View Full Version : Daisy Mae - our sweet Daisy has crossed The Bridge
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03-15-2014, 07:22 AM
I'm on 350, your right... it sucks!!! x
03-15-2014, 07:27 AM
I hope you and Daisy are enjoying the warmwer weather. How is Daisy doing lately? Is your dad behaving himself? Seems like a good weekend weather wise. Blessings
03-16-2014, 07:51 AM
Yes it does Trish! I'm still stuck there!
Patti, we really need things to warm up so that Daisy can build up some strength. Inside activity is not enough for her. We walked yesterday but it's cold again today.
03-17-2014, 04:02 PM
May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.
May songbirds serenade you every step along the way.
May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue.
And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!
Happy St. Pactrick's Day!
03-17-2014, 04:06 PM
That's lovely. Happy St Patricks Day to you too :)
03-17-2014, 04:21 PM
I feel a warm up coming on tell Daisy to hold on, the snow is going to melt and she can get out and walk, finally. Tipper just got done and she is happy. Blessings
molly muffin
03-17-2014, 06:32 PM
That is lovely Val!
Happy Saint Patricks Day to you and Daisy
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-18-2014, 12:06 AM
Bitter cold here again and we can't wait for some warmth!
I took dad out for corn beef and cabbage, he has enough for three meals!
03-18-2014, 07:35 AM
I can smell the aroma over corned beef and cabbage all the way over here. My one cat loves corned beef. Hope you get the warmth today. Blessings
03-18-2014, 05:09 PM
it's in the low 40's so we're getting there.
Daisy walked twice, once with me and once with grandpa.
I'm thinking of taking her again before the sun goes down.
03-18-2014, 08:03 PM
so glad daisy had some outdoor time. so she can come into shape again.
03-18-2014, 10:58 PM
Me too! My father even commented on her stumbling a few times.
03-19-2014, 07:44 AM
Sorry the cold weather is still hanging around. We are off to the vets soon and praying Tipper gets her blood pressure before the rain starts here. Blessings
03-19-2014, 10:01 PM
Hi Val,
Sounds like your Dad is doing really well, even out with Daisy for a walk! Our area is just not warming up fast enough. Even today they said 4o something but it was cold and raw all day! Now pouring rain...but the weather guy says really warming up tomorrow and Friday, but he also said possible snow next week!! :eek:
03-20-2014, 01:24 AM
We have the same weather Barbara.
Very cold rain tonight!
Dad said that Daisy played with some of her toys tonight. I notice that she swings her feet out just a little while walking, is this because of the weakness?
03-20-2014, 03:39 AM
350 done! It was pure luck I got it :) Stuck again already on 356 :mad:
03-20-2014, 07:08 AM
I've come really close, but still stuck on 350.
Rainy today, but a tad warmer. Daisy looks super bloated. I'll keep an eye on her.
03-20-2014, 07:25 AM
We woke up to snow this morning! I won't send any over your way. Sounds like Daisy was feeling pretty good to play with her toys. How is your dad getting along? I have to get my car inspected today. Blessings
03-20-2014, 01:01 PM
seriously!!! You and Trish in the 300 levels on Candy Crush!! :eek::eek: I'm such a loser!! Only in the 180s!! :eek: And totally stuck too.
03-21-2014, 12:42 AM
Today was sunny but chilly. Patti, they're saying that we'll have snow sometime next week. Enough already!
Daisy doesn't seem herself, so I didn't give her the Trilostane tonight. She has perked up some already. Looks less bloated too.
Barbara, it took months to get there and I've been stuck many times, though this time is the longest by far.
03-21-2014, 07:54 AM
We are to get snow next week too. It is never going to go away. Tipper sometimes looks bloated to. I think sometimes they retain water. I cannot find any other explanation. Tipper seemed to be having an off day yesterday, she slept a lot and that is unusual. Blessings
03-22-2014, 01:42 AM
Hello everyone, Wednesday will be another snow day for us. Not looking forward to it as ours is almost gone and we've been able to park at the bottom of the driveway so no more swapping cars around.
Daisy wore her pink harness today. She's ready for Spring and so am I.
Yesterday was an off day for Daisy too so I didn't give her the Trilo last night.
molly muffin
03-22-2014, 10:34 AM
Aww, Daisy looks very pretty in her pink harness. Definitely Her color. :)
What's going on? You say she is off again? off how?
We just got a dusting of snow, so maybe it won't be much for you either. Cross fingers.
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-22-2014, 06:03 PM
Daisy you look so cute in your spring color of pink!!
03-23-2014, 02:08 AM
Sharlene, she seemed more bloated than usual and was clearly not herself. No vomiting or even loose stools, just tired. I skipped the Trilo that night just to be sure that it wasn't the cause and she perked up a lot by bedtime and the following day she was herself again.
One thing I have noticed is that she has more energy since I switched from the collar to the harness. I think that the collar might have started to bother the salivary mucocele and I didn't know! Mucoceles are weird, they fluctuate in size too. Anyway, she seems much better overall with the harness so I wonder if the collar pressed on the mucocele and interfered with her comfort and breathing and stupid me assumed this was part of Cushings!
I'll keep an eye on her and mention this when we see the IMS on the 28th.
Gorgeous day today! Daisy walked a little, but seemed to have more energy inside of the house. Chris was here for the day and she adores him.
03-23-2014, 07:26 AM
Just checking in to see how Daisy is doing today. Hope everything is good. Blessings
molly muffin
03-23-2014, 10:19 AM
I switched molly to a harness a long time ago. The collar puts a lot of pressure on their trachea too and nerve endings and can cause discomfort and harm, so that is probably good for her to be in the harness. It could also have been putting pressure on that mucocele.
I don't think Daisy's numbers will be low, they never have been, however, with the mococele and anything else that might be going on with her, having higher cortisol levels is going to make her feel better naturally. That might be why you see a difference when taking her off her cushing meds for a day even.
I agree, a chat with your IM is definitely needed.
Glad you have some sunshine and are having a good day.
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-23-2014, 07:15 PM
We played today! Just for a few minutes, but we played with a stuffed toy :) :) :)
Cold as heck outside! Winter has come back to bite us for wanting Spring I think.
Budsters Mom
03-23-2014, 08:10 PM
I'm glad you got to play today. A short play time is better than none.
Yes, harnesses are crucial for small dogs, even for those that don't pull. My friend's little one came to her with trachea issues due to being walked with a collar and pulling. I only use harnesses for that reason. I even take the time to put one on during the night to take Rosie potty. It would be much quicker and simpler to slip a collar over her head, but I don't risk it. A collar is fine without a leash. When using a leash, please use a harness.
03-24-2014, 07:52 AM
Sorry you are still having cold. We woke up to snow on the ground again. I hope it warms up enough for Tipper to walk. She is really bored. This winter has been very hard on the Cush dogs. Hope Daisy is doing well. Blessings
molly muffin
03-24-2014, 03:42 PM
Yay for play time!! :)
yep, cold here too, snow tomorrow. blech
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-24-2014, 10:05 PM
Daisy has been leaving a bit of food in her dish each meal. I'm going to mention this to the IMS as I suspect that she'll want to increase meds more, but hopefully not since her symptoms have been doing really well.
Her coat isn't beautiful like before Cushings and her abdomen still looks bloated a bit. I'm not sure that these will ever resolve but as long as her organs aren't being damaged, I am comfortable with how things are now.
For those of you whose dogs are "controlled", did their fur still look and feel a little dry?
I'm wondering if this is the "new normal" for us.
Bitterly cold today. Back to wearing a winter coat and scarf. Not happy about that and we're expecting snow mid-week.
03-24-2014, 10:29 PM
my ian is controlled/stable and his fur is indeed different from "'before cushing". shorter, drier not as beautiful as before for sure. especially his tail.
luckily no cc or anything else.
hope daisy will not need more meds.
since my ian is on vetoryl he is back to being a picky eater too.
03-24-2014, 10:59 PM
Valerie, I think the fur may never be the same. Tobey's is not. I'm not even counting the part where she has / had CC, but just in general it's rougher. She did lose a lot of her hair though, and some is growing back in. The new fur is softer than the old fur that was falling out, but it falls out too. I have no idea how to make sense of this cycle.
03-24-2014, 11:16 PM
Hi Val,
Daisy's new avatar photo is so cute!! She looks adorable in pink~ :p
Too bad we are back in the polar vortex..looks like it will be short lived, supposed to be warm by Friday.
So is Daisy's appetite less than normal? Could her cortisol be dropping a little low, maybe? I wouldn't think they would want to increase her meds if she's not as hungry, it would be the opposite if her cortisol was going high she would be more hungry than not.
Hope Daisy is feeling good tonight.
03-25-2014, 12:02 AM
Thank you all for your input. I suspected that Daisy's fur might not be the same as before. I can live with that. It has a shine to it, just feels dry.
Daisy starts out hungry and still eats quickly, she just doesn't finish what I put in the bowl. Sometimes she goes back to it later and finishes.
Thank you for the compliments on her harness. She has three of the same brand that I had to buy one size up and customize for her large doxie chest and think neck. One is black with white polka dots and the other is white with a brown checkered pattern. I added pictures of her in the other harnesses in our album :)
03-25-2014, 07:43 AM
Tipper is the same way. Her girth has increased do much from things shifting around that she wears a larger size harness, but it is real big around the neck in order to fit the chest. It looks kind of funny, but that is all that works. Sounds like Daisy might need a tweak on the meds. Blessings
03-25-2014, 08:23 AM
I hope not. At what point is too high? I hope that we never find out.
molly muffin
03-25-2014, 09:10 AM
The harnesses are very cute. Daisy is one heck of a photogenic gal. :) Love her pictures, such a character.
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-25-2014, 04:11 PM
Thanks Sharlene!
03-26-2014, 07:43 AM
The snow missed us but it is frigid with frost on the ground. Daisy went out, did her business and headed back to the door. No complaints from me!
03-26-2014, 08:34 AM
Are you going to change Daisy's dose and then retest her? I think if you just go up a tad maybe the symptoms will subside. We have snow again!!! So tired of this already!! Blessings
Arizona Boston
03-26-2014, 09:45 PM
Lucy's coat came back different. It is thicker and her brindle is gone, but replaced with lots of gray. I put a hair oil on her that I bought for myself and didn't like ( Ojon). It smells like almonds.
(She would rather smell like dead worms and bird droppings, if what she likes to roll in is any indication.)
03-27-2014, 02:15 AM
Patti, no I won't change her dose until they tell me too. If she seems off, I skip one.
Shelly, that made me laugh! Dachshunds are known for rolling in the things that smell nasty. Years ago, we were out walking and she rolled on what I thought was grass but then I realized that she enjoyed it much too much and upon closer inspection there was a flattened dead critter underneath her! I almost puked!
Rushed her home and into the bath immediately. The smell was horrid.
03-27-2014, 07:38 AM
We are supposed to get rain today, and it is real gloomy out. I hope we get a walk in before everything let's loose. I just heard more snow for us Sunday and for New York too. Tipper was very restless last nite, having many tremors when going to sleep. I did video one mild one on my tablet. Next up on photo bucket!
03-27-2014, 11:40 PM
Cold rain expected here all weekend. Poo. Daisy has her ACTH tomorrow.
I'm so sorry that Tipper had a bad night.
03-27-2014, 11:53 PM
i hope daisy's numbers will be fine tomorrow!
03-28-2014, 12:00 AM
Thank you, me too!
molly muffin
03-28-2014, 12:12 AM
Good luck tomorrow!
We're getting rain here tonight. Probably tomorrow too, but then so far, sat and sun look decent. We'll see if that changes or not.
Drive safe!
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-28-2014, 12:13 AM
Thank you Sharlene!
03-28-2014, 12:16 PM
Hoping Daisy gets great scores on her acth test! Hope she's studying up. :D JK
03-28-2014, 12:25 PM
Hoping that Daisy is going to put up some good numbers. Go Daisy!!!!
03-28-2014, 03:17 PM
Daisy sure is pretty in pink.... hope her numbers are in the pink too! :D God Flynn has had his share of flattened (and fresh! he does not mind as long as it is dead) to roll in, a smell you do not get out of your nostrils for quite some time. Worse is if I have driven to his walk and have to put the rotten stinker in the car for the ride home... blech! :D
03-29-2014, 12:11 AM
Oh Trish that is so nasty. Thankfully, we walked close to home when Daisy rolled on the dead thing.
She's been chilling out for most of today, sleeping off and on. I think that the ACTH does this to her but at least she didn't have loose stools this time!
I suspect that the IMS is going to want to raise her dose though. She seems to have little energy and is weaker.
03-29-2014, 02:51 AM
I'm really bummed. Daisy's IMS wants to bump her up to 20mg twice a day of Trilostane.
ACTH on 4/25/2013:
Suggested dose 9mg twice a day.
ACTH on 10/24/2013:
Pre_? (This was not on the documentation and I emailed the IMS to clarify)
Suggested dose 12mg twice a day.
The ACTH taken on 1/9/2014 was:
Suggested dose 15mg twice a day.
Today, her numbers are as follows:
Pre _ 3.3
Suggested dose 20mg twice a day.
Her potassium is now normal, it was high 6 weeks ago.
03-29-2014, 03:13 AM
Awww no wonder she has been feeling a bit yuck though, what dose was she on before?
03-29-2014, 03:15 AM
15mg twice a day.
Do you think that a 10mg jump is too high?
03-29-2014, 03:35 AM
Gee I don't know, not having a cush pup. It is increasing it by 33%. Wait till the others more experienced in dose changes to come and give their opinion.
03-29-2014, 03:48 AM
Thanks Trish,
I dug through my emails to find her numbers from previous tests so that others can track her progress and tell me what they think.
I'm also concerned because I'm going to guess that Diamondback will fill this script with Vetoryl because it is available in 20mg dose and I wonder what the difference in efficacy between Trilostane and Vetoryl will be if any?
03-29-2014, 03:54 AM
Put the dose changes next to the results so the others can see how it is trending with any dose changes :)
03-29-2014, 04:20 AM
Good idea :)
03-29-2014, 07:42 AM
Daisy's number is still high, but every time the dosage was increased she cam e back with a higher post number. When you get her ACTH done are you taking her at the same time for each test? Blessings
molly muffin
03-29-2014, 10:46 AM
The post is still a bit high, so you could raise it. If you don't want to go to vetroyl, because of cost factor, you could go 19. If you have 15 now at twice a day, then you could continue to get that and then get a ton of 2mg pills to give you some flexibility.
It is an increase, but she is pretty high on the post number still, so if you think of it as whether 20 would be better than 15 to get Daisy to where she needs to be, then figure that you are Keeping her at the 20 throughout the day, it doesn't sound as drastic as increase 10mg. But I do think that having some smaller number dosages so that if you don't need as much at night or if you need more night, less day time, that you could adjust. I think Barbara has done this and so have others.
It looks like with Daisy she starts to come down and then she goes back up, like a yo yo
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-30-2014, 08:37 AM
We have 5 inches of snow on top of an all day rain. Hope this missed you and Daisy. Hope all is going well. Blessings
03-30-2014, 04:07 PM
Dr. Morgan agreed to go with 19mg so we can stick with Trilostane.
They're calling in the script to Diamondback for us. Daisy is perkier :)
No snow yet, sleet and rain tomorrow. Just in time for the 2 hour ride back to dad's.
03-30-2014, 08:38 PM
I have done this kind of dose increase Val. Based on the high post number you are still getting adding 4mg to each dose...15mg to 19mg should be fine. I don't think you have to worry about this increase and hopefully it will do the trick to get that number down a bit.
I never had any trouble with Trixie when we added these small increments.
Look at each dose on it's're only going up 4mgs on each...not too much in light of her post.
Glad Daisy is a perky pup tonight!
03-30-2014, 09:54 PM
Thanks everyone,
Addisons scares the crap out of me so I would rather not go down that road.
03-31-2014, 02:23 PM
I agree with you , I never want to see Addisons. I do not want to give Tipper one cintilla more of this stuff than I have to either, she is really having tremors from these meds. Hope all works out on the new dosage and the numbers go down. When are you retesting? I refuse the two weeks and Dechra said that is too brutal as she has had so many ACTH's so they said wait a month. I am so broke form all this. I am on break and have to pick Toby up at the vets from his dental. Blessings
03-31-2014, 11:15 PM
I know Patti, I spent $410 between the ACTH and the CBC for Daisy. Now add $40+ for the new script.
We do what we can for our babes. <3
04-01-2014, 10:25 PM
next time we will buy a stuffed dog....much cheaper!
04-01-2014, 11:45 PM
Yes, but not nearly as much fun!
04-01-2014, 11:55 PM
ugh.. I feel your pain! The vet bills are downright scary!! :eek:
04-02-2014, 12:42 PM
The receptionist at my vets told me when I picked Toby up just how much money I have spent in the first three months of this year. I was in shock. I wish we had pet insurance thst really was good, and really was worth getting. Blessings
04-02-2014, 10:58 PM
I know what you mean!
I have heard mixed reviews on pet insurance, that's why I never bought it.
The two cats are less than 3 years old so I should look into it for them but I think that they would rob me blind in Daisy's case.
04-02-2014, 11:17 PM
The receptionist at my vet told me how much I spent in total last year too.... I knew what it was, but I sure hope my hubby never finds out! HAHAHHA.
Val, do you have her on 100% trilostane? Or are you doing a mix of vetoryl and compounded?
I'm not sure of the price of compounded, but I am getting a 30ct box of 10mg for $42. Right now Tobey is taking 20mg am and 20mg pm, so we go through a box every 7 days.
04-03-2014, 06:09 AM
Hi Valerie
Your brave, I would probably fall down in a faint if I ever found out how much I have spent on Flynn since he first got sick 2 1/2 years ago!! I bet enough to buy a small car or maybe a medium one haha :D I am just glad I still have my Flynny, he is much more lovely than anything I could buy! But yes, any future pets will be well insured when they are young'uns! How is she doing on the increased dose or you not started it yet? x
04-03-2014, 08:35 AM
One month of the new script cost $40 including shipping. I'm using only Trilostane since she's doing well with it. I don't want to rock tthe boat.
I'm still waiting for the new dose in the mail, should arrive any day now.
04-03-2014, 12:11 PM
One month of the new script cost $40 including shipping. I'm using only Trilostane since she's doing well with it. I don't want to rock tthe boat.
I'm still waiting for the new dose in the mail, should arrive any day now.
Since her cortisol levels are still rather high... I wonder if you could keep the same dosage, but switch to part vetoryl and part compounded? It would be very interesting to see if the same dose, but using brand name, would make any sort of difference in her numbers?
Just pondering, of course.
I didn't realize how much of a price difference there is between the compounded and the brand name!
04-03-2014, 12:42 PM
That is a great idea Renee had. I hope it would not be cost prohibitive?? That is the only problem, this Vetoryl is so darn expensive. I think with where her numbers are she needs to come down, but conservatively like I know you are , as to not upset the apple cart. When the patent runs out and other companies make this drug it will be cheaper, but probably won't happen in time to benefit us. Blessings
04-03-2014, 01:03 PM
I asked the IMS the same question because I know that she is familiar with Diamondback. She said it wouldn't matter.
Renee, the price at our local compounding pharmacy was over $100! Diamondback is muchcheaper.
04-04-2014, 01:37 AM
The pricing on all this stuff varies so much! The vet prices are crazy and some online places are also way over priced. Target is starting to carry pet meds but so far not what we all need. Too bad. Most likely they would have good prices and I use their credit card so 5% off everything...which would also help. For now Diamondback is the best price for Trilo.
I know I already mentioned it once, but Daisy looks so cute in that newest photo!
04-04-2014, 01:44 AM
Thank you. I love those harnesses. So girlie.
Daisy had her first dose of 19mg tonight. She just wanted to lay around and looks really bloated. I think that she might have eaten cat food overnight because she didn't want her breakfast this morning. She ate dinner without a problem.
04-04-2014, 09:12 AM
If that little girl Daisy keeps eating cat food she is going to be meowing! I hope this dosage agrees with her. We are waiting on the thunder and lightening. I have given Tipper Melatonin and she has her dap collar on again. I am already sick of this and it has just begun! Blessings
04-04-2014, 09:16 AM
One month of the new script cost $40 including shipping. I'm using only Trilostane since she's doing well with it. I don't want to rock tthe boat.
Valerie, I absolutely understand that given Daisy's current dosing, switching to Vetoryl would be way too expensive. At 20 mg. twice daily, you would have to buy four boxes of 10 mg. each month, and that is more than most people could afford. But I am very sorry to see that her response to this last batch of compounded trilostane was very peculiar. You raised her daily total from 24 mg. to 30 mg., yet her cortisol elevated clear up to 23 from 16. Although lower than her initial diagnostic ACTH, 23 is up in the area that could be labelled as essentially uncontrolled. Although there may be other reasons to account for this, I am surprised that your vet would not have at least a bit of worry that this last batch of trilostane might have been ineffective or a mislabeled dose. If her next test is also odd after increasing the dose yet again, I believe I would want to rock the boat and try something different :o. If it even took switching to once daily dosing in order to make Vetoryl more affordable, I would consider giving that a trial run in order to see if that would lower Daisy's cortisol level into therapeutic range. You have now been treating her for over a year, and she has yet to be anywhere near the desired goal.
04-04-2014, 12:29 PM
Valerie, I absolutely understand that given Daisy's current dosing, switching to Vetoryl would be way too expensive. At 20 mg. twice daily, you would have to buy four boxes of 10 mg. each month, and that is more than most people could afford. But I am very sorry to see that her response to this last batch of compounded trilostane was very peculiar. You raised her daily total from 24 mg. to 30 mg., yet her cortisol elevated clear up to 23 from 16. Although lower than her initial diagnostic ACTH, 23 is up in the area that could be labelled as essentially uncontrolled. Although there may be other reasons to account for this, I am surprised that your vet would not have at least a bit of worry that this last batch of trilostane might have been ineffective or a mislabeled dose. If her next test is also odd after increasing the dose yet again, I believe I would want to rock the boat and try something different :o. If it even took switching to once daily dosing in order to make Vetoryl more affordable, I would consider giving that a trial run in order to see if that would lower Daisy's cortisol level into therapeutic range. You have now been treating her for over a year, and she has yet to be anywhere near the desired goal.
I completely agree here with Marianne... This is why I suggested trying a mix of vetoryl and compounded, just to see if you can get something more effective. Maybe do half and half?
And, right now Tobey is taking 20mg twice a day, so yes, we are buying four boxes of 10mg vetoryl a month. We go through a box a week.
04-04-2014, 01:31 PM
Ladies, we did discuss trying something different if this doesn't make a big difference this time. :-)
molly muffin
04-04-2014, 01:33 PM
Glad you had a discussion with your IMS Valerie.
You know us. We worry about you and Daisy.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-04-2014, 02:22 PM
Aren't there laboratories nearby that can ex. convert the 30*120mg pills to 180*20mg pills?
I did the 120*30mg conversion in October...
04-04-2014, 11:02 PM
i do this too, saves me a lot of money. i save about 75% this way.
so, worth the try i think.
04-05-2014, 12:35 AM
I did that once and it was not cheap.
So far, I see a big improvement in Daisy's energy level so I think we are on the right track and if the next test isn't closer to ideal, we'll go from there.
04-05-2014, 09:27 AM
I tried to get this done for Tipper but the cost was twice the amount of the Vetoryl. I am glad Daisy has shown some improvement, maybe this will work. We have bad wind and it is really cold out. Blessings
04-05-2014, 11:26 PM
Same here Patti.
Today started out warm and then got cold again. Windy too, so no long walks for Daisy. She wasn't in the mood.
04-06-2014, 01:32 AM
I found a great link that describes in detail Cushings meds, side affects, etc.
04-08-2014, 01:04 AM
I found a great link that describes in detail Cushings meds, side affects, etc.
I see improvements in Daisy's pot belly, energy level, and general weakness so I'm anxious to see what the next ACTH shows.
Hoping that everyone is doing alright.
Oh, for those of you who play Candy Crush....I FINALLY BEAT LEVEL 350 with 1 move left!
I lost count of how long I was stuck on that.
04-08-2014, 01:18 AM
Level 350!!:eek: I'm only on 199 and can't get off it!! :mad:
Great news about Daisy!! :D Is this the result of new dosage you started? I hope Daisy continues to do so well! I have to schedule an acth too...we're due the last week of April.
I'm going to play one more round of CC and then off to bed.
04-08-2014, 03:30 AM
Definitely the new dosage Barbara.
Symptoms are greatly improved. If her fur improves and the bald spots grow back then I know for sure.
Do a google search for how to beat level 199 for some hints. I've had to do that.
04-08-2014, 08:30 AM
Hi Valerie:
How is Daisy doing this week? We are having rain here so no dog walking. Tomorrow ACTH for Tipper. I feel so guilty for doing this to her so soon after the last one. I hate these tests and the stress it puts us both under. Blessings
molly muffin
04-08-2014, 04:30 PM
So glad to hear that Daisy is making improvements on the new dosage. Yay!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-08-2014, 10:28 PM
Her energy level has picked up considerably which hasn't happened since she was diagnosed so I'm thinking that we finally have the right dose or that we're very close. She also seems much less weak.
Good luck tomorrow Patti!
04-09-2014, 07:49 AM
That's great news to hear. Maybe she is finally at a spot that will be good for her. The sun is out here and it is to be in the 50s. Tipper has the dreaded test so we will be leaving for the vets. Blessings
04-09-2014, 09:55 PM
It was warm and sunny here too. Daisy and grandpa went for a walk :)
04-10-2014, 05:45 AM
Omg! I'm freaking out!
My father forgot to lock the door last night. Someone came in the house while we slept, emptied dad's wallet, and Gracie and Annie were outside!!!!
04-10-2014, 07:53 AM
Oh dear God. I am glad you are both ok and they did not hurt anyone. How terrible to feel violated as you slept, and they left the cats out?? Funny that Daisy did not bark or scare them off.. I would be getting a deadbolt, or a doberman to greet them if they come back. Where was your dads wallet? I am sure you called the police, what did they say. Maybe ask the neighbors if they saw anything or anyone outside. Stay safe, blessings
04-10-2014, 04:03 PM
How are you??? Is everything OK now???
molly muffin
04-10-2014, 04:26 PM
Oh my gosh, Valerie, that is horrible. You must have been scared to death when you realized what happened!!
Is everyone okay? That is the most important thing that no one was hurt.
hugs, thinking of you
Sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
04-10-2014, 05:13 PM
Oh my word, Valerie! That is frightening! :eek: I'm so glad no one was harmed.
04-10-2014, 07:41 PM
I'm starting to wonder if nothing at all happened and that my father is sleep walking or something in his sleep and he somehow lost the money in his wallet.
Nothing else was touched, the cats were outside but thankfully came back in. I hugged them profusely and gave them each a treat for being good girls and coming back. Daisy didn't make a sound and the pet gate between the kitchen and dad's room was left open.
He's on quite a few meds so I called the nurse and expressed my concern.
There is so much that could be stolen on the front porch alone and nothing was touched so this is just too coincidental. Sigh.
molly muffin
04-10-2014, 08:48 PM
Well if it is the meds, then that is scary too.
I'm sorry Valerie, it must all be very worrying. Whichever happened, it isn't good.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-11-2014, 08:26 AM
Are you any closer to figuring out what happened?? That is scary if it is your dads meds doing this. I am confident you will figure this out. Good thing the kitties did not run off. Blessings
04-11-2014, 12:44 PM
I called dad's nurse that same day and expressed my concern that someone needs to look at his meds thoroughly. She's really good about things like this and everyone falls in love with dad.
The kitties roamed the neighborhood I'm sure for at least a few hours before coming back.
Funny thing is that they must have stuck together because Annie showed up at the door not even 10 minutes after Gracie did.
I think that they might have seen me outside with the flashlight too and that told them to get home where it's warm.
04-11-2014, 05:16 PM
wow Val...I hope everything is okay. Wouldn't Daisy have barked if she heard someone in the house. All the dachshunds I know are real barkers like Trixie so thought maybe Daisy is the same but I'm just generalizing. So happy the cats came back home!! Do they ever go outside?
Did you check all your Dad's pockets, coats and pants. Maybe he took money out of the wallet and put it elsewhere. Medications can cause confusion for sure, especially if one is tired or as you mentioned sleepwalking. He doesn't take Ambien does he? That drug can do all kinds of crazy things to people especially seniors.
There was a time years ago with my of her Parkinsons meds really disrupted her sleep and they gave her Ambien to help. That was a huge mistake, it made everything a lot worse, she was doing all kinds of weird stuff in the middle of the night on Ambien. We took her off it pretty quickly!
Whatever happened I'm glad no one was hurt and all the pets are fine.
04-11-2014, 07:33 PM
Oh no Valerie, reading this bit like horror movie. So hope it was not a burglar though! Is your Dad OK cognitively through the day? Hopefully if it does seem to be poor sleep patterns a wee med tweak will help!
Glad to read your off 350, but I hate to tell you 377 had me stuck a couple of weeks, just got it this morning!
Bet the kitties loved their midnight romp around outside :D x
04-12-2014, 02:42 AM
his nurse called and she doesn't think that its the meds and she wants me to call the oncologist. He just had scans last week and everything looked fine but I made the mistake of looking up symptoms of brain cancer since that is one that can develop when someone has had lung cancer. He has a few of the symptoms so I'm scared to death now!
Please pray that it's the meds and not the cancer. I can't lose dad too.
We never did find his money but being that nothing else was out of place, I think that he lost it unfortunately. From now on he's only going to carry $40 - $60 at a time on his person from now on.
Trish, I'm at 369 and holding :)
04-12-2014, 11:25 AM
I am going to say a special prayer for your dad. I hope it is not brain cancer. You have been faced with enough. Blessings
04-13-2014, 12:46 AM
Thanks Patti.
I'll be totally crushed if this happens with all that dad has survived. Hugs.
Budsters Mom
04-13-2014, 01:59 AM
So sorry to hear about your dad. Sending thoughts prayers and healing energy his way. Xxxxx
04-13-2014, 07:32 AM
Was it just this one incident or are you noticing other things? Do you have any plans of taking him to the Dr. for this? I am praying neither one of you will have to face anything else. Blessings
molly muffin
04-13-2014, 09:17 AM
Hoping that it is nothing so serious with the brain. That is really hard to deal with it. Has he had any brain radiation with his lung cancer? That can cause forgetfulness. I'm just going to hope the best for him.
Is Daisy still doing good on the new dose? More energy?
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-13-2014, 01:12 PM
Hi Val,
Try not to think the worst, this could all be nothing. For an older person to either lose or misplace some cash is really quite common especially someone on medication.
Hoping there is nothing at all wrong.
04-13-2014, 07:04 PM
When it rains, it pours.
Chris and I went to the NY Botanical Gardens with friends so Daisy stayed in Bristol with grandpa. I just spoke with him and he said that she vomited once today and had a very loose accident in the living room.
I told him not to give her the Trilostane tonight and I have emailed the IMS. Waiting for her to respond.
Yes, we have a doctor appointment for dad on Monday afternoon.
04-14-2014, 10:34 AM
You just cant catch a break can you? I wonder what happened with Daisy, she was doing well. Please let us know when you hear from the IMS. Blessings
molly muffin
04-14-2014, 03:45 PM
oh my goodness. How is Daisy now? What did the IMS say in regards to your email? Did Daisy perhaps get into something she shouldn't have? She is the queen of cat food hijinks. Hoping that is all it was.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-14-2014, 05:18 PM
Tell me about it.
I went to Greenwich for the weekend and Daisy stayed with dad because we had plans to go to the NY Botanical Gardens for the Orchid Show. I didn't want to leave Daisy alone in Greenwich.
Dad said that she vomited once and had an accident on the living room rug that was very loose. I noticed that she left 1/2 of her dinner on Friday night.
I told him not to give her Trilo last night.
She's sleeping a lot, ate dinner tonight with some pumpkin (no Trilo), is aware and interested in what is going on around her but not her energetic self. As of 5pm tonight I have not heard from the IMS. I emailed her directly and called the office too.
I don't think that she needs prednizone, but I'm not giving the Trilo either.
She was doing well, even the pot belly went down a ton. She only vomited one other time when we first began treatment so this does concern me. I think that the jump from 15mg x 2 to 19mg x 2 is just too high for her.
No more vomiting or accidents in the house so I think that we caught this in time.
04-14-2014, 05:27 PM
Oh dear. So sorry about Daisy getting sick while you were away! Can't believe the IMS has not gotten back to you. :( So frustrating!
04-14-2014, 05:38 PM
Maybe she is really sensitive to this trilostane and you might have to do what I do with Tipper only change dosages 1 or 2 mg at a time. Maybe 17 twice a day would have been better for her?? I know it's expensive this way, but safer. Blessings
04-14-2014, 07:48 PM
I'm thinking the same thing. In the meantime, the IMS on call said to stop the Trilo for a week or two until Daisy returns to herself again. Then we start lower and work up.
She willingly went outside with me tonight, it took a minute for her to gain her footing though but then she was ok. Stayed out long enough to pee, no diarrhea or poop so I'm hoping that is over.
04-14-2014, 07:49 PM
Having awakened two mornings in a row now to the after-effects of unexplained barfing from my non-Cushpup, Peg :o, I do want to caution that Daisy's illness may not have anything to do with the trilo. Of course, it is a possibility and I understand why you want to withhold the med until you hear from the IMS. But she may not want to reduce the dose until/unless you have greater certainty that the trilo is really the problem. Daisy's cortisol level was still so elevated at the last testing that I'm guessing the IMS may hesitate to immediately lower the dose at this time. She may want you to give it another try once Daisy stabilizes again.
(And at this point, we're clueless as to what set Peg off, but the poor girl got hauled in today for a round of bloodwork to make sure it's not her pancreas again! :().
04-14-2014, 07:51 PM
I see we were posting at the same time, and that my guess about the dosing recommendation was wrong. So just goes to show what I know. :rolleyes:
Is your own IMS going to get back with you about this, though? Because I do wonder whether her "take" on the situation may not be a bit different since this has been an issue that the two of you have discussed before. This is what she wrote to you back in January, and at that time, I believe Daisy's ACTH result was not even as high as it was on this most recent test.
"Hi Valerie,
How long has Daisy Mae been on the new dosage of trilostane? How many days has she exhibited/did she exhibit the signs about which you are concerned? I ask this because each time we increase the dosage of trilostane, the same concerns arise, and each time prior to this, the concerns have eventually resolved after giving her more time on the new dosage. I can tell you that it's highly unlikely, given the amount that we increased the dosage and her previous ACTH stimulation tests, that she is Addisonian at this point. I don't have a problem with going back to the previous dosage, but we have to realize that based on her previous diagnostic testing (ACTH stimulation test, chemistry panel, urinalysis), we do not have control over her Cushing's with this dosage of trilostane...
04-14-2014, 09:18 PM
There is one big difference this time though, she is definitely lethargic. No doubt about this. We're talking, laying on her side and not wanting to bother with anything like sitting near anyone while they eat. I even carried her outside tonight so that she could pee. She started to walk and stumbled landing on her butt before gaining her footing. This is not normal for Daisy at all.
Dr. Morgan, our regular IMS is off for the next 2 days. The one who consulted today assured me that taking her off the Trilo for a few days to see how she bounces back won't affect much and I know from experience that this is true.
04-14-2014, 09:45 PM
Yes, it makes sense that you'd temporarily withhold the trilo while Daisy is unwell. Assuming she restabilizes, though, I'll be curious to see whether your regular IMS also recommends reducing the dose once she resumes. The thing is, it seems possible to me that Daisy's intermittent issues may actually be due to damage caused by her continuing uncontrolled cortisol rather than the trilo. If so, reducing the trilo dose would only further delay long-term systemic relief.
04-14-2014, 10:18 PM
I see what you're saying, but this time - her problems seem different than the previous times.
04-15-2014, 12:33 AM
Does anyone have an email address for Dr. Bruyette or Dr. Peterson?
I think that it's time to have an expert look at Daisy's records. I would feel better before we go any farther.
Budsters Mom
04-15-2014, 01:11 AM
Here is a link to Dr. B's email.
04-15-2014, 01:31 AM
Thank you so much!
I sent him an email with all of the documentation from Cornell in regard to Daisy's tests and treatment to date.
I'm concerned that each time that Dr. Morgan changes Daisy's dose, she become ill and we have to back down again and also that we seem to be increasing every few months.
Today, the IMS on call advised me to stop the Trilo for two weeks until Daisy is back to her old self and then restart at a lower dose. Dr. Morgan seems to be agreeing that the Trilo isn't effective for very long and wants to possibly begin Lysodren if this doesn't work.
I know that Daisy's symptoms will be back in full force in less than two weeks and since she now develops a pot belly, I worry about the added weight causing back problems that she never had before.
Now we have a conflict and I am not comfortable with so much trial and error going on. I think that a third, more experienced eye needs to assist here and I want to avoid spending money needlessly.
04-15-2014, 02:46 AM
Here is my email to Dr. Bruyette (blue) and his response (purple). I attached every report from Cornell which included test results, physical examination, and recommendations.
Dr. Bruyette,
> I've explored all avenues available to me for treating Daisy's Cushings disease and treatment seemed to be going well at first. I'm hoping that you can review the attached documents and provide some assistance to Dr, Morgan or Dr. Toby Kimm.
> Daisy has been a part of my family since she was 6 weeks old and other than a luxating patella surgery in 2005 and a bout of kennel cough when she first came home, she's been overall healthy until the Cushings diagnosis.
> I am concerned that either Daisy has been misdiagnosed, or that Dr. Morgan is not as experienced with Cushings as I once thought and am in desperate need of your guidance since Daisy seems to get sick each time Dr. Morgan increases the Trilostane and the effects on her Cushings don't last longer than a month or two.
> Before going to Cornell, we visited three different vets who clearly weren't familiar enough about Cushings treatment. We use Dr. Toby Kimm at Ragged Mountain Animal Hospital in Plainvile, CT (860) 747-4256<tel:%28860%29%20747-4256> for general veterinary care and he is absolutely wonderful! For Daisy's Cushings care, we have been visiting Cornell University Veterinary Specialists (Dr. Megan Morgan (203) 595-2777<tel:%28203%29%20595-2777> and have been impressed with her knowledge until recently.
> I'm unemployed but receive a small stipend from the VA for caring for my father at his home in Bristol, CT. Much of my income has gone towards treating Daisy for Cushings and I have no issue with that, I just need to be sure that we're treating her correctly.
> As of today, Daisy is not taking Trilostane because she became extremely lethargic over the weekend, vomited once, ate very little, and had a very loose accident in the living room which is quite unlike her. Also, she's had a small bald spot near the base of her tail since she was a pup which has spread considerably in recent months.
> Thank you again,
> Valerie J. Howe
Hi. Dr Morgan is a great doctor and you are in very capable hands. I think if she continue to not feel well you may need to check the electrolytes to be safe. Keep me posted.
Budsters Mom
04-15-2014, 03:20 AM
Wow! That was quick! Dr. B is amazing!
04-15-2014, 03:53 AM
Yes, it was :)
Squirt's Mom
04-15-2014, 06:14 AM
Dr. Morgan seems to be agreeing that the Trilo isn't effective for very long...
What is meant by this? Is she saying the Trilo quits working after a while and you have to switch drugs or is this a reference to the short life of Trilo in the system? :confused:
How is Daisy this morning?
04-15-2014, 06:24 AM
Re-checking the electrolytes is probably something that Dr. Morgan will also endorse since she has previously noted concern about Daisy's potassium and aldosterone level. Per that same January memo to you, this is what she had to say at that time. Part of her concern relates to possible kidney damage perhaps stemming from Daisy's uncontrolled Cushing's.
There was one bloodwork change which bothered me more than the others, which was the increased potassium level. This is suggestive of a low aldosterone level. One cause of a low aldosterone level is Addison's disease. However, Daisy Mae's high cholesterol [did Dr. Morgan mean cortisol?] levels rule out Addison's disease. Therefore, this may be primary hypoaldosteronism (meaning that only the layer of the adrenal gland that produces Aldosterone is dysfunctional), or it may be a condition called hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism, in which the low aldosterone levels are being caused by decreased production of a hormone called renin by the kidneys. I suspect that later differential, but certainly either is possible. Neither of these is a reported side effect of trilostane therapy, and neither is it a reported consequence of Cushing's disease. However, it may be that chronic protein loss through the kidneys (which can occur due to Cushing's) may be damaging the kidneys, resulting in low renin production and thus a low aldosterone level. The way for us to best diagnostically evaluate this problem would be to run an ACTH stimulation test looking at cortisol and aldosterone levels at the same time, and also to run a renin level. However, the other way would be to try to better control the Cushing's and re-evaluate the amount of protein loss through the kidneys and the electrolyte levels.
04-15-2014, 06:43 AM
Dr. Morgan isn't happy with how Trilo is controlling Daisy's Cushings. if the current dosage doesn't control it to her liking, she wants to try Lysodren.
Labblab, correct me if I'm wrong, the liver enzymes have been an issue from the start. Shouldn't that have been addressed before treating Cushings to make sure that something else isn't going on
04-15-2014, 07:26 AM
I'm concerned that each time that Dr. Morgan changes Daisy's dose, she become ill and we have to back down again and also that we seem to be increasing every few months.
Today, the IMS on call advised me to stop the Trilo for two weeks until Daisy is back to her old self and then restart at a lower dose. Dr. Morgan seems to be agreeing that the Trilo isn't effective for very long and wants to possibly begin Lysodren if this doesn't work.
Val, as far as I can tell, Daisy's dose has only been monitored four times since beginning the trilo well over a year ago. An initial monitoring ACTH was performed last April, and then it was the end of October before you took her to be tested again and the trilo dose increased due to the lack of control. The next ACTH was in January, and the dose increased again with Dr. Morgan's expectation that the result would be monitored in 30 days. However, it was nearly three months before you took Daisy to be tested again and the puzzling result was the highly elevated cortisol for which the dose has again been increased.
This most recent ACTH result is indeed a head-scratcher. But prior to that, I don't think there is anything odd about the test results or progression of trilo increases. It's just that it has taken over a year to perform the monitoring/tweaking that normally would have been completed within the first 1-3 months of treatment. Plus, you have felt reluctant to allow any more than just tiny incremental dosing increases at any one time due to your assumption that it is the trilo itself that causes these issues that Daisy experiences. From her memo, it sounds to me as though, historically, it had been more your concern than Dr. Morgan's that had delayed increasing the trilo to a therapeutic level. Aside from this last puzzling elevation (maybe a problem with the actual drug formulation?), there is nothing surprising to me about the dosing progression other than the long lapses between monitoring testing. I fully understand the financial stress of the testing cost, but I don't think we can yet label Daisy's experience as a trilostane failure, per se. Both the October and January ACTHs showed that the slightly increased doses had lowered Daisy's cortisol, but just nowhere near enough.
However, has Dr. Morgan actually discussed Lysodren with you? In Daisy's case, maybe it truly would offer a better alternative in that you would be biting the bullet by proceeding with a full load and you would finally be lowering her cortisol into therapeutic range in one single treatment period rather than experiencing the incremental increases and lengthy monitoring delays that have characterized Daisy's trilo treatment to date.
04-15-2014, 07:49 AM
Dr. Morgan isn't happy with how Trilo is controlling Daisy's Cushings. if the current dosage doesn't control it to her liking, she wants to try Lysodren.
Labblab, correct me if I'm wrong, the liver enzymes have been an issue from the start. Shouldn't that have been addressed before treating Cushings to make sure that something else isn't going on
I think Dr. Morgan accurately addressed this question in that same memo to you.
Yes, there are many diseases that cause liver enzymes to increase. The way to prove that Daisy's are elevated due to Cushing's would be to biopsy her liver, which is an anesthetic procedure with a lot of cost and certain risks associated with it. I can absolutely guarantee that the Cushing's is at least playing a major role in her liver enzyme elevations. I also think that it is likely playing a role in her gall bladder dysmotility. Similarly, I can guarantee that the Cushing's is playing a role in the protein loss that we are identifying on her urinalysis. Also similarly, the only way to prove that this is the only issue would be to obtain a biopsy of the kidneys--also costly, and potentially more risky that biopsying the liver. The most cost effective way to determine how much of this is the Cushing's and how much (if any) is something else is to control the Cushing's and monitor the protein in the urine and the liver enzymes. My feeling is that all of this is Cushing's associated.
In Daisy's case, it seems as though it was/is reasonable to assume that the Cushing's is the cause for the liver abnormalities. Under normal circumstances, her cortisol would have been monitored and brought down to therapeutic level within the first three months of treatment and you would then have a better basis to judge whether there was associated improvement in the liver values, as well. If not, you would look elsewhere.
My own dog was diagnosed with Cushing's when my vet referred us to an IMS for a liver biopsy due to elevated enzymes. After reviewing my dog's history and learning about his symptom profile, the IMS declined the biopsy and said, I'm testing your dog for Cushing's instead. The rest was history :o -- no biopsy, and trilostane treatment.
So from what Dr. Morgan has written, it sounds as though she was wanting to spare you the expense of a biopsy when Cushing's is the most likely source of the liver elevations. The problem then, as now, is that Daisy's cortisol has never been lowered enough to test the hypothesis.
I am really glad to hear that Dr. Bruyette thinks so highly of Dr. Morgan, too. These things she has written to you make total sense to me, and I would trust her opinions and recommendations if she were treating my own dog.
04-15-2014, 07:56 AM
I am so sorry Daisy is having trouble. She seems to be a case that is outside the box like Tipper. I hope she starts to get up and move around since she is not getting the trilostane. Blessings
04-15-2014, 03:34 PM
Thank you all for your input.
Daisy has perked up a bit today and she ate 1/2 of her breakfast.
Dr. Morgan said to keep her off the Trilo for three days and then start low and only give it to her once a day. Then we'll work back up from there.
I explained that this time, Daisy was really ill. Not just diarrhea, but vomiting once and extremely lethargic. We'll see if she lowers the dosage or not.
04-15-2014, 03:42 PM
Val, I'm really glad Dr. Morgan was able to respond to you and this plan seems very reasonable. An initial 3-day break makes a lot more sense to me than the two weeks the other IMS had recommended.
Keeping fingers crossed that Daisy recovers quickly and can move forward as planned.
Oh, and my vet just called with Peg's bloodwork and everything (including the pancreatitis test) was normal, so we have no known reason for Peg's vomiting. Hopefully her tummy will settle right along with Daisy's!
04-15-2014, 03:54 PM
Maybe Peg has gotten into something? Daisy ate anything and everything until we started treatment. Thankfully, it's been quite some time since she's eaten a bug or some non-food item.
I think that is also a good plan but I did express my concern since Daisy's previous reactions were not this severe. She's still a bit lethargic, but not falling over like yesterday.
I hope that Peg feels better soon!
04-15-2014, 04:39 PM
Thanks very much, Valerie. Peg may very well have gotten into something out in the yard. It could even be that she is munching on too much of the tender baby grass that is starting to sprout. Labs are notorious "garbage guts" who will eat anything/everything that is nasty, and cleaning up barf has been a common past-time for me throughout the years with all our dogs :(. But since Peg has a history of pancreatitis and is also taking phenobarb, I have to take it more seriously with her. The phenobarb can cause serious liver changes at any time. However, I can never stop the phenobarb dosing cold turkey, so my only diagnostic option is to have bloodwork run when she's acting ill. Since barfing is not that uncommon at my house, I don't get alarmed by a one-day event even if there are multiple episodes. But if it continues or recurs, the poor girl has earned herself a drive to the vet.
I especially feel bad for her this time around, because Luna may actually have been the culprit :cool:. We saw Peg vomiting last weekend, but she was fine all week. Then both this Sunday and Monday mornings, "somebody" upchucked before we got up. Could have been Peg, could have been Luna. But I didn't want to risk overlooking an issue with Peg, so in we drove.
I know what a toll the worry takes on me, so I realize how hard it is for you, too. I am really sorry for all you've got going on, Val, and truly hope that Daisy will soon stabilize once and for all.
04-15-2014, 11:00 PM
time to start DNA testing barf at your place.
That would drive me nuts and I would worry too.
Hoping that everyone is fine soon!
04-16-2014, 04:44 AM
*shiver* DNA barf testing LOL... hope Daisy is continuing to pick up again. That girl does not like dose changes does she, but I do hope you get that cortisol level down finally after she recovers from this episode xx
04-16-2014, 12:54 PM
I still wonder if switching to brand name vetoryl would have any impact? I know that your IMS said it would not, but since you are using 100% compounded trilostane, you really can't be sure.
04-16-2014, 03:34 PM
I know it is more expensive, but may be worth a try like Renee said. I hope you get it figured out, and that Daisy is feeling better. Is she walking around at all? Blessings
04-17-2014, 12:28 AM
the IMS has used Diamonback before and considers them to be very good so I don't think that we have to worry about that.
When we start again, she wants us to give Daisy 1/4 Pepcid AC along with the Trilostane.
04-17-2014, 10:47 AM
Tipper cannot take Pepcid, it really makes her tummy worse, so just be aware it can do that, as there were others on here who told me their dogs could not take it. We went to slippery elm bark instead and she OK with that, but it must be given a few hours away from trilo as it can inhibit absorption. Is Daisy up and about now? I sure hope so the poor baby. Blessings
molly muffin
04-17-2014, 02:54 PM
Hoping to hear that Daisy is doing well today!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-18-2014, 02:36 AM
I've started Daisy back on 19mg of Trilo tonight without Pepcid AC. Adding more meds to the mix really scares me. I wonder if giving her some pumkin to coat her stomach would help?
She's really perked up and I hope she stays that way. I missed my trotting little Daisy Mae monster. <3
I'll add the am dose after a few days and we'll see how it goes. Hopefully, her system will adjust.
04-18-2014, 03:06 AM
I wonder if there is any truth to this article? Is anyone familiar with these herbs?
Squirt's Mom
04-18-2014, 07:29 AM
I don't even have to open the link - if it is from Natural News, ignore it. Some of what they have to say is accurate but MUCH of it is not so I have learned to simply ignore Natural News.
04-18-2014, 04:17 PM
Please look at Tipper's thread. I have the link to see the tremors. This is a mild one only, and read on the thread as I think these are myoclonic seizures. I will try to get one of the bad ones videoed. Watch the face and tail twitching. Its not long so watch to the end and let me know what you think. Blessings
04-18-2014, 10:12 PM
Hi Val,
Sorry to come in late on the news about Daisy..what a dilemma with this latest bout of lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting. I hope she's coming out of it by now.
I wish there was an easy way to figure this all out..there are so many factors and this disease and treatment can be so complicated.
I give Trixie a half tablet of Pepcid AC every night before bed. I do not give it with the Cushings meds but later on. It's great for her and she's never had a bad reaction. It keeps the tummy gurgles to a minimum or gone for the most part.
It is hard to know if the vomiting is Trilo related or just another episode of sour stomach but I think the lethargy part is a big clue and you had a gut reaction this time was different from the other times.
Hope that going back on and doing a slow increase will keep the Cushings symptoms away without ay bad tummy problems.
We were also headed to the Orchid Show but today Trixie developed a limp so we had to get her to the vet and then I didn't want to leave her alone. Don't know if we'll get there before it closes and I really wanted to see it!
04-19-2014, 02:01 AM
Daisy is still perking up and doing well. So far, she's on 19mg of Trilo once a day. After 3 days, I'll add the 15mg at night and wait a bit before trying 19mg in the morning and night.
I know that she didn't get into anything outside because I'm always with her and like you said Barbara, this time was quite different from the last. I really thought that we were going to lose her.
Patti, it almost looks like Tipper is moving with her dreams. I wouldn't say seizures because there's no jerking moving or anyting like that. Tipper looks relaxed through it so I don't think that they bother her.
04-19-2014, 07:32 AM
No they don't bother her, but this is a very mild one. I have to get the bad ones on video. Glad to hear Daisy is doing well and keeps improving. Do you have to take your dad next week? Hope you all have a blessed Easter.
04-19-2014, 09:01 PM
No Patti, we're all set for 3 months.
Daisy is doing better, she's just started 19mg in the morning and 15mg at night. We'll see how it goes.
Happy Easter!
molly muffin
04-19-2014, 11:37 PM
Happy Easter Val and Daisy. I hope Daisy does well on the 19/15mg
Sharlene and Molly muffin
04-20-2014, 12:26 AM
Thank you everyone. Happy Easter to all.
04-20-2014, 06:21 AM
Happy Easter Val and Daisy. I hope Daisy does well on the 19/15mg
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Me, too!!! :)
I am hoping this is the magic dose for Daisy. Hope you both have a wonder day and Daisy starts feeling better.
04-20-2014, 12:01 PM
Hi Val,
I hope Daisy's dose will be a good one and not cause any problems. Trixie had a bad tummy day yesterday while we were at the orchid show, we came home to lots of vomit!! Sounds familiar right???
I posted a few photos of the did go didn't was unforgettable wasn't it? I've never seen such a beautiful display.
Happy Easter to you and your family, and Daisy of course!
04-20-2014, 02:24 PM
We did go Barbara, last Sunday. I took 145 pictures and will make an album for all who want to see..
04-20-2014, 02:28 PM
How is Daisy today? What are you doing for Easter? How is your dad doing? Blessings
04-20-2014, 10:15 PM
Daisy is still doing ok. Now that the weather is improving I do my best to take her for a walk to build up the strength that she's lost over the winter.
Chris, dad, and I spend the day together and all 3 of us cooked. Everything was timed perfectly and done perfectly :) Ham, sweet potatoes, dinner rolls, aspagus with Chris' olive oil and parmesan coating, garlic sauce with ow tie pasta, and gingerbread cake topped with fresh strawberries and whip cream.
Daisy got a nice sliver of ham and Gracie made the rounds, stood on her hinds legs and rested her paws on each of our laps while we ate! She's never done that before and we got a huge laugh. I swear she's half dog! I gave her a small bite away from the table. Found it still there later so apparently ham isn't her thing :)
On another note, we got a call that dad's last remaining sister passed away on Friday. He seemed to take it ok. Other things on his mind which will shock you, but here goes.
He's not sleep walking like we thought which is good.
Friday at 4:50am I heard the front door squeak and I called down to him, no answer. So I put on a robe, grabbed a flashlight and went downstairs. I foudn my sister sitting in the living on the floor playing with the cats. I asked her what she was doing and she said that she and her fiance Dave, had a fight and she had to get out of the house for awhile.
By this time, dad woke up and he was furious that she snook in and asked her to leave the key on the dining room table. This is the second night this week that she's woken us up. She's an recovering addict and has stolen from us before among other things, so we're very suspicious about this behavior. She asked me "what if there is an emergency and I can't get in." I replied "dad has Lifeline."
Dad went back to bed and she went into his bathroom which is just off of his room. She came out and he saw her standing in front of the dresser mirror. She adjusted her hair and then her hands went lower to his pants on the dresser. Dad asked what she was doing and she said "just whiping my eyes". I walked her out.
After she left, dad got up and double checked his wallet which was not in his pants thankfully. I couldn't find the key that dad asked her to leave and neither can he so Chris changed the locks yesterday.
I still wasn't convinced and told dad that I was going to talk with her fiance to find out if they had a fight and that would be the clincher. If she lied about that, then we know that she wasn't up to anything good by sneaking into dad's house.
I texted Dave, her fiance and asked him to call me when she was out of hearing range.
Dave called me and I asked him if they'd had a fight and could tell that he was still half asleep. He said that they'd argued a few days ago but not last night and from there I told him all about the missing money and me hearing the front door open days ago and catching Pat (my sister) sneaking in that morning.
Needless to say, Dave must have confronted her and she called me back screaming "you really think that I stole from my own FATHER?!" To which I replied, "Dave said that you didn't fight. Last time you came to the house for toilet paper, you didn't sneak in so why now?" She didn't answer and hung up on me.
Chris and I went out to have coffee with a friend tonight and while we were gone, Pat called the house several times to wish my father a happy Easter like nothing happened! He didn't answer the phone.
I feel so bad for dad. That girl put our whole family through hell for 24 years with her addiction, prison time, and getting pregnant 10 times! Now to steal from him?!
I am beyond furious and I told him that he can go visit his grandchildren or Dave can bring them here but we can't trust her in the house anymore.
She's borrowed money from dad several times recently stating that Dave would pay him back. He stopped loaning her money until all of it is paid back which hasn't happened yet. We have no idea where the money went, I think that it amounts to approximately $500. Dad thinks that she's using drugs again and I'm inclined to agree, he also believes that she stole $200 from his wallet both times that I heard the door open and thought that he had been sleep walking. As far as I'm concerned, she lucky I didn't call the police and if anything else happens, I won't hesitate.
My good friend Lamont, said that she's lucky that I don't currently own a gun.
That is likely to change now. When she was using, she let every one of her fellow users know where dad lives and I have to protect him. Trust me, I'm not overreacting and the stories that I could tell you, you wouldn't believe.
I just feel so bad for dad.
molly muffin
04-20-2014, 10:20 PM
oh my goodness! I just ate a full meal, I'm not even hungry, but your menu has me drooling!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-20-2014, 10:45 PM
Thanks Sharlene, dad had fresh corn on the cob too but I told him that we would cook that another day. How much can we eat afterall :)
Given that 3 of us were cooking and lobbing for appliances, I was happy that everything came out perfectly.
04-21-2014, 04:41 AM
By crikey that sister of yours :mad::mad::mad: well I guess that solves the mystery of the missing money then. I would have changed the locks too, I have a cousin with mental health and addiction problems. He had stolen off his parents many times over the years and has been in and out of psych services. He started coming around unannounced to see Mum and Dad after never visiting and I was suspicious, nothing happened thankfully but a couple of times my parents reported seeing dodgy looking friends of his at the gate. It scared them, especially Mum. My brother was about to get involved but Dad told him not to come unless he calls first and he just stopped coming. It is a horrible thing when you cannot trust your own family, so sorry you are going through this.
But your feast does sounds delicious! Excellent combined cooking effort!! Pleased to read Daisy is feeling better, long may that continue! x
04-21-2014, 06:52 AM
Tell me about it. Most of my life has been protecting my parents from her. She's even been violent in the past. I won't let it get that far no matter what excuse she uses. She's a master at guilt trips and using her kids to get what she wants.
Now the locks are changed so that's the end of worrying at night.
When she was in prison, she would call the house incessantly screaming that my parents needed to get her out and everything was and still is someone else's fault. You would think that they would think that they put a limit on that.
Regardless, we had a nice day yesterday.
04-21-2014, 07:19 AM
Well at least you can lay in bed safe at night with the locks changed. I would ban her, that's the trouble though isn't it. Like my Aunt, it would cause so much trouble in the family... he was still her son and she wanted to help him but he just stole or took advantage time and time again. My Uncle was wanting to not have him visit so that just caused grief in the family. Such a hard thing to manage. I just hope she stays away from you for a while but she sounds quite manipulative, involving her kids is heinous, the poor things.
04-21-2014, 07:53 AM
My heart goes out to you. You have been thru an awful lot. This is no way for you
to have to live, so good thing the locks are changed. God it could be any one of her drug taking friends coming in so it is good you caught her when you did, before things escalated. Are you saying her fiance puts up with her using, and
there are children there?? What a situation that must be. Glad you had a nice Easter the three of you. I am sure your dad appreciated being with you and Chris as the holidays can be depressing. Hope Daisy stays well and keeps walking and getting stronger. Blessings
molly muffin
04-21-2014, 09:00 AM
That is such a sad situation and a scary one too. I wouldn't want anyone in the house when I am sleeping that I don't want there or that is unexpected. Especially if someone steals from you too. I hope she isn't using again, but that is the kind of thing that an addict will do, so it sounds a bit iffy. It is very, very hard on a family though.
Good on Chris for getting locks changed. Unfortunately you have to look out for you and your dad first and foremost.
I am glad it isn't a problem with your dad and medication or other problems though, so that is one good thing. The animals will be safe inside now too, which is important. No one leaving doors open and then running around outside unsupervised.
Hang in there Valerie. There has to be a light at the end of the tunnel somewhere.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-22-2014, 04:26 AM
Thanks ladies <3
I finally got the pictures loaded in my album
Dad found the screen to one of the porch windows on the ground this morning so whoever has been coming in has now tried to go through the porch window but couldn't get the window itself open.
I called the police tonight and asked that they step up patrols in front of our house tonight. They said that they would but as you can see it's 4:26am and I haven't slept a wink. Sigh.
04-22-2014, 09:10 AM
You took beautiful photos of the flowers! I think you should be checking all windows from the inside and outside making sure they are locked . I would not be leaving any window that could be climbed into open at all. It would seem whoever is doing this is not going to stop until they get in. This is no way to live, and is down right dangerous. Not to mention you sitting up at all hours. No telling if your sister is using,mahatma hen could me at in front of her friends when high about getting into your house. You certainly do not need this on top of everything else. Big hugs to you and your dad and Daisy and the kitties!
molly muffin
04-22-2014, 03:26 PM
Oh yes, the photos are gorgeous Val.
Definitely a scary situation. I hope that the police would catch the person doing it, sister or not and cart them off to jail.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
04-22-2014, 03:29 PM
I woke up this morning and ALL the chocolate chip cookies I made Sun. were gone! Not a dog one barked during the night either! :eek:;):p
04-22-2014, 03:40 PM
Between the police and I, we WILL catch whoever it is and I'll shoot them with a BB gun. Not kidding. You break into our home, you deal with me and it won't be pleasant and there won't be any sympathy for your situation of whatever the excuse is.
This has always been a wonderful neighborhood to live in. We've never had problems like this in the past.
I'm glad that you all enjoyed the pictures.
04-22-2014, 06:49 PM
This is too bad you have to resort to this. Please stay safe and make sure everything is locked up tight. Is Daisy still doing OK on the new dosage? Hope whoever is making your life miserable is caught soon. Blessings
04-22-2014, 07:28 PM
So you still think it is your sister?? Is there anyone else in your family than can have a very stern talking to her?? That is so not cool, you must really hate her if you would risk shooting her with a BB gun :eek::eek: (I dunno what a BB gun is, but presume its not fatal??) You know, I would not write that sort of stuff on here, about shooting etc as if god forbig anything did ever happen it could be used against you!!! Just a thought :) Be safe and take care x
04-22-2014, 10:34 PM
Hi Val,
Sorry for you and your Dad going through these terrible issues with your sister. Don't you think this last incident with the screen involves your sister too? I hope the situation gets better and not worse, it's really hard for someone your father's age to go through this kind of trouble, hard for you too.
Your photos from the Orchid Show were great!! You got such good close-ups, it was really beautiful. I also want to go back for the roses. Also the azaleas and the lilacs.
Hope Daisy is feeling good and not having anymore tummy trouble. ;)
04-22-2014, 11:51 PM
A BB gun is nowhere near fatal. Basically is shoots plastic pellets which can sting. I'm more likely to smack them at the knees to make them fall and let the police do the rest anyway.
I really have no proof other than catching her in the house the other night. Dad truly thinks that it was her and I have no reason not to believe him. Time will tell. We also bought locks for the inside door so whomever it is will have to get through 2 deadbolts and 2 regular locks. Good luck to them.
04-23-2014, 09:42 AM
Hope you had some sleep and no worries over these break ins. How is Daisy doing on this dose? Blessings
04-23-2014, 11:57 PM
So far, Daisy is doing well. Her poop was a tiny bit less firm today so I'll watch that.
Dad's oldest sister passed away on Friday and we went to her funeral today. It was a small, grave side service but it was bitterly cold and rainy. Nice to see family members but not under these circumstances. She was 94! He now has two sisters that passed from Alzeimerz. That is scary to me and I hope that he doesn't get it because I couldn't handle that kind of care and I hope that he can stay at home until his time comes.
My sister still insists that it wasn't her even though we caught her in the house and in dad's room while she thought that he was sleeping and the excuse that she used wasn't true. Whatever, time will tell and the locks are changed so that won't happen again.
The wind is howeling like mad still. Enough already, we're heading into late April and it's supposed to be Spring.
04-24-2014, 07:50 AM
Sorry to hear your aunt passed. Was she older or younger than your dad? Was your sister there? When people get older unfortunately that is the place you see them, if you haven't seen them in a while. I surely hope your father would not get Alzheimer's either. That would really be hard for you to even have a life outside of that house, unless he went to a home that cares for them. Glad Daisy is doing well on her dose, what's up with the poops I wonder?? Blessings
molly muffin
04-24-2014, 03:16 PM
Sorry to hear of your aunt passing. It's hard to lose family members.
I agree, you shouldn't have any more problems with the locks changed.
Uh oh, you're going on poop patrol!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-25-2014, 10:50 AM
Has Daisy been wanting to walk more now? I hope she is able to get out now that the weather is getting nice. it will be good for your dad too. Has she put on any weight? Blessings
04-25-2014, 11:34 AM
I'm starting to see the normal Daisy again!!!!!! She's got more energy, she's more alert and interested, and she actually wagging her tail a little bit when I talk to her!!!!!
I'll be curious to see what the next ACTH shows as I think that if we're not on target (finally), we've got to be close to it.
Dad's aide commented today on how much energy Daisy has :)
04-25-2014, 11:57 AM
Val, is she back on the full 19 mg. twice daily dose again?
04-25-2014, 01:03 PM
I am so glad she is feeling better and perked up a bit!
04-25-2014, 07:11 PM
Yay...go Daisy! :p So glad to hear she's all perked up Val, that's great news!! :)
molly muffin
04-25-2014, 07:32 PM
Perky Daisy sounds excellent
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-25-2014, 11:28 PM
Yes, she's back up to 19mg twice a day and this is the first time that I've seen the real Daisy since we started treatment. Very encouraging!!!!!
04-26-2014, 06:37 AM
Yay!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
04-26-2014, 07:25 AM
Go Daisy good job!!!!!!!!!
04-26-2014, 06:07 PM
finally!!!!!!!!!!!!good news!
04-26-2014, 11:07 PM
I know~ it took just over a year!
04-27-2014, 08:22 AM
Maybe Miss Daisy finally got to the right spot?? So glad she is back to herself again. Tipper is getting her radar going early in the season and I must get something off of the vet for storms, we cannot live like this, and it is too hard on her. How is your dad coming along? Blessings
04-28-2014, 01:06 AM
I feel so bad that Tipper is so afraid of storms. Dad is doing well, he's watching the furlets while I'm in Greenwich for the weekend until tomorrow.
Chris and I went to a fleamarket in Stormville, NY today. There was an adoption booth for dogs and another for cats. Oh it was so tempting :) but Chris calmly reigned me in and said "we're not adopting anyone this weekend".
We met several people who have had/have dogs with Cushings. One man said that his dog had Cushings for 16 years! I was amazed and it gave me some hope for sure.
I love visiting Chris, but I miss our furbabies when I do.
04-28-2014, 08:05 AM
That flea market sounded fun. I would love to do that. I am really stressed about these storms because of Tipper's eyes and her heart. She make her blood pressure sky rocket, and it is dangerous. I cannot live like this so if the vet won't give me something, I will have to get it from the IMS. This is just way too much worry and stress for me and her. Hope Daisy is still doing well on her new dose. Blessings
04-28-2014, 03:27 PM
Daisy is doing well.
Dad's home health aide called me this morning while I was still in Greenwich, my sister broke in again and ripped the front screen! The aide found her sleeping on the couch in the living room with dirty socks. Who knows where she left her shoes?
I tried calling her fiance but she took his cell phone so that I couldn't call!
The social worker came over and we convinced dad to let me get a restraining order against her so that is what I did. She's in worse shape than we thought and has obviously been doing drugs for some time now.
04-28-2014, 03:46 PM
You did the right thing. You and your dads safety has to come first. I do hope she can get some help. Who cares for her children while she does all this? It's a shame because she is your sister, but she can't continue to do this, as someone is going to get hurt. I feel so bad for you having to deal with all this. Blessings
04-28-2014, 04:33 PM
So sorry to read about the problem with your sister...well, based on this event she was probably the one who broke in the other times too. I feel badly for your father..such a hard situation for any parent, and for you as her sister too.
Happy to hear how well Daisy is doing!! I think that Trixie took almost a full year to really be better too. Glad this dose has brought such a good change in Daisy. :)
molly muffin
04-28-2014, 07:25 PM
Oh my goodness Valerie! I wonder if she realized you weren't home. :(
So what will this restraining order actually do? Allow the police to be called if she does it again and they'll arrest her or what?
I'm glad that Daisy is doing well and I hope that continues for a long long time to come.
The fleamarket does sound good. I have a hard time too not taking everyone home with me. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-28-2014, 07:34 PM
Ok ladies,
thankfully I saved my old smartphone. I'm teaching myself how to turn it into a security camera.
Now there's a new twist to the story. She's insisting that her other half, Dave is abusing her. If that is the case, why not call the police? Why break into your father's home? This time she ripped the screen :( Why was money missing from his wallet twice? Last of all, WHY would you leave your kids with him?!
She parked down the street, away from the house. She had no shoes on, just socks. Seriously, how dumb does she think we are?
04-28-2014, 07:44 PM
She is going to wear you down with all this. Does she know you have a restraining order against her. Why is this the first time you heard the abuse story?? I think she puts her own spin on things. You have your hands full with this one! Blessings
molly muffin
04-28-2014, 08:17 PM
What about a baby monitor? You can have one unit next to your bed and set the camera up in another room where she comes in.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-29-2014, 08:22 AM
If you use a lap top, I would be really hiding it as she is going to be looking for money items to sell next. I have a camera that looks like a light bulb and you can see what is going on from anywhere with your computer. Hope you get it worked out. If you get it on video you have proof to show someone. I am just so sorry this is your sister. Blessings
04-30-2014, 01:50 AM
I was finally able to get in touch with my sister's fiance and her friend Lisa.
We staged an intervention tonight with police in standby in case she got violent.
Dave's (my sister's fiance) parents were there and were willing to take the youngest daughter out while we had our discussion. Lisa and I arrived first and my sister happened to be outside with her youngest daughter. Her oldest was at a friend's house. There was also a very new black cadillac in the driveway.
Pat (my sister) saw Lisa and I and asked Lisa why she didn't bring the oldest daughter home. Both of us said "we need to talk with you inside". She started to flip out and refuse until I threatened to call the police.
Once inside, Dave's parents, his sister, our father, Lisa, and I started telling Pat that we know exactly what is going on and that she needed to go to rehab immediately or else she was going to jail. Let's just say that the poop really hit the fan and we were there for more than 2 hours while she yelled and screamed how much she hated each one of us and she refused to let Dave's parents take their daughter out so she was there for it all. I never did call the police, but things are MUCH worse than we thought and this has been going on for months now.
Bottom line, Dave left a message with her case worker asking that she call in the morning because it is an emergency and we're hoping that they make her go into inpatient rehab.
The black cadillac belonged to a drug dealer! She had them come to her house while her toddler was there!!!!
She's really far gone and down right psycho. Dad walked out after a time because it was clear that we weren't getting anywhere and he was upset to see her abuse everyone while acussing us of doing this to her daughter and making her daughter upset. Nothing is ever her fault. inbetween the abuse, she pulled out every guilt trip in the box.
Time will tell. If she doesn't get help this time, she'll lose her rights to her children. I truly believe that if her daughter weren't there, she would have been violent.
Budsters Mom
04-30-2014, 01:59 AM
I have an addict in my family too. It's not an easy road for anyone.
04-30-2014, 02:45 AM
We've already gone through this once with her and it took 24 years, 10 pregnancies, having 6 children taken from her forever, violence, theft etc.
