his crazy sinuses have to do with his macro-tumor and not just allergies. Does anybody know if sinus trouble is associated with a macro-tumor?
Kim - Don't you have soccer games this weekend?;) Enjoy:)

06-21-2013, 10:53 PM
I don't recall ever reading of anyone dealing with a macro having sinus issues but my memory isn't the best. :) glad he's no worse at least! Yes I do - I have to get up real early as the games are an hour from here and we start at 8 am. We have 6 games tomorrow back to back and it should be 95 they say. I have my sunblock out. Yikes. I need to go to bed as it was a long week. Take care and give him a hug for me. Kim

Budsters Mom
06-21-2013, 11:02 PM
You are doing great with this chatting thing!;):D Take snacks and a pitcher of margaritas in an icechest. That way you will have a great time, pretend to be supportive, and care less who wins.;):D

06-22-2013, 07:33 AM
I am wondering if Buddy could possibly take the chlorpheniramine the IMS told me to use on Tipper. She said this will stop nose running, post nasal drip etc., and is the best thing to use. I don't think you could continue with the Benadryl though. Also she told me she like this better because Benadryl lowers their blood pressure. She told me to buy the generic, I got it at Rite Aid. Poor little man, he needs to get fixed up. Blessings

06-22-2013, 12:24 PM
Hi Kathy,
How's Buddy doing today? Hope his allergies aren't too bad today. You must feel so good knowing you don't have to get up and go to work Monday!! Have a great weekend. :p

Budsters Mom
06-22-2013, 01:55 PM
Hi Barbara,
It is so nice of you on check on us. Buddy is my alarm clock. He always gets me up at exactly the right time to get ready for work. Unfortunately, he doesn't vary from that at all during weekends or vacations. So I'm up at 6 o'clock every morning.:( Sometimes he will let me go back to bed for an hour or so after he has his breakfast and meds.;)

Today starts the third week of his Prednisone three-week trial. That means I reduced his dosage from one half a tablet twice a day to only once per day in the morning. We are trying to find the lowest possible dose, while still being effective. I will be relaying my notes to his doctor Monday or Tuesday, so he can relay them to the neuro-surgeon who is running, the trial. I am a little nervous, because he is going to be gone the whole month of July and he's the only one that knows anything about Cushing's at that place.:( That's why I'm anxious to get Buddy's dosages straightened out before he leaves. Buddy's allergy systems continue to run haywire. He's been having a hard time settling at night to sleep and sometimes he cries and moans on the exhale, while he's getting comfortable. I am thinking he might need some tramadol at night when he goes to bed. He doesn't seem to be in pain any other time. I'll ask the doctor about it when I talk to him in a couple of days. On the upside, his stomach is much better now that he's taking the SEB a couple times a day and he hasn't had any more head tremors sinc the last report.:DThat's it for now. Enjoy you weekend with your babies.:D

06-22-2013, 06:23 PM
6am is harsh on holidays. That little lizard hunter needs to learn 5 more minutes!

All good news on today's report bar those pesky allergies, pleased the seb you invested in seems to be helping.

Is it lizard weather?

Big hug, kisses to the little guy...


06-22-2013, 08:29 PM
Daisy does this too, but I go back to sleep anyway :)

She can come with me or not.

Budsters Mom
06-22-2013, 10:17 PM
Today is the third day that Buddy has been taking SEB. The first day I gave him one dose. Yesterday and today he had two doses. There has been no sign of an allergic reaction and his tummy has settled nicely.:D Whew!:D Now if I could just get those nasal allergy symptoms under control.:p Baby steps.:p It sure is nice to be home to take care of this stuff, and not have to worry all day at work.:)

molly muffin
06-22-2013, 11:17 PM
Hi Kathy, that is wonderful and I'm so glad that you found something that will help Buddy's tummy.

Another good day and now vacation!! wooot woooot Now, about that early morning alarm clock Buddy has going. LOL Got to figure that one out. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-23-2013, 12:24 AM
How good that the elm bark has done the trick and without any bad reactions. Glad Buddy's tummy has calmed down.
Hope you both have a nice Sunday..maybe Buddy's alarm clock will switch to snooze now that your vacation has begun!!
haha...I know...probably not. These dogs have amazing internal body clocks don't they? :p

06-23-2013, 02:07 AM
I am SO happy to read that the SEB has helped Buddy's tummy and that he has not shown to be allergic. And no more head tremors, right? Now if his allergies would just settle down. My dogs are early morning alarm clocks also. And I am up at least once during the night to let Jasper out. On the weekend I tell them that they need a snooze button. Looks like Buddy needs one too! :D Hope you both are having a good weekend.

Tina and Jasper

Simba's Mom
06-23-2013, 05:49 AM
Just popping in to see how you and your little lizard hunter are doing, hope you have a great weekend...

06-23-2013, 08:21 AM
I am so glad that the SEB is helping Buddy. He needs to get back in the groove and track down those pesky lizards. I am elated he had not allergic reaction, so now he doesn't have to put up with tummy problems, as they can get quite uncomfortable according to Miss Tipper. Tipper wakes up every morning anywhere between 5:00 and 6:00. It makes me really tired all day as I am up late and don't sleep well sometimes, but as long as I see her face and she is still with me that is all that matters to me. I am starting to think the muscle contractions at nite are a result of the Cushings eating up the muscle, and it makes it twitch. Even though Tipper's Cushings has been under control for a year she is still losing muscle. It is really noticeable on her ribs- her torso is rounded outward- it looks like she swallowed a big ball and it is puffing her sides out. I was told her liver etc. is not enlarged so it has to be the muscle letting go and her girth expanding because of it. At nite I see her sides rippling with muscle contractions, and her rear legs. That is where she has lost the most muscle so it is making perfect sense to me. Have a good weekend with the baby. Blessings

06-23-2013, 10:08 AM
So glad the SEB is helping Buddy - everything is nicer when our babies have good digestion!

06-23-2013, 12:04 PM
Lot's of good news here lately. Let's keep it going :)

Happy puppy, happy mama :)

06-24-2013, 08:50 AM
Tell Buddy Tipper the ripper wants a tally on the lizard catch!! Hope Buddy continues to do well on the SEB.

Budsters Mom
06-24-2013, 02:52 PM
Well it's Monday and I don't have to go to work because I'm on summer vacation! YAY!!!!!!:D It's about 75° with a cool breeze and I'm home with Buddy. So it's a perfect day!:D

Update: Buddy's tummy continues to do well. It has settled nicely. I am giving him the (SEB) slippery soup a couple times daily. No indication of an allergic reaction!!:D He is totally off of the Pepcid AC now. Buddy's nasal/allergy symptoms are also starting to improve, but I don't want to jinx that. I wonder if the SEB is helping that too? Any thoughts? His sneezing and runny nose has just about stopped, so he is rattling and wheezing less. I don't know why, but I'll take it.:D

Harley PoMMom
06-24-2013, 03:46 PM
I have sinus problems plus GERD. It seems when one of them is acting up if does have a negative effect on the other. So, just maybe the SEB is helping both!

I am so happy to hear that Buddy's tummy is doing better...YaHoo!!!!

Budsters Mom
06-24-2013, 11:26 PM
SEB Is a miracle herb. Thank you so much!!!!!! Buddy's stomach has settled and his allergy symptoms are clearing. It is truly a miracle! :D Buddy has been running around, barking and chasing birds today. He feels so much better when he's not drugged on Benadryl all the time.

molly muffin
06-24-2013, 11:51 PM
Great news Kathy!!
ha! If no lizards are to be had, Buddy aims for the sky! Birds beware! He may not catch you but he's going to tell you what's what in His yard!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-25-2013, 12:16 AM
Yes Sharlene,
The lizards have been pretty scarce lately, so a boy's got to hunt something!:D Who gives those birds a right to invade his airspace anyway! LOL

06-25-2013, 12:32 AM
Hi Kathy,
Yay for the slippery elm bark!! How great that Buddy is getting great results all around! :D Couldn't be happier to hear he is feeling so well. What a great start to your summer break!!
Your 75 degrees plus nice breeze sounds great...we have the 3 "H" week here...hazy, hot, humid. ugh.
:) Barbara

06-25-2013, 07:04 AM
Soooooo relieved it is working. Glad you had the poll on it because who would have thought with the allergy issue that it would work? Way to go mom. Great call and I'm so glad to hear he's doing so much better. Kim

06-25-2013, 07:32 AM
I couldn't be happier that your precious Buddy is doing so well. After all the hurdles you two climbed over you deserve this. Your summer vacation, and Buddy's health issues letting up will make the summer so much sweeter. May you and Buddy continue to be blessed.

