View Full Version : Daisy Mae - our sweet Daisy has crossed The Bridge
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04-27-2013, 01:39 AM
Hello everyone,
here is the report from Cornell.
Urinalysis - USG 1.014, proteinuria
UP:C - 14.5
Urine culture and sensitivity - negative
ACTH stim test (after AM dose of trilostane): 15.6 pre ACTH, 35.0 post ACTH.
Dr. Morgan recommends twice daily dose of 10mg instead of the original 5mg and to continue Ursodiol for the gall bladder sludge.
Once the Cushings is controlled, she wants to consider surgical resection of sialocele and left mandibular and lingual salivary glands.
04-27-2013, 04:42 AM
Hi Valerie
I don't know much about stim tests so will let the experts comment on that, but what is this in urinalysis?
UP:C - 14.5
Is that the urinary protein creatinine ratio? What is the normal range on your results? Because that is way high on the scale I use?
Hope Daisy's body is used to the drug now and tolerates the higher dose without any problems.
04-27-2013, 07:05 AM
Trish, I don't know either. That's why I posted it. I'm fairly new to all of this as Daisy was only recently diagnosed. In general, she tolerates medication very well. I'm thinking that the urine is related to the large amount of sludge that they saw in her gallbladder during the ultrasound.
Thankfully, I can call or email Dr. Morgan with questions anytime an she responds promptly. So thankful that we found her! Other staff members are equally as wonderful and this is the first place that Daisy does not shake with nerves when we walk through the door!
04-27-2013, 07:55 AM
ACTH stim test (after AM dose of trilostane): 15.6 pre ACTH, 35.0 post ACTH.
Wow, that result is so high :(. I know we don't have a pre-treatment ACTH with which to compare, but this is high enough to almost seem as though the trilostane was not having any effect at all. :o
I am just wondering whether the recompounding somehow altered the effectiveness of the trilostane. The 20 mg. capsules originally came from a compounder that your GP vet used, right? And then those capsules were altered again -- was this the same compounder or somebody different?
Did Dr. Morgan express any surprise over these ACTH results?
I know you've already put a lot of money into this trilostane, but I'm wondering if you might want to bite the bullet and try Daisy on brandname Vetoryl for a couple of weeks, now that she's taking a dose for which Vetoryl is available. I just checked, and you can buy thirty 10 mg. capsules online for around $50. So that would last you until the next ACTH test. At that point, you could switch back to your compounded capsules and you would then have a basis for judging whether or not they are working as effectively as they should be. I know that finances are a genuine issue, but having to perform repeated ACTH tests are also going to mount up if it turns out that the compounded trilostane is not working properly.
04-27-2013, 08:48 AM
I buy my Vetoryl at Lambert Veterinay Supply, there is a pharmacy with a Veterinarian Pharmacist there. Their prices are the lowest I have found if you determine you want to go with the Vetoryl.They also ship free if you get 100.00 or more so I do that too. That way I never run the risk of running out either. The company Dechra who makes it also keeps a file on your dog and has Dr.'s there you can talk to which have been a big help to me.They also have Vet techs. if you have any questions, and if they don't know the answer they will go ask the Dr.
They have an extensive file on Tipper as I update them on everything I do, and consult my vet and their Dr. before I do anything. It is better to have 2 opinions than 1 anyway. I am sure they use the files for their purposes of research into this drug, but that is ok with me as they have helped me a lot to get to this point, and I feel this research may help others in the future. I hope you can get sweet Daisy to the spot where she has good numbers and is still feeling good. God Bless You
molly muffin
04-27-2013, 10:10 AM
hmmm, that is pretty high. Considering that they want the post number to be 9 if symptoms are controlled and under 5 if they aren't controlled at that.
It doesn't have a range next to the UP:C? If not, then that might be something to ask too and also ask what she thinks of those numbers?
This is where we see that every dog is different in how they respond to the drugs.
Hang in there!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-27-2013, 02:19 PM
Daisy's regular GP started her at 20mg once a day and she got diarrhea so to go back to this dose wasn't unexpected. Dr. Morgan also wanted to begin at this dose in the beginning but wanted to work up to it so that Daisy's body got used to the meds. Starting at 20mg once a day gave her diarrhea within the first 6 days.
Since she's had symptom improvement, even at the smaller dose - we're going to stick with it for now and see if there's improvement with the next ACTH test in 3 weeks.
Dr. Morgan wasn't surprised, she expected to increase but was being cautious and Daisy is one of those dogs where twice a day is much better than once a day.
I will ask about the urine test.
04-27-2013, 02:33 PM
So you mean you are not going to increase to the 10 mg. twice daily after all?
04-27-2013, 02:36 PM
yes - we are. Dr. Morgan wanted to do this originally but Daisy had diarrhea on the once a day dose of 20mg so we backed up quite a bit so that her system could get used to it.
10mg twice a day is where we're at now.
04-27-2013, 02:47 PM
OK, got it! ;)
I just want to clarify, though, that I was not anticipating that Dr. Morgan would be surprised about the need to increase Daisy's dose. What I was wondering was whether she is surprised that the results of this first ACTH were as high as they were. In honesty, in all my years on the forum, I don't remember many dogs having this high an ACTH result AFTER having started on treatment. This high a level is not surprising for a dog at the time of diagnosis. But given Daisy's weight, I would have expected that even 5 mg. twice daily would have resulted in a somewhat lower ACTH after almost a month of treatment. Instead, her cortisol level still seems to be virtually uncontrolled. That's why I am just feeling a bit concerned about the effectiveness of the trilostane itself. But it sounds as though you have a gameplan in place, and we'll be rooting to see more improvement in the next testing.
04-27-2013, 02:51 PM
Daisy was one of those whose symptoms were not obvious until the Cushings really took hold. We suspect that she's had it undiagnosed for at least a year now.
This could explain the high values.
04-27-2013, 03:02 PM
Daisy was one of those whose symptoms were not obvious until the Cushings really took hold. We suspect that she's had it undiagnosed for at least a year now.
This could explain the high values.
That would explain high values prior to starting the trilostane. But that would not explain why the trilostane does not seem to be effectively lowering the cortisol level now unless it is just the case that Daisy is metabolizing it in such a way that she is going to require a relatively high dose for her weight. But you'll know more after the next testing since now you have a baseline ACTH against which to compare the result of the dosing increase.
04-27-2013, 03:08 PM
Right, I am glad that Dr. Morgan started low. Daisy does respond well to Trilostane as far as her symptoms go. We'll find the right dose eventually:)
Simba's Mom
04-27-2013, 03:58 PM
I'm so glad you started out low too, hopefully she can tolerate the higher dose, it takes time to find what works the best...I still don't know if Sim is on the right dose, so next test will tell hopefully!!! Take care!
04-27-2013, 04:06 PM
Thanks Letti,
yesterday she was a tad lethargic but that could be due to having spent the entire day at the vets. Today she's playing with the talking ball!!!!!!!
The significance is that the talking ball is the TOY OF ALL TOYS to Daisy. She actually guards it and I have to tell her to drop it so that I can throw it. She hasn't been interested in the ball, in many, many months:)
This morning was the 2nd round of Trilostane at 10mg. Hoping that we found our correct dose.
Isn't it odd how we see improvement even though the dose isn't ideal as far as the tests go? Weird.
Good luck on your next test!
Simba's Mom
04-27-2013, 04:09 PM
Your Daisy sounds so sweet, so protective of her toys, how cute is that! Yes, we sure do watch our pups, it's crazy, but we love them so much so then it's not crazy!!:)
04-27-2013, 04:14 PM
Thanks Letti,
I've had Dachshund "people" tell me that Daisy's personality and temperament are outstanding for a stubborn doxie. The trick is to NEVER give in and they get it eventually. They are amazingly intelligent and loads of fun!
My family had recently lost our mini poodle at 17 yrs old, Miskit when my niece and I decided that we would eventually get another dog. We visited multiple pet stores (didn't know any better then) but we just didn't click with anyone until meeting Daisy. All of the play rooms were full so Tiarra and I sat on the floor opposite each other with our legs stretched out with feet meeting to create a fence. At 6 weeks old, Daisy stayed within the fence the whole time playing with each of us and snuggling alternately. She didn't even try to escape once:)
My high school reunion was that night so we didn't take her home until the next day and I kid you not, Daisy spotted us as we came through the door and didn't take her eyes off of us until we took her home! She picked us as much as we picked her.
Ironically, they're known for back issues which Daisy hasn't had yet (knock on wood). My best friend Vickie has had to put down 2 Pekingese dogs for back issues which are not so well publicized as having.
Shave off the hair and Pekes look a lot like doxies from viewing above.
04-27-2013, 09:45 PM
Hope Daisy continues to do well on her new dose. Number was high but symptoms are low...go figure! At least she is feeling good and playing with her toys. :D
Loved hearing the story of when you met Daisy with your niece. So sweet that you "picked" each other.
04-27-2013, 09:50 PM
Thanks Barbara,
I really do believe that she picked us! Even the staff member commented that Daisy wouldn't take her eyes off of us when we walked in <3
We love our girl.
Simba's Mom
04-27-2013, 10:48 PM
Loved the story too, when I picked out Simba, I actually picked out his brother first but he got sick and died at the vet where I got him...So my next pick was Simba, and he was the shits, he picked on my other dog so much, so I brought him back, 3 times lol, then decided to keep him..I guess he grew on me and actually got nicer to my other dog...and now I can imagine being separated from him ever...
04-27-2013, 10:56 PM
Awwww! You must have been heartbroken, but good for Simba :)
Daisy had her moments, but has calmed down over the years.
04-28-2013, 08:48 AM
Hi Valerie:
How is Miss Daisy today, I heard she was wanting to play ball? That is Tipper's favorite thing to do. She even invented her own little game with it to keep herself occupied if I am busy and she still plays it to this day. Blessings
04-28-2013, 11:09 AM
So far, we're doing well Patti.
Are the meds still clearing Tipper's throat?
04-28-2013, 01:25 PM
They are helping a bit, not sure if that is what is going on yet, I am going to observe her if she doesn't go in the closet tonight because of rain. Blessings
04-28-2013, 03:35 PM
ok - I hope that all goes well!
05-01-2013, 10:45 PM
Hi Valerie
Just wanted to say thanks for all your love and support.I couldn't have gotton thru it without all of you.I'm just beginning to go thru all the threads here and loved how Daisy picked you!:).My friend loves daschunds and her last one was Schnitzel and now she has Strudel...they are such sweet dogs!Much love and hugs to you both!
05-02-2013, 12:09 AM
Why in the world are you thanking me sweetie?
Honestly, I owe each and every one of you a HUGE debt of gratitude because I was SCARED TO DEATH when I found out that Daisy had Cushings.
On top of that, we went through 2 vets who didn't know enough about Cushings and if I hadn't gained the knowledge here, I'm not sure that Daisy would still be with me.
I'm a firm believer in what comes around, goes around and also paying it forward. You have helped me so much and given back a normalcy to our lives that I thought was truly gone. That is priceless.
Sleep well and I hope that Tipper is improving.
05-02-2013, 12:14 AM
Daisy's fur is looking shiny again!!!!!
We still have bald spots, but it's shiny and feels healthy when I pet her!!!
Budsters Mom
05-02-2013, 12:47 AM
Yay for Daisy! :) such great news Valerie!
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Simba's Mom
05-02-2013, 12:49 AM
Yay Daisy Mae, so thankful for good news, too much sad stuff, keep it up girl!!
05-02-2013, 02:53 AM
Daisy and I thank you :)
Tell me about it, I never liked roller coasters and this has been one heck of an emotional one for sure!