I will not spend another 24 years dealing with this so this is her only chance to get help. There comes a point when you have to let whatever happen and focus on your own life. I've said all that I have to say today and got nothing but abuse and hatred.
What happens now is entirely up to her. Between Dave's family and Lisa, I know that the girls will be safe and well cared for and that our father will continue to see them.
I'm much too tired to do this again.
Squirt's Mom
04-30-2014, 06:48 AM
I hope your sister gets the help she desperately needs. My heart goes out to her, her children and your family as well as Dave and his family. I've been in your shoes more times than I care to mention and understand all too well where your sister is...and the effect it has on all she comes in contact with. All we can do is love them and protect those that need it until they are able to come back to themselves....IF they can. I pray your sister is one that can.
molly muffin
04-30-2014, 09:02 AM
I am so sorry Valerie. I cannot imagine the horror of watching a family member deteriorate in front of your eyes and be reduce to such a state.
All my best to you and your family
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-30-2014, 10:09 AM
Valerie, my heart goes out to you, your dad, and all of your sister's family. Addiction is a nightmare that gives no peace. I am so sorry that you are caught in the middle and having to shoulder such responsibility/grief/anger. Please take good care of yourself in the midst of so much stress! You are doing all the right things, but as you know only too well, your sister is the only one with the power to change herself. It is such a tragedy that the rest of you are forced to witness the consequences of her choices.
Keeping you safely in my thoughts,
04-30-2014, 03:42 PM
Thank you all.
Last night she went out and I sent a text telling her to go home. Of course her response was to go to hell so I blocked her from calling or texting me again. I will not take abuse.
Then she started in with her friend Lisa and Lisa communicated with me and I advised her to do the same thing but to make sure that Dave could get in touch with her in case he needs her to help with the kids.
This morning, Lisa called to let me know that Dave is working with the case worker to get Pat into inpatient treatment. I hope that they can force her to go because she won't on her own and I just have the feeling that she won't be so lucky this time and will end up dead.
Dad and I are exhausted today.
Whatever happens now is entirely up to her. I will suggest to Dave that he and the kids start counseling now as a family. They're going to need it.
05-01-2014, 02:10 AM
A beautiful story!
05-01-2014, 06:28 AM
Hi Valerie
Blardy hell, what a nightmare for you all, your sister included. Must be so horrible to be caught up in addiction like that it is such a nasty mental illness. I hope she agree's to getting help. Sounds like she is reaching a few new lows judging by recent behaviour. Good luck with it all, fine line between helping her and your bottom line which is keeping everyone safe.
ON the plus side so pleased to read Daisy doing good, that's fantastic! xx
05-01-2014, 06:56 PM
Daisy and I played today!!!!! Whoo hoo! :-) :-)
05-01-2014, 07:03 PM
great! puppy daisy!
05-01-2014, 07:07 PM
YAY for play days!! :D
molly muffin
05-01-2014, 07:20 PM
Love Play Days!
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-02-2014, 02:46 AM
She actually wagged her whole tail today too, which I haven't seen her do in over a year. :) Happy mommy!
05-02-2014, 11:16 AM
I am so glad that your Daisy is doing well. That was probably the high point of your day seeing that tail wag! How are things going with your sister? I hope better now that you had the intervention. Blessings
05-02-2014, 06:24 PM
Hurray!!!! So nice reading happy news on here about Daisy!!! Fantastic.. playtime and tail wags she really must be feeling good. I do not see many dogs like Daisy here, but I did see one trotting along on a walk on my way to work yesterday so our Daisy popped in to my head, this dog was so sleek and long I thought it looked like a little seal with legs! :D
molly muffin
05-02-2014, 10:26 PM
That is wonderful Valerie. How great that she is playing and having such a good time now
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-03-2014, 09:02 AM
We are getting ready for rain here, so I hope I can keep Tipper from going crazy.? Hope Daisy is going to continue on this trend of being her old self. Hope all is well, blessings
05-04-2014, 03:39 AM
We've had rain for a few days too Patti, then it broke for most of today and came back early evening.
I jinxed it. Daisy looks super bloated today and just isn't herself. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I may have to stop the Trilo again for a few days. No diarhhea or vomiting so that is good.
05-04-2014, 05:15 AM
Oh she was doing so well, I hope this is just a blip and she is back to her normal self soon :)
05-04-2014, 08:30 AM
Val, how soon is the ACTH scheduled for? If it is soon, discontinuing the trilo again may skew the results. So you may either want to go ahead and move up the testing or else try to stay the course unless Daisy gives more definite indications that the trilo is what is causing the problem. Bloating is not really something I would associate with the drug itself.
05-04-2014, 08:38 AM
There are some days when Tipper seems heavier and bloated and the Dr.s scale has confirmed this. I think these dogs retain fluid at times. Marianne was great thinking of moving the ACTH as it could skew it. It seems every time we go forward we have to take a few steps back as that is the nature of this disease. Blessings
05-05-2014, 12:14 AM
Daisy seems better, no diarhhea or vomiting. Maybe just having an off day.
05-06-2014, 06:35 PM
I was wondering how she was and you were my next post! Good I am glad, as these dogs can really worry you when they start with acting different. I think all these poor babies have off days with this horrible disease. I am still waiting for answers from the IMS, don't you just love waiting???? Blessings
05-06-2014, 09:31 PM
Cornell does their lab work there so I usually only wait 2 days max.
05-07-2014, 11:29 AM
Rain again and supposed to start with thunder also. Gave Tipper some of the herbal mixture and she is currently conked out!! I would rather have her like this than a nervous wreck. She had good bp today and weight. Still waiting on the IMS!! Hope Daisy is all over that little bump in the road. Blessings
05-09-2014, 11:38 PM
Chris and I are in Ohio visiting his family. I didn't want to go but dad insisted.
I have several great friends who have been checking in on him for me.
Now I wish that I'd stayed home. I got a call from my cousin saying that dad's favorite niece is in hospice care and that it's only a matter of time. I'll not tell him until I'm back at home on Sunday. We've had so much heartbreak in this family lately. Enough already :-(
Since my sister is still on drugs, she doesn't know that I'm out of town for obvious reasons. That stinks, because I can't ever count on her for anything.
05-09-2014, 11:38 PM
Chris and I are in Ohio visiting his family. I didn't want to go but dad insisted.
I have several great friends who have been checking in on him for me.
Now I wish that I'd stayed home. I got a call from my cousin saying that dad's favorite niece is in hospice care and that it's only a matter of time. I'll not tell him until I'm back at home on Sunday. We've had so much heartbreak in this family lately. Enough already :-(
Since my sister is still on drugs, she doesn't know that I'm out of town for obvious reasons. That stinks, because I can't ever count on her for anything.
molly muffin
05-10-2014, 12:37 AM
Oh Valerie, I'm sorry another family member is not doing well. I wouldn't tell him until you get home either, that way you can be with him when he gets the news. He'll need you. It is always harder when others pass on before they should. My dad was the oldest of 10, he lost 6 of his brothers and sisters before he passed on himself. It was very hard, as he said, it didn't seem right that they would pass first.
Enjoy this time away though, as you and Chris really needed this break with everything that has been going on lately.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-10-2014, 08:11 AM
It is like you just cannot get off of that wheel. I am so sorry another person in your family is doing poorly. You have had so much, I am glad you got away for a while and have a change of scenery. Great that you sister does not know where you are, but bad that you have no help while gone from her. How is Daisy fairing? Have a good weekend. Blessings
05-10-2014, 04:28 PM
Hey Valerie
Sorry to hear your birthday was spoiled by that news, so unfair for your cousin. Hope you enjoyed the weekend apart from that and all is well at home when you get back. Happy Birthday to you!! xx
05-10-2014, 06:05 PM
Thank you everyone. I haven't heard anymore news so I'm guessing that things are still the same. Praying that aunt Beverly doesn't pass on Mother's Day as that will be even more devastating. She has two daughters and one son, but was predeceased by two sons and her first husband. That family has been plagued by tragedy.
Dad says that all of the furlets are fine. I miss them SO MUCH!
I've been calling him at least twice a day. We're on our way back to CT, an 8 hour drive. Ugh.
05-10-2014, 09:06 PM
Iraklis. What is this Artemis stuff and does it work on pituitary tumors?
05-11-2014, 08:03 AM
It is derived from wormwood. It attacks the iron on cancer cells. It has a lot of good things said about it online. My IMS will not comment on it as she said it has not had a double blind study. I asked her about it for Tipper because of her adrenal tumor. Hope you got home safe after that long trip. Good to get away though. Hope all is well when you get home. Blessings
05-12-2014, 01:21 AM
We're home safe.
As I pulled in front of dad's house, a cousin called to tell me that Bev had passed away on Friday at 11pm. I decided to go inside and just tell dad and get it done. I told him that she had been in the hospital multiple times and when he asked why he wasn't told before so that he could visit, I told him that each time she improved and went home except for this last time. I told him that she declined really quickly and was unconscious at the end and her daughters didn't want anyone to see her like that per her wishes. He took it really well. Much better than I did.
Daisy Mae got a much needed bath and I laundered all 4 of her beds and blankets so that everything smells just as nice as she does :)
My sister brought one of her kids here yesterday with some excuse and then took off for much longer than expected, obviously she lied about where she went so dad called her fiance Dave. Dave called her and told her that DCF was on their way and she needed to get home asap which surprisingly, she did.
I have now, with dad's permission, blocked her from calling his cell phone as well. If Dave needs something, he can get through to us. She's a mess and until she gets clean, we're not getting in the middle of the use and abuse again.
Supposedly, she is starting rehab tomorrow three times a week. She needs inpatient rehab, three times a week is a joke and will do nothing but prolong the inevitable. I'm more concerened with shielding dad. His health has declined just in the time that I was in Ohio and I'm very concerned.
05-12-2014, 07:57 AM
How sad this is that you have another family member gone. My heart goes out to you dear friend. I am glad for you fathers sake he handled it well. Too bad your dad is deteriorating more, that is so hard to watch, I have been there. I am praying for you both for that glimmer of sunshine to touch your lives. I truly hope your sister is in rehab, as this is too much on top of all your other worries. You are too young for this, take care of yourself and Daisy. Blessings
molly muffin
05-12-2014, 01:23 PM
Valerie, so sorry to hear of the loss of your aunt and that your dad is not doing so well.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-13-2014, 01:38 AM
With everything going on lately, I needed a good laugh and decided to share.
Don't watch this while you're at work or near kids.
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