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03-07-2013, 09:59 AM
Hi there
I'm totally new to I'm in the UK and my dog who is 9 years old has just developed the condition. My vet(i have known for many years) has said that Ula (my dogs name) is only just in the positive range for Cushings. Therefore she has decided to hold back the treatment and I am to see her again a couple of months for retesting, unless of course Ula's symptoms get worse. I only picked up that she is drinking a little more and some days does not want to go as far in the afternoons for her walks she does not have any other symptoms at present. In the mornings she is happy to go for our usual walk to the park. I feel that it is the right decision for her at the moment. Any advice would be much appriciated.
Vicky Monk
Squirt's Mom
03-07-2013, 10:13 AM
Hi Vicky and welcome to you and Ula! :)
I think your vet is right on! The signs are a huge part of not only the diagnosis but monitoring treatment once it has started. So it is important to have signs to work from. ;)
Some tips as you start your journey - keep a daily journal or diary of Ula's behaviors such as eating and drinking, peeing and pooping, sleep patterns, exercise levels, moods, any changes you see, make note of. Start a file at home of all the tests she has done - the actual test results, not just the invoices that tell what was done. With these two things you will always have Ula's history in hand no matter where you are. If she had to see a different vet for any reason, you walk in the door with all her info ready to share and up-to-date. ;)
Keep reading the threads here and elsewhere, then ask questions. Never hesitate to ask anything. We are all here to learn together. There is an astounding amount of knowledge and first-hand experience to be found here and we are always willing to learn more! Check out the Helpful Resource section and you will find lots of good info.
The more you can tell us about your sweet Ula, the better. We LOVE details so don't worry about writing a novel. :D As you get those test results, it is a huge help to us if you would post them here in Ula's thread. That will help us give you more meaningful feedback.
I'm really glad you found us and look forward to learning more as time passes. You and Ula have a new family now, right here with us, and you will not be alone on this journey.
Leslie and the gang
03-07-2013, 10:56 AM
Thank you, what you say is a good idea. I do a bit concerned about her though. She is such a wonderful dog. Ula was a Guide Dog until she was 4 years old, unfortunately her blind owner neglected her and she lived a very stressful life with the family (4 children). I knew the family and when Ula was taken back to the Guide Dog center I thought I would never see her again, but I wrote to them and as she was so stressed by this time she was unable to return to being a Guide Dog, I was able to re-home her. She still bears the scars of her sad time but we have had her for 5 years now and she is a wonderful member of our family. She is our 4th Golden Retriever. We all love her very much.
Simba's Mom
03-07-2013, 12:08 PM
Welcome to the family here, you will find lots of info and tons of encouragement, settle in and get comfortable.
molly muffin
03-07-2013, 08:50 PM
Welcome to the forum Vicki and Ula.
She sounds like a real sweetheart who has gone through a bad patch in her life. I'm glad she found her forever home with you.
I'm curious when your vet said she thought you'd caught it very early, what test did they do to determine that she might be just over? LDDS or ACTH or Urine/Creatine ratio? Was she also checked for a UTI, glucose, thyroid, all of those can mimic cushings. I know we ask alot of questions here, mainly to rule things out so that you can feel assured of the steps you are taking at the time.
If there is anything specific you would like to know, just pop in and ask. You can also ready over the various threads and join in discussions. We talk alot, we cry sometimes, we laugh, it's a long journey with cushings, so many here have been around for awhile and some over 8 years or so.
Again welcome and we look forward to getting to know you and Ula.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-08-2013, 09:47 AM
Hi Ula was first given a full blood analysis, which showed some high level of something (i can remember what it was), which might indicate cushings. She was then given a ACTH which showed she was just over the threshold indicating Cushings. I think she said her test was reading 500 of what ever it is they read. As I said the vet has decided to hold back on treatment for now, I am to revisit again in 3 months time, but I will be back in around 8 weeks as Ula has her anal glands cleared every couple of weeks. Of course if there is any sign of her being ill I will take her back straight away. At the moment she is ok, her coat is good and the only signs of anything not quite right is that she is drinking a little more and sometimes does not want to go to far in the afternoons. She is still eager to go on her morning walks which is the longest of the day.
03-08-2013, 02:04 PM
Has anyone used Acupuncture as a treatment for cushings?
Squirt's Mom
03-08-2013, 02:22 PM
MODERATOR NOTE: I have merged your post about acupuncture into Ula’s original thread. We normally like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!
molly muffin
03-08-2013, 02:34 PM
Hi Vicky, several members have used acupuncture and also laser along with cushings meds. Laser and acupuncture can be good for joint issues and other things that can be symptomatic with cushings.
My dog had a higher ACTH test, high liver enzymes and then tested negative on the LDDS. Our vet too thinks/thought she might be early cushings. We're keeping an eye on her and retesting LDDS and liver pretty regularly. She doesn't really have any symptoms other than the pot belly either.
On the forum, there are people with all different stages of cushings.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-11-2013, 07:29 AM
I was wondering about diet for cushings dogs. My dog has a complete food from royal canin. she is on hypoallergenic moderate energy, plus 2 scoops of protextin pro fibre to help with her anal glands. I have read that she should not have to much fibre! I have read that raw carrots are good, I have to be careful as Ula does have allergies. Any advice would be great.
Squirt's Mom
03-11-2013, 08:44 AM
Hi Vicky,
If Ula is doing well on what she eating now, I wouldn't worry about changing the diet. The main thing to be concerned about with a cush pup is the amount of fat in the diet as they are prone to pancreatitis, which is often triggered by fats, especially high fat content. Generally, a diet that has moderate protein and low fats is a good diet for cush babies. Fiber is something that needs to be considered on an individual basis as some pups need a little more and some a little less, usually dictated by digestive issues or other health concerns. If Ula has food allergies, you certainly don't want to take a chance on rocking the boat. ;)
Leslie and the gang
03-12-2013, 10:45 AM
Has anyone any advice on what is good or not so good for a dog with Cushings. I have read that fiber is not so good.