I was in such a funk this weekend when the IMS said to increase the Trilostane from 5mg x 2 a day to 10mg. My poor fiance didn't know what to do for me. He bought a cake and insisted that I open my birthday presents early to try and cheer me up (my birthday is May 8th). It worked for a few hours.
Then Daisy and I left to come back and take care of my father. I started thinking about everything going on with Daisy, being unemployed (denied for a job that we were sure I'd get earlier this wee), losing mom and the kicker of realizing that she won't be at my wedding - I cried the whole ride home.
My sleep habits are so completely messed up that it's not unusual for me to still be awake at 4am, 5am or even later. When I finally do fall asleep, I sleep until noon or 1pm.
Hoping that something will break soon on the work front and I'll feel much better. In the meantime, I'm selling off some Coach purses on Ebay to make ends meet.
05-02-2013, 09:06 AM
You said it all what a roller coaster ride this is. The hospital wants to schedule the procedure with Tipper with another IMS. Tipper is not getting better with the drug I have been giving her for post nasal drip, so I guess that is not the answer. I am really scared now. I stupidly thought this would be the answer. I am so scared they will come back and tell me the best thing to do would be to put her down. I would be hysterical at that point. I have been crying since they called this morning, going back and forth on what to do. I am so petrified something will happen to her during this procedure. How much more of her can I really ask?? She has done everything so far like a real trooper, but this is much more involved. I am just sick inside at the thought of either more bad news or having to say goodbye to my baby girl way before I am ready to. I am torn on what to do, out of not want ing to let go of her. God Help Us Both. I know you are having a rocky road also. The not having a job sure adds to the stress you already have with sweet Daisy not being well. I wish I would hit the lotto I would heelp all the babies on here. I guess you have to play to win though! God Bless You and Daisy
05-02-2013, 12:34 PM
do you trust this place at all after your last visit?
I do think as scary as it is, that you need to find out what is going on with Tipper. It could be the same thing that Daisy has on her neck, but inside of Tipper's throat. The bottom line is that she's not comfortable.
No harm done with the meds right? With allergy season the way that it is, it was definitely plausible and I would have tried too.
We are never truly ready to say goodbye. It might not come to that yet, but I do think that you should find out what the trouble is even if it means going to a different hospital.
Good luck sweetie.
molly muffin
05-02-2013, 06:09 PM
Sounds like you need a big hug Patti. :( so, HUG!!
When the glooms hit us they sure do hit hard. It won't always be like this. Maybe the caregiver thing for your dad will come through, or you'll get the next job. You have a lovely fiancee it sounds like, which is really helpful in getting through these times.
I hope you start to feel better. The sun is shining I hope and that always makes a person feel better.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-02-2013, 06:16 PM
Hey Val
Sorry you are feeling a bit rubbish at the moment. You have certainly had lots to deal with and the stress of not having a job with vet bills must certainly not help things
Hoping it picks up soon
Big hug, kisses to Daisy Mae
05-02-2013, 06:47 PM
Thanks everyone. I've been out of work for almost 4 years with the exception of a 7 month temp job. I did finish my A.S, obtain a PM certificate, and graduate with a B.A. in Organizational Leadership. I thought that these things would help but it seems that they've put me in the overqualified category for a lot of things!
I don't understand why because the education is great, but it's not the same as having experience. Sigh.....
It doesn't make sense.
05-05-2013, 06:41 PM
Here we go again!
Daisy's stools have been getting softer the past few days. Today, she's had several boughts of liquid diarrhea and turned her nose up at dinner.
Obviously, I'm not giving her Trilostane and have sent an email to Dr. Morgan at Cornell. I do have Baytril on hand and if she eats later tonight I will give her that in case something else is going on like the suspected ecoli creeping back up.
Dr. Morgan did mention this as a possibility and suggested that I have Baytril on hand just in case.
I hope that everyone else had a calm weekend:)
molly muffin
05-05-2013, 07:07 PM
Eeek, they think there is a possibility that the e-coli can come back again?! Yikes, that just just is a bugger to get rid of.
With the ACTH results and so recently, it doesn't seem like it would be related to the vetoryl, but will be interesting to see what Dr. Morgan thinks. Of course not givining Daisy the vetoryl is best thing when anything else is going on. Poor thing, she must feel pretty rough with the tummy troubles cropping back up.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-05-2013, 07:15 PM
Hi Valerie, Boy your plate is full. I am sorry to hear about your Mom. and i undersstand the job struggle after getting the education...first they say you need the piece of paper then they say experience is better...Come on Man!!!
However, with all that is going on that you have no control over, I would say take steps on those you can tweek or control. Daisy Mae and you father are priorities. Hopefully the caregiver situation will work out. I dont have much advice to give as I am too new to this cushings diagnosis but 6 capsules of slippery elm bark, emptied in a cup of warm water and cooled then give a couple tsp on some (a little of ) Normans food (once a day a couple hours after his dosage of trilostane) helped his loose stools become firm.
On a very bright note to stay focused on, it sounds as though you have a wonderful fiance. A blessing to help you get through life's struggles.
Sending waves of peace, comfort and mercy to you, your family and Daisy Mae.
Sharon, Norman and Millie
05-05-2013, 07:22 PM
Dr. Morgan did mention the ecoli coming back before this past ACTH test and I've had the Baytril on hand since then. Dachshunds get into EVERYTHING and Daisy is no exception. So, who knows?
Her "sister" Gracie knows that she isn't feeling well and insists on sitting on the couch near enough to keep an eye on her :)
Thank you Sharon, I've just been so overwhelmed lately and I cry A LOT. It's easy when you at least know what is making them sick, but when you don't it sucks!
05-05-2013, 07:33 PM
Hi Valerie
Sounds like you have alot on your plate!So discouraging to obtain furthur education and still not have a job!:mad:.Good luck in the job search and I hope Daisy Mae has a better day tomorrow!
05-05-2013, 07:38 PM
Thank you Patty,
she's resting comfortably on the couch. Hopefully she'll eat dinner a bit later.
05-05-2013, 08:37 PM
She ate!
Not the usual hoover the food, but I sat the dish in front of her bed and she ate.
I'm still not giving the Trilostane tonight, just the Baytril and she's resting in her bed so we'll see how she is in the morning.
Up until today, she wasted no time in eating her food. She doesn't look bloated either.
molly muffin
05-05-2013, 09:52 PM
Yay, she ate!! That's a good sign. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-05-2013, 10:03 PM
I know. Should I give her the Trilostane or hold off until tomorrow? She's watching my father eat and hoping that he'll drop something as usual.
05-05-2013, 10:04 PM
You're so right Patty!
Thankfully, I don't have student loans since my grades were high enough to have grants for the majority of it.
molly muffin
05-05-2013, 10:16 PM
It wouldn't hurt to skip tonight and if all continues going well, then give the morning dose.
Did dad drop anything? :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-05-2013, 10:20 PM
No! He asked if he could and I said not unless you want to clean up the next round of diarrhea!
That response was enough to deter him :)
molly muffin
05-05-2013, 10:29 PM
No! He asked if he could and I said not unless you want to clean up the next round of diarrhea!
That response was enough to deter him :)
Hahahaha, I asked because my dad was notorious for slipping the animals food when he thought I wouldn't see him. Mom would tell him "you're going to be in trouble with Sharlene if you give them that" and he'd say "shhh, we won't tell her will we baby" (to which ever animal he was giving it to).
I don't know how his cat lived to be over 20 year old when he ate chili and ice cream regularly.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-05-2013, 10:39 PM
Oh my! Yeah, my father rarely listens but he's been better since Daisy's been sick. I give him HELL if I do catch him though.
I noticed that Daisy's mucocele is growing larger. Hoping to get the Cushings under control and then they'll have to do surgery.
Simba's Mom
05-06-2013, 12:39 AM
Oh Valerie, feeling bad for you with all your troubles, sorry about your Mom, and hoping your Dad feels better, so thankful you have a great guy by your side.....poor Daisy, I bet the stronger dose is upsetting her tummy, hope she feels better soon too, take care of you too hon!
05-06-2013, 01:39 AM
Thanks Letti,
How is Simba?
05-06-2013, 06:11 AM
Thinking of you this morning Valerie. Hope this week brings better news in the job front and everyone in your care has better health quickly. Hope Daisy Mae eats her food and you get control of her diarrhea. I think diarrhea must go along with the Trilostane or Cushings since I have to watch CoCo's stool every day. I just usually give him antidiarrheal medicine from the Pet Store, hope it is not hurting him. Keep your chin up, things will get better. Love, JoAnne
05-06-2013, 06:17 AM
Morning Val
Just checking in in you and Miss May, hoping she is feeling tons better this morning and that her belly has settled down?
Birthday week this week, hoping great things happen :D
Big hug
05-06-2013, 06:40 AM
Hi Valerie
Wishing you a hungry boy when he wakes up this morning and a settled tummy! It seems to be a fine line balancing these cushings meds but you will get there, have you taken in a poop spec in case it is the E Coli? LOL at your Dad sneaking the treats, mine are the same. Don't they mean well though, I know my parents love to give Flynny snacks... sometimes I hate to think what he gets through the day while he stays with them while I go to work. I give him breakfast and dinner but I think he also gets morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea during the day!!!
You stay so positive even though things are piling up, that is a great quality to have and I very much admire it. All the best on the job front! :)
05-06-2013, 08:30 AM
Good morning everyone,
Daisy Mae "monster" is eating her breakfast as I type this. She's still not quite her greedy self, but she ate on her own as soon as I put the bowl down. I'm wondering if she's just starting to settle in to the new normal of not being ravenous and ready to take my hand along with the food?
No diarrhea or poops at all since yesterday afternoon which is fine with me. It tells me that her system is working through whatever the problem was and that the Baytril is doing the job. Something should happen by night time.
I'm leaning toward either the ecoli trying to come back or she got into something while we walked her yesterday. Being so low to the ground, it's easy to miss if she's gotten something small.
Bowl is empty - yeah!!!!
Trish, I'm not the type to dwell too much as I have a good cry and my fiance is really great about checking in on me, not snickering if I cry at stupid things like a video on Facebook (yesterday), and he's got a kooky sense of humor that makes me laugh.
We have a miniature black poodle growing up, dad fed her everything under the sun and she was healthy throughout her 17+ years of life. He doesn't understand that dachshunds are completely different dogs and that Daisy in particular will eat whatever she can find whether or not it is good for her. She also sits at your feet and stares at you like she's never seen food before and grandpa is a softy (sucker)!!!!
So it's wait and see how Daisy is later, but we're off to a good start today.
I'm going back to bed for a bit and then I'll look at her neck and see what's changed with the mucocele thing. It doesn't appear to bother her and she sleeps just fine.
05-06-2013, 08:51 AM
So sorry to hear Daisy has another bout with the runs. That is terrible as she had been doing so well. I heard that the E coli is hard to get rid of sometimes so maybe that is it. Hopefully she will have a good solid bowel movement this evening. Our weather has been real nice here, but I saw where rain is moving in so poor Tipper will be in a tizzy. Hope Daisy gets on the mend. Blessings
05-06-2013, 11:37 AM
Thanks Patti,
you've been getting a lot of rain. Is that unusual?
How is Tipper's foot?
Budsters Mom
05-06-2013, 03:33 PM
I am so glad that Daisy is eating on her own and feeling better.:) Our fur babies can be so worrisome at times.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-06-2013, 04:10 PM
Glad to hear Daisy is having a better day and her appetite is coming back and no diarrhea yet.When they are feeling better/good,our whole world feels better!:)
05-06-2013, 09:42 PM
Thank you all,
she does seem better:) I hope that it stays that way.
05-06-2013, 10:15 PM
Oh Valerie,
I know how you feel!! It isn't easy to have so many things on your mind..good to give into the cry every now and then as a release of everything that's built up.
My mother-who is 93- is constantly trying to give Trixie food from her plate most of which is slathered with butter-which is like poison for Trixie. She doesn't really listen when I tell her not to give Trixie anything from off her plate!
When my mom was staying here last month I actually put up a small moveable doggie fence around her chair while she was eating so that Trixie couldn't get to her and visa-versa!! How crazy is that!?
Anyway, I hope Daisy is doing okay tonight and that her tummy is settling down and that you're feeling better about things today! ;)
05-06-2013, 10:43 PM
Barbara, a fence around mom's chair!!! I like that!
They don't understand that not every dog can tolerate people food.
05-07-2013, 05:09 AM
Another good news post, thats 3 in a row!! YAY for Daisy, glad she is feeling better today!! Hope you are too :)
05-07-2013, 09:18 AM
Glad to hear that Daisy is on the mend. We are supposed to be getting rain, maybe for a week. I am sure that will not make my Tipper happy. Any news on the job front? Hope you find something. These bills are ridiculous enough when you have an income coming in, but nearly impossible when you don't, so you are doing a fantastic job caring for her. It is not easy with all the things that you have been thru. I applaud you in all you have done. I am praying for you to have an easier life, and that Miss Daisy continues to improve. Blessings
05-08-2013, 08:40 AM
Thanks Patti,
I spoke too soon. We resumed the Trilostane last night at dinner and this morning she refused breakfast and I carried her to the door to convince her to go outside.
She walked slowly but her stools are normal.
So, I did not give her Trilostane this morning and emailed the vet again letting her know what is up.
Thankfully my fiance helps when he can!
05-08-2013, 01:19 PM
You two are really having a bad time of it. I am so sorry Daisy isn't eating again. It is so hard to deal with issues every day you wake up, it seems like it is always something. I hope she perks up some time today, this is the most awful disease ever to try and deal with it is all consuming. God Bless You and sweet Daisy
molly muffin
05-08-2013, 01:27 PM
Oh Dang! :(
Let us know what Dr. Morgan has to say. It doesn't seem that her cortisol would be too low from the last ACTH test, so I wonder what is up. :(
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-08-2013, 01:51 PM
I am so sorry Valerie.:( Our little fur babies can be so worrisome at times. I hope miss Daisy's tummy settles really fast! Hang in their Valerie. You are doing a wonderful job! :)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-08-2013, 02:32 PM
Daisy barfed clear liquid once earlier today :(
I didn't give her any Trilostane and Dr. Morgan doesn't want her to have any until Friday morning and then we're decreasing the 10mg twice a day to 7.5 twice a day.
So, another $150 to get this stuff compounded :(
On the plus side, the shelf life is over 6 months so I'll have enough of the 5 mg capsules for at least that long and 3 months worth of the 2.5 mg capsules. Sigh :(
She's perked up some and is at least following me around the house. She hasn't eaten but given that she got sick all over her bed and blankets (in the wash now), I don't blame her.
Dr. Morgan did say that the numbers were so high that she doubts that Daisy's cortisol has gone dangerously low, but she's focused more on the fact that her clinical signs have greatly improved and if the lower dosage still yields that same improvement, she's good with that.
I am too!
05-08-2013, 02:42 PM
Happy Birthday Val
Not a great way to be spending it, hope she perks up soon so you can enjoy some of your day
Big hug babe
05-08-2013, 02:55 PM
Ok ladies, I'm perplexed.
I picked up Daisy's bed and it was soaked! I'm now wondering if it isn't vomit at all because there is no color or odor. Could she have lost bladder control during the night because of low cortisol?
I took her outside again and she wasn't perky but more energetic than this morning and she followed me from the kitchen to the living room which is more normal behavior.
She's improving but I am confused as to the abundance of clear, non-smelly liquid. Thoughts? Breakfast is there waiting for her and she drank 2/3 of the water in her bowl that's been there since 8 am this morning.
Thank you for the birthday wishes :)
Harley PoMMom
05-08-2013, 03:09 PM
I believe I would have her urine tested for an UTI. Some dogs don't show the obvious symptoms of an UTI.
Boriss McCall
05-08-2013, 04:11 PM
poor Daisy.. :( Glad she is perking up a little bit. I hope the lower dose does the trick for her.
05-08-2013, 07:19 PM
Daisy's urine was tested about two weeks ago and she was fine.
She ate 1/2 of her food finally, and no more vomit or whatever the clear liquid was since earlier today.
Crossing my fingers!
05-08-2013, 07:51 PM
Hi Valerie
Happy Birthday!Sorry I have no helpful info with Cushings but glad to hear Daisy has perked up a bit.Hope you can get to the bottom of what the clear liquid is-uggghhh..very frustrating!
molly muffin
05-08-2013, 08:45 PM
Happy Birthday Valerie
This is perplexing
Has Daisy done this before?
Have you heard from the IMS yet?
sharlene and molly muffin
Simba's Mom
05-08-2013, 09:05 PM
So sorry to hear about Daisy Mae, hope her little tummy gets better soon....ugh this nasty disease...sending hugs...
Hey Happy Birthday Val
05-08-2013, 10:04 PM
Thanks everyone.
The IMS vet doesn't want me to give Daisy anymore Trilostane until Friday as long as she has improved by then.
Reducing the dose to 7.5 mg twice a day.
05-09-2013, 06:51 AM
happy belated birthday valerie !!! so sorry that miss daisy mae isn't feeling like her perky self.i am hoping she will be back to her happy,healthy litl self...looking forward to hearing good news.....sending you both xoxox patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-09-2013, 08:41 AM
Happy belated birthday!! I hope Daisy is going to stay well now, and glad there is no more vomiting. You feel so helpless when they have these things come up and you are not sure what is causing it. Hope for a good day for you both.
05-09-2013, 08:52 AM
Thanks Patti,
no more vomiting and she ate almost all of her food this morning.
Will it take a few days for her energy to come back if the cortisol did go too low? We're really thinking that this is what happened.
Budsters Mom
05-09-2013, 09:34 AM
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-09-2013, 09:36 AM
I noticed when Tipper's cortisol was low that she kind of lounged around for a few days, that could be what happened with Daisy. Maybe it just wasn't low enough to go into Addisons. Tipper seems to feel better when the cortisol is a bit higher, and I have read that some other dogs have a hard time when theirs is low also. Hope you have a good day with sweet Daisy
05-09-2013, 09:41 AM
Thanks Patti,
I don't think she's Addison's, but I do think that it fell too low. She walks very slowly as if she's just been woken up.
I can't wait to her how Tipper's treatment goes today. So happy that you don't have to go back to that horrible IMS person.
05-09-2013, 10:09 AM
Happy birthday from me too...(belated though it may be!). I hope Daisy is feeling better. It's sounds as though her eating is good and no more vomiting which is definitely a plus. Hopefully you will notice her energy level on the up-swing today.
Barbara :)
Squirt's Mom
05-09-2013, 10:31 AM
Hi Valerie,
Was an ACTH done? Were her electrolytes checked? A UTI can come on rapidly so just because the test a week or so ago was ok that doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't have an infection today. ;) As UTIs progress, you will typically notice a darkening of the urine and a strong odor. My neighbors would watch me with great concern as I squatted to sniff one of my baby's pee who had a pretty bad UTI. :p They should have been used to seeing me do "weird" things concerning pee and poop! :D:p
Happy Belated Birthday! 29, right? Me too! :p
Leslie and the gang
05-09-2013, 04:40 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm pretty sure that it's not a UTI. No accidents inside and when she finally did go out to pee I couldn't smell it.
Daisy seems to have more energy now and willingly walked outside on her own this afternoon :) I didn't have to carry her. Dad vacuumed and she barked her usual loud doxie bark, so she's definitely feeling better and stronger.
Thank God! I was so afraid that she went Addisons!!!!
The IMS has been in touch with me all along via email and she said that if Daisy hadn't improved by tomorrow that she was ready to try the prednisone. I am so happy NOT to go that route.
05-09-2013, 04:43 PM
Things sound like they are getting back to normal with Daisy! Hoping you continue seeing marked improvement!!
molly muffin
05-09-2013, 04:45 PM
Didn't Daisy just have an ACTH a couple weeks ago that had a post of 35. I remember we were all a bit shocked that it would be that high and yet here she is acting like it went to low again, which is how she acted when she was on 20mg once a day. Too low would be if it dropped from 35. to like 1. or something. It makes me question the results on the previous test. I am sure that Cornell should be able to do a good ACTH test, they are experienced but here we are. Confused :confused: She went from 5mg twice a day up to 10mg twice a day and boom, it goes too low.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-09-2013, 04:46 PM
Thank you:)
For the moment, i can breath easier.
Dr. Morgan said that how each dog reacts is so individualized. She was surprised too, but the signs were obvious. It could be that Daisy is just one of those dogs who can't go as low as the numbers should be without an adverse reaction for whatever reason.
OMG, I can tell you that there is NOTHING wrong with her butt! I can smell her from the next room. Shame, shame Daisy Mae - you're getting a cork for your next birthday.
05-10-2013, 08:34 AM
I am glad to hear that Daisy is doing better. These numbers and dosages are so tricky that each individual dog handles things differently. I know some dogs are real low and do fine, but it seems to make Tipper jumpy and not herself when she is low. When she was a bit higher she did better. I love the one Leslie said about smelling the pee. My neighbors would really be talking about me then, as they think I am crazy already for putting so much time, effort, and money into Tipper. When did they start paying my bills???They would have it all over the neighborhood that I am smelling grass. It is a small development where I live, and that's all they have to do is gossip. I do not under any circumstances get involved in it, I just stick to myself and mind my own business. I hope you can get Daisy straightened out so she gets back to her old self totally. God Bless You Both
05-10-2013, 05:30 PM
it's been a day! Daisy was listless again this morning and I carried her out.
I'm guessing that her cortisol is fluctuating and trying to correct itself.
Dad and I went to Smilow Cancer center for his followup with his oncologist. He's doing well, BUT the doctor is moving to MO and we're very sad!!!!
We got home just before 4pm and Daisy had more energy. She still isn't eating a full meal at a time and certainly isn't "hoovering" the food. As Dr. Morgan asked, I gave her 7.5 mg of Trilostane tonight with dinner.
She's not having to go outside any more than usual, in fact - she's needed to go less often so I don't think that a UTI is the issue. I really think that her cortisol went too low.
Thank you all for keeping me sane!
Patti, your gossiping gooses reminds me of an experience that I had in high school. There were three of us who were friends; myself, Beverly, and Debbie.
When Beverly and Debbie were together, Beverly would tell Debbie all sorts of things that I "
supposedly" said. Bev would do the same when I was with her, claiming that Debbie said etc. etc.
What Beverly did not know was that Debbie and I were close enough that we knew better and we would share these reports with each other. In the end, it resulted in Beverly losing both of us as friends while Debbie and I remained in touch for years.
I am friends with Beverly on Facebook, but I don't share anything with her that I would want to remain private.
In the beginning, Debbie and I thought it was a bit funny that Beverly had no idea that we were sharing her claims with each other. After some time. it was just an annoyance and not worth it.
As an adult, I don't waist my time with such people and you're smart to avoid them too:)
Budsters Mom
05-10-2013, 05:40 PM
Hi Valerie,:)
Let Miss Daisy know that enough is enough! ;) She has way too many mother hens watching out for her and we don't need to be hearing that she's not cooperating.;) Seriously, I hope You're able to get Daisy's dosage regulated so she can start to feel better, and you can relax a little. Hang in there Valerie, you are doing a great job!:)
Love and Hugs,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-10-2013, 06:44 PM
she's a stubborn dachshund. That is how they are, give mom a heart attack - hahaha...snicker :)
She ate the rest of her breakfast and I gave her a little more to go with the 7.5 mg of Trilostane. Now we wait and see. She's resting on her bed.
I hear snoring <3.
05-10-2013, 09:23 PM
Haha gossiping gooses indeed, mind you I would probably take a second look if I saw someone down sniffing the grass :D:D Very pleased to hear your Dad is doing well, sad to say goodbye to a trusted Dr.. hope the new ones are just as good!
Hope Daisy perks up, when is the plan to retest her? Hope she does not go too low again. Such a fine line sometimes to get that level just right! Good luck with it Valerie :)
05-10-2013, 10:51 PM
if she has no issues with the new dosage and still has the decline in thirst, eating, and her fur looks good etc. Dr. Morgan said 4 - 6 weeks. We both are sure now that Daisy responds too well to the recommended dosage and that lower will hopefully work.
At least I know what to look for having experienced it and prednisone was not needed so I don't think that Daisy actually went Addisons.
I have now refilled her bowl twice since this morning so her thirst is also picking back up:) She sneered at me when I put her collar and leash on because God forbid I disturb her nap. Once outside she was energetic again.
molly muffin
05-11-2013, 11:32 PM
Hi Valerie,
How is Daisy doing today? Hope she is feeling better and that you are having a nice relaxing weekend.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-11-2013, 11:40 PM
Daisy has been back on the Trilostane since last night at 7.5 mg twice a day. Eating normally and drinking. So far, so good!
Maybe we finally have the right dose? Time will tell :)
Rainy off and on all day today and of course, the princess didn't like getting even her feet wet so it was not so fun getting her to go outside today. Stubborn doxie!
She's making sleepy noises next to me on the bed and I'll take her out one last time for tonight soon.
Budsters Mom
05-11-2013, 11:45 PM
Great news Valerie.:) I really hope that this dosage does the trick.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and Daisy.
Love and hugs to you both,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-11-2013, 11:52 PM
Thanks Kathy,
3 months of 2.5 mg Trilostane = $150!
I had to charge this and that doesn't make me happy.
I've been told that dad's VA pension has been approved but that it could take another 5 months before we see any money so I faxed a letter to the VA imploring them to start sending the pension money for dad and the aid and attendance for me. Finances are getting super tough and even though Chris would give me his last dime, it's not fair for me to expect so and I would never do that.
He scolded me for not asking for the $$$ and I told him how I felt about relying on him that way. His famous saying "We Is An Us". I'm so used to being the one to help everyone else that I just go into auto pilot and do what needs to be done.
Happy Mother's Day :)
Simba's Mom
05-12-2013, 01:12 AM
Hoping Daisy Mae will get to the right dose soon, makes all of us moms worry less, take care of u too Valerie, sending hugs!
Budsters Mom
05-12-2013, 01:24 AM
Yes Valerie,
I really do understand about the money thing. I am struggling with that issue too. Where are you buying Daisy's Trilostane that you're paying that much? I order Buddy's Trilostane from DIAMONDBACK DRUGS online. Buddy takes 20 mg once per day. I get 60 pills for $31.50. That is $40.02 including shipping. 60 pills last 60 days (two months). That means I'm only paying about $20 per month for Buddy's Trilostane. Once you get Daisy stabilized on a certain dosage, I would call them and get a quote. It would be worth a try. :rolleyes:
I am sorry that you're having so much trouble with the VA, as far as getting your dad's benefits and the help you need. Our veterans should be treated much better than that!:(
Maybe Chris really wants to help you out with some of the expenses. I understand that you don't want to take any money from him. Just think about the fact that we all need a little help now and then and there is no shame in that. It is obvious that you help people out when you can. You are helping every single person that you talk to on this on this forum. :)
Sending lots of love and hugs to you and sweet Daisy,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-12-2013, 02:07 AM
Chris has helped immensely :-)
He paid for Daisy's most recent IMS visit but his daughter is graduating from high school so I want to be sure that he has enough money for the trip to Ohio etc.
He went through a lengthy legal battle that has lasted the entire 4 years that we've been together. Long story, it was supposed to last for only 6 months but the courts didn't know how to handle it since he wasn't married to his ex.
The poor man has been trampled on, spit out, and trampled again. I never want him to feel used or taken for granted by me. Sadly, I know too well how that feels.
I firmly believe that we're rewarded somehow after death for the good that we do on earth:-) In the end, I want to like who I am and helping people gives me purpose, especially right now when I'm feeling so unproductive.
05-12-2013, 08:21 AM
Thank God you have Chris, and he has you. The money situation here after this procedure with Tipper will be very dire also. I don't know how I am going to make it if she needs an operation. I am praying a lot and hoping that Tipper doesn't have anything that cannot be corrected. Where I will get the money remains to be seen. I did not sleep too well last night,and I am crying today as the time comes closer to Tuesday. I am so nervous I am getting the hives. This girl means everything to me, and I just cannot go on without her. I hope everything gets straightened out with Miss Daisy. Is she eating right now? Once you get her dosage right, I think it will be smooth sailing for you two. God Bless You and Daisy.
05-13-2013, 07:23 PM
I'm praying that you get the answers that you need for Tipper and that the solution is as easy as the nose drops. That still amazes me, but so happy that they're working for her.
Chris and I met in our 40s. He has a daughter from his previous marriage but I never had children aside from the non-human kind :) Being a single mother wasn't what I wanted to be.
Sadly, his daughter never quite got over their divorce and the situation with her mother is quite complicated. Long story short, his ex remarried a long time ago and he's a good guy from what I've been told. Their daughter was coddled to the point where at 17 she doesn't know how to do her own laundry. She visits Chris when she's "had enough" of her mother and needs a break, calls him when she needs money or has a problem with her mother, and for whatever reason she wants nothing to do with me.
Another reason why I love our pets so very much. They're drama free :)
Patti, I know that you're worried and probably won't sleep much tonight. There are things that we have no control over, but please know that you need these answers as frightening as they are. What is that saying, something about going through the hard times before we get to the good?
Crossing my fingers and Daisy is crossing her paws.
So far, Daisy is eating at a normal pace. I can put the food down and she takes some time to eat it. Water consumption is still high but not as high. The downside is that I am more aware of her arthritis or the muscle weakness when she squats to pee. It takes her awhile to find that comfortable spot.
Now that the weather has improved, she does well walking and we'll have to do more of that to strengthen her back legs.
Try to rest, sending hugs!
molly muffin
05-13-2013, 10:40 PM
Glad to hear that Daisy is continuing to do well today. That is one of the big problems that people notice is that once the cortisol lowers, then things like arthritis show up even more. :(
Hopefully she'll do well on this dosage.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-14-2013, 07:35 AM
We're back to cow patty like diarrhea again. The difference is that she's not listless at all so I'm wondering what else is going on or if it is the Trilostane but her cortisol is fine.
The vet mentioned some other meds to combat this, Tylan powder (tylosin). Has anyone used this?
Thank you
molly muffin
05-14-2013, 07:27 PM
Hi Valerie, I haven't used Tylan powder for Molly. I read here : that it can be used to treat symptoms of colitis in dogs. Does your IMS think that Daisy has colitis and that this is not a flare up of the e-coli?
Something sure is going on with her.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
05-14-2013, 10:37 PM
I used tylan for Harley a couple times, if I remember right it has a nasty taste. It got good reviews on Amazon:
05-14-2013, 10:49 PM
The IMS has not mentioned the ecoli flaring. I think that she suspects the Trilostane and Daisy just might have a sensitive system.
I'm waiting for her response to my email about trying slippery elm. That tastes good and Daisy is much more likely to take it without a problem.
Tylan would have to be compounded and I really don't want to go through that expense for the third time this month if the slippery elm will work.
No cow patties since the one this morning. A very small amount of slightly formed stool tonight though.
05-14-2013, 11:00 PM
We used Tylan last summer when Trixie had clostridium bacteria which gave her terrible diarrhea. This bacteria gives dogs colitis type issues. The Tylan was great for Trixie...worked wonders! We used a very tiny bit...I think it was 1/16 of a teaspoon 2x a day which I sprinkled on her food and mashed it in. If Trixie noticed the bad taste it didn't show by the way she ate her food...gobbled it up. There were no side effects and it cleared up the bacteria and the bad gastro issues very quickly.
My vet just gave me a small vial of the powder...I wouldnt have thought it was expensive at all..they didn't even charge me for it.
Hope if you try it that it works as well for Daisy as it did for Trixie.
05-14-2013, 11:32 PM
Hi Valerie
Happy Belated Mothers' day!Trying to get caught up with everyone here and was reading a few of your most recent posts.I hope you hear from the IME and that Daisy is having a better day.
It sounds like you have met a wonderful guy-now THATS hard to find!!:).I recently broke up with my bf after 3 yrs and 20 years of friendship.He turned out to be quite a different man than I thought but the one thing I truly miss is that he loved my dogs so much.He really is the only one who understands what losing Fella has meant to me.I had a long talk with Fella during those long trips back and forth to Tufts and I even told him"I'm sorry daddy turned out to be such a louse but loved his little Fella":).
I only read a small bit bout your dad,but I hope he gets his benefits soon.I was a visiting nurse in NY(thats how I found Fella that day)and it was a real eye opener.The way the elderly are treated is a disgrace.You either have to have a small fortune to pay privately for assistance or you have to have absolutely nothing to get some free assistance.Most fall in between and it can be very difficult and frustrating.
Thanks as always for being so kind and offering good suggestions for Gracie.I'll keep you posted and good luck with Daisy and your dad.
05-14-2013, 11:49 PM
Oh I've had my share of frogs before meeting Chris. Believe me!!!
It took me 45 years to find him and I'm NOT giving him back - LOL.
I'm not sure how long he's going to wait for me though - I worry about that because we're not getting any younger and I'm always the one in the family to handle everything while others' just sit waiting for their part of the inheritance. It sickens me :(
Fella knew how much you loved him and to heck with "daddy/loser". Isn't it amazing how people change when a relationship changes? I hear it all of the time!
There is someone out there for everyone, it just might take more time than you planned like Chris and I :)
He is my rock along with a few good friends, but I can count on Chris the most and we have been through some really tough crap in our 4 years together.
Both of us are so ready for a break and some pleasant time together without any major incidents. It's overdue.
I wrote a letter to the VA administration asking that they begin sending money for dad asap because of the financial hardship. I know that they received the fax.
It's scary and with ObamaCare looming I fear the worst for our seniors.
You are bouncing back wonderfully I have to say! I love seeing positive posts from you despite recently losing Fella in such a shocking manner. Obviously, you are a very strong person :)
05-15-2013, 12:12 AM
Hi Valerie
I'm so happy you met someone nice-you're a wonderful person and deserve it!:).Everyone goes thru tough times,and it's a comfort when you have someone who doesn't bail on you and is supportive.And from the sounds of it,you've been there for him as well.Life can be so difficult sometimes and all the worrying and anxiety takes its toll sometimes.The trip to NH that Grace and I took did wonders for us so I understand that feeling of hoping one day you can just take a deep breath and relax!
Some days are better than others here.I don't cry everyday but the loss and the knowledge that he is truly gone from our lives is unimaginable at times.I go by his picture and just think"I can't believe you're gone".I know this isn't the place for this so I'll keep it short.Losing him would have been horrendous at any time,but now was particularly bad for me.Seemed my bf,best friend for 20yrs had a huge alcohol problem and when discovered,chose a life of alcohol and basically abandoned the life he had with me and our fur baby family.Very painful and a huge loss for my babies as they really loved him.He never even said goodbye to us and that's why I told Fella what I did.He was the def of a deadbeat dad!:).I'm 48,single with not a man in sight!:).And I swear dogs are so smart!!Fella and I became even closer after that.We split up and we moved to a cute house by the ocean and life was just starting to be good again,it was just us again,and then I lost him.