06-25-2013, 08:28 AM
HURRAH, it does make sense. I have allergies, sinus issues, asthma and Gerd. When the Gerd is bad, my sinus issues are bad, the acid goes up into my nasal passages.

Budsters Mom
06-25-2013, 06:39 PM
I just heard back from the neurosurgeon (via my vet)who is running Buddy's prednisone/trilostane trial. She is very pleased with his progress. She said that the combo is not effective for all dogs. That is why there was a three-week trial period. Buddy's Prednisone has been weaned as low as it can go in order to control his neural symptoms. He is now taking one half of a 5 mg tablet once per day. As neural symptoms start to return that dosage will have to be increased accordingly, still maintaining the lowest possible effective dose. Neural symptoms will return as the tumor continues to grow. My vet has been advised to keep him on his current Trilostane dosage of once per day with breakfast. Once per day dosing allows the cortisol to rise somewhat throughout the night. That could help slow down the tumor and still partially control Buddy's most bothersome Cushings symptoms. There is a delicate balance between controlling the Cushing's symptoms with Trilostane and adding the prednisone. It has to be monitored very carefully. Buddy's trusted vet will be gone most of the month of July,so I had to get the results of his trial and RX filled this week. I am distressed at the fact that his vet will be gone so long. He's the only one at that place that knows anything about Cushing's. He was gone when all of this started with Buddy and things were really screwed up then.:p If they don't know about Cushing's protocol,I can't imagine they know anything about macro-tumor treatment either!:o Thank goodness I have all of you to keep the quacks in line while he's gone!;) Unfortunately, Buddy may need some of those quacks.:p
Update for today: Stomach and allergy symptoms have settled thanks to SEB. I love that stuff! :D The house behind us has a parrot. It is kept in a screened, family room area. Whenever Buddy goes out to the backyard to take care of his business, that bird squawks loudly on purpose! I didn't realize this was happening because I was working. The bird squawks and Buddy forgets what he's out there to do and runs up and down along the fence barking at the bird. It is hilarious!LOL This will repeat several times. Buddy will start to sniff and as soon as he's ready to pee, the bird will squawk again. I don't know how that parrot knows, but it does. Talk about cheap vacation entertainment! LOL:D

molly muffin
06-25-2013, 07:06 PM
hahahaha, that is hilarious!!! That bird has Buddy's number alright. hehe I bet it's having a great time. :)

Kathy, you are the best thing Buddy has going for him. Sure it would be better if his vet was around, but he sounds pretty stable and I'm very much convinced that anything that goes on, you will have researched it and be ready to tell any of those vets that get it wrong, exactly whats what, because you are smart and you are Buddys knight in shining armor.
We are all right here, ready to jump in and back you up however you want, any time you want. We're all pretty hand as research assistants if ever needed too. LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
06-25-2013, 07:29 PM
Thanks Sharlene,
You are a gem!:) My vet is going to be retiring eventually. He has been saying it for years. I really hope that he lasts at least as long as Buddy does. I know that he has a right to take time off, particularly in the twilight of his career. He has earned a slower pace. I know that in my head. But my heart tells me to lock him in his exam room and block his parking space in case he break out. :eek: You do what you have to do Sharlene!;)

molly muffin
06-25-2013, 07:39 PM
Okay, if that is the plan, you can use my car to block the any extra spaces too. :D :D

sharlene and molly muffin

06-26-2013, 06:44 AM
Oh Kathy, I am so pleased to read your report! You are doing such a wonderful job of taking care of Buddy and of advocating for him. He is such a lucky little guy to have you for his mom! And you both are really being pioneers in braving the trilo/pred treatment combo. I have a feeling that you guys will be a great help to other folks who end up facing this same journey!

Sending many hugs and belly rubs,

Squirt's Mom
06-26-2013, 07:09 AM
Hi Kathy,

What a great report to read this morning! I am so glad this approach is helping that sweet boy and hope it continues to for a long time to come. It sounds like Buddy is feeling pretty good and is enjoying his newly discovered lizard disguised in bright feathers. :D That's funny....I can just see him telling that bird to mind it's own business so he can take care of his! :p

We have a thread in Everything Else about macroadenomas that was started by one of our members who dealt with the same thing in the hopes that others who come after would share their experiences to help others who come after. Since this a pretty new treatment approach, Buddy's story could really help someone else if you wish to share on this thread -


We would still want you to keep this thread going but the macro thread contains only info on macros from different experiences, offering a lot in one spot to those looking for info. ;) You may find something there that will help you as well.

Leslie and the gang

06-26-2013, 09:12 AM
I have a parrot named Elvis. He calls all the animals by name. They can hear better than a dog and smell like one also. If someone strange comes into the house and Elvis has not even seen them, he knows they are in here. Poor Buddy can't catch a break, now he can't even pee in peace!! Can the bird see into your yard where Buddy is? They are smart little devils let me tell you. Elvis starts talking real loud every time the phone rings, and you cannot hear the other person. Everyone asks if I am babysitting grandchildren! He never shuts up, he is always babbling about something. He sings songs, he knows the alphabet, he can mimic sounds , he can add some numbers, he laughs in my voice, he dances, he is a real ham. His very favorite is Don Ho's Tiny Bubbles. He sings it every day. His Tarzan yell would rival Carol Burnett's. He has even given himself the nickname El.
Well I don't know too much about Tipper's breathing last nite as she spent it in the closet, it was thundering and lightening, and 65 mile and hour winds. Needless to say it was not a good nite for her. I saw the cool mats online Kathy but I was not sure if they even worked. Does anyone else have any experience with them? It would be a good idea, but don't want to waste the money if it is just another gimmick. Tipper's blood pressure and weight were both up a little, but still not bad. So we will be getting out the Lentils again, and using them as some of her dog food substitute. Have to get all of Tipper's walks in early as it looks like more rain any time now. Blessings

Budsters Mom
06-26-2013, 09:46 AM
I will consider posting Buddy's tumor reports on the other thread, so they can be of help to others. However, as of now I'm not ready to read all of those stories. I know the direction that this is going and it's hard enough. Concentrating on those other stories would make my heart hurt more than it already does. I get much too emotionally involved with each fur baby's plight and that would just be way too hard right now.

Squirt's Mom
06-26-2013, 09:59 AM
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))

06-26-2013, 11:38 AM
For what it's worth I would feel the same way too. The situation is too difficult as it is, and I would not want to read all that right now either. I do agree when you are able somewhere down the road, it would be helpful to others. Tipper send hugs and kisses to Buddy. We pray every nite for Buddy. Blessings

Budsters Mom
06-27-2013, 08:33 PM
Mobility update…..
Up until about a year ago, Buddy was able to jump onto the cedar chest to sit in the window. When he could no longer jump up safely, I put up a ramp for him to get up there. The ramp worked very well until about six months ago. That's when he was starting to have difficulty getting up and down the ramp safely. He could still get up, but he couldn't always get down by himself. I thought the problem was just aging, but soon found out that he had rear leg muscle wasting due to Cushings and neurological deficits due to a suspected Macro-tumor. The ramp was taken down permanently about three months ago. Buddy has since been doing his guard duty in the front doorway, through the security doors when the weather permits. The weather has been in the 90s the last couple of days, So he hasn't been able to look out except for early in the morning or later in the evening. This afternoon, Buddy lead me to the ramp which was being stored in our screened in family room. I realized that he wanted me to put the ramp up. I tried to distract him from it to no avail. He kept going back to the ramp. So I carried it in and set it up, knowing that he was not physically strong enough to use it. I was quickly proved wrong. As soon as the ramp was secure, I moved out of the way and he ran up it and plopped down on the cushioned cedar chest. He looked at me like to say, "see, what's the big deal?" He has been using the ramp, up and down, by himself all afternoon. OMG:eek::D I don't know how he is able to do it, but he is. It is mind blowing!:eek:

06-27-2013, 08:49 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwww.....:o :) :) :) :)

molly muffin
06-27-2013, 09:36 PM
Oh Kathy that is the most wonderful of news! Thank you for putting it into context for us too, that just makes it even better.
Super big hugs, this is a good day for you and Buddy
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-27-2013, 10:06 PM
Oh wow that is so cool. Love it. You need to video those moments! :) So happy for you. Note I head out tomorrow so keep it up while I'm away. xoxo Kim

Budsters Mom
06-27-2013, 10:13 PM
Thanks Kim for reminding me.;) Have a wonderful trip. Don't forget my suggestion on handling the kids, when they start acting too much like kids. Back away slowly and pretend like they belong to somebody else.;):D
Big hugs,

Roxee's Dad
06-27-2013, 10:18 PM
Wonderful :D

All the things we all used to take for granted are now precious moments :)

Harley PoMMom
06-27-2013, 11:33 PM
Oh Kathy, such a smart boy you have there!! Sending huge and loving hugs to you both, Lori

06-28-2013, 01:27 AM
Awwww Buddy!! :p Love that he wanted that ramp up and just popped up there on that chest to do his best guarding! What a good boy! That is just the cutest story! :)
Such a smart guy he is!! I think he is out to prove everyone wrong!


06-28-2013, 07:08 AM
I just popped by to wish you and Buddy an awesome Friday and weekend and hope Buddy is busy using his ramp to guard the house:D Such a smart boy.

Squirt's Mom
06-28-2013, 08:00 AM
awwww....How sweet is that? Buddy knew what he wanted and that you could make it happen for him. Good boy, Buddy!

06-28-2013, 08:30 AM
How smart are these dogs??? That is so heart warming to hear Buddy is doing something else he used to enjoy. They know how to talk without saying a word. He communicated to you without a sound, so he is very tuned into his mommy. Glad you are home and able to enjoy this time with him. Blessings

06-28-2013, 11:28 AM
Awwww - I just love that Buddy was able to tell you what he wanted without saying a word. I'm sure he's going to spend many happy hours guarding his territory. Go Buddy!

Budsters Mom
06-28-2013, 04:43 PM
Buddy has always been able to let me know what he wants. I tell him to "show me what you want" and he will take me right to whatever he wants. Sometimes he wants cookies, or he thinks it's time for a meal. Other times he wants the front door open, so he can look out. He may want me to move the pool cover, because it's covering his lizard holes. He often wants me to go outside with him. He will lead me to his water bowl when he wants freshwater. Buddy has no problem whatsoever communicating his wants. He doesn't always get what he wants and is a pouter when that happens. Most of the time he gets exactly what he wants and he's a happy guy!:D

Buddy woke up with a little upset stomach, reflux thing. When this happens his nose runs and he wheezes, because of the acid invading his sinuses. I didn't give him any Pepcid or Benadryl. I gave him his Trilostane /prednisone combo with breakfast. A couple hours later I gave him first dose of SEB for the day. His stomach settled and his sinuses cleared within a half an hour of giving him the SEB. Hope all are having an awesome weekend,

molly muffin
06-28-2013, 09:56 PM
Buddy is an amazing little guy.

Wow, sounds like that SEB is just wonderful for him. Everything seems to be working so well lately for him.

All great news!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 12:55 AM
I am bummed tonight. :( Buddy has been doing so well and I let myself enjoy it. He is having a hard time walking this evening. His front legs keep giving out on him. It looks like we cut the prednisone down to far. We dropped from twice a day dosing to once per day in the morning a week ago Friday. It's possible that he's just overly tired tonight, but I'm not feeling that. I'll see how his mobility is in the morning and then give his vet a call. :-) His vet will be gone most of the month of July, but is supposed to be in tomorrow. I hate these reminders that we are dealing with a tumor which will rob him of his ability to walk. It is happening much too soon.:(

06-29-2013, 01:24 AM
I will sit with you on the couch tonight Kathy :o

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 01:51 AM
Trish, My head knows that I am losing him, but my heart can't accept it. He is absolutely fine, until I get a reminder that he isn't.:(

06-29-2013, 03:28 AM
Well I know the heart gives us our most intense emotions so stick with that sweet and tell the head to shut the heck up!!! One day at a time and pack as much love into those days as we can :)

Simba's Mom
06-29-2013, 03:36 PM
Oh Kathy, loved the ramp story, your Buddy is so smart and so precious! I'm so sorry that his legs are weak, praying for his strength to return so he can go up and down the ramp, sending prayers for you too and a huge hug, this is so hard for you....

Squirt's Mom
06-29-2013, 04:32 PM
Hi Kathy,

Checking in on you and Buddy. Let us know how things are going when you can, sweetie.

Leslie and the gang

06-29-2013, 04:35 PM
Thinking of you Kathy. It's so hard to see any struggling...and I hope Buddy is not struggling today..I hope he is having a good day doing whatever he wants...guarding or hunting or just having a restful nap.
What you're going through is so difficult..we're all here for you.

06-29-2013, 04:46 PM
Oh Kathy, somehow I missed seeing your post until now. Want you to know that I'm sitting right beside you, too. This is such a rollercoaster ride. I am hoping that things are going better for you two today. But we are nere, no matter what.


molly muffin
06-29-2013, 04:58 PM
Oh Kathy :(

Well, we know it is a matter of tweaking to get the right dose at the right times. So, maybe this is part of it. You give him the pred in the morning this week, so are you noticing this in the evening/afternoon time frame? or all day? I'm wondering if it is due to going from the twice a day dosing or if it the Amount of dosage. If that makes any sense. I hope it does. It's so hard to get these things right, but I'm thinking the progress you saw with the other dosing is reason to be hopeful that the pred can keep the tumor controlled for awhile at least.
This is so hard on your and Buddy when the reminders give you a kick. :(

Big Hugs
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-29-2013, 05:18 PM
I'm new today to the forum but have been reading all about what you are going through. I can only say I'm thinking about you and Buddy.

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 05:42 PM
Thank you all!:)

I reached the vet. The receptionists all know my voice now!:eek:
Buddy's Prednisone dose is being tweaked.......

Back to 1/2 a 5mg. Tab. Twice a day until symptoms resolve (for the next 3 or 4 days) Then continue with the maintenance dose below.
Maintenance dose -
1/2 tab. Once per day, 1/2 tab. twice per day - alternating daily.


06-29-2013, 05:56 PM
I hope you see an improvement with the tweaking. We are all here. :)

Dont allow your head to go there. I know that is hard. Enjoy each moment, see the good, forget the bad.

We'll hear about bird chasing tomorrow, I know it.;)

06-29-2013, 07:54 PM
Hi Kathy, good the vet got back to you so quick! Good on them :) Hope the wee tweak improves the mobility again, it can be a fine line we wak with dosages eh. A little bit this way, a little bit that way can make all the difference in symptom control. Has is less wobbly today or much the same? xxx

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 08:46 PM
Buddy's mobility has been fine today. I haven't made any changes as of yet. I'm going to wait and see how he does this evening. I called the doctor anyway because I knew today would be his last day that he's going to be there. He will be gone most of July. I needed a backup plan just in case. Now that I know how, I can go ahead and tweak Buddy's prednisone dosage when I need to. It is all somewhat complicated because all changes have to come through the neurosurgeon who is overseeing Buddy's treatment plan. I contact my doctor who calls her and reports. She then tells him how to proceed. Buddy is his first Trilo/Pred patient. He hadn't even heard of this treatment before I sent him Dr. B's email recommending that we do it. That's when he contacted the neurosurgeon that did Buddy's neural evaluation and she agreed to supervise his treatment. This is cutting edge stuff and not something a GP vet usually attempts.
To recap.... Buddy has been walking normally today. I will have to tweak his prednisone dosage if he has any more mobility issues. I have the instructions from the neurosurgeon to do that. You don't just add prednisone to Triostane willy-nilly and expect it to help. There is a very delicate balance involved and each pup has unique needs of their own. It's quite a process.

06-29-2013, 09:03 PM
Yes it is quite a process, so it is lucky Buddy has a super Mom to monitor it for him and get on top of any changes that crop up!! You rock Kathy :D

06-29-2013, 09:10 PM
Kathy...Good for you to talk to the vet asap and get this tweaking worked out! That in itself is a jumped hurdle and will give you some piece of mind going forward. :)
So glad ole Budster is having a good day today! :p

molly muffin
06-29-2013, 09:57 PM
Smart girl Kathy, getting this sorted out while your vet is still here and getting the recommendation from the specialist too.
You are doing wonderfully in keeping all of this straight. Buddy is a lucky boy. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 03:21 AM
Addy, How can I forget the bad when it repeats?:( Buddy lost his mobility again abruptly this evening. His legs gave out on him and he's unable to walk without falling over. Not only did his legs give out on him, he is having a hard time settling to sleep. I could hear him crying and moaning, so I know he's in pain. I have the new prednisone instructions for tweaking Buddy's medication that I got today. It has him going back to twice a day dosage until his symptoms are resolved. The doctor thinks it will be about three or four days. There will be a maintenance dosage after that, which is somewhat different. I posted the change earlier on my thread. I probably should've waited and started tomorrow, but since he's having difficulty walking tonight and seems to be in pain, I went ahead and gave him the second dose of Prednisone. I also gave him one quarter of a tramadol tablet. Buddy is also panting a lot tonight. To be fair it is hot. It was over 100° here today. I have to get him controlled because watching him suffer tears my heart out. I chose this treatment plan to give him a better quality of life for the time he has left. If I can't do that, I have to let him go. I am not strong enough to do that. Right now I'm sitting on the floor petting him hoping that the meds will kick in and he will be able to go to sleep. He is still making crying noises. I can give him another quarter of tramadol if I need to, but I'm hoping that the prednisone will kick it and reduce whatever swelling is causing the pain. It is really going to be hard to get in all of his SEB dosages around so much medication and he needs that to. I am totally overwhelmed right now. I think I need a few of those tramadol myself.:o

It has been about an hour since I gave him the prednisone and tramadol. He is walking much better and isn't crying for the moment, but he won't lay down and settle either. The prednisone seems to be helping. The meds have upset his stomach and I can't give him any SEB for at least another hour or so. It is going to be another long night. I think I need divine intervention from the angel brigade.

06-30-2013, 04:01 AM
I am here, holding your hand.

Hoping those pills have kicked in and he has settled so you can get some sleep.

The effect of the pred was quite fast first time around so praying that's the case this time

Big hug to you and a gentle rub to the little man


Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 04:05 AM
Oh Mel, I am so glad that you are there. :)I have been thinking of you.
Big hugs,

06-30-2013, 04:11 AM
That blinking heat wave is not going to help things I wouldn't think

Tia had such a tough time with our heat, I can't imagine what it must be like in 100. I would fry, I can't cope with heat either..

Has he settled down a bit now?


06-30-2013, 04:15 AM
Remember that the bad days remind us why we are so grateful for good days.

It shouldn't be like this, its so bloody unfair it's untrue but think of what improvement you have seen and try not to dwell on right now, you reduced his medicine as per instructions so we now know that dose isn't the right one.

Bigger tighter hug.

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 04:17 AM
We have dry heat here. It cools down at night so it's not too bad. During the day it's AC all the way. The best time for the pool is in the evening when the sun sets. Yes, Buddy is lying quietly now.

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 04:22 AM
He was doing great until his prednisone was cut back to once per day. He lasted several days and did okay on once per day, but then everything fell apart. They were trying to get to his lowest possible dose. We went too low. The swelling around the tumor came back. It comes back suddenly if it isn't controlled.

06-30-2013, 04:25 AM
And your brain is in overdrive... Are you doing ok?

I know it's hard but you should try and get a couple of hours cause your little hunter will probably still wake up at 6 and we don't want you going days without sleep again.

At least you don't have the burden of work to worry about next week so you can get this sorted for him.

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 04:29 AM
Buddy is not asleep, or he's moaning in his sleep. No I am not doing okay. There is no way I can sleep when I hear him making those noises. Yes summer vacation is a godsend. Otherwise I would have to get up in four hours and go to work. I've done it before.

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 04:32 AM
I know you need to get on with your day. You do not have to stay with me Mel. Thank you for visiting and keeping me company. Love you lots. Belly rubs to Boycie.;)

06-30-2013, 04:38 AM
I thought he had settled down, would never say sleep if he's moaning no way I would be able to either.

I don't have to go anywhere yet, I don't want to either, I think I can relate to how you are feeling and I know those long nights, they can be very lonely.

06-30-2013, 04:49 AM
I am here too Kathy, back early from the dinner party. So I will be here for hours yet, so I will be checking your thread like crazy. It does sound like the Prednisone is kicking in pretty quick, if he was still sore I would give the extra Tramadol if he is allowed it, hopefully he will go to sleep and wake up with the full effects of the Pred on board. Have you given him something sweet, just in case it was his blood sugar dropping?

06-30-2013, 04:56 AM
Hey Trish, nice to see you real time.

Don't go quiet on us Kathy, how you both doing now?

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 04:58 AM
I didn't think about his blood sugar and his hypoglycemia. He usually gets head tremors when that happens, But it does affect his ability to walk. I gave him's a little food with his meds. If his blood sugar was low it's probably better now. If it is blood sugar, It usually doesn't happen two nights in a row, so I'm thinking it's probably the tumor and the prednisone problem. He is also been getting many more meals than usual because I've added SEB three times per day. I mix canned food with that.

06-30-2013, 05:03 AM
A little smear of that syrup you give him wouldn't hurt though, then we can tick off that we have covered that. Smear a little on his gums. Probably not, as you say no tremours, but its an easy thing to do and won't hurt him if its not that. :)

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 05:05 AM
His stomach is upset due to the meds. I can hear him make burping noises. I don't know if I should give him a dose of SEB with a little food to settle his stomach or give him the other quarter of the tramadol. If I give the tramadol I can't give him the SEB as I would have wait another two hours before he can have it.

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 05:07 AM
I don't know if I should give him the corn syrup when his stomach is already upset. I don't know much tonight. It is 2:07 in the morning here.

06-30-2013, 05:10 AM
How fast does the SEB usually work for him? If you think he is in more discomfort from his tummy than pain from any other place I would give the SEB first and try and settle down that if its the immediate problem. x

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 05:14 AM
The SEB usually works very fast. However he's lying down quietly, so I don't want to disturb him. If his stomach was really bad, he would not be able to lie down. We've had a lot of those nights before we found the SEB.

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 05:19 AM
If he gets up and can't settle, I will give him the SEB with some corn syrup mixed in. That would take care of the sugar issue and the tummy issue. The prednisone is probably taking care of the pain issue, reducing the swelling, but that's just a guess.

06-30-2013, 05:26 AM
Yes, let sleeping dogs lie :D:D Hope he stays settled now Kathy. Isn't it always so much worse in the middle of the night... sucks.

06-30-2013, 05:36 AM
Makes you feel alone at this time, at least we have this place

06-30-2013, 05:57 AM
I hope you have dozed off with Buddy and are getting some sleep Kathy, will be here a while if you wake up though :)

06-30-2013, 07:30 AM
Oh Mel and Trish, thank you so much from the morning brigade who are now signing in from this half of the world. You two have been our overnight angels, that's for sure!

Kathy, how's our little man doing now? I know it's still dark out there on the west coast so I hope you two are finally getting some rest...


06-30-2013, 07:47 AM
I hope you got some rest. Poor Buddy he can't seem to shake those tummy aches. You know Tipper would get GI symptoms around 2-4 every morning, even before the Cushings meds etc. I read somewhere that acid can accumulate in their stomachs, and they should have food right before bedtime. I portion Tippers meals into 3 mini meals a day. I saved some of her dog food until bedtime and gave it to her. It has completely alleviated the problem. Very rarely does she get this now, and it would really gurgle and make very loud noise. I know it was hurting her, and she would have to go out and have a bm and when she came back in I would give her some food. That would help her immediately and she would go to sleep. That is how I discovered the food at night does the trick. Do you give Buddy any food before bedtime? I started giving Tipper some natural treats I bought her and she started to gain weight, so I saved some of her dog food portion for the day and used it. Does Buddy ever try to eat grass or any vegetation in your yard? Hope the poor little fellow is ok today. God Bless you and Buddy. Tipper said to tell Buddy to keep his chin up, and get better.

06-30-2013, 08:13 AM
So sorry Buddy is having such a problem. Have been reading along and hoping that you and Buddy are asleep since I have not seen you post in awhile. You are doing so great with the medication you have to control Buddy. Sending love and healing prayers for you and Buddy. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
06-30-2013, 09:11 AM
Good morning,

What a time of it you had last night. I'm so glad that Mel and Trish were able to be here with you.

I hope Buddy and you were both able to get some much needed rest.

I'll say again, I'm so glad you touched base with your vet so him and the specialist could work out a contingency plan with you. Sounds like this is just too low a dose, or that once a day doesn't work as well as twice a day to keep the inflammation down to where it needs to be. I think you Will get back to where you were, this just didn't work, but Buddy can still have a good quality of life with the right dose, carefully managed of pred and trilostane. So try not to get too discouraged by this set back. You already know that a dosage tweak up or down can make a world of difference for him.

How are things looking this morning? Are you starting the new medicine regime today?
Hang in there Kathy. You are a great mum to Buddy.

sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 10:41 AM
Very tired:o Thankfully the night shift with Mel and Trish got me through the night.;)

06-30-2013, 11:36 AM
Well, just oh fudge, gosh Kathy, I am so sorry to read this all. Of course you cant forget the bad when it is slapping you in the face. :(:(

I hope things have slowed down a bit. Something about the tramadol. I did read it can affect their central nervous system and spine. When Zoe was on it consistently for both her surgeries, she was doing many face plants. I have been giving her a small dose for two or three or four nights in a row, then back off a night or two and she was doing better. After a while on that dosing regime, I started noticing her rear end kind of wobbling to the side and she was more unsteady. I thought she needed more Tramadol as her back legs are pretty stiff. But when Koko came home from his dental, he had had a sedative and anesthesia and I noticed his back end wobbling like Zoe's.

Got me to thinking maybe Zoe's extra wobbliness is from her Tramadol. I cut back on it for two nights, she went without and she seemed a bit less off balance. It is hard to find the right balance, help the pain but not cause the side effects.

I have no proof of it and every dog is different. Just caused me to think about the Tramadol when I saw my Koko doing the same thing after his dental.

06-30-2013, 11:40 AM
You are a wonderful mommy, and have sacrificed a lot for Buddy. You have consistently done an excellent job dealing with new issues cropping up. I try not to dwell on the set backs although they can really rock you. Buddy will get straightened out with your diligence, I am sure of it. That boy still has a lot of lizards to catch, so his quality of life is going to get better after this minor set back. Blessings

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 12:25 PM
Last night was the first time I have given Buddy any Tramadol in weeks. He hasn't needed any. His legs went out before the Prednisone and Tramadol. I will remember that it has that side effect though. Thanks.;)

06-30-2013, 01:45 PM
I just tried more times than I care to count to upload Tipper's breathing video to YouTube. It kept saying all files did not upload, that the server could be down. I will give it a shot later. If not I don't know what else could be wrong. Hope Buddy is doing ok today. Blessings

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 02:19 PM
Hi Patti,
You could try sending a short clip to the forum's email address and maybe one of our administrators could figure out how to post it??



06-30-2013, 04:00 PM
Had to pop in before I head to work to check how Buddy is Kathy. I will be going with a spring in my step knowing he has perked up. Just goes to show it takes a bit of navigating when we tweak doses for our babies, so pleased he is feeling better and hope you get a nap today to catch up on your sleep :) xx

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 04:02 PM
A friend dropped by to borrow something while I was currently brewing up a fresh batch of SEB. She asked how I figured out how to do all of this stuff on my own. I told her that I wasn't doing any of it on my own, that I was surrounded by angels. I did not elaborate.;) Thank you Angels for rescuing me once again. Those special-needs angels with the crooked wings are very needy, aren't they? LOL:D

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 04:04 PM
Trish, many hugs and thank you's for babysitting me last night.:)
You're the best!

06-30-2013, 04:20 PM
Hey Kathy

Just checking in to say hello, how you both doing this afternoon?

Is it boiling there? I got burnt today even with factor 50!

Big hug


Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 04:29 PM
Mel, thanks for babysitting me last night! I am so glad that you checked in so I could tell you that.:) Big hugs,

06-30-2013, 04:41 PM
Not baby sitting. Being a friend when you needed one and I am glad I could be there...

06-30-2013, 05:13 PM
awww Mel and Trish, awwwww:):):):):):)

how is Buddy?

06-30-2013, 08:20 PM
Nipping into say Night, it's late here and I unfortunately have to work tomorrow!

Hope you are both doing ok and I will be back in the morning

Big hug to you and some belly rubs for the little man


Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 09:40 PM
Good night sweet Mel. You are the best! Hugs to you and kisses to Boycie.

07-01-2013, 03:08 AM
Hi Kathy
I am home from work, now everyone is sleeping just as it should be!!! I like it when my nights are quiet as that means everyone is doing good :D:D Hoping you and Buddy have a much more settled and painfree night!! I have to get a presentation finished for a talk I have to do tomorrow night, its on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia to a group of pharmacists so I better have all my drug info right!!! Typical me doing it last minute :eek: So I will be here on the computer all night no doubt! So pop in if your up!!

I see you just did your 1000th post!! That creeped up fast :D:D and such a comfort you are to all of our posters xxxxx

07-01-2013, 08:31 AM
I will try to send a short clip to the administrator. It could be the SDHC card I used. When I went to do this I was out of them and the closest store was a dollar store, well I should say the only store. That is all we have in this little town. It was some off brand that I would not normally buy. Hope Buddy is doing well and having a good nite. I am wondering, if the Manuka honey could serve 2 purposes for Buddy. To settle his stomach, and to swap it out for the corn syrup? Just a thought. That way he would get both advantages from one product. Blessings

Budsters Mom
07-01-2013, 09:34 AM
Thank you so much Trish. What a wonderful, supportive night angel you are!:) I hope your lecture goes well. It's weird because you're a day ahead of me, so it's not really my tomorrow, but it's your tomorrow. ;) It is very soothing to know you're there, when the guys in the white vans start circling again.:eek:

I can't use any kind of honey on Buddy because he is allergic to bees. Honey should b avoided by those with bee allergies. Allergies always make Buddy's treatment more challenging. Thanks anyway.xxxxxxx

07-01-2013, 09:43 AM
I hope Buddy is better this morning. You'll had a rough night. Maybe today will be better for you. Love, JoAnne

07-01-2013, 04:26 PM
Oh Kathy,
I'm just catching up on your posts...wow..what a bad night you had! How great though that Mel and Trish, from the other side of the world were there for you!! You were not alone and I'm certain that gave you some comfort while you going through such distress in the wee hours.