03-12-2013, 10:53 AM
Thank you for your reply. Ula does need her fiber for her anal glands. Is it ok to give raw veg, or cooked veg. Ula likes carrots and broccoli?
Squirt's Mom
03-12-2013, 12:59 PM
Sure, those are fine as are green beans, apples, bananas, squashes, and many other fruits and veggies we humans eat. One word of caution - if Ula has any thyroid issues be careful with veggies in the Brassica species as these can lower thyroid hormones. Plants in this species include broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, spinach, turnips, soybeans, peanuts, linseed, pine nuts, millet, cassava, and mustard greens.
If you have any questions as to whether a particular human food is alright for dogs, a quick google search will usually give you the answer.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
03-14-2013, 10:22 PM
Love the picture of Ula. She's gorgeous.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-01-2013, 08:06 AM
Hi Ula has been diagnosed as just having cushings. Her reading is just into the area of having the condition so my vet has decided to hang back on treatment for another 2 months and then repeat her bloods. Today while out for our morning walk she was squatting all the time as if she wanted a wee. Poor Ula she seemed so uncomfortable. I managed to get an app. with my vet even thought it is Easter Monday. They say she has probably got a urine infection and have given her meds to treat it. They gave her a jab of painkiller and anti inflammatory as well to make her feel more comfortable. If she is no better in a couple of days they will give her a scan.
Are urine infections more common in dogs with cushings? My poor Ula, I know what its like to have a water infection and if she feels like I did it is horrid.
Squirt's Mom
04-01-2013, 09:10 AM
MODERATOR NOTE: I have merged your post about urniary infections into Ula’s original thread. We normally like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!
Hi Vicky,
When you have been off the forum for a few day, you may have to scroll back through several pages to find Ula's original thread. If it would help you find it more easily, we would be happy to change the title to include her name and other specifics to her situation.
Please do try to use this thread for all things pertaining to Ula. ;)
Harley PoMMom
04-01-2013, 03:57 PM
Dogs that have Cushing's disease are more prone to infections. Since their urine tends to be diluted it is always best to have an urine culture and sensitivity test done when an UTI is suspected.
Please let us know how Ula is doing as soon as you are able.
Love and hugs,
04-01-2013, 10:31 PM
that's good to know! The vet at Cornell did this test and we're still waiting for the results. Everything that I read on this site is telling me that the folks at Cornell do know what they're doing and that we are finally where Daisy will get the best care.
Pricing is definitely a factor, but let me tell you that I've learned my lesson (unintentionally). what I've spend on the other two vets who don't have the current knowledge of Cushing's would've taken care of Daisy's IMS specialist appointment and the ultrasound.
Carrots have a LOT of sugar and broccoli can cause gas. Green beans are a great source I believe and green peppers too.
04-03-2013, 04:09 PM
Ula's on her third day of meds. She has not shown any more signs of doing lots of squatting when on our walk. It's back to normal, well normal since I was told she has cushings. Ula has never drunk a lot, but since she has been drinking a bit more she does do bigger wees. If she is unwell again the vet said she would give her a scan and I will have to get a urine sample. When I had dogs (boys) it was fairly easy getting a sample but Ula gets so close to the ground I will never be able to get a sample. I did try once with the lid of a jar but as soon as I put it under her she stopped and I could not get one. So how can I get a sample if necessary?
I sterilized a pie tin then transferred urine to a sterile cup from a medical supply place.:)
molly muffin
04-03-2013, 06:40 PM
One member uses a ladle :)
I tend to stick a clean small plastic container under Molly as she starts to go and get what I can. I figure since she thinks a morning walk involves at least 5 - 7 pees I have a good chance of getting something! She's pretty low to the ground too, being a shorty.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
molly muffin
04-21-2013, 10:56 AM
Hi Vicky, I just wanted to check in on you and Ula.
Hope all is well.
Let us know when you get a chance.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-25-2014, 01:53 PM
Today 09:56 AMvicky25
I was told last year that my dog Ula had Cushing's, she had the ACTH test . She was put on medication and was monitored on a regular basis. I left this veterinary practice in April this year and moved to one nearer my home. Ula started having upset tummies Then after 2 more eposides of upset tummies I asked vet if it could be the meds. They advised taking her off them for a couple of wks. Ulas was due to have her cushings test so after a few wks off the meds she had her test and what a surprise the test came back negative. I had a further test done 3 months later (10 Oct this year) and it also came back negative. I contacted the vet I used to be with and asked how Ula could have been diagnosed with Cushing. Her explanation for Ula's last test at the new vets coming back negative is that Ula has gone into remission. Please could you let me know if this is possible. I am going to ask my current vet if Ula should have test in the future to make sure she is well.
Edit Report
Squirt's Mom
10-25-2014, 03:12 PM
MODERATOR NOTE: I have merged your post about the possibility of a remission into Ula’s original thread. We normally like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!
10-26-2014, 03:31 PM
Hi Vicky,
Yes, it is possible to go into remission. My Spicey had Cushing's for 18 months then went into remission for 18 months then had to start back on the vetoryl. The vetoryl never upset her and it was only the ACTH tests that showed her levels were too low. I didn't have any more tests until her symptoms returned.
Its hard to say whether Ula ever had cushings or whether it was something else causing her results to be high but I wouldn't restart until she has obvious symptoms.
11-01-2014, 06:47 PM
Hi Vicky and Ula and welcome to the family.
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