View Full Version : Cadbury Doodle

01-26-2013, 07:09 PM
Hi I am new here and found your forum when searching for Cushings - my toy poodle Cadbury aged 7 1/2 is having blood tests Monday for suspected Cushings :(

He has hair loss (mostly tail and nose but thinning in other areas) and is really hungry - bless him.

I have read loads of the cases on here and hopefully my little brown bear will be ok!

Regards Lorna :)

01-26-2013, 08:19 PM
Hi Lorna! We like to find out as much as we can to assure we are able to help you. Please tell us about the testing that was done to arrive at the diagnosis. Post test results/numbers if you can. It really helps as this disease is tricky to diagnose and requires multiple tests be conducted.

Thank you!

01-26-2013, 08:22 PM
Hi Lorna and welcome. Let me be the first to wish you good luck with those tests and hope you get a negative for cushing's :)

When you do have the tests, be sure to ask for a copy of the results. It is one thing I learnt very early on here, and so glad I did. The help and advice available from these wonderful folks is unparalleled and I'm sure that more people will be along soon to add their warm welcomes.

Does Cadbury have any other symptoms at all? Like increased thirst, urination, etc? The more you can fill others in, the better they will be able to help you out.

Just know, that if you do get a cushing's result, it is definitely manageable with treatment and a good vet.

Once again, good luck and we look forward to hearing about those test results. When you can post them, be sure to include Cadbury's weight as well. :)

01-26-2013, 08:50 PM
:) Good catch Naomi! Sorry about that.. I thought your dog was just diagnosed. Forgive me. :o Good luck. What tests are they going to do? Kim

01-27-2013, 05:03 PM
Hi and Welcome,

We are so glad you found us. We ask a lot of questions only because Cushings is so hard to diagnose, hypothyroidism can also mimic Cushings and no one diagnostic test is perfect. We want what's best for your little brown bear so don't be frightened away if we ask too many darn questions of you in the coming days.;)

Yes, be sure to ask for copies of any test you have done. Your vet should have no problem providing them and you need them for your records.

We look forward to getting to know both of you better and hope you can post your test results soon. You will want to post any abnormal readings with the reference range the lab indicates.

Hang in there

01-27-2013, 07:34 PM
Thanks for your replies :D

I was very impressed with my vet on Friday as she said coat/skin issues were not her specialism but that a vet at another branch was very knowledgeable so she took photos of Cadburys hair loss on her iphone and emailed them to the other vet - it was his day off but he rang her later and he said the way he had lost coat looked a lot like Cushings and he has some of the other symptoms so for him to come back Monday and they would do some general blood tests to see what his levels were and then I am seeing the more knowledgeable vet on Friday.

I have read loads of the info here and found it really helpful if a little mind numbing! Thanks :)

Lorna and Cadbury :cool:

molly muffin
01-27-2013, 08:52 PM
Hello and welcome. I love the thread title, Cadbury Doodle. Just made me smile all over. Cadbury is sure a cutie! Little brown bear indeed.
Okay, so general testing coming up? Like what? a panel? make sure glucose and thryoid and kidneys are looked at.
Check for urine dilution too.
For cushings, you'll be looking at ACTH, LDDS, ultrasound, UC:CR for diagnosing. So, those are the ones to listen for and ask about okay. :)
I know it can be mind numbing. It gets better the more that it all sinks in.

Welcome again,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin