View Full Version : Buddy, The Mighty Lizard Hunter - Suspected Pituitary Macro Tumor
Simba's Mom
05-08-2013, 10:03 PM
Yay, so happy to hear no head tremors today, way to go Buddy!!!
molly muffin
05-08-2013, 10:12 PM
A tremor free day is a good one. I wish he'd never have a single tremor ever again. :)
hugs Kathy and scritches for Buddy
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-08-2013, 11:01 PM
Thank you for our own personal cheer squad!! :D I love it and all of you!:) No tremors yesterday or today, so far!:D To be fair, there could've been some while I was at work, but NONE while I was home!:D Tremor free days are not only good days, THEY ARE GREAT DAYS!!!!!:D
Hugs to all our heavenly angels,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-08-2013, 11:12 PM
Hi Kathy,
It's great hearing that Buddy had no tremors today and that he is feeling so good!! Excellent, excellent news!!! So glad to hear he is doing so well and being super cute to boot!! :D
05-09-2013, 12:53 AM
05-09-2013, 08:48 AM
That is such good news about Buddy. It makes my heart happy. It was terrible to know he was having so many tremors with his head. I hope for you and Buddy he continues to improve. God Bless You Both
Boriss McCall
05-09-2013, 10:32 AM
yay no tremors!! Now lets keep them away again today & forever. yay Buddy!!!
Squirt's Mom
05-09-2013, 10:35 AM
WOOHOO!!! Way to go Buddy! :cool::cool::cool:
molly muffin
05-09-2013, 04:40 PM
Hoping for another tremor free day!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-09-2013, 05:08 PM
Me too Sharlene!!;) This would be day 3 if Buddy makes it!:o
Hugs to you and Miss Molly,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-09-2013, 07:04 PM
I just called Buddy's vet to see if they do ACTH testing on Saturdays. THEY ARE STILL INSTRUCTING ME TO FAST HIM BEFORE THE ACTH TEST! So obviously, they have ignored all of the data that I forwarded to them. Even after I called Dechra myself and related that information!! Clueless!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-09-2013, 07:52 PM
Good lord!! Save us from ignorance.
So would they do the test in say? :).
How is Buddy today?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Budsters Mom
05-09-2013, 08:20 PM
Buddy is awesome today!:). He is been lizard hunting since I got home from work. No tremors again today so far!:D Thanks for asking.
As for the vet, yes I will make sure they do the test correctly. That is why I have to go and stay. I will have to stay every time, like I did last time. Yes, his vet will do it my way, Probably because I've worn her down!:D It's all about the mama bear and her cub! No one messes with this mama bear! LOL. Yes, they'll do the test on Saturday, but I think I'll wait until State testing is over and go during the week. Saturdays are always packed and I don't want any mistakes.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-09-2013, 08:40 PM
Yay!!So glad Buddy is having a good day and no tremors!That's awesome news.Love hearing good news.Well,this mama bear has to go before my cub eats my dinner!:).So happy for you and Buddy and happy lizard hunting Buddy!
05-10-2013, 08:23 AM
I don't blame you for staying with Buddy. I always stay with Tipper. I don't want any mistakes either. You are agood mom and doing the right thing for your Buddy. I get a kick out of his lizard hunting that is a hoot! God Bless You and Buddy
molly muffin
05-10-2013, 10:53 AM
Oh Mighty Lizard Hunter, strikes again!!!
Yea, I'd want to stay too. Not the most reliable protocol followers in the world there. Got to keep them on their best game for our lizard hunter!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
05-10-2013, 12:33 PM
I think I would hand a copy of the Dechra instructions to the person you spoke with on the phone when I went in so they stop giving out incorrect info. Perhaps the vet is now aware but the communication broke down somewhere along the way. I would also stay to make sure it was done correctly, tho. ;)
Budsters Mom
05-10-2013, 12:34 PM
Yes Sharlene, When the mighty lizard hunter stays in his bed, I know that he is not feeling well. Buddy made it through 3 tremor free days! Hip hip hooray!!:D The real test will be this weekend when I'm able to be home all day to monitor him.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-10-2013, 12:52 PM
Hooray for the lizard hunter Buddy! Sounds like things are really good...all except for the vet's office. They need to read up on Cushings a bit maybe.
Hopefully when you get to the test day that everything will be done'll see to that, I'm sure. ;)
Hope you and Buddy have a great weekend!
Budsters Mom
05-10-2013, 06:32 PM
Does anyone know anything about pool therapy for dogs with Cushings. I had a friend who's dog had knee surgery. She brought him over every day for rehab in the pool for about 15-20 minutes. The pool has solar heating, so it's always comfortably warm, sometimes too warm! If I don't keep an eye on the heat level, it can turn into a Jacuzzi!:D I was wondering if pool therapy would help strengthen Buddy's real leg muscles? His rear leg weakness is his only lingering Cushing symptom. The rest are controlled for now. I have a few concerns. Buddy has allergies. Will the pool chemicals irritate his skin, Causing other problems? I would rinse him off after his pool session, but damage could already be done. Also, would water exercise be too hard on his weak rear legs. If any of you have tried it, let me know if it helped. Thanks,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-10-2013, 07:01 PM
since Cushpups have a difficult time regulating their core temp. I'd be concerned about the pool being too warm and Buddy overheating moreso than him not being able to tolerate the exercise. I would think that he would simply stop when he was done.
If Buddy has any kind of cut, sore, irritation at all - I would not expose him to chlorine.
What about swimming in the bath tub at home? Seriously :)
I know someone whose dog had weak hind legs and they fitted him with women's pantyhose in a loop and supported him that way while walking. He was able to exercise more this way and recovered nicely.
05-11-2013, 03:15 PM
Kathy, These little rubber socks look like they stay on somehow...they are called Pawz.
here is a link for them..they would be great to shield Buddy's paws from the grass.
I have several packages of these if anybody would like them. PM me if you are interested and I'll see that you get them. I think I only have two or three medium and two extra small.
Budsters Mom
05-11-2013, 04:50 PM
Great! I would like to try them. I sent you a PM with my mailing address and contact information. Thank you so much!:)
My Zoe is allgeric to grass but not to the extent Buddy is. I did find last year that Betadine Iodine footbath can rinse all pollen and other junk off their feet. You can mix up a batch in a small bucket or dish pan the color of iced tea and simply dunk and swosh and pat dry, no need to rinse and you can reuse the solution for a while. You can leave the pan at your door outside and it does not hurt them if they lick or chew their paws afterward.
Just a thought.:):):):)
05-12-2013, 09:33 AM
Hey Kathy
How are you and the little lizard hunter today?
Hope all is well and that you are having a good day
Big hug
Budsters Mom
05-12-2013, 09:55 AM
Hi Mel,
We are doing well. Thank you or asking.:) No tremors since last Monday. YAY:D. The weather has been perfect for lizard hunting and there are many this year.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-12-2013, 12:34 PM
Thank you for the foot bath recipe. I will try it! :) Hopefully Buddy will not expect a massage and mini pedi with his soak! LOL . The mighty lizard hunter tries to portray a tough guy image. If he picks up one little sticker, he stops in his tracks, lifts his paw, and waits to be rescued. If it's a back paw, he will freeze in his tracks and wait for his rescuer. Don't get me started on the rain. If he even thinks it might be sprinkling, he is not going out there! When forced to go outside, he will plaster himself along the wall under the overhang of the eaves to do his business, then run for the door, before the rain monster gets him!:eek: THIS IS THE MIGHTY LIZARD HUNTER!;):D LOL
Love and Hugs,
Kathy and Buddy
Budsters Mom
05-13-2013, 12:41 PM
no head tremors - one week today!!!!!!!
Kathy and Buddy:)
Squirt's Mom
05-13-2013, 01:05 PM
:cool::cool::cool: Woohoo!!! :cool::cool::cool:
05-13-2013, 02:54 PM
molly muffin
05-13-2013, 04:38 PM
That is wonderful news Kathy! whoo hoooo!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-14-2013, 07:25 PM
Hi all,:)
I am manic when it comes to flea control. I live in an area where fleas are everywhere!:( The last two times I have taken Buddy to the vet, he has picked up a few fleas and brought them home. Buddy has flea allergies which quickly turns to flea allergy dermatitis. It only takes one flea before his skin is a real mess and he's miserable, scratching incessantly. I always bathe him right after the vet, but fleas continue to pop up here and there. I have used frontline in the past and that worked well. I pretreat him with Benadryl which he's taking right now for allergies anyway, and then I apply the frontline about an hour later. I follow up with another dose of Benadryl in the morning. I am concerned about using it now. He has so many allergies and his head tremors just stopped 8 days ago. He also takes Trilostane for Cushings. It's the treat or not to treat dilemma? If I treat with the frontline that will keep flea allergy dermatitis away, but I don't know if it will affect his other conditions. Any suggestions?
Harley PoMMom
05-14-2013, 10:31 PM
Fleas are terrible!! Had a bout with them last year!! And if ingested can cause tapeworms! :eek: So I would suggest treating if fleas are seen. Hope those pesky buggers are gone soon.
Love and hugs, Lori
05-14-2013, 11:18 PM
Great tremors!! Glad to hear Buddy is still going great!
I too have a dilemma about flea/tick control. I had blamed Frontline for the bouts of bad gastro problems Trixie seemed to have in the summer when I used I stopped.
The vet really didn't believe that Frontline had been the issue, but the timing just seemed to say otherwise.
We don't really have a flea issue much here but ticks can be a problem. I have the old fashioned type of flea/tick collar which I use when she's out in the park or the country but right now on medication I am so fearful to use anything! I don't think the collars are all that effective but I really don't want to use the topicals now.
I did give her the heartworm medication after I asked the vet if it was ok, I was so nervous but thankfully there was no problem.
Don't know what I will do about flea/tick control. Right now I am giving her the once over tick check when we come inside from outside..easier now that she's got a summer shave. Guess we'll use the collar when she's outside..I don't leave it on inside though..always afraid it's going to irritate her.
So many things to think about! :eek:
05-14-2013, 11:39 PM
Just checking in to say hello and wish you a happy belated mother's day!Was catching up on a few threads and so happy to hear that Buddy has not had any furthur head tremors.That is such great news!!:).
Both Fella and Grace got fleas last summer.I hate the Frontline,it just seems so toxic so I didn't use it for a few years and we were lucky.But last year,they both got them-disgusting!!What a job it is to get rid of them!Those little critters are persistent.I now of course use Frontline again on Grace.
Glad to hear you and Buddy are having better days!!
Budsters Mom
05-15-2013, 01:11 AM
Thank you all for your input. I don't like topical flea products either. Yes, they do seem very toxic and Buddy has so many allergies. I am also worried about the head tremors starting up again. I was not aware that ingesting fleas could cause heartworms. Thank you Lori for that information. Since Buddy has come home twice from the vet with a few fleas now, they obviously are a problem in my area. It looks like I will have to use the frontline and am very nervous about it. Thanks again for your help.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Boriss McCall
05-15-2013, 10:16 AM
I switched Boriss to the Comfortis chewable tablet for flea & tick. I am crossing my fingers that it works this summer. So far the last couple of months it has worked good.
Harley PoMMom
05-15-2013, 11:45 AM
I was not aware that ingesting fleas could cause heartworms. Thank you Lori for that information.
Fleas when ingested can cause tapeworms, I believe mosquitoes are the pests that cause heartworms.
When I adopted my boy, Bear, he was 8 months old and full of fleas and tapeworms. :eek::( It did take us a bit to get rid of those pesky fleas.
Budsters Mom
05-15-2013, 11:12 PM
I broke down and treated Buddy with Frontline. I pretreated him with Benadryl first, because he has so many allergies. He hasn't had any head tremors since a week ago Monday.:D I am hoping for the best.:o
State testing ends this week!:D I plan on taking Buddy for his ACTH Test on Monday or Tuesday. I have to call the vet and find out what day she will be there. I finally wore her down enough to where she will do his ACTH test not fasted. I do have to stay to make sure the test is done correctly, within the proper time frame. Cushing's wise, he is doing very well. His hair is growing back on his stomach following his ultra-sound and his skin is starting to pink up some. Rear leg weakness is the only Cushing symptom that remains. Even that is somewhat better. :D
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Squirt's Mom
05-16-2013, 09:06 AM
I used to use Frontline but it seemed to lose its effectiveness and our vet at the time told me they had weakened the formula for the public but the one the vets were using was the original strength - which is why his spray would work but mine didn't. :rolleyes:
We now use Advantage Multi which covers heart worms, fleas and many internal parasites. It doesn't help with ticks, tho. I hate using these things but we are sort of in a hard spot in some of the areas we live in - we either treat with harsh chemicals or allow our babies to be exposed to some terrible diseases. :(
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 11:31 AM
Hi all,
I gave Buddy Frontline after dinner last night. This morning shortly after getting up, he had a head tremor!!:( I don't know if he had any during the night. 8 days without one, then Frontline, then tremor.
Coincidence, I don't know. :(:( The tremor was short, only a minute or so long. He was nervous and clingy after the tremor, but ate his breakfast normally and had his Trilo and Benadryl. I had to leave for work shortly after that. So now, I am at work worried again.:(:(
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Boriss McCall
05-16-2013, 01:03 PM
oh no!! Did you give it to him last month? makes me wonder if it is related & causing the tremors. Some dogs are SO very sensitive to that stuff.
I can just open a pack to put on my healthy dog & Boriss smells it & goes nuts. He is so sensitive to it. I stopped using it on him. It doesn't seem to bother my other dog Pearl.
I know you are at work stressing.. :( I just hate that feeling & knowing you can't be there with him.
05-16-2013, 01:48 PM
I hope Buddy is doing fine after this morning's tremor. Is this the first Frontline he has had in awhile? Since the tremors were happening prior to the Frontline yesterday it's probably unrelated...but it's hard to know. I'm sorry Buddy had this tremor after days of none! Of course you're worried, but remember he ate fine and has probably had a restful day while you're at work. I hope when you get home that he is doing just fine.
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 02:34 PM
No, he hasn't had any Frontline for over a year!!! :( I wish it was a simple as that.:( yes, I am a wreck at work today. I have 3 more hours before I can go home to check on Buddy.:( Counting minutes.... :(
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-16-2013, 05:39 PM
Hey Kathy
Just checking in, hoping you are home now and our lizard hunter is doing ok?
Let us know when you can....
rubbish this happened again. Is a coincidence that it happened after that frontline application!
Big hug
molly muffin
05-16-2013, 05:59 PM
Dang it Kathy. :( There just has to be something triggering these blasted things. I don't know what though.
How is he? Hope you are home with him.
Thinking of you both
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 06:42 PM
I don't have a clue as to what is going on!:(. Buddy was lying in his nest bed when I got home from work and was having a tremor then. He looked at me with his big, sad, brown eyes as if to say make it stop! :(:(He came out a few minutes later and was ready to eat his light lunch. I've been feeding him three times a day. That seems to have helped his stomach settle. He seemed fine then. He ate normally and headed out into the backyard to hunt those pesky lizards, and yap at the birds. Now he is on guard duty in the doorway. He is acting perfectly normal??? I don't get it!,:confused: Today was the last day of two weeks of state testing. I am seriously thinking of getting a sub for tomorrow and staying home to monitor Buddy, then taking him in for his ACTH Test on Saturday. His vet will not be in tomorrow, but will be in on Saturday. She is willing to humor me and do the test the way that it should be done. The correct way!. They are still doing the ACTH test on a fast as a matter of course. I haven't been able to change that!:(All I can do is make sure that Buddy's test is done properly. If I don't take off tomorrow, then I will monitor him this weekend closely and take off Monday instead for his ACTH. That actually might be better. He is doing so well with all of his Cushings symptoms. I just can't get a handle on the head tremors. I am also feeling guilty because they started the morning after I gave him the frontline.:( What a bummer!:(
Thanks for all the well wishes and the kind thoughts. You guys are really like the sisters I never had. I only had two stinky brothers who can't quite figure me out! :D:D LOL . That is actually okay because I can't quite figure them out either.:D LOL
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-16-2013, 06:57 PM
I don't think it was the frontline - obviously something is going on and to be honest you might have to go to a specialist to figure it out. I can't remember if you were able to video it or not but please do. And share it with your regular vet and start documenting when they happen date/time.
It could be something neurological, could be that the pituitary tumor (that is cushings) is located in a spot near the brain and periodically interferes, it could be that it is a macro vs a micro tumor (meaning it grows) but I would have it looked into. Again don't be upset if your local vet is clueless because these type of things are probably left to specialists to figure out.
I don't mean to scare you but it's happened enough that I doubt they go away until you figure out what is causing them. Since you mentioned he seems to be in pain and dumbfounded when they happen and gives you 'that look' I think that is your cue to check it out.
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 07:09 PM
Yes, I videotaped the tremors on two occasions when they were happening before. I have been documenting them from the beginning as to date, duration and time. I emailed the neurosurgeon who did Buddy's consult over a week ago. I haven't heard anything back.:( Yes I will talk to Buddy's regular vet about the tremors when I get his ACTH test done. I don't think she will be of much help. Thanks Kim for your insight.:)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-16-2013, 07:16 PM
Oh Buddy. Is it possible to make an appt to go see the specialist that saw buddy before? Do you think they had any idea of real cause? Is there some place else you'd want to take him? Buddy has allergies and all and cushings but seems to be responding well to treatment and healthy over all.
I wish they would just stop. Did they think these were seizures of some sort?
I know I have tons of questions. Sorry. Lol
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 07:40 PM
The tremors had stopped before we went to the neurologist. His neuro consult was to determine whether he was stable enough for Cushing's testing because of his rear leg weakness. He was having a really hard time walking at that point and had been so sick. The head tremors that he had when he was ill, were not a factor then, because they had stopped after his vomiting and weakness emergency several days earlier. They didn't resurface until about a month later. He then had one or two a day for three or four days. Then they stopped again. Another eight days went by with no tremors. They started again this morning.:( Yes, the neurologist was very thorough at the time. She lectures all over the world, so I'm sure she is excellent! She works at a specialty pet center. It is very expensive!!!! She quoted me over $3000 for one test! I don't have that kind of money! I am still paying off the bills from the last emergency and Cushing's testing. Tears flowing. I can't say anymore right now.:(
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-16-2013, 07:53 PM
OMG when I said specialist I didn't mean you had to go to the world's most expensive one! That is insane. You should have access to many other very fine IMS that don't start off a session with a recommendation for a $3k test. I feel just awful for making you cry. Maybe Glynda knows someone? Kim
05-16-2013, 08:02 PM
Hey Kathy
Nipping in to give you a hug before bed. I know it's tough right now, I had so hoped they had stopped. I wish I could offer some practical help or advice but I do not know enough.
I know all dogs are different but I will share that I never saw Tia's head just tremble always all of her and as you know she had a macro.
I guess maybe she is suggesting a CT, maybe you could get that somewhere cheaper then she could look at the results
Take care sweet
05-16-2013, 08:17 PM
I paid like $2000 at K State Univ's hospital for an ultrasound, an MRI, a cat scan, blood testing and kenneling/food doc visits for 2 days for Annie. There's an alternative for you somewhere I know. Kim
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 08:41 PM
They quoted me $3500 for an MRI alone!!:(
I could manage what you paid. I could even manage a little bit more than that, but that's about as far as I can go!:(
I documented every head tremor (that I was aware of) since they started. Here they are:
3-3 -3-6 During emergency, when very ill. Off and on during those three days. Very weak at the time. Difficulty standing and walking.
4-30 (Tues.) 7:30 AM - lasted 2-3 minutes
5-3. (Fri) 6-7 PM - off and on for about 1 hour.
5-4 (Sat.) 5-6:30 PM - off and on for 90 minutes
5-5(Sun.) 7:30 AM - lasted almost 4 minutes
5-6(Mon) 4:00 PM - lasted about 5 minutes
5-16(Thurs) 7:15 AM less than 1 minute
(Thurs)1:45 PM Tremor when I came home from work. Stopped
Shortly thereafter.
That's all of them!
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Harley PoMMom
05-16-2013, 09:12 PM
Hey Kathy, just a thought, his glucose levels are normal and not on the low side, right?
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 09:46 PM
I think I found it under Buddy's chemistry panel dated 3/4/13..
GLU 99mg/dL 70-130 Almost in the middle of Normal Range
Is this what you were looking for. I don't know what any of the numbers mean.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-16-2013, 09:49 PM
Oh Kathy, sorry about these tremors today! Yet...for 8 days prior there are none!? It was probably an awful feeling to see this happen today after thinking and hoping they were gone.
I am glad though that after they pass Buddy is doing all his normal stuff and feeling okay--hunting lizards and barking too, but I know how upsetting this must be for you.
I wish I had the answers and could help take your worry away.
Buddy is going to be fact he has been doing so well after being so very sick at the start of all this.
Thinking of you and thinking positive thoughts and sending a big hug!
Harley PoMMom
05-16-2013, 09:54 PM
I think I found it under Buddy's chemistry panel dated 3/4/13..
GLU 99mg/dL 70-130 Almost in the middle of Normal Range
Is this what you were looking for. I don't know what any of the numbers mean.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Yep, that was what I was referring to, and yes it does look like his glucose is normal.
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 10:03 PM
You see Lori,
I do listen to you lovely ladies when you give me advice. :);)You told me early on to get hard copies of all of Buddy's tests, post them and keep them in a file. That way I will have them when I need to go to various vets. I have done exactly that!:) I don't know what most of the tests mean, but I have them!:p. That is how I came up with Buddy's Glucose level so quickly! It does not appear that he is diabetic.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-16-2013, 10:10 PM
You do listen! You video-ed your baby so you can now show it to whatever vet you end up and you also already had the episodes all logged. You are doing everything right - you will find answers I just know it. Kim
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 10:31 PM
Thank you Kim. That means a whole lot!!:):)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Harley PoMMom
05-17-2013, 12:51 AM
You are an exceptional advocate for Buddy and he very lucky to have you as his mom.
Love and hugs, Lori
05-17-2013, 07:33 AM
Hi Kathy
I hope today is a better one for your boy! It must be so scary seeing him have the shakes. I hope you get to the bottom of it soon. Least it is Friday today and you will have the weekend with him to look forward too, like you I hate to go to work when they are unwell so hopefully today speeds by if you cannot manage to take the day off.
Big hugs to you super Mom! xxx
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 07:45 AM
It's 4:42AM. I haven't slept much. Buddy has been awake licking at a raw spot on his thigh. He scraped it a few days ago and I was hoping that he would leave it alone. That didn't happen.:( I got up and washed it really well, then put on Bacitracin. It is not at a place where it can easily be bandaged, so I had to cone him. It is small and should heal quickly if left alone. Well, that did it! I can't go I work with him coned and possibly having tremors. That's too much stress for both of us. So, I'm staying home today. That means, I'll have to take him for his ACTH test tomorrow (Saturday)instead of Monday. I can't take off Friday and Monday. I am going ahead and pay for an office visit along with the ACTH, so I can tell them about the tremors returning and show them the video. They will probably be clueless regarding the tremors, but I need to tell them first before looking elsewhere for help. I am stressed and tired and Buddy is miserable with the cone on. Isn't life fun sometimes?:(
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-17-2013, 07:55 AM
God Bless you for having to work during all of this. I am sorry Buddy has to have the cone on. That darn thing is miserable. I stopped using the cone with Tipper a while back because of her trachea. I got one that is soft with no rim, the other one digs in their neck. You blow it up. I think it was on Amazon. I definitely would be showing them the tape with Buddy having tremors on it. Tipper is really getting the muscle contractions at night worse than before. I wanted to video her at night doing this too, and making the bad breathing noises, but it is too dark and she won't sleep if it is light. I have to figure something out- may have to resort to night vision ha!!. I hope this stops for Buddy as I know how sick it makes you feel when it happens. God Bless You Both.
molly muffin
05-17-2013, 09:12 AM
oh my gosh Kathy. I too wouldn't ever want to make you cry. Sweetie, it's time for a great big HUG
Okay now I'm sure that IMS is wonderful, the worlds best even. But not affordable to most of us. As Kim said there are many IMS that are affordable and that is what we need to find you. Teaching hospital (vet) anywhere around you? What about a Vet ER hospital (that is what I use) a bit more expensive than my normal vet but not out of range of the regular joe. And who knows, your vet Might have an idea too. Not know the protocols of cushings testing, doesn't mean dufus in all areas. So, when you go, take the list of when the tremors started. Seems to have been around the time of the voimiting and weakness. All of which is not passed, but the tremors have not. Which for some reason made me think immediately an inflammation somewhere that is affecting either nerve endings, but that is just my thought (after I got passed an allergic reaction which could still be a possibility). But I think that might be areas to start in.
Reverse sneezing causing my molly to go into a panic and be terrified. She'll come right to me, like, make it stop mom, and I just calm her and pet her till it is over. It doesn't happen often and we can't figure out the trigger of it either, but doesn't seem to cause her any pain. I only recently learned it was called reverse sneezing. Anyway, I digress.
I do have high, high hopes that this isn't causing any harm to him, but does need to be figured out.
So, got your new homework assignment. Talk to vet about tomorrow, see if teaching hospital or Vet ER, ask your vet if they have no ideas for a referral to a good, reasonable priced IMS.
(3000 for an MRI is not reasonable!)
HUGS, you're doing great Kathy!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
05-17-2013, 09:26 AM
Lori brought up something that might need exploring - blood sugar levels. I looked at the times of the shaking you listed and they seem to be mornings and evenings - can you tell us whether he had eaten before the trembling started or not? How many times a day does Buddy eat? I am wondering about hypoglycemia instead of diabetes, tho. Hypoglycemia is the opposite - the blood sugar drops too low. Pups can get a tumor on the pancreas that will cause hypoglycemia because excess insulin is secreted, lowering the normal blood sugar levels in the body. Hypoglycemia is more common in puppies, tiny breeds and working dogs who are overly stressed but can occur in other dogs as well. Unless the sugar is tested during one of the spells, it won't be caught as low more than likely. The next time the head starts to tremble, try putting a little bit of Karo syrup or even honey on the gums and see if that helps.
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 12:11 PM
my ipad timed out and i lost a very long message answering all of your questions!! Frustrated will try later!
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 01:32 PM
Buddy is miserable. :( He won't leave bed because he is coned and furious with me for putting that darn thing on. I stayed home to be with him today and he shunning me!:(
Leslie - most of the morning tremors have occurred upon arising, before breakfast. Most of the evening tremors have occurred an hour to an hour and a half after dinner. Stress can trigger short mini-tremors. Those usually occur during grooming of some sort, or anything Buddy doesn't want done to him. Those stress related mini-tremors occur frequently. Those I have not documented, just the ones that come out of nowhere. Regarding Hypoglycemia, Buddy went for weeks without a tremor, could it be hypoglycemia? His meals are very controlled due to allergies. He hasn't eaten anything different! I am afraid to put anything on his gums during a tremor due to allergies.
Sharlene -I don't know of any teaching vet hospitals in the San Diego area. There is an excellent emergency pet hospital about 15 minutes away. It's about as close to me as his regular vet, just in a different direction. Buddy was sent there during his emergency for spinal rads and a ultrasound. It is more expensive than his regular vet, but not anywhere near as expensive as the specialty pet hospital, where I went for his neuro consult. I think they had solid gold water bowls there, but I can't be sure! :D LOL I don't know if Buddy needs to see an IMS, a neurologist, or both?:confused: I don't think I'm going to come out as fortunate as Patti did with a skilled vet that waves all of her fees!:o
Thank you lovely angels for all of your help. :) I noticed that this forum is approaching it's 4th Anniversary. That wouldn't be possible without you love, help, endless hours of research, support and your precious time, which is priceless. ;)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-17-2013, 01:52 PM
Has Buddy ever had any kind of inner ear or balance problems? Is it only his head that shakes? Have you ever seen any other part of his body do these tremors? I know what you mean about them be distant with you. After our trip to Pgh. Tipper is like avoiding me. I think it is a side effect of the Vetoryl, and have heard a lot of others say this about their babies. All these darn procedures are so expensive, and you could spend a fortune. It's one thing if money is no object, then another if you struggle to get your dog the care it needs like the majority of us. Could you call an internal medical specialist and inquire about their fee to see him, and if they would need a neurologist what would that cost. Maybe you would decide to go right to the neurologist. I know it is like 150.00in Pgh to see the IMS. I think I would be shooting for a neurologist with a CT scan if you can swing it. The CT scan here is 900.00 which is like the cost of a human getting one. I hope you can get Buddy some help he is so darn cute.
05-17-2013, 02:00 PM
There are 3 board certified veterinary neurologists in San Diego at the Veterinary Specialy Hospital 858-875-7500. Maybe you could inquire how much a consultation is? Don't know your age bracket, but ask for any discounts available to seniors etc. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 02:04 PM
No Patti, Buddy has never had any kind of inner ear or balance problem. He did have difficulty standing and walking when he was so ill, due to his real leg weakness. Yes, it is only his head that vibrates. It doesn't really shake, it vibrates, like one of those remotes they give you at a restaurant when your food is ready. It is a stronger vibration than putting your cell phone on vibrate. I did video the tremors on two occasions. You really have to look close to see the vibration.
Love and hugs you and Tipper,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 02:31 PM
Patti, veterinary specialty hospital was where I took Budfy for his neuro consultation. They were excellent! However they were very, very, very expensive! They wanted $3500 for just one test, which was an MRI! Buddy's Neurology consultation was $130, which was reasonable for what they did. However, I can't afford to go there for for tests or regular treatment. Thanks for trying.:)
Kathy and Buddy
05-17-2013, 03:03 PM
I think by focusing on neurology you may be missing out on other alternatives and that a neurologist would go thru all sorts of tests within their 'realm'. There are internal med specialists that aren't neurologists and frankly I think they'd be looking at the bigger picture. For example you have cushing's you are dealing with and you need someone that understands it. I wouldn't shop for a neurologist - I'd shop for an internal med specialist that was more of a generalist and if I had to pick a specialty it would be endocrinology due to the cushings.
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 04:28 PM
Yes Kim, That makes perfect sense. First and foremost, Buddy needs a vet that knows Cushing's well. That would be an IMS doctor or an Endocrinologist. Finding a good reasonably priced IMS is what I need.
It won't do me a lot of good to go to a neurologist who is not up on Cushings. Yes, Buddy could have a macro tumor that acts up periodically. I don't want to think about that, but it is possible. That would definitely be Cushings related.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-17-2013, 07:17 PM
I went to a couple of neurologists for myself years back and they were very intelligent but focused strictly on nerve issues. My diagnosis was wrong and they never caught it. They just did the tests and charged me. IMS vets go through extra years of training and know a whole lot more about difficult diseases. Have you gone to our link to find one in your area already? Sorry I can't remember. :o:D:o Kim
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 07:54 PM
No, I am not aware of a link to find an IMS. Buddy is having his ACTH test tomorrow. He is also going to have an office visit so I can share his tremor videos and log. I don't expect them to know much. I will ask them if they know of a good IMS that is reasonable. They are the ones who referred us to that very expensive neurologist, so my hopes are not high! No tremors today so far!! I have been home to monitor all day. Could the Frontline have started them again? It is possible, but I doubt it.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-17-2013, 08:17 PM
Here is the link for finding a specialist. You are looking for a small animal internal medicine
Just put in your state and you should get some results and see what might be around your area.
How is Buddy doing today?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
molly muffin
05-17-2013, 08:19 PM
I didn't even think of it, but Sonja might not a reasonable priced good IMS in your area!
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 08:41 PM
Yes, I did think of Sonja. I do have her email address and phone number. She contacted me before to offer assistance. I'll see what happens tomorrow first, then maybe contact her this weekend.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Harley PoMMom
05-17-2013, 08:51 PM
Glynda lives in Ontario, CA. Here is a post from her to another member regarding the IMS she sees:
I see that we are neighbors. I live in Ontario, previously Rancho Cucamonga, and have made that drive to VCA in Fountain Valley many, many times in the last seven years. Dr. Moore is my Lulu's specialist and was my Jojo's until he passed away in June. I adore Dr. Moore and think he's one of the best specialists in So Cal so I'm really happy that Bondo was seen by him. He knows about us because I told him we are an experienced support group and I believe I even asked him to send pet owners our way if he thought we might be able to help. Apparently he's taken a look around and discovered I wasn't fibbing. :D Dr. Moore has seen more than a few of our k9c dogs over the years....
05-17-2013, 10:43 PM
I notice that the link didn't show up... so here it is:
Note type in your state and you'll see plenty I assume. Not sure how often they update but I know it isn't 100% so there are more out there. Kim
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 10:44 PM
You sent me a message saying," here's the link to the IMS specialist" but there is no link on your message? Did you forget to attach the link?
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-17-2013, 10:46 PM
:D Look above :D
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 11:01 PM
I went to the link and it's not coming up with anything. I typed in the ZIP Codes for all of my surrounding area and there was nothing. I must be doing something wrong, because we have a lots of vets here!
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Harley PoMMom
05-17-2013, 11:31 PM
Only type in your State, nothing else, see if that works :)
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 11:52 PM
It worked! I found an IMS special specialist about 20 minutes from me in neighboring San Carlos. His name is James Bower and he's the director of the VCA Holly Street animal hospital. I visited their website. They have a coupon for a Free first pet exam. I may not get to see the specialist for free, but at least I would be able to check out the place! It's a win, win!! Yeah! :D:D::):). So now, I have a place to start. I am still doing Buddy's ACTH test tomorrow at his regular vet, but I will be checking out Dr. Bower very soon! Thank you all so much!
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-18-2013, 12:06 AM
Hi Kathy,
You and Buddy both must be very tired...sounds like last night was not a great night of sleep for either of you.
I am glad to hear you could stay home with Buddy today so you could monitor him. Great news that today was free of tremors. :) I know it's still a worry though.
I hope everything goes smoothly at the vet tomorrow when Buddy has his test.
It's great you found an IMS nearby. Maybe this vet will be the magic ticket to get some answers on these tremors, and hopefully with reasonable fees.
Are you able to take the cone off of the little guy yet??
I hope you and Buddy will get some decent sleep tonight. Looking forward to some good results from the test! :)
05-18-2013, 12:15 AM
I searched through the old posts on this board and someone also recommended Dr. Hart at Vet. Specialty Hospital in San Diego for Cushings. This hospital gets really good reviews online. I imagine you already know about it though. Just wanted to mention in case you hadn't seen the post on this particular vet.
Budsters Mom
05-18-2013, 12:25 AM
BUMMED! The IMS vet that I found is NOT NEARBY!! I assumed there was only one San Carlos in California. I was a very wrong. :eek: The vet that I found is in another San Carlos, California. That city is all the way near San Jose in Northern California!!! I went and tried to map it. OMG!!! Back to square one. I am exhausted and deflated again!!:(
So, ACTH test at the regular vet tomorrow. I was home all day. Buddy did not have any head tremors today! :confused: He is still bummed about having to wear the cone, but otherwise okay.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Harley PoMMom
05-18-2013, 12:29 AM
What about the one that Glynda uses, is Dr Moore close?
Budsters Mom
05-18-2013, 12:39 AM
I have been to the vet specialty hospital. That is where I got Buddy's neuro consultation. It is an excellent hospital, but very expensive!!! They wanted $3500 for one test, which was an MRI. I cannot afford that place!! I don't have that kind of money, and I couldn't beg borrow or steal it!:(. Thanks for checking. I agree with you though, they have top notch doctors and all the latest toys.
I need to find someone qualified for a more reasonable price. I hope there is someone out there.:(
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-18-2013, 12:54 AM
Dr. Moore is in fountain Valley California. That is about 100 miles from me. On California freeways, That is several hours of driving one way, In very heavy traffic. I work about 4 miles from my house and do not have to take any freeways to get there. I'm not a very good freeway/traffic driver. I tend to panic on freeways that I don't know well.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-18-2013, 01:13 AM
ugh...that's a shame about the location of the IMS vet! So disappointing. I thought you probably knew about the Specialty Hospital but just in case I wanted to mention Dr. Hart as someone on this board recommended him.
$3500 for the mri seems completely unreasonable.
I hope that maybe tomorrow the regular vet can help in some way.
There is still a chance that the Frontline application had an effect.
Let us know how it goes tomorrow.
05-18-2013, 08:54 AM
Wondering how Buddy is this morning? I think you mentioned about giving Buddy flea meds. A couple I am friends with gave their Corgi Frontline and he almost died. It did something to his brain. He finally did get ok, but they thought he was not going to make it. I don't give Tipper anymore flea meds or shots. I got the flea wipes from Vetri Science. They have a strong odor so I use them sparingly. Because you put the Frontline between their shoulder blades this somehow traveled to this dogs brain via his spine. Has Buddy exhibited these tremors before the flea meds? He is so cute I can see why you love him so. If my Tipper only had the longevity of a human I would be ecstatic. I have to try to save up again for any future problems. This has drained my resources. Thank God I have medical coverage of my own, and don't have to put out too much to see a Dr. or I would really be in a quandry. I wish the businesses where people work offered pet insurance at group rates so more people could afford it. This can really hurt you financially. At the hospital where Tipper went an MRI is 900.00, so it is outrageously expensive where you are. I hope and pray you can find a solution for Buddy. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-18-2013, 10:05 AM
No Patti, Buddy hadn't had frontline for over a year. Yes, Buddy has had head tremors before. They started again the day after I applied the Frontline. The frontline may have aggravated it, but it did not cause the tremors in the first place. Something else is going on.:(
I am exhausted, but I'm taking Buddy in for his ACTH test later this morning. I fed him his breakfast a little early. HIS ACTH needs to be done 4-6 hours after his breakfast. I like to plan it closer to four hours. Buddy is fine this morning. No head tremors since Thursday afternoon. Thanks for asking.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-18-2013, 10:33 AM
Hi Kathy,
Sorry that I forgot the link after all that talk about it. arggghh..
But there were over 200 IMS specialists so there must be one nearby. I mean, you are in San Diego right? Huge city, must be specialist. I'm on a google mission for ya.
Oh this one has a big list in the San Diego area:
hmm, is this one in your area?
We will find you something, somehow, someway. :)
Read through that first list, see if any are near you, where you live, have what you need. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-18-2013, 12:57 PM
Thank you Sharlene,
I'm getting ready to go for Buddy's ACTH test. I appreciate all of the help.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-18-2013, 01:01 PM
Hang in there... we are all with you on the visit.
05-18-2013, 01:20 PM
hope everything is going well at the vets this morning. :) I'm sure Buddy will be happy to get back home...maybe a little lizard hunting this afternoon? Is he able to be without the cone now? I don't think that cone would make for optimum stalking of lizards. :D
Hope you get to relax at some point today. All you have had the last couple of days is so stressful. Take a break today and try to rest!
Budsters Mom
05-18-2013, 05:00 PM
Buddy only has to wear the cone when he's inside ready to rest, or I'm not able to watch him. That is when he's more inclined to lick at his scrape. It is too hard for the mighty hunter be taken seriously by the lizard population, when your hunter is wearing a cone! :D LOL I can just hear that conversation now!:D. It is all about image! :D Seriously, Buddy hates the cone. Once it is on, he goes straight to his bed and sulks.
05-18-2013, 06:19 PM
Good thing the Lizard Slayer does not have to wear that cone outside. The Lizards might think he is trying out a new technique on them, and is going to sweep them up in the cone! Have you tried soaking his wound in the Betadine. It helped Tipper stop chewing her foot. If they have no open sores I know bitter apple may help chewing, but would more than likely burn an open wound. I hope you can get Buddy straightened out, he is so cute and I love hearing about his Lizard stories. God Bless
molly muffin
05-18-2013, 06:19 PM
Awww, poor Buddy. I can see how the cone could have a serious consequence for lizard hunters. The lizards would fall over laughing and probably make fun of him unmercifully. tsk tsk, can't have that.
How did the test go and did you talk to the vet about the tremors?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
molly muffin
05-18-2013, 07:25 PM
Or Buddy could be like Molly and just decide it was better to lick than not lick, even with the bitter apple. :( Brat dog will do anything to get to her feet or tail. Hopefully Buddy and all other dogs have more to their taste buds than Molly seems to.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-18-2013, 09:44 PM
Hi all,
No tremors since Thursday Afternoon! ;)
Buddy is not normally too much of a licker. He has a little scrape that he can't leave alone and I don't want it to get infected, thus that dreaded cone. :(
There was more drama at the vet's office today. I hate to have to fight for every little thing that should be done a certain way anyway.
Buddy's ACTH test was done according to protocol, only because I stayed an insisted upon it. The story is much more drama and I'm really over my limit, so I'm not going to go into it. I deal with enough drama just working with the kids at school. They are kids and it's excusable. There is no excuse for adults to behave in such a way.:(
As for sharing the tremor videos and discussing them with the vet, that didn't work out today. It was more important that I got the ACTH test done in the proper time-frame. I can always come back any day after work, and do the other thing. I'll just have to call first, to be sure the vet is in.
I emailed Sonja a few minutes ago to see if she has a referral for a reasonably priced IMS.
Thanks for all your help and support. You truly are angels!:):)
molly muffin
05-18-2013, 10:11 PM
You know if they aren't going to follow protocol for everyone, they should at least realize that Will follow it for Buddy and you. Some peeps are just drama queens about anything and everything. (my phrase of the week from my work LOL)
Hopefully Sonja will have a good possibility for you.
Time to sit down and relax, give Buddy some belly tickles and just enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
05-19-2013, 01:40 AM
Sending hugs and prayers for you and Buddy! Poor little man, maybe he could play aliens with his cone and get those lizards with laser blasts from his cone, I can see the lizards shaking in their still got it Buddy!
05-19-2013, 01:43 AM
How frustrating to have a bad vet day, I hate reading about those. Jeepers we have enough stress with our babies without the ones that should be supporting us the most acting up. Imagine if we were rating them, quite a few would have a black star lately :mad::mad:
Glad Budster is doing ok and has his Mom looking out for him, GO YOU!!! xx
05-19-2013, 02:06 AM
Hey Kathy
It's not like you wrote those instructions, they are from Dechra. Herbert's.
How's our little hunter now? Settled for the night? I hope none the wiser as to the drama that unfolded
Hoping Sonja will know someone good for you.
Big hug
05-19-2013, 02:19 AM
I must have missed something, who is Sonja?
Budsters Mom
05-19-2013, 02:35 AM
Sonja is Apollo 6 or Angel Apollo on the forum. Apollo passed A few months back. Sonja lives in the city where I live. She contacted me and offered support in case I needed help with Buddy. She pops up on the forum from time to time. We exchanged contact information a month or so ago. I sent her an email to see if she knew a reasonable price IMS in our city that I could take Buddy too. Now you're caught up. I love it that you care enough to want to know Trish.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-19-2013, 02:39 AM
Oh of course, I have seen her posts about her beautiful little Apollo. That is very kind of her to offer support like that, hope she has some good tips on an IMS for you and the Budster. xxx
05-19-2013, 07:46 AM
Just thought about Buddy when I was awake last night. Do you think the lizards have some sort of toxin on their skin, or pee when he catches them, and he is being poisoned by them? Just a long shot, but hey everything we seem to do is a long shot with this disease. I thought maybe this could be the cause of his head tremors, as this could possibly effect him neurologically???? Just trying to help out. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
05-19-2013, 08:13 AM
oooo...good thought! Lead me to wonder about chemicals - pesticides, etc - the lizards may have come in contact with that might transfer to Buddy.
Budsters Mom
05-19-2013, 10:38 AM
Very interesting thought...No chemicals or pesticides are ever used in the backyard. However the lizards might be coming from a neighbor's yard where chemicals and pesticides are used. We live on a corner lot with neighbors on two sides. The chemicals may not be on the lizards themselves, but he could be sniffing something through the fences. The lizards are usually found along the fence line. Buddy is very sensitive to everything due to allergies, so it is possible. Thank you ladies.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-19-2013, 02:40 PM
Okay, all of the stress is getting to me and making me a little more loopy than usual! :eek::rolleyes:;):D I made myself some oatmeal for breakfast this morning and absentmindedly put it in Buddy's bowl!:eek: It is time for an intervention!:D Which of you lovely administrators are in charge of loopy pet parents? :D
No head tremors since Thursday afternoon.:) Frontline was applied Wed. evening.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Squirt's Mom
05-19-2013, 02:43 PM
Sorry, can't help ya...don't even know a loopy pet parent. :D
05-19-2013, 02:54 PM
Hey Kathy, you've mentioned lizards, but how about toads? Do you ever see toads in your yard? It is well documented that certain toads excrete toxin on their skin that can cause a whole range of issues from hypersalivation to seizures if dogs or cats pick them up in their mouths. Just a thought...
Budsters Mom
05-19-2013, 03:47 PM
Hi Marianne,
I haven't seen a toad in my yard for more than 20 years. I live very close to Mission Trails Regional Park. It is a a mountainous nature reserve, in a desert climate, so we get lots of critters. I often see raccoons, possums, skunks and coyotes prowling around at night. Buddy is not allowed out in the yard alone after dark, because cats and small dogs in the neighborhood have been carried away by coyotes. We are always overrun with lizards to Buddy's delight! There has been a few rattlesnakes in the neighborhood, thankfully not in my yard. My back yard is enclosed with 6 foot plank fencing all the way around. There are always many lizards trying to get to the pool for water. Unfortunately, if they make it to the pool without Buddy catching them, they usually drown because they can't get back out. I have rescued many lizards! Thanks for the toad information and for teaching me something new. :)
molly muffin
05-19-2013, 04:48 PM
Loopy Pet Parents :D:D
We usually try not to round them up and just let them run wild for a bit. They always seem to show up for dinner. ;)
Putting oatmeal in the dog bowl is no worse than pouring ice tea into your coffee instead of milk. :D (I've done that, also poured orange juice into the coffee, mornings are not my best time obviously) :o
So did Buddy end up having oatmeal for breakfast? :D
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-19-2013, 04:56 PM
Well, the good news is that we can cross toads off your list of worries! ;) :)
I just thought to mention it because we do have toads around our yard, and I've started to wonder whether they may be causing some problems for us. Both my girls have had weird episodes of excessive drooling, and one night Luna started pawing madly at her mouth before her head swelled up in an extreme allergic reaction. :eek:
The toads may have nothing to do with it, but I've tried to clear away some of the gutter troughs and other areas in our yard where they like to hang out to stay cool and moist. We do have a few small lizards around here, too, but they are way too quick for my girls who seem almost hypnotized when they see them! Maybe it's the difference between a retriever and a terrier -- my Lab girls look like they're wondering, "And exactly where am I supposed to carry that thing????" :p
Budsters Mom
05-19-2013, 06:14 PM
I have some questions about the ACTH test numbers. Buddy had his first ACTH since starting Trilostane on 4-9-13. To refresh your memory, I waited a week longer than the standard time because I was dosing him on an empty stomach per vet's instructions. I dosed him properly for a week before his ACTH.
His numbers were 8.4 ug/do. Pre draw
15.2. Post draw
No changes were made in medication.
His second act was done yesterday on 5/18/13. 39 days after his last ACTH test.
I picked up a copy of Buddy's last ACTH Test when I was the vet yesterday. What confuses me is the reference range given by the lab.
I assume these numbers are what they consider to be normal levels?:confused:
2 - 6 Pre- ACTH (resting cortisol)
6 - 18 Post -ACTH Cortisol
I thought we were targeting 9.1 or below?? :confused:
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I should have his new numbers tomorrow. Thank you,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Harley PoMMom
05-19-2013, 06:37 PM
I assume these numbers are what they consider to be normal levels?:confused:
2 - 6 Pre- ACTH (resting cortisol)
6 - 18 Post -ACTH Cortisol
I thought we were targeting 9.1 or below?? :confused:
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I should have his new numbers tomorrow. Thank you,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Not Marianne, just me!! I can help you with that, those reference ranges (2-6 & 6-18) are for a dog that does NOT have Cushing's disease.
You are correct in that you want Buddy's post number to be between 1.5 ugdl - 5.4 ug/dl, with a post as high as 9.1 ug/dl if clinical symptoms are controlled.
Budsters Mom
05-19-2013, 07:02 PM
Thank you Lori for clearing up my confusion once again.:)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Harley PoMMom
05-19-2013, 07:11 PM
We are here for you, Kathy, ask as many questions you want!!;):)
05-20-2013, 04:11 AM
Hi Kathy and Budster, a bit YAY for you two! No further tremours is such a good thing. Such a strange thing to happen and scary too, hope you get to the bottom of it soon. That was a good idea about toxic lizards and toads... I know in Australia they have nasty toads that are poisonous so happy to hear you do not think that is the probem. Budster would have been upset if you curtailed his hunting! Hope your day is good tomorrow, think you have the day off or is it back to work? Trish xx
Budsters Mom
05-20-2013, 11:30 AM
Yes, I'm back to work today.:o. Buddy has been released from his cone prison. He no longer looks like a desk lamp when he sits down.:D:D LOL
No tremors since Thursday!:);) Three day weekend ahead! YAY!:D:D
ACTH test results coming today or tomorrow! :o
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-20-2013, 02:22 PM
Hey Kathy
How are you and our little lizard hunter?
Any news on the ACTH results?
Bug hug
Budsters Mom
05-20-2013, 02:38 PM
Hi Mel,:)
The mighty lizard hunter was great all weekend, no head tremors.:)
I watched him like a hawk!;) I am still pretty stressed and feeling the pressure, but otherwise okay. I have you guys to keep me semi-sane! Thanks for checking up on us!:)
No ACTH results as of yet, either today or tomorrow I suspect. I am more concerned about Buddy's head tremors than his ACTH numbers right now.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-20-2013, 06:33 PM
Would somebody please change my thread title. I would like it to be....
Buddy, The Mighty Lizard Hunter
I'm already known on the forum as the mighty lizard hunter's mom, so it seems appropriate.:):D
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-20-2013, 06:46 PM
Thread Tile changed Kathy.
so glad to hear that the mighty lizard hunter hasn't had any more tremors. Yay
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-20-2013, 06:48 PM
Thank you Sharlene, that was quick!:)
I'll post Buddy's ACTH numbers when I get them.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-20-2013, 09:24 PM
Hi Kathy
Hope Buddy is happily catching lizards today.Yay!!No head tremors-that's great news.Thanks for posting on Fella's in memory of thread.You are right-what a sign from my boy!!The sad part is that I didn't even "get" it,till much later!:).I've been begging that boy for a sign and he has a cheesecake named after him!!:D:D.I thought it was cute but I was so depressed,it wasnt till I got home and talked to you guys that I said"OMG,it was a sign!!I can just see him rolling his eyes and thinking "come on,you're looking at a menu with my name on it-how much clearer do you need it to be"?:D:D.
Hope you and Buddy are had a good day-any day without tremors is a good day!Hugs to you both
05-21-2013, 12:58 AM
Took me a minute to find your thread with the new title! I like it..very fitting!
I just laughed out loud (really!) when I read your post saying Buddy no longer looked like a desk lamp. That is so funny!! :D Perfect comparison of a coned dog!! It's still making me chuckle!
So it's been no tremors since Thursday? That is really good news. Of course you would like some answers about why they happen anyway but meanwhile they have not been constant. Big gaps between and at least they seem to be coming less frequently. Keeping my fingers crossed they just go away.:) Hoping you get great results from the test.
05-21-2013, 08:01 AM
Love that title, very fitting for the lizard catching king Buddy! Glad Buddy has had no tremors so far.Blessings
05-21-2013, 12:57 PM
Loving the new thread title. Made me smile
How the little guy today? And his mum?
Budsters Mom
05-21-2013, 04:43 PM
Hi Mel,
We are great today, thanks for asking. NO HEAD TREMORS SINCE LAST THURSDAY!!It is appreciation week at work, so we got free lunch today. It is always a great day at work when you get free lunch! :D;)No ACTH test results as of yet. If I don't hear anything today, I will call and check on them tomorrow.
Buddy flushed out three lizards yesterday. A personal best!!::D:D He caught two of them. The first one I made him drop and it scampered away quickly. Buddy was furious at that! :mad: When I made him drop the second one, it didn't fair as well. It went to the lizard graveyard over the fence, to rest in peace. Buddy was furious once again!:mad: He chased the third lizard into the pool, and then yapped hysterically until I fished it out! It was released unharmed. Buddy was furious once again!:mad: All in all a productive day, except for one unlucky lizard.
05-21-2013, 05:11 PM
Hey Kathy
That's awesome news :D
Well he certainly lived up to his name today! I hope the lizard graveyard isn't the neighbours :D
So pleased you are both doing well
molly muffin
05-21-2013, 06:15 PM
Mighty, Mighty lizard hunter. LOL A very good day indeed. No tremors! whooo hoooo! Something Has to be triggering those suckers. Wish we could figure out what it is.
Yay for free lunches!!! wooot wooot
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-21-2013, 06:24 PM
Woohoo! What a catch today. I picture Buddy at home with little lizards mounted on the wall like deer heads in a lodge! :rolleyes: Soooo happy to hear the little guy is out doing his thing and enjoying his day!
Hurray for no tremors. :D
Barbara :cool:
Budsters Mom
05-22-2013, 12:20 PM
Drum roll please!!!! ACTH results are in and it's Party Time!!!!:D:D:)It's a Celebration!!!:D:D
Pre - 3.2.
Post - 5.6
Pre 8.4
Post 15.2
You are absolutely correct angels! ;) This drop is after 39 days. You said that the numbers often continue to drop for 30 days or more after the first ACTH. Retest in 6 months. Any thoughts!
Boriss McCall
05-22-2013, 12:31 PM
That is GREAT news!! I still haven't been brave enough to wait 6 months between testing. 3 months is the longest I have gone. But, since Boriss has almost been going good for a year I will probably wait longer this time.
good job!! yay Buddy!!!
Congrats on the good news!!! We love good news. My personal opinion is that six months is too long to wait to retest cortisol.
Buddy should be retested in three months- four months tops - three months is the better option. Dechra advises 3 months.
Good job!!!:D:D:D
Roxee's Dad
05-22-2013, 01:41 PM
Yay... I love good news and good results :D:D:D the best thing I can recommend is watch Buddy for any changes in attitude, appetite and any lethargy. That would be my first clue to get him back for another ACTH stim.
05-22-2013, 02:22 PM
Super good news!!! :) :p :D :) :p :D
At this early stage of treatment, I would not wait longer than three months to retest, either. I think that is sound advice and is consistent with both published recommendations and also the dosing experience of our members.
05-22-2013, 03:12 PM
H-U-R-R-A-Y 4 BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :D
Kathy---What great news! You must feel great! So for now Buddy stays on his same dose? I am so happy for your fantastic results. After all the scary stuff you went through with the emergency and then the Cushing's diagnosis you and Buddy deserve these great numbers! Yay!!! :D NO wonder Buddy is back to some ace lizard hunting!
Budsters Mom
05-22-2013, 03:32 PM
Yes Barbara, Buddy stays on the same dose. The others have been talking about numbers continuing to drop even past the 30 day mark.
No tremors since last Thursday, six days now. :)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-22-2013, 03:40 PM
Oh wow. Great numbers :). I'd do 3 months too. I would have too much anxiety to wait longer. Like john said just keep an eye out that he is maintaining at this level and not still dropping. He shouldn't but they seldom read the manual. Lol
Great no tremors!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
05-22-2013, 04:20 PM
Hey Kathy
That's good news. I would go with the 3 months too
Any poor lizards been unfortunate to crawl in the garden today?
Budsters Mom
05-22-2013, 09:04 PM
Mel - No lizards today. I think they are calculating their losses and working up another strategy. ;)I hope so, or they don't have a chance! Poor little things. They are just thirsty and the pool is so inviting, but deadly. Buddy sits out there and guards all the lizard holes, waiting for one to make a run for it, then pounces like a cat.:eek: His rear leg weakness does not seem to stop him from catching lizards! Those suckers are fast!
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Simba's Mom
05-23-2013, 12:56 AM
Yay Buddy aka Mighty Lizard Hunter, great test results, now lets have some fun with those lizards!!!!!
05-23-2013, 01:51 AM
Hi Kathy
Congrats on the great report on Buddy!Hope the lizard hunter is having a great day!I can just picture those poor lizards!:eek:
05-23-2013, 07:51 AM
Great to hear Buddy had good test results. I think you said he was Yorkie? They are some really determined dogs, so I can see how the back leg weakness does not even slow him down. Maybe Buddy can get his own reality show on tv, as the Mighty Lizard Hunter!! You should video tape him doing it, I am sure we all would love to see it.
Budsters Mom
05-24-2013, 06:20 PM
No head tremors for eight days!:confused::)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-24-2013, 06:23 PM
Wooohooooo.. great news to read :)
Now, I been meaning to ask, just how big are these lizards? haha someone mentioned them hung on the wall and since then I am imagining huge ones :eek::eek:
Budsters Mom
05-24-2013, 06:35 PM
We have many different sizes and shapes of lizards.:D. They range from about four or 5 inches to eight or 9 inches.:eek: We have a lot of alligator lizards. Those are the bigger ones, and easiest to catch. :D google images has some great pictures of them. They are quite big for a little dog to tackle, but Buddy has no fear!;)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-24-2013, 06:39 PM
OMG!! I went to google images and put in alligator lizards.. go have a look there is a pic of someones hand a few rows down and there are quite a few little lizards and one big one, are they like those???????????? They make me feel ill, so very pleased we do not have those in my yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Flynn would love them though!)
Budsters Mom
05-24-2013, 06:46 PM
Yes Trish, exactly like those!!!! Some are ever bigger!!:eek: I think we live on several nests. Every spring and summer they are all over the place! You really do get used to them after a while. They are no big deal. I have caught many with my hands to relocate them, before Buddy sees them. I fish several out of the pool just about every day.
The water attracts them, they they can't get back out.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-24-2013, 06:56 PM
Oh nice, living on a lizard nest hahaha.. just like those 17 year old cicada nests of Tina's haha. You could leave a few bowls of water out for them?
molly muffin
05-24-2013, 07:27 PM
If I lived with a nest of those I'd be calling you up to borrow Buddy to come get them. A few is fine, but nests of them! yowser. I lived with geicos when I was in Hawaii, but no nests, just a few here and there.
I bet Buddy would give Molly lessons if we needed it. LOL Not likely up here in Canada though, too cold.
In Texas, in some areas, they get crickets that cover the entire wall of buildings and the streets. They crunch as you drive down a road. *shudder That was not fun! I don't mind crickets in moderation either, but covering a wall..that's beyond my tolerance level. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-24-2013, 10:56 PM
so it's not just the mighty lizard's the mighty brave lizard hunter! I just looked at the photos on google too. I'll preface it by saying that other than turtles I am afraid of reptiles and don't like them at all! Those lizards are pretty big!! Buddy, you brave boy!! I'm with Trish they make me feel a little sick, but if I had to choose I'll take a lizard over a snake anyday!! :D :D
So happy to hear about another tremor-less day!! :D
Hi Kathy,
I don't think I have posted to you before, but I have been reading along on Buddy's thread and have been enjoying all of his adventures chasing lizards. What a brave little boy! ;) I love the new thread title. And I am so happy to read he hasn't had any head tremors for over a week, long may that continue! So nice to hear he is feeling better. Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend.
Tina and Jasper
05-26-2013, 03:01 AM
I don't mind reptiles, BUT I googled alligator lizards and most of the pictures show them biting people. YOW! Vicious little creatures.
Buddy, keep momma safe :)
05-26-2013, 07:50 AM
So glad Buddy has not had any siezures. You should film his little antics with the lizards. What does he do with them after he catches them? Everything Tipper gets she throws up in the air until it is beyond recognizable! Have a good holiday, tell Buddy he has to give the lizards a day off for Memorial Day!! Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-26-2013, 02:12 PM
Buddy had a small head tremor yesterday morning. It was nine days since the last one. I'm starting to think they might have something to do with a temporary drop in blood sugar. He doesn't have diabetes, that has been checked. He could have temporary bouts of hypoglycemia. A couple of you have mentioned that possibility before. I think I might've brought on the tremor. Since it was Saturday morning, I had no real interest in getting up early. We both overslept. His breakfast and Trilo ended up being an hour later. 10 minutes after eating his breakfast, the tremor hit. It lasted about five minutes, then was gone.
As for the lizards, there was a couple of things that could happen once Buddy catches them. If we're both outside, I tell him to drop it and he does. It scurries away if it's still able, otherwise I snatch it and dispose of it. Either way Buddy is furious:mad: He then yaps hysterically! :eek:When he catches one when I'm in the house, he will toss it around until it no longer moves. The nerve endings in the tail continue to twitch even when it comes off, so the game continues, until I come out and dispose of it. That still makes him furious because I took his prize away!:mad: Yapping hysterically once again!:eek: The last place scenario is when he catches one outside and brings his prize in to share. Quite often they are still alive and will scurry somewhere, usually under the couch. Then he really yaps hysterically! :eek: It is always bedlam when that occurs.:eek: I do not encourage him to hunt the lizards. I rescue them whenever I can. Buddy has made lizard hunting his mission in life. :rolleyes:Although he has caught plenty of them and continues to do so, there are always plenty more! I like them because they keep the bug population down and are quiet. However my backyard is not a safe place for them.;). Yes, I could easily video Buddy catching the lizards, but I won't. I can't just stand by and take video when he is torturing a harmless creature. I have to intervene. That is just me!;) Have a wonderful holiday weekend angels.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-26-2013, 07:16 PM
OMG that's so gross. The tail continues to twitch after coming off.
Happy Memorial Day my friends!
Budsters Mom
05-26-2013, 07:53 PM
After you see that tail off and twitching a couple of hundred times, it doesn't seem as gross anymore!:D;)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-26-2013, 09:23 PM
You should mention the possibility of hypoglycemia to your vet and see what they thing. The way to know for sure is to take BG reading during an episode and see if it is low at that point. I'm not overly familiar with it but others on here might be. I did read that 4 small meals a day can keep BG at a more level rate, but again, that is just what I have read.
Last time it was 8 days between tremors or 9? Has he had any more today?
Have a good Memorial day
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-26-2013, 10:38 PM
No tremors since the short one yesterday morning. It lasted only about 5 minutes. Buddy has been fine all day today. I never know when they are coming. It would be very difficult to get a BG level during a tremor, when they are sporadic and only last 5 minutes. Buddy already gets three meals a day. That seems to help his tummy issues due to the trilo. I could try to give him a little snack later in the evening.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-26-2013, 11:49 PM
I researched hypoglycemia in dogs. It is common in smaller breeds especially Yorkies. Buddy is a yorky. It has a lot of the same symptoms as Cushings, so it could have been overlooked. Lethargy, muscle weakness, wobbly gait, to name a few. One of the main symptoms of hypoglycemia is FACE TREMORS! Buddy's tremors are head tremors. His whole body does not shake, only his head vibrates. I'm going to pick up a bottle of Karo syrup and rub some on his gums the next time he has a tremor, to see if that helps. I can't give him honey due to allergies. I have that on hand. His vet might know something about hypoglycemia. It is obvious they don't know much about Cushings. I'll call Tuesday to get his vet's schedule for the week, so I can take him in one afternoon after work. In the meantime, I will give him smaller meals more often.
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 12:27 AM
Buddy's GLU Level on his last bloodwork dated 3/4/13 was normal.
GLU 99 range 70-143
This bloodwork was done after a fast of more than 24 hours due to bouts of vomiting. He had been given only water. His head tremors were occuring at that time, yet his GLU level tested normal. If he really is hypoglycemic, shouldn't his GLU level have reflected a significant drop????:confused: Does this mean that he can't be hypoglycemic and the tremors are caused by something else? The more I read, the more confused I get.:(
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 05:17 AM
It's 2:00 AM. Buddy has been restless tonight hasn't been able to settle to sleep. I finally broke down and gave him a half a tramadol to see if that helps. Usually when he's unable to settle that means he's hurting somewhere. I don't think Buddy has hypoglycemia because his glucose levels would not have tested normally if he had. He was having tremors when he had that blood work done. If his blood sugar had been low, that would've been indicated on the test and it wasn't. I keep going back to what Kim said. She said that the only time that we see tremors like this is when there is a macro tumor. I have read up on them and they are really bad news. If he has one, do I really want to know? There is usually someone there to talk to, but not tonight. It is going to be a very long night.:(. Well at least tomorrow is a holiday and I don't have to go to work in the morning. There is that.
05-27-2013, 06:29 AM
Hi Kathy
I am here, bit late logging in tonight. You sure it is not just trembling, Flynny does that on occasion. It used to just be in his back legs but sometime includes the rest of him, head included. I see his ears wobbling.
Isn't it always the worst, middle of the night and you fears get the better of you! Try get some sleep and see how he is tomorrow. They do seem to get aches and pains at different times. I have Flynn on a very small dose of Tramadol now, 12.5mg twice a day and it seems to be holding his arthriticy pains pretty good!
05-27-2013, 07:29 AM
I am so hoping Buddy does not have a macro tumor. That was my biggest fear with Tipper in the beginning as she exhibited many of the macro symptoms. When she just had her scan I told them I did not want to know as I would melt on the spot if she had one. This has to be the scariest disease anyones' dog could get. I saw another Jack Russell at my vets the other day picking up Vetoryl. This disease is so rampant it needs to be researched so people so not have to go through the heartache we have been through. I am going to start calling some universities and asking about how you get a study started. Tipper was up again at 5:30 this morning, it is wearing me out, but I just do it anyway. I know how you feel being up all night and you mind won't stop thinking of all this Cushings stuff. Thank God Tipper and I were blessed with knowing from her scan she does not ahve a macro tumor. Tipper has just not been herself for a few days, it really scares you when this happens, you think now what. Hope Buddy gets on the mend. Blessings
05-27-2013, 07:52 AM
Dear Kathy,
I'm so sorry that Buddy continues to have these tremors! I can only imagine how upsetting they are for you. I remember when my Peg's grand mal seizures first began. I would pray that each episode would be the last. And then when she would have another one, my heart would break all over again. As things have turned out, though, we have been very lucky with her in that even though we have never determined the cause, her seizures have been totally controlled since she was placed on medication.
I know you are still totally uncertain as to the cause and even the true nature of Buddy's tremors, though. Have you ever gotten a response to your email from the neurosurgeon?
Your idea about the hypoglycemia is an interesting one, and I don't think it can be ruled out on the basis of a normal glucose level if the blood wasn't drawn at a time when the tremoring was occurring. From what I've been reading, there can be two types of hypoglycemia. One is referred to as "fasting hypoglycemia," and it is true that the glucose reading would be low at the time of a fasting test. But there is another type -- "reactive hypoglycemia" -- that seems to occur only episodically, especially in conjunction with meals. And with that type, a fasting blood glucose will be normal. Here's a link that told me more about this. I realize that neither onset profile fits Buddy to a "T," but otherwise the symptoms of hypoglycemia certainly do seem to fit what you are seeing. So I wouldn't necessarily rule it out yet.
As another alternative to the notion of a macrotumor, I read back through your thread to see that the neurologists were originally debating whether Buddy may have suffered a stroke. If so, I would think the tremoring could be mini-seizuring that could have resulted from residual brain damage. If that's the case, perhaps an anti-seizure medication could be helpful for him in the same way that it has been helpful for my Peg. Phenobarb is the most commonly prescribed anti-seizure med for dogs, but may not be the best choice to be used alongside trilostane. There are other medications that that can be used, though, instead. The downside is mainly that they take a longer time to reach therapeutic level.
I guess my main point here is to try to reassure you that, even though it is very upsetting, the tremoring may not be as catastrophic as you are fearing. And if it were me, I'd first really try to pursue the notion of hypoglycemia with somebody knowledgeable. Since Yorkies are especially vulnerable, I'm surely wondering if that can indeed be the source of the problem and that there has been a hormonal imbalance associated with his Cushing's that is triggering the problem.
Sending many hugs,
05-27-2013, 08:17 AM
I keep going back to what Kim said. She said that the only time that we see tremors like this is when there is a macro tumor.
Sorry if you took my post that way - the intention was that a macro is a possibility but it could be something else. The question is, as you mentioned, do you want to do the testing? I can understand if you elect to do skip testing - that is your call. I'm sorry that you are going through this. Hugs to you and Buddy. Kim
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 11:31 AM
Good morning Angels. :) Sorry about the distress call in the middle the night on a holiday. :( I gave Buddy a small meal later in the evening last night, thinking he could have reactive hypoglycemia. I think tummy trouble was the reason that he was unable to sleep. He's been getting that occasionally since I started to give him Trilostane, but it has been better since starting the Pepcid. I give him 1/2 a Pepcid (5mg.) a half hour before breakfast and Trilo. He was able to rest and did finally sleep about a half an hour or so after I gave him the tramadol last night. This morning he is spunky, active, full of himself, and totally fine. :rolleyes: I on the other hand are total wreck and did not sleep at all last night! :eek::( This is where I am totally frustrated.....If Buddy was in a lot of pain and miserable all the time I know what I'd have to do. Those perimeters are unclear. 99 percent of the time Buddy is perfectly fine, active, happy and normal. He goes many days without any head tremors at all. When they hit, they're usually short lived, Buddy is disoriented for a bit, then fine once more. I am a googling fool when I have something to research and am on a mission. Last night my brain was on overload from inputting too much data and second guessing myself with what if's??? Now, I'm tired and feeling defeated because I can't seem to fix this and that's my job!
Marianne - yes, the neuro surgeon and other two neurologist thought that Buddy may have had a stroke. No, I never got a response to my email. It is possible that they never even got it. I called the specialty hospital to get the email address to send it to. i was told that they would forward it on to the doctor. I don't know if they did.:( I sent the email on May 3rd.
Thank you being there to offer guidance and support.:) I am surrounded by people who don't think I am doing the right thing. That includes my family. They don't understand any of it and don't see the point of trying to figure it out, so I'm on my own and it's hard. I have to work. I have special needs kids depending on me. June 19 is the last day of school before summer break. That is good and bad. Good because I'll be able to be home and monitor Buddy more closely. Bad because I won't have any income coming in until September. That is usually fine because I save for the summer months. Unfortunately this year my savings and then some, has gone to vet bills, so it's going to be a lean summer with more vet bills yet to come. This certainly is depressing and I am a glass half-full kind of girl.;) Do any of you angels have a magic wand that you could wave and make all of this disappear? At least one of you should have that power at your disposal!;)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Oh Kathy, ((hugs)). I too am sorry that Buddy keeps having these tremors, but I am glad he is feeling good today. Darn it, sorry I wasn't on last night, normally this night owl would have been. But we had severe thunderstorms through most of the night and a tornado warning at 1:30 am for crying out loud! :eek: So I was down in the laundry room with my little ones for a bit. Jasper gets pretty anxious with storms and high wind, so had to deal with that rather than be on the forum. I am a bit tired today also, but thankful I don't have to work.
Now that I see that it is thought that Buddy may have had a small stroke at some point, I too am wondering about the tremors being some type of seizure activity, maybe a focal seizure? I know those can cause trembling or shaking in specific areas of the body. I am sure you have investigated that, but it was just my thoughts.
You are doing an amazing job with Buddy, don't let others get you down. I understand all about that, my friends are supportive, but I know that they think I am crazy with all that I do for Jasper. My Mom gets it, thankfully, and is good for moral support, but she lives over 1000 miles away. So I am on my own for the most part also. It is really hard sometimes.
I wish I had a magic wand Kathy, I would use it freely for all of us and our babies!! ;) I struggle with the financial aspect also as my savings has been spent down to the bare bones too. I had been saving for a couple of years for new carpet for my house (which it desperately needs). That is all gone, and then some. I know there are a lot of us in that boat. I got approved for care credit a few months ago, so I have that to fall back on thankfully. I am now trying to figure out how I can afford pet insurance for my 1 year old Shelby. I sure would like to get it for her, it would have been a godsend to have for Jasper.
Hang in there Kathy, you are doing a great job with Buddy. And we all have each other to lean on on this forum, which is such a blessing. I hope you are getting some rest and enjoying the holiday.
Tina and Jasper
molly muffin
05-27-2013, 03:43 PM
oh Kathy, those sleepless, worrying nights are not fun at all. You said it well, Buddy for the most part is doing really well. A head tremor now and then that goes away with no lasting ill effects is at the very least manageable and seems to allow you time to save finances and try to figure this all out. As long as nothing gets any worse and the status quo is maintained, I think you'll be okay.
The problem is that really there is nothing in the blood work that is telling us what might be causing this and no side weakness that is indicative of a severe stroke either. On the next visit to the vet, have a chat about these tremors, instead of scheduling a new appointment that will cost more money.
I think you have a month or so right? Maybe the next tremor will be 10 days or never, you just don't know. I don't think he is in pain, he doesn't act like it.
You're doing awesome! Second guessing ourselves is our own worst enemy. I know I suffer from it too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 05:00 PM
I would love to discuss the tremors with my vet when we go for an ACTH or some other test. It hasn't worked out. I need to go and pay for an office visit so I'll have their undivided attention for at least a few minutes. I took video of two of the tremors. I want them to see that. I also want to bombard them with the hundred questions I have!:D Even if they know very little about head tremors, seizures, strokes and hypoglycemia, at least I ran it by them first. I plan to get my $$$ worth out of that visit!:D They will be so glad to see me go!:D I am not hopeful that they will be of much help, but I have to try.:rolleyes:
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 10:12 PM
One of Buddy's front legs has been caving in on him this evening. I noticed it when he is trying to walk normally. It started about 10 minutes after his dinner at 5:30. At 6:40 PM Buddy continues to have difficulty walking. He is unstable. He barely makes it to his water bowl. I carried him out to go potty. He didn't want to walk at all. I carried him back in and gave him a small amount of sugar water. He licked eagerly. No head tremor as of yet but definite weakness all of a sudden. I will pick up some Caro syrup tomorrow after work and check the drug store for gluco-paste. I still don't know if he's having hypoglycemic episodes. I don't know what is going on. He has been fine all day until after dinner. Now he can barely walk. I will call the vet in the morning. It is going to be another sleepless night.:(:confused: It doesn't look like I have a lot of time to figure this problem out!:(
05-27-2013, 10:18 PM
Oh my. Please video him walking as well so you can show it to the vet. I am so sorry. Kim
05-27-2013, 10:25 PM
Oh Kim, how scary for both of you.
I hope that the vet finds a solution quickly.
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 10:28 PM
Should I withhold his Trilostane in the morning if he is still unstable?:confused:
He just had an ACTH Test 8 days ago on 5-19-13
His numbers were Pre 3.2
Post 5.6
Previous ACTH 4-10-13
Pre 8.4
Post 15.2
Buddy had his Trilostane with breakfast at 7:15 AM. It is 7:22 PM.
Shouldn't his morning dose be out of his system by now? He only takes it once a day. Isn't Trilo supposed to leave the system within 12 hours?
05-27-2013, 10:30 PM
No harm in playing it safe and not giving this time.
molly muffin
05-27-2013, 10:45 PM
I would withhold it and see how he does. It could be that the cortisol is still dropping. It can drop for even up to and past 30 days on the same dosage.
Has there been any change since giving him the sugar water? This is the first time that he has had this occur?
Hang in there. This if it is related to the cortisol could have nothing to do with the tremors.
Keep us posted.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 10:57 PM
I carried Buddy out to video him walking. That was a great idea once again. He walked normally. It has been an hour since I gave him the sugar water. An hour ago he could barely stand up.:eek: Maybe hypoglycemia??? I took the video anyway to show the doctor. Buddy ate normally and has not had any diarrhea or vomiting. Does his weakness and then improvement seem like Addison's to you?
05-27-2013, 11:03 PM
I would be surprised if it's Addisons but it can't hurt to stop the trilostane. When was the last time you had a full blood panel done? It might be worth a try to see if anything seems out of order.
Hang in there and know we are all with you giving you strength. Kim
molly muffin
05-27-2013, 11:05 PM
See how he does for the rest of the night and in the morning. It doesn't hurt to not give him the trilostane.
We need to find out from some of our diabetes friends what the best way and item to use to get a reading during a tremor or walking weakness spell is, so we can find out if it is hypoglycemia.
So he is now acting completely normal with walking, actions, not lethartgic, etc?
Could this also be a problem with his muscle wastage? Where after getting up from being laying down he walks funny? Molly walks sideways with a stiff leg if she has been laying for too long and then gets up. She has to warm it up a bit then is perfectly fine. Sometimes I'll massage her if it seems particularly bad. She never seems in pain from it, just can't walk a straight line and looks drunk.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
molly muffin
05-27-2013, 11:15 PM
I looked up canine hypoglycemic tremor videos online. They have several examples of tremors and I saw that one was a focal hypoglycemic video. Maybe you could compare Buddy's tremors to those?
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 11:24 PM
Kim- a full blood panel was done on 3-04-13
GLU - 99mg. 70-143 normal
He is walking normally, but is still not behaving normally. He is sticking to his bed, not wanting to get up. It is of course bedtime so maybe he's just tired now. This is the first time this has happened. No head tremors as of yet. He was fine all day until about 10 minutes after dinner. The sugar water seems to have revived him. Buddy is often stiff and wobbly when he first gets up after lying down for a long time, but it's always his back legs that are affected. This time, his front legs were collapsing also and he was unable to stand or walk very well. It is entirely different than his usual Rear leg weakness.:(. No it is not usual muscle wastage. I have never seen this before!:eek:
Thanks for being there angels. I haven't slept in over 40 hours so I'm getting punchy and I have to work tomorrow.:( I'll be up tonight, so if you get anymore ideas send them along.;)
molly muffin
05-27-2013, 11:29 PM
Okay, sorry I missed that this is the front legs. Of course you are right, that is definitely not normal
You need to get some sleep though Kathy. If Buddy looks like he is napping, then you can too. Just have him sleep in an area that is confined so he can't go off anywhere away from you. Like maybe close the door to the bedroom and sleep on the floor with him?
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 11:42 PM
Yes Sharlene,
I checked out the hypoglycemic seizure videos. Buddy was walking exactly like the King Charles Spaniel in the video. His front legs were collapsing in exactly the same way. That dog went right to a pillow to lie down, just like Buddy going right to his bed.
05-28-2013, 12:01 AM
Kim- a full blood panel was done on 3-04-13
GLU - 99mg. 70-143 normal
He is walking normally, but is still not behaving normally. He is sticking to his bed, not wanting to get up. It is of course bedtime so maybe he's just tired now. This is the first time this has happened. No head tremors as of yet. He was fine all day until about 10 minutes after dinner. The sugar water seems to have revived him. Buddy is often stiff and wobbly when he first gets up after lying down for a long time, but it's always his back legs that are affected. This time, his front legs were collapsing also and he was unable to stand or walk very well. It is entirely different than his usual Rear leg weakness.:(. No it is not usual muscle wastage. I have never seen this before!:eek:
Thanks for being there angels. I haven't slept in over 40 hours so I'm getting punchy and I have to work tomorrow.:( I'll be up tonight, so if you get anymore ideas send them along.;)
KathyKathy, I hope I'm wrong but ask the vet about GME. Terriers are prone to this and my Scarlett died from it. It can be treated if caught fast enough, treatment involves prednisone and cyclosporine. Your neurologist can give you more details, the article doesn't cover every case. Scarlett had tremors like you're describing. Is there neck pain? Again, I hope there's another explanation. The spinal tap is quite risky in my opinion and the MRI is expensive and somewhat risky because of the anesthesia. Since only an autopsy can be certain, if the neurologist and you could rule out other things perhaps you could treat without those? Scarlett didn't have trouble walking until the last two weeks of her life, the cyclosporine she took for allergies suppressed her symptoms so for a year she just had personality changes, circling, and confusion that were thought to be secondary to kidney disease and/or canine cognitive dysfunction. Had I not had those red herrings to deal with, I would have tried the steroid even though it would have been risky with her kidneys. Just saw your post of 8:42 Pacific Time, hope it's just hypoglycemia
Roxee's Dad
05-28-2013, 12:01 AM
I wish I could help butI don't know much about this. There is a great site called Epi Guardian Angels you may want to check on.
Simba's Mom
05-28-2013, 12:11 AM
Praying for you and Buddy too, hope he starts to get stronger and less tired soon......take care of u too
Budsters Mom
05-28-2013, 01:05 AM
I just took Buddy out to go potty. He was walking normally. I don't think he has Addison's because an hour after the sugar water he was able to walk normally again. All of these symptoms point to hypoglycemia, but I'm not a doctor, just an exhausted, terrified mother.:(. Buddy just recently had an ACTH test and his numbers were great. I don't think this episode is due to his cortisol going to low. I will watch him tonight and if he continues to do well in the morning I will go ahead and give him his trilo with breakfast. No vomiting, diarrhea or lack if appetite so far. If in doubt, I will withhold it. I will call from work and see if his vet is going to be in tomorrow. I get off early enough to take in after work. Thanks for all of your help.
05-28-2013, 04:38 AM
Look Mr Budster, that is enough of these shenanigans young man! You start behaving yourself for your Mumma!!! Gosh Kathy, I hope you get some rest tonight or you will be asleep on your feet at work tomorrow or likely on the floor if you fall over! Glad you are getting him in for a checkup tomorrow, we will have fingers and paws crossed in this household for some good news tomorrow!! PAWS UP BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
05-28-2013, 06:44 AM
I see your little green light on Kathy so your not sleeping!!! Yes, I am the middle of the night checker of the sleepless posters, you can't sneak past me!!
It must be middle of the night there or very early am?? What's happening? Has he had a good rest, any overnight news to report? Really hope you got some sleep!
molly muffin
05-28-2013, 07:07 AM
Checking in on you and Buddy this morning. Hope you both got some rest.
05-28-2013, 08:01 AM
Sorry to hear Buddy is having issues with his front legs. This muscle wasting isn't supposed to keep happening once the cortisol is controlled, so I am at a loss as to what it is. Tipper is still having it happen too and she has been controlled for quite some time. Poor Buddy needs all four to get those lizards. Hope you can find out what is wrong and get Buddy on the mend. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-28-2013, 10:06 AM
Buddy appears back to normal this morning. He slept all night after the sugar water. Signs are certainly pointing to hypoglycemia. I am a walking zombie!:eek: Will be calling the vet from work this AM. Thanks for you continued help and support.:)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Budsters Mom
05-28-2013, 01:06 PM
The vet is in today. I'll be taking Buddy in after work this afternoon. I have everything I need gathered in one place, so I can grab and go. Exhausted, on auto-pilot today. I am taking the tremor videos and my copies of all test results, including the x-rays with me. We'll see.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-28-2013, 01:16 PM
Just catching up
Hope you get some answers from the vet today
Sending you a big big hug, will check back later
molly muffin
05-28-2013, 03:23 PM
I hope you get some real answers to Buddy's issues. Crossing fingers.
Zombie auto pilot engaged. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-28-2013, 06:11 PM
We are keeping fingers and paws crossed that you get some answers on what is troubling poor Buddy. I hope it all turns out well for you both. I live half my life on auto pilot so I know what you are going thru. God Bless You Both- lets get some good new Buddy!! Blessings
Boriss McCall
05-28-2013, 06:17 PM
Just checking in to see how the afternoon visit went for Buddy.
05-28-2013, 07:07 PM
Me too. Sending love, Kim
molly muffin
05-28-2013, 07:12 PM
Waiting is hard. Sending you bunches of big hugs!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hope everything is okay, worried because you are a walking zombie with no sleep for days.
Simba's Mom
05-28-2013, 08:14 PM
Sending hugs to you and Buddy, waiting is way too hard...hope you get some good news soon....
Budsters Mom
05-28-2013, 08:17 PM
Hi all,
We just got home from the vet. The wonderful doctor that I've been taking Buddy to since he was a puppy has finally returned from a extended vacation. :)He is the only one in that place that actually knows anything. I know that's not true, I'm just too exhausted to be more delicate with my words right now and another migraine is looming. I haven't slept at all since Saturday night. Unfortunately he is going to be retiring soon. He's been saying that for about the last 10 years or so. Who knows when that will actually happen. He had a waiting room full of patients who had specifically requested him, yet he spent two hours going over every possibility with me. He did not talk down to me and wasn't it all intimidated by what I already knew. This doctor also knows Cushings well. He is a combination surgeon, IMS and GP all rolled up in one. It was a very productive visit. He said he needed a couple days to do his homework and check out all of Buddy's tests since puppyhood thoroughly. He is also going to contact the neuro-surgeon who did Buddy's consult at the specialty hospital. I was only charged $46, the price of an office visit for everything he did! That is the good news. ;)
Buddy has several things going on and none of them are good or curable. All signs are definitely pointing to a macro-tumor or possibly a separate brain tumor. :eek: It looks like Kim is probably right. It also looks like he has reactive hypoglycemia. That is secondary to the bigger issues. The head tremors and the spells where he can't walk well, will most likely continue, becoming more frequent. There are a lot of neuro things going on. I will elaborate on each of these things and how they were determined at another time. I am too tired and deflated right now to go into detail. Despite it all, I would much rather know what I'm dealing with so I can make informed decisions.
Thanks angels for sticking with me,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-28-2013, 08:31 PM
HUGS Kathy. We will always stick with you Buddy. Through thick and thin, whatever may come we'll be right here by your side.
Lets see what your vet comes back with once he's reviewed the records. There are several things that you'll need to know of course. I just was reading that putting the syrup, or whatever you use, on the bottom of the tongue is the fastest way to get it into in their system.
I'm so glad that your regular vet is back. Whew, that is a relief, someone who knows Buddy and knows him so well, knows cushings. So much is dependent on having a good vet. So that is a plus. Lets just take this one step at a time and see whats what.
Now get some sleep!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-28-2013, 08:45 PM
I am just back on the board and so sorry to read about what's been going on with you and Buddy! You really must be so exhausted from everything!
I am so glad you got to see the vet who knows Buddy and who you have confidence in, that makes such a difference. He must be special to spend so much time with you and Buddy and charging you only $46. He sounds great!
I know you will fill everyone in on what he said when you feel like you can, and we are all here for you, ready to listen and support and hold your hand!!!
I can only imagine how you're feeling..on top of digesting all the vet had to say you are going on no sleep. Hoping you can rest some need some sleep!
It sounds like you're in really good hands with this vet and I like that he is going to be checking everything out over the next few days. I don't want to sound like Pollyanna but maybe after the tests and consult with the neuro the news will be different. You never know! I'm sending hugs and big positive thoughts your way. (and to Buddy too!)
Harley PoMMom
05-28-2013, 10:36 PM
We are here for you and Buddy, always. ;)
I suffer from migraines :mad: they HURT. Go get some rest and I do hope your migraine goes away.
Sending huge and loving hugs, Lori
05-29-2013, 07:17 AM
HI Kathy
I am so glad to hear you have spent a lot of time with your trusted vet, it is such a good feeling when you have someone that relates to you and your doggy. I really hope he finds some answers when he reviews Buddy's charts. I also really hope you are in bed sleeping and catching up on your rest, you must be so exhausted physically and mentally. Will be looking out for the next update and fingers crossed it will be more hopeful.
Trish xxx
05-29-2013, 11:42 AM
Boy the mighty lizard hunter sure had a full day!! I am glad you got answers at the vets. I hope they are wrong and that Buddy does not have a macro. We pray for him every night. You vet is very reasonable, too bad he decided to retire. Hope you have gotten some rest. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 12:35 PM
My vet has been talking about retiring for more than 10 years. It hasn't happened yet! Who knows when that will be. :);) I'm thrilled that he's back. There is finally someone there who knows what he's doing and knows Cushings well. He also is not intimidated by what I already know and is willing to work with me to find a course of action. I have been dealing with a lot of incompetence up until now. He is one of those vets who really do care. I think they are an endangered species!;).
Thank you for all of your love and support angels. :)
05-29-2013, 01:18 PM
What a difference for you now that your trusted vet is back! :p It must feel so much better knowing he is there for you and Buddy. Did you get some sleep last night?
Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 01:34 PM
No I didn't get much rest last night. I am still in Zombie Land on auto-pilot.:eek: Thankfully state testing is over, so I'm able to work very efficiently that way, and no one has a clue:D. I am extremely organized and prepared at work. I hate to waste precious instructional minutes searching for things while my students wait. That kind of anal organization makes it easy for me to go on auto-pilot when necessary. :D I only have 16 more school days until Summer break! :D Thanks for checking up on me.:)
05-29-2013, 03:18 PM
Yahoo for your upcoming summer break!! :D 16 more days to go and I hope it moves along quickly for you! How is Buddy doing today?
Boriss McCall
05-29-2013, 04:03 PM
I am so glad you are almost done with school. I always wish I was a teacher about this time every year. :D
I hope you get to have a wonderful summer with Buddy.
Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 07:27 PM
Buddy is fine today. He is fine until he isn't, if that makes any sense. His legs don't alway work well. Spells come on that quickly. I just got home from work. I went to five stores looking for Karo syrup. I need to have that on hand when Buddy's blood sugar goes low again. Honey is much better for you than Karo syrup, But Buddy can't have honey due to allergies. So the doctor said to give him Karo Syrup. After the fifth store including a health food store,I realized that I wasn't going to find exactly what I wanted. Yes, they had Karo Syrup or corn syrup, but it was all flavored. The light syrup has vanilla flavoring and the dark syrup had caramel flavoring. Due to Buddy's allergies, I don't want any added flavorings. That is why I ended up at the fifth store, then gave up for today. I did buy a bottom of the vanilla flavored Karo syrup just so that I would have it on hand in an emergency. That's the only time I would be using it anyway. I certainly don't cook with it.
I'm still running on no sleep. I got really dizzy when I was leaving work today and had to sit in the car for a while before I could drive.
A field trip to Sea World is planned for Friday and I can't do that on autopilot. I know this sounds crazy, but I'm supposed to bring all the kids back home from that place!:D Seriously, I need to be alert when I have them out the public to insure their safety. It is always a really fun field trip, though exhausting. Where do these kids get all that energy anyway? I've never done it on no sleep before. Hopefully I will get some rest before then.
I am still processing the information from Buddy's appointment yesterday. Even though his prognosis is bleak and he is a walking time bomb, I still would prefer to know and have all my questions answered. Confusion and uncertainty is worse, at least for me.
05-29-2013, 07:33 PM
Oh Kathy, I hate it that you are having such a tough time!!!! And I don't want to add to your stress by asking more questions. So you can ignore them for the time being (truly!).
But I am wondering why your vet is convinced that there is more involved here than just the reactive hypoglycemia? From the list of symptoms that I had read about earlier, it sounded to me as though they pretty much encompass what you are seeing in Buddy. So I'm wondering as to why your vet is thinking that is a secondary rather than primary issue?
Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 08:21 PM
You don't know the half of it. I am not able to talk much about it yet. Buddy was put through many neuro tests which I observed, which he failed miserably. We combed through everything from all the various hospitals for almost two hours. Ultra-sound, x-rays, videos of the tremors, etc. Buddy's biggest issue is definitely neuro. The neuro-surgeon was right. All indications point to something in his brain. Probably a macro-tumor or a separate brain tumor. That is the biggest issue and what has been causing the head tremors all along. The doctor is contacting the neurosurgeon to get addition information from that consultation. It is possible that the higher cortisol was keeping the tumor in check to some degree. Now that his Cushing's cortisol level is under control, it is most likely that the tumor or tumors are growing. Cushings and Reactive Hypoglycemia are all tied into it. I understand all of it now. It does fit together. I am not at the point where I can process it all yet. I haven't slept in several days. I am just trying to get through each day, putting out little fires as they arise.
I am sorry that I can't be of more help right now. More detail will follow when I am rested and able to explain more. Thank you for all your trying to do.
05-29-2013, 08:53 PM
Kathy, I am so sorry that the testing results were so grim. I totally respect your need for time and space within which to process the info, and won't press for any more info before you are ready to write about it.
Since my own Barkis suffered from neuro issues, too, my heart goes out to you.
Sending many hugs,
Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 09:10 PM
Go ahead and ask as many questions as you want. I may not be able to answer right away, but your questions might help me to be able to process it all a little easier. If you would rather send a PM instead, that is okay too. It is not my intention to withhold details. It's more a matter of processing and exhaustion. Unless you ask, I don't know exactly what details you want. A lot was discussed in two hours!:eek:
I don't know when I'm going to feel up to writing about it, so you'd better ask now! By the time I get around to writing about it all, Buddy may no longer be with us.
Simba's Mom
05-29-2013, 09:38 PM
Oh Kathy I'm so sorry you are not getting the rest that you need....when our furbabies are hurting we are right beside them thats forsure..take care, sending hugs and prayers...
molly muffin
05-29-2013, 09:47 PM
Kathy, sweetie, you know I say this will eternal fondness, but Get Some Sleep!!! We worry about you too you know. You can't deal with Buddy's issues, the vet visit and tons of special needs kids in zombie land. So, sleep, then we'll just all regroup. This is hard enough to think about when you are well rested, I imagine it is darn near impossible without rest. So, take some time, nap, play with Buddy, whatever makes you smile and feel better. We'll always be here. Truly! :) HUGS! I worry about you!
Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 10:24 PM
You are funny, and very dear Sharlene. I am afraid to go to sleep. :eek: Buddy is unstable. It is my job to keep him stabilized. I'm worried that his blood sugar will drop and I won't be awake to help him. I'm terrified that I am going to wake up and find him dead. So, I sit up and watch him to make sure that he is breathing. I know that this is completely insane and it can't go on forever, but it is the only way that I can relax at all. My family members are of no help, after all he's just a dog. We agree to disagree, so I'm on my own. They don't understand the expense, the emotion, the heartache, or any of it. So I continue to remain on auto-pilot in zombie land. Yes, I am still working through it all. The guys with the white coats are on their way.
05-29-2013, 10:46 PM
OK so I'm going to sing you and Buddy a lullaby ok? Go lie down and cuddle next to each other with a soft blankie and here we go:
Lullaby, and good night,
With pink roses bedight,
With lilies o'erspread,
Is my baby's sweet head.
Lay you down now, and rest,
May your slumber be blessed!
Lay you down now, and rest,
May thy slumber be blessed!
Lullaby, and good night,
You're your mother's delight,
Shining angels beside
My darling abide.
Soft and warm is your bed,
Close your eyes and rest your head.
Soft and warm is your bed,
Close your eyes and rest your head.
Sleepyhead, close your eyes.
Mother's right here beside you.
I'll protect you from harm,
You will wake in my arms.
Guardian angels are near,
So sleep on, with no fear.
Guardian angels are near,
So sleep on, with no fear.
Lullaby, and sleep tight.
Hush! My darling is sleeping,
On his sheets white as cream,
With his head full of dreams.
When the sky's bright with dawn,
He will wake in the morning.
When noontide warms the world,
He will frolic in the sun.
Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 11:03 PM
Thank you for the lullaby:D
molly muffin
05-29-2013, 11:18 PM
Wow, Kim does good lullaby. Hidden talents there! :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-30-2013, 07:45 AM
I am so sorry you are having such a hard time lately. I know what you mean about staying awake, and watching them. I often stay awake and watch my Tipper because of her struggle to breathe, I am also afraid of finding her dead. I am so glad you will be out of school soon. Poor Buddy he has really been through a lot lately also. I pray that you make it thru your school trip and get to summer break. It will be a God send to you and Buddy to have you at home. God Bless your heart I don't know how you are functioning with all this going on. Tipper is sending Buddy hugs and kisses, and she said to tell Buddy she would love to hunt some lizards with him! I feel helpless that I am unable to do anything but support you at this time. God Bless you both.
Budsters Mom
05-30-2013, 11:23 AM
Good morning angels:)
My posts have been way to sad and grim lately.:( They are bumming everyone out!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: I have decided not to post on my thread until I have something positive or happy to report. I will continue to support all of you on your threads. I will still be here watching out for you and your precious babies.;)
I know that you want all the gory details and your input and knowledge is invaluable. Please PM me with all your burning questions and I will try to answer them. The rest of you lovely angels are also welcome to send me a PM if you desire. I am trying to eliminate some of the negativity and bad news on my thread. :p
05-30-2013, 11:49 AM
Aw Kathy, you do not need to limit or edit anything you write on your thread! If you want to take a break because that's the best thing for YOU, then it is A-OK. But don't hold back out of fear of writing bad news for the rest of us to read. We are here to read everything and anything -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. :) :( :eek:
So do not censor or hold back on our accounts. And that's an order!!!!
But honestly, I don't have any other questions right now. I'm waiting alongside you to hear what the neurosurgeon has to say. So I hope you'll pass on whatever additional info your vet finds out. And then we'll all move forward -- together!!
Roxee's Dad
05-30-2013, 11:55 AM
Dear Kathy,
What Marianne said goes double from me. We are here to help and although we can't always help, we can always listen.
05-30-2013, 12:15 PM
I am so upset that you would not post about Buddy. Thru all of his pictures, and antics I have grown fond of hearing about him.That means good and bad!!! Please don't ever feel you cannot post because you think it is negative, or bad news. I have poured my heart out on here, and so have others. After all, it is about Cushings, and that is nothing good about Cushings. I personally never feel you are negative, you just tell things like they are. I think that is all anyone on here expects, is to be told things how they are no matter how good or bad. There are just a lot of nasty things that happen to these babies from this disease so writing about it at times may seem negative, but it is something we need to hear, as it may help someone else. I always want to hear it all, as it may provide me with information I need for Tipper. Sometimes when you are down, or want to get things off you chest, you need to come here to do it. I know not everyone has family members that support them in this struggle, in fact some family members oppose what we try to do, and think we are crazy. It is important that all of us remain compassionate and understanding, especially in light of many new members coming on here for support. I have no one and no family left. My only help is this forum. I would be lost without the support of the wonderful people I have leaned on in scary situations I have had to deal with. At times some members babies are doing well and they have nothing bad to report, so it can seem like they are upbeat and all you post is bad, but that is just how things are going for you that day. I don't think anyone on here can sit in judgment of others. Every situation is different and some people never experience problems when treating their babies. Others have a multitude of problems and struggle. So let's all agree that no matter what anyone writes concerning their baby , that it is their personal journey and they have a right to express it! Blessings
hey there,
If posting about our mighty lizard hunter is hard for you and bringing you down and upsetting you, then we understand, don't post. If you think it is bad news and you should not post because of others then we all stand beside you saying, not true, we are all in it together, good news, bad news, no news, does not matter.
Melt downs are also allowed on our threads, so if you need to have one, have one.;);)
But really, you need to keep some sleep somehow. I know how bad insomnia can get, trust me I have gone to work for weeks on end with little to no sleep. At some point though, it takes its toll and I worry about you. Buddy needs a rested mommy too.:):)
Simba's Mom
05-30-2013, 01:29 PM
Hey Kathy, you are not bringing any of us down, plz continue to post good or bad, unless you don't want to of course...we can all learn from each others posts and don't expect only good ones...the many adventures of Buddy and his lizards keeps me going and I'm sure many others, but you need to get your stories out too...we all feel the same at one time or another, and like others have said, this is all I have too for support....and we all support each other, good times and bad, sending hugs!
Budsters Mom
05-30-2013, 01:44 PM
Okay, Okay I get it!!!!!!!!!;) I'm not normally a doom and gloom kind of person. I work with special needs kids all day. You have to be fairly upbeat and easy going to do that! ;) It is hard for me to read so many sad stories on the forum sometimes. I want to be able to wave a magic wand or recite a special prayer that would fix all of your babies and take your heartache away. Obviously, that is not possible.:(That is why I didn't want to continue to add to them. It is not that I'm unwilling to share, it's just too much doom and gloom!:(I am working on the rest thing, I really am!:p
Boriss McCall
05-30-2013, 05:20 PM
:(:( We are here for good times & bad. hugs to you & sweet little Buddy.
Budsters Mom
05-30-2013, 05:22 PM
I wrote a poem for all of you! It's not too bad on no sleep! Enjoy:D
An Army of Angels
There are angels everywhere
Flittering here, soaring there,
and spreading hope for all to share
Sending love to every breed,
holding hands of those in need
They come disguised as regular folk,
but what they do, is no joke
They listen to others pour their heart out
and yet, they never yell or shout
They always say, "It'll be okay
and I'm with you, all the way
Even when our babes move on
they are there, marching them on
Picking up the pieces of those who are left
is what our angels do the best
Lighting candles for all to see
helps us set our babies free
They have lost loves of their own
and sometimes they still cry and moan
Yet, they return the very next day
to help out in every way
Such is the life of our angelic group
and they're always ready to scoop up the poop!:D
molly muffin
05-30-2013, 05:43 PM
Kathy that is sooooo beautiful. I cried, just because.
I do want to echo what others said too. Doom and gloom is unfortunately, a part of this life we all lead. Some days are good, some are not so very good. We are happy sometimes, and other sad, and then Others, well watch out because we're just royally ticked off mad.
There is one other aspect that I want to mention when it comes to posting on your thread. First, though I'll say, absolutely, if YOU don't feel up to it then don't, that is fine, we understand. However, if it is to save us form the reality of life, then pfffttt, we all know the reality, it's not always pretty. It's not always dire either though either.
So what I wanted to mention is that, sometimes, people never become members, but they need help, their babies have symptoms. Often they find a good search will lead them to us and then they might become members, some just try to learn all they can. Some join and then do searches for stories who match their own.
Anything that you go through, that Buddy goes through, I'd hope could and would be documented for those who come behind and walk the same path you do. It is so helpful for them to find someone else who has gone through the same thing. Whether it is positive or not so very positive, every post you make, helps someone else. You probably don't even realize it. You probably don't even realize that you too have become one of the k9 angels, helping others.
I know that working with special needs kids take a special kind of person. (I have family members doing the same thing :) my sister for one) You are that special kind of person, so I know that this is really wearing on you body and soul.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-30-2013, 05:50 PM
What a wonderful, and touching poem. It made me cry, but they were good tears. You are functioning so well with no sleep, I don't know how you are doing it, but I sure understand why. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
05-30-2013, 06:06 PM
Oh Kathy,
That sure is a beautiful poem which brought tears to my eyes too.
Sending huge and loving hugs, Lori
Simba's Mom
05-30-2013, 06:38 PM
Awesome poem Kathy!!!
05-30-2013, 07:34 PM
Oh Kathy,
This really touched my heart like you would not believe. Thank you so much for sharing!!!!!
Terry xxx
05-30-2013, 08:04 PM
Kathy, wow!! :o :) :)
Spread your wings, and welcome to the Angel Brigade. You have more than earned your feathers...:o :o :o
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