It's a long, long night when you know your pup is hurting. Poor Buddy....how is he doing today? I am hoping so much that he is okay today and not at all in pain and up and around in his usual fashion.
Thinking of you and Buddy too! :p

Budsters Mom
07-01-2013, 05:01 PM
We are hanging in there. Thanks for checking. Hugs,

07-01-2013, 05:16 PM
Pleased you posted as I was wondering.

Hope it has cooled down now

Big hug


Budsters Mom
07-01-2013, 05:25 PM
You are one of my many blessings. I am very thankful for you.:) I love that you take sweet Tia's photo with you when you go on holiday. Big hugs my sweet,

07-01-2013, 05:33 PM
Being here even if it's not saying much makes me feel like I am honouring my little girl and what we learnt and experienced.

I need to see her face, I will take a few. I have 3 in my direct line of sight at home. Alongside Tara and Juno my girls before Tia.

I am looking forward to getting away from work, I need this break that I do know!

Big hug back to you and kisses galore for our mighty hunter


Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 02:59 AM
Nights are not going well for Buddy. I know that he is in pain. :(

07-02-2013, 03:35 AM
Just nipping in to let you know I am here..

Sorry Buddy is having a rough night again, hoping that you can get the dose of pred sorted out soon to make him more comfortable.

Can he have any more tramadol tonight to take the edge off? I wonder whether his cortisol is running a bit higher at night as that can make them restless

I know it's tough, praying for you that he feels better soon

Tight hug

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 03:43 AM
His cortisol would be running higher because he gets the second dose of prednisone in the evening and takes his Trilostane in the morning. Point being,I cannot continue to let him be a pain every night. I gave him a quarter of a tramadol at 11:30. He can have another quarter if he needs it. I can't just keep pumping pain meds into him though. He's fine during the day. Active, involved, eating and pooping well. I am also pretty shook up about Scoop and poor Vicki.

07-02-2013, 03:54 AM
I wonder whether you could add a small dose of trilo at night to balance that out instead of the tramadol.. I understand completely about not wanting to give him lots of medicine Kathy

Its hard we become attached to all the puppies on here, I have cried for them both too.

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 04:05 AM
No, Trilostane needs to begin given in the morning only. That is part of the Trilostane/prednisone combo treatment. The cortisol is supposed to be able to rise in the evening. That helps slow down the tumor somewhat, While still controlling the Cushing's symptoms during the day.

07-02-2013, 04:08 AM
I didn't know as we never persued that avenue. I am sorry I can't be of more help x

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 04:10 AM
It is working during the day. He actually does quite well. It is bedtime when the problem occurs. When he starts to cry and moan, he's in pain.

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 04:14 AM
The doctor did say it would take three or four days To regulate the dose back where it was to eliminate the symptoms, Before all of this started. Then I'm supposed to put him on a maintenance dose. I haven't given it long enough to work yet, If it's going to work. It did work before.

07-02-2013, 04:15 AM
Helpless is the word, I know that's how it used to make me feel.

You are doing your very best Kathy

Tight hug


07-02-2013, 04:16 AM
Ok so we are only night 2 it will work it did before

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 04:17 AM
It is not good enough Mel.

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 04:18 AM
Last night he did fine. He slept from 930 to 6 this morning. No crying.

07-02-2013, 04:22 AM
I know there are no words. I am the same always want to do more, must be some thing that can be done so I totally get what you mean

I am sure if there was anything else you would have found it so I do believe you are doing your very best Kathy you just wished it was more and thats because of how much you love little buddy

07-02-2013, 04:37 AM
Hi Kathy, Hi Mel!!

I am finally home from giving the speech, it went pretty good. I got a nice pressie of 3 different olive oils and 2 packs of tasty olives so that was kind of them! Let me get a cuppa and i shall be back, sorry Buddy is uncomfortable again Kathy, I would give him as much Tramadol as he is allowed to see if he settles. I know you don't like doing that, but he might need more till that Prednisone kicks back in. Back in a tic

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 05:01 AM
Trish, You don't have to stay up with me. There's not much to say.

07-02-2013, 05:03 AM
Hi Trish, you are back and I have to leave I have a meeting up town today just what i didn't need bound to get actions which I could do without.

Hoping Buddy settles soon Kathy and I will be back later to check in

Big hug

07-02-2013, 05:06 AM
We want to stay with you. I would if I didn't have a client meeting.

07-02-2013, 05:14 AM
I know I don't have to stay up with you Kathy, but I want to and would be here anyway :D:D You cannot get rid of me that easily :) Have a good meeting Mel, tell them you cannot do any extras this week as you are getting ready for your holiday!!!! Sit on your hands so you do not volunteer for anything :D Thats my tactic anyway :D

07-02-2013, 07:18 AM
sending love and hugs your way, Kathy.

07-02-2013, 07:45 AM
Me too.............

07-02-2013, 08:28 AM
I feel for you and poor Buddy. It is so hard to see them in any pain. Do you think you should contact the Dr. and get his opinion? Sweet Buddy dose not need this. I am sorry I am so broken up about Scoop I can't do this today. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
07-02-2013, 08:59 AM
Dear Kathy,

I think all our hearts are broken this morning, making things that much more difficult to cope with, causing our minds to take trips we had rather it didn't. It's another manifestation of the love we have for our own babies, and the love we share as a family here at K9C. When one of us suffers, we all suffer.

We are right by your side, too, honey. Always. You cannot send us away. We are here for your moments of joy and for your moments of fear. There is so much we can never be sure of but there are a few things you can always count on - Buddy knows how very much you love him, how very hard you are working to help him have the best quality of life possible....and so do we.

Leslie and the gang

07-02-2013, 11:36 AM
are the meds working now? I hope so!
You and Buddy need some quality sleep. Poor thing.

07-02-2013, 01:02 PM
How is Buddy doing today? Was it last night that he slept well...no pain? I see your post saying he slept until 6am...not sure which night that was. I do hope he had an okay night...and you too. You're probably exhausted with lack of sleep. So glad you are off and don't have to run off to work right now.
Hoping Buddy is having a good day today!

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 03:28 PM
Buddy is in pain. I can't pray it away or try to ignore it hoping it will go away. He is lying in his crate crying. I know what I have to do, but it is tearing my heart out.

07-02-2013, 03:33 PM
Please call the vet while you pray for dear Buddy, this is terrible, and I am sorry you both are going thru this. Has he ever had pain like this before? Where do you think it is coming from? Please get a vet to at least talk to you, I am scared, and extremely concerned for you both.

Squirt's Mom
07-02-2013, 03:39 PM
Oh, Kathy,

We trust you, just as Buddy does, to do what is right for him. We know you won't be hasty nor will you let him suffer needlessly. Your love will guide you as will Buddy.

Please know we are praying for you both, we are standing with you no matter what, and will be here anytime you need to reach out.

Many gentle hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

07-02-2013, 03:45 PM
Kathy, I am here too. Are you certain it is pain that is causing Buddy to cry? Sometimes people will cry out or moan when they are mentally dazed or confused. Either way, it must be torture for you to hear him and may signal your need to act on his behalf. But just thought I'd throw that thought out there...

07-02-2013, 03:49 PM
Sweetie, it has been a hard week for you and today is very hard.

Leslie's words are dear and true. We stand by your side, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart. Our love, support and concern for you and Buddy never waiver.

Do you want to talk? I'm here.

Roxee's Dad
07-02-2013, 04:00 PM
I am here too, standing, watching and praying.....

07-02-2013, 04:08 PM
Oh Kathy, I am here too, right by your side, praying. Sending my love and support to you and your precious boy.


07-02-2013, 04:13 PM
I am here also

You have had a tough few days but we are all right with you Kathy

Tight hugs


molly muffin
07-02-2013, 04:19 PM
I'm here too Kathy. Sending you and Buddy big hugs and lots of love.


