View Full Version : Little Miss Tia
02-22-2013, 07:09 AM
Mummy loves you so much. I wish we could have done more
02-22-2013, 07:50 AM
Hey again Mel,
Sometimes no matter what we do things just happen. I know her life was so rich with your love. I have added her name to our very special In Loving Memory Remembrance list - where she will be remembered here always.
My continued (((hugs)))
02-24-2013, 01:56 AM
I keep waking up to take you for a wee and to give you a drink and it hits me all over again that you are not there. I had gotten so used to waking for you princess I can't seem to help it
It's only been 2 nights since we snuggled
Mummy misses you so much
02-24-2013, 01:29 PM
We are trying to remember all your little quirks to keep us from going insane with out you
I remembered last night how you used to lift your head and made an ouff noise to get your brother out of the seat cause you wanted it and you knew he would go running when you did!
I think Boyce is wondering where you are now as I have caught him looking towards the door for you
Miss you sweet little girl xxx
02-25-2013, 03:01 AM
Morning princess. Missing you lots. Fat boy is starting to wonder as wel, he is in your spot at the minute but he must be thinking where are you
I have to go back to work today, I really don't want to. My heart hurts from how much I miss you
02-25-2013, 07:54 AM
Morning to you, too, Mel. Thinking of you all, and sending many hugs from across the miles.
02-26-2013, 04:10 AM
Thank you Marianne, a belated morning to you as well.
I find it helps me to come to this thread and talk to her. I miss talking to her she was my sensitive pup
No snow today Tia, did you sleep in from all that scamping you are now doing?
It isn't getting easier I talk about you all the time, I think I am depressing daddy.
I am trying to keep myself busy see if we can start some research and I have had some ideas about the cushings day. You taught me so much baby I wanted to see if we could pay it forward
I love you and I miss you more each day, am leaving the kitchen light on just in case you need it
Mummy xxxx
02-27-2013, 03:56 AM
Morning princess
Sorry I am a bit later today been running around getting bits together as I have to go see that client today. Boyce is going to nanny and pops, am packing toys and treats but I have got a feeling he might be a bit naughty without you. Don't freak him out but if you could get him to behave it would be appreciated he needs to be invited back!
I spoke about you to my work friend yesterday about your little quirks one of them could not believe you walked around.puddles, you didn't like getting your feet wet!
Tears aren't coming as much I think I might have broke my eyes but my heartaches for you all the time, I am getting on with it but it isn't easy
Love you baby girl
Mummy xxxx
02-28-2013, 11:53 AM
Sorry I didnt get here this morning I woke late as I couldn't sleep and have had a ton of work to
Can you believe that vet sent us a card saying that we did an amazing job looking after you, I just didnt feel it was genuine. I will have to ask Daddy to give her a mouthful
Fat boy was naughty but I did expect that, he has some adjusting to do like us.
Nighttime is still the worse I can't explain how much of a hole you left. It will be one week tomorrow, I am trying to limit what work I am going to do but you know how that goes. I wish I knew what else I could do instead as I am not sure how much more I can stand
I need to add photos here so everyone can see your pretty face but I can't find the ones I want, daddy has done something with them you know how computer literate he is ;);)
Wish you were still here baby girl
Mummy xxx
03-01-2013, 02:20 AM
I can't believe that it is only a week since I saw your sweet face and we snuggled for the last time on the sofa. I am not doing very well without you. Thoughts of you consume my day and nights and I would do anything to bring you back
If it should be
That I grow frail and weak
And pain should wake me from my sleep
The you must do what must be done
For this last battle can't be won
You will be sad I understand
Don't let grief then stay your hand
For this day more than all the rest
Your love and friendship stand the test
We've had so many happy years
What's to come will hold no fears
You'll not want me to suffer so
When the time comes please let me go
I know,in time you too will see
It is a kindness you do for me
Although my tail it's last have waved
From my pain and suffering I have been saved
Do not grieve that it should be you
Who has to decide this thing to do
We've been so close we two these years
Don't let your heart hold any tears
The vet put that in with your card. Made me cry my eyes out.
Wish you were here, miss and love you lots
Mummy xxxx
03-02-2013, 06:40 AM
Hello little one
Feeling sadder today, I keep looking for you and you are not there. Wish you were I can't get my head around it at all
Don't have words today. Love you and miss you more each day
Mummy xxx
03-03-2013, 02:48 AM
Hello princess
Sleep was difficult again last night, weekends are a big reminder of the fact you are not here with me. I don't think I can actually put into words how I feel about you no longer being around
Daddy doesn't get why I am still reading about cushings and posting here I haven't mentioned this thread, I need to feel close to you and this helps. I need to hear that the other babies are doing ok because I can't help you now and that hurts so much
Love you
Mummy xxxx
03-04-2013, 02:16 PM
Hello baby
Late again, it's been one of them days today, more spreadsheets I don't understand or wish to!
I am just taking it one day at a time, I should get your ashes back this week I think I will be glad to know you are home, I don't like the idea of you being out there without me, I never left you when you were here so I hope that will give me a small amount of peace
It just isn't the same without out and it won't ever be again and that makes me very sad
I feel like every one else had already moved on, they never really spent the time I did with you so maybe that is understandable
Love you and miss you
03-04-2013, 08:09 PM
Missing you lots right now. I really need to sleep but I can't. Mind is whirring from everything. I am so sorry you got this wicked disease. Mummy isn't strong enough to speak to Dan yet but I will baby girl. I just have to be able to say out loud that you aren't here anymore without crying
Love you so much
Mummy xxxx
03-05-2013, 10:45 AM
I thought I would write your posts later as sometimes I do get sad and that probably isn't the best way to start the day, So I will be back later princess miss you
03-05-2013, 03:20 PM
Hey little Miss Tia
Another hectic day with little sleep but I got through it unscathed, they are pilling it on at the minute so I am just doing my best, I sneak on here on my pad to check up for news so am always with you one way or another
The pain of missing you seems to come in waves but it hasn't left me and I don't suppose it will for a while yet. I also accept that I have to take it one day at a time
Night time is still the worst, Boyce is a turncoat with Daddy so Mummy notices you are not there even more. I know we were lucky to have all the times that we did but I wish we had more I always thought you would be around until you were 16 like Tara
I will have to stop writing to you like you are here at some point as a few people probably think I am a bit mad (possibly right) but for some reason it helps me to feel like I am close to you and I miss you so much baby
Love you
03-06-2013, 01:08 PM
Hey Baby Girl
Mummy went and got you today and we had our last walk back from that place, it was terri the nice nurse, she said she would get me my little girl and that set me off (typical mummy!)
I am glad you are home but wish you were really here, I guess this is all I have until I find you in doggie heaven
We are going to go to the field tonight for a wander, I will be picturing you running through that grass without a care in the world, I really hope that's what you are doing sweetheart
Mummy loves you soo much
03-07-2013, 10:58 AM
Hello Miss
Another day is nearly over tomorrow it will be two weeks since we said our goodbyes it doesn't seem that long in someways and it feels like an eternity
I put you where I can see you but daddy found that a bit much, so we compromised and put a nice picture of you both in front of your box the one at the park with all your friends (before Boyce got beaten up :) that picture reminds me of how you used to nick balls from their mouths which makes me smile, you were a little minx
So whenever I look up now I can see three pictures of your sweet face, I wish it was the real thing so much
Boyce has started a new routine of going to bed in the afternoons I think he gets sick of my conference calls, I am giving him the salmon that you wouldn't eat and I gave him white fish yesterday which he loved, I know you would have hated it as it smelt fishy, I said that to you while I was cooking it, you never liked anything good for you, just like your daddy in that respect.
I am still waking up for you (or is it you poking me?) and it is tough when your not there but I know that will pass in time, mummy wouldn't have been anywhere else but your side baby cause no one knew you like I did and me you, we shared stuff
I am getting sad again so will wrap this up now be back tomorrow princess Tia
03-07-2013, 06:18 PM
Hello again
Feeling a bit sad cause I am thinking about your last night and how desperate I was for the time to stop so I didn't have to say goodbye to you. Those hours knowing I was taking you were so hard, the hours since you have been gone are worse because at least I could look at you then and hold you
Today has been brutal at work and tomorrow will be worse, sometimes people and their stupid egos get a bit much for me, puppies are so much easier
I know I am lucky and so were you as most people do not have their mummy's at home all day and I will be forever grateful that it worked out how it did I am just a bit tired of it all baby
I may call that Vet tomorrow to float the idea to do something positive but no promises cause of stupid work and mummy's emotions are all over the shop at the minute
Love you
Mummy xxxx
03-07-2013, 11:50 PM
i read this with tears streaming down my checks cause this is all a too familiar and miss my milo like crazy still...xoxox we wait and see what tomorrow brings us ok....looking forward to a brighter day tomorrow for all of us here with our furbabies here and past ...:),,,,,,,, with tears flooding....but sending love,peace and joy ...patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-08-2013, 03:17 AM
Thanks Patty, taking it one day at a time.
Big hug back to you x
03-08-2013, 06:23 AM
Two weeks baby. Miss you, be back later
03-08-2013, 12:41 PM
Hello Miss Tia
I called that vet today, needed some food for fat boy so I asked if they stocked that then went onto have a discussion about you, she did remember me from when I spoke to them before and she was very sorry to hear we had lost you, I got a little emotional but I figured she was used to that. We spoke about the idea of an awareness event and she said she would speak to the vet. I really hope I can pull something off, I think if he doesn't want to I will go to your first vets and ask them.
Everyday there are new threads with younger dogs on here so I will still be speaking to Dan, if we help one little one avoid what you had to go through in the end it will be worth it.
I also need to read more about doccys radiation when I am stronger to find out why they are not doing it over here cause I would have taken you for 5, I am not sure Daddy would have agreed but I would have got him to to give you some more time.
I light a candle for you today and I saw it swirling which it only seemed to do when I looked up, if that was your sign I caught it. I really hope you are running free and happy baby and that you remember all the good times we had and none of those trips to the doctors
My heart aches for you and I miss you being by my side, I try and imagine you there but it's not the same
You were the first dog I choose or did you choose me? Your markings are what led you to me and I am so grateful they did. Mummy loves you with all her heart and hopes you can learn from Lulu how to visit me in my dreams for a snuggle as I miss your sweet face
03-08-2013, 07:29 PM
Feels very empty tonight precious, am trying to pull through all our happy times, I do wonder where those 12 years 12 days went
I remember the day we got you like yesterday, I was so excited, Tara went to doggie heaven on the 31st Oct 2000 and you came home on the 10th February 2001.
Mummy had started looking after about 3 months or so as it was so empty without Tara Lara but we knew we didn't want another all red staffie girl as we didn't want our new girlie to look exactly the same as her
I searched and searched until one early January I found a online newspaper ad for a red girl who had a white collar and one white sock. Right then as soon as I read that you were mine. I called daddy at work and told him I had found you and that we had to go visit
You were about 150 miles from us so we set off mid January to meet you, daddy said that your mummy wasn't a full staff, mummy didn't care you were coming home with us. Your brother never left your side and we couldn't bear to part you so he got to come too
The waiting to bring you back after that was tough, we were both full of cold (which resulted in you hating sneezing all your life) but we set off that Saturday to get you, you both slept on mummy's legs the whole way home as you were so tiny. You always thought you were littler than what you were miss as you loved to sit on our laps
I smile as I remember you when you were little and cry as I remember you are no longer here. I love you so much
03-09-2013, 04:50 AM
I looked for photos last night of when you were little.
I am so sorry you got this horrible disease and that it changed your life the way it did, Mummy did her best baby, I hope that was good enough.
Tears don't seem to be stopping today, It doesn't seem to be getting easier, this is my third weekend without you.
03-09-2013, 05:44 PM
Hello Miss Tia
Mummy has had a sad say today, daddy doesn't really know how to handle me being upset, I know he is hurting but he never spent the time I did with you and I know he found it hard to see you change over your last few months. It wasn't easy for me either but I had to step up for you and I would do it again in heartbeat.
You were my chosen dog and I believe that with all my heart, you were so sensitive yet sassy, smart yet sometimes silly but overall such a sweet calm soul who loved me just as much as I loved you
I miss you so much words don't really convey how I feel since you have gone. Mummy still can't really understand how I got here without you, this time last year we seemed like we were doing ok, I hope I gave you the best months I could, i tried so hard for you I hope you know that
Hugs Mel, my tears are falling for you and your sweet Tia. I understand how painful it is, and I am so sorry. When I brought the ashes of my precious Dakota home, I had to have her in the same room with me at all times for quite a long while. I carried her box around like it was a security blanket, and I guess it was, because it made me feel better somehow. Thinking about you tonight and hope you are getting some rest.
Tina and Jasper
03-10-2013, 05:38 AM
Thank you for nipping in and posting about Dakota. Sorry you lost your girl, we know their time is precious, it's just so hard to move forward without them
I am glad she is home, I hated not knowing where she was.
