View Full Version : Daisy Mae - our sweet Daisy has crossed The Bridge
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12-28-2013, 09:08 AM
Ha :-) you make me laugh Addy. I'm sure that we'll have a blast. Another 71 degree night would be wonderful but it's going to be quite chilly.
molly muffin
12-28-2013, 12:15 PM
I'm with Addy, go and have a blast. I'm totally jealous and expect you'll have a great time. In fact, have some extra fun for us that aren't in the city on new years eve. :) :) :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
12-30-2013, 04:27 AM
The inside corner of Daisy's left eye looks very red but doesn't seem to be bothering her at all. I don't think it's cherry eye. I cleaned "eye goobers" from her face the other day. Hoping that I didn't accidentally harm her. :-(
I'll try cold compresses tomorrow and see if it makes a difference.
2014 better be calmer for all of us!
12-30-2013, 05:16 AM
Is your nose bleeding again, you are up often in the middle of the night! It's getting late here, 11.15pm, so I will be in bed soon :) I'm lucky to sleep well and Flynn hardly ever wants to go out in the night time.
Aww her poor little eye, hope it is better after a good nights sleep. I just soaked his paw in saline and wrapped it up again with the ointment. Gosh he hates that bandage, but at least it will keep some cream on it for a while to soak in. I fully expect it to be gone in the morning!
I'm another envious of your NYC New Years Eve, hope you get to see the ball drop!
12-30-2013, 05:24 AM
Nose is fine. I just couldn't sleep and then came down to look at Daisy Mae "monster's" eye. It actually looks tons better! I'm guessing that my rough cleaning irritated it a bit but it doesn't seem to bother her at all. Just me :)
There is a tiny red portion now, not like earlier. I dampened a paper towel and held it over her closed eye just in case. Rubbed very slightly to be sure that nothing was there.
No such luck getting anywhere near that ball dropping in NY. Last year, we went to an Amanda Palmer concert which was blocks away. We had to walk so far around the Times square area because everything was cordoned off for BLOCKS! We were frozen by the time we got to the concert! Amanda did a tribute to "Prince" which was a blast!
This is what Chris has picked out this year.
12-30-2013, 05:36 AM
Wow, cool!! Love those old movies, we will be wanting to hear all about it!!
Yeah I bet you just irritated bit of her eye, good that its looking better already. Sometimes those paper towels can be a bit irritating, maybe got a wee scratch.. I have done that to myself before :eek: I just checked the boy and the bandage is off already :mad: I am not going to put the cone of shame on him for that, at least it was on a half hour and the cream will have soaked in!
Right, I am off to bed... have a good sleep when you finally get there! Night x
12-30-2013, 05:55 AM
I'm going to bed too.
At least the creme had time to soak in! I hope that his paw is much improved soon.
12-30-2013, 07:29 AM
Keep a close watch on her to make sure she does not have a corneal laceration. They are easy to get. My one cat was in the hospital years ago and one of the attendants cleaned his eyes off after his operation. She lacerated his cornea. The next morning when he woke up his eye was huge. It cost me almost 10,000. by the end of his life to have the eye taken care of and saved. Other wise he would lose his eye and he had beautiful blue eyes. This scarred his eye permanently. paper towels and kleenex are the worst the Dr. told me. Only use a soft warm rag that you can control the edges of. After many years of doctoring with his eye and all that money spent he died of Cardiomyopathy. Go figure, Hope Daisy is better today. Blessings
12-30-2013, 02:34 PM
I don't think so Patti.
The inside corner was irritated. She's not blinking or messing with it at all and there is no change in size. It looks 90% better.
molly muffin
12-30-2013, 03:38 PM
Hope Daisy's eye continues to look better today.
Wow that looks like a great time. We Will want to hear all about it.
I agree, Times Square is a nightmare to get in and around on NYE, still it's a good time if you can stand being frozen and standing for that long. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-31-2013, 12:15 AM
Today is going to be a crazy day so I'm going to wish each one of you and your human and non-human family members a very Happy and healthy New Year!
God knows too many on this forum have gone through some extremely difficult times and others have had to make choices that no one deserves to make.
You all have helped Daisy and I immeasurably and I will NEVER ever forget the kindness, love, and knowledge that I've gained here. This forum truly saved Daisy's life as I was able to recognize what the early vets were doing wrong.
We thank you more than you'll ever know!
God Bless all of you and your loved ones in 2014. Praying that things are better for all of us and that those who have lost continue to find comfort, love, support, and virtual hugs here.
12-31-2013, 08:42 AM
A very Happy New Year back at you and yours, and have fun! Blessings
molly muffin
12-31-2013, 11:43 AM
Have a fun time Valerie, you deserve to enjoy something to start the new year.
Tonight, we all live vicariously through You!! :)
A very happy new year to you and Daisy and the gang, Chris and your dad.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-31-2013, 03:47 PM
Have fun and see you on the flip side :D
molly muffin
01-01-2014, 12:54 PM
Happy New Year Valerie and Daisy
I hope this year is better than last year and that it brings health and happiness to you and yours.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-02-2014, 12:52 AM
Happy New Year to you too Val, and of course to Daisy!! Hope that eye is all healed up!!
01-02-2014, 03:35 AM
Hi ladies!
NYE was an adventure. We were a bit disappointed with the venue as the cost for what we got was ridiculous. Still, we made the best of it :)
I planned on staying in Greenwich for a few days but drove back today because i was worried about the snow which has already begun.
Luckily, I was outside beginning to salt when a neighbor came by and gave me the phone number of someone with a plow! YIPPEEEE! I won't have to shovel all night long like the last time! You can't imagine how exciting this is for me :)
Thank you for the New Year's wishes and I send them right back.
I'm thinking that we should invite our vets to visit this forum. Having them read our all too real stories might spark them to begin or suggest research? I'm under the impression that the veterinary community may not realize how prevalent Cushings is.
What does everyone think?
01-02-2014, 06:04 AM
An adventure is a good way to start the New Year! I saw the ball drop on our news and I was wondering if you got close to it! Ohhh a digger, that sounds fun!!
I don't want my vet coming here, he might think I am more bonkers than he already suspects!! xxx
01-02-2014, 06:34 AM
"Bonkers" - you're not the only one but I think that's awesome :-) Makes life more interesting. Daisy's eye looks perfect.
01-02-2014, 07:05 AM
Excellent news re Daisy's eye!! Right 1am, bedtime for me :D
01-02-2014, 07:57 AM
So glad to hear you do not have to shovel. Sorry you were disappointed with your venue. At least you got away and had some time with Chris, so not all bad. So glad to hear Daisy's eye is better. Blessings
molly muffin
01-02-2014, 09:09 PM
Bummer about the venue not panning out as planned, but still a night away with Chris, has to be a pretty good start to the New Year. :)
Glad Daisy's eye is looking better too.
Yucky cold here too, blowing snow and the roads are currently pretty bad. I have a 4x4 and could feel it really digging in just getting to the store this evening.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-02-2014, 10:35 PM
snow today but not too bad. Dad went out for a bit, I stayed inside nice and warm. We're supposed to be hit really hard with the storm tonight, so grateful that I don't have to shovel!
01-03-2014, 07:53 AM
Nothing out there but ice under the snow. Stay in and stay safe Daisy and your dad need you. I hope you are not one of the ones with no power. We have over a 14 inches on the ground and counting. The wind howled all nite here. Blessings
01-04-2014, 02:14 AM
We have power Patti, but the pipes in the downstairs bathroom have frozen!
The temps might go as low as minus 15 tonight!
I went to the pet store, grocery shopping, and to have coffee with a friend. He has 4 wheel drive and picked me up.
This morning, I cleaned off the cars and brought them to the top part of the driveway. It wasgreat not to have to do all of that shoveling! I was excited when the Guy plowed. It was the tail end of the storm so he only had to do it once.
I carried Daisy down to her spot and then back inside again when she finished. So glad that she's quick in the Cold weather!
01-04-2014, 07:27 AM
Tipper always has loved the cold weather, it does not bother her, but physically not good on her heart. I am glad you got someone to plow. Maybe if you can run the hair dryer on the pipes downstairs and thaw them out, then let the faucet drip just a little. they say in this weather to turn you faucets on every few hours and let them run a few seconds. It is to be worse in the coming week, so they will stay frozen unless they get some heat. Will the landlord come and help? How is your dad doing in this weather? Stay warm and safe. Blessings
01-04-2014, 07:48 AM
Patti, the pipes froze in dad's bathroom. He owns the house. We'be tried everything, including having one of those jar candles lit underneath. We believe they're frozen under the house so not much that we can do.
Dad has been listening to me pretty well as far as staying inside goes. The sun is out so I'm hoping for more ice to melt. I may move the cars further up the driveway so that the sun hits more of it. Minus five right now. This is crazy! Even the cats want to stay in bed where it's warm.
Daisy likes the snow but not the cold. It becomes obvious once the temps are below 30 degrees. She's so low to the ground and really feels it.
molly muffin
01-04-2014, 10:16 AM
Eeeek. I did just hear that the weather is suppose to get colder this week. Hope no more pipes freeze. :(
It's hard for the animals in this cold weather. Finding a place to go potty for the dogs is really hard.
Take care
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-04-2014, 09:41 PM
I shovel a path for Daisy to use :)
molly muffin
01-04-2014, 09:52 PM
I would shovel a path for molly and normally her and I make a series of fun paths around the back yard, but right now, it's a layer of ice under the snow, about 2 - 4 or 5 inches thick in some spots. (Thanks for that, Toronto Ice Storm, grrrrrrr)
We'll manage making tracks out the front and down the driveway, I'll be shoveling tomorrow most likely.
*sigh* oh well, it's winter.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-05-2014, 04:19 AM
We don't have that much ice thank God.
Please be careful.
Dad's pipes unthawed!!!!! We were starting to worry that they would soon break.
Miss Daisy is doing well. Sometimes she doesn't quite finish a meal and leaves water in her bowl so I'm confident that her next ACTH will reflect this and that we won't need to increase the Trilostane. She's also not had diarrhea or any accidents inside. She holds it all night with no problem.
That would make me HAPPY!
01-05-2014, 07:26 AM
Yeahhhhhhhhh daisy goooooood job girly!
01-05-2014, 07:46 AM
Thanks Patti :-)
01-05-2014, 11:53 AM
So glad to read that Daisy is doing well, hope she keeps it up :D
molly muffin
01-05-2014, 11:58 AM
Daisy doing well is great news! :)
So glad the pipes thawed, that would have been an awful mess and expensive if they had burst.
Looks like the majority of our storm might come in tonight, but we are on the edge of either snow or freezing rain. I'm hoping for snow, I've had enough ice already this season.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-08-2014, 11:48 AM
Thanks for the information, I am sure I will be using it. Keep safe and warm, as it is still frigid here. Blessings
01-08-2014, 06:07 PM
You're welcome Patti.
Ice is no fun at all Sharlene and more snow to cover it and keep it from melting. Yuk!
Unless something changes, we're in for a lot of rain this weekend. Daisy and I are in Greenwich until Sunday.
I am quite behind on my private investigation work because of the storms. Monday will be the day to catch up. I don't like things hanging over my head but ice is ice and some towns, like dad's, don't plow until a storm has completely finished which stinks.
Stay safe and warm!
01-08-2014, 06:48 PM
Hi Valerie,
I'm guessing the storms have messed up your rescheduling of Daisy's ACTH since I was thinking it had been planned for right after New Year's? Do you have a new date set yet so that we can send you good wishes for a good test?
01-08-2014, 07:32 PM
Exactly Marianne,
Rescheduled for tomorrow at 11am.
01-08-2014, 07:45 PM
Hi Val,
Glad to hear that Daisy is doing well!! Hope she doesn't mind the polar temps too much!! :D Trixie doesn't seem to mind the cold, normally I don't mind it either but these temps have been crazy so I have only taken her on short walks!!
We had frozen pipes out at my mother's house too!! Trying to get that house ready to be on the market. Last thing we needed was a burst pipe. Luckily the plumber came and zapped the pipe with something and thankfully the water is running again. So happy we didn't have a catastrophe! Guess a thaw and rain are coming our way this weekend. :rolleyes:
01-08-2014, 08:01 PM
Ugh! Glad the pipes didn't burst Barbara.
Daisy feels the cold but she goes out, does what she needs to and comes right back in. No dawdling.
01-09-2014, 07:33 AM
Valerie and Daisy, good luck today with the ACTH testing!
01-09-2014, 08:12 AM
Good luck today on Daisy's testing. I am hoping her numbers are good. Still very frigid here Tipper is going to laser therapy today. Blessings
01-09-2014, 03:27 PM
Daisy had her ACTH test today as well as liver values check etc. Set me back $663 but it needed to be done.
I asked the vet tech if the chemical used in the ACTH test could cause diarrhea because Daisy has some for a day or two after the last test. Nope, so we guessed that it was stress related. I gave her canned pumpkin with dinner last night and breakfast this morning. It did the trick!
We left the vet and she promptly had to poop 3 times outside but it was normal, so obviously the diarrhea was stress related and not induced by the test itself.
Princess Daisy is home asleep on the couch all snuggled up.
Cornell gets their tests back lightning fast so we should have the results tomorrow and I'll ask for everything to be sent to me via email like I always do and I'll post here.
It's sunny here but 29 degrees and falling. Rain expected for the whole weekend, better than snow~
Of course, while I'm in Greenwich, dad's aide was removed from his case once again. I called the agency asking what is going on because we've had so many aide changes lately that it's ridiculous and whenever they change, there's a day or two without anyone. I am less than happy :(
I need a vacation, somewhere warm, where I can take Daisy and 2 cats for a month! Nice to dream :)
01-09-2014, 03:33 PM
So glad you got everything done. Now you will know where Daisy stands as far as the numbers go. I guess her diarrhea was really from stress. Good idea you gave her the pumpkin. Hope all is good when you get it back. Blessings
molly muffin
01-09-2014, 04:41 PM
Gads, it's it awful how much it cost to test them to make sure they are doing okay. Feels like hwy robbery. :( I'll moan and groan with you. I keep thinking that we need to head somewhere south too. :)
How about Florida, load Chris, your dad, the animals up and go. Find one of those places like on You have to search but can find some decent prices.
I hope Daisy's numbers all come back good and you won't have to worry about that for awhile.
hang in there! Frustrating about your dad's aide. :(
01-09-2014, 08:33 PM
I know! I just can't get ahead it seems. I'm hoping that Daisy's numbers are good too but she does have hind leg weakness. We'll see, they should have the results tomorrow.
01-09-2014, 08:49 PM
Hoping that Daisy,s numbers are good tomorrow. That's shocking about your dads aide I wouldn,t be happy either.
I need a holiday too, somewhere warm I think we should all gather up the animals and head to where its warm, well one can dream :cool:
01-09-2014, 09:56 PM
Oh how I wish that we could! It would be a blast!
I love the message at the bottom of your posts, so cute and the visual that I get makes me smile.
01-10-2014, 08:03 AM
I am not calling about my neighbor until the 17th as I need to find out what all will be decided about her condition. When I find out I will then do what needs done to help her. She may go to a nursing home so that is why I am waiting to see. I am sorry Daisy is having hind leg weakness, that is so hard to see. This disease affects do much of their body that they never look the same. I have taken video of Tipper throughout this ordeal, I never played it back, but I am sure you can see her declining health on it and her body morphing into a skeletal state. My God why is there no one researching this killer disease? Hoping for good numbers for Miss Daisy. Blessings
01-10-2014, 08:27 AM
Daisy had her ACTH test today as well as liver values check etc. Set me back $663 but it needed to be done.
Yikes, that is awfully expensive for a routine blood panel and ACTH! :eek: Even if the combo of basic blood chemistries and cell counts cost as much as $150, that would still put the ACTH at over $500 if nothing else was done. Did Daisy have any additional testing performed that jacked up the cost?
If not, I am really surprised if Cornell can't lower the cost of their ACTH testing given the number of dogs they see: surely they could get multiple uses out of a single vial of stimulating agent when testing small dogs, of which Daisy is one. Depending upon how much you were charged for the ACTH, I'd sure ask Dr. Morgan about this before the next test:
01-10-2014, 08:51 AM
That price just kind of rocked me too. What all did they do for that?
01-10-2014, 04:35 PM
Wow Bleeding Heck no 2!! That is worse than Barbaras and Trixie's which made me gasp!! But you did have the ACTH, crikey that's terrible price Valerie. Finger's crossed for good results to make it all worth it! Have a good weekend away :) xx
Budsters Mom
01-10-2014, 05:18 PM
Holy Crap Valerie! I was paying $387 for an ACTH and about $160 for bloodwork here in CA and that is HIGH! $663 is outrageous! Are you sure you didn't have any other tests done? :eek::eek::eek:
01-10-2014, 05:42 PM
That is a very high cost.. but, I wonder if they pass on a larger portion of the cost of the cortrosyn to you, no matter how much you actually use?
I just worked this out with my vet. They run ACTH tests so rarely, that if they have to run one, they charge for half the bottle upfront to the person getting the test done, even when they are only using a fourth of it for that actual test. This happens because they usually only run one test and then don't need to run another one and waste the cortrosyn. I paid for an entire bottle of cortrosyn today. But, the trade off is that the next five tests that get run, I should not have to pay for any more of it, because I bought the whole bottle.
01-10-2014, 08:37 PM
Honestly, I can't remember exactly what tests they ran but will know more when they send me the results via email.
Doc says that Daisy looks great and that she is happy with that. Besides the Cushings, she believes that there is something underlying but not life threatening going on with Daisy's liver that we'll address once the Cushings is sufficiently controlled. We're increasing the Trilostane from 12mg twice a day to 15mg twice a day.
AlkP was 3200 compared to 4000 the last time, so we're getting there.
I'll post the exact numbers once I receive them.
01-10-2014, 08:55 PM
Yay another lower liver count!! Maybe I should get Flynn's done again if this trend keeps up! Go Daisy, although I imagine ACTH is a tad high if you are upping the dose. Hope her tummy behaves as I seem to remember you had trouble with that earlier x
01-10-2014, 09:06 PM
We did, that's why we're continuing with the Tylan powder sprinkled on her food.
It works wonders and you can use it long term.
She said that Daisy looks great and we agreed that her symptoms have lessened considerably. Testing again in a month.
molly muffin
01-10-2014, 09:50 PM
Great news Valerie! And yay for liver numbers coming down! We'll take it every time! :)
01-10-2014, 10:32 PM
Daisy's results.
She played fetch with one of her toys tonight. She hasn't wanted to do that for quite some time now.
01-11-2014, 01:25 AM
Hi Val,
Yay for Daisy!! Liver numbers down--woohoo!! I got test Trixie's results back today too and her liver numbers also went down. It's a relief isn't it? :)
Hope Daisy's tummy upset is over...probably just got stressed out from the vet and the testing...who wouldn't!!
Glad she's doing so well. Hope that you get the aide situation worked out for your Dad. There are not enough affordable services to care for senior citizens in their home.
I think the prices at the vet for tests in the NY Metro are so high...the CBC at our vet is $200. Don't recall the ACTH but it's way high I am not surprised by your total.
Enjoy the weekend...too bad we're going to get heavy rain, not great for walking the pups!!
01-11-2014, 02:44 AM
oh that's great news!!!!
I sent an article that Marianne (I think) posted about splitting the cortysyn to save money to Daisy's IMS. She said that they already do that, yet it still cost $369 for an ACTH! I'm thinking that we're helping to fund someone's veterinary education over there :(
She wants to repeat in a month! This is getting ridiculously expensive but I'm hopeful that this increase will be the last for quite some time given the overall good report today.
I sent her IMS an email asking if Daisy's general vet can attempt to drain the mucocele on her neck. I know that they come back, but maybe it would get it out of her way for a little while? Waiting for a response to that question.
I called the agency that supplies dad's aide and discuss my disappointment with them. They explained that they contract aide's from different places. I was shocked and told them that this is become more frequent and is not acceptable.
My father is not one to complain, her never was so when something like this happens I am left to pick up the mess and he's bummed out that the aide is changing again. Bottom line, I suggested that they start screening these people before sending them out to their cases. I don't think that went over too well.
I also told her that I've had a scarf and a few small items stolen, and yes I did report it but heard nothing.
Daisy and I will head back to dad's on Sunday. I've been calling dad twice a day which he seems a bit annoyed with :)
01-11-2014, 07:40 AM
I think that it is crazy that they are charging you that much, but lets face it this is a hostage situation. What else can you do right? You either have to pay or not get the testing done. My vet is outrageous too. I think he is using the method to save money but still charging me the full price. I am so sorry about the aids, that is terrible that they are stealing off of you. Get a camera in your room when they are there and you aren't. This has to be hard on your dad too. It is pouring down rain here and melting all the snow. Blessings
01-11-2014, 12:17 PM
Valerie - do you have the option of having the ACTH done at another clinic, like with a general vet, and then just share the results with the IMS? $369 just seems outrageous. I have to wonder if you are paying more because she is an IMS.
molly muffin
01-11-2014, 07:23 PM
Hi Valerie,
I haven't had a lot of time today to really spend much time on the forum, but I did download your report.
I know you are happy that the cortisol is coming down and that is good, it is taking a bit of time though and that is worrying in light of some of the other things on the report which at least causes me some concern and I was wondering if you spoke with Dr. Morgan about these issues. The ALT and the GGT specifically have both risen. These are liver specific issues, that could be going up due to the cortisol remaining too high for Daisy's body and causing liver damage. That is bothers me and I would hope that Dr. Morgan and you have had a chat about that and the gall bladder. Even though the ALKP has come down some, we've seen several times where the gall bladder has caused the ALKP numbers to be very high when there is something wrong. I am guessing that the kidney issues is mentioned because of still seeing protein?
Does Dr. Morgan have a plan in place to address these issues? They just scare the bejeebes out me is why I mention it.
My initial thought is that it is really important to try to get the cortisol at a place, where it will be causing the least amount of internal problems as possible. I hope this increase will help to do that, but it would make it extra important to make sure that it Is going down, or another increase will definitely be needed.
What are your thoughts on this from the report?
I just can't bear the thought of anything happening to little Daisy, who has been such a trooper and continues to be a champ.
01-11-2014, 10:38 PM
that is exactly the plan. Get the cortisol under control and then address the other issues. Dr. Morgan doesn't believe that there is permanent damage and she doesn't see renal failure or anything like that going on.
She believes that some of this is due to cushings, but that something else could also be going on. Daisy is to continue the Tylan powder and the Urisidol in addition to the 15mg of Trilo twice a day.
Dr. Morgan did note that the liver size has decreased which is good.
01-12-2014, 07:45 AM
Did you get an answer on the draining of the mucocele? That would probably make her more comfortable. I think Tipper's cortisol is creeping back up she is starting with the hungry stuff at nite again and I have to leave her alone of she will claw at me until she gets food. Blessings
01-13-2014, 11:28 AM
Please say a prayer for my Tipper Wednesday. Blessings
01-17-2014, 05:12 PM
Hi Valerie
How you and Daisy doing? Hopefully you are sleeping better, I seem to have been doing that quite a bit at night.. on the couch... with the TV going! Doh, hate waking up after midnight and dragging myself to bed!
I cannot read your report, it won't load for some reason. But I hope the cortisol comes right down soon and you can address the liver issues. xx
01-17-2014, 08:49 PM
We finally received the 15mg of Trilostane in the mail today and I gave Daisy her first dose at 4pm today. Right now, she's crashed out on the couch which isn't unusual at night.
01-18-2014, 08:30 AM
I am hoping the 15mg of trilostane works out for Daisy. I know how expensive it is to keep changing doses. Thank you for you support with Tipper this has been an exceptionally hard week for me worrying about her tumor etc. I am hoping your dad is doing well. Please pray for Grace that this virus is not contagious so she can stay here. Blessings
01-18-2014, 05:49 PM
Patti, we're all in this together.
Daisy would be dead if it weren't for what I learned here. I'll never forget that!
Yes, I am praying for Grace. She sounds so much like Annabelle Lee who is at least mostly Maine Coon from what we can figure out.
They have super sweet dispositions! I'm so in love with her and am happy that she's assimilated nicely into our family.
01-19-2014, 08:32 AM
How is Daisy adjusting to the dosage change? Grace is at my feet laying on her back spread eagle and purring so loud she sounds like a little purr machine. I pray to God I can keep her here. Belssings
01-19-2014, 03:39 PM
Picture alert for Grace, as I know you wanted to see her.
01-20-2014, 05:00 PM
Hoping that the new dosage is suiting Daisy :)
01-20-2014, 11:30 PM
So far, so good with the new dosage! Praying that it stays that way!
We're expecting another 10" of snow starting midday tomorrow.
Not looking forward to it all, but so glad that we found a guy who plows for $35, that includes clearing the sidewalk!
Stay warm and dry everyone!
01-21-2014, 08:09 AM
We had light snow last nite, but I see another clipper coming our way. So glad you have a guy to plow the drive etc. That is too much for you shoveling all that. Are you working lately. If so be careful out there as it is to get bad again. Glad Daisy is doing well on this new dose. Blessings
01-21-2014, 12:58 PM
No new assignments Patti. It's been slow but I'm happy to not travel in this weather.
01-27-2014, 07:18 AM
Daisy hasn't been herself the past few days. She's been eating less and today she barely touched breakfast, had a soft poop accident overnight, and walked slowly and wobbly to go outside this morning.
No Trilostane given last night or this morning and I emailed the IMS vet telling her that we need t lower the dosage and I also asked if something else could be going on because of the test results and how that could affect the recent ACTH test.
No vomiting or diarrhea so I'm praying that we got this early.
01-27-2014, 08:10 AM
Sorry to hear Daisy is having some problem. How many mgs was the dosage raised? Doesn't she have a history of doing poorly when her dosage is raised? I could be mistaken as it is hard to keep all this straight. Hope you caught her in time that she will get on track now. Blessings
molly muffin
01-27-2014, 01:12 PM
Oh Valerie, so sorry that Daisy is not doing well. Has she shown any improvment with the with holding of the vetroyl last night and this morning?
Has the vet called you back yet?
Thinking of you and Daisy
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-27-2014, 01:17 PM
Oh Valerie sorry to hear daisy hasn't been well. Fingers crossed she will feel better soon
01-27-2014, 02:03 PM
So far, the IMS hasn't responded to my email. She raised her dose from 12mg twice a day to 15mg twice a day.
Is a 6mg increase common? It seems a lot consider is a 1/4 increase. No vomitting or other accidents so far.
01-27-2014, 04:55 PM
Daisy didn't eat breakfast but I added canned pumpkin to a fresh meal and she ate that. I think that she knows that pumpkin helps her stomach :) She was a bit perkier but went back to bed after eating.
Still waiting to hear from the IMS so I'm not giving her any Trilo until then.
01-27-2014, 05:38 PM
I am hoping the IMS calls you soon. Daisy does like that pumpkin!! Hope she is better by tomorrow, good thing you are with holding the trilo I would too. Blessings
01-27-2014, 11:01 PM
Hi everyone,
Daisy has perked up a bit. I gave her some boiled hamburger as a treat tonight. She's still somewhat unsteady on her feet, I lightly bumped her and she fell over on her side but got right back up.
No vomiting or diarrhea just very loose stools tonight. I am hoping that she doesn't have another accident during the night though. Yuck.
I'm guessing that Dr. Morgan isn't in today and she usually monitors her email. Hopefully I'll hear from her tomorrow. Not giving Trilo again until I do.
If she lowers the dosage and Daisy is back to her old self, I will give one dose of the 15mg once a day until the new script comes in so that she's getting something.
01-28-2014, 05:45 AM
Hope you hear from the IMS soon Valerie, yay her appetite picked up so that has to be a good. Do I remember correctly that she has done similar before with dose changes.... poor wee girl, hope she perks up soon once her body gets used to the new dose xx
01-28-2014, 05:52 AM
Yes Trish,
You are correct. I also asked the doc in another email if we could try Anipryl and asked about radiation and if that option will be available in the US soon.
I'd love to not have Daisy on meds if there is another option since she seems to be sensitive to them.
I love how you phrase things, poor wee girl - so cute and accurate :-)
I haven't slept in almost 2 days. Just took melatonin so I'm going to try.
01-28-2014, 05:58 AM
Yikes, two days... your eyes must be hanging out. Get some rest or you will be no use to anyone!! But she has been so good on the correct dose though, I guess you know it does take a while to get it right and it must just be awful seeing her not so well, but I bet once you get it sorted again she will bounce back!! Now off to bed Valerie!! Melatonin, a nice hot milo, hot bath and I bet you sleep for ages! xxxx
01-28-2014, 06:01 AM
What is a milo?
01-28-2014, 06:02 AM
Hmmmm no milo in USA?!? It is a hot chocolate drink, best made with hot milk with gingernuts to dunk in it :D
01-28-2014, 08:36 AM
I am hopeful that your IMS will call today. You are doing good withholding the Trilo, and giving the hamburger meat to keep her eating. It seems a lot of the dogs are having problems this week. Blessings
01-28-2014, 03:45 PM
How is Daisy doing today. I hope you got some sleep.
Mmm Milo I love it, not with gingernuts though Trish, I put mini marshmallows in mine yummy :)
01-28-2014, 05:41 PM
Just wanted to check on Daisy Mae this afternoon. Sending lots of prayers.
01-28-2014, 05:49 PM
Daisy is back to her old self today.
I did receive a lengthy email from the IMS, I like that we can have a one on one intelligent discussion and that she clearly doesn't take offense to my questions etc.
I'm going to try the new dosage again with pumpkin and if Daisy exhibits the same symptoms, I'll stop and we'll try maybe 14mg twice a day and see how that goes.
Here is the email from the doc, which I've found impressive and it does make sense.
"Hi Valerie,
How long has Daisy Mae been on the new dosage of trilostane? How many days has she exhibited/did she exhibit the signs about which you are concerned? I ask this because each time we increase the dosage of trilostane, the same concerns arise, and each time prior to this, the concerns have eventually resolved after giving her more time on the new dosage. I can tell you that it's highly unlikely, given the amount that we increased the dosage and her previous ACTH stimulation tests, that she is Addisonian at this point. I don't have a problem with going back to the previous dosage, but we have to realize that based on her previous diagnostic testing (ACTH stimulation test, chemistry panel, urinalysis), we do not have control over her Cushing's with this dosage of trilostane. We are seeing a gradual improvement in the the control based on the serial ACTH stimulation testing, but we are not in our target range by a long shot.
Yes, there are many diseases that cause liver enzymes to increase. The way to prove that Daisy's are elevated due to Cushing's would be to biopsy her liver, which is an anesthetic procedure with a lot of cost and certain risks associated with it. I can absolutely guarantee that the Cushing's is at least playing a major role in her liver enzyme elevations. I also think that it is likely playing a role in her gall bladder dysmotility. Similarly, I can guarantee that the Cushing's is playing a role in the protein loss that we are identifying on her urinalysis. Also similarly, the only way to prove that this is the only issue would be to obtain a biopsy of the kidneys--also costly, and potentially more risky that biopsying the liver. The most cost effective way to determine how much of this is the Cushing's and how much (if any) is something else is to control the Cushing's and monitor the protein in the urine and the liver enzymes. My feeling is that all of this is Cushing's associated.
There was one bloodwork change which bothered me more than the others, which was the increased potassium level. This is suggestive of a low aldosterone level. One cause of a low aldosterone level is Addison's disease. However, Daisy Mae's high cholesterol levels rule out Addison's disease. Therefore, this may be primary hypoaldosteronism (meaning that only the layer of the adrenal gland that produces Aldosterone is dysfunctional), or it may be a condition called hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism, in which the low aldosterone levels are being caused by decreased production of a hormone called renin by the kidneys. I suspect that later differential, but certainly either is possible. Neither of these is a reported side effect of trilostane therapy, and neither is it a reported consequence of Cushing's disease. However, it may be that chronic protein loss through the kidneys (which can occur due to Cushing's) may be damaging the kidneys, resulting in low renin production and thus a low aldosterone level. The way for us to best diagnostically evaluate this problem would be to run an ACTH stimulation test looking at cortisol and aldosterone levels at the same time, and also to run a renin level. However, the other way would be to try to better control the Cushing's and re-evaluate the amount of protein loss through the kidneys and the electrolyte levels.
Regarding anipryl, this drug is a commonly used medication for canine cognitive dysfunction. It has been used in cases of Cushing's disease, and would be expected to be effective in only about 10% of cases of canine Cushing's, which are those in which the mass in the pituitary is only affecting the intermediate pituitary gland. This treatment was adapted from the treatment that is used in horses with Cushing's disease--the difference being that almost all cases of equine Cushing's disease affect the intermediate pituitary, whereas, in dogs, 90% affect the anterior pituitary gland. While this drug will likely not do any harm, it is unlikely to effectively treat a case of canine Cushing's disease.
Radiation therapy is typically used in cases in which the small mass within the pituitary (also known as a microadenoma) becomes much larger (also known as a macroadenoma) causing vague neurological signs (such as a sudden loss of appetite in a previously ravenous dog, disorientation, blindness, and lethargy). Radiation therapy has been shown to improve the neurological signs associated with the macroadenoma, but has been shown less effective at treating the endocrine consequences of Cushing's disease (which are the clinical signs that Daisy has). Certainly, radiation therapy is also very expensive, and it would require a CT scan or an MRI scan of the brain prior to the radiation therapy for radiation planning purposes. We have a wonderful radiation oncologist in our area (he works at the Veterinary Cancer Center in Norwalk), and he may have experience treating cases with microadenomas that has not been published. You are welcome to set up a consultation with him if you'd like--his name is Dr. John Farrelly.
Thanks very much,
Megan Morgan"
01-29-2014, 07:54 AM
Lots of information to think about! This disease is so darn complicated. I am hoping you can get Daisy to a place where the dosage controls the cortisol without making her sick. This is a very hard balancing act. Blessings
01-29-2014, 01:31 PM
Hi Val,
I hope Daisy is even better today and her body is adjusting to the new dose. Thank you for posting that very informational email from the vet. I really appreciate it because Trixie has many of the same things as Daisy and your vets evaluation is helpful for me to read and know. Trixie's liver levels did come down, but remain high as compared to the norm. However this time my vet said they may always remain high...he never admitted that before, but he did also recommend we do another ultrasound just to be sure.
Trixie has been holding at the 14mg twice a day dose.
It's so hard to judge any tummy issues that arise. The other day she inhaled some treats I gave her and about 10 minutes later she threw up. When that happens I go right into worry mode. Had to chalk it up to a bunch of unchewed treats because she acted totally fine the rest of the day. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and it never did...whew...dodged another bullet. I did go with a white rice supper for her just in case. No more vomiting and no diarrhea the rest of the day so by 10pm pill time I knew she was just fine and gave the meds, but it's always a judgement call. In Daisy's case I guess it's very good to know that she does have a body adjustment to the increased dose. I hope she's doing fine now and that the new dose doesn't cause anymore problems.
01-31-2014, 12:17 AM
you're quite welcome! I've learned so much here and even so, as I read the IMS doc's email - there is so much more to learn for all of us.
Daisy left a few pieces of food in her bowl tonight but I suspect that my father didn't close the gate properly and she might have eaten the cats" dinner. If that's the case then the little piggie should be full :)
I was out running errands with a friend whose heater core blew in his SUV and wasn't home to know for sure.
It sounds like Trixie might have eaten the treats too fast and they came back up. That can happen. I'm glad that she's better now.
I know how complicated balancing all of this is. It's crazy.
01-31-2014, 10:08 AM
I am hoping Daisy is a bit better today, and that she is adjusting to the new dosage. She just seems to be very sensitive to the trilo. Hoping you are getting better weather today as Tipper actually walked!! She was thrilled. Blessings
01-31-2014, 02:21 PM
So far, so good!
I've been giving her a spoonful of pumpkin with the Trilo as well as her food to be sure that her stomach ism't bothering her.
Since we waited almost a week for the new prescription, some of her symptoms really started coming back so now I'm waiting for the new normal and then if that continues and she eats, we'll be fine.
02-01-2014, 02:26 AM
Very informative article concerning treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs and a few things to watch out for.]
02-01-2014, 05:01 AM
Hi Valerie, glad Daisy is doing better and her tummy is settling with the added pumpkin. Gosh your IMS is great, that email would have taken ages to write so she is really going the extra mile for you guys... that is awesome!! x
02-01-2014, 05:55 AM
We do like her a lot and Daisy doesn't get nervous going there. It's weird.
02-01-2014, 07:39 AM
Just checking in on you and Daisy. Hope things are still going well. We have better weather again this morning, but looking like some precipitation soon. Blessings
molly muffin
02-01-2014, 10:13 AM
Hi Valerie, thanks for posting that. I've been reading it as I can this morning. I won't have time to go through and follow all the links today, but it makes you thinks twice doesn't about what you are paying for when it comes to the care of our animals.
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-01-2014, 01:16 PM
So far, so good on the new dose. I guess that she just needs time to adapt when we change.
Gorgeous day today. A bit chilly In Greenwich compared to dad's house. Greenwich still has snow on the ground whereas iit's almost gone in Bristol.
It sure does Sharlene, but nothing should surprise us when it comes to the pharmaceutical companies. Just look at all of the commercials on TV with lawsuits and warnings.
Valerie, I am so sorry to hear about Daisy. Back in the early days of treating Zoe, her IBD would flare at every dose change. I would increase her metronidazole a tad and she would adjust. Eventually, she stopped doing that. Maybe you could increase her Tylan a tad beofre the dose change and then a few days after? I have never used Tylan so I dont know how much you can give of it.
Just thinking out loud.
I hope you have a better weekend!
02-01-2014, 05:56 PM
Addy, the pumpkin works great thankfully. I try to avoid meds when I can.
02-02-2014, 08:02 AM
Glad to hear Daisy is still doing well. It's funny how Daisy loves the pumpkin and Tipper hates it and will not touch it. We have snow on the ground and much colder this morning. No walking until the temps go up today. Blessings
02-05-2014, 07:23 AM
I took Daisy out at 4:45 am and the snow on the ground was just starting to accumulate. At 7:10 am I thought that I would clear the cars off once so as to not have to do all of it. We have at least 8 inches of snow already! Up and over my boots with no sign of stopping. 5 - 9 inches my frozen butt.
Daisy is doing well on her newest dose. I guess that it takes her a few days to adjust or it could be that I almost never get the meds before running out of the previous script so she has a day or two without which is not good for her but what can I do.
Stay warm and safe everyone and Patti if you're getting this crap, please stay home.
02-05-2014, 08:35 AM
We got the same thing you did and more is coming down in rain, sleet and snow interchangeably what a mess it is out there. Stay safe and don't be shoveling this crap. glad Daisy is doing well on the meds now. Blessings
02-05-2014, 04:12 PM
Crikey, I will have to send you a snorkel if you go out in that weather, you will lose Daisy outside :eek: Hope tummy troubles are in the past now xxxxx
molly muffin
02-05-2014, 04:18 PM
We're getting it here too. Snow blower and shovel going strong. I had to get out to brave it to the dentist, but luckily it's just down the hill and around the corner. :)
Stay safe
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-05-2014, 06:48 PM
OMG Sharlene! I would've rescheduled the appointment.
Our snowblower is broken so we hired a guy to plow and clear the sidewalk but they forgot to make a path for the mailman so I did. I'm still stuck with cleaning and moving the cars though. I got one out, can't do anymore so dad's van and my Camry will sit there until Spring.
Trish, the top layer of snow is frozen so Daisy pooped on top of the snow wall :) I will try to remember to take a picture of her the next time that we go out. We're supposed to get even more- two more storms. :(
I want to know who pissed off Mother Nature in New England.
Can it PLEASE blow out to sea?
02-05-2014, 07:56 PM
You are too funny, you always come thru when I need a good laugh. We are buried in snow here too, and it's still coming down. We are now getting some extra treat with lake effect snow now. Tipper is not well again tonite,I am worried
as things are mounting up, and how many times can I find a way out?? Blessings
02-05-2014, 10:44 PM
Awwww, poor Tipper. What is going on with her?
02-06-2014, 07:46 AM
This thyroid is making her sick and laying around and sleeping. I am worried about her and we were up most of the nite again. This needs to get corrected and my vet is giving me a hard time as usual. See my post and it will tell what is going on. I am worn out from this fight with him every time something happens he is either not in or just ignores it and I can't take any more. Blessings
02-07-2014, 02:30 AM
I saw your post and I would honestly ask the cardiologist and the IMS to help you find another vet in your area who will work with them to help Tipper.
You spend far too much time arguing and correcting this guy! No way should anyone go through that and he's clearly not as good as he's been made out to be.
Cushings is a learning process for most people and vets too but to have to fight this guy all of the time is just not right.
02-07-2014, 07:56 AM
I know I need to find someone else. I am so busy with my critters it is hard to do. That is why I have minimal contact with him. I can't stand the things he does they just are not right. When I hear people in his office singing his praises I want to throw up. Hope Daisy is still doing well. Blessings
02-07-2014, 03:22 PM
So far, so good with Daisy. I just reordered her Trilostane and Urisidol. Hoping it gets here before we run out.
02-07-2014, 03:41 PM
Good to hear Daisy is doing well, hoping she continues this :)
Harley PoMMom
02-07-2014, 08:06 PM
So happy to hear that Daisy is feeling much better!!
Sophies Mom
02-08-2014, 12:19 AM
So far, so good with Daisy. I just reordered her Trilostane and Urisidol. Hoping it gets here before we run out.
Glad to hear Daisy is doing better on her new dose of Trilistane. Why do you have her on Urisidol?
Barbara and Sophie, (New York, USA), canine, 10 YO, F, Spayed, Weight 19 lbs, Dx PDH 11/24/13, started 10mg 2x a day of Vetoryl x one month, no other medicines or supplements, diet chicken organics by Nature, Last Stim 1/16/14 Pre 6.0 Post 13. Going up to 20mg of Trilo 2x a day.
02-08-2014, 12:48 AM
Barbara, the Urisidol is for gallbladder "sludge".
Me too, her recent ACTH indicates that we're still far off from being controlled.
02-08-2014, 07:34 AM
Hi Valerie:
I am so tired Tipper has been up all nite and at 5:00 wanted out of bed. I have had 4 days of this and can't hardly take and more. I need to talk to the IMS and get Tipper some meds. I am going to give her melatonin tonite. Glad Daisy is still doing well with her med. Blessings
Sophies Mom
02-08-2014, 10:42 PM
Barbara, the Urisidol is for gallbladder "sludge".
Me too, her recent ACTH indicates that we're still far off from being controlled.
Valerie, what were the numbers from her last ACTH? How long has daisy been diagnosed with cushings?
Sophie's next ACTH is Feb 18. I hope her numbers are better with her dose up to 20mg 2x a day now.
02-08-2014, 11:38 PM
Daisy was diagnosed in May of 2013.
ACTH -3.4 --> 16.2
I know how it feels to be sleep deprived.
Hoping that the melatonin works for Tipper. All of you need rest.
02-09-2014, 08:46 AM
It did not work and we up all nite. I will have meds for her on Monday if I have to go to a pharmacy and get them myself. I am so sick of her suffering for 5 days now and me too. We have and are getting more snow! Blessings
02-09-2014, 03:39 PM
I hope that the meds work. You might think of crating her at night though so that you both can sleep and you'll know that she can't injure herself while you do sleep.
Budsters Mom
02-09-2014, 03:57 PM
I have to agree with Valerie on this one. You need to get some rest whether Tipper sleeps or not. If not at night, then during the day. I know that it is hard. Buddy went several weeks without resting well at night. I couldn't sleep either. I was beyond exhausted. You need to find something that works for both of you. I laid on the floor many nights right by Buddy's bed, so he could touch me. That helped him settle and rest. I would crawl back in bed after I was sure he was asleep. Sometimes he would settle quickly. Other times, he couldn't settle at all, so I would stay on the floor all night. If crating Tipper is the ony way you are able to get some rest, then do it. She probably won't like it, but she'd be safe. XXXXXX
Budsters Mom
02-09-2014, 04:01 PM
Oops! So sorry Valerie. I posted my last post on your thread by mistake. I will copy it on the Patti's thread. xxxxxx
02-09-2014, 04:10 PM
No problem, it doesn't bother me at all.
02-09-2014, 04:50 PM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for the crating suggestions. Tipper is resting right now she has a bad time earlier panting, drinking and whining which she never does. She is so out of sorts she is starting to make me really nervous. I cannot wait till morning to get her some meds. I always know what is wrong with Tipper and it is her thyroid mimicking cushings symptoms. This dog has suffered enough so I will have meds tomorrow not matter what. She is really drinking the water and my guess is that this thyroid has been slowly getting bad for a few months now and it is really bad now. These symptoms are really bad and I am worried. I have left her to sleep a bit and play with Grace. I am glad I cleaned the house and that is not a worry now and it makes me feel better knowing it is done. I think I have told everyone how much I hate dusting so I am happy it is done. Delora called me crying that she is bleeding a lot and I told her she is going to have to call her son, I cannot do anymore. She called back and said they will call the cancer specialist tomorrow. All I need is another cat to take care of!! It is still snowing here from this morning, we must have another 6 inches. I hope the roads are good tomorrow cause we have to be at the vets no matter what. My baby needs this Soloxine badly. I just finished washing all the clothes so I can take a rest when we get home tomorrow as we do not go to therapy until the 27th thank God. Hoping I get some info from my IMS but she is usually off a few days and when she gets back she is jammed with things so it may be to Wednesday before I get an email from her. Blessings
02-09-2014, 05:09 PM
Sorry I posted on your thread by mistake- did not meant to hijack it!!
02-09-2014, 11:01 PM
No worries Patti.
I hope that you get a solution for Tipper's restlessness tomorrow.
It's snowing again and they expect more on Thursday. We have nowhere else to put it!
02-10-2014, 02:56 PM
What an awful appointment. I am mentally exhausted from it. You will have to see my post. Hope you and Daisy are well. The roads were a mess this morning.
02-10-2014, 06:43 PM
I'm glad that you're home safe Patti. I will check it out Patti. Hugs.
02-11-2014, 08:20 AM
I seriously don't know how I kept from hitting him yesterday, but I am over my limit with him. Glad I have no dealings going on with him for a while so I can calm down. When you mess with Tipper I will really not tolerate you so he is lucky I did not whack him a good one. Blessings
02-11-2014, 08:24 AM
Now Patti,
I live much too far away to be able to bail you out of jail.
Please behave yourself :-)
I am very glad that you gave him a verbal witch slapping. I'm sure he had much to think about that night.
Maybe the IMS or cardiologist can recommend someone as "good" who is willing to learn and work with you instead of being stuck on their own ego? It's worth asking about.
02-12-2014, 09:04 AM
Hope you and Daisy are well. Tipper really had a lot of seizure activity last nite. It is scary to watch. We are both resting on the bed as I am not feeling great this morning. I just don',t know where to go with Tipper's number being low again. This is some what like a chess game, it wears on you. Blessings
02-12-2014, 02:33 PM
Awww, I'm sorry Patti. So the meds aren't helping much it seems.
I hope that you both get rest today.
We're expecting another 8 - 12" of snow starting tonight into Friday.
Stay safe and warm.
02-12-2014, 07:12 PM
Tipper seems to be doing better with her Soloxine. I think her thyroid was really making her feel badly. She seemed happier and more with it today. I just saw a Noreaster is coming , I don't know if that includes us, but pretty sure you are in it.
I am working to get Tipper's dose so she is not going low on her pre number and
Still controlling her symptoms. It is a never ending battle, but she needs me so I continue on. Blessings
02-13-2014, 12:50 AM
maybe you're finally finding the right combination of meds for all of Tipper's conditions? That would be great!
Yes, we're getting snow then ice followed by more snow.
Not looking forward to it.
02-13-2014, 03:11 AM
Laugh for the night.
I'm multitasking as usual and I hear the announcer on a commercial say "....where peanut butter and chocolate meet." My brain asks "what is peanut butter and chocolate meat?"
Chris says that I have blonde roots (I'm a redhead).
Time for bed I think. :-)
02-13-2014, 07:46 AM
Ok you gave me my laugh for the morning. Tipper is ok today a few seizures last nite. It is happening more when she just falls asleep. I am going to have to consult with Dr. Dodds about her thyroid to make sure all this was done right. More money now as my vet would not send the initial stuff to her as I wanted to do. He has never called me in 3 days when Dechra wanted to speak to him about Tipper's dosing and he is off until next week. He could care less about Tipper and that burns me.
02-13-2014, 11:51 PM
I just want to slap your vet. Really hard!
Maybe you're not the only patient who told him off last week and he's sulking?
Since he's away, can't someone else give you the records?
First round of snow is done, but it's been freazing rain for hours and I swear that I just heard thunder. Followed by more snow. This is the worst storm yet.
02-14-2014, 12:52 AM
Peanut butter meat...:D Funny how somethings strike you when your mind is doing a few things at once. :)
02-14-2014, 01:34 AM
I know :-)
02-14-2014, 04:28 AM
♡♡♡ Happy Valentine's Day everyone! ♡♡♡
Also, a very happy birthday to my mother in Heaven. We think of you every day. XO
Aww, hugs Valerie. Happy Valentines Day to you also! ❤️ And Happy Birthday to your Mom.
Tina and Jasper
02-14-2014, 04:46 AM
Thank you Tina,
Were you able to see the pictures?
molly muffin
02-14-2014, 03:35 PM
Happy Valentines Day Valerie and a Happy Birthday to your mom, who I am sure is watching over you.
Love the pictures.
sharlene and molly muffin
02-15-2014, 12:34 AM
Thanks Sharlene!
02-15-2014, 04:09 PM
Happy belated Birthday to your Mom, the pictures look fab. I hope you and Daisy are well :)
02-15-2014, 04:28 PM
I love those old pics too, what a lovely lady your Mum was :)
I am pretty sure Flynn would think your idea of peanut butter meat would be a winner if you marketed it, just like satay :D
02-15-2014, 05:00 PM
Thank you. My friend Vicky said that mom looks like a movie star :)
I think that all of our pups would love peanut butter meat!
Daisy has been looking a bit thick around the middle lately. Not acting any differently so I'm hoping that it's due to inactivity since we've been snowed in over and over again. Being so low to the ground, she doesn't tolerate the cold very well. So we're not out longer than she needs to do her business.
02-15-2014, 05:16 PM
She does indeed look like a movie star, I love those old hairstyles :D
Gosh lots of dogs on here are not getting their exercise outside due to the weather, I hope you get some nice sunshine soon so everything starts to melt and dry out. Do you do anything extra inside to get her moving, if it is yuck outside I get the tennis ball and throw it up and down the longest part of my house, lucky Flynn is a good fetcher and he runs off like a mad thing and brings it back till he gets sick of it then decides to sit down and chew the ball to death!
02-15-2014, 07:07 PM
Daisy rarely plays fetch and when she does, it's a one or two throws and you're done. Gracie the cat will play fetch all day long. :)
02-17-2014, 08:12 AM
Are you bracing for the latest one coming? Dear God when is it going to stop? We are to get it tonite and tomorrow morning. Hope Daisy is able to be found after this snow, since she is so low to the ground you may not see her!! Blessings
02-17-2014, 09:45 AM
Patti, I shovel a path for her right next to the sidewalk. Luckily she's black ans tan, easy to spot :-)
I'm so over this snow. It's beyond ridiculous.
02-17-2014, 03:29 PM
Get ready with that path as the storm is on its way. Just got an advisory for our weather tonite. Stay safe and warm with Miss Daisy. Your Grace looks like my cat that passed away several years ago. She is a dead ringer for him. He was my favorite cat. Blessing
molly muffin
02-17-2014, 04:34 PM
Hmm, maybe we need to spray pain black and tan on our dogs so they'll be easier to find in the snow :)
I'm so over it too, but looks like we either have snow or rain or more snow this week.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-17-2014, 10:51 PM
Patti, I think that we should all just hibernate like the bears do!
What was supposed to be 3 inches tops has doubled to six. We have NO MORE ROOM for it. Driving in downtown Bristol today was actually scary because not only is there snow on each side of the road, there is also a snow divider in the middle of the road higher than the cars so you can't see around it to turn or cross traffic.
The snow piled in the yard is literally higher than my waist and the otherwise wide street has already been reduced to barely wide enough for one car at a time.
The state has run out of road salt too. I can't remember a winter so bad.
02-18-2014, 07:01 AM
Y'all just need to move down south to Alabama. Always sunny and warm! Well, we did have that one little patch of cold 19° and Tanzee was scared to walk on the frozen grass and they closed City Hall so I didn't have to work for three days, but hey whose complaining!!! My husband laughed. He works for the telephone company and couldn't believe we closed and they didn't!
All jokes aside, please stay safe everyone.
Sending love,
02-18-2014, 08:30 AM
We are going to have to put flags on the dogs tails to find them if this keeps up. We really got it again and it is still coming down. I have to go to the vets tomorrow to get Tipper's bp so I am going early to avoid seeing him as I may still deck him. Blessings
02-19-2014, 12:48 AM
I'm unemployed so I can't bail you out. Think about decking him. Hope all went well!!
02-19-2014, 06:24 PM
You are too funny, I think you might have saved my vets life. As I went in the building all I could think of was what you said and it made me laugh. He never came out of the back office!!! I guess he cannot face me. I am so over his crappy work. We had snow again today! How is Daisy doing on her dosage, still good? We are in for 2 storms tomorrow, so I will have to get the Melatonin ready for Tipper. This will crush her as things all winter were so calm and no thunder.Blessings
molly muffin
02-19-2014, 06:55 PM
hmmm, we're at mid February, wasn't Daisy going to have a follow up ACTH this month?
We're now up for a rain storm tomorrow. Fun never ends. :) :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-20-2014, 12:09 AM
Patti, we had a bit of thunder last night but mostly rain showers today. Of course. everything is freezing tonight and our governor instructed the stores not to order salt since there is a shortage. REALLY?!?!?
How did Tipper do with the storm?
Dad hasn't been out in days and I'm glad because I don't want him to fall obviously but I'm sure that he's bored.
Sharlene, Daisy's test indicated an increase from 12mg twice a day to 15mg twice a day. She had a few bad days at first but has been fine since.
02-20-2014, 12:32 PM
I just gave Tipper a melatonin. She was starting to lay in front of the closet, next thing you know the rain started. It is pouring and I hope she just zonks out for a while. We are to get the thunder and wind later tonite. Great as I was up all nite last note. I am waiting on the rescue to call me on Grace, it is making me sick to do this. I hope Tipper makes it thru to it with no problems. I am worried as her pressure was high yesterday, and don't want it escalating tonite.Your poor dad probably is bored, I think everyone is fed up with all this weather. Do the storms bother Daisy? These poor babies, this disease is awful. Blessings
02-21-2014, 02:27 AM
Daisy could care less about the storms. She barks when she smells a skunk though.
Things are starting to melt so both dad and I got out for a bit yesterday and today.
02-21-2014, 08:07 AM
Grace leaves to her new home tomorrow and I have done nothing but cry.
02-21-2014, 09:24 PM
I'm crying too Patti, but trying to think of Grace having an entire house to roam and people to sleep with! What can be better than that!
Maybe they'll let you visit or call and getting email updates is a great idea!
They're out shopping for her which means that they are excited that she's coming to live with them.
02-23-2014, 08:15 AM
This has devastated me. I could not sleep all nite. I feel sick today. It actually gave me chest pains I felt so bad. In some ways I wish In could take it all back and have her here with me.I have never gotten so attached to an animal so quickly. I pray she is OK from all this upheavel. Hope you and Daisy are doing well. We had shown this morning. Blessings
02-24-2014, 09:08 AM
I know what I did was best for Grace, but it has not been so good for me. I am missing her like I had her for 20 years. This has been an ordeal especially on my nerves. Hope you and Daisy are doing well. Blessings
molly muffin
02-24-2014, 09:28 PM
Sorry to hear that Daisy has been feeling off the last couple days. :( Not eating? Do you think it's her tummy upset for some reason? She didn't get into the cat food lately has she?
So tired of snow and cold weather, cold especially.
I was on the phone with customer and staff in British Columbia today, who do not normally get very much snow and they were all saying how they were getting snow and didn't like it, but gee, it was melting when it hit the streets at least. I told them, "you really cannot have THAT conversation with me on the conference call, we get snow and it's here for the entire winter, no sympathy gang". LOL
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-24-2014, 09:32 PM
Patti, I know honey. You'll get through this, you did what was best for all of the furbabies. Hugs,
I have no idea what it could be. Normally, the cat foot doesn't bother her if she gets at it. She skips a meal here and there, could it be that the increase is working better to control her appetite and I'm just so used to her being miss piggy?
I have to schedule her next ACTH soon so I'll keep an eye on her between now and then.
molly muffin
02-24-2014, 10:29 PM
That is a good idea and the only way to know for sure if it is the cortisol or not.
Is sh skipping a meal during the day or missing a whole day of eating?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-25-2014, 02:23 AM
Just skipping one during the day but sometimes she'll eat it later on. Of course she'll never say no to a treat.
I took her out to poop tonight and then I found one in the living room. Thankfully. it was fully formed but man has she been leaving stink bombs lately! Phew :(
Five minutes later she had to go out again. I really think this is because it is SO COLD tonight and that bothers her.
02-25-2014, 04:43 AM
Yikes, poor Daisy. Must be so hard when it is so cold to do your business properly, she probably does not want to linger! Hope you get some decent weather soon and she feels better, I always worry about Daisy when you say she is off with her history of intermittent tummy troubles. Usually if I get stink bombs from Flynn, bad poops soon follows! x
02-25-2014, 05:06 AM
HI Valerie
I see you popping back in, not sleeping well again? I have to head to bed so hope you get back there soon!! x
02-25-2014, 05:10 AM
I swear you people are good luck on here :-)
I just took Daisy out and she practically ran to the door! So much energy :-)
Had to pee only, no poop or diarrhea. Eyes glued on me as I made a sandwich..
Hoovered her breakfast too. Left just a little on the bottom of the bowl. We'll see if that is gone later this morning.
02-25-2014, 10:37 AM
Just checking in to see how Daisy is today. Have you figured out why she is not feeling well? Hope it is just one of those glitches we all seem to run into. I am not feeling well again today, but did take Tipper walking for 5 minutes as she is about to go stir crazy. Blessings
02-26-2014, 02:22 PM
Not a good day today.
Daisy had a bit of loose poop today and my father's nurse came today. His heart rate is erratic and we're in the ER.
02-26-2014, 02:37 PM
I am praying for all of you. Hope all works out.Blessings
02-26-2014, 02:40 PM
Thank you Patti!
So far, they've ruled out a heart attack.
Yeah! Finally within normal range.
You're good luck Patti!
Wonder what I'll find at home with Daisy? Ugh.
molly muffin
02-26-2014, 02:45 PM
Glad to hear your dad is now doing better.
Hope everything okay with Daisy when you get home!
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-26-2014, 02:54 PM
Daisy was her normal perky self this morning, so the loose poop was a surprise. I'm hopingthat she was nervous and sensed that dad wasn't feeling well.
This wouldn't surprise me.
The day my mother had her stroke, Daisy hung out underneath her chair and wouldn't leave her. She also barked a special bark if mom fell.
02-26-2014, 07:28 PM
hope your dad and daisy will be better tomorrow, so you will have less to worry about. dogs indeed do sense those things. hope you all sleep well tonight.
02-27-2014, 07:56 AM
So glad to hear your dad is OK. That had to be very stressful, and I bet Daisy got herself upset from all the tension. Tipper always knows when something is wrong too. What do they think caused this with your dad? Has he ever had this before? Glad to hear Daisy is not showing signs of being sick. Your dad has been very lucky to have you around during these times. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
02-27-2014, 08:41 AM
Hope your dad does better in the coming days. I'm glad it wasn't a heart attack!
Valerie- thinking of you and yours
02-27-2014, 02:18 PM
No dad hasn't had this problem before. They think it was caused by over the counter antihistamines. So please be wary of them.
They found nothing structurally wrong. Thank God for that!
Daisy is fine, no presents left for us when we got home.
Now I'm sick with a bad cold or sinus infection. Really?! :-(
02-27-2014, 03:04 PM
My goodness you cannot catch a break here! I am hoping you have some meds on hand to make you feel better. I am so happy your dad has nothing wrong with his heart. At least Daisy is not sick, so that is a good thing too. Blessings
02-27-2014, 03:19 PM
Thanks Patti,
I've had sinus problems all winter long but since I don't have health insurance, I've been using over the counter meds.
Now I think that I have a cold on top of this.
Dad and I are more than father and daughter, we've become friends too. I love spending time with him. My ideal would be to have him live with Chris and I when we find a house, but he doesn't want to leave his house.
molly muffin
02-27-2014, 03:36 PM
Hi Valerie, those sinus infections can be awful painful. I just stopped by the walk in clinic to get anitibiotic drops for my ear, because of sinus's, awfully painful. I know you don't want to have to go to the doctor, but at least drink lots of water to try and keep them from getting impacted and infected if you can. Sucks to have that and a cold.
Glad that Daisy seems better and your dad is better too. Yep, over the counter antihistamines can do a number on your heart/blood pressure, you have to watch what you take as anyone can have a reaction, even after years of taking the same thing.
Take care, feel better
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-27-2014, 09:50 PM
Sharlene beat me in suggesting a walk in clinic. It's pretty reasonable and if you need the antibiotics you can get a prescription. Happy to hear your dad is okay. No fun going to the ER but at least you know he doesn't have a heart issue.
Glad Daisy is doing special gifts waiting for you! :D She really may have sensed the problem with your Dad and reacted to that...dogs can definitely sense health issues. They're using dogs to help people with anticipating epileptic seizures, diabetes, and other serious illnesses so the dogs DO know!
Hope you feel better soon Val.
02-27-2014, 10:49 PM
We are back in the ER. Dad went by ambulance this time.
Please pray a lot! Just lost my mom three years ago this coming October. Can't lose dad too!
Daisy had to poop after he left. She knows and the cats were really good about not getting in the way.
molly muffin
02-27-2014, 11:05 PM
Oh my god Valerie! What happened? Is it his heart? Right here with you sweetie. Let us know how he is doing.
Love and hugs coming your way
02-28-2014, 01:05 AM
Oh no...I hope everything will be okay. Thinking about you and your Dad and sending prayers.
02-28-2014, 01:25 AM
They're keeping him this time. His heart was stable by the time he got to the hospital. He was coughing a lot of white stuff up. Either he has a bit of fluid around his lungs from yesterday's incident or he has the beginning of bronchitis or pneumonia.
Should know more tomorrow.
Going to try and sleep now.
Love you guys.
Squirt's Mom
02-28-2014, 07:21 AM
Prayers and healing energies flying your dad's way, sweetie! Let us know how he is.
Leslie and the gang
Thinking of you Valerie, and sending prayers for your Dad.
02-28-2014, 08:45 AM
Thank you everyone!
No news today. I'll be going up there soon.
02-28-2014, 08:51 AM
I was shocked to log on and find out your dad is in the hospital. I am praying for you both that this is nothing that cannot be remedied easily. Maybe from the cold weather he bronchitis?? I know you are not well eithernso please take care and know I am praying for a good outcome. Blessings
02-28-2014, 12:35 PM
Hi Val.
Hoping when you get to the hospital you will find your dad doing well and some answers as to what's going on. Been through all this several times and I know the terrible worry and stress you are under. Sending positive thoughts your way.
02-28-2014, 12:44 PM
Thanks everyone!
They can't find anything wrong with his heart so it's a mystery.
Not sure about bronchitis it pneumonia either.
Giving him antibiotics because we all think that he has some type of infection.
They said that they saw something on his xrays and I suggested that they get the most recent from Smilow Cancer Hospital because there is scaring from the radiation treatment.
02-28-2014, 12:59 PM
Hope that the antbiotics clear up whatever it is. Is he feeling okay? Are they going to keep him there thru today?
02-28-2014, 01:07 PM
He didn't get moved to a regular room until 5am so he's exhausted. Hasn't really slept yet.
He's coughing really bad trying to get stuff up. I think he's too tired to know how he feels at the moment.
02-28-2014, 01:31 PM
Good idea getting the stuff from the other hospital. It seems there are some dots that are not being connected, or they are missing something. It may be a good idea for you to put a call in to the cancer Dr. and tell him what has been going on. He may be able to talk to the Dr. where your dad is and solve this mystery.With your dads history I would not fool around with this, as better safe than sorry. Did he just start with the coughing? Is he off the antihistamines? I feel so bad for you as I know you are not well yourself. Maybe tell dad to move over and lay down and take a nap with him!!! I pray someone gets this figured out soon. Blessings
02-28-2014, 01:53 PM
Hope he can get some rest and that he feels better soon.
My sweet Ginger
02-28-2014, 02:02 PM
I hope your dad gets better soon and tho it's hard to do don't forget to take a good care of yourself. We tend to ignore our own health when one of our loved one is sick. I totally did that when my son was hospitalized with a spontaneous pneumothorax not once but twice back to back a few years ago.:eek::( It took me a long time to get back to my normal physically and mentally. Take care. Song.
molly muffin
02-28-2014, 03:14 PM
Popping in to send you some positive energy. I hope they can figure this out and get your dad back on track. He was doing so well.
Hope you aren't too exhausted from all of this too. It can very tiring.
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-28-2014, 04:49 PM
Patti, the hospital bed isn't wide enough for dad and my fat ass.
Anyway, I just called and he hasn't slept because they ran him around for more tests after I left. He was just about to rest when I called of course.
No news. He hasn't taken the antihistamines since yesterday.
Song, I am the perfect example of that. Everyone else comes first and I can suck it up for the time being.
He was coughing SO hard today that I thought he would vomit. His throat is sore from it. Poor guy.
His cat, who is afraid of everything actually slept with me for part of the night last night! I could believe it!
Thanks for watching out for us!
02-28-2014, 05:43 PM
Now Valerie I am sure you can both fit comfortably!! Hoping you dad quits the coughing that sounds like it could be wearing him down just by coughing. I hope he is able to rest with that going on. Coughing really hurts when you lay down too, tell him to put a pillow on his abdomen and hold it when he coughs. I hope you get some much needed rest too. I am praying it is nothing that can't be taken care of easily. God bless you both
02-28-2014, 06:04 PM
That's the unfortunate thing about the hospital, it's not the best place to get sleep, but it's best that he is there. I don't know what happen to the days when hospitals were like libraries...hushed voices and signs to be's pretty noisy in hospitals now. I'm sure they'll take good care of him though. He probably has an achy body from that coughing.
Try and get some rest yourself Val....ask an aide if there's one of those recliner/sleeper chairs around. They definitely have them in some rooms. I sniffed one out last month when my mother in law was hospitalized and even though they don't look like it they are super comfortable!! Scout around maybe you will find one! :)
03-01-2014, 08:20 AM
I am hoping this morning finds your dad feeling better and that he got some rest last nite. Hopefully they can find out what the problem is and get him back home. Hope Daisy is doing OK during all of this, and that you are feeling better.
03-02-2014, 01:36 AM
Hi ladies,
dad is better today. They gave him cough syrup to suppress the cough some so that he can get some sleep. He has aspiration pneumonia which scares the crap out of me because we went through it several times with my mother.
Dad has always has sinus issues and I do too. He seems to constantly be making mucus and no matter what meds they try, they don't dry him completely up. He also doesn't do his breathing treatments as often as he should regardless of how many times I remind him.
No more smoking when he does come home and I'm going to have to be strict about the breathing treatments. I feel some fights coming on as he can really be stubborn.
Chris has been here since Thursday night, worked from dad's on Friday and has been there for me this whole weekend too. He told dad "No more of this shit." :) and told him that he has now found three different ways to get to this hospital and that is unacceptable. In other words, he's had to come there too frequently so do what you're supposed to be doing. Dad laughed :)
I threw away the last of his cigarettes too.