07-02-2013, 04:42 PM
I'm joining the group standing in support for you and have the same sentiments. My heart aches for you Kathy. I'm just so sorry for what you are going through...wishing so badly things were different...hugs to you and Buddy.
xo Barbara

Harley PoMMom
07-02-2013, 04:47 PM
I am here too. Sending my love, hugs, and prayers for you and dear Buddy.

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 06:02 PM
Buddy is gone......... 1:45 PM Pacific time. Help me march him over the rainbow bridge. :(:(:(:(

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 06:08 PM
I knew he was in pain because he was panting very heavily. He was only doing the crying and moaning at night until today. But when he started to lay down today he started doing it again. He would stop as soon as I went over and sat down to pet him. I looked in his eyes and knew it was time. He was all that I had, my entire reason for living. I have nothing left.

07-02-2013, 06:16 PM
I am so very sorry Kathy. I really hoped this wouldn't be the day you had to let him go. Words do not seem enough. Tears stream down my face for you, Buddy, Vicki, Scoop and my Tia

Run free Little Buddy

07-02-2013, 06:24 PM
I light him a candle, I wish I could give you a real hug

molly muffin
07-02-2013, 06:26 PM
Oh Kathy, Our hearts break right along with your yours. The tears are flowing for the mighty lizard hunter and his brave mom.
He will always be your perfect happy mighty lizard hunter and I have to believe that somewhere over the bridge he is bouncy around and saying look at me mom.
I so wish I could take the pain away for you.


Simba's Mom
07-02-2013, 06:27 PM
Oh no, not Buddy too, I'm so sorry Kathy, sending hugs and prayers, please know we are all here for you, fly free sweet Buddy, no more pain, chasing lizards in full force once again, I can't help but cry for you and Vicki today, so sad, so sorry.....

07-02-2013, 06:32 PM
Oh Kathy, you knew him so well. You knew exactly what he needed you to do for him. Bless your broken heart for giving him the gift of release. He is freed from all pain, but we know yours is only beginning.

Like Mel, wishing so much I could reach out and hug you. I am closing my eyes and sending thoughts of strength and comfort to you. I know things will never be the same for you. But you are not alone, Kathy. You are never alone. We are here.

07-02-2013, 06:39 PM
Dearest Kathy,

We are all crying with you, hearts break with yours. But he is not all you had in life for you do have all of us and you have all of us because of Buddy. Somehow it is a circle on its own.

For when I am gone, do not shed wild tears but carry on in my name for my sake

We wont leave you, we are all still here and always will be.

My tears make it too hard to type anymore.

07-02-2013, 06:43 PM
Oh Kathy, I am so sorry. I was thinking of Buddy all day. You knew and loved him best and your love was an unselfish love, you letl him go because you knew he was sufferiing and that was the right thing to do for him. Your heart is breaking and tears are flowing. We are sending love to you and my heart is breaking for you. Fly free of pain sweet Buddy. Love, JoAnne

07-02-2013, 07:00 PM
I am still here with you. Just wanted you to know.

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 07:03 PM
Thank you Mel.:) You need to go to bed. It is late there!
Xxxxx Kathy

07-02-2013, 07:05 PM
Feel so sad, will try in a bit.

Tight hugs to you Kathy


07-02-2013, 07:07 PM
We don't have to talk, I just want you to know your not on your own if you do want to

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 07:18 PM
You are an angel Mel. I know you are sad too.:(

07-02-2013, 07:22 PM
I'm here too, Kathy, I can stay with you.

07-02-2013, 07:23 PM
On vacation with tears flowing. Love you! Kim

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 07:24 PM
Thank you Addy

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 07:25 PM
Hi Kim. I am sorry that I ruined your vacation.

07-02-2013, 07:25 PM
Oh Kathy, I am so very, very sorry. Know that I am thinking of you .

Julie & Hannah

Roxee's Dad
07-02-2013, 07:25 PM
Oh Kathy,
I am so very very sorry, my heart hurts for you. To quote one of our past members " The most unselfish thing you could do was to take his pain away and make it yours" Tears of sadness are flowing as I type this..

Rest in Peace Buddy, tonight, you are our newest and brightest star in the sky......... Tonight a candle will be lit in your honor and memory.

07-02-2013, 07:32 PM
We all hurt with you. We just wish we were there with you, in person. We dont want you to be alone. You dont have to talk, just see my green light is on and you are not alone, okay?

07-02-2013, 07:35 PM
Kathy - So very sad to see this and although I do not know you I am tearful in that I know the immense love you had for Buddy and how crushing it is to lose that brave little companion. What an unselfish person you are allowing Buddy to once again run free. His spirit will always remain with you as you continue to be an angel to so many of us.

Big hugs,
Kerry (Millie's Mama)

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 07:37 PM
Okay, thank you

07-02-2013, 07:44 PM
I am saying goodnight for now, I will be back in the morning around midnight 1 ish your time to check in

I am so sorry Kathy, I wish there was more I could do or say to help your broken heart.


Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 07:45 PM
Sleep well my sweet Mel.
Big hugs,

07-02-2013, 07:49 PM
Tighter hugs back to you. Night xxxx

07-02-2013, 07:52 PM
My green light is still on, gentle hugs.

07-02-2013, 08:15 PM
I had not been on for a while today. Something just told me to go to the computer and check in. I thought I was seeing things when I started reading about Buddy passing. How in the world can this be? Dear God this is so tragic that I cannot believe that two wonderful people who did everything they could for their babies have suffered losses today. I am speechless, this is like a punch in the gut. I just got done praying to God to help Vicki, now you Kathy. This is too much to bare. I know how very much this baby meant to you and I so loved all his memorable antics. I am not understanding what happened here and I don't want you to even try and explain it now. I am so broken for you and Vicki I have cried all day. Every time I think of this disease I cry. I know Buddy was your reason to go thru life, just like Tipper is mine. I cannot and do not want to imagine that being taken away. I am so, so sorry for you, I wish I could comfort you somehow. I am going to say a special prayer for your angel so he can cross the bridge, and live pain free, and for you so you can somehow go on. This has been like losing one of my own today. This hole in the heart is so deep, I don't know as it can ever be filled back up. I don't want to come to this computer and not be able to hear about the cute things Buddy did that day. This is excruciating, like the whole world has fallen apart in one day. I need to go to my Tipper and hug her and tell her Buddy has gone to heaven. God Help Us All.

07-02-2013, 08:15 PM
Kathy, try to hold tight to knowing that you only have to live through the "firsts" once. First evening, first night, first morning. They tear your heart to shreds, but you only have to live through them one time.

Know you are surrounded with love and caring. And I am touched from here to there by what Addy said earlier. That you have all of us because of Buddy. His love is truly a circle. You took care of him, and he is taking care of you, Kathy. Please let us help Buddy take care of you now.

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 08:32 PM
I can't do it Marianne. It all sounds good, but I am alone with Buddy's stuffed frog and his cuddle blanket. Yes, you are all there, but you are not here. Buddy was the light of my life and now that light has been snuffed out. I take care of my parents who live with me. Buddy was my only ally. He was always there no matter how hard things got. Before he came into my life, I did not have a reason to go home after work. He has always been there to greet me at the door and follow me around like a little nosy shadow. My life has revolved around his meds and his meals and all of that. What do I do with myself now?

07-02-2013, 08:47 PM
Oh sweet Kathy, you grieve now. You grieve your darling boy. You hold his frog and his blanket tight to your heart and you cry or you scream or you pace the floor or you crumple into a ball. Because there is nothing else to be done right now besides grieve.

But every once in a while through the night and through tomorrow, I hope it may feel like a comfort to reach out to us here. Just to post a note, or just to read a note. Just to let us know you're with us. No matter how much it hurts, you will live through this evening and this night. And then it will be tomorrow. And then we will talk more about getting through your first day. But you don't have to do that yet. All you have to do is start with this evening.