I spent practically every minute with her in her last few years and I organised our holidays around our dogs not the other way round :).
I find that writing her a note or two each day helps me, I talked to her so much over her life but more so the last few months and I miss her so much, probably silly to some but that's ok we are all inviduals much like our doggies :)
I do it on this thread so that if people read it they know it could make them sad as I would hate to upset anyone just starting their cushings journey
03-10-2013, 12:49 PM
Hello baby girl
Been a strange day today, feel a bit displaced by everything
I saw that little sprinkle of snow today. Boyce is definitely wondering about you so I am doing my best to distract him, we shared boiled eggs today something else which would offended you baby x
I think I cried myself out yesterday but that's a good thing as I have to work tomorrow and none of them would understand how I feel about losing you
Going to have a nap now as I feel sleepy, love you millions princess
03-10-2013, 01:20 PM
No sleep miss, so I wrote you a poem of sorts
Thank you for all the snuggles we had
They were so precious and I am so glad
I wanted to take this moment to write
Cause since you've been gone the futures less bright
I needed to share what you mean to me
You spirit, your kindness, the part that made we
I know I will see you again one day
But for now I must treasure memories come what may
03-11-2013, 07:18 AM
Hello Miss
More snow today, Boyce was not as keen this morning cause of that wicked wind
Just wanted you to know Mummy is thinking of you. Got to call that lady tomorrow @ 12. I hope they say yes but I won't be upset if they don't can't take it personal. I will just try somewhere else
Love you baby girl be back later, financial spreadsheets need to be done and you know how I love those - not
03-11-2013, 06:17 PM
Hello Princess
It's soooo cold, you would hate it, Daddy didn't get out tonight, am not sure you would of either if you were still here baby
Me and fat boy walked in the swirling wind and snow, mummy thought about your last minutes that day and then tried to remember all your happy times scamping around off your lead running past your brother cause you could!
It's not getting easier cause I think about you all the time, I would have spent all our money to have fixed it for you if I could but I couldn't. I try not to dwell on what if's but it's hard sometimes little one
Works much the same, I feel like I am in a different world sometimes, they are nothing like me and I have noticed that so much more since I lost you. Can't really leave him much yet though princess as he misses you, like mummy does so I am trying to look after him best I can
I love you and miss you so much, I hope you hear me still miss Tia
03-12-2013, 01:07 PM
Hello Miss
More snow today, daddy told me he says hello to you each morning it snows, it doesn't make us sad I guess we think it's your way of saying you are ok and we hope you are
It's been 18 days since we saw your sweet face and it feels like a lifetime, I often run through in my head your little quirks but it seems so long now since we made those memories and it hurts that you are no longer around to make new ones
I wish us humans lived in the moment like doggies so we didn't have to experience the loss until we meet again
I don't really know what normal is now, I guess we have to make a new normal but I don't know how
Nanny said she was thinking of you today, she couldn't remember why you popped in her head but you did, she isn't really dog people precious but she loved you in her own way, I think her and loule bell had been speaking about you, I am so glad she got to snuggle with you over Christmas before you became too unwell
Mummy misses you so much, sometimes I can't stop the tears because my heart aches to see you and to snuggle some more. You know it's not fat boys thing to snuggle I just get a good wash which is awesome but not the same
Lulu must be having too much fun to teach you to visit as I haven't seen you yet, I hope I do soon
Love you
03-13-2013, 02:56 PM
Hello Baby
Rubbish day today with more work than I can handle and people asking me to do things that should be done by someone else. It's getting a bit boring now, I am starting not to care which you know is dangerous
Boyce is looking for you when we come in from each walk, I think he thinks I have done something to you, I wish I could explain that I couldn't do anything more for you, he protected you from when you were born so he must be really confused, he isn't the only one who feels like that
I am so tired of putting on a brave face, all I really want to do is cry but I know you wouldn't want mummy to be sad you hated sad so I am trying my best to put one foot in front of the other each day
I wish it wasn't this way
Love you
03-14-2013, 01:37 PM
Hello baby girl
Mummy had a worse day today than yesterday, I had to deal with a very patronising woman and say nothing which was really hard.
I am not going to be able to light a candle tomorrow at 10:30 as I have to be in a meeting
I am not very happy about this
Boyce has ripped his birthday pig, he was never a ripper, have you been having a word?
As I type this your brother is moaning at me to do his tea, you just used to make your way quietly in the room and stare to let me know the time, he prefers to be more vocal! I miss your gentle ways little Tia Maria
Love you lots little one, miss you more than I could ever say
03-15-2013, 06:38 PM
Little Miss Tia
It's been three whole weeks and 12 hours since we said our goodbyes. I feel so lost without you. The pain is almost unbearable sometimes
I force myself to remember all the good but it is so hard
I never thought you would be in that small percentage. I always thought we would be able to manage it, how little did I know. I can't help but wonder how we got here
This time last year I had no clue I would be without you now.
I love you princess
03-16-2013, 04:33 PM
Hello little one
Mummy woke up very early today and I felt very sad, it's so empty for me without you here, Boyce only really wants daddy at the moment so that's hard
I wonder often what it will be like when I see you again, I miss your smell, your feets, your snuggles and our time at night when the rest of the world is asleep
It doesn't seem fair how you were taken from me, I tried to look after you so well all your life
I talk to Boyce all the time about how you would love or hate things and I watch your videos to remind me you were once here
I love you Tia
03-16-2013, 09:13 PM
aww mel... i kinda have the same thing with meka.she is more attached to michael then me(which she always was,milo was mommys boy)i try so hard to engage her but she isn't the snugglebug that milo was.tomorrow will be 3 months that my mimi is not physically with me.i agree with you that i too miss his stinky feet,soft hair and tight snuggles but i promise in time we will get through this emptiness.we do have another to go home to,which i think is better then going back to an empty hang in there and i will closely be watching you...sending love,light,prayers ...patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-17-2013, 07:12 PM
Hello baby
It's been pouring today you would have hated it, I had to put fat boys coat on so he didn't get soaked.
Me and Daddy talked about you this morning, he is missing his cuddles too, we talked about going away for Easter but it will be so hard without you
We have a tough week coming up with Pops and work so look out for him princess. I miss talking to you for real little one, could really do with a snuggle today. Hope Nanny is filling in for me till I can see you again
Love you my little girl
03-18-2013, 07:09 PM
Hello Princess
Been thinking about you on and off today when I should have been working, I find it hard to concentrate sometimes and my mind wanders to the what ifs
I know that we had great times together and I think you knew that you were sick and mummy could do no more for you, I believe you told me you had enough but I am finding it so very hard without you
Boyce is ok, he looks lost sometimes so I give him a stroke, I talk to him about you all the time but I don't use your name Tia as I know he would go looking for you if I did
It will be a month this Friday, I have to be at that client again so I will need to find some strength from somewhere to cope with that. I hope I find my way soon as I feel very lost without you precious
I love you
03-19-2013, 06:58 PM
Hello little one
What a day, typical of pops, nothing is ever simple. We spoke about you this afternoon, he said he saw a dog in the park with your markings after we lost you, was that your way of letting him know you are ok? Pops told me there is more snow tomorrow
I had to leave Boyce to see pops today, he took himself to bed so I don't think he was that affected, I brought him back some tripe treats, you would have liked them miss, he scoffed a large bit, I figured for you as that's exactly what you would have done
I haven't seen you in my dreams but I spent most of last nights dream crying in my childhood house not sure what that was all about.
I know how much you loved me T, you would follow me like a little lamb even to the toilet and trip me up all the time, I do miss my little shadow, nearly 4 weeks feels like a lifetime ago
love you my precious girl
03-20-2013, 06:17 PM
Hello Baby Girl
Another mental day, I do wish I could get off the rollercoaster sometimes and take a breath. I guess that's just life
Am worried about leaving Fatboy tomorrow,it will be the longest I have left him since you have been gone, I hope he will be ok
I long to look into your sweet little eyes and have a proper chat with you, this just isn't the same, I talk to you all day long like you were still here but again when I look you are not and that hurts so much princess.
Mummy would do anything to have you back
Love you little one
03-21-2013, 05:33 PM
Hello Miss
This time 4 weeks ago I was breaking my heart at the thought of losing you, I was so upset at seeing you change and I knew I had to do it but I can't express how sad I feel since you have been gone and how I long for to be close to you and to snuggle
I didn't ever want to let you go but I had to baby and I think it's one of the hardest things I have ever had to do
I can't really believe it has been a month. I haven't been able to stop the tears I try and keep it together in the day but I often wake and realise you are no longer here and I can't hold them back
I want to thank you for being such a special little girl, we miss your sassy ways. If I could turn back time I would for you baby girl
Mummy loves you millions
Ps - Same old same old with Pops, one thing after another, hopefully it will be tomorrow. Look after him for me baby
03-22-2013, 05:50 PM
I can hardly believe its been 4 weeks since I saw your little face and smelt your smell and tickled your soft spots.
I took Boyce to the field again tonight, I see memories of you there everywhere, which is quite painful. Daddy hurt his back again so Mummy had to do it on her own, I cried the whole time cause I miss you so much. Boyce walked around all the puddles so you would have been proud
I could see you scamping around and I look for you as you are supposed to be there but you are not. I think it's getting harder not easier sometimes.
I still talk to you out loud all the time, I think I see signs which are too much of a coincidence but maybe I am seeing what I want who knows anymore
Mummy asked you to look out for S today I hope that you did, fingers crossed it works out baby
I wish you were here but you wouldn't be impressed as we are both sneezing, we still say sorry to the air cause we did it for so long
I love you my little angel, I hope you are ok in doggie heaven and not missing us as much as we miss you
03-23-2013, 08:33 PM
Hello Miss
More snow today, it's so cold mummy is not impressed, Boyce of course loved it, are you sending all this snow for him
I woke up feeling sad again today, I think weekends are when I allow myself to feel the way I do, in the week I have to just get on with it
Next week is not going to be fun, will need you to look out for mummy baby as I really need you
I miss you just as much if not more miss Tia
03-24-2013, 06:04 PM
Hello Princess
Mummy is so unwell, I have been sneezing constantly for what feels like days you would for sure have taken yourself to bed. I am so over it, could do without it that's for sure
Fat boy is ok, he seems to be adjusting, even he wasn't up for the cold tonight so you know it must be bitter. I think he likes the attention and now he doesn't have to wait for a towel rub
Daddy said he misses snuggles and Boyce just gives him his bum, least we could scoot you around and you didn't mind, he just moves, not quite the same
I miss you very much and would love to have a proper chat with you, I miss your precious eyes and face, know that mummy loves you ever so much and I only wish we had longer than we did.
03-25-2013, 06:35 PM
Hello little Tia
Thought about you a lot today, I made myself cry thinking about everything I miss about you, if ever I hear a coffee percolator I will for sure think of you and your trumps.
I have been mentally running through some of your quirks... Your hatred of the Hoover, your hatred of tissues and water, such random things which I never did understand. Your aversion to cold floors tickles me now, why sit on the floor when you could sit on our lap, I miss that so much, your forwardness.
Your brother is ok, we had a play like old times today so I think he is starting to adjust to this new normal. I am not and I don't think daddy is either we are just getting on with it cause we have to. I don't think it will ever be the same for me
Miss you my baby girl. Love you lots always
03-26-2013, 06:52 PM
Hello Tia Maria
Another day has past since I last saw you, I haven't had a great day today, felt really sad and my heart aches to see you for a cuddle
Mummy is so poorly I guess that doesn't help things, so sick of it all at the moment precious
Your brother nicked my seat tonight, did you have a word with him to take advantage for the both of you from now on, he has never been that cheeky, I let him have it
Not got many words today pudding, feel empty
Love you millions
03-27-2013, 06:59 PM
Evening princess
What another shocker of a day, thank goodness we only have one more day till Easter, I don't think I could do anymore. Mummy still feels really poorly with this cold so that is not helping
Fat boy gave me a snuggle tonight with no whining or moaning or kisses just a nice cuddle, he doesn't fit in my arms perfectly like you did but it was so nice to snuggle baby, wishes you were still here for those, we must have had thousands over the years yet it still doesn't feel like it was enough
I figured out why for all those years you would sniff the water and walk away, fat boy leaves half the gunk he has picked up from sniffing on the floor outside in the bowl so clearly it wasn't fresh enough and you told me, good job mummy changed it at the time but I never did realise why I had to till just recently. Don't blame you either you were always the clever one of the outfit
Will be five weeks this Friday, seems so much longer, I am not getting used to you not being here, I am just getting on with it Tia cause the alternative is not really an option, I know life goes on I just wish it didn't have to without you
Love you and miss you
03-28-2013, 11:39 PM
Hello Miss
What a strange day that was.
It was so stressful to start, didnt need that issue with the cab Thanks for sending me the red king Charles spaniel on the tube, I felt so rubbish and he was such a happy little fella. He wouldn't stop licking my hand or wagging his tail. Thanks for not sending a girlie as that would have made me cry
5 weeks today since I lost you precious, seems like another lifetime that we saw you, daddy misses you too baby, I think he wishes he spent more time with you than he did.
Fat boy nicked my seat again, have you been encouraging him to take full advantage of us for the both of you.
I miss you my little girl more than words could ever say
Love you
03-29-2013, 08:03 PM
Hello Tia
Mummy has been very sad today, I don't like Fridays anymore as that will now always be the day we lost you
This time last year at Easter we were away at the beach, daddy brought you the fluffy blanket and you loved it. If you were here we would have gone again, we did talk about it but our usual place wasn't free and it's so cold that wind would be beyond freezing
I didn't think last year that you wouldn't be here now, I spent so much time with you in your life yet now it feels like it wasnt enough
Daddy looked through some photos today, we talked about you lots but it's so hard that you are not here
Am seeing the squirts tomorrow I don't really feel strong enough but it's been so long I feel bad for them. I just want to curl up and cry baby cause mummy wants you back and she can't have you
Miss you and love you millions
Bo's Mom
03-29-2013, 10:24 PM
Hi Tia,
Just stopping by and letting you know that we are all here for your mommy. I know it is so hard not having you here with her and her being able to rub your belly. She, like I, lost our beautiful Angels on a Friday and as each Friday comes, it is another reminder of a Friday without you. It is really tough but keep your Angel wings wide because no doubt one day you and my Angel will lift us up high.
PS: Go look for Bo. He is the cute silver toy poodle who is running all over the meadows letting the wind blow in his face.
03-31-2013, 04:05 AM
Thanks Belinda. I see Bo's candles when I light Tia's and I read your post re his macro so seems like we went through a pretty similar situation.
I think it was one of the hardest things watching her change. I looked back at photos yesterday before all of this happened and she looks so beautiful and strong it just about breaks my heart to know what this wicked disease did to her.
Hope you are ok, big hug back to you
03-31-2013, 04:14 AM
Hello Little Miss
Mummy didn't write yesterday as I fell asleep early, I did wake up lots of times but felt so sad I didn't want to make myself sadder writing to you
I don't know why yesterday was so tough, we saw the squirts, I did try, we did an Easter egg hunt with money sweets and clues to find presents and they loved it. I can tell they are not so close as I haven't seen them for a while but that will come back
Daddy kept saying to me that I looked miserable, I did try baby, I thought I was ok but maybe not, I can't do anymore. I do miss you so much. I know they loved you but not like me, they didn't have the bond we shared, I cared for you from your very first moment with us to your last cause that's what mums are supposed to do
We found photos on daddy's old phone, you were such a pretty girl before all this started. Strong and sassy, it hurts so much to see those knowing that's not where you ended up. I hate what this disease did to you
I just hope everyone leaves me alone today baby as I don't feel like being with anyone but your brother. Boycie is ok, he loved seeing everyone, I do think he misses you but only when it's quiet time. Nanny is going to take my first phone into the shop as there are over 300 photos and 40 vids which we can't see as the screens gone but I bet a fair few will e on you little one, I hope so as mummy wants as many as possible
I love you baby and miss you so so much
04-01-2013, 04:51 AM
Hey Miss T
Another light dusting of snow again for me when I woke up, it's still hanging around
I have been so sad over this weekend, I know it's because we are usually away and having fun together this time of year and we are not, Easter was always out first break of the year. If you were here we would have definitely gone somewhere regardless of the weather but I guess daddy couldn't really face it either
I don't think he knows how to handle me so sad, I can't change how I am feeling 5 weeks is nothing versus 12 years and I told him that yesterday, I can't ever see myself being quite the same again but am sure time will help Tia, I just know losing you the way we did has affected me a lot.
Boyce is whining at me to go out, you never did that baby just looked at me and said its time, you were always calm and collected but knew exactly what you did and didn't want, you were such a character baby girl, I am so sad that disease took so much from you and me
I miss my little shadow, I can't bear to turn the kitchen light off at night yet baby Mummy knows you probably don't need it but just case precious
Love you soo much little one
04-02-2013, 12:48 AM
Sending you loving hugs. I know the despair that you feel, believe me. Time will heal, but you'll still have your days. Please know that I truly believe that there is a Heaven for these wonderful companions of ours. They're so loving, loyal, and sweet - how could there not be?
I'm crying as I read your messages to sweet Tia. Surely she would want you to be pain free just as she is now having crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
I'd like to consider you a friend since you so kindly (and others) have reached out to me as Daisy and I begin this frightening journey of ours.
Maybe someday we can meet in person? That would be neat :)
Take care of yourself dear and do enjoy life. It is different without Tia I know, but she would want you to be happy. Our furbabies always think of us first. Wouldn't the world be a better place if humans did the same thing?
If daddy is anything like my Chris, he HATES to see you unhappy and wants so desperately to make things better. He's hurting too in his own way but wants to remain strong for you. Men do this, I don't know why. Be sure to give him a hug too because he's probably holding back a lot in fear of making you feel worse.
I know what you mean about looking at the older pictures. We see our furbabies every day and sometimes don't realized how much they have changed until we see how they were when they were healthy.
Praying that you find comfort in those who are still here on earth and love you.
04-02-2013, 02:38 PM
Thank you for your words.
Tia will be one of a pack waiting for me, she isn't the first dog I have lost and she won't be the last, I am just feeling differently than I have done before, caring for her so intently over a 3 year period seemed to make the loss harder than any I have experienced before
I am in the uk but if I ever make a trip to the states for sure :)
04-02-2013, 02:50 PM
Hello Princess
The sun shone today the first time in a long time, still bitterly cold, am putting fat boys coat on to help his gammy back leg while that wind is still whipping.
He doesn't really fit the red coat well so am using his old one, always makes me think of you as you obviously had the same one we left with you but I have to be practical miss in this instance as I don't want him to be uncomfortable. He doesn't like wearing his coat just like you and he also shakes himself when I take it off, must not like your fur disturbed or something.
I haven't brought him a new collar either he still has a match to yours which is sitting on the chair with your lead like it always did baby. I know we won't be using it again but not ready to put it away little one.
Am hoping nanny will have the disc of your first photos this week, you were such a pretty little girl mummy wants to remember the beginning before we started down the Cushings road. It's like I need to see them to be reminded. I do have the pictures in my head princess but it will be good to see them.
Mummy misses you lots and loves you millions
04-03-2013, 05:06 PM
Hello little Tia
What is it with all this snow, more flurries both times I walked him today, swirling around our faces with that wind. Makes me feel like you are with us but knowing you the way I did you would not have wanted to go out in that cold.
Boyce seems unsettled today not sure why maybe he is missing you like mummy. He has taken residence on the sofa now, I do think he wonders where you are he is probably half expecting you to come and shove him off you were a little minx for doing that
Work still sucks a lot but been able to stay with him for the last couple of weeks so that's been good, I do wonder if he gets upset completely on his own
I often imagine you running around in doggie heaven nicking everyone's balls and chicken so I hope your not getting yourself into too much trouble try and remember some manners
Miss you sweetheart, love you millions
04-04-2013, 12:47 PM
What is it with all this snow, it's been swirling since yesterday am and shows no signs of stopping.
I was looking for money today as I needed a cab and you know daddy usually hides some, I didn't find any (rotters good at hiding) but I did find photos of you two, don't know if you were 6 or 8 weeks there as we saw you twice, I think it was the first visit but I have left them out to ask daddy, i didn't need to wait for that phone I had some here all along.
What a little precious you were, there are shots of you playing with Boyce and your other brother Nas and you were giving it some which was you, they made me smile baby. I have since cried but my first reaction was one of pure love and gratitude that I remember that day and how I am so glad we ended up with you.
I cry as I type this as you are no longer here but know I was lucky to have you as long as we did I know you gave it your best to stay with us but what chance did you have against a growing brain tumour
Wishes we could roll back to those photos as I would spoil you even more than I already did if I had of known we were only getting 12 years, that's more than some people get I know but I always thought you would live longer
Mummy has to go feed fat boy as he is moaning as per usual for his dinner
Love you and miss you little pup
04-06-2013, 02:09 AM
Hello little miss
6 weeks and 1 day since we last saw you, its swirled and twirled snow for a couple of hours yesterday just like the day we had to say goodbye. I didn't take him to the field yesterday as it was so cold and mummy did feel sad
Daddy says those photos are from our second visit so you were 8 weeks old and coming home for the first time I put an extra cute one of you in the big frame so I can now see 4 precious photos of you when I look up
I so long to go back to those times and start again, I hate the fact that photos and videos and memories are all I have left. Your brother seems to miss you Fridays too as he was quite unsettled last night
It's daddy's birthday on Monday, I used to always get a card from you both and i signed mine with your names, not writing your name makes me feel so horrible as it was always Mel, Tia and Boyce. I wish it still was
I am trying baby, every day. I miss you so much
Love you millions
04-07-2013, 03:22 AM
Hello princess
Mummy and Fatboy had a quiet day yesterday, daddy went to work then his friends so it's been just us mooching around. Been trying to teach him to stay and leave his ball, he is getting it baby just about
I have been sad, I read about all the new puppies getting it and it does break my heart for them and us, I feel like we were the unlucky ones to lose you the way we did and I hope a lot that no one else has to go through what we did. That IMS said we wouldn't be able to watch it, I hated her so much for saying that to me cause I didn't believe it but she was right
Mummy is going to order an album to put all the photos we find in it, we want to make sure we have a great book of your life and I found your first photos so it makes sense, I think I am to sad to start it just yet so I have put the photos safe for now but I will pudding, will do one for you both
I have been sleeping a bit better usually only wake up once or twice now and then super early in the mornings, not really a fan of that as the good old days we both loved a lie in I hope that comes back, Fatboy is already whining for me to take him out, you would have been the opposite, you loved your bed and mornings you were super snuggly and would snake up and give me your "5 more minutes face"
We haven't moved any of your stuff baby girl, bits are everywhere, sudocream, shampoo, herbs, pills everything is still as it was, I can't look at a bottle of water without thinking of you, I am so glad we taught you that, it was actually on your first day that we started that when we stopped to get your first leads, cages and collars, red and blue, we probably still have those somewhere too knowing mummy.
I know that we did have 12 years sweetheart but it doesn't feel like it now you have gone, why is it that it never feels like its enough.
I miss you and love you lots my angel, I hope that you and Tara have found each other
04-08-2013, 05:23 PM
Hello Baby girl
Daddy's birthday today, he said I didn't have to buy cards this year as it was too hard for me. Bless him, I did make him brownies which he enjoyed, fat boy couldn't resist coming into see what was going on but couldn't share chocolate, he did give me the eyes to see if I would relent. You never had a sweet tooth like him did you
I found it hard today, I guess cause I would include you both in birthdays it reminds me again that you aren't here. I am so sad still that you are not. I do cry everyday for you sweet princess as the loss is still so overwhelming
I feel so upset that you didn't get to live out your life naturally and that this wicked disease robbed me of some years. Boyce seems so full of life and I am grateful for that I just hate that you are not with us. I miss my shadow so much, I cant help it
I love you Miss Tia, miss you so much it hurts
04-09-2013, 06:25 PM
Hey Miss Tia
We watched a video tonight from Daddys phone of you playing around with a new soft toy, you must have been quite young in that as you didn't do that much after 2009. It was quite grainy so I couldn't really tell but you looked very healthy and happy and full of beans.
He also had pictures from Christmas 2008 before everyone got sick, I know I broke my wrist that year and Fatboy had his surgeries, little did we realise that what would follow in the next few years would be worse
You had that sheepskin coat on in a couple of photos, which was the one we ended up using all the time after we shaved your fur, mummy chucked that one out I think!
I love to look at you but do so long for you to be here, I am glad we took as many photos and videos as we did but I am so sad that you are not by my side as I write this.
The whole you left is such a physical one, I don't think I realised how much time I devoted to caring for you, keeping you hydrated was a 24*7 job in the last few months I just never noticed cause you needed me so that's what I did.
Boyce doesn't need me in the same way and still hasnt learned the art of snuggles, I don't think he will after all this time.
I love you my little girl, I miss you so much
04-11-2013, 06:22 PM
Hello baby girl
You would be proud of your brother he is currently taken over the whole of my side of the sofa and I have a postage stamp on your side, he is snoring his head off quite happily. Mummy is not exactly comfortable, did you tell him to take advantage for the both of you?
Mummy gets sadder the nearer it gets to Friday its a rolling number now of weeks since we lost you. It will be 7 tomorrow.
I feel sad because we couldn't do anything, pissed off it happened in the first place, robbed of years we should have had, too many feelings, thoughts and emotions princess swirling around
I watched your dreaming tail wagging video today, you looked so content and healthy, I can't believe that was only last year I took that so glad I caught it on tape. I know we have lots more photos and videos to watch but they are bittersweet as they remind me of what I have lost, you have left a very big hole Tia
I continue to miss you so much and love you lots my little one
04-11-2013, 06:39 PM
I keep reading about all the dogs having the trumps on the medicine, made me think of how me or daddy would shout incoming if you let one off as they were that bad we were forced to take action by covering our noses
That has made me smile, then cry as I even miss your stinky bum.
04-12-2013, 05:46 AM
7 weeks precisely since I lost you
Miss you so much princess T
Love you
04-13-2013, 04:48 AM
Hello Little Miss
Mummy had a shocking day yesterday with work, had last minute crap dropped on me which has now put me back with my own stuff. Am going to have to do some finance bits today and you know how much mummy hates that and working on a Saturday
Strange thing happened with your brother Thursday night, he was whining to go out as Daddy had come home then he had a mad minute where he was sniffing like crazy and he ended up at the cabinet with your ashes in. It seemed like he caught your scent. And then later on the bedroom door opened on its own which it has never done since we lived here, did you feel like a snuggle with daddy?
I have been thinking a lot about what we could have done differently or how you could have developed this, I think next week is the week I am going to call Dan. All these new babies joining every day, all their parents confused and suffering. There must be someway to figure it out or at least try.
Mummy hates the fact that I couldn't stop this and I couldn't help you anymore. I would have done anything to help you baby as you are my little girlie and I love you so much. Nothing will ever change that
04-14-2013, 07:54 AM
Hello princess
Mummy wrote you a post then lost it. Will come back later. Miss you most at weekends our lazy Sunday's
04-14-2013, 03:50 PM
Hello little one
A sunny day today, me and your brother had a nice wander this morning and then we took him to the field tonight, his back leg is defo giving him some more gip at the moment so winter needs to end soon
You would have hated all this cold and rain and I would have had to fight to get you out.
I am convinced you told him to take advantage of us as he has certainly displayed some of your more cheeky manorisms since you have been gone. I do think he wonders where you are sometimes but not so much now. I am glad he doesn't feel as rubbish as I do without you
I miss all your little quirks and your sweet loving nature Tia, haven't had a decent snuggle since your last night. I didn't know how much I needed you, I miss that closesness we had. Daddy misses you too but I think it's easier for him not to talk about you, I know he looks at your pictures on his computer often
Least we have lots of pictures and memories they aren't the same and sometimes they don't feel enough but would be worse without them. You were such a pretty little girl, you didn't care for everyone and I liked that about you, Boyce will talk to anyone you were more selective
Miss you princess, love you so much
Budsters Mom
04-15-2013, 12:27 PM
What a beautiful tribute.:)
Thank you so much for sharing it with us!:)
Kathy and Buddy
04-15-2013, 06:41 PM
Hello Tease wheezy
Haven't used that nickname to you yet, you had about 10 other names as well as your actual name Tia. I miss saying them out loud. Am still very careful with using your name around your brother as I wouldn't want to upset him
He seems to becoming a mummy's boy again, he is by me as I type snoring his head off in daddy's chair, I slathered a little peanut butter in a disposable cup for him yesterday and he took ages to get in a position he could get it baby, he doesn't have your brains that's for sure
Today was a total nightmare that patronising woman was back and I have spreadsheets galore, I fell out with daddy too over something stupid so it's been crap all round. Selfishly at times like this I miss you the most, you would know I needed a hug and by my side you would be and you are not now little girl, so wish you were
I miss you baby, love you millions
04-16-2013, 06:54 PM
Hello Princess
Work is beyond rubbish, I am so exhausted from trying to interpret all these different numbers, you would think it would be better organised considering. Felt like I have neglected your brother a bit because of it so will need to make it up to him. He does share lunch with me everyday so just like old times.
Will be 2 months on Friday, it does feel a lot longer baby. I try and imagine all our little moments, I sometimes look through our pictures and videos but they are so bittersweet, I miss your ways and your love. It's hard for me to put it into words.
Pops is going again Thursday so watch over him for me baby
Love you, miss you
04-17-2013, 06:23 PM
Hello little Tia
Saw pops today, we watched a video of you both walking on mable beach, you were scamping about mooching your way back to the car park, it was always windy there and you would start making your own way back when you had enough. You knew your own mind that's for sure. You could be ignorant at times miss but that made you you
Fatso is next to me on the sofa, he is bigger than you so mummy has less room than normal but least he is on your side. He seemed quite unsettled tonight but I think cause it's so windy outside. I had to leave him to see pops, I will have to tomorrow and Friday as well. I hate leaving him but no choice with pops in hospital. Look after him for his surgery tomorrow for me princess
Those spreadsheets get worse, getting past the point of caring. Instructions in one document would be a good start. My wrist is giving me some serious gip because of all of the extra work. Must have done 30 versions this week and still not done!
Normally I would be looking forward to Friday but it will be 2 months this week since we said goodbye so Fridays are no longer a nice day for me. I think of you Thursday nights through to the time we said goodbye every week little one. I miss you very much
I love you millions always Tia
04-19-2013, 05:22 AM
Two months today sweetheart. Miss you so much
04-20-2013, 12:47 AM
Hello Princess
Thank you for looking after pops and keeping him safe. I didn't go visiting yesterday as Boyce seemed unsettled, I had to leave him all afternoon for a meeting so I didnt want to leave him again.
I talked about you yesterday to my work colleague she has a beagle called bert who likes cupboards! I told her how much I miss my sweet sensitive little girl and how it's not the same without you. It feels so much longer than two months since we said goodbye
This will be my 9th weekend without you, they are the worst. I have woke up early again like always missing you terribly. Makes me so sad my precious girl isn't here.
Daddy said he misses his snuggles, boyce doesnt really like to be close like you did, for you it was closer the better, you loved snaking in a crook or a gap next to us then proceed to nick the space. We could scoot you around anywhere and you would just lean in and settle.
I miss your sweet little face so much Tia. Thank you for being mummy's girl for 12 years, my heart only hurts so much because of how much love you gave me, I hope I gave enough back to you
Can you do me a favour, go find little Fella and tell him his mummy loved him very much, she was trying to make him better. Show him how to let her know he is ok
Love you millions
04-20-2013, 03:57 AM
I found your first sheepskin coat in the cupboard. I was looking for daddy's fishing tackle. I forgot nanny had to add Velcro straps on it to get it around your fat belly. That made me and daddy smile then mummy cry. It didn't smell of you, I so hoped it would
04-21-2013, 04:39 PM
Hello baby girl
Mummy missed you a lot today, we went to pops so I saw you everywhere, can't look at one of those chairs in the garden without thinking of you. As soon as one of us sat down you would jump straight in our lap. You werent a little girl either and that thumb claw always got mummy and daddy and that did hurt!
I cut the grass and weeded a bit so he didn't feel the urge. My wrist is really sore now though, not sure how I will type all day tomorrow
Boyce seems a bit funky today, he has only just settled, not sure what that's about
I found your other collar today, keep finding bits, I haven't really moved stuff but it still gets me right in the gut when I see your things and I know you won't ever use them again, I will have to make a box but I don't want to yet. Nothing smells of you, I wish it did
Rough week ahead, work is gonna suck. Wish you were here for cuddles
Love you millions, miss you more
04-22-2013, 04:21 AM
What beautiful notes to Tia!I came over to this "in loving memory" section very hesitantly,and saw a familiar name(yours).I could feel the love in your words to Tia.Awful the pain never really goes away.I sobbed when I read your last line to her "Go find Fella".Thank you!
04-22-2013, 04:21 PM
Hello Tia Maria
Fella's mom says she thinks she got a sign and to say thanks. She is doing it tough so I hope Fella will be free Wednesday and not having too much fun with you and all his new friends
I picture you all running around in doggie heaven scamping and chasing balls, I hope it's like that. I thought it was hard losing you the way we did I couldn't imagine being given that hope then losing you that way.
Makes me so sad we feel the pain that we do but I also know we are lucky to have received your selfless love for the years we did, We just all wish it was longer
Mummy cooked chicken pasta tonight, first time since you have been gone, I made you brother a small portion without onion just like I would for you. I thought it would make me cry but it didn't. They changed the recipe and added something so it didn't taste the same! You would have probably turned your nose up!
Have to leave fat boy for a client visit tomorrow, I hope he will be alright. I think that must remind him you aren't here as you used to keep him company, albeit probably asleep on our bed he knew you were here. I leave the telly on like normal but it's not the same
He is next to me now not snuggling, I have his bottom facing me and there are trumps tonight, nothing like your stinkers mind, we both miss shouting incoming as you did make us laugh with your bottom burps
I love you my baby, I miss you every minute of every day
Budsters Mom
04-22-2013, 05:54 PM
Your letters to Tia are so beautiful!:) They make me cry, but yet I continue to read them. Your love is so raw and genuine. You are right, Tia has moved on and she's very happy now. Happy because she knows how much she is loved and will always be loved. I love when you told her to go find Fella.:)
Thank you for sharing your precious letters,
Many hugs,
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-23-2013, 05:54 PM
Thanks Kathy, hope buddy is doing ok today xxx
04-23-2013, 06:07 PM
Hello Miss
Fatso is snoring his head off next to me on the sofa, I don't think he was that bothered I left him, he went to bed! Who does that remind you of madam...
I took him out when I got back as the sun was shining and we sat down on the way back watching the world go by for a bit, he loved that as you know how interested he is in people and sounds. Daddy took him to the field when he got home so he is nice and relaxed
I looked at some videos last night as daddy is giving nanny his old phone, you were such a beautiful girl awake and sleeping. Mummy has lots of photos of you sleeping, head in feets, sprawled here there and everywhere. I miss that so much
Barking your head off on one of vids for daddy to kick the football, you only wanted it so you could pop it. I forgot how chatty you were as you changed and i accepted it cause I had no choice.
I didn't tell you Nannys neighbour has a new girlie, she is timid and scared, they shut her out in the garden so she was crying, mummy had to go in, I couldn't listen to it. I don't get some people.
Rubbish day at work, say no more
Already Wednesday tomorrow, nearer Friday, can't believe it is 9 weeks. Not a moment passes still that I don't wish it was different
Miss you, love you lots
Mummy and Boycie boy as he is here
04-25-2013, 04:27 AM
Hello princess
Sorry mummy didn't write yesterday, I had a very long day at work. It's hard reading about all the babies struggling as it makes me remember your fight to stay with me
It doesn't seem fair that you get these diseases when you can't communicate, I wonder if I did enough for you, could I have done more. I wish I could have done something.
Tomorrow will be 9 weeks, soon that will turn into months and years and I have no real idea where this time has gone. I still don't know what to do with my left hand when out walking, so used to having two leads
I love you little girl to the moon and back
Miss you
04-25-2013, 11:50 PM
Hello Miss
Woke up a few times tonight. Your on my mind, we were snuggling face to face 9 weeks ago, you didn't usually come that close so I knew you knew. I knew you needed to be let go but I wish I never had to
I can't tell you adequately in words how I feel since you went, seems like your family have forgotten and moved on, no one asks or even brings you up. Maybe they don't as they think it will upset me but it upsets me more that they act like you didn't exist. You did and you were very special to me pudding
I have had such a tough time with work as well. I feel very tired of it all. Everyday pretending I don't feel the way I do is hard.
I better try and get a few more hours as I have more spreadsheets to do today.
Miss you little princess, love you millions
04-28-2013, 04:45 AM
Hello Miss
No snow yet, they obviously got it wrong as the sun has out!
Mummy has struggled with work over the last week, my wrist has become very swollen I think because I have overused it doing too many spreadsheets. I had to take a pain killer yesterday and I will probably have to take another today. Daddy's helpful advice was don't use it, which is impossible considering I am right handed!
I tried to see if we could get Mable for next weekend but we can't, I am disappointed as I think we could have all done with the break. I have started to look for our summer holiday but I find it tough selecting 1 dog instead of 2 I find myself automatically going to 2 then remembering
I have been thinking about your last few months a lot this week, I hope you never realised what was going on and that you didn't get affected by the changes your body went through. It broke my heart every day to see you change, I read yesterday about one little pup getting upset and biting. I am so grateful that did not happen with you if anything you became more attached
It makes me so sad to know that other people will have to go through what we did, I didn't know what to do for the best sometimes and i wouldnt wish that desperate helplessness on anyone.
Daddy didn't even mention you on Friday. Mummy purposefully said nothing to see if he would. We talked about you a bit yesterday but only after I brought you up. I know he misses you but clearly he doesn't feel like I do.
I am trying not to be annoyed with him about that as I spent the most time with you and cared for you. I made all the decisions but you were still his little girl. I don't know maybe mummy expects too much
Fatty boy is doing better on his new schedule of walks. I think he gets more bored now as he doesn't have you so I am trying to keep him entertained, he is moaning at me now to take him down so I better do that
I love you princess, I miss you so much it hurts
Mummy and Boyce
04-30-2013, 03:08 PM
Hello Tia
Work has been so tough, I really don't know which way is up at the moment. I have so much to do and not enough hands or time to do it all
I called Dan today, he wasn't in how bloody typical. He is off all week so I will have to call next week, I am not sure he would or could do anything to start up a research project but I got to ask baby. Maybe that's why he was your first vet to help us now. All these babies need something doing.
Mummy watched some more videos over the last few days, one where you had the sock on, oh that used to make us laugh you shaking your leg out to get it off. They make me sad still I love to watch them as I miss you terribly it just also reminds me of what I lost and how you changed in your last few months
I think Boyce has been a bit run down, am not convinced that food is right for him now, so he is going to try a new one, which is handmade with herbs, hopefully it will be better for him in the long run. I did find it for you baby but it was the week I lost you so I didn't get to order it.
I still talk to you like you were here every day, I often wonder if you hear me twittering away, I don't want you to think I have forgot you as I haven't I miss you so much and it hurts so very deeply that you are no longer with me by my side.
I love you so much Tia
05-01-2013, 04:08 PM
Hey Baby Girl
Boycies food turned up today, he loves it, he kept going up to the bag and sniffing it. Mummy is transitioning it in as he doesnt have an iron stomach like you did, I also brought him some treats which have herbs in so I pray these help keep our little man healthy for years to come.
I miss you and your sweet nature and part of me would get another girl in a heartbeat as your characters are different but I owe it to you both to keep him as happy and healthy as I can for as long as I can and I will start another journey with a boy and a girl in the future.
I just wish you were here for snuggles, can you have a word with him about his duty as a dog to snuggle and not moan or give you a wash when you lean into him, kind of ruins the moment, he takes to turning around and giving you his bum! Not like you missy, could pull and shove you right into us and you would look up, breathe out heavily and start snoring
He is talking lots more too, not barking just moaning at me when I ignore him, you were more direct in your approach, I do miss that jumping on my lap, you weren't little princess but if you wanted to be somewhere nothing stopped you
I better go, silly bum is letting me know it's time to go out, demanding little fella he has become!
Love you, miss you, wish you were here now, you would have looked at me and said no thanks, I will wait till the morning
05-03-2013, 05:02 AM
Hey Little Tia
It's been nearly 10 weeks exactly since I last held you and kissed your sweet nose. You loved Rolling kisses not just one lots of kisses on the nose. I miss those times my little girl. We were just getting back from our wander now and bringing him in so we could drive with you.
I find it so hard every day but Friday through the weekend is tougher as we would always do more stuff and as its bank holiday this weekend we would have again gone away if you were here. We did try and get Mable but it isn't ready yet.
Your brother seems to be a bit perkier, the new food is agreeing with him so far, I brought some treats from this place too, one of them is made from liver and I am positive you would have loved those! They have a nighttime biscuit, so mummy made a jar up of both and put it in the hall. I couldn't have done this while you were here as you would have probably stayed there permanently.
The woman said she made this treat specifically to give to her dog before bed to help her sleep and to thank her for another day together. I wish I found these while you were still here as fatty boy loves it and I so badly wanted to have done this for you when I read it.
Because you were so special Tia, a piece of my puzzle is missing now
Miss you baby girl, love you millions
05-05-2013, 01:06 PM
Hello little miss
Your brother is becoming a joker, he woke me up at stupid o'clock this morning. Not sure why as I told him to bog off and he went back to sleep.
He has just taken himself to bed, he seems more like himself these days just a bit chattier, I do wonder if he thinks about you like mummy does
Have felt funky this weekend can't seem to shake it, just feel so sad for us, and everyone else who has had to deal with it. I read every day all the issues the little ones face its so rubbish. I hate that everyone feels so helpless as we felt that.
I miss your little face and our time together each day, can't have a deep and meaningful with fat boy. I just wish you were here again
Love you to the moon and back
05-06-2013, 05:10 PM
Hello princess
Mummy is not impressed with daddy today, he was away all weekend and he didn't get back to come on our wander and dinner was so late tonight. I don't mind him going but he could at least think about us and get back at a reasonable time he blatantly hasn't slept as he has already gone to bed, been in less than two hours
Fatty boy has gone with him too bloody traitor, mummy has spoilt him all weekend and he goes to him first chance he gets. I miss having you next to me now. Times when I feel like this remind me the most that you are no longer here
I did a bit of cleaning today, I found a little chunk of your hair, it made me smile not cry, I feel so empty at the moment. I was just glad to have found a little bit of you. I miss your presence in my life so much.
I have no real idea of what the point is at the moment I am just going through the motions. I have to visit that stupid client tomorrow could right do without that as I have a ton of other work to do. Just sick of it all T. Wish I knew what else to do baby girl, I know I should be grateful to have a job and I am it's just hard when you dont love it or even like it any more
I just wish you were here baby, I miss you so much would give you big kisses on your nose and then a snuggle. I guess I just have to remember what it was like now
Love you
05-07-2013, 06:48 PM
Hello little miss
Mummy didn't have to leave fatty today but I will have to tomorrow and Thursday. Will be home after tea time tomorrow so he will be royally unimpressed. I always imagined you telling him I would be back soon when you were here, I hate you are not here for him either
Don't have many words tonight little one just feel lost
Love you, miss you so much
05-08-2013, 05:29 PM
Hello little Miss Tia
I binned that meeting. I had too much real work to do something had to give. My manager wasn't impressed but that's what you get when you give someone 3 jobs.
I said he would kick my arse less than the clients and thats true, probably not my best move but I swear if he says anything I will kick off. All the stuff we are expected to do is crazy and I am at a point that I will say something.
Mummy wishes you were here to calm me down. Cuddles always helped. Fatso has just gone to bed. No use is he!
I saw a little girlie in a car tonight on her mummy lap she had your markings. She wasn't the same as you but she looked right at us. Was strange, maybe she wasn't a fan of other dogs and wanted to eat Boyce!
Soon be another week past since I lost you, they seem to go so quick and yet so slow, it does feel like a lifetime since we were together. You are always still on my mind princess and I hope you hear me jabbering to you.
Love you, miss you so much
05-09-2013, 02:22 PM
Hello baby girl
Mummy feels very rubbish tonight. I fell out with daddy, had a crappy meeting and now I have to meet my boss tomorrow at 10. I feel so horrible I don't know how I am going to face it
I nearly lost my memories of you today on my phone because I was rushing about. I am so lucky someone gave it in so I could collect it from the station I dont have your precious videos on the computer and it would have broken my heart to lose the video of you dreaming and wagging your tail. I only lost it cause daddy hadn't called me and I called him and he didn't pick up.
I probably shouldn't have done that, but I find thursday night and Friday so hard and I thought I nearly lost the only little bit I had left of you and I couldn't take it
I am so sad baby. I miss you so much.
Love you always
05-10-2013, 01:12 PM
Hello Baby girl
Been 11 weeks now since we snuggled and I kissed your sweet face. It's seems like such a long time. Mummy is doing it really tough at the moment. Today had the outcome I expected. I was a bit disappointed by that as he didnt recall a previous conversation we had where I told him what I was doing. I didn't point it out, I probably should of but he was already annoyed.
I don't know anymore T. Just tired. Wish you were here for a cuddle and a proper chat. I just miss looking at you sleeping. I watched your tail Wag video. Mummy will sync the phone with daddy's computer when he brings it home so I don't run the risk of losing that again. That one is extra special to me.
I dreamt about you this morning, I had woken up early and went back to sleep you were running around through a hedge with your brother. Something woke me up so I only saw you for a minute.
Thanks for coming to see me. It broke my heart when I woke up. But that's ok. I hadn't dreamed about you at all so one minute was better than nothing
Miss you baby, love you so so much
05-10-2013, 08:16 PM
Hi Mel
Awwww a visit from Tia.... even only for a minute must have been awesome!! I don't usually post to you here as feel this is your own special little place for your girl but this morning here I am barging in to say hello and give you a big old hug!! Hope the meeting was not too awful and your man is behaving!! So hard when you are both going through the grieving process to find a middle ground, when you deal with it on different timelines. Hope his week is better one for you Mel!! xxx
05-11-2013, 02:27 AM
Your letters to Tia are beautiful and healing at the same time. We are here to read,listen and support you. It has been almost 8 months sine my Apollo died and like you I miss him everyday and still cry a lot.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo.
WITH time the pain lessens but the lose is always there. With time we are left with memories so precious and the love we shared sixth them. Apollo and Tia are now running healthy and free.
05-11-2013, 06:07 AM
Hello little one
I uploaded all the bits from my phone to daddys computer so I wont have such of a meltdown in the future if I lose it. I have checked and those videos are definately on there. I watched it again this morning and also your popping ball efforts, you were such a precious little girl full of character I guess I am grieving on two levels, I lost you months before I actually had to let you go.
Fatty Boy is doing well, he actually has a couple more grey hairs on his mush, he is quite chatty these days, the food seems to be helping his back leg a bit too, he isnt pulling it up as much as he used to, could also be the warm weather but its good to see him walking better.
I think he is a bit bored this morning as he hasnt settled, mummy only took him for a short wander as it was early so I will have to make up for it later. Hoping Daddy will be back from work soon so we can go to the field as we havent been there for a while.
I need to find our summer holiday soon but my heart is not into looking without you here, doesnt seem the same, I know we do need to go if just to get away from blinking work but its tough baby. I had so many things I would organise for you for holidays its going to be a painful reminder.
I think I will do a search now as I do need to get it done, I will take a few of your photos with us to put up and then if you can see through them you will know where we are at.
Love you little one, miss you lots
05-13-2013, 04:14 PM
Hello princess
Mummy had an ok day today, tomorrow is probably going to be rubbish though so look after me if you can. Need strength at the moment. Feel very numb to the world and I don't really care either way about half the things they have me dealing with so it's tough
Can you believe your brother wanted to come home tonight because it was raining too hard! He practically ran the whole way home. A man said he was handsome today and that he couldn't believe he was 12, he doesn't look his age and that food already seems to have improved his coat so he is looking sharp!
Still haven't found a holiday, takes ages and you know mummy always finds one but it's tough selecting one dog instead of two. Constant reminder baby. Got to consider if we leave him too, I think I will find that hard and so will he, we haven't actually left him together. Only mummy when daddy is at work, you know he goes straight for the door usually so will have to really wear him out at the beach.
Wish you were hear baby, miss that precious little face more so than ever. 3 months Friday. Feels like a lifetime
Miss you, love you so so much
05-15-2013, 01:29 PM
Hello Baby girl
Work hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be but my heart really isn't in it.. Have been working hard I am just not sure of the point of it all.
Mummy still hasn't found a holiday. Funny how every place which is a possible this year will take 2 pups yet last year I couldn't find hardly any. I know you would want us all to go but I do also know mummy is going to find it hard without you leaving Boyce. It's just not the same and it never will be again and I find that hard to get used to.
We might be going to Mable for may bank hols, which is next week will do us good if we can get a change of scene. I know you will be navigating in spirit all the way you loved going on holidays.
Miss you little one, love you so much
05-16-2013, 06:07 PM
Hello princess
We have a place, one mile from the sea set in its own woods. Fatty boy will love it. I was excited then sad as you won't be with us to enjoy it. I spoke to the lady and they lost their little man, she said their were photos of him in the place so I will sit yours next to his when we get there
Your brother seems to be thriving on his new food, his legs seem stronger too, his coat is shinier and his belly had no issues so am really pleased. Daddy got him more tonight so I will be chatting with him to select tomorrows. He sits there like you used to now waiting for me to weigh it out.
Tomorrow will be 3 months since I kissed your sweet face and held you in my arms. It seems like forever baby, I can't believe it has been that long in some respects and it feels like a lifetime in others. I still talk to you and I talk about you to daddy (not sure he is always listening mind). I still feel so empty without you baby girl, mummy misses saying your name, or you taking the piss, your stinky trumps but most of all I miss your precious face.
No words will ever bring you back. Maybe I will dream about you tonight. I could do with seeing you baby, work was beyond rubbish and I don't know how much more I can stand
I love you, I miss you more each day
05-18-2013, 01:00 AM
Hello little Miss
3 months now since you were with me, woke up again super early with you on my mind.
Holidays make me think of you and all our memories so I think that has made me feel even sadder, knowing your not coming with. I spoke to the holiday lady yesterday as the pet clause was that dogs could never be left as I was talking to her, I said they are well travelled dogs who have never had any issues, I didn't cry i just carried on but it's so hard your not here with mummy
I watched a video of you on the beach yesterday, it was windy and you kept looking back at daddy as if to say so, then you started to gravitate back towards the car park, you were such a clever little girl at getting your own way! I miss that. Your brother takes the noisy more direct approach
It's so quiet here now, all I can hear are the birds, this was our time in your last few months, I guess that's why I still wake up to take you out even though you aren't here.
I miss my cuddles and our chats so much.
Love you
05-21-2013, 01:15 PM
Hey Tia Maria
Mummy and daddy are going to the beach for bank hols. Will be sad to go without you. Will feel a bit better if it rains and is cold as I know you wouldn't have enjoyed that. The wind used to get you every time on that beach. Let's hope fatty boy doesn't eat anything this time which results in green poo!
Work still sucks but I am going anyway. I need a break from this madness. Am sure I will have crap to come back to but I don't care. Have 24 days leave and its not like i wont take my blackberry. Won't be taking on summer hols though princess them the rules still
Mummy misses you so much, every day I wish things were different and that you were back in my arms. Know that mummy would have moved mountains for you if she could T. I couldn't do anymore. Believe me I wanted to. Just makes me sad baby
I love you to the moon and back
05-23-2013, 04:42 PM
Hello little miss.
Nearly ready to leave, felt very sad not packing up your stuff, we seem to have less. Your brothers followed me everywhere just like you would so at least some things don't change.
He is moaning as he knows something's going on
It will be 13 weeks tomorrow, I will light your candle while we are away. I love you wish you were here to come with us
Miss you
05-28-2013, 05:51 AM
Welcome Home Mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have missed you and hope you have had a lovely relaxing time away, just popping in here to give it a spring clean and send Tia some loving while her Mum is away! Although I have every reason to believe Miss Tia has been away on holiday with you, Hubby and Boycie!! Looking forward to hearing how it went and I have lit a candle for Tia to keep the home fires burning while you were gone!!
Trish xxxxxx
06-01-2013, 07:50 AM
Hello Princess
Mummy's off to see the squirts in a bit over the park, I haven't seen them since Easter so I need to. Do feel sad today but am going to force myself out other your nan will be on the phone again and I can't be doing with that
We had a nice time at the beach, wasn't the same without you, although fatty boy kept stopping like you used to so you were with us in spirit. I think the wind was too much and it was nearly blew me over.
He was such a good boy baby girl, mummy was so proud of him, we walked him always before leaving him but I think he was ok without you. I always saw you as his protector, maybe you visit him while we aren't there.
He is doing so well on his food, he loves it we have a chat every morning and night about what to have, he sits there like you used to and watches me. It's funny he does a few things you used too that he never... I have figured out if Boyce is really really sleepy you can sneak in for a snuggle as long as you don't go too close to his earsy's
I light your candle both Fridays. Can't believe it has been this long but in other respects it feels like forever. I miss your sweet face and those eyes, mummy wishes you were here for kisses on the nose.
Miss you lots love you to the moon and back
06-06-2013, 01:54 PM
Hello little miss
Work has been ridiculous recently and I am very tired of it all. It's literally one thing after another. I have that many reports and reviews and things to do I don't know what I am doing. Tomorrow is another day. Friday though so I dread them already now. Will just have to keep my head down and get it done.
Daddy has gone away for work tonight so it's just me and the little man. He has gone to bed for a snooze but will no doubt be back when I eat something, no idea what that will be as I have nothing as per usual, as long as you two had your food I didn't care. Same still applies miss, he has had campfire stew tonight
I received confirmation for our summer hols today. Won't be the same without you baby. Mummy got so used to revolving things around you, your schedules. Rightly so as you would say but you aren't here now and I still feel that hole is so huge
He is doing well, been a good boy, he nicked his foot on something so I had to bust out the sudocream, dopey git licked it and the made a face so I wrapped it up. Looks better already, you just knew not to lick stuff. He took his foot away just like you would so that made me smile. He is like you in some ways. The more naughty and opinionated ones
I start thinking about your last night around this time, what we did and your last hours, I feel so sad you aren't around by my side. Even though I haven't written to you, I think about you all the time and talk to you still, I picture you with nanny in doggie heaven. She would love you so much. Little lap dog that you were
I miss you so much my little angel. Love you to the moon and back
06-18-2013, 01:17 PM
Hello Princess
Mummy hasn't written in a while as I think I ran out of words. I just miss you so much today and every day little girl. My life isn't the same without you
I love you
06-21-2013, 04:30 PM
Hi Mel
Haven't seen you in a while, I guess work is keeping you busy! I know you hate Friday's so I am sending you a big old hug to get you through today! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
06-28-2013, 03:00 AM
Hello baby girl
It been 5 months since I kissed your sweet face and held you close. I can believe it has been so long since I seen you. Mummy woke up early today with you on my mind, it's cold and rainy and that always makes me think of you, only cause you hated days like that and I would have had to persuade you to go out and do your business
We go on holiday next Saturday princess, mummy will be taking some photos of you to put up. It's Not the same and it never will be again and I feel so sad about that, you loved holidays for the adventure and would navigate in the last hour, I think that's because you knew you would be spoilt rotten and have us both for two weeks cause you were such a loving dog baby, that's what mummy misses the most, our snuggles and cuddles and kisses, you knew when I needed you and you were always there and now you are not.
I wonder if you would still be here if we had been able to keep you on the vetoryl and add the pred, I will never know and I am sad I couldn't try that and give us longer. It wasn't enough time Tia. Mummy misses you so much
Your brother is doing well, he lost a bit of weight which is good as I wanted him too, he put on quite a bit cause of the odd feeding with you so he looks much better for it. He has taken himself to bed this morning! He does that alot now, he knows when mummy has to go to work so he makes his spot knowing I won't kick him out he isn't as silly as he makes out! I still can't get him to cuddle though, he does sit with me at night but he takes up all the room so I am never comfortable!
I have still been having a tough time with work, it's one thing after another these days, I did actually sort a few bits out this week but I dread what I will come back to from leave, I will still be turning my blackberry off Saturday, that's the summer holiday rule no phone, I can't wait to do that, I haven't switched it off since our holiday last year.
I still talk to you every day, I do wonder if you can visit and have visited. I hope so baby I miss you being close
I love you to the moon and back always
06-29-2013, 07:06 AM
Hi Mel
YAY you have more holidays coming up, sounds like a good break this time too. I see you have been busy with work as well so you will be more than ready for your break. So nice to switch off the phone eh! I use my work phone as my personal phone too so it is never really switched off even on holidays. But I am just selective which calls I answer and work ones go straight to the answer phone :) I love how you take Tia's photo with you when you travel, I am pretty sure she would be going and sitting beside you anyway, that sweet girl can feel your love as I can when I read your messages to her, they are so sweet. Big hugs for you Mel, hopefully see you soon for a chat :) xxx
molly muffin
07-01-2013, 10:14 AM
Have good holi's Mel! I know Tia will be there with you in spirit. :) Keep the phone off and Enjoy yourselves!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-03-2013, 06:40 PM
Hello Princess
It's not long till we go away you better tell all your new mates you have some navigating to do will miss you physically being in that spot.
Boyce knows something is going on and is following me every where just like you did. I fully expect him to sit on all the clean clothes as I am sure he is keeping your spirit alive for me by doing bits you used to and he never did.
It's been a sad few days we we lost both Scoop and Buddy, I hope you scamped over to say hello and show them the best spots. We all wish it wasn't so and you could be with us now. It breaks my heart without you and I know Kathy and Vicki feel the same.
If you can show them how to send a sign mummy would appreciate it. Speaking of, thanks for letting me meet Treacle, never have I seen her there and she was your size and Tara's colour and she gave me such big kisses, mummy really needed them but it did make me sad as I miss you my little girl
Work is worst than ever Marianne summed it up well on your thread, will defo be aftermath to come back to. Can see it a mile off. Trying to ignore that. Need to sort myself out and get out of here, it's getting beyond the joke. Poor Boyce goes to bed in the day to avoid my stress!
I keep stumbling across your bits that daddy has put away while looking for stuff to go on holiday, I clearly keep everything! First collar and lead, next set and so on and all your bowls. I am pleased to have them as they are part of you and it's all I have left
I love you so much precious girl, I miss you always.
Budsters Mom
07-03-2013, 07:12 PM
This is so beautiful Mel. It is so sweet of you to ask Tia to welcome Buddy and scoop and to show them the best spots. Asking Tia to show them how to send a sign was so touching, it made me cry. You are one of a kind Mel. :)Tia, Boyce and your other pups before them are extremely blessed to have you in their lives. Big hugs and kisses,
07-04-2013, 05:07 PM
Hello little miss Tia
One more day till we go away, I am excited to not be working but I do keep getting drawn back to knowing it won't be the same without you. It already isnt as we always had the holiday routine, I would have had to get you up to the vets for a check, get pills get food and make sure you had all you needed. It's just so different without you
I find it tough as you loved going away, you followed me to make sure I wouldn't leave you, chief in charge helper you were.
I miss you getting it, knowing things, your brothers not so intuitive he isnt all daft though as we have a new routine now, I started to take him out for an extra bedtime walk after we lost you and I give him a treat before bed, I say to him coming back in do you want your biscuit and he stops right in front of his jar as soon as he comes in to get it! You would have slept by the jar greedy pants as I don't like to remember you when you didn't want food as that was that nasty tumour, you loved your food before that
My mind keeps wandering to your last night as tomorrow will be 21 weeks since we said goodbye, you and daddy were snoring together on his chair at this time. I can picture it now. Mummy so didn't want to let you go but I knew I had to. I wish every day I could have done more so you were here now to come away.
I had better check to see if the washing has finished and get some more on, I thought I was organised but I keep finding stuff. Daddy has done the square root of nothing as usual.
I miss you baby, I love you to the moon and back always
07-04-2013, 08:27 PM
Thanks Mel for asking Tia to welcome Scoop and Buddy.
I hope Tia can show them how to send a sign. There are a couple things that I heard and hoped it was Scoop but it might just be wishful thinking. I also saw a cloud yesterday that looked like a dog with angel wings but my daughter looked at it differently.
Thank you Tia for looking after my Scoop.
I am so touched by your posts to Tia. I hope you are able to relax and find some peaceful time while you are on vacation. While I know how hard it will be to not have her there with you physically, I also know that her spirit never leaves you. I think it is great that you will be taking pics of her with you, I do the same with my Dakota. Sometimes I have taken her ashes with me, but only when I can be sure that they would be safe. I will be thinking about you, Boyce and sweet Tia.
Tina and Jasper
07-06-2013, 01:51 AM
Hello princess
We are so unorganised. We lost the whole site yesterday so that didn't help handover preparations. I had to write an RCA doc at 10 o'clock last night! Finally done at 1 what a joke baby
Still I will be turning the blackberry off later. I think I did everything I certainly tried to I just hope aftermath isn't what I come back to. I have to say I could sleep for a week.
Boyce has sussed something is going on, you would have already worked it out. He got up then decided nothing was going to happen yet so he is back on your bed snoring. You know he will start moaning soon. You would look at me and follow but you never made a sound. I miss tripping over you teesey.
I trust that if there is a way for you to join you will. Know that Mummy would swop all holidays to have you back for real. You were such a precious girl to me.
I better get back to it cause daddy will be up soon. I miss you little girl. Will write you when I get back
07-19-2013, 04:20 PM
Just thought I better pop in, fluff up the cushions, put some milk in the fridge and open the windows!! You are nearly due home Mel, I hope you have had a lovely time away and are all relaxed and chilled out!! Your fan club (including me) have missed you and looking forward to your return! Hope Boycie has had a fun time too, I am sure Miss Tia has enjoyed it too being as she is perched on your shoulder keeping an eye on things! Welcome Home!! xxx
Budsters Mom
07-22-2013, 03:49 PM
Mel, we need you
Mel, we love you
Mel, we want you
Mel, we miss you
So come back, come back Mel!:):p
Okay, you well deserved vacation is over sweet. Time to address your fan club! Big hugs xxxxx
molly muffin
07-22-2013, 09:01 PM
Welcome Home Mel! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are feeling rested up. :) You've been missed around here. :) Belly rubs to Boyce.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-25-2013, 09:18 AM
Hello my little girl
Tomorrow will be 6 months since mummy got to hold you and kiss you on the nose. In some ways it seems so much longer. I can't quite recall how I got here and now if I am honest
The hole seems just as great as it was then if not greater, I remember all your little quirks i just didnt realise how much they all meant to me until you were taken away.
Miss you and I love you you to the moon and back
Budsters Mom
08-11-2013, 04:41 AM
I MISS YOU MEL!!xxxxxx
08-15-2013, 06:53 PM
Hello baby girl
Mummy is doing it tough at the moment, work just seems to be getting on top of me and the lack of respect which has been shown recently has got to me. You know how much effort mummy puts in and I cannot for the life of me figure out why I bother.
It's Thursday night so naturally my thoughts drift to you and our last hours and how you aren't with me now. I could really do with a snuggle cause I knew how much you loved me and I miss that so much.
I wish you were here princess. I miss saying your names and your cheeky ways.
Love you to the moon and back
Budsters Mom
08-15-2013, 08:22 PM
We love you to the moon and back too, Mel. Sending you a virtual hug. Wish it were a real one.:) xxxxx
11-15-2013, 01:50 AM
Hello princess
It's been a while since mummy wrote, doesn't mean I haven't thought about you, as I do numerous times a day, every day since you left me.I still find it tough without you. I woke up at 4 and again now at 6 because you are on my mind as its already the dreaded Friday again.
Work has been stupid busy and difficult, everything seems to take much more effort than it should.
Daddy is doing ok, he doesn't mention you much, I think it makes him sad too, Boyce is still not a cuddler so he misses your snuggles as does mummy.
Your brother wasn't scared if fireworks this year T, I have no idea why not, he just looked at them, after a few boomers he went out to the hall to have a shout but no shakes or hiding in the bathroom! He loves his new food still, they have a limited edition Christmas dinner which he thought was great, I always tell you what he is getting
I am not really looking forward to Christmas it reminds me of you and cause you started to get sick this time last year it makes it harder. I just miss you being around being my little sheep, he isn't like that
I hope there is lots of long grass for scamping in doggie heaven as that's how I try to picture you, running around with not a care in the world, I do hope that is what happens
Love you to the moon and back, miss you every second my sweet sweet baby girl
Budsters Mom
11-15-2013, 02:02 AM
(((((((hugs))))))) I know how much you miss Tia. :o
11-17-2013, 04:50 AM
Hello baby girl
Mummy has been feeling really sad over the last few days, I think it's because of Christmas and it reminds me of when we started to lose you.
I have one real regret which is not getting you an MRI when you were first diagnosed, I am wondering whether the cc is an indicator of a macro and if I got you scanned we could have zapped it then, I think at 9 we would have taken that choice as you werent so afraid of vets then
I need to take your brother as he is moaning, I will be back later my angel. I miss you so much
Budsters Mom
11-17-2013, 09:15 AM
Hi Babe,
Buddy never had CC, so it's not necessarily an indication of a macro. :o:(
Big hugs,
Hugs Mel, I am so sorry this time of year is so hard.
11-30-2013, 06:22 AM
Missing you baby girl. So much. You are never far from my thoughts princess. Christmas will be tough without you.
Love you forever and always
Budsters Mom
11-30-2013, 02:59 PM
Love ya Mel! ((((((HUGS)))))
I love you too Mel. Thank you for always checking in on Zoe and me.
We dont have a lot of Christmas decorations in our neighborhood but we do have some. The pretty lights make the short days easier, I think. I did see a big white grapevine style poodle filled with white lights at the hardware store today but alas, the merchant wanted $78 smackaroos (dollars) Maybe I can find one on line:):)
12-05-2013, 08:11 PM
Hello Princess
Mummy is thinking of you and our last night and wishing things could be different.
I brought the penguin today, I want a light for you, I told daddy that but won't mention it to everyone else, want a light so you know I am thinking of you and you know where to find me baby.
I feel very sad tonight and your stinker of a brother has gone to bed as its so blinking cold at the moment the silence without you by my side is deafening.
You would be right next to me and I miss that, tripping over you and having you follow me everywhere
Still haven't had any snow but they say it's coming 3 months worth did you organise that cause you know mummy and your brother love it, I will probably cry when it does as it will remind me of the day I had to let you go
I wished we lived near udavies so we could have taken you there, no other options are available here baby and mummy hates that I couldn't fix it for you
Know that I miss you always and love you so so much
Budsters Mom
12-05-2013, 09:19 PM
Tia knows where to find you Mel , with or without the penguin.;)
She is always right there in a special pocket of your heart.:p Your sweet girl gave us the gift of your love and friendship. :)
My dear Tia,
Your Mummy would love for you to bring her another sign right now. How about a white Christmas? xxxxxx
12-14-2013, 07:17 AM
Hello Baby
Mummy has had a mare of a week, I brought the penguin then lost the broadband! Wasn't easy working via my phone so I am pleased it is back. The penguin got delivered on Wednesday I have already got her going. Daddy said we should call her princess she has a bit of a fat belly like you :D
Can't believe we are around to your birthday on Monday so quickly. I remember last year, you weren't yourself but you ate those fishy treats and a bit of chicken I knew that was your last birthday I just didn't want to believe it. I haven't got anything for your brother yet as soon as I think of it makes me cry. I have to leave him as well as I have 2 different meetings so won't be a great birthday!
Your brother is doing good, doesn't seem like he is days away from being 13, he has got a bit greedier over these last months not sure if that's cause the food is so nice! He doesn't seem affected by you being gone, he handled it the best. I am sure you let him know you couldn't take much more before we let you go to doggie heaven, he has just got up and gone to bed, must be a bit cold in here for him!
We are due to go away soon, as usual daddy has done the square root of nothing so mummy is trying to squeeze it all in alongside the millions of work actions I have. They are getting beyond the joke little one. I still have to finish all the washing, wrapping, packing and god knows what else, I have my lazy pants on this morning as we overslept so that isn't gonna help get it done
Lulebell is getting cheekier, she asked me what I had planned for xmas the other day, she is 8 going on 30 little madam. I remember your cuddles with her last year, hope she remembers that. JJ remains a bit in his shell, personally I think there has been too much change for him. Hopefully us spoiling them at xmas will help.
You are never far from my mind Tia, I am finding it tougher the nearer we get to your birthday and xmas as I would be tripping over you all around the place as you wanted to make sure I never left you behind. I would never have left you and I am gutted you had to leave me.
Love you always
Budsters Mom
12-15-2013, 11:12 PM
as usual daddy has done the square root of nothing
Your quote made me LOL. I needed a good laugh!
I love you lots, you know that! I'd like to think that our fur angels are huddled together watching Tia's penguin light up the sky. :p xxxxx
12-16-2013, 03:13 AM
I would never have left you and I am gutted you had to leave me.
I am gutted she had to leave too because she was such a darling xxxxxxxxxx
12-16-2013, 01:55 PM
Happy Birthday Baby girl, i so wish you were here with us to celebrate. Daddy is working late and mummy was out most of the day so he had a sucky birthday.
Can't believe it was 13 years since you were born, I didn't know you till you were 6 weeks old then we never looked back Princess.
Miss you, love you to the moon and back
Budsters Mom
12-16-2013, 02:23 PM
Happy Birthday Boyce and Angel Tia!:p xxxxx
Budsters Mom
12-16-2013, 05:26 PM
Hey Mel,
Thank you so much for lighting a candle for Buddy on Tia's birthday.:) love ya lots,
12-17-2013, 02:33 AM
Happy Birthday to Lovely Tia xxxxx
Bo's Mom
12-17-2013, 07:08 AM
Happy Birthday, Miss Tia!! We all here on Earth honor you everyday. Please enjoy your wonderful company of Angels and run free in celebration.
molly muffin
12-17-2013, 05:55 PM
happy birthday tia!!
sharlene and molly muffin
12-19-2013, 12:54 AM
A belated Happy Birthday to Tia and Boyce.
12-20-2013, 02:26 AM
Hello Princess
It's been 10 months since we said our goodbyes and in ways it seems like yesterday and in others a lifetime since I saw your sweet face. Mentally as each Friday starts I think of your last hours and how I never wanted to let you go.
You have another friend to look out for, a cheeky wee JR Woody Boy who will give you a run for your money, show him the best spots and how to let his mummy know he is ok.
I miss you baby, not a moment goes by when I wish things weren't different
12-20-2013, 04:58 AM
Tia- I wasn,t around when you were sick and I,m so sorry you had to leave your mummy, it is so obvious how much she misses you.
Thank you for looking out for my boy Woody, he can be a naughty but I,m sure you can handle him, he likes to sunbath so if there is some sun where you all are then you can show him. :)
Thank you Mel xx
molly muffin
12-20-2013, 05:33 PM
Mel, have a good vacation over the holidays! I bet Tia is going to love that penguin to! :) :)
See you when you get back
Happy holidays
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Aww Mel, I missed Tia's brithday. :(
Have a wonderful trip, enjoy your holiday and keep the penquin safe, ok?;):)
Budsters Mom
12-22-2013, 08:51 PM
Oh Mel, Take me with you. I am surrounded by crazy people! :eek:
Have a loving, joyous holiday. We will miss you. (((((HUGS)))))
molly muffin
12-22-2013, 08:55 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Mel
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-23-2013, 04:45 AM
Have a fantastic time my late night friend!! Love chatting with you in the evenings, your great fun and a lovely support to everyone on here!! So you have a great time away for the holidays and with the kids, yep tie that penguin down sport!! :D:D See you soon and make sure you don't do ALL the work.
Bo's Mom
01-10-2014, 07:47 AM
Miss Tia,
Thinking of you today on this Friday. Please go find your buddy Bo and all the other Angels and let them know we love and honor them everyday. Then, just go let the wind blow on your face and run free. Love and miss you always.
Budsters Mom
01-11-2014, 10:27 PM
Hello sweet girl,
I was just thinking of the gift you gave all of us here, your Mummy. We honor you through your mum every day. She loves you to the moon and back and misses you so much. I know that you are busy romping and playing with our other fur angels, but when you get a chance, please send her another sign. It makes her so happy to know that all is well.
I miss talking to you in real time. I hope all is okay with you, Boyce and the hubby who does the square root of nothing. LOL That was so funny when you said that! Big, tight hugs my dear. xxxxx
01-17-2014, 04:46 AM
Hello Baby Girl
Been a while since Mummy wrote, not cause I don't think of you cause I do every minute.
Can't believe it will be a year February 22nd, it seems like a lifetime ago since I saw your sweet little face and held you tight in my arms. I try and sneak cuddles in with your brother but he usually has none of it.
Been foul weather for months which you would have hated, I talk to you when we are walking and pass comment on how you would feel. I saw a lady walking 2 dogs yesterday and one was tangling her up with its lead and that made me think of you, often you used to do that or criss cross with Boyce, would drive me nuts when we were walking, brought a tear to my eye to remember what it used to be like.
Work has been rough but least I have been able to be with your brother, he is by his favourite spot at the radiator right now.
Miss you so much Princess, love you to the moon and back
Budsters Mom
01-19-2014, 09:19 PM
Hi Mel,
Sorry I missed you AGAIN! Sending you many tights hugs and tons of love. Don't these kinds of anniversaries suck! :o
Sweet Tia,
I know you are very busy keeping all those little whipper snappers like Buddy, Scoop, Simba and Woody entertained. You thought that Boyce was irritating at times, look at you now girl! Please send you Mum a sign to remind her how much you love her. Thanks Tia xxxxxx
Budsters Mom
02-04-2014, 10:58 PM
Hey Mel, Where have you been hiding? I have been thinking you. I hope you aren't being worked to death. Miss you sweet. Xxxxx
Hello Tia,
You are such a blessed little girl to be loved so much. I know that you watch over your mum, dad and Boyce. They miss you to the moon and back.
02-15-2014, 05:26 AM
Hello Princess
It's been 359 days since I saw your sweet face and held you tight. Doesn't seem possible that it's been that long yet it feels like a lifetime in other ways. No one really talks about you as they don't want to upset me but it upsets me cause it was like you didn't exist
I walked past the vets car park yesterday, I hate walking that way now as me and you did it so many times. I blow a kiss to the hedge where the car sat behind and tell you how much I love you and how I wished I could have saved you and nuked that sucker when you first got diagnosed. Mummy wishes you never had to deteriorate the way you did. I don't think you knew which was some small blessing.
The weather has been beyond shocking and I probably wouldn't have got you outside, Boyce isn't even that keen and you know he loves a walk.
I miss you each and every day and hope that doggie heaven is looking after you, I like to think nanny is up there giving you snuggles while you wait.
Love you baby girl
02-21-2014, 04:51 AM
Hello little girl
This time last year we were taking you on your last car ride, mummy can't help but relive your lasts hours wondering what she could have done different
I miss you so much my angel
02-21-2014, 06:23 AM
Sitting beside you for this first anniversary Mel, big hugs for you xxxxxxxx
Budsters Mom
02-21-2014, 11:29 AM
Sweet Mel,
Staying with you as you approach this first Anniversary.
Thanks so much for Buddy's Birthday candle. It was a very tough day.
02-21-2014, 11:51 AM
I'm right here too Mel ready for whatever you need to get through this. millions of hugs being sent xxxxxx
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 04:35 PM
I'm here with you too Mel. All the way.
This flippin anniversaries. :( we're going to need some belinni's girls.
hugs Mel,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-21-2014, 06:05 PM
Chocolate too, we need lots of that. Still thinking of you today Mel, hope you are getting some sleep tonight and it has been not to bad for you. OK it's 12, I can have a Bellini now thanks Sharlene! x
Bo's Mom
02-21-2014, 06:08 PM
Thinking of you, Mel...and your sweet precious Tia. ((((HUGS))))
02-21-2014, 06:12 PM
Hoping that your holding up, still here if you need us
I am thinking of you and sweet Tia on this first anniversary. She is loved and missed so much.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo
02-22-2014, 06:00 AM
Thinking of you and Tia today
Hugs xx
Budsters Mom
02-24-2014, 05:34 PM
Thinking of you Mel and sending love and tight hugs. Xxxxx
Bo's Mom
02-25-2014, 07:38 AM
Tia: Forever loved, forever cherished, and forever missed.
molly muffin
02-25-2014, 08:57 AM
Hi Mel, thinking of you and Tia and Boyce this morning.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Stopping by to say hi. Hope your weather has dried out a bit for you and work has not been awful.
Budsters Mom
03-06-2014, 12:27 AM
Thinking of you and hoping all is well. Give Boyce a butt scratch for me. Xxxxx
Gigiantic Titanic size hugs Mel
molly muffin
03-10-2014, 02:38 PM
Sending you big HUGS Mel as sorry to hear you've been in a bit of a funk lately.
How about visions of blue skies, sunshine coming through the trees, find your Zen Mel :) :) :) LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
03-23-2014, 08:01 PM
Hi Mel,
I hope all is well with you and Boyce. Thank you so much for continuing to light candles for Buddy boy when you light one for Tia. Life doesn't seem normal without them by our side. I'm not sure if there ever will be a NORMAL again. I try to keep one lit for Buddy, but sometimes I don't get back in time to light another and that always makes me feel so sad.
Hello Sweet Tia,
You will always have a special place in your Mum's heart that is reserved just for you. Know that you are dearly loved now and forever.
Love you both xxxxxx
Bo's Mom
03-24-2014, 07:14 AM
Hi Little Tia,
I just wanted to stop by and tell you thank you for sharing your special love for all the Angels. I know my Bo is sharing the love with you. You all were so lucky to have special Mommies and Daddies that will always love and cherish you each and every day.
06-26-2014, 07:41 PM
Hello little Princess
It's been a while since Mummy wrote you, I do talk to you and always say night but I wanted to write here I guess as I had more to say to you today.
It's coming up that time to go away on summer holiday and I am reminded of the hole you left me with as you were always an active participant in the packing. I miss that so much. I know you are around though as I see so many butterflies at the moment and a blackbird follows me and Boyce most days on our morning walk.
Everything feels harder than it should be right now, work is crazy busy and there seems to be a whole new disrespectful attitude going around which you know I hate, no one person is more important than the next.
No one talks about you baby, for me there was life with Tia and then there's life without, daddy never mentions you unless I talk about you, so I just talk to you when I am on my own hoping you are around to hear some of it. Mummy feels so lost little girl and I wish I could snuggle with you as you always made me feel better.
I went past the vets last night and I stood in the spot we had to say goodbye to you in and I hoped that you knew mummy would have done anything to save you, I hate the fact I couldn't fix you and I had to watch you slowly slip away from me, I know you always knew me though and I am so grateful for that baby girl. Know that Mummy will always always love you and things may change but that never will.
I love you so much and miss you more than I could ever put into words.
Trish, Tracy, Addy, Sharlene everyone, sorry I have been MIA, things have been pretty tough. I will catch up with you all soon. I think of you all and try and read when I can.
Kathy, I will be thinking of you both on the 2nd sending all my love
Bo's Mom
06-26-2014, 09:53 PM
Hi Mel,
I just wanted to tell you that I am so moved to tears reading your posts. I still feel the pain everyday that Bo has been gone. Even the good memories bring on a flood of tears. I miss him so much and I know you miss your little Angel Tia.
There are nights that I look at the stars and wonder which star is he bouncing on tonight.
((((HUGS)))) to you and little Tia. They will forever live in our hearts and souls.
Budsters Mom
06-27-2014, 03:58 PM
Sweet Mel,
I thought you dropped off the face of the earth. I am thrilled to see that you haven't. At least not yet! ;)
Sending you tons of love. I have missed you and hope life starts to get a little easier soon. Tia will always be with you. I know how much you miss her. No one talks about Buddy either. :o
Yes, July 2nd will be one year since Buddy's passing. Thank you so much for remembering and thinking of us. xxxxxxx
12-07-2014, 07:37 AM
Hello Mel,
I don't know whether you are ever able to stop by here at the forum any more, but just wanted you to know that you and Tia remain in our thoughts. You are missed!!! Hoping that all is well with Boyce and the rest of your family, and that this will be a Christmas that brings joy back to your heart.
Wishing you well, Mel, today and everyday!
Oh Mel, me too. I keep remembering our penguin hunt last year and hope you and Boyce are well.
Happy Penguins!!!
Squirt's Mom
12-07-2014, 09:03 AM
Your bright shining face is missed around here, Mel. Hope all is well in your world!
molly muffin
12-07-2014, 09:57 AM
Mel :) I do hope you'll be able to stop in sometime and let us know how things are going.
The penguin was such a hoot. I hope you are doing something spectacularly fun this year.
Sending big hugs you and a belly rub to Boyce.
Budsters Mom
12-07-2014, 11:11 AM
I miss you to! :o Hope work has settled and your just way to busy having fun to come chat with us. xxxxoooo
12-21-2014, 12:18 AM
Mel, Thinking of you, Tia and Boyce.
Happy holidays.
12-24-2014, 03:50 PM
Merry Christmas Mel, Boycie and special kisses heavenward to Tia, hope you have the penguin out Mel!!! xxxxx
12-24-2014, 07:55 PM
Merry Christmas Mel, Boysie and of course our angel Tia x
02-18-2015, 05:54 PM
This is the week 2 years ago that we had to say goodbye. I find myself going back and thinking about how helpless I felt and how I would have given anything to not do that. Lots has changed as I am sure you have seen but mummy will figure it out like she always does.
It feels like only yesterday if I let the pain in but another lifetime since I saw your sweet little face and had a snuggle. I can't even write down what I would do for a cuddle with you baby girl. Know that mummy loves you so much and would really like it if you could find me in my dreams as my heart hurts right now.
Love you to the moon and back
molly muffin
02-18-2015, 06:06 PM
Mel, I just want to pop in and say that you have been missed by many. We all remember your precious Tia, so fondly. She was and always will be your baby.
I hope that you and Boysie are doing well.
Budsters Mom
02-18-2015, 06:09 PM
Hey Guys it's Mel!!!;)
Hi Mel,
Aren't these anniversaries sucky.:o I'm so sorry you had to come back in this way, but I am thrilled to hear from you just the same. Your sweet Tia will always be loved and remembered here at K9C. I have missed you soooo much! You were and are a treasured friend and such a great help for me when Buddy flew to meet the others.
Thank you so much Tia for Sharing your wonderful mummy with all of us. Our lives are richer because of you.:p
I hope Boyce is doing well. Love to him too.xxxxoooo
02-18-2015, 06:09 PM
So good to hear from you we,ve missed you.
I'm sorry that your heart aches, there is never a good time to let them go. I'm sure miss tia will find you in her dreams, I hope you are doing ok Mel it's hard at times isn't it I know too well.
Please take care and don't be a stranger x
02-18-2015, 06:16 PM
I am sorry. You all popped in straight away and I can't tell you how much that means to me. You girls are so special. I shouldn't have disappeared I think I got too sad so I needed a break.
I am doing ok but this week I let it back in as I remember.
I lit candles for everyone as you are all just as important to me and I will be around a bit more.... Saturday morning I will come in for a proper catch up
Thank you for remembering my little girl. I forgot that you all know how I feel and you all just reminded me
02-19-2015, 01:20 AM
Remembering sweet Tia
Oh Mel,
I saw your update and flew to this thread. I am so sorry it is a sad remembrance that brought you to us but happy to hear you are ok. I remember countless hand holdings you gave me and I am eternally thankful for them so now let me hold your hand as we remember sweet, most precious Tia.
Much love.
02-20-2015, 06:43 AM
Mel, it is so good to see you again, although I surely understand why this is such a bittersweet return for you. I'm hoping you truly will stop back in tomorrow to catch us up on things. You have been missed very much.
Sending warm thoughts your way,
Harley PoMMom
02-20-2015, 03:26 PM
Sending huge and loving hugs to you, dear Mel.
02-22-2015, 03:03 AM
Hi darl!!! So pleased you popped in and we will certainly all join you in sending loads of love to Tia. Hardly seems possible it is two years since we said goodbye to her, no doubt about it you did everything you could have for her. Sucks they live so much shorter than we do, I read somewhere it is because they live such a pure happy life they do not need to spend as much time here on earth.. that is a bit deep for me lol but maybe some truth in it :) hope you stick around a bit as the others have said you have been missed heaps!! Big hugs to you... I still cannot see a penguin without thinking of Tia and Zoe lol so I hope they are playing with some at the bridge.. both penguin loving girls :) xxxx
02-22-2015, 09:02 AM
Thinking of you and sending big hugs your way as today will be hard, they really aren't around on earth long enough but live forever in our hearts and memories xx
02-22-2015, 01:13 PM
Remembering sweet Miss Tia.
Sonja and Angel Apollo
05-22-2015, 07:55 PM
Hmmmm Mel! What Saturday were you meaning you were going to pop back in.... haha it is Saturday right now!! Wishing you here and missing you and Tia lots... hugs to you! xxxx :)
Budsters Mom
06-26-2015, 10:57 PM
I really miss you Mel. It's summer break and I especially miss our late night chats with Trish and Tina popping in on potty breaks with Jasper. It was always the more the merrier!
We are going on two years with Buddy. Thank you for staying with me for many nights until the morning shift could take over.
I know you are busy and are trying to move on just like the rest of us. Please try to drop in and chat with us for a little while.;)
I hope Boyce is doing okay and you too, of course. Sweet Tia is watching over her Mummy. Know that!
Big hugs,
05-14-2016, 04:26 AM
Hello Princess
It's been a while. So much has changed since I last wrote to you...
I know you can see what is going on and that you send me the butterflies to let me know it will be ok.. It's so early for them to be out but I see them all the time when I am walking.
It won't be long now I don't think before your brother will be with you, I see you as babies playing together in my head and it's both a comfort and a curse as I wish you were that age again when things seemed so much more simple...
Mummy doesn't really know what to do with herself since losing her job but she hopes it was so she can figure out what she wants in life. I wish I had a Tia and Boyce to snuggle with to work it out as my world always felt better with you both in it.
I won't be getting anymore puppies for a while which I never thought would be the case but it's not possible in the current circumstances and I am not sure my heart will ever heal from losing you and your brother...
Mummy's planning on getting a tattoo of butterflies on her leg in memory of you both she just needs to find someone decent and work out the design. I want something that represents you both with me at all times...
I miss you so much baby girl, not a day goes by that I don't...
Mummy loves you to the moon and back again xxxx
Budsters Mom
05-14-2016, 11:11 AM
Hi Mel,
I'm so very sorry to hear about all that's been happening, but so glad to hear from such a dear friend. I miss our chats.
Yes, Tia, Buddy, Zoe, and so many others will be at the bridge to welcome our sweet Boyce when the time arrives. I, like you, wish we could turn back the clock and have our babies young and healthy again.
The butterfly tattoo sounds lovely. :p
Hang in there sweetie. That's the most we can do sometimes. Your new chapter will unfold when you least expect it.
Much love and many tight hugs,
Oh Mel,
I too am so sorry for what you are going through. When life gets hard, we miss our pups even more. Our heart dogs always had such a special way to help us feel better.
I am sad to read about Boyce. It seems like only yesterday that you were taking him on holiday. I guess everything seems like only yesterday.
The butterfly tattoo sounds very special. Now when I see a butterfly, I will think of you and Tia. Apollo and hummingbirds, Buddy and lizards, how we are all so connected forever, I think.
I know you and everyone here will always have a special place in my heart and the memories are forever.
The years go by Mel, but we are always here for each other, if you ever need to talk.
Big hugs
05-14-2016, 07:15 PM
Mel, I too am very sorry to hear about your job but feel grateful that you've returned to us! As I remember, though, your job was really stressful, so I am hoping that now you'll finally have a chance to follow your passion.
I'm also so sorry to hear that Boyce is failing. On so many levels and for so many reasons, it must be a very hard time for you. But like the others, I've latched onto your butterflies and I feel strangely comforted, myself, by reading about their meaning for you. Life can be fleeting, but love never dies.
I hope you'll return again, Mel, whenever you feel as though you'd like to write any more. Remembering sweet Tia with a giant smile...
05-17-2016, 11:58 AM
My heart goes out to you. Our babies always made it easier to get through the tough times. I only know to well what you feel. There is something about butterflies. What a beautiful why to keep Miss Tia close to your heart. Praying for you.
Love Sonja,Apollo,
05-18-2016, 06:41 PM
Mel, I too am so sorry to hear about Boyce and everything that has been happening. You were always there for me to talk to and I appreciate that so much.
I have 2 plants that attract butterflies and bees. They are just starting to bloom. This summer when I see the butterflies I will think of you, Tia and Boyce.
Big hug to you.
05-26-2016, 08:33 AM
It's really heart breaking seeing them as they fade slowly. But we also know that they are heading to a much better place, more peaceful and happier. I wish I knew that she will leave me that day, I should've let her chew all the shoes and flip flops, I should've let her out the house longer, I should've given her more time to play with me... I miss her messing up my bed, I miss my that look on her face whenever I leave and that genuine smile when I arrive. Gosh, I miss her so much :(
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