When I was up in NH,I had a dream about Fella.Weird,cuz it was years before I dreamed about Kelsey.Anyhow,Fella was outside his house,barking in the window.I woke up smiling cuz knowing Fella,he was prob giving him a piece of his mind for hurting him and his momma!:).
So,I hope things get easier for you and your Dad's money comes thru.That woud be a huge relief!You're a great person and thanks for all your kindness-you deserve a break!
05-15-2013, 12:53 AM
oh I know all about people with addictions and how badly they can mess life up! I am one of the few in my family who has not succumbed to any addiction ever but I know first hand the pain and betrayal that they bring about.
How ironic! I just turned 48 :) Right before I met Chris, I was mentally "preparing" myself for the fact that I might spend the rest of my life being single and I compared myself to my favorite aunt who never married and remained happily single until the end of her life at 91. She traveled extensively and from what I remember lived a happy, fulfilled life :)
Looking back, she was beautiful when she was younger and I never remember a man in her life ever and there is nothing wrong with that.
A house by the ocean! That would be a dream come true for me!!!! I LOVE the water of any kind.
Our furlets know when we're hurting. Daisy is sensing my sadness lately and follows me from room to room. Something that she hasn't been doing lately and I attributed it to the disinterest associated with Cushings.
We actually took a nap together on the couch and oh how I missed that!!!!
05-15-2013, 01:40 AM
Oh,a nap on the couch cuddling with Daisy sounds awesome!!I miss that so much.Fella just "knew" and would cuddle up and made everything better.Yes,the betrayal of addiction is mind boggling!It would be less painful to just continously bang your head against the wall!:).Thankfully,I'm not dealing with that anymore but it did take its toll and I'm so grateful for the love of my babies through it all.
Your aunt sounds like she had a great life!I watch the Golden Girls reruns and think-now,they had a great life together!One of the reasons I miss NY so much-had loads of friends there.Never lived in a place with so many single women my age with dogs.It was wonderful!Now,I'm back home in Boston and all my friends divorced,raising children on their own so it is quite lonely.Gee,you met your bf in your 40's,so maybe there IS hope for me yet!:D.
Hope easier days are ahead for you-you certainly deserve a break!Any new job prospects?
05-15-2013, 02:06 AM
Sadly, not one bite on the job front. The longer I'm out, the more frightened I become :-(
I desperately want the chance to use all that I have learned (organizational leadership B.A. with a minor in Project Management).
You'll like this for irony, Chris is the only guy whom I've had a relationship with who is younger than I am!
Until I found this forum and learned what I have about Cushings, I wondered if Daisy had stopped loving me. My heart was truly broken at this thought. I'd wondered what I did wrong.
All of you have given me a peace of mind that I'll be forever grateful for!
Chris used to work in Manhattan when we were dating. It was so much fun meeting him at work and heading out to a play etc!!
I wonder why so many single women converge on NY?
You would expect the opposite since it's so expensive to live there.
05-15-2013, 04:08 AM
Hi Valerie
I will come on poop patrol with you :D Darn doggies with their dodgy tummy's, hope Daisy's settles down asap! :)
05-15-2013, 01:23 PM
My father left boxes of Carnation Instant Breakfast sitting on the table. Gracie (cat) knocked one off in the middle of the night and Daisy thought that the chocolate flavor was particularly delicious :(
She seems fine so far, but I am NOT a happy mommy.
Seriously guys (brats)?
05-15-2013, 02:04 PM
Oops!!Chocolate -how could they resist!Sounds like they have quite a system together!:).I can picture Buster knocking something down so that piggy Gracie could get to it as well!Hopefully Daisy will be okay and will feel no ill effects!
Was reading your post last night-a younger man-well,good for you!!And yes,I used to love going into Manhattan.Though they can be expensive,I used to love catching a play once in awhile and just walking around,people watching.I lived in a small beach community in NY and there was a little of everything there,but alot of single women for whatever reason.I think there were as many dogs living there as people-I loved it!!Everyone of course lives on top of one another there,but it was nice since all your friends were within walking distance from one another.We would sometimes just sit out,have a barbecue with one another and all our dogs!:).It was great and the dogs loved it!I will def go back there one day.
That is really lousy that you can't seem to find a job.And you're right,the longer you are unemployed,the more frightening it becomes.It really wears your confidence down and you start to question your ability-BUT keep being persistent,you will find something!!
Well,I'm off to plant flowers,gotta keep busy or I will sit and cry about Fella all day.It's awful that as time passes,the pain becomes deeper.Hard to believe I will never see him again.I can't even think about it because I get too depressed.
Hope Daisy is okay-keep us posted.They are so full of mischief!!
05-15-2013, 02:37 PM
they ganged up once before and took out a box of Brillo pads! Thankfully, Daisy didn't eat any.
One day I clocked 12 walking miles in Manhattan. I love visiting the city and can't wait to get back to Greenwich where I belong.
molly muffin
05-15-2013, 03:34 PM
Sounds like you might have found the reason for the cow paddy in the morning then, since choco is a big no no for dogs, but irresistible it seems!
hang in there
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-15-2013, 09:03 PM
Sharlene, the cow paddy was the morning before the chocolate theft. None since though.
Simba's Mom
05-16-2013, 01:33 AM
Oh Daisy Mae, cow pies, now that's not very lady like :) shoot Val hope she gets better poos....i do think the tristo is hard on their little tummies..the floriflora still seems to be working for Sim.....hang in there
05-16-2013, 02:20 AM
I'm glad that it's still working for Simba!
05-16-2013, 12:59 PM
Everyone, please read my post in the "everything else" section of this forum.
Apparently, Tufts has discovered a new tick borne disease that mirrors Lyme!
05-16-2013, 02:02 PM
Regarding Daisy-Mae's diet, I would not give her broccoli nor cauliflower until her diarrhea is gone. Both are gas-producing also broccoli contains a toxin called isothiocyanate, which is a powerful gastrointestinal irritant if given in large amounts. In small amounts it is supposed to be safe from what I have read but perhaps your dog is extra-sensitive to it. Just on general principal, I would not give green beans either until she is better. Unsweetened Pumpkin is supposed to be good for diarrhea you can check with your vet about giving her that. When my dogs have had diarrhea I give them boiled chicken breast and white rice until it is gone and then gradually add their old food.
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 02:51 PM
Yes pumpkin is oddly good for diarrhea and constipation. You don't need a lot. No more than a tablespoon, once or twice a day. I wouldn't try anything new without talking to your vet first. I hope Miss Daisy's stomach settles soon. Hang in there Valerie. Sometimes that's all we can do. I know you are frustrated.
Love and Hugs,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-16-2013, 06:16 PM
Hey Val
How are you and Miss Daisy? Belly better now? Sure hope so...
Saw your question re manuka honey, the higher the umf factor in which will be listed on the label the better it is. I did some reading about it for Tia.
Big hug, belly rubs to Daisy Mae
05-16-2013, 10:14 PM
Thanks everyone!
Daisy hasn't had broccoli or cauliflower in weeks so the recent diarrhea was not because of that.
It was the trilostane or she ate something without me knowing which is easy to do since she's an inch off the ground.
Dachshund = sneaky
What is the number range for the manuka honey that I should be looking for please?
05-17-2013, 08:38 AM
I buy Airborne from New Zealand on Amazon and I usually get the 400 UMF which means Unique Manuka Factor. The higher the number the more anibacterial properties of the honey. This is organic honey also. I think mine was about $25-29 a jar. It lasts forever though. Don't think it is bad when you get it as it will be dark golden and opaque, unlike the brassy colored clear honey sold here this has like a zillion times more healing properties than regular honey, and does not taste like regular honey either. I hope it helps Miss Daisy to feel better. I know what you mean about these babies picking stuff up and eating it before you even see it. My cat will eat anything he sees. They are so smart, yet so dumb at times! Good luck and God Bless You and Daisy.
05-17-2013, 01:15 PM
Thanks Patti,
Dachshunds fall into the category of "the nastier it smells, the more I want to eat it". It's their one MAJOR flaw :)
I found some on ebay for $10.50 and will bid on it.
How it Tipper doing?
05-17-2013, 02:07 PM
Hope you win your bid. Tipper is so so today. I think a little miffed at me for the excursion on Tuesday, and she is not letting me forget it. Sometimes she is distant which I think is a side effect of the Vetoryl. I call her and she just acts like she doesn't hear me! She has never done this ever. I wonder how Scoop is doing? I am so worried about them I think of him and Vicki constantly, and know how I would feel if it were Tipper. This disease surely is one of the worst things besides cancer that can happen to your baby. God Bless and tell Miss Daisy I have a few fuzz balls on the kitchen floor the cat missed if she is interested!!
05-18-2013, 09:01 AM
Hope you got the honey. How is Miss Daisy this morning? Blessings
05-18-2013, 01:04 PM
Daisy's diarrhea has gotten worse. Accident during the night. Poor puppy. Might have to bring a sample to the vet.
Tipper will come around, she can't stay mad forever.
They're little stinkers when they want to be :-)
05-18-2013, 01:27 PM
sorry to hear that Daisy has a bad bout this morning. Weren't you thinking of trying the Tylan powder? It helped Trixie more than any other meds we had tried. She had terrible diarrhea..bloody and awful. We were going out all night long.... 3am, 4am and it was so worrisome and she was miserable. This ended up being a very stubborn clostidium bacteria...hard to eradicate. The tylan powder was amazing. Used a tiny bit over her food and so quickly she felt better and things normalized in just a day or so. No side effects at all. Maybe it's something you can try for Daisy if the vet thinks it's called for.
05-18-2013, 05:48 PM
Is there a way to get the Tylan powder without having it compounded?
Money is beyond tight right now.
05-18-2013, 06:09 PM
Sure is. I used to work for this company and you can trust them:
(they are an ag supplier and sell tons of it online to dog owners)
Thing is you have to purchase capsules from someone else. I googled. Also note that this yellow powder is very light and difficult to get into capsules. I googled and found instructions - created a cone out of paper and filled them that way.
Also google side effects - if I recall diarrhea could be one.. so long ago. I purchased it when I thought Annie had pancreatitis (her tummy was growling non-stop) I was wrong so I quit using it - :) Kim
05-18-2013, 06:55 PM
Thank you! I'll do my research :)
molly muffin
05-18-2013, 07:09 PM
When Molly had bad diarrhea and had an accident in the house due to it. She ended up on antibiotics for almost a month for a persistent gastrointestinal bacterial issue.
Well, it's worth a try, what would the cost be to do it this way vs having compounded?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-19-2013, 12:27 AM
I'm waiting for Dr. Morgan to respond to my email. I asked her all of these questions. Daisy now was bloody diarrhea, poor think, but she's not acting any different.
Budsters Mom
05-19-2013, 12:41 AM
Sending you lots of love and hugs Valerie,
This stuff is worrisome. :( I hope Daisy normalizes really soon. I am glad to hear that she isn't acting any different. That is always a good sign. I hope you hear from Dr. Morgan soon. Hang in there Valerie. We are here for you.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-19-2013, 12:53 AM
I know Kathy, it just seems that we take one step ahead and five steps back and with no job - this beyond SUCKS because I have $15 in my checking account which isn't going to help at all.
Of course this happens one of the few times that I didn't bring her to Greenwich with me this weekend, she's home with dad. Chris and I had things to do this weekend and rather than have Daisy sit here while we were out, dad said that she could stay with him and have the company.
If I weren't so tired I would drive the 2 hours back right now, but what would that accomplish? So I'll try to sleep and probably won't succeed.
I told dad not to give her the trilostane with breakfast tomorrow but to give her pumkin. Hoping that helps.
05-19-2013, 01:20 AM
Oh no, this sucks. Poor Daisy and poor you not being with her. I hate upset tummy problems, such a worry and especially when you see blood :eek::eek: Glad you not giving her the med and hoping it settle down real quick and you hear from your IMS soon too, she seems really good at giving speedy advice. Hope you get some sleep Valerie xx
05-19-2013, 01:25 AM
Thanks Trish, but I don't think that's going to happen. Every time I think about it, I get teary eyed and wish that I'd stayed back in Bristol this weekend.
05-19-2013, 01:29 AM
Hey Val
Nipping in to give you a hug.
You put daisy first by ensuring she wasn't on her own, you probably would have preferred her with you but you did the right thing for her
You could never have known this would happen
Simba's Mom
05-19-2013, 01:29 AM
Oh shoot just when things are going smoothly for awhile, sorry to hear about Daisy Mae, sending hugs and prayers that she will feel better soon and praying for strength for you Valerie.....
05-19-2013, 01:35 AM
If you don't think your going to sleep you should drive home, you will probably feel so much better to be with her keeping your eagle eye on things. What's the time there?
05-19-2013, 01:42 AM
Thanks Ladies -
1:36am, dark and rainy. Most of the drive is on multi-lanes highways that tend to be busy regardless of the time so driving while tired is inadvisable.
Awww. I'm not the only one awake. Annibelle Lee just strolled by. Amazing how different she is from Gracie.
If something major were to happen, my father would call me regardless of the time and Chris would pop me in the car and drive back to Bristol asap.
Sadly, we've been through that routine multiple times while my mother battled with Parkinsons. Even rushed back from NJ in the middle of a blizzard after mom was hospitalized following a choking incident that happened at home where she went into cardiac arrest three times before the ambulance arrived. Thankfully, the policeman on call knew CPR!
05-19-2013, 01:45 AM
Jeepers, poor you and your Mom. That sounds like a hideous thing to happen and you must have been so worried during that drive.
Yikes, glad you are staying put. Mel can ask the universe to put it right and she will be fine in the morning :D:D Hope you get some rest tonight, sounds like your Dad is onto it and will let you know if it worsens. xxx
05-19-2013, 01:47 AM
Mel! The universe needs a swift kick in the A_ _ !! Please and thank you :)
05-19-2013, 01:54 AM
I did say when I read it that she needs a break, as does her poor momma. Just told them again :)
It's so hard to know what to do sometimes and I hate money has to be a factor.
You know you have the best for her val, you just have to hang in there. I wonder whether she has IBD or something similar as its happening a bit more frequently. Might be something to discuss with them
I so hope it gets better soon for Miss Mae and all our little furlets. This disease is tough on us all
05-19-2013, 01:58 AM
LOL I second that kick is the A**!! That should do it!
05-19-2013, 02:05 AM
How I wish it were that easy :)
05-19-2013, 02:07 AM
We know
But you have the best, you are so diligent, you would find a way to get her what she needs. There is nothing else you can do
One day at a time. We have to hope
05-19-2013, 02:10 AM
This stuff always seems to happen on the weekends though when you can't get in touch with anyone!!!!!
05-19-2013, 02:14 AM
Doesn't it just!! I have told Flynn to make sure his medical calamities occur in working hours, but does he listen... not on your nelly!
I do have the cellphone number for my vet, he is very good and has told me to call him or text instead of contacting the after hours vet if I have any immediate concerns and he would meet me at the clinic to see Flynn. I so appreciate that, I have only done it once and do not want to abuse it. Our city is only about 50K, so the local vets all take turns being on call and we do not have an ER like I see so many write about on here. It is a relief for me to know I can always get hold of him if needed.
05-19-2013, 02:23 AM
Oh that's great Trish!
I expect that Dr. Morgan will respond to my email tomorrow.
Chris and I were going to a craft fair in town, if dad says that Daisy seems ok - we'll still go and then I'll head back to Bristol right after.
What time is it where you are?
I'm just so afraid that the Cushings might have caused more damage than we thought and I don't want Daisy to suffer but I'm not ready to let her go yet either. 9 years old is young for a dachshund from what others have said. I'm just so afraid.
05-19-2013, 02:28 AM
She always seems pretty speedy getting back to you which is reassuring.
Have you tired slippery elm bark, I did once with Flynn but he vomited. But I guess it is hard to tell if it was because of the SEB or just his general unwellness at the time. This was just after his adrenalectomy and he was pretty sick with that blardy swab still inside of him. I am a little scared to give it another try. But think I will just to see if it settles down his tummy. I currently have him on metamucil for fibre, a probiotic and a joint care/multivitamin combination. Plus his two BP meds and tramadol. Honestly it takes ages to prepare everything for him! But I guess SEB would be worth another try.
05-19-2013, 03:01 AM
Where is the best place to buy this in the US? It's not on the Drs. Fosters and Smith website.
05-19-2013, 03:03 AM
I don't know about the US, but I just got it in a health food shop. It is a powder.
I'm just so afraid that the Cushings might have caused more damage than we thought and I don't want Daisy to suffer but I'm not ready to let her go yet either. 9 years old is young for a dachshund from what others have said. I'm just so afraid.
Big hugs Valerie. Just put this right out of your mind. Jasper had some problems with severe colitis and blood early on in his illness. It was very scary and took a bit to get under control, but we finally did. It got the most severe when his cortisol crashed. Do you have any concerns that Daisy's cortisol could be low now? Or maybe the Trilostane could be causing it?
Tina and Jasper
05-19-2013, 03:09 AM
Tina, I don't believe that it's the cortisol now. She's only on 7.5 mg twice a day and her energy level is normal.
Maybe she's just sensitive to the Trilostane? I would think that such a low dose, with food, and fortiflora should be fine.
I'm betting that whatever gastro issue she had before has reared its ugly head again. That's all that I can think of.
It's almost 3:30am now so I'm going to try to get some sleep.
Good night everyone :)
Maybe she needs another round of antibiotics along with the FortiFlora. I know for Jasper's last bout, he ended up being on metronidazole for a month, along with the FortiFlora, that is what kicked it. I hope your IMS gets back to you soon. Hope you get some sleep.
Squirt's Mom
05-19-2013, 07:22 AM
Valerie, did you not try to get the SEB from the places we talked about? Those places typically have it all the time and it isn't expensive at all. I don't even know if DF&S carry herbs. Do you need the info I gave you the other day again?
05-19-2013, 08:47 AM
Valerie, I think diarrhea must be a dachshund problem. CoCo has had it several times and is bothered with it now. He is on Metronidazole and I have been giving him a little Pepto along with it. He is doing better, but I only have one more day of the antibiotic, so I found a place on line to order some more so if it shows its ugly head again I will have it. I have tried every food and everything I can think of and he continues to get it. I think it is the Trilostane, but he has to have that, but not when he is sick. CoCo is so thin since I have to watch his food intake all the time. I just withhold his food when he has it and sometimes the Pepto Bismol will help for awhile. That is what my vet suggested. It seems to be a real problem with the cushing pups. I know you are really concerned since he is not with you, but your dad will take care of her. Her gut just has to rest and no food for 24 hours, but has to have water so she does not get dehydrated. Maybe you will have a message from the vet this morning. Sending healing thoughts to Daisy. Love, JoAnne
05-19-2013, 10:30 AM
Infoviewer, I did read the info but with so many posts out here, I lost track of where it is :)
I called dad this morning and he said that Daisy is doing better, now I'm sure that it is the Trilostane because I asked him not to give it to her this morning and he didn't say anything about finding a mess.
Squirt's Mom
05-19-2013, 11:11 AM
Were you not able to find the SEB on the links I gave you? Did you decide not to try it?
05-19-2013, 11:18 AM
The IMS thinks that some pathogen might be to blame and wants me to try the Tylan powder first :)
molly muffin
05-19-2013, 12:06 PM
I think kim gave you an option for where to buy tylan powder but you can check local pharmacies too Hope it helps
05-19-2013, 12:09 PM
so sorry valerie that daisy isn't feeling so well today..... hope that she will feel better soon and the two of you can just snuggle up on the couch and get lots of kisses....patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-19-2013, 10:48 PM
I am 150% sure that it is the Trilo causing her diarrhea. I asked dad not to give it to her last night. No accidents last night and a beginning to form poop this morning.
Still waiting for Dr. Morgan. If she doesn't think that 5 mg twice a day will be effective, I don't know what we're going to do.
Budsters Mom
05-20-2013, 12:24 AM
Hi Valerie,
Sending a Big Hug your way. We are here for you and Miss Daisy. :)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-20-2013, 12:39 AM
Thanks everyone, still nothing from Dr. Morgan.
Tomorrow I'm sure.
In the meantime, Daisy is getting her morning dose of Trilo but not the evening. I want to be sure that the diarrhea doesn't come back. If it doesn't, we know that the 7.5 mg twice a day is not working for her.
Hoping that we get it right soon!
I don't want to undo the good that's already been done.
I'm going to bed early for a change, still exhausted from worrying last night and Chris and I spent the day at a great craft fair in the rain :)
Yeah, we're crazy like that.
Simba's Mom
05-20-2013, 12:53 AM
Hope Daisy Mae feels better soon, always poo patrol for us cush Moms....
molly muffin
05-20-2013, 12:55 AM
So glad to hear that Daisy is already getting better. So, okay, you know that Daisy is very sensitive to the trilostane it seems. She wasn't having this problem at the 5 and 5 right?
Get some rest. Glad you had a good day too
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-20-2013, 04:09 AM
Well I guess your IMS has to have a day off and looks like it is Sunday. Pleased to hear Daisy Mae is better today, that must have been a relief when you saw her! xx
05-20-2013, 07:23 PM
Daisy seems better, but without the Trilo for the past few days her pot belly has already started coming back and she's drinking tons of water! I can't believe it!
Dr. Morgan (IMS) wants to keep her on the 7.5 mg twice a day and try the Tylan powder which I can pick up locally as long as I have the written script which Dr. Morgan will email me tomorrow.
I started the Trilo tonight at 7.5mg.
05-20-2013, 09:06 PM
Hi Valerie
Hoping Daisy feels better soon and is able to tolerate the meds.Hope you can get some sleep tonight and the fair in the rain sounds like fun!:)
Hugs to you and your gang
05-20-2013, 11:08 PM
Well, I took the little stinker outside twice tonight within 1/2 hour and she came into the house, was here for 1/2 hour and left a nasty pile of diarrhea for me.
I am less then thrilled.
Dr. Morgan is emailing me the script for the Tylan powder and I found a local place that sells it. If this doesn't work, I don't know what else to do.
molly muffin
05-20-2013, 11:11 PM
See if this works, and it could be that the dosage of Trilostane will have to go back down to 5mg, due to Daisy not being able to handle it. Some dogs are sensitive to it, not saying that Daisy is. She has had a lot going on with her gastrointestinal tract lately.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-20-2013, 11:26 PM
Sharlene, will the Trilo still be effective at 5mg?
molly muffin
05-21-2013, 12:02 AM
You were at 5m twice a day before raising it to 7.5 right? And Daisy wasn't having any diarrhea?
So, I know that it was raised because the post number wasn't showing control, but at 20mg once a day with the previous vet, she had diarrhea and Dr. Morgan had wanted to go 10/10, but instead you went 7.5/7.5 and again the diarrhea. So if this Tylan, doesn't work and it very well could because she has had so many tummy upstets with the ecoli/dog food issues that anything could be causing this and the trilostane could just cause her to be sensitive Every dog is different reaction wise to these drugs. She could be sensitive but I wouldn't give up on it yet. If you do have to lower it and I wouldn't until the powder has time to work. She would be the same probably at 5/5 now as she was before the last ACTH test. So not controlled. I know that you have seen good results at 7.5/7.5 with everything except the diarrhea.