07-02-2013, 08:51 PM
Before I adopted Zoe, I had lost my cat of 21 years. I lived with her longer than any human. I stayed at work late every night, nothing to come home to until Zoe came into my life a few years later.

Some how we pick up the pieces and when it is time, when we can, we carry on in their name and help another being in one way or another, however we can, Kathy. You always knew what Buddy needed and you will know what you need too although it does not seem like it now.

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 08:55 PM
Send the guys in the white vans. Make sure they have plenty of drugs. That is the only way I'm going to get through tonight.:(

07-02-2013, 09:05 PM
How about the girls in the white vans? I can drive.

Hey, pharmaceuticals can be a good thing when you really need it, nothing wrong with that.

07-02-2013, 09:08 PM
I am so sorry! I know this pain too and I also know how much you loved Buddy and gave him all that you could, even at the end. You helped him find peace without pain. So many people do not have the strength to make that decision.

As much as it hurts, you did what was best for Buddy No one can ask anything less.

In time, when you're ready - consider helping another furlet in need. There are so many who need great humans to live with. Each are special.

07-02-2013, 09:15 PM
Hey, pharmaceuticals can be a good thing when you really need it, nothing wrong with that.
Yup, "Better living through chemistry" and all that.

I can ride shotgun with you in the van, Addy. :o

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 09:18 PM
I can't be trusted with a bottle of pills right now. I would be too inclined to join Buddy. It is best I stay away from them.:o

07-02-2013, 09:24 PM
OK Missy, no pills for you.

Kathy, if you feel up to it, would you tell us how Buddy came into your life? You don't have to talk at all right now. But I would love to hear Buddy's story sometime when you are ready.

molly muffin
07-02-2013, 09:24 PM
I've looked at your note it seems a million times and the words just don't seem adequate. I wish that we were All right there with you tonight, and tomorrow and every day that you need a friend to share a tear with, to laugh over funny memories with.

I hope that together, whether next door or thousands of miles away, that we are all stronger together than apart.

You can only get through anything, one moment at a time. Only someone truly amazing could have gotten this far, taken such good care of Buddy and been strong enough to let him go, when every fiber of your being is screaming no. A love and devotion so strong, so pure, will bring with it a pain equally strong. It is easy to say that time will heal and the pain will somehow lessen. None of us, except Vicki, stand in your shoes tonight. We can only say that we will be here if you want us and hope that you know that you and Buddy are loved a great deal. You are a integral part of our community here.


07-02-2013, 09:35 PM
Sharlene is so right. I see your posts to new members, jumping right in to help, always thinking of others, no matter what you are going through. I guess I may be selfish, wanting you to stay here with us, not drift away. Truth is, we need you too.

07-02-2013, 09:37 PM
I just got back home Kathy...I was afraid to sign on after what was going on earlier today. I saw the sad news right away....I'm just here crying and I have no words, except to say how sorry I am...truly sorry.
We both started here right around the same time. You and Buddy were the first ones I "knew" on the board and I'm just so, so sad about what happened. I wish there was something I could do to help you feel better but I know there is nothing I can say that can take all this sadness away. It's a deep pain you have to bear right now and everyone who has ever lost a pet knows how much you're hurting.
I'm thinking of you..and I'm thinking of Buddy just hoping you will be okay tonight Kathy.
Sending a big comforting hug to you,

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 11:30 PM
I just loaded three photos of Buddy taken today. These were taken right before we left for our final ride together.

Budsters Mom
07-02-2013, 11:31 PM
The photos are in a new album called run free.

Simba's Mom
07-03-2013, 12:18 AM
Oh Kathy, may it be a çomfort to know that your sweet Buddy is no longer in pain, no more meds, no more vets, no more tests, just peace and free reign on all the lizards in Heaven...I have seen the look of Mom let me go now, before Sim I had a dog named Belle, and she too gave me the look that only you could know....she was old and tired and had bad legs so she wanted to run again and chase squirrels, so I let her go....so you let Buddy go and now he is enjoying health and meeting lots of other dogs in Heaven, eating great and enjoying the beautiful scenery...I do believe we will see our fur babies again, because everything that makes us happy will be in Heaven, and I know Buddy made you very happy and he still does, his memory lives on in your heart and in all you amazing stories about his adventures, bless you hon, here for you....

07-03-2013, 12:20 AM
Can't help crying and big lump in my throat when I saw the photos. Such a sad day.
I hope you are able to get at least a little rest tonight.

Budsters Mom
07-03-2013, 12:37 AM
Thank you ladies.:)

Bo's Mom
07-03-2013, 12:40 AM
I am so very sorry to read about Buddy. Words I know can't take away the pain because the love we have for our babies goes to the core of our soul. Time does help but the pain will never go away. It is comforting knowing that we would have never regretted the time we got to spend with our babies even though our time has to come to a painful end. We are all here for you and please don't leave. I keep a candle burning in my Angel Bo's honor and that has helped also.
I know Bo is showing Buddy all the cool places to find those lizards and I am sure Buddy is helping Bo catch a few. Prayers for you my friend.

07-03-2013, 01:47 AM
So sorry in your loss ... ((( hUGS ))) .. From Natcho & Lara
Catherine ..

The Last Battle

If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

Budsters Mom
07-03-2013, 02:19 AM
When I close my eyes, I see Buddy lying on the exam room table after the light has left his eyes. He was always completely trusting of everyone. I stood there, rubbed his face and told him to go get the lizards, while he took his last breath. How can I go to sleep when I see that when I close my eyes?

07-03-2013, 02:23 AM
I am back, I just woke up.

That will pass, I will be honest Kathy it took me a while to think past the last few months but it does happen

You were so brave for him, he told you and you heard.

07-03-2013, 02:29 AM
Just got in from work and arrived to see the news of Buddy's passing. I knew you would do the right thing when it was time Kathy, you are such a strong woman and not only the love of Buddy's life but an inspiration to us all .

I have no words that can comfort you right now as it must just suck. But me and Mel are here with you through these darks hours and are holding your hands and sending the biggest cyber hugs and I am waving to Buddy madly as he crosses the bridge onto the biggest lizard hunt of his life ((((((((((((((((((KATHY)))))))))))))))) xxxxxxxxxxx

Budsters Mom
07-03-2013, 02:34 AM
Doing the right thing sucks!

07-03-2013, 02:37 AM
It sure does. If there was anything else you could have done you would have done it Kathy

Budsters Mom
07-03-2013, 02:38 AM
I could have kept him going with pain meds, but that would have been for me, not for him.

07-03-2013, 02:42 AM
It BLOODY sucks, there I said a bad word, but circumstances found me looking for the one that might cause the least offense :p

07-03-2013, 02:42 AM
And it should always be about them not us.

07-03-2013, 02:42 AM
Dear Kathy,
I have been crying all night after reading this news I feared about sweet Buddy. I couldn't even bring myself to post until now. I know there are no words that will help ease the pain you feel now, but I am here with you, as we all are. My heart breaks for you, as I completely understand how devastating this is for you. My pups are my whole world also, they are my children, just as Buddy was for you. I know how hard this first night is. All of us who have lost a precious baby understand how much it hurts. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug and just to sit with you. I wish there was more I could do. Sending lots of love and big tight hugs.


Budsters Mom
07-03-2013, 02:48 AM
Yes, it should be about them. But they are not the ones left with a broken heart clutching a stuffed frog and a dog's cuddle blanket. His blanket still smells like him.

07-03-2013, 02:48 AM
Ok girls, I have chocolates, fish n chips, coke, tissues, wine for the four of us and anyone else who pops in.... I think I have us covered for the next few hours! Have you eaten anything Kathy? I know I always seem to resort to eating in times of stress but I so worry about you and hope you have at least had a wee snack and a drink of some kind.

HI Mel and Tina, I am glad you are here as we as a group have strength in numbers and the amount of posts you have Kathy show how loved you are on this group and how everyone is circling to hold you close xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx