View Full Version : Ike - 14 yro Shih Tzu has crossed The Bridge
03-23-2013, 01:20 PM
Hi, my name is Carol and I have a small dog diagnosed with Cushing's about a month ago. My vet told me I may have two more years with him as tzu's live a long time but it wasn't much comfort to hear that. The vet also put him on Sulfasalazine for his diahrrea from the Vetoryl capsule he takes each morning. He's also on Thyroid medication (chewable) which makes him want to go out to relieve himself several times during the night, as well as getting up to drink tons of water also. I'm a senior lady and am wondering how some of you have dealt with your pet's Cushing's diagnosis? I do everything for both of my tzu's, as a result, I'm very sleep deprived and it's taking a small toll on me (I would love to get just one night of undisturbed sleep). My husband doesn't have anything to do with helping with their health, basically I'm on my own with them. Any suggestions or thoughts you may have would be most welcome. I've cried so much I think I'm going to be permanently "red-eyed". I look forward to hearing from some of you.
Thank you,
Carol and Ike
Squirt's Mom
03-23-2013, 02:03 PM
Hi Carol and welcome to you and Ike! :)
We are a Lysodren house so I will let the Trilo parents talk to you about that. I do want you to know that your vet is full of it about the 2-year thing. Just flat wrong. Yes, there are cush pups who do pass within that 2 year period but not as often as they would like us to believe - not by a long shot! ;) With the correct diagnosis, the proper treatment for your baby, proper monitoring, and proper education of the parent our cush babies can and DO live out their expected life-spans and beyond. As cush parents we tend to go out of our way to ensure the very best care for our babies and that attention to detail carries its benefits throughout the pups being. It is our care and attention that give them the best chances possible, with the help of our family here...oh and the vets. :D;) We have many members here who have babies well past that 2-year mark - one member's baby lived 12 years after diagnosis! So you just put that comment from your vet in the trash where it belongs and take it out to the curb!
Now, if you would share with us Ike's medical history and post the actual test results here from the Cushing's testing that was done to diagnose him and any monitoring tests that have been done since starting the Trilo, that will go a long way in helping us to help you. The more info you can give, the better! We LOVE details so don't worry about a long post. ;)
To get you started, I will ask some questions - what caused you to have Ike tested for Cushing's in the first place? What signs did you see?
Does he have any other health issues that you know of?
Is he on any other meds, supplement, herbs and if so, what for?
Is he neutered?
How old is he?
How much does he weigh?
What dose of Trilo are you giving and how many times a day?
Do you have prednisone on hand?
How long has he had the diarrhea?
How is his appetite? Increased or decreased recently?
Does he appear to be nauseous or has he vomited lately?
Is he lethargic?
I'm sure some of our Trilo folks will be along soon but this will get us started. I'm glad you found us and look forward to learning more as time passes!
Leslie and the gang
03-23-2013, 03:00 PM
Does he have any other health issues that you know of?
Yes, he was diagnosed with Hypothroidism (sp) 1 1/2 years ago.
Is he on any other meds, supplement, herbs and if so, what for? Straight T4 for his Hypo.
Is he neutered? Yes
How old is he? 14
How much does he weigh? He gains a looses a few ounces regularly. Today he weighs 14 lbs. He's ususally, when healthy 15 lbs.
What dose of Trilo are you giving and how many times a day? He's getting 10 mgs twice a day.
Do you have prednisone on hand? No, what would I use it for?
How long has he had the diarrhea?
He's had the diarrhea since he started the Trilo. My vet said it would only be for a few days but if I forget one dose of Sulfasalazine, he gets diarrhea at the next BM.
How is his appetite? Increased or decreased recently?
Since he's gotten older, he's really picky about food. I won't even go into how many different types of dog food I've bought him that he will not eat. He also doesn't have many teeth left, so I've been wondering if that is part of the problem and maybe I should put him on canned food? (He had very bad Periodontal Disease and his dentist had to take out many teeth.) Presently, he's eating Natural Balance L.I.D. Small Breed (Potato & Duck) and he's not crazy about it even though it's very tiny kibble. It's been a long time since he's eaten well (enthusiastically).
Does he appear to be nauseous or has he vomited lately?
No he hasn't had any vomiting so far.
Is he lethargic?
Sometimes, but usually he's playful and seems like himself...
Is there a way I can add a tiny photo, like you did? I love him so much and you can't imagine the trauma he's gotten me through. I owe him!
03-23-2013, 03:12 PM
Darn it, I meant to say he's taking 10 mgs of Trilo ONCE A DAY, NOT TWICE! I think I'm turning into a "mental case"...:confused:
Squirt's Mom
03-23-2013, 03:28 PM
Link to a thread telling how to add an avatar pic! :)
Harley PoMMom
03-23-2013, 03:42 PM
Hi Carol,
Welcome to you and Ike from me as well. So sorry for the reasons that brought you here but glad you found us as we will help in any way we can.
Is there a way I can add a tiny photo, like you did? I love him so much and you can't imagine the trauma he's gotten me through. I owe him!
I am providing you a link that will guide you into inserting an avatar: atars
Getting copies of all tests that were done on Ike and posting any abnormalities that are listed would help us in providing you with more meaningful feedback. We are especially interested in the results of any Cushing tests.
Cushing's is one of the most difficult diseases to get a confirmed diagnosis for because not one test is 100% at diagnosing Cushing's and any non-adrenal illness can create false positive results on all tests for Cushing's.
When was Ike's last thyroid monitoring test? It could very well be that Ike is getting too much thyroid medicine which is throwing him into Hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism will cause a dog to drink and urinate more.
Again, welcome to the forum and if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask them.
Love and hugs,
molly muffin
03-23-2013, 04:12 PM
Hello and welcome from too. Awww, you have two shih tzu's how adorable. Aren't they just too cute. Mine is a mix of tzu and lasso. Love her to pieces.
Definitely take a look at the thyroid and what the last test results are. Just in case.
What tests did they do to determine he had cushings? It's so hard to diagnose cushings and the same symptoms for thyroid is what you get for cushings too, so anything off with that would look the same and could screwer a cushings test like the ACTH.
I'm so glad you found us and we'll do what we can to help you get this figured out and hopefully get a full nights sleep.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-23-2013, 04:21 PM
Lori, you're absolutely correct about Ike getting too much thyroid when he first started it and I really wondered if that could have possibly helped create or in some way "encourge" the Cushing's? I know nothing of this disease even though I myself have very low Adrenal numbers and will be going to a specialist before it slides into Addison's Disease. To go back to the Thyroid situation for Ike, they cut it back from 1 1/2 tablets a day (out of 0.1 mg) to only 1/2 tablet in the a.m. I do wonder if all that Thyroid med, which was a really large dose for a (at that time he was 13.5 lbs) for such a small dog. Would anyone here know if that could have helped the Cushing's along? I',m so new here, please forgive if I jump around and don't always get to the point. I'm devastated by his diagnosis, he's my own personal hero and best friend...I don't think of myself as an ignorant person but something as simple as getting around this forum is a bit of a challenge for me. But then, I have so much on my mind it's a wonder I can get anything accomplished. Since Ike's Cushings Diagnosis, crying whether I'm hugging him or just watching him play, has become the norm.
Simba's Mom
03-23-2013, 04:36 PM
Welcome Carol and Ike, glad you found us at this site....It's amazing how when one of us talk, we all seem to understand. I still cry for my Simba, he's a mini doxie, and has been on trilostane for almost 8 months already, he takes 25mg once a day..The things I noticed when he started the meds were, lots of sleeping, jerking in his sleep, and some shaking..and I really don't know forsure if thats from the meds or just his age, he will be 11 on April 9....He doesn't pant nearly as much and his pot belly has disappeared..he does still have hair loss, and tummy issues...I feel horrible giving him the med, and not giving him the med, but the good things with the meds far out weigh the vet said 2 years too, maybe thats just what they are told to say, but every dog is different..that was hard to hear but I'm praying I have Simba longer...take care, sending hugs!!!
Harley PoMMom
03-23-2013, 04:38 PM
AWWW, what a cute avatar of Ikester!!
I really don't believe that overdosing on thyroid medication can cause Cushing's, but I am not a vet.
There are three different forms of Cushing's; Pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH), Adrenal-based hyperadrenocorticism (ADH), and Iatrogenic.
PDH is the most common cause of Cushing's disease (85% to 90% of all cases) and is a tumor of the pituitary gland.
ADH Cushing's disease may be the result of a benign or malignant tumor of the adrenal gland and surgical removal will cure the disease.
Iatrogenic is when excessive cortisol from prolonged use of steroids were/are given whether this was topical, oral or injectable and the cure for this is to slowly taper the use of the steroid.
Please do ask all the questions you want as knowledge is power!
molly muffin
03-23-2013, 07:40 PM
I cried for days when they told me Molly had cushings. It's a natural response. The more you learn, the more you will be able to handle the emotional episodes. At least that has been my experience. 2 years is what most vets say and what most internet literature says. I also read though that this is in large part due to the most dogs not being diagnosed until they are usually within a couple years of their natural life span. We have had dogs on this forum well maintained and on medicine for cushings for many, many years and the dogs have passed from other things, like old age related problems not due to cushings. So, this is not a death sentence. At first all I could do was look at Molly and think I'm going to lose her and that was just unbearable as it is for most of us. It is however, not true that it has to be from cushings. So, don't even go there. You're doing what you can for Ike and that is all that any of us can do.
Once you've navigated around the forum a few times that too becomes much easier. Feel free to ask for any help you might need if you get lost. :) We'll find you. :)
I agree Ike's avatar is adorable.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-23-2013, 07:51 PM
I just wanted to say welcome and let you know that I realize what you mean about it taking a toll on you. I feel 10 years older, but my precious Tipper is alive and that is all I care about. I don't understand the Vet not being more concerned about the diarrehea in your Ike. Everyone on here will want the test numbers so they can help you. You came to a good place to get help and support. I hope you get some rest, and take care of yourself as the babies need you now. God Bless you and your babies.
Harley PoMMom
03-23-2013, 07:59 PM
If Ike is becoming picky with his food, here are a few other things you might try to entice his appetite: Yogurt mixed with honey, Potato boiled in meat broth and mashed with a *little* chicken fat added, Grated parmesan cheese as a topper on the regular food, Drizzle sardine juice (water packed sardines) on the food and/or Mash a sardine into the food, and/or warm his food in the microwave...Hope this helps.
Hi and Welcome,
Cushings can be a bit of a roller coaster ride sometimes when other health issues are involved. So I am so happy you found your way here because it is not a good ride to do alone and all of us here get it becuase we live it every day.
Sometimes it take a few weeks for Trilostane/Vetoryl to improve the excessive drinking and peeing. When is the first ACTH test scheduled for?
Did Ikester have any previous colitis episodes? Was he tested for Cushings while his thyroid meds were the higher dose? I am trying to figure out a time line so to speak.
My Zoe is a 17 pound lhasa who had 3 years of colitis on and off and subsequently was diagnosed with Cushings. It took me a year to get her colitis under control and when we started on 10 mgs once a day (she was 18 pounds then) she flared for about a month. Zoe was diagosed just about 3 years ago, started Vetoryl about two years ago. We have had a lot of bumps in the road, a few potholes too:rolleyes: But we are still here, trying to take it one day at a time and love every day we have together.
There are many success stories out there so never lose hope.
We are always here for you
03-25-2013, 11:09 PM
I want to thank everyone who responded to this post about Ike. Thank you so much for the encouragement and kind comments. I went to the vet's today and got copies of all of his tests. If you kind folks could let me know which results you need to see, I'd be happy to post them. Or, any specific name of test you'd like to see all the information on. I've been a little forgetful, very tired and can't seem to focus on details? This is like a nightmare I can't wake up from!:(
Thanks to all, for giving me and sweet Ike a place to share and get more information on while dealing with this terrible diagnosis. Since I'm not the "sharpest knife in the drawer" right now, please be specific about what you'd like me send in (I'm feeling so "dense", I hate this).
Huge Hugs,
Carol & Ike
03-25-2013, 11:40 PM
hey carol i also want to welcome you to this fabulous forum for good information,support and lots of xoxox.we are all here trying to gain knowledge and info about this don't be shy about questions,don't feel alone because you will have so many here for help,guidance and strength.this family has helped me understand this disease that claimed my litl man milo 3 months ago at age you just stay here and know you have many with you on your journey with your litl man ike...welcome...patty(milo)meka xoxox
Squirt's Mom
03-26-2013, 09:36 AM
Hi Carol,
If you have the test that shows the ALP (ALKP), BUN, CHOL, and so forth, post all the abnormal results - too high or too low - from that test. If you have any tests called UC:CR, LDDS, HDDS, ACTH, and / or ultrasound results, post all of those results and comments here.
These will help us a great deal.
Leslie and the gang
Good for you, going to get copies of all the tests. We want to see the abnormal results of any blood work along with the lab's normal range. Same with any urine tests and also any tests done to diagnosis cushings was there a UC:Cr test, or a low dose dexamethasone test, an ACTH test?
Abnormal results usually are marked with something other than an "n", could be an 'a' or 'h' or 'L'.
Hang in there, there, nightmares tend to go away when you have proper support.:):):)
04-08-2013, 08:38 PM
Hello everyone, I haven't been on for the last 3 weeks (I think). My question is I'm still giving Ike Sulfasalazine twice a day and he still has loose stools in spite of it. It's not making the difference it should even though he's on Veteroyl. Is there any dog food canned or kibble that would help firm his stools up? He's down to 13 lbs. and when all this started, he was 15 lbs. I'm living with anxiety and little Ike is still acting like a puppy, playing, teasing me and running around the house like it's the Indy 500. I'm worried and he's not eating much. I can't blame him because he can't feel good having all these loose stools. Any suggestions would be so appreciated, I'm so tired from the stress of this and he's the one who's sick...
Hi Carol, I have merged this post into Ike's original Thread as we like to keep all information about a pup in one place.
Harley PoMMom
04-08-2013, 09:08 PM
Did Ike have an ACTH stim test done recently? If so could you post the results.
Plain canned pumpkin is known to help with diarrhea or constipation. I sure hope sweet Ike feels much better soon.
04-09-2013, 11:15 AM
I'm so glad I can talk to you folks. Ike had to get up several times last night, he had diarrhea. Now, I have to leave on Sat. to go to my grand daughter's first BD. My son and his wife live 7 1/2 hours from me and I'm driving down there. I've been crying since 5:00 AM, the last time Ike woke me up to go outside. When we come back in, he shakes so much I hold him close to my body in bed and pull all the covers up over him. My one fear is that my husband sleeps like the dead and what if he doesn't "sense" Ike's need to go out? Ike will be frantic and could easily have an accident anywhere in the house. Again, my husband doesn't take care of Ike and my other little Tzu Stella. They're really my dogs and I do everything for them, including cleaning up the yard. He's lost a few more ounces, seems like all I can feel are ribs and it's just breaking my heart. What if something happens to him while I'm gone? I'd never forgive my self! I know there are no miracle ideas out there but if you kind folks have any pearls of wisdom to share, I love to hear them. I'm a mess and can't stop crying. I'm so afraid to leave him here and I can't take him with me, he's too sick. Thank you for giving me a safe place to share ALL my feelings - good and bad. Bless you all for being there. God, how I wish I had something good to tell you...:confused:
Carol and Ike
04-09-2013, 11:21 AM
I'm so sorry, I don't know how to get to private msgs. to open them?
I'm not yet familiar with the way this forum works. The older I get - the less I know.
Squirt's Mom
04-09-2013, 12:03 PM
Are you giving him Trilostane (Vetoryl)? If so, I would stop that for now.
My Trink has stress colitis and she what finally helped her was Slippery Elm Bark. I still use it anytime I see a tail or her poop is shiny, which indicated too much mucous. I purchase mine online and use the NOW brand powder. Here is some info on SEB (Slippery Elm Bark).
If you decide to try it, bear in mind that it must be given 2 hours before or after all other meds as it will interfere with the absorption of the med(s).
SEB is endangered. A good alternative is Marshmallow, which I also use and it works just as well for Trink. FYI, I have IBS and use both herbs myself with success. ;)
Seeing your email address posted here makes me very nervous. Our forum is an open forum which means anyone surfing the web can read our posts. That means someone could get your email. So, I have edited your post to remove it for your protection. To access you PM, our version of email on the forum, look up at the right hand corner and you will see "Welcome, ikester4u2". The second line under that says "Private Messages". Click there and it will take you to your own PM page where you can send and receive messages from members only - no non-members surfing the web can see anything there, neither can anyone else - that is your space to talk privately to any member here. From your PM page you can send your email privately to anyone you want to have it without it being broadcast over the web. ;)
As for leaving Ike behind...I can understand your angst. If there was no way Squirt could go with me, I'm the type that would piss everyone off by telling them I couldn't come, my dog was sick. :p I'm also the type to tell hubby that he would pay to have someone sit with my baby while I was away since he isn't reliable. Yes, I'm single now and much happier for it. :D Do you have a friend you can trust to watch him and give any meds as needed? Does your vet offer boarding with night time staff? Would one of the techs at your vets maybe watch him at their home? You can also check into pet sitters and see if there is one who would fit your needs.
Hope some of this helps and that you understand about deleting the email address on the other post.
Leslie and the gang
04-09-2013, 12:49 PM
Hi Carol: I have a mini dachshund and he also has diarrhea off and on. The Vetoryl and Cushing cause it I believe. My vet prescribed Metronidazole which is for a bacterial infection, but I think CoCo just has a sensitive stomach. My vet told me to watch his stools and when I saw them getting soft to give him Pepto Bismol or Imodium, which is what I do and it helps until the next time and he never really gets diarrhea now, just soft stools. You can look on the internet to see how much Pepto or Imodium to give. Some the people on this forum have had furbabies that shake, CoCo has not started that yet. I guess it could be the Vetoryl if he was not doing that before starting him on it. CoCo also has hypothyroidism and takes Soloxine. He seems to be doing ok, has lost a lot of hair and has a booboo on his foreskin which he did himself and we cannot seem to heal it. He has to wear a cone all the time to keep from licking his private parts, so I am sure he is miserable, but just takes it in stride. I know it is scary to leave Ike, I would be the same way, especially since CoCo has to wear the cone, but sometimes I have to and I guess he just sleeps while I am gone since he is asleep when I return and ready for food. Don't pay any attention to what the vet says about two years, they don't know and we just take the best care as possible of our furbabies. Seems like Ike is doing fine if he is playing and running around. Take care. Love, JoAnne
04-09-2013, 01:09 PM
Carol, I want to "second" Lori's question because it is a very important one: has Ike had a monitoring ACTH test since beginning the trilostane? It looks as though he has been taking trilostane for about six weeks now, which means he should have had two monitoring tests by now in order to insure that his cortisol is not dropping too low. Diarrhea and shaking/tremoring can both be symptoms of low cortisol. You would definitely want to get this checked before you leave town if he has not already been tested quite recently.
04-10-2013, 01:45 PM
Marianne, I think they do the ACTH test every six weeks and my vet has been on a two week vacation. I have a call in to her to call me today as I have to leave at noon for several hours but hubby will be here to watch Ike & Stella. If she doesn't call me, I'll call again tomorrow and make sure she understands I really need to talk to her. Ike is also Hypo Thyroid which is just one more issue for him.
Thank you everyone for all your caring suggestions,
Carol & Ike
04-10-2013, 02:18 PM
Carol, yes, you really do need to talk with your vet so don't let them give you the run-around! If Ike has not yet had an ACTH performed since beginning the trilostane, it is entirely possible that his cortisol has dropped too low. And this can turn into a serious situation rather quickly.
If for some reason you can't get ahold of your vet or get the testing done, it would probably be safer to just discontinue the trilostane altogether over the weekend as Leslie has suggested. Allowing his cortisol to rise temporarily is usually a much safer situation than allowing it to persist at a level that is too low. But far preferable would be performing the ACTH test ASAP.
molly muffin
04-17-2013, 07:26 PM
Hi Carol. Checking in to see how you and Ikster are doing? Did you leave him with your husband? How did he do? Hope all is well with all of you.
We're thinking of you! Let us know when you can
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-23-2013, 03:24 PM
Hello everyone, I haven't posted in a long while. Ike is not doing well with his weight. On 6-12 he had imaging and blood tests. They found his Gallbladder was infected (I asked if they found stones, she said no just an infection). This examination was because he had Bilirubin excreted in his urine (which I noticed was dark amber and slightly thicker). Apparently, his Liver has been very damaged. He also had one tiny stone in his urinary bladder but the doc said his kidneys, stomach, intestines, colon and everything thing else looked very healthy. Here are a few of his test results:
Alt 361 U/L 10-100 High
ALKP 1337 U/L 23-212 High
GGT 48 U/L 0 - 7 High
TBIL 0.9 mg/dl 0.0 - 0.9 High
CHOL 333 mg/dl 110-320 High
In-house baseline Cortisol was 2.1 Normal
Meds he is taking are: Amoxicillin 50 mg twice a day; Metronidazole 250 mgs cut into 1/4 pieces of tablet once a day; Ursodial 30 mg. capsules once a day. As I stated in the above paragraph, this was all done on 6-12. Ike has been off of Vetoryl for three months and on 6-12 he weighed 14 lbs. and he's 14 ½ yrs. old. I weighed him this AM and he was only 12 lbs? He refuses to eat anything but scrambled egg whites. He looks like a skeleton and I'm a complete basket case! I'm going to the market today, as soon as I finish typing this. I will get some chicken thighs and some veggies and boil them together to see if this will stimulate his interest in food. I feel like I'm waiting for him to die? I get up once or twice a night to take him out. He's NOT drinking water like he used to and he's NOT peeing like he used to. Sometimes at night, I get up and lean over him to gently feel his rib cage to make sure he's breathing? I'm losing myself in his sickness and there are times I hate my hubby because he THINKS he knows every damn thing about every damn thing. I wish one of you lived next store, I could sure use a big hug! Thanks so much for reading, I'll check back in a few hours and see if anyone's seen this yet...Bless you all for being here to help anyone who needs it.
A very nutty Carol
P.S. To answer a question you asked below, NO Ike has not had a 2nd ACTH Stim Test. Should I push for that?
Budsters Mom
06-23-2013, 03:50 PM
Hi Carol welcome back!:)
We are all a little nutty, just comes with the territory!;) I am so sorry to hear that Ike has been having such a hard time.:( I don't know enough about the test numbers to really help you much. Instead I'm sending you strength, hugs and healing energy for Ike.:) I'm sure one of our experts will be along shortly to help out with the numbers. Be ready for lots of questions.;)
06-23-2013, 04:45 PM
Thank you for the sweet reply. I guess crying is going to be a large part of life with little Ike. You are wonderful to answer and that much needed hug...;)
Carol & Ike
Budsters Mom
06-23-2013, 04:53 PM
Yes Carol, crying is a large part of a lot of our lives. It is important to let it out. ;)Sometimes day by day or minute by minute is all we can do to get by. It is easy to get caught up with the grief and not be able to enjoy what time we have left with her sweet little babes. I struggle with that one myself at times, but I know that my Buddy needs me to be happy because he feeds off that energy, so I continue to try. Will always be here to listen and give mass hugs.
Harley PoMMom
06-23-2013, 06:36 PM
Hi Carol, so sorry sweet Ike is not feeling well. Issues with the liver can make a dog feel nauseated so I would ask the vet about something to help with that, FWIW, Slippery elm bark really helps upset tummies.
For weight gain carbs can help with that, such as pasta, rice, oatmeal, potatoes, etc.
Since Ike is not feeling well and has been off the Vetoryl, I would not have an ACTH stim test done.
Please keep us updated, and sending huge and loving hugs to you and Ike, Lori
06-23-2013, 06:37 PM
Oh Carol, I am so sorry that your little Ike is doing so poorly. From the lab results you've posted, I have to agree that it looks as though there are serious liver issues involved since all his liver markers are elevated more than three-fold. Is your vet proposing any additional diagnostic testing in that vein?
As for the ACTH testing, I am guessing that it is not necessary right now since he has been off the trilostane for three months and it sounds as though his other issues need more immediate attention than does Cushing's. My earlier worry was that he might have gone Addisonian from a trilostane dose that was too high. But I am assuming that his potassium and sodium results are within normal limits? (These are the "electrolytes" that are typically out of whack when a dog's adrenal hormone production drops too low.) And from what I have read, it is very unlikely that a dog with a baseline cortisol reading higher than 2.0 ug/dl (and normal electrolytes) is Addisonian.
Measurement of a basal cortisol of >2 mcg/dl had a negative predictive value of 100 percent in a study of 123 dogs evaluated for hypoadrenocorticism. Thus, a basal cortisol of >2 mcg/dl is a useful test to exclude a diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism.
So right now I would be forging ahead to try to get a handle on the liver and gallbladder problems. Again, I am so sorry for Ike's problems and I hope you will keep us updated.
Sending many more hugs flying your way,
06-23-2013, 07:26 PM
Marianne, Ike also has low MCV 60.7 fL (61.6-73.5) and low MCH 20.8 pg (21.2-25.9). Also, high RETIC 125.2 K/uL (10-110.0). I don't know what the initials for sodium and potassium are?
Thank you,
P.S. I appreciate all of you so very much..
Harley PoMMom
06-23-2013, 09:36 PM
Sodium = Na
Potassium = K
molly muffin
06-24-2013, 02:54 PM
Oh Carole. I'm really sorry Ike is having such a hard time. I agree with the others, the liver needs to be taken care of. I'd talk to the vet about what can be done not only with getting rid of the infection which you are also working on but liver supplements to try and get to kick start back into regenerating. I use Hepato Support, but there are others. Anything with milk thistle, sam-e, some of the fish oils, etc.
It is very important to support the liver while trying to get rid of the gall bladder infection.
Don't give up, it's a hard road, but we are all hoping that things turn around for the Ikester.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
06-24-2013, 03:12 PM
Big hugs to you today as you continue to try to sort this all out.:)
Cuddles for Ike, (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))
Harley PoMMom
06-24-2013, 03:25 PM
Hi Carol, I was just thinking, a bile acid test can determine how the liver is functioning, has the vet mentioned having this done?
06-24-2013, 06:54 PM
Thanks to Harley PoMMom for the Acronyms.
Here they are: K 5.8 mmol/L 35-5.8 HIGH
Na 154 mmol/L 144-160
I will be thanking all of you for a long time to come. I'm so grateful to have a place where none of my concerns are dismissed. Thank you for making me feel like a relatively normal human again...
I did speak with my vet today and she doesn't think he needs another ATCH test but Ike will have another "in-house" cortisol test on the 10th of July. Please let me know if there's anything else I should be doing or planning for that visit.
Hugs to all,
Carol & Ike
Harley PoMMom
06-24-2013, 09:32 PM
Since Ike is off the Trilostane I see no reason to have an "in-house" cortisol test done, did the vet mention why she wants this done?
I would suggest to the vet about having a bile acid test performed.
Please do keep us updated. ;)
Love and hugs, Lori
molly muffin
06-24-2013, 10:16 PM
I agree with Lori, the bile acid test is liver specific and these test results are all pointing towards a liver problem.
Also speak to the vet about getting on some good liver supplements.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-11-2013, 01:55 PM
Hello everyone. I'm posting Ike's latest tests and have another worry too. :mad: I'm also not sure if I'm correctly making a new post to my thread. So Sorry, I just cannot seem to "think" well. Here goes:
HGB 12.8 g/dL 13.1 - 20.5 Low
MVC 60.4 fL 61.6 - 73.5 Low
MCH 20.6 pg 21.2 - 25.9 Low
ALB 2.0 g/dl 2.2 - 3.9 Low
ALT 280 U/L 10 - 100 High
ALKP 602 U/L 23 - 212 High
GGT 26 U/L 0 - 7 High
CI 126 mmol/L 109 - 122 High
My vet is extremely worried about the Albumin number. She's added Sam E (anti-oxidant) and I'm buying Milk Thistle today and will start that as well. The imaging of his liver showed lots of damage different textures in places, bumps, thinning, i.e. nothing was normal. He's refused to eat kibble entirely, so I'm home cooking for him and my vet has found another vet that deals in nutrition and will be speaking with him/her. Ike is doing well on the diet I've given him. He's loving it! He's playing and being as loving as he ever was. He's also stopped drinking too much water and stopped peeing so much too. Other than the numbers above, he's showing NO visible signs of Cushing's. It would be impossible to look at him or spend time around him and believe he's so sick. I'm crushed and have become very fatigued through all of this. Plus, on the Adrenal side, I have very low Adrenal output, so it doesn't take much to make me totally exhausted.
Your input on his numbers and the new Albumin problem would mean a great deal to me. Thank you all so much for reading all this!
Carol & Ike
07-11-2013, 03:30 PM
Hi Carol.
I hope the others who really know stuff will be on soon to look at your newest test results. It's really good that there are no Cushing's symptoms though!! Is it a possibility that Ike never had Cushings?
I understand exactly how you feel..this worrying can wear you out. I feel like I am always watching my dog and worrying even when she's acting fine.
Meanwhile it looks like Ike's ALKP is down more than half from your last test!! ALKP was 1337 and is now 602, and ALT 361 down now to280! I wish my dog would drop her numbers like that! Did the vet mention that at all? Seems like an improvement to me and you haven't even started on the Sam-e and Milk Thistle yet which can only help.
He's enjoying and eating his new meals and his demeanor is good...
so it sounds like things are much better!
I'll leave the test numbers to the experts here but all in all things sound good for Ike!
Harley PoMMom
07-11-2013, 04:16 PM
With the decrease in the Albumin and the elevations in the ALT and GGT, I do see why the vet is a bit concerned. Has the vet mentioned about having a bile acid test done? This test is an aid in the evaluation of liver function and is usually performed when a liver issue is suspected.
07-11-2013, 06:24 PM
Hi Barbara and PoMMom! I am definitely relieved he isn't showing signs of Cushings. However, his imaging definitely showed signs of Liver damage and I did ask her for a bile acid test two weeks ago and she didn't think it was necessary? I will ask her again. Maybe she's waiting to see if the Milk Thistle and Sam-e will help the Albumin and other numbers? Ike has not taken Vetoryl (sp) for three months, so all this has happened since he's been off of it? He was only on it for one month. I'm so glad you two ladies have written in, thanks so much! I still don't understand how to write to one of you at a time? Just a "spaced-out" senior lady in love with little Ike and I can't think of anything that could keep me from crying, except having him become totally healthy again.
Thanks Ladies...
Harley PoMMom
07-11-2013, 08:59 PM
Hi Carol,
You are correctly posting in your Thread, any information about Ike should always be posted in this Thread, so you are doing a great job!
You can choose to quote a particular post that someone wrote by clicking the "Quote" button in that post, also you will need to activate the reply box before you can type into it (by clicking the "Quote" Button). Any questions please do ask. ;)
Love and hugs, Lori
molly muffin
07-11-2013, 10:00 PM
Hi Carole,
So glad to hear from you again and to know that Ike is still a happy little guy.
Did you just start to the sam-e? It can take a while to see changes with the supplements and his blood work will have to be closely monitored to see if it is improving enough. They usually do help though and any time there are liver problems then you should give supplements too I think.
So, some of the numbers are better, as Barbara said, and then again, other numbers are showing a continuing issue with the liver as you already know from the ultrasound.
Maybe that is why the vet hasn't done the cPL test, since the ultrasound already shows liver damage?
Hopefully diet and supplements will make a difference. As long as Ike has a good quality of life an is happy it is a good sign. The liver IS capable of doing some repair work so that is what we hope continues.
I think you are doing awesome in a very tough situation. I don't know if the vet thinks he might have some anemia going on with the hemoglobin, MCV, MCH results, but it is likely and I am guessing again that this would also be due to the liver problem. Everything seems to go back to the liver.
Remember to take care of yourself too, as this takes a huge toll on you too.
As I said, it can take time for the diet and supplements to show they are helping but don't give up on them. It took me quite a long time to see some change in that regard. Months.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-21-2013, 05:23 PM
I write these words with a heavy heart. I took little Ike to vet for a reg. checkup and they found an Adenoma on his small intestine. There was no sign of one just two months ago and this one had already grown large. We did every image and test we could but the Adenoma hadn't spread yet. He couldn't have surgery because of the Cushings and my vet said it was a fast spreading cancer. He was in pain and not eating. I didn't want to see him suffer any longer, so I chose euthanasia. It did not cause him pain and it was over quickly but my beautiful little boy, who's face I woke up to every morning is now gone. I'm as devasted as anyone would be under the circumstances. He was my best friend and ally, always there for me. Right now, I'd rather be dead but I guess Nature will take of that sometime in the future. Thank you all for being there for me when I needed information or just comforting words. This is not something I'll recover from for a very long time. He was 14 1/2 and loved everyone and everything. He was my Santa Claus baby...Nothing in my life will be the same. Wishing you all well with your babies!
Take care and Hugs,
Carol H.
Squirt's Mom
08-21-2013, 05:38 PM
Dear Carol,
I am shocked to read this post and my heart just broken for your loss. There is no question you did the best you could for your sweet boy every day of his life and I know he is so grateful to you for that and for sparing him suffering even at such a great cost to yourself. Ike is now pain-free and running through the Rainbow Fields with friends old and new. There he will wait for you til your job here is done, then he will be waiting as you Cross over, flying into your arms once more.
Sweet Ike's name has been added to the In Loving Memory thread for 2013 where he will always be remembered as a member of our family here.
Grieve as you need for as long as you need and know we are here to listen any time. We know the pain you are feeling, honey.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie and our Angels, Ruby, Crystal, Tasha and Josie
A Simple Message From Your Pet
by Ken D. Conover
To have loved and then said farewell is better than to have never loved at all.
For all of the times that you stooped and touched my head, fed me my favorite treat and
returned the love that I so unconditionally gave to you. For the care that you gave to me
so unselfishly. For all of these things I am grateful and thankful. I ask that you grieve
not for the loss but rejoice in the fact that we lived, loved and touched each other's lives.
My life was fuller because you were there, not as owner, but as my friend. Today, I am
as I was in my youth. The grass is always green, butterflies flit among the flowers and
the sun shines gently down upon all of God's creatures. I can run, jump and play
and do all of the things that I did in my youth. There is no sickness, no aching joints
and no regrets and no aging. We await the arrival of our lifelong companions and know
that togetherness is forever. You live in our hearts as we do in yours. Companions such
as you are very rare and unique. Don't hold the love that you have within yourself.
Give it to another like me and then I will live forever. For love never really dies,
and you are loved and missed as surely as we are.
Your pet in heaven.
Roxee's Dad
08-21-2013, 07:13 PM
Oh Dear Carol,
I am so very sorry to hear this. My heart is heavy with sorrow for your loss of Ike.
Rest in Peace Sweet boy, tonight you are our newest and brightest star in the sky......
molly muffin
08-21-2013, 08:06 PM
Oh Carol, this is just heart breaking. Beautiful Ike. I know you are devastated. My sincerest condolences
08-21-2013, 08:07 PM
Carol, I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet boy, Ike.
I know how you feel. My Scoop's been gone 7 weeks. It leaves a big hole in your heart and it takes time to heal. Come back and talk we all understand how you feel. It can be tough and we know how you are feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Simba's Mom
08-21-2013, 09:48 PM
So sorry to hear about your precious Ike, seems like you take them in thinking it will be ok and you leave without your precious baby....sending hugs and prayers, we are here for you...I lost my Simba in July, this forum has helped me through so much and still is helping me, please talk when and if you want, take care
08-21-2013, 11:21 PM
Oh Carol!
I am so very sorry about Ike! What a shock!
Rest peacefully sweet boy.
Bo's Mom
08-21-2013, 11:34 PM
I am so sorry reading about Ike. RIP Angel Ike
I am so sorry to hear about Ike and will certainly be thinking of you in the days ahead.
08-22-2013, 08:40 AM
I am so sorry to hear of Ike's passing. He is pain free now and with all the cush babies running and playing without a care. Blessings
08-22-2013, 09:19 AM
I'm so sorry for Ike's passing. Please accept my condolences.
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann
08-22-2013, 10:58 AM
I'm new to this site, but I have read many stories about many beautiful babies. Some so sad that I've cried just reading them. I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am that you lost your Ike. What you are feeling now is something I would never wish on anyone.
I just lost my shih tzu, Tia, on August 11th. I always told her she had the face of an angel. We had 14 years, 4 months and 4 day of unconditional love from her that I wouldn't trade for anything. My heart felt like it had been ripped from my chest. Everyone tells me that it will get better in time, but it does't feel like that could happen.
Know that you are in my prayers...
08-24-2013, 02:18 PM
I'd like to thank everyone who has written a comment about Ike's passing. I go to sleep crying because he's not beside me and I wake up the same way, tears in my eyes. At this time I just don't feel like I have a life without him. He filled all the things that meant anything to me. Now, I have to comfort and care for little Stella and my heart isn't in it. Perhaps with a little time, that will come but I am showing her love and cuddles that make me cry like a baby because she isn't Ike. I'm too old to go through this, sometimes, I wish I could have gone with him...Again, a huge thanks to everyone!
08-31-2013, 05:16 PM
It's been 10 days since Ike went to Rainbow Bridge. I'm heartbroken and can't seem to stop crying. I'm comforting little Stella as much as I can and she is dealing with this better than I am. Never in my life have I felt so lonely. I'm so sorry to burden those of you who have in some miracle managed to heal enough not to be depressed or sad by emails like mine. Okay, going now, can't see the keys through the tears.
Harley PoMMom
08-31-2013, 05:37 PM
Dearest Carol,
Please do not ever feel like you are a burden because you are not. We do completely understand the pain you are feeling and are here for you, always.
It will take time, dear Carol, for that pain to lessen and I hope you will come talk to us whenever you want.
Sending loving hugs to you, Lori
08-31-2013, 06:31 PM
Please come on here any time, and know we are here to listen. Not everyone handles grief the same, so don't be hard on yourself for not being as stoic as others. Everyone has different lives and family situations. Some have a lot of support, others have none. Grief is a very individual thing, some fall apart and some really hold it together. Please don't judge yourself when you are obviously at your lowest point. Showing you emotions and letting us know how much you miss your baby are not weaknesses. Believe me I know the depth of that big black hole you are in, and I wish I could do more to comfort you. My Tipper is my world too, and I cannot even think of my life with out her. I hope you are able to get through this in time. I believe the way you are handling this grief some how defines your character, and shows what a caring, loving, big hearted individual you are. Your Ike was lucky to have you as a mom. Blessings
Simba's Mom
08-31-2013, 10:26 PM
Sending hugs and prayers, please me gentle with yourself, we all grieve differently and in our own time, your precious Ike is no longer in pain and is flying high and keeping an eye on like that last forever, I feel Sim beside me sometimes, and I do my best to be happy for him, please continue to talk, we are all here for you!!!
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