View Full Version : how long until results seen with trilostane?

kathy myers
02-13-2013, 12:27 AM
Hi. My almost 13 year old miniature dachshund Spunky has just been diagnosed with Cushings. Her main symptoms are excessive drinking and urination. She also has an even more than normal insatiable appetite. The excessive urination has been the biggest problem- although she actually has started knocking over the trash can, and this evening she managed to tear open a soda can with her teeth to get the drops of soda out.
The doctor has recommended starting her on Trilostane. I have a couple questions:
1. Has anyone great success with this medication? Particularly in regards to decreasing the constant urination?
2. Do you start seeing the results immediately? Or does it take a couple weeks?
3. Has anyone found a reasonable source for buying the medication that might be less expensive than getting it through the vet?

I appreciate any input you may have, and thanks in advance for any responses.

Harley PoMMom
02-13-2013, 12:42 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Spunky,

So sorry for the reasons that brought you to us but glad you found your way here.

It would help us a lot if you could round up copies of all tests that were done on Spunky and post all abnormalities that are listed along with the reference ranges and units of measurements...e.g...ALT 150U/L (5-100)...Thanks! We are especially interested in the ACTH stim results with their timelines.

Could you tell us how much Spunky weighs? Is she taking any other herbs/supplements/medicines? What dose of Trilostane did the vet recommend and would it be given once or twice a day? Does Spunky have any other health issues? Sorry for all the questions but the more we know about your sweet girl the better our feedback will be, ok?

Many members use Trilostane/Vetoryl and with success. The excessive thirst and urination usually abate within two weeks after the treatment begins. Trilostane can be compounded which is a cost savings. Here is a link to a thread where members discuss this: http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=385&highlight=compounding+pharmacies

Please know we will help in any way we can so do not hesitate to ask any and all questions.

Love and hugs,

kathy myers
02-13-2013, 12:57 AM
Thank you so much for such a quick response. I will be getting a call from the vet tomorrow regarding the Trilostane dose. He said he was calling other area vets to find the most affordable price and would be calling me tomorrow. I will ask for copies of the lab tests then and post them here.
Spunky weighs 12 pounds and has had absolutely no other health problems. Prior to this she has never been to the vet except for yearly checks.
She has always had a healthy appetite, but for the past several months acts like she is starving all the time. She also pants a lot and at one point I was fearful she was having some heart failure or some respiratory problem- but then I read on this site that panting is also a symptom of Cushings, so I guess that explains it.
It was such a relief for me to find this site. I was trying to do research on other websites, and the news sounded so grave. I have been wondering how I can deal with these rivers of urine all over the house, not knowing if I was going to have to make a hard decision to have her put to sleep.....then I found this site where there is helpful, useful information--thank you, thank you!! Kathy

Harley PoMMom
02-13-2013, 01:11 AM
Cushing's is a slow progressing disease so one does have time to get a confirmed diagnosis, which is vital.

Some members use pee pads for their dogs, one can purchase the disposable kind or the washable type.

The excess amounts of cortisol, which is what Cushing's is, makes a dog's kidneys work harder which in turn a dog urinates a lot more so the dog must drink more water to keep up with the kidneys, so water restriction should never be done.

We have a wealth of information in our Resource Thread, please feel free to print anything out, here's a handy link:
Helpful Resources for Owners of Cushing's Dogs (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=10)

You and Spunky are not alone on this journey as we are right here for you both.

Love and hugs,

02-13-2013, 01:25 AM
Hi Kathy,
My Boston, Roxy, was diagnosed last Fall and has been on Trilostane since the diag. My Vet started her on a low dosage and has uped it a little one time. Her water consumption went back to almost normal but has since gone back up. I measure her water intake daily and keep track of the amount. I've been using a compounding pharmacy in NJ called Wedgewood. www.wedgewoodpetrx.com
It's in liquid form and is chicken flavored. Needless to say Roxy loves it. I've been happy with the pharmacy. I've also started keeping track of stuff that isn't 'normal' behavior....not finishing a meal, stool that's not normal, frantic actions or the opposite when there's company. It's just a way to know when something changes and how long its been going on. You'll fine a great deal of support & info on this site.

02-13-2013, 01:35 AM
One other thing. I don't have a fenced yard so I have to take Roxy out on a leash. Since her water intake has gone up so much, I've been setting a timer to remind me to take her out. I even carry it around the house so I don't miss hearing it. I've also had to start putting her in her kennel if I'm going to be gone more than 2 hours.
I do put a small amount of water in the kennel with her.

02-13-2013, 03:36 AM
Welcome to this wonderful forum........
My little doxie (11 1/2) was diagnosed in September 2012 with Cushings. In August I noticed some spots that were flaky on his belly. Also, so much water drinking but just two accidents in the house. After doing an ultra sound to rule out anything more serious, we made the decision to put him on Trilostance. He takes 30 mg. once a day in the morning. I started him on this dosage on 10-31-12. He is doing so good. Water intake is way down and every morning he acts like a puppy. He, still, does sleep alot during the day but he seems like his old self. My Trilo costs me $62.00 for a 30 day supply.

I saw results after about 3-4 days.....

Hang in there.

02-13-2013, 08:45 PM
HI Kathy and welcome to you and Spunky! What a great name for him, bet is so true!

I just wanted to reassure you that Yes, a lot of people do have great success with trilostane. My boy Fraser was put on it towards the end of last year, and is doing brilliantly these days. Other than giving him his daily meds, you wouldn't know any different! His water intake is pretty much the same as it has been for the last 13 years (sometimes I even have to prompt him to go get a drink) and he manages to save up most of his pee these days till we go for a walk in the afternoons. (What he doesn't save goes in the backyard, but that's usually 1-2 times in a 10 hour stretch, and never goes overnight, just first thing in the morning). It is definitely possible that things can return to mostly normal. In saying this however, it will depend on getting the dosage right, which is why Lori was asking about Spunky's weight and dosage strength. Unfortunately, mistakes can often be made by gung-ho vets that don't have as much knowledge or experience as they think they do. That's another great reason to post things here as you get experienced advice from those who deal with it regularly.

As for when you will start seeing results, if the dosage is correct, you could start to see a reduction of symptoms in as little as a couple of days, up to a couple of weeks. All dogs are different and their systems respond differently, but it does depend on the dose. If the dose is not high enough, it will take longer, but then if it is too high, it can cause the cortisol to drop dangerously low. This is something you need to watch out for, but that's why the monitoring tests in the early days are so necessary. When you strike that right balance, things will even out quickly. Just be aware that patience may be required.

As for the cost, it sounds like your vet is very willing to work with you on that part, which is just great! Check the prices he/she comes back with and compare them against some of the various compounding pharmacies (I think Lori gave a link to a thread that discusses it). Talk to the vet and ask if they would be willing to write you a prescription then you can source the meds for Spunky from somewhere else and get the best possible price. Just be sure wherever you go that it is a reputable place that is known for it's consistency. Trilostane is a drug that needs a regular dose for it to work.

Just remember, symptoms aside, there is no rush to treat Cushings - you should be sure before starting that it is indeed cushing's first as so many other things can mimic it. Get the blood results, post them up here and read the feedback you will get. As I said earlier, there are a lot of very knowledgeable and experienced people here and they can help you out with any number of questions you may have - none too big or too small.

Take care and give Spunky a huge kiss from us and we look forward to hearing more about him.

Rural doggie
02-13-2013, 10:59 PM
Hi Kathy,

We started our 90 lb dog on Trilostane about three weeks ago. We started on a low dose for his size - 30 mg twice a day. In the first week, it seemed to be working very well on his water consumption, but then his drinking went back up a bit. It is still better than it was without the drug, but we are thinking we might need to up the dose. Unfortunately, the product needed to test how well the drug is working -ACTH, is pretty expensive. Still, I think we are on the right track, and even the small improvements we've seen have been worth it. It has been an exercise in patience, to be sure, though!

02-17-2013, 11:00 PM
welcome kathy and spunky you have found a great family with lots of information,love and support.unfortunately we all are enduring this cushings' disease in one way or another.i too am a doxie mom,mine were 6 this past sept,meka and milo.my milo unfortunately was diagnosed with this a year ago,sorry to say he is in puppy heaven.i will be watching your story unfold here.know that you have found a place to ask questions gain knowledge,calm your fears and lots of people with open arms and hearts....patty(milo)meka xoxox

molly muffin
02-18-2013, 05:13 PM
Welcome Kathy and Spunky.

Everyone has mentioned the tests results that it would be great if you could post here and about the compounding pharmacies. That is good that your vet is willing to call around to make sure of dosage prior to just jumping in with both feet.

As others have said, getting the dosage correct and a good stable cortisol level is key to seeing symptoms like peeing decrease. Plus every dog is different and not all of them have read the manual. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-25-2014, 10:35 PM
Hi. I buy all my veterinary prescription meds including Trilostane from VETRXDIRECT.COM

Shipping over $39.00 is free.

My vet said she couldn't match them so wrote me a script. They also will contact your vet directly.

01-26-2014, 02:47 AM
many of us use Diamondback pharmacy without a problem.