03-02-2014, 08:10 AM
I can only hope your dad will stick with the program this time. I know it is incredibly hard for each of you. You have put a lot into this relationship, and I know how you love your dad. The habitual power of n2icotene is going to be hard for him. It seems it just keeps calling him back. Does he go out on his own? Does he still drive? If so this is going to be a hard road to how for you. If he has no access to them, it will be easier on you. The type of pneumonia he has, does that mean he aspirated something and that caused this? I am so glad Chris came to help you, and that he is trying to talk sense to your dad. Hope he is home soon, and I hope you are feeling better. Blessings
03-02-2014, 10:31 AM
Thanks Patti,.yes he drives and it is that kind of pneumonia where he inhaled food or something and that caused it.
He sounds TONS better today.
03-02-2014, 11:17 AM
Yes! We will definitely take feeling better.Blessings
03-02-2014, 09:31 PM
Dad is home. He's doing very well!
Thank you all for your prayers.
Gracie kitty vomited up a small hair ball which isn't unusual, but she's vomited a bit of light yellow liquid with white foam a few times since then today. Each time, less comes out. Does this mean that something is working its way out of her system, like maybe the rest of the hair ball?
She's never vomited multiple times before. Now she's laying in the bed trying to sleep. I'm hoping that this is the end of it.
Budsters Mom
03-02-2014, 10:59 PM
So glad your dad us home and doing better. Xxxxxx
03-03-2014, 01:15 AM
Good news about your Dad. You'll have to crack down on the cigarettes...hope he can keep from smoking.
Wish I could help with that cat, but I haven't a clue. Yellow liquid and foam...bile and stomach most likely nothing left in the tummy. Hope she feels better and that you all get some rest tonight.
03-03-2014, 08:08 AM
My cats on occasion have done this. I think like Barbara said maybe the stomach is empty and it is acid and bile. I would not worry just yet, but if it continues it can be a sign of blockage if she eats and cannot hold the food down, I have been that route too. So happy to hear your dad is home. I bet he feels so much better in his own house. Hope he does not sneak and smoke! How is Daisy fairing trhu all this? Blessings
03-03-2014, 12:07 PM
Thank you everyone!
Dad and I caught up on some much needed sleep.
Daisy is thrilled that grandpa is home too.
Gracie is returning to normal, so I think that last night was an isolated incident.
Thank God!
03-03-2014, 12:23 PM
I was gonna say, stomach acid and bile too. My pugs have done this when their stomach was upset but empty. Usually I give rice... but, no clue if cats will even eat rice?
03-04-2014, 04:42 AM
Gosh Valerie, sorry to read about your Dad's recent trip to hospital, glad he's feeling better and back home with you all.
I had a cat that had trouble with hair balls and would occasionally vomit like that, I got some paste stuff from the vet that you smeared on her paw and she licked it off and helped any hair pass through. One other cat that had lots of clear vomiting ended up having renal problems, so if it kept on up I would get the blood test done to look at general problems like that. Sounds like it has settled down though so hope that is the end of it! xxx
03-04-2014, 08:40 AM
As you probably already know the hairball stuff in the stores and vets office usually contains petroleum, and is no good for your cat. The best method I have found is to put a small amount of butter on their front leg, as some do not like you putting it in their mouth. It will lubricate their insides to pass any hairballs. Sometimes these hairballs pass to their intestines and can't pass any further it makes a blockage which will make them vomit anything they eat. My one cat years ago had to be operated on to remove the blockage. I think if your cat is OK it may have passed one. How is she doing today? How is Daisy doing? I am hoping your father is being good and not trying to smoke. Is he feeling OK after some much needed rest? Hope your sinus issues are cleared up. Did Chris go home? Blessings
03-05-2014, 12:24 AM
Daisy is doing well.
Gracie is back to her normal self too.
I gave her a smidge of olive oil on a spoon. I prefer that over petroleum jelly.
Dad sleeps a lot, but seems to be improving and I haven't smelled smoke (I hid his cigarettes) and he hasn't asked for them either.
My sinus issues seem to be slowly improving but I can feel it in my chest now, joy.
03-05-2014, 01:13 AM
Glad things are calming down at your house Val! Sounds like everyone is improving! :)
03-05-2014, 01:21 AM
Me too Barbara!
We came SO close to losing Daisy the night that she choked! Gracie was getting sick at the same time. If my father wasn't there, I couldn't have handled them both!
03-05-2014, 02:42 AM
Something interesting has been happening the past few nights.
Gracie cat is hanging out by Daisy's bed. She hasn't done that since she was a kitten.
03-05-2014, 08:00 AM
I use the olive oil too. My one cat Chance can sense death. When my other dog was succumbing to cancer he came and layer across her front paws. She died that nite. When my parrot Sweety who was 38 was dying from cancer he tried not climb up her cage. He layed underneath it and she died that day. So when he comes around my Tipper I get freaked out. They say some animals have the ability to do this. I am thinking maybe the kitty feels secure with Daisy and since Gracie was not feeling well she takes comfort with Daisy. Hope you dad sticks to the new program of no smoking. Is he feeling better at home? Blessings
03-05-2014, 12:56 PM
This video has been going around so you've probably seen it--if not I'll put the link below. You reminded me of it when you said Grace was in Daisy's bed.
Cats Stealing Dog Beds. So funny!!!
molly muffin
03-06-2014, 06:43 PM
So, I see you posting more today. Does that mean you feel better? I hope so.
How is Daisy doing?
Hope your dad continues to improve too.
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-06-2014, 07:33 PM
Now that you've said it Sharlene, maybe I will start to feel better. It seems that I have a cinder block for a nose :( Nothing that I'm taking is working and something that I took has made my skin and eyes itch for DAYS now.
Nothing taste good. Just blech.
I'm done complaining.
Daisy looks rather bloated today, but sometimes that happens and she's fine the next day. She hoovers her food, so I always add water to it so that she won't choke.
Dad is feeling well enough to go grocery shopping and he made corned beef hash with mashed potatoes tonight.
I'm going to attempt to take a much needed shower and hope that I don't have to reschedule my hair cut appt tomorrow.
Barbara, that video proves who is the boss in most households despite what the dogs or owners think. Notice the BIG dogs were the most afraid of the cats? Hilarious!
03-06-2014, 08:39 PM
hi Val, Wow you're Dad is out and about so that's fantastic! He bounced right back...but not you. Ugh..I hate that stuffed up feeling. I'm pretty lucky with the otc sinus meds, they usually clear my sinuses during the night. Maybe the hot shower will loosen things up, it's awful when you feel like you can't breathe thru your nose.
Trixie sometimes looks a little bloated in the evenings too, then other times not as much. She also inhales her food in seconds.
I funny those cats calling the shots with the big dogs!!
Hope you will feel better soon!!
03-06-2014, 10:49 PM
I saw dad down and we watched the video together and then a few others. He enjoyed them. It was great to see him laugh!
The shower helped a bit so I'm eating oatmeal and drinking hot cocoa. I know, what a combination but when you can't breath through your nose you eat what you can, when you can. Oatmeal never tasted so good! LOL
03-07-2014, 09:07 AM
Good to hear that you are on the mend. That video was so cute, I am glad you showed your dad and got him to laugh. It seems you are both making progress.
Hope Daisy is well. Blessings
03-07-2014, 05:37 PM
Hi Valerie
Gosh your household has been through the wringer lately, good to hear you're all getting back to better health!!
I was thinking of you before, you had said level 350 on candy crush was a hard one... I cannot get past 347 and have given it up again in a huff!! Hate it when they get so hard like this so I am officially on a break from it haha, except for popping in daily to get my free thing! :D x
03-07-2014, 07:40 PM
I've lost count of how long I've been stuck on 350 Trish.
03-12-2014, 03:46 AM
Hello everyone,
we've been lazy over here trying to catch up on our sleep since dad was in the hospital.
65 degrees and sunny today! No coat weather and now we're expecting torrential rain tomorrow with temps back into the 30's and snow on Thursday. Really?!?
Of course, Daisy's next ACTH test is on Thursday and I also have a dentist appointment.
Daisy insists on climbing the snow mountains to poop and pee on them. Much of the snow has melted and it seems like she now prefers the snow to grass even though she sinks in every other step :) Otherwise, she seems to be doing well.
03-12-2014, 03:49 AM
Hi Valerie!
I just plopped down in my chair after walking Flynny and saw your post! Glad to hear you are recuperating, all of you!! I think walking in the snow sounds a fine thing for a dog to be doing! Soon enough, you will all be in a heat wave and hiding in the air con wishing some snow back :) Pleased to hear she is doing well. As I am typing Flynn is positioning his butt under my foot to get me to scratch him, demanding boy! x
Hi Valerie,
Glad to read that you are all feeling better. Jasper does the same with the snow, he will seek out the mound of snow to pee or poo even though there is now plenty of grass to use! :rolleyes:
Our weather must be heading your way. We were in the low 70's on Sunday, and yesterday cold and we had snow and sleet last evening. :eek: It melted right away, but I think they are saying accumulating snow for your area. Trish you are so right, while this winter has been so bitterly cold, I absolutely dread the wicked heat of summer.
Tina and Jasper
03-12-2014, 07:55 AM
I am wondering if you are supposed to get this storm also? I hope not. We are getting the hard rain right now. Hope you and your dad, and Daisy are all rested up from everything . How are you feeling now? Blessings
03-13-2014, 01:31 AM
Yes we are going to get the ice, rain, and then snow on top of that so Daisy's appointment is rescheduled for the end of this month. I'm not driving 2 hours on ice.
Temps will be dropping too which will make sure that it freezes.
03-13-2014, 11:12 AM
I don't blame you stay home and be safe. If Tipper had not needed her meds yesterday I would have canceled out. We are buried in snow, as you probably are too. Did you get that wind? It was fierce here all nite. Get ready to make a potty spot in the snow for Daisy. Blessings
molly muffin
03-13-2014, 02:22 PM
End of month sounds good to me too!
No sense in risking both of you on bad roads.
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-13-2014, 04:06 PM
We got a dusting of snow but the wind is horrendous! I can feel the house shaking. Daisy went out this morning, did her stuff and came back in fast. Neither of us wanted to stay outside.
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