I am really hoping that the powder helps her so she can stay at 7.5/7.5.
She is eating okay now?
Are you still giving her the florifora? Have you tried a bit of pumpkin?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-21-2013, 01:05 AM
Fortiflora, pumpkin - neither is helping and I had to clean us a huge pile of it tonight. She's eating and back to drinking a lot.
Dr. Morgan said to give Daisy 1/8 teaspoon (250 mg) of Tylan powder, but her GP vet said between 55mg - 60mg. Who is right? Daisy weighs 11.5 lbs.
05-21-2013, 01:14 AM
I think I was giving Trixie one eighth of a teaspoon a day...she was about 12 pounds then. Or was it 1/16 of a I'm not sure. It wasn't a lot..I remember I had to find the smaller measuring spoon...well now I'm not helping much, am I??
I hope it works as well for Daisy as it did for Trixie. I was at my wits end last summer. We started having these terrible bouts in June and we were still dealing with it in Sept. The Tylan knocked it out right away...back to real poops so quickly I couldn't believe it. Apparently it tastes really awful..I mashed it into Trixie's food. She eats so fast she never seemed to notice it..but I would sprinkle some minced up turkey over her dog food. Made sure the turkey had no powder on it, she ate it every time without issue.
05-21-2013, 01:23 AM
I sent an email to Dr. Morgan asking for clarification because the amounts that both suggested are no where near each other.
05-21-2013, 07:41 AM
Sharlene: I hope the Tylan works. The Metronizadole has helped CoCo, but I gave him the last pill last night so we will see and I am suspecting it is the Vetoryl 20 mg which I have been giving in the morning, so changed to 10 mg mornng and night. Who knows if that will help. Just waiting a day or two and see if he goes back to the soft or liquid poop, not fun for him or me. Just waiting to see if the Tylan helps Daisy and thinking I may try that for CoCo if it helps. Love, JoAnne
05-21-2013, 01:20 PM
Hey Val
How are you both?
Hope all is ok and Daisy's belly is improving.
Big hug
05-21-2013, 02:53 PM
Hi everyone :)
NO accidents that I know of since the nasty one the other day, but I didn't give her the Trilo this morning.
Dr. Morgan did email the script so I will pick that up today.
Keeping fingers crossed that this works!
molly muffin
05-21-2013, 06:09 PM
Fingers crossed here too!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-21-2013, 06:11 PM
Fingers, toes, eyes and paws crossed, from us too! Hey, whatever it takes!:D
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-21-2013, 10:04 PM
The local place did not have the Tylan powder, only the shots. Now I'll have to order them online.
Daisy hasn't pooped at all today so I have expect to be woken up by my father screaming about an accident in the middle of the night...sigh.
I'll call the local vet and see if they can get the Tylan powder in faster than me ordering it online.
05-21-2013, 10:19 PM
you are the best mom ever valerie and i am so sure that our lit miss daisy mae is loving you ever so much to keep her happy and healty,we are all here for you as you know this already valerie....keeping my eye on you two (and dad) always here supporting and praying ....patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-21-2013, 10:48 PM
Thank you, this is just SO frustrating!!!!!!!
05-21-2013, 11:17 PM
ugh Valerie.. it does sounds frustrating...the vet didn't have a sample envelope or two of Tylan powder for you? I guess I didn't know how lucky I was when my vet just filled a small pill bottle with some and gave it to me. You don't need so much as you only use a little bit each time.
I know after only a day or two you are going to see a big difference so I wish you were able to get some today. Can you call any other vets in your area to see if they have any? I would think they would sell it to you if your vet gave the script. Then you wouldn't have to wait for a shipment.
05-21-2013, 11:20 PM
whoops...just saw the last line in your earlier are going to check the local vet! Sorry I asked in my other post...somehow I didn't see that you mentioned it when I first read.
I hope you found some. Walmart is advertising they have dog meds there one near you?
05-21-2013, 11:27 PM
the local vet didn't have any. They offered to order it for me, but why should I pay their ridiculous prices?
I'm anticipating that they'll want their cut for placing the order.
05-22-2013, 12:14 AM
No you shouldn't pay what they will charge...and you would still have to wait for the shipment! It's the waiting you were trying to avoid in the first place. :mad: That stinks. I see all the online places...looks like you will have to order much more than you will probably need. Anything involving medicine..people or pets...they get you coming and going! I would send you what I have but it's a small vial and now just about a couple doses left. Meanwhile I hope Daisy is doing okay tonight.
05-22-2013, 02:27 AM
the script calls for Tylan powder 500mg per 1/4 teaspoon = 10 teaspoons.
Give 1/8 teaspoon twice a day.
I just had a thought!
I wonder if the compounding pharmacy will sell me just that amount if I bring them the script! I wish I'd thought of that before!
Stay tuned!
05-22-2013, 02:12 PM
Update - I've been sparingly giving Daisy the Trilostane at 7.5mg in the morning until I get the Tylosin powder. Guess what? No diarrhea since the last time and a normal poop today.
So, I emailed the IMS letting her know what is going on and if we can just reduce her to 5 mg twice a day again because it is definitely the Trilo.
I also asked if she still wants me to get the Tylosin powder.
Simba's Mom
05-23-2013, 01:06 AM
Oh Val, what a deal with getting the right stuff for Daisy Mae, hope she feels better soon and her poos keep getting better..
05-23-2013, 02:05 AM
Hey Val
Just checking in with you to see how Daisy is feeling.Hope she is feeling better!
05-23-2013, 06:21 AM
Hi everyone,
Chris and I are going to Ohio for almost a week on Monday, so
I've decided that if I don't have the Tylosin powder by then that Daisy will get 5 mg of Trilogy twice a day until we return.
With the interruption, her pot belly came back but not the extreme thirst or hunger.
I can't risk having her get diarrhea again while my father is watching her.
As always, thank you for checking in on us :-)
05-24-2013, 08:14 AM
Hope you enjoy yourself in Ohio. I personally dislike this state as it is so behind the times compared to Pennsylvania. The laws and the way they do things here are ancient, not to mention the unemployment and murder rate here! Wishing I would have never left my Pa. where I lived my whole life, but I am not moving ever again. I am hoping your Daisy does well while you are away. I am going to get Tipper's video to Walmart and make a disc and get it to the Dr. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-24-2013, 10:45 PM
Your dad will take very good care of Daisy. We all need a little break now and then. Go to Ohio and have a wonderful time with Chris.:)
Check in with us when you return and update us on Miss Daisy.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-24-2013, 11:57 PM
Thanks ladies,
I decreased Daisy's dose of Trilostane to 5 mg twice a day just to be sure that my father won't have to deal with diarrhea. So far, so good.
Two trips to the vet today because I decided that both cats and Daisy needed their nails trimmed. The vet has not seen Daisy since he first prescribed Trilo and we went to the IMS. He commented that her belly has gone down so even though I feel that it's come back from the few days when I didn't give her any Trilo, his comment confirmed that she did not revert completely back to the pre-Trilo condition which made me feel better.
Dr. Kimm (vet) didn't charge me for Daisy's nail clipping which threw off the technician at the desk. She's a very odd person.
Patti, I wouldn't want to live in Ohio and can fully understand why Chris left as soon as he was able :) I love CT and hope we get to stay here forever. As much as I complain about the winter, I would miss the 4 seasons.
05-25-2013, 08:10 AM
I am glad that Daisy did not revert back to pre Trilo conditions. I feel bad that you are having such a time with the Trilo, and that Daisy is so sensitive to it. I know from past experience at the Vet that dogs with German ancestry can be very sensitive to things for some reason. Terriers for the most part are very sensitive to Leptospirosis vaccine. Tipper almost died from it so she hasn't had it for years. I hope you have a good trip and have fun, even though Ohio stinks I am sure you will have a goos time. I always wanted to live in your state. I love winter and would really miss it if I ever went south. Hope Daisy continues to do well. Blessings
molly muffin
05-25-2013, 08:54 AM
Have a good trip Valerie. I'm sure your dad and Daisy will have a fine ole time together. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-25-2013, 12:14 PM
i am so sure your dad and daisy will be great company for each both enjoy some time together and try to relax.we will all be here when you get back ...patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-25-2013, 03:38 PM
Thank you everyone!
I slept very late today and was really surprised to find that Daisy didn't have an accident :) She was standing in the middle of the kitchen with her fleece blanket still on her back :) I call this the Yoda pose. She begrudgingly went out into the rain with me, but she did.
She'll be fine on the 5mg Trilo for one week and hopefully Dr. Kimm will have the Tylosin powder by the time I return.
Thank you all so much for the vacation high fives! Both of us really need to get away for a time!
Stay healthy, no ER visit allowed - and I will try to catch up with everyone sometime during the week. Probably while Chris is at the actual graduation ceremony because they only allowed each student to bring 4 people.
05-25-2013, 06:25 PM
HI Valerie
Hope you and Chris have a fab time away in Ohio, we will miss you around here!! Finger's crossed Daisy behaves herself too, sounds like it has all settled down for now. xxxx
05-25-2013, 09:24 PM
Have a nice time away Valerie. Looks like Daisy's system is calmed down now and sounds like things will be just fine while she's with your Dad. Enjoy the vacation! :)
Hi Valerie,
Have a nice time in Ohio, I hope you get some time to relax!
Tina and Jasper
Simba's Mom
05-25-2013, 10:52 PM
Have a great time with your special guy, I bet Grandpa will spoil her with love and attention....Have fun with Grandpa Daisy Mae!
05-26-2013, 07:58 AM
Enjoy yourself and have a great time. You can use some down time from thinking about all this Cushings stuff! Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-26-2013, 07:46 PM
I thought you were going to Ohio? Did you have a change of plans?
How is Miss Daisy today?
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-26-2013, 08:20 PM
We're leaving early Tuesday morning :) Avoiding the Memorial Day traffic.
Budsters Mom
06-02-2013, 02:15 AM
Enough of Ohio already! Your public awaits a Miss Daisy update!:D
Seriously, I hope you enjoyed you time away with Chris.
06-02-2013, 11:25 PM
I'm baaaaaack!
Daisy seems a bit sluggish, but anyone would be given that it's been between 85 - 90 degrees here in CT and at least as hot in OH!
Luckily, Chris' parents have central air, dad does NOT. I'll be installing the air conditioners tomorrow but for tonight, way too tired.
While I was gone, Daisy had diarrhea again so I asked dad to give her only 5mg of Trilo each day. Her pot belly is back, but I think a little is better than none. Working with the gp vet to get the Tylan powder this week so that I can get Daisy back on track.
I promise to update everyone more mid-week, but I'm too tired and still have much to do before I go to bed tonight.
Hoping that everyone is safe and comfortable. xoxo
Simba's Mom
06-03-2013, 01:03 AM
Welcome home Val, we missed you and Daisy too, hope you get rested up!
Budsters Mom
06-03-2013, 01:34 AM
Well it's about time!:D We missed you! Hope you had a great time even though the weather was miserable!:eek: Check back in with us when you're rested. ;) I hope Daisy and your dad had a great time together!
06-03-2013, 07:54 AM
Hi Valerie:
I missed you and hearing about Miss Daisy. Hope you had a wonderful time and get all rested up. How long was the trip, we want all the details?? Hope Daisy is better now that you are back. Blessings
06-03-2013, 07:58 AM
Hi Val
Welcome back-hope you had a wonderful vacation.We missed you and Daisy.Hope she is feeling a bit better and thankfully,it has cooled down.Look forward to any updates once you get settled back in.
molly muffin
06-03-2013, 08:20 AM
Welcome home Valerie. Hope that Daisy is feeling better and no more of the runs!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-03-2013, 08:45 AM
woohoo daisy mommy is home.....give her lots of love,hugs and kisses !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
06-04-2013, 10:13 PM
You guys are adorable :)
We need a rest from our trip :) Lot's of running around every day but it was fun.
Daisy is feeling better now that the nights are cooler and today was beautiful.
Sadly, I spent a good part of it on the road for an appointment with unemployment to show them that I've been looking for work. The drive took a little over an hour both ways for a 15 minute discussion.
Because Chris and I went to Ohio and had limited access to the internet, I did not look for the required number of jobs and therefor am unlikely to get an unemployment deposit for this week. Yet, America "donates" billions to many people on social stipends (welfare) who are capable of working but don't bother or have more lucrative (illegal) income. Don't you love it? Sigh.
I'm still pretty busy playing catchup so I'm going to sign off now and get some sleep.
Hope everyone stays well!
Budsters Mom
06-04-2013, 11:32 PM
I'm just glad you're home and Miss Daisy is doing well. :)YAY for cooler nights! I am sorry about the money thing. You are right, it doesn't seem quite fair. :(
06-05-2013, 11:47 AM
Welcome back! The weather is perfect in the N.E. today! A welcome break from the heat and humidity of the last number of days.
I guess you have already had Daisy checked for intestinal bacteria that might be causing her diarrhea?
As I probably already mentioned we went through a really bad bout of this last went off and on from June until October. Trixie had an overgrowth of clostridium..a bacteria all dogs have but when there is an overgrowth the symptoms mimic colitis, which is what happened with Trixie. It was terrible and it took 1 ER visit at 4am, 4 appts. at the vet and 3 stool samples before they finally found it. So frustrating and expensive! When our vet looked under a microscope herself after the lab kept coming back with nothing she finally found it! The bacteria has a there were times when the diarrhea would stop and then like clockwork it would come right back.
The tylan powder was the magic bullet that worked. I don't want to jinx it but since it cleared up we have not had any bad's a record for us!
I hope the tylan helps Daisy and that bad poops get cleared up! :rolleyes:
06-05-2013, 11:33 PM
Trixie, we are waiting for the vet to order the Tylan powder. For some reason, it did not come in with their shipment today.
I have Baytril left over and I told dad to give it to her until it is gone. Until today, her stools were fine but tonight they were a tad soft. Hoping that powder gets here soon!
Budsters Mom
06-06-2013, 12:35 AM
Valerie, you tell Ms. Daisy that I said enough is enough with this loose stool stuff! :D
06-06-2013, 01:59 AM
the cats don't listen, why should Daisy? LOL
06-06-2013, 09:29 AM
Tell Daisy we have had enough of the loose stools already. She better buckle down and get rid of that crap literally. Hope he meds come soon, and you can get her straightened out, otherwise Miss Daisy may be the record holder for this. Hope you are recovered from your trip. It is nice to go away, but terrible to come home exhausted. I had to go to Pgh. yesterday and it wiped me out!. Was that your first experience of Ohio? Tipper is not real happy today it is raining! Blessings
Simba's Mom
06-06-2013, 11:13 AM
Hope Daisy Mae feels better, no fun to have bad poos!!
06-08-2013, 02:03 AM
Ha cats never listen do they! I had to text the vet today, around at Mum's her siamese OPENED the container storing Flynn's new hydrolysed biscuits and ate god knows how many :eek::eek: she is a little witch, he said not to worry no harm done, phew. At least one of them likes them, not that she is getting anymore :D:D
Nice to see you back from your travels Valerie, hope Daisy Mae is feeling well and is all good in the poop department :D
06-08-2013, 04:39 AM
Hey Valarie: Sorry Daisy Mae is having soft poop, so is my dachshund CoCo. I have tried everything, antibiotics, Tylan, fortiflora, pumpkin and nothing worked. I tried Imodium Ad tablet for two days and they firmed up, so don't know how long that will help. Just playing by ear. The vets don't seem to know what to do, so I got on line and checked to see what dosage to give CoCo and it helped after two doses. He weighs 10 pounds and I give him 1/2 Imdium Ad tablet or 1/4 until it firms up and I make sure he drinks lots of water or eats ice since it dries up the water. One of my vets recommended it if nothing else helped. Good luck. Love, JoAnne
06-08-2013, 07:47 AM
Just checking in on Daisy this morning. Hope the soft stool has stopped, and that she is on the mend. Have you recovered yet? That is a real bummer about the unemployment, are they crazy or what? Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-11-2013, 07:43 PM
I'm with Patti, just dropping in to check on you and Daisy.:). Has Daisy's tummy settled?
06-12-2013, 02:11 AM
Daisy still has diarrhea. The vet ordered the Tylan powder but wants to charge me $75 for it!!! I don't have that kind of money right now. Daisy is not acting differently and I stopped the Trilo days ago which helped for awhile, but not the past two days. She had a few accidents in the house:(
To make matters worse, I received a letter from unemployment stating that the amount will be 20% less and the term will be shortened due to the "sequester". Basically, our governor who claims to be a professional accountant can't balance a state budget and those who can't afford to be hit hard are now being hit.
On top of this, the VA sent a letter stating that they want to appoint a fiduciary to manage dad's VA compensation and now we have to fight for a hearing!!!!
I really don't know how much more I can take with everything and am so discouraged about it all. I wonder if Daisy would be better off in a home where the owner can afford to care for her? This would KILL me of course, but I don't know what else to do.
06-12-2013, 02:39 AM
Gosh sorry to hear all of this, what an awful time you are having with financial worries.
Tummy troubles are such a worry, is she losing weight? Has she had any tests to try find out the cause of this? I guess they all cost money too, I think I remember you have tried all the easy fixes like SEB and pumpkin?
I know you have said in the past you do not like to rely on anyone else, like Chris financially as do not want to take advantage of him.. but this is an emergeny and Daisy Mae is not going to want to go anywhere else Valerie, as I am sure you do not want to let her go. So you might just have to swallow your pride and accept a little help until you get all this straightened out. Have you looked at the resource section on here to find out if there is anyone in your area that can help when pet owners are having a hard time?
Gosh I do not know what else to suggest but want you to know we are all here cheering you on and hopefully you can get little Daisy back on the right track soon.
06-12-2013, 07:29 AM
Are you sure someone does not have a voodoo doll of you and sticking it with pins?? This is devastating to say the least. My heart goes out to you. You are just put in a mess from every angle. I probably already know the answer to this, but did you check on the internet for Tylan. Maybe you could convince the Dr. to give you an RX since you cannot afford this. Sometimes I think the more you love and care for you dog, the more they charge as they see that you will do anything. It is actually criminal in my opinion to take advantage of someone like this. All these people on welfare, not wanting work and given money for basically nothing, and they want to cut your money?? Is this whole universe crazy?? The VA is giving you crap too on top of all this. How long will it take you to get a hearing? Probably eternity! What do all these brainiacs expect you to live on? It is bad enough to have all this, but while you are trying to care for a sick dog, and your father? Where is the mercy? I am praying for you, as I know these jackpot situations can push anyones buttons. God Bless You and Daisy and may you win the lottery.
Can you shop it around on line and sometimes the vets will charge u five dollars to write the script so you can purchase it elsewhere?
Did you try metronidazole? We get it at the human pharmacy and I think we pay about $40 for generic and I cut them with a pill splitter. Most likely you can find that cheaper as well.
Budsters Mom
06-12-2013, 11:27 AM
My vet writes prescriptions for free. I realize you IMS is a few hours away. See if they will mail you an RX. My vet writes them for free. I never get meds from them directly. Walmart and Costco do pet prescriptions now. They don't have Trilostane as of yet. That would be much more affordable.;)
06-12-2013, 11:42 PM
I spent what felt like the entire day on the phone asking dad's doctors and his social worker to write letters stating that dad is competent to handle his own affairs/finances. His regular GP wanted to put him through a variety of tests and I told him to forget it because that would just cost dad money and we're not in the business of putting his kids through college. This is the same doctor who sees dad once every three months and he's telling me that he's not comfortable writing a simple statement of compentency when he sees him that often>
Luckily, the folks at Yale where dad had all of his cancer treatments and continues to have followups every three weeks have agreed to send a letter and so has his social worker. Hopefully, this is all that we'll need.
Daisy is having clay like stools and accidents in the house. I found Tylan powder for $56 on Amazon and should have it by Friday. That's much better than the $75 that the vet wants to charge me!
So hoping that this cures Daisy of whatever the problem is and I've read that it helps dogs with IBS since it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Thank you all for your continued support. I just feel like I'm being kicked while I'm down over and over again.
Hoping that everyone is safe and healthy.
Simba's Mom
06-12-2013, 11:45 PM
Sorry to hear about all your Dad's troubles, its so unfair to the older folks, so many issues to deal with, geez...
Daisy Mae is still having poo issues? shoot, hope she feels better soon, those meds can do a number on our babies tummys it seems, hang in there Valerie, sending hugs and prayers....
06-13-2013, 12:11 AM
I see Tylan powder online for a lot less than $75! What's the deal with that!? Average online is about $45 and I'm sure you could find a coupon code or free shipping coupon. Dr. Foster and Smith has it for that price and if you google their name and a coupon code there are some offers for more money off.
So sorry everything lousy is happening at once.
06-13-2013, 08:12 AM
Is there anything else left to knock you down?? This is terrible, and my heart aches for you and your dad. Enough already you need to have some positive thing happen. I hate being on the phone all day to solve problems, it really exhausts you mentally. Sorry to hear Miss Daisy is having poo issues. That poor baby just can't catch a break. Hopefully with the two letters your dad's problems will be history. You have to love the Dr. that sees him all the time wanting to put him thru competency tests, what a money grabber he is. You do not need all this with your baby not well. You are going to get high blood pressure or worse from all this worrying. Thank God you have Chris. Nothing like knocking you around when you are already down! So, I see good things coming for you on the horizon as Tipper and I are praying for you and Daisy. This will all be a bad after thought soon, so keep your confidence up and know you deserve better. I have had many episodes like this where I felt nothing else could come along and push me down any further, because everything came at once. I got out of them eventually, and it did make me a stronger person. Glad you got the Tylan cheaper. Yesterday at the vet he charged me 40.00 for ear drops for Tipper, and I got them from him as I needed them right away for an ear ache. I don't even want to look online as they will probably be 12.00 and I will be ticked off again. These people that prey on you when you most need them will have this come back around on them at some point. My vet is surely over due for his comeuppance. God Bless you and stand firm.
06-13-2013, 08:52 AM
good morning valerie... so sorry to read all of this.i wish there was something we can do to help out... sending you prayers that a healing will happen soon..patty(milo)meka xoxox
06-13-2013, 09:23 AM
Hopefully the letter from Yale his cancer doctor will be all they need for your dad and he can continue to get his money. So sorry Daisy Mae is still suffering from diarrhea. I know how frustrating it can be, CoCo has had it off and on for months. I have tried Metronidazole which did not seem to work for very long. I decided to try the Prescription ID dog food from the vet which I have always resisted since it does not seem to be a good food. I started it three days ago along with his regular food and he has had firm stools every since. I cannot believe it and am waiting for the mushy stools which has always happened with everything else. If this works it is a miracle. You might try that food for Daisy, it is less than $1 a can at the vet office. I am sure they will sell it to you, they always like to make a buck or you can get it on line. I wish the economy would get better so you could return to work. Good luck with that. So many people are out of work and looking for jobs. Love, JoAnne
Budsters Mom
06-13-2013, 11:39 AM
Hopefully the Tylan powder is exactly what Daisy needs to get that dreadful diarrhea under control. So sorry about your dad's finances. Hopefully the letters will help sort that all out.
Many hugs,
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